New York Institute of Technology
Culinary Arts and
Business and Hospitality Management Programs
This agreement, dated as of May 25, 2017, between New York Institute of Technology, located at Old Westbury
and Manhattan campuses, New York (herein “NYIT”) and the Western Suffolk BOCES located at 17 Westminster
Avenue, Dix Hills, New York will serve as a guiding document for use by students and administrators of both
institutions in understanding the academic relationship between the schools as it relates to the Western Suffolk
BOCES Culinary Arts and Business and Hospitality Management programs.
Admission and Fee Waiver: Western Suffolk BOCES students who successfully complete the Western
Suffolk BOCES Culinary Arts and/or Business and Hospitality Management programs and meet all other
applicable NYIT admissions and enrollment criteria as determined solely by NYIT and who apply to NYIT will
be granted automatic admission into our Bachelor of Professional Studies in Hospitality Management with
advanced standing. NYIT will waive the application fee for Western Suffolk BOCES applicants. Applicants
should use the fee waiver code, “ADMREP,” while completing their application for admission.
Advanced Standing: Western Suffolk BOCES graduates who successfully complete the Culinary Arts
and/or Business and Hospitality Management program, earn a minimum B/80 in their program and
enroll at NYIT will receive 9 credits for the courses equivalencies listed below. Advanced standing courses
will be recorded on the NYIT transcript as prior learning credit, and the usual fee for this type of credit
will be waived.
Culinary Arts 2-Year Program
New York Institute of Technology
Western Suffolk BOCES
Culinary Arts 2-Year Program
HOSP 125 Culinary Theory & Style
Students must successfully complete the two-year
Culinary Arts program and be granted the BOCES
Certificate of Completion.
HOSP 135 Culinary Techniques
HOSP Hospitality Elective (3)
Total Credits
Business and Hospitality Management 2-Year Program
New York Institute of Technology
Western Suffolk BOCES
Business and Hospitality Management 2-Year Program
HOSP 100 Intro to Hospitality
Students must successfully complete the two-year
Business and Hospitality Management program
and be granted the BOCES Certificate of
HOSP 105 Travel and Tourism
HOSP Hospitality Elective (3)
Total Credits
1 Year of Culinary Arts Program and 1 Year of Business and Hospitality Management Program (1 + 1)
New York Institute of Technology
Western Suffolk BOCES
1 year of Culinary Arts Program and
1 year of Business and Hospitality Management Program
HOSP 100 Intro to Hospitality
Students must successfully complete one year of
the Culinary Arts program and one year of the
Business and Hospitality Management program
and be granted the BOCES Certificate of
HOSP 125 Culinary Theory & Style
HOSP Hospitality Elective (3)
Total Credits
Scholarships: Western Suffolk BOCES Culinary Arts and/or Business and Hospitality Management
graduates who have received their high school diploma and matriculate at NYIT as full-time students (taking
at least 12 credit hours per semester) will be automatically considered for a scholarship and must submit
their final, official high school transcript or equivalent along with their SAT or ACT score. The scholarships
range from $5,000 to $22,000 per year and are based on high school achievement including performance
on the SAT or ACT. All students wishing to be considered for a scholarship must submit a FAFSA each year.
Scholarships are renewable for a maximum of four years (or eight semesters) of continuous full-time
undergraduate enrollment at NYIT, based on funding availability and institutional eligibility criteria. To
maintain their scholarship, students must satisfactorily complete 12 credits each semester with no failing
or incomplete grades, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA as specified in their acceptance letter and
meet satisfactory academic progress (SAP) requirements at all times. NYIT scholarships are for tuition only,
divided equally between fall and spring semesters. They are not applicable to summer session attendance
NYIT Presence at Western Suffolk BOCES: Western Suffolk BOCES will host NYIT representatives on the
Western Suffolk BOCES campus at least once during each semester in order for NYIT to promote its
programs and this Principal Agreement.
Sharing Information with Western Suffolk BOCES Students: Western Suffolk BOCES will provide newly
admitted students, currently enrolled students and graduating students from its programs with
information about this Principal Agreement and will also list NYIT in any publications and/or websites that
refer to articulation agreements.
Faculty-to-Faculty Interactions: Faculty at both Western Suffolk BOCES and NYIT will be encouraged
to meet and exchange information and ideas in order to facilitate a smooth referral application
process for students between the institutions.
Western Suffolk BOCES expressly acknowledges and agrees that it will not provide a commission, bonus or other
incentive payment based in any part, directly or indirectly on success in securing enrollments or financial aid to any
person or entity engaged in any student recruiting or admission activities or in making decisions regarding awarding
NYIT shall have sole authority to determine the number of persons enrolled in the programs contemplated under
this Agreement.
This agreement will be effective as of May 25, 2017 for a period of five years upon signing by both parties and may
be revised by mutual agreement of both parties. The agreement will be reviewed on an annual basis by both
parties and may include a review of curriculum, equipment and facilities. Change in the curriculum at either of the
participating institutions shall be transmitted to the other as the change occurs.
This Principal Agreement is not a legally binding contract and is not enforceable in a court of law or before an
arbitral tribunal. In the event of a dispute, the parties agree to establish a process for an amicable resolution.
Either party to this agreement may cancel by formal notification to be received by August 1st in the year preceding
the date of cancellation. All students who are enrolled in the program at the time of such notification shall be
continued in the program and shall be eligible for acceptance by NYIT under the terms of the agreement.
Mutual Responsibilities
Western Suffolk BOCES agrees to:
(a) Designate a person who will serve as coordinator of this Agreement. The coordinator will:
(i) be responsible for promoting the Agreement to prospective and current students by providing
information to the Western Suffolk BOCES admissions staff, career planning and placement
officers, and all student advisors.
(ii) keep students and advisors abreast of current information applicable to the Agreement.
(iii) serve as liaison between Western Suffolk BOCES and NYIT for any and all issues
involving the affiliation.
NYIT agrees to:
(a) Designate a person who will serve as coordinator of this Agreement at NYIT. The coordinator will:
(i) serve as a liaison between NYIT and Western Suffolk BOCES for any and all issues
involving the Agreement.
(ii) inform appropriate personnel of the existence of the Agreement and encourage them to
support it.
(b) Confer the Bachelor of Professional Studies on all qualified candidates who successfully complete all of
NYIT’s degree requirements.
Indemnity/Independent Contractors/Assignment
NYIT and Western Suffolk BOCES agree to indemnify and hold each other harmless, as well as their trustees, officers,
employees, agents, and representatives from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, settlements, or
judgments, including attorney’s fees and litigation expenses, based upon or arising out of the activities described in
this Agreement, to the extent that such claims, demands, actions, settlements or judgments are occasioned by the
negligence, actions or omissions of NYIT or Western Suffolk BOCES, their agents, servants, employees or students,
and vice versa.
It is understood that this Agreement is not intended to and shall not be construed to create the relationship of
agent, servant, employee, partnership, joint venture or association between Western Suffolk BOCES and NYIT, but
is rather an Agreement by and between independent contractors.
This agreement may not be assigned, delegated, or otherwise transferred by each party without the prior written
consent of the other party.
The parties acknowledge that many student educational records are protected by the Family Educational Rights
and Privacy Act ("FERPA"), and that student permission must be obtained before releasing specific student data to
anyone other than those associated with NYIT or Western Suffolk BOCES.
The parties agree in this program to comply with all the federal, state, local and institutional laws, ordinances and
applicable rules, and specifically agree not to unlawfully discriminate against any individual on the basis of race,
creed, color, sex, religion, age, disability, or national origin, and to comply with all applicable anti-discriminatory
laws and policies.
NYIT shall have sole authority to determine the number of persons enrolled in the programs conducted under the
NYIT banner in connection with this Agreement.
Nancy Kelsey Date
Executive Director of CTE
Western Suffolk BOCES
Michael Flynn Date Jess Boronico, Dean Date
Chief Operating Officer School of Management, NYIT
Western Suffolk BOCES
Rahmat Shoureshi, PhD
Interim President, NYIT
Effective 2017