An analysis
of the implementation of the
EU-Canada Comprehensive
Economic and
Trade Agreement
Julian HINZ, Carsten Philipp BROCKHAUS, Sonali CHOWDHRY, Hendrik MAHLKOW
and Vasundhara THAKUR (Kiel Institute, Germany)
European Parliament Coordinator:
Policy Department for External Relations
Directorate General for External Policies of the Union
PE 754.440November 2023
Requested by the INTA committee
EP/EXPO/INTA/FWC/2019-01/LOT5/1/C/20 EN
November 2023 PE 754.440 © European Union, 2023
An analysis of the implementation
of the EU-Canada Comprehensive
Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
This in-depth analysis offers a quantitative analysis of the Comprehensive Economic
and Trade Agreement (CETA) between the EU and Canada, six years after its provisional
enforcement. Our analysis confirms substantial economic gains: goods exports from
the EU to Canada increased by 27 % and imports rose by 32 % due to the agreement.
The services sector also showed robust growth, with 19 % and 15 % increases in
exports and imports, respectively. However, the paper identifies challenges, such as the
low Preference Utilization Rate (PUR), predominantly among large firms, and highlights
that SMEs still account for less than half of the EU's total exports to Canada. Beyond the
immediate economic impact, the analysis focuses on key issues in the implementation
and offers further quantitative evidence on critical raw material policies and mutual
recognition agreements. Sections delve into a descriptive analysis of the bilateral
structure of trade, implementation challenges, and offer policy recommendations.
Policy Department, Directorate-General for External Policies
Julian HINZ, Research Director, Kiel Institute & Bielefeld University, Germany;
Carsten Philipp BROCKHAUS, Junior Researcher, Kiel Institute, Germany;
Sonali CHOWDHRY, Senior Researcher, Kiel Institute & DIW, Germany;
Hendrik MAHLKOW, Junior Researcher, Kiel Institute & WIFO, Germany;
Vasundhara THAKUR, Junior Researcher, Kiel Institute & Bielefeld University, Germany.
Julian HINZ, Project leader
Emanuela DIMONTE, Management
This paper was requested by the European Parliament's Directorate-General for External Policies of the Union,
Policy Department for External Relations.
The content of this document is the sole responsibility of the authors, and any opinions expressed herein do not
necessarily represent the official position of the European Parliament.
Wolfgang IGLER, Policy Department for External Relations
Editorial assistant: Balázs REISS
Feedback is welcome. Please write to
To obtain copies, please send a request to poldep-[email protected].eu
English-language manuscript completed in November 2023.
Brussels © European Union, 2023
Reproduction and translation for non-commercial purposes are authorised, provided the source is acknowledg-
ed and the European Parliament is given prior notice and sent a copy.
This paper will be published on the European Parliament's online database, 'Think Tank
An analysis of the implementation of the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
Table of contents
1 Introduction 1
2 Structure of EU-Canada trade and investment 2
3 Overview of the economic effects of CETA on trade 5
3.1 Simulation scenarios 5
3.2 General introduction to the KITE model 6
3.3 Benchmark scenario results 8
4 In-depth analysis of key implementation issues 10
4.1 Impact of CETA for small and medium enterprises 10
4.2 Utilisation of trade preferences 12
4.3 Trade and sustainable development 17
4.4 Raw materials 19
4.5 Mutual recognition of standards and qualifications 21
5 Conclusions and recommendations 22
References 24
A. Technical description of the KITE Model 25
An analysis of the implementation of the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
1 Introduction
The European Union (EU) and Canada formally signed the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement
(CETA) in 2016. This agreement, provisionally implemented in September 2017, integrates several
advanced industrialized economies with a combined market size of USD 19 trillion and 480 million
consumers as of 2022. Beyond its clear economic significance, CETA also offers a strategic opportunity for
both partners to diversify their supply chains, ensuring the security of their trade flows amidst heightened
geopolitical uncertainties.
CETA also exemplifies the EU's and Canada's efforts to craft 'next-generation' FTAs. This is evident in its
numerous provisions addressing a wide range of regulatory topics including government procurement,
competition policy, intellectual property, and investment protection. These provisions specifically target
non-tariff barriers (NTBs) to trade and play a substantial role in determining the overall welfare gains from
FTAs. Alongside these modern provisions, CETA also successfully eliminates traditional barriers to trade in
goods, with 98 % of tariff lines becoming duty-free between the parties in 2017.
In addition to this broad scope, CETA introduced several innovative provisions that distinguished it from
other FTAs that were in force at the time of its provisional application. For instance, it takes a more
comprehensive approach toward regulatory cooperation, with the establishment of a dedicated forum to
promote continuous dialogue on these issues between the EU and Canada. It also features a dedicated
chapter on trade and sustainable development that commits both parties to upholding standards for
environmental protection and labour rights. CETA also incorporates specific provisions designed to
support small and medium enterprises (SMEs), in view of the unique barriers faced by them when
exporting to foreign markets. In these dimensions, CETA provides a useful blueprint for how trade deals
can evolve beyond traditional tariff reductions to encompass broader socio-economic and environmental
Considering the timeline, formal negotiations for CETA were launched in May 2009 and spanned over five
years until their conclusion in August 2014. Following legal review, the agreement was officially signed in
October 2016 after which it was provisionally applied from September 2017. As a mixedagreement, CETA
requires ratification not only from the European Parliament but also from all national and regional
parliaments within the EU's member states. This is because the agreement encompasses areas of policy
that fall both within the sole competence of the EU and within the shared competence of the EU and its
member states. Examining the progression of the approval process, CETA gained ratification from seven
EU member states in 2017. Since then, an additional ten countries have endorsed the agreement, with
Germany being the most recent, finalizing its ratification in January 2023. Yet, ten EU member states have
yet to ratify CETA. Notably among these are key players in trade with Canada, including France, Italy, and
Now in CETA's sixth year of implementation, this in-depth analysis aims to provide a rigorous quantitative
assessment of the agreement's impact on trade flows and welfare. It sheds light on which sectors and
countries have gained most from CETA's application and discusses several outstanding issues relating to
the implementation. As such, this analysis is related to previous work that has, i.a., predicted ex-ante
possible effect on FDI, trade, and its macroeconomic impact (see e.g., Anderson et al., 2016; Breuss, 2017),
as well as highlighted legal question relating to the agreement (see e.g., Finbow, 2019). Notably Anderson
et al. (2016) use an approach that is in theory related to our approach and reassuringly yields quali-
tatively similar results.
As discussed subsequently, their results show Canada as gaining more from the agreement than an average EU economy. This
stems from the fact that Canada acquires access to a relatively larger market than an average EU economy does for Canada.
Policy Department, Directorate-General for External Policies
The remainder of this analysis is structured as follows. Section 2 describes the evolution of trade in goods
and services as well as investment flows between the EU and Canada over the last years. In Section 3, we
outline our methodology for evaluating the impact of CETA and discuss the results from our benchmark
scenario of the agreement's implementation. In Section 4, we focus on key implementation challenges
related to CETA and assess their possible effects on welfare in the EU and Canada. Finally, Section 5 provides
a conclusion to our analysis and offers policy suggestions.
2 Structure of EU-Canada trade and investment
We begin our analysis by examining both the structure and evolution of trade flows and investment
relations between the EU and Canada over recent years. This descriptive evidence sets the stage for our
subsequent investigation of CETA's economic impact with the general equilibrium model.
Table 1: Trade in goods: summary of CETA provisions
Industrial products
99.5 % tariff free at implementation (September 2017)
Forest products
duty free at implementation
Metal products
duty free at implementation
Oil and gas products
duty free at implementation
Chemical and plastics products
duty free at implementation
Telecommunications products
duty free at implementation
Phase-out in sensitive sectors
gradual implementation or via tariff rate quotas (TRQs)
Fish and seafood products
95.5 % tariff free rising to duty free in 3-7 years using TRQs
gradual with exemptions/TRQs in sensitive products
duty free in 3-7 years
Overall goods trade
98 % duty-free at implementation (21 September 2017)
99 % duty-free as of 1 January 2024
Note: Table adapted from Finbow (2019).
Trade in goods
As of 2022, Canada is the EU's tenth largest trade partner for goods exports and its 16th largest partner for
goods imports. For Canada, the EU is the second-largest trading partner in goods. CETA supports this trade
by eliminating over 98 % of tariff lines
over relatively short implementation schedules (see Table 1).
Figure 1 provides a comprehensive view of the evolution of trade in goods between EU and Canada over
the period from 2012 to 2022. Panel 1a sheds light on EU members’ exports, with the red line denoting the
entry into force of CETA. On average, EU members’ exports to Canada grew by 36 % over 2017-2022.
However, a few countries stand out. The member with the highest export growth was Latvia, whose sales
to Canada soared by 177 %. Cyprus, the lowest contributor to EU exports in 2016, also significantly
increased its sales to Canada by about 76 %. In contrast, the Netherlands registered the lowest export
growth of 12 %. Germany, which leads the bloc in terms of total exports to Canada, also experienced an
18 % rise in sales over 2017-2022.
agreement/ceta-chapter-chapter_en for the text of the agreement.
An analysis of the implementation of the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
Figure 1: Evolution of EU goods trade with Canada
(a) Evolution of EU exports to Canada (b) Evolution of EU imports from Canada
Note: Data from UN COMTRADE, own visualization.
Panel 1b reveals key trends in EU members’ goods imports from Canada. Germany maintained its lead in
overall imports from Canada between 2017 and 2022, witnessing an increase in import purchases of
approximately 58 %. The EU average was slightly lower, with imports growing by 48 %. Interestingly,
Cyprus, which initially had the lowest import figures, more than doubled its imports from Canada by 2022.
France registered the lowest growth at about 15 %, while Latvia recorded an astonishing surge of 1134 %,
indicating a highly diverse level of engagement among EU countries with respect to imports from Canada
after the implementation of CETA.
Together, these trends further indicate that goods trade between EU and Canada stayed resilient during
the pandemic period, despite the decline in global trade (International Monetary Fund, 2022).
Having examined changes in aggregate goods trade, we next analyse their sectoral composition in 2019
(i.e., just before the pandemic), comparing the EU’s trade with Canada with its other trade partners (see
Figure 2). Panel 2a displays the export side. It reveals that manufacturing, particularly the metals and
machinery sector, is a cornerstone of EU exports, constituting more than half of the bloc’s exports to
Canada, other EU members, and to the rest of the world. This suggests the EU’s comparative advantage in
this sector across multiple markets. The chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and plastics sector is also important
across all three types of destinations, with shares in exports lying in the range of 2529 % each. Notably
different in their relative importance in the three different markets are agricultural products, which only
make up 0.6 % of exports to Canada, but 1.4 % to the rest of the world.
Policy Department, Directorate-General for External Policies
Figure 2: Comparison of top EU export and import sectors by partner
(a) EU exports sectors (b) EU imports sectors
Note: Data from UN COMTRADE, own visualization.
Panel 2b reveals the heterogeneity in origins for EU goods imports. Again, we find that the metals and
machinery sector dominates the import landscape, accounting for over 40 % of imports from Canada and
more than half from intra-EU and the rest of the world. The chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and plastics sector
also appears again as a key import category, with relatively similar shares in imports (2026 %) across
different origins. However, the mining and extraction sector is distinctly significant when it comes to
imports from Canada, making up nearly 20 % of the total imports from the country, a level that is much
higher than from other trading partners. This points to specialized trade relations between the EU and
Canada in this sector. Overall, the varied sectoral composition in the EU’s import basket is more
pronounced than on the export side.
Bilateral Investment
While the investment provisions in CETA have not yet been applied and still require the full ratification of
CETA by all EU member states, investment flows may still already be affected by closer economic
cooperation between the economies of the EU and Canada.
Figure 3 visualises the evolution of inward
and outward FDI stock between EU member states and Canada between 2013 and the latest available year,
2021. The light green line depicts outward investment by European companies, whereas the teal line
depicts Canadian investments in the European Union. Initially, investment flows, especially flows into the
EU, started to increase, reaching a first peak of EUR 324 billion and EUR 362 billion, respectively, in 2016.
This was followed by a slight decrease in 2017, before reaching the maximum in 2018, i.e., one year after
CETA provisionally entered into force, which may hint towards an anticipation effect. Flows then decreased
between 2019 and 2020 and seem to have reached 2016 levels at the end of the observed period. The
COVID pandemic may have stalled an overall positive trend in the integration of the two economies.
See for
an overview of the agreement including a description of the areas not yet applied provisionally.
An analysis of the implementation of the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
Figure 3: Evolution of investment stocks between EU member countries and Canada
Note: Data from UN COMTRADE, own visualization.
Interestingly, inward and outward investment follow a very similar path over the time period. While out-
ward investment is initially somewhat higher than inward investment, over time the two types of flows
show a strong comovement.
3 Overview of the economic effects of CETA on trade
Evaluating the economic effects of a trade agreement on trade (and investment) flows is a complex
exercise. While the descriptive analysis in Section 2 shows that exports, imports and investment patterns
between EU and Canada have evolved over time, they do not clarify whether these changes can be partially
or fully attributed to CETA's implementation. Put simply, one needs to address the question as to what a
counterfactual world today would look like, had there not been an agreement.
To do so, we make use of a state-of-the-art quantitative model that allows us to compute these counter-
factual scenarios of the global economy with and without CETA, as well as with possible future policy
changes. We conduct these simulation exercises with the so-called KITE model (Kiel Institute Trade Policy
Evaluation Model) and discuss its main mechanisms in subsection 3.2. Additional technical details of KITE
are provided in Appendix A.
3.1 Simulation scenarios
To gauge the impact of CETA, we analyse three distinct scenarios with the KITE model. The benchmark
scenario addresses the central research question of this in-depth analysis: How did CETA influence trade
flows, and what were the differential impacts across various countries and sectors? The subsequent
scenarios address more specific questions that relate to key implementation issues under CETA which are
discussed in further detail in Section 4. Each scenario here builds upon the results from the benchmark
simulation an evaluation of the current impact of CETA and adds key policy changes on top of the
baseline reduction in trade barriers. The corresponding simulation results are thus relative to the status
quo of the global economy.
Note that even though the policy changes implemented both in the benchmark scenario as well as the
additional scenarios for key implementation issues are purely bilateral between member countries of the
EU on the one hand and Canada on the other hand, the model will also indicate third-country effects. This
is an important feature of the KITE model, whose structure specifically incorporates possible trade creation
Policy Department, Directorate-General for External Policies
and trade diversion effects, which translate bilateral policy changes into measurable global economic
Scenario 1 Benchmark scenario
In our first scenario, we examine the overall effect of the implementation of CETA on the economies of EU
member states, Canada, as well as affected third countries. We do so by simulating the removal of tariffs
between the contracting parties, as well as the impact of estimated changes to non-tariff barriers.
that the CETA does not alter the Most Favoured Nation (MFN) or preferential tariffs imposed by the
members' economies on imports from non-CETA countries. Accordingly, this scenario maintains the same
rates for external tariffs as in the status quo. The estimation of the changes to non-tariff barriers is
conducted in standard fashion, making use of the gravity framework in international trade at the sectoral
Scenario 2 Strategic partnership on raw materials
In this second scenario, we further expand the scope of trade liberalization achieved by CETA by simulating
a strategic partnership on raw materials. We again implement this policy change by additionally lowering
NTBs by a further 5 % on raw materials. All other sectors remain unaffected beyond the already implement-
ed tariff and NTB reductions induced by the actual CETA implementation.
Scenario 3 Mutual recognition of qualifications
Like the previous scenario, we expand the scope of CETA by lowering NTBs in the services sectors that
would be plausibly affected by mutual recognition agreements on professional qualifications. Specifically,
and following the related literature (see e.g., Kox et al., 2005), we simulate the reduction of friction in the
sectors of health and social work, education, construction, insurance and finance, as well as other business
services byagain – 5 %.
3.2 General introduction to the KITE model
To simulate the outlined scenarios, we leverage the KITE model (Chowdhry et al., 2020), a model that offers
a computable general equilibrium representation of international trade and the global economy,
its foundational structure from the trade model by Caliendo and Parro (2015).
The model
exhibits intra-
and international input-output relationships, reflecting the international dimension of production. Thus, it
implements the main features of today’s world economy, emphasizing the intricate interconnections
between countries through global value chains (GVCs). In the context of our analysis,
it’s crucial to note
that countries not participating in CETA may also experience the effects of the agreement.
By utilizing the KITE model, we juxtapose a baseline scenario (a world without CETA) against
involving varied degrees of actual and hypothetical future CETA implementation. Through this
comparison, the model allows the quantification of long-term direct and indirect trade impacts on Canadian
While there is some sectoral heterogeneity in the tariff lines that were actually affected2% of the pre-existing tariffs persist
the more aggregated sectoral composition of the model does not allow for this heterogeneity. We therefore remove 100% of all
tariffs. Robustness checks with respect to leaving out the few sectors with most remaining tariffs, agricultural and food products,
produce qualitatively very similar overall results. In doing so, this scenario effectively provides an upper-bound to the impact of
tariff reduction.
As is customary in related literature, we verify that estimated coefficients are realistic. Specifically, we truncate the estimated
trade cost change at 0 i.e., we do not allow CETA to have a negative effect on trade flows. Furthermore, we only use statistically
significant estimated values, insignificant ones are again set to 0. Effects for services trade are set to the average estimated effect
across sectors. Trade elasticities are taken from Fontagné et al. (2022).
A technical overview of the model is given in Appendix A.
An analysis of the implementation of the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
and European economies.
It’s also useful for evaluating CETA’s possible impacts on countries’
welfare (defined as real consumption expenditure). The assessment spans over 65 sectors and 141
countries (plus groups of smaller countries), representing over 90 % of worldwide economic activities. In
this paper, the discussion is primarily concentrated on the impact of the agreement on CETA members, i.e.
the EU-27 and Canada, with 2021 as the baseline yearbeing the most recent year with reliable bilateral
trade flow data.
This evaluation also incorporates the ramifications of the COVID-19 pandemic on the
scale and structure of global trade.
Notably, utilizing 2019 as a base
year does not significantly alter
the outcomes, suggesting a structural consistency in the global, and
notably, Canadian and European
trade linkages.
Figure 4: Global welfare change in benchmark scenario
Note: Own computation.
Within the KITE model, the CETA agreement is implemented through changes in trade costs, addressing
the components of NTBs and tariff adjustments separately. Standard data sources are employed for the
calibration of the model. The GTAP 10 global input-output database (Aguiar et al., 2019) supplies extensive
details on intra-national sectoral connections and GVCs. Additionally, we resort to other standard
databases like UN Comtrade for trade data, and WITS and MacMaps for customs data, to construct the so-
called initial conditions for the computation of the benchmark scenario in our model. Eventually, several
parameters not directly observable are estimated using econometric approaches or taken from the related
academic literature. These include so-called trade elasticities,which represent the degree of responsive-
ness of sectoral trade flows to changes in trade costs in those sectors e.g., due to tariffs or NTBs. We further
estimate the changes in non-tariff barriers utilizing the renowned gravity model of international trade
(Head and Mayer, 2014).
The model, however, does not incorporate FDI due to the absence of exhaustive bilateral investment data at the sectoral level.
The trade flow data for 2022 is still unreliable due to reporting lags and is therefore not sufficient for simulations. For 2022, the
number of countries reporting their data stands at 141 as compared to 163 for 2021.
Note that outcomes are not significantly altered when using 2019 as a baseline year in robustness checks, suggesting structural
consistencies in global as well as Canadian and European trade linkages.
Policy Department, Directorate-General for External Policies
3.3 Benchmark scenario results
We now move towards analysing the economic impact of CETA under the benchmark scenario. As
discussed above, in this scenario we adjust bilateral trade costs in the model to the actually applied
changes from CETA’s provisional implementation.
Figure 4 shows the global welfare change due to the agreement. While overall the welfare impact is
modest, a few points stand out. First as one would expect EU economies and Canada stand to benefit
most from the agreement. Lower trade barriers vis-à-vis each other translate ceteris paribus into lower
prices and higher incomes. There is, however, a notable number of third countries that is negatively
affected by the agreement. Several African, Central American countries, as well as Central and South-East
Asian economies arealbeit marginallyworse off, as trade diversion leads European and Canadian firms
to trade more with each other at the expense of previous trading relations with companies in these above-
mentioned countries. Overall, the magnitude of the effect remains modest, however, as the most adversely
affect countryBotswana loses 0.08 % in terms of welfare, while the bulk of negatively affected countries
sees welfare decreases in the economically insignificant range of up to 0.01 %. Those that see a negative
impact are either already economically integrated with one of the partners and effectively in relative
terms lose some of their preferential access like Mexico, which through NAFTA and USMCA enjoys deep
integration with Canada, or, they are competitors in terms of export structure, like some African and Central
Asian countries where mineral exports make up a significant share of their exports. For most of the rest of
the world the third-country impact is very limited and effectively insignificant.
Figure 5: EU welfare change in benchmark scenario
Note: Own computation.
Zooming in on the map for a closer look at the European continent (Figure 5), the modest but significantly
positive impact of the agreement for EU economies becomes clear. The biggest winner in terms of growth
in welfare is Malta, closely followed by Ireland, with gains of about 0.09 %. The effect likely stems from the
bilateral liberalization of services sectors, which feature significantly in the two countries' economic
An analysis of the implementation of the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
structure. Importantly, but not surprisingly, Canada also registers significant welfare gains by getting
preferential access to its second most important trading partner.
Figure 6 decomposes these aggregate effects across sectors for the EU. It does so by mapping the change
in exports on the horizontal axis against the respective industry’s change in total production on the vertical
axis. The exercise demonstrates an important mechanism for most industries: an increase in exports to
Canada is associated with an overall increase in production hence trade creation effects largely dominate
potential trade diversion effects. This is important: it explains that third-country effects are rather small, as
affected flows to Canada are effectively newly-created. This is particularly the case for the manufacturing
sector, which remains an important pillar of EU economiesas visualised by the size of the points. Services,
too, exhibit this behaviour, although their relative size is bigger in smaller economies, such that the overall
effect remains smaller.
Note also that some industries see a reduction in production while at the same time exporting more to
Canada than in a scenario without CETA: in these sectors, consumers will import a larger share from abroad
--- predominantly from Canada --- as trade costs have fallen and hence domestic production decreases.
Yet, at the same time, these reduced trade costs also imply that, of the remaining production, a larger share
is exported to Canada.
The impact on these sectorsthe EU’s agricultural, food, mining, and extraction sectorsis hence notably
different. While these sectors do not hold as much economic weight in EU economies as manufacturing or
services (as evidenced by the smaller dots), their contraction under CETA, with production decreasing by
up to -0.9 %, does affect some smaller EU members.
Figure 6: Change in exports from EU member states to Canada and change in production
Policy Department, Directorate-General for External Policies
Figure 7: Global welfare change in benchmark scenario: Winners and Losers
(a) Top global welfare change (b) Bottom global welfare change
Overall, the benchmark simulation results show that within the first 6 years of its provisional entry into
force, CETA has delivered a substantial boost to trade in goods from the EU to Canada and vice-versa by
27 % and 32 %, respectively, and services by 19 % and 15 %.
The agreement has led to change in welfare
for participating countries of up to 0.1 % under KITE's benchmark scenario (Figure 6). Globally, countries
that see a decline in welfare do so on average by less than 0.004 %, whereas the 58 countries that
experience an increase in welfare do so by on average more than 0.01 %.
4 In-depth analysis of key implementation issues
While CETA has delivered growth in bilateral trade since its application in 2017, there remain several
challenges to the full realization of the agreement’s benefits. These challenges bear significance not only
for trade outcomes, but also for concurrent objectives of the EU such as environmental conservation, the
promotion of small enterprises, and the establishment of secure, resilient supply chains.
Therefore, in this section, we highlight five key implementation issues for CETA and provide an overview
of the latest developments within each area. Where feasible, we link these issues to different simulation
scenarios under the KITE model to provide a quantitative assessment of their impact on welfare for the EU
and Canada.
4.1 Impact of CETA for small and medium enterprises
One persistent concern during the design and implementation of CETA has been whether the benefits of
trade liberalization would reach SMEs. SMEs face unique barriers to trade, such as limited access to financial
resources, lack of information on foreign market conditions and high fixed costs associated with
establishing distribution networks.
Note that these are numbers originate from the simulation analysis. Actual observed trade numbers may differ and reflect
other trade cost changes over time. According to Eurostat, e.g., the EU’s imports from Canada and exports to Canada saw an annual
average growth rate from 2018 to 2022 of 10.8% and 7.7 % respectively.
An analysis of the implementation of the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
Given the aforementioned challenges, CETA has integrated targeted provisions to bolster trade led by
SMEs. These provisions focus on the creation of specialised online portals and contact points, ensuring
firms have access to essential information concerning market entry requirements and customs procedures.
In line with these goals, the EU has also launched its Access2Markets platform in October 2020 that
supports SMEs with practical information on FTAs and trade barriers. The dedicated SME provisions also
foresee an appropriate institutional set-up tasked with ensuring that SME needs are taken into account in
the CETA's implementation.
Figure 8: Firms size and exports to Canada
(a) Share of value in exports (b) Share in number of firms
Note: Data from Eurostat. Share of value and number of firms by size in total EU exports to Canada over time.
While the KITE model does not permit an explicit examination of the impact of CETA on SMEs, we can
however explore the firm size dimension of EU-Canada goods trade since the agreement's implementa-
We do so in Figure 8, which visualises the share of firms of varying sizes in EU exports to Canada by the
value (left) and number of exporting firms (right). The left panel reveals that larger firms (in terms of
employment) account for the majority of EU exports to Canada. Firms with 250 or more employees hold a
persistent share of approximately 60 %, whereas micro enterprises with fewer than 10 employees exhibit
the lowest export share. Since 2017, firms with less than 250 employees have gained only marginally,
capturing additional 2 percentage points in their share of total EU exports to Canada.
Looking at the number of firms exporting to Canada, the previously observed order is reversed. Here, firms
with less than 10 employees account for roughly 25 % of total exporting firms, whereas large firms have
the lowest share. This size composition is largely stable, though SMEs with fewer than 50 employees were
able to slightly increase their share over time.
Overall, we find that the size distribution of EU export value and number of exporters has been fairly
consistent over time. The data therefore suggests that while CETA might have helped SMEs maintain their
trade with Canada, it hasn't reduced the prevailing dominance of large firms.
Policy Department, Directorate-General for External Policies
Figure 9: Share in exports to Canada across firm size
Note: This figure reports the distribution of country exports to Canada across firms of varying sizes (as defined by the
number of employees). Data is drawn from Eurostat for 2021 or the latest year available.
Figure 9 delves deeper into the role of firm size in EU exports to Canada. The data underscores significant
heterogeneity among countries. Slovakia displays the highest concentration in its exports, with 92 % of its
sales to Canada driven by large firms. At the other end of the spectrum, we note that Cyprus displays a
minimal dependence on large firms (17 %). Key EU exporting nations to Canada, such as Germany and
Belgium, also demonstrate substantial large firm involvement, with shares of 85 % and 82 %, respectively.
Interestingly, Croatia, Cyprus, and Latvia see considerable contributions from micro-sized firms (with fewer
than 10 employees) in their exports to Canada. Overall, Figure 9 highlights the major role that large firms
play in the export relationship between the EU and Canada.
4.2 Utilisation of trade preferences
Upon CETA's provisional entry into force in 2017, 98 % of Canada's tariff lines became immediately duty-
free. While such provisions on tariff liberalization are notably extensive, the actual utilization of preferences
by trading firms warrants further examination. We, therefore, turn towards examining recent trends in the
EU's Preference Utilisation Rate (PUR) in its exports to Canada calculated as the ratio of exports that use
preferential tariffs to those that are eligible for such benefits.
An analysis of the implementation of the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
Figure 10: Evolution of PUR across HS sections
Note: This figure reports the evolution of PURs from 2019-2021 for EU exports to Canada across various HS sections. Data is
drawn from Eurostat.
Figure 10 reports the PUR on EU exports to Canada for the latest years. It reveals substantial variation across
HS sections, with PUR being high for agri-food industries such as animal products (99 %), prepared
foodstuffs (89 %) and vegetable products (85 %) in 2021. In comparison, PUR was lower in manufacturing
industries such as transport equipment (45 %), machinery and mechanical appliances (53 %) and chemical
products (56 %).
Besides this sectoral heterogeneity, we also observe a marked increase of 10 pp. (from 48 to 58 %) in the
PUR for the EU's exports to Canada across all products from 2019 to 2021.
Furthermore, this growth in
PUR is seen to be driven by multiple sectors, being particularly sharp for mineral products (24 pp),
transportation equipment (18 pp) and miscellaneous sectors (18 pp). This evolution in PURs suggests that
on average companies may be progressively learning and adapting to the provisions of the
In Figure 11, we further disentangle the variation in PURs by comparing the performance of different
country-sector pairs. Here, we find that PURs exceed 90 % in prepared foodstuffs for 16 EU members,
including the top exporters in this sector such as France, Italy and Spain. Average PUR across EU members
is also high for footwear and headgear, crossing 90 % for several EU members such as Germany, Denmark,
Slovakia and Hungary. Looking across all products, we find that members with high PUR (>75 %) are
Cyprus, Croatia, Greece, Sweden and Finland.
The Canadian government reports that in 2021, Canadian exports to the EU saw a 65.4% use of CETA preferences, which is a rise
of 13.4 pp from 2018. On the other hand, Canada's imports from the EU in 2021 had a CETA preference utilization rate of 59.5%,
marking a significant jump from the 38.4% rate in 2018. While not identical, these number are thus broadly in line with those
reported by Eurostat.
Note that in some sectors PUR see effectively no change or even decrease. The cause of this could be further investigated with
other methodologies, e.g., surveying firms, but goes beyond the scope of this in-depth analysis.
Policy Department, Directorate-General for External Policies
Figure 11: Heterogeneity in PUR across HS sections and EU countries
Note: This figure provides a heatmap for PURs across EU member states in their exports to Canada, disaggregated by HS
Sections. Data is from the latest year available (2021) and is drawn from Eurostat.
Figure 11 revealed that PURs differ substantially across EU countries and sectors. However, what is the PUR
for each member's top export sector? We examine this issue further in Figure 12. We note that PURs are
below 50 % i.e. more than half of the eligible exports are not availing the preferential terms, for the top
export sectors in 10 EU member states. These low PURs in key sectors for several EU members indicate
foregone cost savings and diminished welfare gains from the agreement.
Figure 12: PUR for top sectors across EU members
Note: This figure reports the PUR across EU members for their most important sector in terms of exports to Canada. Data on
PUR and on EU exports to Canada is drawn from Eurostat from 2021.
An analysis of the implementation of the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
As previously shown, exports to Canada are relatively concentrated amongst large firms for the majority of
EU members. How does this size distribution link to countries' PUR? We analyse this further in Figure 13.
Each panel in the figure shows the overall PUR for individual EU countries plotted against shares of their
exports to Canada that can be attributed to firms within a given size category. Comparing across panels,
we find that the greater is the share of the largest firms in a country's exports to Canada, the lower is the
country's overall PUR.
Figure 13: PUR across EU members by firm size
Note: Each panel in the figure above reports the PUR (vertical axis) and the share of EU members’ exports to Canada that
can be attributed to firms within a given size class (horizontal axis). Size classes are defined by the number of employees of
the firm. Both the horizontal and vertical axes are shown in log scale. Data on PUR and on EU exports to Canada
disaggregated by firm size categories is drawn from Eurostat from 2021 (or the latest available year in case of missing
There may be multiple factors underpinning these results. First, small firms may be operating with narrower
margins and thus may be strongly incentivised to utilise any available tariff preferences. Differences in
input sourcing strategies across firms may also play a role in driving this pattern of PURs. Large firms, with
wider and more complex input bundles drawn from diverse suppliers, might be less inclined to meet Rules
of Origin (RoO) criteria and utilise tariff preferences. Meeting RoO might necessitate shifting established
supply chains and entail significant adjustment costs for these enterprises. Differences in preferential
margins and sectoral compositions may also matter. If large firms are clustered in industries with small
preferential margins, their PUR may be correspondingly low. A full investigation of these various channels
is beyond the scope of this analysis due to scarcity of data on PURs. However, Figure 14 does reveal that
PUR for EU exports to Canada are lower in industries with narrower preferential margins, suggesting that
the cost for meeting RoO may be higher than expected duty savings for firms in these sectors.
Note that due to data limitations, we cannot further disentangle the overall PUR of a country into the PURs for its firms belonging
to different size categories.
Policy Department, Directorate-General for External Policies
Figure 14: PUR and preferential margins
Note: This figure reports the PUR across EU members and weighted average preferential margins for the same sectors. Data
on PUR and on EU exports to Canada is drawn from Eurostat from 2021.
Finally, we examine the PUR for EU's aggregate goods exports across its various trade partners (Figure 15).
Here, we observe that older agreements like the Stabilization and Association Agreements (SAAs) with
Western Balkan nations (Serbia, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania, and Bosnia and Herzegovina)
exhibit higher PUR values. In contrast, CETA, being a newer pact, shows a relatively lower (57.80 %) yet
steadily increasing PUR (see Figure 10). When comparing with recent deep FTAs signed by the EU, we find
that CETA's PUR lags behind that of South Korea (78.41 %) and Japan (70.3 %) but surpasses that of
Singapore (33.65 %) and Vietnam (28.76 %).
Figure 15: PUR across EU FTA partners
Note: This figure reports the PUR across EU’s FTA partners and their respective shares in EU’s total exports to FTA partners.
Data on PUR and on EU exports to Canada is drawn from Eurostat from 2021.
An analysis of the implementation of the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
4.3 Trade and sustainable development
Chapter 22 of CETA addresses issues linked to trade and sustainable development (TSD). Broadly,
provisions under this chapter aim for trade and investment between the parties to contribute towards
meeting sustainable development goals. These include commitments to uphold labour rights, protect the
environment, including the fight against climate change, and engage with civil society. Both parties agree
to adhere to international agreements on these issues, such as the International Labour Organization (ILO)
conventions and multilateral environmental agreements.
Since the Agreement entered provisionally into force in 2017, the EU and Canada have jointly monitored
implementation and enforcement. The EU, Canada and the CETA Domestic Advisory Groups (DAGs) have
not identified any shortcomings in the implementation or in the compliance with the CETA TSD provisions.
A general evaluation of the impact of these provisions is difficult in the scope of this in-depth analysis.
However, some aspects have received more scrutiny than others. For example, critics argue that while CETA
mentions environmental sustainability, it lacks robust enforcement mechanisms. While the standards
introduced in the CETA are acknowledged by Heyl et al. (2021), the authors cast doubts on the strength of
the institutional frameworks and legal and dispute resolution systems, which are embedded in the trade
agreement to ensure compliance with provisions on environment. This raises concerns that businesses
might prioritise profits over environmental standards. Additionally, the increased trade resulting from
CETA could lead to more carbon emissions due to higher volumes of goods being transported between
Canada and the EU.
Figure 16: Evolution of EU environmental goods trade with Canada
(a) Evolution of EU environmental goods exports
to Canada
(b) Evolution of EU environmental goods imports from
Note: Data from the IMF’s database on environmental goods. Own visualization.
One way to approach an evaluation in the context of trade flows is to look at the data for relevant industries.
Figure 16 shows that overall trade in environmental goods appears to be largely unchanged since CETA's
provisional implementation.
The IMF's database on trade in environmental goods build on publicly available trade data from UN COMTRADE. Environmental
goods, as defined by the IMF in its database, comprise of connected goods and adapted goods. Connected goods are goods
directly linked to environment protection such as bins and trash bags. Adapted goods are those goods which used help
environment protection such as electric cars.
Policy Department, Directorate-General for External Policies
However, drilling down to a sectoral disaggregation, a compositional impact of CETA becomes clear. Figure
17 zooms in on changes in production of three particularly sensitive types of sectors in terms of environ-
mental concerns: extractive industries, forestry, as well as the meat and fishery industries. The figures,
drawn from the benchmark simulation described above, show that production has shifted between
participating partners. Most European economies have reduced their production in these sectors (on
average each by about 0.05 %), while Canada has increased its production in all three by up to 1.2 %.
Figure 17: Change in production of environmentally sensitive sectors
(a) Extractive industries (b) Forestry
(c) Meat production
An analysis of the implementation of the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
4.4 Raw materials
The implementation of CETA is also important in view of the EU's concerns regarding access to critical raw
materials (CRM) that are vital for the bloc's industrial base and technological ambitions. By reducing key
trade barriers and facilitating regulatory cooperation, CETA can serve as yet another policy instrument to
diversify the EU's supply chains for these strategic inputs. This would also be in line with the EU's objectives
under the recently announced European Critical Raw Materials Act, which prioritises the diversification of
CRM supply sources.
Cooperation with Canada on CRMs extends beyond CETA as well. In June 2021, the EU inked its first-ever
Strategic Partnership on Raw Materials with Canada. This partnership aims to bolster collaboration on
research and innovation and improve conditions for trade and investments in the raw materials sector. In
doing so, both parties aim to foster the sustainable development and strategic use of base metals and
minerals, which are crucial to the EU's green and digital transitions. Table 2 displays the most recent list of
raw materials deemed critical and strategic by the EU commission.
Table 2: Critical raw materials
Raw material
Coking Coal
Phosphate rock
Heavy Rare Earth Elements
Light Rare Earth Elements
Nickel battery grade
Platinum Group Metals
Rare Earth Elements for magnets
(Nd, Pr, Tb, Dy, Gd, Sm, and Ce)
Silicon metal
Policy Department, Directorate-General for External Policies
Titanium metal
Natural Graphite
Note: See
01aa75ed71a1.0001.02/DOC_2&format=PDF for the latest list of strategic and critical raw materials. Own categorization.
In response to these policy initiatives, we utilise the KITE model to analyse a second scenario. This scenario
seeks to measure the impact of enhanced EU-Canada raw material cooperation under the framework of
CETA and the Strategic Partnership agreement, by reducing bilateral NTBs for the sectors that can be
directly linked to the list depicted in Table 2, namely Other Mining Extraction (formerly omn). In the
simulation, we further reduce non-tariff barriers by 5 %, following related work by Borsky et al. (2018).
Overall, the results depicted in Figure 18 indicate that improved EU-Canada cooperation on raw materials
has a predominantly positive albeit small impact on welfare changes across EU member states. Along
the sectoral dimension, we find that industries using these materials as inputs (such as chemical products,
but also the transportation industry) see small but significant growth in production. Conversely, certain
sectors like oil, gas, and other extractive domestic industries experience a decline in production.
Importantly, the results show that production in the EU of the affected sectors would shrink by about
0.05 %. The results should be interpreted with caution, however, as reductions in trade barriers for these
critical and strategic goods with strategic partners, such as Canada, are likely to go hand in hand with
measures that also facilitate the domestic production of the materials in question.
Figure 18: Impact of strategic partnership on raw materials
(a) Welfare effects for EU member states (b) Total EU production change in select industries
See e.g. the EU Critical Raw Materials Act (, which
emphasizes domestic capacities for critical raw materials.
An analysis of the implementation of the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
4.5 Mutual recognition of standards and qualifications
CETA includes substantive provisions on the mutual recognition of standards and qualifications. By
reducing the costs associated with conformity assessment and compliance, these provisions can lower key
barriers to trade in goods and services.
In the case of goods, a major milestone has been the signing of the Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA)
between the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) and the EU Taxation and Customs Union (TAXUD) in
2022. Through this agreement, both agencies mutually recognise and validate the safety and security
standards that underpin each other's Trusted Trader Programs. The MRA thus paves the way for faster
border clearances for certified businesses in the EU and Canada that adhere to these standards. Beyond
the immediate advantages of reducing time delays and administrative costs, the MRA could also bolster
the resilience and security of supply chains between the EU and Canada.
CETA also features provisions concerning regulatory cooperation in services. For instance, Chapter 11 of
the agreement provides a general framework for future negotiations on MRAs between the EU and Canada
on professional qualifications. It prompts both parties to encourage their respective professional bodies
and relevant authorities to jointly recommend and negotiate on potential MRAs. Proposed MRAs are then
developed and adopted by a Joint Committee before being integrated into CETA. The design of this
chapter reflects the fact that the regulation of professional qualifications is managed independently by
individual member states in the EU and by distinct provinces within Canada.
Given the heterogeneity in qualification, licensing, and certification systems across signatory countries,
MRAs can substantially lower conformity assessment costs for workers by acknowledging that training
programs provide comparable levels of knowledge and skills. In doing so, they promote trade in services
and the cross-border mobility of professionals.
Notable progress has already been made in this area with the finalisation of the negotiations on a MRA for
architects between EU and Canada in 2022 and 2023, with the EU being ready to enact it as of October
The successful implementation of this MRA may further catalyse negotiations for additional MRAs
for other regulated professions such as in healthcare. To assess the economic implications of such
prospective MRAs, we exploit the KITE model and simulate a reduction in red-tape barriers across multiple
services sectors encompassing these professions. Specifically, we simulate the effect of reducing frictions
by again 5 % for services sectors, following the related literature (see e.g. Kox et al., 2005).
Note that
the general equilibrium simulation allows for an adjustment of other sectors that are not directly affected
to see a change in wages, production, etc. Directly affected sectors may be an important input in indirectly
affected sectors, and wage differentials may affected third sectors as well.
Compare Council Decision 2023/2467 (
Specifically, in this simulation we lower NTBs beyond those due to the implementation of CETA for the following sectors:
Construction, Education, Human health and social work activities, Insurance, as well as business services and financial services.
Policy Department, Directorate-General for External Policies
Figure 19: Impact of mutual recognition of qualifications
(a) Welfare effects for EU member states (b) Total EU production change in select industries
Results are reported in Figure 19. The KITE model predicts that the removal of red-tape barriers for the
service sectors leads to overall albeit small welfare gains for all member states. In particular, Ireland,
Luxembourg, Malta and Cyprus would profit the most from such a procedure. For the remaining member
states, welfare gains would be much more attenuated. For some countries such as Lithuania, Slovakia, and
France there would hardly be a quantifiable effect.
The composition of total EU production would experience a slight tilt in favour of service-oriented sectors.
Insurance, financial and business services would gain about 0.03 %, 0.015 % and 0.007 % production share,
respectively. The educational sector would also experience an increase in total production share, albeit at
a lower level. The growth in service production share mostly seems to arise at the expense of the extractive
sectors, predominately the oil and gas sector. Given the strong financial service sector orientation in
Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta and Cyprus, it may hardly be surprising that these countries would profit the
most from the compositional changes, as reflected in their respective welfare changes.
5 Conclusions and recommendations
Since its provisional enforcement six years ago, CETA has established stronger trade ties between the EU
and Canada. Our quantitative analysis shows that it has delivered substantial economic gains, with goods
exports from the EU to Canada rising by 27 % and goods imports by 32 %. CETA has also benefited the
services sector, increasing the EU's exports to and imports from Canada in services by 19 % and 15 %,
However, there are areas where CETA's implementation needs to be strengthened. In particular, the
relatively low PUR in several EU countries and amongst large firms requires further investigation and policy
action. Moreover, despite dedicated SME provisions, CETA has not substantially altered the firm size
composition of EU's exports to Canada. Here, we note that SMEs continue to capture roughly 40 % of the
bloc's total exports to Canada, even as they account for more than 75 % of firms exporting to Canada.
Addressing this skewness requires deeper investigation of specific SME experiences and constraints in
However, CETA holds relevance beyond its immediate economic effects. The agreement's focus on
regulatory cooperation provides a framework for the EU and Canada to collaborate on and design common
An analysis of the implementation of the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
standards for new and emerging industries. Moreover, in a period of escalating geopolitical uncertainties,
the agreement offers a valuable platform for both the EU and Canada to bolster and diversify their supply
The in-depth analysis underlines that modern trade and integration agreements by the EU with other
developed economies provide strong impulses for growth in trade and by extension increase in welfare.
While some of the economic outcomes have heterogeneous effects, with differential average welfare
impacts across countries due to their industrial structure, and across sectors due to differences, e.g., in their
composition in terms of firm size, the analysis of the impact of the implementation of CETA shows that
economic integration with partner countries of similar levels of development allows both sides to reap the
mutual benefits derived from openness to trade.
The implementation of CETA serves as a testament to the advantages that can be realized through
reducing trade barriers and fostering a more cooperative economic environment. The agreement is
designed to facilitate easier access to markets, which leads to an increase in trade volume, better
investment opportunities, and a broader range of products and services available to consumers.
Additionally, after a full implementation of the agreement following ratification of all member states, the
enhanced regulatory cooperation and standards harmonization under CETA can further reduce costs and
improve the competitiveness of firms, thereby contributing to economic growth and welfare
improvements in both the EU and Canada. The in-depth analysis also highlights a number of key challenges
from trade and sustainable development to partnerships for strategic raw materials that, when
overcome, can unleash additional economic potential and contribute to strengthening the European
Union’s industrial base and technological ambitions.
Policy Department, Directorate-General for External Policies
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An analysis of the implementation of the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
A. Technical description of the KITE Model
The KITE model builds on Caliendo and Parro (2015) and its implementation is similar to that of Aichele et
al. (2014) and Hinz and Monastyrenko (2022). There are N countries, indexed o and d, and J sectors, indexed
j and k. Production uses labour as the sole factor, which is mobile across sectors but not across countries.
All markets are perfectly competitive. Sectors are either wholly tradable or non-tradable.
There are L
representative households in each country that maximise their utility by consuming final
in the familiar Cobb-Douglas form
is the constant consumption share on industries j’s goods. Household income
is derived from
the supply of labor
at wage
and a lump-sum transfers of tariff revenues. Intermediate goods
are produced in each sector j using labour and composite intermediate goods from all sectors. Let
[0,1] denote the cost share of labour and
[0,1] with
= 1 the share of sector k in sector
j's intermediate, such that
is the overall efficiency of a producer,
is labor input, and
represent the
composite intermediate goods from sector k used to produce
. With constant returns to scale and
perfectly competitive markets, unit cost are
is the price of a composite intermediate good from sector , and the constant
. Hence, the cost of the input bundle depends on wages and
the prices of all composite intermediate goods in the economy. Producers of composite intermediate
goods supply
at minimum costs by purchasing intermediate goods
from the lowest cost supplier
across countries, so that
> 0 is the elasticity of substitution across intermediate goods within sector , and
the demand
for intermediate goods
from the lowest cost supplier such that
Policy Department, Directorate-General for External Policies
is the unit price of the composite intermediate good
denotes the lowest price of intermediate good
in d across all possible origin locations,
Composite intermediate goods are used in the production of intermediate goods
and as the final good
in consumption as
, so that the market clearing condition is written as
Trade in goods is costly, such that the offered price of
from o in d is given by
denote generic bilateral sector-specific trade frictions. These can take a variety of forms e.g.
tariffs, non-tariff barriers, but also sanctions. In that case we can specify
1 represent sector-specific ad-valorem tariffs and
1 other iceberg trade costs. Tariff
is collected by the importing country and transferred lump-sum to its households.
Ricardian comparative advantage is induced à la Eaton and Kortum (2002) through a country-specific
idiosyncratic productivity draw
from a Fréchet distribution.
The price of the composite good is then given as
which, for the non-tradable sector towards all non-domestic sources collapses to
being a Gamma function evaluated at
= 1 +
. Total
expenditures on goods from sector in country are given by
. The expenditure on those
The productivity distribution is characterized by a location parameter
that varies by country and sector inducing absolute
advantage, and a shape parameter
that varies by sector determining comparative advantage.
An analysis of the implementation of the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)
goods originating from country is called
, such that the share of j from in is
. This
share can also be expressed as
Total expenditures on goods from sector are the sum of the firms’ and households’ expenditures on the
composite intermediate good, either as input to production or for final consumption
, i.e., labor income, tariff revenue and the aggregate trade balance. Sectoral
trade balance is simply the difference between imports and exports
and the aggregate trade balance
= 0, with
being exogenously determined. The
total trade balance can then be expressed as
A counterfactual general equilibrium for alternative trade costs in the form of
can be
solved for in changes following Dekle et al. (2008).
I.e. where any variable denotes the relative change from a previous value a new one .
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Print ISBN 978-92-848-1436-7 | doi: 10.2861/55940 | QA-02-23-306-EN-C
PDF ISBN 978-92-848-1435-0 | doi: 10.2861/652051 | QA-02-23-306-EN-N