Benton Middle School
Visual & Performing Arts Magnet
The Board of Education of the NLMUSD is committed to equal opportunity for all individuals in
education. District programs, activities, and practices shall be free from discrimination based on
race, color, ancestry, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital or parental
status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression,
or genetic information; the perception of one or more of such characteristics; or association with a
person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.
Benton Middle
Visual & Performing Arts Magnet
Demonstrate& high& levels& of& academic& achievement&
Benton Middle
Visual & Performing Arts Magnet
Benton Middle
Visual & Performing Arts Magnet
celebrates student success!
Principal’s Honor Roll: 4.0 and higher GPA
Honor Roll: 3.5 3.99 GPA
Certificates are awarded each semester.
Honor Cords awarded to 8
grade students who have achieved
straight A’s” for the entire school year (Blue Cords for students
in a combination of Honors and Non-Honors Classes; Gold Cords
for ALL Honors Classes).
Blue & Gold Twist Honor Cord for achieving straight A’s all 3
President’s Academic Achievement Award
v Must maintain a 3.5 4.0+ GPA for the entire school year
v Must score at “Exceeded Standard” level in Math or Language
Arts on state standardized test
Benton Staff recognizes Student of the Month:
Students who exhibit good citizenship and are striving to achieve
their personal best.
The Visual Arts team and the Performing Arts team each select
a student who excels in the Arts.
Awarded each semester for superb effort and growth/progress over
previous semester or previous year.
Awarded to students who best display character qualities that demonstrate
Wolverine P.R.I.D.E.
Awarded monthly to students without any full or part-day absences and not
Benton Middle
Visual & Performing Arts Magnet
Student Expectations
Citizenship: Citizenship grades are assigned to students. To earn Outstanding
Citizenship, Benton students will demonstrate Wolverine P.R.I.D.E. as well as being
Prepared for class and learning, Respectful, On Task, with a Positive attitude, and
Supportive of others.
iPads: Students must bring iPads to school each day, fully charged.
Cell Phones: Benton is not responsible for personal
electronic devices such as cell phones. Students may choose
to bring a cell phone to school, but they must be turned OFF
and kept in student’s backpack while on campus. Students
may use the phone in the office if necessary. Under no
circumstances may students have phones out in the locker
rooms or restrooms.
Phones that are not in student backpacks may be confiscated
and turned into the front office for the student to pick up after school. Repeated
violations may result in a required parent pick up and student may be placed on a
Check In-Check Out system with an administrator.
Dress Code: What students wear should not detract from learning. Clothing
should be neat, clean, safe, and appropriate for school.
v Appropriate undergarments should be worn and should not be visible.
v Pajama/pajama bottoms are not acceptable for school.&
v Clothing and jewelry should not promote racism, sexism, ethnic or religious
bigotry, profanity, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, violence, graffiti, or other illegal
v Students may wear sandals with a back strap, but not flip-flops.
v Hats may be worn but should be removed inside the classroom.
v Costumes or face masks may not be worn.
v For P.E., students must dress out in P.E. shirt, shorts/leggings, and athletic
v Performance Attire Students in music and chorus classes will need specific
attire for performances; teachers will advise students of the required attire.
Benton Middle
Visual & Performing Arts Magnet
Athletics: Students who participate on school sports teams must
maintain 2.0 GPA and Satisfactory* Citizenship grades.
Intramural Athletics
v Football
v Volleyball
v Cheerleading
v Basketball (Boys & Girls)
v Soccer (Boys & Girls)
v Cheerleading
v Softball (Boys & Girls)
v Annual Track Meet
(Boys & Girls)
v Cheerleading
*All sports are co-ed unless otherwise noted*
Benton Middle
Visual & Performing Arts Magnet
Benton implements a combination of Progressive Discipline with a Restorative
Justice approach. The goal of Progressive Discipline is to improve student behavior
and help students learn from their choices; Restorative Justice is focused on
acknowledging and repairing the harm. Both practices help prevent inappropriate
behavior from happening again.
Progressive discipline can include the following:
Conversation or conference with the student
Reflection Form&
Parent Contact (phone call, email, letter home)
Review of expectations of appropriate behavior
Referral to counselor or other resources
Conference with student and parents
Behavior contracts&
Community Service&
Loss of privileges&
Removal to a different school
The Restorative Justice response to discipline seeks to create opportunities for
learning so that the offender can understand the impact of their behavior on others.
The student is expected to repair the harm and face up to the consequences of their
Restorative Justice goals:
Foster understanding of the impact of the behavior
Repair the harm that was done
Attend to the needs of victims and others in the school
Avoid imposing intentional pain, embarrassment, shame, and discomfort on
Collaborative approach actively involving others as much as possible
Benton Middle
Visual & Performing Arts Magnet
Student success is directly affected by attendance. Good attendance increases the
opportunity for students to achieve academically, participate in sports and activities,
and improve self-esteem.
Compulsory Attendance:
California State Law requires all persons under 18 years of age attend school on
a full-time basis. Parents’ interest and cooperation will assure better student
attendance and school success. A record of all correspondence will be maintained.
Official School Day:
The official school day starts with classes beginning at 8:35 A.M. and ends at 3:00
p.m. School ends at 1:45 p.m. on Early Release Wednesdays. Office hours are from
7:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m. Students are not allowed on campus prior to 8:05 A.M. unless
they are attending a prearranged school activity. All students must also be picked
up promptly after school by 3:15 P.M. unless they are involved in a prearranged
school activity. Parent support is greatly needed in these crucial areas to ensure a
safe environment for our students.
Attendance Accounting System:
When a student is absent from school, he/she must have their parent or guardian:
1. Contact the school office to verify their absence by calling the office or accessing
the online Absence Reporting tab from the website. The online
Absence Reporting is the preferred method for verification. This should be done on
the first day of absence. Please provide the following information:
Student’s Name
Reason for Absence
Name of the Person Calling and Relationship to the Student
Dates of Absences
2. Write and sign a note (please include the information above) for the student to
bring on the day he/she returns to school.
Excused Absences:
Excused absences are identified as illness, immediate family death, or a
doctor/dentist/court appointment. Any other absence is considered an unexcused
absence and is marked as a parent violation (this includes vacations). If a student
is going to be out of school for more than 5 days, information on Short Term
Independent Study (STIS) is available on the Absence Reporting tab on
Please call the school office if you have any other questions regarding an absence.
Unverified / Unexcused Absence / Truancy:
If an absence goes unverified for 10 days from the date of absence, it will be changed
to a truancy, which constitutes a parent violation. This is in accordance with Board
Policy and will be strictly enforced. Once an absence becomes a truancy, it will not be
Tardy Procedure:
Punctuality increases student success and decreases classroom disruptions.
1. Students will have a passing period between classes to go to and from class.
2. Students who are not seated in their classroom at the end of the passing period
will be considered tardy.
3. Any staff member can issue a tardy if the student is out of class without signing
out of the classroom.
4. When a student is tardy in the morning, he/she must report to the office, sign the
tardy log, and get a pass to class.
5. If a student is tardy due to a doctor/dentist/court appointment, please bring a note
from that office for the tardy to be marked excused.
Tardy Consequences (Per Semester):
1st TardyWarning. Handled by individual teachers.
2nd TardyParent notified by teacher.
3rd Tardy (and any additional tardies) Possible Parent Conference and/or referral
to Student Attendance Review Team (SART). Students may be required to attend a
Tardiness workshop.
If a student continues to have excessive absences, tardies, or truancies, the student and
parent will be required to have a conference with the School Counselor or Administrator
to discuss solutions in order for the student’s attendance to improve. If there is no
improvement, the student will be referred to the School Attendance Review Team (SART)
where an attendance contract will be established. If there is still no improvement, the
student and parent will then be issued a subpoena to the District School Attendance Review
Board (SARB), which is held at the Norwalk Court House. Continuing attendance problems
will result in a referral to the District Attorney.
Benton Middle
Visual & Performing Arts Magnet
School Hours:
8:35 a.m. 3:00 p.m. (Mon./Tue./Thur./Fri.) and 8:35 a.m. 1:45 p.m. (Wed.)
Students are not allowed on campus prior to 8:05 unless attending a school-related
activity. Students are to leave the campus promptly at the end of the school day by
3:15pm, unless they are attending tutoring or a school-related activity.
To maintain the best possible learning environment, have the fewest classroom
disruptions, and to make our school run more efficiently, please observe the following:
Bicycles, Skateboards, & Scooters
Bicycles are to be kept in the school bicycle compound during the day. Students are to
bring locks and secure their bicycles individually. Students and parents assume full
responsibility for lost or stolen bicycles and helmets. In accordance with California State
Law, all students riding bikes to and from school are required to wear a helmet. Violation
of the helmet law can result in a citation from the local Sheriff. Skateboards, scooters,
and rollerblades are not permitted on campus at any time and will be confiscated. Items
are to be picked up by a parent.
Birthdays, Food Delivery and Special Days
Please refrain from sending balloons or flowers to school, as they will remain in the office
until the end of the day.
Food items, meant for sharing in groups, are no longer allowed on campus (Board Policy
5030). Please refrain from using food delivery services. If a parent is dropping off a
student’s lunch, the parent must come into the front office, complete a “For My Student”
form and leave the lunch on the table in the front office for student pick up. The office
staff is not responsible for the communication or delivery of lunch drop-offs.
Blacktop, Field and Track
Safety is a top priority at Benton. When students are on the black top, athletic field or
track it is important to follow all safety rules to avoid injuries. Students must promptly
exit the blacktop, field and track areas when directed by school supervision or staff.
Students who borrow sports equipment must return it to the designated area. Students
who engage in disruptive, unsafe or defiant behavior will follow progressive discipline
consequences, which could include not being allowed to use the area.
Counseling Services
Counseling is available to all students. The school counselor is available to help
students with academic guidance, personal and social counseling, minor behavior and
discipline concerns, attendance guidance, communication with parents and teachers,
and to assist students in making a successful transition from elementary to middle
school and middle to high school. Parents are invited to contact the school counselor
when they have questions or concerns related to their child’s education and/or social
development. We provide parents with contact information of agencies for students
who are in need of professional counseling.
Field Trips
Each teacher/grade level will plan various trips throughout the year. Students must return
permission slips to field trip advisor(s) for admission to any approved excursion off
campus. Students with poor attendance, poor grades, or inappropriate behavior may
be excluded from any trips planned. Students who behave inappropriately for adult
supervisors will receive consequences upon returning to school. Consequences could
include: loss of participation in future field trips and any upcoming school activities;
special end of the year activities; detention; suspension; community service; citation; or
any combination of these deemed appropriate by administration. This includes any
multiple day academic travel excursions/camps.
Leaving During the Day
Make all arrangements regarding doctor/dentist appointments, rides home, lunches, etc.
before school starts. Students must come to the office to be checked out if they leave
during the school day.
Lost And Found
Students assume full responsibility for loss or damage to any personal property left in a
classroom or on campus. The school will endeavor to protect all personal property but is
not responsible for lost or stolen articles. Never leave backpacks or other personal items
unattended. Students should write their names on all books and put identification marks
on all personal belongings. Found articles (books, clothing, etc.) should be taken to the
office. Lost items not recovered by the last day of school will be donated to a local
Lunch and Snack Areas
Students must remain in designated lunch and snack areas during breaks. Students must
stay visible to supervision and staff at all times. Students who do not remain in designated
areas will follow progressive discipline consequences.
Students are not allowed to bring any medication (prescription or non-prescription) to
school without a specific form filled out by the student’s doctor. Forms may be obtained
in the office. All medications with appropriate form will be kept in the office during
the school day.
Library/Media Center Use
Students may check out books and other items using their school I.D. Students are
responsible for any item issued to them and will be charged the price of that item if it is
lost, stolen, or damaged. Activities (including Promotion), report cards, and/or yearbooks
will be withheld/suspended until the fee is paid or the item returned.
Safety is a top priority at Benton. On performance nights, students must arrive at a
designated time and check-in to their “Green Room” to prepare for costume changes,
group meetings, and instructions for the night’s performance. At the end of each show,
students report back to their “Green Room,” clean and clear the space to prepare for
instruction and are released to a parent/guardian immediately after the show.
Phones & Other Communication Devices
Students may possess electronic signaling devices including, but not limited to, cell
phones, tablets, and MP3 players. Cell phones are not to be used at any time on campus
between the hours of 8:05am and 3pm, or until 1:45pm on Wednesdays. The school is
NOT responsible for any lost or stolen phones or other electronic devices.
Progress Reports
All Benton parents/guardians have access to the Parent Portal, which provides the most
updated attendance and grading information for each student. The PowerSchool Website
address is In addition to this resource,
Report Cards are distributed each semester and Progress Reports are issued every quarter,
which is halfway through the semester.
Students must have earned a “C” average (2.0 GPA) or better in the previous trimester
to participate. If a student becomes ineligible to participate, they may regain eligibility
in the next grading period. Students with poor behavior in class (noted as “U’s” on
report cards) or on campus may be excluded from attending school activities, games,
field trips, or special events. Student athletes must abide by the BMS Athletic Policy in
order to participate in sporting events.
Students may be issued one or more textbooks/reading books during the course of the
school year. Students are responsible for each book issued to them and will be charged
the price of the book if it is lost, stolen, or damaged. Students need to make sure that
they are responsible for books they check out and know their whereabouts at any given
time. Report cards, promotion certificates, activities, and yearbooks will be withheld in
the event of a lost book until it is found or paid for in full.
Students receiving transportation on district-provided buses to and from school must
carry a school ID with a school issued bus sticker to validate entry. Temporary bus passes
will be issued from the office to students during nutrition or lunch only (maximum 3 per
year). Lost IDs and/or bus stickers must be replaced for entry on district provided
transportation. School-wide behavioral expectations and progressive discipline measures
also apply to transportation.
Tutoring is offered after school until 4pm every day except Wednesdays. Please refer to
the school’s tutoring schedule for teacher information and classroom locations. School-
wide behavior expectations are progressive discipline also apply to after school tutoring.
Visitors on Campus
All visitors, parents, guardians must report to the office and check in before going
anywhere else on campus. Any deliveries (lunch, money, homework, P.E. clothes,
etc.) are to be delivered to the office and not the classrooms.
Yearbooks sell out quickly each year. To ensure that you get a yearbook, listen to
announcements and buy it early!
Benton Middle
Visual & Performing Arts Magnet
All Rules and Regulations pertain to the campus, both to and from school,
and at all school activities. Progressive discipline will be enforced for the
following violations:
Aerosol Cans
Aerosol spray cans are NOT permitted on the BMS campus. Please leave them
at home!
Any person who attempts or sets fires to any building, lockers, trash cans, towel
rolls, etc. is guilty of a felony.
Bullying/Abusive Conduct
Any student, who repeatedly threatens or intimidates another student, whether
physically, verbally, or electronically, is guilty of bullying. This will not be
tolerated. Students, parents, and community members are encouraged to notify
school staff when they are being bullied or suspect that another is being
victimized. To report bullying, notify any school staff member.
Cheating/Academic Dishonesty
Cheating and/or copying another student’s work is a very serious infraction of
school rules. It is an unfair representation of scholastic achievement and
demonstrates academic dishonesty. Cheating and/or copying will result in an
automatic “no credit” for the test or assignment and will follow progressive
Classroom, Campus, and/or Extracurricular Disobedience
Any pupil who is disrespectful, insubordinate, disorderly, defiant, or creates
disturbances is considered disobedient.
Dress Code
While on campus or at any school sponsored events, students shall not be dressed
or groomed in a manner which adversely affects the instructional program or
violates reasonably acceptable standards of cleanliness, safety, or decency as
determined by the principal or designee. Shoes must be worn at all times. No
attire may be worn that signifies membership in a gang, profanity, or any illegal
activity. Students may be sent home to change or will be provided with a change
of clothes for inappropriate attire. Students who repeatedly violate this policy
will be given consequences for defiance.
Electronic Devices (Board Policy 5412)
Students may possess or use electronic devices, including but not limited to MP3
players, iPods, and cell phones, provided such devices do not disrupt the
educational program or school activity. NLMUSD will not be responsible for
and will not investigate lost or stolen electronic devices (BP 5412). Electronic
devices shall be turned off during class time and at any other time directed by a
District employee. Misuse of electronic devices, including text messaging, is
Excessive Display of Affection
Excessive displays of affection are inappropriate for students at Benton Middle
School. No hand holding, excessive hugging, or kissing, etc. is permitted on
school campus or at any school sponsored events.
Fighting on campus is an unacceptable way of solving problems and may
result in suspensions, citations, and possibly arrest.
Firecrackers and Explosives
Possession of explosive materials, firecrackers, poppers, cherry bombs, etc. is
against State Law. They are not permitted on school campus or at any
school sponsored events.
Students are not permitted to bring energy drinks of any type to school. If
parents would like to bring food for students, they must bring it to the office and
students will pick it up there. Full pizzas and other types of food to feed more
than one child are not allowed. Food must be consumed before or after class, not
during class. Gum is not allowed.
Pitching coins, throwing dice, playing cards with betting, or engaging in any
other kind of gambling are examples of unacceptable behavior and will not be
Harassment of Students
No student may verbally abuse or harass another student, threaten another
student with bodily injury, or engage in any gang type activity. This includes
harassment or threatening behavior through the use of an electronic device or
Internet use.
Leaving Campus without Permission
Once on campus, students are required to stay at school and are not permitted to
leave for any reason, even before the start of the official school day. If a student
needs to leave during the school day, a parent/guardian must check them out
at the office. Students are not permitted to be out of class during class time
without a signing out with a teacher.
Littering/Throwing of Food
All students are expected to clean up after themselves and pick up their own
trash. Students throwing items/food, leaving trash/food on campus will be given
consequences for disobedience which may include Community Service.
Students are not permitted to loiter in front of the school or in restricted
areas on campus. Students loitering could be cited for disobedience. Large
groups may be separated for safety reasons.
Obscene Acts and Profanity
Obscene gestures, physical contact, and the use of vulgar and profane language
will not be tolerated in any form. Using electronic devices for the purpose of
“sexting” is also considered obscene and will not be tolerated. (Sexting is the
act of sending sexually explicit messages or photos electronically, primarily
between cell phones.)
Open and Overt Defiance
Any student who persistently defies school rules and school authority will be
considered defiant. Belligerence and hostility directed to school authority or
personnel is a defiant action.
Refusal to Disperse
Any student failing to disperse, return to class, or leave the area after being told
to do so by school personnel will be cited for open defiance of authority.
Sexual Harassment
Engaging in sexual harassment acts (verbal, gestures, and/or physical contact)
that are severe or pervasive as to have a negative impact on a student’s academic
performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment will not
be tolerated.
Skateboards / Rollerblades / Scooters
They are not to be brought to school. Any skateboards, scooters, or rollerblades
seen on campus will be confiscated and held until a parent comes to school to
take possession of the item.
Substance Abuse: Possession, Use, or Sale (Board Policy 5495)
While on school grounds or at any school-related activity, students shall refrain
from use or possession of narcotics, intoxicating liquor, alcohol, “look-alike”
controlled substances, personal vaporizer, or any type of drugs or drug
paraphernalia. Benton Middle Magnet School has a Zero Tolerance for using,
possessing, or selling drugs or alcohol. Those students violating this policy will
be removed from school, cited, and/or referred to Local Guidance.
Thefts / Extortion
Any person who steals or extorts the property of another is guilty of theft.
Any threat to school employees, direct or implied, is a serious violation of the
Students are not allowed to be in possession of personal vaporizers (e-
cigarettes, vape pens, vape chargers), tobacco, lighters, or using tobacco in
any form on school premises or at school-sponsored events.
Vandalism / Graffiti
Destruction of school, staff, or student property will initiate penalties according
to degree of damage. Please note that PERMANENT MARKERS (e.g.
Sharpies) are NOT allowed on campus and possession can result in a citation.
Visitors on Campus
Students are not permitted to have visitors on campus. Brothers, sisters,
friends, or relatives may not accompany students during the school day. All
visitors are required to check in the front office for permission to enter campus.
Parents/Guardians wishing to conference with teachers or visit classrooms must
submit a request via email, phone call, or note to teachers to arrange a meeting
and/or visitation. Visitors with arranged meetings before school and/or after
school must also check in the front office prior to visiting classrooms.
Students are not to have any weapons or objects that might cause bodily harm in
their possession when traveling to or from school, at school, or at any school
related activities. This includes look-alike toys or other types of pretend
weapons. Students may not bring water guns or other types of toys to school.