Final Report of the 2017 Regular Session
Senate Bills
Sheriff Qualifications (Russell County) (ACT #2017-214) SB4 by Senator Whatley would provide
certain additional qualifications for persons serving as sheriff; and to provide for continuing
education for a sheriff.
High School Graduation Requirement (ACT #2017-173) SB32 by Senator Orr would require,
beginning with the 2018-2019 school year, students to successfully pass a civics test identical to
the civics portion of the naturalization test used by the United States Citizenship and Immigration
Services to graduate from high school or obtain a high school equivalency diploma.
Alabama Memorial Preservation Act (ACT #2017-354) SB60 by Senator Allen would establish
the Alabama Memorial Preservation Act of 2017; would prohibit the relocation, removal,
alteration, renaming, or other disturbance of monuments located on public property which have
been in place for 50 or more years; would prohibit, and provide a mechanism for, the relocation,
removal, alteration, renaming, or other disturbance of monuments located on public property and
which have been in place for less than 50 years; would prohibit any person from preventing the
governmental entity responsible for maintaining the a monument from taking proper measures
to protect, preserve, care for, repair, or restore the monuments; would restrict the renaming of a
county, municipality, school, street, bridge, building, park, preserve, or reserve which is located
on public property; would create the Permanent Joint Committee on Alabama Monument
Protection and would provide for the membership and duties of the committee, including the
granting of waivers; would provide for the levy of fines for violations of the waiver process; would
also provide for exemptions.
School Board Members & Superintendent (Shelby County) (ACT #2017-151) SB62 by Senator
McClendon would propose an amendment to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, to require that
the members of the Shelby County Board of Education and the Shelby County Superintendent of
Education be elected by the qualified electors of the county who reside outside of the corporate
limits of any city located within the county that has a separate city board of education.
Tobacco Tax Distribution (Clay County) (ACT #2017-65) SB65 by Senator Dial would further
provide for the distribution of the tobacco tax levied in the county pursuant to Section 45-14-244
of the Code of Alabama 1975; and to repeal Sections 45-14-244.04 and 45-14-244.05 of the Code
of Alabama 1975.
Competitive Bids (ACT #2017-279) SB72 by Senator Allen would make technical corrections to
Act 2016-260, Senate Bill 175, of the 2016 Regular Session; would amend Section 39-2-4 of the
Code of Alabama 1975, relating to competitive bids for public improvement contracts by state
agencies, to restore the prior limit on bid guarantees required for state agencies other than the
Department of Transportation; would add amendatory language that was inadvertently left out of
Senate Bill 175 and conform the intent of Senate Bill 175 to the title of the bill.
Sales Tax Exemption (ACT #2017-386) SB75 by Senator Smitherman would exempt the
Southern Research Institute from any state, county, and municipal sales and use taxes.
Motor Fuel Excise Tax (Baldwin County) (ACT #2017-67) SB79 by Senator Pittman would
amend Section 45-2-244.044 of the Code of Alabama 1975, to authorize the county commission
of Baldwin County to levy an excise tax on the business of selling, distributing, storing, or
withdrawing from storage, for any purpose whatsoever, gasoline or motor fuel and substitutes in
the county not to exceed three cents ($.03) per gallon.
Crime of Homicide (ACT #2017-336) SB82 by Senator Pittman would establish the Marshall
James Walton Highway Safety Act and would create the crime of homicide by vehicle or vessel;
would provide that a person is guilty of homicide by vehicle or vessel if the person causes the death
of another person while knowingly engaged in the violation of any state law or municipal
ordinance applying to the operation or use of a vehicle, a vessel, or to the regulation of traffic or
boating, if the violation is the proximate cause of the death.
Medicaid Fraud (ACT #2017-66) SB85 by Senator Pittman would provide that a person must
knowingly engage in the prohibited conduct in order to be subject to the criminal penalties, would
provide that the criminal penalties do not apply to certain safe harbor exceptions included in
federal law, would define a person to include a corporation or other business entity, and would
provide for a six-year statute of limitations for prosecution of the offenses.
Simplified Sellers Use Tax Revisions (ACT #2017-82) SB86 by Senator Pittman would allow
monthly distributions of simplified sellers use tax to local governments; would remove the six
month deferral restriction for eligible sellers and simplifies the required invoice language on
simplified sellers use tax transactions; allows for disclosure of the names of eligible sellers that
are participating within the program, as well as their start date, and if applicable, the cease date
of participation; would provide that the department may require reporting of retail sales and
customer notifications when the seller does not collect sales, use, or simplified sellers use tax.
Prisoner Medical Furloughs (ACT #2017-355) SB87 by Senator Pittman would require the
Department of Corrections to annually identify all prisoners who have spent 30 or more days in
an infirmary or under a physician's care to determine if the prisoner is eligible for a medical
furlough. Upon a determination that the prisoner is eligible for medical furlough, the bill would
require the expedited furlough of the inmate, subject to any restrictions deemed appropriate by
the department; would also provide that prisoners who have reached a certain age and who have
served a certain percentage of their sentence are eligible for medical furloughs under certain
Judicial Resources Allocation Commission (ACT #2017-42) SB90 by Senator Orr would
establish the Judicial Resources Allocation Commission, establish the criteria for determining the
need for increasing or decreasing the number of judgeships in each district court and circuit court,
and authorize the Judicial Resources Allocation Commission to reallocate judgeships based on
such criteria.
Excess Funds Redemption Payments (ACT #2017-130) SB95 by Senator Orr would clarify the
process for the calculation, distribution, and retention of excess funds held by a county following
the sale of real estate for taxes and would provide for this process to apply regardless of when the
tax sale took place; would also ratify, validate, and affirm any good faith actions taken by a county
in regards to the calculation, distribution, and retention of excess funds pursuant to any prior
version of the law.
Child Abuse & Neglect Reporting (ACT #2017-257) SB96 by Senator Holtzclaw would require
the Department of Human Resources to make efforts to determine the military status of the parent
or guardian of the child who is the subject of the child abuse or neglect allegation; would further
provide that if the parent or guardian is in the military, the Department of Human Resources
would be required to notify a United States Department of Defense family advocacy program at
the military installation of the parent or guardian that there is an allegation of child abuse or
neglect that is being investigated that involves a child of the military parent or guardian.
Board of Education Compensation (Lowndes County) (ACT #2017-68) SB121 by Senator
Sanders would authorize an increase in the compensation of the county board of education.
Education Trust Fund Budget (ACT #2017-335) SB129 by Senator Orr would make
appropriations for the support, maintenance and development of public education in Alabama,
for debt service, and for capital outlay for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2018.
Sales Tax Holiday Revisions (ACT #2017-120) SB136 by Senator Melson would change the
annual school items sales tax holiday to the third weekend in July to be conducive with school
year start dates.
Motor Vehicles (ACT #2017-191) SB143 by Senator Singleton would require a person who
advertises for the purchase of a salvage or junk branded motor vehicle to display his or her current
license number on the sign or advertisement; would provide criminal penalties for the failure to
display the license number and would provide exemptions.
Animal Control Officers (Class 5 Municipalities) (ACT #2017-320) SB168 by Senator Marsh
would authorize Class 5 municipalities, by local ordinance, to establish the position of certified
animal control officer under the supervision of the chief of police; would authorize the chief of
police to determine the qualifications for a certified animal control officer; would impose civil
penalties for violations of municipal ordinances governing the treatment, care, well-being, and
safety of animals and authorize a certified animal control officer to issue citations for violations;
would also authorize municipal courts to hear appeals and enforce the civil penalties.
Tax Exemption Reform Act of 2017 (ACT #2017-149) SB181 by Senator Figures would provide
definitions and qualifications for the United Way and other united appeal funds and their
supported charities; would provide that united appeal funds that already hold a Certificate of
Exemption issued by the Department of Revenue and are in good standing with the reporting
requirements of Act 2015-534, now appearing as Sections 40-9-60 and 40-9-61 of the Code of
Alabama 1975, would be deemed to be within the definitions.
Fair Justice Act (ACT #2017-417) SB187 by Senator Ward would provide that Rule 32.2(c) of
the Alabama Rules of Criminal Procedure shall apply only to non-death penalty cases; would
require an appellant to file petitions for post-conviction remedies in death penalty cases within a
specific time frame; would require an appellant to pursue direct appellate remedies and post-
conviction remedies under Rule 32 of the Alabama Rules of Criminal Procedure concurrently;
would require the trial court judge in death penalty cases to appoint appellate counsel for both
direct appeal and post-conviction remedies within a specified time; would prohibit consideration
of petitions for post-conviction relief or writs within a specified time after the direct appeal has
concluded; would provide that properly filed petitions for post-conviction relief under Rule 32 of
the Alabama Rules of Criminal Procedure that are still pending at the time of the conclusion of
direct appeal and affirmation of death sentence may be considered for a specified amount of time.
Motor Vehicle Tow Fees (ACT #2017-321) SB201 by Senator Reed would require the Alabama
State Law Enforcement Agency (ALEA) to adopt rules regulating the nonconsensual towing of
motor vehicles and commercial vehicles as directed by agency law enforcement officers; would
establish procedures for motor vehicle owners to dispute fees and charges related to
nonconsensual towing and recovery; would also allow ALEA to assess a civil penalty against a
towing and recovery service who violates the rules adopted by the agency.
Public School Access (ACT #2017-259) SB203 by Senator Holtzclaw would clarify the degree of
access to be afforded to military recruiters of the United States Armed Forces and all access to the
United States Department of Homeland Security.
Alcohol Beverage Manufacturers (ACT #2017-404) SB234 by Senator Holtzclaw would clarify
that for reporting purposes, the internal transfer of alcoholic beverages on a manufacturer's
licensed premises for the purpose of tasting, sampling, or retail sales shall be deemed a sale and
the manufacturer licensee shall be deemed the wholesale and retail purchaser.
Transaction Fees (Hale County) (ACT #2017-142) SB239 by Senator Singleton would authorize
an additional fee for certain transactions in the office of the judge of probate; and to provide for
the disbursement of the additional fees.
Industrial Access Fund (ACT #2017-283) SB241 by Senator Allen would expand the use of
industrial access funds to include costs associated with access to active military installations or
property used primarily for military purposes or nonindustrial development sites, such as contact
or call centers, that provide a specified number of full-time jobs.
Police Powers SB243 by Senator Whatley would give the Poarch Band of Creek Indians same
powers and authority to employ police officers for the protection of the reservation and the safety
of the tribe.
City Council Salary (Class 1 Municipality) (ACT #2017-275) SB247 by Senator Waggoner would
relate to any Class 1 municipality and would provide for the salary of the city council.
Septic Tank Bond Fund (DeKalb County) (ACT #2017-168) SB248 by Senator Livingston would
repeal Section 45-25-170, Code of Alabama 1975, which requires the DeKalb County Health
Department to establish and maintain the DeKalb County Septic Tank Bond Fund and collect a
fee of $100 before issuing a permit for any septic tank in the county; and to provide that any
existing moneys in the fund revert to the DeKalb County Health Department.
Irrigation Project Tax Credit (ACT #2017-352) SB257 by Senator Orr would increase the amount
of the income tax credit by authorizing an alternative income tax credit of 10 percent of the cost
not to exceed $50,000 of tax liability; would provide that the income tax credit authorized by this
act would expire and be repealed effective December 31, 2022.
Service Dogs (ACT #2017-412) SB263 by Senator Holley would add a therapy dog to the
definition of a service dog subject to criminal penalties if a person knowingly harasses or injures
a therapy dog.
Registered Therapy Dogs (ACT #2017-413) SB273 by Senator Holley would allow for the use of
a registered therapy dog, as defined, in legal proceedings when permitted by the judge to assist a
victim or witness, to reduce unnecessary emotional distress experience by a victim or witness and
allow full and factual testimony; would authorize a judge to use discretionary funds to offset the
costs for a registered handler of a registered therapy dog used in a legal proceeding.
Elderly Abuse Protection Order (ACT #2017-284) SB274 by Senator Smitherman would
establish the Elder Abuse Protection Order and Enforcement Act; would provide for the issuance
of elder abuse protection orders to provide greater protection and assistance to victims of elder
abuse; would define elder abuse and other terms; would authorize certain individuals in addition
to the victim to petition for an elder abuse protection order; would provide penalties for violating
an elder abuse protection order.
Sheriff Qualifications (Russell County) (ACT #2017-461) SB276 by Senator Whatley would
provide certain additional qualifications for persons serving as sheriff; and to provide for
continuing education for a sheriff.
Alcohol Sales (City of Stevenson) (ACT #2017-144) SB292 by Senator Livingston would
authorize the governing body of the City of Stevenson to regulate and permit the sale of alcoholic
beverages during certain hours on Sunday by properly licensed retail licensees serving the general
public in the city.
Sex Offenders (ACT #2017-414) SB301 by Senator Figures would create the crimes of
distributing a private image, sexting, sexual extortion, assault with bodily fluids, and directing a
child to engage in sexual intercourse or deviate sexual intercourse and would add sexual extortion
and directing a child to engage in a sex act as enumerated sex crimes that require registration and
notification; would define the term reside, require certain sex offenders to notify law enforcement
of each place the sex offender resides, and provide further for the registration and notification
requirements associated with establishing a residence or residences and vacating a residence;
would specify additional information regarding a registered sex offender that may not appear on
the public registry website; would provide further for the process by which a court may relieve
certain sex offenders from registration and notification requirements and specify additional
procedures for payment of the filing fees associated with the petition for relief; would define
volunteer position, limit the places in which a registered sex offender could accept a volunteer
position and provide for registration and notification of a volunteer position in the same manner
as employment.
Corporation Jurisdiction (Town of Hytop) (ACT #2017-169) SB303 by Senator Livingston alter,
rearrange, and extend the boundary lines and corporate limits of the municipality of Hytop in
Jackson County.
Civil Service Fees (Montgomery County) (ACT #2017-438) SB305 by Senator Brewbaker would
amend Section 2 of Act 2015-264, 2015 Regular Session, imposing an additional service of process
fee for the service of documents in the civil and criminal divisions of the circuit and district courts;
to clarify that the fee shall be collected on each document requiring personal service of process by
the Sheriff of Montgomery County for matters pending or to be commenced in a court in
Montgomery County or in a court outside of Montgomery County.
Sheriff Service Process Fund (Russell County) (ACT #2017-437) SB313 by Senator Whatley
would create the Russell County Sheriff Service of Process Fund; to further provide for service of
process in the county; to provide that the sheriff may contract with or enter into agreement with
a private, public, or governmental entity for the purpose of service of process; to set the fee for
civil documents with certain exceptions; and to provide for the disposition of funds.
Municipal Business License (ACT #2017-415) SB316 by Senator Sanford would specify that the
interest rate on past due taxes would be as provided by general law and would delete provisions
for interest at one percent per month; would delete the provisions for increases and set the fee at
$100; would also exempt a business from the purchase of a delivery license if its deliveries do not
exceed $5,000 per year and the business has no physical presence in the municipality or its police
Community Development Districts (Lewis Smith Lake) (ACT #2017-350) SB322 by Senator
Waggoner would provide for an additional type of community development district which would
be required to border on a lake which is formed by an impounded reservoir of a river whose source
is in a federal wilderness area and to have a marina and restaurant. The restaurant would be
subject to additional regulation by the local governing body where located. Upon incorporation
and approval of the board, the sale of alcoholic beverages would be authorized in the district.
Fire District (St. Clair County) (ACT #2017-265) SB337 by Senator McClendon would authorize
the establishment of the Davis Lake Volunteer Fire Department as a fire district for the purpose
of preventing fires and for fire protection; providing for the manner in which the district may be
created for any area; providing for the petition for a proposed district and the election thereon;
providing for payment of the costs of elections; providing that no district shall be created unless
the creation thereof has been approved by the majority of votes cast at an election; providing that
if the creation of the proposed district is approved by the majority of votes cast at an election, the
proposed district shall be created and shall constitute a public corporation; providing for the
management and operation of the district; providing for the election of a fire district board, except
the initial board made up of the existing board of the directors of the volunteer fire department;
providing for the duties of the members of the board; defining the rights, power, and authority of
the district; authorizing any district to pledge all or any part of its revenues, or to mortgage or
otherwise encumber all or any part of its property for the purpose of securing the payment of the
principal of and interest on any of its obligations; authorizing any such district to levy and collect
a service charge or fee subject to this act; and providing for the dissolution of any district.
Agricultural Authority (ACT #2017-246) SB345 by Senator Melson would authorize a county to
establish an agriculture authority to promote agricultural businesses, operations, and
commodities, workforce development, and economic development within the county; would
provide procedures for creating an agriculture authority; would provide for the composition,
membership, terms of office, and duties of the board of directors of an agriculture authority;
would authorize an agriculture authority to take steps necessary for the planning and
development of an agriculture center; would authorize an agriculture authority to acquire
property by gift, grant, lease, purchase, or by the exercise of eminent domain, to make and enter
into contracts, to accept pledges of revenues or grants of money, and to borrow money; would
authorize a county in which an agriculture authority is established and any municipality in the
county to expend funds for the purposes of the authority; would authorize the sale of alcoholic
beverages for on-site consumption within an agriculture center; would provide that an agriculture
authority is exempt from municipal planning and zoning requirements; would also provide that
an agriculture authority as a governmental entity shall be exempt from sales and use tax and ad
valorem tax.
Sheriff Compensation (Russell County) (ACT #2017-434) SB347 by Senator Whatley would
provide for the annual salary of the sheriff.
Corporate Jurisdictional Limits (ACT #2017-212) SB350 by Senator Singleton would alter,
rearrange, and extend the boundary lines and corporate limits of the municipality of Epes in
Sumter County.
Alcohol Beverage Sales (City of Greensboro) SB351 by Senator Singleton authorize the City
Council of Greensboro to provide by local ordinance for the sale of draft or keg beer by properly
licensed retail licensees serving the general public.
Entertainment Districts (Class 5 Municipalities) (ACT #2017-276) SB352 by Senator Marsh
would allow the governing body of a Class 5 municipality to authorize a retail Alcoholic Beverage
Control Board licensee to sell alcoholic beverages in a designated area of the public sidewalk,
right-of-way, street, alley or parking area within an established entertainment district for
consumption in the designated area including a designated area that is not adjacent to or
connected with the main licensed premises.
Employee Retirement Systems (Jefferson County) (ACT #2017-266) SB358 by Senator Shelnutt
would amend Sections 45-37-123.01 and 45-37-123.50, Code of Alabama 1975, to provide that
employees of the retirement system are eligible to become members of the retirement system and
to provide that a part-time employee who occupies a position in the civil service system of the
county would have the option to become a member of the retirement system by filing a declaration
with the pension board.
Civic Center Authority (Jefferson County) (ACT #2017-267) SB359 by Senator Smitherman
would amend Section 45-37-90.05 of the Code of Alabama 1975, relating to the Birmingham-
Jefferson Civic Center Authority; to alter the boundaries within which the authority is authorized
to construct, maintain, control, or operate and manage a civic center.
Fire Districts (Tallapoosa County) (ACT #2017-268) SB368 by Senator Whatley would provide
for the support of volunteer fire protection services and emergency medical services within Union
Volunteer Fire and Rescue District; to levy a fire protection service fee on certain owners of
dwellings and commercial buildings within the Union Volunteer Fire and Rescue District as
defined by the E-911 Board of Commissioners of Tallapoosa County; to provide for certain
exemptions; to provide for the collection of funds derived from the fee; to provide for the
distribution of funds derived from the fee to the Union Volunteer Fire and Rescue, Inc.; to provide
for the expending and accounting of the funds; to provide for the increase or decrease in the fire
protection service fee; to provide for the treatment of funds upon dissolution or abandonment of
a volunteer fire department; to provide for the purposes of funds generated by the fee; and to
provide that the operation of the act is conditioned on the approval of the electors at an election.
Board of Education Compensation (Lowndes County) (ACT #2017-435) SB374 by Senator
Sanders provide for the compensation of the members of the county board of education.
Incorporation Jurisdiction - (ACT #2017-341) SB393 by Senator McClendon would alter,
rearrange, and extend the boundary lines and corporate limits of the City of Springville in St. Clair
Alabama Senate Redistricting (ACT #2017-347) SB403 by Senator Dial would redraw the
districts pursuant to the federal court decision.
Judge of Probate (Geneva County) (ACT #2017-313) SB409 by Senator Smith would propose a
local constitutional amendment to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended, relating to
Geneva County, to authorize a person to be elected or appointed as judge of probate who is not
over the age of 75 at the time of qualifying for election or appointment.
Alcohol Beverage Sales (Eufaula) (ACT #2017-436) SB410 by Senator Beasley would authorize
the governing body of Eufaula to regulate and permit for the sale of alcoholic beverages during
certain hours on Sunday by properly licensed retail licensees serving the general public in the city.
Alcohol Beverage Sales (Clayton) (ACT #2017-462) SB412 by Senator Beasley would authorize
the sale of certain alcoholic beverages in the city on Sundays under certain conditions.
Expense Allowance (Macon County) (ACT #2017-463) SB414 by Senator Beasley would provide
for an additional expense allowance and salary for the Macon County Commissioners, the Chair
of the Macon County Commission, the Macon County Revenue Commissioner, Judge of Probate,
and the Sheriff of Macon County.
Shoals Economic Development Fund (ACT #2017-416) SB420 by Senator Melson would amend
Section 45-17-91.23, Code of Alabama 1975, relating to the Shoals Economic Development Fund;
to provide that a portion of the Shoals Economic Development Fund may be for workforce training
and economic development programs at the University of North Alabama.
Abandoned Property (Walker County) (ACT #2017-464) SB421 by Senator Reed would
authorize the sheriff to sell certain abandoned, stolen, confiscated, lost, and unclaimed property
at public auction; authorizing the sheriff to sell or destroy certain abandoned, stolen, or unclaimed
firearms; and providing for the auction and for the disposition of proceeds.
Final Report of the 2017 Regular Session
House Bills
Wireless Communication Providers (ACT #2017-92) HB5 by Rep. Hanes would require a
wireless communications service provider to provide location information to a law enforcement
agency, upon request, in an emergency situation involving a risk of death or serious bodily harm.
Elected Officials Designee (Class 8 Municipalities) (ACT #2017-362) HB14 by Rep. Shedd would
authorize an elected official of a Class 8 municipality to designate a person to serve in his or her
place on any state or local agency, board, commission, or other entity on which he or she serves
as an ex officio member; would prohibit the elected official from appointing a convicted felon to
serve as his or her designee unless that person has had his or her civil rights restored.
Driver’s License Stage II Penalty – (ACT #2017-358) HB29 by Rep. Holmes (M) would revise the
penalties for a violation of the restrictions on a Stage II license, including revocation of the license
and reversion to a Stage I license for a period of six months, would require the driver to revert to
a Stage I license for a period of six months, would require the court to assess a fine of $250, plus
court costs, and would provide for the assessment of two points; would also provide that a parent,
legal guardian, or other adult who knowingly allows a driver with a Stage I or Stage II license to
drive a motor vehicle in violation of applicable restrictions is subject to a fine of $500, plus court
Cemetery Board (Jefferson County) (ACT #2017-439) HB34 by Rep. Givan would establish a
cemetery board; to define terms; to provide for the members and duties of the board; and to
provide funding.
Alcoholic Beverages (ACT #2017-359) HB47 by Rep. Buskey would create an additional class of
community development district and provide for the incorporation and powers of the district;
once established, the sale of alcoholic beverages is authorized within the district by certain entities
otherwise licensed by the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board.
Law Enforcement Officers (ACT #2017-399) HB50 by Rep. Boyd would allow law enforcement
officers to use only the force that is reasonably necessary to effect lawful objectives, such as tasers
and chemical irritant aerosols, and would prescribe when lethal force may be used; would also
require the Alabama Peace Officers' Standards and Training Commission to adopt policies
consistent with this requirement.
Competitive Bid Exemption (ACT #2017-421) HB53 by Rep. Beech would specify that federal
funds for school nutrition may be used for the purchase of farm products pursuant to federal law
and would specify that the exception to the competitive bid process for local boards of education
for the purchase of unprocessed agricultural products for school lunchrooms would be based on
the federal small purchase threshold in 41 U.S.C. §403(11).
Municipal Public Housing Authorities (ACT #2017-315) HB56 by Rep. South would specify that
non-profit affiliates of Alabama Public Housing Authorities that meet prescribed criteria are a
governmental entity for purposes of that limited tort immunity.
Fire Safety (ACT #2017-387) HB59 by Rep. Johnson (R) would prohibit the possession or sale
of sky lanterns, which are defined as free-floating luminary lanterns with an open flame inside;
would establish a criminal violation punishable by a fine not to exceed $200.
Fire Protection Sprinkler Systems (ACT #2017-240) HB66 by Rep. Hanes would allow the State
Fire Marshal to issue permits to certain fire protection sprinkler contractors; would require a
certified licensed engineer to design the plans for a residential fire protection sprinkler system
and approve any changes made to the system design; would require the State Fire Marshal to
collect and publish data on all structural fires in Alabama and would require the State Fire
Marshal to make that information available to the public on the website of the State Fire Marshal.
Competitive Bid Exemption (ACT #2017-466) HB69 by Rep. Hurst would add an exemption
from the competitive bid law for the expenditure of funds for repair parts or repair of heavy duty
equipment or vehicles exceeding a gross weight of 25,000 pounds for parts or repairs obtained
from a dealer or service center authorized by the manufacturer to sell the parts or make the
Industrial Development Council (Randolph County) (ACT #2017-43) HB73 by Rep. Fincher
would provide for the establishment of the Randolph County Industrial Development Council;
providing for the membership, powers, and duties of the council; providing for the employees of
the council; and providing for funding of the council.
Wholesale to Retail Accountability Act (ACT #2017-294) HB75 by Rep. Johnson, (R) would
establish the Wholesale to Retail Accountability Program or "WRAP"; would standardize the
informational reporting of licensed beer and wine distributors and sellers of tobacco products
making sales within this state for resale purposes, on which sales or use tax was not collected at
the time of the sale, to the Department of Revenue regarding those transactions; would establish
an industry advisory group; would also provide for information on municipal business privilege
licenses to be submitted to the department.
Local Government Training Institute (ACT #2017-440) HB77 by Rep. Blackshear would provide
for two additional members on the board of the institute to be appointed by the Board of Directors
of the Association of County Commissioners of Alabama; would specify that a quorum of the board
would be five members; would also authorize the board to award certification to county employees
and programs meeting criteria established by the board or state agencies.
Livestock Markets & Dealers (ACT #2017-226) HB84 by Rep. Sessions would make technical
nonsubstantive changes relating to livestock markets regulated by the Department of Agriculture
and Industries; would also repeal provisions relating to the Alabama Public Livestock Market
Board and requirements that a livestock market that sells livestock be chartered by the board, and
merge the permitting requirements into other existing permitting requirements for livestock
markets; would also repeal duplicative language relating to the weighing of livestock.
Judge of Probate Powers (ACT #2017-388) HB86 by Rep. Fridy would specify that in counties
where the judge of probate is either required to be an attorney or is a licensed attorney, the judge
of probate court would have the same power to punish for civil contempt as granted to the judges
of the circuit courts.
Taxpayer Fraud (ACT #2017-227) HB87 by Rep. McMillan would provide the Department of
Revenue with the ability to pursue options in order to reduce identity theft related refund fraud;
would require the Department to standardize the method of filing returns, license applications,
and method of payments, whenever feasible in order to minimize errors and promote compliance;
allows the Department to credit a taxpayer’s account when a refund was erroneously reversed by
the Department; would provide for the imposition of penalties against a taxpayer who presents as
payment for his or her tax liability a money order or electronic funds which are not honored for
Public School Safety (ACT #2017-401) HB89 by Rep. Baker would require the Alabama
Department of Education to develop and implement an electronic notification system designed to
allow local schools to input specific information relating to school delays, early releases, shelter-
in-place information, as well as other emergency-related information that is compiled in one
central electronic repository that is accessible by the department and the Governor.
Health Care Providers (ACT #2017-189) HB95 by Rep. Mooney would give health care providers
the following: the authority to refuse to perform or to participate in health care services that
violate their conscience; immunity from civil, criminal, or administrative liability for refusing to
provide or participate in a health care service that violates their conscience; would declare it
unlawful for any person to discriminate against health care providers for declining to participate
in a health care service that violates their conscience; would also provide for injunctive relief and
back pay for violation.
Assisted Suicide Ban Act (ACT #2017-231) HB96 by Rep. Butler would establish the Assisted
Suicide Ban Act to prohibit a person or a health care provider from providing aid in dying to
another person and would provide civil and criminal penalties for violations.
Establishment of Rights of the Unborn (Constitutional Amendment) (ACT #2017-188) HB98
by Rep. Fridy proposes an amendment to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, relating to the right
to life of unborn children; would declare and otherwise affirm this state's longstanding public
policy and commitment to acknowledge and support the rights of unborn children, namely the
right to life, and would specify that the constitution of this state does not protect the right to
abortion or require the funding of abortion.
Utilities Board Membership (ACT #2017-432) HB102 by Rep. Lee would provide that the county
commission of a county where new territory lies may waive the appointment of any additional
directors by resolution of the county commission.
Revenue Commissioner Compensation (Houston County) (ACT #2017-69) HB103 by Rep. Lee
would provide for an additional expense allowance and salary for the revenue commissioner; and
to repeal Section 45-35-240, relating to the salary of the revenue commissioner.
Sale of Alcoholic Beverages (City of Jacksonville) (ACT #2017-145) HB125 by Rep. Brown would
authorize the sale of alcoholic beverages within the city limits each day of the week by retail
licensees of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board and to authorize the governing body of the city
to regulate the selling of alcoholic beverages to the general public by properly licensed retailers.
Civil Service Board Members (City of Jacksonville) (ACT #2017-83) HB126 by Rep. Brown
would amend to clarify that the minimum age of a board member is 25; to provide further for the
compensation of board members; to provide that certain actions of the board are subject to the
approval of the Jacksonville City Council; to provide for the maintenance and review of employee
personnel files; to provide further for the review, examination, and registration of job applicants;
to provide further for the filling of job vacancies from qualified applicants; to provide further for
the discharge of unsatisfactory probationary subordinate employees and the suspension of
employees for personal misconduct; to provide further for the authority of the mayor and
administrator when charges filed against an employee are of a minor nature; to require the city
council to provide a board office within the city in lieu of within city hall; and to prohibit any
person dismissed from service for willfully violating civil service rules and regulations from being
Revenue Commissioner Compensation (Henry County) (ACT #2017-44) HB149 by Rep.
Grimsley would provide for an additional expense allowance and salary for the revenue
commissioner; to provide that the revenue commissioner shall merge certain budgetary
operations and functions; and to provide that the expenses of the office shall be financed from the
proceeds of ad valorem tax revenues.
Competitive Bid Law Revisions (ACT #2017-402) HB152 by Rep. Boyd would exempt the
purchase of library/research electronic data bases of manuscripts, books, maps, pamphlets, or
periodicals from the competitive bid law.
General Fund Budget (ACT #2017-338) HB155 by Rep. Clouse would make
appropriations for the ordinary expenses of the executive, legislative and judicial agencies of the
State, for other functions of government, for debt service, and for capital outlay for the fiscal year
ending September 30, 2018.
Petroleum Products Inspection Fee (ACT #2017-296) HB158 by Rep. Martin would remove the
five thousand dollar bonding requirement for the issuance of an inspection fee permit.
Alcoholic Beverages (Town of Thomaston) (ACT #2017-86) HB164 by Rep. Jackson would
authorize the sale of certain alcoholic beverages on Sundays within the corporate limits of the
Hazardous Waste Site (Sumter County) (ACT #2017-85) HB165 by Rep. McCampbell would
amend Section 4 of Act 83-480, 1983 Regular Session, (Acts 1983, p. 672), as last amended by Act
2016-230 of the 2016 Regular Session, which distributes the proceeds of fees levied on operators
of hazardous waste disposal sites in the county; to provide further for the distributions of the
proceeds of the fees and to reduce the distribution to the Sumter County Commission.
Protected Services (ACT #2017-245) HB168 by Rep. Buskey would clarify that leasing of oil, gas,
and mineral rights is one of the protective arrangements or contracts that the court is allowed to
authorize under Section 26-2A-137.
Children First Trust Fund (ACT #2017-299) HB178 by Rep. Warren would make an
appropriation of $37,725,742 from the Children First Trust Fund for the fiscal year ending
September 30, 2018, to the entities and for the purposes designated in Section 41-15B-2.2, Code
of Alabama 1975; would provide for the deposit of tobacco settlement revenues into the Children
First Trust Fund, would require the State Director of Finance to notify each agency in writing of
the amount of each agency's anticipated allocation, would require quarterly allocation to each
agency, and would condition allocations upon the receipt of tobacco funds; would provide for the
transfer to the State General Fund during fiscal year 2018 that portion of Children First Trust
Fund receipts currently allocated for the State Board of Education; would make an appropriation
of $47,788,069 from other tobacco settlement funds for the fiscal year ending September 30,
2018; would also make a conditional appropriation and allocation of any additional tobacco
revenue on recommendation of the Director of Finance, the Chairman of the House Ways and
Means General Fund Committee and the Chairman of the Senate Finance and Taxation-General
Fund Committee, and approval of the Governor.
Water Districts (ACT# 2017-423) HB179 by Rep. Whorton (I) would specify that a water district
is exempt from taxation.
Entertainment Districts (Class 2 Municipalities) (ACT #2017-87) HB185 by Rep. Buskey would
include Class 2 municipalities as municipalities authorized to establish five entertainment
districts and would specify the licensed premises of a holder of a retail liquor license.
Sell of Unclaimed Property (Blount County) (ACT# 2017-233) HB191 by Rep. Standridge would
authorize the sheriff to sell certain abandoned, stolen, and unclaimed property at public auction;
specifying requirements for such an auction and for the disposition of proceeds; and authorizing
the sheriff to sell or destroy certain abandoned, stolen, or unclaimed firearms.
Solid Waste Fees (Blount County) (ACT #2017-170) HB192 by Rep. Standridge would amend
Section 45-5-171, Code of Alabama 1975, to provide that a portion of the fees collected from
dumping or depositing of solid waste material shall be distributed to the Blount County
Commission instead of the State Forestry Commission for distribution to the Blount County Fire
and EMS Association.
Municipal Corporate Limits (City of Daphne) (ACT #2017-163) HB209 by Rep. Davis would
alter, rearrange, and extend the boundary lines and corporate limits of the City of Daphne in
Baldwin County.
Medicaid Eligible Inmates (ACT #2017-298) HB211 by Rep. England would provide that a
Medicaid-eligible county inmate or juvenile under the jurisdiction of a juvenile court would have
his or her eligibility for Medicaid suspended but not terminated, and his or her Medicaid eligibility
would be temporarily reinstated if he or she receives inpatient care in a medical institution for
more than 24 hours; would also require the county to reimburse the Medicaid Agency for any state
match for any inmate or juvenile receiving inpatient care in a medical institution and would
require the development of a centralized process for disseminating necessary information
between the Medicaid Agency and each county.
Motor Vehicle Accident ACT #2017-376) HB214 by Rep. Pettus would authorize the driver of a
vehicle to move a motor vehicle involved in an accident from the roadway when no apparent
serious physical injury or death has occurred and would authorize employees of the Department
of Transportation and the Alabama State Law Enforcement Agency to require and assist in moving
a disabled vehicle involved in an accident from the roadway on the state highway system; would
provide immunity to the departments for actions under the bill.
Municipal Law Enforcement (ACT #2017-364) HB222 by Rep. Treadaway would authorize a
municipality to rehire a retired law enforcement officer or firefighter of the municipality at any
time if authorized by local law.
Civil Immunity (ACT #2017-241) HB227 by Rep. Rogers would provide civil immunity to a
person who rescues a child or incapacitated person from an unattended motor vehicle.
Low Speed Vehicles (Class 2 Municipalities) (ACT #2017-150) HB230 by Rep. Pringle would
relate to any Class 2 municipality and would authorize the municipality to provide for the
operation of low-speed vehicles upon certain streets in the municipality under limited
circumstances and conditions.
Abandoned Motor Vehicle (ACT #2017-441) HB234 by Rep. Faulkner would remove the
Alabama Tax Tribunal from the appeals process and require that all appeals be filed in the circuit
court in the county where the sale is scheduled to occur or has occurred.
Emergency Medical Services Personnel Licensure Interstate Compact (ACT #2017-382) HB250
by Rep. Sells would establish the Emergency Medical Services Personnel Licensure Interstate
Compact; would provide reciprocity among member states on matters relating to discipline and
conditions of practice of EMS personnel; would make this state a member of the Interstate
Commission for EMS Personnel Practice; would also allow EMS personnel from compact states
to practice in Alabama in limited circumstances without a state license.
Financial Institution Excise Tax Revisions (ACT #2017-165) HB263 by Rep. Johnson (K) would
codify the current practice of including loans and credit card receivables as part of the calculation
for the property factor of the financial institution excise tax apportionment formula; would specify
that the apportionment formula would be applicable to all tax years beginning on or after January
1, 2017; would specify that the Department of Revenue would promulgate rules consistent with
this act.
Personnel Board (St. Clair County) (ACT #2017-88) HB267 by Rep. Hill repeal Act 1729 of the
1971 regular Session (Acts 1971, p. 2894), Act 739 of the 1978 Regular Session (Acts 1978, p. 1078),
Act 831 of the 1978 Regular Session (Acts 1978, p. 1233), Act 79-243 of the 1979 Regular Session
(Acts 1979, p. 370), and Act 81-72 of the 1981 Regular Session (Acts 1981, p. 94), all relating to the
personnel board for the employees of the county.
Sheriff Compensation (St. Clair County) (ACT #2017-89) HB268 by Rep. Hill provide for the
base salary for the sheriff after the effective date of this act.
Criminal Records (ACT #2017-377) HB279 by Rep. Baker would expand the expungement of
criminal records to include all felony charges, including violent offenses, when the person has
been found not guilty of the crime.
Act of Moral Turpitude Definition (ACT #2017-378) HB282 by Rep. Jones would create the
Definition of Moral Turpitude Act to establish a comprehensive list of felonies that involve moral
turpitude; would also provide procedures for the Board of Pardons and Paroles and the Secretary
of State to follow to purge certain disqualified voters from voter registration lists.
Health Benefit Plans (ACT #2017-337) HB284 by Rep. Patterson would require health benefit
plans to cover the treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder for all insureds under certain insurance
plans and contracts; would also require the Department of Insurance to file an annual report with
the Legislature on the costs of providing treatment for Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Business License Renewals (Washington County) (ACT #2017-91) HB289 by Rep. Beech would
authorize the county commission to establish a mail renewal fee in the probate office for the
issuance and mailing of business licenses renewed by mail and to provide for a convenience fee
per transaction made on the Internet or by other electronic means in the probate office on the
payment for the renewal of a motor vehicle license plate registration.
Sales & Use Tax Exemptions (ACT #2017-397) HB290 by Rep. Weaver would standardize sales
and use tax exemptions in order to provide uniformity for taxpayers by aligning current
exemptions and incorporating certain sales tax exemptions into the use tax law; would provide
further for the sales of photographs and commissioned portraits.
Forest Product Tax Liability (ACT #2017-301) HB313 by Rep. Beech further defines the types of
forest products subject to the forest products severance tax, and the manufacturer’s forest product
tax liability, and makes additional16 technical changes.
Board of Education (Covington County) (ACT #2017-84) HB317 by Rep. Jones would require
future members of the county board of education to reside within, and be elected by the qualified
electors of the county who reside within, that portion of the county outside of the corporate limits
of any city in the county served by a separate city board of education.
Charitable Bingo (Calhoun County) (ACT #2017-81) HB320 by Rep. Nordgren would propose a
local constitutional amendment relating to Calhoun County to specifically prohibit a bingo
permittee or licensee from operating any bingo games within 1,000 yards of any residence or in a
residential area.
Alcohol Sunday Sales (City of Lincoln) (ACT #2017-232) HB322 by Rep. Johnson (R) would
authorize the sale of certain alcoholic beverages in the municipality on Sundays under certain
Corporate Jurisdiction (City of Elberta) (ACT #2017-90) HB323 by Rep. McMillan would alter,
rearrange, and extend the boundary lines and corporate limits of the municipality of Elberta in
Baldwin County.
Solid Waste Facilities (ACT #2017-366) HB328 by Rep. Baker would alter the approval process
by a local governing body for the siting of a new solid waste management facility; would provide
that an approval of a new facility by a local governing body would be reviewed by the circuit court;
would also remove a requirement that a proposed new solid waste management facility or a
modification of a permit for an existing facility be evaluated by the regional planning and
development commission.
Civil Service System (City of Northport) (ACT #2017-166) HB329 by Rep. Harper would amend
Sections 2 and 4 of Act 1225, 1969 Regular Session (Acts 1969, p. 2297), as last amended by Act
2009-359 and Act 2015-23, establishing a civil service system for the city; to include the positions
of City Administrator/Clerk and City Manager/Clerk in exempt service; and to provide that
members of the personnel board must be residents of the county.
Excise Tax Collections (ACT #2017-229) HB333 by Rep. Johnson (K) would establish a
standardized motor fuel and enforcement system for the collection of excise tax on compressed
natural gas and liquefied natural gas and would provide civil and criminal penalties for violations.
Lodging Tax Distribution (Russell County) (ACT #2017-443) HB336 by Rep. Blackshear would
amend Section 7 of Act 89-267, 1989 Regular Session, providing for the distribution of the net
proceeds of a lodging tax, to provide for the distribution of the net proceeds into the General Fund
Account of the county commission.
Supplemental Pension System (City of Birmingham) (ACT #2017-247) HB338 by Rep.
Treadaway would amend Section 45-37A-51.03, Code of Alabama 1975, relating to the investment
powers of the board of managers; to reduce the percentage of investments required to be in fixed
income securities.
ERS Retirees Lump-sum Payment (ACT #2017-367) HB342 by Rep. McMillan would provide
an optional one-time lump sum payment to retirees and beneficiaries of those who were employed
by certain county, municipal, and public or quasi-public organizations that participated in the
Employees' Retirement System (ERS).
Historical Tax Credits (ACT # 2017-380) HB345 by Rep. Gaston would establish a new
income tax credit against the tax liability of the taxpayer for the rehabilitation, preservation, or
development of certified historic structures.
Alcohol Sunday Sales (ACT #2017-444) HB353 by Rep. Givan would authorize the county
commission of a county or the municipal governing body of a municipality where the Sunday sale
of alcoholic beverages is authorized to extend the time of sale to commence at 10:00 a.m. on
Sundays for on-premises consumption as provided by ordinance or resolution of the county or the
municipal governing body.
Sheriff Expense Allowance (Lowndes County) (ACT #2017-172) HB358 by Rep. Lawrence would
provide for an additional expense allowance and salary for the sheriff.
Judge of Probate Compensation (Marion County) (ACT #2017-234) HB359 by Rep. Millican
would provide for the compensation of the judge of probate on a salary basis; and to provide for
the one-stop issuance of motor vehicle license plates by the judge of probate.
Sheriff Booking Fees (Talladega County) (ACT #2017-248) HB364 by Rep. Johnson (R) would
provide for a booking fee to be imposed on each person booked into the Talladega County Jail and
subsequently convicted of a crime; to provide for the collection of the booking fee; and to provide
for the distribution of the revenues derived from the booking fee.
Septic Tank Bond Fund (DeKalb County) (ACT #2017-243) HB365 by Rep. Ledbetter would
repeal Section 45-25-170, Code of Alabama 1975, which requires the DeKalb County Health
Department to establish and maintain the DeKalb County Septic Tank Bond Fund and collect a
fee of $100 before issuing a permit for any septic tank in the county; and to provide that any
existing moneys in the fund revert to the DeKalb County Health Department.
Alcohol Beverages (City of Athens) (ACT #2017-310) HB366 by Rep. Crawford would authorize
the City Council of the City of Athens to regulate and permit the sale of alcoholic beverages during
certain hours on Sunday by properly licensed retail licensees serving the general public in the city.
ERS Law Enforcement (ACT #2017-360) HB377 by Rep. Treadaway would remove the separate
calculation of employer contribution percentage rate for state policemen.
Sheriff Purchases (Talladega County) (ACT #2017-249) HB382 by Rep. Hurst would authorize
the sheriff to establish procedures to make limited purchases utilizing a credit or debit card,
provided compliance with required accountability and audit measures and other procedures are
Pistol Permit Fee (Talladega County) (ACT #2017-418) HB383 by Rep. Hurst would amend
Section 1 of Act 87-416, 1987 Regular Session (Acts 1987, p. 613), as last amended by Act 2007-
333, 2007 Regular Session (Acts 2007, p. 594), to reduce the fee for the issuance of a pistol permit
for a person under age 65.
Franchise Business Protection Act (ACT #2017-391) HB390 by Rep. Carns would provide that
certain categories of persons working for a franchisee may not be deemed to be employees of the
franchisor of the franchisee.
Sunday Sales of Alcohol (City of Stevenson) (ACT #2017-250) HB391 by Rep. Hanes to authorize
the governing body of the City of Stevenson to regulate and permit the sale of alcoholic beverages
during certain hours on Sunday by properly licensed retail licensees serving the general public in
the city.
Retirement & Relief System (Class 1 Municipality) (ACT #2017-251) HB396 by Rep. Treadaway
would relate to any Class 1 municipality and the retirement and relief system for officers and
employees of the municipality; would do all of the following: (1) Revise the investment powers of
the board of managers to reduce the percentage of investments required to be in fixed income
securities from not less than 25 percent to not less than 15 percent. (2) Delete certain language
requiring an increase in contribution under certain conditions from participants; (3) Increase the
contribution rate of the municipality to the pension system to a minimum of nine percent by 2020;
(4) Amend the normal retirement benefit for participants who first become participants on or
after July 1, 2017, by requiring a participant to attain age 62 or older and to have completed 10 or
more years of credited service, or to have completed 30 or more years of credited service without
regard to age for normal retirement; (5) Amend the maximum normal retirement benefit for
participants who first become participants on or after July 1, 2017, by providing for a maximum
normal retirement benefit of 67.5 percent of the final average salary, exclusive of any sick leave
bonus or post severance compensation; (6) Amend the requirements for participants to vest for
participants who first become participants on or after July 1, 2017, by providing for vesting at 10
years of credited service; (7) Amend the involuntary retirement benefit for participants who first
become participants on or after July 1, 2017, by providing that a participant who is involuntarily
retired after having completed 20 or more years of credited service prior to attaining the age of
62 years would be entitled to an involuntary retirement benefit; (8) Amend the ordinary disability
allowance for participants who first become participants on or after July 1, 2017, by providing that
a participant would be required to accrue 10 years of credited service for a participant to be eligible
to participate in the ordinary disability allowance benefit; and (9) Amend the survivor's benefits
for participants who first become participants on or after July 1, 2017, by providing for a
participant to have 10 or more years of credible service prior to the participant's death before the
participant's survivor may participate in survivor's benefits and providing that the optional
survivor's benefit provided may only accrue and be payable to the benefit of a survivor or survivors
from the date on which the deceased retiree or participant would have attained age 62 had he or
she lived.
Retired Public Safety Officers (Jefferson County) (ACT #2017-322) HB397 by Rep. Treadaway
would amend Section 45-37A-51.237, Code of Alabama 1975, to authorize the City of Birmingham
to rehire retired public safety officers under certain conditions; and to provide that rehired officers
may continue to receive retirement benefits during periods of reemployment.
Warrant Recall Authorization (City of Taylor) (ACT #2017-311) HB398 by Rep. Lee would
provide for a warrant recall fee to allow a municipal magistrate or municipal judge for the city to
recall, under certain conditions, a failure to appear warrant.
Sales & Use Tax Distribution (Talladega County) (ACT #2017-252) HB401 by Rep. Hurst would
amend Section 11 of Act 91-533, 1991 Regular Session (Acts 1991, p. 948) as further amended by
Act 2000-758, 2000 Regular Session (Acts 2000, p. 1732), relating to a special sales tax; to
provide further for the distribution of the proceeds of the tax to the public library located in the
City of Mumford.
Sheriff Qualifications (Talladega County) (ACT #2107-244) HB408 by Rep. Wood would
provide for the qualifications of the sheriff; and to require completion of continuing education.
Corporate Jurisdiction (ACT #2107-323) HB418 by Rep. Whorton (R) would alter, rearrange,
and extend the boundary lines and corporate limits of the municipality of Hytop in Jackson
Toll Roads & Bridges (ACT #2017-375) HB421 by Rep. McMillan would provide for electronic
assessment and collection of tolls; would be assessed either to an account holder with the toll
entity or through the transmission of license plate information by a photo-monitoring system.
Building Code Violations (Class 2 Municipalities) (ACT #2017-304) HB430 by Rep. Drummond
would establish a procedure for a Class 2 municipality to conduct a judicial in rem foreclosure of
non-owner occupied property that does not comply with local building codes.
Court Costs (Pickens County) (ACT #2017-253) HB439 by Rep. Harper would provide for an
additional service of process fee for personal service of process by the sheriff for actions instituted
outside of this state and to provide for distribution of the revenue.
Youth Facilities Licensing (ACT #2017-374) HB440 by Rep. McMillan would provide for the
registration and regulation by the Department of Human Resources of any private religious or
faith-based organization that houses children for counseling, therapeutic, behavioral, or
educational purposes when on-site residency is required for periods over 24 hours; would require
the Department of Human Resources to promulgate rules establishing registration and regulatory
requirements; would establish accountability for any child enrolled in or housed at any private
religious or faith-based organization that houses children for counseling, therapeutic, behavioral,
or educational purposes when on-site residency is required for periods over 24 hours; would
establish minimum requirements for operation of any private religious or faith-based
organization that houses children for counseling, therapeutic, behavioral, or educational purposes
when on-site residency is required for periods over 24 hours; would require an employee,
volunteer, or applicant for employment or for a volunteer position at such a facility to undergo a
criminal background investigation prior to having unsupervised contact with the children; would
establish fees and charges associated with the registration of such facilities; would prohibit the
operation of any youth residential facility, institution, or program in the state under this act unless
the entity holds a current registration approval from the Department of Human Resources.
Sales Tax Distribution (Randolph County) (ACT #2017-254) HB447 by Rep. Fincher would
amend Sections 3 and 8 of Act 2016-288 of the 2016 Regular Session, relating to the additional
sales tax for construction of a new county jail, and to provide that the proceeds shall also be used
for the operation and maintenance of the county jail and to remove the provision that any excess
proceeds from the sales tax would be used for road and bridge projects.
County Commission Compensation (Baldwin County) (ACT #2107-324) HB448 by Rep.
McMillan would amend Section 45-2-70.01, Code of Alabama 1975, relating to the compensation
of the county commission; to provide that the compensation of the members of the commission
would be based on the previous four-year average of the median annual household income in
Baldwin County; to further provide for the Comptroller's Office of the Department of Finance to
adjust the compensation based on the average; and to remove the restriction on the percentage of
increase or decrease in compensation.
Corporation Limits Revisions (City of Gulf Shores) (ACT #2017-445) HB449 by Rep. McMillan
would alter, rearrange, and extend the boundary lines and corporate limits of the municipality of
Gulf Shores in Baldwin County, Alabama.
Court Costs (Jackson County) (ACT #2017-325) HB451 by Rep. Hanes providing for an
additional court cost in all domestic violence cases in the circuit, district, and municipal courts;
providing for the distribution of the proceeds to the county commission to be distributed to
certain domestic violence shelters located in Jackson County and used for expenses related to the
operation of those domestic violence shelters; to repeal Section 45-36-80.03 and to provide for
the distribution of any undistributed court costs collected pursuant to that Section.
Entertainment Districts (Phenix City) (ACT #2017-446) HB461 by Rep. Blackshear authorize
the governing body of the municipality to establish no more than two entertainment districts
within the corporate limits of the municipality with no fewer than three licensees holding a
restaurant retail liquor license, an on-premises alcoholic beverage license, or other retail liquor
license; to provide for the licensees who receive an entertainment district designation; and to
provide for consumption of alcoholic beverages anywhere within the entertainment district under
certain conditions.
Office of Judge of Probate (Baldwin County) (ACT #2017-326) HB464 by Rep. McMillan would
amend Section 45-2-83.21 of the Code of Alabama 1975, relating to the special recording fee for
the office of the judge of probate; to further authorize the collection of the fee.
Office of Constable (Coffee County) (ACT #2017-255) HB465 by Rep. Moore (B) would abolish
the office of constable.
Sales & Use Tax (Walker County) (ACT #2017-256) HB474 by Rep. Rowe authorize the county
commission to levy an additional sales and use tax in the county; to provide for the collection,
distribution, and use of the proceeds of the tax; to provide for the enforcement of the act; to repeal
a certain issuance fee on motor vehicles and boat registrations; and to provide that this act shall
be effective only upon approval at a referendum.
Fire Protection Service Fees (Tallapoosa County) (ACT #2017-327) HB485 by Rep. Tuggle
would provide for the support of volunteer fire protection services and emergency medical
services within Union Volunteer Fire and Rescue District; to levy a fire protection service fee on
certain owners of dwellings and commercial buildings within the Union Volunteer Fire and
Rescue District as defined by the E-911 Board of Commissioners of Tallapoosa County; to provide
for certain exemptions; to provide for the collection of funds derived from the fee; to provide for
the distribution of funds derived from the fee to the Union Volunteer Fire and Rescue, Inc.; to
provide for the expending and accounting of the funds; to provide for the increase or decrease in
the fire protection service fee; to provide for the treatment of funds upon dissolution or
abandonment of a volunteer fire department; to provide for the purposes of funds generated by
the fee; and to provide that the operation of the act is conditioned on the approval of the electors
at an election.
Sales & Use Tax Levy (Escambia County) (ACT #2017-272) HB492 by Rep. Baker would
authorize the county commission to levy an additional sales and use tax; providing for the
collection, distribution, and use of the proceeds of the tax; and prescribing penalties and fixing
punishment for violation of this act.
Lease Tax Distribution (Baldwin County) (ACT #2017-328) HB494 by Rep. McMillan would
amend Section 45-2-244.183, Code of Alabama 1975, relating to the distribution of the privilege
license tax; to further provide for the Baldwin County Community Capital Fund.
Sales Tax Distribution (Baldwin County) (ACT #2017-447) HB495 by Rep. McMillan would
amend Sections 45-2-244.071, 45-2-244.073, 45-2-244.075, 45-2-244.076, and 45-2-244.077 of
the Code of Alabama 1975, relating to the special county sales tax; to correct the name of Faulkner
State Junior College to its current name of Coastal Alabama Community College and to provide
that the funds distributed to the college from the proceeds of the tax shall only be used in Baldwin
County; to further provide for the distribution of a portion of the proceeds to the county general
fund, the county board of education, the county juvenile court, and the district attorney's office;
to provide for the administration, collection, and enforcement of the one percent sales tax by the
county commission or other person, firm, or corporation, whether public or private, with which
the county commission may contract to collect the tax; to provide for the application and
promulgation of laws, rules, and regulations related to the administration, collection,
enforcement, payment, and assessment of the one percent sales tax; to provide that if the tax is
rescinded, repealed, or no longer collected under certain circumstances, the distributions to the
Baldwin County Board of Education and the general fund of the county shall be modified; and to
provide for the effective date of the act.
Court Costs (Lamar County) (ACT #2017-334) HB500 by Rep. South would propose to repeal
Amendment 710 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, now appearing as Section 1, Local
Amendments, Lamar County, Official Recompilation of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as
amended, which authorizes the collection of court costs for the operation and maintenance of a
canine unit in the office of the sheriff, and to ratify and confirm any actions taken or payments
made pursuant to that amendment.
Corporate Limits Revised (City of Foley) (ACT #2017448) HB503 by Rep. McMillan would
alter, rearrange, and extend the boundary lines and corporate limits of the City of Foley in Baldwin
Alcohol Beverage Sales (Elmore County) (ACT #2017-271) HB508 by Rep. Ingram would
authorize the county commission outside of the corporate limits of any municipality and each
municipality within its corporate limits to provide by local ordinance for the sale of alcoholic
beverages on Sundays.
Civil Service Board (Franklin County) (AT #2017-329) HB511 by Rep. Morrow would amend
Section 45-30A-50.03 of the Code of Alabama 1975, to authorize the city council to set the
compensation of the civil service board.
Court Costs Distribution (Baldwin County) (ACT #2017-407) HB512 by Rep. McMillan would
amend Section 45-2-80.87 of the Code of Alabama 1975, relating to court costs collected to operate
the Baldwin County Law Library and Judicial Administration Fund; to further authorize the
collection of these court costs.
Revenue Commissioner (Baldwin County) (ACT #2017-330) HB513 by Rep. McMillan
providing for an additional expense allowance and salary for the Baldwin County Revenue
Board of Registrars (Baldwin County) (ACT #2017-408) HB514 by Rep. McMillan would amend
Section 45-2-110 of the Code of Alabama 1975, relating to the compensation of the members of
the board of registrars, to provide for a county salary supplement.
Sheriff Compensation (Baldwin County) (ACT #2017-419) HB515 by Rep. McMillan would
provide for an additional expense allowance and salary for the Baldwin County Sheriff.
Municipal Courts (Jefferson County) (ACT #2017-424) HB516 by Rep. Treadaway would
provide for a warrant recall fee to allow a municipal magistrate or municipal judge for the City of
Fultondale to recall, under certain conditions, a failure to appear warrant.
Board of Education (St. Clair County) (ACT #2017-306) HB517 by Rep. Hill amend Section 1 of
Act 84-452, 1984 Regular Session (Acts 1984, p. 1060), as amended by Act 2001-507, 2001
Regular Session (Acts 2001, p. 900), and Act 2001-958, 2001 Third Special Session (Acts 2001,
p. 826), relating to the St. Clair County Board of Education, to provide further for the boundaries
of the five districts from which the district members of the board are elected.
Corporate Jurisdiction (City of Moody) (ACT #2017-307) HB518 by Rep. Hill would alter,
rearrange, and extend the boundary lines and corporate limits of the City of Moody in St. Clair
Ad Valorem Tax (Macon County) (ACT #2017-331) HB521 by Rep. Warren provide for the
transfer of all duties, responsibilities, and liabilities of motor vehicle ad valorem tax assessment
and collection from the revenue commissioner to the judge of probate and to provide for the
transfer of all duties, responsibilities, and liabilities regarding real estate sales for failure to pay
taxes and subsequent redemptions from the judge of probate to the revenue commissioner.
Tobacco Tax (Randolph County) (ACT #2017-312) HB522 by Rep. Fincher would amend
Sections 3 and 6 of Act 2003-213 of the 2003 Regular Session (Acts 2003, p. 541), as last amended
by Act 2013-389 of the 2013 Regular Session (Acts 2013, p. 1501), providing an additional tax on
tobacco and tobacco products in the county; to further provide for the collection and distribution
of the tax.
Judges Expense Allowance Repeal (24
Judicial Circuit) (ACT #2017-449) HB523 by Rep.
South would repeal Section 45-29-80.01 of the Code of Alabama 1975, which provides an expense
allowance of $500 per month from the district attorney's fund to be paid to the presiding circuit
court judge; and to provide for a payment of $500 per month from the district attorney's fund to
the Judicial Administration Fund.
TVA Distribution Revision (Lauderdale County) (ACT #2017-420) HB525 by Rep. Greer would
amend Section 45-39-246, Code of Alabama 1975, relating to the distribution of the proceeds from
the in-lieu-of taxes payments made by T.V.A.; to provide that after the establishment of an
agriculture authority in the county, the county commission shall annually distribute one million
two hundred thousand dollars ($1,200,000) of the proceeds from the in-lieu-of taxes payments
to the authority.
Shoals Economic Development Fund (ACT #2017-361) HB526 by Rep. Morrow would amend
Section 45-17-91.23, Code of Alabama 1975, relating to the Shoals Economic Development Fund;
to provide that a portion of the Shoals Economic Development Fund may be used to build a
Workforce Training and Development Center.
Community Development Fund (Lauderdale County) (ACT #2017-370) HB527 by Rep. Morrow
would amend Section 45-39-90, Code of Alabama 1975, relating to the Lauderdale County
Community Development Fund; to provide that the proceeds in the Community Development
Fund, after the establishment of an agriculture authority in the county, shall be distributed so that
two-thirds of the proceeds go to the commission and one-third of the proceeds go to the authority.
Mobile Commission Authorization (ACT #2017-385) HB528 by Rep. Wilcox would prohibit the
Mobile County Health Department from regulating any intermittent food service establishment
that prepares food in association with a regional celebration or tradition if the food service
establishment does not prepare, sell, or distribute food on a regular basis or in its regular line of
Alcohol Beverage Sales (City of Florence) (ACT #2017-425) HB529 by Rep. Morrow would
authorize the sale of alcohol for off-premises consumption on Sundays in the City of Florence;
and to authorize the governing body of the City of Florence to regulate and permit the sale of
alcohol on Sundays for off-premises consumption by properly licensed retail licensees.
Sales Tax Levy (Geneva County) (ACT #2017-273) HB531 by Rep. Chesteen would authorize the
county commission to impose a use tax in addition to the sales tax and to allow the proceeds from
the sales and use taxes to also be used for operation of the jail.
Motor Fuel Tax (Lauderdale County) (ACT #2017-371) HB534 by Rep. Greer would amend
Section 45-39-92.53, Code of Alabama 1975, relating to the excise taxes on gasoline and motor
fuel for the funding of the Shoals Economic Development Authority; to provide that when the
original securities for the Shoals Economic Development Project have been paid in full, the
proceeds from the excise taxes shall be paid to the agriculture authority established in Lauderdale
County for use as a pledge for a loan approved by the authority.
Sheriff Qualifications (Tallapoosa County) (ACT #2017-426) HB536 by Rep. Tuggle would
provide certain additional qualifications for persons serving as sheriff; and to provide for
continuing education for a sheriff.
Board of Education (Pike County) (ACT #2017-308) HB538 by Rep. Boothe would authorize
the board of education to insure school buildings and property through the State Insurance Fund
or a private insurance company.
Alcohol Beverage Sales (City of Troy) (ACT #2017-309) HB542 by Rep. Boothe would authorize
the City Council of the City of Troy to provide by local ordinance for the sale of alcoholic beverages
for on-premises and off-premises consumption on Sundays by properly licensed retail licensees
serving the general public; and to provide a referendum.
Board of Education (Phenix City) (ACT #2017-450) HB555 by Rep. Bandy would authorize a
referendum in Phenix City regarding the election of the Phenix City Board of Education; to
provide for the election and operation of the board of education upon approval of the referendum;
to provide for the election of the members of the board in the same manner and from the same
districts or from the city at-large as the members of the city governing body; to provide for the
terms of office, qualifications, and compensation of the members; to prescribe procedures for
electing the members and for filling vacancies on the board; to provide certain transitional
provisions; and to repeal conflicting acts, specifically Act 929, 1971 Regular Session (Acts 1971, p.
Council Manager Government (Class 5 Municipalities) (ACT #2017-451) HB556 by Rep. Bandy
would further provide for the operation of the council-manager form of government in any Class
5 municipality organized under the provisions of Act 71, 1977 Regular Session (Acts 1977, p. 78),
as amended. The bill, among other things, provides for an assistant city manager and a city
planner and allows employment contracts only with the city manager and not department heads.
Alcohol Beverage Sales (Littleville) (ACT #2017-427) HB559 by Rep. Morrow would authorize
the governing body of Littleville to regulate and permit the sale of alcoholic beverages during
certain hours on Sunday by properly licensed retail licensees serving the general public in the city.
Alcohol Beverage Sales (Tuscumbia) (ACT #2017-428) HB560 by Rep. Black would authorize
the governing body of Tuscumbia to regulate and permit the sale of alcoholic beverages during
certain hours on Sunday by properly licensed retail licensees serving the general public in the city.
Alcohol Beverage Sales (Sheffield) (ACT #2017-429) HB561 by Rep. Black would authorize the
governing body of Sheffield to regulate and permit for the sale of alcoholic beverages during
certain hours on Sunday by properly licensed retail licensees serving the general public in the city.
Alcohol Beverage Sales (Muscle Shoals) HB562 by Rep. Black authorize the governing body of
Muscle Shoals to regulate and permit the sale of alcoholic beverages during certain hours on
Sunday by properly licensed retail licensees serving the general public in the city.
Revenue Commissioner (Colbert County) (ACT #2017-430) HB563 by Rep. Black would provide
further for the expense allowance and compensation of the Colbert County Revenue
Commissioner; and to provide that this act is remedial and retroactive to October 1, 1997.
Office of Constable (Tallapoosa County) (ACT #2017-453) HB569 by Rep. Warren would abolish
the office of constable.
Sales & Use Tax (Pike County) (ACT #2017-332) HB572 by Rep. Boothe would authorize the
county commission to levy an additional sales and use tax; providing for the collection,
distribution, and use of the proceeds of the tax; and prescribing penalties and fixing punishment
for violation of this act.
Court Costs (Pike County) (ACT #2017-333) HB573 by Rep. Boothe would provide for the
assessment of additional court costs in certain civil, criminal, or quasi-criminal proceedings in
municipal, district, and circuit courts of Pike County; to provide that the costs, upon collection,
shall be distributed to a special fund, designated as the "Jail Fund," in the county treasury to be
expended by the county for maintaining, repairing, and operating the county jail or jail complex.
Coroner Salary (Winston County) (ACT #2017-454) HB581 by Rep. Wadsworth would provide
for an increase in the salary of the coroner; and to provide for a referendum.
Development Authority (Brewton) (ACT #2017-455) HB585 by Rep. Baker would further
provide for the operation of the authority and to delete certain provisions limiting operations to
the central business district and industrial park.
Sales & Use Tax (Lamar County) (ACT #2017-339) HB592 by Rep. South would propose a local
constitutional amendment relating to Lamar County to authorize the Lamar County Commission
to levy an additional sales and use tax in the amount of up to one percent of sales and to provide
for distribution of the proceeds to the Lamar County General Fund.
Unclaimed Property (Walker County) (ACT #2017-456) HB593 by Rep. Rowe would authorize
the sheriff to sell certain abandoned, stolen, confiscated, lost, and unclaimed property at public
auction; authorizing the sheriff to sell or destroy certain abandoned, stolen, or unclaimed
firearms; and providing for the auction and for the disposition of proceeds.
Rental Tax (Montgomery County) (ACT #2017-465) HB594 by Rep. Knight would authorize the
Montgomery County Commission to levy and collect a rental tax against the lessees or renters of
tangible personal property; to make legislative findings; to establish maximum rates of the rental
tax; to provide that the rental tax is a direct tax on the lessee or renter though required to be
collected by the lessor or vendor; to provide that the rental tax is not a gross receipts tax in the
nature of a sales tax; to provide for exemptions from the tax; to provide for the collection,
administration, and enforcement of the rental tax; to provide that the rental tax constitutes a debt
due Montgomery County and may be collected in a civil suit, in addition to all other methods
provided by law and in this act; to provide that the rental tax, together with any interest and
penalties with respect thereto, shall constitute and be secured by a lien on the property of any
person from whom the tax is due or who is required to collect the tax; to provide that state law
that applies to the enforcement of liens for privilege, license, or excise taxes due to the state shall
apply to the collection of the rental tax; to provide for the administration and collection of the
rental tax at the same time and in the manner as the state rental tax is collected; to provide for the
collection and enforcement of the rental tax by the county or a third party; to provide that the
state rental tax statutes and related rules, and any other statutes that apply to or affect the
administration and collection of the state rental tax, shall apply to the rental tax to the extent they
are not inconsistent with the act; to require the rental tax to be added to the rental price and
collected from the lessee or renter; to provide for the effective date for any levy of the rental tax;
to provide that the Montgomery County Commission may issue bonds, warrants, or other forms
of indebtedness and enter into funding agreements or other obligations with other governmental
entities and public corporations and may secure its obligations thereunder with a pledge of the
rental tax proceeds; to provide that any pledge of the rental tax proceeds for the payment of bonds,
warrants, funding agreements, or other evidences of indebtedness or obligations issued or entered
into by the Montgomery County Commission constitutes part of the contract with the holders of
the obligations secured thereby and the contract shall be protected from impairment to the fullest
extent provided in the federal Constitution and the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended;
to provide that any debt obligations of Montgomery County payable from or secured by the rental
tax proceeds shall be issued under the general laws of the state available for such purposes; to
provide that, to the extent any provision of Act 89 adopted during the 1975 Fourth Special Session
of the Alabama Legislature is inconsistent with any provision of this act, such conflicting provision
is superseded and repealed, but only to the extent of the conflict, and that Act 89 of the 1975
Fourth Special Session shall otherwise remain in full force and effect; to provide that public
officials and their family members shall not obtain personal gain from rental tax proceeds; to
provide that the provisions of this act are severable; to provide for an effective date of the act.
Privately-owned Wastewater Systems (Marshall County) (ACT #2017-457) HB595 by Rep.
Ainsworth would require that certain privately-owned wastewater systems in the county be
subject to oversight by the Alabama Public Service Commission.
County Commission Terms of Office (Butler County) (ACT #2017-410) HB597 by Rep. Sells
would amend Section 1 of Act 2003-467 of the 2003 Regular Session (Acts 2003, p. 1464), now
appearing as subsection (a) of Section 45-7-70, Code of Alabama 1975, relating to the county
commission; to provide staggered terms for members of the commission.
Court Costs (Cherokee County) (ACT #2017-458) HB599 by Rep. Lindsey would amend Section
45-10-81 of the Code of Alabama 1975, authorizing the county commission to establish and
maintain a public law library in the county; to increase the law library fee and further provide for
operation of the county law library.
Shoals Economic Development Fund (ACT #2017-411) HB601 by Rep. Morrow would amend
Section 45-17-91.23, Code of Alabama 1975, relating to the Shoals Economic Development Fund;
to provide that a portion of the Shoals Economic Development Fund may be for workforce training
and economic development programs at the University of North Alabama.