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Tax Foundation
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The Economic Effects of Adopting the
Corporate Tax Rates of the OECD, the
UK, and Canada
By Scott A. Hodge
Aug. 2015
No. 477
Key Findings
· Using the Tax Foundation’s Taxes and Growth (TAG) Model, this paper
simulates both the economic benefits and budgetary costs of a cut in
the corporate income tax rate from the current 35 percent to the OECD
average corporate income tax rate of 25 percent, the current UK corporate
income tax rate of 20 percent, and the Canadian federal corporate tax rate
of 15 percent.
· A reduction in the corporate income tax rate to 25 percent would increase
the size of GDP by 2.3 percent at the end of the adjustment period. A
further cut to 20 percent would boost long-term GDP by 3.3 percent. A
cut to the Canadian federal corporate income tax rate of 15 percent would
have the largest impact, increasing GDP by 4.3 percent over the long-term.
· Workers would also benefit from a corporate rate reduction. Depending
on the size of the corporate rate reduction, we would expect to see an
additional 425,000 to 613,000 new jobs, and wages would increase by
between 1.9 percent and 3.6 percent over the long-term.
· Regardless the size of the corporate tax cut, the larger GDP would translate
into higher after-tax incomes for taxpayers up and down the income scale.
· Using conventional scoring, these three corporate tax cuts to 25, 20,
and 15 percent would cost $1.2, $1.8, and $2.5 trillion over the next ten
years. However, using the more realistic assumption that these cuts would
increase the size of GDP, their costs would be closer to $746 billion, $1.1
trillion, and $1.5 trillion over the next decade.
2 Washington lawmakers are currently debang various ways to make the U.S. economy
more compeve, including reforming the internaonal tax system and creang a so-called
“innovaon box” to lower the tax rate on patents and intellectual property.
To be sure, moving to a territorial tax system would be an overdue improvement to America’s
tax system. But lawmakers should not lose sight of the need to lower the overall corporate
tax rate which, at 35 percent, is the highest in the industrialized world. America’s high
corporate rate is at the root of many of the problems that lawmakers are trying to address
through measures like the innovaon box, such as corporaons shiing their prots abroad.
Not only would cung the corporate tax rate improve U.S. compeveness, but it would also
boost economic growth and benet American workers. A lower corporate tax rate would
lower the cost of capital, which would boost the level of investment in the economy. The
increased investment would raise the producvity and wages of American workers which, in
turn, would lead to higher living standards.
While the impact on the Federal Treasury is oen cited as the biggest obstacle to cung the
corporate tax rate, these costs are greatly diminished once the benets of economic growth
are factored into the equaon.
According to the Tax Foundaon’s Taxes and Growth (TAG) Model, the benets of a
compeve corporate tax rate to the American economy and its workers are substanal,
while the costs to the Treasury are at least 40 percent less than convenonal scoring
techniques would suggest. Indeed, on a simple cost-benet basis, it would appear that the
benets to workers and the economy greatly outweigh the cost to the Treasury.
Simulang the Eects of Corporate Tax Rates at 25, 20, and 15
To beer understand these costs and benets, Tax Foundaon economists measured the
economic and revenue eects of lowering the 35 percent U.S. corporate income tax rate to
three dierent globally compeve levels:
1. 25%, matching the nominal OECD average;
2. 20%, matching the current UK corporate tax rate; and
3. 15%, matching the current Canadian federal tax rate.
We measured the eects of these lower rates, assuming no changes to the corporate tax
base, in order to isolate the full economic eects of a rate cut and to understand what
impact those economic changes would have on federal tax revenues. For the purposes of
this exercise, we did not aempt to esmate the eects of any reduced prot shiing or any
increased investment from abroad.
3 The Impact on Growth, Investment, and Jobs
Table 1 compares the economic results of the three simulated corporate tax rate cuts. The
top-line results show that if U.S. lawmakers were to adopt the Canadian rate, it would
produce the biggest boost to long-term GDP, liing the level by 4.3 percent, nearly double
the eect of adopng the OECD average of 25 percent. If lawmakers were to take a more
modest approach and adopt the 20 percent UK rate, the model shows that the policy would
sll boost the level of GDP by a healthy 3.3 percent.
A large driver of this new growth is the reducon in the service price of capital—costs
associated with investment, such as taxes, depreciaon, risk, and foregone consumpon
opportunies. Lowering the corporate tax rate to match the OECD average cuts the cost of
capital for corporaons by 5.8 percent, while the UK rate lowers those costs by 8.3 percent.
Again, the Canadian rate has the biggest impact, cung the corporate service price of
capital by 10.6 percent.
A Corporate Rate Cut Would Boost Investment, Wages, and GDP
Economic Changes Resulng from a Corporate Rate Cut
Average of 25%
To Current UK
Rate of 20%
To Canadian
Federal Rate of
GDP 2.3% 3.3% 4.3%
$GDP ($ billions) $404 $588 $762
Capital Stock (equipment, structures,
6.7% 9.8% 12.8%
Wage rate 1.9% 2.8% 3.6%
Full-me Equivalent Jobs (in thou-
425 613 786
Corporate Service Price of Capital -5.8% -8.3% -10.6%
These lower capital costs signicantly increase the size of the capital stock in the economy.
The OECD average tax rate lis the capital stock by 6.7 percent over the long-term, while
the Brish rate boosts the level by nearly 10 percent. The Canadian rate delivers the biggest
bang on capital investment, liing the level of the capital stock by 12.6 percent.
Workers Are the Big Winners from Lower Corporate Tax Rates
The increased investment and economic growth spurred by lower corporate tax rates would
lead to higher wages for workers and encourage employers to hire more workers, which
would translate into more jobs.
Table 1 shows that if lawmakers were to cut the 35 percent U.S. corporate rate to the OECD
average, it would raise the overall wage rate by 1.9 percent over the long-term and create
425,000 full-me equivalent jobs. By contrast, adopng the UK rate of 20 percent would li
wages by 2.8 percent over the long-term and create more than 600,000 jobs.
Table 1.
4 But American workers would see the biggest benet if lawmakers were to adopt the
Canadian rate of 15 percent. The TAG Model shows that a 15 percent corporate tax rate
would li the wage rate by 3.6 percent and generate 786,000 full-me equivalent jobs.
Living Standards Rise for Families at All Income Levels
A Corporate Rate Cut Would Boost Incomes across the Board
Change in Aer-Tax AGI from a Corporate Rate Cut
AGI Class
Average of
To Current
UK Rate of
To Canadian
Federal Rate of
< 0 2.4% 3.5% 4.5%
0 - 5,000 2.3% 3.3% 4.3%
5,000 - 10,000 2.1% 3.1% 4.0%
10,000 - 20,000 2.1% 3.0% 3.9%
20,000 - 30,000 2.2% 3.2% 4.2%
30,000 - 40,000 2.3% 3.4% 4.3%
40,000 - 50,000 2.2% 3.2% 4.1%
50,000 - 75,000 2.2% 3.1% 4.1%
75,000 - 100,000 2.1% 3.1% 4.0%
100,000 - 150,000 2.1% 3.0% 3.9%
150,000 - 200,000 2.1% 3.1% 3.9%
200,000 - 250,000 2.0% 3.0% 3.8%
250,000 - 500,000 2.0% 3.0% 3.8%
500,000 - 1,000,000 2.1% 3.1% 4.0%
> 1,000,000 2.2% 3.3% 4.2%
TOTAL FOR ALL 2.1% 3.1% 4.0%
It is oen thought that cung corporate taxes only benets owners of capital. But the
model nds that increased investment and higher economic growth translate into higher
aer-tax incomes for households up and down the income scale.
Table 2 shows the distribuonal impact of the three dierent corporate tax rate cuts on
aer-tax incomes solely as a result of increased economic growth. In order to isolate these
eects, we have not distributed the dollar value of the corporate tax cut to shareholders
through higher dividends or capital gains.
We can see that the economic benets of the three corporate tax cuts are fairly uniform
across all the income groups, although the lowest-income taxpayers benet slightly more
than other income groups because the increase in their living standards tends not to push
them into a higher tax bracket, as is the case for some other taxpayers.
Lowering the U.S. corporate tax rate to the OECD average would increase total aer-tax
adjusted gross incomes (AGI) by 2.1 percent, while the slightly steeper cut to the UK rate
would boost those aer-tax incomes by 3.1 percent. Again, matching the Canadian rate
would have the biggest impact on living standards, boosng total aer-tax AGI by 4 percent.
Table 2.
5 Growth Tempers the Eect on Federal Tax Revenues
According to convenonal esmates, which do not account for any macroeconomic eects
from policy, cung the corporate tax rate could mean a sizeable reducon in federal tax
revenues. As Table 3 illustrates, depending upon the extent of the rate cut, such a move
could reduce federal revenues by $1.2 trillion to $2.5 trillion over the course of ten years on
a convenonal basis.
Economic Growth from a Corporate Rate Cut Would Temper the
Eect on Federal Revenues
Stac and Dynamic Ten-Year Cost of a Corporate Rate Cut, Billions of Dollars
Average of
To Current
UK Rate of
To Canadian
Federal Rate
of 15%
Stac Tenth-Year Cost -$140 -$209 -$279
Ten-Year Total Cost -$1,261 -$1,891 -$2,522
Dynamic Tenth-Year Cost -$33 -$56 -$84
Ten-Year Total Cost -$746 -$1,155 -$1,585
By the end of the ten-year budget window, the convenonal esmate shows that cung
the U.S. corporate tax rate to match the OECD rate could cost the Treasury $140 billion
annually. Adopng the UK rate would cost $209 billion annually. However, adopng the
Canadian rate would cost twice as much as adopng the OECD rate, some $279 billion
Surely, these are the kind of gures that scare lawmakers away from a policy that would
improve U.S. compeveness and boost long-term economic growth. However, the results
of the TAG Model’s analysis show that when we factor in the eects of increased economic
growth, higher worker wages, and a larger labor force, the actual loss of revenues to the
Treasury from these corporate rate cuts is reduced by about 40 percent in each case.
Table 3 contrasts the convenonal revenue esmates of each rate cut with the esmates
that factor in these detailed macroeconomic eects. For example, the macroeconomic
esmate shows that cung the U.S. corporate rate to match the OECD average would cost
$746 billion over ten years, 40 percent less than the convenonal esmate. It is parcularly
interesng to note that, by the tenth year aer the tax cut, the annual cost is reduced to $33
billion, less than one-quarter of the annual cost esmated by convenonal methods.
We nd similar results from cung the U.S. corporate tax rate to the UK rate and the
Canadian rate. Accounng for the macroeconomic eects of adopng the UK rate, the model
esmates the ten-year cost at $1.15 trillion, roughly 40 percent less than the convenonal
esmate. The tenth-year cost drops to $56 billion, 73 percent less than the stac esmate.
Finally, cung the U.S. rate to 15 percent would cost the Treasury about $1 trillion less aer
accounng for the increased economic consequences of the policy than the convenonal
esmate would indicate. By the end of the ten-year budget window, the annual cost would
fall to $84 billion, about 70 percent less than the annual stac esmate.
Table 3.
6 Contrary to what some might expect, the TAG Model does not show what might be called
a “Laer” eect. In other words, it does not show that lower corporate tax rates result in an
overall increase in corporate tax revenues. Typically, we would expect that any sort of Laer
eect only arises from addional revenues generated by reduced prot-shiing or from an
inow of foreign direct investment caused by the lower corporate tax rate. We have not
tried to model these eects in this exercise.
As is evident in Table 4 in the appendix, the factors that do lower the overall cost of cung
the corporate tax rate are the increases in other types of tax revenues—such as individual
income taxes, payroll taxes, and excise taxes—that are the natural result of higher levels of
GDP, wages, and employment.
It is well known that the 35 percent U.S. corporate tax rate is the highest among the largest
industrialized countries. And, when the federal rate is combined with the average rate of the
states, the U.S. imposes third-highest overall corporate tax rate in the world. To the extent
that America is suering from an increase in base erosion, corporate inversions, or the ight
of intellectual property, our uncompeve corporate tax rate is the root of those problems.
However, the Tax Foundaon’s TAG Model shows that if lawmakers were to lower the U.S.
corporate tax rate to either the OECD average of 25 percent, the UK rate of 20 percent, or
the Canadian federal rate of 15 percent, it would mean a big li to economic growth and the
living standards of American workers. These benets would come at substanally less cost to
the Treasury than convenonal esmates would suggest.
7 Appendix
Detailed Revenue Stac and Dynamic Revenue Esmates of a Corporate Rate Cut, 2015-2024
Esmate of Corporate Tax Revenues 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2015-2024
CBO Baseline $328 $429 $437 $453 $450 $447 $450 $459 $472 $488 $4,413
Convenonal Revenue Esmates of a Corporate Rate Cut
To OECD Average of 25% -$94 -$123 -$125 -$130 -$129 -$128 -$129 -$131 -$135 -$140 -$1,261
To Current UK Rate of 20% -$140 -$184 -$187 -$194 -$193 -$191 -$193 -$197 -$202 -$209 -$1,891
To Canadian Federal Rate of 15% -$187 -$245 -$249 -$259 -$257 -$255 -$257 -$262 -$270 -$279 -$2,522
Detailed Macroeconomic Eects on Revenues from a Rate Cut to 25%
Individual Income Taxes $3 $7 $12 $17 $22 $28 $34 $41 $48 $57 $268
Payroll Taxes $2 $5 $8 $11 $14 $17 $21 $25 $30 $34 $168
Corporate Income Taxes -$93 -$121 -$123 -$127 -$125 -$123 -$124 -$125 -$128 -$132 -$1,220
Excise taxes $0 $0 $1 $1 $1 $1 $2 $2 $2 $3 $14
Federal Reserve remiances $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1 $1 $1 $1 $5
Customs dues $0 $0 $0 $0 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $6
Estate and gi taxes $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1 $1 $3
Miscellaneous fees and nes $0 $0 $0 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $2 $2 $9
Total -$87 -$108 -$101 -$97 -$86 -$74 -$64 -$53 -$43 -$33 -$746
Detailed Macroeconomic Eects on Revenues from Rate Cut to 20%
Individual Income Taxes $5 $11 $17 $24 $32 $40 $49 $59 $70 $82 $390
Payroll Taxes $3 $7 $11 $16 $20 $25 $31 $37 $43 $50 $244
Corporate Income Taxes -$140 -$182 -$185 -$191 -$189 -$186 -$187 -$190 -$194 -$200 -$1,844
Excise taxes $0 $1 $1 $1 $2 $2 $3 $3 $3 $4 $20
Federal Reserve remiances $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1 $1 $1 $1 $2 $7
Customs dues $0 $0 $0 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $2 $2 $9
Estate and gi taxes $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1 $1 $1 $1 $5
Miscellaneous fees and nes $0 $0 $1 $1 $1 $1 $2 $2 $2 $3 $13
Total -$131 -$162 -$154 -$148 -$132 -$115 -$100 -$85 -$71 -$56 -$1,155
Detailed Macroeconomic Eects on Revenues from a Rate Cut to 15%
Individual Income Taxes $6 $14 $22 $31 $41 $52 $64 $77 $91 $107 $504
Payroll Taxes $4 $9 $14 $20 $26 $33 $40 $48 $56 $65 $316
Corporate Income Taxes -$187 -$244 -$247 -$256 -$253 -$250 -$252 -$255 -$262 -$270 -$2,476
Excise taxes $0 $1 $1 $2 $2 $3 $3 $4 $4 $5 $26
Federal Reserve remiances $0 $1 $1 $0 $1 $1 $1 $1 $2 $2 $9
Customs dues $0 $0 $1 $1 $1 $1 $2 $2 $2 $3 $12
Estate and gi taxes $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $6
Miscellaneous fees and nes $0 $0 $1 $1 $1 $2 $2 $3 $3 $3 $17
Total -$175 -$218 -$207 -$200 -$180 -$159 -$139 -$120 -$102 -$84 -$1,585
Table 4.