BU BME Department
Graduate Handbook
for Masters Students
Fall 2022
College of Engineering Graduate Policy
Academic Standards
The academic progress of every graduate student is reviewed at the end of each semester. Failure to make
satisfactory progress and remain in
Good Standing can result in Academic Probation, Suspension for a stated time
or until stated conditions are met, or
Dismissal, as detailed below.
Grades of Cor lower are not acceptable for Masters students.
Good Standing
Students maintain good academic standing when they: (1) earn a semester GPA of at least 3.0 (students enrolled
only in Pass/Fail courses are exempt from the semester GPA standard); and (2) maintain a cumulative GPA of at
least 3.0.
Academic Probation
A student is put on Academic Probation when student earns a semester or cumulative GPA below 3.0. Students on
Academic Probation may have their financial aid discontinued. In the event that the semester or cumulative GPA is
below a 2.0, a student may be dismissed from the program.
Students are reviewed after one semester on Academic Probation. Those who earn a semester and cumulative
GPA of 3.0 or above will return to
Good Standing. Those students who do not achieve Good Standing (as defined
above) after the probationary semester will be subject to
Academic Suspension, Dismissal, or an additional
semester of Academic Probation as determined by the College on a case-by-case basis.
Academic Suspension
A student on Academic Probation faces Academic Suspension or Dismissal when s/he has not achieved Good
Standing (as defined above) after the most recent semester of Academic Probation. Specifics regarding Dismissal or
the duration and terms of the
Academic Suspension will be determined by the College on a case-by-case basis.
Dismissal results in permanent separation from the University. Appeals of Dismissal or Suspension are directed to
the Associate Dean for Academic Programs.
Reinstatement after Academic Suspension
Students who have fulfilled their period of Academic Suspension must meet with their academic advisor and must
also reestablish their standing in the College by contacting the College of Engineering Graduate Programs Office
enggrad@bu.edu or 617-353-9760).
College of Engineering GPA Requirement for Awarding Graduate Degrees
Masters students must earn a grade point average of at least 3.0 in the set of courses used to satisfy the program
requirements for the degree.
Technical Elective Exceptions
Note: The following courses, although offered by the College of Engineering, do not meet the requirement of a
technical elective: BE 795, BF 510, ME 502, ME 517, ME 518, ME 525, ME 550, ME 583, ME 584, ME 703 and EK
731. SI 839, SI 852, SI 855, SI 871 and PH 825 also do not qualify as a technical elective. Technical electives do not
need to be taken within the College of Engineering; appropriately quantitative and rigorous courses offered
through other BU Colleges may be approved using the BME Petition Form
Auditing Courses
An auditor is a student who attends a class to acquire knowledge but not to earn credits or a grade. Audited
courses do not count toward completing degree requirements. An auditor may not change his or her status after
the fifth week of classes for standard courses. Auditors must attend classes regularly, complete assigned reading
and participate in discussions but they are excused from examinations.
Auditors are admitted to a course on a space-available basis and with the approval of the instructor. Auditors are
subject to the full tuition and fees of the course. Students may not audit ENG 900-level, language, physical
education, studio or laboratory courses.
University Policies and Resources
Equal Opportunity and Nondiscrimination
Complaint Procedures in Cases of Alleged Unlawful Discrimination or Harassment
Disability Accommodation
Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Policy
Sexual Misconduct/Title IX Policy
Student Grievance Procedure in Cases of Alleged Disability Discrimination
If you have questions about the policies above, please contact:
Stacey Herman, Director of Graduate Programs Office at smherman@bu.edu
or 617-353-9763.
Mental Health Resources
Graduate students have access to mental health resources through the Student Health Services Behavioral
Medicine Office. These services are open to all full-time students. To contact the office, call 617-353-3569. They
offer help for issues related to stress, anxiety, depression, sleep concerns, attentional issues, and many other
topics. They can also refer you to appropriate specialized providers, if necessary. In addition to individual assistance,
they offer programming specific to graduate students, such as a weekly graduate student discussion groups.
Clinicians are available 24/7, for daytime emergency triage and phone consultations, as well as mental health
emergencies that occur after the clinic is closed. Call 617-353-3569 anytime, 24/7.
Master of Science and Master of Engineering Degrees “with Engineering Practice”
The College of Engineering offers an Engineering Practice degree option to students in all of its Masters programs.
Engineering Practice is a valuable opportunity for a student at the Masters level to complete an approved
internship integral to their program of study, thereby allowing them to develop additional technical and
professional skills. Students interested in the Engineering Practice degree option must apply
and meet the
requirements outlined below. Students successfully completing the Engineering Practice degree option of their
program will earn the accompanying degree designation (e.g., Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering with
Engineering Practice).
Internships used to complete the degree requirements must be relevant to the student's program of study and
must go through a program-level approval process. Satisfactory completion of the requirement is determined by
the program and then formally recorded by the Graduate Programs Office (e[email protected]du;
Requirements and Grading
An internship site and project must be approved by the student’s Academic Advisor.
A mid-point review between the student and the Internship Supervisor must be conducted and
Before the end of the semester in which the internship takes place, a final report must be submitted and
reviewed by the Academic Advisor.
Students receive a grade of Pass or Fail. The final grade is based on satisfactory completion of all
requirements and is determined by the Academic Advisor in consultation with the Internship Supervisor.
For International Students
International students must have completed two semesters in full-time status to be eligible to begin an
internship in the United States, and they must complete additional paperwork with the BU International
Students and Scholars Office (ISSO) after registration.
International Students with an off-campus internship must complete the Curricular Practical Training (CPT)
form, and bring the approved Engineering Practice Approval form and the CPT form to the ISSO for review
and approval for off-campus Curricular Practical Training.
Summary of Course Requirements for BME Masters Students
Note for all BME Masters Programs: The courses listed under the Technology Leadership electives section below
do not meet the requirement of a technical elective.
MEng Students
BE 694 Biomedical and Clinical Needs Finding
BE 695 Advanced Biomedical Design and Development
Three Graduate-Level Biomedical Engineering Electives (BE 695 satisfies one, these courses must be taken within
BME department)
Two Graduate-Level Technical Electives (may include additional BE coursework)
Math Requirement selected from approved list (located in the handbook and online)
Two Technology Leadership Electives from the list below (BE 695 satisfies one)
ENG ME 502 Invention: Technology Creation, Protection, and Commercialization
ENG ME 510 Production Systems Analysis
ENG ME 517 Product Development
ENG ME 525 Technology Ventures
ENG ME 537 Product Realization
ENG ME 550 Product Supply Chain Design
ENG ME 583 Product Management
ENG ME 584 Manufacturing Strategy ENG ME 703 Managerial Cost Accounting
ENG EK 731/QST HM 801
Bench to Bedside Translating Biomedical Innovation from the Lab to the Marketplace
QST HM 703 Health Sector Issues and Opportunities
QST HM 710 Health Service Delivery: Strategies, Solutions and Execution
QST HM 817 Advances in Digital Health
QST HM 848 Driving Health Sector Innovation
QST SI 839 Design Thinking and Innovation
QST SI 750 Competition, Innovation, and Strategy
QST SI 845 Technology Strategy
QST SI 852 Starting New Ventures
QST SI 855 Entrepreneurship
QST SI 871 Strategies for Bringing Technology to Market
MEng students must complete a minimum total of 32 credits of approved coursework. No thesis is required. The
practicum requirement is satisfied through BE 695. A finalized Program Planning Sheet should be submitted for
approval by the Director of BME Masters Programs when applying for graduation, indicating the courses taken to
fulfill the curriculum requirements. A cumulative grade point average of 3.0 must be maintained. Grades of C- or
lower are not acceptable. Technical electives are highly quantitative courses in engineering, computer science,
math, physics, etc. They do not have to been taken within ENG; hard science courses offered through other BU
Colleges may be approved using the
BME Petition Form. Technical Leadership electives outside of the provided
list must be approved by the Director of BME Masters Programs.
MEng Program Completion Time Schedule
Each student has a maximum of five (5) years from the time of matriculation to complete the requirements for
the MEng degree. If a student has still not finished the required courses in this time, the student must reapply
and be accepted again to the department in order to continue.
MS with Thesis Students
Math Requirement selected from approved list (located in the handbook and online)
BE 605 Molecular Bioengineering or BE 606 Quantitative Physiology for Engineers
BE 790 Biomedical Engineering Seminar
Three Graduate-Level Biomedical Engineering Electives (these courses must be taken within BME department)
Two Graduate-Level Technical Electives (may include additional BE coursework)
BE 954 Thesis Research (8 credits)
MS with Thesis students are required to complete a minimum total of 36 credits and successfully propose and
defend an original MS thesis. A finalized Program Planning Sheet should be submitted for approval to both
Research Advisor (Academic Advisor if the research advisor is off-campus) and the Director of BME Masters
Programs when applying for graduation, indicating the courses taken to fulfill the curriculum requirements. A
cumulative grade point average of 3.0 must be maintained. Grades of C- or lower are not acceptable. Technical
electives are highly quantitative courses in engineering, computer science, math, physics, etc. They do not have
to been taken within ENG; hard science courses offered through other BU Colleges may be approved using the
BME Petition Form.
MS with Project Students
Math Requirement selected from approved list (located in the handbook and online)
BE 605 Molecular Bioengineering or BE 606 Quantitative Physiology for Engineers
BE 790 Biomedical Engineering Seminar
Three Graduate-Level Biomedical Engineering Electives (these courses must be taken within BME department)
Three Graduate-Level Technical Electives (may include additional BE coursework)
BE 952 Mentored Project (4 credits)
MS with Project students are required to complete a minimum total of 36 credits and complete the required 4
credit Mentored Project. A suitable project must be identified and approved by the Director of BME Masters
Programs. The mentored project must be supervised by a primary BME faculty member or an approved outside
advisor. A finalized
Program Planning Sheet should be submitted for approval by the Director of BME Masters
Programs (and Academic Advisor if it’s not Mario Cabodi) when applying for graduation, indicating the courses
taken to fulfill the curriculum requirements. A cumulative grade point average of 3.0 must be maintained. Grades
of C- or lower are not acceptable. Technical electives are highly quantitative courses in engineering, computer
science, math, physics, etc. They do not have to been taken within ENG; hard science courses offered through
other BU Colleges may be approved using the BME Petition Form
Credit for Courses Taken Elsewhere
Students may “place out ofrequired courses (but not electives, BE 952 or BE 954), if they have taken equivalent
courses elsewhere at the graduate level, as long as those courses were not used to meet the requirements of an
undergraduate or previous degree. For example, students who have taken a graduate-level physiology course may
receive permission not to take BE 606. Students with extensive experience in quantitative molecular biology may
receive permission not to take BE 605. This permission must be granted by submitting a BME Petition Form
BEFORE the end of the Add/Drop period.
Though students may place out of specific course requirements, this does not alter the total number of credits a
student must earn at Boston University (32 for MEng students and 36 for MS students) to meet the degree
Courses that Fulfill the BME Math Requirement
Students must complete one 4-credit or two 2-credit math courses (BE 601-604) from the list below and pass with a
B+ or higher. Students may petition for a different course (500-level or higher) to satisfy the math requirement.
ENG EC 505 Stochastic Processes An introduction to discrete and continuous-time random processes. Correlation
and power spectral density functions. Linear systems driven by random processes. Optimum detection and
estimation. Bayesian, Weiner and Kalman filtering.
ENG EK 501 Mathematical Methods I: Linear Algebra and Complex Analysis An introduction to basic applied
mathematics for science and engineering, emphasizing practical methods and unifying geometrical concepts.
Topics include linear algebra for real and complex matrices. Quadratic forms, Lagrange multipliers and elementary
properties of the rotation group. Vector differential and integral calculus. Complex function theory, singularities
and multi-valued functions, contour integration and series expansions. Fourier and Laplace transforms.
Elementary methods for solving ordinary linear differential and systems of differential equations with applications
to electrical circuits and mechanical structures.
CAS MA 561 Methods of Applied Mathematics I Derivation and analysis of the classical equations of mathematical
physics; heat equation, wave equation, and potential equation. Initial boundary value problems, method of
separation of variables, eigenvalue problems, eigenfunction expansions. Fourier analysis. Existence and
uniqueness of solution.
CAS MA 565 Mathematical Models in the Life Sciences An introduction to mathematical modeling, using
applications in the biological sciences. Mathematics includes linear difference and differential equations, and an
introduction to nonlinear phenomena and qualitative methods. An elementary knowledge of differential
equations and linear algebra is assumed.
CAS MA 579 Numerical Methods for Biological Sciences An introduction to the use of numerical methods for
studying mathematical models of biological systems. Emphasis on the development of these methods;
understanding their accuracy, performance, and stability; and their application to the study of biological systems.
CAS MA 684 Applied Multiple Regression and Multivariable Methods Application of multivariate data analytic
techniques. Multiple regression and correlation, confounding and interaction, variable selection, categorical
predictors and outcomes, logistic regression, factor analysis, MANOVA, discriminant analysis, regression with
longitudinal data, repeated measures, ANOVA.
CAS PY 501 Mathematical Physics An introduction to complex variables and residue calculus, asymptotic methods,
and conformal mapping; integral transforms; ordinary and partial differential equations; non-linear equations;
integral equations.
ENG BE 567 Nonlinear Systems in Biomedical Engineering Introduction to nonlinear dynamical systems in
biomedical engineering. Qualitative, analytical and computational techniques. Stability, bifurcations, oscillations,
multistability, hysteresis, multiple time-scales, chaos. Introduction to experimental data analysis and control
techniques. Applications discussed include population dynamics, biochemical systems, genetic circuits, neural
oscillators, etc.
NOTE: If students take courses from the BE 601-604 series they must take BE 601 and then either BE 602, BE 603,
or BE 604 to satisfy the Math Requirement. Rudimentary programming skills are necessary for these modules.
ENG BE 601 Linear Algebra The first of four math modules designed to reinforce basic mathematical and computer
programming concepts pertinent to graduate research in biomedical engineering. This course will emphasize the
five cornerstones of applied linear algebra: Linear combinations, decompositions, orthogonality, metric, and linear
transformations. Topics include LU and QR factorizations, finite difference methods for solving partial differential
equations (PDEs), least squares, Fourier series and wavelets, solid mechanics, Markov chains, principal component
analysis, and signal processing techniques. This course will provide the necessary linear algebra background
needed to solve problems in BE 602, 603 and 604.
ENG BE 602 Ordinary Differential Equations This math module will focus on four key ODE concepts: Linear
dynamical systems, nonlinear conservative and excitable systems, discrete- time state machines, and generalized
Fourier series solutions to Sturm-Liouville problems. Topics include: Filters, enzymatic networks, mechanical
models for biomaterials, oscillators and limit cycles, phase- locked loops, nonlinear Leslie matrices, Legendre
polynomials, Bessel functions, and a prelude to solving PDE problems associated with heat transfer, diffusion, and
electrostatics. Prior exposure to linear algebra (BE 601 or equivalent), and working knowledge of a programming
language (Matlab, Python, etc.) is helpful. Not offered regularly. Check Student Link for availability.
ENG BE 603 Partial Differential Equations This math module will focus on elliptical and parabolic PDEs associated with
transport phenomenon problems in biomedical engineering. We will visit four PDE concepts: Separation of
variables, integral transform solutions, superposition principles, and numerical approximations using finite-
difference schemes. Topics include: 2D and 3D anisotropic Laplace's, Poisson's, and the heat equations in different
coordinate systems, Fourier and Laplace transform solutions, 2D ADI methods, Green's functions, and the method
of images. Prior exposure to linear algebra (BE 601 or equivalent), ODEs (BE 602 or MA 226 equivalent), Fourier
series, Fourier and Laplace transforms (BE 401 equivalent), and working knowledge of a programming language
(Matlab, Python, etc.) is highly recommended. Not offered regularly. Check Student Link for availability.
ENG BE 604 Statistics and Numerical Methods This math module will focus on how linear algebra, ODEs, statistics,
and signals & systems techniques can be used to interrogate data from biological and engineering experiments.
The lecture topics include: Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel, and SOR iterative solvers for large linear systems; Gauss-Newton
iterations (nonlinear least-squares); the ANOVA table, multi- factor regression, and intro to the general linear
model (GLM); data deconvolution; Monte Carlo, bootstrap, and kernel density estimation. Prior exposure to linear
algebra (BE 601 equivalent), basic probability and statistics (BE 200 equivalent), and working knowledge of a
programming language (Matlab, Python, etc.) is highly recommended.
ENG BE 747 Advanced Signals and Systems Analysis for Biomedical Engineering Introduction to advanced techniques
for signals and systems analysis with applications to problems in biomedical engineering research. Time-domain
and frequency-domain analysis of multiple input, multiple output systems using the fundamental matrix approach.
Hilbert transform relations; applications to head- related transfer functions. Second-order characterization of
stochastic processes: power density spectra, cross-spectra, auto-and cross-correlation functions. Gaussian and
Poisson processes. Models of neural firing patterns. Effects of linear systems on spectra and correlation functions.
Applications to models of the peripheral auditory system. Optimum processing applications. Applications to
psychophysical modeling. Introduction to wavelets and wavelet transforms. Wavelet filter banks and wavelet signal
ENG ME 566 Advanced Engineering Mathematics Introduces students of engineering to various mathematical
techniques that are necessary in order to solve practical problems. Topics covered include a review of calculus
methods, elements of probability and statistics, linear algebra, transform methods, difference and differential
equations, numerical techniques, and mathematical techniques in optimization theory. Examples and case studies
focus on applications to several engineering disciplines. The intended audience for this course is advanced seniors
and entering MS engineering students who desire strengthening of their fundamental mathematical skills in
preparation for advanced studies and research.
GRS MA 681 Accelerated Introduction to Statistical Methods for Quantitative Research Introduction to statistical
methods relevant to research in the computational sciences. Core topics include probability theory, estimation
theory, hypothesis testing, linear models, GLMs, and experimental design. Emphasis on developing a firm
conceptual understanding of the statistical paradigm through data analyses
Finding a Research Home
Most students choose to perform their research with a primary BME faculty member or within affiliated research
centers (Biological Design Center, Biomolecular Engineering Research Center, Center for Multiscale and
Translational Mechanobiology, Nanotechnology Innovation Center, Neurophotonics Center, NSF Engineering
Research Center in Cellular Metamaterials, Precision Diagnostics Center). Further information can be found on
their respective websites.
Faculty, scientists or researchers (holding a PhD or MD) within or outside of the University can be approved using
the MS Thesis Supervisor Approval Form
to be a student’s principal research advisor if they have an active research
collaboration with a primary BME faculty member who will agree to be the student’s research co-advisor. This
form should be submitted as soon as the co-advisors are identified.
Research Project
A major requirement for the MS with Thesis is a research-based thesis. Each student is responsible for finding a
research project, conducting scientific studies under the guidance of an approved faculty member, presenting the
proposal and results to the general scientific community in a public defense
and submitting a Thesis.
Academic vs. Research Advisors
All incoming Masters students are advised by Prof. Mario Cabodi, Director of BME Masters Programs.
For MS with Thesis students, the research advisor also serves as the student’s academic advisor. However, if a MS
Thesis Supervisor Approval Form was required (see above), the BME co-advisor serves as the academic advisor.
Finding a Research Advisor and Project
Occasionally students enter the program with a specific research advisor in mind and may even plan to work on a
specific project. The majority of students, however, will utilize the first two semesters to determine what their
specific interests are in the field of biomedical engineering and identify potential labs.
Another valuable way of learning more about specific research opportunities is through the required BE 790
seminar series and to speak with other graduate students who are currently working in the department’s various
labs. The best measure for learning about working in a specific lab is to make an appointment to speak with the
faculty member in charge of a lab you are interested in. Once a student finds a research opportunity and has the
consent of a faculty member to be his/her advisor, the process of developing a thesis project begins.
Off-Campus Thesis
Thesis research is usually carried out in laboratories and centers of BME faculty located on campus. In cases of
non-BU advisors (see section above regarding required approval) the research is often performed off-campus, in
the lab of the principal research advisor. There may be special problems that arise due to intellectual property and
other conflicts of interest, which must be addressed prior to starting the work.
Invention and Copyright Agreements
Students who receive support from sponsored research programs or who make significant use of University funds
and facilities are required to sign the BU Intellectual Property Policy Agreement. Seek counsel with your faculty
advisor about this policy. A signed agreement form is required through PolicyTech for the Charles River Campus.
MS Thesis Advisory Committee Membership
After identifying a research advisor and project, each MS Thesis student forms an Advisory Committee which will
run the MS Proposal and Thesis Defense.
The Advisory Committee must have a minimum of three members:
Two members must be from the BME primary faculty (tenured or tenure-track).
One member must have a primary appointment within the College of Engineering (BME Affiliated faculty,
BME Research faculty or appropriate BME Research Associates can fill this role).
o NOTE: If the committee includes three members from the primary BME faculty, then no one from
this category is required.
The Chair of the Advisory Committee must be a primary BME faculty member who is NOT the research advisor or
If a researcher from outside the University serves on an Advisory Committee, a Special Service Appointment Form
must be completed. The completed form and a copy of the person’s curriculum vitae, with the Associate Chair for
Graduate Programs signature, will then be submitted to the Graduate Programs Office for College-level approval.
MS Thesis Proposal
A brief written proposal (3-5 pages) of the MS research project must be presented no later than the semester
before the student defends their thesis. It is the student’s responsibility to schedule a formal meeting with their
Advisory Committee members for discussion and approval of the proposal document. The student must present
the MS Proposal and Thesis Committee Approval Form
to the committee during this meeting. If the proposal is
approved, the faculty members must sign the form, thereby indicating their willingness to participate on the
committee. The student must submit the signed approval form, slides and the proposal document to Inna Gerzon.
It is required that the student’s committee meet with the student regularly (at least annually) throughout the
remainder of their thesis research.
MS Thesis
A Thesis must be written and defended successfully for completion of the MS degree. In order for a student to
make full use of the critiques on the proposal offered by his/her committee, students are not permitted to
defend in the same semester in which the proposal was submitted. A full description of the format requirements
for the written thesis is included in the BU Libraries “A Guide for the Writers of Dissertations and Theses”.
It is the students responsibility to confirm a date and time of the presentation with their committee members. The
MS Thesis Defense Approval Form
must be completed and submitted to Inna Gerzon two weeks prior to the
presentation date. She will process announcement of the MS Thesis Defense to the BME faculty and graduate
students via email and add the event to the BME calendar.
The format of the defense is not rigid and is decided on by the Chair of the Advisory Committee. The student can
expect to give a 30-40 minute seminar presenting the results of the completed project. There may be questions
during the presentation or after the student has completed the presentation, depending on the decision of the
Following a reasonable question period, the audience is dismissed, so that the committee may ask questions of
the student privately; then the student is dismissed and the committee remains to complete its assessment of the
thesis defense. The Advisory Committee must vote unanimously to pass the student. The results are noted on the
MS Thesis Defense Form and submitted to Inna Gerzon.
Submission of the Final Thesis
The student will then follow the electronic submission guidelines provided by Mugar Library. Inna Gerzon will
provide departmental electronic approval for the student upon receiving the original signatures page.
MS Program Completion Time Schedule
It is up to the student and their research advisor to complete the project in a reasonable amount of time for a MS
thesis. Most students graduate from the MS with Thesis program in two years after entering, which usually
includes at least one year of full-time work on the research project.
Each student has a maximum of five (5) years from the time of matriculation to complete the requirements for
the MS degree. If a student has still not finished the required courses and research thesis in this time, the student
must reapply and be accepted again to the department in order to continue.
Financial Information
Students receiving any form of financial support for graduate studies are not permitted additional employment
without prior written approval from both the student’s advisor and the department.
Masters Research Assistantships
It is important to first recognize that Masters Research Assistantships (MRA’s) are not guaranteed for MS with
Thesis students. MRA’s are offered by individual faculty members with sponsored research grants. Students
interested in off-campus Masters Research Assistantships should speak with the Director of BME Masters
Programs for departmental approval (to ensure that the research project is appropriate and that there is direct
involvement of a BME faculty member).
A Masters Research Assistant (MRA) is a member of a research group in a laboratory or center. Work on the Thesis
is normally part of this position’s assignments. MRA’s are expected to work full-time, with time allowed for courses
during the academic year. An MRA carries no tuition support.
Logistical Information
BME Graduate Student Lounge
The BME Lounge is located on the second floor of 44 Cummington Mall near the elevator.
BME Kitchenette
There is a small kitchenette (including a refrigerator) that is available for faculty, graduate students and staff in
ERB 407. A copy machine is available for students.
Getting to the BU Medical School Campus
Traveling between Boston University’s Charles River campus and the Medical Campus is easy thanks to the Boston
University Shuttle (The BUS) service. The Shuttle runs every 10-30 minutes (depending on the day and time). IT IS
Call 877-355-1555 to receive recorded information. The closest stop is at the corner of Blandford St and
Commonwealth Ave.
Schedules and real-time bus locations can be found online.
Staff Directory
BME Graduate Programs Administration
Mary Dunlop
Associate Chair for Graduate Programs
Christen Bailey
Associate Director
Inna Gerzon
Master’s Program Administrator
Mario Cabodi
Director of BME Masters Programs
BME Department Administration
John White
Muhammad Zaman
Vice Chair
Matthew Barber
Crystal Kelley
Assistant Director, Finance
Stefanie Salguero
Assistant to the Chair
John Benducci
Undergraduate Program Administrator
Irene Orzechowski
Grant Manager
Tara Sorrentino
Grant Manager
Laura Prusaitis
Grant Manager
Katie Eno
Grant Manager
Kyle Best
Grant Administrator
Alexa LaCroix
Senior Program Coordinator
Steph Johnson
Senior Program Coordinator
College of ENG Administration Dean’s Office & GPO
Kenneth Lutchen
Solomon Eisenberg
Senior Associate Dean for Academic Programs
George Zhang
Senior Program Coordinator, Graduate Records
Stacey Herman
Director, Graduate Programs Office
Debby Chiu
Assistant Director, Financial Aid
Andy Martin
Assistant Director, Enrollment Operations
Kirstie Miller
Director of Professional Education & Corporate Relations