Academic Paper
Sample Student Responses
and Scoring Commentary
Sample E
Scoring Guideline
Student Samples
Scoring Commentary
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ResearchAcademic Paper 2021 Scoring Guidelines
The Response…
Score of 1
Report on Existing Knowledge
Score of 2
Report on Existing Knowledge with
Simplistic Use of a Research
Score of 3
Ineffectual Argument for a New
Score of 4
Well-Supported, Articulate
Argument Conveying a New
Score of 5
Rich Analysis of a New
Understanding Addressing a Gap
in the Research Base
Presents an overly broad topic of
Presents a topic of inquiry with
narrowing scope or focus, that is
NOT carried through either in the
method or in the overall line of
Carries the focus or scope of a topic
of inquiry through the method AND
overall line of reasoning, even though
the focus or scope might still be
Focuses a topic of inquiry with clear
and narrow parameters, which are
addressed through the method and
the conclusion.
Focuses a topic of inquiry with clear
and narrow parameters, which are
addressed through the method and
the conclusion.
Situates a topic of inquiry within a
single perspective derived from
scholarly works OR through a variety
of perspectives derived from mostly
non-scholarly works.
Situates a topic of inquiry within a
single perspective derived from
scholarly works OR through a variety
of perspectives derived from mostly
non-scholarly works.
Situates a topic of inquiry within
relevant scholarly works of varying
perspectives, although connections
to some works may be unclear.
Explicitly connects a topic of inquiry
to relevant scholarly works of
varying perspectives AND logically
explains how the topic of inquiry
addresses a gap.
Explicitly connects a topic of inquiry
to relevant scholarly works of
varying perspectives AND logically
explains how the topic of inquiry
addresses a gap.
Describes a search and report
Describes a nonreplicable research
method OR provides an
oversimplified description of a
method, with questionable alignment
to the purpose of the inquiry.
Describes a reasonably replicable
research method, with questionable
alignment to the purpose of the
Logically defends the alignment of a
detailed, replicable research method
to the purpose of the inquiry.
Logically defends the alignment of a
detailed, replicable research method
to the purpose of the inquiry.
Summarizes or reports existing
knowledge in the field of
understanding pertaining to the topic
of inquiry.
Summarizes or reports existing
owledge in the field of
understanding pertaining to the topic
of inquiry.
Conveys a new understanding or
conclusion, with an underdeveloped
line of reasoning OR insufficient
Supports a new understanding or
nclusion through a logically
organized line of reasoning AND
sufficient evidence. The limitations
and/or implications, if present, of the
new understanding or conclusion are
Justifies a new understanding or
nclusion through a logical
progression of inquiry choices,
sufficient evidence, explanation of
the limitations of the conclusion, and
an explanation of the implications to
the community of practice.
Generally communicates the
udent’s ideas, although errors in
grammar, discipline-specific style,
and organization distract or confuse
the reader.
Generally communicates the
udent’s ideas, although errors in
grammar, discipline-specific style,
and organization distract or confuse
the reader.
Competently communicates the
dent’s ideas, although there may
be some errors in grammar,
discipline-specific style, and
Competently communicates the
dent’s ideas, although there may
be some errors in grammar,
discipline-specific style, and
Enhances the communication of the
student’s ideas through organization,
use of design elements, conventions
of grammar, style, mechanics, and
word precision, with few to no errors.
Cites AND/OR attributes sources (in
bibliography/ works cited and/or in-
text), with multiple errors and/or an
inconsistent use of a discipline-
specific style.
Cites AND/OR attributes sources (in
bibliography/ works cited and/or in-
text), with multiple errors and/or an
inconsistent use of a discipline-
specific style.
Cites AND attributes sources, using a
discipline-specific style (in both
bibliography/works cited AND in-
text), with few errors or
Cites AND attributes sources, with a
consistent use of an appropriate
discipline-specific style (in both
bibliography/works cited AND in-
text), with few to no errors.
Cites AND attributes sources, with a
consistent use of an appropriate
discipline-specific style (in both
bibliography/works cited AND in-
text), with few to no errors.
© 2021 College Board.oa
Research 2021 Scoring Commentary
Academic Paper
This performance task was intended to assess students’ ability to conduct scholarly and responsible research
and articulate an evidence-based argument that clearly communicates the conclusion, solution, or answer to their
stated research question. More specifically, this performance task was intended to assess students’ ability to:
Generate a focused research question that is situated within or connected to a larger scholarly context or
Explore relationships between and among multiple works representing multiple perspectives within the
olarly literature related to the topic of inquiry;
Articulate what approach, method, or process they have chosen to use to address their research question,
why they have chosen that approach to answering their question, and how they employed it;
Develop and present their own argument, conclusion, or new understanding while acknowledging its
limitations and discussing implications;
Support their conclusion through the compilation, use, and synthesis of relevant and significant evidence
ated by their research;
Use organizational and design elements to effectively convey the paper’s message;
Consistently and accurately cite, attribute, and integrate the knowledge and work of others, while
guishing between the student’s voice and that of others;
Generate a paper in which word choice and syntax enhance communication by adhering to established
nventions of grammar, usage, and mechanics.
© 2021 College Board.
Visit College Board on the web: collegeboard.org.
Research Sample E 1 of 17
Barbie-ism: the Evolution of Barbie Movies Since 2001
AP Research
May 20, 2021
Word count: 4081
Research Sample E 2 of 17
Literature Review
The original Barbie doll was first introduced in 1959 by Ruth Handler; named after her
daughter Barbara. Handler saw a gap in children's toys, the market at the time was primarily
targeted towards young boys and the most successful girl’s toys were paper dolls. Handler
devised a “three-dimensional, sharply dressed version of these paper commodities” (Handler).
The paper dolls at the time would soon have a newer, redesigned competitor. While facing a lot
of criticism for the redesigned toy from its own company Mattel and competitors, the Barbie doll
would later become Mattel's best-selling toy for years (Weissman). The initial introduction of
this doll marks the beginning of what would be the “world's most iconized doll” (Lord and
Weissman). Barbie would continue to become a success for decades and would later enter other
mediums to sell the brand including shows, video games, and movies (Lord). The success of
Barbie is due to her uniqueness and ability to represent an individual. Little girls can find
themselves using Barbie as a role model and find their own identity in the character. Her
marketing is geared towards helping children find their potential and develop a sense of
independence. This branding worked, however, one aspect of her brand was lacking. Barbie’s
2001 entrance into the cinematic sphere was met with a comparatively dulled response to the
plastic counterpart.
Producing television and movies for children has become increasingly difficult over the
years and has been held to a much higher standard than its adult counterpart (Potter). Children’s
culture is where entertainment and advocacy meet to construct the definitions of what it means to
be a child in gender, race, and class positions in society (Giroux). It has an impact on children
and is made to educate, socialize, show national cultural representation, and mirror their own
Research Sample E 3 of 17
lives. It is much more complicated to produce as long-standing societal concerns and children's
interactions with the media are big factors to its production (Potter). The expectation for this
media produced for children is that they are learning from every aspect they see and grow up
because of it (Giroux, Inan, and Potter). The delicacy around this version of media results in a
higher quality output from other markets creating many competitors.
The leader of this children’s media would be Disney. With monumental success in toys,
television, and movies; Disney would become a model to duplicate success in this industry
marketed towards children. The success of the Disney princess movie lineup would bring many
companies interested in the princess scene to create their take on princesses, one of which was
Barbie (Orr). When Barbie released her first movie she seemed to challenge the princess
narrative by being more innovative to the traditionalist Disney counterpart (Orr). Disney films
have been criticized for sexist and oppressive gender messages nonetheless, they have captured
audiences worldwide for their animated pictures regardless (Lueke). Orr continues his argument
by stating that the movies are more similar than different in every aspect from marketing to
content; the way in which this princess culture is created may be advertised in different
languages of marketing to suit each brand, however, how it successfully influences consumers,
be they adults or children remains constant (Orr).
When looking at the thoughtful consideration that goes into creating children’s movies,
no research has been done to analyze the variables in relation to Barbie. Therefore my gap lies in
between Barbie and children’s media as I want to assess the transformation of the Barbie movies
through the years, considering the factors that need to be taken into account when creating
children's media.
Research Sample E 4 of 17
In order to properly assess the Barbie movies, this research will be divided into two major
classifications: data collection and application. When collecting the data, I plan to analyze the
top two grossing movies from every 5 years since the inception of the movies in 2001, for a total
of eight movies. Using a metric I will look for how many times themes are repeated. Modeled
after Ellen N. Junn’s research for The Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child
Development (1997), similar content analysis will be done in application to Barbie movies with
consideration for key factors in relation to children audiences. In application, I plan to analyze
the data and develop a conclusion on the movie’s abilities to incorporate cultural changes and
Barbie’s ability to be a role model for children.
For this research, I used a mixed-method approach approved by an Institutional Review
Board (IRB) to explore Barbies capability to be a role model based on the characters in her
movies and how the movies have changed over time. This will be a content analysis research
designed to determine the presence of themes in the movies. I will quantify and analyze the
themes to look for a relationship between them. This will help make conclusions and find
answers to my question.
Before my research could begin, I proposed my research project to an IRB composed of
three approved individuals at the high school I attend. The objectives and procedures of this
research project were approved without modifications, as there were no ethical problems. The
exclusion of the involvement of other humans simplified the process of my approval as my
methodology consisted of me applying a metric to children's movies. There were no problems in
either my metric or methodology, so I began after the approval of my research proposal.
Research Sample E 5 of 17
I initially approached my research by first selecting which movies I would watch. I
choose ten of the thirty-seven existing movies with consideration to time and diversifying the
subject matter of the movies. I remained unbiased when choosing however this is a weakness in
this project due to the fact I choose the movies myself over a random sample or other methods.
The movies I chose are evenly spread out from the inception in 2001 to the most recent in 2020.
The selected movies have a gap of one to four years in their release dates. This was to show a
coherent change over time. The movies I will be watching include: Barbie in the Nutcracker
(2001), Princess and the Pauper (2004), Barbie Fairytopia: Mermaidia (2006), Barbie as the
Island Princess (2007), Barbie a Fashion Fairytale (2010), Barbie: Princess Charm School
(2011), Barbie and Her Sisters in a Pony Tale (2013), Barbie and the Secret Door (2014), Barbie
Spy Squad (2016), Barbie: Princess Adventure (2020).
This study and metric are modeled after research done by Ellen Junn, an academic
administrator and researcher at multiple California State University campuses. Her paper, Child
Audiences: A Select Content Analysis of Walt Disney Animated Family Films, chose 11 films that
were analyzed and underwent a code that looked at patterns in the movies regarding certain
variables. These variables were sorted into 5 different categories. Her metric consisted of:
Love-Romance, Marriage-Wedding, Sexually-related, Film Demographics, and Miscellaneous
Variables. I developed a metric based on hers but adjusted it to better suit my research question
for the content of Barbie Movies varies from Disney’s.
I will use a metric composed of friendship, gender roles, independence, and overcoming
hardship. Each section of my metric will be applied by using specific questions to determine
whether or not a scene fits in that category. These questions are: Friendship; how have her
Research Sample E 6 of 17
friendships changed, how many times can she rely on her friends for aid. Gender roles; how
often do characters diverge from stereotypical gender roles. Independence; does she set out to do
things on her own. Overcoming hardship; is there a struggle and what is it. Following the
questions considered for each category of the metric, I will use examples of key scenes to
contextualize the categories. I will also include scenes that do not specifically fit into any
particular section of the metric but are of equal importance in showing the storyline or the role
model abilities of Barbie.
I will access these movies by using a rental service of Amazon movies and a subscription
service to Netflix. The accessibility to the movies differ based on popularity and release date so I
must use both.
After watching the movies I will develop a chart to compare the shift in the movies over
time. My data will be documented in a Google spreadsheet that is formatted with metric
components across the top row and timestamps for each scene down the columns. Each
timestamp will be counted as one point, which will be added up for each category of the metric
and the overall total for the movie. I will use the totals of each movie to form a line graph that
will represent each section of the metric per movie and the overall total. I will then examine the
relationships between the sets of categories to determine an answer to my question.
Potential limitations include difficulty in understanding the relationships and creating an
understandable conclusion. This is due to the categories being somewhat narrow in the subject
matter, however, I hope to offset this difficulty with the inclusion of specific scenes including
those that may not specifically fit in a category but are notable enough to aid in the development
of a conclusion.
Research Sample E 7 of 17
Table 1
and the
Gender Roles
Overcoming Hardship
Note. In table 1, it shows the number of times the themes are repeated in each film.
Figure 1
Note. In figure 1, it is a plotted visual of the numbers in table 1 to show the change over time.
Research Sample E 8 of 17
I will now explain notable scenes that did not fit in the metric to provide a greater depth
of analysis of the movies. Princess and the Pauper at 0:19:01 mentions indentured servitude and
shows class difference but understanding that everyone has their own responsibilities that makes
everyone similar. Barbie a Fashion Fairytale at 0:07:45 Barbie is fired from her acting role,
rumors spread online, she doubts herself yet her friends continue to persist in her pursuit for
acting and her dreams and 0:24:56 sequin expresses a rebuttal against opposition to her
becoming a muse in fear she will look like a clown. Rather explains that confidence in one’s self
is what truly expresses style. Barbie: Princess Charm School at 0:07:06 Blair can’t come to
accept her admission into Charm school with the reasoning that she understands she has
responsibilities of taking care of her sickly mother and getting out of an impoverished lifestyle
and 0:19:18 everyone has potential if you just work hard and stay dedicated. Barbie and Her
Sisters in a Pony Tale at 0:30:57 the trainer helps Chealsey realize that judging from a superficial
standpoint demolishes the possibilities to find common ground and grow bonds and 0:43:12
Barbie guilds Stacy to understand not everyone can be amazing at everything the first time.
Barbie Spy Squad at 0:43:40 doing something you enjoy is always a good way to get out of your
head, 0:44:03 controlling your mindset by visualizing yourself succeeding leads to greater
success, and 0:52:33 it's okay to make mistakes because no one expects you to be perfect, it is
not up to one person to decide your worth. Barbie: Princess Adventure at 0:04:45 a person has
endless possibilities to be anything and not one thing can limit a person, 0:20:49 every picture
online has been retouched and planned, only to showcase the best. It is hard to uphold an image
that isn't the truth, and 0:38:32 life isn't what is captured online, but what is seen when the
cameras are off, so it is important to be who you are not what you appear online.
Research Sample E 9 of 17
Using the results, I will be determining the change in Barbie movies over time to develop
a conclusion on whether or not Barbie should be classified as a role model. This is solely based
on the characters Barbie plays in her movies and will not include other aspects of the brand. The
metric used, focused on four important themes: friendship, gender roles, independence, and
overcoming hardship, which can be seen throughout the movies to provide different aspects of
the priorities of children’s media.
As time goes on there is an overall increase in the presence of these themes in the movies
as depicted in table 1 and figure 1. While the use of friendship, gender roles, independence, and
overcoming hardship is somewhat weak at the beginning of the timeline there is a 475% increase
to the last movie comparatively. This is important because it shows that the creators of these
films are purposefully changing the initial narrative of what they wanted the character Barbie to
represent and modernizing the films through doing so.
The importance of friendship within the films is that children see positives examples of
what healthy relationships are. Gender roles and the divergence from them, show that shifts in
cultural priorities and helps children view other possibilities of who they can possibly become.
Where Disney movies tend to play the princess saved by the prince trope, Barbie shows that her
strengths lie in her own ability to produce strong healthy relationships, while also learning which
battels she needs to do on her own. She is able to overcome hardship with the power the
character has due to her own abilities. Explaining the presence of friendship, gender roles,
independence, and overcoming hardship within the movies shows that Barbie’s character goes
beyond, the already established storyline tropes that constantly get reused.
Research Sample E 10 of 17
Unexpectedly there are two movies that did not follow the upward trend of the graph:
Barbie as the Island Princess and Barbie and Her Sisters in a Pony Tale. In Barbie as the Island
Princess, the overall approach of the movie was very different from the other films I evaluated.
The storyline followed a more generic approach where the princess feels the need to have her
troubles taken care of and be saved by a prince that can be seen in the vast majority of princess
movies. The metric did not apply well to this movie considering the use of the four themes of the
metric is what makes Barbie movies stand out from typical child media storylines. Rather than
seeking reliance on oneself or her friends, the character can be seen chasing after a man
throughout the entirety of the film. This undermined most aspects of the metric and produced a
negative spike in the results. The second film that did not follow the trend of the graph was
Barbie and Her Sisters in a Pony Tale. This is because the storyline of this movie revolved more
around Barbie’s sisters rather than Barbie herself, making it harder to apply a metric that should
be applied to Barbie alone. This film should not be criticized for this, however, due to the fact
that in instances where the themes were present Barbie was outspoken in her leadership and
showed a familial aspect not present in the other films I analyzed. The prioritization of family in
this film undermines the metric as the story did not primarily focus on Barbie, but her sisters as
Every Barbie movie has a grounding theme that makes it different from the previous.
This helps create endless possibilities to continue this series of movies due to the ability to
change storylines and priorities within the message of each film. There are certain scenes that
clearly provide a different aspect of “substance” or meaning to the films. This also progresses the
idea that Barbie is divergent from general Children’s media because it is through these scenes
Research Sample E 11 of 17
that Barbie makes impactful lessons that need to be exposed to children. I will now go through
each movie mentioned in the notable scenes to explain the significance and implications the
movie has for the incorporation of the scene/s.
In Princess and the Pauper, the mention of indentured servitude goes beyond a periodical
approach to the subject matter. The topic can be applied to modern-day class differences and
shows that despite different struggles based on wealth or responsibilities, everyone has their own
obligations that make people similar. It is through these similarities that human connection is
able to form and leads the protagonists to strengthen their bond and overcome their problems.
The quote “unassuming on the outside, but a treasure within” stands out in this movie because
simply judging a person from superficial aspects can lead to ignorance and the loss of seeing
great potential in people. A person’s capabilities are not limited to their financial status but are
greatly impacted by the support system built around them.
As the movies progress there is greater incorporation of themes that can be seen in the present
day. In Barbie, a Fashion Fairytale deals with hardships that include the struggle of rumors, and
the damaging effect lies can have on one's career. Her friend's reassurance leads her to a path of
self-discovery that strengthens her own image of self-worth. The idea of self-worth is also
present in the message that confidence in one’s self is what truly expresses style. Children and
viewers of this movie can take away that lies and self-doubt can be very harmful but when a
person like Barbie uses this as motivation to find the best version of herself, it shows that others
should not have the power to tear someone down, rather it is the power you give them and what
you do with their words that matters.
Research Sample E 12 of 17
In Barbie: Princess Charm School the protagonist has a very relatable backstory. The
character who Barbie takes place as is Blair, the adopted daughter of a single mom with health
issues. She has an opportunity to go to princess charm school but is heavily reluctant due to the
responsibilities she faces at home as a provider for the family’s needs. Her only motivation for
attending charm school is the possibility to provide a better life for her family and get her mother
the treatment she needs. Unlike the girls who have been born and bred for their spots at charm
school, Blair struggles to maintain the workload and social life of the school, however with help
from her instructor, she ensures that everyone has potential if a person works hard and stays
dedicated. This character that Barbie is portrayed as is relatable to a different audience of the
spectrum. While in the other movies, she is often established as a princess or someone with an
affluent lifestyle, Blair is just a normal girl who wants to help her family. The diversity in
character tropes that Barbie can play is remarkably adaptive, shows the flexibility the character
has and the spectrum of relatability children can find in her. This character similar to Barbie a
Fashion Fairytale has a hard-working motivation that helps her persist through her struggles.
Although there were times where she almost gave up, that shows that not everything in life is
without a doubt. It is important to be self-motivated but to have others by your side to continue
to support your journey from fitting in at school to learning how to walk with a book on your
Barbie and Her Sisters in a Pony Tale was a movie that created a negative spike in the
chart. However, this does not take away from the actual contents of the movie. The familial love
seen in the movie grounds the character and shows that independence is not always the greatest
priority in order to succeed in one’s life.
Research Sample E 13 of 17
Both Barbie Spy Squad and Barbie: Princess Adventure offered the most modern
perspective from the film lineup I chose as they are the films with the latest release dates that I
evaluated. The incorporation of the pressure a person can put on oneself paired with social media
or others’ expectations changed the dynamic of these films in a very positive manner. Especially
the section of Barbie: Princess Adventure that chooses to talk about how social media is a
planned visual of people and is not something one should compare themselves to. It is easy to
fall for a lot that is portrayed online, children especially are susceptible to this, however, the
message of these films is more so to negate the worries of children who feel their life in
comparison to what they see online is not enough. Social media has created unattainable
standards that Barbie shows she struggled with, but through understanding what truly matters she
is able to overcome hardship. What truly mattered was living life to the fullest for one’s self and
not trying to live to the expectations of others. Children now have to grow up with so many
things creating pressure upon them, this only increasing with social media usage being more
widely accessible to children. This message Barbie presents is a topic that is a priority of society
but is not widely used within the media children are consuming due to the possible sensitivity
around it. This ability to go outside of media norms to present thoughtful conversations led me to
my greatest conclusion in her abilities as a role model.
It is through these scenes that Barbie films present adaptability and modernization. As
time goes on the films incorporate ideas that are commonly prioritized in society. With this, the
films have shown remarkable progress to better suit the target audience. Barbie can definitely be
considered a role model for children. She speaks on topics that have not often been discussed in
other media aspects for children, and her films have become more adaptive towards the
Research Sample E 14 of 17
ever-changing problems in society. The characters she plays do not remain stagnant but are
constantly evolving to be better for the children watching at the time presented.
A suggestion for future research would be to increase the number of movies in the
timeline. The overlap of movie plots may show that the differences between the movies are not
as great as my results. The large increase of change in my results may be due to the variety of
plots I chose, and the possibility for movies with similar plots to result in similar numbers on the
metric is very likely. Also, the possibility of looking into greater depth at the reasoning behind
the changes in movies such as directors, producers, and writers may be a place for further
research. I was unable to do this due to time constraints.
A limitation I found was trying to decide when a scene ended to mark the next one and
deciding when to mark a scene. If the subject matter was the same for a long period and there
were multiple messages in a scene I tried to note multiple different times, however, this may
have skewed the results in my favor to show an increase. When marking a scene, if it satisfied
the conditions of the metric, it was marked. However due to some scenes were more abstract, I
did include some scenes that followed the metric a little looser. If the scene was too abstract to
even be considered for a category in the metric, they were noted specifically in the notable scene
section of my paper.
This does not reduce the credibility of the paper because the purpose was to conduct this
test to determine whether the characters Barbie plays defines her as a role model for children.
Even though some numbers may be off because of human error, the Barbie movies have
consistently shown the inclusion of topics that make the films divergent from typical children’s
Research Sample E 15 of 17
media. By putting Barbie in the position as the main character in 36 movies, she will be a role
model regardless of the choices the character makes due to her repeated “position of power” to
children. However, this project sought to determine her capabilities in that role and the results
show that she is highly capable of that position. She repeatedly showed meaningful lessons in her
movies from beginning to end. Making Barbie and the different characters she plays a great
choice for children to look up to and offers guardians greater options when choosing media to
show their children. Through this analysis, Barbie Has shown an evolution of change that I call
Barbie-ism. This application of her evolution is the shift in her character over time as a way to
adapt to societal standards and priorities.
Research Sample E 16 of 17
Chamberlain, K. (1995). Idollatry. Retrieved 2020, from European Institute for Gender Equality
website: https://eige.europa.eu/library/resource/kvinfo.9268414
Giroux, H. A. (2019). Animating youth: The Disneyfication of children’s culture - ProQuest.
Retrieved from Proquest.com website:
Inan, D. T. (2016). Evaluation of contents of animated films by cartoon / animated film
producers and teachers. Retrieved 2020, from www.semanticscholar.org website:
Junn, E. N. (1997). Media Portrayals of Love, Marriage & Sexuality for Child Audiences: A
Select Content Analysis of Walt Disney Animated Family Films. In ERIC. Retrieved
from https://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED407118
Lord, M. G. (2004). Forever Barbie: the unauthorized biography of a real doll. Fredericton,
N.B.: Goose Lane Editions.
Lueke, A. I. (2014). The Disney Evolution: Princesses as Positive Role Models. Retrieved from
eCommons website: https://ecommons.udayton.edu/uhp_theses/37/
Norton, K. I., Olds, T. S., Olive, S., & Dank, S. (1996). Ken and Barbie at life-size. Sex Roles,
34(3-4), 287–294. https://doi.org/10.1007/bf01544300
Research Sample E 17 of 17
Orr, L. (2009). “Difference That Is Actually Sameness Mass-Reproduced”: Barbie Joins the
Princess Convergence. Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures, 1(1). Retrieved from
Potter, A. (2020). Producing Children’s Television in the On Demand Age. Retrieved from
Weissman, K. N. (1999). Barbie: The Icon, the Image, the Ideal: an Analytical Interpretation of
the Barbie Doll in Popular Culture. In Google Books. Retrieved from
Research 2021 Scoring Commentary
Academic Paper
Note: Student samples are quoted verbatim and may contain spelling and grammatical errors.
Sample: E
Score: 3
This paper earned a score of 3. A method of content analysis is presented on page 4, followed by a description of
he method on pages 4-5. The methods, however, are inconsistent, with two different descriptions given for how
movies were chosen on pages 4 and 5. While there were themes of analysis listed, no detail on how themes were
analyzed were given. Still the methods are reasonably replicable.
The paper also earned a score of 3 because there is a new understanding discussed on pages 9-10 in the
iscussion of trends in Barbie movies such as friendship, gender roles, independence, and overcoming hardship.
The findings also discuss movies that did not follow the trends on page 10.
This paper did not earn a 4 because, while a gap is stated on page 3, it is not logically defended. Furthermore, the
iscussion of the results lacks detail, and while there are graphs and charts to show the results, there is not a
strong link to the discussion of the results.
This paper did not earn a 2 because there is a reasonably replicable method present on pages 4-5. Also, the paper
resents a new understanding on pages 9-10.
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