Community Group
Curriculum Guide
(updated May 2011)
Bible Studies:
3:16 – Study of the message of John 3:16, by Max Lucado. Study these words in ways that you have
probably never heard them before.
A Heart Like His – Study of the Life of David, by Beth Moore, Lifeway 1996,
Format: video series and workbook – an in-depth Bible study on the life of David
A Woman’s Heart, God’s Dwelling Place – updated, in-depth study of the tabernacle. By Beth Moore.
Format: Leader kit with DVD and member book, Lifeway Press. Prepare your heart to become a
dwelling place for the most high God.
Acts – The Visual Bible, International Bible Society 1984
Format: Video series – 4 videos Word for word, the book of Acts, scripture text taken from the Holy
bible, New International Version.
Luke’s powerful narrative brings to life the book of Acts and gives new insight into the compassionate
love that unites the fellowship of believers.
Acts, Life lessons from the Word of God, 1997 Max Lucado
Format: Study guide to the book of Acts. 12 lessons, questions and answers. Beginning chapter – How
to Study the Bible.
+An Ordinary Day with Jesus, by John Ortberg, Zondervan 2001- Willow Creek Church
Format: DVD and workbook, 8 sessions. Find out how experiencing God’s presence in your everyday
life doesn’t necessarily mean doing new things. It means doing the things you already do in new ways –
with Him in charge.
Be Heroic, Demonstrating Bravery by Your Walk, 1997 by Warren Wiersbe. An Old Testament study
on three prophets, Ezra, Haggai and Zechariah. Learn to trust God in tough times and not give up, claim
promises that will give you victory and help you become an encourager to others.
Believing God – Beth Moore, Lifeway Press
Format: Video Series with workbooks, based on the pledge of faith “God is Who He Says He Is”
Beloved Disciple – Beth Moore, Lifeway Press
Format: DVD study with workbooks. Study of the life of John
Breaking Free – Beth Moore, Lifeway Press
Format: Video series with workbook. Making liberty in Christ a reality in life.
Daniel – Beth Moore, Lifeway Press
Format: DVD series with workbook. 12 sessions, 1-6 deals with Daniel’s life and sessions 7-12 explore
prophecies from the time of Daniel through the second coming of Christ.
Established Footsteps – Walking Through Life with the Word of God, DVD and study guide by
Sharon Thomas. Eight sessions on DVD with accompanying study guide
Esther – Beth Moore, Lifeway Press 2008. Format: DVD, leader kit. “It’s tough being a woman”
Compare, it was tough in Esther’s day – it is today
Experiencing God, Knowing and Doing the Will of God, Lifeway Press, revised 1999, by Claude V
King & Henry Blackaby.
Format: Video or DVD series with leader’s study guide – 12 sessions, designed to help people move into
a deeper relationship with God. Learn to hear when God is speaking, find out where God is working and
experience God working through you to do what only God can do.
Faith Lessons on the Promised Land, Zondervan, 1995 by Ray Vander Laan
Format: 2 videos, 5 lessons taking viewers to archaeological sites few people ever see. Geographical
and historical contexts of the Bible will take on powerful relevance for present-day believers.
Faith Lessons on Prophets and Kings of Israel, Zondervan, 1996, by Ray Vander Laan
Format: 2 videos, 5 lessons focuses on God’s faithfulness to His people in the wayward times of the
kings and prophets and now to our society today. Filmed on location and brought to life by the powerful
insight of Ray Vander Laan.
Faith Lessons on the Death and Resurrection of the Messiah, Zondervan, 1999 by
Ray Vander Laan (Previously published as That the World May Know)
Format: 2 videos, participant’s guide, 10 sessions. Filmed on location in Israel this series, focusing on
the last week of Jesus’ life brings God’s Word to life with astounding relevance. Ray Vander Laan has a
keen insight for bringing significance of the Scripture to modern believers.
Falling in Love with Jesus. . . Again (study of the book of Matthew) Bob Russell Ministries 2009
Format: DVD study of the book of Matthew, narrated by Bob Russell, volumes 1, 2 & 3
Friendship with God (Walking with God series), Willow Creek 1992, by Don Cousins & Judson Poling.
Format: Study guide, 13 lessons on developing an intimacy with God. The series is based on the belief
that a disciple is someone who walks with God, lives the Word, contributes to the work and impacts the
world. This study strives to help you understand what it means to relate to God in a personal way.
Galatians & Ephesians, Life Application Bible Studies, 1990 by Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
Format: Life application studies strive to give you a new perspective on each part of the Bible you study.
This study of Galatians and Ephesians will help you understand the context, give important background
and historical information and help you discover the timeless truth being communicated.
Genesis, by Bob Russell, Format: DVD and workbook. Standard Publishing 2007
Risky Creation, chapters 1 through 9
Promises, Promises, chapters 12 through 22
Nobody’s Perfect, chapters 25 through 33
Good from Evil, chapters 37 through 50
Genesis, Lessons for Families, Saddleback Church 2007
Format: Curriculum written exclusively for a family small group study. The time will include fellowship,
worship, discipleship, ministry and missions.
God is Closer Than You Think, 2005 Willow Creek Resources by John Ortberg
Format: DVD/Workbook - Find out how to enjoy a vibrant, moment-by-moment relationship with your
Heavenly Father. Find God where you least expect Him, Listen to God’s voice, etc.
God’s Answers to Life’s Difficult Questions, DVD, workbook, Rick Warren Ministries.
Grace, God’s Open Arms, Life Lessons with Max Lucado, Word Publishing 1999 by Max Lucado
Format: Study guide, 12 lessons by Max Lucado on learning to embrace grace and accept the
forgiveness of God.
Growing in Christ Together, 6 lessons on discipleship, Zondervan 2005
Format: DVD and workbook, part of the Experiencing Christ Together series on discipleship
Growing to Be Like Christ, part of the Doing Life Together series
Format: DVD and workbook, six sessions on discipleship
Haggai/Malachi, Shepherd’s Notes, 1999Format: A step-by-step overview of these Old
Testament books, guiding you through the main themes of each book.
Hebrews, life lessons with Max Lucado, W Publishing, 1991 Format: workbook
In the Dust of the Rabbi, That the World May Know series, Ray Vander Lann, Zondervan 2006
Format: DVD and workbook, 5 sessions. Workbook includes study lessons between each session.
Discover what it means to have a relationship with Jesus so close that you take on His ways and
Isaiah, Trusting God in Troubled Times, 1991 Intervarsity Press, by Howard Peskett
Format: Study guide, 24 lessons designed for small group studies leading you to discover what the Bible
says rather than simply telling you what it says. Isaiah lived in troubled times, we can draw insight for
today from his life and experiences.
James, Live Wisely, Willow Creek Association 1999, by Bill Hybels with Kevin & Sherry Harney
Format: New community Bible study series, 6 sessions - workbooks. The book of James has answers
on how to choose wise paths through the maze of this life. Designed to explore life changing topics with
others in your community group.
James, Faith that Works, InterVarsity Press 1999 by Andrew T & Phyllis J LePeau
Format: Study guide, 9 lessons – Getting the most out of James. Study the faith that James writes
about and that we practice every day.
James, Developing a Faith that Works, Saddleback Church 2002, Volume 1
Format: Video & Study guide, 6 lessons covering James 1:1 – 2:20. Relevant topics in this set of
lessons include making decisions, handling problems, dealing with temptation and succeeding in
relationships. Designed for use with video and for small groups.
James, Developing a Faith that Works, Saddleback Church 2002, Volume 2
Format: DVD & Study guide, 6 lessons covering James 3:1-5:20. Relevant topics in this set of lessons
include making decisions, handling problems, dealing with temptation and succeeding in relationships.
Designed for use with video and for small groups.
Jeremiah, Be Decisive, 1995 Victor Books, by Warren Wiersbe
Format: Book on the prophet Jeremiah’s life. You will discover how Jeremiah was a person who always
let his stand on issues be known. This book could also be a guide for a small group study.
Jesus the One and Only, LifeWay Press 2000, by Beth Moore
Format: Video series (6 videos, 11 week study) An in-depth, interactive study involving daily
assignments in workbooks and weekly group sessions. Filmed on location in Jerusalem and other
places where Jesus walked. A life changing journey with Beth Moore leading up to the cross.
Job, Wrestling with God, LifeGuide bible Study, 1995 by Paul Stevens Format: This study guide is for
anyone who has asked “why do faithful people suffer” and wants to ask God, “why?” 12 lessons
John, by John MacArthur, 2006 Format: Study book of John, verse by verse
John, video series of the book of John, word for word based on the Good News Bible
Jonah/ Zephaniah, Shepherd’s Notes, 1999 – step-by-step study of these Old Testament books to give
an overview of each book.
Jonah, by Priscilla Shirer. DVD/study guide. Learn how an interruption in our life can be God’s invitation
to do something beyond our wildest dreams.
King David, Fisherman Bible Study Guides, Zondervan, revised 2002, by Robbie Castleman
Format: Community group study guide to discover how David learned to trust God in the process of life.
Format: A 13 week course for groups who are ready for serious Bible Study and are willing to do
homework. In depth study of miracles of Jesus during his 3 year ministry on earth.
Living a Blessed Life, Purpose Driven – A study of the Sermon on the Mount
Format: DVD, workbooks
Living Beyond Yourself, Lifeway Press, by Beth Moore
Format: DVD/study book – study of The Fruits of the Spirit
Luke, Life Lessons, W Publishing Group – by Max Lucado. Study of the book of Luke
Matthew, the visual Bible, Book of Matthew, a dramatic presentation of the life of Jesus, word for word
the book of Matthew. Format: DVD
Precept study of Revelation, part 1DVD series and workbooks. Jesus’ Message to the church
Psalms, Prayers of the Heart, 2000 by Eugene Peterson. Format: 12 lessons showing us how to
relate to God, featuring questions for starting group discussion.
Revelation, 1998 Tyndale House Publishers, Inc
Format: Book of Revelation from the Life Application Study Bible. Actual text of Revelation with
explanatory notes and overviews. 13 lessons for group study.
Revelation, parts 1 and 2 – Precept studies by Kay Arthur. Precept studies are in-depth, verse by
verse studies, led by trained teachers.
Secrets Jesus Shared, by Jennifer Kennedy Dean. Format: DVD and workbook Learn how to live in
the kingdom in the present tense. Study of the parables to learn the real secrets Jesus was teaching to
his followers.
Song of Solomon, updated 2007 Hudson Productions Format: DVD, Leader guide. Consists of 11 25
minute sessions that address the topics of attraction, dating, courtship, intimacy, conflict, romance and
commitment. Study for single people or married couples
Spiritual Classics, 2000, Edited by Richard J Foster and Emilie Griffin. Format: Book of selected
readings on the twelve spiritual disciplines.
That the World May Know, 1996 by Ray Vander Laan
Format: Video series visiting sites where battles were fought, victories won, and pivotal events took
place to uncover the astounding significance of Jesus’ teaching and what it means to twentieth-century
That the World May Know, 1997 by Ray Vander Laan (Lessons 19-27)
Format: Video series visiting the Sea of Galilee, Mount of Olives, Gethsemane and the garden tomb to
see the history of God’s chosen people revealed. Discover keys for Godly living in the world today.
The Incomparable Jesus, 1992 Willow Creek Community Church, Walking With God series, by Don
Cousins & Judson Poling
Format: The first of a 2 part study on the life of Jesus (2
part – Follow Me!) 13 lessons to help you to
have a stronger relationship with Jesus.
The Jesus I Never Knew, 1998 Zondervan, by Philip Yancey
Format: 14 part Video series in which you and your group will discover Jesus as you’ve never known
him: radical, compelling, compassionate, bold, incisive, and ultimately satisfying – a journey that will
challenge you and change you.
The Life You’ve Always Wanted, 2004 Zondervan, by John Ortberg
Format: DVD/Video and workbook, 6 sessions in which the author calls us to abundant living. Join him
on a road to transformation and spiritual vigor and you study spiritual disciplines.
The Measure of Spiritual Maturity, Grace Products Corporation
Format: Video series, 11 sessions walk through the process to renew all aspects of your spiritual life
from church attendance to personal maturity.
The Mind of Christ, by T W Hunt and Claude V King, 1994 Lifeway Press. This is a practical study to
direct the student to truly search for what God wants us to know and understand about His son Jesus.
Through this study, hopefully the Holy Spirit will open other avenues of interest in learning more about
our Lord.
The Patriarchs, Beth Moore, Lifeway Press 2005 –
Format: DVD and study guide - A study through Genesis, encountering the God of Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob. Explore such concepts as blessing, covenant and promise and see how they affect our lives as
New Testament believers.
The Word of God (Moving Beyond Ourselves with the Word of God), by Eddie Tison, based on the
book Solid, by Jack Cottrell (by permission). Explore the authority of the Bible, inspiration of scripture,
reasons for believing the Bible, etc.
Format: Study book with questions
Walk as Jesus Walked (Making Disciples), That the World May Know series by Ray Vander Lann,
Zondervan 2006
Format: DVD and workbook, 5 sessions, book includes studies to do between sessions. Filmed in
Israel and Turkey. Discover how disciples of Jesus who are on fire with the message of his kingdom can
literally change the world.
Walking by Faith, by Jennifer Rothschild, Lifeway Press.
Format: Leader kit (DVD and study guide) God has taught Jennifer to live her life based on faith rather
than sight (she lost her sight at age 15). She is a young wife, mother, musician and gifted author and
What am I Here For? 2003 Purpose Driven Ministries
Format: DVD and study guide, 7 lessons to lead you and your group into an understanding of the Bible’s
answer to life’s greatest question – What on earth am I here for? DVD led by Rick Warren
Bringing Up Boys, 2002 Focus on the Family by Dr. James Dobson
Format: Video series with workbooks, 12 sessions. Study based on Dr Dobson’s best selling book,
Bringing Up Boys.
Bringing Up Kids Without Tearing Them Down, by Dr Kevin Leman
Format: Video series, 8 sessions offering a warm, supportive prescription for raising responsible kids
with their self-esteem intact. Dr Leman has easy answers to hard questions.
Growing Kids God’s Way, Christian Family Heritage Format: Video series, teaches practical steps to
implement God’s moral precepts in the lives of children.
Homes of Honor (Hidden Keys to Successful Parenting), 1997 Today’s Family, by Gary Smalley
Format: Video series for group study, 8 sessions designed to help build a strong foundation for all your
relationships in the home. This study can be a fun and life changing event for ill involved.
Making Children Mind Without Losing Yours, by Dr. Kevin Leman.
Format: Video/DVD, 6 session series. Raise obedient children without raising your blood pressure.
Parenting Adolescents, 1994 The Navigators, by Kevin Huggins
Format: 8 session video series demonstrating Biblical principles and practical insights into parenting
teens in today’s world.
The Disconnected Generation, 2000 Josh McDowell Ministry
Format: Video series, 5 sessions providing a Biblical blueprint for entering your children’s world to make
that connection at an emotional level so deep that no cultural influence can destroy it.
Finding the Love of Your Life, by Neil Clark Warren,
Format: Video and workbook – for those not married but hoping to be someday. Guidelines about life-
long relationships
Focus on the Family Marriage Series, Gospel Light Publishing.
Format: Video and study books to help couples strengthen their relationships by understandin God’s
plan for marriage. Appropriate for any season of marriage.
Food and Love, 2002 Smalley Relationship Center, by Gary Smalley & Robert Burbee
Format: Video series, (seven lessons) and workbook. Study how what you eat and the
condition of your overall health can change the quality of your relationships and your marriage.
The book Food and Love is also available.
Hidden Keys to Loving Relationships, #1 – The Single Most Important Ingredient in Building a
Loving Relationship, 1994 Gary Smalley Seminars
Format: Video series (#1) This tape is the first session of a live seminar. You will learn the single most
important element of any relationship and how to incorporate it into your relationships.
Hidden Keys to Loving Relationships, #2 – Essential Elements Every Relationship Needs Daily to
Succeed and Grow, 1994 Gary Smalley Seminars, Inc.
Format: Video series (#2) In this tape Gary introduces 4 critical elements in a relationship and how to
make them a reality in your marriage.
Hidden keys to Loving Relationships, #3 – Overcoming the Major Destroyer of Relationships,
1994 Gary Smalley Seminars
Format: Video series (#3) In this video Gary reveals the single greatest destructive force in any
relationship. It is also the number one cause of divorce. He shows how to detect it, how to reduce the
potential damage it can cause and how to overcome it in your own personal life.
Hidden Keys to Loving Relationships, #4 – The Communication Method That Increases Intimacy
and Understanding, 1994 Gary Smalley Seminars
Format: Video series (#4) Learn to use the powerful communication method explained in this take and
see words crumble barriers – Emotional word pictures as Gary Smalley calls them.
Hidden Keys to Loving Relationships, #5 – How to Become Best Friends with Your Mate and
Family and How to Become Free from the Negative Emotions of Anger, Hurt Feelings, Loneliness,
Worry and Fear, 1993 Gary Smalley Seminars
Format: Video series (#5) Part 1 shows you one of the most important factors in bonding into a close-
knit relationship, then in Part 2 see what causes negative emotions such as anger, hurt feelings, etc.
See practical steps you can use to begin to minimize these in your life.
Hidden Keys to Loving Relationships, #6 – Discovering Your Personality Type and the Types of
Your Family and Friends, 1994 Gary Smalley Seminars
Format: Video series (#6) Complete a “Personality Inventory Sheet” and discover which of the four
personality types you fall into. Also learn which types your spouse and children are in. This will enable
you and your family to have a greater understanding and appreciation of each other’s strengths as well
as a greater tolerance of each other’s weaknesses.
Hidden Keys to Loving Relationships, #8 – Using Effective Communication to Move Into the
Deepest Levels in Intimacy, 1994 Gary Smalley Seminars
Format: Video series (#8) Reveals the 5 levels of communication. The first three levels are where most
couples stay – Gary introduces the last two levels that will take you into the deepest intimacy and the
most satisfying and fulfilling relationships.
Intimate Encounters, 1997 by Dr David & Teresa Ferguson, Intimacy Press.
Format: Study book with questions. Small group study (5 couples) – DVD to be viewed as a group,
study and questions to be done by couple at home together. Gain a better understanding of each other’s
deepest feelings and needs, resulting in a new closeness.
Facilitators are trained marriage coaches.
Marriage, Building Real Intimacy, 1996 Willow Creek, by Bill Hybels
Format: Study guide that will help you and your mate not only recapture the thrill in your marriage but
also maintain and build upon it to create a satisfying, lasting relationship – the kind God designed for you
both to enjoy.
Solving the Real Love in the Real World Puzzle, 2003 Smalley Relationship Center, by Gary Smalley
Format: Video, DVD series (5 sessions) with workbook designed to encourage and equip couples
toward solving their relationship puzzle. Work with your partner in communication and cooperation and
to help create a satisfying and fulfilling marriage.
The Second Half of Marriage (Facing the Challenges of the empty-nest years), Zondervan 1996, by
David & Claudia Arp
Format: Video study for groups designed to enhance interaction between yourselves that will help you
maximize your benefits from each session. In-depth questions and topics for discussion and applications
that can help you make these coming years of marriage the best yet.
40 Days of Purpose, 2003 Purpose Driven Ministries
Format: Video or non video curriculum – study guide to help you cultivate the five purposes as
presented in the Purpose Driven Life. Study guide can be used with the teaching video by Rick Warren.
Becoming a Contagious Christian, Video series, workbook by Mark Mittelberg, Lee Strobel & Bill
Hybel: Format: Video series with participant’s guide. Six lessons in communicating your faith - you will
be inspired with fresh and creative approaches to outreach.
Becoming Emotionally Whole, 1996 Thomas Nelson Publishing, by Charles Stanley. Ten lessons to
help in overcoming negative emotions and becoming happier and healthier. This study helps you get in
touch with the Bible, yourself and God.
Beginning in Christ Together, part of the Experiencing Life Together series, Zondervan 2005
Format: DVD and workbook – six sessions on the life of Jesus
Boundaries (When to Say Yes, When to Say No to Take Control of Your Life), 1995 Zondervan, by
Henry Cloud and John Townsend
Format: Video series and workbook offering biblically based answers to these tough questions as you
learn how to set healthy boundaries with parents, spouses, children, friends, coworkers and even
Chase the Lion (Stepping confidently into the unknown), by Mark Batterson,Lifeway Press2007
Format: DVD & Leader guide – seeks to challenge the assumption that God wants our lives to be safe –
identify the lions in your life and engage them instead of running away.
Chasing Daylight, DVD, Leader guide, workbook by Erwin McManus. A call to live a life of blazing
urgency. Every moment counts – are you willing to risk failure? A study of the life of Jonathan.
Come Thirsty, Thomas Nelson Publishing 2008, by Max Lucado. Format: DVD – a six week journey to
explore the WELL of God’s love. If you are too busy or feeling burned out this is the study to inspire you
to find refreshment from God’s Word.
Connecting With God’s Family, 2002 Zondervan, by Brett & Deanna Eastman and Todd & Denise
Format: DVD and study guides on these 6 series: God’s Purposes for Your Life, Evangelism, Worship,
Discipleship, Fellowship, and Ministry built on the purpose driven paradigm. Discover what God created
you for and how you can turn this dream into a reality as you begin connecting developing and
surrendering your life for him. Written especially for community groups.
Destinations, by Andy Stanley, Northpoint Ministries 2007. Examine the disconnect between dreams
and the paths taken to reach them. Format: DVD
Discovering God’s Will. 1998 Serendipity House
Format: Study guide to explore the topic of your “gifts and calling”. Use as a 7 or 13 week study,
depending on the depth you wish to explore.
Discussing the DaVinci Code, 2006 Zondervan, by Lee Strobel and Garry Poole
Format: DVD, study book. Examine the issues raised by the book and the movie.
Every Man’s Battle, Waterbrook Press 2000
Format: Book and workbook. Bible study and intense examination of your personal life
Everything is Possible with God, Zondervan by Rick Warren. DVD study, 6 sessions on building your
Everything is Spiritual, by Rob Bell. Format: DVD - In the Hebrew scriptures there is no word for
“spiritual.” And Jesus never used the phrase “spiritual life.” Why? Because for Jesus and his tradition,
all of life is spiritual. But what does that really mean?
Facing the Unknown, Bluefish, by Mark Batterson. Format: DVD, Study of Abraham in the 21
century. Compare the steps Abraham took many years ago with how someone would react to those
steps of faith in todays society.
Faith, Hope and Luck, Andy Stanley, Northpoint Ministries 2008. Format: DVD - Five part series that
will transform your thinking about FAITH.
Fingerprints of God, by Jennifer Rothschild, Lifeway Press 2007 Format: DVD series and workbook.
Learn to recognize six things you can experience because of God’s touch on your life – honor, intimacy,
shelter, guidance, redemption and refinement.
Free from Bondage, God’s Way, 1994 Precept Ministries by Kay Arthur. Six week study from
Galatians and seven weeks from Ephesians on discovering the matchless freedom in Christ. Fifteen
minutes a day will give you time to study and learn these valuable lessons.
Freed Up, by Dick Towner and John Tofilon. DVD, workbook, 6 session on how to get to freed up
financial living with biblical principles.
He’s Still Got the Whole World in His Hands, Andy Stanley, Northpoint Ministries 2009, Format: DVD
Reminders that even though we face uncertainty in our lives, it is no different than it was in Bible times
and – God still has the whole world in His hands.
Hope for Creation, Matthew Sleeth, MD, Zondervan 2010, FORMAT: DVD, guidebook. Six sessions
– a radical, yet solidly biblical presmise of living out love for God, our neighbors and all of creation.
Hope for Humanity, Matthew Sleeth, MD, Zondervan 2010, FORMAT: DVD, guidebook. Six sessions
pertaining to living out love for God by the church imitating Jesus and following Him and becoming the
strongest proponent for “saving the planet”.
How Now Now Shall We Live, 1999 Lifeway Press, by Charles Colson and Nancy Pearcey
Format: 8 week video series with workbook. Understanding biblical faith as an entire worldview, a
perspective on all of life. Weekly video presentation and discussion and at home work sessions.
How to Be Rich, Andy Stanley, Northpoint Ministries 2007 FORMAT: DVD. How do you define rich and
how do you learn to BE rich.
I Want to be Great, by Andy Stanley, Northpoint Ministries. A search through the scriptures for answers
to what it means to be great and who is a candidate for greatness. Format: DVD
Ice-Breakers and Heart-Warmers, 1984 International Bible Society, by Steve Sheely
Format: This book can help make the small group process happen. By beginning with the right ice-
breaker and ending with the appropriate closing activity, your small group is will on the way to becoming
a trusting, loving community.
Identity, by Dale & Juanita Ryan, 2001 Intervarsity Press. Six lessons on finding out who you really are.
Seek to find God’s plans for your life as you study these scriptures from Psalms.
If You Want to Walk on Water, You’ve Got to Get Out of the Boat, by John Ortberg
Format: DVD & leader guide kit and workbook. Experience the power of God to accomplish what we
would not be capable of doing on our own.
It All Goes Back in the Box, by John Ortberg, Zondervan 2008. Format: DVD, participants guide.
John Ortberg teaches you about living with an eternal perspective, keeping your eyes on the true prize –
the gate to the kingdom of God. Six sessions
It’s Personal, by Andy Stanley, 2007 Northpoint Ministries. Directed at men and women who desire a
personal connection with God, but who have genuine questions and doubt –4 sessions
Format: DVD
Joshua’s Men – Injoy, A one year journey of mentoring men in leadership
Judgment Call, by Andy Stanley, Northpoint Ministries 2007. Addresses what guidelines the Bible gives
for judging others – 4 sessions. . Format: DVD
Learning to Love, Serendipity House, 1998 Format: workbooks, looking at 7 relationships
Let Story Guide You, Bluefish, by Donald Miller Format: DVD and leader guide. If your life were made
into a movie . . . what would it be like to live out the epic adventures we see in the movies.
Liquid: Mirror Image, 2007 Thomas Nelson Press.
Format: DVD and leader book, 5 lessons. Each session is about 10 minutes, leader book for
discussion. Based on parables translated into the language of today’s culture with relevant questions
Liquid: Crossing, 2007 Thomas Nelson Press
Format: DVD and leader book, 5 lessons. Each session is about 10 minutes, leader book for
discussion with relevant questions. Based on the book of Joshua but translated into the language of
today’s culture, making a crossing calls for uncommon courage, faith and obedience.
Liquid: Live at Five, 2007 Thomas Nelson Press
Format: DVD and leader book, 5 lessons. Based on the book of James but in the language of today
teaching how to live the Christian life and to do it practically.
Liquid: Fork in the Road, 2007 Thomas Nelson Press
Format: DVD and leader book, 5 lessons. The modern day story of David who experienced some
devastating moral defeats in his life – aren’t we all like David with both victory and defeat in our lives?
Liquid: Money Talks, 2007 Thomas Nelson Press, Format: DVD, 5 lessons on the struggles we all
face in our consumer-driven society. A lighthearted but important look at one of the more difficult issues
of our faith – stewardship
Liquid: The Ten, Thomas Nelson Press, 2008. Commandments 1-5 - Follow the lives of five different
freeway drivers, each one living out one of God’s commandments on the streets of Los Angeles today.
Liquid: The Ten, Thomas Nelson Press, 2008. Commandments 6-10 – Look at murder, adultery, theft,
lies and desire through the lens of today. See the dire consequences of choosing to ignore God’s
Live a Praying Life, by Jennifer Kennedy Dean, revised edition, DVD – this study is considered by many
to be a flagship study on prayer. The original study is the same, she has added thoughts and insights to
each lesson that she has learned in the experiences of losing her husband.
Lord, Change My Attitude, DVD kit, James McDonald uses examples of the Israelites journey as to
how attitudes can affect whether we stay in the wilderness or accept the blessings God has for us.
Eleven lessons.
Me, Myself and Lies, Lifeway, by Jennifer Rothschild. Six week study for women (DVD and workbook)
looks at the things women tell themselves and how to turn them around for good with positive truths from
God’s Word.
Meeting God in Busyness, 1999, InterVarsity Press, by Juanita Ryan. 6 studies for individuals or
groups introduce key disciplines, Scripture, study, confession, community, silence, obedience and
prayer. Discover the peace and joy which comes when you practice the presence of God.
One Anothering, Volume 1, 1990 Innisfree Press, Inc., by Richard C. Meyer
Format: Eleven session study guide recommended for new groups or as a refresher course for ongoing
groups. Deals head-on with the issues of confrontation, accountability, contractual agreements and
“caring, not curing”.
One Anothering, Volume 2 1999 Innisfree Press, Inc. by Richard Meyer. Ten group sessions providing
a study for building spiritual community in small groups.
One Anothering, Volume 3, 2002, Innisfree Press, Inc., by Richard C. Meyer. Creating significant
spiritual community – focuses on the early church as building blocks for relationships today.
Paul, the Apostle, Bluefish, by David Nasser. DVD study, filmed on location in Rome, a study on the
culture and life of Paul.
Pause, Because Everyone is Tempted, by Andy Stanley, Northpoint Ministries 2006. A look at the
temptations Jesus faced to help identify the driving forces behind the temptations we face everyday. 4
sessions, Format: DVD
St John in Exile, DVD – monologue by Dean Jones. Imprisoned, John, the last living disciple lets you
relive through his eyes the moving events in the course of his time with Jesus. 90 minutes
Search for Significance, 1997 Lifeway Press, by Robert S. McGee
Format: Leader guide, member book can be purchased. Discover how to build your self-worth on the
forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus.
Seven Myths About Small Groups, 1991 Daniel G Williams, by Daniel G Williams
Format: Book for small group leaders to help you learn from mistakes he has witnessed in the past. He
exposes 7 key myths and shows how they are harmful to small group life, then he gives you fresh,
creative ideas to get your group out of the doldrums.
Sharing Your Life Mission Everyday, Part of the Doing Life Together series
Format: DVD, study guide, 6 sessions to equip you to extend love to seekers
Spiritual Classics – Selected readings on the twelve spiritual disciplines, 2000, Renovare’
Format: Book, 52 selections, profile of each author and meditations for individual or group use
Start Becoming a Good Samatarian, DVD hosted by John Ortberg. This series will take you out of your
comfort zone and into the streets of life where you can bring hope to those who suffer from so many of
the issues of today. Six sessions.
Surrendering your Life for God’s Pleasure, Part of the Doing Life Together series
Format: DVD, study guide, 6 sessions to help you experience the transforming power of a surrendered
Take if to the Limit by Andy Stanley, 2005. Six lessons (DVD) teaching that the secret to getting more
out of life is not doing more but doing less – create margins to live the life God intended us to live.
Taking Care of Business, Andy Stanley, Northpoint Resources. Balancing work and home life. DVD, 6
Text, by Andy Stanley, Northpoint Resources. The Bible is our text message from God – 3 sessions.
Format: DVD
The Alpha Course, 1995 HTB Publications, London, by Nicky Gumbel
Format: Small group study with workbook to help you gain understanding about the Christian faith and
build friendships with others asking similar questions such as why did Jesus die, what happens when we
die, is forgiveness possible, etc?
The Case for a Creator, by Lee Strobel and Gary Poole, Format: DVD, six sessions. Lee Strobel
examines the theories that once led him away from God. Your faith will grow as you study these facts.
The Case for Christ, by Lee Strobel, 2007, Zondervan. Format: DVD, six sessions investigating the
evidence for Jesus. Look at historical evidence as you weigh compelling expert testimony proving who
Jesus is.
The Cast for Faith, by Lee Strobel 2002. Format: DVD, six sessions – based on the book of the same
name this study explores the answers to hard questions that keep people from believing in Christ.
The Cross of the Crescent (Understand Islam), 2001 North American Mission Board of the Southern
Baptist Convention
Format: Video and training manual to help Christians understand Islam, a rapidly growing religion in
North America.
The Great Adventure (Pursuing a Life of Purpose), Vineyard Community Church, Cloud-Townsend
Resources (7 studies) Leader guide and study book for each
The Big Picture – God’s perspective, how we make sense of the world and find our place
In it.
24: A Day in the Life of a Disciple What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus? What
does a typical day look like for those who love and follow
Generous LivingHow we can understand that God is the true owner of all we have and
What is our role in trusting and honoring Him with our finances, talents and
Love in MotionFive principles for personal and spiritual growth: Old Testament stories
Illustrate the Biblical principles that are foundational to our growth as disciples.
Grace A view of God’s grace. Explore, experience and share it together.
Transformation A close look at what it means to truly love God and others, a journey of
Surrender and transformation.
Growth-Biblical principles that are foundational to our growth as disciples, focus on the
Four key tasks of growth.
The Jesus I Never Knew, by Philip Yancey Format: Video leader kit, workbook. 14 sessions
Discover for yourself why no one who meets Him ever stays the same
The Koran Interpreted, 1955 Allen & Unwin Ltd.
Format: Universally recognized as not only the most authoritative translation of the Koran but also the
most beautiful one in the English language.
The Search, and 10 additional short films. Inspirational Films 2007.
The Sinai Code, Andy Stanley, DVD The 10 commandments, how they play out in our lives today
The Star, The Cross and The Crescent, Andy Stanley, Northpoint Ministries FORMAT: DVD, Explore
Judaism, The Roots of Islam and the Cost of Following Christ. Also a life story about a journey from
Judaism to Christianity.
They Will Know We Are Christians By . . . . 2009 message series by Larry Jones, lessons to go with
sermons by Eddie Tison – 4 sessions, CDs and leaders guide
Time of Your Life, Andy Stanley, Northpoint Ministries FORMAT: DVD, What am I doing with my time?
Five part series to answer your questions (ex. When Less is More)
Too Busy Not to Pray, Study guide by Eddie Tison based on the book Too Busy Not to Pray, by Bill
Twisting the Truth, Northpoint Resources 2008, by Andy Stanley. Format: DVD and Leader Guide.
Six sessions exposing some of the ways God’s truth gets twisted in our current culture. Help discover
ways to recognize and overcome them.
Walking with God, Thomas Nelson Publishing 2008, by John Eldredge.The author will lead you into a
closer walk with God in a relationship that includes hearing him as he speaks to each person individually.
Walking With God Leader’s Guide 1 – Friendship with God, The Incomparable Jesus, and “Follow
Me”. 1992 Willow Creek by Don Cousins & Judson Poling. This covers the first three guides in the
series. This manual is essential for every leader of the Walking with God series.
Walking With God Leader’s Guide 2 – Discovering the Church, Building Your Church, Impacting
Your World, 1992 Willow Creek by Don Cousins & Judson Poling
Format: This manual covers three guides in the Walking With God series. It gives background material,
suggestions for building relationships, insights into group dynamics and additional questions and projects
that can add interest to discussions.
What’s So Amazing About Grace, 2000 Zondervan Publishing, by Philip Yancey
Format: A 10 part video series of live sessions of individuals sharing their stories of grace that will show
you radical, life changing grace. The 12 minute video will serve as the basis for your discussion in each
What’s So Amazing About Grace, by Philip Yancey. Same as above in DVD format
When God Weeps – Why Our Sufferings Matter to the Almighty, Zondervan, by Joni-Eareckson
Tada and Steven Estes. Six lessons, DVD and workbook to share glimpses into Joni’s life after her
accident as well as other people with struggles,
Where’s God? There’s God. Andy Stanley, Northpoint Ministries 2004. How do we find God in difficult
times – hear from people who found God in the midst of their “where’s God?” moments. Format: DVD
Your Move, Andy Stanley, Northpoint Ministries DVD How to make sound decisions that you can live
with – 4 questions, lessons
Andy Stanley Studies:
Faith, Hope and Luck
He’s Still Got the Whole World in His Hands, new
How to be Rich, new
I Want to Be Great
It’s Personal
Judgment Call
Pause (Because Everyone is Tempted)
Take it to the Limit
Taking Care of Business, new
Time of Your Life, new
The Sinai Code, new
The Star, the Cross and the Crescent, new
Twisting the Truth
Where’s God, There’s God
Your Move
Bob Russell series on Genesis
Risky Creation Genesis 1 – 9
Promises, Promises Genesis 12-22
Nobody’s Perfect Genesis 25-33
Good from Evil Genesis 37-50
(Falling in Love with Jesus Again) Study of Matthew