BitLocker™ Drive Encryption Security Policy Page 1 of 15
© 2008 Microsoft Corporation – This non-proprietary Security Policy may be reproduced only in its original
entirety (without revision)
BitLocker™ Drive Encryption
Security Policy
For FIPS 140-2 Validation
v 0.8
1. Table of Contents
1. TABLE OF CONTENTS.........................................................................................................................1
2. INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................................2
2.1 List of BitLocker™ and Vista Cryptographic Modules.........................................................................................2
2.2 Brief Module Description ...................................................................................................................................3
2.3 Validated Platforms ...........................................................................................................................................3
3. INTEGRITY CHAIN OF TRUST ..........................................................................................................3
4. CRYPTOGRAPHIC BOUNDARY .........................................................................................................4
4.1 Overall Cryptographic Boundary........................................................................................................................4
4.2 BitLocker™ Components Included in the Boundary ..........................................................................................4
4.3 Other Vista Components ...................................................................................................................................4
4.4 Other BitLocker™ Components .........................................................................................................................4
5. ROLES, SERVICES AND AUTHENTICATION ...................................................................................4
5.1 Roles .................................................................................................................................................................5
5.1.2 User Role ...............................................................................................................................................................5
5.1.3 Crypto-officer Role.................................................................................................................................................5
5.2 Startup and Recovery Mechanisms ...................................................................................................................5
6. SECURE OPERATION AND SECURITY RULES................................................................................6
6.1 Security Rules ...................................................................................................................................................6
6.1.1 BitLocker™ Security Rules .....................................................................................................................................6
6.1.2 FIPS 140-2 Security Rules .....................................................................................................................................6
6.2 Enabling FIPS Mode ..........................................................................................................................................6
7. CRYPTOGRAPHIC KEY MANAGEMENT ...........................................................................................7
7.1 Flow Logic .........................................................................................................................................................9
7.2 Key Generation ...............................................................................................................................................11
7.3 Key Entry and Output .....................................................................................................................................11
7.4 Key Distribution...............................................................................................................................................11
7.5 Key Zeroization ...............................................................................................................................................12
7.6 Key Storage.....................................................................................................................................................12
7.7 Other Key-related Details ................................................................................................................................12
7.8 Administration Aspects....................................................................................................................................13
8. FIPS SELF-TESTS ..............................................................................................................................14
8.1 Algorithm implementation conformance testing..............................................................................................14
8.2 Power-on self-test (KAT) design .....................................................................................................................14
8.3 Integrity check design.....................................................................................................................................14
8.5 Continuous RNG checks design.......................................................................................................................14
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2. Introduction
BitLocker™ Drive Encryption is a data protection feature available in Windows® Vista Enterprise and Ultimate
for client computers. BitLocker™ is Microsoft’s response to one of our top customer requests: address the
very real threats of data theft or exposure from lost, stolen or inappropriately decommissioned PC hardware
with a tightly integrated solution in the Windows Operating System.
BitLocker™ prevents a thief who boots another operating system or runs a software hacking tool from
breaking Windows Vista file and system protections or performing offline viewing of the files stored on the
protected drive. This protection is achieved by encrypting the entire Windows volume. With BitLocker™ all
user and system files are encrypted including the swap and hibernation files.
The feature can use either a Trusted Platform Module (TPM 1.2) or a USB key to protect user data and to
ensure that a PC running Windows Vista has not been tampered with while the system was offline.
BitLocker™ provides both mobile and office enterprise information workers with enhanced data protection
should their systems be lost or stolen, and more secure data deletion when it comes time to decommission
those assets. BitLocker™ enhances data protection by bringing together two major sub-functions: full drive
encryption and cryptographic integrity checking of early boot components.
Integrity checking the early boot components helps to ensure that data decryption is performed only if those
components are unmolested and that the encrypted drive is located in the original computer.
BitLocker™ offers the option to lock the normal boot process until the user supplies a PIN, much like an ATM
card PIN, or inserts a USB flash drive that contains keying material. These additional security measures
provide multi-factor authentication and assurance that the computer will not boot or resume from hibernation
until the correct PIN or USB flash drive are presented.
2.1 List of BitLocker™ and Vista Cryptographic Modules
BitLocker™ Drive Encryption includes several cryptographic modules that operate in conjunction with the
cryptographic modules of the Vista operating system. The BitLocker™ modules use the following
cryptographic algorithms:
1. Hashing: SHA-1 (for TPM communications), SHA-256
2. Keyed hash: HMAC, AES in CCM mode (128 and 256 bit)
3. Symmetric key encryption: AES in CBC mode (128 and 256 bit), with or without the use of the
Elephant Diffuser algorithm
The modules performing cryptographic operations are (those in bold are included in as part of this validation):
Pre-boot environment
Post boot environment
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2.2 Brief Module Description
This section briefly describes each module and the technical differences between them:
This is the system boot manager, called by the bootstrapping code that resides in the boot sector. It
locates the VMK (Volume Master Key) and the FVEK (Full Volume Encryption Key), it gets the
authentication keys required (depending on the authentication scenario) and decrypts a portion of
the disk so that the OS can be loaded. It then checks the integrity of the OS loader and launches it.
This is the OS loader. It loads the boot-critical driver image files and the OS kernel image file itself.
This is the filter that handles resuming from hibernation. At resume time, the data is decrypted as it
is paged back into memory.
This component provides Code Integrity for the OS by cryptographically verifying the integrity of OS
components each time they are loaded into memory.
This is the main cryptographic provider for the OS itself.
This is the BitLocker™ filter that sits in the system dump stack. Whenever the dump stack is called
(in the event of a crash, or for hibernation), this filter ensures that all data is encrypted before it gets
written to the disk (as a dump file or hibernation file)
This is the BitLocker™ driver. It performs disk conversion (encryption/decryption) and on-demand
decryption of disk data.
This is the internal (un-exposed) API that controls the different BitLocker™ functions, in particular
key generation and key management.
This Vista component provides cryptographic services to callers executing outside of the kernel space.
This is the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) provider for the TPM API. It provides an
interface for controlling TPM functionality.
2.3 Validated Platforms
The BitLocker™ components identified in section 4 have been validated on the Microsoft Vista Ultimate
Edition, both x86 and x64. The Microsoft Vista Ultimate Edition is a superset of the Vista Enterprise Edition,
which also includes BitLocker™ Drive Encryption. Thus, BitLocker™ maintains FIPS 140-2 compliance on both
Vista Enterprise and Ultimate Edition, for both x86 and x64 processor architectures.
3. Integrity Chain of Trust
The cryptographic integrity checking of early boot components in the Vista and BitLocker™ cryptographic
modules as follows:
1. BOOTMGR cryptographically checks its own integrity during its start up.
2. BOOTMGR then cryptographically checks the integrity of the OS loader (WINLOAD.EXE or
WINRESUME.EXE if resuming from hibernation) before starting it.
3. WINLOAD.EXE cryptographically checks the integrity of CI.DLL before loading it.
4. CI.DLL cryptographically checks the integrity of the post-boot Vista and BitLocker™ cryptographic
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WIN32_TPM.DLL) when the Windows Vista Memory Manager attempts to load such cryptographic
4. Cryptographic Boundary
4.1 Overall Cryptographic Boundary
For FIPS 140-2 purposes the cryptographic boundary is the physically contiguous enclosure of the computer
system upon which Microsoft Windows Vista and BitLocker™ Drive Encryption executes (as we define the
module to as a multi-chip standalone module). Within the Microsoft Windows Vista Operation System exists a
second cryptographic boundary, drawn around those components responsible for providing BitLocker™ Drive
Encryption functionality.
4.2 BitLocker™ Components Included in the Boundary
The Windows Vista BitLocker™ Drive Encryption cryptographic boundary includes the WINRESUME.EXE,
DUMPFVE.SYS, FVEVOL.SYS, and FVEAPI.DLL components. These components, in addition with the other
Vista operating system components described below, provide the cryptography and functionality for full drive
encryption and chain of trust integrity checking during the boot process.
4.3 Other Vista Components
In addition to the aforementioned BitLocker™ components, other Windows Vista operating system
components provide integral to the operating of BitLocker™ Drive Encryption. The Windows Vista BOOTMGR
(Cert. #888), WINLOAD.EXE (Cert. #889), KSECDD.SYS (Cert. #891), CI.DLL (Cert. #890), and BCRYPT.DLL
(Cert. #892) provide supporting cryptographic services to the BitLocker™ Components as well as
cryptographically assure the integrity of the BitLocker™ components (in addition to cryptographically ensuring
the integrity of each component in the Vista boot sequence). The BitLocker™ Driver Encryption
cryptographic boundary does not include these components as these components have been subjected to
separate FIPS 140-2 validations to ensure compliance.
Because the BitLocker™ Drive Encryption components depend upon these other Vista operating system
components, the BitLocker™ Drive Encryption validation is said to be bound to the Vista operating system,
and requires it to remain compliant.
4.4 Other BitLocker™ Components
Beyond the BitLocker™ Drive Encryption components included in the cryptographic boundary, there exist
other BitLocker™ components that not included in the boundary. The non-cryptographic components of
BitLocker™, for example, the BitLocker™ Setup Wizard that provides a friendly graphical user interface, are
not suitable for inclusion into the cryptographic boundary as they provide no cryptography.
5. Roles, Services and Authentication
BitLocker™ provides two different, implicitly assumed roles and a set of services particular to each of the
roles. As a FIPS 140-2 level 1 validated product, BitLocker™ itself does not provide any authentication;
however, as with all other Windows components, access to BitLocker™ is granted only after the Windows
Vista operating system successfully authenticates (through WinLogon) an operator. The Microsoft Vista
operating system authenticates an operator’s identity by verifying his credentials through WinLogon, at login
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time, and then implicitly assigns him either the Crypto-Officer or User role depending on the group
permissions associated with the operator’s ID.
5.1 Roles
BitLocker™ provides both a Crypto-officer (Administrator) and User Role.
5.1.2 User Role
The User Role has no access to any BitLocker configuration or control services; rather the User Role benefits
from the seamless encryption and decryption of the user’s files written to and read from a BitLocker™
encrypted volume.
5.1.3 Crypto-officer Role
The Crypto-officer Role has access to the PC’s administrative commands, including BitLocker™ administration.
The Crypto-officer must initialize BitLocker™ on a new PC upon receipt, by selecting the authentication and
recovery methods to be used and launching the conversion (encryption) process. Once authenticated, the
Crypto-officer can perform any of the following commands:
Configuring BitLocker™ into FIPS-mode (see section 6.2 below)
Start-up the BitLocker™ Setup Wizard
Select / Create authentication methods (key protectors)
Select / Create recovery key
Manage keys
o Copy keys (startup key, recovery key)
o Reset PIN
Disable/ Re-enable protection (go into and out of disabled mode)
Turn-off BitLocker™ (volume decryption)
5.2 Startup and Recovery Mechanisms
BitLocker™ incorporates four different startup methods and two recovery mechanisms (of which a subset is
available when initializing BitLocker™ to operate in FIPS-mode):
- TPM-only authentication;
- TPM and PIN authentication;
- TPM + Startup key authentication;
- Startup key only authentication
The fowling recovery mechanisms are available:
- Recovery key authentication
- Recovery password authentication
Not available in FIPS mode.
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6. Secure Operation and Security Rules
In order to operate BitLocker™, the operator should be aware of the security rules enforced by the module
and should adhere to the physical security rules and secure operation rules required.
6.1 Security Rules
The security rules enforced by BitLocker™ include both the security rules that Microsoft has imposed and the
security rules that result from the security requirements of FIPS 140-2.
6.1.1 BitLocker™ Security Rules
The following are security rules imposed by BitLocker™:
1. BitLocker™ can only be initialized by a Crypto Officer.
2. BitLocker™ will only allow a Crypto Officer to perform key management operations
3. BitLocker™ will allow any User that possesses the appropriate authentication credentials to operate a
computer that has a volume protected with this technology.
6.1.2 FIPS 140-2 Security Rules
The following are security rules that result from the security requirements of FIPS 140-2:
1. BitLocker™ will not allow creation or use of a recovery password in FIPS mode as FIPS 140-2
prohibits using password deriving keys for data encryption/decryption.
a. A “recovery password” is a 48 digit value that can be used to recover an encrypted volume,
in the event that the main authentication keys are lost, stolen or unusable.
2. BitLocker™ will only release keys to be stored on USB flash drives, if the Crypto Officer performs this
3. BitLocker™ Drive Encryption is currently supported on Windows Vista Enterprise and Ultimate
Editions (both 32-bit and 64-bit versions).
4. Windows Vista is an operating system supporting a “single user” mode where there is only one
interactive user during a logon session.
5. BitLocker™ Drive Encryption provides a variety of different key management options to allow
customers to implement a key storage, authentication, and backup/recovery scheme that meets their
needs. When placed into FIPS-mode, BitLocker™ will only offer FIPS approved methods included as
part of this validation.
6. BitLocker™ will only operate in its FIPS-mode once volume conversion (encryption) has completed
and the volume is fully encrypted.
6.2 Enabling FIPS Mode
In order to allow the local administrator to enable or disable FIPS compliance, BitLocker™ complies with the
“System Cryptography: Use FIPS compliant algorithms” policy. Additionally, the local administrator may need
to enable the BitLocker to operate without a valid TPM device if the computer lacks a valid TPM device.
The registry key used for the FIPS-mode policy is:
The FIPS mode policy (that can be found here: Computer Configuration -> Windows Settings -> Security
Settings -> Local Policies -> Security Options -> System Cryptography: Use FIPS compliant algorithms)
setting allows you to configure the computer to use only FIPS compliant algorithms.
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The registry key used for the TPM policy is:
The policy controlling whether BitLocker will require the presence of a valid TPM device (that can be found
here: Computer Configuration -> Local Computer Policy -> Administrative Templates -> Windows
Components -> BitLocker Driver Encryption -> Control Panel Setup: Enable Advanced Startup Options) must
be set if the computer lacks a TPM or if using the Startup Key only method.
Finally, the administrator should select one of the three available options – “Use Bitlocker without Additional
Keys”, “Require PIN at every startup”, or “Require Startup USB key at every startup” – under the “Set
BitLocker Startup Preferences” setup wizard screen.
By enabling these policy settings and specifying one of the available options, BitLocker™ will operate in its
FIPS-mode and will only use FIPS compliant algorithms authentication and recovery mechanisms. This means
that no recovery password can be created or consumed, and that only a recovery key can be used for
recovery purposes. This is also valid for foreign or data volumes: you can recover/unlock such volume only
with a recovery key, and not with a recovery password. Therefore, when operating in FIPS-compliant mode,
the Setup wizard will disable the buttons allowing the creation, display or printing of a recovery password.
The Save to Folder link will also be disabled on the save recovery key page. Additionally, the recovery wizard
will only allow recovery of foreign volumes using a recovery key. In FIPS mode, it will grey-out the Disable
mode link and the Recovery Password entry option. Only a recovery key can be used, and only to decrypt the
Once the administrator has configured the policies as described above, and set up BitLocker™, BitLocker™
will begin encrypting the operating system volume. Once this conversion process is complete, BitLocker™ will
be operating in FIPS-mode.
Additionally, it is recommended that domain administrators enable the FIPS policy before turning on
BitLocker™. If FIPS mode is enabled after BitLocker™ was turned on, BitLocker™ must be turned off, and
turned back on in order to remain compliant with the FIPS 140-2 requirements. This is because FIPS requires
that all keys used in FIPS mode should have been created in FIPS mode.
7. Cryptographic Key Management
In order to achieve a higher level of security, without greatly affecting usability, BitLocker™ supports different
types of cryptographic algorithms and encryption layers, including multi-factor authentication. Note that only
a subset of options is available when operating in FIPS-mode.
The main goal of BitLocker™ is to protect user data on the Operating System volume of the hard drive. To
achieve this, disk sectors are encrypted with a Full Volume Encryption Key (FVEK), which is always encrypted
with the Volume Master Key (VMK), which, in turn, is bound to the TPM (in TPM scenarios).
The VMK directly protects the FVEK and therefore, protecting the VMK becomes critical. Protecting the disk
through the VMK allows the system to re-key easily when one of the other keys upstream in the chain is lost
or compromised, especially since decrypting and re-encrypting the entire volume is a time-expensive
There are several different ways to encrypt the VMK:
Scenario VMK blob
VMK encrypted Available in
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with FIPS-mode?
Default (TPM-only) SRK(VMK) RSA
Startup key (SK) SK(VMK) AES Yes
Recovery key (RK) RK(VMK) AES Yes
Recovery password (Chained-hashing(Password),Salt)(VMK) AES No
Clear key (CC) CC(VMK) AES No
The SRK is the Storage Root Key held by the TPM. It is a 2048 bit RSA key pair generated when ownership of
the TPM is taken. The SRK, referred to here as an RSA key, is actually the RSA public key; the private key
member of the pair is never shown by the TPM. The SRK is stored within the non-volatile protected memory
of the TPM and cannot be removed. This helps ensure that the private key material cannot be leaked, and
prevents keys from being used on any platform other than the one they were created on. However,
mechanisms are available to migrate keys from one TPM to another, for backup and disaster recovery
All TPM key operations are based on the SRK. When ownership is taken of the TPM, the new owner is
required to specify two pieces of authorization information, the ownership authorization and the SRK usage
authorization. This SRK usage authorization will be required for each TPM operation. Since this is undesirable
from a usability point of view, and since BitLocker™ requires that this information be known very early in the
boot process, the TPM admin tools will set this usage authorization to a known value of all zeroes (20 bytes
of 0). The SRK is re-keyed each time the owner changes.
Note that recovery passwords are disabled when operating in FIPS mode.
The diagram below shows the BitLocker™ Key Architecture.
In schemes using TPM, the VMK is considered to be in plaintext since no guarantee of cryptographic
strength of the TPM implementation is provided by this module.
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The keys are generated at set-up time, when BitLocker™ is enabled. They are stored after being generated.
The FVEK and VMK are stored locally in three different places on the drive (beginning, middle, end) and
cannot be changed. The only way to change these keys for an encrypted volume is to decrypt and re-encrypt
the volume. Most of the keys (SK, RK, recovery password) – except the PIN – can be copied after the volume
has been encrypted.
Intermediate keys (IK) are keys that are stored encrypted on the drive and become [part of] the basis of
another key. IK is an intermediate symmetric key, 256-bit long, randomly generated, stored on disk
encrypted with the SRK.
The clear key is a 256-bit AES key that encrypts the VMK; it is created when no other VMK-protecting key is
present, in what is called “disabled mode”. In this case, there is no security – it is as though the drive is not
encrypted, the data is freely available. The clear key is stored as raw data on the disk, together with the
If a computer does have a [detectable] TPM, BitLocker™ will offer to use the TPM. An external device to hold
a key may still be used, but the key on the external device will be a “partial key” (for two-layer
authentication) or a recovery key (RK).
7.1 Flow Logic
BitLocker™ will look (at boot time and waking up from hibernation) for appropriate keys to decrypt the
volume in the following sequence:
1. Clear Key
2. No-TPM required and no user input required
a. SK (TPM-less scenario)
3. TPM system and no user input required
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a. TPM
4. User Interface (UI) Required (TPM system or no-TPM system)
b. SK/RK
c. Recovery password
The following diagram illustrates the flow logic in the system.
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7.2 Key Generation
All keys are generated using FIPS-compliant Random Number Generators (RNGs). The only exception is the
nonce used for sending commands to the TPM, which requires nonces to be generated – in this case by the
TPM’s RNG (random number generator).
Key Generated by Algorithm used Used by FIPS Mode
FVEK FVE API BCryptGenRandom FVE driver Yes
VMK FVE API BCryptGenRandom Boot manager
SRK TPM vendor - TPM Yes
Intermediate key FVE API BCryptGenRandom Boot manager
SK FVE API BCryptGenRandom Boot manager
RK (similar to SK) FVE API BCryptGenRandom Boot manager
Clear key FVE API BCryptGenRandom Boot manager
PIN User - Boot manager
TPM Nonce TPM RNG TPM vendor specific Boot manager
TPM WMI provider
7.3 Key Entry and Output
The raw data encryption keys are all internal and never leave the computer. The only inputs by the user are
the PIN or the recovery password (which was generated by the system, but manually entered in recovery
mode). The keys that are exported are:
Key Entry Output FIPS mode
FVEK - - Yes
VMK - - Yes
SRK - - Yes
Intermediate key - - Yes
SK USB device USB device Yes
RK (similar to SK) USB device USB device Yes
Clear key - - No
PIN manually - Yes
manually Text file or
Active Directory
Domain Services
7.4 Key Distribution
As outlined in the previous section, keys reside on the local computer or on a USB device. Only recovery
passwords are electronically stored (if so indicated by Group Policy) in an Active Directory Domain Services
server. When needed, a user calls helpdesk and a domain administrator can read the AD entry once the user
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has been properly identified. At this point the key can be transmitted back to the user either verbally, or any
other form approved by the enterprise security policy in place.
7.5 Key Zeroization
All keys are zeroized in memory (by overwriting once with 0s) once they are used and no longer needed.
Additionally, on shutdown, the FVEK is also zeroized. Furthermore, when turning off BitLocker™, the
metadata sections are zeroized by overwriting the disk three times (once with 0s, once with 1s and once with
encrypted 0s – which effectively outputs a random pattern).
7.6 Key Storage
Below is a chart that details where the different types of keys are stored.
Key Length Algorithm in
which is used
to user
FVEK 128, 256 AES No On disk Encrypted Yes
VMK 256 AES No On disk Encrypted
SRK 2048 RSA No TPM Plaintext Yes
Intermediate key 128, 256 AES No On disk Encrypted Yes
SK 256 AES Yes External
Plaintext Yes
RK (similar to SK) 256 AES Yes External
Plaintext Yes
Clear key 256 AES No On disk Plaintext No
PIN 4 to 20 digits SHA256 Yes - - No
Password 48 digits AES Yes AD Plaintext No
On disk, keys are stored in BitLocker™ metadata sections on the OS volume. The FVE metadata sections are
present in three places on the OS volume and stored unencrypted.
At boot time, only the first copy of the metadata is used. The second and third copies are kept in
sync by fvevol.sys – done on first access to encrypted disk.
Backup copies two and three are used for recovery purposes: using the restore tool
Tool will scan the disk for other metadata
BIOS parameter block (BPB) points to first copy
the space used for the pointer was previously used to point to backup Master file table
(MFT), which doesn’t really move
no space for more pointers
each copy then points to a subsequent copy
7.7 Other Key-related Details
Volume Move:
After being moved to a different computer, if the volume is moved back to the original TPM it may reuse its
original keys, provided they were not over-written. Each BitLocker™ instance will have a single set of keys –
if the keys are stored and have not been removed from the original computer the volume should work
without recovery when moved back to the original computer.
For FIPS purposes, the VMK is considered to be stored in plaintext whenever the TPM only, TPM + Startup
Key, or TPM + PIN modes are used for protecting this value.
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External Keys
External Keys are keys saved externally, on a USB flash drive. Startup Keys or Recovery Keys are examples of
an External Key. External keys are saved as a .bek file, containing raw binary data of the key in clear.
At set-up time, the SK or RK can only be saved on removable drives. The file is stored as a system file and
hidden to prevent inadvertent deletion. RKs can also be copied after creation, ensuring additional back-ups
are available. The RK will only be required at boot time, so it is recommended that users remove it after that
for security’s sake.
The user will be able to change PIN, but it will not be saved/escrowed programmatically. The RK or recovery
password must be used if the PIN is lost. When the PIN scenario is enabled and the new encrypted VMK blob
is stored, the system shall remove the encrypted VMK blob that was encrypted with only the TPM, if such
blob is present – except for RK/RK or Recovery Password. In this manner, at next boot, the system will
require the two-factor authentication, instead of working with only a TPM.
Multiple PINs on a given computer are not supported in this version (the UI does not handle this, and WMI
use is discouraged).
Recovery is called during boot if BitLocker™ authentication fails (for data or non-OS volumes, when the
BitLocker™-protected volume fails to be mounted).
A recovery key (RK) stored on a USB flash drive can be used in the recovery sequence to unlock the volume.
The recovery password consists of a 48 character numeric string that is generated and displayed by the
system and must be manually entered by the user to recover the volume. After being generated at set-up
time, the recovery password can be viewed, saved locally or printed by the user and is sent to the AD
, if required by Group Policy. If AD is not available, and AD password saving is required, then the
BitLocker™ set-up is halted.
Zero or more recovery passwords are supported. The maximum number of all key protectors is limited by the
maximum size of the metadata structure that can contain them, which is 16K. So for practical purposes, the
limit is about 10 recovery password blobs.
If GP requires the recovery password to be sent to AD, then a recovery password is automatically generated,
regardless of the Recovery Password UI Policy. If AD is not available, the set-up process is stopped. If AD is
not required and the user sees the Recovery Password Creation screen, she will need to click on one of the
links (see the password, save it, print it) to actually generate the password. Just clicking Next (without
clicking on any of the links) will not generate a password.
BitLocker™ supports the Windows FIPS Group Policy. This GP is off by default, but can be enabled by a local
administrator or, through scripting, by a domain administrator. When set, recovery passwords cannot be
created or consumed. The FVE API ensures that calls (from either the UI wizard or WMI scripts) to create or
consume recovery password-based key protectors will fail.
7.8 Administration Aspects
The Domain Administrator has full control over the enabling or disabling of BitLocker™ and most of its
components. The administrator will be able to specify through Group Policy (GP):
A per-volume GUID is also generated and sent up with the recovery password.
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a. Create recovery password: Must, Cannot, Optional (default)
b. Store recovery password in Active Directory Domain Services: Yes, No (default)
If AD is not available and it is required BitLocker™ Setup up will be stopped.
c. Create recovery key: Must (default), Cannot, Optional
d. Store recovery key to a folder/network location: Must, Cannot, Optional (default)
Default media path
e. Create external key: Must, Cannot, Optional (default)
f. Create PIN: Must, Cannot, Optional (default)
g. Display warning when no recovery mechanisms have been set
h. System Cryptography: Use FIPS compliant algorithms: Enabled, Disabled (default)
If the registry keys controlling these settings have not been set-up by GP, a default will be used. The default
is to make choices optional, leaving them to the user.
8. FIPS Self-tests
8.1 Algorithm implementation conformance testing
In order to ensure that each of cryptographic algorithms used by BitLocker™ is implemented correctly, each
cryptographic algorithm was subjected to CAVP conformance testing. These conformance tests were
conducted during the FIPS 140-2 validation process, and the following certificates were issued for the
cryptographic algorithms employed by BitLocker™:
Algorithm Key Size Mode Cert # FIPS approved
AES 128, 256 CBC 715 Yes
AES 128, 256 CCM 715 Yes
SHA-1 160 Byte oriented 737 Yes
SHA-256 256 Byte oriented 737 Yes
HMAC-SHA-1 KS < BS N/A 386 Yes
HMAC-SHA-256 KS < BS N/A 386 Yes
8.2 Power-on self-test (KAT) design
BitLocker™ implements Known Answer Test functions in each cryptographic component for each algorithm
employed by that component. These tests run each time a module is powered up (after being powered-off,
reset, rebooted, etc.).
8.3 Integrity check design
Vista and BitLocker™ implement integrity checking starting with the boot manager and then continuing to
check each subsequent component. The boot manager performs a cryptographic verification of its own
integrity before checking the integrity of the next component in the boot process (winload.exe or
winresume.exe, if coming from hibernation). Once control is passed to the OS loader, it will check CI.dll, and
once the computer boots, Code Integrity (CI.dll) will perform integrity checks on all other modules.
8.5 Continuous RNG checks design
In the FVE API, all RNG is performed using BCryptGenRandom (in bcrypt.dll).
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