© 2019. Burr & Forman LLP
Hunter Freeman
Beyond Patent Issuance:
Patent Enforcement & Design Around
© 2019. Burr & Forman LLP
How Can I Tell When My Patent Has Been Infringed?
Infringement Generally
Direct Infringement
Indirect Infringement
What Do I Do When I Think My Patent Has Been Infringed?
Infringement Analysis
Demand Letters
What Is My Recourse For The Infringement?
Monetary Recovery
Non-Monetary Recovery
What Does It Mean To “Design Around” A Patent?
What Are the Best Practices For Design Arounds?
Identification of Relevant Patents (Freedom to Operate)
Identification of Changes (Doctrine of Equivalents)
What Are My Options If I Can’t Design Around?
Validity Challenge
License / Acquisition
Topics Covered
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360 Attorneys. 19 Offices. 1 Firm. Southeastern Strong.
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What Are My Rights?
Patent Owners Can Prevent Third Parties From Doing Any Of
The Following With Respect To An “Infringing” Product /
Selling / Offering for sale
Importing into the U.S.
Patent Owners Can Sue Third Parties That Are Infringing The
Above Patent Rights
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What Are My First Steps After Obtaining A Patent?
Mark Your Products As Being Patented (Pat. No. x,xxx,xxx)
Patents serve as great advertisements and positively affect public
perception of products which are patented.
Patent marking puts competitors on notice and keeps the honest ones
Patent marking preserves your rights to recover damages for infringement.
Failure to mark prevents recovery for damages from infringements occurring before
infringer was notified of the infringement. 35 USC §287(a).
Register Your Patent With Amazon And Other e-Commerce
Register Your Patent With Customs And Border Patrol.
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What Is Infringement And How Does It Relate To Patentability?
An Infringing Product/Process Contains Each And Every
Element (Or Its Equivalent) Recited In Any One Patent Claim.
There is somewhat of an Inverse Relationship Between
Obtaining A Patent & Infringing One.
Patentability Requirements Novelty & Non-Obviousness
To obtain a patent, you must claim an element that is not disclosed by prior art
(whether individually or in combination)
Infringement Requirements All Elements / Doctrine of Equivalents
Materials Reviewed Are Different
Patentability Written Specification
Infringement - Claims
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Types Of Infringement
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Types Of Infringement
A Single Party Makes, Uses, or Sells A Product / Process Containing All
Patented Limitations
Types of Direct Infringement
Two Parties Involved
One who “directly” infringes
One who “indirectly” infringes
Types of Indirect Infringement
Inducement - A first party induces a second party to infringe the patent
Contributory – A first party materially contributes to the second party’s
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Direct Infringement Literal Infringement
All Claimed Elements Are Literally Present In The Accused Device.
Patented Product
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Direct Infringement Literal Infringement
2 Slices of Bread
Edible Salad
Meat Product
Literal Infringement?
Accused No. 1
Accused No. 2
Accused No. 3
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Direct Infringement Doctrine Of Equivalents
Even If Not All Elements Are Literally Present, An Equivalent May
Be Enough To Prove Infringement.
The Equivalency analysis is conducted on an element by element
basis at the time of infringement.
A Substitute Element Is An “Equivalent” If It Performs:
Substantially the same function;
In substantially the same way;
To obtain the same result.
Equivalents Cannot Include The Prior Art.
Prosecution Estoppel.
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Direct Infringement Equivalence Infringement
Edible Salad
Meat Product
Literal Infringement?
Flavored Sauce
If the “cheese”
sauce is a legal
equivalent to cheese
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Indirect Infringement Induced Infringement
“[w]hoever actively induces infringement of a patent shall be
liable as an infringer.35 USC 271(b).
Inducement occurs when a party “actively and knowingly . . .
aid[s] and abet[s] another’s direct infringement of the patent”.
There must be a direct infringement by at least one party.
Inducement occurs where Inducer knew or should have
Of the patent; and
That its inducement would result in the direct infringement of the
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Indirect Infringement Contributory Infringement
Involves Sale Of A Component/Part That Is Used To Infringe If
Is a material part of the invention;
Was especially made or adapted for use in an infringement;
Is not a staple article that is suitable for a substantial non-infringing use;
Was used to commit a direct infringement.
A Single Substantial Non-infringing Use Prevents Liability
Use must not be unusual, far-fetched, illusory, aberrant experimental.
Focus is on frequency and practicality.
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360 Attorneys. 19 Offices. 1 Firm. Southeastern Strong.
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What To Do When I Think My Patent Has Been Infringed?
Get Proof Of The Infringement
Buy or photograph the accused device.
Compare The Accused Device To The Patent Claims (Hire An Attorney?)
Prepare a claim chart.
Does the accused device include all the elements of any one patent claim?
If an element is not literally present, is there an equivalent component?
Send A Demand Letter To The Infringer (Hire An Attorney?)
File A Lawsuit (Hire An Attorney!)
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360 Attorneys. 19 Offices. 1 Firm. Southeastern Strong.
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What Are My Monetary Remedies For Patent Infringement?
Reasonable Royalty
Georgia Pacific factors (15 of them!)
Lost Profits
Absence of non-infringing substitute (or Patentee’s market share)
Patentee’s capacity
Amount of profit
Enhanced Damages
Treble Damages
Attorneys Fees
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360 Attorneys. 19 Offices. 1 Firm. Southeastern Strong.
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What Are My Non-Monetary Remedies For Patent Infringement?
Preliminary Injunction Prevents Further Infringement While Case Is
Pending. Must prove:
Likelihood of success on the merits;
Likelihood that patentee will suffer irreparable harm in the absence of
preliminary relief;
That patentee’s need for injunction outweighs potential harm to infringer;
That an injunction is in the public interest.
Permanent Injunction Prevents Further Infringement Once Case Is
Resolved In Favor of Patentee.
Elements to be established similar to those for a temporary injunction.
Often times, reserved solely for cases where infringer is Patentee’s direct
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360 Attorneys. 19 Offices. 1 Firm. Southeastern Strong.
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My Competitor Has A Patent. What Are My Options?
Not A great option!
Is the patent owner willing to license the technology?
Can you afford the Royalty?
Are you simply drawing unwanted attention to yourself?
See above.
Design Around
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360 Attorneys. 19 Offices. 1 Firm. Southeastern Strong.
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What Does It Mean To Design Around A Patent?
Design Arounds Are Products Or Processes That:
Are developed in light of the patent; and
Work in the same way or achieve the same goal.
Design Arounds Always Try To Avoid Infringement.
Successful Design Arounds Are Often At the Junction Of:
Prosecution History Estoppel.
Doctrine of Equivalents.
Design Arounds Often Sell For Cheaper Due To The Cost
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360 Attorneys. 19 Offices. 1 Firm. Southeastern Strong.
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Is Designing Around A Patent Wrong?
Intentionally Designing Around A Patent Is Not By Itself A Moral Or
Legal Wrong.
Patents Provide A Limited Monopoly.
Monopolies Are Disfavored Sherman Anti-Trust Act.
Governmental / Societal Quid Pro Quo.
Applicant must describe the invention so that a PHOSITA would be “enabled”
such that she/he could make and use the invention without undue
experimentation - 35 U.S.C. §112.
Two Fold Purpose
Ensures inventor only protects materials in the inventor’s possession.
Teaches other inventors so that improvements and competitive products can be
But If You Get It Wrong….
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360 Attorneys. 19 Offices. 1 Firm. Southeastern Strong.
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How Do I Design Around A Patent?
Identify The Patent(s) At Issue.
Competitor’s patent
Freedom to operate search
Identify Limitations That Can Be Omitted Or Changed In Design
Check prosecution history for narrowing claim amendments.
Determine what elements were “lost” by claim amendments.
Incorporate Changes Into Design Around Patent.
Get A Legal Opinion!
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360 Attorneys. 19 Offices. 1 Firm. Southeastern Strong.
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Example of Successful Design Around
Claim 1 - An explosion-resistant mine seal
a top shear lug extending longitudinally along
said top surface (40);
an end groove (46) extending vertically along
each end surface of said masonry block and
parallel to each end shear lug(42);
said top shear lug including a beveled sidewall
and a flat outer surface;
said bottom groove and said end grooves
including a beveled sidewall and an entry; and
said shear lugs and grooves are trapezoid-
shaped as viewed from their ends.
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Example of Successful Design Around
Design Around Changes:
Rounded end shear lugs;
Rounded end grooves; and,
Bull-nosed top shear lug.
Equivalence Analysis:
The limitation that the shear lugs and grooves
include a “beveled” side wall was added to
the original claim during prosecution.
Everything between original claim and
amended claim is disclaimed and cannot
serve as an equivalent.
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360 Attorneys. 19 Offices. 1 Firm. Southeastern Strong.
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What Are Alternatives To Designing Around?
Try To Invalidate Or Narrow The Patent
Institute a challenge in the Patent Trial and Appeal Board
Filing fees are expensive:
IPR - $41,500
PGR - $47,500
1 year deadline for conclusion
Currently, 80% of PTAB challenges result in at least one claim being invalidated.
Federal court litigation
Overall costs are higher
Conclusion timeframe is longer
Process is more involved
Seek advice about which option is best for you
Seek A License Or Assignment Of Patent
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© 2019. Burr & Forman LLP
Questions? We Are Here To Help.
Hunter S. Freeman
Intellectual Property & Dispute Resolution
864-271-4940 (office)
864-552-9366 (direct)
Through his Intellectual Property (IP) and Litigation practices,
Hunter creates barriers to entry that can keep competitors at bay
and help clients maintain and grow their market share. Hunter helps
his clients identify, patent and leverage their inventions to
strengthen their competitive advantage. By providing freedom to
operate, clearance, non-infringement and invalidity opinions, Hunter
also helps his clients avoid competitors' patents. When necessary,
Hunter navigates his clients through disputes involving IP
infringement claims to obtain business minded solutions both inside
and outside of the courtroom.
Hunter serves clients in a wide variety of industries, including
medical device, software and gaming, automotive, wireless and
telecommunications, consumer goods, sporting goods, cooking
appliance, power tool, construction equipment and hospitality.