Boston University
Department of Biomedical Engineering
44 Cummington Mall
Boston, MA 02215
(617) 358-3055
Born August 1, 1976, in Boston, MA
2019 Princeton University, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Visiting fellow (with Celeste M. Nelson)
2013 Columbia University Medical Center, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Training course in microsurgery (with Yelena Akelina)
2008-2009 Princeton University, Department of Chemical Engineering
Visiting fellow (with Celeste M. Nelson)
1999-2001 Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Department of Biomedical Engineering
Postdoctoral fellow (with Christopher S. Chen)
1993-1999 Harvard University
Ph.D., physics (with George M. Whitesides)
A.M., physics (1995)
1990-1993 University of California, Irvine
B.S., physics, summa cum laude (with Gordon L. Shaw)
B.S., mathematics, summa cum laude
2002-present Boston University
Affiliated faculty, Division of Materials Science and Engineering (2008-present)
Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering (tenured) (2008-present)
Member, Program in Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, and Biochemistry (2003-present)
Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering (2002-2008)
Boston University College of Engineering Award for Teaching Excellence (2018), Boston University
College of Engineering Outstanding Professor of the Year (2013), NIH/NIBIB Edward C. Nagy New
Investigator Award (2006), Boston University Provost’s Innovation Award (2002-2003), NIH/NHLBI
National Research Service Award (2001-2002), Johns Hopkins University Distinguished Postdoctoral
Fellow (1999-2001), NSF Fellow (1993-1996), Sigma Xi (1993), UC Irvine Herbert H. Chen Award
(1992), Barry Goldwater Fellow (1991-1993), UC Irvine Campuswide Honors Program (1990-1993), UC
Regents Scholar (1990-1993), National Merit Scholar (1990), Tandy Technology Scholar (1990)
Joe Tien
Microvascular tissue engineering; vascularization of biomaterials; quantitative physiology of engineered
tissues; biomaterials for microsurgical applications; lymphatics; interstitial transport; inverse problems in
vascular imaging; vascular biophysics; vessel-tissue interactions in cancer and obesity
70. Leggett, S.E., Brennan, M.C., Martinez, S., Tien, J. & Nelson, C.M., Relatively rare populations
of invasive cells drive progression of heterogeneous tumors. Cell. Mol. Bioeng., in press.
69. Tien, J. & Dance, Y.W. Protein-based microfluidic models for biomedical applications. In
Handbook of the Extracellular Matrix: Biologically-Derived Materials (eds. Maia, F.R., Reis,
R.L. & Oliveira, J.M.), pp. 17.1-17.28 (Springer, Berlin, 2023).
68. Dance, Y.W., Obenreder, M.C., Seibel, A.J., Meshulam, T., Ogony, J.W., Lahiri, N., Pacheco-
Spann, L., Radisky, D.C., Layne, M.D., Farmer, S.R., Nelson, C.M. & Tien, J., Adipose cells
induce escape from an engineered human breast microtumor independently of their obesity status.
Cell. Mol. Bioeng. 16, 23-39 (2023).
67. Seibel, A.J., Kelly, O.M., Dance, Y.W., Nelson, C.M. & Tien, J., Role of lymphatic endothelium
in vascular escape of engineered human breast microtumors. Cell. Mol. Bioeng. 15, 553-569
66. Dance, Y.W., Meshulam, T., Seibel, A.J., Obenreder, M.C., Layne, M.D., Nelson, C.M. & Tien,
J., Adipose stroma accelerates the invasion and escape of human breast cancer cells from an
engineered microtumor. Cell. Mol. Bioeng.
15, 15–29 (2022).
65. Tien, J. & Ghani, U. Methods for forming human lymphatic microvessels in vitro and assessing
their drainage function. In Biomedical Engineering Technologies, Volume 2 (Methods in
Molecular Biology, vol. 2394) (eds. Rasooly, A., Baker, H. & Ossandon, M.R.), pp. 651-668
(Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, 2022).
64. Tien, J., Dance, Y.W., Ghani, U., Seibel, A.J. & Nelson, C.M., Interstitial hypertension
suppresses escape of human breast tumor cells via convection of interstitial fluid. Cell. Mol.
Bioeng. 14, 147-159 (2021).
63. Tien, J. & Dance, Y.W., Microfluidic biomaterials. Adv. Healthcare Mater.
10, 2001028 (2021).
62. Rabie, E.M., Zhang, S.X., Kourouklis, A.P., Kilinc, A.N., Simi, A.K., Radisky, D.C., Tien, J. &
Nelson, C.M., Matrix degradation and cell proliferation are coupled to promote invasion and
escape from an engineered human breast microtumor. Integr. Biol. 13, 17-29 (2021).
61. Tien, J., Li, X., Linville, R.M. & Feldman, E.J., Comparison of blind deconvolution- and Patlak
analysis-based methods for determining vascular permeability. Microvasc. Res. 133, 104102
60. Tien, J., Ghani, U., Dance, Y.W., Seibel, A.J., Karakan, M.C., Ekinci, K.L. & Nelson, C.M.,
Matrix pore size governs escape of human breast cancer cells from a microtumor to an empty
cavity. iScience 23, 101673 (2020).
59. Li, X., Xu, J., Bartolák-Suki, E., Jiang, J. & Tien, J., Evaluation of 1-mm-diameter
endothelialized dense collagen tubes in vascular microsurgery. J. Biomed. Mater. Res. B 108,
2441–2449 (2020).
58. Tien, J., Tissue engineering of the microvasculature. Compr. Physiol. 9, 1155-1212 (2019).
57. Li, X., Xia, J., Nicolescu, C.T., Massidda, M.W., Ryan, T.J. & Tien, J., Engineering of
Joe Tien
microscale vascularized fat that responds to perfusion with lipoactive hormones. Biofabrication
11, 014101 (2019).
56. Thompson, R.L., Margolis, E.A., Ryan, T.J., Coisman, B.J., Price, G.M., Wong, K.H.K. & Tien,
J., Design principles for lymphatic drainage of fluid and solutes from collagen scaffolds. J.
Biomed. Mater. Res. A 106, 106-114 (2018).
55. Li, X., Xu, J., Nicolescu, C.T., Marinelli, J.T. & Tien, J., Generation, endothelialization, and
microsurgical suture anastomosis of strong 1-mm-diameter collagen tubes. Tissue Eng. A 23, 335-
344 (2017).
54. Piotrowski-Daspit, A.S., Simi, A.K., Pang, M.-F., Tien, J. & Nelson, C.M. A three-dimensional
culture model to study how fluid pressure and flow affect the behavior of aggregates of epithelial
cells. In Mammary Gland Development (Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 1501) (eds. Martin,
F., Stein, T. & Howlin, J.), pp. 245-257 (Humana Press, New York, NY, 2017).
53. Piotrowski-Daspit, A.S., Tien, J. & Nelson, C.M., Interstitial fluid pressure regulates collective
invasion in engineered human breast tumors via Snail, vimentin, and E-cadherin. Integr. Biol. 8,
319-331 (2016).
52. Linville, R.M., Boland, N.F., Covarrubias, G., Price, G.M. & Tien, J., Physical and chemical
signals that promote vascularization of capillary-scale channels. Cell. Mol. Bioeng. 9, 73-84
51. Tien, J., Li, L., Ozsun, O. & Ekinci, K.L., Dynamics of interstitial fluid pressure in extracellular
matrix hydrogels in microfluidic devices. J. Biomech. Eng. 137, 091009 (2015).
50. Ozsun, O., Thompson, R.L., Ekinci, K.L. & Tien, J., Non-invasive mapping of interstitial fluid
pressure in microscale tissues. Integr. Biol. 6, 979-987 (2014).
49. Tien, J., Microfluidic approaches for engineering vasculature. Curr. Opin. Chem. Eng. 3, 36-41
48. Chan, K.L.S., Khankhel, A.H., Thompson, R.L., Coisman, B.J., Wong, K.H.K., Truslow, J.G. &
Tien, J., Crosslinking of collagen scaffolds promotes blood and lymphatic vascular stability. J.
Biomed. Mater. Res. A 102, 3186-3195 (2014).
47. Tien, J. & Nelson, C.M., Microstructured extracellular matrices in tissue engineering and
development, an update. Ann. Biomed. Eng. 42, 1413-1423 (2014).
46. Wong, K.H.K., Truslow, J.G., Khankhel, A.H. & Tien, J. Biophysical mechanisms that govern
the vascularization of microfluidic scaffolds. In Vascularization: Regenerative Medicine and
Tissue Engineering (ed. Brey, E.M.), pp. 109-124 (CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2014).
45. Truslow, J.G. & Tien, J., Determination of vascular permeability coefficients under slow lumenal
filling. Microvasc. Res. 90, 117-120 (2013).
44. Wong, K.H.K., Truslow, J.G., Khankhel, A.H., Chan, K.L.S. & Tien, J., Artificial lymphatic
drainage systems for vascularized microfluidic scaffolds. J. Biomed. Mater. Res. A 101, 2181-
2190 (2013).
43. Tien, J., Wong, K.H.K. & Truslow, J.G. Vascularization of microfluidic hydrogels. In
Microfluidic Cell Culture Systems (eds. Bettinger, C.J., Borenstein, J.T. & Tao, S.L.), pp. 205-
221 (Elsevier, Oxford, U.K., 2013).
42. Tien, J., Truslow, J.G. & Nelson, C.M., Modulation of invasive phenotype by interstitial
pressure-driven convection in aggregates of human breast cancer cells. PLoS One 7, e45191
Joe Tien
41. Leung, A.D., Wong, K.H.K. & Tien, J., Plasma expanders stabilize human microvessels in
microfluidic scaffolds. J. Biomed. Mater. Res. A 100, 1815–1822 (2012).
40. Wong, K.H.K., Chan, J.M., Kamm, R.D. & Tien, J., Microfluidic models of vascular functions.
Annu. Rev. Biomed. Eng. 14, 205–230 (2012).
39. Truslow, J.G. & Tien, J., Perfusion systems that minimize vascular volume fraction in engineered
tissues. Biomicrofluidics 5, 022201 (2011).
38. Price, G.M. & Tien, J. Methods for forming human microvascular tubes in vitro and measuring
their macromolecular permeability. In Biological Microarrays (Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 671) (eds. Khademhosseini, A., Suh, K.-Y. & Zourob, M.), pp. 281-293 (Humana Press,
Totowa, NJ, 2011).
37. Price, G.M., Wong, K.H.K., Truslow, J.G., Leung, A.D., Acharya, C. & Tien, J., Effect of
mechanical factors on the function of engineered human blood microvessels in microfluidic
collagen gels. Biomaterials 31, 6182-6189 (2010).
36. Wong, K.H.K., Truslow, J.G. & Tien, J., The role of cyclic AMP in normalizing the function of
engineered human blood microvessels in microfluidic collagen gels. Biomaterials 31, 4706-4714
35. Truslow, J.G., Price, G.M. & Tien, J., Computational design of drainage systems for vascularized
scaffolds. Biomaterials 30, 4435-4443 (2009).
34. Price, G.M. & Tien, J. Subtractive methods for forming microfluidic gels of extracellular matrix
proteins. In Microdevices in Biology and Engineering (eds. Bhatia, S.N. & Nahmias, Y.), pp.
235-248 (Artech House, Boston, MA, 2009).
33. Price, G.M., Chu, K.K., Truslow, J.G., Tang-Schomer, M.D., Golden, A.P., Mertz, J. & Tien, J.,
Bonding of macromolecular hydrogels using perturbants. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 130, 6664-6665
32. Price, G.M., Chrobak, K.M. & Tien, J., Effect of cyclic AMP on barrier function of human
lymphatic microvascular tubes. Microvasc. Res. 76, 46-51 (2008).
31. Golden, A.P. & Tien, J., Fabrication of microfluidic hydrogels using molded gelatin as a
sacrificial element. Lab Chip 7, 720-725 (2007).
30. Nelson, C.M. & Tien, J., Microstructured extracellular matrices in tissue engineering and
development. Curr. Opin. Biotechnol. 17, 518-523 (2006).
29. Chrobak, K.M., Potter, D.R. & Tien, J., Formation of perfus
ed, functional microvascular tubes in
vitro. Microvasc. Res. 71, 185-196 (2006).
28. Tien, J., Golden, A.P. & Tang, M.D. Engineering of blood vessels. In Microvascular Research:
Biology and Pathology, Vol. 2 (eds. Shepro, D. & D'Amore, P.A.), pp. 1087-1093 (Elsevier
Academic Press, San Diego, CA, 2006).
27. Tang, M.D., Golden, A.P. & Tien, J., Fabrication of collagen gels that contain patterned,
micrometer-scale cavities. Adv. Mater. 16, 1345-1348 (2004).
26. Gray, D.S., Tien, J. & Chen, C.S., High conductivity elastomeric electronics. Adv. Mater. 16,
393-397 (2004).
25. Chen, C.S., Tan, J.L. & Tien, J., Mechanotransduction at cell-matrix and cell-cell contacts. Annu.
Rev. Biomed. Eng. 6, 275-302 (2004).
24. Tang, M.D., Golden, A.P. & Tien, J., Molding of three-dimensional microstructures of gels. J.
Am. Chem. Soc. 125, 12988-12989 (2003).
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23. Gray, D.S., Tien, J. & Chen, C.S., Repositioning of cells by mechanotaxis on surfaces with
micropatterned Young's modulus. J. Biomed. Mater. Res. A 66, 605-614 (2003).
22. Tan, J.L., Tien, J., Pirone, D.M., Gray, D.S., Bhadriraju, K. & Chen, C.S., Cells lying on a bed of
microneedles: an approach to isolate mechanical force. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 100, 1484-
1489 (2003).
21. Clark, T.D., Ferigno, R., Tien, J., Paul, K.E. & Whitesides, G.M., Template-directed self-
assembly of 10-m-sized hexagonal plates. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 124, 5419-5426 (2002).
20. Tien, J., Nelson, C.M. & Chen, C.S., Fabrication of aligned microstructures with a single
elastomeric stamp. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99, 1758-1762 (2002).
19. Tien, J. & Chen, C.S., Patterning the cellular microenvironment. IEEE Eng. Med. Biol. 21, 95-98
18. Tan, J.L., Tien, J. & Chen, C.S., Microcontact printing of proteins on mixed self-assembled
monolayers. Langmuir 18, 519-523 (2002).
17. Tien, J. & Chen, C.S. Microarrays of cells. In Methods of Tissue Engineering (eds. Atala, A. &
Lanza, R.), pp. 113-120 (Academic Press, San Diego, CA, 2001).
16. Bowden, N., Tien, J., Huck, W.T.S. & Whitesides, G.M. Mesoscale self-assembly: the assembly
of micron- and millimeter-sized objects using capillary forces. In Supramolecular Organization
and Materials Design (eds. Jones, W. & Rao, C.N.R.), pp. 103-145 (Cambridge University Press,
New York, NY, 2001).
15. Clark, T.D., Tien, J., Duffy, D.C., Paul, K.E. & Whitesides, G.M., Self-assembly of 10-m-sized
objects into ordered three-dimensional arrays. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 123, 7677-7682 (2001).
14. Gracias, D.H., Tien, J., Breen, T.L., Hsu, C. & Whitesides, G.M., Forming electrical networks in
three dimensions by self-assembly. Science 289, 1170-1172 (2000).
13. Dike, L.E., Chen, C.S., Mrksich, M., Tien, J., Whitesides, G.M. & Ingber, D.E., Geometric
control of switching between growth, apoptosis, and differentiation during angiogenesis using
micropatterned substrates. In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol. Anim. 35, 441-448 (1999).
12. Deng, T., Tien, J., Xu, B. & Whitesides, G.M., Using patterns in microfiche as photomasks in 10-
m-scale microfabrication. Langmuir 15, 6575-6581 (1999).
11. Breen, T.L., Tien, J., Oliver, S.R.J., Hadzic, T. & Whitesides, G.M., Design and self-assembly of
open, regular, 3D mesostructures. Science 284
, 948-951 (1999).
10. Lahiri, J., Isaacs, L., Tien, J. & Whitesides, G.M., A strategy for the generation of surfaces
presenting ligands for studies of binding based on an active ester as a common reactive
intermediate. Anal. Chem. 71, 777-790 (1999).
9. Tien, J., Breen, T.L. & Whitesides, G.M., Crystallization of millimeter-scale objects with use of
capillary forces. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 120, 12670-12671 (1998).
8. Huck, W.T.S., Tien, J. & Whitesides, G.M., Three-dimensional mesoscale self-assembly. J. Am.
Chem. Soc. 120, 8267-8268 (1998).
7. Marzolin, C., Terfort, A., Tien, J. & Whitesides, G.M., Patterning of a polysiloxane precursor to
silicate glasses by microcontact printing. Thin Solid Films 315, 9-12 (1998).
6. Tien, J., Xia, Y. & Whitesides, G.M. Microcontact printing of SAMs. In Self-Assembled
Monolayers of Thiols, Vol. 24 (ed. Ulman, A.), pp. 227-254 (Academic Press, San Diego, CA,
Joe Tien
5. Xia, Y., Venkateswaran, N., Qin, D., Tien, J. & Whitesides, G.M., Use of electroless silver as the
substrate in microcontact printing of alkanethiols and its application in microfabrication.
Langmuir 14, 363-371 (1998).
4. Mrksich, M., Dike, L.E., Tien, J., Ingber, D.E. & Whitesides, G.M., Using microcontact printing
to pattern the attachment of mammalian cells to self-assembled monolayers of alkanethiolates on
transparent films of gold and silver. Exp. Cell Res. 235, 305-313 (1997).
3. Tien, J., Terfort, A. & Whitesides, G.M., Microfabrication through electrostatic self-assembly.
Langmuir 13, 5349-5355 (1997).
2. Xia, Y., Tien, J., Qin, D. & Whitesides, G.M., Non-photolithographic methods for fabrication of
elastomeric stamps for use in microcontact printing. Langmuir 12, 4033-4038 (1996).
1. Shaw, G.L. & Tien, J., Energy levels of quark atoms. Phys. Rev. D 47, 5075-5078 (1993).
I. Invited seminars
55. “Engineering perfusable human adipose-on-a-chip systems”, Boston University School of
Medicine, Boston Nutrition Obesity Research Center Adipose and Metabolic Tissues Seminar
Series (Boston, MA; 2022)
54. “Engineering vascularized, perfused tissues with microfluidic biomaterials”, 2019 Diabetic
Lower Extremity Symposium (Boston, MA; 2019)
53. “Interstitial mechanics in human microphysiological systems”, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering (Cambridge, MA; 2019)
52. “Microfluidic vascularization”, Boston University, Research on Tap series (Boston, MA; 2018)
51. “Physical approaches to vascularization of biomaterials”, 5
Annual Workshop on Micro- and
Nanotechnologies for Medicine: Emerging Frontiers and Applications (Cambridge, MA; 2017)
50. “Physical approaches to vascularization of biomaterials”, Princeton University, Department of
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (Princeton, NJ; 2017)
49. “Vascularization of micropatterned scaffolds”, 3
Annual Workshop on Micro- and
Nanotechnologies for Medicine: Emerging Frontiers and Applications (Cambridge, MA; 2015)
48. “Physical principles that govern vascularization of scaffolds”, Experimental Biology 2015
Meeting (Boston, MA; 2015)
47. “How interstitial pressure affects the behavior of microscale tissues”, Harvard Medical School
and Massachusetts General Hospital, Center for Engineering in Medicine (Boston, MA; 2014)
46. “Mechanics of vascularization”, Princeton University, Department of Chemical and Biological
Engineering (Princeton, NJ; 2014)
45. “Mechanics of vascularization”, Boston University, Department of Biomedical Engineering
(Boston, MA; 2013)
44. “Microfluidic approaches to vascularization”, Johns Hopkins University, Department of Materials
Science and Engineering (Baltimore, MD; 2013)
43. “Microfluidic approaches to vascularization”, National Science Foundation workshop on Micro-
and Nanotechnologies for Medicine: Emerging Frontiers and Applications (Cambridge, MA;
Joe Tien
42. “Physical principles that govern vascularization of scaffolds”, Harvard University, School of
Engineering and Applied Sciences (Cambridge, MA; 2013)
41. “Vascularization of microfluidic hydrogels”, Brandeis University, Department of Chemistry
(Waltham, MA; 2013)
40. “Biophysical mechanisms underlying vascularization of micropatterned biomaterials”, ASME 2
Global Congress on Nanoengineering for Medicine and Biology (Boston, MA; 2013)
39. “Physical principles that govern vascularization of scaffolds”, New Jersey Institute of
Technology, Department of Biomedical Engineering (Newark, NJ; 2013)
38. “Physical principles that govern vascularization of scaffolds”, Brigham & Women's Hospital,
Department of Pathology, Vascular Research Division (Boston, MA, 2012)
37. “Functional vascularization of microfluidic scaffolds”, New Jersey Institute of Technology,
Department of Biomedical Engineering (Newark, NJ; 2011)
36. “Scaffolds and mechanics as mediators of angiogenesis”, 13
Annual Boston Angiogenesis
Meeting (Cambridge, MA; 2011)
35. “Functional vascularization of microfluidic scaffolds”, 33
Annual International Conference of
the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (Boston, MA; 2011)
34. “Engineering functional human microvessels in vitro”, Gordon Research Conference on Signal
Transduction by Engineered Extracellular Matrices (Biddeford, ME; 2010)
33. “Engineering functional human microvessels in vitro”, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
Department of Biomedical Engineering (Troy, NY; 2010)
32. “Engineering functional human microvessels in vitro”, Princeton University, Department of
Chemical Engineering (Princeton, NJ; 2009)
31. “Engineering functional human microvessels in vitro”, Harvard University, School of
Engineering and Applied Sciences (Cambridge, MA; 2009)
30. “Vascularization of microfluidic type I collagen gels”, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative
Medicine International Society (TERMIS) 2008 Annual Conference (San Diego, CA; 2008)
29. “Engineering functional human microvessels in vitro”, University at Buffalo, Department of
Chemical and Biological Engineering (Buffalo, NY; 2008)
28. “Microfluidic gels for microvascular tissue engineering”, Center for Integration of Medicine and
Innovative Technology (CIMIT) Summer Education Series (Boston, MA; 2008)
27. “Microfluidic gels for microvascular tissue engineering”, Rutgers University, Department of
Chemistry and Chemical Biology (New Brunswick, NJ; 2008)
26. “Engineering functional human microvessels in vitro”, University of Virginia, Department of
Biomedical Engineering (Charlottesville, VA; 2008)
25. “Engineering functional human microvessels in vitro”, University of California, Irvine,
Department of Biomedical Engineering (Irvine, CA; 2008)
24. “Engineering functional human microvessels in vitro”, City College of New York, Department of
Biomedical Engineering (New York, NY; 2008)
23. “Engineering functional human microvessels in vitro”, Harvard Medical School and
Massachusetts General Hospital, Center for Engineering in Medicine (Boston, MA; 2008)
22. “Engineering functional human microvessels in vitro”, Rutgers University, Department of
Joe Tien
Biomedical Engineering (New Brunswick, NJ; 2008)
21. “Microstructured gels for microvascular tissue engineering”, University of Massachusetts,
Lowell, Center for Nanomanufacturing Research (Lowell, MA; 2008)
20. “Engineering functional microvessels in vitro”, Biomedical Engineering Society 2007 Annual
Meeting, Session on “Vascular Tissue Engineering” (Los Angeles, CA; 2007)
19. “Experiences of young investigators at the interface of life and physical sciences”, National
Institutes of Health/National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering 5
Symposium, Nagy Awardees Panel (Bethesda, MD; 2007)
18. “Microstructured gels for microvascular tissue engineering”, University of Washington, Center
for Nanotechnology (Seattle, WA; 2007)
17. “Engineering functional microvessels in vitro”, Experimental Biology 2007 Annual Meeting,
Symposium on "Engineering Vascular Cell Function using Nanoscale Cues" (Washington, DC;
16. “Engineering functional microvessels in vitro”, Boston University, Department of Biomedical
Engineering (Boston, MA; 2007)
15. “Engineering functional microvessels in vitro”, Yale University School of Medicine, Program in
Vascular Biology and Transplantation (New Haven, CT; 2007)
14. “Engineering functional microvessels in vitro”, University of Virginia, Department of Biomedical
Engineering (Charlottesville, VA; 2007)
13. “Engineering functional microvessels in vitro”, University of Pennsylvania, Department of
Bioengineering (Philadelphia, PA; 2006)
12. “Microstructured gels for microvascular tissue engineering”, Roger Williams Medical Center,
Department of Dermatology & Skin Surgery (Providence, RI;
11. “Engineering functional microvessels in vitro”, 28
Annual International Conference of the
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (New York, NY; 2006)
10. “Engineering functional microvessels in vitro”, Gordon Research Conference on Endothelial Cell
Phenotypes in Health and Disease (Biddeford, ME; 2006)
9. “Microvascular tissue engineering”, Louisiana Tech University, Biomedical Engineering Program
(Shreveport, LA; 2006)
8. “Microvascular tissue engineering”, Center for Integration of Medicine and Innovative
Technology (CIMIT) Forum (Boston, MA; 2006)
7. “3D gels for microvascular tissue engineering”, University of Windsor, Department of Chemistry
(Windsor, ON; 2006)
6. “In vitro synthesis of a microvascular network”, National Institutes of Health/National Institute of
Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering Grantees Meeting (Bethesda, MD; 2005)
5. Boston University Medical Center, Pulmonary Section (Boston, MA; 2004)
4. Boston University Medical Center, Rheumatology Section (Boston, MA; 2004)
3. “In vitro synthesis of a microvascular network”, National Institutes of Health/National Institute of
Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering Grantees Meeting (Bethesda, MD; 2004)
2. Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital, Center for Engineering in
Medicine (Boston, MA; 2002)
Joe Tien
1. Boston University, Department of Chemistry (Boston, MA; 2002)
II. Conference abstracts (presenting authors underlined)
85. Leggett, S., Wong, I., Nelson, C., Brennan, M., Patel, M., Franck, C., Martinez, S., Tien, J.,
Gamboa, L., Valentin, T., Khoo, A. & Williams, E.K., “Deciphering tumor heterogeneity in
triple-negative breast cancer: the crucial role of dynamic cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions”
[abstract], American Physical Society March Meeting (Minneapolis, MN; 2024, planned).
84. Seibel, A.J., Kelly, O.M., Dance, Y.W. & Tien, J., “Improving the stability of engineered
lymphatic vessels under fluid-draining conditions” [poster], 49
Annual Northeast
Bioengineering Conference (Philadelphia, PA; 2023).
83. Dance, Y.W., Obenreder, M.C., Seibel, A.J., Meshulam, T., Ogony, J.W., Lahiri, N., Radisky,
D.C., Layne, M.D., Farmer, S.R., Nelson, C.M. & Tien, J., “An engineered 3D microfluidic
model to assess how adipocyte hypertrophy alters breast cancer escape” [poster], Biomedical
Engineering Society 2022 Annual Meeting (San Antonio, TX; 2022).
82. Seibel, A.J., Kelly, O.M., Dance, Y.W., Nelson, C.M. & Tien, J., “Tumor cells ablate lymphatic
endothelium during vascular escape of engineered breast microtumors” [poster], Biomedical
Engineering Society 2022 Annual Meeting (San Antonio, TX; 2022).
81. Seibel, A.J., Kelly, O.M., Dance, Y.W., Nelson, C.M. & Tien, J., “Lymphatic endothelium slows
invasion and vascular escape of engineered human breast microtumors” [poster], National
Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute Cancer Tissue Engineering Collaborative
Investigators Meeting (Madison, WI; 2022).
80. Seibel, A.J., Kelly, O.M., Dance, Y.W., Nelson, C.M. & Tien, J., “Role of lymphatic endothelium
in vascular escape of engineered human breast microtumors” [poster], 48
Annual Northeast
Bioengineering Conference (New York, NY; 2022).
79. Dance, Y.W., Obenreder, M.C., Seibel, A.J., Meshulam, T., Ogony, J.W., Radisky, D.C., Layne,
M.D., Nelson, C.M. & Tien, J., “Escape of human breast cancer cells through a 3D adipose
stroma derived from lean or obese donors” [poster], 48
Annual Northeast Bioengineering
Conference (New York, NY; 2022).
78. Seibel, A.J., Kelly, O.M., Dance, Y.W., Nelson, C.M. & Tien, J., “Lymphovascular escape of
engineered human breast microtumors” [talk], Biomedical Engineering Society 2021 Annual
Meeting (Orlando, FL; 2021).
77. Dance, Y.W., Obenreder, M.C., Seibel, A.J., Ogony, J.W., Meshulam, T., Radisky, D.C., Nelson,
C.M. & Tien, J., “How obesity affects human breast cancer cell invasion and escape in a 3D
microfluidic model” [talk], Biomedical Engineering Society 2021 Annual Meeting (Orlando, FL;
76. Tien, J., Nelson, C.M., Radisky, D.C., Ekinci, K.L. & Nassar, A., “Engineering invasive human
breast tumors with integrated capillaries and lymphatics” [poster], National Institutes of
Health/National Cancer Institute Physical Sciences-Oncology Network Annual Investigators
Meeting (virtual; 2021).
75. Tien, J., Nelson, C.M., Radisky, D.C., Ekinci, K.L. & Nassar, A., “Engineering invasive human
breast tumors with integrated capillaries and lymphatics” [talk], National Institutes of
Health/National Cancer Institute Cancer Tissue Engineering Collaborative Investigators Meeting
(virtual; 2021).
74. Dance, Y.W., Obenreder, M.C., Seibel, A.J., Ogony, J.W., Meshulam, T., Radisky, D.C., Nelson,
Joe Tien
C.M. & Tien, J., “How the obesity-associated microenvironment affects invasion and escape of
engineered human breast microtumors” [poster], National Institutes of Health/National Cancer
Institute Cancer Tissue Engineering Collaborative Investigators Meeting (virtual; 2021).
73. Seibel, A.J., Kelly, O.M., Dance, Y.W., Nelson, C.M. & Tien, J., “Lymphatic endothelium slows
tumor progression in a tissue-engineered model of human breast cancer” [poster], National
Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute Cancer Tissue Engineering Collaborative
Investigators Meeting (virtual; 2021).
72. Seibel, A.J., Dance, Y.W., Kelly, O.M., Nelson, C.M. & Tien, J., “Lymphovascular escape of
human breast microtumors” [poster], 47
Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference (virtual;
71. Dance, Y.W., Meshulam, T., Seibel, A.J., Obenreder, M.C., Layne, M.D., Nelson, C.M. & Tien,
J., “Invasion and escape of human breast cancer cells through an adipose stroma” [poster], 47
Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference (virtual; 2021).
70. Dance, Y.W., Meshulam, T., Ghani, U., Parikh, N., Nelson, C.M. & Tien, J., “A 3D microfluidic
model of human breast tumor invasion and escape through fibro-fatty stroma” [poster],
Biomedical Engineering Society 2020 Annual Meeting (virtual; 2020).
69. Dance, Y.W., Meshulam, T., Ghani, U., Parikh, N., Nelson, C.M. & Tien, J., “A 3D microfluidic
model of human breast tumor invasion and escape through adipose stroma” [poster], National
Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute Physical Sciences-Oncology Network Annual
Investigators Meeting (virtual; 2020).
68. Tien, J., Nelson, C.M., Radisky, D.C., Ekinci, K.L. & Nassar, A., “Engineering invasive human
breast tumors with integrated capillaries and lymphatics” [poster], National Institutes of
Health/National Cancer Institute Physical Sciences-Oncology Network Annual Investigators
Meeting (virtual; 2020).
67. Nelson, C.M., Ghani, U., Dance, Y.W. & Tien, J., “Interstitial fluid pressure controls invasion
and escape of metastatic human breast cancer cells” [talk], Biomedical Engineering Society 2019
Annual Meeting (Philadelphia, PA; 2019).
66. Ghani, U., Dance, Y.W., Nelson, C.M. & Tien, J., “Effect of matrix concentration on breast
cancer cell escape from a microtumor into an empty cavity” [poster], Biomedical Engineering
Society 2019 Annual Meeting (Philadelphia, PA; 2019).
65. Dance, Y.W., Nelson, C.M. & Tien, J., “A 3D breast tumor-on-a-chip for analysis of tumor cell
escape under flow” [poster], Biomedical Engineering Society 2019 Annual Meeting
(Philadelphia, PA; 2019).
64. Tien, J., Nelson, C.M., Radisky, D.C., Ekinci, K.L. & Nassar, A., “Engineering invasive human
breast tumors with integrated capillaries and lymphatics” [poster], National Institutes of
Health/National Cancer Institute Physical Sciences-Oncology Network Annual Investigators
Meeting (Minneapolis, MN; 2019).
63. Tien, J., Ghani, U., Dance, Y.W. & Nelson, C.M., “Interstitial hypertension suppresses escape in
human breast tumors” [poster & talk], National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute
Cancer Tissue Engineering Collaborative Investigators Meeting (Cambridge, MA; 2019).
62. Ghani, U., Dance, Y.W., Nelson, C.M. & Tien, J., “Matrix concentration affects the rate at which
breast cancer cells escape from an engineered microtumor into a cavity” [poster], National
Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute Cancer Tissue Engineering Collaborative
Investigators Meeting (Cambridge, MA; 2019).
61. Rabie, E.M., Zhang, S.X., Kourouklis, A.P., Kilinc, A.N., Tien, J. & Nelson, C.M., “Matrix
Joe Tien
remodeling is required for invasion and escape from an engineered human breast microtumor”
[poster], National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute Cancer Tissue Engineering
Collaborative Investigators Meeting (Cambridge, MA; 2019).
60. Kourouklis, A.P., Ghani, U., Han, S., Dance, Y., Simi, A.K., Tien, J. & Nelson, C.M., “Tumor
invasion and escape from an engineered solid-like aggregate of human breast cancer cells into a
cavity” [talk], American Association for Cancer Research 2019 Annual Meeting (Atlanta, GA;
59. Ghani, U., Simi, A.K., Kourouklis, A.P., Han, S., Margolis, E.A., Nelson, C.M. & Tien, J., “In
vitro model of invasion and intravasation from a solid breast tumor into a micro-lymphatic
vessel” [poster], Biomedical Engineering Society 2018 Annual Meeting (Atlanta, GA; 2018).
58. Ghani, U., Liu, C. & Tien, J., “Formation of epithelial tubes from human mammary epithelial cell
lines” [poster], Biomedical Engineering Society 2018 Annual Meeting (Atlanta, GA; 2018).
57. Li, X., Nicolescu, C.T., Massidda, M.W., Xia, J., Ryan, T.J. & Tien, J., “Engineering small-scale
perfused vascularized adipose tissues” [poster], Biomedical Engineering Society 2018 Annual
Meeting (Atlanta, GA; 2018).
56. Li, X., Xu, J., Bartolák-Suki, E., Jiang, J. & Tien, J., “In vivo evaluation of endothelialized dense
collagen tubes as interpositional vascular grafts” [poster], Biomedical Engineering Society 2018
Annual Meeting (Atlanta, GA; 2018).
55. Margolis, E.A., Chua, C.M. & Tien, J., “How lymphatic endothelial conductivity depends on
transendothelial flow conditions and substrate stiffness” [talk], Biomedical Engineering Society
2018 Annual Meeting (Atlanta, GA; 2018).
54. Tien, J., Nelson, C.M., Radisky, D.C., Ekinci, K.L. & Nassar, A., “Engineering invasive human
breast tumors with integrated capillaries and lymphatics” [poster & talk], National Institutes of
Health/National Cancer Institute Physical Sciences-Oncology Network Annual Investigators
Meeting (Bethesda, MD; 2018).
53. Kourouklis, A.P., Han, S., Simi, A.K., Tien, J. & Nelson, C.M., “Interstitial fluid pressure signals
through YAP to direct invasion of engineered human breast tumors” [poster], National Institutes
of Health/National Cancer Institute Physical Sciences-Oncology Network Annual Investigators
Meeting (Bethesda, MD; 2018).
52. Ghani, U., Simi, A.K., Kourouklis, A.P., Han, S., Margolis, E.A., Nelson, C.M. & Tien, J., “A
model of invasion and intravasation from a solid breast tumor into a micro-lymphatic vessel”
[poster], National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute Physical Sciences-Oncology
Network Annual Investigators Meeting (Bethesda, MD; 2018).
51. Kourouklis, A.P., Simi, A.K., Piotrowski-Daspit, A.S., Tien, J. & Nelson, C.M., “The
relationship between interstitial fluid pressure, collective invasion and YAP activation in
engineered human breast tumors” [poster], American Association for Cancer Research 2018
Annual Meeting (Chicago, IL; 2018).
50. Simi, A.K., Kourouklis, A.P., Piotrowski-Daspit, A.S., Tien, J. & Nelson, C.M., “The role of
pressure-driven flow in invasion and chemoresistance of cancer cells in an engineered breast
tumor model” [poster], American Association for Cancer Research 2018 Annual Meeting
(Chicago, IL; 2018).
49. Li, X., Nicolescu, C.T., Massidda, M.W., Xia, J., Ryan, T.J. & Tien, J., “Response of engineered
fat to perfusion with lipoactive hormones” [poster], 44
Annual Northeast Bioengineering
Conference (Philadelphia, PA; 2018).
48. Margolis, E.A., Chua, C.M. & Tien, J., “A constitutive flow relation for lymphatic endothelium”
Joe Tien
[poster], 62
Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society (San Francisco, CA; 2018).
47. Tien, J., Nelson, C.M., Radisky, D.C., Ekinci, K.L. & Nassar, A., “Engineering invasive human
breast tumors with integrated capillaries and lymphatics” [poster], National Institutes of
Health/National Cancer Institute Physical Sciences-Oncology Network Annual Investigators
Meeting (Cambridge, MA; 2017).
46. Tien, J., Thompson, R.L., Margolis, E.A., Ryan, T.J., Coisman, B.J., Price, G.M. & Wong,
K.H.K., “How endothelialization enhances solute drainage in engineered lymphatics” [talk],
Biomedical Engineering Society 2017 Annual Meeting (Phoenix, AZ; 2017).
45. Li, X., Ryan, T.J., Nicolescu, C.T., Massidda, M.W. & Tien, J., “Engineering microscale,
perfused vascularized fat in vitro” [talk], Biomedical Engineering Society 2017 Annual Meeting
(Phoenix, AZ; 2017).
44. Li, X., Xu, J., Nicolescu, C.T., Marinelli, J.T. & Tien, J., “Strong 1-mm-diameter collagen tubes
for microsurgical applications” [poster], Biomedical Engineering Society 2016 Annual Meeting
(Minneapolis, MN; 2016).
43. Tien, J., Li, X., Linville, R.M. & Feldman, E.J., “Determination of vascular permeability without
knowledge of an arterial input function” [talk], Biomedical Engineering Society 2016 Annual
Meeting (Minneapolis, MN; 2016).
42. Piotrowski-Daspit, A.S., Tien, J. & Nelson, C.M., “Interstitial fluid pressure alters cell motility
and collective invasion via EMT marker expression in an engineered model of a human breast
tumor” [poster], American Association for Cancer Research 2016 Annual Meeting (New Orleans,
LA; 2016).
41. Thompson, R.L., Coisman, B.J., Price, G.M., Wong, K.H.K. & Tien, J., “Design principles for
engineered lymphatics that drain type I collagen scaffolds” [poster], Biomedical Engineering
Society 2015 Annual Meeting (Tampa, FL; 2015).
40. Boland, N.F., Linville, R.M., Covarrubias, G. & Tien, J., “Generation of capillaries in patterned
type I collagen gels in vitro” [poster], Biomedical Engineering Society 2015 Annual Meeting
(Tampa, FL; 2015).
39. Piotrowski, A.S., Tien, J. & Nelson, C.M., “Interstitial fluid pressure drives collective invasion
via expression of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) markers in an engineered model of a
human breast tumor” [poster], Biomedical Engineering Society 2015 Annual Meeting (Tampa,
FL; 2015).
38. Tien, J., Li, L., Ozsun, O. & Ekinci, K.L., “Interstitial fluid pressure dynamics in microfluidic
devices” [talk], Biomedical Engineering Society 2015 Annual Meeting (Tampa, FL; 2015).
37. Piotrowski, A.S., Tien, J. & Nelson, C.M., “Interstitial fluid pressure regulates collective invasion
via Snail1, vimentin, and E-cadherin in an engineered human breast tumor model” [poster], Cold
Spring Harbor Laboratory Meeting on Biology of Cancer: Microenvironment, Metastasis, and
Therapeutics (Cold Spring Harbor, NY; 2015).
36. Boland, N.F., Linville, R.M., Covarrubias, G. & Tien, J., “Vascularization of capillary-scale
channels in type I collagen gels” [talk], 41
Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference (Troy,
NY; 2015).
35. Ozsun, O., Thompson, R.L., Tien, J. & Ekinci, K.L., “Non-invasive measurement of interstitial
fluid pressure in microscale gels and tissues” [poster], Biomedical Engineering Society 2014
Annual Meeting (San Antonio, TX; 2014).
34. Boland, N.F., Covarrubias, G. & Tien, J., “Physical signals that promote vascularization of
Joe Tien
capillary-scale channels” [talk], Biomedical Engineering Society 2014 Annual Meeting (San
Antonio, TX; 2014).
33. Thompson, R.L., Coisman, B.J. & Tien, J., “Functional lymphatics that drain collagen-based
scaffolds” [poster], Biomedical Engineering Society 2014 Annual Meeting (San Antonio, TX;
32. Coisman, B.J., Thompson, R.L. & Tien, J., “Engineering lymphatics that drain scaffolds”
[poster], 40
Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference (Boston, MA; 2014).
31. Chan, K.L.S., Khankhel, A.H., Thompson, R.L., Coisman, B.J., Wong, K.H.K., Truslow, J.G. &
Tien, J., “Crosslinking of collagen scaffolds promotes vascular stability” [poster], 40
Northeast Bioengineering Conference (Boston, MA; 2014).
30. Piotrowski, A.S., Tien, J. & Nelson, C.M., “Engineering the host and tumor microenvironment”
[talk], Materials Research Society 2013 Fall Meeting (Boston, MA; 2013).
29. Piotrowski, A.S., Tien, J. & Nelson, C.M., “Interstitial fluid pressure modulates gene expression
in engineered models of breast tumors” [talk], American Institute of Chemical Engineers 2013
Annual Meeting (San Francisco, CA; 2013).
28. Chan, K.L.S., Khankhel, A.H., Thompson, R.L., Wong, K.H.K., Truslow, J.G., Coisman, B.J. &
Tien, J., “Scaffold stiffening and vascular stability” [poster], Biomedical Engineering Society
2013 Annual Meeting (Seattle, WA; 2013).
27. Piotrowski, A.S., Tien, J. & Nelson, C.M., “Interstitial fluid pressure modulates gene expression
in engineered breast tumors” [poster], Biomedical Engineering Society 2013 Annual Meeting
(Seattle, WA; 2013).
26. Piotrowski, A.S., Tien, J. & Nelson, C.M., “Modulation of the invasive phenotype of engineered
breast tumors by the physical and cellular microenvironment” [poster], Biophysical Society 57
Annual Meeting (Philadelphia, PA; 2013).
25. Wong, K.H.K., Truslow, J.G., Khankhel, A.H., Chan, K.L.S. & Tien, J., “Artificial lymphatic
drainage systems for vascularized fibrin scaffolds” [talk], Biomedical Engineering Society 2012
Annual Meeting (Atlanta, GA; 2012).
24. Tien, J., Truslow, J.G. & Nelson, C.M., “Interstitial hypertension and the phenotype of
engineered human breast tumors” [talk], Biomedical Engineering Society 2012 Annual Meeting
(Atlanta, GA; 2012).
23. Leung, A.D., Wong, K.H.K. & Tien, J., “Polymers stabilize engineered human microvessels in
vitro” [poster], Biomedical Engineering Society 2011 Annual Meeting (Hartford, CT; 2011).
22. Wong, K.H.K. & Tien, J., “Drainage of vascularized microfluidic fibrin scaffolds” [poster],
Biomedical Engineering Society 2011 Annual Meeting (Hartford, CT; 2011).
21. Tien, J., Lee, K. & Nelson, C.M., “A microfluidic device to control interstitial pressures within
engineered tumors” [poster], Biomedical Engineering Society 2011 Annual Meeting (Hartford,
CT; 2011).
20. Truslow, J.G. & Tien, J., “Computational design of perfusion systems for engineered tissues”
[talk], Biomedical Engineering Society 2011 Annual Meeting (Hartford, CT; 2011).
19. Tien, J. & Nelson, C.M., “Effect of interstitial pressure on epithelial invasion from human
mammary ducts” [poster], Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program, Era of Hope
2011 Conference (Orlando, FL; 2011).
18. Leung, A.D., Wong, K.H.K. & Tien, J., “Dextran stabilizes engineered human microvessels in
Joe Tien
vitro” [poster], Biomedical Engineering Society 2010 Annual Meeting (Austin, TX; 2010).
17. Wong, K.H.K., Truslow, J.G. & Tien, J., “Normalization of microvascular physiology by cyclic
AMP in engineered human blood microvessels” [poster], Biomedical Engineering Society 2010
Annual Meeting (Austin, TX; 2010).
16. Tien, J., “Engineering functional human microvessels in vitro” [poster], Biomedical Engineering
Society 2010 Annual Meeting (Austin, TX; 2010).
15. Wong, K.H.K., Truslow, J.G. & Tien, J., “Cyclic AMP normalizes the physiology of engineered
human blood microvessels in microfluidic collagen gels” [poster], Gordon Research Conference
on Signal Transduction by Engineered Extracellular Matrices (Biddeford, ME; 2010).
14. Price, G.M., Chrobak, K.M. & Tien, J., “Effect of the mechanical microenvironment on the
physiology of engineered human microvascular tubes” [poster], Biomedical Engineering Society
2009 Annual Meeting (Pittsburgh, PA; 2009).
13. Wong, K.H.K. & Tien, J., “Cyclic AMP restores microvascular functions of engineered human
blood microvessels” [poster], Biomedical Engineering Society 2009 Annual Meeting (Pittsburgh,
PA; 2009).
12. Truslow, J.G., Price, G.M. & Tien, J., “Design of drainage systems for vascularized scaffolds”
[poster], Biomedical Engineering Society 2009 Annual Meeting (Pittsburgh, PA; 2009).
11. Truslow, J.G. & Tien, J., “Vascular designs that maintain transmural pressure” [poster],
Biomedical Engineering Society 2008 Annual Meeting (St. Louis, MO; 2008).
10. Price, G.M., Chrobak, K.M. & Tien, J., “Effect of cyclic AMP on the physiology of engineered
human lymphatic microvascular tubes” [poster], Biomedical Engineering Society 2008 Annual
Meeting (St. Louis, MO; 2008).
9. Price, G.M., Chu, K.K., Truslow, J.G., Tang-Schomer, M.D., Golden, A.P., Mertz, J. & Tien, J.,
“Microfluidic hydrogels for microvascular tissue engineering” [poster], Biomedical Engineering
Society 2008 Annual Meeting (St. Louis, MO; 2008).
8. Price, G.M. & Tien, J., “Effect of cyclic AMP on the barrier function of engineered human
lymphatic microvascular tubes” [poster], Gordon Research Conference on Endothelial Cell
Phenotypes in Health and Disease (Biddeford, ME; 2008).
7. Tien, J., “Barrier function of engineered microvessels in vitro” [poster], 8
World Congress for
Microcirculation (Milwaukee, WI; 2007).
6. Price, G.M. & Tien, J., “Effect of microenvironment on engineered microvessels” [poster],
Biomedical Engineering Society 2006 Annual Meeting (Chicago, IL; 2006).
5. Chrobak, K.M. & Tien, J., “Engineering functional microvascular tissue in vitro” [talk],
Biomedical Engineering Society 2006 Annual Meeting (Chicago, IL; 2006).
4. Potter, D.R., Tien, J. & Damiano, E.R., “Using fluorescent micro-particle image velocimetry to
interrogate the surface glycocalyx on cultured endothelial cells in collagen microchannels”
[poster], Experimental Biology 2006 Meeting (San Francisco, CA; 2006).
3. Tien, J., “In vitro synthesis of a microvascular network” [talk], Biomedical Engineering Society
2005 Annual Meeting (Baltimore, MD; 2005).
2. Tang, M.D., Golden, A.P. & Tien, J., “Methods for the fabrication of microstructured gels”
[poster], Biomedical Engineering Society 2004 Annual Meeting (Philadelphia, PA; 2004).
1. Tien, J., “Use of microfabrication and self-assembly in tissue engineering” [abstract], Whitaker
Foundation Biomedical Engineering Research Conference (La Jolla, CA; 2004).
Joe Tien
I. Postdoctoral
James Truslow Research area: Computational modeling of vascularized scaffolds
Keith Wong Research area: Functional vascularization of microfluidic scaffolds
Chitrangada Acharya Research area: Physiology of engineered lymphatic vessels
II. Post-baccalaureate
Yixin Gao M.S., biomedical engineering (TBA)
(2023-present) Thesis: TBA
Alex Seibel Ph.D., biomedical engineering (2024, expected)
(2019-present) Thesis: “Tissue-engineered human lymphatic models for the study of breast
cancer and lymphatic drainage”
Yoseph Dance Ph.D., biomedical engineering (2022)
(2018-2022) Thesis: “Engineering 3D breast tumor-on-a-chips to investigate the roles of
adipose tissue and obesity in the early stages of breast cancer metastasis”
Xuanyue Li Ph.D., biomedical engineering (2019)
(2015-2019) Thesis: “Engineering components of a vascularized, microsurgically implantable
adipose tissue”
Kelvin Chan M.S., biomedical engineering (2012)
(2011-2012) Thesis: “Genipin crosslinked collagen microfluidic scaffolds form stable
microvessels in vitro using human endothelial cells”
Keith Wong Ph.D., biomedical engineering (2012)
(2007-2012) Thesis: “Normalization of microvascular physiology in engineered microvessels
via cyclic adenosine monophosphate supplementation and artificial lymphatic
James Truslow Ph.D., biomedical engineering (2011)
(2006-2011) Thesis: “Design and analysis of engineered microvasculature via computational
M.S., biomedical engineering (2008)
Thesis: “Drainage systems that maintain transmural pressure in engineered
microvascular tissue”
Gavrielle Price Ph.D., biomedical engineering (2010)
(2004-2009) Thesis: “Mechanical and chemical control of barrier in engineered microvessels”
Joe Tien
Andrew Golden Ph.D., biomedical engineering (2008)
(2002-2008) Thesis: “Microfluidic hydrogels for microvascular tissue engineering”
Kenneth Chrobak Ph.D., biomedical engineering (2007)
(2003-2007) Thesis: “Formation of perfused microvessels in vitro, and their use as models of
barrier function”
Min Tang Ph.D., biomedical engineering (2006)
(2002-2005) Thesis: “In vitro engineering of a microvascular network”
III. Undergraduate
Joely Brammer-DePuy (2023-present); Abderrahman Rhmari Tlemcani (2022-present); Nikhil Lahiri (2022-
present); Owen Kelly (2020-2023); Mackenzie Obenreder (2020-2022); Neil Parikh (2018-2020); Cassandra
Chua (2017-2020); Jingyi Xia (2017-2019); Chao Liu (2017-2019); Miles Massidda (2017-2018); Calin
Nicolescu (2015-2018); Emily Margolis (2014-2018); Jordann Marinelli (2015-2017); Tyler Ryan (2014-
2017); Jing Xu (2014-2016); Raleigh Linville (2014-2016); Evan Feldman (2014-2015); Gil Covarrubias
(2014-2015); Nelson Boland (2013-2015); Rebecca Thompson (2012-2015); Brent Coisman (2013-2014);
Aimal Khankhel (2011-2013); Benjamin Cohen (2012); Rachel Roesch (2011; College of New Jersey);
Jason Pui (2011-2012); Alexander Leung (2009-2011); Stephanie Steichen (2008); Kimberly Waller (2007-
2008); Russell Condie (2006; University of Utah); Hillary Eggert (2004; Carthage College); Caitlyn
McCullough (2003; RPI); Wajd Al-Holou (2002; University of Detroit Mercy); Brandon Markway (2002;
University of Missouri, Columbia)
ENG EK 424 Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Fall 2021, Fall 2020, Fall 2019, Fall 2018, Spring 2018, Spring 2017,
Fall 2015, Spring 2015, Fall 2013, Spring 2013, Spring 2012, Spring 2011, Spring 2010, Spring
2008, Spring 2007, Spring 2006, Spring 2005, Spring 2004, Spring 2003 (1330 students)
ENG BE 435 Transport Phenomena in Biological Systems
Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Spring 2022, Spring 2021, Spring 2020, Fall 2017, Fall 2016, Fall 2014,
Fall 2012 (410 students)
ENG EK 130/131/132 Introduction to Stem Cells and Cloning
Spring 2010, Spring 2008, Spring 2007, Spring 2006, Spring 2005, Spring 2004 (195 students)
ENG BE 436 Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics
Spring 2016, Spring 2014 (67 students)
ENG BE 792 Critical Literature Review
Spring 2012, Spring 2011 (60 students)
ENG EK 381 Probability, Statistics, and Data Science for Engineers
Spring 2024 (86 students)
ENG BE 451/951 Independent Study
Fall 2013, Fall 2012, Spring 2008, Fall 2006, Fall 2003, Spring 2003 (9 students)
Guest lecturer for:
Joe Tien
ENG BE 792 Critical Literature Review (Spring 2017); CHE 539 Quantitative Physiology and Tissue
Design (Spring 2009; Princeton); ENG BE 706 Quantitative Physiology for Engineers (Spring 2006);
CAS BI 447/647 Vascular Physiology (Fall 2004, Fall 2003, Fall 2002)
Grader for:
ENG BE 465/466 Biomedical Engineering Senior Project (2009-2015)
Senior project advisor for:
Owen Kelly and Anushka Rathi (2022-2023); Cassandra Chua, Ana Paula Gushken, Skylar Karzhevsky, and
Sarita Berigei (2019-2020); Chao Liu and Xiaoshan Ke (2018-2019); Miles Massidda, Calin Nicolescu, and
Ryan Jamieson (2017-2018); Tyler Ryan, Samantha Chua, Melissa Garcia, and Margaret Ann Bolick (2016-
2017); Raleigh Linville and Jing Xu (2015-2016); Rebecca Thompson and Luis Carrasquillo (2014-2015);
Michael Lau, Isaiah Ho, Gina Jimenez, and Andrew Ivanov (2014-2015); Yuan Wang, Yanan Qi, and Re-
Jey Ni (2013-2014); Alexander Leung and Matthew Selbach (2010-2011); Constantinos Katevatis and
Matthew Lough (2009-2010); Kimberly Waller (2007-2008); Matthew Prosen (2006-2007); Lin Lin Gao
(2005-2006); Merrill Lamont (2004-2005); Inge Tamm-Daniels (2003-2004); Christopher Frye and Michelle
Aguilar (2002-2003)
Proposal reviewer for:
National Institutes of Health; National Science Foundation; Department of Defense/Army
Medical and Materiel Command; Smithsonian Institute; Louisiana Board of Regents; Oak Ridge
Associated Universities (ORAU); Canadian Institutes of Health Research; European Research
Council; Israel Science Foundation; Dutch Research Council; Agency for Science, Technology,
and Research (Singapore); National Science Center (Poland); Khalifa University (United Arab
Emirates); Academy of Medical Sciences (United Kingdom)
Manuscript reviewer for:
ACS Applied Bio Materials; ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces; ACS Biomaterials Science
and Engineering; ACS Nano; Acta Biomaterialia; Advanced Materials; Angewandte Chemie;
Annals of Biomedical Engineering; Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering; APL
Bioengineering; Biofabrication; Biomacromolecules; Biomaterials; Biomicrofluidics;
Biotechnology Journal; Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering; FASEB Journal; Integrative
International Journal of Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering; Journal of the
American Chemical Society; Journal of Biomedical Materials Research; Lab on a Chip;
Langmuir; Macromolecular Bioscience; Materials Today Bio; Microcirculation; Microvascular
Research; Military Medical Research; Nature Materials; Nature Nanotechnology; Nature
Reviews Cancer; PLoS One; Scientific Reports; Small; Soft Matter; Tissue Engineering
Abstract reviewer for:
Biomedical Engineering Society; Society for Biomaterials
Textbook and book proposal reviewer for:
Oxford University Press in the areas of thermodynamics and transport phenomena; MIT Press in
the area of fluid mechanics
Session chair, Vascular Bioengineering, Experimental Biology 2015 Meeting (Boston, MA; 2015)
Joe Tien
Guest member, Editorial Committee, Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering (2012 volume)
Member, planning committee, BioMethods Conference (Boston, MA; 2011)
Session chair, Smart Biomaterials II, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International
Society 2008 Annual Conference (San Diego, CA; 2008)
Session chair, Molecule, Cell and Tissue-Based Sensors, 28
Annual International Conference of the
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (New York, NY; 2006)
Session chair, Molecular and Cellular Engineering, 28
Annual International Conference of the
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (New York, NY; 2006)
Session chair, Screening and Diagnostics, Biomedical Engineering Society 2004 Annual Meeting
(Philadelphia, PA; 2004)
I. University committees
Evaluative: BME PhD Admissions (2015-2018, 2021-present), UROP Faculty Advisory Committee
(university-wide; 2012-present), Trustee Scholars Selection Committee (university-wide; 2020-2022),
MD/PhD Admissions (BU School of Medicine; 2014-2018), BME Graduate Admissions (2005-2008,
2009-2015), MCBB Graduate Admissions (2005-2008), Bioinformatics Graduate Admissions (2004-
Programmatic: BME Graduate Committee (2018-2021), BME Training Program in Quantitative Biology
and Physiology Steering Committee (2016-2018), BME Executive Committee (2014-2018), ENG
Graduate Committee (College of Engineering; 2014-2015), MCBB Graduate Committee (2006-2007),
BME Undergraduate Committee (2002-2005)
Ad-hoc: BUnano Pilot Grant review (2020), UROP Director search committees (university-wide; 2014,
2017), Dean’s Catalyst Award review (College of Engineering; 2007, 2015, 2016, 2018), NSF CAREER
proposal review (College of Engineering; 2013), MEMS/NEMS cluster recommendations panel (College
of Engineering; 2006-2007), BME faculty search committees (2004-2005, 2005-2006, 2006-2007, 2007-
2008, 2020-2021)
Chairmanships: BME Director of PhD Admissions (2015-2018), BME Director of Graduate Admissions
II. Thesis committees (non-advisor)
Cheyanne Frosti Ph.D., biochemistry (TBA)
Thesis: TBA
Advisor: Matthew Layne (BU School of Medicine)
John Yuen Ph.D., biomedical engineering (2022; Tufts)
Thesis: “Approaches for scaling up the production of cell-cultured fat tissue”
Advisor: David Kaplan (Tufts, Biomedical Eng.)
Han Xu Ph.D., biomedical engineering (2019)
Thesis: “Effects of substrate stiffness, cadherin junction, and shear flow on
tensional homeostasis in cells and cell clusters”
Advisor: Michael Smith (BU, Biomedical Eng.)
Samer Bou Jawde Ph.D., biomedical engineering (2019)
Joe Tien
Thesis: “Novel strategies and multiscale modeling in respiratory mechanics”
Advisor: Béla Suki (BU, Biomedical Eng.)
Peijiang Wang Ph.D., biomedical engineering (2018)
Thesis: “Bioresorbable scaffold: an integrated approach”
Advisor: Elazer Edelman (Harvard Medical School)
Lin Jin Ph.D., biomedical engineering (2018)
Thesis: “Towards constructing functional protocells for origin of life studies”
Advisor: Jack Szostak (Harvard Medical School)
George Kwong Ph.D., biomedical engineering (2018)
Thesis: “Induced pluripotent stem cell reporter systems for smooth muscle cell
sheet engineering”
Advisors: Darrell Kotton (BU School of Medicine) and Joyce Wong (BU,
Biomedical Eng.)
Nae Gyune Rim Ph.D., biomedical engineering (2018)
Thesis: “Micropatterned cell sheet as an alternating building block for
biomimetic vascular patch application”
Advisor: Joyce Wong (BU, Biomedical Eng.)
Jacob Herrmann M.S., biomedical engineering (2015)
Thesis: “Simulation of ventilation distribution and gas transport during
oscillatory ventilation”
Advisor: Béla Suki (BU, Biomedical Eng.)
Ozgur Ozsun Ph.D., mechanical engineering (2014)
Thesis: “Fundamentals and applications of fluid-structure interactions in
compliant micro-channels”
Advisor: Kamil Ekinci (BU, Mechanical Eng.)
Lindsay Wray Ph.D., biomedical engineering (2013; Tufts)
Thesis: “Silk-based platforms for engineering the microvascular niche and
vascularizing tissue constructs”
Advisor: David Kaplan (Tufts, Biomedical Eng.)
Stefan Yohe Ph.D., biomedical engineering (2012)
Thesis: “Superhydrophobic materials for drug delivery”
Advisor: Mark Grinstaff (BU, Biomedical Eng. & Chemistry)
Bin Xu Ph.D., mechanical engineering (2012)
Thesis: “Viscoelastic behavior of collagen matrices in the frequency and time
domain: an experimental and modeling study”
Advisor: Katherine Zhang (BU, Mechanical Eng.)
Stephen Arold Ph.D., biomedical engineering (2006)
Thesis: “Effects of cyclic stretch on surfactant secretion and cell viability in
alveolar epithelial cells grown in culture”
Advisor: Béla Suki (BU, Biomedical Eng.)
Joe Tien
Lisa Stuart M.S., biomedical engineering (2004)
Thesis: “Protein quantitation using selective reaction monitoring”
Advisor: Edward Feener (Harvard Medical School)
III. Faculty advising
Undergraduate biomedical engineering students (2002-present; ~25/year)
Boston University student chapter of the Biomedical Engineering Society (2007-2012)
Graduate Research Symposium/Scholars Day judge (2013-2016)