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Commitment, Pride, Honor, Success
School Start-Up Information
Beginning of School
The first day of school is August 12, 2020. We will be sending out additional information as it relates to the
start of school once all the rules, policies, and procedures are established due to COVID-19. Virtual or In-
person instruction will begin on Wednesday August 12, 2020 and students will begin in a homeroom setting
of some sort to start the day. We will then follow an adjusted schedule the first 2 days of school. We will
post homerooms for in-person and how to access virtually on Monday, August 10, 2020. All students will
have the opportunity to schedule and work through any issues prior to school starting. Beginning the first
day of school, we will work on handing out any textbooks through classes and issue lockers by student
request. All students will receive a new copy of their schedule in their homeroom on the first day of school.
Students are allowed to use backpacks but all items including the backpack must be able to be stored
underneath a student desk. No items are to be in the aisles of the classroom.
Student Orientations (New Method)
All Students: Students will be able to access their schedule on July 29, 2020 through Student/Parent Access
Center. Please review your schedule as soon as possible. If there is an issue with your schedule, please
email your counselor first. If you feel you need to speak with them in person, you will have the opportunity
to sign up for a time in a Sign-up Genius so you can speak with your counselor. The meeting will occur on
July 30 or July 31.
Freshman Orientation/Camp: Freshmen will have the opportunity to sign-up through Sign-up Genius to
attend an informational session and tour the school with our CP Ambassadors. The events will take place on
July 30 or July 31. It will be a great time for freshman to get a feel for the school, get their ID, and hear
about the traditions of College Park.
Open School/Clubs and Organization Information: On Monday, August 3, 2020, from 3 p.m. – 6 p.m., we
will host an Open School and Organizations Fair. Our groups and clubs will be at the school to pass out
information about meetings and activities a student can become involved. Also, the school will be open for
students to walk their schedule and be more comfortable for the 1
Student drop-off/pick-up/Busses/Parking
We currently have a construction project in progress. Due to the construction, we have had to make some
changes to our traffic pattern. It is vital that all parents and students follow the directions online to
minimize issues with traffic. (Student drop-off/pickup is located in the front of the building all parents will
enter the main entrance (Honor Roll Drive). The bus drop-off/pickup is on the side of the building by the
Auditorium with the busses entering Fellowship Drive (West Entrance). Cars should not be driven on the
bus drop-off/pickup roads for any reason. Bus route information will be available on-line sometime in late
July. If you have questions concerning routes and their arrival/departure times, please visit the CISD
website or call Transportation at 832-592-8800. Student drivers will enter the student parking lot from
Achievement Drive (East Entrance). Please see the Parking and Driver’s Safety Course
http://twcp.conroeisd.net/student-helpful-links/ for information regarding student drivers. All drivers are
reminded to leave early and be patient each day to minimize issues. Please remember that the businesses in
front of the school are not locations for pick-up or drop off. They are for their customers only Please
remember that once a student arrives on campus they are not allowed to leave. If they are going to
visit a food establishment by the school, they need to do that prior to arriving on campus.
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Immunization Requirements & CISD Medication Policy
Students must have physician records documenting a completed series of immunizations as follows: poliomyelitis,
diphtheria, and tetanus (series of three each with the last one given after the age of four years); Tdap Booster due 10
years after last DPT; mumps, measles/rubeola, and rubella (2 doses after age one); varicella/chickenpox vaccine or
parent documented disease and Hepatitis B series of three. If you have been notified that your student is due a Tdap
booster during the summer months, please have a physician verified copy ready to turn in at orientation or before. You
may also turn it in to the front desk at TWCP. In addition, incoming 9
thru 12
graders need to have 2 doses of
Varicella vaccine after age one/or history of disease, 2 doses of the Hepatitis A vaccine and one dose of Meningococcal
Vaccine (Menactra, MCV4) after the 11
All prescription and over-the-counter medication must be checked into the clinic by a parent or guardian. All
medications must be in their original container, and the clinic must have signed parent permission to administer them.
Prescription medication must have the student’s name on the prescription label with directions for administration of the
contents. Over-the-counter medication must be current by expiration date, within recommended dosage range for the
student as directed on the label, and in containers of 25 or less due to space limitations. Students are not allowed to
carry medications (including vitamins, herbal supplements, diet pills, caffeine pills, etc.) with them while at school,
store them in their lockers, or carry them home on the school bus. Medication will be accepted beginning the
afternoon of August 9, 2019.
Breakfast /Lunch
There are 4 lunches with each lunch offering full plate lunches and a la carte selections. Drink machines are also
available during lunch and after school. At this time, Breakfast prices are; $1.50 full price for students and lunches
will be $3.00 and a la carte prices vary depending on item selection, more information, log on to the child nutrition
website: http://childnutrition.conroeisd.net/
Pre-payments can also be made in your student’s account online.
Student’s lunch is determined by their 5
period class. Lunch schedules will be posted throughout the building.
Please refer to them for the specific lunch schedule.
Parking/Driver’s Safety Course
All students driving must have a parking permit ($75) and have completed the driver’s safety course on-line. The on-
line registration will begin July 11th for juniors and seniors only. http://twcp.conroeisd.net/student-helpful-links/. The
driver’s safety course can be taken on-line and can be accessed through the TWCP website beginning July 11
close on July 31 for the initial parking placement. We will use a random draw system to assign parking spots based on
grade and attendance. We will reopen the parking website on August 5 for late student registration. Students will be
able to pay for the parking permit on-line through School Cash. Parking permits will be distributed on August 6th
3-5 p.m. in the Student Entrance Foyer. Please know that the businesses in front of the school are not open for parking
during the school day. Violators will be towed at the owner’s expense. (Yes, even the closed businesses. The
landlord has asked us to remind all parents and students. It is $250+ to get your vehicle back).
Senior Information
Senior Dues are now $110. (Dues will increase after Spring Break to $125). Senior class dues are for all the activities
throughout the school year; these can be paid online at SchoolCash Online. Please contact Grade Level Office, for
more information, or if you are having difficulty paying senior dues.
Senior Dues Cover:
Senior Lighting Program
Senior T-Shirt (with Senior names)
Prom Ticket
Senior Picnic
Senior Dues do NOT Cover:
Cap, Gown or Graduation Announcements Prom Date Ticket
Homecoming Ticket Panoramic Picture
Prom Pictures GradNight (Registration will begin in the Spring Semester)
Please note:
*Senior Dues are optional. Seniors do not have to pay any dues to graduate.
*Seniors who graduate early (are still considered seniors) and must pay dues to participate in all activities. *An early
graduate cannot go as a date to prom. (they are considered a Senior)
*Any senior attending prom MUST pay dues.
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General School Information/Policies
Attendance at school is vital for student success. We ask that students be at school each and every day
possible. Please schedule trips and other activities on non-school days. If your student has a fever, please
keep them at home. Otherwise, we ask that you send them to school. We have a nurse on staff that will
evaluate a student’s status and let you know if they need to go home. We estimate that a student’s average
will decrease 1 ½ - 2 pts per absence. The more they attend school the better they will perform. Our goal
for the year is to have a 97% attendance rate so we maximize students learning and performance and have
them ready for the next year, college, or the work force.
The Texas Education code requires that students attend at least 90% of scheduled school days per semester.
The code requires schools to deny credit for students found in violation of this rule. Students will be given
an opportunity to regain credit by following a detailed plan outlined by the student’s assistant principal.
Failure to complete the plan or have additional absences will result in the denial credit standing firm. Please
know that attendance is taken in each individual class and credit is determined on a class by class basis.
Therefore, I need all of our Cavaliers to be at school. We finished the 18-19 school year at 96.4%
attendance rate for the year up from 95.7%, way to go however, this falls short of our goal of 97%. I need
all Cavaliers to work hard to be here each and every day. We know that attendance at school improves
students’ grades. We want everyone to perform at the highest possible level and be prepared for the future.
Please work hard to be here each day.
Attendance works:
The best gift you can give your child is a good education. And the best place to get that education is in
Every day, On time.
Just a few days here and there, even if they’re excused absences, can add up to too much lost learning
time and put your child behind in school. This is as true in kindergarten as it is in high school
If missing school is unavoidable, talk to your student’s teachers in advance to create a plan for making
up missed work.
Bell Schedule
As students arrive in the morning, they may enter the building and wait for the first bell in the commons
First bell: 7:05 a.m. Class begins: 7:20 a.m. Dismissal: 2:35 p.m.
Regular Bell Schedule
Period 7:20 - 8:07
Period 8:14 - 9:00
Period 9:07 - 9:53
Period 10:00 – 10:46
Period 10:53 – 12:49
A-Lunch: 10:47 – 11:17 Class/Advisory: 11:24 – 12:49
B-Lunch: 11:17 – 11:47 Class: 11:52 – 12:49 Advisory: 10:53 – 11:17
C-Lunch: 11:48 – 12:18 Class: 10:53 – 11:48 Advisory: 12:23 – 12:49
D-Lunch: 12:19 – 12:49 Class/Advisory: 10:53 – 12:19
Period 12:56 – 1:42
Period 1:49 – 2:35
There is a 7-minute passing period between each class.
* Students will participate in CPHS class for 25 minutes during 5
period each week. The purpose of the
class is to support the students and provide another opportunity to help them through the high school
process. Pep Rallies will occur at the end of the day for home football games and other selected dates
during the year.
When school is dismissed, students have 10 minutes to get to their bus, car, activity, tutoring, etc. Students
are not allowed in the building unsupervised.
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Tardy Policy
The tardy policy for the school year will be posted in the CPHS Student handbook/Addendum and in all
classrooms beginning the first day of school. Students will be informed of the tardy policy as well as other
policies and procedures. Please remember that students utilizing personal transportation will be counted
tardy or absent if they arrive late to school. Please make sure that you allow additional time on the first few
days of school and anytime road conditions may cause delays (weather, special events, etc.).
Parent/Student Sign-in/Sign-out
Visitor sign-in/sign-out will be conducted in the front office of the building. All visitors must have a valid
driver’s license to enter the building and all visitors will be scanned into our system. Please note that the
building is monitored by security cameras.
Students will sign-in/out at the attendance office. If your student needs to be picked-up early from school,
please send a note with your student to be turned in to the attendance office as soon as they arrive at school,
or call at least one hour ahead of time. This will save you and the school time and effort. Please report to
the attendance desk to sign your student in/out. Students may not be released from class the last 25 minutes
of the school day. We will not release students to take a Uber/Lyft to leave the school campus.
TWCP will not receive any deliveries from any outside source (flowers, food, etc.) for students. No Food
deliveries will be excepted for lunches. Deliveries made by parents will be accepted but it is the student’s
responsibility to check at lunch or between classes for items that have been dropped off. Classes will not be
interrupted for the delivery of any item. All items may be dropped off in the front office and will be
available for pick-up in the AP office. Students are not allowed to come to the front office during the school
day to pick up an item. This is for everyone’s safety.
Grading Policy
College Park has implemented a common grading system throughout the school, we are using a 5 Point
Grading System Each class will have assignments and assessments assigned to different categories labeled
as Formative and Summative. The two different categories will make up the students grade based on the
level of the course and the percentage for each category. Please see below for the category breakdowns for
each level.
1. Level classes will be 30% Formative (Daily/homework) and 70% Summative (Major).
2. Honors and Pre-Advanced Placement classes will be 25% Formative and 75% Summative
3. Dual Credit and Advanced Placement classes will be 20% Formative and 80% Summative
All classes will have opportunities for students to work with teachers to improve their grades. Tutoring,
peer tutoring, and other instructional strategies may be suggested. Please visit with your students teachers
for more information.
College Park has a re-test policy. Teachers will be covering the policy as it pertains to their class. We have
adjusted the policy so it is appropriate for the level of the course and meets the needs of the students. Please
note that there are various ways to adhere to this policy and each teacher has the individual discretion to
how it will work for their class. It is important the each student understand so they can maximize
opportunities to perform at a high level in all classes.
AP & Dual Credit
No retest – unless the PLC decides to offer one
Pre-AP & Honors
1 Retest or 1 cumulative 9 weeks exam (replace lowest summative grade)
Level 2 Retests or 1 Retest and 1 cumulative 9 weeks exam (replace lowest
summative grade)
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Dress Code
It is essential that school guidelines be such that an atmosphere of learning is created. It is impractical to list
every possibility of dress and grooming. It shall be the responsibility of the professional staff to determine
the appropriateness of attire for all school occasions. Dress regulations should discourage the extremes and
the fads that may lead to distractions of the educational process. Such regulations will provide appropriate
standards for the general appearance of students, foster good physical and mental health, and encourage
students in appropriate dress habits. The faculty and the administration will enforce the policy governing
dress and grooming uniformly. All students have the responsibility to wear clothing that contributes to their
own health and safety as well as those of others. The following policies have been reviewed, enhanced and
approved by a Site Based Advisory Committee. Membership on the committee included students, parents,
faculty and members of the community. Students are required to be clean and well groomed, and their dress
must be modest and non-distracting to everyone in the educational community.
As clarification of the previous policy, the following examples of dress are considered inappropriate:
Extreme hairstyles (i.e. Mohawks, mulit-colored hair, etc.) and/or styles that are disruptive or distracting
to the educational process, are prohibited.
Hats/bandanas/hoods and/or headbands (not used to hold back hair) may not to be worn, by boys or
girls, inside the building. Students should not have hats/bandanas in their possession during the school
day. If brought into the building, they must be stored in the student’s locker or backpack. Hats/Hoods
worn in the building will be taken up and can be claimed by the parents or returned to the student at the
end of the school day.
Sunglasses are not to be worn in the building.
Dog collars and spikes cannot be worn.
Blouses or shirts of see-through material without appropriate shirt or blouse underneath are not
All shirts/blouses must cover the shoulder and fits snug under the arm so undergarments are not
Tops exposing midriffs, back area or cleavage are prohibited.
Clothing with pictures/writing that has a double meaning are prohibited.
Clothing, badges, and/or tattoos, which display obscenities, sexual innuendo, depict violence or
weapons, advertise or promote alcoholic beverages, narcotics, tobacco, or other prohibited substances,
or items that could be viewed as offensive to others are not permitted.
Clothing of any type that is shorter than mid-thigh of the individual, whose clothing is in question, is not
permitted. Slits on skirts/dresses may be no higher than mid-thigh length. Holes and/or tears in
clothing that falls within the mid-thigh rule is prohibited.
Spandex clothing and leggings including yoga pants are to be worn with outerwear that is at least mid-
thigh in length.
Chains of any length or size (including wallet chains) are not allowed.
Shorts can be worn all year. The school administration will review the appropriateness of shorts each
nine weeks. If it is deemed that there has been disregard of the dress code guidelines outlined earlier in
this policy, the privilege of wearing shorts may be revoked.
Pants are not to sag inappropriately. Pants must fit at the waist.
Shoes with wheels, rollerblades, skateboards, or scooters are prohibited.
All students shall wear shoes for health reasons.
Body piercing that is distracting is inappropriate for school related activities. Gauging of the ears is not
allowed. Piercing of the eyebrows, eyelids, forehead, scalp, cheeks, lips, tongue, chin, or neck is
Sleepwear (pajamas, slippers) is not permitted for school clothing.
Trench coats, dusters, ponchos, etc. are not allowed to be worn on campus.
The principal (or designee), in conjunction with the sponsor, coach, or other person in charge of an
extracurricular activity, may regulate the dress and grooming of students who participate in the activity.
If the student’s dress or grooming is objectionable under these provisions, the principal (or designee) shall
request that the student make appropriate corrections.
A minimum of one after school detention will be assigned for a student out of dress code. If the student
refuses to correct the dress code violation, the principal (or designee) shall notify the student’s parent or
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legal guardian and request that person make the necessary correction. If both the student and parent or legal
guardian refuses, the principal (or designee) may take further appropriate disciplinary action. The student
may be suspended for a period of time determined by the principal (or designee) for violations of the dress
code. If the dress code violation cannot be corrected immediately the student may be placed in ISS until the
end of the school day or suspended.
Absence from class due to inappropriate dress or grooming will be counted as unexcused. Repeated
violations may cause additional appropriate disciplinary action to be taken.
The In-School Suspension (ISS) class has specific dress requirements as part of that disciplinary assignment.
Dress parameters are outlined in the Discipline Management section of this publication. Students will be
reminded about the requirements at the time of the ISS assignment.
Dress Code regulations for students are in effect for all student activities.
Electronic Devices
Electronic device use (including cell phones) at College Park High School will be permitted ONLY in the
common areas of the campus (hallways, cafeteria, & courtyard); before school; during passing periods,
during the student’s lunch period; and after school only. Use of electronic devices in any area of the
building during instructional time is strictly prohibited. Instructional time is defined as the time period
between the tardy bell and the dismissal bell for all class periods.
All classrooms will follow a common Electronic Device policy. All classrooms and office areas will have a
pocket system in place where all students will keep their electronic devices during class in the off position.
This will reduce the distractions in class and provide for a better learning environment for all students.
Students must follow the teacher’s guidelines in regards to its use and may not use the device for any other
purpose during that time period; this would include, but not be limited to texting, phone calls, unauthorized
web browsing, and social networks. Use of electronic devices during appropriate times is a privilege.
Please cooperate with the policy and staff member if you are not following the policy.
Self Advocacy
We strongly encourage students to deal with and solve their own issues. We ask parents and students to
first talk with the person closest to the issue (i.e. teacher). Parents/students should then proceed to the
Counselor/Assistant Principal and then to the Associate Principal if you feel that the issue is still
Parent Access (PAC)/Electronic Communication
Please take the time to register for a PAC account on the main CISD web page https://pac.conroeisd.net/
This allows us to e-mail you information periodically to help keep you informed as well as you having
access to attendance and grades. Please make sure that your email and phone number is up to date with the
school and on your PAC account. This will allow you to have the parent newsletter e-mailed to you.
TWCP can also now be found on Facebook or you can follow us on Twitter.
Other School Information
School Website
Please take the time to visit TWCP website at http://twcp.conroeisd.net/, it contains a variety of information
that may be helpful. All announcements are posted as well as a parent newsletter e-mailed every week.
School Athletics/Clubs/Activities
Club and activity information will be announced for students during the first few weeks of school.
Numerous activities will begin before school starts or as it begins. It is important for students to make sure
that they are aware of deadlines and dates of events in order to participate. Please note that all students
wishing to tryout for or participate in a sport/band must have a CISD physical form completed and
signed by an M.D. before the tryout takes place. Physical forms can be accessed on-line through the
CISD website under Parents/Students and on-line forms. The announcements will be posted in the commons
and on the school webpage for convenience.
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Activity and Club Information:
A variety of clubs and activities will begin as school starts. Please check out our school activities page on
our website at: http://twcp.conroeisd.net/campus-life/clubs-activities/ for future announcements and
newsletters concerning meetings and opportunities.
Athletic and Team Information:
All athletic and team information can be found on our school website at
TWCP PTO is very active and plays an important role at College Park. All parents/staff are encouraged to
support our school and join the PTO to help expand the educational opportunities for our students. Strong
parental support will continue to make TWCP even better so please help if you can. Please check out the
PTO website for information concerning the many volunteer opportunities available.
TWCPHS – Administration
Dr. Mark A. Murrell
Academy of Science and Technology Headmaster:
Dr. Susan Caffery
Associate Principals:
Dr. Sue HerspergerCurriculum and Instruction
Clint Holden – Administrative Services
Melanie McCarthy- Operations
Assistant Principals:
Danny Johnson- A-CLE
Lee Koslosky- CLF-GOL
Julie Roth- GOM-LEB
Victoria Brinkman- LEC-O
Kelesa Meredith- P-SI
Ashley Wallace – SJ-Z
Christina Flores Lead Counselor
Debra Creel College and Career
Meagan Piatkowski Freshman A-Lee
Shannon Andersen Freshman Lef-Z
Cindy Doud Counselor A-CASP
Dion Henry Counselor CASQ-FIL
Mary Lou Florian Counselor FIM-H
Mary Edgerly Counselor I-MAS
Chiante Deal Counselor MAT-PRE
Jaime Slabaugh Counselor PRF-STEP
Tammy Morrow Counselor STEQ-Z
Phone Numbers:
Main Number: 936-709-3000/832-482-6209
Attendance: 936-709-3003
AST: 936-709-3250
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Key Dates for the 2020-21 School Year
Date Event
11 Parking website Opens 4-5 Teacher Workday/Staff Development No
29 Students Schedules are available in
Parent/Student Access Center
6 School Resumes/1st day of Spring Semester
30 Summer Graduation Conroe HS 7 pm 8 Report Card Sent via PAC
30-31 9-12 Student Schedule Concerns 8-4 28 No HOMEWORK Night
31 Parking Website Closes for initial applications 14 Parent Info Night – Incoming 9th 6:30 pm
18 School Holiday
9-12 Club/Organization Fair; School walk 28 Parent Info. Night Upperclassmen 7 pm
4 Parking Website re-opens 28 Progress Report – UIL Regain
6 Parking Tag Pick up 2pm-4pm
12 First day of school 4 “CP Showcase” Class/Course fair
17 Senior Lighting 6 ACT Test Date
20 Open House 6 pm 15 School Holiday
24 Sr. Parent/Financial Aid Info. Night 6:30pm 18 Progress Report – UIL Regain
25 No HOMEWORK Night
3 Progress Report TBA Eyes Wide Open-PTO 7 pm
3 Pep Rally
3 No HOMEWORK Night 11
End of 3
9-weeks – UIL Determination
7 Labor Day Holiday 13 SAT
12 ACT Test Date 15-19 Spring Break
14 9
Parent Info Night 6:30 pm 26 Report Card via PAC
21 Junior Parent Information Night
23 Homecoming Pep Rally WF at 6pm 2
School Holiday
24 Progress Report – UIL Determination 6
STAAR English I
26 Homecoming Dance 8pm-12 am 6 Progress Report – UIL Regain
28 Spanish Parent information Night 6:30 pm 8 STAAR English II
. 9 STAAR Make Up Session
3 SAT Test Date 10 ACT Test Date
8 End of 1st 9-weeks – UIL Determination 12 No HOMEWORK Day
9 Pep Rally 13 Sr. Meeting with Dr. Murrell
12 School Holiday 15 Progress Report – UIL Regain
13 No HOMEWORK Night 27 Honor Graduate Breakfast
14 PSAT/SAT (12) at TWCP TBA College Knowledge-TWCP
15 Report Card Sent via PAC 30 Prom
24 ACT Test Date 30 Panoramic Picture
TBA CISD College Night-Lonestar Conv.
SAT Test Date
24 Graduation at Pavilion 7:30 pm
5 Progress Report – UIL Regain 24 Senior Picnic
6 Pep Rally- “Freeze out the Hurricanes 3-14 Advance Placement Testing
7 SAT Test Date 14-19 Senior Exams
10 No HOMEWORK Night 21-26 Final Exams begin Underclassmen
23-27 Thanksgiving Holiday 3-7 STAAR EOC Testing
3 Progress Report – UIL Regain 2
Report Card via mail
5 SAT Test Date 5 SAT
8 STAAR English I Make-Up 12 ACT
10 STAAR English II- Make-Up
12 ACT Test Date
Please note that the dates and times are
tentative. Please make sure that you check the
newsletter, our Website and find us on
Facebook and Twitter for start times and
possible date changes. **Please note that the
mid-year graduation date is tentative.
The Conroe Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis
of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and
activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other
designated youth groups. The following persons have been designated to
handle inquiries regarding these non-discrimination policies: Title IX
Coordinator, 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, Texas 77304; (936)- 709-7700 and the
Section 504/ADA Coordinator, 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, Texas 77304; (936)
15 Semester Exam Early Release
16 Semester Exam Early Release
17 Semester Exam Early Release
18 End of 2nd 9-weeks/Early Release – UIL Determination
12/21-1/6 Winter Break
TBA Jr Ring Ceremony 7pm
Mid-year Graduation 7 pm @ CHS