Prepared and distributed as a public service by the
Texas Young Lawyers Association
the State Bar of Texas
This handbook is not a substitute for the advice
of a lawyer and is intended for general informa-
tion concerning how to sue in small claims court.
Originally published 1980.
©2000, 2003, 2006, 2008, 2009
Texas Young Lawyers Association
What is Small Claims Court? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
What Type of Case Can Be Brought
in Small Claims Court? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Who Can Sue in Small Claims Court? . . . . . . . 3
Are There Alternatives
to Small Claims Court? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Should You Check With a Lawyer? . . . . . . . . . . 6
Whom Do You Sue? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Where Do You File Suit?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Have You Waited Too Long
to File Suit? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
How Do You File Suit? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
How Do You Prepare Your Case? . . . . . . . . . . 13
What Happens At the Trial? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
You Have a Right to Appeal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
What Do I Do After I Win? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Is Small Claims Court Right For You?. . . . . . . 23
Web Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Sample Notice Letter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Small Claims Court Statute. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Small claims court is the real “Peoples Court.”
The purpose of small claims court is to provide an
informal, uncomplicated proceeding to resolve small
disputes that do not involve enough money to
warrant the expense of formal litigation. Most people
who appear in small claims court do not have a
lawyer but represent themselves. In small claims
court, the amount you seek to recover cannot
exceed $10,000.
If someone owes you money, and you cannot
get them to pay you, do not try to take the law into
your own hands. Do not start a fight. If you cannot
resolve the problem any other way, you may settle
your differences by taking them to court.
Not all disputes can be heard in small claims
court. Small claims court cannot hear disputes
involving more than $10,000. No matter how
important the case is to you, and no matter how
well you convince the judge that you deserve to
recover more, the judge in small claims court simply
cannot rule on a dispute for more than $10,000
plus court costs.
If you wish to recover more than $10,000 you
must consider another court, and in most cases,
the assistance of an attorney. If your case is worth
more than $10,000, you cannot agree to take less
simply to get into small claims court. In many cases,
however, a claim may be reduced to enable you to file
in small claims court. If the transaction giving rise
to your dispute can be divided into parts, you can
sue for damages based on some of the divisible parts.
For example, if you purchased several different
items in one transaction, you may be able to sue for
damages to some, but not all of those items. In
doing so, you could file suit in small claims court
seeking recovery of no more than $10,000 in dam-
ages, but you would be forever waiving your right
to recover for any damages to the other items and
any of your damages in excess of $10,000.
Small claims court can only award money. It
cannot, for example, order a mechanic to fix your
car correctly. The court could only award you the
monetary damages you suffered because your car was
not repaired the way that was promised. Similarly,
the court cannot order your ex-husband to stop
harassing you. The court cannot order a store to
deliver the television set you paid for but never
received. The court cannot order your roommate
to move out of your apartment for failing to pay the
rent. You cannot ask the court to order the other
party to do anything, or to refrain from doing some-
thing. If you need an order to make someone do
something or to stop doing something, other courts
are available. If you win in small claims court, you
can only win a judgment for a dollar amount (up
to $10,000 plus court costs).
Some examples of the most common types
of disputes that find their way into small claims
court are:
1. You loan money to a friend, and now he refuses
to pay you back.
2. More than a month has gone by since you
moved out of your apartment. You satisfied all
the conditions of your lease and gave your
correct forwarding address when you moved
out. Now management refuses to return your
security deposit and will not give you a state-
ment of what they have done with your deposit.
3. You have your car repaired. After you get it
back, you discover that you have been charged
for repairs that were not, in fact, made.
4. You buy a new appliance that has a warranty. It
breaks down shortly after you buy it, through no
fault of your own, and the seller refuses to honor
the warranty.
Any person who is over 18 years old can file a
claim in small claims court. A minor can use the
court by having a parent, relative, or next friend”
over 18 years old go with him to file a claim and
later attend the trial. An association, partnership,
or corporation may also file a claim in small claims
court. Unlike other courts, a corporation does not
need an attorney to file a claim in small claims
court. A corporation may appear in small claims
court through an employee or officer, even if the
person is not a lawyer.
Some entities, however, may not use small
claims court. Banks and other institutions that are
in the business of lending money for interest cannot
file a suit in small claims court. A collection agency
also cannot sue in small claims court. But if you
have a claim against a bank or a collection agency,
you can file suit against them in small claims court.
You should always try to settle a dispute without
going to court. Generally, disputes should be settled
without a lawsuit.
During any given year, many cases are filed in
small claims court that could have been resolved
without a lawsuit. If you do file a lawsuit, you will
find that you must spend time preparing your case.
You will also have to pay certain fees to have your case
processed. A trial in small claims court, although
informal, can be a time-consuming and emotionally
draining experience.
In many cases, there are alternatives to going
to court. In a dispute with your landlord, you may
be able to get the matter resolved by your apartment
association. In a dispute with a business, the Better
Business Bureau may be helpful. The Dry Cleaners
Association may be able to resolve a problem with
your dry cleaner. In a dispute over wages or involving
deceptive trade practices, a call to the attorney gen-
eral’s office may be worthwhile. Sometimes a local
television station or newspaper will have a consumer
action department. Occasionally, such departments
are extremely effective in recovering money for con-
sumers and are sometimes successful in recovering
money where a suit in small claims court would fail.
Many cities also have neighborhood dispute resolu-
tion centers that can help you resolve your dispute
without a lawsuit.
The steps set out below may help you to settle
a dispute without going to court:
1. First, carefully analyze the nature and cost of the
wrong. For example, if the laundry has ruined a
piece of your clothing, estimate the value of the
article ruined. Determine how much you have
been damaged. How much money would it take
to make you “whole,” or to put you in the
position where you would have been had the
other party done what he or she promised to do.
2. Once you know what you want, a good way to
start an attempted settlement is to call the store
or the person whom you feel is responsible.
Speak to a person in authority, not a salesperson.
Generally, a store manager or an officer with
authority to make decisions is best.
3. Calmly explain your side of the story and how
you feel you were wronged. Do not gripe! You
are not registering a complaint but are asking
that the store or person compensate you for
the wrong you feel they have done you.
4. NEVER become abusive or upset. A calm and
logical approach will accomplish far more than
abusive outrages, no matter what your feelings
are on the subject. Yelling and shouting will
not increase the amount that you are entitled
to recover and will only create hard feelings.
Be assertive not aggressive.
5. Demand something specific. Ask the store or
person to replace the garment, return your
money, or some other specific compensation.
Tell them exactly what you want to resolve
the issue.
6. If the store manager or person in charge is
unresponsive, or if you are unable to reach him
or her by telephone, then write a letter explain-
ing your complaint. Send the letter by certified
mail, return receipt requested. Remember to
keep a copy of the letter and the signed return
receipt. Be sure you mail the letter to the correct
address. Try to be as clear and concise as you
can. There is no need for long-winded discus-
sions or fancy legal language. A sample letter is
included at the end of this pamphlet.
7. If a letter is unsuccessful in resolving the dispute,
and you have tried everything else within rea-
son, you should seriously consider filing suit.
If your attempts to settle the dispute are
unsuccessful, you should determine whether your
case is one that should be handled by an attorney,
or whether you want to pursue the matter alone.
In some cases, you will be entitled by law to
recover attorneys fees. In those cases, you may be able
to get a lawyer to represent you and charge you a con-
tingency fee; that is, charge you a fee only if you win.
In such cases, this can open up other courts to you,
which you otherwise may not be able to use effec-
tively without a lawyer representing you. Even in small
claims court, a lawyer can often increase your chance
of winning or advise you of opportunities to collect
additional damages. For example, in certain consumer
and landlord tenant disputes you can recover three
times your damages. An attorney may be able to
advise you about these laws or refer you to other pub-
lications, such as the Texas Young Lawyers Association
Tenants Rights Handbook, that can help you under-
stand your rights. To find out more about available
booklets call the State Bar of Texas at 1-800-204-
2222, ext. 1800, or visit www.texasbar.com.
To find an attorney to assist you, talk with
relatives and friends to see who they recommend.
You may want to contact local referral services or
call the State Bar of Texas lawyer referral service at
1-877-9TEXBAR (1-877-983-9227). Low-income
individuals may also be eligible for free legal assis-
tance from local legal service offices or law school
clinic programs.
So, do you need an attorney? If the amount
involved is significant, or if you are not comfort-
able representing yourself, the assistance of an
attorney may be a good idea. In other cases, you
should be able to competently represent yourself in
small claims court. Remember, this really is a
“People’s Court.”
You may not realize it, but suing the right per-
son is very important and not as easy as you think.
Before you sue, you must determine the proper
party against whom to file your claim. If your dis-
pute is against a person in his or her individual
capacity (not in a business capacity), simply file
suit against individual. If your claim is against a
business entity, such as a sole proprietor (or d/b/a),
partnership, or corporation, then you should con-
sider the following.
To sue a sole proprietor, you file against the
person running the business, no matter what name
he or she is using. Suppose that Sara Smith opens
a dress shop called “The Dress Shop.” Whom do
you sue? The answer is Sara. To find out who The
Dress Shop really is, check with the assumed
name department in the county clerks office.
To sue a partnership, you should get the names
of the partners. Under the law, each of the partners
is responsible for the obligations of the partnership.
To sue a corporation, on the other hand, you
file against the corporation. A corporation is a sep-
arate legal entity. To properly sue a corporation you
should first contact the Secretary of State and find
out who the agent for service” is so that you know
who to serve with the papers. Call 512-463-5555
or e-mail [email protected] and ask if the
business is listed. If it is, get the proper name of the
business and the name of the registered agent (or
agent for service). This is the person you will serve
with your legal papers.
Of course, if your dispute is against a person
in his or her individual capacity (not in a business
capacity), simply sue the individual.
Once you have determined the proper party to
sue, make sure to get their accurate full name and
address. A small error in spelling or an incorrect
address could cost you months when your papers
cannot be served.
You must generally, file suit in the county
where the party that is being sued (the defendant)
resides, or where the services you are complaining
about were performed. The justice of the peace in
each county is also the judge for small claims court.
The small claims court will be listed in the tele-
phone directory as justices of the peace. If your
telephone book has government offices listed sepa-
rately, look under the listings for justices of the peace
in the appropriate county. You may also search for
“Justice Courts” at www.courts.state.tx.us.
If there is more than one justice of the peace
in a county, then a small claim normally must be
made in the court whose precinct covers the area
where the defendant resides.
Under some circumstances, more than one
court can be used. For example, if the defendant
lives in one precinct but contracted to perform
services in another county, you can select either
county as the place to bring suit. If there is more
than one justice of the peace in the same city, or in
the same precinct, you can file suit in either court.
If you still have a question about which court to
use, call or visit the office of the justice of the
peace. Generally, if you call the justice of the
peaces office with the address of the party you are
filing suit against, the court can give you the
precinct in which you should file your claim.
Under the law, there are limits on how long
you have to bring any lawsuit. Lawyers call these a
statute of limitations. To see if you have waited too
long, determine how long it has been since you have
suffered the wrong for which you are going to sue.
In most cases, you must bring your lawsuit
within two years of when the problem arises. There
are some cases, however, that have a four-year
statute of limitation. It is recommended that you
file suit within six months to a year after you have
suffered a wrong. In most cases, this will allow you
ample time to try to settle the dispute before you
bring your lawsuit. Do not let the matter grow stale,
or you waive your right to file suit and/or recover
your damages.
Legal time limits can get very complicated.
If your claim arose more than two years ago, you
should consult an attorney before you file your
suit. The statute of limitations, however is what the
law calls an affirmative defense,” and if the person
you sue does not raise it, it will be waived.
You have exhausted all reasonable steps to settle
the dispute out of court. You have determined who
you are going to sue and where to file suit. Now you
should prepare everything you need to bring with
you to file your lawsuit in small claims court. You
should collect all the information that will be needed
to start your lawsuit before you go to the courthouse.
Otherwise, you will waste time going back and forth
to complete the process. Collect your records, includ-
ing copies of contracts and agreements. You should
also collect the following information:
a) your complete name and address;
b) the complete name and address of each person
or business your claim is against. Correct names
and addresses are vital to your case because the
court cannot grant a judgment against a defen-
dant who is improperly named in the com-
plaint. Therefore, you must find out before you
go to court the name and address of the person
or business your claim is against. If the business
is a partnership, you should name the partners
individually and the partnership by its correct
legal name. If the business is a corporation, you
should state its exact name and the name of its
registered agent as provided by the Secretary of
State. Additional information may be available
from the State Comptroller’s office by visiting
www.window.state.tx.us. If the business is a sole
proprietorship, you should find out both the
name under which the business is operated and
the name and address of the owner. You can find
out this information by calling the assumed
name department of your county clerks office;
c) the amount you intend to claim in damages
(this amount must be $10,000 or less); and
d) a concise statement of the basis for your claim,
stated plainly and without technicalities,
including the date the claim arose and any
other relevant date. You should write this
statement in advance.
Once you are prepared, contact the proper
justice of the peace court to confirm that you will
be going to the right court, that you have all the
necessary information, how much money you will
need to pay the fees necessary to start your lawsuit
and the exact procedure you need to follow to file
your claim. Ask the clerk if there is an instruction
sheet that can be mailed or faxed to assist you in
filing your claim. Since procedures vary from court
to court, and fees also are changed from time to
time, a telephone call is worth the effort.
You should personally go to the court to file
your suit. Ask to see the clerk in charge of filing small
claims. You must complete a small claims statement
similar to the one that appears in Section 28.012 of
the Small Claims Court Statute (see Appendix).
You must swear under oath that your small
claims statement is true. You will have to pay the
clerk the necessary fees. If you want a jury trial you
must request one and pay an additional fee. These
fees generally must be paid in cash, money order, or
company check. Most courts do not accept personal
checks. All of these costs may be added to the
amount you recover at trial, if you win.
Tell the clerk where the defendant may be
found and the approximate time of day he or she is
likely to be found at that location. This is impor-
tant because the defendant must be served before
the court can grant you any relief.
Ask the clerk how the court sets the trial date.
Procedures may vary in different courts. In some
courts, the trial date may be set by court order, and
you will be responsible for sending the defendant a
letter giving him or her notice of the trial date. If
your court follows this procedure, you should send
the letter by certified mail, return receipt requested.
Other courts may forward notice of the trial date to
each party, so you will not have to.
Call the clerk after two weeks to make sure the
defendant has been served and to find out the exact
date he was served. This date is important because
in most courts it is used to calculate the trial date.
No matter what procedure the court follows,
BE IN COURT AT THAT TIME. If the defendant
was properly served and has not answered your
suit, you will usually win by default simply because
you were in court on the trial date.
Find out what your case number is. You will
need this number, so you must write it down. If the
defendant has not been served within 90 days, you
should call the clerk and ask whether a new citation
must be issued.
Remember, you cannot recover anything
unless citation has been served on the person or
entity you are suing. The small claims court cannot
help you until the other party is served. After wait-
ing two weeks, you may wish to start calling the
sheriff or constable until they tell you that the cita-
tion has been served.
Remember to always be polite. Do not get the
clerk, the judge, his staff, the sheriff, or the constable
angry with you. Cooperation with these officials is
a must. Your case is one of thousands of cases on
file. These officials can only spend a limited amount
of time on your case without neglecting other cases.
Once you have filed your lawsuit, you should
begin to prepare your case for trial. You should
already have taken the first step by writing down a
clear and concise statement of facts. If you have not
yet written such a statement, do it now. Check all
relevant dates. Compare your memory of events to
any documents you may have. This statement will
assist you in clarifying the facts of your claim.
Remember, because you filed the lawsuit, you have
the burden of proving all of the facts that establish
that you should recover money because of the
defendant’s acts or failure to act. You must also
prove the amount of your damages.
Next, gather all the original documentation
you feel will have a bearing on the dispute. On the
day of the trial, you should bring all: (1) records;
(2) receipts; (3) canceled checks; (4) copies of con-
tracts; (5) agreements; (6) photographs; and, (7)
any other items directly related to the case that will
help you establish the facts of your story. Most
courts require that you bring two copies of all
relevant evidence and estimates of your damage.
Each document should support some part of your
story. If there is any doubt, take the document to
court. Do not forget to bring the subject matter of
the dispute. If the laundry ruined your shirt, bring
the shirt to court. If your car is damaged, have it in
the parking lot. The best evidence you have is the
damaged good.
At this point you also should determine if
there are any witnesses who can come to court with
you and help you tell your story. You should avoid
witnesses who only know what someone else told
them, that is, who only have second-hand infor-
mation. Try to get witnesses who know relevant facts
because they were there. The value of witnesses testi-
mony depends upon intelligence, speaking ability,
appearance, and the lack of bias and self-interest.
The testimony of persons who might be biased,
such as relatives and people who benefit if you win
the case, will not be given as much weight as the
testimony of a disinterested person. Once you have
determined who your witnesses are, contact them
and ask them to relate the story to you as they would
before the judge so that you will not be surprised
by their testimony once you get to court. If you feel
the witnesses will help tell your story, ask them if they
will assist you by giving their testimony in court.
If a witness is important to your claim but will
not voluntarily come to court, then you have the
right to subpoena him and force him to court. If a
subpoena is necessary, go back to the court clerk as
soon as you have a trial date and ask the clerk to issue
the subpoena. You must provide the complete name
for the witness and a good address where the witness
may be served with the subpoena. You may request
that the subpoena also require the witness to bring
to court any documents in his control that help
prove your claim. You must pay an extra fee for
getting a subpoena served on a witness.
Once you have organized your case by writing
a statement, gathering documents, and selecting
witnesses, then the exact issues in controversy will
probably become clearer to you. You should then
sit down and prepare what you will say when you
get to court. You should also decide in what order
you will present the evidence you have accumulated.
List the questions you expect to ask each witness.
Make an outline of what you want to say when you
testify. Sometimes people forget to say things that
are important to their case in a trial atmosphere.
During trial, you should check off each item as you
cover it. It is your job to present the case clearly to
the judge or jury.
You should also determine whether you prefer
the judge to hear the case or whether you want a
trial by jury. You should make this decision based
upon whether you think a jury will be more sym-
pathetic to the case than the judge. If you request a
jury, you will have to pay a small jury fee. You may
want to watch a small claims court trial before
making your decision. This will give you an oppor-
tunity to familiarize yourself with how the judge
conducts his or her court.
In most courts, once the defendant is served
with notice, the trial date will be set. In other
courts, the date may be set by order and you will be
responsible for giving notice of the trial date to the
defendant. Telephone the clerk and double check
your trial date. Find out the time the court will hear
your trial. Make sure you dress appropriately and
are there a few minutes before the trial is scheduled
to begin and be ready to present your case. If you
are not on time, you may have your case dismissed.
If you are there but not ready, your case may also
be dismissed. Once the case is set for trial, only
legal excuses for not going to trial will be accepted.
When you arrive, take a seat in the courtroom.
Procedures vary from court to court. Usually, the
court will go through a docket call.” Answer when
your case is called. Some judges will ask you whether
you are ready to proceed with your case. You should
answer ready.” He will then ask the person you are
suing the same question.
Most judges will briefly explain the procedure
to be used in your trial. If you are confused about
anything he says, or if you have other questions, do
not be afraid to ask the judge.
At the time of filing, or on the day of trial, you
may be asked by the court to mediate your dispute
with the other party. There are no additional fees
for attending mediation in the small claims courts.
While mediation is not mandatory it is usually the
last opportunity for the parties to settle their dispute
without appearing before the court. During media-
tion a neutral person, the mediator, will discuss the
case privately with both parties and will encourage
communication between the parties in the hope of
reaching an agreement. Each side will be asked to
share his story. You may discuss your case freely
during mediation and you may share evidence if
you like. Anything you share during mediation is
strictly confidential and cannot be revealed later
during a trial. Remember to be calm and respectful
to all parties during mediation.
The mediator is NOT a judge and cannot
make any determination about your case or force
you to settle. The mediator will simply assist both
parties in negotiating the dispute. If you negotiate
an agreement during mediation, the mediator will
write down the terms of the agreement and ask
both parties to sign it. You will get a copy of the
agreement to keep for your records and a copy will
be filed with the court. The agreement is essentially
a written contract and it is enforceable in a court of
law. If the person you are suing does not follow the
terms of the agreement, you can always return to
court and ask the court to enforce the agreement.
If you cannot come to a resolution during media-
tion the court will hear your case as planned.
When the trial begins, the judge will ask you
and your witnesses to swear to tell the truth. The
judge will also swear in the person you are suing
before he tells his side of the controversy.
You will have the first chance to tell your story.
Go through the statement you previously prepared.
Call your witnesses one at a time to testify. If you
have photographs, have someone testify about what
each photograph shows. For example, if you have
photographs of a damaged item, have someone tes-
tify that the photograph accurately depicts how the
item looked at the time the damage occurred. If you
have documents, have someone testify about what
each document is. If you have brought anything with
you, now is the time to show it to the court.
Be sure that you present facts to the court that
establish the defendant owes you money and show
how much money he owes you. The burden of proof
is on you. Take your time so the judge can under-
stand the points you are trying to make. If the judge
does not understand you, or wants something
made clearer, he may ask you some questions.
You will have an opportunity to tell your
story without being interrupted by the other side.
When you are finished, however, the person you
are suing will have a chance to ask you and your
witnesses questions.
After both you and your witnesses have told
the judge what you know, the person you are suing
will explain why he thinks he should not have to
pay you any money. It may be his position that you
are wrong in the way you say the events occurred.
Or he may say that your story is correct but that you
are demanding too much money. Listen respectfully
and without interjecting. He also has a chance to tell
his story without interruption. After he is finished,
you can ask both him and his witnesses questions.
The judge may also ask them questions.
You cannot make statements to the witnesses.
You can ask them questions. You cannot argue with
the witnesses about their testimony. If you think
the person you are suing or his witnesses are not
telling the truth, you should ask questions that
would expose this fact to the judge. Do not get
frustrated or upset if a witness does not agree with
your version of the facts. Such disagreements are
common. The judge or jury will determine who
they believe.
Be polite and courteous to the witnesses, the
person you are suing, and others in the courtroom.
Obey the court’s instructions. Be brief and to the
point. State your position in a respectful tone.
Do not try to play Perry Mason. This is not
the time to object to everything the other side says.
A nonlawyer generally cannot back up objections
with legal argument. In fact, many small claims court
judges will not even entertain formal objections.
You will probably find it better not to make objec-
tions during the trial of your case.
If the person you are suing does not appear in
court at the appointed time, and he has received
proper notice of this trial, then the judge will grant
judgment in your favor for the amount you prove
that you are due.
If you want a jury trial, the same procedure
described above will be followed, but before you
begin telling your story, both you and the person
you are suing will be given a list of the names of
potential jury members. You will be allowed to
question these people and then decide which of
them you do not wish to be on the jury. You may
disqualify three of them for any reason (called a
peremptory challenge”). You may disqualify others
if you show the judge that there is some fact which
by law disqualifies a person from serving as a juror
or which convinces the judge that a person is unfit
to be on the jury. For example, you may discover
that one of the potential jurors is a close relative of
the person you are suing. This fact would normally
be enough to disqualify this person and would not
count as one of your three peremptory challenges.
This procedure will be explained to you in more
detail by the judge if you ask him.
After the judge has heard the facts from both
sides, including the witnesses, and everyone has
asked all the questions he wants to ask, the judge
will then decide who wins the case and the amount,
if any, the winner should receive. He may want
more time to think about the case. If so, he will
probably tell you when you can expect a decision.
If the judge does not decide the case while you are
there, remember that you will need to know what
the case number” of your case is. This number will
enable the clerk to find the result quickly when you
call later to find out the judge’s decision.
If you or the person you are suing has chosen
to have a jury trial, the jury, and not the judge, will
usually decide whether you have won your case. If
the jury decides you have won, it will also decide
the amount of money you should receive from the
person you are suing.
The statute creating the “Court of Small
Claims allows either party the right to appeal to
the county court if the amount of the dispute
exceeds $250, exclusive of costs. If you feel the
decision was unfair and you have originally asked
for more than $250, you may appear in front of the
county court judge and go through the trial as
before, completely retrying the case in front of a
new judge. If you want to appeal, you must file a
Notice of Appeal in the county court within 10 days
after the case was decided in the small claims court.
Ask the clerk of the small claims court for help if
you need it.
You should also be aware that if you win, the
party you are suing can appeal if he chooses. If this
happens, be sure to appear at the second trial or the
judge in the county court may rule against you.
The clerk at the county court will notify you if the
defendant has appealed.
An appeal to county court involves a much
more formal proceeding than the one in small
claims court. In many cases, it will be necessary to
have an attorney assist you with an appeal.
If you have convinced the judge or jury that
your side of the story is correct, and that you are
entitled to some money from the person you sued,
the judge will enter a “judgment” in your favor.
But this does not automatically get you any money.
Sometimes the hardest part of small claims court is
getting your money. In the vast majority of cases,
the person you sued will simply pay you after you
win. If he or she does not, however, you must take
legal steps to try to enforce your judgment.
There are a number of legal devices you should
consider after you have won in small claims court.
The first thing you should do is request the clerk to
issue an Abstract of Judgment.” You may file this
with the County Deed Records. This is the device
that makes your judgment public record and
gives it legal effect. It also gives you a “lien on any
nonexempt real estate the person owns in the
county you filed in. In Texas, a persons homestead
is exempt. If they own any other property, for
example, rental property, your abstract of judgment
gives you a lien on that property and you could
force its sale to satisfy your judgment.
If the person does not own any nonexempt
real estate, however, your abstract of judgment will
not help you collect. Therefore, you should consider
a writ of garnishment.“ This device allows you to
obtain any money owed to the person you sued.
The most common type of money that a writ of
garnishment is used for is a bank account. If you
know where the person you sued banks, you can go
back to the clerk of the court and obtain a writ of
garnishment to force the bank to turn over the
money in the account to you.
You can also use a writ of garnishment to go
after money owed to a person who is self-employed.
For example, if you sue a contractor and he does
not pay the judgment, you can use a writ of garnish-
ment to get money owed to the contractor by
other customers.
Texas law also allows you to obtain what is
called a writ of execution.” This device orders the
constable to take the debtor’s nonexempt personal
property and sell it to pay your judgment. In Texas,
however, much of what the average person owns is
exempt. Exempt property includes most personal
property, up to $30,000 in value for a single person
and $60,000 for a married couple. If you sued a
business, however, its property may not be exempt.
Finally, there is a device called a turn-over
order.” This permits the judge to order the person
to turn over nonexempt property to you to satisfy
the judgment. For example, if you know the person
you sued is receiving a large sum of money from a
construction job he is just completing, you can use
a turn-over order to have the court order him to
pay some of that money to you.
Texas law is very favorable to debtors and it
can be hard to collect, even after you win. In most
cases, however, you will get paid. There are a number
of legal ways to try and force even the most stubborn
debtor to pay up. You should consider discussing
your post-judgment remedies with a lawyer. In Texas,
a judgment lien continues for 10 years following
the date of recording and indexing the abstract,
except if the judgment becomes dormant the lien
ceases. Therefore, if you do not collect your money
right away, be sure to take the proper steps to keep
your judgment alive.
1. Have you tried to settle the dispute by con-
tacting the other party? A lawsuit should be
the last resort.
2. Will you represent yourself or seek the assis-
tance of an attorney? This is a “Peoples
Court.” Individuals and corporations can rep-
resent themselves in small claims court with-
out the assistance of an attorney.
3. Do your damages exceed $10,000? You can
only recover up to $10,000 in damages in
small claims court.
4. Do you need the court to enforce an action?
The small claims court can only award money.
It cannot force others to do a certain thing.
5. Where will you file? Generally, you must file
your case in the county where the defendant
resides or perhaps the county in which the
defendant contracted to perform services.
6. Have you waited too long? There are time lim-
its on your ability to file a lawsuit.
Texas Young Lawyers Association
State Bar of Texas
Secretary of State
State Comptroller
Texas Courts Online
Small Claims Court Notice Letter
Send your letter:
Mr. Sam Smith
Smith Contracting Co.
4141 First Street
Anycity, Texas 77777
Dear Mr. Smith:
On January 20 of this year, I hired you to
build a deck in my backyard. The agreement we
both signed states that it will be completed on or
about February 15.” I paid you a deposit of
$700.00 and agreed to pay an additional
$1,400.00 upon completion.
Immediately after taking my money, you tore
up the old deck and left a mess in my backyard. I
have called you on numerous occasions to find out
when you will finish the work and you have either
made excuses or failed to return my calls. It has
now been more than three months and you have
not returned to complete the work.
This letter is to let you know that I expect you
to immediately contact me and let me know when
you intend on completing the project. If I do not
hear from you soon, and if the work is not prompt-
ly finished, I will have no alternative but to file a
claim in small claims court to recover what I have
paid you. I also intend to ask for an additional
amount to compensate me for the fact that I have
been unable to use my backyard for nearly four
I feel I have been most patient in this matter
and hope that it can be resolved without the addi-
tional time and expense of a lawsuit. Please call me
at 654-9763 to arrange for the completion of the
Susan Peters
896 Best Ave.
Somewhere, Texas 77777
Texas Small Claims Courts Statute
V.T.C.A. Govt. Code Ch. 28
(§28.001 - §28.055)
§ 28.012. Institution of Action
(a) To institute an action in small claims
court, the claimant, attorney for the claimant, or
authorized agent of the claimant must:
(1) appear before the judge or the clerk of the
court and file a statement of the claim under oath;
(2) file a sworn statement of the claim with
the judge or clerk of the court.
(b) The statement must be in substantially
the following form:
In the Small Claims Court of __________
County, Texas
A.B., Plaintiff
C.D., Defendant
State of Texas
County of __________________________
A.B., whose post office address is
________________, __________, __________,
Street and Number City County
being duly sworn, on his oath deposes and says that
C.D., whose post office address is
_____________________, ______________,
Street and Number City
________________________ County, Texas, is
justly indebted to him in the sum of
__________________________ Dollars and
______________ Cents ($______________),
(here the nature of the claim should be stated
in concise form and without technicality, including
all pertinent dates), and that there are no counter-
claims existing in favor of the defendant and
against the plaintiff, except _________________
______________________________________ __.
Plaintiff Signature
Subscribed and sworn to before me this ____
day of ______, 20___.