Virginia Absentee Ballot Application Form
SBE-701/703.1 Rev. 7/2022
Print your
Last Name:
First Name:
Middle Name:
Social Security # (last 4 digits required):
Birth Year (optional):
Apt/Suite #:
Zip Code:
If rural address or homeless, describe residence.
Ballot for
One Election
I want to vote an absentee ballot in the:
General or Special Election
Democratic Primary
Republican Primary
Date of Election:
in the city/county of:
Do you want to vote by mail for all future elections?
Yes No
If yes, which party primary ballots would you like to receive? You may select one party designation under Virginia law.
Democratic Party
Republican Party
I do not wish to receive ballots for Primary Elections
different from
section 2
If you chose the Permanent Absentee Option in Section 4 above, do not fill out this section.
Apt/Suite #:
Zip Code:
Section 7 only applies to some voters. Leave blank and skip to Section 8 if none of these apply to you.
Change of
Former Full Name:
Former Address:
Date Moved:
Zip code:
Military or
If you are a military/overseas voter OR a spouse/dependent, we need to know more:
1. Turn the form over to find your category under the Military and Overseas Section.
2. Print category letter code here: ______________. If applicable, last date of residency: _________________.
3. Deliver my ballot to:
Residence address from Section 2
Email address from Section 6
Ballot mailing address from Section 5
Fax number from Section 6
with Ballot
I need assistance completing my ballot due to a
disability, blindness, or an inability to read or write.
If checked, an assistance form will be sent with the
I am a print-disabled voter and would like to receive my ballot
electronically at the email address provided above in Section 6. You will
Receive your ballot electronically and your general registrar will send
you the proper envelopes to return your ballot.
with this
Assistant, fill in your information below and sign if applicant is unable to sign due to disability:
Assistant’s Full Name:
Assistant’s Address:
Zip code:
I swear/affirm, subject to felony penalties for making false statements pursuant to VA Code § 24.2-1016, that (1) the
information provided in this form is true, and (2) I have written “Applicant unable to sign” on the applicant’s
signature line in Section 8.
Assistant, sign here:
Statement +
I swear/affirm, subject to felony penalties for making false statements pursuant to VA Code § 24.2-1016, that (1) the information
provided in this form is true, (2) I am not requesting a ballot or voting in any other jurisdictions in the US, and (3) I am registered to vote
in the city/county where I am applying to vote.
Voter, sign here (or mark if unable): X
Office use only
Application #
App accepted:
Date received:
Received by:
Reason not accepted
Method received:
Email Fax Mail In person Other
Ballot sent by:
Virginia Absentee Ballot Application Form
SBE-701/703.1 Rev. 7/2022
Privacy Act Notice: This form requires personal information. The last
four (4) digits of your Social Security Number are required. Your
application will be denied if you fail to provide the last four digits of your
Social Security Number or if you fail to provide any other information
required to determine your qualification to vote by mail. Federal law (the
Privacy Act of 1974; the Help America Vote Act of 2002) and state law
(Virginia Constitution, article II, § 2; § 24.2- 701, Code of Virginia; the
Government Data Collection and Dissemination Practices Act) authorize
collecting this information and restrict its use to official purposes only.
Warning: Intentionally voting more than once in an election or making a
materially false statement on this form constitutes the crime of election
fraud. Intentionally voting more than once in an election is punishable
under Virginia law as a Class 6 felony and is punishable by a term of
imprisonment of up to five years, or confinement in jail for not more
than 12 months, and/or a fine of not more than $2,500. Making a
materially false statement on this form is punishable under Virginia law
as a Class 5 felony and is punishable by a term of imprisonment of up to
ten years, confinement in jail for not more than 12 months, and/or a fine
of not more than $2,500.
How to Apply to Vote an Absentee Ballot
To vote an absentee ballot, complete this form and submit it to your
local voter registration office. You can find the contact information for
your local voter registration office through the Department of Elections’
If you prefer to vote in person, this form is not needed.
General Information
You can apply to vote absentee for just one election (Section 3) or for all
elections (Section 4).
If you choose to vote absentee in one election, a separate form is
required for each election. To apply to vote absentee in all future
elections, please see the instructions for “Permanent Absentee Option
(Section 4).”
Your local office must receive your application by mail, email, or fax by
5:00 pm on the eleventh (11th) day before the election.
Ballots are available 45 days before an election. (If you register to vote in
person, you must wait five days before you can have your ballot mailed
to you.)
Your Personal Information (Section 1)
Provide your personal information. Your name and the last four digits of
your Social Security number are required.
Registration Address (Section 2)
Provide the address listed in your voter registration record. If you have a
rural address or are homeless, please describe where you live.
Absentee Ballot for One Election (Section 3)
Fill out Section 3 if you only want to receive an absentee ballot for one
election. In the spaces provided, indicate for which election you would
like to receive an absentee ballot (General Election, Special Election,
Democratic Primary, or Republican Primary). Make sure to add the date
of the election and include the county or city in which you live. By filling
out Section 3, you will receive an absentee ballot only for the election
you have indicated.
Permanent Absentee Option (Section 4)
If you checked the “Yes” box in Section 4, you are indicating that you
wish to receive your ballot in the mail for every election in the future.
Ballots for all future elections will be sent to the address in your voter
registration record. If you need your ballot sent to a different address or
want to change the political party you’ve chosen for Primary Elections,
please use form SBE-703.1C.
If you move to a new county or city, complete a new form and submit it
to your new general registrar to continue receiving ballots.
If you want to receive a primary ballot, you must indicate a political party
preference. If you do not want a ballot for primary elections, please mark
the last box or leave the answer to this question blank.
Ballot Mailing Address (Section 5)
Only fill out this section if
you want to vote absentee in one election and have filled out
Section 3; and
you want your ballot mailed to a different address than the
one in your voter registration record.
Your ballot can only be mailed to one of the following:
1. Your residence address
2. Your location while outside your city/county of residence
3. Your place of temporary confinement for illness, disability,
misdemeanor conviction, or awaiting trial
Ballots cannot be forwarded or sent “in care of”/“to the attention of”
another person.
Military and Overseas Voters (Section 7b)
The Uniformed and Overseas Citizen Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA)
entitles certain individuals to receive their vote by mail ballots by email
or fax. If you meet one or more of the following UOCAVA voter
categories, please enter the code(s) for that category in section 7b of this
A. I am an active duty merchant marine or in the armed forces.
B. I am a spouse or dependent living with an active duty merchant
marine or armed forces member.
C. I am temporarily residing outside of the U.S. for a non-employment
related reason.
(Voter Registration Office: review VA Code § 24.2-453)
If you have given up your address permanently or have no intent to
return, enter your last date of residency in section 7b, line 2.
D. I am temporarily residing outside of the U.S. for employment or a
spouse or dependent living with a person temporarily residing
outside of the U.S. for employment.
While UOCAVA voters may use this form, they are encouraged to use the
Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) (which also serves as a voter
registration application/update). If you do submit this Virginia Vote by
Mail form (ELECT-701), it will be interpreted as a request by you to
discontinue any FPCA you have previously submitted. For more
information on or to obtain the FPCA, visit
If your ballot is being emailed to you, ensure you monitor your
junk/spam email folders. If your ballot is being faxed to you, ensure you
monitor your fax machine. The Department of Elections and your local
voter registration office are not responsible for emailed or faxed ballots
that are routed to a junk/spam folder or are not received by you.
Voter’s Statement and Signature (Section 8)
In order for the application to be valid, you must sign the application or,
if you are disabled and unable to sign, the person assisting you with
filling out your application should write “Voter unable to sign” on the line
and fill out Section 7d.