GENERAL.......................................................................................................................................... 3
Can I speak to a judge or a law clerk about my case?...................................................................... 3
How long does it take from the filing of my notice of appeal until oral
argument? ......... 3
How long does it take for a ruling on my petition for rehearing? ...................................................... 4
Did you receive my brief/motion/petition for rehearing etc.? ........................................................... 4
What is your address and how do I get to the court? ........................................................................ 4
Can I get appearance forms and transcript order forms from you? ................................................. 4
Can I give you my change of address over the telephone? ......................................................... 4
Where are the Fifth Circuit jury instructions located? ................................................................... 4
In the docket I am viewing, under “Group” the notation “Private Entry” is
made. What does
this entry mean? .............................................................................................................................. 4
NOTICES OF APPEAL AND FILING FEES ................................................................................... 5
Where do I file my notice of appeal? ................................................................................................ 5
What does it cost to file a notice of appeal? ................................................................................. 5
Is there a fee for filing a motion, or petition for rehearing? ............................................................ 5
BRIEFS, RECORD EXCERPTS AND MOTIONS ........................................................................... 5
What is the “page limit” for my brief? ......................................................................................... 5
When is my brief due/when does my briefing time begin to run?.................................................... 5
How can I get an extension of time to file my brief? ................................................................. 6
What is the page limit for a mandamus petition? ............................................................................ 6
If I need to make corrections to my brief or record excerpts, how much postage
do I need to send to
you? ................................................................................................................................................ 6
To whom can I talk about corrections to my brief or my record excerpts?....................................... 6
What title (case caption) should I have on my brief? ................................................................... 6
Can you explain the size of fonts, what sans-serif typeface is and the difference
monospaced and proportional typeface? ....................................................................................... 7
What color should my brief cover be and how many copies do I need to file? ............................. 7
Which software should the brief be typed in? ................................................................................. 7
Since the other party has to make corrections in his or her brief, when does my
briefing time start? 8
What is wrong with my certificate of compliance? ........................................................................... 8
Why is the 5th Circuit so strict on its rules concerning briefs? ........................................................... 8
What do I need to put in my record excerpts? .................................................................................... 8
How many copies of my: ................................................................................................................ 9
brief; ............................................................................................................................................... 9
record excerpts; .............................................................................................................................. 9
petitions for rehearing; ................................................................................................................... 9
do I need to file? ............................................................................................................................... 9
Do I need to provide the court with a proposed order when I file a motion? .................................... 10
How much time does the clerk or the court have to rule on my motion? ....................................... 10
Does my petition for rehearing have to have a cover? .................................................................. 10
Does my petition for rehearing/rehearing en banc have to be bound? .................................... 10
If I am submitting both a petition for panel and en banc rehearing, how many
pages can the
petitions have? .............................................................................................................................. 10
RECORDS AND COSTS FOR COPY WORK ............................................................................... 10
How much do you charge to copy documents?............................................................................ 10
Do you accept credit cards for copy work? ................................................................................. 10
Can you fax copies of briefs to me? ............................................................................................... 10
Can you copy an entire case file for me, including the briefs, etc.? ................................................. 11
How can I get a record which is at the Federal Records Center? ........................................... 11
How long does it take for you to send me copies of briefs, etc.? .................................................. 11
Can I get a copy of the court rules and internal operating procedures? ........................................... 11
Can I get a copy of a court order/opinion? .................................................................................... 11
Can I get a copy of the record on appeal (ROA)? ......................................................................... 11
ORAL ARGUMENT ........................................................................................................................ 12
I am the cross-appellant in a case, do I get time for rebuttal? ....................................................... 12
When will I be notified if my case is set for oral argument? .................................................. 12
Is my argument scheduled in New Orleans, what courtroom am I in, where is
the courtroom? ... 12
I am flying in the day before oral argument. Can I come to the courthouse and
listen to others
present oral argument? .................................................................................................................. 12
Can you tell me who is on my oral argument panel? ................................................................. 12
How can I get a copy of the transcript from an orally argued appeal? ........................... 12
OPINIONS........................................................................................................................................ 12
Does the Fifth Circuit web site contain all opinions?.................................................................... 12
How long does it take for
an opinion to appear on the web site? .................................................. 13
What is the average length of time from the filing of an appeal to the issuance
of the opinion in the
Fifth Circuit? ................................................................................................................................. 13
How long after the case is orally argued or submitted to the court do I have to
wait for a decision?
...................................................................................................................................................... 13
How do I obtain a copy of an unpublished opinion? .................................................................... 13
Is there a way I can automatically receive all new opinions? ........................................................ 13
Can you fax me a copy of an opinion or send it to me by e-mail? ............................................... 13
Can you find me the 5th Circuit opinion for a case if I give you a cite to the
Federal Reporter?
...................................................................................................................................................... 14
Can you help me find a 5th Circuit opinion about some legal topic, or can you
help me find an
opinion whose name I cannot remember which was about some topic? .......................................... 14
CRIMINAL JUSTICE ACT (CJA) VOUCHERS............................................................................ 14
How can I track the status of my CJA voucher? ........................................................................... 14
BILLS OF COSTS............................................................................................................................ 14
What is recoverable under a “bill of costs?” ................................................................................. 14
What costs are not recoverable? .................................................................................................... 15
How many copies of a bill of costs do I have to submit? ................................................................. 15
Where do I send the bill of costs? ................................................................................................ 15
I have not received payment, what should I do? ......................................................................... 15
ATTORNEY ADMISSION/DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS .............................................................. 15
How do I get a certificate of good standing? .............................................................................. 15
How do I apply for admission to the Fifth Circuit? ......................................................................... 16
How do I register for electronic case filing? .................................................................................. 16
AMICUS BRIEFS ............................................................................................................................ 16
When is my amicus brief due? ...................................................................................................... 16
If I am filing an amicus brief in support of rehearing, when must the amicus
brief and any
necessary motion be filed? ............................................................................................................ 16
Can I speak to a judge or a law clerk about my case?
No. The clerk’s office is
the point of contact between litigants, their counsel and
the court. The only exception is
in an emergency in a particular case where a judge directs
you to send a response
directly to chambers.
How long does it take from the filing of my notice of appeal until oral
As of June 30, 2023, there were 3,541 cases pending in the Fifth Circuit. Administrative Office of
the U. S. Courts statistics showed the median time from filing the notice of appeal to issuance of the court’s
opinion was 8.4 months.
How long does it take for a ruling on my petition for rehearing?
There is no set
time but generally, the court rules within 30 days.
Did you receive my brief/motion/petition for rehearing etc.?
If e-filing, we receive the document immediately and you can immediately view it
through PACER on the docket sheet. E-filed documents are processed generally within
3 days after we receive them.
Paper filed documents (sent by pro se parties or attorneys exempt from e-filing)
are generally docketed within 3 days. Once docketed you can get this
information by
accessing the docket information available through the PACER System
located on our
web site, <Case Search
What is your address and how do I get to the court?
The clerk’s office is at 600
South Maestri Place, Suite 115. The courthouse is at
600 Camp Street, New Orleans, LA 70130.
Can I get appearance forms and transcript order forms from you?
Yes. You
can get appearance forms and transcript order forms on our web site
or we can send them to you. Both are located under the "Forms" tab in the
"Attorney Forms" section. In accordance with the IOP
following 5TH CIR. R. 10.2,
you should get transcript order forms from the district court.
Can I give you my change of address over the telephone?
No. You should
update contact information through your electronic filing account
via PACER Appellate
Account Maintenance. If you are exempt from e-filing, to ensure
that we have the
information accurately, you need to send us your address change in
Where are the Fifth Circuit jury instructions located?
There is a link on the Library's Internet home page to jury instructions. There are
links to the Library's Internet page under the "About the Court" tab in the "Court Offices"
section as well as the Other Resources section at the bottom of the home page.
In the docket I am viewing, under “Group” the notation “Private Entry” is
made. What
does this entry mean?
A private entry simply signifies that the matter is
not for public record. For
example, it may refer to the name of the judge to whom a
pending motion has been
sent, or identify the writing judge of an opinion before the
opinion is released. By
court rules and policies, these matters may not be disclosed to the
public except at defined
Where do I file my notice of appeal?
You file with the district court which entered
the judgment from which you are
appealing, F
ED. R. APP. P. 3(a)(1).
What does it cost to file a notice of appeal?
There is a $5 fee imposed by 28 U.S.C. § 1917 and a $600 docketing fee imposed by the
Judicial Conference of the United States under its delegated authority in 28 U.S.C. §
1913. These fees are paid to the
district court clerk.
Is there a fee for filing a motion, or petition for rehearing?
What is the page limit” for my brief?
Under F
ED. R. APP. P. 32, principal
briefs are limited to 30 pages. Because
most briefs are prepared on computers or
typewritten, the rule allows briefs longer than
30 pages if the filer completes a “certificate
of compliance. If a brief is prepared on a
computer or word processor which has a word
count feature, the limit is 13,000 words for
a principal brief. If the brief is typewritten in
monospaced typeface, and there is no
word count feature, the limit is 1,300 text lines.
Because the word and text line counts
are mechanical in nature and set for use by word
processing software and typewriters,
they do not work for handwritten briefs. Accordingly,
handwritten briefs are limited to 30
pages. F
ED. R. APP. P. and 5TH CIR. R. 32(f) tell you
how to count the pages and note
that some pages, e.g., the table of contents, certificate
of interested persons, tables of
authorities, etc. do not count against the page word count
or text line limits.
When is my brief due/when does my briefing time begin to run?
If you are the
appellant, we send you a briefing letter telling you your brief is due
40 days from the date
of our briefing notice. This means you either need to e-file it in
our CM/ECF filing system (attorneys must e-file, unless motion granted to exempt), or if
exempt from e-filing, personally file it with the clerk’s office, or deposit your brief in the
mail or give it to a commercial delivery service, e.g., UPS or FedEx, on the 40th day after
the letter’s date (pro se filers must mail or personally file, unless motion granted to file
electronically). If you are an appellee, you have 30 days from the appellant’s date on the
certificate of service to e-file or put the brief in the mail. Reply briefs are due within 21
of the date on the appellee’s brief’s certificate of service, 5
TH CIR. R. 31. You can
check the due dates by accessing our web site and checking the case information or
accessing PACER.
How can I get an extension of time to file my brief?
The court looks “with disfavor” on extension requests. However, where “good
cause” exists attorneys can request unopposed extensions of time preferably by filing
"ECF Attorney Extension Request" through the Electronic Case Filing (ECF) system. All
pro se filers can call the case management team responsible for the case and request an
extension if the request is not opposed by other parties. If the request is granted, the
Clerk's Office will note the docket sheet confirming the extension. All requests for
extensions in excess of 30 days must be filed as a written motion, 5th CIR. R. 31.
Criminal appeals where the defendant is sentenced to 24 months or less are
deemed “Short Release” cases. The court looks “with disfavor” on extension requests in
these cases. However, where “good cause” exists, attorneys must file a formal motion
for an extension of time if requesting any form of extension.
What is the page limit for a mandamus petition?
The page limits are 30 pages
for the petition and any response. If typed on a
computer, the word count must not exceed 7,800 words.
If I need to make corrections to my brief or record excerpts, how much postage
do I need to
send to you?
If you elect to have us return your briefs or record excerpts for
compliance with the
rules, you may call us and we will tell you how much the package
weighs. You can
then calculate the return postage costs.
To whom can I talk about corrections to my brief or my record excerpts?
appropriate Case Management Team should be able to answer your questions.
Louisiana, Mississippi, and Agency Team: 504-310-7808
Southern and Eastern Texas Team: 504-310-7807
Northern and Western Texas Team: 504-310-7806
Or you may call the clerk that processed your filing, see the signature line of the
deficiency letter.
What title (case caption) should I have on my brief?
When we send you the
briefing notice, we enclose a copy of the case title you
should use on your brief.
Can you explain the size of fonts, what sans-serif typeface is and the difference
monospaced and proportional typeface?
See our "Checklist for Filing of Briefs and Record Excerpts" under the "Forms
Fees and Guides" tab on the website, in the "Guides" section, and found under "Brief
What color should my brief cover be and how many copies do I need to file?
See F
ED. R. APP. P. 32(a)(2) and See our "Checklist for Filing of Briefs and Record
Excerpts" under the "Forms Fees and Guides" tab on the website, in the "Guides" section,
and found under "Brief Guidance." For cross-appeals, see F
ED. R. APP. P. 28.1, effective
December 1, 2005.
We need 7 copies of briefs and 4 copies of record excerpts (only required for
appellant). Attorneys must electronically file their briefs and record excerpts first, do not
send paper copies until the Clerk’s Office has reviewed your documents and emailed
you with instructions to forward paper copies. Pro se parties must mail (or hand deliver)
paper copies of all pleadings unless granted leave of court to e-file. Pro se parties may
also e-mail pleadings if all e-mail instructions are followed, please see the
Pro Se Filing
Guide for details.
Appellant Brief: Blue
Appellee Brief: Red
Reply Brief (Appellant): Gray
Intervenor or Amicus Brief: Green
Sur Reply: Gray
Supplemental Brief: Tan
Cross- Appeals:
Appellant-Cross Appellee Brief: Blue
AppelleeCross Appellant Brief: Red
Reply Brief of Appellant-Cross Appellee: Yellow
Reply Brief of Appellee-Cross Appellant: Gray
Which software should the brief be typed in?
Counsel who prepare briefs on a
computer must file an electronic copy with the
court and serve an electronic copy on the
other parties using Adobe Acrobat PDF
software, see 5
TH CIR. R. 31.1, on our web site
under the Rules section on the clerk’s
office page. The brief must be in a single PDF file
and cannot be scanned into PDF.
Since the other party has to make corrections in his or her brief, when does my
briefing time
Your briefing time runs as originally scheduled unless the deficient
brief exceeds
the type-volume limits, or is so incomplete that there is nothing for you to
respond to.
If there are major corrections needed, we will notify you when your brief is
What is wrong with my certificate of compliance?
Please see Form 6 to the Fed. R. App. P. under Rulessection of our web site. Look
at the first paragraph of section 1 of the certificate of compliance sample. You must
complete the form with the number of words in your brief. Merely saying your brief
“complies with the word count limits of Fed. R. App. P. 32” or “has fewer than 13,000
words,” is not sufficient. Use the word count feature of your computer or word processor,
e.g., “12,452 words. Do not try to manually count the number of words. If you have
prepared a brief in monospaced typeface and on a system that does not have a word count
feature - for example an electric typewriter - you do not use the “word count” portion of
certificate. Instead, you use the text line section shown in the second subparagraph of
section 1 of the form. In section 2 of the form, you must tell us that you used, for example,
“Word, Microsoft Office version 2013” using “Century Schoolbook typeface in 14 points,”
or for monospaced
briefs prepared without a word count feature, use the second part of
section 2 and state
that the brief was prepared using, for example, “Courier typeface with
10.5 characters per
Why is the 5th Circuit so strict on its rules concerning briefs?
The court charges
us with enforcing the rules fairly and uniformly to all parties. We
enforce the rules so that
each litigant is ensured that the “playing field will be level” and
that no party can obtain
an advantage over another by failing to comply with the rules.
Equally important, the
court wants the form of briefs and other pleadings to be consistent
and easily readable by
the judges. Remember fewer than 30% of the fully briefed cases
receive oral argument and
our judges must read a tremendous volume of written
materials. They want them to be
easy to read and to understand. When you comply
with the rules, the court receives a
better product that aids in their decision.
What do I need to put in my record excerpts?
See 5
TH CIR. R. 30.1.4 and 30.1.5.
Mandatory Contents. The record excerpts must contain copies of the following
portions of the district court record and MUST include reference to the EROA site for
each document.
The docket sheet;
The notice of appeal;
The indictment in criminal cases;
The jury’s verdict in all cases;
The judgment or interlocutory order appealed;
Any other orders or rulings sought to be reviewed;
Any relevant magistrate judge’s report and recommendation;
Any supporting opinion or findings of fact and conclusions of law filed, or
pages of any such delivered orally; and
A certificate of service complying with FED. R. APP. P. 25.
Note: record excerpts are e-filed, unless filer is exempt from e-filing. If exempt from
e-filing, Effective December 1, 2007, counsel must submit an electronic version of the
record excerpts in PDF format on a CD or diskette. This is in addition to the paper
How many copies of my:
record excerpts;
petitions for rehearing;
do I need to file?
After e-filing your document, we will process and review it, if approved,
we will
request paper copies (7 for briefs, 4 for record excerpts, 4 for panel rehearing and up to
25 copies for rehearing en banc; you will be advised of how many copies are needed in
the letter attached to the Notice of Docket Activity issued when we process your filing).
Those exempt from e-filing must file 7 paper copies of your
brief with the court. In
addition, if the brief was prepared on a computer, you must also file an electronic copy
with the court, 5
TH CIR. R. 31.1. You must file 4 paper copies and
also an electronic
copy of your record excerpts with the court, 5
TH CIR. R. 30.1.2. You
must file 4 copies
of a petition for panel rehearing, 5
TH CIR. R. 40.1. You must file 20
copies of a petition
for rehearing en banc, 5
TH CIR. R. 35.2.
Do I need to provide the court with a proposed order when I file a motion?
How much time does the clerk or the court have to rule on my motion?
is no set time limit. Also, many motions are held and submitted to the court
at the same
time the case is submitted to the judges for decision. This procedure is
designed to
economize the number of times motions in a case have to be sent to the court
and to insure
that one judge or panel sees the motions in the context of the whole case
and not as
isolated matters.
Does my petition for rehearing have to have a cover?
No, but if you choose to
put a cover on it, the color is white.
Does my petition for rehearing/rehearing en banc have to be bound?
However, if you choose to do so, we prefer that rehearing petitions, like briefs,
be spirally
bound but this is not a requirement.
If I am submitting both a petition for panel and en banc rehearing, how many
pages can
the petitions have?
Rehearing petitions and en banc petitions - 2 separate
documents - Each must
not exceed 15 pages or 3,900 words exclusive of table of contents, table of
authorities and certificate of interested parties. (See FRAP 35(b)(2) and FRAP 40(b)).
How much do you charge to copy documents?
The Judicial Conference of the
United States has set a fee of $.50 per page for
copies of documents. PLEASE CALL
SENDING PAYMENT FOR COPIES. The fees must be paid in advance. You may also
pay for and request copies on-line through CM/ECF under Utilities, payments for these
requests are submitted electronically with the request. The copies requested via CM/ECF
are provided electronically, unless directed otherwise.
Do you accept credit cards for copy work?
Yes. Copy Requests may be made through CM/ECF under Utilities, payments
for these requests are submitted electronically with the request. Payment can also be
made over the phone.
Can you fax copies of briefs to me?
No. We do not have the personnel or dollar
resources to fax briefs.
Can you copy an entire case file for me, including the briefs, etc.?
No, we have
neither the staff nor copying equipment to do large volume copying.
Further, you can
likely get a better price per page if you contact a reputable copying service
in New Orleans
to check out the case file and to prepare the copies for you.
How can I get a record which is at the Federal Records Center?
You can
contact us, pay a retrieval fee and we will order it for you. For retrieval
of one box of records the fee is $64 and each additional box is $39. If you want copies
all or part of the record, there is an additional $.50 per page copying cost.
For electronic retrievals by the Federal Records Center, $19.90 plus $0.65 per
page fee. If you want copies of all or part of the record, there is an additional $.50 per
page copying cost.
How long does it take for you to send me copies of briefs, etc.?
If we have the
documents in our office, we should be able to send them within 3
working days after we
receive your payment.
Can I get a copy of the court rules and internal operating procedures?
Pro se litigants and Counsel can
download them from the clerk’s office section
of our web site. If a pro se litigant does not have access to obtain the rules from our web
site, we will send a copy at no cost.
Can I get a copy of a court order/opinion?
Yes, court orders and opinions cost $.50 per page. Fees must be paid in advance.
You can also access opinions on our web site for free.
Can I get a copy of the record on appeal (ROA)?
Attorneys of record must access the record through CM/ECF, in the Utilities tab. In
order to have access to the record, attorneys must file their Form for Appearance of Counsel
timely and must also have “Case Search Status” set to “Active” on their CM/ECF filing
account with the 5
Circuit. A “How to Guide” on accessing the record is available on the
ECF Information page as well as the Forms, Fees, and Guides section of the website.
Pro se parties must contact the district court for a copy of the record in their pending
I am the cross-appellant in a case, do I get time for rebuttal?
When will I be notified if my case is set for oral argument?
We generally
provide you with 60 days notice that your case will be argued during
a particular week.
You normally receive 30 days notice of the specific day and location
of the argument.
Is my argument scheduled in New Orleans, what courtroom am I in, where is
You can check our calendaring information on our Internet web site
which will
tell in which city argument will be held. Arguments in New Orleans are on the
floor. The en banc courtroom is room 209, the east courtroom is room 223 and the west
courtroom is room number 265. The room numbers for the courtrooms are on the
left inside
columns to the entrance hallways.
I am flying in the day before oral argument. Can I come to the courthouse and
listen to others
present oral argument?
Can you tell me who is on my oral argument panel?
The Internal Operating
Procedure following 5TH CIR. R. 34 states that the court
does not release the names of the
panel members until one week before the start of the
oral argument session. When the
information is released, it is posted on our web site one
week before oral argument begins.
To view this section click on the “Court Calendars” in
the "Quick Links" section near the bottom of our home page.
How can I get a copy of the transcript from an orally argued appeal?
Transcripts are not available from the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, see 5TH CIR. R.
34.7. The audio recording of the oral argument is available on the court’s website within
24 hours after the hearing.
Does the Fifth Circuit web site contain all opinions?
Published and unpublished opinions are available
on our web site, back to about
the early 1990's. Some opinions may be missing because
of software conversion
How long does it take for
an opinion to appear on the web site?
Absent a computer problem, when an opinion “issues,” the opinion is uploaded onto
site within 24 hours of receipt in the clerk’s office. Delays can occur if the file is
during the uploading process.
What is the average length of time from the filing of an appeal to the issuance
of the opinion
in the Fifth Circuit?
There is no standard time because criminal cases are
handled differently than civil
cases. However, the court attempts to reach a decision
within 60 days after the case
has been fully briefed and submitted to the court. Overall the
average is about 9 months
from the time the notice of appeal is filed until decision.
How long after the case is orally argued or submitted to the court do I have to
wait for a
We cannot speculate when an opinion will be issued. The court’s
goal is to
issue an opinion generally within 60 days after argument or submission.
How do I obtain a copy of an unpublished opinion?
If you do not have access
to the Internet and are interested in a particular case, you
can request a copy. The clerk's
office needs the case name and number, and if available,
the date of decision. If the case
has not been retired to the records center, there is a
fee, of $0.50 per page, payable in
advance. If the case file has
been retired, there is an
additional $64 retrieval fee, payable in advance.
The 5th Circuit Library also has copies of unpublished opinions since 1974. They
generally mail or fax you a copy of the unpublished opinion upon request for a
Is there a way I can automatically receive all new opinions?
Registering in the
opinions subscription area of our home page enables you to
receive opinions via e-mail as
soon as they are released to the Internet. Simply click on
click on
“Opinions subscriptionunder the Quick Links on the home page. You will be
prompted to provide an e-mail address. After entering your email address, you will be
prompted for your name, company affiliation. Shortly after registering, opinions
start appearing in your mailbox each day. Also our Internet home page lists any
opinions issued and you can view them daily. This service is free.
Can you fax me a copy of an opinion or send it to me by e-mail?
No. We do
not offer this service at the present time.
You can view and print opinions free from our Opinions page on our web site.
Additionally, you can sign up as a "Person of Interest" in a particular case and receive
notice of any document (except sealed items) filed in the case, including the opinion.
Notice for Cases of Interest for Non Attorneys
Notice for Cases of Interest for Attorneys with No Bar Admission
Can you find me the 5th Circuit opinion for a case if I give you a cite to the
No. Citations to the Federal Reporter series are proprietary and
belong to West
Publishing. The opinions on our database cannot be linked to the West
Can you help me find a 5th Circuit opinion about some legal topic, or can you
help me find an
opinion whose name I cannot remember which was about some topic?
No. The clerk’s office is not staffed or equipped to perform legal research for you.
can search our database of published opinions using the ISYS search engine offered at
web site in the "Quick Links" section near the bottom of our home page, "Opinions
Key Word Search."
How can I track the status of my CJA voucher?
See the court’s Internet home
page and click on “CJA link in the Attorney
Information Section.
What is recoverable under a bill of costs?”
In general, see 5
TH CIR. R. 39. If
the court awards you costs, you may submit a
bill of costs and recover:
The $600 docketing fee (if you are the appellant);
Your costs for preparing up to 10 copies of the record excerpts at the lesser
of actual cost or $0.15 per page; the cost of covers at up to $.15 per page,
the cost of spiral binding up to $1.50 per binding; sales tax if the record
excerpts are commercially printed and you attach a copy of the invoice;
The actual costs of tabs used to separate portions of the record excerpts as
required by 5TH CIR. R. 30.1.7(c);
Your costs in preparing up to 15 copies of your brief at the lesser of actual
cost or $0.15 per page and for covers, binding and sales tax as shown in b
What costs are not recoverable?
You may not be reimbursed, inter alia, for:
The costs of trial transcripts;
UPS or FedEx, etc., costs;
Costs for petitions for panel or en banc rehearings, or for initial en banc
Costs for a “Rule 28 (j) letter”;
The costs of typing fees or general office overhead;
Attorney’s fees.
How many copies of a bill of costs do I have to submit?
You must submit one bill
of costs with an original signature.
Where do I send the bill of costs?
Bill of Costs should be e-filed unless exempt
from e-filing, if so send to the U.S.
Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit, Clerk’s Office, 600 S.
Maestri Place, Suite 115, New
Orleans, LA 70130-3408. You must use the fillable PDF form provided to you and/or
available on our web site under the Forms Fees and Guides tab, in the Attorney Forms
Section. For any items that allow actual cost, you must attach the corresponding invoice.
I have not received payment, what should I do?
Contact the district court in
which the action was filed.
How do I get a certificate of good standing?
Requests are made on line in the CM/ECF Document Filing system. Instructions
are available under the Attorney Information Tab, under Membership.
How do I apply for admission to the Fifth Circuit?
Applications are submitted on line through PACER.gov. Applicants must prepare
their application and obtain a certificate of good standing, then visit PACER.gov to
request Admission and E-filing Registration with the Fifth Circuit.
Instructions are
available under the Attorney Information Tab, under Membership.
How do I register for electronic case filing?
Registration is through the PACER
Service Center. A link is available on our
Electronic Case Filing Home Page or you may simply visit the PACER site and click the
Register tab and then follow the prompts for attorney e-file registration.
Pro se parties can register for electronic case filing as well, but will not have filing
privileges unless they have been granted leave of court in their pending case. Pro se
parties wishing to e-file must file a Motion in paper form in each case in which they wish
to e-file. If that motion is granted, e- filing will be allowed in that case.
When is my amicus brief due?
ED. R. APP. P. 29 specifies that an amicus brief
and any needed motion must be
filed (personally served or placed in the mail) within 7
days of the filing of the brief being
If I am filing an amicus brief in support of rehearing, when must the amicus
brief and any
necessary motion be filed?
The amicus brief and any motion must be filed
within 7 days of a petition for
rehearing filed by a party in the case.
Rev. 12/2024