© 2023 Burr & Forman LLP
Ethics Commission and the Ethics Act:
Law, Procedure, and Enforcement
T: 803.753.3261
© 2023 Burr & Forman LLP
Ethics Act of 1991
© 2023 Burr & Forman LLP
Ethics Act of 1991
Subject Matter
Rules of Conduct, S.C. Code Ann. § 8 - 13 - 70 0 , e t . s e q.
Cam paign Pract ice s , S.C. Cod e Ann . § 8 - 13 - 130 0, e t . s e q.
Financial Disclosure, S.C. Code Ann. 8- 13 - 110 0 , e t . s e q.
Lobbyists and Lobbying, S.C. Code Ann. § 2- 17 - 10, e t . s e q .
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Ethics Act of 1991
Enforcement Entities
House Ethics Committee
House members, candidates, staff.
Senate Ethics Committee
Senate members, candidates, staff.
S.C. St a t e Et h ic s Com m is s ion
Basically everyone else.
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What does the S.C. State Ethics Commission do?
Investigate andprosecute” allegations of Ethics Act violations.
Work with the Attorney General, SLED, or other local prosecutors or law
enforcement on criminal Ethics Act matters.
Provide advisory opinions to affected people on compliance with the Ethics Act.
Education on Ethics Act compliance.
Help people file reports and the like.
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Act 282 of 2016
Th e Et h ic s Com m is s io n is re c o n s it u t e d
9 members to 8
No holding over in office
General Assembly appointment power for the first time
New enforcement process for Members of the General Assembly
Le gis la t ive Et h ic s Co m m it t e e s re t a in s ole a u t h o rit y t o d is c ip lin e Me m b e rs of
the General Assembly.
Ethics Commission can only recommend probable cause.
Et h ic s Co m m is s io n m u s t a p p ly Le gis la t ive Et h ic s Co m m it t e e a d vis ory
op in io n s .
Supermajority of 6 required for probable cause (applies to everyone).
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Et h ic s Co m m is s io n Re gu la t io n s
Regulations last promulgated June 27, 1997.
Act 282 of 2016 reconstituting the Ethics Commission and provided for no
holdover appointments at least arguably rendered all Ethics Commission
regulations null and void.
1980 S.C. Op. Attorney Gen. 105 (1980)
“Th e enactment of Bill No. H. 3529 would bring about the repeal of the statutory
authorityfor the Da iry Commission's e xis t in g regulations and t h e ir enforcement,
the enactment in t o law of t h is b ill would effectively repeal t his body of
re gulations .
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J u ris d ic t io n o f Circ u it Co u rt s in Civil Ma t t e rs
Raine y v. Haley, 404 S.C. 320, 325, 745 S.E.2d 81, 84 (20 13)
Citizen cannot allege Ethics Act violations against the Governor in circuit court because, with limited
exceptions, exclusive authority over Ethics Act complaints lies with the relevant enforcement agency.
Exc e p t ion: a c t io n fo r in ju n c t ive re lie f t o e n join c a m p a ign fin a n c e vio la t io n s c ou ld b e file d in t h e c irc u it
court within the 50- day window before the election.
Harpootlian v. SC Senate Republican Caucus, C/A, 2018CP4005370.
During the 50- day window, Senate candidate filed action against the Senate Republican Caucus to
enjoin alleged violations of the Ethics Act.
Candidate tried to further pursue action after the election and circuit court judge ordered the caucus
t o p rovide cert ain dis cove ry.
The Supreme Court eventually granted a Writ of Prohibition, prohibiting the circuit court from
exercising further jurisdiction because the 50- day window was no longer applicable and candidate
had to go through the usual Ethics Commission complaint process.
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Due Process Issues
In d ivid u a l Co m p la in t s
S.C. Code Ann. § 8 - 13 - 320 provides that the State Ethics Commission has
these duties and powers: (10) to conduct its investigations, inquiries, and
hearings in this manner:
The commission shall accept from an individual, whether personally or on behalf
of an organization or governmental body, a verified complaint, in writing, that
states the name of a person alleged to have committed a violation of this chapter
and the particulars of the violation. The commission shall forward a copy of the
complaint, a general statement of the applicable law with respect to the
complaint, and a statement explaining the due process rights of the respondent
including, but not limited to, the right to counsel to the respondent within ten
days of the filing of the complaint.
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Co n fid e n t ia lit y o f c o m p la in t s
S.C. Code Ann. § 8 - 13 - 320 provides that the State Ethics Commission has
these duties and powers:
(10) to conduct its investigations, inquiries, and hearings in this manner:
(g) All investigations, inquiries, hearings, and accompanying documents are
confidential and only may be released pursuant to this section.
SEC Ad vis ory Op in io n AO20 22- 001 (March 21, 2022)
Se c t io n 8 - 13 - 3 20 (10 )(g)lim it s on ly w h a t in fo rm a t ion t h e Co m m is s ion it s e lf
may disclose and at what stage in the complaint process such disclosure
may occur. The plan language of the statute does not implicate a private
citizen’s speech, but rather applies only to the Commission.
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Rules of Conduct
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Use of Position to Affect Economic Interest
Se c t io n 8 - 13 - 700(A)
No public official, public member, or public employee may knowingly use
his official office, membership, or employment to obtain an economic
in t e re s t fo r h im s e lf, a fa m ily m e m b e r, a n in d ivid u a l w it h w h o m h e is
associated, or a business with which he is associated.
Exception for incidental use not resulting in additional public expense.
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Use of Position to Affect Economic Interest
Se c t io n 8 - 13 - 700(B)
No public official, public member, or public employee may make,
p a rt ic ip a t e in m a kin g, o r in a n y w a y a t t e m p t t o u s e h is o ffic e , m e m b e rs h ip ,
or employment to influence a governmental decision in which he, a family
member, an individual with whom he is associated, or a business with which
he is associated has an economic interest.
8 - 13 - 700(B) recognizes that conflicts happen from time to time, but
requires recusal.
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Rules of Conduct - De fin it io n s
“Ec o n o m ic in t e re s t ” (Se c t io n 8 - 13 - 10 0 ( 11) )
Interest distinct from that of the general public.
Large class exception. If the only economic interest realized is that which
would be realized as a member of aprofession, occupation, or large class,
then the public official, public member, or public employee may participate in
t h e d e c is io n .
Family member (Section 8- 13 - 10 0 ( 15 ) )
Includes a member of the person’s immediate family, also: spouse, parent,
brot he r, s is t e r, child, m ot he r- in - law, father- in - la w, s on- in - law, daughter- in - law,
brother- in - law, sister- in - law, grandparent, or grandchild.
Amended in 2011 to include in- laws .
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Rules of Conduct - De fin it io n s (c o n t in u e d )
“In d ivid u a l w it h w h o m h e is a s s oc ia t e d . (Se c t io n 8 - 13 - 10 0 ( 2 1) )
Individual with whom the person or a member of his immediate family mutually
has an interest in any business of which the person or a member of his
immediate family is a director, officer, owner, employee, compensated agent, or
holder of stock worth one hundred thousand dollars or more at fair market value
and which constitutes five percent or more of the total outstanding stock of any
Business with which he is associated. Section 8- 13 - 100(4)
“Bu s in e s s of w h ic h t h e p e rs o n or a m e m b e r of h is im m e d ia t e fa m ily is a d ire c t o r,
an officer, owner, employee, a compensated agent, or holder of stock worth one
hundred thousand dollars or more at fair market value and which constitutes five
percent or more of the total outstanding stock of any class.
If you or your spouse is employed by a company, that is a business with which
you are associated.
Governmental entity not a business.
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Recusal provision of 700(B)
Se c t io n 8 - 13 - 700(B)(cont inue d )
A public official, public member, or public employee who, in the discharge of his
offic ia l re s p o n s ib ilit ie s , is re q u ire d t o t a ke a n a c t io n o r m a ke a d e c is ion w h ic h
affects an economic interest of himself, a family member, an individual with
whom he is associated, or a business with which he is associated shall:
prepare a written statement describing the matter requiring action or decisions and the nature
of his potential conflict of interest with respect to the action or decision;
if he is a public employee, he shall furnish a copy of the statement to his superior, if any, who
shall assign the matter to another employee who does not have a potential conflict of interest.
If he has no immediate superior, he shall take the action prescribed by the State Ethics
Com m is s ion;
if he is a public official, other than a member of the General Assembly, he shall furnish a copy
of the statement to the presiding officer of the governing body of an agency, commission,
board, or of a county, municipality, or a political subdivision thereof, on which he serves, who
shall cause the statement to be printed in the minutes and require that the member be excused
from any votes, deliberations, and other actions on the matter on which the potential conflict
of interest exists and shall cause the disqualification and the reasons for it to be noted in the
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Prohibition on representation
“Se ct ion 8 - 13 - 700(B)(cont inued)
"A public official, public member, or public employee who, in the discharge of his
offic ia l re s p o n s ib ilit ie s , is re q u ire d t o t a ke a n a c t io n o r m a ke a d e c is ion w h ic h
affects an economic interest of himself, a family member, an individual with
whom he is associated, or a business with which he is associated shall:
prepare a written statement describing the matter requiring action or decisions and the nature
of his potential conflict of interest with respect to the action or decision;
if he is a public employee, he shall furnish a copy of the statement to his superior, if any, who
shall assign the matter to another employee who does not have a potential conflict of interest.
If he has no immediate superior, he shall take the action prescribed by the State Ethics
Com m is s ion;
if he is a public official, other than a member of the General Assembly, he shall furnish a copy
of the statement to the presiding officer of the governing body of an agency, commission,
board, or of a county, municipality, or a political subdivision thereof, on which he serves, who
shall cause the statement to be printed in the minutes and require that the member be excused
from any votes, deliberations, and other actions on the matter on which the potential conflict
of interest exists and shall cause the disqualification and the reasons for it to be noted in the
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An t i- bribery statute
Se c t io n 8 - 13 - 705
Basically an anti- b rib e ry p ro vis ion . Th is is a fe lo n y.
May not receive or give anything of value with intent to influence.
Anything of value is defined in Section 8- 13 - 100(1) (laundry lis t )
"Anything of value" or "thing of value" does not mean certain things
e.g., printed informational or promotional material, not to exceed ten
dollars in m onet ary value
educational material of a nominal value directly related to the public
offic ia l's , p u b lic m e m b e r's , or p u b lic e m p lo ye e 's offic ia l re s p on s ib ilit ie s
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8- 13 - 710 Re p o rt in g o f c e rt a in gift s
Se c t io n 8 - 13 - 705 can be difficult to square with the fact that the Ethics Act
d o e s no t e xp lic it ly p ro h ib it gift s .
Se c t io n 8 - 13 - 710(A) states that a person required to file an SEI who accepts
anything of value from a lobbyist's principal must report the value of anything
received on his SEI.
Se c t io n 8 - 13 - 710(B) states that a required filer must report c e rt a in gift s o ve r
$25 even if they are explicitly provided because of the person’s position, e.g, if
t h e gift - giver has or is seeking to obtain contractual or other business or
fin a n c ia l re la t io n s h ip s w it h t h e p u b lic o ffic ia l's , p u b lic m e m b e r's , o r p u b lic
employee's governmental entity.
You can ignore the $25 because Section 8- 13 - 1120(A)(9) s t at e s t hat a
required filer must report on SEIthe source and a brief description of
a n y g if t s ….
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Use of government resources for political purposes
Se c t io n 8 - 13 - 765
(A) No person may use government personnel, equipment, materials, or
an office building in an election campaign.
(C) This section does not prohibit government personnel, where not
ot h e rw is e p ro h ib it e d , fro m p a rt ic ip a t in g in e le c t io n c a m p a ign s o n t h e ir
own time and on nongovernment premises.
Se c t io n 8 - 13 - 13 4 6
(A) A person may not use or authorize the use of public funds, property,
or time to influence the outcome of an election.
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Other miscellaneous Rules of Conduct provisions
Se c t io n 8 - 13 - 7 15
May not accept an honorarium for speaking engagements in ones official
capacity. May accept payment for actual expenses.
Se c t io n 8 - 13 - 720
May not accept additional money for assistance given while performing
ones duty.
Se c t io n 8 - 13 - 725
May not use confidential information gained through employment for
personal gain.
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Other Rules of Conduct provisions
Se c t io n 8 - 13 - 740
Representation by another person before one’s governmental body
Se c t io n 8 - 13 - 750
May not cause the employment, promotion, or transfer of a family member
t o a p o s it io n in w h ic h o n e s u p e rvis e s . Proh ib it s d is c ip lin e of o n e s fa m ily
Se c t io n 8 - 13 - 755 and 760
Post employment restrictions
Se c t io n 8 - 13 - 775
If you have official function related to contracts, not permitted to have
economic interest in contracts.
Counsel, Columbia, SC
Michael R. Burchstead
Speaker Bio
Michael is an experienced litigator who has represented individuals and
businesses before the state and federal courts of South Carolina and
administrative tribunals. He also has a diverse background, which includes
experience in the areas of government ethics, political campaign finance
law, lob b ying com pliance, e le ct ion law, and healt h care .
As former General Counsel for the South Carolina State Ethics
Commission, Michael prosecuted enforcement matters alleging violations
of t h e So u t h Ca ro lin a Et h ic s Ac t , p ro vid e d a d vis o ry o p in ion s t o in d ivid u a ls
and entities subject to the Ethics Act, and served as legal counsel to the
Co m m is s io n it s e lf. Pre viou s t o t h at p os it ion , Mich a e l s e rve d a s a n
Assistant Attorney General for the South Carolina Attorney Generals
Office, prosecuting health care fraud. Since leaving government service for
the private sector, Michael has focused much of his practice on
representation of governmental entities, candidates for elective office,
p olit ic a l c om m it t e e s , a n d o t he r in d ivid u a ls o r e n t it ie s in e n fo rc e m e n t
actions under the Ethics Act and providing compliance advice to those
seeking to avoid an enforcement action. Michaels experience also includes
advising governmental entities on investigations and audits and
re p re s e n t in g c a n d id a t e s fo r offic e in b o t h e le c t ion p ro t e s t s a n d lit iga t io n .
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Qu e s t io n s