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Vasanta Swarna Ratnam Pusuluri
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Taxonomy Of Security and Privacy Issues in Serverless Computing
Vasanta Swarna Ratnam Pusuluri
A Starred Paper
Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of
St. Cloud State University
in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Degree
Master of Science in
Information Assurance
June, 2022
Starred Paper Committee:
Abdullah Abu Hussein, Chairperson
Lynn Collen
Akalanka Mailewa
The advent of cloud computing has led to a new era of computer usage. Networking, and
physical security are some of the IT infrastructure concerns that IT administrators around the
world had to worry about for their individual environments. Cloud computing took away that
burden and redefined the meaning of IT administrators. Serverless computing as it relates to
secure software development is creating the same kind of change. Developers can quickly spin
up a secure development environment in a matter of minutes without having to worry about any
of the underlying infrastructure setups. In the paper, we will look at the merits and demerits of
serverless computing, what is drawing the demand for serverless computing among developers,
the security and privacy issues of serverless technology, and detail the parameters to consider
when setting up and using a secure development environment based on serverless computing.
Table of Contents
List of Figures ................................................................................................................................ 5
I. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 6
Introduction .................................................................................................................. 6
Problem Statement ....................................................................................................... 7
Nature and Significance of the Problem ...................................................................... 8
Objective of the Study ................................................................................................. 8
Study Questions/Hypotheses ....................................................................................... 8
Definition of Terms ...................................................................................................... 9
Summary .....................................................................................................................10
II. Background and Review of Literature ..............................................................................11
Introduction .................................................................................................................11
Background Related to the Problem ...........................................................................11
Characteristics of Serverless Computing ....................................................................12
Literature Related to the Problem ...............................................................................15
Literature Related to the Methodology .......................................................................18
Summary .....................................................................................................................24
III. Methodology .....................................................................................................................25
Introduction .................................................................................................................25
Design of the Study .....................................................................................................25
Chapter Page
Data Collection ...........................................................................................................27
IV. Data Presentation and Analysis ........................................................................................31
Introduction .................................................................................................................31
Data Presentation ........................................................................................................31
Data Analysis ..............................................................................................................95
Summary .....................................................................................................................95
V. Results, Conclusion, and Recommendations ....................................................................96
Introduction .................................................................................................................96
Results .........................................................................................................................96
Conclusion ..................................................................................................................98
Future Work ................................................................................................................98
References ...................................................................................................................................100
List of Figures
Figure Page
1. Serverless Architecture .....................................................................................................12
2. Data Collection .................................................................................................................28
3. Analyzing and Interpreting the Data .................................................................................29
4. Classification of the Data ..................................................................................................30
5. Taxonomy of Serverless Computing ................................................................................32
6. Taxonomy of Development Tools ....................................................................................66
Chapter I: Introduction
There was a time where cloud computing was so popular among everyone in the IT field.
It gave an opportunity to abstract the physical hosting environment. Later, the hosting
environments have been scaled down by hosting different hardware units. Since the beginning of
another era in the IT industry with the concept of virtualization, virtual machines in the cloud
have been put in service. Then cloud services increased their intensity by providing a platform as
a service (PAAS). The Operating systems with run time shared within the cloud. Then vendors
started sharing software and applications within the cloud and the users no longer had to worry
about the infrastructure and any underutilized resources. Without noticing people have stepped
into the serverless era of cloud computing. Now the function-based scaling was reached which is
also referred to as the serverless architecture.
Serverless computing is an emerging technology and became a controversial topic in no
time. It allows to build, and run the applications besides worrying about the servers, thereby
providing seamless hosting and execution environment. But it is still a new technology, and the
developers are trying to get familiar with its functionality and security features. Hence, this paper
discusses these topics to make the developers understand their role and responsibility security-
wise when they work in serverless computing to keep the serverless environment safe from
This paper provides a state-of-the-art survey that dives deep into serverless computing
with intention of providing a piece of sound knowledge to the reader to educate themselves with
its pros and cons on serverless technology. Starting from the serverless architecture, the
discussion will be continued about its attributes by putting more weight on security and privacy
issues. This paper distinguishes serverless architecture from the traditional cloud architecture and
explores why developers would want to use serverless computing in their applications and how it
affects software development. Furthermore, serverless enabling technologies will be introduced
along with their characteristics. Later, the contemporary security and privacy issues related to
serverless computing will be discussed and will be specified if there are any security features
implemented to mitigate security risks by defending against these security and privacy issues.
Problem Statement
Serverless computing aids in running the applications without worrying about the servers.
However, the underlying infrastructure like servers belongs to third parties. So, the developers do
not have full control of the system and its data flow which results in security and privacy issues.
The prevailing solutions are designed based upon the traditional vulnerabilities, but the security
evolves whiles the attackers keep shifting their strategies. Hence, we are talking about the
problem that is different from the classical application. The serverless technology relies on
Functional as a Service (Faas) and the functions concerning the application are available to the
public. It is running on the shared platforms, which creates a potential way for attackers to
perform malicious activities. The solutions for the serverless security attacks are derived using
static analyzing functions which restricts to few policies. This results in increasing the attack
surface. Also, there is very little monitoring in serverless applications. Hence tracking of all the
attacks is a big concern. This is a new technology that is more suspectable to zero-day attacks.
Some of the subproblems are Overprivileged Function Permissions, using third party
dependencies that are not secure, and Cross-Execution Data Persistency
Nature and Significance of the Problem
According to the NEWSTACK 2018, more than 75% of the developers and users plan or
to apply serverless computing as a business solution (Rice, 2017). There is no assurance from the
providers to ensure security. With all the security flaws, it makes the system vulnerable.
Example: AWS Lambda which is a serverless service was once pruned to DDOS attack This, in
turn, led to outages to many different services that use the same public DNS (Rice, 2017).
The breach that happened on Cloudflare which was named Cloud bleed caused a memory leak of
their customer's data (Conger, 2017). Hence the company has requested all its customers to
rotate their passwords.
An intruder gained access to 100 million Americans and 6 million Canadians personal
information of Capital One credit card customers that store their data in AWS (Sheridan, 2019).
The Pursec audit states that their serverless projects have one or more critical vulnerabilities or
misconfigurations (Ltd, 2018a, b). Few of the projects share confidential data such as the API
keys and the credentials through publicly available code repositories. Around 1,00,000 GitHub
repos have leaked their API tokens and cryptographic keys (Catalin, 2019).
Objective of the Study
The objective of the study is to educate users and developers on the security and privacy
issues in serverless computing. This study also provides the mitigation techniques for the
identified concerns, thereby enabling serverless technologies.
Study Questions/Hypotheses
1. What are the Security and privacy issues concerning serverless technology?
2. How to detect the vulnerabilities in serverless computing?
3. How to respond to the incidents?
4. What to protect while using serverless?
5. What are the current trends and open problems?
6. How users should protect themselves while using serverless computing
Definition of Terms
FAASFunction as a ServiceThe Function as a service allows their customers to build,
run and maintain the applications without worrying about the complexity, infrastructure. An
example of this service is serverless. The services are maintained by third party API’S.
Serverless ComputingThe Serverless computing allows the developers to develop and
build the applications without worrying about the servers and the maintenance. The serverless
vendors take care of the servers.
PAASPlatform as a ServiceThis service offers software and hardware over the internet.
Application and the data are managed by the customers.
Cloud ComputingThe computer services that are available to the customers without
managing the resources. All the services in the cloud are delivered through the internet
IAASInternet as a ServiceThis is typically a cloud-based service, in which the
computer, storage, and the network can be accessed using the internet. Application, data, OS is
managed by the customers.
ITInformation TechnologyIt is the study of computer, networks, and
telecommunication which focuses on accessing, storing, managing and sending the data.
APIApplication Programming InterfaceThe intermediate software that connects
different applications to communicate with each other through this interface.
Zero-day AttacksThe attack that is performed before the weakness on the system is
discovered and the solution for the vulnerability is being identified.
Cloud Foundry (multi-code application platforms)IBM uses cloud foundry to build and
deploy code, while they coordinate with the given services which ensure fast deployment of
cloud-based applications (IBM Cloud FoundryOverview, 2021).
AWSAmazon Web ServicesAmazon launched reliable and inexpensive services which
are named AWS. This web service allows pay-as-you-go service which attracted most of the
developers to build their applications. (Amazon web services (AWS), 2021).
DDoSDistributed Denial of Service AttackThe Attack that disrupts the normal traffic
which makes services become unavailable (What is a DDoS attack?, 2020).
MalwareThis is software that damages the system, network, or gains unauthorized
access to a PC.
SQL InjectionThis attack occurs by injecting malicious SQL statements there by gaining
access to the application, modify data, and disclosure the data.
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)This attack occurs by injecting malicious scripts into the
websites and access users’ data by gaining full control of the system.
This chapter has covered the introduction to our research on serverless computing. We
have discussed the problems concerning serverless technologies and the nature of the problem by
providing the security threats that have happened in the real world. We have also discussed the
hypothesis on which we are going to work in the future chapters.
Chapter II: Background and Review of Literature
This chapter gives in-depth knowledge on serverless computing security and privacy
issues. All the security concerns that were faced by this technology will be elaborated in depth
by providing real-time events. Later, the background related to the problem and the architecture
will be discussed.
Background Related to the Problem
Earlier, system admins would take care of all the memory allocation, servers, drivers,
upgrades, installations, etc. This process is known as the “Bare-Metal” environment (Retter,
2021). Then, Virtual machines came into the spotlight. This made developer's life so easy by
enabling them to switch from one server to another. Later, containerization technologies were
used. This enables multiple applications to run on the same system without interfering with each
other. Finally, serverless came into existence which was developed by Austen Collins and
introduced in October 2015 (Serverless FrameworkAWS lambada guide, 2021). Amazon AWS
lambda first builds the serverless framework using Node.js. This relies on Function as a service
(FAAS). Small chunks of code or functions are taken as inputs, processes, return the results and
shutdown. The cloud providers take care of the Server or cluster provisioning, Patching,
Operating system maintenance, Capacity provisioning,
Administering servers for backend components (compute, databases, storage, stream
processing, message queueing, etc.). Developers can build the system using serverless without
worrying about the infrastructure, maintenance, servers, hardware, etc. After serverless was
introduced, many other providers came up with varying processes, features that can support
multiple technologies. It has the auto-scaling service that makes this technology easier to
maintain and build. Since it is a new and emerging technology, there are few issues that make
serverless vulnerable. The figure below depicts how serverless technology works
Figure 1
Serverless Architecture
The popular serverless providers are Amazon AWS Lambda, Google cloud functions,
Microsoft Azure, Apache open whisk, Tencent SCF, IBM cloud functions, Cloudflare Workers,
Kubeless, Knative, Alibaba cloud, Spotinst, Fn (Serverless infrastructure providers, 2020).
Characteristics of Serverless Computing
Below are the various characteristics that define serverless computing.
1. Stateless: Stateless is a typical characteristic of serverless computing. Using Function
as a service (FAAS), nothing is stored in the memory as the code is automatically
created and deleted by our own platform. So, by this more instances can be signed up.
The only disadvantage in this characteristic is that one will not be able to use HTTP
2. Efficient: Serverless enables efficiency by allowing the developers to pay for the
resources that are being used. It follows the pay-as-you-go billing model.
3. Auto-Scaling: Resources made available as the request comes in and is managed
automatically. For example, Amazon Aurora Serverless provides auto-scaling, on-
demand by automatically starting and shutting down the databases and scale capacity
based on application needs (Amazon Aurora Serverless, 2021).
4. Security: Security is a big concern nowadays, however serverless plays its best to
provide security in all aspects. Serverless considers all the vulnerabilities and follows
the best practices like regular patching, adopting principles of least privileges,
fumigate all the inputs, monitor, and log functions. Also, as the memory is not stored
it has a very low risk of long-term attacks. For example, in AWS Lambda all the
communications were encrypted with Transport Layer Security.
5. Debugging: Serverless supports debugging for their developers by enabling them to
find the errors and bottlenecks.
6. Programming languages: Serverless supports many programming languages for their
developers. They can choose a language based upon their choice to build any
applications in the serverless platform. For example, AWS supports C#, Java, Python,
Node.js, Ruby, PowerShell, and Go (Heath, 2019). They also enable runtime API
which makes them to use additional programming language.
7. Composability: Functions in one serverless can be invoked from others which makes
easy computation and development of complex serverless applications.
8. Hostless: With the serverless architecture, users need not worry about the servers,
upgrades, or security patches. This reduces the operational costs. They can simply
install and run the application with little knowledge of the application configurations
(H, 2019).
As mentioned above, serverless works with Functions as a Service (FaaS). First, the
developers or the users write the function to provide a precise objective. Then, he defines the
event to trigger the cloud service. The cloud service provider verifies if the function instance is
being used or not. If it is not used, the new function starts. The user can see the executed function
results inside the application (Johnson, 2019).
As the coin has two sides, there are certain limitations with serverless computing.
1. Lack of Control: The serverless is provided by third-party API’s. The configurations
are limited, and the users will not be exposed to different configurations. Also, if an
issue occurs other than the one in code and configurations, the user will not have
control over the issues, and it can only be resolved by the platform provider.
2. Security: There is no surprise that serverless technology has vulnerabilities as it is
very new and can be prone to security issues. Firstly, it uses different providers across
multiple regions. This compromises security. Secondly, this new technology is
susceptible to a new type of risk such as security orchestration challenges and
perimeter fragmentation (Sollow, 2020). All these factors compromise the security.
3. Debugging and testing: It is difficult to debug and test complex applications because
of the infrastructure and distributed platform. It might be possible to use third-party
tools, but the users might face integrations and security issues (Roberts & Chapin,
4. Performance: Due to its abstraction, i.e., hiding of code execution details, serverless
tend to show poor performance.
5. Vendor Lock-In: The API acts as an interface between customers and serverless
functions and there is a possibility of lock-in happening at this level. The vendor
lock-in makes users dependable on the service providers. This makes it difficult for
them to migrate from one application to another as the architecture needs to be
remodeled (Ltd, 2018a, b).
Literature Related to the Problem
According to the dataset of Synk, most of the data breaches occurred due to the common
AWS Lambda was once pruned to DDOS attack which was persistent for 8 hours and the
services went unavailable from 10:30 AM to 6:30 PM PDT in 2019. This, in turn, led to outages
to many different services that use the same public DNS (Dark Reading Staff, 2019). All the
customers were informed that the outage occurred due to a DDoS attack. Currently, Amazon
stared using shield advance to protect its services from such attacks. Google Cloud which also
uses the serverless platform has reported a DDoS attack in September 2017, causing 2.5 Tbps in
traffic. It was lasted for 6 months and targeted thousands of their IP addresses. The attack did not
cause any impact, but this leads to the disclose of many vulnerable servers (Kovas, 2020).
The most popular OTT platform Netflix uses serverless architecture and runs using AWS
Lambda. Even the coco-cola vending machines use AWS serverless framework. The Distributed
Denial of Service (DDOS) attacks resulted in downtime of Netflix servers. New York Times
which also uses serverless architecture was affected by this attack. This resulted in users not
being able to use their websites (Duc, 2019).
Cloudflare which uses serverless functions, once reported that the vulnerability in their
website caused a data leak which was named as Cloud Bleed attack that occurred on
September 22, 2016. This resulted in the leaking of customer messages, passwords, hotel
bookings, etc. This impacted the companies like Fitbit, uber, OK Cupid, and around 3,400
websites that use Cloudflare software (Ahmed, 2017). Cloudflare has requested all its customers
to rotate their passwords (Baisakhiya, 2017).
Puresec is designated as the security partner of AWS lambda. The Pursec audit was
conducted on open-source serverless projects and it stated that 21% of those projects have one or
more critical vulnerabilities or misconfigurations (Ltd, 2018a, b). Six percent of the projects have
application secrets that lead to sharing of confidential data such as the API keys and the
credentials through the publicly available code repositories. It also stated that the software
developers should be aware of the security risks and should gain knowledge on how to protect
their applications while building with serverless. This is stated because it reported that those
vulnerabilities and weaknesses were due to poor security practices.
One of the vulnerabilities in the AWS lambda function is that the Identity and access
management (IAM) is not versioned through the current Lambda functions. This increases the
usage of numerous versions of the identical function and causes trouble to add or remove
permissions. The recent incident on Amazon AWS services happened where the credentials are
being stolen. It was found that TeamTNT access the docker containers to install malware which
is known as crypto-mining malware. This malware botnet steals the credentials and also affects
multiple servers by deploying more crypto-miners (Cimpanu, 2021).
Capital One has suffered from a data breach on July 29, 2019, where the intruder gained
access to 6 million Canadians and 100 million Americans personal information of their credit
card customers. Around 1,40,000 of their social security numbers and 80,000 of the bank
accounts have also been compromised. All the data that has been leaked was stored in the AWS
and the reports state that the vulnerability in the AWS has caused the data leaks. Around $150
million incremental cost has been experienced by Capital One due to this data breach (Lu, 2019).
According to Zhang et al. (2019), serverless applications can sometimes be over-headed
as they are stored remotely. Hence, Shredder is used to interact with the data directly within the
storage nodes. But there was a speculative execution attack that rooted data leaks. This occurred
due to the side-channel attack that caused to leak victim’s confidential data. Not only the
manufactures but also the run-time developers worked to mitigate the attacks. Shredders are
prone to this type of attack (confidentiality risks) even if the mitigation strategies are being
imposed on them.
As a part of the study, the research implemented a code-injection attack on AWS lambda.
The hackers were able to leak about 170 bits/second (Alpernas et al., 2018) and proved that the
termination channels in serverless computing lead to the security breach.
In addition to this, there are many companies that depend on AWS to perform certain
operations. For example, The OneLogin company was hacked on May 31, 2017, at 2 am PST
where the customer database was being accessed by the hackers. This reveals not only the
sensitive information about their customers, but also creates a pathway for the hackers to access
a set of AWS keys and which makes them to access AWS API. This also affected 2000
companies and 300 app vendors that use OneLogin as a single sign-on for cloud applications
(OneLogin: Breach exposed ability to decrypt data, 2017).
Literature Related to the Methodology
The paper Maissen et al. (2020) discusses the main providers of serverless computing and
made a detailed report on their offerings as a cloud provider. According to their research, AWS
lambda was the best of all the serverless providers as it has consistency in reliability and
performance. But it lacks in certain features such as some security measures which require
changing of API’s frequently, i.e., in about 30 seconds which reduces the productivity for
developers and testing functions. Microsoft azure functions performance is less compared to
AWS lambda. It is not suitable for short sessions, as it takes 2 to 4 seconds for the cold start
latency. It uses supplementary tools for local debugging. The Google cloud providers have a
well-structured web portal and proper command-line interface tool. This has the higher cold start
latency which is higher compared to AWS and IBM cloud functions. But there are few
drawbacks such as the deployers have only limited configuration options. The monitoring tool
lags in time which prevents them from prompt involvement. IBM Cloud functions are available
to the public for free. It helps to perform quick tests by invoking the functions. This contains less
waiting time. The main drawback for the cloud function is that it has low performance as the
support for the runtime environment is very low and the cloud foundry (multi-code application
platforms) supports only willful regions.
According to the blog written by Elena (User, 2021), serverless applications run on
event-triggered stateless containers. Developers take care of code, data in cloud and transit,
application logic, and configurations whereas serverless providers take care of servers, networks,
data centers, storage, containers, OS, and their configurations. As the serverless is provided by
third parties, there is no guarantee of security. If the code is not proper, it can be prone to Denial
of service (DOS), Cross-site scripting, SQL injection, Broken authorization, and authentication,
etc. The outdated third-party libraries cause a pathway for the attackers to hack into the system.
The usage of APIs, cloud storage, HTTPS can increase the attack surface. The customization
option provided by the serverless can lead to vulnerabilities if they are not set properly. She
proposed the techniques to bypass the security issues by encrypting all the passwords used, using
key vaults to secure sensitive information. Improper use of APIs needs to be eliminated and
HTTP requests need to be validated. Static, Dynamic, and interactive security testing techniques
need to be applied to identify weaknesses. Using monitoring tools like rook out, IO pipe helps to
identify performance and monitor logs.
According to Jegan et al. (2020), serverless applications can be protected using
SecLambda as existing solutions do not have enough security. Basically, serverless applications
are divided into small functions and those functions perform specific tasks. Function instance is
called when there are requests to process them. Once the request is being handled, the function is
paused, and the users pay only for the used sources. As the security challenges increases, log-
based anomaly detection tools and traditional Vulnerability scanning tools are not sufficient to
overcome the security concerns. In SecLambda, a function runs in a modified container which
makes the current function to be in guard mode. This Guard contains a security function
depending upon the function states. According to Puresec (Cloud workload protection platform.
Prisma, 2020), one vulnerable function can lead to virtual crypto mining without being identified
by the user. The SecLambda protects serverless applications by supporting the security policies.
This mainly consists of the guard, function runtime, and controller. The controller manages the
security functions whereas the guard executes those security functions based on user security
policies. This SecLambda helps to prevent data leaks, injection attacks, DOS attacks.
According to Jindal et al. (2021) Serverless applications run based upon the Function-as-
a-service, hence the applications are divided in the form of simple functions and are uploaded to
the FAAS platform. Those functions are stateless. They are only invoked when the user sends the
HTTP request in the FAAS platform. The FAAS platform then helps to deploy and promote the
resources to the application functions. All the serverless providers have the FAAS platforms and
some are available in the form of Kubernetes. This paper talks about the Apache open whisk,
Google cloud platform, and OpenFass. But there are many other platforms that use serverless
architecture such as Amazon AWS Lambda, Tencent SCF, Microsoft Azure, IBM cloud
functions, Cloudflare Workers, Kubeless, etc.
The research paper Baldini et al. (2017) describes the open problems and current trends
of serverless computing. The good thing about serverless is that it scales to zero and will not
charge for the inactive time. But this in turn causes cold starts which require some time when
invoked for running up the serverless applications. This makes functions longer time than usual
to execute. As the functions run on the shared platforms, isolation of those is critical. To
guarantee scalability of the functions, it supplies responses to the load and anticipates future
load. This can be challenging as the decisions are made with little application knowledge. Also,
multiple serverless platforms and services need to work together with an increase in popularity
and there is no guarantee that all the use cases will work in those platforms. Only the developers
have control over the supporting tools and what code is deployed. Serverless have limited
execution time while some programs might require more execution times. Serverless is stateless,
but some real application requires state. Hence, it would be difficult to maintain a state for such
applications. This paper discusses some open problems in serverless such as scope i.e., whether it
is restricted to the Function-as-a-service, or can it also include other models? In addition to the
stateless functions, can serverless computing deal with the state? Currently, the serverless code
runs on traditional data centers. Will it also be able to run outside those data centers?
The paper Shafiei et al. (2019) discusses the application of serverless technology in the
real world. The stateless nature of serverless makes it suitable for real-time collaboration tools
like chatbots, instant messaging tools, real-time tracking. This is used for data analytics where
real-time data is streamed into serverless service. The large data can be handled with its auto-
scaling feature. Stream Alert is an intrusion detection tool built using AWS Lambda. Serverless
architecture automatically secures sensitive information in the public cloud. This also supports
IoT services like Kappa platforms that support parallel computing. The serverless technology
supports scientific computing such as RNA, DNA computing. The video processing frameworks
like Sprocket uses serverless technology. This results in lower cost and lower latency. The pay-
as-you-go makes industrial services like gas and oil field management systems use serverless.
Hence, this paper proves that serverless is used almost in all fields.
Serverless computing is a way of providing backend services, a platform that hides server
usage from developers. The platform is provided by a cloud provider who runs the server and
manages dynamically the allocation of machine resources. The architecture of Serverless allows
users to write and deploy code without the bother of worrying about the underlying
infrastructure. In the early days of the web, anyone who wanted to build a web application had to
have his own physical hardware in other to run a server which was expensive and required a lot
of work. The term 'serverless', meaning not using servers can be referred to as peer-to-peer (P2P)
software or client-side only solutions. In the cloud context, the current serverless landscape can
be said to have come about during an Amazon Web Service (AWS) reinvent event in 2014 and
from then, multiple cloud providers, industrial, and academic institutions have come about with
their own serverless platforms. Serverless appears to be the natural progression following recent
advancements and adoption of Virtual Machine (VM) and container technologies, where each
step up the notion layers led to more lightweight units of computation in terms of resource
consumption, cost, and speed of development and deployment. Serverless builds upon long-
running trends and advances in both distributed systems, publish-subscribe systems, and event-
driven programming models, including actor models, reactive programming, and active database
systems. Serverless removes infrastructure management responsibilities such as a server or
cluster provisioning, patching, operating system maintenance, and capacity provisioning. You
can build them for almost any type of application or backend service, and everything required to
run and scale your application with high availability is handled for you.
Serverless enables you to build modern applications with increased handiness and a lower
total cost of ownership. Building serverless applications means that your developers can focus on
their core product instead of worrying about managing and operating servers or runtimes, either
in the cloud or on-premises. This reduced overhead lets developers reclaim time and energy that
can be spent on developing great products which scale and that are reliable. According to NIST,
PaaS is defined as
the capability provided to the consumer is to deploy onto the cloud infrastructure
consumer-created or acquired applications created using programming languages and
tools supported by the provider. Here the consumer does not manage or has no control on
the underlying cloud infrastructure which includes network, servers, operating systems,
or storage, but rather has control over the deployed applications and any other possible
application hosting environment configurations.
With this definition, users are expected to manage the distribution of applications and have
control over accommodating environment configurations. With Serverless FaaS, user control
over hosting is removed. This paves the way for simpler scaling and a more attractive billing
model. Here the cloud provider has control over the hosting environment's configuration and
runs user-provided code only when it is invoked, and only. That is a significant change when
compared to that of PaaS. FaaS is very attractive for PaaS users as they do not need to pay for
idle resources and avoid managing rules when it comes to auto-scaling. The main thing that
distinguishes serverless platforms is transparent autoscaling and the process where you are
charged only when code is running.
Serverless computing is rapidly gaining attention from IT practitioners and academics
alike. Serverless computing is an emerging cloud computing paradigm that provides a platform
to efficiently develop and deploy applications to the market without having to manage any
underlying infrastructure. Everything shows that serverless computing is the future and the way
to go, there is still more to develop and improve upon this new and evolving technology with
regards to its enormous benefits and potential to change the face of information technology.
This chapter briefly addresses serverless technology security and privacy issues.
Background related to the problem was discussed which addresses the latest and past security
incidents that have taken place in serverless technologies. Later the literature review was
discussed which talks about the other research paper that has put focus on serverless security
features. It was divided into two parts i.e., literature review related to the background and
literature review related to methodology. The literature review related to the background
discusses everything on what is serverless computing, the types, and characteristics of serverless
technology, where this technology is being used, and how it is used. The literature review related
to the problem discusses the security problems of serverless computing, the incidents that have
taken place, and discuss the security and privacy issues that are studied by other researchers.
Chapter III: Methodology
The current chapter discusses the plan to address the issues that were mentioned in the
previous chapter. I did investigation to achieve desired goals. Some of the questions that are
addressed has been mentioned below
1. How to detect and identify vulnerabilities in serverless computing?
2. Different problems are mentioned in the previous chapters. How can we drive
solutions to the mentioned problems?
3. There are different tools available such as Open-source tools like SecLambda. What
are the ways to protect those tools?
4. How to protect the systems that use serverless technologies?
5. How should users or developers take care while using the serverless technology?
6. What are the Security and privacy issues concerning serverless technology?
The above questions provide a pathway for the data to be collected, tools and techniques to be
used, and help to analyze and interpret the data.
Design of the Study
Q1 addresses identifying vulnerabilities in serverless technology and how to overcome
those vulnerabilities and protect the systems. This is found in Google scholar, news articles, and
blogs from the time of 2015 till now. This study helped me to achieve the bugs in the technology
that causes data losses or other security issues. Once, the vulnerabilities are identified and
resolved the serverless technology becomes a useful tool for the users or developers to use. The
keywords that helped me to identify the expected results are Vulnerabilities in serverless,
security and privacy issues in serverless, serverless latest attacks, what are the measures taken by
the serverless providers to overcome the vulnerabilities in their systems.
Q2 was approached by reading the problems that are mentioned in chapter 1,
understanding the problems, and analyzing the solutions. This was achieved by doing a thorough
investigation in google scholar and news articles. News articles and blogs related to serverless
computing discusses the open problems that are encountered in serverless. This is significant as
the problems are the core of this research paper and aid to identify the solutions when the issues
are recognized. The keywords that helped to answer this question are Serverless security and
privacy issues, how to overcome security issues in serverless technology, latest incidents in
serverless computing. (Latest includes incidents that have taken place from 2015 till 2021.)
Q3 was addressed by conducting a thorough investigation using the article provided by
the researcher who has introduced the SecLambda Tool. The keywords that helped me to identify
the potentialities to protect this tool are SecLambda tool protection, SecLambda security issues,
design methods. Google Scholar helped me to find the paper that presents this tool. The timespan
was 2020 as this tool was introduced recently
Q4 discussed on how to protect the systems that use serverless technologies. This was
done by examining the system’s that uses serverless, the policies that those systems or
organization supports and the implementation methods of serverless computing. By analyzing
the data, the vulnerabilities were identified, and solutions or improvements rendered the systems.
The keywords that helped to solve this question are a system that uses serverless technology,
serverless technology service providers, serverless architecture, Using serverless technology to a
platform. The timeline for the search was most advanced, i.e., 2019, 2020, and 2021 as the
system and protection against the systems keeps evolving.
Q5 discussed how users or developers should take care while using serverless
technology. This was investigated by reading the serverless provider's websites as they talk about
the security and privacy issues of their tools. This acts as a knowledge input for the developers to
use the serverless system considering those facts provided in the serverless provider websites.
This tender’s developers use the application without any vulnerabilities. The timespan of this
search was from 2019 as the latest results yield the most advanced outcomes.
Q6 talked about the Security and privacy issues concerning serverless technology. The
results assisted the reader to understand the concerns in serverless technology, thus further serves
to settle the issues based upon the yields attained in this study. The developer can build the
application using serverless by acknowledging these concerns. The time span of the study started
from the period where serverless came into existence, i.e., from 2015 as we discussed the past
issues, latest issues and analyzed them. The results were found in google scholar, blogs, news
articles, serverless provider websites like AWS lambda which has documentation on the security
issues that were being addressed.
Data Collection
As mentioned in the design of the study, data was collected using Google Scholars, Blogs
related to serverless, new articles on serverless incidents, serverless provider websites as they
discussed more the security and privacy features of their tools, journals, etc. The data was listed
as a taxonomy that contains serverless security and privacy issues and countermeasures. The
period started from 2015 as serverless first introduced in 2015 by amazon which is named AWS
Lambda. Firstly, I investigated the questions that were discussed in the design of the study, later
I analyzed the collected information and classified it in a taxonomy. This process will be
explained better using the following diagram.
Figure 2
Data Collection
Figure 3
Analyzing and Interpreting the Data
Figure 4
Classification of the Data
Chapter IV: Data Presentation and Analysis
This chapter clearly present the in-depth analysis of the serverless technologies, the
taxonomy that defines its security issues, providers, use cases and mitigations to the security
issues in serverless computing. Based on the design each attribute is defined and elaborated.
Data Presentation
The taxonomy below contains several branches, and each branch is divided into sub
sections. Each section clearly defines the security and privacy issues in serverless technology,
what are the root causes of those issues, the platforms that the technology is built upon, its
features and use cases. Figure 5 explains the overall features of serverless, and Figure 6 describes
the Development tools.
Figure 5
Taxonomy of Serverless Computing
Taxonomy of security and privacy
issues in serverless Technology
injection attacks
Distributed Denial
of service
Sensitive data
Execution flow
Protection against
Protection against
Distributed Denial
of service:
Protection against
injection attacks:
Prevention against
sensitive data
Disaster recovery
Intrusion Detection
Exception Handling
Input Sanitization
Least privilege
Patch function
Isolated function
Data in Transit
C.I.A. Triad
AWS Lambda
Microsoft Azure
Google Cloud
Alibaba Cloud
IBM Cloud
Tencent SCF
Development Tools
Service Integrations
Reduced cost
Decreased Latency
Quick deployments
and updates
Vulnerabilities and
Vendor-lock in
Cold Starts
Less Control
Difficult to debug
Low privacy
Use Cases
Data Processing
Web and Mobile
Micro Services
Cloud Automation
and CRON jobs
API backends
The above picture depicts the serverless computing taxonomy that consists of different
attributes. As shown in the picture it is comprised of several dimensions such as Attack, C.I.A.
Triad, serverless platforms. Each dimension has been divided into several subcategories. The
C.I.A. Triad has been defined as Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability. The attack is
divided into Attack types, Protection against the given attacks, Root cause, and the attack
impacts. The platform is then categorized into commercial and Opensource platforms.
Subsections are explained below.
A. Attack
This paper talks about the attacks that occur regularly in serverless computing.
i) Attack Types:
1. Injection Attacks: The attack that allows users to enter malicious inputs that
alters the program execution. This happens when the inputs are performed
without proper verification. Lambdas run on operating systems and send
HTTP requests to the URLs. Similarly, the attacker can perform the same and
send the variables to some random link. This leaks sensitive data (Gillas,
2019). The event data which are the additional inputs to the serverless
application cause possible injection attacks. There are several types of
injection attacks that can occur in serverless technologies.
a) Event Data Injection: The serverless technologies perform in a way that it
accepts even inputs. This in turn increases the possibility of data injection
attacks. HTTPS or API calls can be hijacked. The security tools are not yet
acclimated to this kind of vulnerability testing.
b) Command injections: This injection occurs when the commands execute
against the operating systems. The attacker passes the commands through
the URL and reads the contents of the file causing injection attacks.
c) SQL Injection: SQL injection is a very common injection attack across
the web. This occurs when the hacker obtains the records in the database
bypassing SQL queries in the input filed. The attackers can delete, modify,
and can execute admin operations. The event sources increase the attack
d) Cross-Site Scripting (XSS): This occurs when the inputs given by the user
are not being validated before accepting. JavaScript has a higher chance of
XSS including java, ActiveX, and VB Scripting (Yagolnitze, 2020).
Emails and cloud storage can lead to this kind of attack in serverless
2. Distributed Denial of service: A Denial-of-service attack is to make the
resource, website, or application unavailable. DDOS also makes the website
unavailable by flooding with the traffic using multiple sources. Default limits
or executions make the serverless vulnerable to DDoS Attacks. Defaults such
as pre-memory allocation functions execution limits, number of pre-defined
processors, and disk capacity (Security risks arising from serverless
technology, 2021). HTTP flood attacks are the most common DDoS attacks
where a huge amount of HTTP requests occur. The network is infected by
bots and the group of bots is referred to as zombies. The botnet sends requests
to the IP address and interrupts the normal traffic flow which in turn results in
Distributed Denial of Service attack. Denial of the wallet is quite similar to the
DoS attack, but this attack leads to the financial loss of an individual since it
targets mostly serverless users. This Dow will make the site available but
leads to bankruptcy. If the vendor serverless is insecure, this leads to the Dow
3. Sensitive data exposure: It is defined as thieving legible data, stealing keys, or
executing attacks such as man-in-the-middle attacks. The attackers can read
the database tables, access cloud storage such as s3. The most common cause
for sensitive data exposure can be not using encryption techniques such as
cryptography protocols, storing the data in the temp directory, and not
deleting the data after use can lead to weakness.
4. Broken Authentication: Attackers can bypass the logic of applications and
manipulate their flow when there is weak authentication. It also exposes
potentially executing functions as well as performing actions that were not
supposed to be exposed to unauthenticated users. Developers are advised not
to commit resources in building authentication systems but rather use
authentication systems provided by the serverless vendor. Broken
authentication occurs when the design is poor or when the access controls are
not in place. Attackers use the resources such as cloud, open APIs that can
lead to exploiting the internal resources, data leakage, and break the flow
5. Execution flow manipulation: The hackers subvert the logic which in turn
modifies the application flow. This leads to denial-of-service attacks and
access control bypass. Since the serverless technologies follow the
microservice design patterns and this follows a certain flow of execution. If a
malicious user enters the system at a certain step, he will consume all the
available resources of the system and deny other system user services. This
can be prevented by having access controls in place rather than assuming the
execution flow (The ten most critical risks for serverless applications v1.0,
ii) Protection against the attack:
1. Protection against Distributed Denial of service:
A Denial-of-service attack is to make the resource, website, or application
unavailable. DDOS also makes the website unavailable by flooding with the
traffic using multiple sources. This can be prevented by following measures
such as configuring WAF rules such as firewalls, using the AWS shields,
blacklisting the traffic that comes from specified locations, and configuring
the query strings to clock certain kinds of requests, protecting all the
endpoints (VISH, 2020). Sometimes issues occur from the single IP address or
traffic spikes at some odd hours. Those IP addresses can be blocked.
2. Protection against injection attacks:
This attack permits the users to document malicious inputs that alter the
program implementation. This can be prevented by following various
measures. Updating libraries for the programming languages such as java and
.net to the latest version decreases the occurrences of injection attacks.
Validate all the user inputs before accepting them. Limiting the privileges and
user access. implement access restriction, by following least privilege
principles. Encoding all the data before the client receives it and using valid
headers can prevent XSS attacks. Validate all the special characters as they
can lead to SQL injection attacks. The utilization of Web Application
firewalls (WAF) allows scanning all the incoming traffic for the serverless
applications. This works by performing behavioral analysis to detect
intrusions and hacking, threat blacklisting, and application whitelisting (Web
Application Firewall (WAF) solutions, 2022).
3. Prevention against sensitive data exposure:
The serverless technology can be prone to data exposure. This can be
protected by classifying the sensitive data and rescuing data at rest. Reserving
sensitive data should be minimized. Utilizing the HTTP endpoints for the
APIs can render in preventing sensitive data exposure. During function
runtimes, using environmental variables provided by the infrastructure
providers prevents data exposure (owasp-top-10-serverless-interpretation-
en.pdf, 2017). AWS introduced a tokenizer solution that helps to prevent data
exposure. Token is different from encryption. In encryption, an algorithm is
used to change the plain text to ciphertext, and keys are used to decrypt the
data. Here in the tokenizer method, the data is transformed into a string of
characters called tokens. These act as a reference to the original data
(Beswick, 2020).
4. Disaster recovery:
Disaster Recovery helps to deprecate the loss that is transpired due to
natural disasters or catastrophic events. Serverless computing has a backup
plan in such critical circumstances. Disaster recovery means minimizing the
impact of disasters by having a proper backup plan that limits the downtime
and plans to minimize the data loss during the events of disaster. From the
Engineering perspective and risk management, Disaster recovery plan two
falls into place.
1) Recovery Time Objective (RTO): Usually every company or service
maintains 2nd production service to use during disasters or primary
production downtime. RTO has calculated such that the length it would take
to move to an alternative production service
2) Recovery Point Objective (RPO): this is the portion of information loss
that is calculated in a period (Tseggai, 2018).
Serverless companies such as AWS lambda have automated backups,
documentation that help during the disaster periods, automated deployment
tools, and automated and continuous monitoring which limits the impact
during the disaster (Allen, 2022).
Usually, the CEO and the related level people of the company execute the
Disaster recovery plan by calculating the two things. Once the goals have
been set and the process has been defined, they initiate the Disaster recovery
plans. The recovery steps include Storing the data and restoring the data from
the production which is being impacted to the safe production environment.
They restore all the cache, data, authentication, authorizations. The backed
microservices will also be restored, API endpoints will be swapped, and verify
that the recovery is complete. With the Disaster recovery, the companies
ensure continuous improvements from the current, past actions to ensure that
the product is stable in the future.
5. Intrusion Detection: Intrusion can be detected and prevented by using
traditional firewalls. The serverless doesn't use a physical server, which makes
them unable to use the traditional firewall or IDS/IPS. Serverless used WAF
(Web application firewall) to protect the applications against common
exploits. The WAF contains IP addresses lists that need to be blocked. It also
contains a common attack pattern that blocks common attacks. NACL's
(Network ACL) can be used to define rules, which are more powerful than
WAF and controls traffic. One NACL can have 20 rules. It operates as a
firewall. If a user needs to block a certain IP address in a given range, then
NaCl could be the better option (Budzoń, 2017). Whitelisting can also help in
authorization certain IP addresses.
AWS introduces Guard Duty which is a hazard detection service that
scans the system for malevolent activities. This analyzes and monitors API
calls. This detected attacks at the network level as the traditional IDS systems
do. This uses a machine learning technique to detect network anomalies and
prioritize the potential threats. Once this finds certain anomalies, it stops
unauthorized activity (Intelligent threat detectionAmazon guard duty,
6. Vulnerability Scanning: There are various tools that are used to scan the
vulnerabilities in serverless computing. Some basic API tests help to run tests
on the servers (Perris, 2021).
i. DAST: Dynamic Application Security Testing runs all the predefined
inputs and checks the vulnerable pieces of evidence. The response is
measured based upon the exploits.
ii. The software Composition analysis will check the dependencies with the
known security vulnerabilities. Sometimes the third-party dependencies
will bring more vulnerabilities than the actual application. The software
composition analysis will detect such types of vulnerabilities. the NPM
audit is one such helpful tool to detect third-party dependency
iii. Synk: This is one prevalent tool in serverless that scans for vulnerabilities
and restores them automatically. Many prominent organizations utilize
Synk to produce secured applications. It integrates easily, scans
continuously, and provides quick-fixes (Developer security. Develop fast.
Stay secure, 2022)
iv. Static Application Security Test (SAST): Sometimes vulnerabilities can
happen with the source code. This occurs due to wrong coding practices.
Tools such as GREP, ESLint, Sonar Lint can detect such kinds of
v. Aqua: This tool easily integrates with the CI/CD pipelines and protects
AWS lambda functions in the runtime execution environment (Serverless
Security for serverless containers and functions, 2022).
iii) Root causes:
1. Weak Authentication:
Attackers can bypass the logic of applications and manipulate their flow
when there is weak authentication. It also exposes potentially executing
functions as well as performing actions that were not supposed to be exposed
to unauthenticated users. Developers are advised not to commit resources in
building authentication systems but rather use authentication systems provided
by the serverless vendor eg. AWS Cognito or single sign-on (SSO), AWS API
Gateway authorization facilities, Azure App Service Authentication /
Authorization, IBM Bluemix App ID, or SSO.
2. Third-Party Dependencies:
Serverless technologies use third-party software or API and libraries.
Some of these might already be prone to security attacks or might be
vulnerable. This can in turn lead to security issues in serverless technology.
The only way to protect from this kind of attack is to regularly update the
libraries/software/APIs that we use from 3rd parties.
The incident that took place in the capital one in August 2017th (Capital
One reports inside job data breach, 2017), which was arisen due to employing
the 3rd party libraries that are not updated. The incident resulted in the
exposure of sensitive data information like Date of birth, personal
identification number and compromised several files that contain customers'
Hence, even if the system that we use is highly secured and if the
dependencies that we have are vulnerable, security issues tend to occur. Hence
to prevent such kinds of security issues, the 3rd party dependencies should be
used only if necessary and need to be updated regularly. The software/libraries
need to be scanned on regular basis to see if they are any security breaches or
changes in the workflow (Rehemägi, 2021a, b, c)
3. Exception Handling:
Debugging is complex in serverless and as such developers rely on and
adopt verbose error messages in the form of syntax errors and stack traces and
variables which enable debugging environments. Problems occur when in the
process of moving into production stage codes are not cleared, this reveals
details about the serverless function internal logic which mistakenly exposes
sensitive data. In other to avoid this, developers are encouraged to avoid
verbose messaging but rather rely on debugging systems provided by the
vendor's architecture.
4. Serverless Deployment Configuration:
With serverless and its architecture being new, there is a high chance of
misconfiguration whiles setting up environments is high and can lead to data
loss as well as exposure of sensitive data.
5. Logging:
A peculiarity of serverless computing is that functions and containers are
turned off and on in a matter of seconds. If the state, status, and other
information related to these functions and containers are not captured, the
information is irretrievably lost. In the event that a block of code written in a
temporary container malfunction, how can DevOps verify that the right events
required to trigger the block of code were implemented for example? This is
where the importance of logging becomes paramount. To understand how an
application behaves, what happens when it fails, logging is compulsory.
6. Input Sanitization:
The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) ranks injections
as one of the most dangerous security risks in both conventional web
applications and serverless applications. Serverless environments by nature
have various input sources. For example, AWS lets users/developers use
multiple input sources to call their Lambda functions. These inputs can be
from databases, API gateways, file storage, etc. Users/developers must imbibe
the use of input sanitization best practices both when writing the program and
when it is in operation.
7. Least privilege:
privilege in serverless computing/development is a lot more granular than
other cloud systems. Users/developers are able to set permission models on
smaller blocks of code (or function). When deploying many functions, the
easy method is to default to the maximum permission levels allowable for
each function. This practice leads to functions with less-than-optimal
permission security. Users/developers should practice the principle of ‘least
privilege’ when managing permissions giving each function the minimum
permissions necessary.
8. Patch function dependencies:
In serverless development, Function as a Service (FaaS) environments
have the responsibility of patching operating system dependencies in your
environment. However, the responsibility of patching your application
dependencies lies with you, the developer. The application dependencies and
third-party code libraries pulled and used for software development such as
npm, PyPI, Maven, etc, all are examples of dependencies whose patching
responsibility lies with the user. A major example was in the case of the
Equifax Credit breach, a known bug in a dependent library was exploited to
gain access to their systems.
9. Isolated function perimeter: As we know, serverless computing uses function
as the unit of scale and developers simply develop their pieces of code then
submit them to the cloud provider for their execution. The serverless
environment the cloud provider provides is secured using several security
mechanisms and techniques. The developer’s functions are the inputs to this
secured environment and the cloud provider is not responsible or accountable
for the security of those functions. In that case, if the developer uploaded a
function with security vulnerabilities and when it gets compromised that
function can put not only the developer’s data in the function at risk but also
the other developers’ functions and cloud environment resources. One mode
of mitigating this risk is maintaining isolated function boundaries. Sometimes
the deployment of more than one function is needed to create the workflow
and get the expected output. But we cannot assure that every function in the
cloud environment is highly secured. For instance, a function that sanitizes its
input from the users which neglects input sanitation from another function can
get compromised due to the other function not sanitizing its inputs from the
user and getting compromised already. Isolated function perimeter assures the
functions are isolated within their perimeters (Tal & Podjarmy, 2019a) and
treats every input to the function coming from a suspicious data source. This
way it can filter all the inputs and block harmful data coming into the function
and reduce the risk by isolating the compromised function from harming other
functions. Creating and adopting standard security libraries also helps ensure
isolated function perimeter.
10. Secrets Management:
Since serverless functions are just pieces of code most of the time they
need to get access to other resources from any other cloud provider. In that
case, serverless functions use credentials (Naor, 2018). Depending on the type
of service such as cross-account integration, these secrets can be short-term or
long-term and must be saved at someplace. This is where we require an
appropriate method to access, and control secretes. From the developer’s side,
they can focus on encrypting their secrets and store them in a separate secure
place in the memory and scan the code regularly for any accidental commits
of secrets. From the serverless provider’s side, they offer integrated tools to
fulfill this requirement which is called secrets management for added security.
This is secure storage where the developers can store their secrets and
sensitive credentials. For example, AWS Lambda employs the “Secrets
Manager” whereas Azure utilizes the “Key Vault”. This helps in reducing the
risk of sensitive information exposure to a great extent. During the
deployment of the functions, serverless applications can call the API of the
secrets manager and consume the secrets they need such as access keys. Using
secure storage for sensitive information is highly encouraged and
recommended in serverless environments instead of saving secrets in static
files in code repositories and environment variables. Bitcoin mining incidents
that happen in 2014 (Mardesich, 2014) and 2015 (Pauli, 2015) are good
examples for using secure storage and maintaining good security practices.
Moreover, Keeping the secrets in secure storage is the serverless providers’
responsibility and they need to make sure that the data is encrypted.
11. Data in Transit:
Since we are articulating about “serverless”, individuals may believe that
there is no data, and it is just a function that is supposed to do some tasks. But
there is data within functions that are fed by the developer using variables.
This data can be user credentials, access keys, credit card information, and
any other sensitive information. We do not recommend adding sensitive
information into functions but, developers can make mistakes. However, the
risks arise whenever the data is transmitted and exchanged. This transmission
can happen in many ways. One is when the developer uploads the coding to
the serverless environment. Another way is during the function’s execution.
Depending on what the function’s task is, it may need to connect to other
functions in the serverless environment or any other third-party vendor to get
access to some other services(Many-faced threats to serverless security,
2017). Whenever the data is in transit, it increases the attack surface. This risk
can be mitigated by making sure the medium that is used for web
communication is sufficiently secured. Serverless providers force developers
to use secure protocols such as HTTPS whenever the developer makes a
connection with the serverless provider to submit their pieces of code.
Moreover, using SSL certificates to verify the identity of whom they are
communicating with is also highly encouraged in serverless computing (Tal &
Podijarny, 2019b).
B. C.I.A. Traid:
Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability ate the three main pillars of information
security. It is always a best practice to have this CIA Triad in hand for all the
technology implementations. Serverless can be secured by following these most
promising approaches.
i) Confidentiality:
Confidentiality means protecting sensitive data. This can be achieved in
several ways such as data encryption, access control, File permissions, etc. This is
executed by restricting unnecessary access for the sources. Serverless functions
should be imposed with the least access privileges. Separation of Duties should be
considered such as separation of policies and separation of roles. This can help in
exposing sensitive data and unauthorized access. Only acceptable services should
have interacted with the serverless functions. If all the services were granted
access, the vulnerabilities in those services could make the serverless system
weak even if the function is more secured. Network inbound and outbound should
be restricted for selected sources and destinations (Khani, 2021).
ii) Integrity:
Integrity is defined as unaltered data, i.e., protecting data from transformations
and omissions by unauthorized parties. Because if the data is changed, the damage
can be irreversible considering the sensitivity of the data. Serverless deals with
data processing, IoT, etc. which have a lot of sensitive data that it deals with.
What if the data is being altered which in turn causes severe problems to the users
such as incorrect medication prescription or devise malfunctioning which could
take out the life of an individual? Therefore, integrity is one of the primary
characteristics of the CIA Triad (What is the CIA triad? 2021).
This can be achieved in serverless by following best practices such as
continuous monitoring of the data and observing if there are any sudden changes.
Logging of all the actions is another best strategy. The function data must be
encrypted even if data in transit or at rest. This way data alterations will not be
attainable by unauthorized people. Regular audits, log files, and taking benefit of
all the monitoring tools supplied by the serverless providers helps in having data
visibility that in turn achieves integrity.
iii) Availability:
Availability is defined as the data being available for actual use whenever needed.
An example of lack of availability is a denial of service (DoS attack) where the
service is down by sending multiple requests at a time and making the service
unavailable. This can cause huge financial loss for the business. Hence ensuring
Availability is an essential task.
Imposing limitations on computation memory, concurrent executions can aid
in controlling runaway functions which in turn cause DoS attacks in serverless.
The serverless providers such as IBM have Disaster Recovery plans in high if
there are availability issues. Hence there can be very low downtown in case of
any disasters. availability can be achieved by taking a few precautions such as risk
analysis, dependencies documentation such as Recovery Time Objective (RTO),
and Recovery Time period(RTP), Backing up Data, etc. (disaster-recovery-
introduction, 2019)
AWS Lambda has the built-in highly available feature which makes it's one of
the best serverless provider to consider (Serverless computingAmazon web
services, 2022).
C. Platform
i) Commercial
1. AWS lambda:
This service was provided by Amazon. This is an event-driven, serverless
platform. Using AWS Lambda developers can run their code virtually
without any administration. Developers can write their code in the supported
languages, create functions, applications or can upload their own code. The
lambda functions can perform different computational tasks. Lambda will
automatically manage the resources with high availability, scalability, and
security. Also, developers can use the other AWS service with the same login
to extend the services. It supports most of the programming languages like
Java, Python, C# (. NET Core), and Node. Js. This service can be found in
the AWS website linked here (AWS Lambda Serverless compute - Amazon
web services, 2021)
The AWS lambda uses certain criteria to work such as functions, events,
services, and resources. The function is something like microservices and
processes the files, scheduling the tasks, and maintaining the user’s data in
the database. The event must be triggered to invoke a function. This can be a
user request, message, or image. Once the function is invoked, the resources
are being used such as AWS s3 bucket, Dynamic DB table, etc. A service is a
project that the user can utilize to build the applications after a function is
invoked by the event and the resources being allocated. The service can be in
JSON format or the YAML format. (Serverless frameworkAWS lambda
guideIntroduction, 2021).
2. Microsoft azure:
This service was developed by Microsoft which makes their users build
applications without worrying about the infrastructure and administration.
Azure functions help to select different programming languages based upon
the requirements. The programming languages are selected depending on the
runtime. C#, JavaScript, and F# are supported by 1. x runtime while C#, Java
V8, and Python 3.6 are supported by 2. x runtime The APIs used b azure are
developer-friendly enabling the developers to build their code and deploy
faster. Azure also concentrates on team performance, i.e. it helps to boost the
team performance by providing a fully managed platform so that team can
build their applications. Azure is an event-driven serverless platform that
helps to solve complex problems. The commercial page can be found here
(Azure serverless. Microsoft azure, 2021).
Azure can be used to test the application or the functionality or the
business logic (Serverless frameworkAzure functions guideTesting 2021).
It creates endless connections and boosts productivity. Users can use Azure
Cosmos DB to utilize the database. Workflow can be made easier using
Azure serverless. This uses API management and creates seamless workflow
(Gursimran, 2020). The main approaches that azure serverless follows are
Azure logic apps and Azure functions. The logic apps help to create
workflows and the Azure functions to build the applications (Chris, 2021)
3. Google cloud:
The Google cloud functions is a serverless technology developed by
Google. This helps to write simple single-purpose functions, run codes locally
or in the cloud without worrying about the infrastructure. This is an event-
driven serverless compute platform. This helps from coding to deployments.
Like the above serverless services, it also enables users to pay as they use.
Google cloud functions manage code as well as infrastructure. Knative which
is managed by Google Cloud an open API, helps developers to run their
workloads from anywhere. This serverless service supports multiple
languages like Java, C#, Python, Node.js. Knative helps the developers to
focus only on the coding part, while it takes care of all the deploying,
building, and managing services (Google Cloud, 2021). This tool supports
various frameworks such as Spring, Ruby on Rails, and patterns such as
GitOps. This provides control by making the technology built with the
Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) which can run
anywhere whether it on servers or cloud.
The Knative routes all the traffic that occurs during the deployments and
scales automatically. Abstraction is achieved which makes the code reusable.
Knative can be integrated with the user’s own platform while using all the
benefits of the Google serverless technologies (Manor, 2018). The Knative
reduces vendor-locking’s. The google cloud is integrated with other services
like artifact registry to manage images and packages and Docker hubs. The
main advantage of the serverless is parallel computation i.e., when there are
many batch jobs that need to run and are intense, the serverless schedules
those jobs (Bertram, 2021). In the GCP, the user sends an HTTP request to the
google cloud function, the google cloud function sends the response or the
URL immediately, but whereas AWS lambda uses API gateways in between
the communication as a medium. The logic or the code is wrapped in a
function that makes it executable in the GC function. Each of the modules
performs single action which is quite similar to microservices architecture
(Aruljothi, 2021).
4. Alibaba Cloud:
Container technology helped developers build and deploy their functions,
but the disadvantage is that it might take a very long time to scale out the
instances. Hence there is no auto-scaling management. Hence, serverless came
into existence. Alibaba provides the tools for the developers to implement
serverless features. “Function Compute” is one such serverless technology
created by the Alibaba cloud. This ensures low operational costs but delivers
quality business deliverables. This is event-driven and can be used to build
applications using the services. The function compute runs the code elastically
and in a reliable manner(what is serverless computing? what are the features
of serverless?, 2021)
The Official serverless technology of Alibaba cloud which is known as
Function compute can be found here (Function computeAlibaba Cloud,
2021a, b). This service contains several features such as an event bridge
trigger in which it routes all the events to function compute. HTTP trigger is
another event that recieves and processes HTTP requests and sends back the
HTTP responses. This supports various programming languages such as Java,
Python, Node.js, PHP, c#, etc. To perform deployments, debugging, and run
the application various development tools are available such as funcraft which
is a tool that helps to debug local, create the resources, and utilize third-party
resources. Similarly, fcli is another development tool which is a command-
line interface that is provided by Alibaba cloud to manage the resources that
are in Function compute. Visual studio code extensions also help to create,
debug, or deploy the applications. Several instances and resource types are
available in Alibaba function to compute that helps to increase the computing
performances. The billing is charged based upon the amount of time the
resource is being used and is not charged for the idle time which makes the
serverless cost-effective.
The workflow in the function compute is as follows. The developer
chooses the programming language and compiles the applications. Then he
uploads the application in the Function compute. This contains either SDK or
API. Then the trigger calls the function. The trigger method contains functions
to compute, APIs, logs, table stores (What is function compute, 2018). The
function computes resize dynamically based on the request and the billing is
invoked. The main advantage of Function compute compared to other
serverless providers is that it uses event triggers, log queries, monitoring, and
alarms for troubleshooting. scaling is done within milliseconds to an accuracy
of 100 milliseconds. As per Wang et al. (2021), the Function as a service
application use container tools and images for deployments and invocation.
Cold starts occur in serverless computing as it takes time to fetch the data or
the images in the containers. The cold starts range from seconds and might
take minutes to start.
5. IBM cloud:
It is developed by IBM based on Apache Open Whisk. This is a FaaS
functions-as-a-service (FaaS) programming platform. This enables developers
to develop lightweight code and build applications. Here users can pay for
what they used. It supports many programming languages like Python, Swift,
Node.js, PHP, and Java. The IBM cloud functions provide greater control and
scalability as IBM has a network of networks that segregate the traffic and
streamlines. The international network has 2,000Gbps of connectivity which
in favor operates independent network streamlining administration (IBM
Cloud. 2021).
The serverless applications are deployed in containers. The use cases that
support serverless are Data Processing, Parallel computing, API backend,
stream processing workloads, and microservices. Data processing states that
the serverless is quite adapted with the audio, texts, images, data, and videos.
Parallel tasks can be run at one invocation like data search or processing
which makes the serverless parallel compute. API gateway provides extra
security. this enables the HTTP to be readily utilized by the web clients and
available for web actions (IBM cloud education, 2021a).
Web applications, mobile applications can be built using this service. The
user accesses the application in the object storage. The API is called when the
application is used which is defined in the API gateway. This sends the
request to the cloud functions. functions can be developed using various
languages. The tasks can be scheduled in which the function can be executed
periodically. The mobile developers can access the server-side logic and
implement the functions in the languages that like swift to consume server-
side functions. The commercial IBM cloud functions can be found in this
website (IBM Cloud FunctionsOverview, 2021)
6. Tencent SCF:
Tencent SCF is a Serverless Cloud Function that helps to develop and
deploy code. This is an event-driven, serverless platform. It provides auto-
scaling and helps the developer to build the application and supports most of
the phased-in software development lifecycles such as coding, deploying,
debugging, and testing. It also extended its service to alarming, monitoring,
and troubleshooting. Once the resource is available, the developer can simply
write the code.
SCF reduces overhead time as the billing is done based upon the number
of requests and the resources being used. It has a centralized architecture that
makes deployments and tests done in just one click. The code can be written
without worrying about the components, which makes the SCF easy to use.
Even though the volume is high, SCF provides resources to meet the client's
business needs. The SCF is compatible with various frameworks. Once the
function is written, it can be deployed automatically which makes SCF high in
efficiency. SCF has resources in various locations, making sure that if there is
downtime in one resource due to any reason, it automatically provides the
resources from another location. This makes the service reliable. The official
website to use the Tencent SCF can be found here (Serverless cloud function.
Tencent cloud, 2021).
SCF has high fault tolerance. In order to run functions, users can
customize the time to run those functions. This uses Ckafka messaging
system, SDK is used when an application is being called. It supports various
programming languages such as Go, PHP, Java, Python, Node.js, etc. The
functions can be written online or offline using the web IDE's that are
supported by SCF which makes it easier and more convenient for the
developers to use. It allows developers to connect to git. Tencent uses push
and pulls trigger modes. The trigger pushes the events and pulls events from
function execution. The trigger events are represented in JSON format. The
input parameters in the programming languages such as java contain objects
that matches the event (Cloud, 1998)
ii) Open Source
1. Apache open whisk:
This is an open-source serverless platform. It executes functions in
response to the events. It helps to perform multiple operations in the code.
This allows writing functions in the language desired by the developers like
Java, Scala, .NET, PHP, Python, Ruby, Rust, NodeJS, Swift and Go. The
Apache open whisk provides developers to integrate with other services. This
provides scaling and optimal utilization. It also provides a development tool
that helps developers to debug their code. The Apache open integrates easily
with many services such as Kafka which is a message queuing system, Agile
tools such as GitHub, JIRA, and Alarm packages which help to schedule
reoccurring intervals. It also integrates with the databases such as Cloudant,
push notifications. Slack messages can also be utilized in this serverless
technology provided by Apache open whisk. The official website can be
found here (Apache open whisk is a serverless, open source cloud platform,
Apache opens whisk code to external events which can be HTTP requests
like audio, video, image, a file that gets uploaded. These can be considered as
external events and when invoked, trigger a function. The function contains
backend logic in Apache open whisk. The deployment is containerized which
makes it use of most of the frameworks such as OpenShift, Kubernetes, etc.
There are few pros of using Apache open whisk than other popular
services such as Google Cloud, AWS lambda. The first and foremost is that
this is open source where other services are commercial. Apache open whisk
provides high security as the deployments are hosted on-prem, which makes
the developers run their code in the Apache private network rather than using
third-party APIs. There is no vendor lock-in, whereas other famous services
suffer from this. The Apache open whisk uses various technologies in its
architecture such as docker, Kafka, and Cloud DB. The Apache open whisk is
most widely used for mobile applications, web applications, event-based
processing IoT devices. The code that is developed by the designers can be
debugged in real-time with diverse tools supplied by Apache (Shivang, 2019).
Here the functions are stateless which are later triggered by events. The
application is an open whisk is a collection of actions. Action can be grouped
in packages or sequences. It contains a controller that manages entities, an
invoker that launches all the actions, and the action container that executes the
actions. All the actions are functional which can be invoked with input, event-
driven where environments are being activated by the events, and are time-
bound which means it is implemented in the quickest time as possible
(Sciabarra, 2021)
2. Kubeless:
Ever since the launch of AWS Lamba by Amazon, all the significant cloud
providers construct serverless technologies. Kubeless is one serverless
technology developed by a Bitnami project. It is developed based upon the
Kubernetes cluster by taking privileges of Kubernetes. The advantages of this
are being open source, supporting multiple languages such as Python, Ruby,
PHP, .net, and providing custom runtimes. It triggers events using Kafka
messaging system and HTTP events. This launches run-time based upon the
demand for each custom resource. It helps developers deploy code using their
infrastructure and provides auto-scaling (Kubeless, 2021). The tools can be
run locally or in the cluster. The official website to use Kubeless can be found
here (Kubeless, 2021).
Kubeless provides write code once and runs anywhere and anytime
service. Different development tools can be used with Kubeless. Kind is one
such tool that helps to generate the Kubernetes cluster inside the docker
container. Once the function is created, it can be deployed in a local cluster
and the function is called. Triggers can be configured using the Kubeless
through the HTTP endpoints (Rojas, 2020)
The functions deployments are easy in Kubeless compared to other
serverless services. The function can be involved by running one command.
The script dynamically takes the contents of the file located in the /Kubeless
folder and executes when a request is being invoked or sent. Changes can be
quickly iterated (Okteto Team, 2020) . Kubeless provides easy operational
management because the services and the applications are run on a separate
infrastructure. The cost is less while using this service which uses pay-as-you-
go architecture. applications run smoothly and take less operational time
because of the serverless fast invocation feature. The Kubeless is used as
described. A namespace is created, code is deployed in a Kubeless cluster, the
use case is simulated using the CLI command, service is being accessed. The
services listen to the messages and trigger the work. There are three trigger
types used in Kubeless such as HTTP triggers, scheduled triggers, and pub-
sub triggers(the triggers that are managed by Kafka clusters) (Singh, 2012)
3. OpenFaas:
OpenFaas is an open source serverless platform that helps to deploy
functions and the code to Kubernetes. This allows the users to limit the idle
time, connect with other possible resources, process data quickly and
effectively. It is also capable to handle various requests that have intense
processing (Ribenzaft, 2020). To write code and access applications, the users
must divide the logic into individual tasks before implementation. Complex
applications can be run by simplifying serverless functions in the docker
containers. The OpenFaas architecture contains an API gateway that routes all
the functions, a Function watchdog that acts as an interface between the user
and serverless, a Docker Swarm, and Kubernetes which are the engines to
create products and local functions.
The official website to use the OpenFaas can be found here (Ltd, 2021).
According to the official website, it states that the user can write, deploy their
first python function in just 10 to 15 minutes. The OpenFass supplies the
Templating System that lessens and communicates codes in the equipped
template store. OpenFaas enterprise is available for business and provides
extra functionality like the scale to zero, single-sign-on, and Kafka
As this is publicly available, they are a few pros and cons of using
OpenFaas. The errors can be corrected easily while adding new functionality
can be quicker and easier. It supports multiple programming languages like
Java, python, c#, Go, Ruby,, Bash, and binaries like ImageMagick,
FFmpeg, etc., and users can use any based upon their convenience. The
drawbacks include cold-start time for the functions to be operational in few
supported programming languages. The function's life span is limited as the
platform will be created and destroyed automatically. This means that
stateless is not achieved (Ribenzaft, 2020). The advantage of open-source over
to the public providers is that they have vendor-lockin which will have
restrictions to the function. The open source eliminates this limitation and
provides on-premises deployments such as OpenFaas. This uses the HTTP
and event function triggers. The developers provide functions, and the
command-line interface (CLI) manages all the packages into the Docker
container. OpenFaas has a flexible architecture compared to other open source
serverless frameworks (Mohanty et al., 2018). OpenFaas auto scales as it uses
the metrics of Prometheus which is an integral part of its architecture. This is
easy to use and can be installed with one click. the functions are written in the
language selected by the user and the packages are written in OCI/Docker
image formats. The cold starts don't apply if a function is not scaled to zero
(Openfaas 8.0.4 · helm/openfaas, 2021).
4. Fission:
Fission is also an open-source platform that runs based upon the
Kubernetes-native serverless framework. This is developed by Platform9
private cloud provider. This allows developers to write the functions in the
desired language that are supported by Fission and then map to HTTP
requests. These functions can be deployed using one command. The fission
automates all the configurations that help developers to focus only on coding.
It uses an Apache license and works on the Kubernetes cluster. It has the
flexibility of deploying the services anywhere. The Fission supports various
programming languages such as Java, Python, PHP, NodeJS, GO, etc. The
official website for the Fission can be found here (Fission, 2020). The main
edge of Fission is the low cold start time which is commonly 100msec. This is
achieved by using the pre-warmed containers that run on the cluster. The
developers can build functions once and can deploy anywhere using the
Declarative specification feature of Fission. By integrating with Fluentd, logs
will be incorporated directly into Command Line Interface. Tracking of
metrics and dashboards is achieved through the integrations with Prometheus.
Managing the micro-services is achieved by integrating with Istio open-source
platform. The functions scale automatically bases on CPU usage.
Complex apps can be created in a simpler way and accelerated
deployments which makes the applications available in just one hour using the
workflows. Testing is a lot simpler as the Record and replay functions
examine the function's routines. Autoscaling help achieve cost optimization.
There are several use cases such as API backend that helps for web or mobile
applications to write functions without worrying about servers. The
Kubernetes services integrate with other services such as Redis or Postgres or
Etcd. Event-driven systems are incorporated in which if any event occurs, the
Fission executed the activities. This expands web applications without
affecting the actual application (serverless for Kubernetes with fission
functions as a service, 2021)
The Fission uses three main concepts functions, triggers, and environment.
The function is where the code is written. The environment is the language
used and the triggers are used to execute the functions. It uses three elements
that are Executer, Router, and controller. The controller contains all the three
concept functions, triggers, and environments and the Kubernetes event
watches. The router implements the HTTP triggers by forwarding the request
and generating responses to the target functions. The executor Pool Manager
and New Deploy control the functions lifecycles. The autoscaling is achieved
using Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA). The fission has centralized log
storage. The functions run in containers; hence the logs are processed as the
container logs. The main advantage of Fission over Kubeless is the low cold
start time, and some advanced features such as custom workflow and phased
releases (Fission, 2019)
D. Features
i) Development Tools:
Serverless computing helps developers build functions without worrying
about the servers. The Development tools make the FAAS services much easier.
These tools reduce the efforts of configurations. The below picture depicts the
tools that integrate with the various famous serverless providers.
Figure 6
Taxonomy of Development Tools
1. AWS lambda: There are many integration tools that are supported by the
AWS lambda.
a) Node lambda is an open-source command-line tool. This tool helps the
JavaScript developers to run the JavaScript code locally on their machines
and deploy the Node.js application into the AWS lambda. It can manage
thousands of requests at the same time. Most of the developers who code
using the Node.js language use Node lambda as it is very lightweight and
handles all the requests instantly. The node lambda installation kit can be
found her (Node-lambda, 2021).
AWS Lambda
Alibaba Cloud
Visual studio
Google Cloud
Apache Open
faas cli
Tencent SCF
b) LambCI: LambCI is a Continuous Integration (CI) tool that is maintained
by AWS. This is easy to set up and quite cheaper than the other SaaS tools
such as Travis or CircleCI. The code deploys easily while costing nothing.
The LambCI responds to slack, GitHub, and can run using various
programming languages such as Node.js, Java, Go, Ruby, etc. (Hart,
2016). The CI can be achieved through this by uploading the LambCI
package to AWS. Developers can launch things and make sure that they
are up to date. Code is pushed into GitHub, and it triggers the event. The
LambCI tool eliminates the limitations of traditional systems. It runs
around 1000 concurrent builds which in turn increases the efficiency. The
main disadvantage of using this tool is that there is no root access, and it
can only be supported in Linux. Memory is also limited to 1.5 GB (Taylor,
c) Gordon: The Gordon is an open-source tool that helps to create or write or
deploy AWS lambda using the cloud formation. The files can be found on
this GitHub page (Bastida, 2015/2021). It allows various programming
languages such as Java, JavaScript, Go, python and Scala. Gordon
manages Lambda and connects the lambda to amazon s3, dynamo, and
various amazon services. Gordon takes care of complex integration and
makes the process smooth for the Lambda developers (LambdasGordon
0.7.0 documentation, 2015). The process is as follows. It first downloads
the requirements from the Lambda functions, zips the file, and uploads it
into the s3. Now new version can be created with the code and publish the
version. IAM role is created and attached to the lambda function (Taylor,
d) Kappa: Kappa is also an open-source command-line tool that is used for
developing lambda functions. Kappa automates the process of
deployment, updating, testing, configuration, adding event sources, and
uploading of functions (Yegulalp, 2019). Kappa creates IAM policies,
roles and helps to associate those policies with them. All the functions are
uploaded in zip format into was lambda. Logs can be displayed using the
cloud watch log stream. Kappa can be installed using pip and all the steps
can be found in GitHub (Garnaat, 2014/2021). It uses IAM policies for
access, zip functions, sends the test data, adds events to trigger the
function. Changes can be made easily to lambda functions using Kappa.
This framework can be used for IoT and cloud, create microservices, and
dynamically wire IoT devices (Persson & Angelsmark, 2017).
e) Lambda Uploader: Lambda uploader is a command line utility that is used
for python AWS lambda functions. It supports work in progress and pull
requests. The lambda uploader will automatically check for requirements
in configuration file with the help of requiremenst.txt file. It controls
creation of virtual environment and install their dependencies. This Zip
those dependencies and interface the package that in turn reduce the tasks
that are more time consuming and makes tasks easy for the developers
(Rackerlabs, 2020).
f) Chalice: Chalice is an AWS serverless framework that helps to build
python-based applications. Applications can be quickly created and
deployed on AWS Lambda. The commands to implement the Chalice can
be found in GitHub (AWS Chalice, 2016/2021). It acts as a command line
to create and deploy applications, acts as an integration with the AWS S3,
AWS gateway or any other services. This also automates the IAM
policies. Not just creating, deploying but the applications can also be
deleted using chalice delete command (Nayak, 2020).
2. Alibaba Cloud:
In addition to Alibaba cloud serverless, it provides few tools that help
developers to run their programs smoothly and deploy their applications in
local environments. All the tools can be found here (Function compute
Alibaba Cloud, 2021a, b).
a) Funcraft: Third-party dependencies can be installed using the fun craft.
It helps to manage function compute, log services, and API gateways.
This is a command-line tool and can be installed in either windows,
macOS, or Linux. All the resources that help to deploy, build, or run
applications can be defined in template.yml. In addition to these, code
packages can be built, NAS (storage that provides access and capacity)
files can be managed and uploaded on-premises (FeaturesLegacy,
b) fcli: fcli is a command-line tool that helps to manage function compute
resources. The fcli can be downloaded from GitHub (Releases ·
aliyun/fcli, 2020).There are various commands that perform various
activities such as sandbox where the third party libraries can be
installed to perform various operations like debugging in the local
environment. service-related commands to create or update services,
function-related commands to create, execute or update a function,
trigger related commands to fire a trigger or update a trigger and log
related commands to create Log store and run the logs (Use fcli for the
first timeLegacy. Alibaba Cloud Documentation Center, 2020).
c) webIDE: webIDE tool that is provided by Alibaba cloud can be used
to manage function compute resources.
d) Midway Serverless: This is a serverless framework that is mainly used
for Node. js-based cloud functions. This reduces the maintenance price
thereby focusing more on the development. Its integrated development
solutions make the applications easy to deliver and maintain. It is
lightweight and publicly available. This has entry and exit parameters
for the function platforms. It can be migrated easily between the
platforms by expanding runtime API's and unified configurations.
Integrating from traditional web to serverless can be faster using this
Midway serverless framework (Midwayjs, 2018).
3. Microsoft Azure:
Microsoft offers various SDK tools that help developers build
applications using various features of fully integrated development
environments (IDE). It provides default azure support and advance
debugging abilities. All the tools can be found in the official website of
Microsoft listed here (Developer Tools, 2021).
a) Visual studio code: This makes developers easily switch between
tools. It is used for the development, debugging, and deploying of
code. All the cloud projects can be deployed locally using this tool. It
also makes developers set the deployments automatically to the cloud.
With the provided MongoDB support, the application data can be
easily managed or hosted in the cloud using the azure Cosmo DB free
tier. Easy collaboration can be achieved using GitHub which enables
pair programming. Docker extensions enable containerized
applications, Kubernetes extension to deploy cloud-hosted Kubernetes
in visual studio code. Both the front-end and back-end applications can
be debugged simultaneously
b) SDK: The SDK makes users install language that is specific to their
application. They are the collection of libraries. These libraries are
approachable, consistent, dependable, idiomatic, and diagnosable. This
supports various programming languages such as Java, .net, C, C++,
Python, android, Ruby, IOS, PHP etc. and all the documents related to
these languages can be found here (Download Azure SDKs and tools,
c) App configuration: All the azure app configurations can be stored here
which provides a universal hosted location. It eliminates time-
consuming deployments by managing the configurations effectively.
This is specifically designed for speed, security, and scalability. The
encryption is done for the data that is in rest or the in-transit data. It
can also be integrated easily with other popular frameworks. Users
will have more control and reduce costly deployments. The universal
configurations make it easy to trouble shoot while eradicating the
errors. The code separated from the date makes it to be a secured tool
for the developers
4. Google Cloud:
a) Iron: An ironworker is a platform that is flexible to not only google but
also various famous serverless services such as AWS and Microsoft
azure. The main advantage of the iron platform is that it eliminates
vendor locking. This helps developers to run code in various
environments whether it be in the cloud or on-premises. It supports
various programming languages such as Java, python, ruby,
JavaScript, Go, Node.js and .net. This was said to have the best
customer support (Nick, 2021).
b) faast.js: faast.js is a framework that is multifunctional and callable as
the Google cloud functions or AWS serverless functions. It ensures in
uploading the code or creating the cloud infrastructures or cleaning up
the code. It can scale the functions in just seconds. The fasst.js library
has no operational overhead time, no service dependencies, or any
complexities. This also sets up IAM roles, if the user has a google
cloud provider account. serverless functions are scaled to batch jobs.
this is very cost-effective and there are no clusters to manage. faast.js
creates and cleans up the infrastructure when completed. This also
works in local processing mode (githubfaastjs/faast.js at thechiefio,
c) Formidable: This is a serverless module written for Node.js or
JavaScript languages. In addition to google cloud, this also supports
AWS and Microsoft azure. This module parses from data. This is great
at error handling and provides high test coverage. It occupies low
memory and allows plugin APIs in which users custom plugins and
parses. This is sad to be fast and automatically write the file uploads to
disk. Users have the option to use Koa package to use formidable
manually (The 50 most preferred open-source serverless tools, 2021).
5. Apache Open whisk:
a) FIWARE Meteoroid: A meteoroid is an open-source software that
integrates firmware and Open whisk to execute the functions. users
can manage the Meteoroid from the command-line interface. It is also
easy to process the data. meteoroids are made of containers, which
makes it instantly build the FaaS environment that can perform and
execute applications. The meteoroid can be implemented either with
fiware-faas-integrator or without it. This enables the developers to
focus on coding while eliminating the cumbersome infrastructure
preparation (Welcome to meteoroid documentation, 2021).
6. OpenFaas:
a) faas cli: This is a command-line interface for the OpenFaas serverless
technology that is built on docker and Kubernetes framework.
Functions can be built and deployed using the faas-cli into OpenFaas.
Once the function is written, the CLI does the docker image
processing. It helps to build or push docker mages, deploys, removes,
or invokes the functions, and manages the secrets to the functions. A
single file can have multiple configuration operations using
environmental variable templates. This also allows third part templates
to be added to the local machines (Elli, 2017).
7. Tencent scf:
a) web IDE serverless: The tensent scf launched the serverless web IDE for
the user to have an integrated development environment for browsers. It
provides an on-cloud development experience. Development, deployment,
and testing of functions can be done using IDE. Code autocompletes and
smart prompt options are available. It contains all the configurations that
are supported by SCF such as programming languages, pip, npm, etc.
Functions can be deployed and triggered either manually or automatically.
This also provides an option to view the logs that include response data,
output logs, and the execution summary. By default, it provides 5GB of
storage space. There might be a risk of data leakages, hence they
recommend installing phpMyAdmin components (Serverless Web IDE.
Tencent cloud, 2021).
II. Domains:
Serverless technology is most widely used in all major domains such as IoT,
Web, and mobile application domains, big data, machine learning, mathematical
computations, etc. Web services is a dominating domain in serverless technology.
Next comes scientific programming and IoT. Popular services such as Slack,
Netflix, Coco-cola use serverless technology. Netflix uses AWS lambda to mage
the infrastructure using event-based triggers. Shamrock's trading company
services are fully (100%) serverless. They shifted from docker to serverless which
made them save a lot of money (David, 2021). Web applications can be built
easily using serverless. it ensures scalability, cost-effectiveness, and quick
building of applications. According to one survey conducted by O’Reilly, about
40% of the respondents have adopted the serverless architecture in their fields in
various industries such as software ranking 1st and follows with finance,
consulting, telecommunications, health care, government, and manufacturing
(Guzikowski & Chris, 2019). This survey includes that AWS lambda was the top
service to be used by followed Microsoft, Google, IBM, and Oracle. The tools
that were most frequently used were Custom tooling, Cloudflare, lambda
uploader, node-lambda, LambdaCI, Cloud Zero, and Kappa. Although there are
few drawbacks considering security, vendor lock-in in which few companies were
not very enthusiastic to adopt the serverless technology, most of the companies
Big data contains a large volume of data that is unstructured. The data
increase daily and maintaining od such large data and performing analytics on
such data can be quite complex and high in cost. Using serverless architecture in
big data analytics can make the tasks easier. Implementation, maintenance, and
governance of these applications in the serverless can be effective (Rahman &
Hasibul, 2019).
Machine learning systems typically use the serverless architecture as the data
increased in volume and is difficult to handle. Stateless functions are being
executed in the cloud without worrying about the infrastructure and their
maintenance. This dynamically controls the memory of the stateless functions
(Wang et al., 2019).The serverless architecture has components in which all te
common functionality is located. For example, plug-and-play is a component that
is used to structure and sort the data, and testing can be done easily on this. It also
reduces the development resources barriers which in turn reduce the infrastructure
costs. The serverless automates many of the big data or machine learning
challenges. vendor-native comments is just what needed to switch to serverless
architecture and is compatible with any of the major serverless providers (Adam,
Internet of things is rapidly adopted by many companies and provided various
technological innovations. Implementing those IoT devices using the serverless
technologies lowers the cost of infrastructure while focusing on the output or the
application. For example, if an IoT developer tries to utilize the was services, they
use AWS IoT of integration, Dynamo DB for storing the data, and AWS lambda
for processing of the data. Once the function triggers, the results are achieved by
calling the data that is stored in the tables. Hence, this reduces operational,
developments and deployment costs. It is fault tolerant and is quite scalable by
default (DataArt, 2017). AWS lambda and other public provider renders huge
support for the services that helps to build secure, reliable IoT platforms.
Developers can create the IoT backend to collect the data, visualize and analyze
the data.
Serverless architecture has the capacity to keep complex configurations
uncomplicated. Serverless can be used to access numerous CPUs at low costs.
Mathematical computations such as linear algebra can become complex if it is
being one machine or of larger calculations. High-liner algebra algorithms can be
implemented using serverless architecture. According to the (Shankar et al.,
2018), LAmbdaPACK package can be used to achieve this. it is 240% better
because of its elasticity and can perform matrix and other complex mathematical
operations. Functions as a single core in serverless systems which makes them
execute on any machine. This shows that the algebra algorithms can be executed
with stateless functions and with seamless fault tolerance. the elasticity in the
serverless technology enables the system to dynamically adjust to the natural
linear algebra algorithms.
III. Service Integrations:
While using services such as AWS Lambda or Google cloud, the developers have
to take care of the errors that they encounter. hence, they try to modify the business
logic in their code. By integrating with the API gateways, they can improve the
reliability of the application by reducing the number of lines in the code. At first rest
API's were being used for integrations. Now HTTP APIs were introduced with fewer
configurations than the rest API and have automatic deployments. The HTTP API
directly integrates with the services offered by Amazon. without any templates. The
direct HTTP API integrations are AWS system manager, step functions, event bridge,
data streams, and simple queue services.
The System manager provides the interface in which users can track the
operational issues and resolve them. Tasks can also be automized. It helps to monitor,
implement and troubleshoot the application issues. This integration is built to simplify
the application management and lesser the time to resolve the operational problems.
This is very helpful to automate workflows, runbooks, and rollout in case of errors. It
helps to achieve greater control over the applications. The agile issue or requirements
tracking tools such as ITSM or service now can be integrated easily with this (AWS
systems manager Gain operational insights and take action, 2021).
The AWS step functions help to visualize the workflows, automate the processes
and build the applications using serverless technologies. It helps developers to focus
on codes while this service integration takes care of failures, integrations,
parallelization, etc. This automates the manual jobs of Extract, transform and load
(ETL) processes. It also makes the data easily processes for machine learning. It
combines several functions into microservices and serverless applications. There are
various industries that use the step function services (AWS step functions. Serverless
microservice orchestration, 2021).
The Amazon event bridge helps to build event-driven applications at scale. It
takes the data from the Zendesk or shopify. Rules can be arranged to verify if the data
reacts with the real time data sources. It is beneficial to connect the SaaS applications
without writing code. It has fault-tolerance and built-in distribution availability. This
connects applications using custom events. Monitoring and auditing of the application
is possible in the real-time to prevent vulnerabilities (Amazon Event Bridge, 2021).
Amazon Kinesis Data Streams (KDS) is used for data streaming in the real-time.
It seizes data from multiple sources such as social media feed, logs, financial
transactions, location tracking etc. This data is useful for real-time data analytics and
enables dynamic pricing, anomalies detection. It is secured as data is accessed
through virtual private amazon cloud and easy to use as data processing is quick, i.e.,
within 70 milliseconds form the time data is collected. It is durable and ensures that
there is no data loss and provides multiple layers of protection. It is high in elasticity
as it dynamically scales up the applications and is very low in cost. This is used in
gaming, mobile applications, event data collection and in analytics (amazon kinesis
data streamsData streaming service, 2021).
Amazon simple queue services (SQC) enables send, receive, delete, or prioritizing
messages using HTTP API direct integration. This integration assures that the data is
secure through the encryption of logs. It scales automatically and other is no limit for
the messages in the queue. It provides reliable message delivery and eliminates
infrastructure overhead. This service is used in IoT, healthcare, and various major
industries (Amazon SQS. message queuing service. 2018).
Hence these are some of the important service integrations that t are provided by
the major cloud provider amazon that helps to easily integrate with the serverless
technologies to make the work of developers easy and convenient.
IV. Programming Languages:
Serverless supports many programming languages for their developers. They can
choose a language based upon their choice to build any applications in the serverless
platform. For example, AWS supports C#, Java, Python, Node. js, Ruby, PowerShell
and Go. They also enable runtime API which makes them use additional
programming language. The cloud run supports more languages and allows it to run
on containers. Python and Node.js are the most popular languages in serverless
computing. Node uses express pattern, Python used flask, Go used Http packages,
Java uses Maven and it also supports other Java Virtual Machine (JVM) languages
such as Kotlin, Scala, and groovy. The .net is built upon ASP.NET core, Ruby on the
standard ruby interface, and PHP using PHP server (Timmerman, 2020).
V. Scalability:
Another factor that makes developers prefer serverless computing in their
applications is its scalable ability. Applications that are built with a serverless
infrastructure tend to scale automatically as the user base grows which intend means
usage increases as well. Here when functions need to run, they do so in multiple
instances, and all this is done by the provider. They start to run and end as at when
needed with the use of containers. Using containers means the functions start up
much quicker especially when they have been run not too long ago. This means that it
is highly impossible for a serverless application to be overwhelmed in case of an
increase in usage as they can handle a huge number of requests and also process a
single request as compared to a traditional method which has a fixed amount of server
VI. Reduced Cost:
With serverless computing, developers are only charged for what they use this is
so because code only runs when backend functions are needed by the serverless
application, and because of this, the code automatically scales up as looked-for.
Providing users with access to applications is dynamic, accurate, and real-time. In
comparison to traditional methods, a developer had to project how much server size
they will need and then acquire that capacity in advance, whether they end up using it
or not. This is a very huge factor that has led to many developers switching to
serverless as it resembles pay as you go in the phone industry.
VII. Decreased Latency:
Latency means delay. Codes can be run from anywhere since applications are not
hosted on the origin server in serverless. This makes it possible for functions of
applications to run close to the user reducing latency because requests from the users
don’t have to travel all the way to the origin server. This is another factor that makes
developers choose serverless computing over traditional methods.
VIII. Quick deployments and updates:
Developers prefer using serverless for their applications because quick
deployments and updates are possible. Serverless infrastructure makes it possible to
release a working version of an application without uploading code to servers. This
makes it possible for developers to release their new products, release code in bits,
upload code a function at a time or all at once. Developers can update, fix and add
new features to their applications a function at a time rather than make changes to the
whole application.
E. Vulnerabilities
I. Vendor-lock in:
Vendor-lock in is a situation in using the same vendor products. If a user
wants to shift to a different vendor, it costs very high. Hence it is said that the
customer is locked into the service provider. Serverless has the vendor-lock in
issue as it makes users lock to its vendor. It has potential risks, for example, the
vendor controls the host, resources such as hardware and operational systems. The
API acts as an interface between the user and the provider. The API can become
vulnerable, prone to attacks as it is maintained by a third party. This in turn
affects the users that use serverless technologies.
Tight coupling in the code will make it difficult for the user to shift to
different vendors in the future (Vijayan, 2021). Sometimes vendors may change
the product that might not support the business need of a user. As the clients are
already locked in there are chances of increasing the price of their service. It also
increases the complexity of the maintenance.
Solutions to avoid vendor locking will be the cross-provider deployments,
which help to deploy the same code on different serverless platforms (Taibi et al.,
2021). Some open-source FaaS frameworks are suggested to overcome this. Multi
cloud approach can be followed to leverage this problem, ensure probability and
utilize serverless computing effectively (Sampe et al., 2021). Using the
programming language that is supported by any of the providers makes it easy for
the user to switch from one vendor to another vendor. Migrating to the vendor
that supports the existing programming language would reduce the migration
costs. Users should consider the architecture pattern. A good pattern makes the
migration easier for the clients. Abstraction plays a role like Operating systems
abstract from hardware, virtualization abstracts from Operating systems, similarly
architecture pattern in serverless (Tanasa, 2019). Lastly using the technologies
that are standardized makes the migratory easier which reduces the vendor-lock in
problem, for example, HTTP webs server is supported by almost all the serverless
vendors. Hence, migration will be quite easier in such cases. SQL database is one
standardized technology that can be integrated with any of the service providers.
Hence, keeping in mind with these few techniques reduces the vendor-lock in
problem in serverless technology.
II. Cold Starts: Cold start is expressed as the response period it takes when the
instance starts a new request for the first time after deployments. Cold start is one
most common problem in the serverless world. The reason for the request to
process longer is that it needs to initialize the worker, function module, and then
allocate the worker(Cui, 2020). Hence, this in turn results in more time for the
containers to warm up and start the services. It might take some duration for the
code to execute. The cold start can occur depending upon the language we use,
the dependencies, etc. The scripting languages such as JavaScript, Python,
Golang, and Node.js have better performance than Java, C# and .net.
According to the Comparison of Cold Starts in Serverless Functions across
AWS, Azure, and GCP (Shilkov, 2021), the azure functions take 20 to 30 mins,
AWS lambda consumes 5 to 7 mins and the Google cloud consumes 15 mins.
Hence AWS has fewer cold starts compared to Azure or google cloud. The
packages inside the languages such as java, JavaScript can increase the cold start.
The cold starts can be mitigated by taking several measures. Sometimes
allocating more memory to the functions help to startup fast. Removing
unnecessary packages or shrinking the package size before deploying helps in
improving startup latency. Keeping the functions warm reduces the cold start
frequency. This can happen by invoking functions periodically, which reduces the
warmup time. Large functions lead to more cold starts. hence, breaking down the
function and having proper architecture increases the performance (Rehemägi,
III. Less Control:
Serverless relies on third parties in several ways such as libraries, software, or
API. Such dependency leads to less control of the system and more vendor
control. If the vendor has any downtime or vulnerabilities or cost modifications or
upgrades, it directly impacts the users that are using serverless which are
dependent on those vendors. Even if the user needs to switch from one vendor to
another, it would be very difficult as they need to change all the configurations
that need to be adjusted as per the new vendor, modify the logic and change the
designs and architecture. Hence, it causes a lot of complications to the developers.
Even with all the changes, the components might get affected. Each of these
vendors might have different security concerns which directly impact the
serverless users (Roberts, 2018).
One main advantage of serverless is that we can customize the software,
version, packages, dependencies, etc., as per the business. Hence, the software is
vast and will have less control over all the vendors and it would be difficult to
track all the stacks. The loss of control can be within performance or
configurations or problems resolutions. Configuration-wise, the serverless allows
to configure as per their want but leads to less control and exposure of data by the
vendors. The vendors provide tools that are more platform-specific rather than
operating-system-specific. Hence, they can be less compatible with the Operating
systems (Roberts & Chapin, 2021a).
This can be reduced by using risk assessment and use what are the important
features for the business. This will have more control and conduct less effect.
Tools such as Dashbird helps to analyze the metrics, logs events, monitor the
errors and health of the lambda functions. It also specifies memory usage and
avoids cold starts. Users can know the troubleshoot the performance issues using
the Dashbird Tool (Rehemägi, 2021a, b, c).
IV. Difficult to debug:
Debugging is a bit difficult in serverless as it has distributed components
which make the live environment debugging difficult. It is not even cost-effective.
Users will not be able to debug live as they do not have direct approach to the
servers. Since debugging is live, it costs more that might directly impact the
business budgets. Few of the frameworks that the serverless applications use have
limitations imposed which makes debugging quite difficult. Tracing and tracking
the code is hard. Sometimes debugging in serverless computing uses entire logs
that make debugging difficult.
The debugging in the serverless world is divided into two areas such as local
debugging and debugging serverless in the cloud. Frameworks such as AWS
Lambda use Serverless Application Model (SAM). This YAML template helps
developers to define events, functions, and permissions. The command-line
interface helps to invoke functions locally and debug them (serverless debugging
guide, 2022).
Debugging in the cloud requires a few connections that help for live testing.
The First would be testing APIs such as postman and curl. secondly, testing the
lambda functions where test events are created. track those applications using
AWS cloud watch logs using familiar tools such as Splunk or ELK. AWS X-RAY
to debug and analyze the applications. that helps in debugging (Sengupta, 2021).
V. Low privacy:
Considering all the points mentioned earlier, serverless is prone to security
vulnerabilities. The main reasons can be due to using multiple resources that tend
to make data more visible and less secured. The attack surface can be more due to
numerous providers and various services. The data in serverless is stored in
stateless mode. This can cause privacy issues while transferring the data from one
location to another and can lead to data leaks. Insecure settings in the
deployments can lead comprise the privacy of the files.
Hence it is recommended to follow best practices while using serverless
technologies or applications. Always secure the data storage, Cautious with third-
party services, follow best coding practices, and only use the trusted 3rd party
libraries that can help in mitigating security issues in serverless.
F. Use Cases
Serverless technology can be used in a variety of applications or systems which
are discussed below. Most of the applications can be built upon the serverless with
fewer limitations. It has fine grade deployments, less monitoring or maintenance, and
more of focusing on development tasks. Below are the most popular use cases of
serverless computing.
I. IoT:
The most popular Alexa, iRobot is serverless users. This itself shows how
serverless is very prevalent among the household appliances or day-to-day things
that build using Internet of Things (IoT) technology. The IoT is restructuring its
models and adapting to serverless computing since it resolves many of the IoT
problems such as sustainability (Yusuf, 2019).
IoT is expected to have a greater impact in economically poor societies. But it
comes with more security vulnerabilities. IoT in public domains contains sensitive
data and has a more prominent chance of exposure or a breach that leads to
security-related issues. This is why few countries don't adopt IoT specifying the
major security concerns. IoT also needs technical infrastructure such as cloud,
network, architectures to implement the solutions. All these issues pushed back
Serverless came into the picture which made IoT publishers solve most of the
above-mentioned issues. AWS, Lambda solutions in IoT helps to maintain data
privacy even in the public domains. The Function as a service (FaaS) and
Software as a service (SaaS) solved economic issues of IoT. The serverless
architecture is built in such a way that it addresses all the problems and makes IoT
easier and more secure to be used. It reduces maintenance costs, hence can be
utilized in economically weaker countries. Network, cloud, and data processing
are made easier if IoT uses serverless technologies for their backend processing.
Nevertheless, it is cost-effective which advantages IoT users and publishers. They
provide quality, secured effective services and monitoring can be very easy for
the IoT appliances that are built upon serverless technology.
II. Continuous Integration:
Users or developers spent most of their time on Continuous Delivery or
continuous Integration known as (CI/ CD) integration in addition to developments
and deployments. Suing serverless technology helps them to focus mainly on the
developments while the CI/CD is taken by serverless. It is easy to set up and
maintain. Once the pull request has been created, the changes will be deployed
automatically, which helps the team or the developer to test, preview or view the
outcome (Serverless CI/CD: Built for serverless applications, 2022). AWS is built
in such a way that it can easily integrate with GitHub and helps in serverless
According to the (Mishra, 2022), there are several uses for CI/CD that use
serverless or FaaS technology. Server maintenance is not bothered, and there is no
cost for idle time. It can have several builds happen concurrently which can be
more than 100 builds. The only drawback is that its support for plugins is limited
and there is no root access. Automatic deployments and builds have been fostered.
Custom pipelines can be created for highly developed deployments.
III. Data Processing:
Serverless is highly used in various types of data processing such as image,
audio, video, text files, PDF processing, multimedia processing, etc. It is known
best for Ad Hoc Data Processing. Frameworks that automatically deploy helps in
storing data quickly in a cloud environment. There are yet a few things that affect
the data processing in serverless such as the size of the files, the way files are
split, etc. (Werner et al., 2020).
Amazon uses Kinesis for data processing. Firstly, the data such as financial or
logs or IoT data is being sent to Amazon Kinesis. This data is stored in the form
of a shard. The Fanout technique is used where the lambda functions are triggered
and the date is pushed out. The data is thus stored in Dynamic DB. It uses a push
and pull model, where data is pushed from sources to the lambda functions. In the
pull model, the data is mapped by the function (Sitapara, 2018).
Example:(SiteSpirit, 2019) IBM's "Site spirits" is a company that creates
responsive websites for various industries. It uses serverless Media-library-as-a-
service which is also known as "Media Spirit" to create visually effective pictures
for marketing. Using serverless technology, it retrieves the right picture from
thousands of images easily. It is 10 times faster and 10% more cost-effective after
using serverless. Initially, it was developed using an open-source database and run
on virtual servers using Platform-as-a-service technology. Now they have
completely moved to serverless, changes the architecture, and started using Open
Whisk, IBM's serverless technology. This is now handling its high-demand
requests and delivers quicker responses.
IV. Web and Mobile applications:
Serverless technology build backend APIs that services mobile applications
and web apps. The Application developers tend to move to serverless as they can
just focus on coding and logic, while the serverless take care of all the processing,
backend data, monitoring, storing, etc. This results in a quality product, where
their focus will be more on functionality that matches their business. Whenever
developers or serverless users wish to perform changes to their functionality, they
can edit only the function rather than changing all the backend which in turn
makes easier updates. It is cost-effective as they only pay for what they need like
resources that are being used, storage space, etc.
Serverless also offers predefined frameworks, which make the life of
developers so easy by just editing in the given frameworks. In FaaS, the functions
run independently where the functions are divided into small functions. whenever
the user triggers the event, the function runs, and the cost is calculated based upon
the time the function is running. we only pay for the running time and not the idle
time. Deployments are quite easier using serverless. There are many providers
available, and the users have options to choose from a wide variety of cloud
suppliers such as Google cloud functions, AWS, Apache, etc.
Below are a few well-known companies that use serverless technologies:
(Arkhipov, 2020).
1. T-Mobile: This company use serverless to build their mobile and web
2. Coca-Cola: These companies use vending machines that are implemented
using serverless and gained a lot of popularity.
3. Slack: This uses serverless applications for notifications.
4. UPS: This company uses serverless technologies for their communicating
bots. UPS uses Microsoft Azure serverless services and only focuses on
client-side functionality while the backend is all taken care of by Microsoft
V. Micro Services:
Microservice means an application is divided into smaller parts and all these
parts execute separately rather than the application being executed as one rigid.
These have separate operations, data storage, and services. Microservices use
serverless deployment models for their deployments as they are fast, highly
elastic, and at lower costs. Monitoring and running microservices can be taken
care of by serverless providers.
Using serverless, the microservices only run when needed by applications. It
can also de further divided into smaller functions depending upon the complexity
(Tozzi, 2021). Code can be written in microservices, and they can run upon
serverless. The code is executed when they receive HTTP requests and provides a
response. The developers need not worry about the infrastructure as the serverless
providers take care of that. This improves efficiency and low overhead time. The
simplicity makes the complex applications manageable, scalable, and easy to
The fewer challenges with the serverless microservices are that cold starts
which reduce the function performances. As every application consists of many
microservices, it will be a bit hard for monitoring all those services. It might be
hard to determine the root cause for the issues as sometimes it can be due to
function timeouts or can be due to the environment (Datadog, 2020)
Considering the major positives of serverless microservices, it is the best way
to integrate them as they both have numerous advantages.
VI. Cloud Automation and CRON jobs:
Cronjobs are used by almost all companies to automate cleanups, email
notifications, etc. Serverless technologies such as AWS Lambda can be used to
perform such jobs which reduce machine management and have very simple
interfaces that are used for automating tasks (McCumskey, 2019).
This is cost-effective because serverless is paid as you go. Hence when crone
jobs are scheduled to run at a particular time, the serverless only costs for that,
and the rest of the idle is not calculated which can be a great benefit for the
companies to perform crone jobs. Additionally, it also establishes anomaly
detection, monitoring, and metrics.
To have cloud automation, first, the production database needs to be
connected to the function where it executes all the tables and data. Next, all the
dependencies and the serverless framework will be installed where the cronjobs
are scheduled. AWS also provides secret management and a various number of
alerts that are built in previously. Periodically backing up data can be easy using
serverless as it doesn't require the server to run continuously (Serverless
advantages and use cases, 2022).
There are very few challenges in executing cronjobs such as using different
hardware such as GPU if the cronjobs execute more than 15 minutes long.
VII. API backends:
Serverless can work on Rest API backends. The web action which is enabled
from the web help to assemble the Application Program Interface (API) with the
API gateway. The actions which are also called functions are converted to HTTP
endpoints. These endpoints are readily consumed by the clients (IBM cloud
education, 2021b).
The IBM cloud function...demonstrated how this can be achieved using Open
Whisk. First, the database is created such as Mongo DB, then the serverless
actions are registered which run using Function as a service (FaaS). All the
entries from the database are retrieved using a sequence of actions and the
database connections are being established. By the end of this, the functions will
have endpoints. Now API is created, and web application is deployed (Mittal,
Data Analysis
The data is analyzed based upon the multiple factors that affect serverless by defining
them as attributes in taxonomy. Each attribute helps readers understand the evolving technology,
the precautions that need to be taken before or while using Serverless computing. Each attribute
is then subdivided that explains the developer tools, which in turn helps readers understand the
various options that are available and the providers that issue them. Taking all the security
attributes into consideration, the developers can build their seamless applications in a secured
and cost-effective manner.
This chapter educates users by understanding the features of serverless technology,
attributes that need to be considered while working with serverless computing. Risks and
precautions are advised that helps readers use the technology in an effective and secured manner.
The data collected from several research papers, journals, and real-time incidents from
newspapers helps to educate the readers and is a single go-to place to refer to all the attributes of
serverless computing. The next chapter describes the results of the study, conclusion, and future
Chapter V: Results, Conclusion, and Recommendations
In this chapter, I am going to design a taxonomy based upon the multiple factors that
cause security issues in serverless computing. Based on the design, I will explain each branch of
attributes, define the attribute, and explain why it is important.
Based on the research conducted throughout the study, all the questions that were identified
during the methodology has been found and addressed below.
1. How to detect and identify vulnerabilities in serverless computing?
This research question is answered in the first attribute of the taxonomy, i.e.,
"Attack". It describes the Types of Attacks and the Root causes. This helps readers to
detect and identify vulnerabilities.
2. Different problems are mentioned in the previous chapters. How can we drive solutions
to the mentioned problems?
This research question is answered in two branches of the taxonomy. One
"Vulnerabilities and Mitigations" explains the problems and solutions to the emerging
problems. Another branch "Protection against attacks" describes how to protect the
serverless systems, when the problems are being identified.
3. There are different tools available such as Open-source tools like SecLambda. What
are the ways to protect those tools?
This research question is answered in the branch "Features". This explains all the
Developer tools that are available which are provided by the serverless providers that
were defined under "Platforms". It also talks about the ways to protect the tools and
use them in a secure way.
4. How to protect the systems that use serverless technologies?
This research question is answered in both "Attacks" protection against the
attacks and in the "Features" development tools. Also, the overall paper gives an
overview for the readers to help them know how they can protect the serverless
technology-based systems.
5. How should users or developers take care while using the serverless technology?
The "C.I. A Triad" (Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability) is one of the
taxonomy branches that describes the best practices that developers should follow
which in turn help them build secured applications on the serverless. "Use cases"
which explains several properties of serverless computing, also describes how
developers should use this technology and what precautions need to be taken care of.
6. What are the Security and privacy issues concerning serverless technology?
This research question is answered in all the chapters of the paper. This paper
primarily focused on security and privacy issues that concern serverless technology.
By end of the paper, users will get a good knowledge of serverless technology,
security issues in the technology, and how to overcome those issues to build secured
applications. In Chapter 4, Taxonomy the "AttackType" defines what are all the
attacks in the serverless world, the root causes of those attacks. "Vulnerabilities" in
vulnerabilities and mitigations also define the security concerns in serverless
This paper discusses the emerging technology of serverless computing and its
characteristics. As there are many benefits with serverless, there are some catches that are clearly
described in this paper. Research has been conducted based upon several articles, recent blogs,
google scholars. The data is analyzed, and the taxonomy has been classified. The taxonomy
evidently shows the features of serverless computing, the platforms that it is built upon such as
AWS or Google, various attach types, and the root cause for those attacks. lastly, several use
cases have been depicted such as serverless being used in IoT, data processing, microservices,
In this paper, the merits of serverless computing alongside the pitfalls have been shown.
A great deal of responsibility lies on the shoulders of the users/developers using serverless
technologies, especially when it comes to securing their work. Users/developer must carefully
protect their environment, especially from input-oriented attacks but also lapses in maintenance
that can open gates for malicious elements.
Future Work
In the paper, we have shed detailed light on Serverless computing as it relates to the
security of applications and the application development process, highlighted the security
attributes to keep an eye on, and recommended techniques to help mitigate breaches that might
be caused by overlooking these attributes.
Further research can go in the direction of making an automated tool based on the
attributes we have highlighted. A tool that can scan a serverless environment and determine how
much risk is presently based on the attributes we have lined up. The field of serverless
computing is relatively new, which means it is going to keep expanding. Researchers need to
keep an eye out for other indicators of compromise as the serverless train chugs ahead.
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