Wisconsin Department of Health Services
Your Wisconsin QUEST Card
What is the Wisconsin QUEST card?
The Wisconsin QUEST card is a safe and easy way for
you to use your FoodShare benefits. You use it to
buy food at stores that have swipe card terminals
and take part in FoodShare. It is similar to a plastic
debit card and has your name, card number, and the
Wisconsin QUEST logo on it.
You must have your QUEST card with you at the
store to buy food with your FoodShare benefits.
How do I use my QUEST card?
Your FoodShare benefits will be put into your
FoodShare account using an electronic benefits
transfer (EBT) system. Once your benefits are in your
account, you can use your QUEST card to buy food at
grocery stores and at some farmers markets that
accept EBT payments. To pay for your food, swipe
your QUEST card at the swipe card terminal in the
checkout line, and enter your personal identification
number (PIN).
Each month, you may use your QUEST card as often
as you want. When you use your QUEST card, there
No minimum dollar amount you need to spend.
No fee to make a purchase.
You can use your benefits to buy foods such as:
Breads and cereals.
Fruits and vegetables.
Meats, fish, and poultry.
Dairy products.
Seeds and plants to grow food for your family to
You cannot use your benefits to buy:
Nonfood items (pet foods, paper products, soaps,
household supplies, grooming items, toothpaste,
cosmetics, etc.).
Beer, wine, liquor, cigarettes, or tobacco.
Food that will be eaten in the store.
Hot foods (food cooked and served hot at the
Vitamins and medicines.
You also cannot use your benefits to pay for deposit
fees on containers, such as glass milk bottles and
other returnable soft drink cans or bottles in
Wisconsin. Other states may have laws that require
you to pay a deposit fee. In those states, your
benefits can be used to pay the fee.
What is a personal identification number
When you get your QUEST card in the mail,
instructions are included that tell you to select a PIN.
You need a PIN to access your benefits when using
your QUEST card. When selecting your PIN, choose
four numbers that are easy for you to remember but
hard for someone else to figure out. Keep your PIN a
secret. Do not write your PIN on your QUEST card or
card carrier, and do not keep your PIN in your wallet
or purse. Once you tell someone your PIN and give
the person your QUEST card, he or she could use any
or all of your benefits. These benefits will not be
What if I forget my PIN?
If you do not remember your PIN, call QUEST Card
Customer Service at 1-877-415-5164 and choose a
new PIN. You should also select a new PIN if you
think that someone else knows your PIN. If you are in
the grocery store and enter the wrong PIN, you have
two more chances that day to enter the right PIN. If
you do not enter the right PIN by the third try, a lock
is put on your card, and you will not be able to use
your card until the next day.
When will benefits be put in my
Each month that you are enrolled in FoodShare, your
benefits will automatically be put in your FoodShare
account. The date you get your benefits is based on
the eighth digit of your Social Security number (SSN).
Eighth Digit
of Your SSN
Day of the Month Your
FoodShare Benefits Will Be
Available on Your QUEST Card
Your benefits will be available on the above date,
even if it falls on a weekend or holiday.
How do I check my balance?
You can check your FoodShare balance before you
shop by:
Calling QUEST Card Customer Service at
1-877-415-5164 (voice) or 711 (TTY).
Looking at your last receipt.
Going to www.ebtedge.com
(click on Cardholder
Login and then enter your QUEST card number).
You should get a printed receipt when you buy food
with your QUEST card. The receipt will show your
account balance. If you do not get a printed receipt,
ask for one.
Can I save my benefits to be used in a
different month?
Each month, you may use your QUEST card as often
as you want and spend as much of your benefits as
you want. You can leave as many benefits in your
account as you wish at the end of each month to use
in a future month. Keep in mind that if you do not
use your QUEST card for one year, any benefits older
than 274 days will be removed from your account.
Who are authorized buyers and
alternate payees?
You can choose an authorized buyer to help you buy
food for your household. In addition to the QUEST
card you get, the authorized buyer will get his or her
own QUEST card with his or her name on it and will
have access to your FoodShare benefits and account.
You may also choose an alternate payee to use
FoodShare benefits on your behalf. The alternate
payee will get a QUEST card with his or her name on
it. When you choose an alternate payee, you will not
get your own QUEST card.
Contact your agency to choose an authorized buyer
or alternate payee. You can cancel access you have
granted at any time by calling QUEST Card Customer
Service at 1-877-415-5164.
What if my card does not work?
If your QUEST card does not work, call QUEST Card
Customer Service at 1-877-415-5164. If you still need
help, contact your agency.
What should I do if I get an error
message using my QUEST card at the
Call QUEST Card Customer Service at
1-877-415-5164 if you get an error message when
using your QUEST card. These are some examples of
error messages and solutions:
Card not on file. Contact QUEST Card Customer
Service at 1-877-415-5164.
Invalid PIN. You have entered the PIN
incorrectly. If you enter the wrong PIN three
times on the same day, a lock is put on your card
until the next day.
Insufficient balance. You have tried to spend
more benefits than you have in your account. Put
back some of your groceries, or pay the
remaining amount due with your own money.
Inactive card. You did not select a PIN. Call
QUEST Card Customer Service at 1-877-415-5164
to select a PIN.
What should I do if I cannot find my
As soon as you know you have lost your QUEST card
or it has been stolen, call QUEST Card Customer
Service at 1-877-415-5164. Your card will be
canceled when you call. If someone uses it before
you call to cancel your card, your benefits will not be
replaced. Once your card is reported lost or stolen,
no one will be able to use your card. A replacement
card will be mailed to you on the next business day.
If any QUEST card on your account is lost or stolen,
you may have to pay a $2.70 fee for a replacement
card. The fee will come out of your FoodShare
benefits. If your FoodShare account does not have
enough benefits to pay the fee, the fee will come out
of your FoodShare benefits when enough benefits
become available to pay the fee in full. A cardholder
is eligible for one free replacement QUEST card each
year from January 1 to December 31.
What should I do if my card gets
If your card is damaged or the store must manually
key your card number each time you use your card,
call QUEST Card Customer Service at 1-877-415-5164
and request a replacement card.
How many replacement cards can I get?
Wisconsin is required to monitor the number of
replacement QUEST cards each FoodShare group is
issued. If you get five or more replacement QUEST
cards in a 12-month period, the Office of the
Inspector General may review your QUEST card
account for possible misuse of your FoodShare
How should I take care of my QUEST
Listed below are some helpful tips when using your
QUEST card. These tips may help you protect your
QUEST card and reduce the need for you to get
replacement cards in the future:
Keep your QUEST card in a safe place.
Keep your QUEST card clean.
Take care of your QUEST card like you would a
credit card.
Do not bend or twist your QUEST card.
Do not use your QUEST card to scrape
windshields, open door locks, etc.
Keep the magnetic strip clean and free from
Store your QUEST card in a wallet or purse.
Keep your QUEST card away from magnets, such
as purse or handbag clasps and televisions.
Follow the instructions of the store clerk when
using your QUEST card.
Never tell anyone your PIN, including the store
Do not throw away your QUEST card. Your QUEST
card does not expire. You can use the same
QUEST card every month for as long as you get
FoodShare benefits.
If you stop getting FoodShare benefits, do not
throw away your QUEST card. If you get
FoodShare benefits again, they will be put on
your last active QUEST card.
Wisconsin Department of Health Services
Division of Medicaid Services
P-16088 (03/2024)
How do I return something I bought
with my QUEST card?
To make a return, bring the item, store receipt, and
your QUEST card to the store where you bought
the item. The store will put your benefits back into
your account. You will be able to use these benefits
right away. You will not get cash back.
How do I fix an error on my account?
To correct an error on your account, call QUEST
Card Customer Service at 1-800-415-5164 to report
the error. You will get a letter with a decision about
the error. If you disagree with the decision, you may
file for a fair hearing. Information about filing for a
fair hearing will be in your letter.
Note: A store may need to increase or decrease the
amount of your QUEST card purchase to correct an
error (for example, a system error). You will get a
letter that explains why the adjustment is needed. If
you do not agree with the adjustment, you will have
15 calendar days from the date of the letter to file
for a fair hearing. The amount of the adjustment
may stay in your account until a fair hearing
decision is made.
Do I need to do anything if I move?
If you plan to move, contact your agency to report
your new address. If a card is mailed to your old
address, it will not be forwarded to your new
What should I do if I move out of
If you move out of state, report it to your agency.
You should still be able to use any benefits you
have on your Wisconsin QUEST card in your new
state. If you cannot find a store in your new state
that accepts the Wisconsin QUEST card, contact the
Wisconsin agency that issued the FoodShare
benefits. To keep getting benefits in your new state,
you must apply there.
Where can I get more information?
Contact QUEST Card Customer Service at
1-877-415-5164 (voice) or 711 (TTY).
Go to dhs.wisconsin.gov/foodshare/index.htm
Information provided is general. To find more
information about FoodShare, contact your agency.
Nondiscrimination Statement
In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S.
Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations
and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating
on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including
gender identity and sexual orientation), religious creed,
disability, age, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for
prior civil rights activity.
Program information may be made available in languages
other than English. Persons with disabilities who require
alternative means of communication to obtain program
information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American
Sign Language), should contact the agency (state or local)
where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf,
hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact
USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.
To file a program discrimination complaint, a Complainant
should complete a Form AD-3027, USDA Program
Discrimination Complaint Form which can be obtained
online at:
3027.pdf, from any USDA office, by calling (833) 620-1071,
or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. The letter must
contain the complainant’s name, address, telephone
number, and a written description of the alleged
discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the
Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about the nature
and date of an alleged civil rights violation. The completed
AD-3027 form or letter must be submitted to:
(1) mail: Food and Nutrition Service, USDA
1320 Braddock Place, Room 334
Alexandria, VA 22314; or
(2) fax: (833) 256-1665 or (202) 690-7442; or
(3) email: FNSCivilRightsComplaints@usda.gov.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.