Clean Water Act
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
Compliance Monitoring Strategy
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance
Office of Compliance
The discussion in this document is intended solely as guidance. This document is not a regulation.
It does not impose legally binding requirements on the United States Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA), States, or the regulated community. This policy does not confer legal rights or
impose legal obligations upon any member of the public. The general description provided here
may not apply to a particular situation based on the circumstances. Interested parties are free to
raise questions and objections about the substance of this policy and the appropriateness of the
application of this policy to a particular situation. EPA retains the discretion to adopt approaches
on a case-by-case basis that differ from those described in this policy where appropriate. This
document may be revised periodically without public notice. EPA welcomes public input on this
document at any time.
Any questions concerning this policy may be directed to Martha Segall (Segall.marth[email protected])
or Rebecca Roose (r[email protected]ov).
Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... i
Summary of FY2013 CMS Evaluation........................................................................................................ ii
Summary of FY2013 National Dialogue on Expansion of Compliance Monitoring.................................. iii
Part 1: Implementation of the Revised NPDES Compliance Monitoring Strategy........................................ 1
Planning Process ....................................................................................................................................... 1
Alternative CMS Plans............................................................................................................................... 2
Oversight, Reporting and Measurement .................................................................................................. 4
Part 2: Compliance Monitoring Frequency Goals for NPDES Sources .......................................................... 6
Major Permittees .......................................................................................................................... 6
Traditional Non-Major Permittees .................................................................................................... 7
Pretreatment Program.................................................................................................................. 9
PretreatmentAudits.................................................................................................................. 9
Pretreatment Compliance Inspections .................................................................................... 10
Significant Industrial User Inspections.....................................................................................10
Oversight Inspections.................................................................................................................. 11
2.A. Combined Sewer Systems (CSSs)....................................................................................................12
Sanitary Sewer Systems (SSSs) ....................................................................................................13
Stormwater .................................................................................................................................13
Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) .................................................................. 13
Industrial Stormwater..............................................................................................................15
Construction Stormwater Sites...............................................................................................15
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations .................................................................................. 16
Large and Medium CAFOs with NPDES Permits.......................................................................16
Large CAFOs without NPDES Permits ......................................................................................16
Medium AFOs without NPDES Permits.................................................................................... 17
Small AFOs............................................................................................................................... 17
3.A Pesticides .................................................................................................................................... 18
3.B Vessels.........................................................................................................................................18
Part 3: Activity Type Descriptions ...............................................................................................................19
Part 4: ICIS-NPDES Data Entry.....................................................................................................................25
This Compliance Monitoring Strategy (CMS) provides compliance monitoring goals for
the Clean Water Act (CWA) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
program. The revised goals and flexibilities described in this CMS will be fully effective in the
federal FY2015 planning and reporting cycle.
Regulations found at 40 CFR 123.26 set forth requirements for compliance evaluation
programs for states with NPDES program authorization.
Analogous regulations for the
pretreatment program are set forth in 40 CFR 403.10(f)(2). This CMS provides recommended
minimum frequencies for compliance monitoring activities that, from a national perspective, the
EPA believes constitute a strong and balanced compliance monitoring program that should be
reflected in all approved state NPDES and pretreatment programs, as well as in all EPA’s direct
implementation activities.
Compliance monitoring is a cornerstone of the EPA’s program to achieve clean water.
The primary goal of the combined EPA and state compliance monitoring efforts, such as on-site
inspections and evaluation of self-reported Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) data, is to
ensure and document whether entities regulated under the NPDES and pretreatment programs are
complying with their CWA obligations. EPA and state compliance monitoring programs should
accurately identify and document noncompliance, support the enforcement process, monitor
compliance with enforcement orders and decrees, establish presence in the regulated community,
deter noncompliance, support the permitting process, and further the broad watershed protection
and restoration goals of the NPDES program.
Achieving these goals will continue to require EPA and state collaboration, innovative
approaches to compliance monitoring and efficient and effective allocation of resources.
Compliance monitoring programs are challenged by tightened budgets at all levels of
government and the growing concern about environmental and public health effects of wet
weather dischargers. The 2007 NPDES CMS made changes to earlier inspection frequency goals
These regulations include, in part, the requirement that a state maintain:
(1) A program which is capable of making comprehensive surveys of all facilities and activities subject to the
State Director’s authority to identify persons subject to regulation who have failed to comply with permit
application or other program requirements. Any compilation, index or inventory of such facilities and
activities shall be made available to the Regional Administrator upon request.
(2) A program for periodic inspections of the facilities and activities subject to regulation. These inspections
shall be conducted in a manner designed to:
a. Determine compliance or non-compliance with issued permit conditions and other permit
b. Verify the accuracy of information submitted by permittees and other regulated persons in
reporting forms and other forms supplying monitoring data; and
c. Verify the accuracy of sampling, monitoring and other methods used by permittees and other
regulated persons to develop that information;
(3) A program for investigating information obtained regarding violations of applicable program and
permit requirements; and
(4) Procedures for receiving and ensuring proper consideration of information submitted by the public
about violations.
in order to promote an effective balance across the NPDES compliance monitoring program.
Implementation of the 2007 NPDES CMS has provided deterrence to noncompliance in the most
significant environmental areas by allowing increased effort in NPDES program areas that
impact water quality in priority watersheds and water segments.
The EPA Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance (OECA) is revising the 2007
NPDES CMS as a result of an FY2013 internal, informal evaluation of the 2007 policy and the
FY2013 national dialogue on expansion of compliance monitoring that OECA conducted with
regions and states. The revised CMS draws on these recent activities to better reflect the range of
important compliance monitoring activities that are an integral part of our program today and
better encompass the planning process needed to ensure consistent national implementation in
accordance with EPA goals and priorities. Furthermore, the revised CMS reflects the key
concepts of Next Generation Compliance, including electronic reporting, increased transparency
and technological advances, and offers additional flexibilities to states in determining the most
effective use of limited compliance monitoring resources. For example, we expect
implementation of this revised policy to facilitate increased use of next generation targeting
tools, such as the Pollutant Loading Tool (available through “Enforcement and Compliance
History Online” (ECHO)) and EPA’s GeoPlatform, and further program transparency by
utilizing the ECHO state dashboards and e-reporting to better manage NPDES compliance
monitoring activities across the country.
Like the 2007 NPDES CMS, this revised CMS addresses inspections for NPDES
major and traditional non-major permittees, pretreatment, oversight, biosolids, and wet
weather sources (Combined Sewer Systems, Sanitary Sewer Systems, MS4s, Industrial and
Construction Stormwater, and Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations). In addition, this
revised CMS addresses compliance monitoring of pesticide operators and vessels that are
regulated under the NPDES program.
Summary of FY2013 CMS Evaluation
During FY2013, the Office of Compliance (OC) conducted an informal evaluation of the
implementation of the 2007 NPDES CMS. As stated in the October 2007 cover memo, EPA and
state NPDES inspection programs must address competing challenges of water quality
degradation and limited resources through innovative and efficient targeting of resources on the
most important noncompliance and environmental problems, particularly those that had not been
adequately addressed by earlier NPDES compliance monitoring goals.
OC’s informal evaluation focused on input gathered from each EPA region and CMS
implementation data from Federal Fiscal Years 2011-2012, including commitments from CMS
plans and inspection activities derived from end-of-year reports and ICIS-NPDES (Integrated
Compliance Information System). Key findings included:
Most regions find the CMS to be an important tool for management of the inspection
program. They typically engage in routine, detailed discussions with their states about
how best to allocate inspection resources based on state circumstances and the
national CMS goals.
Implementation of the 2007 CMS varies greatly across regions and states. This
includes the level of regional involvement in the planning process and the way the
flexibilities in the CMS are utilized by states.
o In many cases deviations from the national goals are not explained or justified
in the CMS plan.
o Several regions have not been receiving end-of-year reports from their states.
o There are notable differences between implementation by authorized states
and implementation by EPA regions in direct implementation areas. This can
largely be attributed to the 2007 CMS’s emphasis on state inspection
Many states are not meeting their annual commitments.
According to data entered into ICIS-NPDES by EPA and states, actual inspection
activities for majors and traditional non-majors fall short of national goals.
Summary of FY2013 National Dialogue on Expansion of Compliance Monitoring
OECA recognizes that although historically we have focused on comprehensive on-site
inspections to track compliance monitoring activities nationwide, there are additional compliance
monitoring activities that can play a vital role in helping EPA and states achieve our broader
compliance monitoring goals. OECA held a national dialogue on the flexibility existing in the
compliance monitoring strategies for each of the statutory compliance and enforcement
programs, including the NPDES CMS. The stated purpose of this dialogue was as follows:
Achieve compliance monitoring goals through a broader spectrum of activities that allow
for a compliance determination at a facility or sub-facility level. The primary goals of
compliance monitoring include:
- Assess and document compliance with permits and regulations;
- Support the enforcement process through evidence collection and case
- Monitor compliance with enforcement orders and decrees;
- Deter noncompliance;
- Provide feedback on development of regulations and permits, as well as
implementation challenges to permit and rule writers; and
- Ensure program integrity.
As the universe of regulated sources expands and EPA/state/local/tribal resources
continue to be constrained, consider how to achieve the goals of environmental
compliance and enforcement programs through a broader set of effective and efficient
compliance monitoring activities.
Establish a framework to revise the statutory compliance monitoring strategies to provide
EPA/state/local/tribal agencies with increased flexibility to develop alternative
approaches using a broader range of compliance monitoring activities to evaluate
compliance, in addition and complementary to traditional on-site inspections.
As a result of the dialogue, this revised NPDES CMS provides circumstances where EPA
regions and states may utilize “focused compliance inspections” and “off-site desk audits” in
addition and complementary to traditional comprehensive inspections. This change expands
upon the flexibilities in the 2007 NPDES CMS, which did not provide for off-site desk audits or
focused inspections to count toward any of the national goals. Part 1 of this revised CMS
articulates certain conditions that must be met in order for these expanded compliance
monitoring activities to count toward CMS coverage, including, for example, that the off-site
desk audit or focused inspection must be conducted for the purpose of making a compliance
determination. Part 2 of this CMS includes several metrics under which off-site desk audits or
focused inspections count toward the national goals when included in a traditional CMS plan.
For all other CMS metrics articulated in this policy, the region or state may propose to conduct
focused inspections or off-site desk audits as part of an alternative plan, according to the
conditions and process set forth in Part 1 below.
Under this CMS, an off-site desk audit encompasses a range of valuable off-site
compliance monitoring activities, including, but not limited to, review of facility reports and
records, review of agency-gathered testing, sampling and ambient monitoring data, evaluation of
responses to CWA section 308 information requests, review of compliance deliverables
submitted pursuant to permits or enforcement actions, and analysis of aerial or satellite images.
An off-site desk audit conducted pursuant to a CMS plan will include the appropriate
combination of the aforementioned activities to allow the region or state to make a facility-level
or program-level (for pretreatment and MS4s) compliance determination. Also, in order for an
off-site desk audit or focused inspection to count toward CMS implementation, the region or
state must report the activity into ICIS-NPDES (either through direct entry or via the CDX
National Environmental Information Exchange Network). See Part 3 for more detailed
descriptions of the off-site desk audit and focused inspection.
OECA has made these changes to allow agencies greater flexibility to focus and
efficiently deploy their resources on their most significant environmental concerns and pollution
problems through an alternative CMS plan. After issuance of this revised CMS, OECA will
assess with regions and states the need for additional tools and guidance, such as forms or
checklists, about what constitutes a focused inspection and an off-site desk audit.
July 2014 NPDES Compliance Monitoring Strategy
Part 1: Implementation of the Revised NPDES Compliance
Monitoring Strategy
Planning Process
We expect that there will be a dialogue between regions and individual states about
annual program commitments and potential resource trade-offs. The national goals in this
policy, many of which have built-in flexibilities, are a starting point for negotiations. States and
regions may utilize the flexibilities set forth in the policy to tailor inspection frequency goals to
target compliance monitoring resources on facilities that pose the greatest threat to water
quality. Trade-offs should be considered in the context of supporting overall NPDES program
The purpose of this CMS is to better focus inspection resources overall; it is not
intended to reallocate resources away from other NPDES program areas. The suggested
planning process to implement the compliance monitoring goals articulated in this CMS strikes
an appropriate balance of coverage across NPDES programs by considering factors such as
noncompliance trends, water quality considerations within individual states, and state and EPA
resources. These compliance monitoring planning expectations are intended to promote joint
planning where such processes do not exist or need to be strengthened. The planning process,
guided by the criteria and goals articulated in this policy, is also intended to provide an
opportunity to identify state-specific circumstances and encourage dialogue on the approaches
the state expects to implement, which will then be documented in the CMS plan.
EPA regional NPDES programs should work closely with each of their states and
internally to plan compliance monitoring activities for all NPDES sources covered by this policy
and to ensure an effective inspection presence in each direct implementation program area. To
provide for consistent implementation of the national CMS goals, each EPA region and state
should develop an annual written CMS plan.
For regions, the plan should cover all direct
implementation program areas, including non-authorized states, Indian country and non-
authorized program areas (e.g., pretreatment and biosolids) in states with NPDES program
CMS plans should be developed by regions and states on an annual basis and include
universe estimates and annual commitments for every applicable metric (i.e., NPDES sub-
program) covered by this national CMS policy.
Where a state does not have any sources
covered by a particular metric (e.g., a state with no Combined Sewer Systems), no commitment
is needed. The majority of national recommended minimum inspection frequencies in this CMS
are multi-year goals, e.g., inspect all traditional non-majors at least once every five years. This
means that while CMS plans look at one year, EPA and states will be looking across multiple
While annual CMS planning is recommended, EPA may approve biennial CMS plans on a case-by-case basis.
For purposes of setting inspection commitments to meet the goals in this policy, CMS plans should reflect the
number of facilities to be inspected, e.g., if a state plans to inspect the same facility twice in a year, that facility
would only be counted one time toward the state’s inspection commitment for that metric.
July 2014 NPDES Compliance Monitoring Strategy
years to evaluate whether the commitments for a given year indicate that the region/state is on
track to meet the national goals.
Where a region or state relies on the flexibilities provided by this policy to make
commitments for inspection frequencies and compliance monitoring activities, the annual CMS
plan should clearly reflect those decisions by including an explanation of why and how the
flexibility was applied. Any such explanation must be detailed enough to explain the basis for
the flexibility applied in the plan, including any implications on CMS planning in future years.
Depending on the circumstances of the agreed upon commitment, the written explanation could
be brief (i.e., one or two sentences) or a full paragraph.
EPA and state compliance monitoring planning will rely on compliance data obtained
from ICIS-NPDES, compliance monitoring activities in at least the most recent prior year, field
reconnaissance, institutional knowledge, and citizen tips and complaints. To support attainment
of water quality goals, the compliance monitoring planning process should increasingly be
influenced by information on water quality impairments to which facilities may be contributing
(pursuant to listings under section 303(d) of the CWA) and other relevant water quality data. As
discussed further in Part 2, OECA encourages regions and states to use the Inspection Targeting
Model (ITM), including the ITM sorting tool, and/or the DMR Pollutant Loading Tool for
preliminary screening, identification of inspection targets, and compliance monitoring plan
development. Regions are expected to actively engage with states in development of CMS
commitments and take into account end-of-year reports on actual activities.
Alternative CMS Plans
An alternative NPDES CMS plan is a plan that includes one or more compliance
monitoring commitments that deviate from the national goals and flexibilities set forth in Part 2
of this policy. As compared to the national goals, an alternative plan could include modified
frequency of comprehensive inspections, modified compliance monitoring activities (e.g., off-
site desk audit), or a combination of the two.
Scope of review: EPA Regions and OECA will evaluate the appropriateness of any
proposed alternative plan to ensure overall program integrity and to facilitate national
consistency to the extent appropriate. EPA review will consider source information such as
compliance history, facility location, and potential environmental impacts and state program
information such as significant program deficiencies identified through prior oversight activities.
The proposed alternative plan should include adequate detail for EPA to understand (1) the
overall approach proposed, including the rationale for any deviations and tradeoffs; (2) a
description of the affected regulated universe(s); and (3) an explanation of how the region or
state has determined that the resulting reduced/modified attention at certain facilities will not
have negative public health or environmental impacts. In addition, the alternative plan should
include the details always expected in a CMS plan (e.g., universe of facilities subject to each
CMS metric and number of compliance monitoring activities planned for the year).
Process for review: If a state wishes to develop an alternative CMS plan, regions will
July 2014 NPDES Compliance Monitoring Strategy
seek OECA consultation and review before finalizing the state’s alternative plan. Regions should
also submit any alternative CMS plans for direct implementation activities to OECA for
consultation and review. Regions should submit draft regional or state alternative plans to OECA
for consultation and review as early in the planning process as possible, but no later than August
15 each year. If a Region is unable to meet this timeline, the Region should contact the
appropriate staff in the Water Branch of OC’s Monitoring, Assistance and Media Programs
Division (MAMPD) to discuss a modified schedule. Our goal is to work efficiently and
effectively across EPA and the states to provide for CMS plans to be in place at or near the
beginning of the year covered by each plan (e.g., the first day of the federal fiscal year, October
1). OECA understands that many Regions utilize the section 106 grant process as a means of
documenting a state’s annual CMS plan. We will make every effort to integrate the alternative
plan review process into existing Regional timetables and processes for approving state CMS
plans, grant workplans and performance partnership agreements. OECA may periodically assess
alternative plan implementation, as appropriate, including through the State Review Framework
Any alternative CMS commitments that include focused inspections and/or off-site desk
audits must meet the following conditions, at a minimum, in order to be approved as part of an
alternative plan:
1. The activity must by conducted for the purpose of making a compliance determination
2. The activity must be conducted by appropriate personnel, as specified in the definitions
of each alternative activity (see Part 3);
3. The approved alternative CMS plan must document the region/state’s evaluation of the
five facility-specific questions below; and
4. The activity must be reported to ICIS-NPDES (including through the CDX National
Environmental Information Exchange Network) to ensure transparency, accountability
and appropriate follow-up. Reporting includes entry of facility-specific information,
compliance actions, and results of the activity (e.g., any noted violations, SNC, etc.).
When developing an alternative CMS plan, regions and states should consider the
following facility-specific questions before proposing a focused compliance inspection and/or
off-site desk audit:
1. Is the facility currently subject to an enforcement action or a compliance schedule
resulting from an enforcement action?
2. Has the facility been reported in Significant Noncompliance (SNC) within the previous
four quarters?
3. Does the facility have any unresolved single-event violation(s) identified in prior
4. Does the facility discharge listed pollutants to impaired waters?
5. Does the facility have any known potential to impact drinking water supplies?
If the answer to any of the above questions is “yes”, the region or state should further
scrutinize whether a focused inspection or off-site desk audit of the facility would be adequate to
assess compliance and protect water quality. Each year that an alternative plan is proposed that
includes focused inspections and/or off-site desk audits, planners and EPA reviewers should
When conducting a focused inspection pursuant to the provisions of this policy, the region or state may make a
compliance determination at the sub-facility level relative to the scope of the focused inspection.
July 2014 NPDES Compliance Monitoring Strategy
revisit these questions on a facility-specific basis to address changing circumstances (e.g.,
impaired waters listings and compliance status). For any facility that is a viable candidate for a
focused inspection or off-site desk audit, review of the alternative plan proposal will include
consideration of how long it has been since the last comprehensive inspection in order to ensure
that all facilities are subject to periodic comprehensive inspections.
Following are several example alternative CMS plan scenarios. This is not an exhaustive
list of alternative plan provisions that could be approved. Rather, it is a sample of some of the
likely scenarios that states may encounter when implementing this policy. All proposed
alternative plans will be approved by EPA regions on a case-by-case basis.
A. For major facilities that have been evaluated under the five alternative CMS
considerations set forth above, a region or state could propose the following alternative
approach: every five years conduct at least one comprehensive on-site inspection, one
focused compliance inspection, and one off-site desk audit. Regions and states are
encouraged to utilize the ITM or comparable method to evaluate facilities against the five
alternative CMS considerations.
B. A region or state may have a situation where their MS4s are not performing well in their
role of overseeing active construction sites and industrial stormwater dischargers. In
exchange for reduced comprehensive inspection coverage in industrial and construction
stormwater sectors, the region or state could increase the number of comprehensive
inspections for their MS4s to ensure that the MS4s are conducting critical local oversight
of construction and industrial stormwater discharges. Under this scenario, a state could
commit to conducting inspections at 5% of industrial stormwater facilities and off-site
desk audits at an additional 5% of the universe, for example. In this scenario, the
compliance improvement benefit would presumably accrue through higher compliance in
the future at the facilities under the MS4’s jurisdiction, versus increased compliance at
just a few individually inspected facilities.
C. A region or state may propose fewer inspections in a particular area, such as industrial
stormwater, for a limited time (up to two years, for example) in order to utilize those
resources to explore or ground-truth innovative compliance monitoring
approaches/techniques. Such a trade-off in an alternative CMS plan would require
accompanying justification for the innovative approach, including a description of the
expected results (i.e., how and when expected results will be documented and how the
results could enhance the state, regional and/or national program).
Oversight, Reporting and Measurement
OECA and the EPA regions will use existing procedures, such as mid-year and end-of-
year reviews, both for associated grant workplans and Annual Commitment System (ACS)
commitments, and periodic State Review Framework and Pretreatment Program evaluations to
assess regional and state performance. In addition, OECA may periodically compare regional
Throughout this document, when used without qualification, “comprehensive inspection” includes any of the
following types of inspections: compliance evaluation inspection, compliance sampling inspection, performance
audit inspection, compliance biomonitoring inspection, diagnostic inspection, toxics sampling inspection (XSI) and
pretreatment program audit.
July 2014 NPDES Compliance Monitoring Strategy
and state commitments to actual compliance monitoring activities recorded in ICIS-NPDES
and/or end-of-year CMS reports. The goals of any performance assessment are to identify
strengths and address weaknesses of EPA and state compliance monitoring programs, develop
mutual commitments to achieve ongoing program improvement, increase program transparency,
and promote national consistency.
The current ACS measure applicable to the NPDES CMS (ACS measure CWA07)
requires that each region submit to OECA by the end of the calendar year a CMS plan for each
authorized state and for direct implementation. The ACS measure also requires the regions to
provide OECA with an end-of-year report corresponding to each plan that was developed for that
year. End-of-year reports are due to OECA by the end of the calendar year following completion
of the plan year (e.g., end-of-year report for an FY2014 plan will be due December 31, 2014).
OECA’s expectation is that EPA regions will work with each state to develop an annual EOY
report summarizing implementation of the prior year’s plan, regardless of whether it was a
traditional or alternative plan.
The CMS plans and end-of-year reports should include appropriate data to enable OECA
to compare actual compliance monitoring activities against the annual commitments. States are
encouraged to enter all of their actual compliance monitoring activities into ICIS-NPDES so that
the end-of-year reports can be generated through standard ICIS-NPDES reports that correspond
to the CMS metrics. See Part 4 of this CMS for ICIS-NPDES data entry quick reference tool.
There are several data entry activities that are relevant to implementation of this revised
CMS. First, regions or states may choose to enter annual compliance monitoring commitments
into ICIS-NPDES by using the “planned inspection indicator” to tag facilities the region or state
plans to inspect that year. OECA will aggregate commitment information available in ICIS-
NPDES and use it on the Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) dashboards to
display state performance in relation to CMS commitments. Facility-specific information about a
state’s inspection plans would not be made publicly available. Second, state and regional
compliance monitoring activities conducted pursuant to this CMS must be reported into ICIS-
NPDES (including through the CDX National Environmental Information Exchange Network) in
accordance with all applicable data entry requirements, including any future regulations that
establish data requirements and reporting timeframes. Third, EPA expects regions and states to
update ICIS-NPDES with data about focused inspections or off-site desk audits conducted
pursuant to an alternative plan in accordance with expectations set forth in this CMS. For
example, before EPA approves an alternative plan that includes focused inspections or off-site
desk audits, the state must commit to entering the completed activities into ICIS-NPDES
(including through CDX).
July 2014 NPDES Compliance Monitoring Strategy
Part 2: Compliance Monitoring Frequency Goals for NPDES
Part 2 describes the national recommended minimum frequency and activity type for
NPDES sources. The national recommended minimum frequencies and activity types differ
across the metrics to account for the differences among the various NPDES programs including:
numbers of regulated entities, complexities in compliance monitoring, regulatory requirements,
and the history and status of compliance. Under certain circumstances more frequent compliance
monitoring is warranted. For example, sources that are located near sensitive areas (i.e., drinking
water intakes) and/or designated high quality waters may need to be monitored more frequently
than the recommended minimum goals set forth in the metrics below. A CMS plan that is
consistent with the minimum goals and flexibilities set forth in each of the metrics below is
considered to be a traditional CMS plan, not an alternative CMS plan.
All compliance monitoring and evaluation activities should be undertaken in such a
manner that will lead to timely, appropriate and effective follow-up response to identified
noncompliance (e.g., informal action or formal enforcement action consistent with the applicable
enforcement response policies). On-site inspections should be conducted by an authorized
inspector. Inspectors conducting evaluations for state/local/tribal agencies should be compliant
with the inspection policies and processes of the respective agency. EPA employees and
state/local/tribal individuals authorized to conduct evaluations on behalf of EPA using EPA
federal inspector credentials should be conducting evaluations consistent with appropriate federal
training requirements.
An authorized inspector may include an approved third party.
Please refer to Part 4 of this document for a guide to the acceptable ICIS-NPDES
compliance monitoring types and their corresponding codes to be used for data entry of activities
conducted pursuant to the national recommended frequency goals set forth below.
Major Permittees
Major NPDES permits cover discharges from Publicly Owned Treatment Works
(POTW) facilities with designed discharge flows of greater than 1 million gallons per day and
active major industrial facilities scoring more than 80 for the six factors on the “NPDES Permit
Rating Work Sheet”(available at As of July
2014, there are 6,579 active major NPDES permits (4,397 active major POTW permits, 2,105
active major industrial permits, and 77 active Federal permits) according to ICIS-NPDES.
See most current version of EPA Order 3500.1, Training Requirements for EPA Personnel Who Are Authorized to
Conduct Civil Compliance Inspections/Field Investigations and EPA Inspector Supervisors, and EPA Order 3510,
EPA Federal Credentials for Inspections and Enforcement of Federal Environmental Statutes and Other
Compliance Responsibilities.
See Guidance for Issuing Federal EPA Inspector Credentials to Employees of Contractors to Conduct Inspections
on Behalf of EPA (May 31, 2013) and Guidance for Issuing Federal EPA Inspector Credentials to Senior
Environmental Employment Program Enrollees to Conduct Inspections on Behalf of EPA (September 30, 2013).
July 2014 NPDES Compliance Monitoring Strategy
OECA’s goal for state and regional inspection of major permittees is a minimum
frequency of at least one comprehensive inspection every two years. Inspections of major
POTWs may be conducted in conjunction with inspections of the Sanitary Sewer Systems
(SSSs) and their satellites and Combined Sewer Systems (CSSs) that are connected to the
POTW. At the end of each federal fiscal year, data will be taken from ICIS-NPDES to report on
both a regional and state basis the percentage of majors that have received a comprehensive
inspection within the most recent two completed federal fiscal years. Currently, this information
is publicly displayed on the ECHO State Performance Dashboards, available at
This revised policy includes the pre-approved alternative approach for inspections of
major NPDES permittees that was introduced in the 2007 NPDES CMS and made possible with
the July 2008 release of the Inspection Targeting Model (ITM) (which can be accessed after
logging into ECHO at The purpose of the ITM is to distinguish between
facilities that have strong records of compliance and those who have records indicating
compliance problems, particularly effluent violations for pollutants that may be contributing to
water quality impairments reflected in section 303(d) listings. Under this available alternative,
regions and states can use the ITM, or a comparable targeting methodology, to adjust the
inspection frequency to one comprehensive inspection every three years for NPDES major
facilities that are in compliance, not subject to any credible citizen tips or complaints, and are
not contributing to section 303(d) impaired waters listings based on the most current data
available when developing the CMS plan. Regions and states should implement this flexible
approach in accordance with any future guidance about how to use the ITM and/or revisions to
the ITM methodology. Facilities that do not meet these criteria will remain subject to a
minimum comprehensive inspection frequency of once every two years. A CMS plan that
utilizes this approach for decreasing inspection frequency of some majors is still considered a
traditional CMS plan.
Traditional Non-Major Permittees
Traditional non-major NPDES permits cover POTW facilities with designed discharge
flows of less than 1 million gallons per day (1 MGD) or serving populations of less than 10,000
persons and active non-major industrial facilities (i.e., facilities scoring less than 80 for the six
factors on the NPDES Permit Rating Work Sheet, available at that have not been designated as a discretionary
major by the EPA region. As of July 2014, there are approximately 87,000 active non-major
NPDES permittees that are covered by this metric. POTW permits account for approximately
41,700. Out of the total number of non-major permittees subject to this metric, approximately
45,400 have individual permits and 41,600 are covered by general permits (including general
permits for various industrial categories, POTWs and other water treatment facilities).
minimum inspection frequency goals recommended in 1.B.1 and 1.B.2 below are intended to
apply to traditional non-majors covered by both individual and general permits. Compliance
monitoring goals for non-majors in the wet weather program areas are articulated under
Data sources are the Permit Management Oversight System (PMOS), available at, and ICIS-NPDES.
July 2014 NPDES Compliance Monitoring Strategy
separate metrics in this CMS.
OECA’s minimum compliance monitoring goals for each traditional non-major facility
are set forth below. Inspections of traditional non-major POTW’s may be conducted in
conjunction with inspections of the SSSs (and their satellites) and CSSs that are connected to
the POTW. The screening process for selecting non-major facilities to be inspected should be
attentive to facilities that do not appear, based on available data, to have been inspected in more
than five years or facilities that have histories of noncompliance, are the subject of citizen tips or
complaints, and/or may be contributing to violation(s) of water quality standards.
OECA encourages regions and states to utilize the ITM sorting tool (which can be
accessed after logging into ECHO at for preliminary screening and
identification of inspection targets for traditional non-majors under this metric. Users can access
the sorting tool by selecting "Values Only" in the ITM output options. The sorting tool does not
utilize weightings due to concerns particularly about the current completeness of data for
traditional non-majors and how that might affect the results obtained from a weighted model.
Use of the sorting tool is optional. Regions and states choosing to use this functionality will
likely want to analyze the data in a spreadsheet and include additional state data (beyond what
is available in ICIS-NPDES) that would increase the rigor of the analysis. The sorting tool
allows regions and states to sort facilities based on factors that include: water quality
impairments; associated pollutants that may be discharged by the permittee; SNC within the
most recent two years; unresolved Single Event Violations; days since last comprehensive
inspection; days since last inspection (all types); and current enforcement actions. In the future,
EPA regional offices may determine on a state-by-state basis that ICIS data on non-majors is
adequate to allow utilization of the weighting functionality in the ITM for this metric; however,
the compliance monitoring goals for traditional non-majors provided below will still apply.
Regions and states may also elect to utilize the Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) Pollutant
Loading Tool (available at to look at pollutant loadings that exceed
permit limits to help focus on the biggest polluters.
1. Traditional non-major permittees that are not contributing to CWA section 303(d)
listed impairments. The minimum inspection frequency goal is to inspect each
traditional non-major facility that is not contributing to section 303(d) impairments at
least once every five years. In addition to the comprehensive inspection types (see
footnote 5), the following inspection types will count toward metric 1.B.1: focused,
reconnaissance, enforcement follow-up, oversight, and sludge/biosolids. The
aforementioned non-comprehensive inspections will be counted under this metric
because these facilities are not discharging pollutants that contribute to listed
2. Traditional non-majors that discharge one or more pollutants that are relevant to
an impairment on the CWA section 303(d) list. Traditional non-major facilities that
are permitted to discharge pollutants of concern corresponding to the 303(d) listing
parameter should be inspected at least once every five years with a comprehensive
inspection. Of the traditional non-major permittees that discharge to section 303(d)
listed waters, OECA expects there are some that, due to the nature of their discharges,
July 2014 NPDES Compliance Monitoring Strategy
are not in fact contributing to the water quality conditions that have resulted in the listed
impairment. Such facilities on impaired waters that are not contributing to the
impairment may be inspected with a less comprehensive inspection (e.g., a
reconnaissance inspection) under metric 1.B.1 above.
During the annual planning process, when determining which traditional non-major
facilities should be inspected using a comprehensive inspection, regions and states should inform
that decision by carefully reviewing available information on the permittees, such as
noncompliance information and information that is indicative of the completeness and currency
of ambient monitoring information for the receiving waters to which the permittees discharge.
Where information indicates patterns of noncompliance or uncertainty about the status of
receiving waters, strong consideration should be given to utilizing a comprehensive inspection.
In order to ensure a minimum level playing field, states and regions are encouraged to conduct a
comprehensive inspection of at least 5% of all traditional non-majors each year even if more
facilities qualify for non-comprehensive inspection under metric 1.B.1 above.
Pretreatment Program
Routine compliance monitoring activities for the pretreatment program include audits and
inspections of POTWs with approved pretreatment programs, review of all POTW pretreatment
program annual reports, inspections of industrial users and oversight of state pretreatment
programs that are implemented pursuant to 40 CFR 403.10(e) (i.e., states where the state agency
functions as the control authority in lieu of approved local pretreatment programs). In addition to
the specific pretreatment program compliance monitoring activities outlined under the metrics
below, the approval authority (i.e., the state agency or EPA Region that is responsible for
approving local pretreatment programs) should track the submission of POTW annual reports
made pursuant to 40 CFR 403.12(i) and review 100% of all submissions to determine if the
POTW is properly implementing its approved pretreatment program, including, as appropriate,
oversight and enforcement of Significant Industrial Users (SIUs).
Pretreatment Audits
Pretreatment approval authorities should conduct at least one audit every five years of
each POTW with an approved pretreatment program, generally corresponding to an annual
audit rate of 20% of active approved programs.
A pretreatment audit includes oversight inspections of at least two Industrial Users (IU)
discharging to the POTW. For additional information on selecting the appropriate IUs for
oversight inspections, see Guidance for Conducting a Pretreatment Compliance Inspection
(September 1991), available at
IU oversight inspections are included as part of a pretreatment audit in order for the auditor to:
1) verify that the IU permit/control mechanism correctly reflects the physical and operational
conditions of the facility; 2) validate whether the POTW has correctly evaluated compliance
(including appropriate sampling methods); and 3) assess the POTW’s IU inspection procedures.
In the course of conducting audits of POTWs with approved pretreatment programs, the
July 2014 NPDES Compliance Monitoring Strategy
approval authority should ensure that the POTW is following its Enforcement Response Plan
when the POTW identifies IU noncompliance. For additional information on conducting
pretreatment audits, see Control Authority Pretreatment Audit Checklist and Instructions
(February 2010), available at
Pretreatment Compliance Inspections
Pretreatment approval authorities should conduct at least two Pretreatment Compliance
Inspections of each POTW with an active approved pretreatment program every five years.
These inspections are in addition to the audit that should be conducted every five years, as
described under metric 1.C.1 above.
In the course of conducting inspections of POTWs with approved pretreatment programs,
the approval authority should ensure that the POTW is following its Enforcement Response Plan
when the POTW identifies IU noncompliance. For additional information on conducing
pretreatment compliance inspections see Guidance for Conducting a Pretreatment Compliance
Inspection (September 1991), available at
Significant Industrial User Inspections
For SIUs discharging to POTWs without approved pretreatment programs, the control
authority (i.e., either the EPA Region or state agency) should track and review SIU semi-annual
reports submitted pursuant to 40 CFR 403.12(e) and (h). For more information on EPA and state
responsibilities associated with overseeing SIUs that discharge into POTWs without an
approved pretreatment program, see the EPA memorandum, Oversight of SIUs Discharging to
POTWs without Approved Pretreatment Programs (May 18, 2007), available at
The General Pretreatment Regulations at 40 CFR part 403 include a requirement for
approved publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) and states that implement the POTW
pretreatment program under 40 CFR 403.10(e) to “inspect and sample the effluent from each
significant industrial user at least once a year.” 40 CFR 403.8(f)(2). In accordance with these
regulations, for the industrial pretreatment program, 100% of SIUs permitted by approved
POTWs or state approval authorities must be inspected and sampled annually. The approved
POTW or state approval authority may conduct additional inspections as necessary, for example,
when required semi-annual self-monitoring reports from SIUs show noncompliance, or based on
reconnaissance, or tips or complaints received by the EPA, the state, or approved POTW. If the
appropriate state legal authorities are in place, the annual inspection and sampling requirement
may be reduced to once every two years for SIUs designated with a reduction in monitoring and
inspection frequency in accordance with provisions under 40 CFR 403.12(e)(3) and 40 CFR
Given the regulatory requirement for annual sampling inspections of all SIUs, a
state’s alternative plan cannot include an off-site desk audit in lieu of an annual SIU sampling
For more information, see the 2005 Pretreatment Program Streamlining Rule, available at
July 2014 NPDES Compliance Monitoring Strategy
The objective of a sewage sludge/biosolids inspection is to assess facilities engaged in
a regulated sludge or biosolids activity to evaluate compliance with applicable regulatory
provisions, including sludge monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting, treatment operations,
sampling and laboratory quality assurance and use or disposal practices. Sludge/biosolids
inspections may be conducted in conjunction with compliance inspections at major and non-
major POTWs. Inspections may also be conducted to respond to citizen tips or complaints.
For states with biosolids program authorization, the recommended inspection frequency
goal is at least one sludge/biosolids inspection of each major POTW every five years. Biosolids
use and disposal operations, including incineration and surface application, should receive at
least one sludge/biosolids inspection every five years. However, under this revised CMS, states
may substitute an off-site desk audit for sludge/biosolids generation, use, and disposal sites that
meet the following criteria: (1) are not currently subject to enforcement actions or compliance
schedules that are the result of concluded enforcement actions; (2) have not been reported in
Significant Noncompliance (SNC) within the previous four quarters; (3) have no unresolved
single event violation(s) identified in prior inspection(s); (4) do not discharge to CWA section
303(d) listed waters for pollutant(s) contributing to the listing; and (5) have no known potential
to impact drinking water supplies. A CMS plan that utilizes this approach for conducting off-
site desk audits in lieu of sludge/biosolids inspections is still considered a traditional CMS plan.
In states where EPA is the permitting authority for biosolids, compliance monitoring
activities for biosolids facilities will be conducted in accordance with plans and protocols
established by the EPA Biosolids Center for Excellence.
Oversight Inspections
OECA does not contemplate any changes to its oversight processes as a result of
issuance of the revised CMS. Oversight inspections are described in the memorandum Revised
Policy Framework for State/EPA Enforcement Agreements (August 1986) and an Office of
Water memorandum 1987 National Guidance for Oversight of NPDES Programs (April 1986).
These memoranda establish that oversight inspections should: (1) assess how well the
state inspectors are determining compliance; (2) be tailored to fit state performance; and (3)
provide incentives to strong state performance by reducing the number, level and/or frequency of
some reporting requirements consistent with regulations or reducing the frequency of oversight
inspections. In states where criteria for good performance are not met, EPA may suggest
changes in procedures and the state use of resources or training, provide technical assistance,
and/or increase the number of oversight inspections.
Regions will develop a state-by-state oversight proposal for each year, which should
include at least some oversight activity in each state. As provided under the Clean Water Act
July 2014 NPDES Compliance Monitoring Strategy
Action Plan Interim Guidance on Strengthening EPA and State Performance and Oversight
(available at
062210.pdf), regions should focus oversight resources to the most pressing performance
problems in states. The State Review Framework (SRF) is the major enforcement program
oversight activity for the NPDES compliance monitoring program, and the oversight inspections
performed in the year prior to the review should inform the SRF review. OECA will work with
regions that are interested in developing an approach for oversight of the pretreatment
compliance monitoring program. Annual data metrics analyses also can inform an oversight
schedule. These oversight activities may include inspections, both joint state/EPA inspections
where the state has the lead role in the inspection and independent inspections of facilities by the
EPA, or other activities.
Additional factors that the EPA may consider when scheduling oversight inspections
include: (1) significant changes in state program structures or personnel are taking place; (2) a
new state regulatory structure is being implemented; (3) the state is reporting low violation
identification rates; (4) the state is reporting low inspection coverage rates; or (5) patterns in
tips/complaints from citizens.
2.A. Combined Sewer Systems (CSSs)
Inspections of CSSs are comprehensive inspections that evaluate compliance with the
Clean Water Act and CSO Control Policy (available at requirements as written in the NPDES permit,
an enforcement order, a consent decree, or another enforceable document. The inspector
should verify whether the permittee is preventing CSOs during dry weather, implementing the
nine minimum controls, adhering to a schedule for development, submission, and
implementation of a long-term CSO control plan, eliminating or relocating overflows to
sensitive areas, adhering to effluent limitations, and implementing a post-construction
compliance monitoring program.
As of 2014, nationally there are 859 CSO communities that need to develop and
implement a long-term CSO control plan. The minimum inspection frequency goal is for all
major and non-major CSSs to receive at least one comprehensive inspection every five years.
These inspections may be conducted in conjunction with compliance inspections at major and
non-major POTWs. More frequent inspections, including CSO inspections, may be necessary
for some systems in order to promptly evaluate known or suspected recurring overflows. An
inspector conducts a CSO inspection in response to information received regarding a known or
suspected overflow event to evaluate compliance with CSO provisions present in the NPDES
permit, an enforcement order, a consent decree, or another enforceable document. In many
cases, CSO inspections will be scheduled based on information about overflow occurrences
received directly by EPA, or from other governmental organizations, citizens groups, or non-
governmental organizations.
If regions and states are not able to meet this goal, proposals for modified frequency
goals as part of an alternative CMS plan may be considered for particular systems based on
July 2014 NPDES Compliance Monitoring Strategy
the alternative CMS considerations described in Part 1 above and additional information
such as: overall history of good compliance based on information from prior CSO
inspections (e.g., permit conditions, nine minimum controls), no dry weather overflows
(identified through inspections, record reviews or complaints/community reports), declining
CSO activation rates, and status of receiving waters.
Sanitary Sewer Systems (SSSs)
Inspections of sanitary sewer collection systems are comprehensive inspections that
evaluate compliance with NPDES permit terms and conditions for system design, operation
and maintenance, permit reporting requirements, an enforcement order, a consent decree, or
another enforceable document. The inspector collects information to verify that the permittee
is complying with the NPDES permit conditions (duty to mitigate and proper operation and
maintenance) and the required notification procedures. The inspector also determines whether
there have been any unpermitted discharges, or discharges from a location other than the
discharge point specified in the permit, to waters of the United States. When preparing for an
inspection of an SSS, the inspector should consider OECA’s Guide for Evaluating Capacity,
Management, Operation, and Maintenance (CMOM) Programs at Sanitary Sewer Collection
Systems (2005) (available at
The minimum inspection coverage goal for SSSs is for regions and states to conduct
comprehensive inspections of at least 5% of SSSs each year. The universe subject to this
coverage goal is the number of POTW permits in the state that include one or more sanitary
sewer collection systems. Where a permit covers satellite collection systems, in order to allow
the inspector to evaluate overall collection system compliance, the SSS inspection should
include review of satellite systems that together comprise a substantial percentage of the total
flow to the treatment plant. Inspection priority should be given to SSSs with chronic overflows
and/or pump stations.
More frequent inspections, including SSO inspections, may be necessary for some
systems in order to promptly evaluate known or suspected recurring overflows. An inspector
conducts an SSO inspection in response to information received regarding a known or
suspected overflow event. In many cases, SSO inspections will be scheduled based on
information about overflow occurrences received directly by EPA, or from other governmental
organizations, citizens groups, or non-governmental organizations. SSO inspections, as well as
broader inspections of SSSs and their satellites, may be conducted in conjunction with
compliance inspections at major and non-major POTWs.
Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s)
As of 2014 there are approximately 250 Phase I MS4 permits that cover approximately
855 permittees (the difference being that many MS4 permits include two or more co-
July 2014 NPDES Compliance Monitoring Strategy
permittees). As of 2014, there are approximately 6,700 Phase II MS4s covered by 150 permits
There is a strong need for permitting authorities to assess the quality of these MS4
stormwater management programs. On-site MS4 audits (evaluating all aspects of the MS4
stormwater management program), on-site inspections, and off-site desk audits are valuable
tools for evaluating whether the MS4s are in compliance with permit requirements. All
compliance monitoring of MS4 programs should include review of the stormwater
management plan elements to provide a representative picture of overall MS4 performance.
The minimum compliance monitoring goal for MS4s is for regions and states to
determine compliance of each MS4 permittee and co-permittee at least once every five years
by conducting one or more of the following compliance monitoring activities: on-site audit,
MS4 inspection, or off-site desk audit. Off-site desk audits should not be conducted for any
MS4 permittee that has not previously been subject to an on-site inspection or audit that has
documented a compliance baseline for the MS4. As part of this goal, each MS4 permittee and
co-permittee should receive an on-site audit or inspection at least once every seven years.
Regions and states have the flexibility to extend the seven-year goal for on-site
inspections/audits to every 10 years for a co-permittee that contributes a minimal volume of
the total flow to the MS4. More frequent on-site audits, inspections or off-site desk audits may
be necessary for certain MS4s based on factors such as noncompliance (including
noncompliance at underlying construction sites and industrial stormwater facilities), failure to
implement a stormwater management plan, citizen tips or complaints, referrals from other
governmental organizations, and follow-up on activities mandated by an enforcement order.
This goal provides flexibility to regions and states to determine the most appropriate
approach to assess compliance within the MS4 universe without having to develop an
alternative CMS pursuant to Part 1 of this policy. Priority should be given to auditing or
inspecting MS4s located in priority watersheds that contribute to CWA section 303(d) listings
and those located near waters that the state has designated for higher levels of protection.
Furthermore, the scope of any inspection should be determined based on the highest priority
minimum measures for that MS4, as determined by a review of the MS4’s compliance history,
water quality concerns, permit revisions, noncompliance at construction sites and industrial
facilities within its jurisdiction, and other local factors.
Monitoring activities on the construction oversight programs of MS4s should be closely
coordinated with monitoring activities at individual construction sites (see metric 2.C.3 below).
Likewise, monitoring activities on industrial oversight elements of Phase I MS4s, and where
they exist as part of Phase II MS4s (e.g., Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination programs),
should be closely coordinated with monitoring activities at individual industrial stormwater
dischargers (see metric 2.C.2 below).
Please note that while many Phase I MS4s may technically qualify as “major permittees”
per the “NPDES Permit Rating Sheet,” the inspection frequency goal for major permittees under
metric 1.A does not apply to Phase I MS4s.
July 2014 NPDES Compliance Monitoring Strategy
Industrial Stormwater
Industrial stormwater inspections are designed to ensure that regulated facilities have an
NPDES permit for stormwater discharge and a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
(SWPPP), and that the facility is in compliance with the permit and is implementing the
SWPPP to ensure that the permittee is meeting technology and water quality based
requirements. During the inspection the inspector reviews the permit and the SWPPP, reviews
self-inspection reports and other records to verify that the facility is complying with its permit
and is implementing the SWPPP, and walks the site to verify that the SWPPP is accurate and
BMPs are in place and functioning properly.
Current estimates indicate that there are approximately 90,000 industrial stormwater
permittees nationwide, contained within 29 industrial categories. The inspection goal for
industrial stormwater permittees is to inspect at least 10% of the universe each year. Regions and
states should also conduct compliance monitoring activities to locate industrial facilities that
have failed to obtain permit coverage or file a “no exposure certification” under 40 CFR
122.26(g). Inspections of unpermitted industrial stormwater facilities, including those with “no
exposure certification,will count toward the annual industrial stormwater coverage goal of
Priority should be given to inspecting permittees of environmental concern and
those located in priority watersheds that may discharge a pollutant(s) that contributes to
CWA section 303(d) listings, and permittees located near high quality waters that the state
has designated for higher levels of protection to prevent degradation.
To conserve resources, regions and states are encouraged to consider opportunities to
conduct a facility’s industrial stormwater inspection in conjunction with the NPDES compliance
inspection for permitted major and non-major industrial facilities. Consideration should also be
given to coordinating industrial stormwater inspections with oversight of MS4 industrial
stormwater programs in Phase I MS4s and where such elements exist as part of Phase II MS4s.
Construction Stormwater Sites
Stormwater inspections are designed to ensure that regulated facilities have an NPDES
permit for stormwater discharge and a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and are
following the specifications in each. During the inspection, the inspector reviews the permit
and the SWPPP and determines whether the SWPPP meets the requirements set forth in the
permit. The inspector also reviews records, such as self-inspection reports, to verify that the
facility is complying with its permit and the SWPPP and walks the site to verify that the
SWPPP is accurate and BMPs are in place and functioning properly.
This compliance monitoring metric applies to construction stormwater sites of equal to
or greater than one acre of disturbed area (i.e., all regulated Phase I and Phase II construction
sites). EPA’s 2014 estimate is that there are approximately 85,000 construction starts
nationwide annually. The minimum recommended inspection frequency for this metric is a joint
EPA and state goal to inspect at least 10% of the regulated construction sites annually. To
determine the applicable universe at the inspection planning stage, the 10% goal should be
July 2014 NPDES Compliance Monitoring Strategy
applied to the estimated number of active regulated construction sites in the state in the coming
year. As part of this goal, EPA and the states should follow-up on tips and complaints about
potentially unpermitted construction sites. Inspections of unpermitted construction sites will
count toward the annual construction stormwater coverage goal of 10%.
Priority should be given to sites located near 303(d) listed waters that are impaired for
construction-associated pollutants (e.g., sediment), and at sites located near high quality waters
that the state has designated for higher levels of protection to prevent degradation.
For estimating joint EPA and state progress relative to the joint annual goal, states
include in their annual CMS report aggregate reporting of the total number of NPDES
construction stormwater inspections that have been conducted by the state and EPA during the
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations
The objective of concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO) inspections is to verify
that CAFOs are not illegally discharging to waters of the United States, as well as to verify that
permitted CAFOs are in compliance with their NPDES permits.
Large and Medium CAFOs with NPDES Permits
EPA recommends that states and regions conduct a comprehensive inspection of NPDES
permitted CAFOs at least once every five years to evaluate compliance with the permit,
including terms of the nutrient management plan, reporting and recordkeeping. More frequent
inspections may be appropriate for CAFOs that meet certain conditions, including the following:
- Exceptionally large livestock and poultry operation
- History of noncompliance
- Significant site-specific environmental concerns, including operations located on
impaired an waterbody and subject to Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) wasteload
- Permit includes a voluntary alternative performance standard pursuant to the CAFO
Effluent Limitations Guideline in 40 CFR part 412
- State requirements apply to specific areas of the operation
Large CAFOs without NPDES Permits
If not inspected to date, inspect all large CAFOs that are not covered by an NPDES
permit within five years to determine whether the facility discharges. Thereafter, inspect as
needed based on the possibility for an unauthorized discharge. Inspections of unpermitted
CAFOs should evaluate all aspects of the CAFO, including practices associated with land
application of manure, litter and process wastewater to determine whether all land application
discharges are exempt agricultural stormwater. OECA encourages regions and states to utilize
available desktop screening tools, such as aerial and satellite images and geographic information
systems (GIS) software, in conjunction with known CAFO universe data, to both identify large
July 2014 NPDES Compliance Monitoring Strategy
CAFOs that do not have NPDES permits and to select inspection targets.
Medium AFOs without NPDES Permits
Assess all medium-sized AFOs one-time initially to determine whether the facility is a
medium CAFO, including whether the facility discharges. Assessments evaluate whether the
facility meets the definition of a medium CAFO due to the number of animals confined and
one of the two following criteria being met: (1) pollutants are discharged to a water of the
United States through a manmade ditch, flushing system or other similar manmade device, or
(2) pollutants are discharged directly into water of the United States that passes over, across or
through the facility or otherwise comes into direct contact with the animals confined in the
operation. See 40 CFR 122.23(b)(6). Prioritize on-site assessments based on priority
watersheds, nutrient impairments, complaints, or other information. The region or state may be
able to make a determination about certain facilities, such as those that are not near a water of
the U.S., by conducting a thorough off-site assessment. An off-site assessment of a medium
AFO would most likely involve review of maps and aerial images and any agency or public
records about the operation.
After the initial assessment, if the facility is not a medium CAFO, States and regions
should conduct future on-site inspections as needed based on available information, such as
citizen tips or complaints, and designate the AFO as a CAFO if the facility is a significant
contributor of pollutants to a water of the United States. If the facility is a medium CAFO, a
NPDES permit is required; therefore, the inspector should coordinate with the EPA or state
permit writer and thereafter inspect the CAFO in accordance with section 2.D.1 of this policy.
Small AFOs
States and regions should conduct an on-site inspection of small AFOs as needed based
on a citizen tip or complaint or other information to determine whether the AFO should be
designated as a CAFO. In states with NPDES program authorization, CAFO designations may be
made by the State Director. The Regional Administrator may also designate CAFOs in
authorized states , but only where the Regional Administrator has determined that one or more
pollutants in the AFO’s discharge contributes to an impairment in a downstream or adjacent state
or Indian country water that is impaired for that pollutant. States or EPA shall consider the
following factors in making a designation: (i) the size of the AFO and the amount of wastes
reaching waters of the United States; (ii) the location of the AFO relative to waters of the Unites
States; (iii) the means of conveyance of animal wastes and process wastewaters into waters of
the United States; (iv) the slope, vegetation, rainfall and other factors affecting the likelihood or
frequency of discharge of animal waste manure and process wastewaters into waters of the
United States; and (v) other relevant factors. s No designation by either the State Director or
Regional Administrator may be made unless pollutants are discharged into a water of the United
States due to either (1) a manmade ditch, flushing system or other similar manmade device, or
(2) a water of the United States that passes over, across or through the facility, or otherwise
comes into direct contact with animals confined at the operation. See 40 CFR 122.23(c).
July 2014 NPDES Compliance Monitoring Strategy
3.A Pesticides
As a result of a U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals decision in National Cotton
Council, et al. v. EPA, as of October 31, 2011, point source discharges of biological
pesticides, and chemical pesticides that leave a residue, into waters of the U.S. are required to
comply with NPDES requirements. The EPA finalized a rule on June 21, 2013, to remove the
exemption for pesticide discharges from the NPDES regulations. EPA and the states
currently regulate pesticide discharges to waters of the United States primarily through
NPDES general permits. Visit for additional information.
There is no set compliance monitoring frequency goal for pesticide operators subject
to the NPDES program. Regions and states should conduct compliance monitoring activities
in response to tips and complaints and other available information relevant to compliance.
3.B Vessels
EPA currently regulates discharges incidental to the normal operation of commercial
vessels greater than 79 feet in length and operating as a means of transportation primarily
through the Vessel General Permit (VGP). The first VGP was issued in 2008 and effective until
December 19, 2013. On March 28, 2013, EPA re-issued the VGP for another five years. A brief
overview of the 2013 VGB is available at
Recreational vessels as defined in section 502(25) of the Clean Water Act are not subject
to the 2013 VGP. Likewise, except for ballast water discharges, NPDES permits are not required
for any discharges incidental to normal operation of commercial fishing vessels and other non-
recreational vessels less than 79 feet. However, unless Congress takes additional action, the
moratorium from the requirement to obtain permit coverage for incidental discharges from these
vessels expires December 18, 2014. In anticipation of the end of the moratorium, EPA published
a draft small Vessel General Permit (sVGP) in 2013 to provide for permit coverage for these
incidental discharges and will finalize the sVGP during the summer of 2014. Visit for updates.
There is no set compliance monitoring frequency goal for vessels subject to the NPDES
program. Regions and states should conduct compliance monitoring activities in response to tips
and complaints and other available information relevant to compliance. EPA headquarters and
regions will work jointly and cooperatively with the U.S. Coast Guard pursuant to the 2011
Memorandum of Understanding between the two agencies, For Collaboration on Compliance
Assistance, Compliance Monitoring, and Enforcement of Vessel General Permit Requirements
on Vessels,” available at
July 2014 NPDES Compliance Monitoring Strategy
Part 3: Activity Type Descriptions
This part provides detailed descriptions of each activity type discussed in the previous
sections and performed by NPDES compliance personnel. Compliance personnel should choose
the type of compliance monitoring activity to be conducted based on the compliance status and
history of the facility, the information needed from the facility, the type of facility involved, data
about the quality of receiving waters, etc. The type of inspection selected will inform what
activities will be conducted onsite, such as what additional information the inspector will gather
or verify during the inspection. Where feasible, compliance personnel should perform
background and records reviews prior to going onsite to streamline onsite activities and to utilize
resources more efficiently. Note that some types of NPDES inspections may encompass several
elements from multiple inspection types (e.g., a stormwater inspection may encompass elements
from both a Compliance Sampling Inspection and a Performance Audit Inspection).
Combined Sewer Overflow Inspection
During a CSO inspection, the inspector conducts an on-site inspection in response to
information received regarding a known or suspected overflow event. A CSO inspection
evaluates compliance with the CWA and CSO Policy requirements as written in the NPDES
permit, an enforcement order, a consent decree, or another enforceable document. The inspector
should verify whether the permittee is preventing CSOs during dry weather, implementing the
nine minimum controls, adhering to a schedule for development, submission, and
implementation of a long-term CSO control plan, eliminating or relocating overflows to
sensitive areas, adhering to effluent limitations, and implementing a post-construction
compliance monitoring program.
Compliance Biomonitoring Inspection
This on-site inspection of an NPDES direct discharger includes the same objectives and tasks as
a Compliance Sampling Inspection. A Compliance Biomonitoring Inspection reviews a
permittee's toxicity bioassay techniques and records maintenance to evaluate compliance with the
bio- monitoring terms of the NPDES permit and to determine whether the permittee's effluent is
toxic. The Compliance Biomonitoring Inspection also includes the collection of effluent samples
by the inspector to conduct acute and chronic toxicity testing to evaluate the biological effect of a
permittee's effluent discharge(s) on test organisms. Each state should have the ability to conduct
bio-monitoring inspections, have a designated contractor conduct inspections, or have an
equivalent program to independently verify a discharger’s compliance with Whole Effluent
Toxicity permit requirements.
Compliance Evaluation Inspection
The Compliance Evaluation Inspection is an on-site nonsampling inspection of an NPDES
direct discharger designed to verify permittee compliance with applicable permit self-
monitoring requirements, effluent limits, and compliance schedules. Inspectors must review
records, make visual observations and evaluate treatment facilities, laboratories, effluents and
receiving waters. During the Compliance Evaluation Inspection, the inspector must examine
both chemical and biological self-monitoring, which form the basis for all other inspection
types except the Reconnaissance Inspection.
July 2014 NPDES Compliance Monitoring Strategy
Compliance Sampling Inspection
The Compliance Sampling Inspection of an NPDES direct discharger includes the same
objectives and tasks as a Compliance Evaluation Inspection. In addition, inspectors must take
representative samples. Inspectors then verify the accuracy of the permittee's self-monitoring
program and reports through chemical and bacteriological analysis; evaluate compliance with
discharge limitations; determine the quantity and quality of effluents; and provide evidence for
enforcement proceedings where appropriate.
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation Inspection
The objective of this inspection is to evaluate a CAFO’s compliance with permit
requirements, permit conditions, applicable regulations, and other requirements. To evaluate
compliance with requirements and regulations, a CAFO inspection involves review of facility
documents and records, such as the facility’s permit, nutrient management plan, animal
inventory, and all associated records. The on-site inspection also includes assessing the
structural integrity, maintenance condition, and storage availability of the facility. For CAFOs
that land-apply manure, litter, or process wastewater, the CAFO inspection will include
review of in-field and edge-of-field conservation practices, land application protocols and all
other factors relevant to determining whether the CAFO has non-agricultural stormwater
discharges from land application areas. Where appropriate, CAFO inspections may include
sampling of manure, litter, wastewater and/or soil. A CAFO inspection may also require
collection of information necessary to establish whether the receiving water of any CAFO
discharge is a water of the United States.
Diagnostic Inspection
The Diagnostic Inspection is an on-site activity that primarily focuses on Publicly Owned
Treatment Works (POTWs) that have not achieved permit compliance. POTWs that are having
difficulty diagnosing their problems are targeted. The purposes of the Diagnostic Inspection are
to identify the causes of noncompliance, suggest immediate remedies that will help the POTW
achieve compliance, and support current or future enforcement action. Once the cause of
noncompliance is defined, an administrative order is usually issued that requires the permittee
to conduct a detailed analysis and develop a composite correction plan.
Focused Compliance Inspection
In order for a Focused Compliance Inspection (also referred to in the CMS as a Focused
Inspection) to count toward implementation of an approved alternative CMS plan, all applicable
conditions outlined in Part 1 must be met. A Focused Inspection is an on-site inspection that
evaluates compliance for one or more specific portions of a facility (e.g., specific operation or
process stream), permit or program (e.g., a pretreatment control authority’s oversight of
industrial users) in order to make a compliance determination. A fact-driven analysis determines
whether a comprehensive inspection (see footnote 5) or a Focused Inspection is appropriate for
the particular facility. Some industries that typically require full process-based inspections may
not qualify for a Focused Inspection. The scope of a Focused Inspection should be informed by
the facility’s compliance history, information about recent changes in the facility’s operation,
and other data that indicates a portion of the program or facility that is more likely to have
associated compliance issues. A Focused Inspection is more detailed than a Reconnaissance
Inspection, but not as comprehensive as a Compliance Evaluation Inspection, Compliance
Sampling Inspection, Diagnostic Inspection, or Pretreatment Compliance Inspection. Although
July 2014 NPDES Compliance Monitoring Strategy
the scope of a Focused Inspection is narrower than a Compliance Evaluation Inspection, the level
of detail required for the portion of the facility, permit or program aspect reviewed should be
comparable to the level of detail required for a Compliance Evaluation Inspection. A
Reconnaissance Inspection, which only requires a preliminary overview of a permittee's
compliance program and brief inspection of the facility, does not qualify as a Focused Inspection.
Follow-up Inspection
The Follow-up Inspection is a resource intensive on-site inspection conducted when a
compliance problem is identified as a result of a routine inspection or a complaint. For a
Follow-up Inspection, the appropriate resources are assembled to deal effectively with a
specific enforcement problem.
Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Audit
An MS4 Audit is used to evaluate overall MS4 stormwater management program
implementation, and identify problems the local government may have in implementing the
program. MS4 Audits involve an on-site visit and comprehensive review of the local
government's MS4 stormwater management program including, where applicable: (1) structural
and source control measures; (2) detection and removal of illicit discharges and improper
disposal into storm sewers; (3) monitoring and controlling pollutants in stormwater discharges;
(4) implementing and maintaining structural and nonstructural best management practices
(BMPs); (5) implementation schedules and assignment of appropriate individuals; (6) the
inspection and enforcement program for covered industrial facilities and construction sites; and
(7) the dry weather screening program. The auditor should make a determination of whether
controls are in place and in good working order, and whether facilities have schedules for
construction of structural control measures.
Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Inspection
An MS4 Inspection is an on-site inspection that involves reviewing some, but not all, elements of
the MS4 stormwater management program to evaluate whether the MS4 is implementing an
adequate program in the selected program elements. The program elements would be selected by
the region or a state after review of the MS4 permit and other relevant information. See MS4
Audit definition for program elements.
Off-site Desk Audit
In order for an Off-site Desk Audit to count toward implementation of an approved alternative
CMS plan, all applicable conditions outlined in Part 1 must be met. An Off-site Desk Audit is a
comprehensive off-site compliance evaluation of information, data, records, and facility reports
in order to make a facility-level or program-level (for pretreatment and MS4s) compliance
determination. Routine off-site compliance monitoring activities, such as reviewing self-
monitoring reports or records of phone calls with the facility, are not enough to be considered an
off-site desk audit. An Off-site Desk Audit may include review of agency-gathered testing,
sampling and ambient monitoring data, responses to CWA section 308 requests, compliance
deliverables submitted pursuant to permits or enforcement orders, remote sensing, aerial or
satellite images, DMRs, annual reports, conversations with facilities, and tips and complaints. In
conducting an Off-site Desk Audit, regions and states may utilize video conferencing with
facility personnel to gather additional information as they conduct their evaluation. For example,
July 2014 NPDES Compliance Monitoring Strategy
video conferencing could enable the auditor to join facility personnel on a virtual walking tour of
all or part of the facility. The Off-site Desk Audit must be performed by an authorized inspector
(consistent with appropriate federal, state, or tribal authority) or other credible regulator (i.e., an
individual designated by the EPA or state/local/tribal agency with sufficient knowledge, training,
or experience to assess compliance). This individual should select the candidate for the Off-site
Desk Audit based on personal knowledge of the facility, in conjunction with information from
DMRs, other reports, and prior on-site inspections, and have adequate information about the
facility’s activities to make a compliance determination.
Performance Audit Inspection
The inspector conducts an on-site performance audit inspection (PAI) of an NPDES direct
discharger to evaluate the permittee's self-monitoring program. As with a Compliance Evaluation
Inspection, the PAI verifies the permittee's reported data and compliance through a records
check. However, the PAI provides a more resource-intensive review of the permittee's self-
monitoring program and evaluates the permittee's procedures for sample collection, flow
measurement, chain-of-custody, laboratory analyses, data compilation, reporting, and other areas
related to the self-monitoring program. In a Compliance Evaluation Inspection, the inspector
makes a cursory visual observation of the treatment facility, laboratory, effluents, and receiving
waters. In a PAI, the inspector observes the permittee performing the self-monitoring process
from sample collection and flow measurement through laboratory analyses, data workup, and
reporting. The PAI does not include the collection of samples by the inspector. However, the
inspector may require the permittee to analyze performance samples for laboratory evaluation
Pretreatment Audit
A Pretreatment Audit involves an on-site visit and a comprehensive evaluation all aspects of the
local POTW control authority’s program. The primary goals of the audit are to assess the local
program’s compliance with the regulatory requirements under the NPDES direct discharge
permit, note areas of the control authority’s program that need to be modified to bring the
program into compliance with the regulations, and to identify circumstances that might warrant
enforcement actions against the control authority. In the course of conducting a Pretreatment
Audit, the region or state should ensure that the POTW is following its Enforcement Response
Plan when the POTW identifies industrial user noncompliance. Ultimately, the Pretreatment
Audit will help the approval authority (i.e., region or state) identify areas for improvement and
make recommendations to increase the effectiveness of the control authority’s program. A
Pretreatment Audit includes oversight inspections of at least two industrial users that discharge
to the POTW and may include sampling.
The Pretreatment Audit is further defined and discussed in the Control Authority Pretreatment
Audit Checklist and Instructions, which includes sections for evaluating environmental
indicators and investigating the control authority’s use of pollution prevention techniques
(February 2010), available at
July 2014 NPDES Compliance Monitoring Strategy
Pretreatment Compliance Inspection
The on-site Pretreatment Compliance Inspection (PCI) is a tool for the approval authority (i.e.,
region or state) to determine the control authoritys compliance with and enforcement of its
approved pretreatment program during the years between audits. The PCI evaluates the POTW's
implementation of its approved pretreatment program. It includes a review of the POTW's
records on monitoring, inspections, and enforcement activities for its industrial users (IUs). In
the course of conducting a PCI, the region or state should ensure that the POTW is following
its Enforcement Response Plan when the POTW identifies IU noncompliance. The PCI should
include an appropriate number of IU inspections or site visits to evaluate the control authority
oversight procedures and to assess accurate application of categorical pretreatment standards.
The PCI can include IU sampling, depending on the reason for the inspection. For example,
samples may be collected and analyzed to verify the industrial user’s self-monitoring program.
Inspectors may prefer to conduct the PCI concurrently with an NPDES inspection of the
POTW. For additional information on the steps involved in conducting a PCI, see EPA’s
Guidance for Conducting a Pretreatment Compliance Inspection (September 1991), available
Reconnaissance Inspection
The Reconnaissance Inspection is an on-site inspection that can be conducted with or without
sampling (RWS and ROS in ICIS-NPDES, respectively) and is used to obtain a preliminary
overview of a permittee's compliance program. The inspector performs a brief visual
inspection of the permittee's treatment facility, effluents, and receiving waters. The
Reconnaissance Inspection uses the inspector's experience and judgment to quickly summarize
any potential compliance problems. One objective of the Reconnaissance Inspection is to
expand inspection coverage without increasing inspection resources. The Reconnaissance
Inspection is the briefest and least resource intensive of all CWA inspections.
Sanitary Sewer Overflow Inspection
During an SSO Inspection, the inspector conducts an on-site inspection in response to
information received regarding a known or suspected overflow event. An SSO Inspection
evaluates compliance with NPDES permit terms and conditions for system design, operation
and maintenance, permit reporting requirements, an enforcement order, a consent decree, or
another enforceable document. The inspector collects information to verify that the permittee is
complying with the NPDES standard permit conditions (duty to mitigate and proper operation
and maintenance) and the required notification procedures. The inspector also determines
whether there have been any additional unpermitted discharges, or discharges from a location
other than the discharge point specified in the permit, to waters of the United States. When
preparing for an SSO Inspection, the inspector should consider OECA’s Guide for Evaluating
Capacity, Management, Operation, and Maintenance (CMOM) Programs at Sanitary Sewer
Collection Systems (2005), available at
Sewage Sludge/Biosolids Inspection
The objective of a Sewage Sludge/Biosolids Inspection is to assess facilities engaged in a
regulated sludge or biosolids activity (see 40 CFR part 503) to evaluate compliance with
applicable regulatory provisions, including sludge monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting,
July 2014 NPDES Compliance Monitoring Strategy
treatment operations, sampling and laboratory quality assurance and use or disposal practices.
Sewage Sludge/Biosolids Inspection are on-site activities that may be conducted in conjunction
with compliance inspections at major and non-major POTWs. The Pretreatment Compliance
Inspection, Compliance Evaluation Inspection, and Performance Audit Inspection are the most
likely vehicles for evaluating compliance with sludge/biosolids requirements.
Significant Industrial User Inspection
For purposes of this CMS, the SIU Inspection of an indirect discharger is performed where
agencies are acting as the pretreatment control authority pursuant to 40 CFR 403.10 in the
absence of a local POTW with an approved pretreatment program, or where EPA or the state is
otherwise performing oversight. The SIU Inspection is an on-site activity that includes a close
review of the indirect discharge permit and the SIU’s compliance, recordkeeping and reporting
since the last inspection. The pretreatment regulations provide that state and local control
authorities must conduct sampling inspections of all SIUs at least annually to evaluate
compliance with applicable pretreatment standards independent of the IU’s self-monitoring
reports. See 40 CFR 403.8(f).
Stormwater Inspection
Stormwater Inspections at industrial facilities and construction sites are designed to evaluate
compliance with NPDES permits for stormwater discharge. A Stormwater Inspection may also
evaluate whether an industrial facility or construction site has obtained NPDES permit coverage
if required. A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) documents how the facility intends
to comply with the terms and conditions of the permit, including effluent limitations. During the
on-site inspection, the inspector reviews the permit and the measures described in the SWPPP to
evaluate whether the facility is following its plan for complying with the permit. The inspector
also reviews records, such as self-inspection reports, to verify that the facility is complying with
its permit and following the SWPPP, and walks the site to verify that the SWPPP is accurate and
BMPs are in place and functioning properly.
Toxics Sampling Inspection
The Toxic Sampling Inspection of an NPDES direct discharger is an on-site inspection that has
the same objectives as a conventional Compliance Sampling Inspection. However, it places
increased emphasis on toxic substances regulated by the NPDES permit. The Toxic Sampling
Inspection covers priority pollutants other than heavy metals, phenols, and cyanide, which are
typically included in a Compliance Sampling Inspection (if regulated by the NPDES permit). A
Toxic Sampling Inspection uses more resources than a Compliance Sampling Inspection
because sophisticated techniques are required to sample and analyze toxic pollutants. A Toxic
Sampling Inspection may also evaluate raw materials, process operations, and treatment
facilities to identify toxic substances requiring controls.
July 2014 NPDES Compliance Monitoring Strategy
Part 4: ICIS-NPDES Data Entry
OECA is providing this table as a reference tool for EPA and state personnel who enter compliance monitoring activity data into
ICIS-NPDES. All of the information in the table corresponds to the goals and flexibilities set forth in Part 2 of this policy and
implemented under a traditional CMS plan. For alternative CMS plans, the table below is the starting point for ICIS-NPDES data
entry and can be tailored for any metrics in the alternative plan where the compliance monitoring commitments deviate from the
national CMS goals summarized in the table. Please contact the Office of Compliance, Monitoring, Assistance and Media Programs
Division, Water Branch if you have questions about ICIS-NPDES data entry for activities conducted pursuant to an alternative CMS
CMS Goal
National Recommended
Minimum Frequency
Acceptable ICIS-NPDES
Compliance Monitoring Type
for Traditional CMS Plan
Corresponding ICIS-
NPDES Compliance
Monitoring Type Code
1.A: Major
National Standard
At least one
comprehensive inspection
every other year
Evaluation, Sampling, Audit,
Diagnostic, Biomonitoring,
1.A: Major
At least one
Evaluation, Sampling, Audit,
See Part 2, Section 1.A for
comprehensive inspection
Diagnostic, Biomonitoring,
further discussion of the ITM.
every three years for
facilities designated for
modified inspection
frequency by Inspection
Targeting Model (ITM) or
comparable modeling tool
1.B.1: Traditional
One inspection every five
Evaluation, Sampling, Audit,
Inspection type flexibility
non-major non-
years (comprehensive
Diagnostic, Biomonitoring,
allowed because facility is not
impaired waters
inspections for at least %5
of universe per year)
Toxics, Reconnaissance with
Sampling, Reconnaissance
without Sampling, Follow-up,
Oversight, Focused, Operation
and Maintenance
contributing to impaired waters.
July 2014 NPDES Compliance Monitoring Strategy
CMS Goal
National Recommended
Minimum Frequency
Acceptable ICIS-NPDES
Compliance Monitoring Type
for Traditional CMS Plan
Corresponding ICIS-
NPDES Compliance
Monitoring Type Code
1.B.2: Traditional
impaired waters
Comprehensive inspection
once every five years
Evaluation, Sampling, Audit,
Diagnostic, Biomonitoring,
program audits
At least one audit every
five years, including
oversight inspection of
two Industrial Users (UIs)
For SIU inspections: Oversight,
Audit (IU), Evaluation (IU),
Non-sampling (IU), Sampling
(IU), Toxics (IU)
For SIU inspections:
Include program code
At least two Pretreatment
Compliance Inspections
every five years
Evaluation, Follow-up,
Include program code
Pretreatment -
Annual sampling
inspection of all SIUs
discharging to POTWs
without an approved
pretreatment program
Oversight, Audit (IU),
Evaluation (IU), Sampling (IU),
Toxics (IU)
This is a regulatory requirement.
See 40 CFR 403.8(f).
1.D: Sewage
At least one
comprehensive inspection
or off-site desk audit every
five years for major
POTWs and all regulated
use and disposal facilities
Evaluation, Sampling, Desk
Include CWAS program code.
May be conducted in
conjunction with compliance
inspections at major and non-
major POTWs.
See Part 2, Section 1.D for off-
site desk audit criteria
applicable to authorized state
July 2014 NPDES Compliance Monitoring Strategy
CMS Goal
National Recommended
Minimum Frequency
Acceptable ICIS-NPDES
Compliance Monitoring Type
for Traditional CMS Plan
Corresponding ICIS-
NPDES Compliance
Monitoring Type Code
1.E: Oversight
Regional discretion; should
include some activity in
each state each year
Include program code (e.g.,
CWAPRTRT), if applicable.
2.A: Combined
sewer systems
(CSS)- Major and
At least one CSO
inspection every five years
Evaluation, Sampling
Include program code CWACSO.
When entering EPA inspections,
select the OECA National
Priority WW CSOs < 50K serv.
pop’n.” or “WW – CSOs >= 50K
serv. pop’n.,” where applicable.
2.B: Sanitary
Sewer Systems
5% of universe of
permitted POTWs with SSS
Evaluation, Sampling
Include program code CWASSO.
When entering EPA inspections,
select the OECA National
Priority “WW SSOs >= 10 mg/d
and < 100 mg/d, where
2.C.1: MS4 Phase
I and Phase II
Audit, MS4 inspection, or
off-site desk audit of entire
universe every five years.
At least one on-site audit
or inspection every seven
Audit, Sampling, Evaluation,
Desk Audit
AU1, SA1, CEI, and DSA
Include program code
When entering EPA audits and
inspections, select the OECA
National Priority WW MS4s
Phase I or “WW – MS4s
Phase II,” where applicable.
2.C.2: Industrial
10% of universe annually
Inspections of unpermitted
sites, including those with
no exposure
Evaluation, Sampling
Include program code
July 2014 NPDES Compliance Monitoring Strategy
CMS Goal
National Recommended
Minimum Frequency
Acceptable ICIS-NPDES
Compliance Monitoring Type
for Traditional CMS Plan
Corresponding ICIS-
NPDES Compliance
Monitoring Type Code
certification, count toward
the 10% goal.
2.C.3: Construction
stormwater sites
10% of permitted universe
Inspections of unpermitted
sites count toward the
10% goal.
Evaluation, Sampling
Include program code
2.D.1: Large and
medium permitted
Minimum of one
comprehensive inspection
every five years; more
frequent recommended if
certain criteria are met
Evaluation, Sampling
Include program code
When entering EPA CAFO
inspections, select the OECA
National Priority WW CAFO
or “WW CAFO Regional
Initiative !rea,” where
2.D.2: Large
Assess entire universe to
determine whether the
CAFO discharges; inspect
thereafter as needed.
Evaluation, Sampling
Include program code
When entering EPA CAFO
inspections, select the OECA
National Priority “WW – C!FO”
or “WW CAFO Regional
Initiative !rea,” where
2.D.3: Medium
Onetime assessment of
whether AFO is a CAFO,
then inspect as needed
Evaluation, Sampling, AFO
Designated, AFO Defined, Desk
Include program code
July 2014 NPDES Compliance Monitoring Strategy
CMS Goal
National Recommended
Minimum Frequency
Acceptable ICIS-NPDES
Compliance Monitoring Type
for Traditional CMS Plan
Corresponding ICIS-
NPDES Compliance
Monitoring Type Code
When entering EPA CAFO
inspections, select the OECA
National Priority “WW – C!FO”
or “WW CAFO Regional
Initiative !rea,” where
On-site inspection is required in
order to designate.
2.D.4: Small AFOs
As needed
Evaluation, Sampling, AFO
Include program code
On-site inspection is required in
order to designate.
3.A: Pesticides
As needed
Evaluation, Sampling, Audit,
Diagnostic, Biomonitoring,
Toxics, Reconnaissance with
Sampling, Reconnaissance
without Sampling, Follow-up,
Oversight, Focused, Operation
and Maintenance
3.B: Vessels
As needed
Evaluation, Sampling, Audit,
Diagnostic, Biomonitoring,
Toxics, Reconnaissance with
Sampling, Reconnaissance
without Sampling, Follow-up,
Oversight, Focused, Operation
and Maintenance