Learning Resolutions
(LRC) Overview
A Message from the Chief Human Capital Officer (CHCO) ............................................ 3
Setting LRC Goals ............................................................................................................... 4
Using the LRC Tracker ........................................................................................................ 6
Finding Tools and Templates ............................................................................................ 7
CLC Bingo Game ................................................................................................................. 8
LRC Next Steps ................................................................................................................... 9
About REACH .................................................................................................................... 11
A Message from the Chief Human Capital Officer
Dear Commerce Community,
As the summer approaches, I would like to invite and encourage Department of
Commerce (DOC) employees to participate in the Learning Resolutions Campaign
(LRC) from May through the end of 2023. LRC is one of five REACH: Recognize,
Engage, Access, and Help campaigns during 2023. For more information on REACH,
see page 11.
LRC is an employee development campaign designed to encourage employees
across all DOC levels and organizations to set personal career goals and participate
in meaningful individual learning & development (L&D) activities. This packet and
the LRC tracker will help you to identify one or two career development goals and
periodically track your progress towards those goals.
Participating in the LRC will allow you to take control of your development and fully
utilize the resources available to you within and outside of DOC.
Unlike individual development plans (IDPs), the LRC provides employees with a
unique opportunity to pursue any topic related to career development. LRC
encourages employees to pursue career development goals that interest them,
regardless of the extent to which they apply to an employee’s current role. Progress
made during the LRC should help inform employee goal setting for calendar year
2024 and beyond.
Speak with your supervisor or coach about setting up recurring time to work
towards your LRC goal(s).
Please contact the Office of Learning & Development (L&D) with questions about
the LRC.
Your Partner in Learning,
Jessica Palatka
Chief Human Capital Officer (CHCO
Setting LRC Goals
To complete the Learning Resolutions Campaign (LRC), you should consider your
long-term professional goals and identify one or two employee development goals
to work towards for the remainder of calendar year 2023. You may wish to connect
with your supervisor or coach for help identifying goals.
If your DOC organization has designated Commerce L&D Champions, they can help
you identify goals and resources to achieve goals.
Use the Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART)
framework to set tangible and actionable goals.
Specific Make your goals clear and narrowsomeone else
should be able to understand your goal
Define what evidence will prove you’re making
progress and will help you evaluate if you have
reached your goal
Achievable Set a goal that “stretches” your abilities but remains
feasible for someone with your current skill levels
Relevant Align your goals with your professional development
areas, leadership values, and interests
Set a realistic, ambitious timeframe for when you will
complete parts or all of your goal
Examples of LRC goals using the SMART method include:
Learn a new technical skill, like programming or Microsoft Excel (e.g.,
“I will learn HTML coding and create a public website by the end of the
Obtain a professional certificate in a topic like leadership, project
management, or conflict resolution (e.g., “I will obtain a project
management certification from the Project Management Institute by the
end of the year.”)
L&D Champions began distributing employee development materials via email to organization
staff in March. If you are unsure if your organization has a designated L&D Champion, ask the Office
of L&D via email at learningdevelopment@doc.gov
Complete an online course on an employee development topic like
identifying risk or understanding customer needs (e.g., “I will
complete an 8-week course on understanding customer needs and
compile a report on my team’s customer service approach in August.”)
Develop a professional online presence (e.g., “I will create a LinkedIn
profile and make 20 new LinkedIn connections with others in my
industry by the end of the month.)
Expand your professional network (e.g., “I will schedule a coffee chat
or introductory call with a new connection every other week until the
end of the summer.”)
Once you identify one or two LRC goals for the remainder of 2023, record them in
the LRC Tracker.
Using the LRC Tracker
The LRC Tracker is a one-stop-shop for recording your LRC goals and measuring
your progress towards those goals. You will also use the tracker to summarize your
LRC journey at the end of 2023.
To access the tracker, download it from your DOC email and save the document to
your DOC computer. You may wish to share the tracker with your supervisor, your
organization’s Chief Learning Officer (CLO), or your organization’s L&D Champion so
they can follow your LRC journey.
Record 1-2 career
monthly objectives
at the beginning of
each month
Record progress
made towards
objectives at the
end of each month
towards or achievement of your LRC
Finding Tools and Templates
The Commerce Learning Center (CLC) provides an extensive library of career
development courses and resources for DOC employees. Search for topics related
to your LRC goal(s) in the CLC library. You may also wish to use external employee
development resources. Consider utilizing the following resources to help you
achieve your LRC goal(s):
Commerce Learning Center (CLC)
Percipio, a system within the CLC,
contains many courses for DOC
employees including Communication
Essentials, Building & Leading Teams,
Essential Customer Service Skills, and
more. You can explore Percipio to find
additional trainings that are relevant to
your bureau’s workforce needs.
Partnership for Public Service
The Partnership for Public Service
provides resources for federal
employees with the goal of
strengthening government institutions.
Harvard Business School (HBS) free
online courses
HBS offers a variety of free online
courses related to employee
development, including leadership,
identifying risks, customer service, and
time management.
Project Management Institute (PMI)
PMI includes a variety of resources for
project management. Many PMI tools
and templates are free to access. PMI
also publishes information about
industry-standard project management
GovLoop Academy GovLoop Academy provides tools for
federal employees to solve problems in
agencies, as well as resources for
career development.
CLC Bingo Game
Participants in the LRC are encouraged to complete the Commerce Learning Month
(CLM) Bingo Game. The Bingo Game will familiarize you with CLC functionality to
support you in achieving your goals. Identify your LRC goal(s) before completing the
Bingo Game and keep your goal(s) in mind as you complete the game.
The CLC Bingo Game and instructions were sent via email to all DOC employees. If
you cannot locate the game and instructions, email the Office of L&D. To complete
the CLC Bingo Game, aim to complete at least one row or column of activities in
May or at the beginning of your participation in LRC.
CLC Bingo Game
LRC Next Steps
You should use the following checklist to get started with the LRC.
Action Items
Read the LRC overview packet and access the LRC Tracker
Download and save the LRC Tracker to your DOC computer
Use the SMART method to develop 1-2 career development goals to
work towards for the remainder of 2023
Determine your goal objectives for May. One of your May objectives
should be to complete the CLC Bingo Game
At the end of May, record your progress towards your monthly
Repeat steps 4-5 each month through December
In December, complete the final reflection section in the LRC Tracker
and share results with your supervisor or mentor
REACH (Recognize, Engage, Access, Communicate, and Help) is a strategic
communications initiative sponsored by DOC OHRM. The goal of REACH is to
present existing employee development resources in new and engaging formats to
increase L&D participation across DOC.
REACH includes plans for five DOC-wide campaigns to enhance employee
awareness and participation in L&D activities: