Paper 3009-2019
How SAS® and Python Enhance PDF Going Beyond Basic ODS PDF
Sy Truong, Pharmacyclics LLC; Jayant Solanki, Pharmacyclics LLC
SAS has vast capabilities in accessing and manipulating the core business information within large
organizations. This is coupled with powerful ODS tools to generate PDF Reports. However, there are
limitations to the manipulation of an existing PDF file. Python has access to different PDF libraries that
can facilitate manipulation of PDF bookmarks, hyperlinks and the content of an existing PDF file. This
paper describes a project that combines the strengths of both SAS and Python for PDF editing. This
Bookmarks Renaming and re-arranging parent/child bookmarks
Hyperlinks or Annotations Adjusting internal page links and external file PDF links
Styles - Controlling zoom views of the pages and fonts sizes when opened on a PDF reader
Text Editing Manipulating text content of pages in a PDF file
The primary Users of this PDF Tool are SAS programmers. Thus, a SAS macro has been written which
allows users to specify the PDF inputs, perform validation checks and provide log messages throughout
the tool runtime. The %pdftools macro described in this paper reads the Excel file and other sources to
gather business rules. After performing series of checks on the PDF inputs, it then integrates with a Python
program which then apply corrections to the PDF file. There are numerous tools that can be used to
generate and manipulate PDF reports. The most effective solution is to utilize the strength of each tool
in a unique way to formulate an easy to use, yet effective at achieving an optimal PDF report.
The Portable Document Format (PDF) was originally created by
Adobe Systems Inc. The PDF standard ISO 32000-2 defines the open-
source standards used to present documents which may contain a
combination of text and images.
Unlike a MS Word document, the content delivery in a PDF file is
more accurate and consistent across multiple platforms and
software. This is due to the presence of Carousel Object System
(COS) objects. COS objects, or simply objects are the fundamental
building blocks of a PDF file. A PDF file is a collection of thousands of objects. There are eight main types
of objects which include:
1. Boolean Object: This is a Boolean data object which is similar to ones in other programming
languages. It stores either a true or false value.
2. Numeric Object: PDF standard has two types of numerical object: integer or floating-point values.
3. String Object: This object stores sequence of 8-bit bytes representing characters. It can be written in
two ways: as a sequence of characters enclosed by parentheses: ( and ) or as hexadecimal data
enclosed by single angle brackets: < and >.
4. Name Object: This object uniquely defined sequence of characters preceded by forward slash: /.
5. Array Object: This object stores heterogenous collection of objects in one-dimensional format inside
square brackets separated by white spaces: [ and ].
6. Dictionary Object: This object represents a key-value pair, similar to dictionary variable in other
programming languages. The key here always represents a Name Object. However, the value can be
any type of object such as: String, Stream, Array or even a Null. The pair is enclosed by double angle
brackets: << and >>.
7. Stream Object: Pages in PDF file stores content as an arbitrary sequence of 8-bit bytes in Stream
objects. The byte sequence represents collection of images, texts and font types and its description.
8. Null Object: This object is analogous to Null or None values in other programming languages. Setting
a value of any other objects to Null signifies the absence of value for that object.
Some examples depicting different objects in a PDF file:
% Example depicting different Objects present in PDF standard
% a simple Dictionary Object incorporating different types of Objects
/Type /Page % /Type and /Page is a Name Object, /Type is a Key and
% /Page is a Value
/Author (John Doe) % John Doe is a String Object
/MediaBox [0 0 612 792] % [0 0 612 792] is an Array Object
/Font <</F1 2 0 R>>
/Rotate 90 % 90 is a Numeric Object
/Parent 4 0 R % 4 0 R is a reference to an Object
/NewWindow true % true is a Boolean Object
<< % Stream Object attribute dictionary
/Filter /FlateDecode
/Length 35
quick fox jumped over the lazy dog % Stream Object data
There are two ways to declare an object in a PDF file:
1. Direct Object: It is created directly (inline) in the file.
2. Indirect Object: It is called in (indirectly) by using a reference, which in this case will always be the
object number.
To use an indirect object, we must first define an object using the object number. The following small
example illustrates the difference between Direct and Indirect objects.
<</Name (I am Groot)>> % a direct object
3 0 obj % object Number 3, generation 0, another direct object
/Name (I am Groot)
<</Name 3 0 R>> % an indirect object reference
4 0 obj % another indirect object reference
/Name 3 0 R
Each object can be uniquely identified in each PDF file, having a unique generation ID. Every object is then
mapped using cross-reference table present in PDF file.
The Four Sections of a PDF File
As shown in the Figure 1, every PDF file has 4 distinct sections:
1. Header: This section stores information about the version of the
PDF standard.
2. Trailer: This section stores a dictionary object which directs the PDF
Reader to the starting point of a PDF file rendering.
3. Body: This is the content section of the PDF, which contains all the
8 different types of objects we have described.
4. Cross-reference table: This is the last section of the PDF file that
provides random access to every object defined in the PDF file.
Figure 1, Four Sections of PDF
Document Structure of a PDF File
The PDF content visible to a User is organized as a Document tree. Document tree starts with a Root
object, called Catalog. Shown in Figure 2, the Root object is a dictionary object which has two important
child objects:
1. Outlines: This key has value which references to the Outline or Bookmark Tree of a PDF file.
2. Pages: This key has value which references to the Page Tree of a PDF file.
An example showing sample Catalog:
% Catalog object Example
1 0 obj
/Type /Catalog
/Pages 22 0 R % Root object % of Page Tree
/PageMode /UseOutlines
/Outlines 23 0 R % Root % object of Outline Tree
Figure 2, The Document tree of a PDF file
The Outline Tree
Outline tree helps a User to navigate interactively in a PDF file using bookmarks. Bookmarks usually have
a hierarchical structure; i.e., presence of child bookmark objects which have their own sub-trees. The
hierarchy serves as a visual table of content for a PDF file. Clicking a bookmark can have following affects:
1. Opens an internal destination page.
2. Opens an external PDF file or performs an action, usually expanding a child bookmark sub-tree.
The Root of this tree is an Outline dictionary and is stored as a value for Outlines key. Following code
example shows standard for describing a bookmark in a PDF file:
0 obj % declaration of Root object for the Outlines key
/First 12 0 R % indirect reference to its first child bookmark
/Last 22 0 R % indirect reference to its last child bookmark
/Count 11 % count of its child bookmarks
12 0 obj % declaration of first child bookmark of the Root object
/Title (Story of Groot) % title name of the child bookmark which
% is visible to the User
/Parent 11 0 R % indirect reference to Root object, which is the
% parent of this child
/Next 19 0 R % indirect reference to next sibling bookmark
/First 13 0 R % indirect reference to its own first child
% bookmark, shows presence of sub-tree
/Last 18 0 R % indirect reference to its last child bookmark
  
/Count -6 % count of its child bookmarks, negative sign directs
% the PDF reader to collapse those child bookmarks unless expanded by user
/Dest [33 0 R /XYZ 0 792 0] % indirect reference to destination page in
% the PDF file which will be opened when the title is clicked by user
The Page Tree
All pages in the PDF file are considered the children of the child object Pages represented in Document
tree. The Root of the Page tree is an object stored as a value for /Pages key. All the pages in the PDF file
are the children of Page Tree. Below code shows the declaration of a Page object:
10 0 obj % page object declaration
/Type /Page
/Parent 5 0 R % points to the Page Tree Root object
/Resources 3 0 R
/Contents 9 0 R % contains the content of the page which will be displayed
% in PDF reader
/Annots [35 0 R] % points to the sole annotation object link present in the
% page
Each child page of a Page tree encapsulates following important dictionary keys:
1. Content or Content stream: This key has the direct or indirect reference to stream object which
has certain sets of instructions used for interpreting content display in the page. It has
instructions for creating tables, text formatting, font formatting and annotations or links
Content stream has pairs of operand and operator, with operand preceding an operator.
Following code snippet shows Content stream declaration in a PDF file:
9 0 obj
/Length 31 /Filter /FlateDecode
stream %displaying a blue colored text
BT % begin instructions
0 0 1 rg % 0 0 1 is an operand, tells the PDF reader to parse
% operand 0 0 1 as RGB value
(Story of Groot) Tj % Tj is an operator, tells the PDF Reader
% operand is a text
ET % end of instructions
2. Resources: It is a dictionary key containing information about media which is present in the page,
i.e., image data, font data or audio data. Key name is /Resources.
3. Annotations: Annotations are clickable actions in PDF. This dictionary key holds an Array object
that contains indirect references to all the clickable locations found in the page. They are used
for visiting destination pages, perform executable actions such as playing an audio or video,
opening a note, launching an external application and opening non-PDF files. Annotations Key
name is /Annots. There are several actions available in PDF standard, four important actions
which concerns to us are:
a. GoTo: This action takes the User to destination page of the currently opened PDF file.
b. GoToR: This action takes the User to destination page of external or remote PDF file.
c. URI: Like hyperlink in Webpage, it resolves the uniform resource identifier in PDF file.
d. Launch: This action opens a non-PDF file or an application.
GoTo and GoToR actions provide additional controls like setting specific location and magnification
factor or Inherent-zoom of destination page, which is defined using /D or/Dest key. Below code
snippet shows example of different annotations:
35 0 obj % action for internal
% Link or GoTo action
/Type /Annot
/Subtype /Link
/Rect [171 600 220 630]
% location of the rectangular box
% which encloses the linked texts
/Type /Action
/S /GoTo % action type is
% GoTo
/D [39 0 R /XYZ 0 10000
0] % /D is destination to jump,
% can have array object or string
% object as a value
% format is [page /XYZ
% left top zoom], page is
% designated page object number,
% left and top are coordinates and
% zoom is magnification
/Border [0 0 0] % 0 0 0 means
% no border around the linked text
36 0 obj % action for external
% Link or GoTo-Remote action
/Type /Annot
/Subtype /Link
/Rect [171 700 220 730]
/Type /Action
/S /GoToR % action type
% is GoToR
/F (ADRG.pdf) % file path
% including file name
/D [51 0 R /XYZ 0 10000
/NewWindow true
/Border [0 0 0]
37 0 obj % action for opening an
% application or another file
/Type /Annot
/Subtype /Link
/Rect [171 800 220 830]
/Type /Action
/S /Launch % action type
% is Launch
/F (adsl.xpt) % file path
% including file name
/Border [0 0 0]
All the issues in the Define.pdf are around Bookmarks, Annotations and Content stream. One of the best
aspects of PDF standard is separation of Content stream from annotations and bookmarks. This
separation has helped us to solve the issues in Define.pdf with little interference with the overall content
of the PDF file.
Before any trip, it is wise to have a roadmap to know where you are going, in order to get to your
destination. In the domain of clinical trials and electronic submissions for a regulatory agency; the
Define.pdf/xml function as a road map to the data and summary reports that SAS produces. SAS is a
powerful tool for managing the metadata in which the Define.pdf is reporting upon. It can also be used
to generate the Define.pdf. SAS can effectively fix issues in define.xml; however, there are instances
where there are errors or imperfections within the PDF which SAS cannot remedy. In this example, SAS
organizes the metadata information in an Excel file. This file is uploaded to Pinnacle 21 Enterprise
solution, which then generates the define.pdf. Figure 3 highlights some important components associated
with Define.pdf which helps the Reviewer to easily navigate to different portions of the document. Upon
initial review of the Define.pdf, the reviewer immediately sees some critical issues in the PDF document
as shown in Figure 4 (a, b and c):
Figure 3, A typical PDF page, with annotations links and bookmarks links
Figure 4-a, Issues present in bookmarks of Define.pdf
Figure 4-b, Issues present in TFL summary pages
Figure 4-c, Issues present in Analysis dataset pages
TFL names prefixed
by digits contain
broken external link
These internal links
contain broken TFL
sub-heading links
Figure 4 highlights core issues which are present in every Define.pdf file generated by Pinnacle21
software. In addition to these core issues, the project has identified a series of smaller issues. Some of
these findings can be considered nice to have enhancements, but others are essential for a successful
submission. The challenge then is to identify a solution, since SAS does not have the capabilities to
manipulate an existing PDF file. SAS ODS does provide a solution to produce a PDF along with capabilities
of customizing bookmarks. However, this project required the ability to edit and update an existing PDF
file. Our team consists of mainly SAS programmers, so it was a difficult to identify a solution outside of
SAS as described in the next section.
The above issues made us aware of the core requirements which the tool must have in order to achieve:
Manipulate titles of the bookmark objects and several of its properties
Add or delete child level bookmarks which can be external or internal bookmarks
2. Annotations:
Identify and categorize all annotations in the current PDF file
Add or delete annotation objects at the page level and manipulate the destinations
Correctly map internal links with TFL (Tables Figures and Listings) headings in the ANASPEC
(Analysis Specifications) file
Correctly map external links with TFL headings to the respective PDF files
Fix the destination page numbers in the external links mapped to the respective PDF files
Modify the inherent zoom factor for every links
3. Text Manipulations:
Decode content from the content stream object of the page
Perform regular expression (regex) pattern search to identify certain keywords upon all pages
Edit keywords to fix the related issues and add it back to content stream
Identify names of annotations from the content stream and map it with the annotation objects
Several design constraints were also stipulated upon this project. The tool to be implemented should not
have any third-party dependencies. This would have required installation on the targeted system in which
it will run on. The tool should be flexible enough to handle future corrections upon unforeseen issues.
This section further describes the “PDF Tools” project which started with an evaluation of tools and
solutions. The evaluation illustrates the strengths and weaknesses of related tools and how the
combination of SAS and Python emerged as the best final combination.
There were numerous tools developed under different programming languages that can perform generic
manipulations of PDF documents. This include tasks such as: splitting a PDF into separate PDFs, deleting
a page, extracting texts from pages, converting a Page into bitmap, etc. We tested several tools on our
Define.pdf file and found that they did not fully meet all our core requirements. CPDF from Coherent
Graphics Ltd, can only add or delete internal bookmarks. PDFtk from PDF Labs was designed around
extracting content from the pages of a PDF. It had not solutions for manipulating the PDF’s content.
PDFMiner is a library written in Python used for extracting information from PDF files and is incapable of
modifying the file. We also evaluated PDFMiner and MuPDF which also catered towards extracting text
from PDF file. Another tool evaluated was iText, developed by iText Group NV, is an extensive library
based on Java and C# programming languages. It can create and manipulate PDF file at the object level.
However, it has language dependencies which needed installation and required a significant learning
curve. Upon review, we settled upon PyPDF2 from Phaseit Inc and Mathieu Fenniak, which is a python-
based library. This library can do PDF manipulations at the object level. Except for PyPDF2 and iText,
most of the solutions mentioned were developed in a closed ecosystem with no support intended for
community-based development; hence there was no way we could easily extended their capabilities to
cover all the specific issues identified in Define.pdf.
Why Python?
A PDF file is a collection of objects, and that all objects are interlinked using Dictionary objects with key-
value pairs under a Document tree. In a similar manner, we can create object type Data Structures, which
can represent similar key-value pairs present in the PDF file. Dictionaries and Lists in Python are mutable
and are easy to create. This helps us in creating complex multi-dimensional dictionaries and lists in Python
using only few lines of code. In terms of approachability and readability, Python is a go-to language for a
beginner. Hence the maintenance and expansion of the tool developed in Python can easily be taken by
anyone who previously have little background in the Python language.
Figure 5, Workflow of our operation on Define.pdf
Figure 5 presents the workflow of our tool. The blocks represented in steps 1, 2, 11 and 12 are
components of the %pdftool SAS macro; while the rest of the steps are comprised of the Python script
which has been developed using PyPDF2.
STEP 1-2, Setting up Work Environment and executing Python script: The macro accepts and validates
the user specified parameters for the paths to Define.pdf and supporting Excel file. Upon a successful
validation, the macro creates and executes a Windows batch command file using macro parameters;
moving the process to next stage where file processing is handled by the Python script. Messages
generated by the Python script is continuously being read and displayed by the Macro in the form of
Notices and Errors. The following SAS code illustrates how the BAT file which invoked the Python
program is piped into the SAS log.
*** Run the Python program and pipe the results to SAS log ***;
filename tasks pipe "&fixpdf";
data _null_;
infile tasks lrecl=1500 truncover;
length logLines $200;
input logLines $char200.;
put logLines;
STEP 3, Reading the Define.pdf file: Python script reads the Define.pdf file and parses thru the PDF
Document tree. A pythonic representation of the Document tree is then created. Each node in this
separate tree is a Python dictionary object having key-value pairs based upon the original objects currently
in the Document tree. This separate tree helps us to easily traverse through the targeted nodes and
modify their key-value pairs based on predefined core requirements. Below is a Python snippet for
reading the PDF file and returning the corresponding Python dictionary object:
input = PdfFileReader(open(args.inFile, "rb")) # reading the input pdf file
#PdfFileReader is function provided PyPDF2 to read and convert the PDF file
into Python #Dictionary Object
STEP 4, Reading the ANASPEC Excel file: The script also reads the Excel file for storing TFL information.
This is the same Excel file which is used by the Pinnacle 21 tool to acquire the Metadata information.
Metadata information includes file paths to different PDF files, TFL heading and sub-headings. Below is a
Python snippet for reading the Excel file:
def readSpecExcel(filename = None):
filemap = {} # dictionary for storing the file mapping
subLinks = {}# dictionary for storing the sub-links for the Table and
# Figures
wb = load_workbook(filename=filename, read_only=True)
ws = wb.active
rows = ws.rows
for row in rows:
if (row[0].value!=None):
if (str(row[0].value).strip() not in subLinks):
subLinks[str(row[0].value).strip()] = []
filemap[str(row[0].value).strip()] = \
except Exception as e:
print ("ERROR: *** ANASPEC file is missing in the working directory
provided by the User ***")
return filemap, subLinks
STEP 5, Parsing Define.pdf pages: This step is responsible for retrieving all the annotation objects present
in every pdf page of Define.pdf. Since the page content displays link names with blue colored texts, and
every page has content and annotations dictionary stored separately; we must make sure that the link
names and link properties in the annotations are mapped correctly. This step also identifies external and
internal broken links by looking for malformed annotation object dictionaries. Figure 6 and code snippets
below illustrates this step:
Figure 6, A page in Define.pdf illustrating links present in the content
5.1 - Below is the Adobe PDF code for Figure 6:
2129 0 obj % Page Object
/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]
/Font<</F3 849 0 R/F1 2 0 R>>
/Rotate 90
/Annots [2130 0 R 2131 0 R 2132 0 R 2133 0 R 2134 0 R 2135 0 R 2136 0 R
2137 0 R 2138 0 R 2139 0 R] % contains all internal and External links
/Contents 2148 0 R % content shown in Figure 6
/Parent 2069 0 R
5.2 Python code for parsing the page content and getting link names:
def parseContent(page, debug=False):
Blue colored texts are
content = page['/Contents'].getObject()
content = ContentStream(content, page)#creating Contentstream class \
linkNames = []
flag = False
for operands,operator in content.operations:
if operator==b_('rg') and operands == [0,0,1]:#blue colored text
flag = True
text = operands[0]
if operator == b_('Tj') and flag: # first parameter, word to be \
#searched, second parameter, word series were word may be present
flag = False
print ('WARNING: *** problem in deciphering the stream page ***')
#add some error control here, what if nothing is found
return linkNames
5.3 Mapping Link names with their Annot properties:
#Each page will have equal count of blue-colored text and Annots elements.
#This helps in mapping link name and link properties
def findLink(page, debug=False):
processesLinks = {}#stores the mapped links
page = input.getPage(index)
linkNames = parseContent(page)#parsing the Contentstream, looking for \
#text with blue formatting
key = -1# helps in matching link name and its link properties
if('/Annots' in page):# proceed only if page has links
for annot in page['/Annots']:
path = None
key = key + 1
linkName = linkNames[key]
obj = annot.getObject()
if(obj['/A']['/S'] == '/GoToR' or obj['/A']['/S'] == \
'/Launch' or obj['/A']['/S'] == '/URI'):#look for external \
#links only
#store the link properties here
path = obj['/A']['/F']
processesLinks[annot.idnum] = {'Name' : linkName ,
'Path' : path, 'Dest' : None, 'Type' : obj['/A']['/S'],
'ObjectId' : annot.idnum}
else:#for /GoTo, internal links
#store the link properties here
path = obj['/A']['/D'].getObject()
processesLinks[annot.idnum] = {'Name' : linkName ,
'Path' : path, 'Dest' : None, 'Type' : obj['/A']['/S'],
'ObjectId' : annot.idnum}
print ("ERROR: *** Fatal error occurred while looking for
links inside the input pdf, exiting now ***")
return processesLinks
STEP 6, Correcting the Page Text using Regex: In this step, the byte stream content, stored as a value of
the /Contents key in the page dictionary object is decoded to reveal the content of the page.
Subsequently, regex is used for identifying certain text patterns. Upon positive identification,
manipulations are applied to them based on our business rules. The modified content is encoded and
saved back to the /Contents key. Below is the Python snippet for correcting page number in the PDF
def removeText(page, patterns, altTexts):
content = page['/Contents'].getObject()#fetch the value from the content
Content = ContentStream(content, pageRef)#creating contentstream class
Operations = Content.operations #fetch the list of (operand, operator)
#now iterate through the list
for item in Operations:
operands, operator = item # fetching operand and operator
#now check for pattern in the operands based on operator type, for
if operator == b_('Tj') and re.search(pattern, operands[0],
re.M|re.I): # tj is one of the key used by Adobe PDF for formatting txt
if pattern == r'\bPage \d+$': # check for Page Number
replaceString = text+altText
operands[0] = TextStringObject(replaceString)#replace the
operand with the #alternate Page number
pageRef.__setitem__(NameObject('/Contents'), Content)#add the modified
#text back to Content key
STEP 7, Correcting external links: This step takes care of correcting the external links. It performs
operations like deleting old links, creating new one, fixing the destination pages and correcting inherent
zoom. It uses TFL metadata fetched from the Anaspec Excel file. Below are two code snippets, illustrating
the process:
7.1 Removing the existing Link:
def removeExtLinks(page, objectId=None, debug=False):
if "/Annots" in page:# Annots key has all the links of particular page
temp = page["/Annots"][:]
if (objectId == None):#delete all the external links
del page['/Annots']
page[NameObject('/Annots')] = ArrayObject()
for annot in temp:
obj = annot.getObject()
if(obj['/A']['/S'] == '/GoToR' or obj['/A']['/S'] == \
'/Launch' or obj['/A']['/S'] == '/URI'):#look for external
# links only
if debug:
print ("NOTE: *** Deleted object id
"+str(annot.idnum)+" ***")
if debug:
print ("NOTE: *** Deleted all the external links ***")
else:#delete the particular indirect object, or the external link
# print page
del page["/Annots"]
page[NameObject('/Annots')] = ArrayObject()
for annot in temp:
if (annot.idnum == objectId):
if debug:
print ("NOTE: *** Deleted object id "+str(objectId)+"
return page
7.2 Adding new external link:
def addGOTOR(output, page, path, rect, border=None, destination = 0,
C = [0,0,1]#border color
CObject = ArrayObject([NameObject(n) for n in C])
sublink = DictionaryObject()
NameObject('/S'): NameObject('/GoToR'),#Using GoToR type
NameObject('/F'): TextStringObject(path),#correct file path given here
NameObject('/NewWindow true /D') :
NumberObject(int(destination)-1), NameObject('/XYZ'),
NameObject(0), NameObject(10000), NameObject(0.0)
])#inherent zoom, last number should be zero, also tells PDF Reader to
#open link in new window
lnk = DictionaryObject()
NameObject('/Type'): NameObject('/Filespec'),
NameObject('/Subtype'): NameObject('/Link'),
NameObject('/Rect'): rect,
NameObject('/H'): NameObject('/I'),
NameObject('/Border'): ArrayObject(borderArr),
NameObject('/C'): CObject,
NameObject('/A'): sublink
lnkRef = output._addObject(lnk)# creating new object for indirect
if "/Annots" in page:
page[NameObject('/Annots')] = ArrayObject([lnkRef])
return output, page
STEP 8, Correcting internal links: Similar to the previous step, this step repeats the process for internal
STEP 9, Bookmark corrections: In this step, the script, using original Outline tree, creates new Outline tree
with prefixes removed from the title, deletion of redundant child bookmarks, and addition of missing
external bookmarks. The newer Outline tree replaces the original one. The following code snippet in
Python shows how the content was edited in /Contents key:
content = pageRef['/Contents'].getObject()# getting value of /Contents key
Content = ContentStream(content, pageRef) # decoding the content bytestream
for count in range(0, len(Content.operations)):
operands, operator = Content.operations[count]
for index in range(0, len(patterns)):
pattern = patterns[index]
altText = altTexts[index]
if operator == b_('Tj') and re.search(pattern, operands[0],
re.M|re.I): # using regex to match pattern
text = operands[0]
if altText == None:# remove annotation action from the text
replaceString = text
temp, others = Content.operations[count-1]
temp[2] = NumberObject(0)# changing [0,0,1] to [0,0,0],
# blue to black color, RGB
elif pattern == r'\bPage \d+$': # adding Page X of TotalPages
replaceString = text+altText
replaceString = re.sub(pattern, altText, text)# looking
# for *-Table occurrence in the string, replace the
pattern with given string
operands[0] = TextStringObject(replaceString)
except Exception as e:
print ('WARNING: problem in deciphering the stream page' +str(e))
print(traceback.format_exc())# print stack trace of the error
pageRef.__setitem__(NameObject('/Contents'), Content)
STEP 10, Saving Output: During this step, the modified pages are merged to form an output PDF object,
which is then written back onto the disk as a new PDF file.
STEP 11, Validating new Define.pdf and archiving the original Define.pdf: The SAS macro checks for the
presence of a new PDF file. Upon a positive match, the macro renames and move the original PDF file to
an Archive folder. The output PDF file is then renamed to Define.pdf and a separate copy of the output
PDF file is also added to the Archive folder and is paired with the Original Define.pdf using timestamps.
STEP 12: The log module, which continuously receives the messages from previous steps and pipes it to
the SAS log output.
This section describes the method of sending messages from the Python program to the SAS log as the
program is executed. It demonstrates how this seemingly small task can significantly enhance the usability
of the tools for end users.
The following SAS code example illustrates the log messaging approach:
*** Apply the Python program update with Analysis Result Spec ***;
curline = '"' || strip("&pdftools") || '\Miniconda2\python.exe" "' ||
strip("&pdftools") || '\pdfeditor\src\pdftools.py" ' ||
'--specFile "' || strip("&anaspec") || '" ' ||
'--inFile "define.pdf" --outFile "define_good.pdf" ';
put curline;
*** Run the Python program and pipe the results to SAS log ***;
filename tasks pipe "&fixpdf";
data _null_;
infile tasks lrecl=1500 truncover;
length logLines $200;
input logLines $char200.;
put logLines;
The following Python code example works in conjunction with the SAS code:
### Reads bookmarks and return a tuple array ###
def get_toc(pdf_path):
infile = open(pdf_path, 'rb')
parser = PDFParser(infile)
document = PDFDocument(parser)
toc = list()
for (level,title,dest,a,structelem) in document.get_outlines():
toc.append((level, title))
return toc
print ("NOTE: *** You are currently running Python PDFTools version 1.0 ***")
NumofPages = input.getNumPages()
print ("NOTE: *** %d pages processed Successfully ***"%(NumofPages))
print ("NOTE: *** Processing Document "+ args.inFile +" ***")
The following is then generated in the SAS log for the users to review:
NOTE: *** 386 pages processed Successfully ***
NOTE: *** Processing Document define.pdf ***
The following Python code perform error checking:
# checking if the CONFIG file has been passed by the user
if args.configFile: # if passed then check below for extension
if(not (re.search(r'.xlsx', args.configFile, re.M|re.I))): # check if the
# file has proper extension format.
print ("ERROR: *** Cannot find .xlsx extension for the config file
print ("-h or --help for more running the script in proper format")
print ("Exiting now")
print ("NOTE: *** Fetching operation list from the Configuration
spreadsheet ***")
oprMap = readConfExcel(filename =args.configFile)
except Exception as e:
print ('ERROR: *** Some error occurred while reading the config
spreadsheet ***')
SAS is a very powerful platform for managing metadata and generating reports upon many business
processes. This paper presents a specific example where SAS can be used to generate a Define.pdf report
documenting information on an electronic submission for a clinical trial to be submitted a regulatory
agency such as the FDA. The specific example selected illustrates how a very niche project containing
many constraints and requirements that even SAS cannot fully have a complete solution for. The
challenge was then to identify a solution which not only can manage and report on the metadata, but also
update and correct the information in the PDF formatted report, once the PDF has been created. There
are a multitude of solutions which was evaluated but what emerged as the best solution was the
integration of SAS and Python along with its accompanied open source libraries. The leveraging of the
power of SAS along with the flexibility, maintainability and scripting agility of the Python language allowed
for the manipulation and corrections to the final PDF report. Perhaps future releases of SAS will
incorporate enhanced functionality that would enable users to more universally manipulate any PDF file
generated by SAS or thru other tools. In the meantime, creative integration approaches such as the one
presented in this paper can be applied.
PDF as a file format is cross platform and is universal, however, in this case, it is used for a very specific
purpose. The Define.pdf project is also unique to the pharmaceutical industry with intricate requirements
which comes with a highly regulated industry. The approach presented in this paper shows how the
synthesis of very different programming languages of SAS and Python can be combined to form a unique
solution that successfully accomplish the task. In addition to having SAS execute operating system
commands and using pipes to communicate with external tools; perhaps future API can be developed to
open up SAS to other programming languages such as Python. In a dynamic and constantly evolving
technology environment, the best solution is not necessarily applying one set of technologies; rather a
creative integration of multiple technologies and programming languages is needed to truly provide the
most effective and optimal solution that can meet any specific challenge.
SAS Documentation, SAS Institute Inc.
PDF standard ISO 32000-2, 2008, Adobe Inc.
PDF Explained by John Whitington, O’Reilly
Pdfmark Reference Manual for Adobe PDF standard, Adobe Inc.
PyPDF2: A pure Python library for performing wide array of PDF file manipulations, Phaseit, Inc.
and Mathieu Fenniak
iText: Harness the power of PDF with the iText PDF Engine, iText Group NV
Coherent PDF Tools (CPDF): Command line Tools for wide range of professional and robust
modification of PDF files, Coherent Graphics Ltd
MuPDF: Lightweight PDF, XPS, and E-book viewer, consists of a software library, command line
tools, and viewers for various platforms, Artifex
PDFtk: A simple tool for doing everyday things with PDF documents, PDF Labs
PDFMiner: A tool for extracting textual information from PDF files, Yusuke Shinyama
Your comments and questions are valued and encouraged. Contact the author at:
Sy Truong
Principal System Analyst, Pharmacyclics LLC
(669) 224-1107
Jayant Solanki, MS (CS)
Statistical Programmer I, Pharmacyclics LLC
(716) 598-9115