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Published: February 2022
Catering Requisition
Check Budget ........................................................................................................................... 1
Create a Catering Requisition .................................................................................................. 2
Save for Later ......................................................................................................................... 10
Review Budget Check ............................................................................................................ 11
Receiving a Catering Event .................................................................................................... 12
View All Requisitions .............................................................................................................. 14
In order to automate processing invoices and payments for catered events, a purchase
requisition, purchase order and a receiving must be created for each event.
Requisitioners will place an order with Chartwells, either through Catertrax system, or
via an email or phone call to their office. Chartwells will email a confirmation of the order
to the Requisitioner with a 20% overage included in the Requisition Amount field of
the Catering Order Form. The Requisition Amount will need to be entered into Workday
as the total quantity of the request.
Check Budget
The first step in creating a Catering Requisition is to check the available budget in
General Operating account. For cost center transactions, run the R002 Report to check
the General Operating account. If the transaction is for a grant, then the R134 Report
should be run to check Other Operating account. The spend category is SC0002 for
Catering Food Services.
In the Search field, enter R002 to find
and run the Budget Report.
In the Search field, enter R134 to find
and run the Grant Summary by
Ledger Account report.
Finance: Catering Requisition
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1) In the Organization field of the R002, select the Prompt icon and search for the
organization you wish to view. To view a list of all Cost Centers or Gifts to which
you have access, select Active Cost Centers or All Gifts.
2) In the Organization field of the R134, select the Prompt icon and search for the
project you wish to view.
3) Click the OK button.
The R002 Budget Variance Report.
Review the appropriate Parent level Available Budget column to ensure that
there is money available for the proposed purchase.
If there is not enough budget in the correct parent account, a budget amendment will
need to be completed and approved. Please go to the Workday Finance Job Aids page
amendments/ to access the Budget Amendment Reference Guide.
Once confirmed that there is enough budget to proceed, begin to build the request.
Create a Catering Requisition
1) Enter Create Requisition into the Search bar and click Create Requisition
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2) Click the prompt icon for Requisition Type and choose University Contract.
3) Click OK.
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4) Under the Select an Option section, click Request Non-Catalog Items.
5) Under Non-Catalog Request Type, select Request Service.
6) Enter a description under Description starting with the Catering Order #
and name of the request (for example, CTR# 1234 Lunch for Annual
Kick-Off Meeting).
7) Enter SC0002 in the Spend Category field.
8) Leave Supplier field blank. This is filled in later.
9) Leave Supplier Contract field blank. This is filled in later.
10) Leave Start Date and End Date blank.
11) In the Extended Amount field, enter the amount shown on the Catering
Order Form under Requisition Amount. (Note- this amount includes a
20% overage.)
12) Click Add to Cart.
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13) Click OK to confirm item has been added to the cart.
14) Click the shopping cart icon in top right corner to go to the Cart.
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15) Click Checkout.
16) Under Requisition Information, confirm defaulted information is correct. Enter
any comments for Catering under Memo to Suppliers and/or enter any
additional comments regarding the order in the Internal Memo field, if needed.
17) Verify all the information is correct on the Check-out Page. The following fields
defaulted in under Services:
Ship-To Address
Ship-To Contact
Cost Center
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If different worktags need to be indicated, click the X in the corresponding field to
remove the default and search for the appropriate worktag via the prompt icon.
To Split the Cost of a Line Item:
18) To split the cost of a line, scroll to the far right of the line and click
the zero in the Splits column.
19) On the pop-up, click the drop-down to select if the split will be based on
dollar amount or quantity.
20) On the displayed line, enter the percent or amount of the first portion of the split.
21) Enter the appropriate driver worktag in either the Cost Center field or the
Additional Worktags field.
22) Click the plus sign immediately under the Item counter, and complete the split
information on the inserted line.
23) Continue to add lines until 100% of the total line amount has been allocated.
24) Click Done.
25) Under the Services, in the Supplier field, type in the Supplier name and the
Order-from Connection field will default in. It is required to select an Order-from
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26) Under Attachments, click Select files and attach the Catering Order Form that
was emailed from Catering.
Note- The attachment is required in the system.
27) Select External to ensure the Catering Order Form is sent to Catering.
28) Click Submit.
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29) Click the Next Step button.
30) Enter the University Contract Number (1072) in the field What is the
Contract/Waiver Number? (Required)
31) Click the Submit button to save this request and send it to the approver for
review and processing.
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Save for Later
1) Click the Save for Later button to save your request and return to it later.
2) Type My Requisitions in the Search bar in the upper left corner of the screen
and select the same option from the search results.
The My Requisitions screen displays.
3) Check the box for Results in Table View
4) Click the OK button in the bottom left corner to display a list of all related requisitions.
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The report displays the list of your requisitions listing the requisition number, type, date,
amount, supplier, corresponding purchase order number (if any), status, memo to supplier,
and internal memo.
To review the specific requisition details, click the requisition number in the list.
Review Budget Check
If the system finds an issue with the budget versus your request, a “Review Budget Check
action and Review button displays on the screen, once the request is submitted. An item will
also be sent to your Inbox, Actions tab. NOTE-This request will NOT be sent to the
approver for review if there is an issue with the budget.
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1) Click the Review button to drill into the request in order to find the issue. In the upper
right corner, the budget status displays.
2) Click the View button on the line of Review Budget Check page to see the specific
details of the request.
3) Review the columns of the report, and pay special attention to the Budget
Amount versus the Current Transaction columns.
4) Based on the information provided, decide if a Budget amendment needs
to be completed, or if the request should be edited to adjust the Worktags.
Receiving a Catering Event
All goods and services must be formally received within Workday in order to
allow for processing of payment to the supplier. It is important to receive
accurate, actual quantities within the system.
Once a catering event has occurred, the Requisitioner will receive an email from
“Montclair State Dining” containing a survey invitation and the Updated Catering
Order Form.
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The Requisitioner will need to click the “Print Updated Catering Order Form” link to open
and view the Updated Catering Order Form and the actual expense of the event
(Balance Due field).
Once opened, the Requisitioner should save the updated form as a PDF in order to
attach it to the receiving screen in Workday.
1) Enter Create Receipt into the Search bar and click Create Receipt Task.
2) Enter Purchase Order # in the Purchase Order field. (Once the PO# has been
issued, you will receive a Notification with the PO#.)
3) DO NOT check Fully Receive. This would include the 20% encumbrance.
4) Click OK.
Note: Compass Group will send the invoice directly to Accounts Payable. Do not send
a copy of the catering order form to [email protected]. AP cannot use this to
process payment.
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5) Enter the invoice amount in the Amount to Receive field, located on the final
line of the Updated Catering Order Form as the Balance Due field.
6) Click Attachments and attach the Final Catering Order Form.
7) Click Submit.
View All Requisitions
1) Enter My Requisitions in the Search bar and select My Requisitions Report.
2) Click OK to locate all of your requisitions.
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