Version 1.2 (updated September 2020)
SECTION 1: ..................................................................................................................................... 3
REQUIREMENTS INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND ................................................................. 3
1. SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................... 3
2. DEFINITIONS ...................................................................................................................... 3
3. INFORMATION CLASSIFICATION AND SECURITY LEVELS ................................................... 4
SECTION 2 ...................................................................................................................................... 5
MINIMUM SECURITY REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................... 5
1. MANAGEMENT OF INFORMATION SECURITY ................................................................... 5
2. DOCUMENTED SECURITY POLICY ...................................................................................... 5
3. HUMAN RESOURCE SECURITY ........................................................................................... 5
4. TRAINING AND AWARENESS ............................................................................................. 6
5. INVENTORY OF INFORMATION ......................................................................................... 6
6. PORTABLE MEDIA/DEVICES ............................................................................................... 6
7. TESTS WITH REAL BRIGHT HORIZONS INFORMATION ...................................................... 7
9. BACK-UP AND RECOVERY .................................................................................................. 7
10. DISPOSAL OF INFORMATION ......................................................................................... 8
11. PHYSICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL SECURITY ................................................................. 8
12. PHYSICAL AND LOGICAL ACCESS ................................................................................... 9
13. ACCESS RECORDS ........................................................................................................ 10
14. SOFTWARE AND VIRUS PROTECTION .......................................................................... 10
15. SECURITY INCIDENT RECORDING AND RESPONSE ...................................................... 11
16. AUDIT........................................................................................................................... 11
17. Vendor and Supply Chain Management ..................................................................... 11
SECTION 3 .................................................................................................................................... 12
MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR TRUSTED CONNECTIONS ........................................................ 12
1. TRUSTED CONNECTION ................................................................................................... 12
1.1. These Baseline Third Party Security Requirements shall be applied by all
external entities that store or process Bright Horizons Information on behalf of
Bright Horizons and its affiliates or are critical IT service providers.
1.2. These Requirements aim to ensure that a vendor, supplier or contractor of Bright
Horizons maintains the confidentiality, integrity and security of Bright Horizons
information in accordance with the requirements imposed by Data Protection
Laws and applicable industry standards and best practices.
1.3. These Requirements aim to provide for a minimum level of information security.
However, information security threats come from a wide range of sources and
are continually developing; therefore security measures shall be reviewed
1.4. Where necessary, having regard to the state of the art, industry best practice and
cost of their implementation, measures that compensate for or are additional to
those detailed in these requirements may be needed. Such compensating
measures shall be captured on the Annexure A form (attached to these
Requirements). In any event such measures shall ensure a level of security
appropriate to the risks represented by the Processing and the nature of the
information to be protected.
2.1. Within these Requirements the following terms have the following meanings:
2.1.1. Affiliate means in relation to a party, any company which
(directly or indirectly) controls, is controlled by and/or under
common control with that party.
2.1.2. Data Protection Laws means all Laws applicable to the Processing
of Personal Information (including but not limited to Data Privacy or
Data Security Laws) used or obtained by the Supplier in the
performance of the Services including, without limitation to, those
national, state, regional and/or local laws and regulations governing
privacy, security, confidentiality and protection of Personal
2.1.3. Information Systems means all systems, including, but not limited
to, electronic, equipment, and storage media, used by the Contractor to
access, store or otherwise Process Bright Horizons Information.
2.1.4. Intellectual Property means and include patents, trademarks,
service marks, trade dress, logos, trade names, domain names and
corporate names, copyrights, trade secrets, know-how, and all other
intangible, industrial and intellectual property rights, by whatever
name known, and all registrations thereof and applications to register
the same.
2.1.5. Financial Personal Information means Personal Information
consisting of financial information including but not limited to bank
account numbers, credit card numbers and debit card numbers
(whether with or without expiry dates and pin numbers), income and
credit histories.
2.1.6. Government Identifier Personal Information means Personal Information
consisting of national insurance numbers, social security numbers, tax identifications,
passport numbers, drivers license numbers or other equivalent government issued
2.1.7. Personal Information has the meaning given by the relevant Laws and shall include,
without limitation, any data or information (regardless of the medium in which it is
contained and whether alone or in combination) which may be supplied to or Processed
by or on behalf of Supplier in connection with the provision of the Services, that relates
to an identified or identifiable person (Data Subject) including, without limitation,
name, postal address, email address, telephone number and information about the Data
Subject’s health, opinions or beliefs.
2.1.8. Bright Horizons means the Bright Horizons entity, including Affiliate entities, that
decides the purposes for which the Bright Horizons Information is Processed.
2.1.9. Bright Horizons Information means any information disclosed by or on behalf of
Bright Horizons to the Contractor, including Intellectual Property, Business
Information (such Bright Horizons Confidential or Bright Horizons Internal Use),
Personal Information, Sensitive Personal Information, Financial Personal Information
and Government Identifier Personal Information.
2.1.10. Processing means any operation or set of operations which is performed upon Bright
Horizons Information, whether or not by automatic means, such as collection,
recording, organization, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use,
access, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available,
alignment or combination, blocking, return or destruction, and Process and
Processed shall have the appropriate corresponding meanings.
2.1.11. Contractor means the entity Processing the Bright Horizons Information on behalf
of Bright Horizons and may include a Bright Horizons entity where it Processes Bright
Horizons Information under the instructions of another Bright Horizons entity.
2.1.12. Security Incident means the unauthorized and/or unlawful access, acquisition, use,
disclosure, modification, processing, destruction or loss of Bright Horizons Information
or Information Systems Processing Bright Horizons Information whether in electronic
or hard copy form, or interference with system operations in an information system,
that compromises or which reasonably is anticipated would compromise the privacy,
security, confidentiality, integrity or availability of Bright Horizons Information,
including but not limited to (i) incidents resulting from or arising out of Contractor’s
internal use, Processing, or Transfer of Bright Horizons
Information, whether between or among Supplier's subsidiaries and affiliates,
subcontractors or any other person or entity acting on behalf of Contractor; (ii) any
other similar incident as may be so defined by relevant data protection laws that apply
to Bright Horizons; provided that trivial attempts to penetrate Contractor’s networks or
systems that occur on a daily basis, such as scans, pings or other unsuccessful
attempts to penetrate computer networks or systems maintained by Contractor, will not
be considered a Security Incident.
2.1.13. Sensitive Personal Information means Personal Information pertaining to the racial
or ethnic origin, physical or mental health condition, religious or similar beliefs or
political or ideological opinions of an identified or identifiable individual.
2.1.14. Trusted Connection means Bright Horizons, in its absolute discretion, has
determined that unrestricted access to the Bright Horizons network through a Bright
Horizons firewall for a specific Contractor facility or location (hereinafter referred to
as Secured Contractor facility) is required.
3.1. These Requirements are categorized into those that are Basic Level Requirements
and Enhanced Level Requirements.
3.2. Basic Level Requirements shall be applied to all Bright Horizons Information.
3.3. Enhanced Level Requirements shall be applied in addition to the Basic Level
Requirements for Personal Information, Sensitive Personal Information,
Financial Personal Information, and Government Identifier Personal
Information, and where otherwise specifically indicated in these Requirements.
3.4. Where Bright Horizons has agreed to specific additional security measures with
a relevant Contractor in addition to those set out herein, generally or in relation
to a specific service or platform, those measures providing the highest level of
protection to Bright Horizons Information shall be applied by the Contractor.
Basic Level Requirements
1.1. The Contractor shall ensure that senior management of the Contractor accepts
ultimate responsibility for ensuring that information security is properly managed
and that these Requirements are implemented and adhered to by the Contractor
and its staff.
1.2. The Contractor shall put into place a management structure to oversee the
effective implementation and continuing development of security procedures. At
a minimum this shall consist of an individual from senior management with the
necessary authority to implement these Requirements and other necessary
security procedures (Information Security Officer (or other Contractor staff
duly authorized in the security document(s))).
1.3. The Information Security Officer's responsibilities shall include:
1.3.1. reviewing implementation and adherence to these Requirements; and
1.3.2. acting as a point of contact in relation to information security issues
raised by Bright Horizons.
Basic Level Requirements
2.1. The Contractor shall document its security policy and procedures which address
all the activities relating to the handling and management of data. Security
policies and procedures shall be reviewed and/or updated at reasonable intervals
and/or whenever there are material changes to the Information Systems,
including those Processing Bright Horizons Information.
2.2. The security documents shall clearly identify those technical and organizational
measures and practices to be implemented and followed by the Contractor to
adequately protect the security of information Processed by the Contractor.
2.3. The security documents and/or guidance stipulating the procedures to be
followed and measures to be implemented to satisfy the requirements contained
therein, shall be published and communicated as relevant to the Contractor's
employees and relevant external parties directly or indirectly involved in the
Processing of Bright Horizons Information.
2.4. The Contractor shall, on request, provide Bright Horizons with access to copies
of the security documents and any future updated versions of such documents.
Basic Level Requirements
3.1. Contractor will conduct and complete appropriate background and/or verification
checks of its employees, contractors and/or third parties to ensure their suitability
for handling Bright Horizons Information prior to their Processing of any such
Bright Horizons Information. This shall include at a minimum:
Criminal history search;
USA: SSN and address verification;
Outside the USA, equivalent government identifier verification (if any)
and address verification
Employment verification;
3.2. Responsibilities and instructions in relation to protecting the confidentiality,
integrity and security of Bright Horizons Information shall be defined and
communicated in writing to employees/contractors/third parties.
3.3. Employment contracts, contracts with contractors and contracts with third party
users shall contain terms setting out obligations and responsibilities in relation
and appropriate to maintaining the confidentiality, integrity and security of
Bright Horizons Information.
3.4. A formal disciplinary process shall be in place for employees who violate
Contractor policy and procedures relating to the Processing of Bright Horizons
3.5. Upon termination of employment/engagement, an employee/contractor/third
party shall return all Bright Horizons Information in his/her possession on
whatever medium it is stored, and access rights to Information Systems
Processing Bright Horizons Information shall be terminated.
Basic Level Requirements
4.1. Regular information security awareness, education and training suitable to an
individual's role and responsibility shall be undertaken. This shall begin with a
formal induction to security procedures and policies and continue throughout
4.2. Access to Bright Horizons PII will require adequate security awareness training
including but not limited to Social Engineering and Phishing.
4.3. Where Bright Horizons network account and/or Bright Horizons email access is
granted, Bright Horizons’ applicable policies and procedures including, but not
limited to, those regarding Privacy and Acceptable Use (including email usage)
shall be followed by Contractor personnel. Applicable policies, procedures, and
training will be provided as part of the provisioning process.
Basic Level Requirements
5.1. Media, servers, and equipment containing Bright Horizons Information shall be
labelled in a way that protects the confidentiality of Bright Horizons Information
and does not expressly expose the actual content.
5.2. An inventory shall be maintained in a way that provides traceability to those
media, servers, and equipment containing Bright Horizons Information.
5.3. When Bright Horizons Information and/or media containing it are being
transferred between parties, a system for recording incoming and outgoing media
containing Bright Horizons Information shall be set up which permits direct or
indirect identification of the kind of media, the date and time, the sender, the
number of media, the kind of Bright Horizons Information contained, how they
are sent and the authorized person responsible for receiving them.
Basic Level Requirements
6.1. The Contractor shall only use portable devices where there is a genuine business
need and where the Bright Horizons Information on the device is appropriately
erased or destroyed when the defined business need has expired.
6.2. Bright Horizons Information stored on portable devices (including laptops and
PDAs, external hard drives, flash drives, CDs, DVDs, tapes and other mass
storage devices) shall be adequately protected from unauthorized access, loss and
destruction using industry recognized mechanisms, such as encryption, inactivity
timeout, or power on passwords.
6.3. Policies and procedures for using portable devices shall be maintained by the
Contractor and training on these procedures shall be provided to all Contractor
Enhanced Level Requirements
6.4. Any portable device containing Bright Horizons Information shall be encrypted.
Basic Level Requirements
7.1. Testing prior to the implementation or modification of a relevant Information
System shall not use real or 'live' Bright Horizons Information unless there is no
reasonable alternative and such use has been approved by Bright Horizons in
writing. Where real or 'live' Bright Horizons Information is used, it shall be
limited to the extent necessary for the purposes of testing and provide evidence
that the level of security corresponding to the type of Bright Horizons
Information processed is implemented. For example, if Personal Information is
used, the Test systems must have the same level of security used on Production
Systems that process than information.
Basic Level Requirements
8.1. Controls shall be in place to ensure that Bright Horizons Information transmitted
by the Contractor across any unsecured network is transferred between
authorized Information Systems and resources only, and is only exchanged
through industry recognized secure transfer mechanisms such as encryption.
8.2. Procedures and policies shall be in place to prevent the unauthorized transfer of
Bright Horizons Information by email and web-based applications.(DLP)
8.3. All remote access and access via non-trusted networks (e.g. ISPs, cable,
application service providers, DSL connections, etc.) to Information Systems
Processing Bright Horizons Information, shall use at least two-factor
authentication methods (e.g. Remote Access Server (RAS), SecureID, etc.) and
only take place where there is a justifiable business need.
8.4. Wireless LAN products (e.g. NIC cards and access point devices) shall not be
attached to networks permitting access to Information Systems Processing Bright
Horizons Information or to a device connected to Information Systems
Processing Bright Horizons Information without appropriate approvals from the
Information Security Officer, or other Contractor staff duly authorized in the
security document(s). All wireless LAN products shall:
8.4.1. use secure identification, authentication, and encryption mechanisms;
8.4.2. where feasible, have peer networking connectivity settings disabled.
8.5. When Bright Horizons Confidential Information is being accessed, or
transmitted, over the Internet or via a public switched network, the
communications session shall utilize a secure transport mechanism such as VPN,
Secure FTP, Secure Copy, Secure Shell, HTTPS using TLS with a minimum 128-
bit key strength.
8.6. Bright Horizons Confidential Information shall not be stored on desktops,
laptops, handheld devices, or other removable storage devices, such as diskettes,
compact discs (CDs), memory sticks or similar devices.
8.7. All laptops and hand-held devices used by any Third Party to access Bright
Horizons Confidential Information shall utilize full disk encryption with a
minimum 128-bit key length. It is recommended that Desktops accessing Bright
Horizons Confidential Information use full disk encryption.
Basic Level Requirements
9.1. Processes and procedures shall be in place to ensure copies of Bright Horizons
Information are retained to facilitate retrieval or reconstruction following loss or
destruction of primary production information. Such processes and procedures
shall be conducted on a regular basis and at least weekly.
9.2. The correct functioning of the back-up system must be tested periodically to
confirm that it performs an accurate and complete reconstruction of the
Information Systems Processing Bright Horizons Information.
9.3. Backed-up Bright Horizons Information or Information Systems Processing
Bright Horizons Information held off the Contractor's premises shall be
appropriately protected from unauthorized access following documented policy
and procedures.
9.4. Back-up copies shall be kept at a different secure location from the site of the
equipment housing Information Systems Processing Bright Horizons
Enhanced Level Requirements
9.5. Backed-up Bright Horizons Information or Information Systems Processing
Bright Horizons Information held on tapes, disks or other media off Bright
Horizons’ or the Contractor's premises shall be encrypted.
Basic Level Requirements
10.1. When Contractor equipment, physical documents and files, and physical media
are disposed of or reused, recognized industry or government standard measures
shall be taken to prevent subsequent retrieval of Bright Horizons Information
originally stored in them.
10.2. The procedures for ensuring the secure destruction/erasure of Bright Horizons
Information held on Contractor equipment, in physical documents and files, and
in physical media shall be formally documented and implemented.
10.3. The Contractor shall identify the roles of the persons disposing of Bright
Horizons Information, including third party services, and shall provide evidence
of destruction.
Basic Level Requirements
11.1. Equipment and/or media used for Processing Bright Horizons Information shall
be protected from physical and environmental threats to prevent interruption to
the Contractor's activities and loss of Bright Horizons Information. For example
this can be achieved by considering the following: physically securing power and
telecommunications cabling; ensuring equipment is properly maintained and
protected from power failures.
11.2. Equipment and/or media containing Bright Horizons Information shall be placed
in secure areas to prevent unauthorized physical access, damage, and interference
to the information. Measures corresponding with the nature of Bright Horizons
Information being Processed shall be taken to limit physical access to that
information. For example this may include access control, CCTV, and intrusion
detection systems; implementing visitor entry control procedures; securing
offices, rooms, and facilities; protecting against external and environmental
threats; and controlling all access points including delivery and loading areas.
11.3. Equipment and media (including printed materials) containing Bright Horizons
Information shall only be removed from Bright Horizons’ or the Contractor's
premises following prescribed a procedure/plan that prevents unauthorized
access to or retrieval of Bright Horizons Information.
11.4. Where hardcopy records containing Bright Horizons Information are to be
retained in manual filing systems, they shall be stored and filed according to
appropriate criteria which enable the Contractor to locate the relevant records
where necessary to facilitate the access, amendment or destruction of the relevant
records and facilitate the exercise of the data subject rights at the request of Bright
Horizons or the individual to who those records relate The making of copies of
such documents must be under the control of persons authorized in accordance
with the relevant security document(s).
Enhanced Level Requirements
11.5. Containers with locks or equivalent devices to prevent tampering and/or
unauthorized access shall be used to store or transport hardcopy records.
11.6. Tracking of back-up and/or mass storage media containing Bright Horizons
Information during transport (for example by Radio Frequency Identification
(RFID) or GPS) and/or bonded courier services shall be used.
Basic Level Requirements
12.1. Contractor shall not make Bright Horizons Information publicly available
without Bright Horizons’ prior written consent.
12.2. Contractor shall not make any Bright Horizons Information available via a
publicly available, restricted access website (i.e. URL available from outside of
the Bright Horizons network), without providing evidence of successful
completion of a security vulnerability test and subsequent acceptance by Bright
Horizons’ Security Group (Vulnerability and Threat Management).
12.3. Further technical measures shall be put in place to prevent unauthorized
electronic access to Bright Horizons Information. Expectations are that these
measures include, but are not limited to, firewalls, logical separation and/or
intrusion prevention and detection systems.
12.4. Authorization to access Information Systems Processing Bright Horizons
Information shall be granted on a need to know or do basis, authorized users shall
only have access to that Bright Horizons Information necessary for them to
perform their duties.
12.5. Contractor shall restrict access to Information Systems Processing Bright
Horizons Information through use of adequate and appropriate identification,
authentication and authorization mechanisms.
12.6. Formal procedures to control the authorization of access rights to Information
Systems and services shall be developed. The procedures shall cover:
12.6.1. user registration and revocation;
12.6.2. privilege management;
12.6.3. user password management; and
12.6.4. review of user access rights.
12.7. As part of the user registration procedures, the Contractor shall:
12.7.1. Ensure every authorized user is issued an unique user identification
(userid) prior to accessing Bright Horizons Information or Information
Systems Processing Bright Horizons Information.
12.7.2. Maintain a list of all individuals authorized to access Information
Systems Processing Bright Horizons Information that includes the
unique user identification and the level of information to which the
individual has access.
12.7.3. The Contractor shall retain a historical list of user identification
assignments for the life of the underlying Information System.
12.7.4. User identifications shall not be reused or reissued to different people.
12.8. At a minimum of annual intervals, the Contractor shall review those individuals
that it has authorized to access Information Systems Processing Bright Horizons
Information and verify whether the individual still requires access and the present
access level. The review shall cover personnel changing jobs.
12.9. Only authorized Contractor personnel shall be permitted to grant, alter or cancel
authorized access to Bright Horizons Information., and all such access right
changes shall be documented.
12.10. Authorized users shall only be allowed to access Information Systems Processing
Bright Horizons Information after completing authentication procedures.
Authentication procedures for access to electronic Bright Horizons Information
shall be based on a password, or other authentication method (such as biometrics,
passphrases, PINs, etc.) associated with the user identification code but only
known to the authorized user.
12.11. Passwords shall meet prevailing legal and/or industry standards for strength and
complexity, and confidentiality.
12.11.1. Password strength and complexity shall include a length not less than 8
characters and numbers, with password composition requiring three of
the following four types: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers
and special characters. User passwords shall be configured to expire in
90 days or less.
12.11.2. Password must be changed by the user upon first access to the
Information System and shall be changed at regular intervals appropriate
to the information accessible via the systems to which they relate, and in
accordance with Contractor security documents, prevailing industry
standards and with any legal requirements applicable to the Contractor
in the country in which the Bright Horizons Information is Processed.
12.11.3. Passwords shall be maintained in a location and/or format that do not
compromise the security of the data they protect. Passwords will be
rendered unreadable or unusable by unauthorized individuals, i.e.,
encrypted, when stored and transmitted electronically.
12.11.4. Access of a user identification code shall be blocked after multiple
unsuccessful attempts to gain access or the limitation placed on access
for the particular system. Prior to reactivation of access or replacement
of lost/forgotten authentication credentials, user identity must be
Basic Level Requirements
13.1. An audit trail of access, or access logs, to Information System Processing Bright
Horizons Information shall be maintained for a minimum period of one (1) year.
At minimum, the audit trail shall be able to reasonably determine the
files/databases accessed, user ID of the individual accessing the files/databases,
the date, time and type (e.g. remote, local etc.) of access, and whether access was
authorized or denied.
13.2. Access record mechanisms for producing the audit trail shall be under the direct
control of the Information Security Officer, or other Contractor staff duly
authorized in the security document(s), and under no circumstances can they be
de-activated or manipulated.
13.3. The Information Security Officer, or other Contractor staff duly authorized in the
security document(s), shall ensure that procedures are in place to detect
suspicious and irregular access and requests for access to Information Systems
(Irregular Access). Irregular Access shall be reviewed periodically and any
action arising from that review shall be documented. Any Irregular Access issues
affecting Bright Horizons Information or services shall be reported to Bright
Enhanced Level Requirements
13.4. Audit trails of access to Information System housing Bright Horizons
Information shall be retained for a minimum period of one (1) year, and shall
include any Sensitive Personal Information categories accessed.
Basic Level Requirements
14.1. Anti-virus software shall be installed on all Information Systems Processing
Bright Horizons Information and updated on a regular basis, having regard to the
state of the art and relevant industry best practice. Ordinary users shall not have
the ability to turn off the Anti-virus software.
14.2. Contractor shall follow a documented security patching policy, process, and
schedule for the infrastructure and layered application products that includes the
assessment of security vulnerabilities and deployment of updates or upgrades in
accordance with industry best practice.
14.3. Only licensed copies of commercial software which comply with and do not
compromise security standards shall be used.
14.4. The Contractor shall notify Bright Horizons promptly (and in any event within
24 hours of becoming aware) of the actual or potential transmission of any
identified computer virus by the Contractor to Bright Horizons.
14.5. No newly acquired discs/media/programmers/executables from whatever source
shall be loaded on to Information Systems Processing Bright Horizons
Information unless they have been previously vulnerability scanned and virus
checked by a suitable vulnerability scanning and virus checking package.
14.6. Appropriate controls to prohibit the download and use of file sharing (e.g. peer-
to-peer) and other software that can open security vulnerabilities to Information
Systems shall be implemented by the Contractor.
Basic Level Requirements
15.1. The Contractor shall have a documented procedure for identifying, reporting,
responding to and managing Security Incidents that affect Bright Horizons
Information or Information Systems Processing Bright Horizons Information.
15.2. Recovery of Bright Horizons Information or Information Systems Processing
Bright Horizons Information following a Security Incident shall adhere to
documented procedures.
Basic Level Requirements
16.1. The Contractor shall carry out periodic audits to ensure the ability to
comply with these Requirements.
Enhanced Level Requirements
16.2. Information Systems or non-automated means of (i.e. hardcopy filing systems)
Processing Bright Horizons Information constituting Personal Information,
Sensitive Personal Information, Financial Personal Information, or profiling or
depicting the personality or behavior of one or more individuals, shall undergo
an internal or external audit at least once every two (2) years to assess their
compliance with these Requirements, and the findings delivered in the form of
an audit report.
16.3. In addition to this biennial audit, extraordinary audits must be carried out
whenever material changes to the Processing are introduced which may affect
Bright Horizons Information or Information Systems Processing Bright Horizons
Information. The carrying out of any such extraordinary audit will reset the
period of two years until the following audit.
16.4. An audit report shall include: a compliance assessment; identify any
shortcomings; propose corrective or supplementary measures; and include the
information upon which the recommendations are based.
16.5. The Information Security Officer, or other Contractor staff duly authorized in the
security document(s), shall analyses the audit report and refer any conclusions to
Bright Horizons and the Contractor so that appropriate corrective steps can be taken.
16.6. Bright Horizons shall be permitted access to the audit report and it will be
permitted to disclose it to relevant authorities with jurisdiction upon their request
where legally required to do so.
17. Vendor and Supply Chain Management
Basic Level Requirements
17.1. The Contractor shall conduct due diligence on its vendors, subcontractors
and supply chain in regards to information security.
17.2. The Contractor shall impose same or similar security requirements on its
vendors, subcontractors and supply chain that shall have access to Bright
Horizons Information commensurate with the data classification.
In addition to the requirements set forth in Section 2, the following requirements must be
met in order to be granted a Trusted Connection and would only apply if triggered by this
type of connection. These requirements must continue to be met as long as the Trusted
Connection remains in effect. Bright Horizons reserves the right to terminate the Trusted
Connection if the Contractor fails to meet the minimum requirements.
1.1. A Trusted Connection shall only be established with a specific Contractor
facility. A Trusted Connection established at one secured Contractor facility is
not transferable to other Supplier locations or facilities without subsequent
1.2. Physical access to the secured Contractor facility must be restricted to those
individuals working for the Contractor on Bright Horizons contracts supported
by the Trusted Connection. Any other individuals requiring entry to the facility
must be escorted at all times by one of the individuals described above.
1.3. The secured Contractor facility shall provide an isolated network that connects
directly to Bright Horizons and does not connect back to the Contractor’s own
internal network or any other network including the Internet. Internet access will
be provided via the Bright Horizons Internet gateways.
1.4. End user computing devices used in the secured Contractor facility shall be either
Bright Horizons provided devices with a Bright Horizons Desktop Management
Services (DMS) image or Contractor provided devices with a Bright Horizons
DMS image. Said devices will be managed and supported in accordance with
Bright Horizons supplied processes.
1.5. The Supplier agrees to an initial site survey at the secured Contractor facility and
subsequent assessments conducted by Bright Horizons, which includes, but is not
limited to, monitoring of the following:
1.5.1. Restricted physical and logical access to devices connecting to the Bright
Horizons network;
1.5.2. Connectivity between secured Contractor facility and other networks
(including supplier network and the Internet) to ensure that there is no
additional connectivity outside of the established Trusted Connection;
1.5.3. End user computing devices to ensure that all are either Bright Horizons
machines with Bright Horizons DMS images or Contractor machines
with Bright Horizons DMS image, and that all devices will be managed
and supported in accordance with Bright Horizons supplied processes.
1.6. The Contractor agrees that Bright Horizons may employ Intrusion Prevention
Systems (IPS) or other tools to monitor network traffic or the flow of sensitive
intellectual property between the secured Contractor facility and Bright
Horizons, specifically to detect malicious traffic on the wire.