Human Resource Theories and
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Internship report
Human Resource theories and Banglalink
Submitted to:
Dr. Md. Tareque Aziz
Associate Professor
BRAC Business School
BRAC University
Submitted by:
Taniya Nashin
ID: 10304012
BRAC Business School
BRAC University
Date of Submission: 25 October, 2014
Letter of Transmittal
25 October, 2014
Dr. Md. Tareque Aziz
Associate Professor
BRAC Business School
BRAC University
66, Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212
Dear Sir,
It is our pleasure to complete this report on Banglalink as a part of the accomplishment of
the Internship(BUS-401). I found this term paper a worthy one as it enables me to combine
our knowledge that I have gained from book with me practical experience.
I would like to express my gratitude towards you for the continuous support I got from you
throughout the semester and I would also like to mention that I am extremely thankful to you
for the enthusiasm you created among me about human resource.
It will be our pleasure to answer any of your important queries.
Taniya Nashin (10304012)
First of all, I would like to recall Almighty Allah, whose kindness helped me to end up with
an extensive effort. My indebtedness and gratitude to the many individuals who have helped
shape this internship report cannot adequately be conveyed in a few sentences. I am grateful
to Md Mahbubul Alam of Banglalink for giving me the valuable opportunity to do this
internship report. With his huge knowledge on human resource doing the internship report
became easier. I am also thankful to Md. Imtiaz Arefin of Bangalink who help me through
providing information about Bangalink Human Resource policies. Moreover, I must record
my immense indebtedness my internship supervisor Dr. Md. Tareque Aziz, for sparing his
valuable time to give the direction to compile internship report. He was also available when I
needed his for help, suggestions and guidelines his help in this regard encouraged us a lot to
accomplish this assignment. He also showed me a new area of human resource.
Executive Summary
During my internship in Banglalink “Conversion Project” was assigned to me by my
supervisor. This project was mainly about converting temporary employees into permanent.
This conversion project problem was many employees has to come to head office at Dhaka
from regional office outside or in Dhaka but far way from head office. If there was
automation this wouldn‟t have been happened. Employees time have saved. For employment
certificate and NOC employees from far away has to come to collect NO and employment
certificate. If there is fully automated system employees don‟t have to come. Bangalink
doesn‟t only depend on resource and capabilities or threats and opportunities. so, this imply
Banglalink doesn‟t Industrial organization model blindly or Resource based view model
blindly. They follow both. This is because they have to focus both resources and on industry.
In Banglalink hygiene factors employees salary, even a simple thing like AC is also hygiene
factor. In Bangalink satisfiers are employees increment and promotion. Banglalink fulfills
ERG theory‟s lower order physiological and security needs but not fully. Employees growth
need is not fully satisfied because Banglaink don‟t provide extensive trainings to their
employees. In Bangalink when one employee perform well get promotion so other employee
learn from it. The other employee performs well because he knows if he perform well he will
get promotion or increment. this practical implication of social learning theory. Banglalink
has all the components of Best Practice but as entry level employees don‟t receive extensive
training and selection procedure is not perfect. That‟s why we can‟t say Banglalink practice is
Best Practice.
Table of Content
Content Pages
Chapter 1
Origin of the Topic
Objective of the Study
Limitation of the Study
Chapter 2
Bangalink’s Different aspect
Overview of Banglalink
Product of Banglalink
Service Offered
Bangalink‟s network coverage map
Human Resource policy of Bangladesh
Chapter 3
My job
Responsibilities of job
Critical Observations
Chapter 4
Industrial Organization (I/O) Model and Resource Based
View (RBV) Model
Dave Ulrich‟s four role
Experiential Learning Model
Theories of Motivation
Theory Z
Mintzberg‟s Managerial Role
Social Learning Theory
System theory
Best Practice
Chapter 5
Findings and Analysis
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 1-Intorduction
Human Resources are one of the most important elements of an organization. Human
Resources are the only factor that bring a potential competitive advantage for the
organization. To remain competitive or to expand businesses, when an organization needs to
have right people in right place to lead the company at the same time it is essential to ensure
the work life balance of the employees to achieve its goals with sustainable growth.
Banglalink is one of the leading multinational companies operating in Bangladesh. It is the
fastest growing mobile operator in the telecom industry in Bangladesh. The organization has
secured the second position in the market within two years of its inception in Bangladesh.
The main contributing factor behind this rapid success & sustainable growth is its dynamic &
energetic human resource. While attracting potential candidates, Banglalink offers a very
attractive package for the retention of employees. For this reason Banglalink is the employer
of choice.
1.1 Origin of the Topic:
The report is done to see how one of the largest telecom operators like Bangalink human
resource practice is related to human resource theories. Relating human resource theories in
Banglalink human resource practice is very interesting. Even Banglalink employees are using
many theories unknowingly.
1.2 Objective of the Study:
The objective is to find how Bangalink is implementing theories knowing and unknowing. To
see whether theories are just for the books or these have real life values.
1.3 Methodology:
1.3.1 Data Types
Both primary and secondary information used to address the study objectives.
1.3.2 Data Sources
Primary data collected by interviewing Human Resource Operations Assistant Manager of
Banglalink and Human Resource Operations Senior Executive. They interviewed several
times. Individual interviews conducted with structured questionnaire, questions asked to
As a secondary data Usage of book was very regular in this case. Also information collected
from Banglalink official websites.
1.4 Limitation of the Study
Firstly, linking theories with Bnglalink day to day was very hard task. There were many
theories but all of can be linked in Banglalink day to day practice.
Secondly, though Banglalink employees are helpful still getting confidential information was
Chapter 2-Different aspects of Bangalink
2.1- Overview of Banglalink:
Banglalink attained 1 million subscribers by December 2005 and 3 million subscribers in
October 2006. In less than two years which is by December 2007, Banglalink overtook Aktel
to become the second largest operator in Bangladesh with more than 7.1 million customers.
Banglalink currently has 29.45 million subscribers as of April 2014, representing a market
share of 25.47%.
Banglalink Digital Communications Limited is fully owned by Telecom Ventures ltd. of
Malta, which is a fully owned subsidiary of global telecom holding, formerly known as
Orascom Telecom Holding. Following business combination in April 2011 between
Vimpelcom ltd and wind telecom Vimpelcom owns 51.92% shares of global telecom holding,
formerly known as Orascom telecom holding. Vimpelcom is one of the world‟s largest
integrated telecommunications services operators providing voice and data services through a
range of traditional and broadband mobile and fixed technologies in Russia, Italy, Ukraine,
Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Armenia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Algeria, Pakistan,
Burundi, Zimbabwe, Central African Republic, Canada and Bangladesh. Vimpelcom is
headquartered in Amsterdam, the Netherlands and listed on the New York stock Exchange
under the symbol “VIP”.
Since Banglalink‟s launch in February 2005, its impact was felt immediately: overnight
mobile telephony became an affordable option for customers across a wide range of market
Banglalink‟s initial success based on a simple mission: “bringing mobile telephony to the
masses” which was the cornerstone of its strategy. banglalink changed the mobile phone
status from luxury to a necessity, brought mobile telephone to the general people of
Bangladesh and made a place in their hearts. The mobile phone has become the symbol for
positive change in Bangladesh. The brand slogan of “start something new” is in essence
derived from Banglalink‟s promise of empowering people with affordable communication
solutions so that they can take new initiatives in life. The company believes that, it is through
such new initiatives that positive change will occur for the overall betterment of the nation
Banglalink is the latest addition to the GSM family of Orascom Telecom Holding.
NaguibSawiris, Chairman and CEO of OTH, announced the acquisition of Sheba Telecom
(Pvt.) Limited with a cost of US$60m in September of 2004.
As Sheba Telecom, the worst performing network operator in the industry, the company had
only 30,000 subscribers. To dispel this image, OTH had re-branded Sheba as Banglalink in
an attempt to give it a completely new image.
Orascom telecom Bangladesh limited ("Banglalink") is fully owned by orascom telecom
holding Egypt, the ultimate parent company of the group is Vimpelcom, the 6th largest
mobile phone operator in the world. Banglalink acquired by OTH in 2004, and after a
complete overhaul and the deployment of a new GSM network, its telecommunication
services were re-launched under the brand name Banglalink. when Banglalink began
operations in Bangladesh in February 2005, its impact was felt immediately: overnight
mobile telephony became an affordable option for customers across a wide range of market
Banglalink‟s success was based on a simple mission: "bringing mobile telephony to the
masses" which was the cornerstone of its strategy. Banglalink changed the mobile phone
status from luxury to a necessity and brought mobile telephone to the general people of
Bangladesh and made a place in their hearts. The mobile phone has become the symbol for
the positive change in Bangladesh.
This positive change that is quite correctly attributed to Banglalink, has become the corporate
positioning of Banglalink and translated in their slogan "making a difference" or "din bodol".
"making a difference" not only in the telecom industry, but also through its products and
services, to the lives of its customers. this corporate stance of "making a difference" has
reflected in everything Banglalink does. Now Banglalink latest slogan is “start something
new” or “notun kichu koro”
Growth over the last years have fuelled with innovative products and services targeting
different market segments, aggressive improvement of network quality and dedicated
customer care, creating an extensive distribution network across the country, and establishing
a strong brand that emotionally connected customers with Banglalink.
2.2- Product of Banglalink:
2.2.1- Prepaid:
Banglalink mainly offers two prepaid plans; Desh and Bangalink play. Adding some changes
with Banglalink Desh they offer other prepaid packages like Desh hello, Desh 7 FNF, Desh
10 FNF anhd others.
Desh launched on September 14, 2006. Desh, with the slogan Ekdesh Ek Rate!
(Means one country one rate!), is one of the cheapest prepaid plans in the country by
tariff. It gives you 10 paisa per 10 second to all Banglalink FNF numbers, all day
Banglalink play main facilities are 16 FNF at any number and at the best rate is 4.17
paisa per 10 sec. Moreover, for special FNF 29 paisa per SMS. In addition, 100 SMS
only at 99 paisa per day can get on Banglaink Play
2.2.2- Postpaid Packages:
Banglalink, post-paid packages serve customer exact purposes and give customer the best
value for money. Currently there are two postpaid plans from Banglalink for it's customers.
These are:
Banglalink inspire:
It brings special new features for post-paid subscribers with extremely low call rates, along
with the lots of FNF numbers and many other services and facilities. No deposit is required
for autobill pay subscribers. Every new connection comes with 300 SM per month to any
operator, 500 mms per month, 100 mb internet per month, amar tune subscription and news
service subscription free for the first 3 months. Only 42 paisa per minute for two
supplementary numbers.
Banglalink SME:
Banglalink SME package offers attractive tariffs and a complete package customized to suit
the needs of small and medium enterprises. it is a very simple package that will help your
business flourish by minimizing the cost of your communication. Banglalink SME package
offers flexibility to choose from two package Banglalink SME-post paid and Banglalink SME
call & control. It offer 1second pulse to Banglalink numbers. 10% bonus on incoming calls
from other operators
2.2.3- Banglalink 3G:
Banglalink 3G allows its valued customers to surf the internet with fastest internet speed even
on the move with the superior HSPA+ connection. Banglalink 3G will bring to life the
experience of mobile broadband on 3G mobile phone/device. With Banglalink 3G it is
possible to enjoy superior video streaming, download experiences, enhanced video calling,
high-speed data transmission and accessing innovative 3G services on the mobile phones. In
2014, Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission declared Banglalink‟s third-
generation data service fastest in the country. Besides providing the fastest 3G internet,
Banglalink is only the second telecom operators in Bangladesh to cover 64 district
2.3- Services offered:
Banglalink has always been the market leader when it comes to introducing state-of-the-art
communication solutions for its customers. They are continuously adding up to the range of
their Value Added Services, all for customer convenience.
The Value Added Services (VAS) Section will familiarize the customer with the new services
that can now benefit from, which will give them all the freedom they need, making mobile
communications more exciting, convenient and enjoyable. Since its inception, Banglalink has
always endeavored to provide its customers with innovative products and services on a
regular basis. Banglalink offers the following Value Added Services that designed to meet
customer‟s needs.
Friend Finder
Amar Tune
Azan alert
Stock Information
Quran IVR-4567
Call Block
Railway Junction
Song Dedication
Music Station
Voice Adda
Missed Call alert
Voice Portal 4848
Call me Back
Power Menu
Namaz alert
Yellow pages
SMS email
SMS adda
Picture Message
International SM
Instant recharge.
Money transfer
from abroad
SMS facebook
Daily facebook
2.4- Organogram :
Core Level
Support Level
Associate Executive Assistant
Associate Manager
Deputy Chief Officer
Senior Director
General Manager
Senior Manager
Senior Assistant Manager
Senior Executive /Engineer
Associate Executive/ Associate Engineer
Associate General Manager
Senior General Manager
Deputy Manager
Junior Executive/ Junior Engineer
Assistant Manager
Senior Admin Assistant
Associate Admin Assistant
Admin Assistant
Senior Department Coordinator
Department Coordinator
Senior Executive Assistant
Executive Assistant
Associate Executive Assistant
Deputy Director
2.5-Bangalink network coverage map:
2.6- Human Resource Policy of Banglalink:
2.6.1-Equal Employment Opportunity:
Banglalink upholds equal employment opportunity for all and does not allow preferential
treatment towards anyone. All employment decisions are made without regard to individual
characteristics such as race, color, religion, gender, age, national origin, disability, military
status, genetic information, etc. Rather, employment decisions are based on an individual‟s
education, experience, skills and abilities, as well as demonstrated job performance.
2.6.2-Consequence for False Information/Forged Documents:
In case it is proven that any applicant /employee has submitted false information or forged
documentation from the time of submitting his/her Curriculum Vitae till the end of his/her
service tenure, Banglalink human resource reserves the right to his/her candidature/employment
without prior notice, reward or compensation.
2.6.3-Probationary Period of Employment:
All permanent employees will be on probation for the initial 90 days of employment. This
probation period may be extended further for another 90 days only. The employee notified at
least 7 days before the confirmation date regarding his/her confirmation/extension/separation of
2.6.4-Internal Job Placement Policy
Banglalink believes in providing employees with opportunity for internal growth, and therefore
has an Internal Job Placement Policy. The policy designed to give all employees an opportunity
to apply for positions of interest for which they are qualified. When a vacancy occurs, an internal
advertisement is given to all users with a deadline for Curriculum Vitae submission within ten
calendar days to advertisement circulation.
2.6.5-Performance Management:
Banglalink conducts Performance Management Program to create a performance centric culture
by evaluating the employees against their set objectives and competency matrix. This is
applicable for all permanent, confirmed employees of Banglalink who has joined on or before
July 31 of the performance year. This date is subject to decision of management of Banglalink.
In Banglalink, the performance management is about aligning the objectives of individuals with
the organizational and business goals. It is an annual process starting with the setting of
individual objective, and finishes with assessment of performance, feedback on the areas of
improvement and assigning a rating based on the achievement of the objectives & assessment
against competency matrix.
2.6.6- Working Hour:
The standard office hours are 9:30am to 6:30 [9 hours each day] with a one-hour lunch break,
Sunday through Thursday. All employees, excluding shift employees, are entitled to work
flexible office hours. Employees must report to the office between 9:00am and 10:00am, and
work the required minimum 9 hours. All employees may be required to work additional hours
based on organizational need. This applies to all employees. Employees are expected to be at
their work location at their scheduled start time. Each department determines the work scheduled
and hours for employees as necessary for its operation.
2.6.7- Payment of Salary:
Banglalink will transfer the respective employee‟s remuneration along with all other dues of the
employee to their bank account in accordance with the following regulations. All New
Employees are strongly encouraged to open bank accounts in specified banks prescribed by the
company so that their salary can be created at the end of each month. If payday falls on a
weekend or a holiday, the account of the employee will be credited on the preceding working
day. Upon separation from service the employee will receive their final settlement dues in their
respective bank account or through cheque.
2.6.8- Promotion:
The employee must serve the minimum number of years at the previous grade at the date the
promotion is effective from, unless identified as talent where only 1 year is required to be
eligible for this promotion. The employee has to achieve at least ME (Meet Expectation) in
competency rating and accomplish 100% in objective in the last year. This will happen
automatically twice outside the promotion cap but manager‟s consent will be acquired before
executing. Manager‟s consent will also be acquired in implementation. Employee‟s service
tenure as of his or her joining date last promotion date [Whichever higher] will be considered for
his/her future normal promotion. In case of a vacancy that requires replacement and internal
resource is available, a level promotion can be allowed despite of minimum service tenure.
Banglalink views transfers as opportunities to provide professional growth when the employee is
exposed to work within various departments/locations. Transfers generally fall into one of two
categories: those initiated by management, or those made in response to an employee‟s request.
Transfers initiated by the company may be necessary to meet business needs. A transfer
allowance can be applicable in cases where the transfer is from one city to another. Transfers
requests can also be initiated by any employee, either as a response to an internal job opening or
a change in personal circumstance or interests. This request is subject to available opportunities
and management approval. Transfer allowance is not applicable in such cases.
2.6.10-Annual Leave:
Only confirmed employees will be eligible for annual leave during the first calendar year of
service which occurs from 1
January to 31
December. Confirmed employees are entitled for 21
working days of annual leave in a calendar year. The number of eligible days of leave will be
prorated for an employee‟s first year of service according to their date of joining. The timing of
annual vacations shall be determined by the department head based on the annual leave plan
submitted by the employee. The department head/line manager will consider the work load & the
employee‟s requested time of leave. However the company decision in this regard is final. The
company may request the employee to return to work during the authorized vacation as required
by work needs. In that case the company will re-adjust the annual leave accordingly. In case of
separation, the employees shall be entitled to receive cash payment for their un-availed prorated.
Employees are prohibited from working for another employer during vacation, whether paid or
unpaid. Employees that exhaust their annual leave prior to the end of the year are not entitled to
vacation for remaining of the year. In the event additional leave is required, it will be directly
deducted from the employee‟s monthly salary. Public holidays occurring during an employee‟s
vacation will be calculated separately and will not be considered part of the annual leave.
Vacation balance can be carried over to the following year as per local labor law.
2.6.11- Overtime:
Overtime is work performed outside the normal hours of employment. All employees
[permanent/temporary] up to the deputy Manager Level are eligible to receive overtime;
Manager and above will not be entitled to overtime. Employee has to apply for overtime
immediately through the HRIS and concerned line manager will approve/reject the applied
Overtime through the system. Overtime performed in the current month will be paid the
following month.
2.6.12- Code of Conduct;
Banglalink has a well-defined “code of conduct” for its employee. The code of conduct provides
firm & uncompromising standard for Banglalink employees for dealing with its agents,
customers, suppliers, political entities & others. The code emphasizes and provides further
guidance regarding policies which are integral parts of Banglalink business philosophy.
Adherence to the code is the responsibility of each employee of Banglalink and its affiliates as a
condition of continued employment.
2.6.13- Whistle Blowing:
Consistent with its commitment to promote an open, dynamic and responsible culture throughout
its business operations, Banglalink welcomes the voicing of questionable accounting or auditing
matters and illegal or unethical behavior through an online access form. Vimpelcom audit
committee will review status and progress of investigating all receive complaints and the
resolution and outcome of all investigations that have been terminated or completed.Each
complaint will be treated as confidential, and the identity of the complaint will be maintained as
anonymous, to the full extent reasonable in light of the Company‟s need to investigate the
complaint. The employee must exercise sound judgment to avoid baseless allegations and any
international report of wrongdoing will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including
Chapter - 3 : My Job
3.1 Responsibilities of job:
3.1.1-Conversion Project:
Banglalink had a huge number of temporary employee who were working for Banglalink for a
long time. During this long time they had expectation one day they will become permanent.
Finally, their expectations fulfilled through this conversion project. This conversion project is
basically converting Banglalink temporary employees into permanent employee. Most of the
employees were from customer care department.
This conversion project converted around 900 temporary employees of Banglalink. Conversion
project started during November 2013. It finished on June2014. This conversion project will
again occur after 2-3 years for now it‟s completed. This conversion project done in eight
batches. According to years of service by employees given the priority to convert firstly. In first
batch temporary employees who were serving for Banglalink for long time they converted into
permanent employees. In the second batch, employees who were serving Banglalink for long
time but less time compare to first batch employees they converted into permanent employees.
Like this procedure has gone.
During this conversion employees except customer care department comes to Banglalink Head
Office and had a meeting with my line manager and me. My line manager congratulate them tell
them from now on they would be permanent. Then I carry on further procedure firstly I take
signed of them in employee checklist form, then I take sign of them in the employment
agreement. Then I take sign of them in joining letter, declaration letter, final settings form and
code of conduct. I take sign on code of conduct to ensure to the company that employees know
code of conduct of the company. Then I handover them employee particulars forms and would
told them how to fill up the form. Then I would told them bring certificate and transcript of all
education degrees and their photocopies. Furthermore, I told them to bring National ID card or
passport and photocopy of National ID card or passport. Then I told them to bring their current
resume and passport size color photograph. After this meeting within that month employee
himself come to head office submit documents or through parcel submit documents. After this
process my duty is add or update employee information in HITS (HRIS software of Banglalink).
Usually I update employees photo, education, address, emergency contact. After this updating
their data in HITS I filed employees document in their file.
Another part of this conversion project is “Induction Program”. In induction program converted
employees come for 3-5 hours session. In this program employee of human resource gives
employees idea of what benefits they will medical insurance get after becoming permanent. The
benefits employee get after becoming are provident fund, medical insurance benefit, executive-
health check-up, child birth allowance, marriage allowance and many others benefits. In benefit
covers in-patient & out-patient medical coverage for the eligible members. Eligible members
will be all permanent employee along with their Spouse & children under 18 years. Employees
get per disability maximum 200,000Tk/- but for their family it‟s maximum 20,000Tk/-. On the
other hand, employees having at least one year of service in Banglalink are eligible for
executive health check-up allowance. An employee can claim this amount once in a calendar
year. Moreover, All permanent employees are eligible for marriage allowance for once in their
service tenure in Banglalink. Allowance amount will be equivalent of one month‟s gross salary
of the employee. Furthermore, all permanent employees working in Banglalink are eligible for
child birth allowance from their date of joining. Every permanent employee will get child birth
allowance for maximum two years children‟s birth occurring during his/her service in
Banglalink. A total amount of BDT 20,000/- provided to the permanent employee for the birth
of each child. All of this allowance and benefit employees get after becoming permanent. During
the induction program employees given idea about allowance and benefit.
In this induction program employees are given a gift box in which there is diary and pen.
Moreover, employees are also given food. Induction program occurs batch by batch. Induction is
normally occurred in conference room of SA Tower which is situated near head office of
Banglalink. Employees working in other parts of Dhaka and Others parts of country come to this
induction program.
During my internship in Banglalink I have made around 180 NOC. The question comes what is
this NOC? This NOC is a certificate provided by organization to Embassies or High
Commissions to ensure that organization doesn‟t has any objection towards travelling of
employee. During my three months internship I have made NOC mostly addressing India,
Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore. First time in the history of Banglalink NOC for Brazil has
made by me. During the World Cup-2014 I made those two NOC addressing Embassy of Brazil.
I always tried to make NOC at the quickest time. Almost everyday while collecting NOC
employees thanked me. To make this NOC make this we always need information about
employees Passport number, which country employee is travelling, what is employees passport
name, from which day to day employees are travelling. Employees had to make this request for
NOC through mail.
3.1.3-Process of making NOC:
My first task start when employee send mail requesting NOC; my first task to see in the mail he
has provide necessary information or not. Then my second task is to check does employees has
Employee make
request for NOC
through mail
Put information on
Excel sheet of NOC
and Print NOC
Check employee
has provide
Employee of HR
operations receive
In print NOC take the
sign of unit head
and call the
employee to collect
Employee receive
NOC and Employee
of HR operations
keep the record in
NOC book
applied for leave in Hits (HRIS) of Banglalink. If he hasn‟t tell him to applied for leave in hits.
My next task is to put information on Excel sheet of NOC then go to the word file and print
NOC. My fourth task is to go to unit head and sign NOC. Then I call the employee and tell him
to collect NOC . Then employee come and receive NOC and I keep these record in NOC book.
Normally, employees don‟t send request to me to prepare NOC, my line managers and other
employees of hr operations tell me to make NOC. The way I make NOC other employees make
NOC in same manner. The difference is that employee send a mail requesting NOC and they
receive the mail. Then they also perform the tasks the way I perform.
3.1.4-Employement certificate:
The employment certificate is a certificate that is provided by Banglalink to Universities or
Banks or Passport Bhaban to certify employment of Banglalink‟s employees. An employment
certificate is addressed to Particular University or Particular Bank or Passport Bhaban address. In
employment employees certificate name, his department, his position, his level (he is in L18 or
L15 or other level) and employee‟s his joining date at Banglalink are given. During my
Banglalink internship I have prepared 20 employment certificate. It process is similar to NOC.
Firstly, employee request for employment certificate. Employee of hr operations receive the
mail. Then check necessary information are given or not. If necessary information are not given
employee of hr operations give him a call and asked for the necessary information. Furthermore,
the particular address is not in excel sheet of employment certificate employee search the address
in internet. Employees position, department, level and joining date are find out from Microsoft
outlook and Hits. Those necessary information put on the excel sheet of employment certificate.
Then go to the word file of employment certificates and print employment certificate. Next task
is to go to unit head and sign employment certificate. Then call the employee and tell him to
collect employment certificate. Then employee come and receive employment certificate and
take the sign of employee in photocopy of employment certificate. Moreover, employee has to
send scanned copy of employment certificate to hr operations through Microsoft outlook.
3.2-Critical observations:
Difficulties due to conversion project:
During this conversion project employees have come from outside Dhaka to attend the
meeting. For this don‟t get a holiday from Banglalink rather this consider as leave. One of the
employees from customer care asked during “Induction Program” that this time would be cut
from our work hour? The reply was yes. So, to some employees this conversion project seem as
waste of time. It‟s waste of time because employee has to come once for joining and once for
document submission; moreover, they have to come for “Induction Program” which takes 3-5
Some of the converted employees are disable it is really tough for them to come head office and
do all the formalities.
Half Automated system for NOC, Employment certificate:
For NOC, employment certificate Banglalink uses half automated system. Employees
from their busy work schedule come and collect NOC, employment certificate. Employees of
Motijheel have to come top Gulshan to collect NOC. This creates troubles for employees.
Employees time is waste due to this hassle.
Automation of conversion project:
After 2-3 years when this conversion project will again occur that to avoid difficulties of
conversion project automation need to done.
This automation done:
Firstly, employees who would be converted will get this news through Microsoft outlook.
Secondly, there would be Online Joining System( OJS). Through which employee will fill up all
of their documents online they will have not come to head office and fill up documents
Thirdly, they will also get a video and online notebook to know about their benefits.
Fourthly, after completion of joining and request of gift box will automatically go to warehouse.
People of warehouse would send the gift to particular employees office location.
Fifthly, employees of human resource operations would print the document from OJS and keep
in file. Moreover, they will update employees data in Hits through data of OJS.
Full automation of NOC, employment certificate
NOC, employment certificate due to their half automated system face lot of troubles.
Preparing and collecting NOCs, employment certificates should done through full
automated system. So, employees don‟t have to come to tiger‟s den to collect NOC,
employment certificate. NOC or employment certificate will send to employees though
Microsoft outlook. Employees time would be saved.
Chapter 4- Theories
4.1- Industrial Organization (I/O) Model and Resource Based View (RBV) Model:
Industrial Organization Model argues that the environments presents threats and opportunities to
organizations, that organization within an industry control or have equal access to resources, and
that these resources are highly between mobile firms. On the other side Resource Based View
Model argues that the organization‟s resource and capabilities, rather than environmental
conditions should be basis for organizational decisions.
Banglalink don‟t follow only one of these models strictly rather they follow both the model
simultaneously. This is because in this competitive telecom industry no telecom operator can
only focus on it‟s own resources and capabilities or environment.
Banglalink is focusing on threats and opportunities like Industry Organization Model
assumptions. To grab opportunity of 3G Banglalink invest $350 million. They are now providing
one of the fastest 3G on 64 districts. They also consider resources are highly mobile between
firms. These points would be clarified by this example for network coverage of new site they
need 3 to 4 core. In many site they share resource like tower of other telecom operators. This
way they are also saving their cost. Moreover, Banglalink also grabbing opportunity of Mobile
Financial Service (MFS)(figure-2.1). Six different types of Mobile Financial services are
Current Promotion
Mobile Banking
Mobile Money Order
In Mobile Ticketing, Banglalink is offering train tickets with collaboration cns limited and
Bangladesh railway. Mobile tickets are purchase through Banglalink mobile phone or
“Banglalink Mobile Cash Points”
Remittance services are provided with help of western union, Dhaka Bank Limited and Eastern
Bank Limited.
4.2- Different types of Mobile Financial Services available at Banglalink:
In Mobile Banking sitting at home a person can does transactions at his or her bank accounts.
In Mobile Cash Payment a person can pay his or her electricity bills, WASA bills and other bills.
This has made everyone life more easy and simple than before.
In Mobile Money Order, Banglalink is providing money order with help of Bangladesh Post
Office. Electronic money order is issue in three steps; in first step money order sender hand over
cash to Bangladesh Post Office and filled money order to issue from Bangladesh Post Office
Counter. In second step Bangladesh Post Office issue money order. In last step sender
immediately receive confirmation message.
However, Industrial Organization Model suggests organization will be successful by offering
services lower cost than competitors. Interestingly Banglalink prefer superior service more than
lower cost. Banglalink are charging employee 1Tk they will give them service of 1.20Tk while
their competitors are charging 1Tk and providing service of 1Tk.
Mobile Financial Services
Current Promotion
Mobile Cash
Mobile Cash
Mobile Banking
Bangladesh Post Office
Mobile Money
Mobile Cash
Banglalink is also focusing on resources and capabilities. To Banglalink their key resource are
critical people and critical position. Critical positions are necessary resources of Banglalink, they
never keep critical positions vacant. Some critical positions are financial controller, Head of
Mass Market, Head of Operations and Maintenance; Banglalink never keeps these positions
vacant. Critical persons are also necessary resources of Banglalink. One of the Critical person is
HR operations Senior Manager he is been with Banglalink for 15 years, person like has huge
knowledge on Banglalink‟s Human Resource. So Banglalink utilizes critical people like HR
operations Senior Manager, by giving him more trainings and exposures. Resource Based View
Model suggests that resources are not highly mobile across organization. Surprisingly, in telecom
industries resources are highly mobile across telecom operators. For example: When other
telecom operator or other organizations want to know about any employee Banglalink shares
employee information but not confidential information.
4.3- Dave Ulrich’s four role:
Dave Ulrich HR guru, told playing four roles Human Resource Professionals can deliver results
to their customers, their investors and their employees. These four roles are played:
Firstly, Human Resource Professionals become strategic partners of organization system. Playing
these role Human Resource Professionals are held responsible for organizational structure and
architecture. Moreover, Human Resource Professionals would take the stock of their own work
and set clear priorities to ensure delivery of results.
Secondly, in administrative expert role Human Resource Professionals would shed their image of
rule-making police while ensuring that the routine works still get done effectively and efficiently.
Human Resource professionals are improving or „rethinking‟ of number of traditional functions
such as benefits and selection, which automated using technology and therefore be more cost
efficient. Such streamlining functions would help Human Resource professionals become
strategic partners with their organizations and enhance their credibility.
Thirdly, Human Resource Professionals have become employee champion. For becoming
employee champion Human Resource Professionals are held responsible employees
commitments and engagements. This involves acting as advocates for employees representing
them and brining their voice.
Fourthly, Human Resource Professionals have become change agent. As change agent Human
Resource Professionals have to able to build organization‟s capacity to embrace and capitalize on
new situations, ensuring the change initiatives defined and developed in a timely manner. Human
Resource Professionals also need to help the organization to overcome any resistance to change.
4.4- Dave Ulrich’s four role:
Strategic Level
Strategic Partner Change Agent
System People
Administrative Expert Employee Champion
Operational Level
Banglalink Human Resource is in Strategic Human Resource. To fulfill Human Resource‟s
goals, ensure results Bangalink Human Resource Professional are playing Dave Ulrich roles.
Firstly, Banglalink Human Resource Professionals are strategic partner of their organization
system. Banglalink Human Resource Professionals always have continuous improvement. They
always try to find drawbacks or loopholes in organization architecture so that they can improve
it. In continuous improvement procedures they always try to find out problems from both user
end and management so that they renovate the part organizational architecture need it. Moreover,
as strategic partner Banglalink Human Resource Professionals conduct Human Resource survey
to find what need to be change. This Human Resource survey is conduct internally but this
survey is conduct maintain privacy and confidentiality of employees. To do these activities
Human Resource Professionals always they ensure they are learning new skills and achieving
more capabilities.
Secondly, Human Resource Professionals of Banglalink are administrative expert because their
system in operation level. Human Resource Professionals does their daily routine work recruiting
new employees, joining of their new employees, developing new employees by providing them
training, ensuring their proper salary disbursements. Moreover, when employees are leaving
organization smoothly handle their exit formalities by having final settlement on cash, migration
of their pool phone if employees wanted, providing them experience certificates and conduct exit
interviews. Furthermore, as a administrative expert Human Resource Professionals of
Banglalink has automated transfer process, confirmation process, and attendance process.
Previously, in transfer process employee has to fill up the form, then it goes to concerned
department, from there it comes to recruitment team. From them it goes remuneration team, then
it goes to human resource operations team. Everything done in hard copy. It used to takes three
days. Now with the help of web portal it takes one day.
Thirdly, Banglalink Human Resource Professionals play the role of employee champion. Human
Resource Professionals become partner with line managers to enhance employee morale and
avoid low cause of morale. Whenever, employees are absent for some days Human Resource
Professionals ask line managers their employees are absent. Line managers when see employees
are not performing well discuss with Human Resource Professionals what to do avoid this sort of
low morale. Moreover, Human Resource Professionals act as employees advocate in grievance
management. However, when there is any disciplinary matter Human Resource Professionals are
playing neutral role. This point will be clear with this example: Normally Human Resource
Professionals don„t send No Objection Certificate by scanning, the employee himself or
representative of employees has to collect it. When there is any emergency of employee this
policy is relax and No Objection Certificate send to employees by scanning. Here Human
Resource Professionals become employee advocate. Contrast to this, when an employee lost his
laptop provided by organization. In this case Human Resource Professionals don‟t become
employee advocate rather play the role of neutral party. If the laptop is lost because of
employees own irresponsibleness then Human Resource Professionals take necessary action by
deducting salary of employee to get laptop net book value after depreciation.
Fourthly, Human Resource Professionals of Banglalink play the role of change agents for
employees. Banglalink Human Resource Professionals share information to employees about any
sort of change. Moreover, when employees show resistance to accept any sort of change
Banglalink Human Resource Professionals provide them counseling. Even most of the
employees are dissatisfied after counseling Banglalink Human Resource Professionals change
that change. During 2013 Bangladesh was facing political crisis, strike was occurring frequently.
That time Banglalink introduced a new policy when there would be a strike in a week employees
had to come to office on Saturday. The employees whose residences were near office they had to
come almost every day of a week on office. Most of the employees were not happy at this new
rule. So, when political conditions improved this new policy got removed.
4.5-Experiential Learning Model:
Experiential Learning Model begins with sharing of experience. Then trainer provides
information related to the topic at hand. After the experience trainees working in small groups to
discuss their experience based on information they just received. It is important for the trainees
to see how the learning is relevant to the situations outside the training. The goal is to have
trainees consider how this new information fits with the things they do on the job. The trainees
provide another task similar in nature to the first task so that they can practice the newly found
During this July month of 2014 Banglalink provides it‟s Human Resource employees specifically
managers and assistant mangers an in-house training named” Problem solving and decision
making”. In this training experience learning model was seen. Firstly, like experience learning
model employees share their experience with Banglalink. Then trainer introduces himself and
gives brief description about problem solving and decision making. The trainer shows different
tactics of problem solving and decision making. Then they trainees have group discussion. In
case of experiential learning model trainees work in small groups but here trainees work in one
group. This is because trainees are already small in number. In this group discussion trainees also
find the generalizability of the training. Trainees find how the training is relevant to their job.
Finally, the trainer provides a task where trainees get to practice their learning from the training.
This training of “problem solving and decision making” is perfect example for experiential
learning model.
4.6- Experience Learning Model in “Problem Solving and Decision Making” Training :
Discussion of
Practice of task
Trainer provides
information and
show tactics
Experience sharing
of HR employees
4.7-Theories of Motivation
4.7.1-Maslow's hierarchy of Needs:
Banglalink is fully able to satisfied employee Maslow's hierarchy of needs.
Banglalink satisfies employees physical needs. Banglalink offers employees salaries higher than
average through which employees are able to buy foods for themselves and children. Employees
also get house rent from Banglalink through which they are able to fulfill their shelter needs.
During work hours employees don't have to think about foods because Banglalink provides food
to employees. From 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm at every Banglalink office best quality food served.
Food served by two famous restaurant of Bangldesh Spice and Baton Rouge. Restaurants also
offer choices so that employees can decide which types of food they want to eat. Normally they
serve rice, polawo, plain rice, khichuris along with meats, fishes and vegetables. They also serve
soup along with sasliks, chicken balls. In their office they always offer filters water and coffee at
every floor.
Banglalink also fulfills employees safety needs. Banglalink offer employees stability in their
jobs. Banglalink doesn‟t fire any employee without notice. Firing employees is not even
Banglalink human resource policy. Banglalink does everything in a structured way. They always
offers employees security, safety and stability.
Banglalink satisfies also employee social needs. Banglalink does this by providing an open
management culture with almost no status barrier. In the last Ramadan every department have it's
own Iftar party so that they can socialize with each other. Like Human Resource &
Administration Iftar party was occur in Hotel Regency. In Iftar party employees get to socialize
with each other and have great time with each other.
Banglalink satisfies employees esteem needs by providing them status, responsibility, reputation,
respect and confidence. Banglalink fulfills employee needs for responsibility by giving
employees duty and responsibility. When HR director is absent her duties performed by unit
heads or deputy director. In Banglalink each employees treated with respect. In Banglalink many
young aged employee are working in higher post but they still give respect to their junior
colleagues who aged more than them.
Banglalink satisfies also employees self actualization needs by giving employees promotions. In
Banglalink getting a promotion is very easy if employees perform well they will get promotions.
That's why if an employee performs well from Junior Executive within three years he can
become assistant manager. Employee gets promotion whenever has achieved ME (Meet
Expectation) in competency rating and accomplish 100% in objectives in the service time of
previous level. Promotion is budgeted from the day it is effective from. In case of a vacancy that
requires replacement and internal resource is available, a special level promotion can be allowed
despite of minimum service served for one year or promotion quota provided that employee
achieved ME and 100% and that there is a change in role profile. Promotion must entail a higher
responsibility & change in role profile in terms of job role & competency standard. higher
responsibility & change fulfill employee needs of personal growth and fulfillment.
4.7.2--Maslow's hierarchy of Needs:
4.7.3- Herzberg’s two factor theory:
Herzberg‟s two factor theory says employees motivated by two types of motivator; one is
hygiene factor and another is satisfier. Hygiene factors in their absence prevent behaviour but in
their presence cannot motivate performance. Satisfier can motivate employee performance.
In Banglalink, hygiene factors are employees salaries. Banglalink provides salaries to their
employee in a timely manner. Employees get their salaries at end of every month at their bank‟s
accounts. If employees have worked the whole month of January their salaries will disbursed
within 29
of January. It has never happened that Banglalink unable to pay employees salaries in
end of the month. This is because Banglalink knows the month in which this will happen
employees will be de-motivated. As a result they will show negative attitudes and behaviours
toward their works. By providing monthly salaries in a timely manner Banglalink is preventing
negative attitude. Banglalink employee salary is hygiene factor for employee. This is not only
hygiene factor they are hygiene factors like food facilities, mobile balance facilities, transport
facilities, security facilities and many others factors even simple factor like air-conditioner. How
air-conditioner is a hygiene factor would be cleared by this example. Employees of Banglalink
always expect in office there will be always air-conditioners even in many of employees home
there are no air-conditioners. Still air-conditioners in office are not satisfiers just hygiene factors.
Normally in Friday and Saturday in Banglalink office all the air-conditioners are off. When
employees come and work in Saturday they always expect they suddenly office there is too much
heat in office, they can‟t work properly. So, they call employees of power unit and ask for air-
conditioner. After some time when air-conditioner is on they can work properly.
In Banglalink satisfiers are employees increments and promotions. Whenever employees get
promotions they feel proud of themselves; moreover, they are more motivated. Human Resource
Operations Executive said that after his promotion his workload was almost double. During
Ramadan he couldn‟t even do shopping for his family. To perform well he even came on
Saturday. In spite of all this, he is happy and motivated. This is because his position changed and
he was getting more salary than before. Moreover, it‟s sort of achievement that he has performed
4.7.4-ERG Theory:
Clayton Alderfrer developed a needs theory of motivation called ERG theory. The initials ERG
represents three basic needs of theory: existence, relatedness and growth. Existence needs
correspond to Maslow‟s lower-order physiological and security needs. They are immediate
needs required to sustain life- needs for food, shelter and the like-need for some security in the
future for a safe and healthy life. Relatedness needs reflects people need to be valued and
accepted by others. Interpersonal relationship and group membership act to satisfy these needs.
Growths needs include feelings of self-worth and competency and achieving our potential.
Recognition, accomplishment, challenging opportunities and a feeling of are outcomes that can
satisfy these needs.
Banglalink fulfills employees lower-order physiological and security needs. Like previously said
through Banglalink‟s salaries employees are able to fulfills all of their and their families needs
for foods and shelters. On the hand, Banglalink fulfills employees security needs by offering
employees provident funds and life insurances. The policy of insurance aimed at providing all
employees with group life & accidental death non-contributory, 24 hours insurance coverage to
help lessen the financial burden of an employee or his/her dependent in case of unfortunate
disability/death. Banglalink also offers employees all sort of securities for employees safe and
secure life. Banglalink all offices maintained in a way so that employees are fully safe & sound.
Moreover, for even any problem Banglalink Security & administration people are always ready
to help. During December 2013 when political conditions of country were not good Banglalink
even change their policy during that time to ensure employees safety by making Saturday as
office day.
Banglalink fulfills employees relatedness needs also. In Banglalink employees are easily
accepted by others employees. Moreover, they are valued as employees and as human beings. In
Banglalink interpersonal relationship among employees are very strong. Employees never feel
like they are out of group. In Iftar party of Banglalink Human Resource Director and Operation
Maintenance Director sit in same table along with Office Supports. That‟s why Bangalink
employees always feel themselves as a member of Banglalink family.
Banglalink fulfills employees growth needs but not fully. Banglalink able to give employees self-
worth and help them to achieve potential. Unfortunately, when employees are at entry level they
don‟t get enough training from Banglalink to achieve new competencies. Human Resource
Operation Senior expressed his grieve by saying that during his Banglalink career he has not got
a training. When he joined in Human Resource he was struggling a lot, he needed an excel
training. He didn‟t get training from Banglalink. So, he take excel training from Bdjobs. This is
thing is really bad.
4.7.5- Goal Setting Theory:
Goal Setting theory says challenging performance goals influence greater intensity and duration
in employee performance. Goals serve as feedback standards to which employees can compare
their performance. Individuals motivated to the extent that goal achievement combined with
receiving valued rewards.
Banglalink apply this theory for it‟s sales division. In sales divisions, sales officers, business
development officers, zonal sales managers everybody get goals that challenging sometimes too
much challenging. In sales divisions employees get challenging performance goals. As a result,
their performance is better. These performances are standard for them. The more goals
employees achieve the more goals they get. It sometimes becomes the problem for employees
because the more goals they are achieving the more goals they are getting. They get motivated
by the rewards. Though Banglalink is a high salary payer still Banglalink employees of sales are
not motivated with rewards.
4.7.6-Equity Theory:
Equity Theory says employees motivated when perceived outputs are equal to perceived inputs.
Disequilibrium in the output-to-input balances causes discomfort. If employees perceive that
others paid more the same effort, they will react negatively to correct out-to-input ratio.
In Banglalink, employees working at the same post but at different unit get different salary. In
Banglalink Human Resource and Administration combined as one department. Though
employees are working in one department their salary varies a lot. In Banglalink Human
Resource executive get 35,000Tk on the contrast an Administration executive get 30,000Tk.
Two employees serving Banglalink, joined in same year and are in same position, one is getting
49,000Tk and one is getting 70,000Tk. The person who is getting higher salary among these two
is from Human Resource department and the person who is getting lower salary is from
Administration department. It‟s surprising but it‟s true. The employees of Administration Units
don‟t do less work than employees of Human Resource Units. Banglalink also values and
respects employees of Administration units. Giving employees working at same position
different salary it‟s just a part of Banglalink policy. According to the equity theory
disequilibrium in the output-to-input balances causes discomfort. This is happening in
Banglalink also. As a result of disequilibrium in salaries, employees of Administration are often
seen changing their department. This is creating problem because administration units are unable
to keep their employees. For this they have to hire new employees for those posts. This is not
only the scenario of Administration Unit. It is also happening in other departments and units too.
However, employees are not often that lucky to change their department because there have to be
vacancy. Even there is vacancy still people have to fight for their desired positions through an
interview. They don‟t get selected they will have to remain at the same department. Employees
are working hard but getting low payment than other employees. Employees feel de-motivated.
They will unable to perform they way they should.
Banglalink should try to change this inequality. If they don‟t change this inequality, Banglalink
has to face the negative consequences. Employees in future instead of changing their department
will leave Banglalink.
4.8-Theory Z:
Theory Z introduced by Dr. William Ouchi. In Theory Z focus on increasing employee loyalty to
the company by providing a job for life with a strong focus on the well-being of the employee,
both on and off the job. Theory Z management tends to promote stable employment, high
productivity, and high employee morale and satisfaction.
Banglalink employees are loyal to their organization. Why they are loyal to Banglalink can be
explained by theory of Z. As Banglalink is offering employment security on and off the job,
employees satisfied. Banglalink employee after a long time service to Banglalink retire will get a
handsome amount for his provident fund. However, to get a handsome amount as provident
employee has to apply for that. Each employee (member) for their provident fund scheme shall
contribute 10% of basic salary to Provident Fund‟s account. Banglalink has also assigned Progoti
Life Insurance to cover insurance of all employees with group life & accidental death non-
contributory, 24 hours insurance coverage to help lessen the financial burden of an employee or
his/her dependent in case of unfortunate disability/death. Banglalink for their employees well
being gives hardship allowances to sales team employees who required to work in territories for
the purpose of increasing product presentation in the market. The employees within the level of
Junior executive to Senior Assistant manager are eligible for this allowance & payable in each
month with salary. It‟s not Banglalink duty to provide funeral support at death first degree
relative but they are doing this. This is because they focus on employees well being both on and
off the job. In the event of death of first degree relatives of all employees of Banglalink,
employee receives a condolence message & a token amount of funeral support from Banglalink.
A condolence letter signed by the Human Resource & Administration Director is handed over to
the employee. In addition, BDT 10,000/- paid to the employee as funeral support. Two days of
paid casual leave is also provided to the employee. Moreover, Banglalink also offer day care
center for employee children. Banglalink has a well-equipped day care center named “Cuddly
Cubs” for its employees managed by professional service provider. All employees of Banglalink
are eligible to avail the service of Banglalink day care center. Employees allowed to keep their
child under 06 years old in the day care center. The Day care center operates from 08:00 am to
07:00 pm every day except holiday.
Banglalink focusing on employees well being, this is increasing employee productivity, morale
and satisfaction. Banglalink are also establishing stable employment for employees. Through
focusing on employee well being they are increasing employees loyalty.
4.9-Mintzberg’s managerial role:
Mintzberg defines a manager as anyone who is in charge of an organization or one of it‟s
subunits. The manager‟s roles derive directly or indirectly from the formal authority and status
granted to the position. Manager performs three main roles one is interpersonal roles, another is
informational roles and decisional roles. In interpersonal roles manager performs roles of
figurehead and leader; also maintains liaison. In informational roles, manager monitors and
performs the role of disseminator and spokesperson. Furthermore, in decisional roles, manager
handle disturbance, resource and does negotiation; also play role of an entrepreneur.
In Banglalink managers are in charge of their units. Moreover, they perform interpersonal roles,
informational roles and decisional roles. How managers perform these roles will be clarified by
this example. Banglalink Human Resource Operations Senior Manager is in charge of Human
Resource Operations. He performs three main roles one is interpersonal roles, another is
informational roles and decisional roles.
In interpersonal roles, Human Resource Operations Senior Manager performs roles of figurehead
and leader; also maintains liaison with other unit and department. As a figurehead he does
routine duties, obligatory and legal duties a head of Human Resource Operations. He also does
social duties. As a figurehead he attends all social parties and functions. He presents in
employees investigations. He meets with unit head of customer care department and other
department. As a figurehead he does his routine work signing all documents of his units. At the
same time check the document that every this is alright or not. In one day in average he has to
sign around 50 letters. Moreover, people made request to him update clock number, prepare
confirmation letter. He forward his duty to his junior colleagues. Not only conducting role of
figurehead his duty get finished. He also performs the role of leader. He maintains relations with
his unit people. To build and maintain strong relationship he invite his unit people in his house
with family. Through this type of informal meeting his strengthen his relationship with his unit
people. He not only maintains his human resource but also develops them. Whenever employees
of Human Resource Operations Unit are not able to do any task, they go to him. He shows them
how to do the task. Every important task is done under his guidance. He also maintains liaison
with other units people. He has develop a strong network, through his he network he acquire
In informational roles Human Resource Operations Senior Manager monitor performs the role of
monitor, disseminator and spokesperson. Human Resource Operations Senior Manager monitors
his unit and acquires information. Whenever Human Resource Director wants to know any
specific information about like any employees qualifications she first ask Human Resource
Operations Senior Manager. This is because he is the information center of Human Resource
Operations. His role of monitor is tied with leader and liaison role. Human Resource Operations
Senior Manager as a disseminator distributes selected information to his unit and to others units
such as Mass Marketing Development, PR & Communication, Rollout and other units. This
information integrated with other units. Moreover, he distributes information mostly through
flash mail, sometimes he take the help of phone. Distributing information with others units he
takes help of his units people. He plays the role of spokesperson. As a spokesperson he
distributes selected information outside his unit and outside Banglalink. He is careful as a
spokesperson as he bears proper image of his units.
In decisional roles Human Resource Operations Senior Manager performs the role of an
entrepreneur, handle disturbance, resource and negotiation. He acts as an entrepreneur.
Entrepreneur takes advantage of existing opportunities. He also does the same. He makes
changes to his unit and develops his units. He develops his units by giving his employee proper
training and showing them right path. He is also aware of threat which comes externally. He tries
to use every opportunity. If he is not successful in utilizing opportunity how will he utilizes
resources. Playing this role of he also takes help from his role of the monitor. The information
he has acquired being a monitor, he uses it in his decisional roles. He evaluates and integrates
that information. Draw conclusions from that information. Whenever there is a major problem he
has solved that problem. Whether the problem is employees resign or a huge complains from
other units employees toward him. He has use resources. He evaluates which proposals are
necessary which proposals are not necessary. He chooses among proposals. He integrates with
resources to see this proposal can accommodate by current resource or need new resources.
Finally he authorizes resources that are necessary for implementation of proposals. To acquire
resource he has to bargain with others unit and Banglalink. He does this to meet needs of
resources of his units. For example: one of his unit people will leave Banglalink, he needs an
employee on emergency basis but Banglalink will not hire employees for couple of month. So,
Banglalink ask him to distribute the workload of employees with other people of his units.
Instead of doing this he bargains with Banglalink and tell the authority his point why he needs a
new employee. Finally, Banglalink agree and give him permission to hire a new employee not
without waiting for couple of months.
4.10- Social Learning Theory:
The basic premise of Social Learning Theory is the events and consequences in learning situation
are cognitively processed before they are learned or influence behaviour. The processing
information leads to learning and changes in behaviour. Certainly, the consequences of
behaviour influence the likelihood of the behaviour in the future, but they do so as a result how
they are interpreted and stored in memory.
In Banglalink like every other organization employees also learn from social learning theory. In
Banglalink when an employee does good work his supervisors or unit heads praise him.
Sometimes Banglalink give rewards like promotion to him for his good work. When employee
does a bad work Banglalink call him for a meeting and try to find out he is guilty or not. If he is
found guilty actions are taken against him. So, employees learn from this situation. Employees
know consequence of good work and what will consequence of bad work. How social learning
theory Banglalink is using would be clarified through this example. In Marketing Department‟s
VAS Unit an employee performs wonderfully, he introduces three new value added service in
only one month. As a result, his boss is very satisfied. So, he gets increment on his salary. Other
employees of marketing department know at good or outstanding performance they would be
praised, get increments or promotions. So, other employees of marketing department seeing this
example try to excel in their work.
4.11- Systems Theory:
Systems theory recognizes the interrelationship of different components both within and outside
the organization. This theory sees an organization as a living entity; complete with life cycle and
the ability to adapt to its environment. Systems theorists say that mutually dependent parts make
up the organization and each one can be studied to see how it interacts with the others. Foremost
are the concepts of synergy, interdependence, and environment are integrated with the theory.
Additionally, the system can be either open to external influences or closed to those same
factors. In this theory, in synergy employees has to done a task or job in whole rather than doing
it in parts. This is because the sum of the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. In
interdependence, each unit or department is dependent on the others to get the job done.
Moreover, cooperation is vital for success to be achieved. Last but not least in environment, the
conditions inside and outside the organization. Environment outside factors can be things like
government regulations, social norms, etc. An open organization will heed the external
environment factors and adapt. But a close organization will pay little attention to those
elements; often at their own peril.
Banglalink rather than completing a task in parts tries to do task in whole. Interdependence is
seen in Bangladesh In Banglalink each units are dependent on each other. Each units rely heavily
on each other. When huge numbers of employees are getting promotion human resource teams
are heavily dependent on each other. Organization development team to know about employees
educations and skills are dependent on human resource operations team. Human Resource
operations teams to know about new salaries are dependent on remuneration team. Remuneration
team to know who are getting promotions is dependent on recruitment team. Banglalink
environment inside organization is very good but unfortunately outside environment is not good.
Government is not helping Banglalink. To buy 3G Banglalink has to spend huge amount of
money, where Teletalk has got 3G at free.
4.12-Best Practice and Banglalink’s HR Practice:
According to Jeffrey Pfeffer Best Practice or Best Practice Model is particular bundles of HR
have the potential to contribute improved employees attitudes and behaviours; lower level of
absenteeism and labour turnover and higher level of productivity, quality and customer service in
all types of organization. Components of Best Practice are employment security, selective hiring,
extensive training, employee involvement and participation, team-working, high compensation
contingent on performance and reduction on status difference. One of the components of Best
Practice is employment security affects other HR practices; moreover, employee should be
treated as a critical asset in the success of organization. Another component of Best Practice is
selective hiring; “Best Practice” selection should be integrated and systematic. In “Best Practice”
selection recruiting high quality committed staff is seen as central to “Best Practice”. Moreover,
the use of psychometric tests, structured interview and work sampling is likely to increase the
validity of selection decisions. Therefore, Extensive training is an important component of Best
Practice. However, another component of “Best Practice” is employee involvement and
participation. Open communications about financial performance, strategy and operational
matters not only ensures the workers are inform about organizational issues, it also conveys a
symbolic and substantive message that they are trusted and treated in an open and positive
manner. Furthermore, team working is another important component of Best Practice. High
compensation contingent on performance is another component of Best Practice. To be effective
high compensation contingent on performance need to on a level in excess of that for comparable
employees in other organizations so as to attract and retain high quality labour. The last not but
least component of Best Practice is reduction on status difference
Banglalink‟s HR Practice has components of Best Practice. Banglalink provide it‟s employees
employment security. Banglalink is fulfilling employees concern for employment security by
providing provident fund to all confirmed permanent employees. Each employee (member) for
their provident fund scheme shall contribute 10% of basic salary to Provident Fund‟s account.
10% of basic salary contributed by employee deducted from employee‟s salary. The moment an
employee enrolled into provident fund scheme from that time service duration is count for
employee. Before 2 years contribution no contribution is made from Banglalink‟s side but after
completion of six year 100% contribution is made from Banglalink‟s side. This is will be clearer
with the Table-4.13.
Table-4.13: Provident Fund scheme of Banglalink employees
Service Duration
Member Subscription
Banglalink’s contribution
Less than 2 years
2 years to Less than 4 years
4 years to Less than 6 years
6 years and above
Moreover, Banglalink also provides life insurance to employees. They have assigned Progoti
Life insurance to look after employees insurance. However, Banglalink not only fulfills
employees expectations about employment security and future concern but also treats employee
as a critical asset. This point will be clarified with this example that Banglalink provides their
employee executive health check-up allowance. Employee can claim this allowance once in a
Banglalink selection procedure is integrated and systematic, making use of the techniques which
are appropriate for the position and administered by individuals who have themselves been
trained. The last line implies for only half of the cases. This is because for Technical executive
they don‟t take any work sampling test, which should be taken. Moreover, interns have been
taken part in selection procedure for candidates. One have intern has shared his experience being
a part of interview session. Often interns have been seen checking IQ Tests script which
questions the validity of IQ tests and overall selection procedure. Unfortunately Banglalink is
unable to follow selective hiring of Best Practice.
Banglalink offer employees training to employees. The trainings Banglalink offers are described
Local Training: Training programs that are held Bangladesh are considered local training. Local
trainings are held in training rooms of Banglalink offices, local seminar halls, or on vendor
premises. Though trainings are conducted either by local vendor or by international vendor but
trainings are held in Bangladesh.
International Training: All training programs, workshops, seminars and conferences held outside
Bangladesh are considered international training. Usually, top-level employees get the
opportunity to participate in international training like Senior Accounting Director.
Technical know-How Programs through Vendors: Technical know-how programs through
vendors are learning services purchased from technical equipment vendors or project suppliers in
order to provide technical know-how to the employees the associated equipment or work on
concerned project.
In-House Training: In-House training programs provided through internal resources with the
objectives to recognize internal talents and provide customized training for employees.
Banglalink has some niche training needs which are difficult to address trough open courses.
However, Banglalink possesses some in-house trainers who have the necessary knowledge and
experience to conduct such training programs .Thus, Human Resource organize such training
programs utilizing these in-house trainers. The use of in-house trainers ensures the delivery of
qualitative, customized and cost-effective training programs as per Banglalink needs. In-House
trainers are also encouraged to share their colleagues and thereby attain self-enrichment.
The trainings mentioned previously are mostly given to mid-level employees and top-level
employees. Due to budget constrain Banglalink don‟t give extensive trainings to all of their
employees. They give extensive trainings to their mid-level employees and top-level employees.
Unfortunately Banglalink is unable to follow extensive training as followed in Best Practice.
Banglalink has the extensive training component of Best Practice but they don‟t utilize as utilize
in Best Practice.
Banglalink practice open communications about financial performance, strategy and operational
matters. Banglalink uses Microsoft Outlook as medium of communications, through flash mail
employees know about any strategic changes. This point will be clarified with this example from
September 2014 there will be a new legal and regulatory affairs director, this information is
known to all employees from June 2014. What more could be clear example of open
communications at Banglalink! Furthermore, Banglalink even before giving punishment to an
employee share this information to that employee also give chance to clarify allegations against
him. During this procedure HR take the role of neutral party; in this procedure particularly
Human Resource operations team take part. This point will be clarified with this example:
Recently a Banglalink‟s higher level employee attended a workshop in America without
informing management. As a result, he was a given a warning letter. However, later on the
employee clarified allegations against him. As a result warning letter was withdrawn.
Banglalink practices and nurtures team working. Banglalink‟s units work s as team. These units
usually consist of 5 to 10 members. They assigned to do particular tasks. In Human Resource &
Administration Department under Human Resource there are 4 units they are known as
recruitment team, remuneration team, organization development team and hr operations team.
These 4 units in written document known as units but whether it‟s HR director or CEO or other
employees called them as team. This thing is applicable for all other departments; they consider
their units as teams. Here the question comes when one unit work with another unit that is not
teamwork? That is also teamwork in Banglalink point of view. Banglalink always recognize
teamwork. For example: An important project named “IN Migration” was assigned to network
division. It successfully completed. So, CEO sends thank you letter every employee associated
with this project; moreover, all the employees associated with this project got a promotion.
Banglalink recognizes employees team work and give credit and reward to everyone.
Banglalink practice high compensation contingent on performance. In this practice there are two
elements to this practice higher than average compensation and performance related reward.
Banglalink offer higher salary than other companies. They are not highest salary payer but they
definitely pay better than most of the company in Bangladesh. For an entry level job where other
companies pay 15,000Tk to 20,000Tk Banglalink pays 25,000Tk to 40,000Tk. Moreover,
Banglalink also give performance related reward.
Bangalink practice reduction on status difference. Banglalink approach is always to break down
artificial barriers between different groups of employees. They do this so that so that employees
can offer ideas within an open management culture. For example: Banglalink send employees
birthday card and gift on birthday of employee. It's surprising but it is true that Bangalink send
same birthday card send customer care trainee and to CEO. What more could be a clear example
reduction of artificial barriers.
Banglalink has all the components of Best Practice but Banglaink doesn‟t utilize components
Best Practice as utilize in Best Practice.
Chapter 5-Findinings and Analysis
5-Findings and Analysis:
Banglalink offers lots of trainings. Bangalink employees get local trainings, international
trainings, technical know-how programs, in-house trainings. These extensive trainings are
only available for mid level and top level employees. Whereas, entry level employees
need trainings most because they are fresh graduate with no experience or 1-2 years
experience. Unfortunately, they don‟t receive trainings.
In Banglalink for technical divisions positions, work sampling tests are not taken. This
work sampling tests are necessary for technical division positions. Work sampling tests
are necessary because technical division employees do more critical jobs. Without work
sample tests it is tough to understand who will do good in technical division positions.
Interns have taken part in selection procedure for candidates. One of the interns has
shared his experience being a part of interview session. Often interns have seen checking
IQ Tests script which questions validity of IQ tests and overall selection procedure.
Banglalink has an Internal Job Placement Policy. As Banglalink prefers internal
candidates it is frustrating for external candidates. So, often candidates are not
encouraged to apply for a position in Banglalink. As a result, Banglalink would not be
able get many talented individuals as their employees. Moreover, hiring internal people
will create a lack of diversity in Banglalink employees pool.
Banglalink attitude towards their sales department is harsh compared to other department.
It‟s not like Banglalink management misbehaves with sales people or pay less salaries to
them. The problem is when sales department employee fulfills goals Banglalink gives
harder goals. When this harder goal is also achieved they get more hard goals. This way
sometimes employees get goal s that are not achievable. Employees de-motivated by this
sort of attitude. Though employees outside Dhaka get hardship allowance still it‟s not
enough them to motivated.
Bangalink employees get different salaries for the same positions. As a result, employees
often try to switch in those units which offer higher salaries. Customer care department,
administration department are some of those department whose employees are valued and
respected but get lower salaries to compare to other departments. Even employees of
same department also get different salaries. This differentiation of salaries makes
employees feel they are less valuable to Banglalink.
Banglalink doesn‟t satisfy employees growth needs. When employees are at entry level
they don‟t get enough trainings from Banglalink to achieve new competencies and new
skills. So, they can‟t achieve their desired goals and growths. As a result, employees can‟t
help organization to achieve organization‟s goals and growths.
Banglalink has automated transfer process, confirmation process, and attendance process.
However, there are other processes like exit process are not automated. Exit process is
very important to organization If an employee leave with bad experience with Banglalink
he will never want to join in Banglalink again. As Banglalink exit process is not
automated it takes 2-3days to employees to finish exit formalities. Resigned employees
feel frustrated at these lengthy exit formalities.
Chapter 6-Recommendation
Banglalink should offer entry level employees extensive trainings. International training
would be very much expensive so Banglalink should give employees local trainings,
technical know programs, in-house trainings. Entry level employees at technical
department need Technical know-How programs. This is because employees for using
equipments and working on concerned projects need technical know-how programs. This
also happens for other trainings also; these trainings help employees to achieve their
goals. These trainings will help entry level employees to perform well.
Banglalink for it‟s technical divisions positions along with MCQ Test, IQ Test and
interview should take work sampling test of candidates. It will also help Banglalink to
find right candidate for the position. Work sampling tests will give Banglalink clear idea
which candidates could perform well in future.
Moreover, Banglalink in selection procedure should decrease involvement of interns.
Specially, in interview session of an employee intern is sitting on interview board is not a
great example. Instead of using interns Banglalink should increase numbers of employees
in recruitment team. Banglalink should hire permanent employees for recruitment team.
This will also increase efficiency of recruitment team.
Banglalink should hire external candidates more, this will encourage external candidates
to apply for positions in Banglalink. In addition, employees of different background will
create a huge diversity in Banglalink employees pool. Employees of different background
will bring new and fresh ideas. Moreover, external candidates will bring new skills and
competency which will help in Banglalink growth.
Banglalink should give harder goal to sales department to earn profit. However,
Banglalink employees need achievable goals. Banglalink gives goals that are not
achievable. So, sales department needs goals hard and achievable at the same time.
Otherwise, employees will feel de-motivated, have low morale and employees
productivity can decreased.
Banglalink should offer same salaries for employees at the same positions. Banglalink
shouldn‟t make differentiation across different department and different units. By
providing same salaries to employees at the same positions will make employees feel
they are also important and valuable for Banglalink. As a result, employees motivations
and loyalty will increase. Employees tendency to shifting units would be decreased.
Banglalink satisfies employees growth needs at entry level. Banglalink should give
opportunities to employees so that they can achieve growths and goals. This will satisfy
Banglalink‟s entry level employees growth needs. Different trainings, assigning mentors
to entry level employees will be great opportunities for employees. Assigning mentors to
entry level employees will help them to learn new skills and to perform well on the job.
Banglalink should automate it‟s exit process. If Banglalink automated exit process it will
take maximum 1 day to finish exit formalities. So, resigned employees will be happy to
complete exit formalities in shortest time. Moreover, automated exit process will increase
Banglalink‟s employees efficiency.
Chapter 7-Conclusion
Banglalink has lots of positive features; like Banglalink practices teamwork, recognizes and
motivates teamwork. When a team performed well Banglalink gives rewards to the team.
Banglalink offers employment securities as a result employees are loyal toward Banglalink. In
Banglalink managers get the opportunities to play the role of decision makers, entrepreneurs and
spokes persons of his units. In spite of having good features Banglalink has some drawbacks too,
they don‟t give extensive trainings to entry level employees. So, entry level employees at
Banglalink at starting of their career struggle a lot to learn new skills. So, Banglalink should
offer entry level employees extensive trainings like local trainings, technical know-how
programs, in-house trainings. Moreover, Banglalink interns are too much involved in recruitment
process; interns check IQ Tests script, stay on interview session. This sort of involvement of
intern is not good for Bangalink. So, instead of using intern Banglalink should increase the
numbers of employees in recruitment team. Another drawback about Banglalink is that
employees of Bangalink working at same positions get different salary. This differentiation
needs change. Otherwise employee will feel they are less important and valuable in Banglalink.
Chapter 8-Bibilography
o Jeffery A. Mello, 2006, Strategic Human Resource Management, 2
edn, South
o P. Nick Blanchard, James W. Thacker, V. Anand Ram, 2012, Effective Training,
edn, Dorling Kinderley Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.
o Gary Dessler, 2012, Human Resource Management, 11
edn, Prentice Hall, New
o George T. Milkovich, Jerry M. Newman, C.S. Venkata Ratnam, 2014,
Compensation, 9
edn, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi.
Web Page
o Banglalink, viewed 1
September 2014.
o Post paid packages, viewed 5th September 2014.
o Pre paid packages, viewed 5th September 2014.