Tar Ball Response Plan, Annex 11a
South Texas Coastal Zone
Area Contingency Plan
Tar Ball Response Plan
Annex 11a
May 2022
South Texas Coastal Zone Area Contingency Plan
Tar Ball Response Plan, Annex 11a
Record of Changes
Change Description
Converted and updated
Appendix B to Annex 11a
May 2022
TGLO Brent
Updated formatting to align
with the newly developed
USCG National ACP
Architecture model
May 2022
South Texas Coastal Zone Area Contingency Plan
Tar Ball Response Plan, Annex 11a
Table of Contents
1000 Introduction to the Tar Ball Response Plan ........................................................................... 1
2000 Initial Phase ............................................................................................................................ 1
2100 Shoreline Cleanup Assessment Teams (SCAT) and Rapid Assessment Teams (RAT) .................. 1
2200 Natural Resources Considerations ................................................................................................... 2
3000 Initiation of Action ................................................................................................................. 2
3100 Requests for Resources .................................................................................................................... 2
3200 Staging Areas ................................................................................................................................... 3
3201 Port Aransas, Texas, Nueces County Park Systems at the I.B. Magee Park HQ ........................................ 3
3202 Mustang Island State Park (Inside Park) ..................................................................................................... 3
3203 Mustang Island State Park (Fish Pass, State Hwy 361) ............................................................................... 3
3204 Padre Bali Park (Bob Hall Pier) Nueces County Park Systems .................................................................. 3
3205 Padre Island National Seashore (Malaquite Visitors Center) ...................................................................... 4
4000 Cleanup and Recovery Phase ................................................................................................. 4
4100 Shoreline Cleanup ............................................................................................................................ 4
4101 Manual Tar Ball Removal ........................................................................................................................... 4
4102 Mechanical Tar Ball Removal ..................................................................................................................... 4
4102 Endpoint Recommendation ......................................................................................................................... 4
4200 Finances ........................................................................................................................................... 4
4201 Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund (OSLTF) ...................................................................................................... 4
4202 National Pollution Funds Center ................................................................................................................. 5
4203 Responsible Party ........................................................................................................................................ 5
4204 Claims Reporting ........................................................................................................................................ 5
South Texas Coastal Zone Area Contingency Plan
Tar Ball Response Plan, Annex 11a
1000 Introduction to the Tar Ball Response Plan
The South Texas shoreline frequently experiences oil washing onshore in the form of tar balls,
particularly during the summer months, due to temperature, current, and tidal influences. A tar
ball is a clump, blob, or mat of petroleum that has been carried by ocean currents, picking up solids
and weathering with exposure to environmental elements along the way. With over 600 known
oil seeps in the Gulf of Mexico, tar balls may occur naturally, or they may be associated with a
man-made source such as an oil spill. Tar ball events are not normally particularly hazardous to
humans, but they often generate a high degree of economic and environmental concerns. They
can generate considerable media coverage with questions usually related to the origin of the tar
balls and whether they are associated with a known source or event. The planning, clean-up, and
disposal associated with a coastal tar ball event may require extensive federal, state, and local
coordination to return the Gulf of Mexico shoreline to its former state. Minimizing impacts to
wildlife, vegetation, and other natural resources are the key objectives for any oil spill response
To ensure the highest state of readiness for tar ball clean-up for the protection and
preservation of the marine environment of the South Texas Coastal Zone.
To facilitate the most efficient and effective response while minimizing social,
political, economic, and environmental impacts.
2000 Initial Phase
2100 Shoreline Cleanup Assessment Teams (SCAT) and Rapid
Assessment Teams (RAT)
Shoreline Cleanup Assessment is a process, utilizing standard terminology, to collect data on
shoreline oiling conditions and support decision-making for shoreline clean-up. SCAT should be
conducted in accordance with the NOAA Shoreline Assessment Manual (3
A Shoreline Cleanup Assessment Team (SCAT) is composed of multi-agency representation.
Each team should, at a minimum, consist of two U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) members and one
Texas General Land Office (TGLO) response officer.
A SCAT, at a minimum, should determine the following: Is cleanup necessary? Which cleanup
method is most appropriate? What is the cleanup priority at the site? Which constraints are
necessary to protect sensitive resources? Should cleanup operations be terminated at the site? The
Field Observer Form for Quick Shoreline Assessment form (see Addendum B) may be used for
rapid shoreline assessment. Rapid Assessment is the most effective means of quickly determining
shoreline cleanup requirements. Rapid Assessment is a modified SCAT process; similar, yet less
in-depth, tactics are employed to collect data necessary to employ cleanup.
A Rapid Assessment Team (RAT) is composed of one or more rapidly deployed SCAT trained
individuals from the USCG, TGLO, or other governmental or private entity whose purpose is to
South Texas Coastal Zone Area Contingency Plan
Tar Ball Response Plan, Annex 11a
acquire percent coverage of tar ball impacts from affected areas and report back to command, who
will determine where immediate deployment of cleanup crews will be sent.
To determine equipment needed, review the equipment list in the Shoreline Assessment Manual.
Cameras with GPS capabilities are ideal for documenting pollution. A few additional
considerations: 4x4 Pickups, UTVs, ATVs, SCAT packs, TGLO Field Observer Form for Quick
Shoreline Assessment forms, and communication gear (location dependent). To operate ATVs on
the Padre Island National Seashore (PINS), a safety course is required by the National Park Service
for all users.
2200 Natural Resources Considerations
Potential impacts to fish and wildlife resources should be handled on a case-by-case basis and
include coordination with, at a minimum, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and Texas
Parks & Wildlife Department (TPWD). Recovery operations should include potential habitat
impacts and seasonal distribution of fish and wildlife resources in relation to cleanup strategies
(manual and/or mechanical). Sea turtle and marine mammal considerations are explained in the
Oiled Wildlife Response Plan of the Area Contingency Plan. This includes contact information
for the Sea Turtle Stranding and Salvage Network (STSSN) and the Marine Mammal Stranding
Network (MMSN) to coordinate responses to stranding events. This section also provides
guidance for beach transit during sea turtle nesting season (April through August).
The beaches along the mid to lower Texas coast range in composition from fine grained sand to
shell hash. Efforts to reduce the volume of beach material removed during tar recovery operations
should be exercised and include coordination with, at a minimum, the landowners and/or
municipalities of the impacted area and the Texas General Land Office (TGLO). Special
consideration ought to include areas where erosion exceeds accretion and beach nourishment
projects have occurred. See TGLO Oils Spill Atlas (ESI Maps) and Site-Specific Response Plans
for further planning and operations considerations. High public usage of the beaches in the South
Texas Coastal Zone requires rapid tar ball removal and a high degree of shoreline cleanliness.
3000 Initiation of Action
3100 Requests for Resources
Response efforts may require resources outside the regular unit capabilities. Potential additional
resources necessary for tar ball recovery may include:
District Response Advisory Team
Gulf Strike Team
Houston Public Affairs Detachment or National Strike Force Coordination Center Public
Information Assist Team
NOAA & State Scientific Support Coordinators
National Spill Control School
Regional Liaison Officer
South Texas Coastal Zone Area Contingency Plan
Tar Ball Response Plan, Annex 11a
3200 Staging Areas
Potential staging areas which may be considered during tar ball events should be evaluated
geographically. Staging areas include, but are not limited to:
3201 Port Aransas, Texas, Nueces County Park Systems at the I.B. Magee
Park HQ
Parking: Two Locations (asphalt surfaced)
Site 1: RV Parking Area - 320’ x 823’
Site 2: 175’ x 250’
Location: 27º 49’ 56” N x 97º 07’ 27” W
No Security but limited access. Conference Center with WIFI capability.
Contact: Scott Cross
Phone: 361-949-8122
3202 Mustang Island State Park (Inside Park)
Parking: Three Locations (Asphalt Surfaced)
Site 1: 190’ x 650’
Site 2: 150’ x 180’
Site 3: 140’ x 140’
Site 1: 27º 40’ 26” N x 97º 10’ 22” W
Site 2: 27º 40’ 17” N x 97º 10’ 19” W
Site 3: 27º 40’ 21” N x 97º 10’ 24” W
Secure locations with limited access. Facilities and utilities available.
Contact: Damon Reeves
Phone: 361-749-5246
3203 Mustang Island State Park (Fish Pass, State Hwy 361)
Parking: Outside gravel surfaced area adjacent to Hwy 361; approx. 150’ x 170’
Location: 27º 49’ 56” N x 97º 07’ 27” W
No Security but limited access. No Facilities or utilities.
Contact: Damon Reeves
Phone: 361-949-8122
3204 Padre Bali Park (Bob Hall Pier) Nueces County Park Systems
Parking: Three Locations (asphalt surfaced)
Site 1: 350’ x 400’
Site 2: 340’ x 430’
Site 3: 200’ x 600’
Site 1: 27º 35’ 16” N x 97º 13’ 11” W
Site 2: 27º 35’ 08” N x 97º 13’ 15” W
South Texas Coastal Zone Area Contingency Plan
Tar Ball Response Plan, Annex 11a
Site 3: 27º 35’ 01” N x 97º 13’ 13” W
No Security but limited access. Limited facilities and utilities.
Conference Center with WIFI capability available.
Contact: Scott Cross
Phone: 361-949-8122
3205 Padre Island National Seashore (Malaquite Visitors Center)
Parking: Asphalt Surfaced Parking Lot
Location: 27º 25’ 29” N x 97º 17’ 60” W
Secure location with limited access. Facilities and some utilities available
Contact: Joe Escoto
Phone: 361-949-8173
4000 Cleanup and Recovery Phase
4100 Shoreline Cleanup
4101 Manual Tar Ball Removal
Manual tar ball Removal involves the usage of hand tools such as shovels, rakes, pitchforks, and
polypropylene drum liners. Manual removal is best for minimizing the volume of sand removed
from the shoreline, therefore requiring less disposal.
4102 Mechanical Tar Ball Removal
Mechanical tar ball removal involves the use of heavy equipment such as backhoes, excavators,
bulldozers, and graders. Tar balls may be loaded into end-dumps, roll-off boxes, or other methods
for disposal. Care should be taken to remove as little sediment as possible.
4102 Endpoint Recommendation
Shoreline recovery endpoint consideration should be the removal of visible oil to background
4200 Finances
4201 Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund (OSLTF)
Fund uses were delineated by the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA 90) to include:
Removal costs incurred by the Coast Guard and EPA
State access for removal activities
Payments to federal, state, and Indian tribe trustees to conduct natural resource
damage assessments and restorations
Payment of claims for uncompensated removal costs and damages
Research and development
Other specific appropriations
South Texas Coastal Zone Area Contingency Plan
Tar Ball Response Plan, Annex 11a
The OSLTF has two major components. 1) The Emergency Fund is available for Federal On-
Scene Coordinators (FOSCs) to respond to discharges and for federal trustees to initiate natural
resource damage assessments. The Emergency Fund is a recurring $50 million available to the
President annually. 2) The remaining Principal Fund balance is used to pay claims and to fund
appropriations by Congress to Federal agencies to administer the provisions of OPA and support
research and development.
Access to the OSLTF is achieved in accordance with the NPFC User Reference Guide (eURG)
which is designed to be a reference tool during an oil or hazardous materials spill incident for
Coast Guard and EPA Federal On-Scene Coordinators. Most NPFC publications that deal with
financial management aspects of oil spill response are included in this document.
4202 National Pollution Funds Center
The U.S. Coast Guard's National Pollution Funds Center (NPFC) was created to implement Title
I of the Oil Pollution Act (OPA), which addressed issues associated with preventing, responding
to, and paying for oil pollution. Title I of OPA established oil spill liability and compensation
requirements, including the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund (OSLTF) to pay for expeditious oil
removal and uncompensated damages.
4203 Responsible Party
The responsible party (RP) of an incident is the person, business, or entity that has been identified
as owning the vessel or facility that caused the spill. The term does not imply criminal negligence.
Not all incidents have a designated responsible party; these spills are called mystery spills.
Frequently, when tarballs wash ashore in South Texas, no RP can be identified. However, if the
incident does have an RP, in almost all cases, claims must first be submitted to the RP before it
can be submitted to the government (OSLTF, NPFC).
4204 Claims Reporting
To submit a claim, the claimant must show that the spill meets all OPA 90 requirements. The
claims manager cannot process the claims package until it has been proven that the spill meets
these requirements (The OPA Claims Requirements checklist provides a step-by-step guide to help
you decide if a spill qualifies). Costs and damages from the spill must be documented. Claims
packages must be forwarded to the National Pollution Funds Center, the Coast Guard office
responsible for evaluating and approving OPA claims.
For further information, visit the NPFC website: