AWS Whitepaper
Optimizing Enterprise Economics with
Serverless Architectures
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Optimizing Enterprise Economics with Serverless Architectures AWS Whitepaper
Optimizing Enterprise Economics with Serverless Architectures: AWS
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Optimizing Enterprise Economics with Serverless Architectures AWS Whitepaper
Table of Contents
Abstract and introduction ................................................................................................................ i
Are you Well-Architected? .......................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 2
Understanding serverless architectures ......................................................................................... 3
Is serverless always appropriate? .............................................................................................................. 3
Serverless use cases ..................................................................................................................................... 4
AWS serverless capabilities ............................................................................................................. 7
Service offerings ........................................................................................................................................... 7
Developer support ..................................................................................................................................... 10
Security ......................................................................................................................................................... 11
Partners ........................................................................................................................................................ 12
Case studies ................................................................................................................................... 13
Serverless websites, web Apps, and mobile backends ....................................................................... 13
Customer Example Neiman Marcus ............................................................................................... 14
IoT backends ............................................................................................................................................... 14
Customer example iRobot ............................................................................................................... 14
Data processing .......................................................................................................................................... 15
Customer example FINRA ................................................................................................................ 15
Customer example Toyota Connected .......................................................................................... 15
Big data ........................................................................................................................................................ 16
Customer Example Fannie Mae ...................................................................................................... 16
IT Automation ............................................................................................................................................. 17
Customer Example Autodesk .......................................................................................................... 17
Machine learning ........................................................................................................................................ 17
Customer Example Genworth ......................................................................................................... 17
Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................... 19
Contributors ................................................................................................................................... 20
Further reading .............................................................................................................................. 21
Reference architectures ................................................................................................................. 22
Document history .......................................................................................................................... 23
Notices ............................................................................................................................................ 24
AWS Glossary ................................................................................................................................. 25
Optimizing Enterprise Economics with Serverless Architectures AWS Whitepaper
Optimizing Enterprise Economics with Serverless
Publication date: September 15, 2021 (Document history)
This whitepaper is intended to help Chief Information Officers (CIOs), Chief Technology Officers
(CTOs), and senior architects gain insight into serverless architectures and their impact on time to
market, team agility, and IT economics. By eliminating idle, underutilized servers at the design level
and dramatically simplifying cloud-based software designs, serverless approaches rapidly change
the IT landscape.
This whitepaper covers the basics of serverless approaches and the AWS serverless portfolio. It
includes several case studies illustrating how existing companies are gaining significant agility and
economic benefits from adopting serverless strategies. In addition, it describes how organizations
of all sizes can use serverless architectures to architect reactive, event-based systems and quickly
deliver cloud-native microservices at a fraction of conventional costs.
Are you Well-Architected?
The AWS Well-Architected Framework helps you understand the pros and cons of the decisions
you make when building systems in the cloud. The six pillars of the Framework allow you to learn
architectural best practices for designing and operating reliable, secure, efficient, cost-effective,
and sustainable systems. Using the AWS Well-Architected Tool, available at no charge in the AWS
Management Console, you can review your workloads against these best practices by answering a
set of questions for each pillar.
In the Serverless Application Lens, we focus on best practices for architecting your serverless
applications on AWS.
In the HPC Lens, we focus on best practices for architecting your High Performance Computing
(HPC) workloads on AWS.
In the Machine Learning Lens, we focus on how to design, deploy, and architect your machine
learning workloads in the AWS Cloud.
For more expert guidance and best practices for your cloud architecture—reference architecture
deployments, diagrams, and whitepapers—refer to the AWS Architecture Center.
Are you Well-Architected? 1
Optimizing Enterprise Economics with Serverless Architectures AWS Whitepaper
Many companies are already gaining benefits from running applications in the public cloud,
including cost savings from pay-as-you-go billing and improved agility through the use of on-
demand IT resources. Multiple studies across application types and industries have demonstrated
that migrating existing application architectures to the cloud lowers the Total Cost of Ownership
(TCO) and improves time to market.
Relative to on-premises and private cloud solutions, the public cloud makes it significantly simpler
to build, deploy, and manage fleets of servers and the applications that run on them. The public
cloud has established itself as the new normal, with double-digit year-over-year growth since its
However, companies today have options beyond classic server or virtual machine (VM) based
architectures to take advantage of the public cloud. Although the cloud eliminates the need for
companies to purchase and maintain their hardware, any server-based architecture still requires
them to architect for scalability and reliability. Plus, companies need to own the challenges of
patching and deploying to those server fleets as their applications evolve.
Moreover, they must scale their server fleets to account for peak load and then attempt to scale
them down when and where possible to lower costs—all while protecting the experience of end-
users and the integrity of internal systems. Idle, underutilized servers prove to be costly and
wasteful. Researchers calculated the average server utilization to be around only 18 percent for
Using serverless services, developers and architects can design and develop complex application
architectures, focusing just on business logic without dealing with the complexity of servers.
As a result, product owners can achieve faster time to market with shorter development,
deployment, and testing cycles. In addition, the reduction of server management overheads
reduces the TCO, which ultimately results in competitive advantages for the companies.
With significantly reduced infrastructure costs, more agile and focused teams, and faster time to
market, companies that have already adopted serverless approaches are gaining a key advantage
over their competitors.
Introduction 2
Optimizing Enterprise Economics with Serverless Architectures AWS Whitepaper
Understanding serverless architectures
The advantages of the serverless approaches cited above are appealing, but what are the
considerations for practical implementation? What separates a serverless application from its
conventional server-based counterpart?
Serverless uses managed services where the cloud provider handles infrastructure management
tasks like capacity provisioning and patching. This allows your workforce to focus on business logic
serving your customers while minimizing infrastructure management, configuration, operations,
and idle capacity. In addition, Serverless is a way to describe the services, practices, and strategies
that enable you to build more agile applications so you can innovate and respond to change faster.
Serverless applications are designed to run whole or parts of the application in the public cloud
using serverless services. AWS offers many serverless services in domains like compute, storage,
application integration, orchestration and databases. The serverless model provides the following
advantages compared to conventional server-based design:
There is no need to provision, manage and monitor the underlying infrastructure. All of the
actual hardware and platform server software packages are managed by the cloud provider. You
need to just deploy your application and its configuration.
Serverless services have fault tolerance built-in by default. Serverless applications require
minimal configuration and management from the user to achieve high availability.
Reduced operational overhead allows your teams to release quickly, get feedback, and iterate to
get to market faster.
With a pay-for-value billing model, you do not pay for over-provisioning, and your resource
utilization is optimized on your behalf
Serverless applications have built-in service integrations, so you can focus on building your
application instead of configuring it.
Is serverless always appropriate?
Almost all modern applications can be modified to run successfully, and in most cases, in a more
economical and scalable fashion, on a serverless platform. The choice between serverless and the
alternatives do not need to be an all-or-nothing proposition. Individual components could be run
on servers, using containers, or using serverless architectures within an application stack. However,
here are a few scenarios when serverless may not be the best choice:
Is serverless always appropriate? 3
Optimizing Enterprise Economics with Serverless Architectures AWS Whitepaper
When the goal is explicitly to avoid making any changes to existing application architecture.
For the code to run correctly, fine-grained control over the environment is required, such as
specifying particular operating system patches or accessing low-level networking operations.
Applications with ultra low latency requirements for all incoming requests.
When an on-premises application hasn’t been migrated to the public cloud.
When certain aspects of the application component don’t fit within the limits of the serverless
services - for example, if a function takes more time to execute than the AWS Lambda function’s
execution timeout limit, or the backend application takes more time to run than Amazon API
Gateway’s timeout.
Serverless use cases
The serverless application model is generic and applies to almost any application, from a startup’s
web app to a Fortune 100 company’s stock trade analysis platform. Here are several examples:
Data processing – Developers have discovered that it’s much easier to parallelize with a
serverless approach, mainly when triggered through events, leading them to increasingly apply
serverless techniques to a wide range of big data problems without the need for infrastructure
management. (Source: Occupy the Cloud: Eric Jonas et al., Distributed Computing for the 99%, These include map-reduce problems, high-speed video
transcoding, stock trade analysis, and compute-intensive Monte Carlo simulations for loan
Web applications – Eliminating servers makes it possible to create web applications that cost
almost nothing when there is no traffic while simultaneously scaling to handle peak loads, even
unexpected ones.
Batch processing – Serverless architectures can be used in a run multi-step flow-chart like use
cases like ETL jobs.
IT automation – Serverless functions can be attached to alarms and monitors to provide
customization when required. Cron jobs (used to schedule and automate tasks that need to be
carried out periodically) and other IT infrastructure requirements are made substantially simpler
to implement by removing the need to own and maintain servers for their use, especially when
these jobs and conditions are infrequent or variable in nature.
Mobile backends – Serverless mobile backends offer a way for developers who focus on client
development to quickly create secure, highly available, and perfectly-scaled backends without
becoming experts in distributed systems design.
Serverless use cases 4
Optimizing Enterprise Economics with Serverless Architectures AWS Whitepaper
Media and log processing – Serverless approaches offer natural parallelism, making it simpler to
process compute-heavy workloads without the complexity of building multithreaded systems or
manually scaling compute fleets.
IoT backends – The ability to bring any code, including native libraries, simplifies the process of
creating cloud-based systems that can implement device-specific algorithms.
Chatbots (including voice-enabled assistants) and other webhook-based systems – Serverless
approaches are perfect for any webhook-based system, like a chatbot. In addition, their ability to
perform actions (like running code) only when needed (such as when a user requests information
from a chatbot) makes them a straightforward and typically lower-cost approach for these
architectures. For example, the majority of Alexa Skills for Amazon Echo are implemented using
AWS Lambda.
Clickstream and other near real-time streaming data processes – Serverless solutions offer
the flexibility to scale up and down with the flow of data, enabling them to match throughput
requirements without the complexity of building a scalable compute system for each application.
For example, when paired with technology like Amazon Kinesis, AWS Lambda can offer high-
speed records processing for clickstream analysis, NoSQL data triggers, stock trade information,
and more.
Machine learning inference – Machine learning models can be hosted on serverless functions
to support inference requests, eliminating the need for owning or maintaining servers for
supporting intermittent inference requests.
Content delivery at the edge –By moving serverless events handing to the edge of the internet,
developers can take advantage of lower latency and customize retrievals and content fetches
quickly, enabling a new spectrum of use cases that are latency-optimized based on the client’s
IoT at the edge – Enabling serverless capabilities such as AWS Lambda functions to run inside
commercial, residential, and hand-held Internet of Things (IoT) devices enables these devices to
respond to events in near real-time. Devices can take actions such as aggregating and filtering
data locally, performing machine learning inference, or sending alerts.
Typically, serverless applications are built using a microservices architecture in which an application
is separated into independent components that perform discrete jobs. These components,
made up of a compute layer and APIs, message queues, database, and other components can be
independently deployed, tested, and scaled.
Serverless use cases 5
Optimizing Enterprise Economics with Serverless Architectures AWS Whitepaper
The ability to scale individual components needing additional capacity rather than entire
applications can save substantial infrastructure costs. It would allow an application to run lean with
minimal idle server capacity without the need for right-sizing activities.
Serverless applications are a natural fit for microservices because of their decoupled nature.
Organizations can become more agile by avoiding monolithic designs and architectures because
developers can deploy incrementally and replace or upgrade individual components, such as the
database tier if needed.
In many cases, not all layers of the architecture need to be moved to serverless services to reap its
benefits. For instance, simply isolating the business logic of an application to deploy onto the AWS
Lambda, serverless compute service, is all that’s required to reduce server management tasks, idle
compute capacity and operational overhead immediately.
Serverless architecture also has significant economic advantages over server-based architectures
when considering disaster recovery scenarios.
For most serverless architectures, the price for managing a disaster recovery site is near zero,
even for warm or hot sites. Serverless architectures only incur a charge when traffic is present and
resources are being consumed. Storage cost is one exception, as many applications require readily
accessible data.
Nonetheless, serverless architectures truly shine when planning disaster recovery sites, especially
when compared to traditional data centers. Running a disaster recovery on-premises often doubles
infrastructure costs as many servers are idle waiting for disaster to happen.
Serverless disaster recovery sites can be set up quickly as well. Once serverless architectures have
been defined with infrastructure as code using AWS native services such as AWS CloudFormation,
an entire architecture can be duplicated in a separate region by running a few commands.
Serverless use cases 6
Optimizing Enterprise Economics with Serverless Architectures AWS Whitepaper
AWS serverless capabilities
Like any other traditional server and VM-based architecture, serverless provides core capabilities
such as compute, storage, messaging and more to its users. However, serverless services are
distributed across multiple managed services rather than spread across software-installed virtual
As a result, AWS provides a complete serverless application that requires a broad array of services,
tools, and capabilities spanning storage, messaging diagnostics, and more. Each of these services is
available in the developer’s toolbox to build a practical application.
Service offerings
Since the introduction of Lambda in 2014, AWS has introduced a wide variety of fully-managed
serverless services that enable organizations to create serverless apps that can integrate
seamlessly with other AWS services and third-party services.
The launched serverless services include, but are not limited to, Amazon API Gateway (2015),
Amazon EventBridge (2019), and Amazon Aurora Serverless v2 (2020). The pace of innovation
has not stopped for individual services, as Lambda has had more than 100 major feature releases
since its launch. The following figure illustrates a subset of the components in the AWS serverless
platform and their relationships.
Service offerings 7
Optimizing Enterprise Economics with Serverless Architectures AWS Whitepaper
AWS serverless platform components
Serverless offerings from AWS consist of services that span across all infrastructure layers,
including compute, storage, and orchestration. In addition, AWS provides tools needed to author,
build, deploy, and diagnose serverless architectures.
Running a serverless application in production requires a reliable, flexible, and trustworthy
platform that can handle the demands of small startups to global, worldwide corporations. The
platform must scale all of an application’s elements and provide end-to-end reliability.
Just as with conventional applications, helping developers create and deliver serverless solutions
is a multi-dimensional challenge. To meet the needs of large-scale enterprises across various
industries, the AWS serverless platform offers the following capabilities through a diverse set of
A high-performance, scalable, and reliable serverless compute layer - The serverless compute
layer is at the core of any serverless architecture, such as AWS Lambda or AWS Fargate,
responsible for running the business logic. Because these services are run in response to events,
simple integration with both first-party and third-party event sources is essential to making
solutions simple to express and enabling them to scale automatically in response to varying
Service offerings 8
Optimizing Enterprise Economics with Serverless Architectures AWS Whitepaper
workloads. In addition, serverless architectures eliminate all of the scaling and management
code typically required to integrate such systems, shifting that operational burden to AWS.
Highly available, durable, and scalable storage layer – AWS offers fully managed storage layers
that offload the overhead of ever-increasing storage requirements to support the serverless
compute layer. Instead of manually adding more servers and storage, services such as Amazon
Aurora Serverless v2, Amazon DynamoDB, and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)
scales based on usage and users are only billed for the consumed resources. In addition, AWS
offers purpose-built storage services to meet diverse customer needs, from DynamoDB for
key-value storage, Amazon S3 for object storage, and Aurora Serverless v2 for relational data
Support for loosely coupled and scalable decoupled serverless workloads – As applications
mature and grow, they become more challenging to maintain or add new features, and some
transform into monolithic applications. As a result, they make it challenging to implement
changes and slow down the development pace. What is needed is individual components that
are decoupled and can scale independently. Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS),
Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS), Amazon EventBridge, and Amazon Kinesis
enable developers to decouple individual components, allowing developers to create and
innovate without being dependent on one another. In addition, these components all being
serverless implies that customers are only being billed for the resources that each component is
consuming, eliminating unnecessary resources being wasted.
Orchestration offering state and workflow management – Orchestration and state
management are also critical to a serverless platform’s success. As companies adopt serverless
architectures, there is an increased need to orchestrate complex workflows with decoupled
components. AWS Step Functions is a visual workflow service that satisfies this need. It is used
to orchestrate AWS services, automate business processes, and build serverless applications.
Step Functions manage failures, retries, parallelization, service integrations, and observability
so developers can focus on higher-value business logic. Building applications from individual
components that perform a discrete function lets you scale easily and change applications
quickly. Developers can change and add steps without writing code, enabling your team to
evolve your application and innovate faster.
Native service integrations between serverless services mentioned above, such as Amazon
Simple Queue Service (SQS), Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS), and Amazon
EventBridge, act as application integration services, enabling communication between decoupled
components within microservices. Another benefit of these services is that minimal code is
needed to allow interoperability between them, so you can focus on building your application
instead of configuring it. For instance, integration between Amazon API Gateway -a fully
Service offerings 9
Optimizing Enterprise Economics with Serverless Architectures AWS Whitepaper
managed service for hosting APIs - to a Lambda function can be done without writing any code
and simply walking through the AWS console.
Developer support
Providing the right tool and support for developers and architects is essential to boosting
productivity. AWS Developer Tools are built to work with AWS, making it easier for teams to set up
and be productive.
In addition to popular and well-known developer tools such as AWS Command Line Interface (AWS
CLI) and AWS Software Development Kits (AWS SDKs), AWS also provides various AWS, open-
source, and third-party web frameworks that simplify serverless application development and
This includes the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) and AWS Cloud Development
Kit (AWS CDK) (AWS CDK) that allows customers to onboard faster to serverless architectures,
offloading undifferentiated heavy lifting of managing the infrastructure for your applications.
This enables developers to focus on writing code that creates value for their customers. In addition,
AWS provides the following support for developers adopting serverless technologies.
A collection of fit-for-purpose application modeling frameworksApplication modeling
frameworks, such as the open specification AWS SAM or AWS CDK, enable a developer to
express the components that make up a serverless application and enable the tools and
workflows required to build, deploy, and monitor those applications. Both frameworks work
nicely with the AWS SAM Command Line Interface (AWS SAM CLI), making it easy for them to
create and manage serverless applications. It also allows developers to build, test locally, and
debug serverless applications then deploy them on AWS. It can also create secure continuous
integration and deployment (CI/CD) pipelines that follow best practices and integrate with AWS
native and third-party CI/CD systems.
A vibrant developer ecosystem that helps developers discover and apply solutions in a variety
of domains and for a broad set of third-party systems and use cases - Thriving on a serverless
platform requires that a company be able to get started quickly, including finding ready-made
templates for everyday use cases, whether they involve first-party or third-party services.
These integration libraries are essential to convey successful patterns—such as processing
streams of records or implementing webhooks—especially when developers are migrating
from server-based to serverless architectures. A closely related need is a broad and diverse
ecosystem that surrounds the core platform. A large, vibrant ecosystem helps developers
Developer support 10
Optimizing Enterprise Economics with Serverless Architectures AWS Whitepaper
discover and use solutions from the community and makes it easy to contribute new ideas
and approaches. Given the variety of toolchains in use for application lifecycle management,
a healthy ecosystem is also necessary to ensure that every language, Integrated Development
Environment (IDE), and enterprise build technology has the runtimes, plugins, and open-source
solutions essential to integrate the building and to deployment of serverless applications into
existing approaches. Finally, a broad ecosystem provides significant acceleration across domains
and enables developers to repurpose existing code more readily in a serverless architecture.
All AWS customers benefit from a data center and network architecture built to satisfy the
requirements of our most security-sensitive customers. This means that you get a resilient
infrastructure designed for high security without a traditional data center’s capital outlay and
operational overhead. Serverless architecture is no exception.
To accomplish this, AWS’ serverless services offer a broad array of security and access controls,
including support for virtual private networks, role-based and access-based permissions, robust
integration with API-based authentication and access control mechanisms and support for
encrypting application elements, such as environment variable settings.
These out-of-the-box offered features and services can help developers deploy and publish
workloads confidently and reduce time to market. Serverless systems, by their design, also provides
an additional level of security and control for the following reasons:
First-class fleet management, including security patching – For managed serverless services
such as Lambda, API Gateway, and Amazon SQS, the servers that host the services are constantly
monitored, cycled, and security scanned. As a result, they can be patched within hours of
essential security update availability instead of many enterprises’ compute fleets with much
looser service level agreements (SLAs) for patching and updating.
Per-request authentication, access control, and auditing – Every request between natively-
integrated services is individually authenticated, authorized to access specified resources, and
can be fully audited. Requests arriving from outside of AWS via Amazon API Gateway provide
other internet-facing defense systems. For example, AWS Web Application Firewall (AWS WAF)
is a web application firewall that integrates natively with Amazon API Gateway. It helps protect
hosted APIs against common web exploits and bots that may affect availability, compromise
security, or consume excessive resources, including distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack
defenses. In addition, companies migrating to serverless architectures can use AWS CloudTrail to
Security 11
Optimizing Enterprise Economics with Serverless Architectures AWS Whitepaper
gain detailed insight into which users are accessing which systems with what privileges. Finally,
they can use AWS tools to process the audit records programmatically.
These security features of serverless help eliminate additional costs often overlooked when
calculating the TCO of one’s infrastructure. Such costs include security and monitoring software
licenses installed on servers, staffing of information security personnel to ensure that all servers
are secure, as well as costs associated with regulatory compliance, and many others.
Serverless architectures also have a smaller blast radius compared to monolithic applications
running on virtual machines. As AWS takes responsibility of the security of the servers behind the
scenes, customers can focus on implementing least privilege access between the services. Once
least privilege access is implemented, the blast radius is dramatically reduced.
The decoupled nature of the architecture will limit the impact to a smaller set of services,
compared to a scenario where a malicious actor gains access to an internal server. Considering the
significant financial impact of a security breach, this is also an added benefit that help enterprises
optimize on infrastructure costs.
Adopting serverless architectures help in reducing or eliminating such expenses that are no longer
needed, and capital can be repurposed, and teams are freed to work on higher-value activities.
AWS has an expansive partner network that assists our customers with building solutions and
services on AWS. AWS works closely with validated AWS Lambda Partners for building serverless
architectures that help customers develop services and applications without provisioning or
managing servers.
Lambda Partners provide developer tooling solutions validated by AWS serverless experts against
the AWS Well-Architected Framework. Customers can simplify their technology evaluation process
and increase purchasing confidence, knowing these companies’ solutions have passed a strict AWS
validation of security, performance, and reliability.
Customers can ultimately reduce time to market with the assistance of qualified partners
leveraging serverless technologies. For a complete list of AWS Lambda Ready Partners, visit our
AWS Partner Network page.
Partners 12
Optimizing Enterprise Economics with Serverless Architectures AWS Whitepaper
Case studies
Companies have applied serverless architectures to use cases from stock trade validation to e-
commerce website construction to natural language processing. AWS serverless portfolio offers the
flexibility to create a wide array of applications, including those requiring assurance programs such
as PCI or HIPAA compliance.
The following sections illustrate some of the most common use cases but are not a comprehensive
list. For a complete list of customer references and use case documentation, see Serverless
Serverless websites, web Apps, and mobile backends
Serverless approaches are ideal for applications where the load can vary dynamically. Using a
serverless approach means no compute costs are incurred when there is no end-user traffic while
still offering instant scale to meet high demand, such as a flash sale on an e-commerce site or a
social media mention that drives a sudden wave of traffic.
Compared to traditional infrastructure approaches, it is also often significantly less expensive to
develop, deliver, and operate a web or mobile backend when architected in a serverless fashion.
AWS provides the services developers need to construct these applications rapidly:
Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and AWS Amplify offer a simple hosting solution
for static content.
AWS Lambda, in conjunction with Amazon API Gateway, provides support for dynamic API
requests using functions.
Amazon DynamoDB offers a simple storage solution for the session and per-user state.
Amazon Cognito provides an easy way to handle end-user registration, authentication, and
access control to resources.
Developers can use AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM ) to describe the various elements of
an application.
AWS CodeStar can set up a CI/CD toolchain with just a few clicks.
To learn more, see the whitepaper AWS Serverless Multi-Tier Architectures, which provides a
detailed examination of patterns for building serverless web applications. For complete reference
Serverless websites, web Apps, and mobile backends 13
Optimizing Enterprise Economics with Serverless Architectures AWS Whitepaper
architectures, see Serverless Reference Architecture for creating a Web Application and Serverless
Reference Architecture for creating a Mobile Backend on GitHub.
Customer example – Neiman Marcus
A luxury household name, Neiman Marcus has a reputation for delivering a first-class, personalized
customer service experience. To modernize and enhance that experience, the company wanted to
develop Connect, an omnichannel digital selling application that would empower associates to
view rich, personalized customer information with the goal of making each customer interaction
Choosing a serverless architecture with mobile development solutions on Amazon Web Services
(AWS) enabled the development team to launch the app much faster than in the 4 months it had
originally planned. “Using AWS cloud-native and serverless technologies, we increased our speed
to market by at least 50 percent and were able to accelerate the launch of Connect,” says Sriram
Vaidyanathan, senior director of omni engineering at Neiman Marcus.
This approach also greatly reduced app-building costs and provided developers with more agility
for the development and rapid deployment of updates. The app elastically scales to support traffic
at any volume for greater cost efficiency, and it has increased associate productivity. For more
information, see the Neiman Marcus case study.
IoT backends
The benefits that a serverless architecture brings to web and mobile apps make it easy to construct
IoT backends and device-based analytic processing systems that seamlessly scale with the number
of devices.
For an example reference architecture, see Serverless Reference Architecture for creating an IoT
Backend on GitHub.
Customer example – iRobot
iRobot, which makes robots such as the Roomba cleaning robot, uses AWS Lambda in conjunction
with the AWS IoT service to create a serverless backend for its IoT platform. As a popular gift on
any holiday, iRobot experiences increased traffic on these days.
While huge traffic spikes could also mean huge headaches for the company and its customers
alike, iRobot’s engineering team doesn’t have to worry about managing infrastructure or manually
Customer Example – Neiman Marcus 14
Optimizing Enterprise Economics with Serverless Architectures AWS Whitepaper
writing code to handle availability and scaling by running on serverless. This enables them to
innovate faster and stay focused on customers. Watch the AWS re:Invent 2020 video Building the
next generation of residential robots for more information.
Data processing
The largest serverless applications process massive volumes of data, much of it in real-time. Typical
serverless data processing architectures use a combination of Amazon Kinesis and AWS Lambda to
process streaming data, or they combine Amazon S3 and AWS Lambda to trigger computation in
response to object creation or update events.
When workloads require more complex orchestration than a simple trigger, developers can use
AWS Step Functions to create stateful or long-running workflows that invoke one or more Lambda
functions as they progress. To learn more about serverless data processing architectures, see the
following on GitHub:
Serverless Reference Architecture for Real-time Stream Processing
Serverless Reference Architecture for Real-time File Processing
Image Recognition and Processing Backend reference architecture
Customer example – FINRA
The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) used AWS Lambda to build a serverless data
processing solution that enables them to perform half a trillion data validations on 37 billion stock
market events daily.
In his talk at AWS re:Invent 2016 entitled The State of Serverless Computing (SVR311), Tim
Griesbach, Senior Director at FINRA, said, “We found that Lambda was going to provide us with the
best solution for this serverless cloud solution. With Lambda, the system was faster, cheaper, and
more scalable. So at the end of the day, we’ve reduced our costs by over 50 percent, and we can
track it daily, even hourly.”
Customer example – Toyota Connected
Toyota Connected is a subsidiary of Toyota and a technology company offering connected
platforms, big data, mobility services and other automotive-related services.
Data processing 15
Optimizing Enterprise Economics with Serverless Architectures AWS Whitepaper
Toyota Connected chose serverless computing architecture to build its Toyota Mobility Services
Platform, leveraging AWS Lambda, Amazon Kinesis Data Streams (Amazon KDS), and Amazon S3
to offer personalized, localized, and predictive data to enhance the driving experience.
With its serverless architecture, Toyota Connected seamlessly scaled to 18 times its usual
traffic volume, with 18 billion transactions per month running through the platform, reducing
aggregation job times from 15+ hours to 1/40th of the time while reducing operational
burden. Additionally, serverless enabled Toyota Connected to deploy the same pipeline in other
geographies with smaller volumes and only pay for the resources consumed.
For more information, read our Big Data Blog on Toyota Connected or watch the re:Invent 2020
video Reimagining mobility with Toyota Connected (AUT303).
Big data
AWS Lambda is a perfect match for many high-volume, parallel processing workloads. For an
example of a reference architecture using MapReduce, see Reference Architecture for running
serverless MapReduce jobs.
Customer example – Fannie Mae
Fannie Mae, a leading source of financing for mortgage lenders, uses AWS Lambda to run an
embarrassingly parallel” workload for its financial modeling. Fannie Mae uses Monte Carlo
simulation processes to project future cash flows of mortgages that help manage mortgage risk.
The company found that its existing HPC grids were no longer meeting its growing business
needs. So Fannie Mae built its new platform on Lambda, and the system successfully scaled up to
15,000 concurrent function executions during testing. The new system ran one simulation on 20
million mortgages completed in 2 hours, which is three times faster than the old system. Using a
serverless architecture, Fannie Mae can run large-scale Monte Carlo simulations effectively because
it doesn’t pay for idle compute resources. It can also speed up its computations by running multiple
Lambda functions concurrently.
Fannie Mae also experienced shorter than typical time-to-market because they were able to
dispense with server management and monitoring, along with the ability to eliminate much of the
complex code previously required to manage application scaling and reliability. See the Fannie Mae
AWS Summit 2017 presentation SMC303: Real-time Data Processing Using AWS Lambda for more
Big data 16
Optimizing Enterprise Economics with Serverless Architectures AWS Whitepaper
IT automation
Serverless approaches eliminate the overhead of managing servers, making most infrastructure
tasks, including provisioning, configuration, management, alarms/monitors, and timed cron jobs,
easier to create and manage.
Customer example – Autodesk
Autodesk, which makes 3D design and engineering software, uses AWS Lambda to automate its
AWS account creation and management processes across its engineering organization.
Autodesk estimates that it realized cost savings of 98 percent (factoring in estimated savings in
labor hours spent provisioning accounts). It can now provision accounts in just 10 minutes instead
of the 10 hours it took to provision with the previous, infrastructure-based process.
The serverless solution enables Autodesk to automatically provision accounts, configure and
enforce standards, and run audits with increased automation and fewer manual touchpoints.
For more information, see the Autodesk AWS Summit 2017 presentation SMC301: The State of
Serverless Computing. Visit GitHub to see the Autodesk Tailor service.
Machine learning
You can use serverless services to capture, store, and preprocess data before feeding it to your
machine learning model. After training the model, you can also serve the model for prediction at
scale for inference without providing or managing any infrastructure.
Customer example – Genworth
Genworth Mortgage Insurance Australia Limited is a leading provider of lenders’ mortgage
insurance in Australia. Genworth has more than 50 years of experience and data in this industry
and wanted to use this historical information to train predictive analytics for loss mitigation
machine learning models.
To achieve this task, Genworth built a serverless machine learning pipeline at scale using services
like AWS Glue, a serverless managed ETL processing service to ingest and transform data, and
Amazon SageMaker to batch transform jobs and, perform ML inference, and process and publish
the results of the analysis.
With the ML models, Genworth could analyze recent repayment patterns for each insurance policy
to prioritize them in likelihood and impact for each claim. This process was automated end-to-end
IT Automation 17
Optimizing Enterprise Economics with Serverless Architectures AWS Whitepaper
to help the business make data-driven decisions and simplify high-value manual work performed
by the Loss Mitigation team. Read the Machine Learning blog How Genworth built a serverless ML
pipeline on AWS using Amazon SageMaker and AWS Glue for more information.
Customer Example – Genworth 18
Optimizing Enterprise Economics with Serverless Architectures AWS Whitepaper
Serverless approaches are designed to tackle two classic IT management problems: idle
servers, and operating fleets of servers that distract and detract from the business of creating
differentiated customer value.
AWS serverless offerings solve these longstanding problems with a pay-for-value billing model,
and by eliminating the need to manage the underlying infrastructure. AWS constantly scans,
patches and monitors the underlying infrastructure making these applications more secure, and
provides built-in fault tolerance with minimal configuration needed for high availability. As a result,
developers can focus on writing business logic rather than managing infrastructure, allowing
enterprises to reduce time to market while paying for only the resources consumed.
Existing companies are gaining significant agility and economic benefits from adopting serverless
architectures, and enterprises should consider serverless first strategy for building cloud-native
microservices. To learn more and read whitepapers on related topics, see Serverless Computing and
Optimizing Enterprise Economics with Serverless Architectures AWS Whitepaper
The following individuals and organizations contributed to this document:
Tim Wagner, General Manager of AWS Serverless Applications, Amazon Web Services
Paras Jain, Technical Account Manager, Amazon Web Services
John Lee, Solutions Architect, Amazon Web Services
Diego Magalhães, Principal Solutions Architect, Amazon Web Services
Optimizing Enterprise Economics with Serverless Architectures AWS Whitepaper
Further reading
For additional information, see the following:
Architecture Best Practices for Serverless
AWS Architecture Center
AWS Ramp-Up Guide: Serverless
Optimizing Enterprise Economics with Serverless Architectures AWS Whitepaper
Reference architectures
Web Applications
Mobile Backends
IoT Backends
File Processing
Stream Processing
Image Recognition Processing
Optimizing Enterprise Economics with Serverless Architectures AWS Whitepaper
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Whitepaper updated Content refreshed. September 15, 2021
Initial publication Whitepaper first published. October 2, 2017
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this document. This document: (a) is for informational purposes only, (b) represents current AWS
product offerings and practices, which are subject to change without notice, and (c) does not create
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services are provided “as is” without warranties, representations, or conditions of any kind, whether
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Optimizing Enterprise Economics with Serverless Architectures AWS Whitepaper
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