Program – Issuance and Use of Mobile Devices for Youth in Foster Care
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POLICY TITLE: Issuance and Use of Mobile Devices for Youth in Foster Care
Approved By:
Date Approved:
Original Effective Date:
Last Revision:
Brenda Donald Director
June 27, 2018
Chapter 18, Section 1808 and 2904 of the DC Personnel Regulations, the
Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO-7005.1), DC Official Code § 4-
1303.06, The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996
(Pub. L. No. 104-191, 110 Stat. 1936 (1996)) and its implementing
regulations (45 C.F.R. Parts 160 and 164) (HIPAA)
This policy applies to resource providers, CFSA and contracted private
agency staff, and to youth in foster care who are issued mobile devices
through a plan authorized or facilitated through the Agency.
Cell phones have become the preferred method of communication and
providing youth in care with cell phones normalizes their experience. The
provision of cell phones can also be used to ensure they are able to
communicate with staff/providers.
CFSA, and its contracted private agencies, shall facilitate access to mobile
devices for youth in foster care. This policy provides a consistent set of rules
for the distribution and use of cell phones for youth in care
The Agency establishes requirements for youth receipt of devices, resource
provider monitoring, plan and account management, usage and behavior
management, and account transition in the event of the youth’s exit from
A. Youth Requirements for Receipt of a Mobile Device
B. Issuance of Mobile Devices
C. Device Capability and Monitoring
D. Reporting Lost, Stolen, or Damaged Devices
E. Device Usage and Behavior Management
F. Account Transition During Youth Exit from Foster Care
Section A: Youth Requirements for Receipt of Mobile Devices
1. Mobile devices shall be provided to wards of the District who are enrolled
in grade 6 or above, unless the youth reside in a placement with a clinical
program model that prohibits residents from having a mobile device.
2. The Director has the discretion to approve the distribution of a mobile
device to a youth who is not yet in 6
Section B: Issuance of Mobile Devices
1. At the time of device distribution, recipients shall be trained on
responsible use and safeguards for the device and its contents.
2. CFSA shall provide the mobile device and basic monthly service
Program – Issuance and Use of Mobile Devices for Youth in Foster Care
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(negotiated and established by the Agency and the carrier) free of charge
to the recipient.
3. Mobile device recipients must complete a written agreement with the
Agency that includes carrier terms and conditions, and an attestation to
use the device safely and appropriately.
4. Youth eligible to receive an Agency-issued mobile device may formally
opt out via a signed attestation. Youth may also opt out at any time after
receiving an Agency-issued mobile device by returning the device.
Section C: Device Capability and Monitoring
1. CFSA issued devices shall be equipped with a mobile device
management (MDM) tool, content sharing software, a Global Positioning
System (GPS) device locator, and parental control software.
2. The written agreement shall clearly indicate usage limits.
Section D: Stolen, Lost, or Damaged Devices
1. If a mobile device is stolen, lost, or damaged, the recipient (or resource
provider) shall inform the social worker immediately, complete
appropriate reports to law enforcement, and provide copies of such
reports to CFSA.
2. It is at the discretion of the Agency whether to replace stolen, lost, or
damaged devices for the recipient.
Section E: Device Usage and Behavior Management
1. The resource provider shall be empowered to apply the reasonable and
prudent parent standard in overseeing the recipient’s safe use of the
device, including determining whether to impose behavior-related limits or
restrictions on the recipient’s access to the mobile device.
2. If the case management team determines that the recipient’s access to
and usage of the mobile device jeopardizes the child’s safety or well-
being, or increases risk factors, then the recipient’s access to the device
may be suspended until the issues are addressed and rectified.
Section F: Account Transition during Exit from Foster Care
1. If the recipient exits foster care, then CFSA will facilitate the transfer of
the plan and account into the name of the recipient, who will keep the
2. CFSA shall pay for the first monthly fee assessed following the youth’s
exit from foster care.