Social Studies Grade 6
Week of 4-6-20
1. Log into Clever using your Brockton username and password
2. Log into Newsela
3. Copy and paste this link into your browser:
4. Complete readings and activities.
If you can’t access Newsela or the Text Sets, copies of the readings are saved as PDFs on the BPSMA
website under Grade 6 Social Science. The Reading titles and directions are below.
Political Map of Africa
Africa: Physical Geography
Part I: Map of Africa
Directions: Review the political map of Africa. Follow the reading protocols below:
In PINK Highlight any countries you have NEVER heard of before.
In BLUE Highlight countries you HAVE heard of before.
Study the map and then quiz yourself by filling in a blank map of
You don't have to print it out.
You can also quiz yourself using this online quiz:
PART II: Africa's Physical Geography
1. Complete a KWL Chart before reading the article. Complete the "KNOW" and "WANT TO KNOW"
section before reading. What do you know about the physical geography (landforms and bodies of
water) of Africa? What do you want to know?
(You don't have to print this - you can easily make your own on a piece of paper)
2. Read the article entitled "Africa: Physical Geography"
Remember you can change the reading level to one you are comfortable with.
As you are reading, follow the following reading protocols:
Highlight in PINK any words that you do not know.
Highlight in GREEN any words you do know or have heard of before.
3. Start a vocabulary journal (this can be done on the computer or on a piece of paper). Write and
define the following terms in your journal:
Desert Savanna Sahara Ethiopian Highlands
Sahel Swahili Coast Rain Forest African Great Lakes
4. Writing:
Think about the vocabulary terms you just defined. Choose TWO to compare and contrast. Describe
their similarities and differences in two paragraphs, using evidence from the article to support your
5. Art Extension:
Choose 5 terms from your vocabulary list. Draw a picture of each of them on a piece of paper or
next to your definitions in your vocabulary journal. If you have coloring supplies, add color for
This article is available at 5 reading levels at
Political map of Africa
This map of Africa shows the following
countries: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya,
Egypt, Western Sahara, Mauritania, Mali,
Niger, Chad, Sudan, Eritrea, Senegal,
Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Sierra
Leone, Liberia, Cote d'Ivoire, Burkina Faso,
Ghana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Cameroon,
Equatorial Guinea, Central African
Republic, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia,
Somaliland, Gabon, Congo, Democratic
Republic of Congo, Uganda, Kenya,
Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Angola,
Zambia, Malawi, Namibia, Botswana,
Zimbabwe, Mozambique, South Africa, Lesotho, Eswatini, Madagascar and
By Newsela staff on 03.19.20
Word Count 80
Level MAX
This article is available at 5 reading levels at
Africa: Physical geography
African elephants roam the savannas, which cover almost half of the African continent. Photo by: Pixabay/Public Domain.
Africa is the second-largest continent, after Asia. It is bounded by the Mediterranean Sea, the Red
Sea, the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean and is divided in half almost equally by the equator.
Africa has eight major physical regions: the Sahara, the Sahel, the Ethiopian Highlands, the
savanna, the Swahili Coast, the rain forest, the African Great Lakes and Southern Africa. Each of
these regions has unique animal and plant life.
The Sahara is the world's largest hot desert, covering 3.3 million square miles, about the size of the
South American country of Brazil. The Sahara is in the northern part of Africa and makes up 25
percent of the continent.
The Sahara has a number of distinct physical features, including ergs, regs, hamadas and oases.
Ergs cover 20 percent of the Sahara. They are sand dunes that stretch for hundreds of kilometers
at heights of more than 1,000 feet. Ergs can contain large quantities of salt, which is sold for
industrial and food use.
By National Geographic Society, adapted by Newsela staff on 09.15.17
Word Count 1,292
Level 1040L
This article is available at 5 reading levels at
Regs are plains of sand and gravel that make up 70
percent of the Sahara. The gravel can be black, red or
white. Regs are the remains of ancient seabeds and
riverbeds, but are now nearly waterless.
Hamadas are giant shelves of rock and stone that
reach heights of 11,000 feet, and they include three
mountain ranges: the Atlas Mountains, the Tibesti
Mountains and the Ahaggar Mountains.
An oasis is a hub of water in the desert. Oases are often created by springs, wells or irrigation
systems. About 75 percent of the Sahara's population lives in oases even though oases make up
only 800 square miles of the desert, a tiny proportion compared to the massive size of the Sahara.
The Sahara's animal and plant communities have adapted to extremely dry conditions. A
dromedary camel conserves water by changing its body temperature so it doesn't sweat as the day
gets hotter. The scorpion limits its activities to night, burrowing into the cooler sands beneath the
surface during the day. Saharan plants survive thanks to root systems that plunge as far as 80 feet
underground. In parts of the Sahara, plants cannot take root at all.
The Sahel is a narrow band of semi-arid land that
forms a transition zone between the Sahara to the
north and the savannas to the south. The Sahel is
made up of flat, barren plains that stretch roughly
3,300 miles across Africa, from Senegal to Sudan.
The Sahel contains the fertile delta of the Niger River,
one of Africa's longest rivers. Unfortunately, the
Sahel's fertile land is rapidly becoming desert, which
is happening because of drought, deforestation and
agriculture. This process is called desertification.
The Sahel's animals constantly hunt for scarce water
and vegetation. The region's green vegetation only emerges during the rainy season, but it is often
harvested quickly by farmers or consumed by animals.
Baobabs are drought- and fire-resistant trees with trunks that are often 50 feet wide and as tall as
85 feet. Acacia, whose deep root systems are ideal for semi-arid climates, are among the most
common trees found in the Sahel.
Ethiopian Highlands
The Ethiopian Highlands began to rise 75 million years ago. That is when magma from Earth's
mantle uplifted a broad dome of ancient rock. This dome was later split as Africa's continental
crust pulled apart, creating the Great Rift Valley system. Today, this valley cuts through the
Ethiopian Highlands from the southwest to the northeast. The Ethiopian Highlands are home to
80 percent of Africa's tallest mountains.
This article is available at 5 reading levels at
The highland's craggy landscape is perfect for nimble
animal species. Native species such as the walia ibex,
an endangered wild goat, and the gelada baboon live
in the Simien Mountains. The region's plants include
the Ethiopian rose, Africa's only native rose.
Savannas, or grasslands, cover almost half of Africa —
more than 5 million square miles. These grasslands
make up most of central Africa.
is a vast
plain that
miles. It
runs from
Mara game reserve to Tanzania's Serengeti National
The Serengeti is home to one of the continent's highest concentrations of large mammal species.
These include lions, hyenas, zebras, giraffes and elephants.
Swahili Coast
The Swahili Coast stretches about 1,000 miles along
the Indian Ocean. It runs from Somalia to
Mozambique. The nearby coral reefs and barrier
islands protect the coast from severe weather.
There is not a lot of animal life on the sandy Swahili
Coast. A small species of primate known as the bush
baby inhabits areas where there are many plants.
Bush babies, which have enormous eyes for hunting at night, feed primarily on insects, fruit and
Heavy farming has diminished the number of plant species in this region. Mangrove forests are
the most common vegetation. Mangroves have exposed root systems. This allows the trees to
absorb oxygen directly from the air, as well as from the nutrient-poor soil.
Rain Forest
Most of Africa's native rain forest has been destroyed by development, agriculture and logging.
Today, 80 percent of Africa's rain forest is in central Africa. It is along the Congo River basin.
This article is available at 5 reading levels at
Africa's rain forests have a rich variety of animal life. A 4-mile patch could contain up to 400 bird
species, 150 butterfly species and 60 species of amphibians. Important mammals include African
forest elephants and gorillas.
The African rain forest's plants include an estimated
8,000 known plant species. More than 1,100 of these
species are endemic, or found nowhere else on Earth.
African Great Lakes
The Great Lakes are located in nine countries that
surround the Great Rift Valley. As the African
continent separated from Saudi Arabia, large, deep
cracks were created in the Earth's surface. These
cracks were later filled with water. This geologic
process created some of the largest and deepest lakes
in the world.
There are seven major African Great Lakes: Lake Albert, Lake Edward, Lake Kivu, Lake Malawi,
Lake Tanganyika, Lake Turkana and Lake Victoria. Lake Victoria, the largest lake in Africa, is the
southern source of the Nile River, the longest river in the world.
The African Great Lakes region has a wide range of animal life in the water and on land. Fish
include the 45-kilogram (100-pound) Nile perch and the 2.5-centimeter (1-inch) cichlid. Hippos
and crocodiles call the region home. Plant life in the region is also quite diverse.
However, invasive species like the water hyacinth and papyrus have begun to take over entire
shorelines, endangering animals and plants.
Southern Africa
The region of Southern Africa is covered mostly by the Kaapvaal craton. This is a shelf of bedrock
more than 2.6 billion years old. Rocky features of Southern Africa include plateaus and mountains.
Southern Africa is the center of Africa's well-known
game reserves. They protect animal species such as
lions, elephants, baboons, white rhinos and Burchell's
Southern Africa's Cape Floral Region is one of the
world's richest areas for plants. The Cape Floral
Region covers less than 0.5 percent of Africa, but it is
home to nearly 20 percent of the continent's plants.