Connecting Worcester
Digital Equity Charette
“Digital divide is the issue.
Digital equity is the goal.
Digital inclusion is the work.
(National Digital Inclusion Alliance)
April 2024
Worcester Digital Equity Charette
This project was funded by the Massachusetts Broadband Institute at the MassTech Collaborative under the
Municipal Digital Equity Planning Program. Funding was provided by Massachusetts ARPA State Fiscal
Recovery Funds.
Special thank you to the City of Worcester staff and residents for their time, resources, and invaluable
knowledge, which has contributed to the development and success of this plan.
Worcester Digital Equity Charette
Table of Contents
Introduction .............................................................................................................. 1
Prior Planning ......................................................................................................... 3
Existing Conditions & Community Profile........................................................... 5
Community Outreach Process ........................................................................... 16
Community Findings & Needs Assessment ...................................................... 20
Funding Opportunities and Resources ............................................................ 39
Conclusion ............................................................................................................. 42
Sources .................................................................................................................. 43
Worcester Digital Equity Charette 1
Digital Equity: a condition in which
all individuals and communities
have the information technology
capacity needed for full
participation in our society,
democracy, and economy.
Digital Literacy: the ability to use
information and communication
technologies to find, evaluate,
create, and communicate
information, requiring both
cognitive and technical skills.
Digital Divide: the gap between
those who have affordable access,
skills, and support to effectively
engage online and those who do
The National Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA) defines “Digital
Equity” as “a condition in which all individuals and
communities have the information technology capacity
needed for full participation in our society, democracy, and
Many elements contribute to digital equity, the
most important being affordable high-speed internet access,
access to internet-enabled devices, and digital literacy.
These elements have become fundamental components of a
person’s right to health, education, and economic
opportunity. Full participation in modern society involves
online learning, remote work, virtual civic meetings,
telemedicine, e-commerce, and many other services
accessed through the Internet. This reality was made
especially apparent by the COVID-19 pandemic, which
rapidly drove many aspects of life online.
Yet too many people still find themselves without adequate
internet, devices, and digital literacy skills. They have been
left behind because of the digital divide, “the gap between
those who have affordable access, skills, and support to
effectively engage online and those who do not.
In recognition of the importance of bridging the digital divide, the Massachusetts Broadband Institute
(MBI) launched the Municipal Digital Equity Planning Program. According to MBI,
The goal of the Municipal Digital Equity Planning Program is to enable municipalities, or other
local bodies of government, to engage in planning activities related to digital equity and bridging
the digital divide. These planning activities will result in strategic documents designed to identify
the community's needs, interests, and key assets and provide a framework that will guide future
municipal decision-making and potential investments and activities that will increase access and
usage of the Internet for the populations most impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The program offers two options to pursue digital equity planning activities, a short-term “planning
charette” or a longer-term “digital equity plan.Under each option, municipalities are assigned a
consultant to help execute the project. Municipalities that successfully complete a digital equity plan or
charette are eligible to access a one-time grant of up to $100,000 to carry out a related project in their
Digital literacy definition sourced from the American Library Association.
Worcester Digital Equity Charette 2
In Fall 2023, the City of Worcester submitted an application to MBI to partake in the Municipal Digital
Equity Planning Program. For its planning activity, the City chose to undertake a series of charettes, or
public workshops, to engage municipal officials, community groups, residents, and other stakeholders
about the status of digital equity in the community. The City selected the Central Massachusetts
Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC) as its consultant.
Between December 2023 and March 2024, CMRPC facilitated three public charettes with the guidance of
the City of Worcester and the Worcester Digital Equity Working Group, a collection of stakeholders from
across the City who are focused on tackling the digital divide. This report analyzes the results of the
charette process and recommends future steps that the City can take to promote digital equity.
The Worcester Digital Equity Working Group was coordinated by CMRPC and David Quiroa, Community
& Intergovernmental Affairs Manager in the office of the Worcester City Manager. Working Group
member organizations include:
Worcester Regional Research Bureau
Worcester Public Library
Worcester Public Schools
Quinsigamond Community College
Main South CDC
Greater Worcester Community Foundation
The Southeast Asian Coalition
City of Worcester Health and Human Services
Edward Street
The Village
The Center for Health Impact
UMass Memorial Health
UMass Chan Medical School
Worcester Community Action Council
Worcester Interfaith
Latino Education Institute
Worcester Digital Equity Charette 3
Prior Planning
Assessing prior planning efforts provided insight into the ongoing efforts to address digital equity in
Worcester. The following plans all contain elements pertaining to digital equity. This plan's purpose is to
build and expand on these past efforts and identify strategies to enhance digital equity throughout the
Worcester community. The following points summarize major goals and themes from existing plans
related to digital equity in Worcester.
City of Worcester Strategic Plan (2020)
Enhance public safety services and emergency preparedness to maintain a sense of safety and
security in Worcesters community.
Promote opportunities for educational and employment growth for all residents.
Support opportunities that lead to increased digital literacy skills.
Defining our Path, a Strategic Plan for Education in Worcester (2018-2023)
Build the infrastructure to maintaining technology access and unity across the school district.
Create policies and a course of action for technology use, access, and advancement that will assist in
district-wide fulfillment and sustainability.
Form a technology committee with representation from stakeholders to oversee implementation
and ensure it aligns with community needs.
Invest in the purchasing and support of a student information system.
Create and maintain a wireless network within school buildings to support a 1:1 device system
throughout the school district.
Implement a district-wide approach to provide all educators with essential technology for
instructional support.
Ensure access to devices so that students are able to use technology for customized learning
Develop funding to retain the maintenance and replacement of technology in a timely fashion.
Work on improving after-school access to internet services and technology to further support
student education.
Worcester Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Plan (2019)
Utilize effective communication avenues such as the Citys website and social media to relay public
information regarding preparedness.
Develop social media use to communicate weather/climate-related emergencies.
Worcester Research Bureau, Boosting Broadband (2022)
Research report highlighting sharp disparities in access to broadband across the City.
Findings: 61% of low-income households had broadband internet connection in 2019, compared to
93.7% of households earning more than $75,000 annually.
Worcester Digital Equity Charette 4
Community Health Improvement Plan (2021)
For the current plan. The Worcester community expressed a need to categorize internet access
as an essential service. This became evident during the COVID-19 pandemic, a crisis that
exposed a disparity between those with continuous stable internet access, and those who do
The intended impact is to ensure that every individual in the City and region may access high-
quality internet to stay connected.
Worcester Digital Equity Charette 5
Existing Conditions & Community Profile
The City of Worcester is an ethnically and racially
diverse community. Nearly half of Worcester
residents identify as Latino or Hispanic or as a
person of color, compared with only 30% and 26% of
Massachusetts and Worcester County residents
The City is also home to speakers of
many different languages. More than a third of
residents speak a language other than English.
While many of these individuals are also proficient in
English, 12% of Worcester households have limited
English-speaking skills; this is double the state and
national averages.
The City has a low median income relative to other
communities in Massachusetts and Worcester
County. Worcester households earn a median
income of $63,011 per year, far less than the state
median household income of $96,505 and the
Worcester County median household
income of $88,524.
Nearly a quarter of
Worcester households earn less than
$25,000 a year.
Individual earnings are
often linked to educational attainment,
and Worcester residents are less likely
to have earned at least a high school
degree than their counterparts
elsewhere in Massachusetts and
Worcester County.
Finally, Worcester is also a young
community. At 34.3 years old,
Worcesters median age is more than
five years below the median ages of
Massachusetts and Worcester
This difference can be
accounted for primarily in the City’s
higher share of adolescents and young
adults (ages 15-34) and lower share of
adults aged 60 and above.
Worcester Digital Equity Charette 6
According to the Massachusetts Broadband Institute (MBI), nearly every location in Worcester had
physical access to at least one broadband internet provider as of 2022;
only 80 locations, or 0.18% of
total serviceable locations, were “unserved.Service availability does not directly translate to service
access, as residents must still subscribe to internet plans to gain access. 2018-2022 American Community
Survey (ACS) data indicates that 12.2% of Worcester households, or 9,633 households, do not have an
internet subscription of any kind.
This is three percentage points higher than the share of households
in Massachusetts and Worcester County that report having no Internet subscription. That said, this data
point is lower than the percentage of non-subscribers in Springfield and Lowell, the second and third
largest Gateway cities in
Massachusetts behind
Among Worcester
households with a
broadband internet
subscription, many
exclusively rely on their
mobile data plans and
smartphones to access the
Internet. 10,067, or 12.7%
of Worcester households,
report having only a
cellular data plan and no
other type of internet
Accessing the Internet by smartphone comes with many limitations. First, cheaper mobile plans often
come with monthly data caps, the lowest of which can be 2-5 GBs. When users surpass their cap, they
may encounter slower speeds and extra charges.
This is a real possibility considering that a one-hour
Zoom call on just standard-definition video consumes 540 MBs, more than 10% of a users monthly data
allotment at 5 GBs.
Even many unlimited plans come with thresholds that trigger lower speeds.
comparison, fixed, in-home internet subscriptions offer far higherif not unlimitedquantities of
Mobile connections also operate at slower download and upload speeds than in-home
connections, limiting the kind and quantity of activities that users may engage in.
Finally, there are
numerous applications that are either unavailable for smartphone users or very difficult for them to use.
Many of these, such as word processing and graphic design programs, are important for remote work.
Worcester Digital Equity Charette 7
Under 18 years
18 to 64 years
65 years and over
Less than high school
High school, some college or associate's
Bachelor's or higher
White alone
Black/African American
American Indian/Alaska Native
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
Other race
Two or more races
Hispanic or Latino
Less than $10,000:
$10,000 to $19,999:
$20,000 to $34,999:
$35,000 to $49,999:
$50,000 to $74,999:
$75,000 or more:
Attainment Race/Ethnicity Income
Percent of Pop with a Broadband Subscription: City of Worcester
More than 9,633 Worcester households that lack internet subscriptions disproportionately belong to
specific demographic and socioeconomic groups. Being older, having a lower household income, and
having a lower educational attainment all correlate to a reduced likelihood that a Worcester resident
has an in-home
broadband internet
instance, nearly 20%
fewer Worcester
residents aged 65 and
over have a computer
and a broadband
internet subscription
compared to residents
under 18 years of age.
The 2018-2022 ACS data
does not reveal
significant differences in
access to computers and
broadband internet
subscriptions between
different racial and
ethnic groups. However,
inequities may still exist
in terms of cost burden,
number of provider
options, internet quality,
and reliability.
Device Access
Computers and phones have become integral parts of our daily lives, but many Worcester households
still lack access to computing devices like smartphones and laptops. More than 5,600 Worcester
households (7.1% of total households) own no computing device at all.
This leaves them greatly
disadvantaged when it comes to accessing the many public and private services that are predominantly
or exclusively available online.
For those households that do possess a computing device, smartphones are the most widely adopted
technology. Almost 87% of Worcester households report having a smartphone, compared to three-
quarters of households (74.7%) reporting having desktop or laptop computers.
8,738 households, or
11.10% of households in the City, have no other computing device other than a smartphone.
Source: ACS 2018-2022 5-Year Estimate, Tables B28004 & S2802 Note: The low Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander population
results in a very high margin of error, and the resulting estimate should not be viewed as statistically significant.
Worcester Digital Equity Charette 8
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2022 5-Year Estimates, Table S2801.
*Table S2801 does not specify where or for what purpose (e.g., work, school, etc.) respondents secured or
received their computers.
Worcester Digital Equity Charette 9
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2022 5-Year Estimates, Table S2801.
Worcester Digital Equity Charette 10
Digital Skills and Literacy
Being able to afford an adequate device and a good/reliable
connection to the Internet is essential. Equally important is
the ability to use them effectively. Difficulty in leveraging
digital technology has major implications for a person’s access
to opportunity and overall welfare. For example, a recent
report from the National Skills Coalition and Federal Reserve
Bank of Atlanta that evaluated the demand for digital skills in
the labor market found that 92 percent of job ads in the state
of Massachusetts required digital skills.
Similarly, a 2021
Pew Research Center report that looked at internet and
device access and use during the pandemic found that 90% of
US adults viewed the Internet as essential or important for
them during the pandemic. Data on the other essential ways
in which people use the internet is limited but several studies
indicate that rates of internet and device use for education
and telehealth have increased dramatically in recent years.
Although there is no data available that examines digital
literacy in the City of Worcester, national research shows
stark disparities in digital literacy across demographic groups.
The aforementioned Pew Research report, for example,
showed that 25% of adults usually need someone else to set
up a new computer and 10% say they are not very confident
using digital devices.
These numbers differ greatly by age
group, with 68% of adults over 75 years of age saying one or
both are true versus only 16% and 17% of those between 18-
29 and 30-49 years of age, respectively, saying one or both
are true. A 2023 study by the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development (OECD) found that one-third of Americans lack basic digital skills that are
needed to engage successfully in the modern economy and that Black and Hispanic workers are
overrepresented in this group.
TelehealthAn Opportunity to Advance Health Equity
Disparities in access to healthcare and health outcomes are well documented. Research has
consistently shown that healthcare access is more limited for lower income households, people of
color, and rural households - contributing to worse health outcomes across the same groups. While
many barriers to health equity remain, physical access to care is one of the most substantial and
pervasive obstacles that could be alleviated with the increased use of telehealth. Additionally,
telehealth could provide access to culturally competent care that may not otherwise be accessible.
Worcester Digital Equity Charette 11
In its 2021 report, “Bridging the Broadband Affordability Gap,” the nonprofit Education Superhighway
estimated that nearly two-thirds of unconnected U.S. households are offline because they cannot afford
an internet subscription.
Given the near universal availability of broadband infrastructure throughout
Worcester, it is likely that affordability plays a
critical role in explaining why so many of the
Citys households go without internet. Survey
responses to MBI’s digital equity survey indicate
that even among those households with
internet, many Worcester residents struggle to
pay for their internet, with over 50% of
respondents with an internet subscription
saying it is either somewhat hard or very hard
to pay their internet bill.
As previously mentioned, Worcester has a low median income compared to the rest of Massachusetts
and Worcester County. The result is that Worcester households must spend a higher relative share of
their income on internet plans. The following case study illustrates this point. Per BroadBandNow,
Charter Communications’ Spectrum service
offers 300 Mbps Internet
packages that
start at $49.99 per month in both Worcester
and the neighboring municipality of
A plan at this advertised price
would cost approximately $600 annually. To
afford the plan, a median-income Worcester
household would have to spend 0.95% of its
annual income
, whereas a median-income
household in Holden
would need to spend
only 0.43% of its annual income.
Internet affordability challenges in
Worcester are also exacerbated by the high
proportion of their incomes that Worcester
residents spend on housing costs - 41% of
owner-occupied housing units and 50% of
renter-occupied housing units in Worcester spend greater than 30% of their income on housing costs
making them cost-burdened according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
closer examination of the data also reveals that a concerning quarter (25.18%) of Worcester renter
households, or 11,515 households, devote 50% or more of their income to rent each year. This is
Per Spectrum, 300 Mbps internet is suitable for 2-3 users per household.
Median household income in Worcester is $63,011.
Median household income in Holden is $138,241.
Source: MBI Digital Equity Survey (Results for City of Worcester)
Source: ACS 2018-2022 5-Year Estimates, Table S1903
0.00% 0.30% 0.60% 0.90% 1.20%
Holden, MA
Auburn, MA
West Boylston, MA
Leicester, MA
Worcester, MA
Percent of Household Median Income to Pay
for Spectrum 300 Mbps Internet over One Year
Worcester Digital Equity Charette 12
significant because spending so much on housing leaves these households with less to spend on
computing devices and internet plans, not to mention other essentials like food.
A strong indicator of the appetite for more affordable internet service in Worcester can be seen in city
residents’ widespread adoption of the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). In May 2021, the FCC
launched the Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB) Program to offer eligible low-income households a
monthly discount off the cost of broadband internet service.
The ACP replaced the EBB in 2022, and
since then it has provided $30 monthly subsidies to subscriber households.
According to the Education
Superhighway, with 70% of
eligible households subscribed,
Worcester has one of the highest
ACP adoption rates in the
ACP adoption
in Worcester is higher than or
comparable to adoption rates in
each of the five other most
populous Gateway cities in
Massachusetts. These numbers
point to the effectiveness of local
ACP awareness campaigns, such
as the partnership between the
Education Superhighway and
Worcester Public Schools. More importantly, they also reveal the considerable need for cheaper internet
solutions in the City. The ACP is expected to be phased out upon the exhaustion of its funds in April
2024, which will increase the financial burden of internet subscriptions for many Worcester
Internet Service Providers
The lack of competition among internet service providers in Worcester poses another obstacle to
internet affordability. According to the Massachusetts Broadband Institute, more than 72% of
serviceable locations in Worcester had only one broadband provider as of 2022 (not including satellite
internet providers).
In most cases, that provider is Charter Communications’ Spectrum service, which
offers coverage to nearly every location throughout the City. Charter Spectrum has faced criticism from
Worcester residents in the past for poor quality of service and high prices.
The only other broadband
provider available to Worcester residents in 2022 was T-Mobile in-home wireless, albeit at limited
locations and speeds.
Fortunately, more options are emerging; Verizon announced in late 2022 that it
would be bringing Verizon Fios fiber internet to Worcester.
As the network is built out, more Worcester
households will have access to an alternative source of wired high-speed internet. Verizon and T-Mobile
Excludes satellite internet providers. Satellite internet providers typically offer slow speeds and high prices compared to non-
satellite competitors.
40% 40%
Quincy Lowell Lynn Springfield Brockton Worcester
ACP Enrollment Rates (Eligible Households) in Most
Populous MA Gateway Cities
Source: Education Superhighway ACP Enrollment Dashboard. Nov. 2023 Data.
Worcester Digital Equity Charette 13
are also expanding their fixed wireless, or 5G-based internet service, in Worcester.
However, it may
take time for residents to discover these new options.
The table below provides a look into the internet subscription options presently available to
Worcester households (including satellite internet providers). Because options vary by location
across the City, the chart displays the internet subscription plans available at a sample address in
Worcesters Main South neighborhood. Providers offering service to the location were sourced from
the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) National Broadband Map.
Advertised prices were
collected from provider websites and therefore may reflect discounted prices for new customers.
Type Provider
Download Speed
(Up to - Mbps)
Price/Month Price/Mbps
T-Mobile 5G Wireless
Charter Spectrum Internet
Charter Spectrum Internet
Charter Spectrum Internet
Charter Spectrum Internet
Charter Spectrum Internet
Verizon Fios**
Verizon Fios**
Verizon Fios**
Hughesnet (Select)
Hughesnet (Elite)
Hughesnet (Fusion)
Source: Advertised speed and prices for sample Worcester Address
** Verizon is only available in select locations
* Plan states up to 100Mbps with 40Mbps typical download speeds
Speed and Price of Internet Providers in Worcester
Satellite Internet Overview
Unlike wired and wireless in-home internet that relies on physical local infrastructure, satellite
internet (as the name implies) relies on satellites circling the earth in space. Although satellite
internet is available throughout the City of Worcester from three providers (Hughesnet, Starlink, and
Viasat), there are several cons to the service that makes it a less desirable option for residents:
When comparing similar speeds, satellite is about 3x as expensive
It can suffer from higher latency variation than wired
It can be vulnerable to bad weather
Equipment can incur significant additional setup and monthly costs
However, satellite internet can be a viable service in rural areas where other options are not
Worcester Digital Equity Charette 14
Internet 100 (100 Mbps)
Users per household: 1-2
Light streaming, browse the web, social networking,
uploading and downloading small files.
Performance & Infrastructure
Quality access to the Internet and the many activities that it enables is also contingent upon the speed of
a users connection. Internet speed is a measurement of “how much time it takes a certain amount of
data to transfer from a server to your device and vice versa.
It is most common to see internet speeds
measured in megabits per second (Mbps). The chart below compares the median fixed and mobile
download speeds of Worcester to those of Massachusetts. The data is based on the results of consumer-
initiated internet speed tests on Ookla’s Speedtest platform. In December 2023, Worcester had a median
download speed of 223 Mbps, slightly below Massachusetts’ median download speed of 237 Mbps.
The Worcester and Massachusetts median download speeds fit right in between two tiers of internet
service that Charter Spectrum offers in Worcester: “Internet 100” and “Internet.” For context, Charter
Spectrum provides the following information on how much activity each plan can support.
Besides download speeds, upload speeds are also important for activities such as uploading videos,
videoconferencing, and online gaming. In terms of upload speeds, Worcester falls significantly behind
the state of Massachusetts.
In December 2023, Worcester’s median upload speed was 11.36 Mbps,
which is less than half the state’s median upload speed of 25.7 Mbps during the same month.
Worcester fares better when it comes to mobile upload speeds. In December 2023, Worcester’s median
mobile upload speed was more than 3 Mbps faster than the median mobile upload speed in
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2023 Worcester & Massachusetts Median Internet Download Speeds (Ookla)
Fixed Connection Mobile Connection Fixed Connection Mobile Connection
Internet (300 Mbps)
Users per household: 2-3
Streaming on multiple devices, gaming on a single
device, uploading and downloading medium files.
Worcester Digital Equity Charette 15
Internet connections can be established using a number of different technologies. The following is a list
of Worcester’s internet service providers and the technologies that they use to connect Worcester
households to the Internet.
Internet Service Provider
DSL Cable Fiber Fixed Wireless Satellite
Charter Communications (Spectrum) X X
Verizon Communications X X X
T-Mobile, USA X
Hughes Network Systems (Hughesnet) X
Viasat X
Space Exploration Technologies Corp. (Starlink) X
Source: FCC National Broadband Map.
Cable: Cable uses existing cable TV infrastructure (coaxial cables) to connect users to the Internet.
Cable internet is generally reliable and offers high speeds.
It is not as fast as fiber but offers speeds that
should be sufficient for the average household. Cable internet does not offer symmetrical download and
upload speeds.
DSL (Digital Subscriber Line): “A digital subscriber line is an older form of internet that utilizes phone
DSL is slower and less reliable than cable and fiber.
Fiber: Fiber uses fiber optic cables to quickly transfer large amounts of data.
Fiber internet offers the
fastest speeds than cable and, more importantly, symmetrical upload and download speeds.
Fixed Wireless: Fixed wireless uses mobile networks to provide internet access via radio or other
wireless links.
Towers used for fixed wireless service need a line-of-sight connection to perform well.
Fixed wireless speeds are usually slower than cable internet speeds.
Satellite: Satellite internet uses satellites to transfer internet signals between your home and a network
Compared to cable and fiber, satellite internet has low speeds, high prices, and strict data caps.
Worcester Digital Equity Charette 16
Community Outreach Process
Community outreach was central to the charette process. Between January and April 2024, CMRPC staff
met with over 15 community groups, stakeholders, and non-profits and held 3 public workshops to gain
insight into the digital divide in Worcester. These community partners offered invaluable perspectives on
the challenges and needs of the Worcester community and helped to identify actions and
recommendations that the City of Worcester can undertake to positively impact its residents.
Meetings with Worcesters Digital Equity Working Group: CMRPC staff met with
Worcesters Digital Equity Working Group throughout the charette process. The working group consists
of 16 stakeholders from Worcester organizations working in the fields of social services, health,
education, and philanthropy. The group’s purpose is to host a conversation about the status of digital
equity in Worcester and what future steps can be taken to address the digital divide. The working group
aided the charette process by brainstorming events for outreach, charette locations and materials, and
data sources. Boasting strong community connections, the working group was also a major asset in
helping spread the word about the digital equity charettes and survey.
Survey Distribution & Tabling: Survey distribution was key in capturing information from
Worcester community members. The working group distributed the MBI/statewide survey through their
networks and CMRPC staff tabled at events such as International Women’s Day at the local YWCA and
events at the Worcester Community Action Council. Community partners, including the Main South
Businesses Association and Quinsigamond Community College, also distributed the survey to their
respective networks of businesses, patrons, and students. Tabling also allowed CMRPC to promote the
community charettes.
Social Media: CMRPC promoted the charettes through its social media accounts on Facebook,
LinkedIn, and Twitter as well as through its monthly newsletter. Stakeholders in the working group also
publicized the charettes through their social media and personal networks.
Meeting Takeover: CMRPC was allowed to conduct a meeting takeover with the Main South
Business Bureau. This meeting takeover allowed CMMRPC staff to discuss the charette process with
prominent stakeholders in Worcesters community and bring them up to speed on the initiatives of the
Mass Broadband Institute.
Worcester Public Library Tour: CMRPC toured the Worcester Public Library (WPL) and learned
about the librarys many programs and resources geared towards advancing digital equity in the
community. Speaking with the library’s staff provided insight on potential ways to grow and improve the
librarys impressive catalog of services.
The Worcester Public Library offers a wide range of services and classes to the Worcester community,
many of which are designed to help community members build digital skills and access digital
technology. One such set of beginner skill courses provides training in computer basics, digitizing family
photos and VHS tapes, device safety training, and social media basics. Advanced skills courses are also
offered for those seeking training in the Library’s digital studio, which is equipped with Adobe Creative
Cloud, photo scanning services, and computer programming such as Python and Introduction to SQL.
Other courses and digital technology services include, robotics, and an Innovation Center with access to
Worcester Digital Equity Charette 17
VR equipment, 3D printing, and vinyl-cutting technology. WPL also supports designated computer
labs/spaces in its Children’s Center and Teen Room, and career computers for library-goers seeking to
focus on schoolwork, job searching, and other career-related activities. Genealogy computers are
available for those seeking to research family history. Books and digital media can be borrowed and live
e-tutoring takes place from 2:00 pm to 11:00 pm from Monday to Saturday.
Abbys House:
Abbys House is a non-profit organization based in the Crown Hill area of Worcester,
MA. Abbys House provides women and children shelter, affordable housing, and support to get back on
their feet during times of hardship. Abbys House supports many individuals by troubleshooting
government and personal phones, has hosted classes on internet safety, and currently supports two
computers for those seeking Internet services at the non-profit.
Worcester Public Schools: Born out of the COVID-19 pandemic, Worcester Public Schools (WPS)
sought to make sure students were well-connected when remote learning was the only option for
education. Since then, all students in the WPS system have been provided a Chromebook. Remind’ is an
application used via phone to keep parents and students up to date on WPS news, and Information
Technology technicians are able to meet with students when they are at home to set up hotspots and
assist with connecting to the Internet.
Worcester Digital Equity Charette 18
JMAC Charette (January 5, 2024)
Worcester Public Library Tour (January 9, 2024)
Worcester Digital Equity Charette 19
Worcester Public Library
Charette, March 6, 2024
Quinsigamond Community College
Charette (February 5, 2024)
YWCA International Women’s
Day Tabling March 6, 2024
Main South Business Association
Take Over (January 11, 2024)
Worcester Digital Equity Charette 20
Community Findings & Needs Assessment
CMRPC engaged Worcester residents, community organizations, non-profits, and other stakeholders to
assess the City’s digital divide and understand the current needs of the community.
One-on-one Stakeholder Interviews
To augment the public charette process, CMRPC interviewed staff from 15 local and regional
organizations working in the spheres of education, social services, and advocacy.
Questions that CMRPC staff used to guide stakeholder conversations:
What are your clients/community memberspreferred digital devices?
Are there digital services that people in your network struggle to access?
Who in your network and organization lacks access to and/or struggles to afford Internet
What does your organization have in place/ what is your organization doing to bridge the digital
What is the greatest barrier to digital access that you have noticed?
What is the easiest barrier to digital access for your community to overcome?
Interviewees unanimously stated that the COVID-19 pandemic placed a spotlight on the digital inequities
present in the Worcester community. With in-person contact unavailable, it was suddenly critical that
households had adequate internet service and computer devices to access work, education, social
services, and more. Rolling out new technology and simultaneously teaching individuals how to use it
was a considerable undertaking.
Internet Access and Affordability
Interviewees acknowledged that a lack of
affordable internet is a major obstacle
facing the clients they serve. Groups
especially burdened by the cost of internet
access include low-income and immigrant
families/households, single parents, and
senior citizens. The Affordable
Connectivity Program has been an
invaluable resource to these groups,
although interviewees noted that the ACP
enrollment process was onerous and could
have benefited from being streamlined.
Already living on fixed or limited incomes,
these groups will face a difficult choice
over whether to continue their home
internet subscriptions after the ACP ends
Most of the staff interviewed belonged to the Worcester
Digital Equity Working Group, seen above meeting in
December 2023.
Worcester Digital Equity Charette 21
in Spring 2024. Interviewed stakeholders observed that internet service was indispensable to their
clients, meaning that many will likely opt to shoulder increased internet costs and make sacrifices
Language barriers also pose an obstacle to households trying to secure affordable and quality home
internet. Interviewees disclosed that individuals who do not speak English as their primary language
often face greater difficulty when attempting to communicate with Internet service providers. For
instance, navigating automated voice operators can be frustrating and time-consuming for those who
speak languages other than English. According to an interview with an employee from Worcester Public
Schools, to tackle the challenge of disseminating information in many different languages, the school
district uses “Remind.” Remind is a program that provides phone-based messaging with automatic
translation into 90+ languages.
Sharing knowledge about services like Remind among educational and
social service organizations in Worcester can help these organizations adopt best practices for how to
serve the Citys diverse population.
Device Access and Affordability
Interviewees were in consensus that the primary devices that their clients/constituents use to access the
Internet are cell phones. Thanks to the federal Lifeline Program, cell phones are accessible for free or at a
discount to even those with very low incomes. However, staff revealed that phones obtained through
Lifeline Program service providers are often unreliable and do not work correctly. Due to the high
turnover of Lifeline Program phones, one nonprofit reported that they must regularly help their clients
pay for replacement devices. Communicating with populations that rely on cell phones also demands
special consideration from organizations. As an interviewee stated, texts cannot always be written the
same as emails, which have traditionally been the dominant medium of communication. The smaller size
of cellphone screens also requires organizations to tailor their websites to be smartphone-friendly.
However, cell phones are not suited to
perform every task. Actions like filling out
forms or typing documents are easiest done
on a laptop or desktop computer. Interviewees
acknowledged that there is currently an
undersupply of laptops and desktops available
in the City. Therefore, some clients rely on the
Worcester Public Library to access computers.
Some organizations have also begun providing
computer access at their places of business.
However, not all individuals enjoy sufficient
mobility to travel the distance necessary to
access laptops and desktops at a library or
social service organization. Senior citizens and
disabled persons with limited mobility could
benefit from laptops and desktops being
located closer to their place of living.
The main branch of the Worcester Public Library at 3
Salem Square, Worcester, MA 01608.
(Image Source:
Worcester Public Library Foundation.)
Worcester Digital Equity Charette 22
Digital Literacy
Interviewees discussed how many of their clients still struggle with digital literacy. This is particularly the
case for senior citizens. Stakeholders recounted that seniors are more likely to struggle to independently
troubleshoot problems encountered on their devices. They are also more disposed to be resistant to
adopting technology in the first place, as interviewees cited that digital literacy courses can be
intimidating and overwhelming for seniors to participate in. Interviewees thought that addressing these
dynamics would require a more consistent, repetitive approach to teaching digital literacy, perhaps
beyond one-time training sessions and courses. An effective alternative could be office hours featuring a
one-on-one approach to education.
Language barriers were another impediment that stakeholders discussed. Teaching digital skills is
complicated, especially when there is a language disconnect. Interviewees shared that Spanish and
Haitian Creole are the languages that they most commonly encounter besides English. Recruiting digital
literacy teachers who can provide instruction in these, as well as other, languages will make a significant
impact on the advancement of digital literacy in Worcester.
Digital literacy is also important in the realm of youth education. Stakeholders from Worcester Public
Schools noted that children were faced with unrealistic expectations in navigating devices during the
COVID-19 Pandemic. Troubleshooting technology issues at home often falls on parents and guardians,
which can be challenging if adults themselves are not familiar with the technology. For this reason, it is
important that schools make ample resources available to students and parents alike to navigate school
computer devices and online portals/information systems outside of the classroom.
As education increasingly transitions to digital platforms, schools must also address the possibility that
teachers and instructional aides need digital literacy training on the use of certain technologies in the
classroom. This can ensure that students have access to age-appropriate technological support to
maximize their learning.
Finally, the great potential that computer devices provide also comes with drawbacks. Some
interviewees were concerned that devices, particularly phones, have become an unwelcome distraction
for youth inside and outside of the classroom. These comments highlight the importance of
simultaneously promoting device access and healthy device use habits.
Worcester Digital Equity Charette 23
Charettes Key takeaways
CMRPC hosted three charettes in the City of Worcester
between December 2023 and March 2024. There was a
total of 45 attendees at the charettes. Participants shared
many observations concerning the status of internet access,
device access, and digital literacy in the City.
Internet Access and Affordability
It was clear from participants’ feedback that the Internet
and computer devices have become an integral part of
Worcester community members’ daily lives and routines.
Participants disclosed that they rely on these assets for
work, education, communication, telehealth,
entertainment, and many other regular activities, as
detailed in the word collage to the right. For many
participants, the extent of this dependence was laid bare by
the COVID-19 Pandemic. Changes brought on by the
pandemic have resulted in people being more dependent on
access to the Internet and devices than ever before. An example of such a change is the transition of
Worcester Public Schools assignments and records to online portals, as described by a parent in
attendance at one of the charettes.
t came to internet access and affordability, the concern most communicated by participants was
the high cost of home internet subscriptions, especially once bundled with cable and mobile phone
plans. Some participants also voiced concerns about the quality of their internet. However, by far, most
frustration was focused on the cost of internet access. For this reason, attendees expressed a desire for
more competition among internet service providers. At present, the only option that many households
have to lower their internet bills is negotiating directly with Spectrum. It was noted that this can be
uncomfortable for many individuals, not to mention challenging for those with language barriers.
Considering the high costs associated with internet access, participants were also concerned about the
pending termination of the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). It was recognized that many
Worcester households rely upon the ACP to help cover the cost of their monthly internet bills. Without
the ACP, many households may no longer be able to afford home internet subscriptions.
Device Access and Affordability
Charette participants identified cell phones as the most essential devices for accessing the Internet. Cell
phones offer many of the capabilities of a laptop or desktop computer with the added benefit of
portability. Using cell towers, cell phones can make calls or texts and access the Internet when people
are not connected to a local Wi-Fi network. Participants observed that children and young adults are
especially deferential to cell phones over alternative devices. Staff from adult education programs and
social service organizations also found that many recent refugees and immigrants are not familiar with
any computer devices besides cell phones.
Activities for which charette
participants use the Internet (Image
Worcester Digital Equity Charette 24
However, attendees acknowledged that cell phones are still
inadequate to support certain activities, such as work,
education, and applying for jobs. These tasks require either
laptop or desktop computers. Unfortunately, these types of
devices are too costly for many individuals to afford. Adult
education programs and social service organizations also
reported that the need for such devices among vulnerable
populations is currently greater than they can fill. As a
result, many Worcester residents depend on organizations
like the Worcester Public Library and the MassHire Central
Region Workforce Board for access to computers.
Thanks to significant investments made by the Worcester
Public Schools, the same barriers to computer access do
not extend to Worcesters K-12 student population. Worcester Public Schools currently provides all its
students with Chromebooks, granting students access to a computer device in the classroom and at
home. It should be noted however that these devices are not suited nor equipped to allow students to
engage in many non-school related activities.
Participants also highlighted planned obsolescenceas a concern for many community members -
Planned obsolescence is the practice of deliberately designing products to limit their life span to
encourage replacement.
This phenomenon exists for several reasons. First, devices can become
obsolete through ongoing technological innovation as systems and devices improve, older hardware
and software may no longer be able to support apps, websites, etc. Second, manufacturers often limit
the number of system updates that they support for a particular device this is particularly common in
mobile devices, however the update timeframe has been increasing with many devices currently coming
with 7 years of updates. This process of needing to update devices and learn new systems can place
stress on people’s budgets and digital literacy skills.
Lastly, charette attendees proposed numerous ideas as to how to expand device access in the City. There
was discussion about stimulating a more robust supply chain of used/refurbished computers, which
could reduce cost barriers for low-income households. This could be coupled with broader policy
conversations centered on device longevity and the right to repair. Another idea that participants
supported is placing more computers in community
settings (e.g., nonprofit or religious institutions) where
they would be more readily accessible to local
Digital Literacy
There was consensus among participants that access to
the Internet and computer devices alone is not
sufficient to support digital equity. individuals must also
develop the skills to use these assets to their greatest
potential. Attendees thought that this could only be
Breakout group at the January 5, 2024, charette
at the
Jean McDonough Art Center (JMAC).
Worcester Digital Equity Charette 25
achieved with a continuum of education, one that stretches beyond computer basics. More advanced
subjects that charette participants identified as priorities for digital literacy education in the City
included internet safety, troubleshooting, and program-specific tutorials (e.g., for Microsoft Word and
Participants specifically called attention to two groups that are more likely to struggle with digital
literacy. The first of these groups is senior citizens. Charette attendees observed that operating computer
devices did not come as naturally to their family and friends of older age. This is exacerbated by the
constantly evolving state of technology, which can feel disorienting to some seniors. Stakeholders also
highlighted recently arrived refugees and other immigrants as a population that could benefit from
greater digital literacy skills. Adult education programs and social service organizations noted that some
members of this group are not familiar with operating traditional computers, nor programs such as
email. However, a lack of training opportunities in the City in languages other than English presently
poses an obstacle to getting refugees and other immigrants the help they need.
Participants also viewed promoting healthy internet and device use practices as a priority. Many
attendees were concerned about internet safety, such as exposure to phishing scams and other types of
online fraud. With little formal education in the City currently being devoted to internet safety, they felt
that people have been unfairly left to navigate these challenges alone. Another concern that emerged
among adults was the seeming unbreakable attachment of today’s children and teenagers to their
phones. Participants felt that youth need to develop healthier habits when it comes to device use,
otherwise they may be at risk of suffering adverse mental health effects or not developing adequate
social skills.
To better address these issues surrounding digital literacy, participants shared several ideas. First, they
recommended leveraging community connections. People often feel more comfortable when they are
being guided by friends, family, or other trusted persons. Tapping into existing networks and
relationships in the communitysuch as public schools, nonprofits, and religious institutionsmay be
an effective way to provide people with the digital literacy resources which they need.
In fact, a central takeaway of the charette series was that Worcester already has a lot of organizations
working in the sphere of digital equity. This was demonstrated by the strong attendance of staff from
educational, social services, and health organizations at the charette series. That said, the valuable work
of these organizations to advance digital literacy, along with internet and device access, is currently not
being strategically coordinated. Charette participants were supportive of the idea of forming a digital
equity coalition to fill this void.
Worcester Digital Equity Charette 26
Survey Analysis
As part of a data collection effort for the Massachusetts Statewide Digital Equity Plan, the Massachusetts
Broadband Institute launched a digital equity survey in June 2023. The survey featured nearly 40
questions gauging respondents needs and priorities concerning internet access, device access, and
digital literacy. Between December 2023 and March 2024, CMRPC and the Worcester Digital Equity
Working Group distributed this survey throughout the Worcester community. In total, 233 survey
responses were collected from Worcester residents.
Internet Access and Affordability
The survey included several questions focused on the theme of internet access and affordability. Results
from the first of these questions, “Do you have internet service in your home?, suggest that home
internet subscriptions are widespread but not universal among Worcester households. While 95% of
respondents reported having internet service in their home, 5% of respondents (or 11 people) said they
do not. The survey further shows that among respondents in households with home internet service,
there is considerable struggle to
afford the cost of Internet. More
than half of respondents
acknowledged that it is
somewhat hard or very
hardto pay their internet bill.
This coincides with many
respondents being dissatisfied
with the quality of their internet
service. More than a third of
respondents said their home
internet service is not good
enough to meet their
household’s needs. The financial
burden of internet service also
differs starkly by demographic
groups. Lower income, older,
less educated, those that
identify as a race other than
White or Asian, identify as
Hispanic or Latino, or identify as
having a disability, all report
higher levels of difficulty paying
for internet.
Note: Some of the group and response pairings represent a small number of responses and may
impact whether observed differences are statistically significant.
Worcester Digital Equity Charette 27
Device Access and Affordability
The survey also gauged the level of device access in the Worcester community. Most survey respondents
(86%) said that everyone in their household has access to the computer devices that they need. Only
14% of respondents (or 31 people) reported otherwise. Results show that respondents most commonly
use cell phones to connect to the Internet, followed by laptop computers, tablets, and desktop
computers. Although all income levels used cellphones at a high rate, the lowest-income respondents
noted relying on cellphones at the highest rates. This mirrors the information provided by charette
participants and stakeholders. Besides convenience, the survey suggests that the predominance of
cellphones over laptop and desktop computers might also have to do with cost. When asked “How much
could you pay for a laptop or desktop computer?”, half of respondents answered that they could only
pay somewhere between the range of $0-250. For context, the technology review magazine PCMag has
a list of the best cheap laptops and desktops in 2024. The most budget friendly laptop options sell for a
minimum of $300, while the lowest priced desktops sell for no less than $400.
Meanwhile, some
budget phones sell for less than $200.
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Desktop Computer
Tablet (or similar device)
Laptop Computer
Share of Respondents
Devices Used to Regularly Connect to the Internet
Worcester Digital Equity Charette 28
Digital Literacy
Finally, multiple survey questions sought to understand respondentsconcerns pertaining to digital
literacy. A series of questions asked respondents to disclose the difficulty level they faced when
attempting certain activities on the Internet (see the chart below). For each category but “General
internet searching,” more than a quarter of respondents said that the activity was either “not easy” or
“hard” for them. Although a relatively small sample of respondents, for those 75 years of age or older,
50% stated that they had trouble accessing telehealth and participating in community online.
Similarly, those that identified as having a disability, disproportionately noted having difficulty
accessing telehealth services and using the internet to apply for benefits and resources. Young
respondents (18-24) noted the most difficulty accessing transportation information online.
The survey also uncovered widespread concerns among respondents regarding internet safety. Nearly
90% of respondents relayed that they were either “somewhat concerned” or “very concerned” about
internet safety. Respondents were most worried about data theft and online scams, with well over two-
thirds of respondents identifying these issues as specific concerns.
Searching &
applying for
Participating in
your local
Healthcare or
and/or applying
for benefits or
Share of Respondents That Find Each Online Activity "Not easy" or "Hard"
Worcester Digital Equity Charette 29
Strengths, Weaknesses, Vulnerabilities
During the charette public outreach process, CMRPC sought to identify the Worcester communitys
digital equity strengths and weaknesses, evaluate future opportunities to further digital equity, and
identify potential threats/challenges to achieving digital equity. The following graphic summarizes what
we heard.
Colleges and Universities
Community-based health and social service organizations
Worcester Public Library
Worcester Public Schools
Engaged City leadership
Strategic coordination between the City and other entities
Language and age barriers to internet / device access and digital
Low competition among ISPs
Digital skills programming capacity
Forthcoming state and federal digital equity funding
Expansion of Verizon and T-Mobile internet services in the City
Expanding digital equity organizations (ex: Tech Goes Home)
End of ACP
High cost of internet plans and computer devices
Unpredictability of migration flows and subsequent community needs
Worcester Digital Equity Charette 30
CMRPC, the City of Worcester, and the Worcester Digital Equity Working Group invested a great amount
of time and energy into community outreach for this project. That said, these efforts were not without
limitations. Addressing shortcomings in the charette process is key to identifying potential gaps and
weaknesses of the current study. With a 90-day window to conduct the charette process, the primary
constraint on the projects outreach effort was time. As a result, there was minimal time for the projects
stakeholders to introduce the concept of digital equity to the Worcester community, much less build the
familiarity and trust necessary to authentically capture all of the communitys diverse needs. This may
have posed an obstacle to securing more broad community engagement.
Worcester Digital Equity Charette 31
Strategic Recommendations
Implementation Time Frame: Near Term (12-18 Months) Cost: $ Effort Level: Medium
Description: The City of Worcester is well-positioned to implement certain digital equity programs and
solutions, especially those related to infrastructure and city resources (such as the library) that are
already connected to the community. However, the City cannot work or solve digital equity alone.
Numerous community-based organizations noted during the charette process that they are already
working on the various elements of digital equity but are not always aware of the resources or help that
other organizations offer.
To ensure better coordination and information sharing across the organizations already working toward
digital equity, the City should convene a coalition of these community partners. As the predominant city
department providing digital access and inclusion resources, the Worcester Public Library could be the
convener of such a group. Additionally, the City’s digital equity working group, which is already
convening key community partners, could be an existing resource from which a coalition could form.
A coalition should be more than just a group that meets to discuss community needs and provide
recommendations to the City. It should consist of community partners that are actively pursuing ways to
improve access, affordability, and literacy. The goal of the group should be to bolster existing efforts and
build clear lines of communication between organizations, creating a broad ecosystem of community
Some Key Organizations Identified during the Charette Process:
Create a Digital Equity Coalition to coordinate efforts, make
recommendations, and implement programs.
Quinsigamond Community College
Worcester Housing Authority
Worcester Community Action Council
Worcester Regional Research Bureau
Worcester Public Schools
Tech Goes Home
Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative
Worcester Public Library
Refugee & Immigrant Assistance Center
Greater Worcester Community Foundation
Worcester Elder Affairs & Senior Center
Latino Education Institute
Southeast Asian Coalition
Coalition for a Healthy Greater Worcester
Worcester Digital Equity Charette 32
Implementation Time Frame: Near Term (12-18 Months) Cost: $$$ Effort Level: Medium
Funding avenues & Resources: Municipal Digital Equity Implementation, Lead for America
Description: Throughout the public charette process, CBOs, community members, and city staff all
indicated the need for people who can work with community members across a range of technology
issues. The National Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA) has created a model for people who can serve in
this capacity called digital navigators. Digital Navigators are individuals who address the whole digital
inclusion process home connectivity, devices, and digital skills with community members through
repeated interactions. The City of Worcester should consider using NDIA’s model in the creation of a
digital navigator program or position.
Given Worcesters diverse population, there is also a need for
multi-lingual navigators.
Current needs in the community that digital navigators could address include:
Augment the digital skills training for work, life, and learning that the Worcester Public Library
currently provides.
Coordinate with social service providers in Worcester to ensure clients can access and use their
Assist community members in applying for government subsidy programs and internet service
provider programs for low-income users.
Form a network of volunteers or paid digital navigators through community partners such as
CBOs, religious institutions, and educational institutions, so that access to help is spread
geographically throughout the community.
Digital navigators could assist with these community needs at the Worcester Public Library, the
Worcester Housing Authority, and potentially other key community sites. The Digital Equity Coalition
could assist in determining the scope of the navigator position and the evolving needs of the community.
Worcester should also coordinate with other municipalities in the region regarding digital equity
planning and should identify opportunities for collaboration. Given the numerous towns pursuing digital
equity initiatives in Worcester County, there is an opportunity to develop a regional network of digital
navigators and training instructors. There is also an opportunity to explore models that leverage existing
programs, such as AmeriCorps, to create a broader system of navigators statewide.
Create a Digital Navigator program/position that works with community
members to ensure a continuum of help with access, affordability, and literacy.
The State of Colorado created a Digital Navigator program through its Serve Colorado AmeriCorps
service commission. The program began March 2023 with $1.7 million in funding from state
legislation and a match from Serve Colorado/ AmeriCorps. Additionally, Comcast has contributed
$600,000 for the two-year period of this program. The first cohort of navigators includes 30
individuals that will work across 9 counties. Digital Navigators will work primarily one on one with
community members to identify needs and provide personalized assistance but may also create
opportunities for group events should individual’s needs overlap.
Digital Navigator Case Study: Colorado AmeriCorps
Worcester Digital Equity Charette 33
Implementation Time Frame: Medium Term (2 -3 Years) Cost: $ - $$$ (Depending on new hire or
existing staff) Effort Level: Medium
Funding avenues & Resources: Lead for America, Efficiency & Regionalization
Description: In recent years, the federal government has made significant funds available to improve
digital access and affordability. At the state level, MBI and the Healey Administration have also
implemented significant funding opportunities. Both state and federal agencies have indicated that
additional funding opportunities will be available in the future. Other communities across the US have
been successful in leveraging these types of funding opportunities by hiring or identifying dedicated staff
who can stay on the pulse in an evolving funding landscape.
Whereas digital navigators would focus on direct assistance to the public, a broadband manager,
dedicated staff person, or department within the City government would be responsible for ongoing
community engagement and technical analysis related to digital needs. Their role would include tapping
into federal and state funding opportunities (grant writing and administration), encouraging internet
competition and additional ISPs, and working with community partners. They would also be responsible
for tracking the local broadband market and directly communicating with service providers about the
communitys needs, concerns, and opportunities. Through this type of position or department, many
cities have been able to access more funding, develop impactful programs, and further digital equity.
Consider hiring a broadband/digital equity manager or identify existing staff
to stay apprised of funding opportunities, ISPs, and community needs.
Many City, County, and regional governments are increasingly recognizing the importance of
proactively planning for and investing in the full digital inclusion of their communities instead of
responding and reacting to community needs and new technology. For example, the City of Boston
has incorporated broadband policy and initiatives into its department of Broadband and Cable. The
departments broadband work includes:
Expanding the Citys fiber network
Running studies and reports on companies
Finding the City a good mix of competitive cable services
Researching how technology affects residents and businesses
Working with departments to develop a technology plan for the City
Work with the industry to expand cable access
Promoting and enforcing regulations
Boston’s Innovation and Technology Department has also overseen the creation and deployment of a
digital equity fund. The fund has supported organizations that:
Help people use the Internet, digital skills, and digital tools
Get residents enrolled in the Affordable Connectivity Program
Improve Telehealth Programming
Broadband Manager/Department Case Study: City of Boston
Worcester Digital Equity Charette 34
Implementation Time Frame: Near Term (12-18 Months) Cost: $$$ Effort Level: Medium
Description: Over 30,000 households in Worcester have benefited from the Affordable Connectivity
Program. When the program ends in April 2024, these households will begin feeling the burden of device
and internet costs. Fortunately, the landscape for federal and state digital equity funding is dynamic and
evolving, with indications that funding sources may become more prevalent in the next few years. With
the recent release of MBI’s state Digital Equity Plan, and the federal government’s upcoming $2.75 billion
Digital Equity Act funding opportunities, the City of Worcester is well-positioned to serve as a both a
program implementor and conduit for distributing future state and federal grant funds to local
organizations. Given the high level of Affordable Connectivity Program enrollment in Worcester, the City
should consider leveraging these funding sources to provide direct assistance to residents in the form of
connection and device subsidies. However, it should be noted that rules and application guidelines for
these funds have not been released and could contain restrictions on fund usage.
Because there will likely be a lag between when the ACP ends and additional funds are made available,
the City should consider providing gap subsidies or directing additional funds to existing programs, such
as computer and hot spot lending at the Worcester public library. In the event that upcoming funds are
not able to financially support or provide direct internet access to households, the City should explore
more permanent means-tested subsidy programs.
Worcester should also consider establishing a broader digital equity fund that can be used to support a
broader set of digital equity programs. For example, Boston’s digital equity fund has been used to
support both ACP enrollment and device refurbishment, among other programs.
Consider creating a modest grant program to fill the gap left by the discontinuation
of the ACP and leverage upcoming state and federal funding opportunities.
The Albemarle County, Virginia, Broadband Accessibility and Affordability Office (BAAO) was
recognized by the National Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA) in 2023 as a Digital Inclusion Trailblazer.
Recognizing the high cost of broadband in many of the Countys lower income areas, the BAAO
created an ACP Bridge program that provided ACP recipients with a supplemental $20 per month.
The program was realized through thoughtful collaboration between county departments, local
stakeholders, and internet service providers.
More about the program and the county’s efforts to keep the program going post ACP can be found
ACP Bridge Funding Case Study: Albemarle County, VA
Worcester Digital Equity Charette 35
Implementation Time Frame: Medium Term (2 -3 Years) Cost: $$ Effort Level: Medium
Funding avenues & Resources: Digital Equity Partnerships (ie. Tech Goes Home)
Description: The Worcester Public Library currently provides a wide range of classes and other assistance
regarding the use of digital tools, ranging from how to digitize family photos to how to avoid digital
scams and more. Library staff are also available to assist patrons on library computers, and the library
offers a lending program through its library of thingsfor computers and hot spots. Library staff
indicated throughout the engagement process that each of the services and lending programs they offer
are frequently used by the public and that they could use additional funds to purchase more hot spots
and computers. The City should explore dedicating more financial resources to bolster the library’s
programming and collection of digital items that can be loaned.
A need that the library identified was the ability to provide services in various languages. The hiring of
multi-lingual digital navigators could be one potential avenue for multi-language support, but the City
should explore other opportunities as well.
Implementation Time Frame: Medium Term (2 -3 Years) Cost: $ Effort Level: Low
Description: The City should explore the opportunity to partner with educational institutions in
Worcester that may be looking for ways to contribute to the broader Worcester community. In particular,
the Quinsigamond Community College (QCC) Center for Workforce Development and Continuing
Education is an affordable option for community members seeking workforce skills training. There may
be opportunities for better coordination between the services offered by the library and the
complimentary training opportunities offered by QCC.
Given their experiences navigating the pandemic, identifying barriers and strategies, developing trusted
relationships in communities, and helping build digital skills among people, QCC and the other
educational institutions in Worcester - Clark University, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester State,
Assumption University, College of the Holy Cross, UMass Chan Medical School, and the Massachusetts
College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences - may be well-positioned to offer invaluable insights and
resources to the Worcester community as it works toward closing the digital divide. These institutions
may also have opportunities for student practicums, digital equity research, and digital navigation
services for patrons of their libraries.
Bolster existing digital skill training and device lending programs through the
Partner with educational institutions throughout the City to provide additional
learning and assistance resources.
Worcester Digital Equity Charette 36
Implementation Time Frame: Medium Term (2 -3 Years) Cost: $ Effort Level: Low/Medium
Description: Members of the Worcester community continue to express concerns about online safety
and privacy. Although, historically, cybersecurity has been most often discussed as a critical concern for
older adults, the increasing sophistication of cyber-scams and security concerns means that
susceptibility to them is widespread across all demographics. As cybersecurity is one of the critical safety
concerns for communities, the City of Worcester should explore how it can best lead the community in
accessing the digital world safely. Relatively simple steps could include adding or bolstering programing
at the library to include more robust cybersecurity information, as well as training and working with
schools to assess gaps in educational curricula related to staying safe online. Both a digital navigator
program and/or a broadband manager would be critical for this type of initiative.
Another avenue that the City could take with the help of dedicated staff could be to produce timely and
frequent PSAs on current cybersecurity threats and scams. These could be sent out to the community
through social media platforms which the City has been increasingly active on and has wide reach with.
Implementation Time Frame: Near Term (12-18 Months) Cost: $ Effort Level: Low
Description: Research is starting to indicate that there may be a negative relationship between excessive
digital device use and physical and mental health.
Specifically, excessive smartphone use is associated
with difficulties in cognitive-emotion regulation, impulsivity, impaired cognitive function, addiction to
social networking, shyness and low self-esteem. Medical problems resulting from excessive smartphone
use include sleep problems, reduced physical fitness, unhealthy eating habits, pain and migraines,
reduced cognitive control, and changes in the brain's gray matter volume.
Given the evolving research on screen time and health, many Worcester residents expressed a desire for
this report to recognize that although digital inclusion is the ultimate goal, we should also recognize the
potential for equity implications of excessive digital device use. Some of the priorities raised during the
charette process include:
Ensuring that families have the resources and information to understand the health implications of
excessive device use.
Ensuring that households have the resources/knowledge to implement safety measures on digital
Promoting access to mental and physical health assistance for children and adolescents experiencing
the abovementioned issues.
Explore new digital literacy and communication programs directly targeted at
improving cybersecurity and online safety.
Promote healthy device and internet use for all age groups but particularly in
children, adolescents, and young adults.
Worcester Digital Equity Charette 37
We also heard from numerous community members that there may be stark disparities between families
that are and are not prepared to discern healthy device use. Specifically, some raised concerns that
lower income, immigrant, and limited-English households may experience constraints/barriers in
accessing the resources needed for healthy device use. The City should work with the Worcester Public
Schools to ensure that pertinent information regarding healthy device use is being relayed to parents.
Implementation Time Frame: Medium/Long Term (2-5 Years) Cost: $$ Effort Level: High
Description: Reusing or refurbishing electronics is a cost-effective method of increasing access to
affordable digital devices. The City of Worcester should examine whether there is potential to create a
Worcester refurbishment program through partnerships with local electronic businesses and educational
institutions. QCC and WPI both have applicable educational programsthe City should inquire about
opportunities for student practicums or courses to contribute to a refurbishment program.
Case Study: Some organizations across the US have recognized that promoting cost-effective refurbished
products can help bridge the digital divide. Non-profit organizations such as Free Geek in Portland, OR
work towards bridging the digital divide by leveraging the responsible reuse of technology. Their model
is refurbishing and selling donated devices from government, business, and community sources. By
repurposing unwanted devices, they lower the cost of digital access and curb the environmental impact
of e-waste.
After being tested and refurbished, devices are made available at a low cost in a community
store, given to volunteers in exchange for community service, granted to community nonprofits, or
provided to students through an education program.
Implementation Time Frame: Near/Medium Term (1 – 2 Years) Cost: $ Effort Level: Medium
Funding avenues & Resources: Municipal Digital Equity Implementation
Description: Like many municipalities around the country, Worcester residents have few internet service
provider (ISP) options. Charter Spectrum is by far the most widely available ISP in the City, and it offers a
range of cable internet plans priced based on maximum download speeds. Their only cable-based
competitor to date is Verizon, which has recently expanded its Fios fiber service into Worcester. More
recently, both Verizon and T-Mobile have expanded their fixed wireless services in Worcester, which offer
high-speed internet in homes using cellular 5G networks. Although fixed wireless has been a welcome
addition to many markets, many Worcester residents would like to see additional cable and fiber
providers as well.
Although market competition is generally a cost moderator, a 2019 Information Technology & Innovation
Foundation guide to broadband competition suggests that a policy goal of simply maximizing the
Explore device recycling and reuse as a cost-effective strategy to increase access to
affordable devices.
Explore opportunities to increase the number of internet service providers
operating in Worcester.
Worcester Digital Equity Charette 38
number of competitors is unlikely to produce the lowest consumer costs.
The optimal level of
competition depends in large part on the characteristics of the geographic locale. The ITIF summarizes
the general broadband market as “Too little broadband competition drives up prices and restricts
investment. Too much competition drives up cost and wastes resources.The ITIF suggests that in most
cases, an approach that seeks to enable competition but does not actively promote the addition of
specific providers is likely to be the most effective one. A strategic approach in Worcester should start
with a review of the City’s current policies and permitting procedures (if applicable) for internet
providers to identify any barriers to increased competition which are currently in place.
Worcester Digital Equity Charette 39
Funding Opportunities and Resources
Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment Program
The BEAD program has a primary focus of “deploying broadband service to unserved locations … and
underserved locations.Following planning efforts by the Massachusetts Broadband Institute (MBI) and
statewide partners, this federal funding may be available to resolve lack of service availability for
locations in Worcester as well as to support uses related to access, adoption, and equity that align with
program goals.
Municipal Digital Equity Implementation Program
This grant opportunity, funded through the MBI, offers a one-time award of up to $100,000 to
Massachusetts municipalities with existing (or in-progress) digital equity plans. Funding may be used to
implement initiatives across one or more digital equity projects.
This could be a valuable opportunity for Worcester to quickly execute recommendations put forth in this
report. See Digital Equity Partnerships Program below.
Digital Equity Partnerships Program
MBI established the Digital Equity Partnerships Program as part of the $50 million Broadband Innovation
Fund, established following the MA ARPA 1.0 legislation. While the program solicitation has closed, a
number of funding recipients are available as resources, vendors, or collaborators in the following
program areas:
- Wi-Fi Access Initiative: Wi-Fi systems in affordable multi-unit buildings or in low-income
neighborhoods will provide free, in unit, broadband use.
- Public Space Internet Modernization Initiative: Improvements to inadequate broadband
infrastructure and digital use in public spaces to increase daily use and services.
- Connectivity Initiative for Economic Hardship: The provision of Wi-Fi cellular hotspots to
individuals lacking stable housing and unable to have a fixed broadband internet subscription.
- Digital Literacy Initiative: Establish and implement digital literacy training programs to ensure
that target populations have the requisite skills to use devices, online resources, and digital tools
to needed effect.
- Device Distribution and Refurbishment: Secure new or used internet-connected devices to
distribute to target populations.
- Education, Outreach, and Adoption: Support outreach and engagement activities designed to
increase the success of digital equity programming, including ACP adoption, digital literacy
programs, device access, and Wi-Fi or hotspot connectivity.
Worcester Digital Equity Charette 40
Efficiency & Regionalization Grants
The Efficiency and Regionalization (E&R) competitive grant program, offered through the Community
Compact Cabinet, provides financial support of $100-200k for governmental entities interested in
implementing regionalization and other efficiency initiatives to achieve long-term sustainability. One-
time awards can assist in the planning and implementation of regionalization and other efficiency
Eligible regionalization efforts include: shared services, joint or regional facilities, intergovernmental
agreements, consolidations, mergers, and other collaborative efforts.
Worcester could consider using this source of funding to initiate or augment any number of regional or
shared digital equity initiatives, which could bridge local communities and strengthen the greater
Worcester area.
Massachusetts Community Health and Healthy Aging Funds
The Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs, Massachusetts Department of Public Health, and
Health Resources in Action award funds that focus on projects addressing heath and racial inequities.
Funding seeks to address social determinants of health, structural and institutional inequities, and
policies, systems, and social/physical environments which are historically based in structural and
institutional racism and other forms of oppression. Digital equity plays a key role in individual and
community health; it allows for access to health services, transportation to appointments, and provides
education and information necessary for health living.
Lead for America American Connection Corps
The American Connection Corp is a program of Lead for America. When placed with a local public
institution, ACC Members offer critical capacity enhancement, attract resources, and activate community
engagement for the host community. This program is a learning and training experience for members,
and supports sustained interest and employment in the digital equity space while adding to economic
development through workforce growth.
Tech Goes Home
Tech Goes Home empowers communities to access and use digital tools to overcome barriers and
advance lives. The organization brings computers, internet, and training to those without so that
students can do homework, adults can find jobs and manage finances, seniors can connect with loved
ones, and all can lead healthy lives.
Worcester Digital Equity Charette 41
Education Superhighway: K-12 Bridge to Broadband
Education Superhighway works with school districts to identify households that currently lack broadband
service. Without using students’ personal information, internet service providers are able to identify
locations which are unserved States or school districts can then use this actionable data to procure
internet services on behalf of their students or make families aware that they may be eligible for federal
subsidy programs.
Worcester may be able to leverage this data to increase participation in future programming, incentives,
or digital literacy efforts.
Residential Retrofit Program
Administered by the MBI, this program is funded by the U.S. Department of Treasury Capital Projects
Fund (CPF) grant. The goal of the program is to deploy state of the art broadband infrastructure at ...
Public & Affordable Housing properties [and] increase low-income residents’ opportunity to access high-
quality, reliable, and affordable broadband service in their homes by addressing deficient wiring and
infrastructure through grants for the deployment of fiberoptic cabling to the unit to qualified Internet
Service Providers (ISPs) who will install, own, and maintain equipment.Available funding will cover
100% of the eligible capital costs associated with the retrofit of eligible properties.
Worcesters Public Housing Authority could apply for this funding, which would provide residents of their
buildings with updated and high-capacity infrastructure for internet connectivity.
MAPC Apartment Wi-Fi
The Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC), with funding from MBI, will provide funding, project
management, and procurement support for the construction of Wi-Fi networks at public housing and
affordable housing developments. The new networks will provide residents with equal or superior
service to what is available from commercial ISPs,. The program provides for all capital costs associated
with network design, construction, and equipment, as well as the first year of operating expenses.
Participants in the Apartment Wi-Fi program are expected to support the future operational expenses of
the network.
Mobile Beacon
Mobile Beacon offers mobile connectivity solutions to municipalities and community anchor institutions
through discounted devices and low-cost monthly service rates.
Worcester Digital Equity Charette 42
National Digital Inclusion Alliance
The National Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA) supports digital inclusion through four pillars: practitioner
support, policy, awareness, and data & research. The organization has a wealth of available resources,
including models for implementing digital navigators, digital equity and inclusion webinars, and digital
inclusion guidebooks and manuals.
The Worcester digital equity charette process has provided valuable insights into the digital divide facing
the City and laid the foundation for targeted interventions to promote digital equity and inclusion. Areas
which would benefit from attention include the affordability of home internet subscriptions; access to
laptop and desktop computers; language and age barriers to digital literacy; coordination between
community organizations; and online safety.
While much work remains to be done, Worcester is fortunate to have a committed community of
organizations and individuals invested in advancing digital equity. By tapping into the collective
knowledge and resources of these stakeholders, the City has the opportunity to implement meaningful
and lasting solutions that have a positive impact on residents.
Moving forward, it is imperative that Worcester continues its collaborative efforts, monitors progress,
and adapts interventions based on evolving community needs. By prioritizing digital equity and inclusion,
Worcester can create a more resilient and inclusive community where all residents have equitable access
to the opportunities afforded by the Internet and digital technology.
Worcester Digital Equity Charette 43
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