International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 4, no 6, pp 3592-3596 June 2023
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews
Journal homepage: ISSN 2582-7421
Build A Serverless Real Time Data Processing Application on AWS
Dr. Masrath Begum
, Pratiksha U
, Sushmita B
, Varshita V
,Vinaykumar J
Assistant Professor, GNDEC Bidar, Karnataka Student, GNDEC Bidar, Karnataka
Associate Professor, VTU CPGS, Karnataka, India.,
In research work uses serverless app to process real-time data streams. It builds infrastructure for a fictional ride-sharing company. In this case, This work enable
operations personnel at a fictional Wild Rydes headquarters to monitor the health and status of their unicorn fleet. Each unicorn is equipped with a sensor that
reports its location and vital signs. This work uses AWS to build applications to process and visualize this data in real-time. In this paper AWS Lambda is used to
process real-time streams, Amazon DynamoDB to persist records in a NoSQL database, Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics to aggregate data, Amazon Kinesis Data
Firehose to archive the raw data to Amazon S3, and Amazon Athena to run ad-hoc queries against the raw data.
Serverless computing allows you to build and run applications and services without thinking about servers. Serverless applications don't require you to provision,
scale, and manage any servers. You can build them for nearly any type of application or backend service, and everything required to run and scale your application
with high availability is handled for you. Building serverless applications means that you can focus on your core product instead of worrying about managing and
operating servers or runtimes, either in the cloud or on- premises. This reduced overhead lets you reclaim time and energy that you can spent on developing great
products which scale and that are reliable. This method considered a “server-less” platform / “Server-less Computing Execution Model” to build the real-time data-
processing app. Architecture is based on managed services provided by AWS.
Keywords: AWS, Serverless, Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing has become very popular due to the multiple benefits it provides and is being adopted by businesses worldwide. Flexibility to scale up
or down as per the business needs, faster and efficient disaster recovery, subscription-based models which reduce the high cost of hardware, and flexible
working for employees are some of the benefits of cloud that attracts businesses. Similar to cloud, Data Analytics is another crucial area which businesses
are exploring for their growth. With the exponential rise in the amount of data available on the internet is a result of the boom in the usage of social media,
mobile apps, IoT devices, sensors and so on. It has become imperative for the organisations to analyse this data to get insights into their businesses and
take appropriate action
AWS provides a reliable platform for solving complex problems where cost-effective infrastructure can be built with great ease at low cost. AWS provides
a wide range of managed services, including computing, storage, networking, database, analytics, application services and many more.
This work analysed multiple software solutions which perform analysis on data collected from the market and provide information as well as suggestions
and provide better customer experience. This includes trade application providing stock price, taxi companies providing locations of nearby taxis, journey
plan applications providing live updates on the different transport media and many more.
A cloud-based execution model in which the cloud provider dynamically allocates and runs the server. This is a consumption-based model where pricing
is directly proportional to consumer use. AWS takes complete ownership of operational responsibilities eliminating infrastructure management and
availability with higher uptime.
I. Mario Villamizar, Oscar Garces, "Infrastructure cost comparison of running web applications in the cloud using AWS lambda and monolithic
and microservice architectures", 2016 16th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud, and Grid Computing, CC Grid 2016.
Large Internet companies like Amazon, Netflix, and LinkedIn are using the microservice architecture pattern to deploy large applications in the cloud as
a set of small services that can be developed, tested, deployed, scaled, operated and upgraded independently. However, aside from gaining agility,
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 4, no 6, pp 3592-3596 June 2023 3593
independent development, and scalability, infrastructure costs are a major concern for companies adopting this pattern. This paper presents a cost
comparison of a web application developed and deployed using the same scalable scenarios with three different approaches: 1) a monolithic architecture,
2) a microservice architecture operated by the cloud customer, and 3) a microservice architecture operated by the cloud provider. Test results show that
microservices can help reduce infrastructure costs in comparison to standard monolithic architectures. Moreover, the use of services specifically designed
to deploy and scale microservices reduces infrastructure costs by 70% or more. Lastly, we also describe the challenges we faced while implementing and
deploying microservice applications.
II. Hassan B. Hassan, Saman A. Barakat, Qusay I. Sarhan
" Survey on serverless computing", Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications Volume 10Issue 112 July
2021 00253-7
Serverless computing has gained importance over the last decade as an exciting new field, owing to its large influence in reducing costs, decreasing
latency, improving scalability, and eliminating server-side management, to name a few. However, to date there is a lack of in-depth survey that would
help developers and researchers better understand the significance of serverless computing in different contexts. Thus, it is essential to present research
evidence that has been published in this area. In this systematic survey, 275 research papers that examined serverless computing from well-known
literature databases were extensively reviewed to extract useful data. Then, the obtained data were analyzed to answer several research questions regarding
state-of-the-art contributions of serverless computing, its concepts, its platforms, its usage, etc. We moreover discuss the challenges that serverless
computingfaces nowadays and how future research could enable its implementation and usage.
III. GimenezAlventosa , Germán Molto , Miguel Caballer "A framework and a performance assessment for serverless MapReduce on AWS
Lambda” Instituto de Instrumentación para Imagen Molecular (I3M) Centro mixto CSIC - Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Camino de Vera
s/n, 46022, Valencia, Spain
MapReduce is one of the most widely used programming models for analysing large-scale datasets, i.e. Big Data. In recent years, serverless computing
and, in particular, Functions as a Service (FaaS) has surged as an execution model in which no explicit management of servers (e.g. virtual machines) is
performed by the user. Instead, the Cloud provider dynamically allocates resources to the function invocations and fine-grained billing is introduced
depending on the execution time and allocated memory, as exemplified by AWS Lambda. In this article, a high-performant serverless architecture has
been created to execute MapReduce jobs on AWS Lambda using Amazon S3 as the storage backend. In addition, a thorough assessment has been carried
out to study the suitability of AWS Lambda as a platform for the execution of High Throughput Computing jobs. The results indicate that AWS Lambda
provides a convenient computing platform for general-purpose applications that fit within the constraints of the service (15 min of maximum execution
time, 3008 MB of RAM and 512 MB of disk space) but it exhibits an inhomogeneous performance behaviour that may jeopardise adoption for tightly
coupled computing jobs.
Serverless applications don’t require you to provision, scale, and manage any servers. We can build them for nearly any type of application or backend
service, and everything required to run and scale your application with high availability is handled for you. Serverless architectures can be used for many
types of applications. For example, you can process transaction orders, analyze click streams, clean data, generate metrics, filter logs, analyze social
media, or perform IoT device data telemetry and metering.
We will use AWS to build applications to process and visualize this data in real-time. We will use AWS Lambda to process real-time streams, Amazon
DynamoDB to persist records in a NoSQL database, Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics to aggregate data, Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose to archive the
raw data to Amazon S3, and Amazon Athena to run ad-hoc queries against the raw data.
Build a data stream: Create a stream in Kinesis and write to and read from the stream to track. Wild Rydes unicorns on the live map. In this module
you'll also create an Amazon Cognito identity pool to grant live map access to your stream. Aggregate data: Build a Kinesis Data Analytics application
to read from the stream and aggregate metrics like unicorn health and distance traveled each minute. Process streaming data: Persist aggregate data
from the application to a backend database stored in DynamoDB and run queries against those data.
Store & query data : Use Kinesis Data Firehose to flush the raw sensor data to an S3 bucket for archival purposes. Using Athena, you'll run SQL queries
against the raw data for ad-hoc analyses
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 4, no 6, pp 3592-3596 June 2023 3594
Fig 1: Architecture Diagram
Real-time Streaming Data: Create an Amazon Kinesis stream, Produce messages into the stream, Read messages from the stream, Create an identity
pool for the unicorn dashboard, Grant the unauthenticated role access to the stream, View unicorn status on the dashboard, Experiment with the producer.
Fig 2: unicorn dashboard
Aggregate data: Create an Amazon Kinesis stream ,Create an Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics application.
Fig 3: Amazon Kinesis stream
Process streaming data: Create an Amazon DynamoDB tables, Create an IAM role for your Lambda function ,Create a Lambda function to process the
stream, Monitor the Lambda function, Query the DynamoDB table.
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 4, no 6, pp 3592-3596 June 2023 3595
Fig 4: Monitor The Lambda Function
Store & query data: Create an Amazon S3 bucket, Create an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream, Create an Amazon Athena table, Explore
the batched data files, Query the data files.
Fig 5: Create Athena Table
Fig 6: Explore the batched data files
Clean Up: Clean Amazon Athena, Clean Kinesis Data firehose, Clean S3, Clean Lambda, Clean DynamoDB,Clean IAM.
Using AWS services, we were able to create a real-time data processing application based on serverless architecture which is capable of accepting data
through Kinesis data streams, processing through Kinesis Data Analytics, triggering Lambda Function and storing in DynamoDB.
The architecture can be reused for multiple data types from various data sources and formats with minor modifications. We have used all the managed
services provided by AWS which led to zero infrastructure management efforts.
Capstone project has helped us in building practical expertise on AWS services like Kinesis, Lambda, Dynamo DB, Athena, S3, Identity and Access
Management, Serverless Architecture and Managed Services. We have also learnt the programming language to build pseudo data producer programs.
AWS CLI has helped us to connect on-premises infrastructure with cloud services.
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Kotas, Charlotte W., Naughton III, Thomas J., and Imam, Neena. A comparison of Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure cloud platforms for high
performance computing.
United States: N. p., 2018. Web. doi:10.1109/ICCE.2018.8326349.
K. Swedha and T. Dubey “Analysis of Web Authentication Methods Using Amazon Web Services” 2018 9th International Conference on Computing,
Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT)
Giménez-Alventosa, V., Moltó, G., & Caballer, M. (2019). A framework and a performance assessment for serverless MapReduce on AWS Lambda.
Future Generation Computer Systems, 97, 259274.
G. McGrath and P. R. Brenner, ”Serverless Computing: Design, Implementation, and Performance,” 2017 IEEE 37th International Conference on
Distributed Computing Systems Workshops (ICDCSW), Atlanta, GA, 2017, pp. 405-410.
H. Yoon, A. Gavrilovska, K. Schwan and J. Donahue, Interactive Use of Cloud Services: Amazon SQS and S3,” 2012 12th IEEE/ACM International
Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing, Ottawa, ON, 2012, pp. 523-530.
Z. Al-Ali et al., ”Making Serverless Computing More Serverless,” 2018 IEEE 11
International Conference on Cloud Computing, San Francisco, CA,
2018, pp. 456-459