City of Red Deer Land Use Bylaw 3357/2006
General Regulations Applicable to All Districts 3-1
Part Three: General Regulations Applicable to All Districts
Part Three: General Regulations Applicable to All Districts ............................................ 1
3.1 Parking Spaces and Areas ................................................................................... 3
3.2 Parking Standards ............................................................................................... 6
3.2.1 Parking Layout for Commercial Developments ............................................... 7
3.2.2 Accessible Parking Design .................................................................................. 8
3.2.3 Parking and Landscaping Seperation ................................................................ 9
3.3 Sign Regulations ................................................................................................... 9
Definitions ........................................................................................................... 10
(2) Sign Regulations Procedure ................................................................................ 16
(3) Sign Permit and Requirements ............................................................................ 16
(4) Signs Not Requiring a Sign Permit ..................................................................... 17
(5) Sign Owner's Responsibility ............................................................................... 21
(6) Deleted ................................................................................................................. 21
(7) Safety Provisions ................................................................................................. 21
(8) Illumination Provisions ....................................................................................... 22
(9) Projection Over City Property - Overhanging Sign ............................................ 23
(10) Insurance ............................................................................................................. 23
(11) License Fee .......................................................................................................... 23
(12) Permit Fee ............................................................................................................ 24
(13) Revocation of Sign Permit .................................................................................. 24
3.4 Sign Regulation by Type ................................................................................... 25
(1) A-board Signs ..................................................................................................... 25
(2) Subdivision Identification Signs ......................................................................... 25
(3) Awning Signs, Canopy Signs and Under Canopy Signs .................................... 26
(4) Billboards ............................................................................................................ 27
(5) Fascia Signs ........................................................................................................ 27
(6) Free Standing Signs ............................................................................................ 27
(7) Neighbourhood Identification Signs ................................................................... 32
(8) Painted Wall Signs .............................................................................................. 32
(9) Portable, Temporary, Inflatable Signs and Banners ........................................... 32
(10) Projecting Signs .................................................................................................. 37
(11) Wall Signs ........................................................................................................... 37
(12) Election Signs ..................................................................................................... 37
(13) Offensive Signage ............................................................................................... 38
(14) Dynamic Sign Regulations ................................................................................. 38
(15) Recreation Sponsorship Signage Regulations………………………………….39
3.5 Accessory Building Regulations ....................................................................... 40
3.6 Landscaping Regulations .................................................................................. 42
3.7 Loading Spaces ................................................................................................... 45
3.8 Deleted................................................................................................................. 45
3.9 Projection Over Yards....................................................................................... 46
3.10 Number of Buildings per Site ........................................................................... 46
City of Red Deer Land Use Bylaw 3357/2006
General Regulations Applicable to All Districts 3-2
3.11 Restrictions on Corner Site Lines .................................................................... 46
Figure 2-Restrictions on Corner Sites .................................................................. 47
Figure 2B-Restrictions on Corner Sites ............................................................... 48
3.13 Roof Drainage .................................................................................................... 49
3.14 Similar Use Permit ............................................................................................. 49
3.15 Building Heights ................................................................................................. 49
3.16 Deleted................................................................................................................. 49
3.17 Satellite Dish Antennas ...................................................................................... 49
3.18 Utility Regulation Stations ................................................................................ 50
3.19 Electrical Overhead Wiring Separation Distance........................................... 50
3.20 Fence Regulations .............................................................................................. 50
3.21 Cremation Regulations ...................................................................................... 52
3.22 Public Property Regulations ............................................................................. 52
3.23 Objects Prohibited or Restricted in Yards ...................................................... 52
3.24 Deleted ................................................................................................................ 53
3.25 Community Gardens ......................................................................................... 54
3.26 Temporary Buildings ........................................................................................ 54
1 3357/G-2016
City of Red Deer Land Use Bylaw 3357/2006
General Regulations Applicable to All Districts 3-3
3.1 Parking Spaces and Areas
Except in the C1 (City Centre District) an owner or occupant of land must provide for
not less than the number of on-site parking spaces for the applicable land use(s) as
specified Table 3.1 below, notwithstanding the provisions of Parts 4-8. In calculating the
parking space requirement, a fractional number will be taken to the next higher number.”
Table 3.1 Parking Requirements
Places of Worship
1.0 per 6.0 persons, based on maximum occupancy
of the primary congregation/sanctuary area
Auditorium, Arena
1.0 per 10.0 seats
Health Care (excluding Hospitals)
2.5 per 93.0 m
Hospitals, Temporary Care Facility
1.0 per 93.0 m
Adult Mini-Theater
1.0 per 3.0 seats with a minimum of 1.0 space for
each individual viewing area containing 3.0 seating
spaces or less
Call Centre
8.0 stalls per 93.0 m
(gross floor area)
Commercial Recreation Facility:
Racquet Sports Facility
Gaming or Gambling Establishment
Bowling Alleys
All other uses
4.0 per court
1.0 space per 2.3 seats
5.0 per alley plus, 5.0 for staff
1.0 per 2.0 participants (at maximum capacity) plus
1.0 per 20.0 m
(gross floor area)
Commercial Entertainment Facility
1.0 per 5.0 seats
Commercial Service Facility, excluding
Funeral Homes
2.5 per 93.0 m
Drinking Establishment
1.0 per 4.0 seats
Funeral Homes
1.0 per 5.0 seats
Hotels, Motels and Hostels
1.0 per guest room
Live Work Unit
1 additional parking space per unit
Local Convenience Shopping Centres
5.1 per 93.0 m
(gross floor area)
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City of Red Deer Land Use Bylaw 3357/2006
General Regulations Applicable to All Districts 3-4
Table 3.1 Parking Requirements - continued
Manufacturing and Industrial Plants,
Wholesale, Servicing and Repair
Establishments, Research,
Laboratories and Transportation,
Communication or Utility Facility
3.0 per 93.0 m
, but not less than 4.0 spaces per
tenant or establishment (The Development
Authority may vary this regulation to accommodate
more labour intensive uses)
Warehousing, Storage Buildings and
1.0 per 93.0 m
, but not less than 4.0 spaces per
tenant or establishment
Merchandise Sales and/or Rentals:
Sales/Rental Areas
Office Areas
Warehouse Sales
5.1 per 93.0 m
2.0 per 93.0 m
1.0 per 93 m
5.1 per 93 m
2.0 per 93.0 m
Regional Shopping Centres
4.4 per 93 m
(gross floor area)
District Shopping Centres
5.1 per 93 m
(gross floor area)
Repair Services
2.0 per 93.0 m
1.0 per 4.0 seats
Vehicle and Equipment Sales
2.0 per 93.0 m
Public or Private Elementary and
Junior High Schools
1.0 space for each classroom
Public or Private Senior High Schools
1.0 per 3.3 students, based on maximum occupancy
Colleges, Business or Commercial
or Technical Schools
1.0 per 10.0 seats, plus auditorium requirements
where applicable
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City of Red Deer Land Use Bylaw 3357/2006
General Regulations Applicable to All Districts 3-5
Table 3.1 Parking Requirements- continued
Carriage Home
1.0 per unit
Detached Dwelling, Semi-detached
Dwelling, Multi-attached Building
fronting onto a public roadway
2.0 per unit
Detached Dwelling, Semi-detached
Dwelling, Multi-attached Building
fronting onto a private roadway
2.0 per unit plus 1.0 space for every 5.0 units which
must be provided for guest parking
Multiple Family Building
1.0 per one bedroom unit; 1.5 per two bedroom unit;
2.0 per three bedroom unit plus 1.0 space for every
5.0 units which must be clearly identified as guest
Lodging and Boarding Houses
1.0 per 2.0 persons being accommodated
Assisted Living Facility
0.4 per unit to provide for residents, visitors
and day duty staff, with a minimum of three
Secondary suite with two or fewer
1.0 parking spaces
Secondary suite with more than two
2.0 parking spaces
(2) Notwithstanding section 3.1(1), all residential development in the C1 District shall meet
the residential parking standards as specified above.
(3) The parking requirement for any use not specified herein shall be as determined by the
Development Authority, having regard to similar uses for which parking requirements are
(4) Where there are multiple uses of a site within a shopping centre, parking shall be
calculated on the basis of total shopping centre parking space requirement, rather than
calculating the parking requirements for each individual use.
(5) In all other cases where there are multiple uses of a site, the Development Authority shall
calculate the parking required for each individual use and the total shall be deemed to be
the required parking for the site.
(6) Where the applicant can demonstrate that there is a complementary or overlapping use of
the parking facilities which would warrant a reduction in the parking requirements, the
Development Authority may reduce the parking requirement
City of Red Deer Land Use Bylaw 3357/2006
General Regulations Applicable to All Districts 3-6
Parking Standards
(1) The standards set out in Section 3.2 apply to the development of parking lots in all
(2) All parking areas must have access to individual parking spaces by means of
unobstructed driving aisles satisfactory to the Development Authority.
(3) A parking space must be located either:
a) On the same site as the building or use in respect of which it is required, or
b) With the approval of the Development Authority, on another site not more than
100.0m away (herein called “adjacent site”) from the building or use in respect of
which it is required.
(4) Where some or all of the required parking is to be provided on an adjacent site, the
Development Authority may require the owner of the land to provide such parking in
perpetuity and to secure such parking by way of restrictive covenant or other obligation
secured against the title to the adjacent site and enforceable by The City.
A minimum parking space in all districts shall be at least 2.7m in width and 5.5m in
(6) 3Parking areas required for multi-attached, multiple family and commercial buildings
shall be paved or finished to a hard surfaced standard satisfactory to the Development
Authority. This does not include gravel finished parking lots.
Driving aisles for perpendicular (90 degree) parking within new developments shall be
at least 7.0 m in width. The requirement shall not apply to redevelopment applications
for developments approved prior to September 11, 2006, in which case the driving aisle
shall be at least 6.0 m in width.
(8) On-site parking shall be constructed in the manner shown on the approved plan.
(9) Curbs, concrete bumper, fences and curb stops shall be provided to the satisfaction of the
Development Authority.
(10) The minimum parking stall width and parking aisle depth, minimum overall depth and
minimum driving aisle width in parking lot design shall meet the requirements of Table
3.2 below, calculated on the parking angle as shown:
3357/A-2006 (deleted and replaced with 3357/H-2009)
3 3357/E-2014
3357/A-2006 (deleted and replaced with 3357/H-2009)
City of Red Deer Land Use Bylaw 3357/2006
General Regulations Applicable to All Districts 3-7
Table 3.2 Minimum Parking Lot Design Standards
Parking Aisle
0° 2.9 m 2.9 m 9.3 m 3.5 m
30° 2.7 m 5.0 m 13.5 m 3.5 m
45° 2.7 m 5.7 m 15.4 m 4.0 m
60° 2.7 m 6.0 m 17.5 m 5.5 m
90° 2.7 m 5.5 m 18.0 m 7.0 m”
3.2.1 Parking Layout for Commercial Developments
(1) The parking layout of all commercial developments shall be constructed to meet the
following standards to the satisfaction of the Development Authority.
(a) Parking aisles shall not be greater than 105.0 m in length.
(b) All parking aisles shall be provided with curbed islands at each end, measuring no
less than 1.0 m in width.
(c) All parking lots containing more than 200 parking spaces shall be configured into
smaller cells by use of interior landscaping, drive lands, and pedestrian walkways.
City of Red Deer Land Use Bylaw 3357/2006
General Regulations Applicable to All Districts 3-8
(d) Pedestrian walkways for parking lots containing more than 200 parking spaces
shall be a minimum of 1.2 m in width and shall be oriented, to ensure safe and
efficient pedestrian traffic flow. Such walkways shall be incorporated into any
adjoining neighbourhood trail system.
(e) All commercial developments shall provide for adequate stacking and queuing
lanes for vehicles to ensure that traffic will not unduly cause hazard or impede
traffic on public roads.
With the exception of the Riverlands Districts, the parking intended for each use
shall be located near the entrance of the Building containing that use.
(g) All parking stalls within new developments shall be at least 2.7 m in width.
Parking stalls within developments approved prior to September 11, 2006 shall be
at least 2.6 m in width.
3.2.2 Accessible Parking Design
(1) The intent of this subsection is to establish development standards for parking lots and
walkways within all commercial, public service and to some multiple family residential
developments is required to ensure accessibility by persons with mobility challenges (i.e.
wheelchairs, strollers, walkers, walking canes). The requirement of this subsection 3.2.2
apply to all development permit applications for:
(a) new and existing developments in commercial and public service districts; and
(b) new and existing multiple family building residential developments which have a
shared or common entrance:
(2) Concrete curb stops shall be provided for all parking spaces adjacent to all walkways
fronting commercial, public service and multiple family residential development
entrances. Such curb stops shall be set back a sufficient distance from the walkways to
prevent vehicles from projecting over the walkway.
(3) Walkways along the front, rear and side of commercial, public service and multiple
family residential structures shall be free of obstructions and architectural features that
would impede access and travel for persons with mobility challenges.
(4) Ramps shall be constructed on walkways along the front, rear or side of commercial,
public service and multiple family residential structures, wherever required so as to
ensure that such walkways are accessible to persons with mobility challenges.
(5) Walkways shall be provided:
City of Red Deer Land Use Bylaw 3357/2006
General Regulations Applicable to All Districts 3-9
(a) from commercial and public service developments to any adjacent transit
stops and public sidewalks;
(b) from a multiple family development to the nearest public sidewalk; and
(c) between all principal buildings within multiple building developments.
(6) An application for a development permit for a development in a commercial, public
service or multiple family residential district that is to provide for accessibility is subject
to the approval of the Development Authority, which may, in its discretion, impose
additional specific obligations similar to the foregoing in order to ensure that walkways
are accessible.
(7) The Development Authority may, in its discretion, waive any of the requirements of
Section 3.2.2:
(a) in the case of a minor redevelopment of an existing commercial, public service or
multiple family building, (such as an architectural modification, modified signage,
a change in elevations, the installation of a shed or seasonal garden centre, or the
construction of a new front entrance);
(b) where the redevelopment does not include an expansion of, or an amendment to,
an approved site plan; or
(c) in the case of parking space curb stops, these may be not required if an adjoining
sidewalk is of sufficient width to accommodate both vehicle overhang and
accessibility by persons with mobility challenges.
3.2.3 Parking and Landscaping Separation
(1) Parking areas shall be physically separated from any landscaped areas either by the use
of curb stops or any other means satisfactory to the Development Authority.
3.3 Sign Regulations
No sign shall be erected, enlarged, changed or structurally altered except in conformity with this
bylaw and the sign regulations stated in sections 3.3 and 3.4.
The following definitions shall be used to define signs in this Land Use Bylaw:
City of Red Deer Land Use Bylaw 3357/2006
General Regulations Applicable to All Districts 3-10
A-board means a self-supporting A-shaped
local advertising sign which is set upon the
ground and has no external supporting
A-board sign for illustrative purposes
Accessory Tenants means businesses,
which have leased land or buildings or
space within a building from the principal
business on a site;
Awning Sign means a non-illuminated
local advertising sign which is painted on
or affixed flat to the surface of an awning.
Awning sign for illustrative purposes
Billboard means a sign to which advertising
copy is pasted, glued, painted or otherwise
fastened to permit its periodic replacement
and includes poster panels and painted
structures. A billboard displays third-party
Bill board sign for illustrative purposes
Canopy means a non-retractable, solid
projection which extends from the wall of a
building and includes a structure commonly
known as a theatre marquee, but does not
include normal architectural features such as
lintels, sills, mouldings, architraves, awnings
and pediments.
Canopy Sign means a local advertising sign
attached to or constructed in or on a face of a
canopy or marquee but does not include an
under canopy sign;
Canopy sign for illustrative purposes
City of Red Deer Land Use Bylaw 3357/2006
General Regulations Applicable to All Districts 3-11
Construction Sign means a sign located
on a site where construction is planned
and which contains general information
about the intended construction.
Corner Lot for the sole purpose of
section 3.4 (9) means that portion of any
site abutting two streets.
Directional Sign means a sign which
indicates the distance and/or direction to a
place of business or other premises
indicated on the sign.
Dynamic Sign means a sign or portion of
a sign with features that move or appear to
move or change, whether the apparent
movement or change is in the display, the
sign structure itself, or any other
component of the sign. A Dynamic Sign
includes any display that incorporates a
technology or method allowing the image
on the sign face to change, such as
rotating panels, LED lights manipulated
through digital input, or “digital ink”. A
Dynamic Sign does not include a sign
whose message or image is changed by
physically removing and replacing the
sign or its components.
Election Sign means any sign used to
promote a candidate or party during a
municipal, school board, provincial or
federal election or any election held
pursuant to the Local Authorities Election
Electric Sign means a sign which utilizes
an electrical energy source.
Existing Billboard means a billboard that
has been approved prior to the adoption of
Land Use Bylaw No. 3357/2006.
Façade means the exterior wall of a building
exposed to public view or that wall viewed by
persons not within the building.
Fascia Sign means a local advertising
attached to, marked or inscribed on and
parallel to the face of a building wall but
does not include a billboard, a third- party
advertising sign or painted wall sign.
Fascia sign for illustrative purposes
Flashing Sign means a sign which contains
an intermittent or flashing light source.
Free Standing Sign means a local advertising
sign that is supported independently of a
building wall or structure but does not include a
temporary sign.
Free standing sign for illustrative purposes
City of Red Deer Land Use Bylaw 3357/2006
General Regulations Applicable to All Districts 3-12
Frontage means the minimum straight
line distance between the intersection of
the side lot lines and the front lot lines.
Frontage for the sole purpose of section
3.4 (9) means that portion of any site
abutting the street.
Garage Sale Sign means a sign
advertising any general sale to the public
of personal property from a site in any
residential district.
Height of Sign means the vertical
distance measured from the highest point
of the sign or sign structure to grade.
Identification means a sign which
contains no advertising but is limited to
the name, address and number of a
building, institution or person.
Inflatable Sign means a sign or other
advertising device which is designed to be
inflated with air or a lighter-than-air gas
and to be anchored or affixed to a building
or to the ground.
Local Advertising Sign means a sign
which advertises the business on the
property where the sign is located.
Neighbourhood Identification Sign
means a sign which states the name of a
community area and may contain a logo,
symbol or map which is related to the
community name.
Neighbourhood identification sign for illustrative
Open House Sign means a sign advertising
an open house for residential property for
sale, and may include an A-board sign.
Owner means a person, or the authorized
agent of such person, in lawful possession or
control of a sign.
Painted Wall Sign means a sign which is
painted directly upon any outside surface or
other part of a building advertising products,
services, or activities which need not relate to
products, services, or activities provided for at
the property on which the sign is located and
also includes supergraphics.
Painted wall sign for illustrative purposes
City of Red Deer Land Use Bylaw 3357/2006
General Regulations Applicable to All Districts 3-13
Portable Sign means any sign or
advertising device that can be carried or
transported from one site to another, which
does not rely on a building or a fixed
concrete foundation for its structural
support and includes sign commonly
known as mobile signs, temporary signs,
inflatable signs, or devices or banners,
whether tethered to a building or no,
vehicles placed in a location for
advertising purposes, but does not include
A-board or real estate sign or signage
permanently attached and forming part of
motor vehicles used in the day to day
conduct of a business.
Portable sign for illustrative purposes
Projecting Sign means a sign which
projects from a structure or a building face
and includes a sign in the shape of a
canopy but does not include a canopy sign
or an awning sign.
Projecting sign for illustrative purposes
Property Management Sign
means a sign that identifies the party
responsible for the management of the site
and any necessary sales, leasing or rental
Public Service Announcements means an
announcement, for which no charge is made,
that promotes the programs, activities or
services of a federal, provincial, or municipal
governments, non-profit charitable
organizations, or another groups serving
community interests, including date, time, and
temperature information.
Raffle Home Sign means a Sign erected on a
Site by the owner or agent of the owner of the
Site, advertising the Site is a Raffle Home and
may include Sponsorship Recognition but not
include an Inflatable Sign.
Real Estate Sign means a sign erected on a
site by the owner or agent of the owner of the
site, advertising the site for sale or lease but
does not include an inflatable sign.
City of Red Deer Land Use Bylaw 3357/2006
General Regulations Applicable to All Districts 3-14
Recreation Sponsorship Sign(s) means
outdoor signage, placed only on sports
field fencing and accessary buildings,
advertising the sport sponsor(s)
businesses, may identify the event and/or
team being sponsored and does not permit
any dynamic sign component or third
party advertising.
Roof Sign means a sign or logo which is
erected upon or above a roof or parapet of
a building but does not include an
inflatable sign.
Roof sign for illustrative purposes
Rotating Sign means a local advertising
sign or portion of a local advertising sign
which moves in a revolving manner, but
does not include a clock.
Show Home Sign means a Sign
erected on a Site by the owner or
agent of the owner of the Site,
advertising the Site is a Show Home but does
not include an Inflatable Sign.
Sign includes any device used to identify or
advertise a place of business or a product,
whether words or numbers are used or not.
Sign Area means the entire surface area of a
sign on which advertising copy could be
placed and includes any frame or
embellishment which forms an integral part of
the display, but does not include landscaping
and in the case of a double-face or multi-face
sign, the average of the total area of all sign
Sign Permit means permission in writing
given by the Development Officer to erect or
place a sign in accordance with the land use
bylaw or any variance thereto.
Sign Structure means a structure designed to
support a sign and may consist of a single
pole or be a wall or an integral part of the
Sponsor means a corporation or organization
that enters into an agreement to pay money to
a property owner in exchange for public
recognition of the sponsor’s contribution,
including the right to advertise the name of
the sponsor on signage on the property.
Sponsor Recognition means the recognition
of a corporation, person or other entity which
has donated money, goods or services to the
owner of the land on which the sign is located
or which has entered into an agreement to pay
money to the owner of the land in exchange
for public recognition of the contribution,
which recognition may consist of one or more
of the following: an expression of thanks, the
sponsor’s name, brand, logo, tagline, website
information or phone numbers.
City of Red Deer Land Use Bylaw 3357/2006
General Regulations Applicable to All Districts 3-15
Subdivision means a neighbourhood of
approximately 160 acres.
Subdivision Identification Sign means a
sign containing general information about
a new subdivision such as the name of the
subdivision or the name of the developer.
Supergraphics means a graphic design
painted on a building, which does not
convey a defined advertising message or
logo and includes a mural.
Third-party Advertising means a sign
which refers to goods, activities or
services other than those produced, offered
for sale or free or obtainable at the
premises or on the site on which the sign is
Under-Canopy Sign means a local
advertising sign which is suspended
beneath a canopy.
Wall Sign means a sign which is mounted
or fixed to or supported by a wall by any
means but does not include a fascia sign
and may display general advertising.
Wall sign for illustrative purposes
Window Sign means a local advertising
sign which is painted on, attached to or
installed inside a window for the purpose
of being viewed from outside the premises.
Window sign for illustrative purposes
City of Red Deer Land Use Bylaw 3357/2006
General Regulations Applicable to All Districts 3-16
Reference to land use districts in this section means the respective land use district
established in the Land Use Bylaw.
(2) Sign Regulation Procedures
(a) Duties of the Development Officer pursuant to sign regulations,
(b) The Development Officer may by notice in writing:
i. direct the owner to correct the condition of any sign or remove
any sign within 30 days of receipt of the notice where, in the
opinion of the Development Officer, that condition or sign
constitutes a violation of this bylaw or any permit hereunder, has
become unsightly or is unsafe;
ii. order the owner to stop work on a sign if it is proceeding in
contravention of this bylaw;
iii. order the owner to stop work on a sign if a permit has not been
(3) Sign Permit and Requirements
(a) Except as provided in section 3.3(4), no person shall place, replace, erect
or use any sign without first obtaining a sign permit.
(b) A person who fails to comply with any of the provisions of sections 3.3
and 3.4 shall be guilty of an offence and subject to the penalties set out
(d) The sign permit shall bear the date on which it is issued and if active work
is not commenced within the period of 12 months from the date of its
issuance, the sign permit shall expire and become invalid, unless the
Development Officer approves an extension of time which must be
requested by the owner.
(e) Provided the sign is erected within 12 months of the date of issue of the
permit, the permit shall continue in force from year to year.
(f) An application for a sign permit shall include the following:
i. the name and address of:
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General Regulations Applicable to All Districts 3-17
(1) the sign company responsible for the sign; and
(2) the owner of the sign; and
(3) the registered owner of the land or premises upon which the
sign is to be erected.
ii. a site plan designating location and setback requirements;
iii. a plan showing the following construction details:
(1) the overall dimensions of the sign and the total sign area;
(2) the amount of projection from the face of the building,
where applicable;
(3) the amount of projection over City Property, where
(4) the height of the top and the bottom of sign above City
streets, sidewalks, or the average ground level at the face of
the building or sign;
(5) the distance to aerial power lines from freestanding signs.
(g) Normal maintenance of a sign in accordance with an existing permit does
not require a new permit.
(h) Whenever the conditions of installation require unusual structural
provisions, the Development Officer, if he deems it necessary in the
interest of public safety, may require that a structural drawing be prepared
by and bear the seal of a professional engineer.
Upon application by the Owner the Development Authority may consider
a relaxation of only the size, dimension, area or distance separation for any
sign, and the Development Authority may, if it considers that the request
is reasonable, grant a relaxation for those items only.
(4) Signs Not Requiring a Sign Permit
The following signs shall not require a sign permit but must comply with the
regulations of the Land Use Bylaw as amended, where applicable:
(a) signs, notices, placards or bulletins required or permitted to be
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General Regulations Applicable to All Districts 3-18
(i) under the provision of federal, provincial or municipal
(ii) by or on behalf of the federal, provincial or municipal
government; or
(iii) on behalf of a department, a commission, a board, a
committee or an official of the federal, provincial or
municipal government.
(b) Advertising signs displayed in or on buses, bus shelters, bus stop
seats or on garbage or recycling bins located on streets under an
agreement with the City;
(c) Signs located in or on taxicabs, under the Taxi Business Bylaw;
(d) Signs located inside a building, including permanent tenant
identification signs located inside an enclosed shopping mall;
(e) The name or address of a building when it is sculptured or formed
out of the fabric of the building face;
(f) Street numbers or letters displayed on a premises where together
the total copy area is less than 1.2 m
(g) A fascia sign which is attached to a residential dwelling unit or its
accessory buildings and states no more than the name of the
building or the name of the persons occupying the building or both,
provided that the total sign area does not exceed 0.28 m
(h) A fascia sign or a canopy sign which is attached to a building other
than a residential dwelling unit and states no more than:
(i) the name or address of the building;
(ii) the name of the person or institution occupying the
building; and
(iii) the activities carried on in the building including hours of
operations and rates charges, provided the total sign area
does not exceed 1.5 m
(i) A real estate property management sign on private property in a
residential district, provided that the total sign area does not exceed
1.0 m
City of Red Deer Land Use Bylaw 3357/2006
General Regulations Applicable to All Districts 3-19
(j) A real estate or property management sign on private property in a
district other than a residential district provided that the total sign
area does not exceed 6.0 m
(k) Signs placed on a premises for the guidance, warning or restraint
of persons;
(l) Window signs, unless otherwise stated in this section;
A-Board signs located within the boundaries of Sites in the I1, I2,
C1, C1A, and the Riverlands Districts provide that:
(i) Such Signs do not display Third-party Advertising;
(ii) In the I1 and I2 Districts such Signs may not be placed on
any portion of a Site which abuts an arterial road; and
(iii) Provided these Signs meet the requirements in Section
Election Signs only during the following time frames:
(i) between nomination day of an election year and the date of
the election, in the case of an election under the Local
Authorities Election Act;
(ii) between the date the election is officially called and the
date of the election, in the case of elections for Federal and
Provincial public office;
provided that the signs comply with section 3.4 (12).
Directional signs when located within the boundaries of a site
with an area less than 1.4m
(p) Construction signs provided they conform to the following
(i) there shall not be more than a total of four construction
signs per site;
(ii) in residential subdivisions, the total area of all four
construction signs shall not exceed 6.4 m
; and
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City of Red Deer Land Use Bylaw 3357/2006
General Regulations Applicable to All Districts 3-20
(iii) in commercial and industrial subdivisions, the total area of
all four construction signs shall not exceed 25 m
(q) Garage sale signs provided that:
(i) there are no more than 3 signs per garage sale event;
(ii) the signs do not exceed a size of 1.4 m
; and
(iii) there are not more than 3 garage sale events per year from
any one dwelling unit.
(r) Show Home Signs and Raffle Home Signs provided each Site has
a limit of one Sign per Site and:
(i) Show Home Signs shall be no larger than 5.94 m
(ii) Raffle Home Signs shall be no larger than 11.96 m
Signs shall be contained within the Site Boundaries and shall be
removed when the Show Home or Raffle Home use has stopped or
its respective development permit has expired, whichever is earlier
shall apply.
(3.1) The following regulations apply to signs described in subsection 3.3(3):
(a) No individual construction sign in a residential area may exceed
3.2 m
in area.
(b) All construction signs must be located on private property.
(c) Construction signs shall be professionally designed and maintained
to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
(d) Construction signs may be erected within a period starting not
earlier than six months before the date of intended construction and
ending three months following the completion of construction, but
in no case shall a construction sign be erected for a maximum total
time period of 18 months.
(e) Garage Sale signs may be placed on boulevards adjacent to
residential districts where the sale is taking place for a 24 hour
period prior to the garage sale event and 24 hours following the
garage sale event.
Open House or Show Home signs may be placed on boulevards in
or adjacent to residential districts where the sale is taking place, for
City of Red Deer Land Use Bylaw 3357/2006
General Regulations Applicable to All Districts 3-21
a period of up to two hours before and after the period of time
when the Open House or Show Home is open;
(5) Sign Owner’s Responsibility
(a) Neither the granting of a sign permit, nor the approval of the plans
nor any inspections made by the Development Officer shall in any
way relieve the Owner from full compliance with the Land Use
Bylaw or other applicable legislation.
The Owner of a sign shall permit any Designated Officer to enter
the Owner’s premises at any reasonable time for the purposes of
inspecting the sign or administering or enforcing this bylaw.
(c) The owner of a sign shall at all times maintain the sign in a proper
and safe state of repair and shall not allow or permit the sign to
become dilapidated or unsightly.
(d) Unless otherwise allowed in this section, no person shall attach
anything to an existing permitted sign unless a new permit is
issued for such addition.
(7) Safety Provisions
(a) No person shall:
(i) erect or maintain any sign that is in contravention of this or any
other City bylaw;
(ii) erect a sign or sign structure on any exterior stairway, fire escape,
fire tower or balcony serving as a horizontal exit; or
(iii) erect a sign so that any portion of the surface or supports will
interfere in any way with any of the following:
(1) any opening necessary for a standpipe, required light,
ventilation or exit from the premises;
(2) the free use of any window above the first storey; or
Correction #29,
Correction #29, 3357/W-2015
Correction #29
City of Red Deer Land Use Bylaw 3357/2006
General Regulations Applicable to All Districts 3-22
(3) the free passage from one part of a roof to another part of
the same roof;
erect, construct or maintain a sign or a display structure so as to create a
hazard for pedestrian or vehicular traffic by blocking sight lines between
pedestrian and vehicular traffic or distracting a driver or pedestrian, as
determined by the Development Officer;
(c) erect, construct or maintain any sign which makes use of the words,
“STOP”, “LOOK”, and “DANGER” or any other word, phrase, symbol or
character in such a manner as to interfere with, mislead or confuse traffic.
(8) Illumination Provisions
(a) No person shall place flashing signs at locations closer than 23.0 m to any
dwelling in a residential district.
No person shall place a Dynamic Sign, flashing signs, revolving beacons,
scrolling messages, stationary lights at locations which may, in the opinion
of the Development Officer, obscure or cause confusion with traffic lights
and traffic signs or in any way endanger progress of traffic through the
streets or lanes of the City.
(c) No permit shall be issued for and no person shall erect, install or maintain
an electric sign, unless it conforms with the Alberta Safety Codes Act and
regulations thereto.
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General Regulations Applicable to All Districts 3-23
(9) Projection Over City Property – Overhanging Sign
(a) Except for an A-board sign for which a permit has been issued under this
bylaw or an election sign pursuant to section 3.4(12), no person shall erect
a sign upon or over City property (including rights of ways, easements and
utility lots), or within any setbacks required by the Land Use Bylaw
i. the approval of the Development Officer; and
ii. entering into an encroachment agreement binding upon the owner
of the land or building to which the sign is attached, and containing
provisions to:
1. indemnify the City;
2. place and maintain insurance; and
3. charge the land with any costs incurred by the City.
(b) no person shall erect a sign so that any part of the sign or the sign structure
projects into or over a lane at a clearance less than 4.6 m above grade; and
iii. within a distance of 7.5 m from the intersection of the boundaries
of two streets, two lanes, or a street and a lane, no person shall
erect a sign in such a manner that:
1. a vertical line from the outer edge of the sign intersects the
sidewalk below at a point less than 1.5 m from the face of
2. any part of the sign is less than 0.9 m from any utility pole
or a pole supporting traffic signals or signs;
iv. no person shall place or construct a sign extending over a street or
lane where the street or lane is less than 10.0 m wide.
(10) Insurance
(a) The owner of any sign that overhangs City property, where a permit
has been issued, shall be responsible for maintaining in force an
insurance policy naming the City as an additional insured and shall
provide evidence of such insurance to the City on demand.
(11) License Fee
(a) Where a sign is permitted on City land, the owner shall pay to the City
an annual license fee in an amount as established by Council from time
to time.
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General Regulations Applicable to All Districts 3-24
(12) Permit Fee
(a) The permit fee for a sign is determined by the Development Permit
Fee Bylaw.
(13) Revocation of Sign Permit
(a) The Development Officer may revoke any sign permit where:
i. a sign for which such permit was issued violates the conditions of
the permit or any of the provisions of this bylaw; or
ii. the owner is in breach of any of the provisions of this bylaw.
City of Red Deer Land Use Bylaw 3357/2006
General Regulations Applicable to All Districts 3-25
3.4 Sign Regulation by Type
(1) A-board Signs
(a) A-board Signs shall:
(i) be of a painted finish, be neat and clean, and be maintained in such
condition; and
(ii) be of a size not exceeding 0.61 m wide by 0.92 m high and not less
than 0.30 m wide by 0.61 m high.
(b) A-board Signs placed on City property within a C1 or C1A District:
(i) may only be placed on the boulevard or sidewalk in front of the
business being advertised within 1.0 m of the face of the curb; and
(ii) shall be placed as close as practical to a parking meter, where
(c) The Development Officer may issue a sign permit to permit one A-board
sign to be erected in the boulevard of a collector or arterial road near a C3
District subject to the following conditions:
(i) the C3 site for which the permit is issued shall be 40.0 m or more
from a collector or arterial road;
(ii) the A-board sign is erected for or on behalf of one tenant in the C3
(iii) not more than one A-board sign may be issued for the C3 site;
(iv) the arterial or collector road on which the site is located is the one
that provides the closest access to the C3 site;
(v) the sign may remain at its approved location only during the
business hours of the permit holder;
(vi) the sign permit shall expire two years from the date of its issue;
(vii) subject to compliance with the distance requirements of this bylaw,
the sign is to be placed as close as possible to the C3 site.
(2) Subdivision Identification Signs
(a) A Subdivision Identification Sign must meet the following requirements:
(i) it must be professionally designed and maintained;
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General Regulations Applicable to All Districts 3-26
(b) The appearance and contents of the sign must be approved by the
Development Officer;
(c) It must be located on private property adjacent to the entry of the
(d) It may not exceed 12.0 m
in area unless the sign is located more than
100.0 m from a roadway and is approved by the Development Officer;
(e) Not more than one sign for each entrance to the subdivision;
(f) It may be approved for a period of up to five years;
(g) The Development Officer may approve one-year renewals of the permit
for a Subdivision Identification Sign after the initial five-year term,
provided that the sign remains properly maintained, there are still lots
available for sale and the continued presence of the sign will not adversely
affect any municipal interests in the land on which the sign is erected.
(3) Awning Signs, Canopy Signs and Under Canopy Signs
(a) Awning signs shall not project from the building to a point greater than
where a perpendicular line from the front edge of the awning will intersect
the sidewalk 0.6 m from the face of curb.
(b) Canopy signs may be attached to the sides and front of the canopy, and
such signs may extend the entire length and width of the canopy.
(c) Under canopy signs may be hung from the canopy provided such signs
shall not:
(i) extend beyond the sides or the front of such canopy; and
(ii) exceed a vertical dimension of 1.5 m.
(d) No person shall erect an awning sign, a canopy sign or an under canopy
sign unless such sign:
(i) is securely hung and anchored to the building to which it is
(ii) the structure to which it is attached is capable of resisting all
stresses resulting from dead weight, snow and wind loads;
(iii) is at clearance of not less than 2.8 m from the grade of the
(iv) does not project more than 3.0 m from the face of the building or
structure to which it is attached.
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General Regulations Applicable to All Districts 3-27
(e) Projecting signs installed over or above canopies shall not be supported by
the canopy.
(4) Billboard Signs
(a) A billboard sign shall not:
(i) be more than 3.10 m high, and not more than 6.10 m long;
(ii) have a maximum height above grade of more than 6.1 m;
(iii) have a maximum area exceeding 19.0 m
(iv) not be located closer than 3.0 m to any property line;
(v) not be erected, constructed, altered or used anywhere within The
City except as provided by this and other bylaws of The City.
(b) The land and the sites in and about where the billboards are permitted
shall be at all times maintained in a neat and clean manner, free from all
loose papers and rubbish. A second face may be required on the billboard
where the back of the billboard is visible to pedestrian or vehicle traffic.
(c) An existing billboard may be relocated on the same site with the approval
of the Development Officer.
(5) Fascia Signs
(a) Fascia signs shall not be located above any portion of a street, or project
over public property unless there is a minimum clearance from grade of
2.5 m and a maximum projection of 0.4 m.
(i) a fascia sign shall not exceed 15 % of the visible area of the façade
of each wall of the building on which it is located;
(ii) a fascia may be illuminated.
(6) Freestanding Signs
(a) A freestanding sign may be allowed in a setback area as established in the
Land Use Bylaw and is subject to the condition that it be removed or
relocated at the owner’s expense upon 30 days written notice from The
(b) In a PS (Public Service) site of less than 8.0 hectares freestanding signs
are subject to the following regulations:
(i) one freestanding sign shall be allowed per lot frontage for the
purpose of identifying the use or building on that lot;
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General Regulations Applicable to All Districts 3-28
(ii) the sign shall be designed in a manner which is architecturally
compatible with the general character of the building and/or the
surrounding streetscape, as approved by the Development
(iii) the maximum area of the freestanding sign shall not exceed 2.0 m
(iv) the maximum height of the freestanding sign shall not exceed 4.5
(v) free standing signs shall not identify any accessory tenants within
the principle building;
the sign may be illuminated, but shall not have flashing or
intermittent lights or device or mechanism that creates the
impression of flashing or intermittent lights.
(vii) the bottom of the freestanding sign shall be at grade, except where
the sign is located in an entrance or exit and obstructs sight lines,
in which case section 3.4(6)(j) is to apply, unless varied by the
Development Authority;
(viii) at the discretion of the Development Authority, landscaping may
be required at the base of the sign.
(c) In PS (Public Service) sites of 8.0 – 17.0 hectares, freestanding signs are
subject to the following regulations:
(i) one sign may be allowed per lot frontage for the purpose of
identifying the said use or building;
(ii) the sign shall be designed in a manner which is architecturally
compatible with the general character of the building and/or the
surrounding streetscape, as approved by the Development
(iii) the maximum sign area shall not exceed 8.0 m
for the first 15.0 m
of frontage plus 0.3 m
for each additional 10.0 m of frontage to a
maximum sign area of 9.2 m
(iv) the maximum height of a sign shall not exceed 9.0 m;
(v) up to 25% of the sign area may be allowed for the purpose of
identifying any accessory tenants within the principal building;
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General Regulations Applicable to All Districts 3-29
the sign may be illuminated, but shall not have flashing or
intermittent lights or device or mechanism that creates the
impression of flashing or intermittent lights.
(vii) the bottom of the freestanding sign shall be at grade, except where
the sign is located in an entrance or exit and obstructs sight lines,
in which case 3.4(6)(j) is to apply, unless varied by the
Development Authority;
(viii) at the discretion of the Development Authority, landscaping at the
base of the sign may be required.
(d) On Public Service (PS) sites greater than 17.0 hectares, a freestanding sign
with sponsor recognition is permitted for so long as the site remains
greater than 17.0 hectares in size and subject to the following regulations:
(i) one sign may be allowed per lot frontage for the purpose of
identifying the said use or building;
(ii) the sign shall be designed in a manner which is architecturally
compatible with the general character of the building and/or the
surrounding streetscape, as approved by the Development
(iii) at the discretion of the Development Authority, a sign area greater
than 18.5m
(iv) the maximum height of a sign shall not exceed 9.0 m;
of the whole area of a sign, the entire area of the Dynamic Sign
portion may be used for the announcement of any activities or
events on the site on which the sign is located, for third party
advertising, accessory tenants within the principal building or for
the use of a Sponsor Recognition; provided that where Sponsor
Recognition is displayed, there must be displayed on the static
portion of the sign words to the following effect: “Proudly
Recognizing our Donors and Sponsors”
in addition to subsection (v), 50% of the total area of the static
portion of a sign, may be used for identification of any accessory
tenants within the principal building, for the announcement of any
activities or events on the site on which the sign is located, for
third party advertising or for the use of sponsor recognition;
provided that where sponsor recognition is displayed, there must
be displayed on the static portion of the sign words to the
City of Red Deer Land Use Bylaw 3357/2006
General Regulations Applicable to All Districts 3-30
following effect: “Proudly Recognizing our Donors and
(vii) the sign may be illuminated, but shall not have flashing or
intermittent lights or device or mechanism that creates the
impression of flashing or intermittent lights.
(viii) the bottom of the freestanding sign shall be at grade, except where
the sign is located in an entrance or exit and obstructs sight lines,
in which case section 3.4(6)(j) is to apply, unless varied by the
Development Authority;
(ix) at the discretion of the Development Authority, landscaping at the
base of the sign may be required.
(e) In a C2A (Regional Shopping Centre) District, freestanding signs are
subject to the following regulations:
(i) one sign up to a maximum area of 40.0 m
may be allowed per site
for the purpose of identifying the said centre and the tenants
collectively; or
(ii) for the purpose of identifying the said centre and the tenants
collectively, one sign not exceeding 25.0 m
in area may be
allowed per arterial road frontage;
(iii) provided that in either case the maximum height of sign shall be
9.0 m.
(f) In a C2B (District Shopping Centre) district, freestanding signs are subject
to the following regulations:
(i) only one sign may be allowed for the purpose of identifying the
said centre and the tenants collectively, except that an additional
auxiliary sign may be allowed for a gas bar which auxiliary sign
shall not exceed 2.0 m
the maximum sign area shall be 12.0 m
(iii) the maximum height of a sign shall be 9.0 m for signs abutting an
arterial street and 7.5 m for signs abutting any other street, and
where signs are located at the corner of an arterial and any other
street, the lower maximum limit shall apply.
(g) A minimum separation distance of 50.0 m shall be maintained between
freestanding signs located on the same site.
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General Regulations Applicable to All Districts 3-31
(i) Distance requirements between freestanding signs shall not apply
to entrance or exit signs used for the purpose of directing traffic,
(ii) those signs do not display any advertising message, excluding a
logo; and
(1) the sign area does not exceed 2.0 m
In the C1, C1A, C4, and the Riverlands Districts there shall be a
maximum of two Signs per Site.
(iv) Notwithstanding section 3.4(6) (g) (iii) where the site is at the
corner of two or more arterial roads, one additional sign may be
allowed on the site.
(h) The maximum area of a freestanding sign:
(i) in the A1, P1 and R1 Districts is 2.0 m
(ii) in the C3 District is 5.0 m
in the C1, C1A, I1, I2 and the Riverlands Districts is 12.0m
(iv) in the C4 and DC(2) Districts is 18.5 m
where the site is adjacent
to an arterial road; where there is a service road between the site
and the arterial road, a 25.0 m
free-standing sign may be allowed.
(i) The maximum height of a freestanding sign:
(i) in the A1, P1, R1 and C3 Districts is 4.5 m;
in the C1, C2A, C2B, C1A, I1, I2, DC(2) and the Riverlands
Districts is 9.0m
(iii) in the C4 District is 12.0 m.
(j) The bottom of freestanding signs:
(i) in C3 Districts shall be a minimum of 2.8 m above grade; and
in all other Districts where such signs are allowed, shall be a
minimum of 3.6 m above grade, unless a lesser distance is
approved by the Development Officer, and the space between the
3357/I-2013, 3357/Q-2016
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General Regulations Applicable to All Districts 3-32
bottom of the sign and the grade shall be unobstructed, except for
such supports as the sign may require.
(7) Neighbourhood Identification Signs
(a) A neighbourhood identification sign may be erected by a developer at the
entrances to a subdivision, subject to the developer entering into a
Development Agreement to the satisfaction of Engineering Services and
dealing with the precise location, number, size, design and character of the
sign and making provision for the perpetual maintenance and care of the
(b) Neighborhood identification signs shall:
(i) be for neighbourhood identification purposes only;
(ii) display no advertising; and
(iii) be constructed of maintenance free material wherever possible.
(c) A neighborhood identification sign shall not:
(i) encroach upon a utility right-of-way; or
(ii) affect traffic safety.
(8) Painted Wall Signs
(a) A painted wall sign shall not exceed 3.1 m in height and 9.14 m in length.
(b) Only one sign per wall is permitted.
(c) Notwithstanding section 3.4(8) (b), a super graphic may be the entire
length of an exterior wall providing the design has been approved by the
Municipal Planning Commission.
(9) Portable, Temporary, Inflatable Signs and Banners
(a) Intent:
(i) portable signs are intended for temporary on site advertising
relating to the commercial activities of the landowner or tenants.
Third party advertising is not permitted on portable signs with the
exception only of promotions of not for profit organizations;
(ii) the portable sign owner or licensee, not The City will determine
which tenant(s) shall have the benefit of the portable sign; and
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General Regulations Applicable to All Districts 3-33
(iii) a portable sign being used to advertise activities or events with the
exception of not for profit organizations may only be located on a
site where the event or activity is taking place.
(b) Districts in which Portable Signs are allowed:
(i) Subject to the provisions of this part, portable signs are a permitted
use in C1, C1A, C3, C4, I1, I2 and discretionary in all other
Districts except residential districts, in which they are neither
permitted nor discretionary.
(c) Specific locations in which Portable Signs are allowed:
(i) no portable sign is allowed on any site which contains an A-board;
(ii) the landowner or a lessee with the consent of the landowner of a
site for which a portable sign is proposed may apply for a portable
sign permit;
(iii) an application for portable sign permit must include a site plan
showing the proposed location of the portable sign, all dimensions
of the sign including height and face area of the sign, the design of
the sign including a photograph of same, the type of construction,
material and finish of the sign, the manner of stability and support
of the sign, the distance from curb lines, property lines and
driveway locations;
(iv) notwithstanding (iii) herein, a portable sign must be wholly located
on the property of the landowner who has been granted a permit;
(v) notwithstanding (i), (ii), (iii), or (iv) above, no portable sign shall
be located closer than 100 linear metres to any other portable sign;
(vi) a portable sign may only be located at the specific location for
which a permit is granted.
(d) Portable Sign Standards:
(i) a portable sign shall be installed, serviced, removed, and accessed
from within the property on which the sign is located;
(ii) a portable sign shall not exceed 4.0m
per face, nor shall any such
sign exceed 3.0m in height from grade;
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General Regulations Applicable to All Districts 3-34
(iii) no portable sign shall be illuminated or employ any flashing or
sequential lights or any mechanical or electronic device to produce
or simulate motion;
(iv) a portable sign shall not interfere with pedestrian and/or vehicular
(v) notwithstanding (iv) above, no portable sign shall be located closer
than 1.5 m to a property line or within 3.0 m of any access/egress
to/from a property or within 10.0 m of any intersection;
(vi) a portable sign must be stabilized but shall not use unsightly or
potentially hazardous methods. The means by which stability is to
be provided shall be included as part of the permit application. An
inflatable sign may, however, use guy wires;
(vii) a portable sign shall be removed immediately on ceasing to be in
use; and
(viii) a portable sign in use shall at all times be maintained in good
condition and, specifically, shall contain lettering and signage
which is secure and complete. Any damaged or missing signage
must be repaired within 24 hours of knowledge of same coming to
the attention of the permit holder.
(e) Permit
no portable sign shall be erected without a permit and if
applicable, a validating marker or ID tag from The City of Red
Deer Inspections and Licensing Manager;
(ii) an applicant for a portable sign permit shall provide all of the
information required by these provisions, and include such other
information as the Inspections and Licensing Manager may
reasonably require;
(iii) no portable sign may be placed other than at a location approved
by the Inspections and Licensing Manager and shown on a site
plan forming part of the permit application;
(iv) the maximum length of a permit is 60 days. The maximum
duration of display at one location for each portable sign shall be
60 days twice a year, provided, however, that no portable sign shall
remain at one location for more than 60 consecutive days at a time.
A site shall remain free of portable signs for a minimum of 60
City of Red Deer Land Use Bylaw 3357/2006
General Regulations Applicable to All Districts 3-35
consecutive days before a further permit for such site can be
issued. No permit may be applied for more than 7 days in advance
of the date of placement;
(v) portable signs shall be removed on or before the date on which the
permit expires; and
(f) Short Term Seasonal Activity Portable Signs:
on application the Inspections and Licensing Manager may in
his/her sole discretion permit the placement of a portable sign for
short term seasonal activities but in any event for a period not
exceeding 30 days.
(g) Inflatable Signs:
(i) except as enumerated herein, all provisions applicable to portable
signs generally shall apply to inflatable signs;
(ii) an inflatable sign shall be tethered or anchored and shall be
touching the surface to which it is anchored;
(iii) an inflatable sign shall not exceed the maximum free standing sign
height allowable for the district;
(iv) there shall be a maximum of 1 inflatable sign per site, but no
inflatable sign shall be permitted on the site containing any other
portable sign;
(v) an inflatable sign may be placed on a site twice within a calendar
year, but for not more than 30 days at a time; and
(vi) an inflatable sign may not be located on the roof of a structure.
(h) Banners:
(i) a banner shall not be displayed at any one site for longer than 90
consecutive days and for no more than 180 days within a calendar
the application for a permit respecting a banner shall indicate the
location and the area the banner will cover but in no circumstance
will a banner be permitted on anything other than a permanent
2 3357/E-2014
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General Regulations Applicable to All Districts 3-36
(iii) notwithstanding the above, a banner size shall not exceed 10% of
the gross area of the face of the structure to which it is attached;
(iv) a banner shall be maintained in good condition and promptly
removed if damaged; and
(v) except as enumerated herein, all provisions applicable to portable
signs generally shall apply to Banners.
(i) Exception:
(i) These provisions do not apply to portable signs including banners
erected by The City or the RCMP as warning signs in connection
with traffic speed or safety.
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General Regulations Applicable to All Districts 3-37
(10) Projecting Signs
No projecting sign shall be erected so that the bottom thereof is less than
2.8 m above the sidewalk; provided however, where traffic lights may be
obscured in the opinion of the Development Officer, the minimum
requirement for the bottom of the projecting sign may be increased to a
height of 3.6 m or more above the sidewalk.
(b) All projecting signs shall maintain the required clearance from overhead
power and service lines as required forth under The Electrical Protection
(c) The maximum area of a projecting sign shall be 4.5 m
(d) The nearest edge of a projecting sign shall not be set off more than 0.3 m
from the building face.
Wall Signs
(a) Wall signs shall be securely fastened to walls and shall not be entirely
supported by an unbraced parapet wall.
(i) The maximum horizontal dimension of a wall sign shall be 6.1 m.
Election Signs
(a) Election signs may be placed on private or public property (with the
approval of the owner/public authority).
(i) Election signs are permitted on municipal property only as
designated by the City Council.
(ii) Election signs must be located at least 3.0 m from the back of
sidewalk or if there is no sidewalk, the back of curb.
(iii) Election signs on public property may not exceed 3.0 m
in size nor
3.6 m in height.
Only one Election Sign per candidate, per designated sign location
approved by Council resolution, is permitted.
(v) If a candidate fails to remove his or her election signs within 48
hours after the voting stations close on election day, the
Designated Officers may remove them and the candidate shall be
liable for the cost of removal.
Correction 29
Correction 29
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General Regulations Applicable to All Districts 3-38
(vi) When an election sign interferes with work being carried out by
City work crews or contractors doing work on behalf of The City,
the crews may remove and dispose of such signs.
(vii) Designated Officers employed by The City may remove any
election signs which have been erected, affixed, posted or placed
on any City property in contravention of this bylaw.
(viii) A candidate whose name appears on an election sign which is in
contravention of this bylaw shall be guilty of an offence under this
(13) Offensive Signage
(a) No sign shall be erected which promotes intolerance, hatred or ridicule of
any race, religion or other segment of society.
(b) No billboard, wall sign, or painted wall sign, including supergraphics or
portable sign shall be allowed to advertise adult entertainment or services
which feature nudity.
Dynamic Sign Regulations
(a) A Dynamic Sign may display Public Service Announcements, but shall
not include Third Party Advertising or Sponsor Recognition except when
it is located on a Site in a PS district which is over 17.0 hectares;
(b) Messages shall be displayed for a minimum time period of 3 seconds;
(c) A Dynamic Sign must have an adjustable brightness level and the level of
brightness of a Dynamic Sign shall be to the reasonable satisfaction of the
Development Officer; and
(d) Dynamic Signs shall meet the following regulations which may be varied
by the Development Authority:
(i) not be located within 30.0m radius of a residential District;
(ii) when the Site of a proposed Dynamic Sign is adjacent to a
residential District notification will be sent by the City to property
owners within a 100.0m radius of the proposed Site;
(iii) be limited to one Dynamic Sign per Building or Site, with the
exception of PS Sites over 17ha which will be limited to two
Dynamic Signs provided that one of the Dynamic Signs must be a
Fascia Sign and the other Dynamic Sign must be a portion of a
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Free Standing Sign, and further provided that the two Dynamic
Signs must be at least 50.0m apart;
(iv) not be located on a Site within a 50.0m radius of the Boundary of a
Site containing an existing Dynamic Sign; and
(v) comprise not more than 25% of the total freestanding or fascia sign
Recreation Sponsorship Signage Regulations
Recreation Sponsorship Signage may be placed on sports field fencing
around sports fields. Recreation Sponsorship Signage is also permitted on
accessory buildings or structures such as, but not limited to, dugouts,
bleachers, media towers and storage sheds;
To ensure that the proposed signage does not have adverse impacts in
relation to the overall amenity of the site, all signage must be
produced/manufactured by a sign company;
All signage placed on field fencing must be non-illuminated and the total
signage shall not cover more than 50% of the linear circumference of the
fence, must not cover gates or access points and must not extend past the
side edges of the fence or above or below the fence and any proposed sign
shall not exceed a maximum of 1.2 m by 1.8 m per sign;
All signage shall be securely fastened to the fence and it is the Applicant’s
responsibility to ensure the fence is structurally sound enough to support
the proposed signage in all weather and anticipated use conditions;
All signage placed on accessary buildings or structures must be non-
illuminated and the total signage shall not cover more than 10% of the
building face or side to which it is attached, must not extend past the edges
of the building or structure and any proposed individual sign shall not
exceed a maximum of 1.2 m by 1.8 m;
Signage in the form of stickers (adhesive attachment) is not permitted; and
The sign(s) shall be designed and placed so that structural support
elements appear as an integral part of the overall sign design ensuring that
no guide wires, no angle iron bracing or similar support structure elements
are visible from a public street or other public right-of-way.
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3.5 Accessory Building Regulations
(1) An accessory building:
(a) shall not be erected or placed on the rear yard of a site closer to the side
boundary which is a common boundary with a street than the minimum
side yard for the site; and
(b) may not be erected or placed over a gas line if the accessory building is on
a permanent foundation.
No Accessory Building or Buildings designed or intended to be used for a
workshop shall be erected on a Site in a C1 District or the Riverlands Districts if
the ground floor area of such Accessory Building or Buildings exceeds 40% of
the ground floor area of the Principal Building on the Site.
(3) Where an accessory building is allowed to be located over a sewer or water line it
shall be a condition of such approval that:
(h) the owner provides at his expense an agreement registered by caveat on
the title to the site, releasing The City from, and agreeing to indemnify
The City for, any damage to such service lines or buildings on or adjacent
to the site, and
(i) an accessory building shall not enclose the service valves or shut off
valves of that line.
(4) A private garage, or carport, in addition to the other provisions of this section and
section 3.11 shall comply with the following:
(a) where the vehicle entrance to the garage or carport face a lane, the
building setback shall be either 6.0 m or 0.9 m from the lane, except in
those cases where an easement has been placed along the rear property
line, in which event the building setback shall be either 6.0 m or the width
of the easement plus 0.5 m from the lane,
(b) where the vehicle entrance to the garage or carport face the side boundary
of the site which is not a common boundary with a street, the building
shall be not less than 6.0 m from the side boundary which the entrance
faces. If there is an easement, the building setback at its closest point shall
be the width of the easement plus 0.5 m from the lane,
(c) where the vehicle entrance to the garage or carport face the side boundary
of the site which is a common boundary with the street, the building shall
be not less than 6.0 m from the nearest edge of the sidewalk abutting such
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side boundary and where there is no sidewalk, not less than 2.4 m from
such side boundary of the site. If there is an easement, the building
setback at its closest point shall be the width of the easement plus 0.5 m
from the lane,
(d) notwithstanding section 3.5(4)(a),(b), and (c), a garage which is within the
following tolerances of the requirements therein stated shall be deemed to
comply with those subsections namely: The distance: not less than 90%
or more than 10% of the required distance, provided the garage does not
encroach on an easement.
Accessory Buildings in all Residential Districts and Riverlands Districts
shall be similar to, and complement, the Principal Building in exterior
material, colour, and appearance.
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3.6 Landscaping Regulations
(1) The Developer shall submit detailed landscape design plans with the application
for development for approval by the Development Authority in compliance with
the Landscaping Regulations specified herein, which shall include the lands
proposed for development as well as all adjacent boulevards and municipal
(2) In addition to the requirements section 2.4, the landscape design plan shall
include the following additional information:
(a) common botanical names;
(b) planting standards - excavation for all plantings shall be 50% larger
volume than the soil ball and filled with acceptable topsoil. The minimum
planting excavation will be 0.6 m x 0.6 m; and
(c) number of trees and shrubs.
The landscape design plans shall include details, specifying the mixture of
coniferous and deciduous trees and shrubs designed to provide landscape
enhancement for year round effect as well as any water conservation methods or
strategies employed. Any proposed landscaping plan with a naturescaping
component for new development or redeveloped site shall be subject to
Development Authority approval.
(4) Landscape details shall consist of not less than the following standards:
(a) deciduous trees - minimum calliper 60.0 millimetres (measured 450.0
millimetres from ground level),
(b) coniferous trees - minimum height 2.5 m,
(c) deciduous shrubs – minimum #2 container class,
(d) coniferous shrubs – minimum #2 container class.
Refer to Section 7.15 Major Entry Areas Overlay District, Subsection (7) for
Major Entry Areas Regulations for Landscaping.
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In all areas other than Major Entryways Areas the following minimum
standards shall be met:
(a) One tree is required for each 60.0m² of landscaped area;
(b) One shrub is required for each 30.0m² of landscaped area;
(c) The proportion of deciduous to coniferous trees or shrubs shall be
approximately 2:1.
(7) The use of landscaping is required adjacent to exterior walls which are visible
from adjacent public roads, other than lands, to minimize the perceived mass of
the building and to create visual interest.
(8) The landscaping of boulevard and front yards shall include a mixture of
coniferous/deciduous tree and shrubs.
(9) Where off street parking for 25 or more vehicles is required and is being
provided at grade, dispersed landscaped areas shall be provided within the
interior of the parking area(s) for the purpose of providing visual relief and to
break up large areas of parking into smaller cells.
(10) The landscaping treatment shall be in the form of landscaped islands,
particularly at the termini of long rows of parking; tree lines separating facing
rows of parking stalls, or some other form or combination of landscaping
(11) The location, extent and type of plantings and other landscaping treatments shall
be to the satisfaction of the Development Authority.
(12) The applicant shall, as a condition of Development Permit approval, provide an
Irrevocable Letter of Credit to The City equal to 100% of the estimated
landscaping costs, with the conditions of the security being that:
(a) if the landscaping is not completed in accordance with the provisions of
this Bylaw and the approved landscaping plan within one growing season
after the completion of the development, then the amount specified in the
Irrevocable Letter of Credit shall be paid to The City on demand for its use
absolutely, and
(b) Engineering Services shall not release the Irrevocable Letter of Credit
until an inspection of the site has demonstrated that the landscaping has
been well maintained and is in a healthy condition two growing seasons
after completion of the landscaping. This inspection will be performed at
the discretion of the Development Authority within four weeks from the
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date of receiving a written request for the applicant to perform said
(13) The parking of vehicles, the outdoor display or sale of goods and outdoor
storage are all prohibited on any portion of a site which has been approved for
landscaping (including the natural display of grass, plants or other landscaping
features) unless approved by the Development Authority.
(14) A minimum of 15% of all Landscaped Area of developments requiring a
landscaping plan shall consist of Naturescaping.
(15) The Developer is responsible for landscaping boulevards and roadway berms
adjacent to the lot or development site.
(16) In addition to subsection (15), with the exception of mixed use district areas, in
the case of non-residential lots adjacent to residential lots, landscaping shall
provide a visual buffer between the residential and non-residential uses.
(17) 25% of all front yards of detached, semi-detached and multi-attached dwelling
units shall consist of landscaped area.
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3.7 Loading Spaces
(1) The minimum required number of loading spaces:
(a) In C1, C1A, C2A, C2B, C3 and C4 Districts, one loading space opposite
each loading door with a minimum of one shall be provided.
(b) In I1 and I2 Districts, one loading space opposite each loading door with a
minimum of one for each 1,858.0 m
of floor space shall be provided.
(2) Loading Space Standard:
(a) A loading space shall be located on the same site as the building or use in
respect of which it is required.
(b) A loading space situated within a setback distance from a street or lane
shall not be counted for the purposes of this section.
(c) A loading space shall be designed, located and constructed so that:
(i) it is reasonably accessible to any vehicle intended to be
accommodated there;
(ii) it can be properly maintained; and
(iii) it is satisfactory to the Development Authority in size, shape,
location and construction.
A loading space shall be at least 2.7m wide, having an area of at least
29.0 m
, and have an overhead clearance of at least 3.6 m.
(e) A loading space and the driveway which provides access thereto shall be
surfaced as directed by the Development Authority and be properly
3.8 Deleted
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3.9 Projection Over Yards
(1) Except as provided in this part, no person shall allow any portion of the principal
building on a site to project into a minimum yard setback.
(2) On a site in any district, an exterior fire escape not more than 1.2 m wide,
provided that in commercial districts an exterior fire escape must be constructed
at least 3.6 m above grade.
3.10 Number of Buildings per Site
(1) Not more than one principal building shall be erected on a lot unless an overall
site plan, which provides for one or more groups of buildings, has been approved
by the Development Authority.
3.11 Restrictions on Corner Site Lines
(1) No person shall erect, place, allow or permit any building, fence, vehicle or
trailer, screening material or object, and no person shall plant or permit to grow
any hedges, trees or vegetation which exceeds 0.9 m in height on a portion of a
corner site determined as follows:
(a) where the corner site is at the intersection of two lanes or two streets,
within a triangular area two sides of which shall be a minimum of 4.5 m
long, measured from the corner of the corner site along the boundaries of
the lot which meet at the said intersection, and the third side by drawing a
line to connect the points so determined on each such boundary (for
illustrative purposes see Part 3, Figure 2), or
(b) in the case of a site which is at the intersection of a lane and a street,
within a triangular area two sides of which shall be a minimum of 3.0 m
long, measured from the corner of the corner site along the boundaries of
the lot which meet at the said intersection, and the third side by drawing a
line to connect points so determined on each such boundary (for
illustrative purposes see Part 3, Figure 2).
(2) In the front yard of a site in a residential district, no fence or hedge more than 0.9
m in height shall be permitted within 6.0 m of the intersection of a driveway or
lane and a road. (for illustrative purposes see Part 3, Figure 2).
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Figure 2-Restrictions on Corner Sites
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Figure 2B-Restrictions on Corner Sites
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3.12 - DELETED
Figure 3-Major Entry Areas - DELETED
3.13 Roof Drainage
(1) All roof drainage shall be directed onto the site or as specified by the
Development Authority.
3.14 Similar Use Permit
(1) The list of discretionary uses for any land use district shall be deemed to include
any use which is, in the opinion of the Commission, consistent with the overall
intent of the land use district and similar to a listed permitted or discretionary use.
3.15 Building Heights
(1) The height of a building is the vertical distance measured from the average grade
to the highest point of the building.
(2) The highest point of a building shall be determined without considering an
elevator housing, roof stairway entrance, water tank, ventilating fan, skylight,
steeple, chimney, smokestack, fire wall, parapet wall, roof sign, aerial array, flag
pole or similar device or feature not structurally essential to the building.
3.17 Satellite Dish Antennas
(1) No satellite dish antenna:
(a) shall be located in a front or side yard abutting a street,
(b) shall be illuminated, or
(c) shall exhibit or display any advertising.
1 3357/G-2016
2 3357/G-2016
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(2) Satellite dish antennas greater than 0.8 m in diameter may not be erected in any
residential district in such a manner that any part thereof is more than 3.0 m above
the grade level, without the approval of the Development Authority.
(3) Satellite dish antennas 0.8 m in diameter or less:
(a) in the case of a residential structure with a pitched roof, no portion of the
satellite dish antenna may be located above the highest point of the pitched
roof, without the approval of the Development Authority,
(b) in the case of a residential structure with a flat roof, may be attached to the
building’s fascia or soffit or any lower location.
3.18 Utility Regulation Stations
(1) The Commission may approve the erection of a gas, electricity or waterworks
pumping, regulating, transformer or storage building or equipment, on a site,
notwithstanding that such development does not conform to the area or side yard
requirements of this Bylaw.
3.19 Electrical Overhead Wiring Separation Distance
(1) No building which exceeds 4.4 m in height may be constructed so that any part of
it is closer than 4.3 m to a boundary which is adjacent to existing overhead
(2) No building which is less than 4.4 m in height may be constructed so that any part
of it is closer than 2.5 m to a boundary which is adjacent to existing overhead
(3) In order to accommodate electrical wiring and equipment, the Development
Authority may require the registration of an easement as a condition of the
issuance of a development permit.
(4) Where there is a difference between the setback required under this section and
the setback required under Parts 4-8 of this Bylaw, the greater distance shall
3.20 Fence Regulations
(1) No person shall erect or cause to be erected or shall have or maintain on any
property located in the City of which he is the owner, occupant, tenant or lessee:
(a) any barbed wire fence or other barbed wire structure or any fence which is
surmounted by nails, sharpened spikes, broken glass or other dangerous
objects or materials; or
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General Regulations Applicable to All Districts 3-51
(b) any electrified fence.
(2) Subsection (1)(a) shall not apply:
(a) where barbed wire is placed on a fence at a height of not less than 1.83 m
above the level of ground on a fence in a non-residential district;
(b) where the fence is located on land designated A-1 Future Urban
Development District under this land use bylaw.
(3) A fence in a residential district or other district in which the principle use is
residential, must meet the following requirements:
(a) the portion of a fence which is located between the front of the building
and the rear property line or along the rear property line may not exceed
2.0 m in height;
(b) the portion of a fence which is located between the front of the building
and the front property line may not exceed 0.9 m in height.
(4) For the purpose of subsection (3) the height of a fence is measured from ground
level to the top of the fence, except where the fence is located on a retaining wall,
in which case the height of the fence shall include the height of the retaining wall.
(5) The Development Authority may grant a relaxation to the height requirement set
out in subsection 3.20 (3).
(6) No development permit is required for a fence in a residential district or other
district in which the primary use is residential except unless a height relaxation
under section 3.30 (5) is requested.
(7) No development permit is required for a fence in a non-residential district.
No person shall construct, allow or permit a fence to be located on City property,
including a road or lane right-of-way, City boulevard, utility lot or municipal
reserve lot, without the expressed written permission of The City.
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3.21 Cremation Regulations
(1) The use of a crematorium, retort or cremation chamber must not result in any
noise, odor, smoke or other nuisance which emanates beyond the boundaries of
the premises on which the use takes place.
3.22 Public Property Regulations
(1) No person shall park or leave a vehicle, or any part of a vehicle, on or over any
public property.
(2) The prohibition in subsection (1) does not apply to a vehicle which is parked:
(a) in a designated parking stall or designated parking areas;
(b) on any carriageway intended for the passage of vehicles and where not
otherwise prohibited;
(c) on public property in accordance with a license from or the express
approval of The City.
(3) Where one or more vehicles are parked or left on public property contrary to
subsection (1), it shall be a separate offence for each day that such vehicle(s) is so
parked or displayed.
(4) No person shall store, display or sell goods on any public property, except in
accordance with the terms of a valid City business license or other lawful
authority granted by The City.
(5) Subsection (4) does not prohibit occasional sidewalk sales provided that such
sales do not impede pedestrian traffic on the sidewalk.
3.23 Objects Prohibited or Restricted in Yards
(1) No person in lawful possession or control of a site shall allow or permit a trailer
parked on such site to be used for living or sleeping accommodation except as
(a) A trailer parked in an approved campground.
(b) A trailer parked in the Westerner Exposition site if their on-site
campground is full or if exhibitors require close proximity to on-site
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(c) A self-container trailer parked in the parking lot of a church, school,
recreation venue site, community centre or major hotel with
conference/convention facilities providing:
(i) the occupant has obtained consent from the owner of the site and is
attending a function or event in a facility on that site;
(ii) the owner of the site has obtained approval from the Development
(iii) overnight parking on the site does not exceed two consecutive
nights unless approved by the Development Authority;
(iv) overnight parking on the site shall not exceed two occasions per
calendar month unless approved by the Development Authority;
(v) no fees shall be charged for overnight parking;
(vi) the owner of the site will be responsible to ensure that all City of
Red Deer Bylaws, including the Public Order Bylaw, are complied
(d) A trailer parked on a site in a residential district for 48 hours or less
between the first day of April and the thirty-first day of October each year
(i) the owner of the site obtains approval from the Development
(ii) no rent or fees are paid for the use of the site or facilities;
(iii) the period shall in no circumstances exceed thirty days without
prior approval of the Development Authority.
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Community Gardens
Community Gardens are discretionary use in all districts and subject to approval by the
Development Authority.
Temporary Buildings
(1) A temporary building may not be erected without the permission of the Development
Authority which may be granted as follows:
(a) any district other than a residential district subject to the owner agreeing to
remove such a building in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated by
the Development Authority.
(b) a residential land use district provided that:
(i) no such temporary building shall have a floor area exceeding 16.5 square
metres, be more than 3.0 metres in height or be set back less than 1.2 metres from
the side of the property line; and
(ii) the owner enters into an agreement to remove such a building in accordance
with the terms and conditions stipulated by the Development Authority;
(iii) there shall be no more than one temporary building per site;
(iv) a temporary building being used as a garage must be placed in the rear yard
(v) in the case of a pre-manufactured temporary building, the elevations shall be
subject to the approval of the Development Authority;
(vi) the temporary building must be set back at least 1.2 metres from the property
line; and
(vii) the permit for the temporary building shall expire at the end of 24 months
unless extended by the Development Authority.
Through a Special Event Permit
(2) If an owner fails to comply with the terms and conditions of a temporary building
permit, the Development Authority may remove or cause to be removed such
building as the case may be, the costs of which shall be charged against the lands
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upon which the temporary building is situated and shall be payable by the owner to
The City on demand.
(3) A temporary building may not be used as a dwelling