STHA Registration, Payment, and Refund Policy
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Southern Tier Hockey
Association (STHA)
Registration, Payment,
and Refund Policy
January 23, 2019
Southern Tier Hockey Association Ltd. P.O.
Box 2765
Binghamton, N.Y. 13902-2765
STHA Registration, Payment, and Refund Policy
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Revision Scope
R. Shelepak/K. Avery
R. Shelepak/K. Avery
R. Shelepak/K. Avery
S. McHugh/C.
STHA Registration, Payment, and Refund Policy
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Table of Contents
1. Scope .................................................................................................................................. 3
2. Registration ........................................................................................................................ 3
2.1. General Registration ....................................................................................................... 3
2.2. Late Registration ............................................................................................................. 4
2.3. Birth Certificates ............................................................................................................. 4
2.4. Financial Release Forms ................................................................................................. 4
3. Payments ............................................................................................................................ 4
3.1. Age Group/Fees .............................................................................................................. 4
3.2. Payment Policy ............................................................................................................... 4
3.2.1. House Players ............................................................................................................... 5
3.2.2. Travel Players ............................................................................................................... 5
3.2.3. Select Players ................................................................................................................ 5
3.3. Payment Plans ................................................................................................................. 6
3.4. Late Fees and Interest Charges ....................................................................................... 6
3.5. Prorated Fees ................................................................................................................... 6
4. Refunds .............................................................................................................................. 6
1. Scope
This document outlines the Southern Tier Hockey Association (STHA) registration, payment, and refund
policy. This policy shall remain in effect unless modified or rescinded by the STHA Vice President (VP) of
Administration and STHA Treasurer only after receiving approval from the STHA Board of Directors. All
changes to this policy shall be approved by a simple majority vote of the STHA Board of Directors.
2. Registration
2.1. General Registration
General registration for the STHA shall begin in June each season. STHA Members in Good
Standing, as defined in the STHA By-Laws, shall be notified of the opening of registration through a
mass email (as per each member’s latest registration email address) and through the STHA website
( ). Online registration instructions shall be posted on the STHA website.
All registrations shall be completed online by August 31
. No person shall be allowed to participate in
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any STHA ice sessions until confirmation of registration has been received from the STHA VP of
Any existing STHA member with any outstanding financial or equipment obligations from any prior
year, including any immediate family member, shall not be allowed to register for the upcoming
season. Furthermore, any member with any outstanding financial or equipment obligations from any
prior year, including any immediate family member, shall not be allowed to participate in any Travel,
Snowbelt, or Select tryouts.
2.2. Late Registration
Late registration (after August 31
) shall be reviewed and accepted based on available space and at
the convenience of the VP of Administration, applicable VP of House and/or the VP of Travel, as
appropriate. A late fee of $25 may be assessed for any registrations accepted after August 31
. All
other general registration provisions and requirements must be met.
2.3. Birth Certificates
All new players or players that have not yet had their birth certificate verified by USA Hockey shall
submit a copy of their birth certificate to the STHA’s VP of Administration by email or at the mailing
address posted on the website. Birth certificate verification status will be determined by the STHA VP
of Administration using the Registrar’s tool suite provided by USA Hockey.
2.4. Financial Release Forms
An approved New York State Amateur Hockey Association (NYSAHA) Player Financial Release Form
or equivalent shall be provided to the STHA President for any player joining the STHA from another
USA Hockey organization. This includes the Broome County High School Hockey Association
(BCHSHA) and Binghamton Blizzard Girls Hockey Association (BBGHA). Existing STHA players,
regardless whether they may also play with another organization, are not required to submit a
NYSAHA Player Financial Release Form.
3. Payments
3.1. Age Group/Fees
Age groups shall be determined based upon USA Hockey guidelines. All age groups and fees are
contingent upon a satisfactory number of registered players. All Base Fees, Select Adder Fees,
Snowbelt Adder Fees, and Travel Adder Fees shall be posted on the STHA’s website. The STHA
reserves the right to combine or eliminate age groups, as well as adjust fees, based on the number of
players registered.
3.2. Payment Policy
All Fees for House, Travel, Snowbelt, Select, and Taxi players shall be received via online payment or
postmarked by the dates listed in the schedule below. Anyone paying online shall be required to
pay any fees associated with the online payment service. For any Player registrations accepted after
August 31
, fees per the below schedule shall be due in full immediately upon registration.
Statements and invoices will be provided to members upon request.
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3.2.1. House and Snowbelt Players
If a member’s account is not paid per the above schedule, or if a member is delinquent in any
payment per an agreed Payment Plan, (i) the player’s jersey and socks shall be withheld and (ii)
the member’s skating privileges shall be suspended until any past due payments are made in full,
including any applicable late charges.
3.2.2. Travel Players
If a member’s account is not paid per the above schedule, or if a member is delinquent in any
payment per an agreed Payment Plan, (i) the player’s jersey and socks shall be withheld and (ii)
the member’s skating privileges shall be suspended until any past due payments are made in full,
including any applicable late charges. This includes practices, games, tournaments, etc. If a
member’s Travel Deposit is not paid by the above due date, their jerseys and socks will not be
ordered with the main order, and the member will be responsible for paying the higher cost for a
later one-off order. Failure to pay the Travel Deposit by the above due date may result in
forfeiture of the player’s roster spot on the team, after consultation between the Coach, Travel
VP, Hockey Operations Director, and Treasurer, and the defaulting player may be replaced with
another player to complete the roster.
3.2.3. Select Players
Select Adder Fees for House players chosen to participate in the Select program shall be paid in
full no later than 30 days of the date the roster is approved. Any Select Adder Fees not paid by
the 30-day deadline shall result in the suspension of skating privileges with the Select team until
any past due payments are made in full, including any applicable late charges. Skating privileges
include Select practices, games, tournaments, etc. The Select coach may, at his/her discretion
and after consultation with the Treasurer and applicable House VP, choose to replace the
defaulting player with another player to complete his/her roster.
House & Snowbelt Players Description Date Due
- 1st payment 1/2 of total fee August 31st
- 2nd payment 1/2 of total fee October 31st
Travel Players Description Date Due
- Travel Deposit $300.00 May 15th
- 2nd payment 1/2 of (total fee -$300) August 31st
- 3rd payment 1/2 of (total fee -$300)
16U & 18U - September 30th
8U, 10U, 12U, and 14U - October 31st
Select Players Description Date Due
- Adder Fee Due in Full
30 days from the date the roster is
Taxi Players Description Date Due
- Taxi Fee Due in Full
30 days from the date the player is
approved to be added to the roster
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3.3. Payment Plans
If a member cannot comply with this payment policy, the member may request a Payment Plan. A
Payment Plan request shall be made, in writing, to the Treasurer prior to participating in any
practices, games, tournaments, etc.. Approval of the request shall be at the discretion of the
Treasurer and President after consultation with the appropriate VP of House or the VP of Travel, as
necessary. Past payment history and other factors shall be taken into account when determining
whether a Payment Plan is accepted. Approval or denial of a member’s request shall be sent to the
member, in writing, within seven (7) days of the receipt of the request. Upon approval of a Payment
Plan, the member shall remit the initial payment under the terms of the Payment Plan within seven (7)
days. Under no circumstances shall a Payment Plan extend past December 31
for any ees. In the
case of any Midget level travel player participating on a team following a split season format, under no
circumstances shall a Payment Plan shall extend past November 30
. The payment details of any
plans approved shall be included in all correspondence and must be agreed to and acknowledged by
both the Treasurer and the member upon receipt. All payments for any Payment Plan shall be
received via online payment or postmarked no later than the due date of the payment per the
Payment Plan. Any default in payments under the agreed Payment Plan shall result in immediate
suspension of the player’s privileges as stated above.
It is the sole responsibility of the member to monitor the due dates of the payments per the Payment
Plan and to ensure payments are received by the due date. Neither the Treasurer, nor any member
of the STHA Board of Directors, has any obligation to arrange for alternate means or methods to
accept payment in order for a member to avoid suspension of player ice privileges. Any player who
knowingly and willing continues to play after a suspension of ice privileges shall be subject to further
disciplinary action.
3.4. Late Fees and Interest Charges
In addition to the suspension of player privileges, interest shall continue to accrue on any outstanding
balance, including those members with approved Payment Plans.
A 5% interest charge shall be assessed on October 1
on any Base Fee outstanding balance due
and a 1% interest charge assessed on the 1
of every month thereafter on any Base Fee outstanding
balance due.
A 5% interest charge shall be assessed on December 1
on any Travel Adder Fee or Taxi Fee
outstanding balance due and 1% interest charge assessed on the 1
of every month thereafter on
any Travel Adder Fee or Taxi Fee outstanding balance due.
A 5% interest charge shall be assessed 60 days after the date the roster is chosen and the members
notified of their selection to the team on any Select Adder Fee outstanding balance due and 1%
interest charge assessed on the 1
of every month thereafter on any Select Adder Fee outstanding
balance due.
3.5. Prorated Fees
No fees shall be prorated based on late registration or for any other reason except in extenuating
circumstances to be determined by the Treasurer and President.
4. Refunds
Any refund requests shall be submitted in writing to the Treasurer. All requests shall be reviewed by the
STHA Board of Directors at the next scheduled Board meeting. All refund requests shall be approved by
a simple majority vote of the STHA Board of Directors. The member making the request shall be notified
of the Board’s decision within seven (7) days following the Board meeting. If the refund is not submitted
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in writing to the Treasurer, the member shall not be entitled to a refund. Refund requests shall not be
submitted to the coach, the applicable VP of House, VP of Travel, or any other Board Member.
In general, absent extraordinary circumstances, refunds shall not be issued once on-ice sessions begin.
Absolutely no refunds shall be given after November 15th, for House, Snowbelt, and Travel teams, or
after the second practice session for Select teams, for any reason. In no case shall the Association incur
any out-of-pocket loss.