Guide to using Excel Control Charts
OVERVIEW: This guide provides instructions on how to use control charts in Excel.
When you open your control chart you will notice that each Excel file has two tabs at the
bottom of the data sheet, one for the Graph from your control chart and one for the Data
that you will enter to populate your graph.
The Graph tab takes the data that you have entered in the Data tab and uses it to
populate the graph. It is important to remember that if you have not entered any data in
your Data tab, then you will not have anything to graph and thus your graph will
appear empty. When you first open your Excel file, this is what the Data tab of your
spreadsheet will look like:
When you first open your Excel file, this is what the Graph tab of your spreadsheet
will look like:
CONTROL CHART LAYOUT: Below you will find a guide to the different parts of the
Data tab within the control chart.
1. Start of Measurement Period: This column represents the months or time points
that will be included within the control chart. Each row within the spreadsheet
will be filled with data that was gathered for that particular month.
2. Numerator: The numerator column will be used to enter the new events that have
occurred for each month that data is gathered. Please note that each numerator
should only include the events that occurred in that particular month (i.e., there
2 3
6 7 10 9
were 3 new cases of Chlamydia in December out of the 20 people that were
3. Denominator: The denominator column will include the total sample size that
was used for that month. Adding to the example above, if there were 3 new cases
of Chlamydia in December out of the 20 people that were tested the denominator
would be 20.
4. Percentage: The percentage is calculated by taking the values in the numerator
column and dividing them by the values in the denominator column. Excel has
been formatted to present these values in a percent format.
5. Upper Confidence Level: The upper confidence level is found by taking the
average of the row (row 8) and adding it to 3 times the standard deviation for all
of the values. For instance, if the average is 14.5 and standard deviation is 12.9,
than the upper confidence level is 54.2 or (14.5+ (3x 12.9) = 54.2).
6. +2 Sigma: +2 Sigma is found by taking the average of the row and adding it to
1.96 times the standard deviation for all of the data values. For instance, if the
average is 14.5 and standard deviation is 12.9, than the +2 Sigma is 40.3 or (14.5+
(2x 12.9) = 40.3).
7. +1 Sigma: +1 Sigma is found by adding together the average of the row and the
standard deviation for all of the data values. For instance, if the average is 14.5
and standard deviation is 12.9, than the +1 Sigma is 27.4 or (14.5+ 12.9 = 27.4).
8. Average: The average value is the same as the average for all of the data values
and thus this number should be the same for all of the rows of data. For instance if
the data from three consecutive months were 29.4%, 6.3%, and 7.8 %, the average
would be 14.5 or ((29.4+6.3+7.8)/3 = 43.5/3 =14.5).
9. -1 Sigma: -1 Sigma is found by subtracting the standard deviation for all of the
data values from the average for the row. For instance, if the average is 14.5 and
standard deviation is 12.9, than the -1 Sigma is 1.6 or (14.5 -12.9 = 1.6).
10. -2 Sigma: -2 Sigma is found by taking the average of the row and subtracting it
from 1.96 times the standard deviation for all of the values. For instance, if the
average is 14.5 and standard deviation is 12.9, than the -2 Sigma is -11.3 or (14.5
- (2x 12.9) = -11.3).
11. Lower Confidence Level: The lower confidence level is found by taking the
average of the row values and subtracting it from 3 times the standard deviation
for all of the data values. For instance, if the average is 14.5 and standard
deviation is 12.9, than the lower confidence level is -24.2 or (14.5-(3x 12.9) =
12. Average and SD: This average is the average of the percentages in column D.
The standard deviation is a measure of variation from the average across all
column entries. It is found by using the standard deviation function in Excel.
EXCEL FUNCTION FUNDAMENTALS: Before attempting to understand what should
be entered in the chart, you must first understand some basic Excel principles. Here are
the Excel principles that are fundamental to understanding how to create a control chart:
1. Cell: a cell can be thought of as a box that makes up a small part of your Data tab.
A cell is used to store a unit of data as well as can be used to calculate new values
(i.e., sum, mean, standard deviation, etc…). This is what a cell looks like:
2. Formula Bar: By clicking on a cell with a value that was created by an equation,
you can see how that number was calculated in the formula bar. If you place your
cursor in the equation within the formula bar, it will highlight the cell(s) that were
used when forming the calculation. In the example below, the value in cell D3 was
calculated by taking the value in cell B3 and dividing it by the value in cell C3. The
percent symbol after C3 tells Excel to present the value in a percent format.
In this example, “#DIV/0!” is used by Excel when there are no values for equation
to calculate. As you enter data, “#DIV/0!” will disappear, if it does not disappear,
use the troubleshooting section below for tips on how to fix this problem.
3. Format Graph: There are a few things that are important to know when trying to
create and format your graph. It is important to note that when in the Graph tab,
you can select any of the text boxes (i.e., main title or axis titles) by clicking on the
text box around them. Once you have selected the text box you can adjust its
location relative to the graph itself by moving your cursor around in the window.
Sometimes when you update the data in your graph the titles get shifted and need
Further, if you right-click on the y-axis and select the numbers that run vertically
down the side of your graph, you can update the scale values as well as the font and
text style options.
To make sure that your graph actually represents the data in your Data tab, you will
often need to update the data selected in your graph.
To access this, you need to go to your Graph tab, select one of the red data dots
(Fictitious data has been provided to better illustrate the example) and right click on
it. Once you have right-clicked on the graph, please select the “Select Data” option.
Once you have selected this option, a window will pop up and you will be
automatically taken to the Data Tab. Notice that once you are taken to the Data tab,
the data that is being used in your graph will appear with a dotted line around it.
Besides the data being outlined, there will also be a window that appears. Within
this window you can tell Excel which cells should be used to populate the graph. It
is important that only the cells with data values in them get included when
populating the graph. This will be very important to remember as you begin to
acquire data; make sure you always check that your graph is populated by cells that
actually contain data values (more on this below).
To update the data to be graphed, use the cursor within the Data tab and select all of
the cells that should be included (i.e., make a box around the cells) and then click
Upon clicking “OK” the Graph tab will pop-up and the updated graph with the data
from the correct cells will appear.
Those are the basic functions needed to understand how to successfully navigate utilizing
a control chart. Getting comfortable with using these functions takes practice; errors are
bound to happen while setting up a control chart. Below are some common errors that are
encountered while using control charts.
TROUBLE SHOOTING CONTROL CHARTS: The following examples are common
errors that have encountered while trying to use control charts and some strategies that
may be helpful should you encounter one of these errors. Errors will be noted with an
E” and solutions to the error will be noted will an “S.”
E: When opening the Data tab, the cells are full of values that read “#DIV/0!”
S: This is how your Data tab should look when first opening the Excel file. The
“#DIV/0!” means that there are equations in those cells and that there are no
numeric values for the equations to calculate. When numbers are entered into the
cells that the equations are based off of, the “#DIV/0!” in the cell will disappear.
E: When typing numbers in the first two cells (numerator and denominator in this
example), none of the other cells in those rows are changing.
S: The best way to verify why the cells for specific rows are not changing is to take the
cursor and click on those cells one at a time. After clicking on those cells, look in
the formula bar to see how those cells are being calculated.
Chances are if the values in these cells are not updating, it is because incorrect cells
are selected for them, verify this by looking in the formula bar. To correct this,
make sure that only the values that have data are selected for each cell.
Verify that the correct data is highlighted in all the cells that need require
calculations to ensure that your chart is accurate.
E: When graphing the data, the graph does not look right, appears as if it graphing a
point that lies on the x-axis.
S: To fix this problem go to your Graph tab, select one of the red data dots (Fictitious
data has been provided to better illustrate the example) and right click on it. Once
you have right-clicked on the graph, please select the “Select Data” option. Once
you have selected this option, a window will pop up and you will be automatically
taken to the Data Tab.
Notice that once you are taken to the Data tab, the data that is being used in your
graph will appear with a dotted line around it. Besides the data being outlined, there
will also be a window that appears. Within this window you can tell Excel which
cells should be used to make your graph. It is important that only the cells with data
values in them get included for your graph.
This will be very important to remember as you begin to acquire data; make sure
you always check that your graph is populated by cells that actually contain data
values (more on this below). To update the data to be graphed you can take your
cursor onto the Data tab and select all of the cells you want included (i.e., make a
box around the cells) and then click “OK.”
Upon clicking “OK” you will be taken back to the Graph tab and your graph
updated for the correct cells will appear.