UNLV Theses, Dissertations, Professional Papers, and Capstones
August 2019
Performance Comparison of Message Queue Methods Performance Comparison of Message Queue Methods
Sanika Raje
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Raje, Sanika, "Performance Comparison of Message Queue Methods" (2019).
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Sanika N. Raje
Bachelor of Science - Information Technology
University of Mumbai
Master in Computer Applications
University of Mumbai
A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the
Master of Science in Computer Science
Department of Computer Science
Howard R. Hughes College of Engineering
The Graduate College
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
August 2019
©Sanika N Raje, 2019
All Rights Reserved
Thesis Approval
The Graduate College
The University of Nevada, Las Vegas
May 16, 2019
This thesis prepared by
Sanika N. Raje
Performance Comparison of Message Queue Methods
is approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Science in Computer Science
Department of Computer Science
Yoohwan Kim, Ph.D. Kathryn Hausbeck Korgan, Ph.D.
Examination Committee Chair Graduate College Dean
Ju-Yeon Jo, Ph.D.
Examination Committee Member
Fatma Nasoz, Ph.D.
Examination Committee Member
Sean Mulvenón, Ph.D.
Graduate College Faculty Representative
Message queues are queues of messages that facilitate communication between applications. A
queue is a line of messages or events waiting to be handled in a sequential manner. A message
queue is a queue of messages sent between applications. It includes a sequence of work objects
that are waiting to be processed. For a distributed system to work, it needs to pass information
between various machines. No single machine is responsible for the entire system, but all
information is interrelated. Hence a major concern of distributed systems is this transfer of data.
Which also proves to be one of the most significant challenges. Message Queues provide this
asynchronous communication between applications. Major factors behind the success of an
application is the ability to decouple and scale it.
In this thesis, we focus on analyzing and comparing the performance of three most widely used
open source message brokers namely Apache ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ and Apache Kafka which
help in creating a distributed system. An end to end message queuing model is setup for each of
the brokers to mimic real world application models. The producers, consumers and brokers that
make up the message queuing system are then put through rigorous benchmarking tests to analyze
their performance. The performance is evaluated based on major factors like throughput, latency
and total time taken by the transaction. Based on the benchmarking results, it was observed that
Apache Kafka which was initially developed to be a message queue but later enhanced to be a
streaming platform outdid RabbitMQ and Apache ActiveMQ in almost all the performance factors.
It was also observed that the larger the message size, more constant is the performance of all
message brokers. Hence, for gauging the performance in hard times, the message sizes considered
for the experiments is very small. This gives us a glimpse of the actual performance capabilities
of the message queuing brokers.
I would like to express my gratitude towards Dr. Yoohwan Kim for his continuous guidance
throughout my graduate studies at University of Nevada, Las Vegas. I thank you for being my
thesis committee chair. I derived confidence from the way you motivated me to move forward in
the right direction of research. This immensely helped to broaden my work. Without your advice
this thesis would not have had such a rich content.
I am indebted to Dr. Ju-Yeon Jo, Dr. Fatma Nasoz, and Dr. Sean Mulvenon for being my thesis
committee members. I am highly grateful for teaching me the complex concepts in a simplified
way. With your support when I needed it, this thesis has taken a more meaningful shape. For this
and for being generous with the availability during the hours of my need.
Special thanks to the faculty at the Department of Computer Science, University of Nevada Las
Vegas for providing me advanced knowledge essential for a master’s degree student along with
the financial support.
I would like to extend sincere appreciation towards my family for being the pillars of strength
through thick and thin and always encouraging me to dream big and then strive for it. Without
their help I could never have the capacity to reach where I am today in my life. Last but not the
least; I thank my friends for their help and support towards completion of this work.
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................. iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................................................ iv
LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................................................... vi
LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................................... vii
CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 1
CHAPTER 2. BACKGROUND ................................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER 3. OPEN SOURCE MESSAGE QUEUES ........................................................... 15
CHAPTER 4. PERFORMANCE TEST ENVIRONMENT ................................................... 32
CHAPTER 5. PERFORMANCE ANALYSYS ........................................................................ 38
CHAPTER 6. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK .......................................................... 55
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 57
CURRICULUM VITAE ............................................................................................................. 59
Table 1. Comparison between ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ and Kafka……………………………….31
Figure 1. Message Queue Architecture ........................................................................................... 4
Figure 2. Client Server Communication Model .............................................................................. 5
Figure 3. Remote Procedural Call ................................................................................................... 5
Figure 4. Broker-less system......................................................................................................... 13
Figure 5. ActiveMQ Architecture ................................................................................................. 16
Figure 6. Steps to create basic ActiveMQ Application................................................................. 17
Figure 7. RabbitMQ Architecture ................................................................................................. 20
Figure 8. Steps to create RabbitMQ Application .......................................................................... 21
Figure 9. Kafka Architecture ........................................................................................................ 27
Figure 10. Single Producer-Consumer Setup................................................................................ 35
Figure 11. Single Producer-Multiple Consumer Setup ................................................................. 36
Figure 12. Multiple Producers-Single Consumer Setup ............................................................... 37
Figure 13. Multiple Producer-Consumer Setup ............................................................................ 37
Figure 14. Single Producer-Consumer Throughput ...................................................................... 38
Figure 15. Latency by Number of Messages 1:1 .......................................................................... 39
Figure 16. Latency by Message Size 1:1 ...................................................................................... 40
Figure 17. Time Taken by Message Size 1:1 ................................................................................ 41
Figure 18. One Producer- Two Consumer Throughput ................................................................ 43
Figure 19. Mean Latency by Number of Messages 1:2 ................................................................ 44
Figure 20. Mean Latency by Message Size 1:2 ............................................................................ 45
Figure 21. Time taken by Message Size 1:2 ................................................................................. 46
Figure 22. Two Producer - One Consumer Throughput ............................................................... 47
Figure 23. Mean Latency by Number of Messages 2:1 ................................................................ 48
Figure 24. Mean Latency by Message Size 2:1 ............................................................................ 49
Figure 25. Time taken by Message Size 2:1 ................................................................................. 50
Figure 26. Multiple Producer Consumer Throughput ............................................................... 51
Figure 27. Latency by Number of Messages 2:2 .......................................................................... 52
Figure 28. Latency by Message Size 2:2 ...................................................................................... 53
Figure 29. Time taken by Message Size 2:2 ................................................................................. 54
Message queuing has been used in processing of data for many years. One of its most common
and widespread use is in E-mails. When you talk with someone on the phone, it is a synchronous
communication. Both parties must be present and have a connection end to end for that to
work. On the other hand, sending emails is asynchronous. The message is handed off to an
intermediary who manages transport, routing, storage and delivery. Message queuing allows
communication between applications by exchanging messages. It provides a place to store
messages temporarily when the destination is busy or not connected. [1].
Message Queuing is part of a larger Message Oriented Middleware (MOM). Message Oriented
Middleware (MOM) is a crucial part when it comes to the development of distributed applications.
For an e-business to be successful it is important that applications that are based on different
architectures seamlessly integrate with each other. MOM is used to help applications across
multiple platforms communicate with one another, creating a much more seamless business
operation [2].
Message queues facilitate asynchronous communication between applications. This means that
applications can communicate with each other without having to be online attached to the queue
at the same time. Once a message is pushed onto a queue, it stays there till the receiver connects
and consumes it.
Queuing is the mechanism which keeps the messages stored onto a queue till a receiver connects
to the queue and pulls it. Queuing allows you to:
Communicate between programs without having to write any logic that connects the programs.
These programs may or may not be built in the same environment.
The order of messages to be processed in can be selected.
When the number of messages exceed a threshold limit load balancing can be done.
Create master slave architecture of senders and receivers to increase the availability of your
applications [3].
1.1 Objective
When multiple software applications are connected via a network, there comes a time when there
is a need for the clients and servers to communicate with each other. Moreover, the clients and
servers may always not be available. This is where message queues come into picture. But every
application has different needs and it is important to evaluate different message queuing
technologies to find one that best fits your needs. The objective of this thesis is to study the various
message queuing applications available and evaluate them based on their performance.
1.2 Outline
In Chapter 2, we will present some basic background of Message Queues and all the information
required to better understand them, why are they needed and why will they be relevant in the future
as well. Chapter 3 discusses Open Source Message Queues in depth as the focus of this study is to
better understand open source message queues. Chapter 4 explains the setup and underlying
environment used to test the various applications of message queues. In Chapter 5, the results of
the test are mapped and explained. Chapter 6 draws the conclusion based on the results.
For a distributed system to work, it needs to pass information between the machines. No single
machine is responsible for the entire system, but all information is interrelated. Hence a major
concern of distributed systems is this transfer of data. Which also proves to be one of the most
significant challenges.
2.1 What are Message Queues
In simple words, message queues are queues of messages that facilitate communication between
applications. A queue is a line of things waiting to be handled in a sequential manner. A message
queue is a queue of messages sent between applications. It includes a sequence of work objects
that are waiting to be processed [4]. A message is the actual data that is transported between
applications. For example, it can be a start process command for a task.
Figure 1 shows the basic architecture of a message queue. The producer, which is the client
application, creates messages and pushes them onto a queue. The consumer on the other end of the
queue receives the message that is to be processed. Messages stay on the queue till the consumer
receives them. It acts a s a buffer between the applications, to queue messages coming from the
source application until the destination application is ready to receive them.
Figure 1. Message Queue Architecture.
2.2 Before Message Queues
Message Queues work on peer to peer communication model. This allows programs to operate
independently and use message queues to exchange information. The communication can be either
synchronous or asynchronous. Before the use of message queues, communication between
programs happened mainly using the client server communication model.
2.2.1 Client Server Communication Model
The client server model was developed in the 1980s. It was one way of achieving distributed
systems. Following this model, two programs are used in creating a distributed system; one
programs is assigned to generate requests and the other programs fulfills those requests [5]. Client
programs provide an interface to the user to request for information or services. The Server
processes the request and sends back information. This provides synchronous communication.
Client server model has technologies like Remote Procedural calls that is used for building
distributed architecture.
Figure 2. Client Server Communication Model.
Remote Procedural Call
A remote procedural call is the simplest way to exchange information between two applications.
The way functions in a program are called is modeled by RPC. A packet of information is passed
to the recipient as parameters. It then waits for a response from a recipient. It is not concerned with
what the recipient does. The recipient then returns a result to the sender as a packet of information.
Even though this model works well for normal programs, it has some drawbacks when it comes to
distributed systems [6].
Figure 3. Remote Procedural Call.
One major drawback being that RPCs are synchronous. Both the participating applications need
to assign dedicated resources that wait listening for a response from either end. The request can be
a query for which the resource needs a result, or it can be a command asking the resource to act on
it. The call can even be a command that returns a void and the resource must listen dedicatedly for
it. If it does not receive a response, it does not know if the recipient receives the call or not. So, it
must either fail the request or retry the RPC.
RPCs cannot be relied on. As opposed to a local method call that cannot fail to reach the receiver,
an RPC can get dropped, timed out or corrupted. This can happen to both the request and response.
If there is a failure, there is no way to find out if it’s a request or response that is lost. A request
can be re-sent but a response can lead to duplicate data.
2.3 What is the need for Message Queues?
In today’s application development, decoupling and scalability are of utmost importance. Instead
of building one large application, it is beneficial to decouple various parts of it and establish an
asynchronous communication between them. This helps each part of the application to evolve
independently, be developed in different environments that are more efficient for the application
module and be self-contained in its functionality.
Decoupling is a sign of an application that is well structured which makes it easier to maintain,
extend and debug [7]. Decoupling of systems can be achieved when the systems can be completely
autonomous and unaware of each other but are still able to communicate without being connected.
When the system is decoupled, communication needs to be asynchronous.
Message queues provide asynchronous communication. Once the producer sends a message to the
queue, the consumer consumes the message when it starts. The message remains in the buffer till
the consumer is ready. Once the producer sends a message onto the queue, it need not follow up
on the status of the message and can continue with its next process. If the message does not go
through, it can be redelivered until it is processed.
2.4 Advantages of Message Queues
Asynchronous Messaging
When an application needs a task to be done but its not needed immediately or if the result doesn’t
matter, Queues are very useful. Instead of waiting for that task to complete, a message can be
added to the queue to perform the task later.
Decoupling by Data Contracts
Hard dependencies can be decoupled by using a queue between different parts of the applications.
The message in the queue becomes a data contract and any application that understands it, can
process the transaction.
If multiple producers are sending messages at a time, there could be a problem with concurrency
to ensure that the first message is consumed first. By using a queue, it guarantees that the first
message is the first to be consumed.
Message queues facilitate decoupling of applications. This helps in improving the scalability of
the application.
Message queuing systems enable you to monitor queues. This helps to know how many items are
in the queue, the rate at which messages are processed and other statistics.
Break large tasks into small ones
A large task can be divided into much smaller tasks and pushed onto the queue to occur in a
sequence on the other system.
One of the most important things in asynchronous communication is to make sure that messages
are received by the receiver. Queues make sure that the transaction has gone through and it is not
safe to discard a message.
Guarantee that transaction occurs once
As a message queue waits to confirm that a transaction has been processed before deleting the
message, this helps to ensure that the transaction has happened only once.
2.5 Types of Message Queue Implementations
Message queuing can be implemented as a Service, Hardware or Open Source.
Hardware: Vendors like Solace, Apigee and Tervela provide hardware-based messaging
middleware. Queuing is offered through silicon data paths [8].
Service (SaaS): Cloud based message services include IronMQ, StormMQ and Amazon
Simple Queue Service (SQS).
Open Source: Most widely used open source message queues are Apache ActiveMQ, Apache
Qpid, Apache RocketMQ, RabbitMQ. Apache Kafka is primarily a streaming tool that also
can be implemented as a message queue.
2.6 Message Queuing Protocols
Message Queuing protocols started being implemented when Open Source Message Queues came
into existence. The stages of standardization and adoption for these protocols is different. The first
two operate at the same level as HTTP, MQTT at the level of TCP/IP [9]. The three main protocols
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) This message queuing protocol is rich in
features. It has been approved since April 2014 as ISO/IEC 19464.
Streaming Text Oriented Messaging Protocol (STOMP) It is text oriented and simple.
MQTT (formerly MQ Telemetry Transport) Used specially for embedded devices and is
2.7 Message Queues Model
Message Queues can be modeled in two basic ways. They can have a Broker, or they can be Broker
2.7.1 Brokered Message Queues
Most messaging systems have a broker i.e., a messaging server in the middle. This is like a hub or
star architecture. No two applications connect directly to each other. They all connect through the
broker [10].
This model has various advantages. Applications do not need to now the actual location of the
other applications. Just knowing the queue or topic name and network IP is enough. The sender
and receiver lifetimes do not need to overlap. The application that sends message to broker can
push the message and terminate. The pushed message is available to be received anytime. As
brokers store data on the disk, messages are never lost and can be available even after a failure.
The two main drawback of brokered system are that it requires a lot of network bandwidth for
communication and there can be a traffic bottleneck at the broker. The broker will be overworked
as all applications connect to it but the application themselves maybe idle.
Types of Brokered Message Queues
ActiveMQ and RabbitMQ
They are both based on AMQP. They make sure that the message is delivered as they are brokers.
Persistent and non-persistent delivery and synchronous and asynchronous messaging is supported
by both the brokers. A server restart does not result in loss of data as by default messages are
written to the disk. The latency is high when using synchronous messaging. To add to it, latency
increases as the brokers use message acknowledgement to guarantee message delivery. Clustering
is supported through shared storage and shared nothing for fault tolerance. To ensure that there is
no message loss or failure, queues can be replicated across clustered nodes [11].
NATS and Ruby NATS
NATS is a pure Go implementation of the ruby-nats messaging system. It is fast and simple to use.
Message transactions and persistence are not done by NATS. However, it does support clustering
so you can build the system keeping in mine high availability and failover. TLS and SSL are
supported in ruby nats but not NATS.
Kafka has been developed by LinkedIn. It makes use of a distributed commit log which is
persistent to implement publish-subscribe messaging. It is specially designed to operate in clusters
so that multiple clients can access it. It makes use of ZooKeeper which helps the brokers to
integrate seamlessly and it internally take care of cluster rebalancing. Messages can be easily
replayed if there is a failure at the customer end. Kafka clusters can be easily maintained using
ZooKeeper but that also means that we have an additional module to maintain [12].
Kestrel is developed by Twitter. It is a distributed, open source message queue. As it intends to be
lightweight and fast there is no failover or clustering implemented. There is no cross-
communication between nodes. Its queues are durable. There is item expiration and reads for every
NSQ is a messaging platform built by Bitly. The daemon is NSQD and is standalone. It is
responsible for receiving, queueing and delivering messages to the client. The topology on which
NSQ runs is decentralized and distributed. This is achieved by another daemon called nsqlookupd.
This acts like a service discovery mechanism. It also provides nsqadmin. It acts as a front end to
display real-time cluster statistics. It also executes tasks like managing topics and clearing queues.
Messages are non-durable by default. It is an in-memory message queue. The size of the queue
can be configured. This means that after a certain point, messages will be written to the disk. There
is no built-in message replication. In order to guarantee delivery of messages, it makes use of
acknowledgements. But this does not guarantee the order of messages delivered. Idempotency is
the responsibility of the develop as messages can be delivered more than once. NSQ provides the
functionality of adding clusters just like Kafka
Transient storage and lightweight messaging are provided by Redis. Even though its publish and
subscriber capability is fast, its capability is limited.
2.7.2 Broker-less Message Queues
In Broker less messaging there is no broker meaning the queues connect the two peers directly.
There is no involvement of a middleman. As seen in Figure 4, the number of hops decreases as
there are no brokers. There is no bottleneck on the network. It is ideal when there is more emphasis
on low latency but high transaction rate. This leads the system to not be easily managed. Each
application must know the network address of each application it wishes to communicate with.
This model looks good on paper but is not easily managed in the real world.
Figure 4. Broker-less system.
Types of Broker less Message Queues
ZeroMQ and Nanomsg
Nanomsg is a socket style library that makes use of convenient patters to perform distributed
messaging. This means that, apart from embedding the library, there is nothing to deploy. The
working of Nanomsg is similar to that of ZeroMQ as it is written by one of its authors and provides
a cleaner API. Unlike ZeroMQ, there is no notion of a context in which sockets are bound to.
Nanomsg is more open to extension as it also provides pluggable transport and messaging
protocols. It also has built in scalability protocols. Like ZeroMQ, it guarantees the delivery of
messages in the given order but there is no guarantee of delivery itself.
ZeroMQ has been around since 2007 and is battle tested. Like nanomsg, ZeroMQ acts as a socket
abstraction and is not a message-oriented middleware. It is almost similar to Nanomsg when it
comes to usability.
3.1 Apache ActiveMQ
Apache ActiveMQ is an open source message broker written in Java together with a full Java
Message Service (JMS) client. The latest version appeared in March 2019. Its basic function is to
send messages between various applications and help them communicate with each other. It also
includes additional features like OpenWire, STOMP and JMS. ActiveMQ is written in Java and it
translates and passes messages between the sender and receiver.
3.1.1 ActiveMQ working
ActiveMQ sends messages between applications and has three main components.
Producers: Client applications that create and send messages.
Consumers: Application that receives and processes the message
Destination: ActiveMQ broker routes messages between from producers to consumers through
two types of destinations:
o Queue: Used in point to point setup.
o Topic: Used in Publisher Subscriber setup.
Figure 5. ActiveMQ Architecture.
Messages can be sent over either a queue or topic based on the ActiveMQ setup. In point to point
messaging, one queue has one or more consumers attached to it. The broker acts as a load balancer
and routes messages to consumers in a round robin fashion. In Publisher Subscriber setup, broker
delivers each message to all consumers attached to that topic.
A simple ActiveMQ connection can be setup between two applications using the steps given in
Figure 6. One Queue or Topic can have multiple producers and/or consumers attached to it at the
same time.
Round Robin
Point to Point
Figure 6. Steps to create basic ActiveMQ Application.
3.1.2 Why ActiveMQ
ActiveMQ is one of the most widely used brokers when creating a distributed system. Following
are some of the reasons why ActiveMQ is popular.
Transactional Messaging
ActiveMQ is persistent when it comes to messages. Irrespective of system failures, it processes
each message exactly once and does not miss a single message.
Persistence is achieved through servers and availability is achieved through clustering of servers.
Create a Connection Factory
Create a Connection
Create a Session
Create a Queue/Topic
Create a Producer
Create a Consumer
If a node is offline, the message remains in the queue the entire time till the node comes back
High Performance Market Data Distribution
ActiveMQ is highly efficient in its routing and throughput. It provides a very high sender and
receiver throughput.
Asynchronous Messaging Model
ActiveMQ provides low latency for bigger messages. Its latency is challenged a little when the
messes are small and larger in number.
Web Streaming Data
ActiveMQ has AJAX support. This helps to integrate ActiveMQ with a web container. This helps
in publishing messages using Http Post.
The message broker can be provided with an Http interface. This allows simple cross language
APIs to exchange messages. An Http Post request is made to post a message to the broker and an
Http Get request is made to receive messages from the broker. The destination is specified using
the URI and its associated parameters.
3.1.3 Who Uses ActiveMQ?
FuseSource: FuseSource provides enterprise class training, mentoring ans support for
Dopplr: ActiveMQ is used as a message provider at Dopplr.
Gnip: Low latency MOM messaging at Gnip is achieved using ActiveMQ.
RomTrac: Load balancing of requests across a server cluster is achieved using ActiveMQ.
University of Washington: Uses ActiveMQ as a backend layer of messaging for distributed
Daugherty Systems: used within in-house application for reliable, asynchronous messaging.
Document archiving/flow systems: Use ActiveMQ for connectivity between front and back
end. Once frontend receives a message it processes it and sends it forward to the backend. It
then creates an ID and sends it to the user.
CSC: the Finnish IT center for science is building a bioinformatics system for DNA-
microarray data storage and analysis. System contains rich graphical clients, a large database
and heavy server machinery for processing analysis jobs. We are trying to use ActiveMQ as a
JMS implementation to shuttle data between the servers and clients in an event-based manner.
Gather Place: use ActiveMQ to gather billing and usage data that is real time from servers
that are distributed across the world.
Golconde: A distributed postgresql replication system is implemented using ActiveMQ.
3.2 RabbitMQ
RabbitMQ is an open source message broker written in Erlang. It implements message queuing
protocols such as AMQP, STOMP and MQTT. The latest version appeared in March 2019. Its
basic function is to send messages between various applications and help them communicate with
each other.
3.2.1 RabbitMQ Working
Like ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ acts as a middleman to exchange messages between various
applications. It consists of three main components: Producer, Consumer and Queue. Unlike
ActiveMQ, it does not directly push messages onto queues, instead, producers send message to an
exchange. Messages from the producer application are accepted by an exchange. This message is
then routed to the message queue. Binding and routing keys are used to achieve this. A link
between an exchange and queue is the binding [13].
Figure 7. RabbitMQ Architecture.
Direct: Based on a message routing key, a direct exchange delivers messages to queues. The
binging and routing key should match in order to perform a direct exchange.
Topic: For a topic exchange, the routing patter specified in the binding is patter matched against
the routing key.
Fanout: A fanout exchange is like a publisher-subscriber setup. All the queues attached to it
receive the message.
A simple RabbitMQ connection can be setup between two applications using the steps given in
Figure 8. One Queue or Topic can have multiple producers and/or consumers attached to it at the
same time.
Figure 8. Steps to create RabbitMQ Application.
Create a Connection Factory Instance
Create a Host
Create a Connection
Create a Channel for the Connection
Create a Queue
3.2.2 Why RabbitMQ
RabbitMQ helps to facilitate in connecting and scaling applications. Applications connect to
form a larger application or connect to user devices. Messaging is asynchronous, decoupling
applications by separating sending and receiving data.
RabbitMQ is a messaging broker - an intermediary for messaging. It gives your applications a
common platform to send and receive messages, and your messages a safe place to live until
Feature Highlights
RabbitMQ is highly reliable. It provides features like persistence of messages achieved using
delivery acknowledgements and high availability.
Flexible Routing
Messages first route through exchanges and then arrive at the queue. Various exchange types are
built-in within RabbitMQ for simple routing. When it comes to complex routing, you can write
your own exchange type and use it as a plugin.
A single logical broker can be created by clustering several RabbitMQ servers on a local network.
A federation model is available is servers need to be loosely and unreliably connected.
Highly Available Queues
To ensure the safety of messages during a hardware failure, queues can be mirrored across multiple
machines in a cluster.
Messages are supported over a number of messaging protocols.
Many Clients
RabbitMQ clients are available across multiple clients.
Management UI
The management UI available along with RabbitMQ allows the control and monitoring of every
aspect of the message broker.
Tracing support is available within RabbitMQ.
Plugin System
RabbitMQ comes with a lot of plugins, you can also customize plugins or create them from scratch.
3.2.3 Who uses RabbitMQ
Many companies make use of RabbitMQ such as:
The Deutsche Börse
RabbitMQ is used as a standard protocol on their system. It helps in monitoring the positions and
risk related data of its members.
JPMorgan sends billions of AMQP data per day.
National Science Foundation
RabbitMQ is also used by The Ocean Observatories Initiative infrastructure in their sensors.
AMQP to bring readings ashore from ocean platforms and a global pub-sub network to disseminate
It is used in the control plane of the Nebula Cloud Computing.
Red Hat
RedHat uses RabbitMQ to control all its internal operations.
RabbitMQ is used in cloud services and virtualization of their product.
Google has a project called Rocksteady that makes use of RabbitMQ to analyze user defined
metrics. The goal of the service is to allow diagnosis of root causes.
UIDAI, Government of India
UIDAI is the largest online identity project in the world aiming to provide each of India's 1.2
billion residents with a unique identity number. UIDAI uses RabbitMQ to decouple sub-
components of its application allowing it to scale.
RabbitMQ is used in their in-house eventing called Pulse.
Openstack uses RabbitMQ for messaging.
The local search provides, AT&T interactive makes use of RabbitMQ.
It uses RabbitMQ to pass real time data in cloud environments.
Smith Electric Vehicles
SmithLink service uses RabbitMQ to transfer 2 billion data points per day for automotive based in
90 countries across the world.
3.3 Apache Kafka
Apache Kafka is a distributed streaming platform. It has the following three capabilities:
Publish and subscribe to streams of records, like a message queue or enterprise messaging
Storage of streams of records in a fault-tolerant durable way.
Processing of streams of records as they occur.
Kafka is generally used for two broad classes of applications:
Building real-time streaming data pipelines that reliably get data between systems or
Building real-time streaming applications that transform or react to the streams of data
3.3.1 Kafka Working
Kafka topics are divided into several partitions as shown in Figure 8. You can parallelize a topic
using partitions. This lets you split the data across multiple brokers. Partitions can be placed on
different machines. This allows the consumers to read topics in parallel. Parallelizing of consumers
is also possible. This lets multiple consumers to read from multiple partitions. This gives a high
throughput for message processing.
An offset is assigned to each message that is within a partition. This message ordering is
maintained by Kafka. Consumers can read messages starting from a specific offset and can read
from any offset point they choose, allowing consumers to join the cluster at any point in time they
see fit [14].
Figure 9. Kafka Architecture.
3.3.2 Why Kafka
To provide real-time analytics, Kafka is often used in real time streaming of data architectures.
There are cases when ActiveMQ and RabbitMQ are not considered for message queueing, but
Kafka is. This is because Kafka is comparatively reliable and has a higher throughput. Kafka is
used for metrics collection and monitoring, log aggregation, real-time analytics, stream processing,
website activity tracking, CEP, ingesting data into Spark, ingesting data into Hadoop, CQRS,
replay messages, error recovery, and guaranteed distributed commit log for in-memory computing.
Partition 0
Partition 1
Partition 0
Partition 1
3.3.3 Who Uses Kafka
Large companies that handle tons of data use Kafka. It was developed at LinkedIn where it was
used to track data and operational metrics. In order to provide stream processing infrastructure, it
is used by Twitter as a part of Storm. Square uses Kafka as a bus to move all system events to
various Square data centers (logs, custom events, metrics, and so on), outputs to Splunk, for
Graphite (dashboards), and to implement Esper-like/CEP alerting systems. It's also used by other
companies like Goldman Sachs, Spotify, Cisco, Uber, PayPal, Tumbler, Netflix, Box and
3.4 Comparison of Open Source Message Queues
Apache ActiveMQ
Apache Kafka
Main Concept
One of the most often
used open source
products for messaging.
ActiveMQ is commonly
used in enterprise
projects, due to its
support of advanced
features such as multiple
instances for storing
messages, and clustering
RabbitMQ is a
messaging broker,
implementing low-level
AMQP protocol and
pattern. It is
intermediary between
two applications when
in the procedure of
Apache Kafka is a
community distributed
event streaming
platform capable of
handling trillions of
events a day. Initially
conceived as a
messaging queue,
Kafka is based on an
abstraction of a
distributed commit
Apache ActiveMQ
Apache Kafka
The basis of ActiveMQ
is JMS the Java
Messaging Service. JMS
is an API
implementation within
J2EE (Java Enterprise).
log. Kafka has quickly
evolved from
messaging queue to a
full-fledged event
streaming platform,
since its creation by
LinkedIn in 2011. [16]
Yes, it supports Pearl,
Ruby on Rails, C++, C,
C#, Jekejeke Prolog,
Haskell, Go, Erlang,
Python, Pike, Racket,
Netlogo, Haxe, Node.js
Yes, it supports C, C++,
PHP, Python, Ruby,
Erlang, Objective-C,
Perl, Haskell, Go, Java,
Javascript, Rust
Yes, it supports Go,
Haskell, OCaml,
Python, PHP, C#,
Node.js, Ruby
WebSocket, WSIF,
OpenWire, MQTT,
Does not support
message protocols
Apache ActiveMQ
Apache Kafka
Stomp, Atom, AUTO,
WS Notification
Can be deployed with
P2P topologies as well
as brokers.
Only Broker
Only Broker
ActiveMQ Admin
The RabbitMQ admin
which is a browser
based UI management
plugin and command
line tool
By default it is
synchronous. It can be
made asynchronous by
setting the
useAsyncSend property
Supports both
asynchronous and
synchronous methods
Basic Message
Publisher Subscriber
and Queues
Message Queue, PUB-
like REQ-REP, but not
the same.
Publisher - Subscriber
Who uses it
FuseSource, Dopplr,
gnip, RomTrac,
University of
Reddit, Vine, CircleCI,
Trivago, 9GAG, Code
Linkedin, Spotify,
Uber, Tumbler,
Goldman Sachs,
Apache ActiveMQ
Apache Kafka
Washington, CSC, STG
School, 500px,
PayPal, Box, Cisco,
CloudFlare, and
Table 1. Comparison between ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ and Kafka.
This chapter explains the various environments that are setup for measuring the performance of
the message queuing brokers. The hardware used in the setup along with how the software
environment was setup is explained. The various performance measurement parameters used to
evaluate the performance have been explained. The performance of the brokers is evaluated across
different model architectures that can be setup for the brokers. The brokers are evaluated based on
all the above-mentioned factors.
4.1 Hardware Environment
The underlying environment is common for all the three message Queues:
Operating System - Ubuntu (64 bit)
Hard Drive 32 GB
4.2 Software Environment
The setup of the brokers and all the supporting tools used for the benchmarking is explained in this
4.2.1 ActiveMQ
Version: 5.15.9
Setup: For the setup of ActiveMQ, the broker as well as the Producers and Consumers were
setup on the same machine. The model used for passing messages is Publisher-Subscriber. In
a Publisher-Subscriber model, the producers are decoupled from the consumer. This means
that the producer does not know how many consumers are interested in the message that it has
published [17].
4.2.2 RabbitMQ
Version: 3.7.14
Setup: The broker, producers and consumers for RabbitMQ were all setup on a single machine.
The publisher-subscriber model is used. This a pattern in which an application publishes
messages which are consumed by several subscribers [18]. RabbitMQ is developed using
Erlang and is required to run the tool.
Erlang Version: 21.3
4.2.3 Kafka
Version: 2.2.0
Setup: For Kafka, the broker, producers and consumers are setup on a single machine. Kafka
supports only the publisher-subscriber model. It also requires Zookeeper.
Zookeeper Version: 3.4.13
4.3 Performance Measurement Parameters
To measure the performance of a broker, four aspects where considered:
A. Throughput
Throughput is measured as the total number of messages produced or consumed per second. Here
the message size and number of messages passed is constant across the three brokers as 50B and
1000000 messages respectively. There is no delay between the production of two messages.
B. Latency by Number of Messages
Latency is the mean latency in milli-seconds for a message of 50B and is calculated over the
number of messages sent.
C. Latency by Message Size
Latency by message size is the mean latency in milli seconds for a total of 1GB data distributed
according to message sizes of 256 Bytes, 1 Kilo Byte, 5 Kilo Byte and 1 MB. Unlike the previous
latency, the number of messages is not constant across all message sizes. Instead, it is 3906250,
1000000, 200000, 1000 messages respectively.
D. Total time taken for the entire transfer
Total time taken for the entire transfer of data is the time measured in seconds for the entire
transaction of 1 GB data.
4.4 Latency Calculation
HDR Histogram is used for the calculation of Latency. Coordinated omission is attempted to be
corrected by filling in additional samples when a request falls outside of its expected interval.
For example, latency is normally calculated as follows:
1. Timestamp before request is noted, t0.
2. Synchronous request is made.
3. Take a note of the timestamp after request, t1.
4. Calculate Latency t1-t0.
5. Repeat as needed for request schedule.
This approach works as expected if our requests fit within the specified request schedule. Suppose
we are issuing 100 requests per second and each request takes 10 ms to complete, it works.
However, if one request takes 100 ms to complete, this means only one request was issued during
those 100 ms when, according to our schedule, we should have issued 10 requests in that window.
Nine other requests should have been issued, but the benchmark effectively coordinated with the
system under test by backing off. Those nine requests waited in lineone for 100 ms, one for 90
ms, one for 80 ms, etc. Most benchmarks don’t capture this time spent waiting in line, yet it can
have a dramatic effect on the results. HDR Histogram handles this issue.
4.5 Performance evaluation against various models
Along with the Performance Measurement Parameters mentioned in Section 4.4, the performance
of the brokers was also evaluated against various types of models that the brokers support namely:
Single Producer and Consumer
Figure 10. Single Producer-Consumer Setup.
Here, as shown in Figure 10 a queue/topic has a single pair of producer and consumer attached to
it. This model can be used when there is not much data to be passed between two applications.
Single Producer Multiple Consumers
Here as shown in Figure 11, a queue/topic has two or more consumers listening to it. Once a
message is pushed to the queue, both the consumers pull the same message. This model is useful
when the same message needs to go to two separate applications.
Figure 11. Single Producer-Multiple Consumer Setup.
Multiple Producers Single Consumer
Here as shown in Figure 12, two or more producers push messages onto the queue and there is one
consumer that pulls all the data. This model is used when the listening application works with
multiple other applications and needs data from them.
Figure 12. Multiple Producers-Single Consumer Setup.
Multiple Producer and Consumer
Here as shown in Figure 13, there are multiple producers pushing messages to the queue and
multiple consumers listening and consuming all the incoming messages. This is needed when there
are multiple applications working with each other. There is no limit to the number of producers
and consumers that can be attached to a queue.
Figure 13. Multiple Producer-Consumer Setup.
5.1 Single Producer and Consumer
In Single Producer-Consumer model, one producer pushes messages to the queue and at the other
end there is only one consumer listening at a time. There can be multiple consumers at the other
end, but they will be configured as master-slave i.e. the secondary consumer only listens to the
queue when its master shuts down thus becoming the master itself.
Figure 14. Single Producer-Consumer Throughput.
Figure 14 shows the throughput for producers and consumers. For measuring the throughput
1000000 messages each of 50 Bytes are sent in succession without any delay. As the graph shows,
for ActiveMQ the throughput for sending and receiving messages is lower than the other two
message queues. Kafka sends the highest number of messages sent per second, but the
consumption of messages is not as fast as pushing messages to the topic. Even though RabbitMQ
does not publish messages as fast as Kafka, the sending and receiving throughput is almost the
Figure 15. Latency by Number of Messages 1:1.
Figure 15 measures the latency of the message queues based on the number of messages it sends
over the queue/topic. Here, each message sent is of 50 Bytes. As shown in the chart, the mean
latency for ActiveMQ goes on increasing as the number of messages increases. The Latency for
Kafka is somewhat constant and the latency for RabbitMQ fluctuates initially but becomes
constant with the increase in the number of messages.
Figure 16. Latency by Message Size 1:1.
Figure 16 Measures the latency based on the size of the message. Here, messages of various sizes
namely, 256B, 1KB, 5KB and 1MB are taken into consideration. The total size of data sent over
is 1 GB. Hence, the number of messages sent for each message size varies i.e. 3906250, 1000000,
200000, 1000 respectively. The Mean Latency for ActiveMQ decreases with an increase in the
message size. This is because of the increased number of overheads associated with smaller size
data and its respective number of messages. The latency for Kafka and RabbitMQ remains constant
irrespective of the message size.
Figure 17. Time Taken by Message Size 1:1.
Figure 17 shows the time taken for an entire exchange of messages to happen based on the message
size and number of messages. In this, the total data transferred between the producer and consumer
is 1GB hence the number of messages sent varies depending on the size of the message. As shown
in the chart, the time taken is maximum for ActiveMQ when the size of the message is the smallest
i.e. 256 Bytes. As the size of the messages increase the difference between the time is not much
for all three brokers.
5.2 One Producer Two Consumers
In One Producer - Two Consumers model, one producer pushes messages to the queue and at the
other end there are two consumers listening at a time. This means that any message pushed to the
queue, will be consumed by both the consumers.
Figure 18. One Producer- Two Consumer Throughput.
Figure 18 shows the throughput for single producer and two consumers. For measuring the
throughput 1000000 messages each of 50 Bytes are sent in succession without any delay. The
throughput at consumer end is the average throughput of the two consumers. As the graph shows,
for ActiveMQ the throughput for sending and receiving messages is lower than the other two
message queues. Kafka sends the highest number of messages sent per second, but the
consumption of messages is not as fast as pushing messages to the topic. Even though RabbitMQ
does not publish messages as fast as Kafka, the sending and receiving throughput is almost the
Figure 19. Mean Latency by Number of Messages 1:2.
Figure 19 measures the latency of the message queues based on the number of messages it sends
over the queue/topic. Here, each message sent is of 50 Bytes. The mean latency calculated in the
average latency between the two consumers. The Mean Latency for ActiveMQ increases up to a
certain number of messages and then starts decreasing. The latency for Kafka is constant whereas
RabbitMQ like ActiveMQ shows a decrease after an initial increase.
Figure 20. Mean Latency by Message Size 1:2.
Figure 20 Measures the latency based on the size of the message. Here, messages of various sizes
namely, 256B, 1KB, 5KB and 1MB are taken into consideration. The total size of data sent over
is 1 GB hence the number of messages sent for each message size varies. The mean latency
calculated in the average latency between the two consumers. The Mean Latency for ActiveMQ
decreases with an increase in the message size. The latency for Kafka and RabbitMQ remains
constant irrespective of the message size.
Figure 21. Time taken by Message Size 1:2.
Figure 21 shows the time taken for an entire exchange of messages to happen based on the message
size and number of messages. In this, the total data transferred between the producer and consumer
is 1GB hence the number of messages sent varies depending on the size of the message. As shown
in the chart, the time taken is maximum for ActiveMQ when the size of the message is the smallest
i.e. 256 Bytes. As the size of the messages increase the difference between the time is not much
for all three brokers.
5.3 Two Producers One Consumer
In Two Producer - One Consumers model, two producers push messages to the same queue and at
the other end there is only one consumer listening. In this case, both the producers push the same
message onto the queue.
Figure 22. Two Producer - One Consumer Throughput.
Figure 22 shows the throughput for two producers and one consumer. For measuring the
throughput 1000000 messages each of 50 Bytes are sent in succession without any delay. The
throughput at producer end is the average throughput of the two producers. As the graph shows,
for ActiveMQ the throughput for sending and receiving messages is lower than the other two
message queues. Kafka sends the highest number of messages sent per second, but the
consumption of messages is not as fast as pushing messages to the topic. Even though RabbitMQ
does not publish messages as fast as Kafka, the sending and receiving throughput is almost the
same. The sender throughput is the average throughput of the two producers.
Figure 23. Mean Latency by Number of Messages 2:1.
Figure 23 measures the latency of the message queues based on the number of messages it sends
over the queue/topic. Here, each message sent is of 50 Bytes. The mean latency calculated is the
average latency between the two producers. The Mean Latency for ActiveMQ increases up to a
certain number of messages and then starts decreasing. The latency for Kafka shows a linear
increase whereas RabbitMQ shows fluctuations.
Figure 24. Mean Latency by Message Size 2:1.
Figure 24 Measures the latency based on the size of the message. Here, messages of various sizes
namely, 256B, 1KB, 5KB and 1MB are taken into consideration. The total size of data sent over
is 1 GB hence the number of messages sent for each message size varies. The mean latency
calculated in the average latency between the two producers. The Mean Latency for ActiveMQ
decreases with an increase in the message size. The latency for Kafka and RabbitMQ remains
constant irrespective of the message size.
Figure 25. Time taken by Message Size 2:1.
Figure 25 shows the time taken for an entire exchange of messages to happen based on the message
size and number of messages. In this, the total data transferred between the producer and consumer
is 1GB hence the number of messages sent varies depending on the size of the message. As shown
in the chart, the time taken is maximum for ActiveMQ when the size of the message is the smallest
i.e. 256 Bytes and decreases as the message size increases. As the size of the messages increase
the difference between the time is not much for all three brokers.
5.4 Two Producers Two Consumers
In Two Producer - Two Consumers model, two producers push messages to the same queue and
at the other end there are two consumers listening. In this case, both the producers push the same
message onto the queue and both the consumers consume the same message.
Figure 26. Multiple Producer Consumer Throughput.
Figure 26 shows the throughput for two producers and one consumer. For measuring the
throughput 1000000 messages each of 50 Bytes are sent in succession without any delay. The
throughput at producer end is the average throughput of the two producers. As the graph shows,
for ActiveMQ the throughput for sending and receiving messages is lower than the other two
message queues. Kafka sends the highest number of messages sent per second, but the
consumption of messages is not as fast as pushing messages to the topic. Even though RabbitMQ
does not publish messages as fast as Kafka, the sending and receiving throughput is almost the
same. The sender throughput is the average throughput of the two producers.
Figure 27. Latency by Number of Messages 2:2.
Figure 27 measures the latency of the message queues based on the number of messages it sends
over the queue/topic. Here, each message sent is of 50 Bytes. The mean latency calculated is the
average latency between the two producers. The Mean Latency for ActiveMQ increases up to a
certain number of messages and then starts decreasing. The latency for Kafka shows a linear
increase whereas RabbitMQ shows fluctuations.
Figure 28. Latency by Message Size 2:2.
Figure 28 Measures the latency based on the size of the message. Here, messages of various sizes
namely, 256B, 1KB, 5KB and 1MB are taken into consideration. The total size of data sent over
is 1 GB hence the number of messages sent for each message size varies. The mean latency
calculated in the average latency between the two producers. The Mean Latency for ActiveMQ
decreases with an increase in the message size. The latency for Kafka and RabbitMQ remains
constant irrespective of the message size.
Figure 29. Time taken by Message Size 2:2.
Figure 29 shows the time taken for an entire exchange of messages to happen based on the message
size and number of messages. In this, the total data transferred between the producer and consumer
is 1GB hence the number of messages sent varies depending on the size of the message. As shown
in the chart, the time taken is maximum for ActiveMQ when the size of the message is the smallest
i.e. 256 Bytes and decreases as the message size increases. As the size of the messages increase
the latency is almost the same for RabbitMQ and Kafka but higher for ActiveMQ.
On studying the graphs in Chapter 5, the following things have come forward for each of the
message broker.
6.1 ActiveMQ
ActiveMQ is an implementation of AMQP. It ensures message delivery. Supports both persistent
and non-persistent message delivery. By default, it is asynchronous but can be setup as
synchronous. Delivery of messages is guaranteed by using acknowledgements due to which its
latency is high. The sender and receiver throughput are good as it does not have much of a
difference across all four models. However, as compared to Kafka the number of messages sent
per second is very low. Due to guaranteed acknowledgements, the latency is higher for smaller
size messages with many messages. The latency goes on decreasing as the message size increases
and the total number of messages to be exchanged is less. This is observed across all the four
6.2 RabbitMQ
RabbitMQ is an implementation of AMQP. It ensures message delivery. Supports both persistent
and non-persistent message delivery. By default, it is asynchronous but can be setup as
synchronous. The sender and receiver throughput almost match hence making it fast. But like
ActiveMQ, due to guaranteed acknowledgement the throughput is not a match to Kafka. Latency
keeps fluctuating when the message size is low, and the number of messages goes on increasing
across all the four models. Latency is also high when the number of producers increases,
irrespective of the number of consumers listening. Performs best when the message size is high
and the total number of messages to be sent is comparatively lower.
6.3 Kafka
Kafka was originally developed by LinkedIn for Message Queuing but was later built up to be a
data streaming platform. It is specially designed to operate in clusters so that multiple clients can
access it. It makes use of ZooKeeper which helps the brokers to integrate seamlessly and it
internally take care of cluster rebalancing. Messages can be easily replayed if there is a failure at
the customer end. Kafka clusters can be easily maintained using ZooKeeper but that also means
that we have an additional module to maintain. Although the receiver lags in consuming messages
as compared to the producer, the throughput of Kafka is unmatched. This is not hindered by the
size of the message no matter how small or larger or the total number of messages. The latency for
smaller messages can show a slight linear increase as the number of messages increase but is still
way less than ActiveMQ or RabbitMQ. The latency is almost constant as the message size
The performance tests conducted in this thesis do not include adding any restrictions onto the
brokers or the queues to test performance. There are various ways to hinder the performance of
message queues and then benchmark them. There is a lot of scope to explore and work on those
aspects of Message Queues.
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Bachelor of Science Information Technology, 2012
University of Mumbai, India
Master in Computer Applications, 2015
University of Mumbai, India
Master of Science in Computer Science, 2019
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Thesis Title: Performance Comparison of Message Queue Methods
Thesis Examination Committee:
Committee Chair, Dr. Yoohwan Kim, Ph.D.
Committee Member, Dr. Ju-Yeon Jo, Ph.D.
Committee Member, Dr. Fatma Nasoz Ph.D.
Graduate College Representative, Dr. Sean Mulvenon Ph.D.