Best Practices for Staff Recognition
Prepared by Administration
and Business Affairs
START Committee
Sacramento State
July 2017
Best Practices for Staff Recognition
Updated: February 2018
Executive Summary
The START Committee (Strategic Thinking, Achieving
Results Together) recently re-convened in 2017 as an
opportunity for staff leaders to contribute to ABA
goals and objectives regarding staff engagement. One
of the first charges of the committee was to revise the
Staff Recognition Program and develop a Best
Practices resource for managers.
This report serves as means to communicate with
managers the ways in which staff members feel are
viable and desirable ways to be recognized. You will
find within recognition strategies at the division, department, team, and individual levels, as well as
detailed implementation suggestions for every group size. The goal of this document is to provide
managers a resource that is easy to access and implement that best represents the desires of staff
members in ABA.
Best Practices for Staff Recognition
Updated: February 2018
Executive Summary ......................................................... 1
Contents .......................................................................... 2
Introduction .................................................................... 3
Recognition Structure ..................................................... 4
Quick Reference Guide ................................................... 5
Individual Tokens ............................................................ 6
Birthday Celebrations ..................................................... 8
ABA Appreciation Blog .................................................. 10
Kudos Wall .................................................................... 11
Challenge Coins ............................................................. 12
Employee of the Month/Quarter/Year ......................... 13
ABA Appreciation Raffle ................................................ 14
Staff Recognition Program ............................................ 15
Appendix B Kudos Cards ……………………………………… 19
Best Practices for Staff Recognition
Updated: February 2018
The ABA START Committee would like to acknowledge the importance of staff recognition. Based on the
Inaugural ABA Staff Appreciation Survey results, the Organizational Development Office (formally SPQI)
and START Committee have set a series of action items and goals that they hope to implement over the
next year. The goal is to see an overall improvement of 2% in the workplace engagement category.
Additionally, one of the action items for the committee was
to create a resource for managers that outlines methods,
examples, and strategies to implement instant, scheduled,
and spontaneous recognition of their staff. The perspective
of this Best Practices document is that of a valued staff
member. The goal of this document is to be an easy to use
guide for managers to implement some recognition
strategies in their office in the near future, without
reinventing the wheel. Rather, the steps, procedures and
suggestions that follow should provide enough guidance to
the manager so that implementation is easy.
The START Committee membership includes representation from each department in ABA and a wide-
range of experience and expertise. The 2017 members of the START Committee are responsible for the
creation and dissemination of this document.
Department - Office
Adejobi, Ademidun
Budget Planning and Administration
Bush, Jessica
Administrative Services - Space Management
Chohan, Elisa
Administrative Services Organizational Development
Lor, Pa Zao
Financial Services Bursar’s Office
Nahhas, Don
Risk Management Services
Palu, Frances
Administrative Operations
Rogers, Danielle
Financial Services Procurement and Contract Services
Saeteurn, Karen
Transportation, Parking and Support Services
Skrinie, Paul
Police Department
Stiffler, Andrew
Administrative Services Organizational Development
VanAdrighem, Sarah
Facilities Management - Administration
Watkins, Grant
Facilities Management - Planning, Design & Construction
Best Practices for Staff Recognition
Updated: February 2018
Recognition Structure
Team Level
Managers and supervisors are responsible
for identifying how staff members desire to
be recognized
Sincere, consistent, fair recognition
Spontaneous, informal
Daily, weekly
More organized and structured
May be the same group as the office or
team level
Less frequent number of events or actions
General recognition rather than specific
Organized and facilitated by Organizational
Development and/or VP Admin Ops
Semi-annual or annual
Best Practices for Staff Recognition
Updated: February 2018
Quick Reference Guide
The following recognition suggestions will be explained in greater detail throughout this handbook, but below is a quick reference
of the ideas and suggested implementation level.
Individual Level
Thank you card
High five
ABA Kudos Blog
Team or Office
Office potluck
Department Level
Kudos Wall
Challenge Coins
Employee of the
Division Level
ABA Kudos Blog
Annual ABA
Best Practices for Staff Recognition
Updated: February 2018
Individual Tokens
The START Committee members agreed that it does not take much for
staff to feel appreciated or recognized. It does not need to be some
grand gesture, but rather, something that is genuine and sincere.
Coordinating recognition efforts around holidays, events or large
projects can make the implementation easier. In addition, setting
reminders on your calendar is another great way to stay committed and
consistent. Here are some examples of ways to recognize staff members
through tokens.
Best Practices for Staff Recognition
Updated: February 2018
Implementation Tips:
1. Set a budget
2. Set a reminder on your calendar
3. Set a schedule to coordinate with holidays, events or projects
4. Track those who receive the tokens to ensure everyone can be recognized
Best Practices for Staff Recognition
Updated: February 2018
Birthday Celebrations
START Taskforce Committee members recommend that managers/supervisors initiate a birthday
celebration routine in their office/unit. The committee recognizes the following limitations to
implementing a birthday celebration routine:
1. The size of your team may be so large that a time and place to meet may be cumbersome
2. The nature of your team’s work may prevent a likely time and place for your team to meet
3. The burden of purchasing a cake for each birthday or each month traditionally falls on the
manager/supervisor and can be cost prohibitive
4. Not everyone likes to celebrate their birthday with a cake or at work
Therefore, the following options have been developed in hopes that you will find the “right fit” for your
You may choose to modify the size of your teams by combining offices and/or celebrate at the
department level. For example, Budget, Auditing, Org. Development, VP Office and Financial Services
Admin are all located in Sac Hall, so we celebrate birthdays with Option #1 below.
Option #1 For small-sized teams: Individual Birthday Celebrations
1. The manager of each direct report coordinates, purchases and invites the
team to celebrate the employee’s birthday as close to their actual birthday as
2. The manager circulates a card for the person celebrating
3. The employee chooses the cake they would like (within a reasonable cost)
Responsibility: Manager is responsible for purchasing card(s) and cake and
coordinating the location, decorations etc. and may choose to specify a cost maximum
Option #2 For medium-sized teams: Monthly Birthday Celebrations
1. Chose a date in the middle of the month and organize a 30 minute meeting in
a central location
2. Celebrate all of the employees who have a birthday that month with one treat
3. Circulate a birthday card for each person celebrating a birthday
Responsibility: Manager is responsible for purchasing card(s) and cake and making the
selection of the cake. A staff person may be designated to coordinate the location,
decorations etc.
Office or
Team Level
Best Practices for Staff Recognition
Updated: February 2018
Option #4
If you have some members of your team not wishing to participate specifically in cake celebrations, you
may want to make the recognition exercise optional by using this strategy.
1. At an arbitrary point (start of the fiscal year, start of the calendar year, your next all staff
meeting just needs to be the start of a 12-month period) ask each person who wishes to
celebrate his or her birthday to place their name on a card.
2. The first drawing the person with the next birthday on the calendar draws a name from the
pool. The drawn name is responsible for purchasing the treat for the birthday person. You may
want to put restrictions on the cost of the treat. It could be a $25 max; it could be drinks,
donuts, bagels, cake, cookies, or anything the celebrator wishes.
3. The drawer’s name is removed from the pool for that year because they have made a purchase.
4. At the celebration, the next birthday on the calendar draws a name from the pool.
5. Rotate until everyone has celebrated a birthday and has purchased a treat.
The risk with this method is that the team membership might change and therefore, someone might
have celebrated a birthday, but not contributed etc. Alternatively, by the last birthday, there are not be
any more names in the pool. At that point, it would be the manager’s responsibility to purchase the
In theory, this method prevents the burden of the cake buying on the manager and allows for only those
who wish to participate to participate.
Option #3 For large teams: Coffee and donuts with your AVP or Senior Director
1. Identify birthdays in a quarter or month (depending on size and numbers)
2. Invite those identified to celebrate their birthday with their AVP or Senior Director
Responsibility: Someone would need to be designated as the coordinator of this event. The
cost of the coffee and donuts would also need to be determined.
Best Practices for Staff Recognition
Updated: February 2018
ABA Appreciation Blog
The START Committee, in partnership with Organizational Development (formally SPQI), has re-launched
the Thank You Blog as the ABA Appreciation Blog. The purpose of the Appreciation Blog is to:
1. Digitalize a manual process to increase efficiency
2. Track and catalog kudos in one location for all ABA members
3. Increase communication between ABA staff members
4. Create a pathway for instant recognition
5. Provide a more formalized individual recognition option
6. Bridge individual recognition with higher levels of recognition (i.e. division level)
7. Create a pathway for a reward system outside of the annual recognition award program
The Appreciation Blog is an opportunity for ABA employees to recognize their fellow colleague’s
wonderful deeds that may have otherwise gone unnoticed.
Notice something a staff member did that deserves recognition
Go to the ABA Appreciation Blog and fill out the information:
1. Date
2. Colleague Name
3. Colleague E-mail
4. Message
Behind the scences:
1. Your message will be sent to the recipient and recipient's manager and Deaprtment leader via email
2. The recipient will recieve a signed certificate from the START Committee acknowledging their kudos
3. The recipient will be entered in the quarterly raffle contest
Best Practices for Staff Recognition
Updated: February 2018
Kudos Wall
Sample Script:
You might have noticed the new kudos wall near the break room. I think we all know that we are doing
great things for our team and this campus on a daily basis. However, sometimes we don’t slow down and
recognize those people who do something extraordinary or go out of their way to deliver exceptional
customer service. The Kudos Wall is a meant to be a space where we can celebrate those successes and
recognize each other for a job well done. The criteria for giving kudos are as follows:
1. Anyone can give kudos
2. Anyone in the office can receive one
3. You can print the electronic kudos you submit through the ABA Kudos Blog and post it on the
wall, or you can fill out a form
4. The kudos can be something directly affecting you or something you noticed the recipient doing
for another co-worker or customer
5. If you receive a kudos via email from a customer, feel free to print the email and post it as well
The START Committee encourages you to find a space in a central location in
your office to post kudos recognitions. Here are some suggestions:
1. Find a place that is central in the office, or at least a place that most
of team frequently passes or congregates
2. Decorate the space with some bright colored paper and signage
3. Decide whether you would like to coordinate your office kudos wall
with the electronic Kudos Blog or if you would like to do both
a. Remember that only the electronic kudos entries will be
entered in the ABA quarterly raffle
4. If you decide to utilize a manual kudos process, rather than the
electronic version, print the sample Kudos Cards in Appendix B and
post near the wall and/or provide them to all staff members regularly
5. At your next all staff meeting, explain the kudos wall, the purpose
and the procedure
Office or
Team Level
Best Practices for Staff Recognition
Updated: February 2018
Challenge Coins
This idea is borrowed from the military and is meant to be a teambuilding and unifying exercise amongst
a diverse team.
Using a uniquely designed coin, managers recognize their team members when they exhibit a shared
organizational value.
How to Get Started:
1. As a team, decide what your shared values are
2. Contact Contract Services for possible vendors to work with on coin purchase
3. Working with vendor, design a coin that reflects the team and the shared values
4. Explain premise and procedures to managers and staff
5. Distribute coins to managers
1. At start of the program, managers give an individual coin (the size of a half dollar) to a staff
member when they see them exhibiting a shared value. This can be soft just reward for doing
something that makes your organization better!
2. It is important that the manager explain what the coin means impress upon them the sincerity
with which the coin is presented. It is also a secret that should not be shared amongst other
employees. The employee then has the right to challenge the manager at any time at work by
“flashing” the coin at the manager. The manager is expected to “flashtheir coin in return in
recognition of the employee any time they are at work.
3. If the manager does not have their coin with them, they should do some act of kindness for the
team member, such as buying them a cup of coffee.
This is an example of the
challenge coin designed
by Facilities Operations
Best Practices for Staff Recognition
Updated: February 2018
Employee of the Month/Quarter/Year
The START Committee does not think launching a division-wide employee of the
quarter and year is feasible right now. However, START is encouraging more
departments develop their own programs, so that in a few years Organizational
Development (formally SPQI) can facilitate an employee of the year program for the
division, using the department programs as a foundation. The plan is to take the
quarterly winners of each department and enter them into the annual winner pool.
Then, Admin Council could discuss and select a winner each year. The goal would be
for the winner to receive a preferred parking space on campus.
Suggestion for implementation:
Family or department managers meet once a quarter and select a member of their
team to be employee of the quarter. The employee can be nominated by any manager
in the department. Nominations can be based on a kudos the employee received from
a customer or anecdotal experience a management team member saw that they
would like to recognize.
The management team can discuss potential qualities they would like to celebrate and
come to a consensus on who they would like to recognize.
The winner would be announced to the entire department via email (and/or posting in
a common space) with a photo of the employee and a brief description of what their
achievement was for the quarter.
The department may determine how to further celebrate quarterly winners,
suggestions include:
- Potluck
- Lunch
- Gift card or swag
Departments may choose to participate in employee of the quarter activities based on
location rather than organizational chart. For example, Modoc Hall might choose to
host their own employee of the quarter, separate from the Bursar’s Office in Lassen
Hall. Smaller departments like, Admin Ops, Admin Services, Budget and Audit, all
located in Sacramento Hall, may choose to combine forces.
Best Practices for Staff Recognition
Updated: February 2018
ABA Appreciation Raffle
The START Committee noticed a gap in the ABA division-level recognition. The
committee agreed that the annual recognition program was robust and well thought
out, however it is only once a year (typically in June). Therefore, the rest of the year
was void of a division-level recognition (besides the years of service awards held in
December). In an effort to fill in the time between recognition programs, and to create
an incentive to utilize the Appreciation Blog (formerly Thank You Blog), the START
Committee is implementing an ABA Appreciation Raffle.
1. All entries to the Appreciation Blog will be entered into a division-level raffle pool
2. At the end of each calendar quarter, 5 names will be drawn from the pool
3. Winners will be announced via email and featured in the proceeding ABA FOCUS Newsletter
4. A member of the START Committee will deliver prizes and take a photo with each of the
5. Quarterly prizes will include but are not limited to:
Sac State swag
Movie tickets
Gift cards
1. Each staff person can have unlimited entries into the pool
2. The nominator will be entered into the raffle only once (to encourage participation)
3. Non-winners in each quarterly drawing will be re-entered for the next quarter
4. The pool will be emptied after the last drawing of the 4
Launch of Program:
The START Committee members will introduce the ABA Appreciation Raffle at the ABA all staff
professional meeting in the fall. We will walk staff through the Appreciation Blog, the rules, and
then conduct a raffle at the Winter Luncheon.
Best Practices for Staff Recognition
Updated: February 2018
Staff Recognition Program
Staff Peer to Peer
The ABA Staff Peer to Peer Award Program is an opportunity for ABA staff professionals (non-
MPP/Management Council members) to recognize the work of their colleagues, annually based on the
following values:
Customer Service
Problem Solver
Positive Attitude
Management Awards
The ABA Management Award Program provides ABA managers an opportunity to recognize the
contributions and achievements of division colleagues and staff each year for the following awards:
Peer to Peer
Valued Staff Award
Team Award
You can find more information about the program and how to submit nominations at:
ABA is committed to the full engagement of its staff and is proud to recognize those
whose leadership, service, professionalism and performance exemplify ABA's values
and help the division and the University succeed. The ABA Recognition Program is one
of the ways in which we are currently
rewarding exemplary performance and
achievements within the division.
Begun in 1995, the program was one of the University's first staff recognition efforts.
In fall 2005, program enhancements included two new categories and a winter awards
ceremony. The new Leadership and Valued Staff awards introduced a way for managers
to recognize their peers and to appreciate the performance of staff within their own
units and departments.
In 2006, ABA launched a staff peer award, with criteria recommended by ABA staff
professionals. ABA managers and staff are continually making changes to improve the
way we acknowledge the good work of employees.
Best Practices for Staff Recognition
Updated: February 2018
Staff Appreciation Day first Friday of March
Currently, ABA organizes two all staff celebrations, one in June (Spring Social) and one in December
(Winter Luncheon). Both these events are formal and offer staff an opportunity to eat and socialize. The
March event for Staff Appreciation Day will be an informal opportunity for staff to drop-in and network.
More details to follow.
Best Practices for Staff Recognition
Updated: February 2018
Appendix A – Kudos Cards
○ Did a great job ○ Gave great customer service
○ Made me smile Challenged me
○ Made my day ○ Gave me great feedback
○ Encouraged me ○ Made me feel special
○ Went above and beyond Taught me something
Dear: _________________________
Best Practices for Staff Recognition
Updated: February 2018
Appendix B Thank You Note Templates
Sample Employee Thank You Letter #1
Dear [Name],
Thank you so much for your assistance during our office move. You and your staff really came through, proving what it
means to be a "team player." The extra effort you all put in was really appreciated.
I really appreciate everything you are doing to help the company succeed.
Sample Employee Thank You Letter #2
Dear [Name],
Thank you for all your help on our recent rollout. It was helpful to have your input, since you went through a similar rollout
at your previous company. I am happy to have you as a part of this team. In the short time you have been here, you have
really helped to make things run smoothly.
I really appreciate your willingness to help wherever needed. It is that kind of flexibility and dedication that will help this
department grow to its full potential.
Best Practices for Staff Recognition
Updated: February 2018
Sample Employee Thank You Email Message
Subject line: Thanks!
Dear [Name],
I really appreciate all your help in getting this new project off the ground. I am glad that you have decided to stay with us
during this time of change, and seem to be looking forward to the opportunities this new venture will bring.
Your positive attitude has made a big difference in the way the rest of the staff has viewed the coming changes, and I really
appreciate your support.
Sample Employee Thank You Email for Covering Maternity Leave
Subject Line: Thank You
Hi [Name],
Thanks so much for helping while [name] is out on maternity leave. I really appreciate you offering to work more hours,
and to help out with some of the extra things that she's had time to do up until now.
I really appreciate your assistance. It's hard in a small unit when one of us is out for a long period of time, and it's
employees like you who help to make it work for us all.