By Nathan King
Pathfinder Society Scenario #8–11: Forged in
Flame, Part 2: Cleansed with Fire is a Pathfinder
Society Scenario designed for 5th- through
9th-level characters (Tier 5–9; Subtiers 5–6
and 8–9). This scenario is designed for play
in the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild
campaign, but can easily be adapted for use
with any world. For more information on the
Roleplaying Guild, how to read the attached
Chronicle sheets, and how to find games in your
area, check out the campaign’s home page at
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Pathfinder Society Scenario #8–11: Forged in Flame, Part 2: Cleansed with Fire © 2017, Paizo Inc. All Rights
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Forged in Flame, Part 2: Cleansed with Fire makes use of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook, Pathfinder
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relevant rules from the bestiaries are reproduced in an appendix at the back of the scenario for the
GM’s convenience.
Table of Contents
Cleansed with Fire . . . . . . . . . 3
Player Handouts
. . . . . . . . . . 21
Appendix: Stat Blocks
. . . . . . 23
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Chronicle Sheet
. . . . . . . . . 28
The PCs begin their adventure in the Galley Quarter
of the City of Brass, where they meet their contact, the
efreeti Qalkami Mishalq. Qalkami requests the PCs raid
the manor of a rival efreet family, the Cinderfurys, thus
allowing her to secure the favor of the new grand sultana
of the City of Brass. In order to begin the raid, the PCs
must disable the estate’s o-site security based in the
Common Quarter.
At the security complex, the PCs encounter a detail of
enslaved azers. From documents strewn across the floor,
the PCs can ascertain that a secretive group of free azers
named the Eye of the Red Worm has been in contact with
the enslaved azers and is trying to liberate them. If the PCs
can convince the azers to help, the attack on the Cinderfury
manor is easier.
Aer neutralizing the security, the PCs enter the efreeti
home, Emberhearth, in the Noble Quarter. They deal with
any resistance, while completing several critical objectives:
plant evidence of corruption provided by Qalkami, acquire
key security contracts, and loot relics in order to bring the
Cinderfury family to complete social ruin. During their
raid, the Pathfinders can discover an ancient contract that
could have lasting repercussions depending on how the PCs
handle it. To complete their mission, the PCs neutralize the
head of the Cinderfury family, Xojject. Aerward, the PCs
meet Qalkami outside the estate just as nobles, politicians,
and other authorities arrive to witness the noble house’s
demise—a convenient tragedy that Qalkami uses to realize
her own rise to power.
ive centuries ago, the shaitan sultan of the Peerless
Empire perished at the hands of an efreeti, and
although his daughter Sultana Ashadieeyah bint
Khalid took the throne in peace, she’s never forgiven the
City of Brass for this crime against the empire. To retaliate,
she ordered her smiths to forge a weapon that could strike
with the full force of the Plane of Earth, and a celebrated
shaitan general carried it into battle at the head of a mighty
army. Three efreeti noble houses rose to the defense of
the City of Brass, misleading, provoking, and whittling
down the army in a series of catastrophes they pinned on
the general’s foolishness rather than efreeti retaliation.
Ultimately, the general perished, and azer scavengers
recovered his war pick of solid diamond for their efreeti
masters. When the Peerless Empire sent an immense stone
juggernaut to punish the efreet, the three houses added
insult to injury by pinning the monstrosity in place using
the stolen weapon.
These three noble houses have not fared well in the past
century—especially the Mishalq family. Its scion Qalkami
Mishalq entered self-imposed exile to deflect retaliation
from the house’s stronger rivals, and until only a week ago,
she had lived in the trade city of Zjarra. With the recent
passing of Sultan Suleiman XXIII, his daughter Grand
Sultana Ayasellah Mihelar Khalidlah II quickly assumed
control of the City of Brass. As usual, the succession has
resulted in social turmoil as the boundaries of city districts
change, power brokers fall out of favor, and ambitious
social climbers ascend in rank. One of Qalkami’s rivals has
suered without the old sultans support and is verging on
collapse, and she smells an opportunity to deliver the coup
de grace and fill the power vacuum.
It is all the more fortuitous that she has the support
of the Pathfinder Society, which desperately needs her
expertise in breaking open a potent artifact known as the
Untouchable Opal. Qalkami has redeemed a handful of the
favors the Society owes, and she has just one more task
that requires the Pathfinders’ involvement: heralding her
return to the City of Brass atop the toppled remains of one
of her oldest rivals.
By Nathan King
Cleansed with Fire takes place entirely in the City of Brass,
the legendary trade-capital of the Plane of Fire. For more
information on the elemental Plane of Fire or the City of
Brass, see Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Planes of Power,
available in bookstores and game stores everywhere and
online at
Where on Golarion?
Qalkami Mishalq
Before beginning the adventure, check with each player
to see if they’ve played #8–09: Forged in Flame, Part 1: The
Cindersworn Pact with this character. Note how many have
earned the Qalkami’s Disdain boon, which imposes a penalty
later in the adventure (see the Applying Strikes sidebar on
page 16). Also distribute Player Handout #1 to the players
(a letter from Venture-Captain Esmayl ibn Qaradi, who
helps summarize the purpose of the adventure) and Player
Handout #2 to members of the Liberty’s Edge faction.
The adventure begins shortly aer the PCs arrive in the
Galley Quarter of the City of Brass aboard a cargo ship from
the nearby trade city of Zjarra. Upon disembarking, the PCs
meet an approximately octopus-shaped Large fire elemental
that signals to them, introduces itself as Zohz in broken
Common, and oers to lead them to Qalkami Mishalq. Zohz
is true to its word, and it cheerfully serves as an inarticulate
tour guide along the way, regularly pointing out important
sites and observing whether or not they’re flammable.
Qalkami has reserved a private dining area in a tavern
and incense bar known as the Chromatic Dragon, a brass
building with scaly, red-lacquered doors. The interior is
thick with fragrant smoke that was among the tables, chairs,
lavish couches, and booths that surround a well-furnished
fire drake enclosure. Zohz lazily salutes the proprietor
before ambling to a back room, where Qalkami reclines
on a divan beneath a picture of a red
dragon triumphantly roaring atop
the bodies of its black, blue, green,
and white kin. She tosses a satchel
of pungent herbs to Zohz, who
immediately coils around it and
rolls back to the common area to
enjoy his now-smoldering payment.
“Ah, outlanders, over here. Sit.”
Qalkami Mishalq motions to a
crimson couch made of reddish
leather. “Welcome to the City of
Brass, or as we efreet like to call
it, Fommok Madinah. You may
find this a less welcoming place
than Zjarra, but I prefer to think
it keeps out the riffraff. Now, we
have the deal, the Society and
I, to exchange services, and you
owe me only one more.
Centuries ago, three efreeti
houses thwarted one of the
largest shaitan invasions ever to
attack the City of Brass. My family played
an instrumental role. As time went on, however, betrayal, crime,
and greed riddled our family’s affairs. Instead of helping us, the
other two houses threw us to the flames, seized our assets, and
dug up evidence to condemn us. Now one of these houses, the
Cinderfurys, is teetering at the edge of oblivion, having tied its
prestige too closely to the late grand sultan.” Qalkami swirls a
glass flute of golden liquid, chuckles to herself, and takes a sip.
“It would be politically damaging were I seen sabotaging
my old enemy. Thankfully, I have a friend in the Society,” she
remarks, eying each of her guests in turn, “which can reveal
the Cinderfurys for the treacherous worms they are. All that’s
necessary is ensuring that the right people find the right
evidence in the right places at the right time. Your job involves
getting that evidence to the right places. While you’re doing
that, I’ll gather the right people at the right time to witness your
handiwork. Simple enough.
“There are a few details and addenda, of course. First, the
estate in question is Emberhearth, which keeps most of its
security on-call and off-site. Unless you relish drowning in armed
guards the moment you make a mistake, you’ll need to neutralize
The Plane of Fire has the fire-dominant trait, which deals
3d10 fire damage to visitors every round. This reduces most
creatures to ash within heartbeats, but there are several
sanctuaries against this all-consuming fire. Many transports
between settlements have heat-resistant areas for flammable
cargo and extraplanar passengers. The Galley Quarter in the
City of Brass (where the PCs disembark and
meet with Qalkami) is built to be merely
unpleasantly warm, not lethal.
The efreeti provides the PCs each a
talisman that shields them from the
worst of the plane’s heat and serves
as a passport in the city, allowing the
PCs to travel with some freedom. Each
talisman is a magic item that does not occupy
a slot and radiates moderate abjuration
magic (CL 8th). If someone loses a talisman
or has its magic suppressed, the
protection fades gradually.
On the first round, the
creature takes 1d10 fire
damage, on the second
round 2d10, and the full
3d10 fire damage each
round thereafter. Note
that the talismans
do not provide any
protection against
fire damage beyond
that of the plane’s fire-
dominant trait.
Beating the Heat
Guaril Karela
them first. Second, the Cinderfurys maintain a pristine set of local
records, and I would like you to secure any local security contracts
you find in their library. Third, they keep an heirloom known as
the Cinderfury gorget, which you should bring to me. Finally, I
have plans for the estate; do keep the destruction to a minimum.
“Once we begin this operation, you’ll have perhaps four hours
to complete everything—perhaps less if you dally or make too
much noise. It should be more than enough time to infiltrate and
escape Emberhearth. If you take any longer than that, I cannot
guarantee your safety.”
Qalkami passes out a set of incandescent-
orange, palm-sized disks, explaining that
these talismans serve as visas for non-
natives entering the Inner Ward and
protect the wearer against the regions
ambient heat. She also stresses that the
tokens are quite expensive, so losing them
would be very unfortunate.
The efreeti supplies the PCs a metal case
containing of six pieces of incriminating evidence
against the Cinderfurys: two tentative contracts
(one forged and the other legitimate)
between the Cinderfurys and noble
shaitans of the Peerless Empire; two
secret communications discussing
the ruling sultana, including multiple
plots to have her assassinated; and
two slanderous documents about
other noble families in the Noble
District. She further instructs the PCs
on how to reach the security complex
and Emberhearth.
The efreeti entertains any questions the PCs have, though
she tends to be dismissive about any that aren’t integral to
the Pathfinders’ success.
A raid? Planting evidence? We’re framing them! A flash
of anger overtakes Qalkami’s expression but only for a
moment, “I can imagine how you could see it that way, and
in a sense, we are. However, few authorities can touch ruling
nobles because of the latters’ virtual immunity granted
by the sultana. If we are able to reveal the Cinderfurys’
corruption for all to see, they’ll lose that immunity, and
you’ll look like heroes.
Why do you want the security contracts? “The Cinderfurys
are poised to collapse sooner or later. If they do so without
someone securing the contracts, those deals would vanish,
leaving countless mercenaries and vagabonds unemployed
and within reach of innocent civilians. I know your stories
and how they cast my kind as villains, but we would not
sacrifice society’s wellbeing; we’re not monsters.
Why do you want the gorget? “It’s a unique token
of military merit and rank earned by the Cinderfurys’
ancient ancestors and disgraced by their descendants. I
intend to see it returned to the sultana, not stolen by some
enterprising vulture.
Diplomacy (gather information) or
Knowledge (local)
Based on the result of a Diplomacy check to gather
information or Knowledge (local) check, the PCs might
know some information about the City of Brass’s denizens,
and culture. They learn all of the information whose
DC is equal to or less than the result of their check.
15+: Non-efreeti citizens of the City of Brass
are permitted the most privileges, second
only to those of the efreet. Creatures that are
not immune to fire receive only grudging
tolerance and limited access to the city.
20+: Although the azers are far more
populous on the Plane of Fire, the efreet
are better known because of their oppressive
empire and their enslavement of many of the
plane’s inhabitants, including azers, elementals,
magmins, and mephits. Efreeti nobles
maintain opulent lifestyles, but as
individuals fall out of favor, their
wealth quickly evaporates. This
is true of the Cinderfury family,
which has recently sold two of its
three large manors to pay o debts.
25+: Without a special permit,
outlanders are not permitted in the
Inner Ward of the City of Brass. Those
caught violating this rule are oen
stripped of their possessions and sold
into slavery.
30+: It’s rumored that there is a secretive cult of free azers
named the Eye of the Red Worm, located somewhere in the
Common Quarter, that worships a great fire worm said to
possess ancient teleportation magic.
Knowledge (planes)
Based on the result of a Knowledge (planes) check, the PCs
might know more about the City of Brass and the Plane of
Fire. They learn all of the information whose DC is equal to
or less than the result of their check.
10+: The Plane of Fire is extraordinarily hot, and those
who lack powerful defenses against fire quickly perish.
Certain parts of the City of Brass are merely uncomfortably
warm, and peddlers in the city sell protective tokens at
gouging prices.
15+: The City of Brass is a legendary trade metropolis that
sits in a magically tempered brass basin in the roiling seas
of fire in the Plane of Fire.
20+: Many of the buildings in the City of Brass are made
of a material called living brass. Living brass is made from
the souls of mortals who’ve had their wishes twisted by the
efreet, and it is used in buildings throughout the city.
Faction Notes: If any of the PCs are members of the
Exchange faction, Guaril Karela waves them over as they depart
the Chromatic Dragon. The plane’s heat has not been kind to
him, and he sweats profusely while directing dockworkers who
move crates stamped with the Exchange’s symbol.
“This damned heat! Even with magical protection, I’m sweating
like a Taldan noble after half a days honest work! I normally
wouldn’t be on the front lines like this, but the opportunity’s too
good to let amateurs screw it up.” He smiles and adds, “Hence
your presence here, and mine. What has the heir to the Mishalq
fortunes demanded this time?”
Guaril hopes to learn what the PCs’ mission is so that he can
help the Exchange profit at the same time. He takes special
note of the Cinderfurys’ extensive records collection as well
as any talk of Qalkami’s political ambitions, encouraging the
PCs to pursue additional tasks based on what they share.
For record collections, read or paraphrase the following.
Were already running into issues here because we’re virtual
unknowns. It seems that if you’re not made of fire, you have to
pay a dozen not-made-of-fire taxes they just make up to vex you.
As you can imagine, we need capital to drive our operations here,
and I wouldnt mind if we used some of the nobles’ own wealth
to pay their ludicrous fees. What’s more, it would be nice to meet
some more reliable contractors than the ones I’ve found so far.
Were someone to acquire trade agreements, letters of credit,
contracts, and the like, we could cut a lot of overhead.” Guaril
leans in. “Honestly, I find myself in short supply of assistants who
don’t ignite at inconvenient times, which around here would be
‘always.’ I could settle for a few good leads there.”
For Qalkami’s ambitions, read or paraphrase the following.
“Yes, this city seems quite the exclusive club; if you were born an
efreeti, you win, but if you are anyone else, you suffer. It’s quite
the cruel condemnation of honest businesspeople like us, yes?
What we need is a local liaison who can open those doors for us
while letting us go about our business. Ideally this would be an
efreeti, but maybe a less privileged creature would suffice. Shop
around, and if you find someone suitably connected, cooperative,
and capable, make a pitch.”
Several encounters later in this adventure indicate likely
ways for the PCs to fulfill these goals, but there’s room for
Exchange faction PCs to improvise and still reap some
success. Qalkami is an excellent choice to serve as a liaison,
but she’s uninterested in entertaining new deals until the
PCs have concluded their current deal with her.
Nestled between two towering spires of bricked brass and
filigreed marble in the Common Quarter, the Cinderfury
security complex is a squat building that pales in comparison
to the other lavish buildings nearby. Only the fiery mosaics
etched into the façade of the building distinguish this
structure amid the City of Brass’s splendor. The Cinderfury
family considers it uncouth to keep more than a handful
of guards at each of their estates, but they value having
deadly force on call if needed. The security complex serves
as a nearby barracks for these armed retainers. However,
only a fraction of the once well-funded security personnel
maintain this complex.
As the PCs approach the complex, they can hear mued
shouts in Ignan from inside with a successful DC 18 Perception
check. A PC who exceeds the DC by 5 or more overhears
some of the details: a deep-voiced creature is reprimanding
subordinates who were planning to run away, threatening them
with painful punishments. The southwest door is unlocked.
This luxuriously appointed lobby contains numerous high-backed
chairs and rugs of woven copper. Scraps of thin metallic plates,
rolled up like scrolls, surround a small hole in the south wall.
Creatures: The Cinderfurys have stationed a security team
here to receive any potential visitors and verify the purpose
of their visit. With limited funds, the efreet have commanded
The City of Brass is not a forgiving metropolis, and those
who cross the wrong enemies or wander into the wrong
areas can quickly lose their liberty or their lives. Extraplanar
creatures have very few rights, whereas efreet have
many. Fortunately, so long as the PCs keep their talismans
prominently displayed, they have implicit permission to
travel through most of the city. The DCs of Charisma-based
skill checks listed in this scenario apply to most PCs—all
those clearly not from the Plane of Fire. Ifrits (Pathfinder
RPG Bestiary 2 160)—and perhaps some characters with
fire-based bloodlines, domains, mysteries, and the like—
gain a +2 bonus on all such checks, as residents view
these characters more favorably.
What’s more, they are under regular surveillance once
they depart the Galley Quarter. More often than not,
this is by means of a crystal ball operated by the efreeti
Sarath Iqdaudja (NE female noble efreeti wizard 4),
an influential servant of the sultana. Sarath makes her
intentions clearer at the end of the adventure. For most
of this scenario, her scrying is merely another means of
showing the City of Brass is dangerous.
An Unfriendly City
A. Security Complex
: Salamander
: Azer
1 square = 5 feet Pathnder Map Pack: Palace
: Scattered Scrolls
their enslaved azers to be the security labor force for their
estate. In the hopes of stifling any potential rebellion from the
azers, the estate has commissioned the help of a salamander
sergeant named Hsalkar (in Subtier 8–9, she is accompanied
by a male salamander named Ilfin Ahn). Neither the azers
nor the salamander are content with the efreet ruling them;
however the azers begrudge the salamander for her rights and
wages, meager though they may be.
As the PCs enter the compound, the salamander sergeant
is harshly reprimanding azers aer discovering evidence the
azers planned to shirk their duties and escape. This evidence
is strewn across the floor on several scraps of metallic paper.
The azers assume the PCs are Cinderfury hirelings sent to
crush their secret dissent. However, Hsalkar knows the PCs
aren’t, as she hasn’t had the opportunity to reveal this rebellion
to the nobles just yet and isn’t aware of recent appointments
by the family. On the other hand, she seizes this opportunity
to cow the azers even further. She motions to the PCs and
announces in Ignan that the Cinderfurys have sent soldiers
to see the azer rebellion punished. She then orders the PCs to
punish the azers for plotting to abandon their masters.
Hsalkar becomes angry if the PCs don’t obey quickly,
though a quick-witted PC can potentially avert conflict by
trying to deceive Hsalkar about their identities, purpose, and
ties to the Cinderfurys. The salamander is quite confident
that she would have received advance notice if the family
had hired more guards, yet she knows the Cinderfurys have
acted more erratically the worse their finances become. With
a successful DC 28 Blu check (DC 30 in Subtier 8–9), a PC
can convince Hsalkar that they’re legitimate hirelings with
some authority; this DC decreases by 10 if the PCs violently
subdue the azers first. Alternatively, a PC can attempt a DC
28 Diplomacy check (DC 30 in Subtier 8–9) to convince
everyone to stand down long enough to talk.
The salamander’s loyalty to the Cinderfurys only extends
as far as their finances, and once the PCs have calmed her,
they can convince her to leave in several ways. She’s willing to
depart in exchange for a bribe of 1,000 gp (2,000 gp in Subtier
8–9 to bribe both salamanders) or the bounty from the
Outstanding Bounty boon (Pathfinder Society Scenario #6–17:
Fire of Karamoss), which requires crossing it o that character’s
Chronicle sheet. A PC can instead trick her into thinking she’s
been reassigned, terminated, or otherwise has an important
reason to depart and not return for several hours with a
successful DC 33 Blu check (DC 35 in Subtier 8–9).
If the PCs cannot convince the salamander to leave,
she attacks. The azers default to fighting alongside the
salamander, hoping to avoid any punishment that might
result otherwise. If the azers have strong reason to believe
the PCs intend to save them, they avoid combat altogether.
Subtier 5–6 (CR 8)
Azer fighter 3 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 39)
LN Medium outsider (extraplanar, fire)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7
AC 19, touch 12, flat-footed 17 (+5 armor, +2 Dex, +2 natural)
hp 56 (5d10+28)
Fort +10, Ref +3, Will +6 (+1 vs. fear)
Immune fire; SR 13
Weaknesses vulnerability to cold
Speed 30 ft.
Melee mwk warhammer +10 (1d8+4/×3 plus 1d6 fire)
Ranged light hammer +7 (1d4+3 plus 1d6 fire)
Special Attacks heat (1d6 fire)
During Combat The azer heeds the salamander’s commands,
typically using Power Attack and flanking with allies to take
down foes.
Morale The azer fights until the salamander is defeated or until
the azer has only one-quarter its hit points remaining (14 for
an azer mercenary), at which point the azer surrenders and
pleads for mercy for his disobedience.
Str 17, Dex 14, Con 19, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 7
Base Atk +5; CMB +8; CMD 20
Feats Furious Focus
, Power Attack, Step Up, Toughness,
Weapon Focus (warhammer)
Skills Acrobatics +2, Appraise +6, Climb +7, Craft (blacksmithing)
+4, Craft (weapons) +4, Intimidate +3, Knowledge
(engineering) +5, Knowledge (nobility) +7, Knowledge
(planes) +5, Perception +7, Profession (soldier) +6, Sense
Motive +6, Survival +6
Languages Common, Ignan
SQ armor training 1
Gear mwk scale mail, light hammer, mwk warhammer
AZERS (2) CR 2
hp 15 each (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 39, see page 23)
Use the same tactics as the Azer Mercenary.
hp 76 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 240, see page 25)
Before Combat The sergeant commands the PCs to attack the azers.
If they don’t, she commands the azers to attack the intruding PCs.
During Combat The sergeant fights fiercely, using Power Attack
and Cleave liberally.
Morale The salamander fights to the death, hoping to fend off
any unwanted guests for as long as possible.
Subtier 8–9 (CR 11)
hp 56 each (see Subtier 5–6)
CE advanced salamander (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 294, 240, see
page 25)
hp 92 each
Use the tactics from Subtier 5–6
Treasure: Lying on one of the tables is a lens of detection
the salamander uses to help detect thieves and locate any
weapons on visitors. There is also a bin of confiscated items
that Hsalkar has not yet processed. In Subtier 5–6, this is a
gray bag of tricks, and in Subtier 8–9, it is balm of impish grace
Development: Depending on whether the PCs defeated the
salamander or convinced her to leave, the azers either appeal
for mercy or approach the PCs curiously, uncertain of what to
make of them. Their attitude begins as indierent, and they’re
hesitant to discuss what got them in trouble in the first place:
they have been secretly exchanging messages with a group of
free azers for about 10 days, and the latter had been trying to
convince them to escape the city. Hsalkar found their notes,
which are now scattered across the floor. The texts corroborate
the azers’ story, detailing times of secret gatherings with a
group called the Eye of the Red Worm. These azers know that
the group consists of free azers somewhere in the Common
Quarter who provide unsanctioned transportation into and
out of the City of Brass.
The azers here have all served in Emberhearth, but
they’re hesitant to stick out their own necks further to help
the PCs—especially if that involves attacking Emberhearth.
A PC who succeeds at a DC 20 Diplomacy check can cajole
the azers to help before they seek out their Eye of the Red
Worm contacts to escape; otherwise, they convey the basic
layout of Emberhearth and then leave. The azers can help
Make the following adjustments to accommodate a group
of four PCs.
Subtier 5–6: As the Cinderfurys stretch their limited
azer resources thin, they have overworked those that
remain. The azers all have the fatigued condition.
Subtier 8–9: Budget cuts have resulted in a smaller
team to protect the estate. Remove one advanced
salamander from the encounter.
Scaling Encounter A
in one of three ways, lacking the resources, time, and stealth
to safely accomplish more. They can gather the other azers
at the estate and convince them to leave, collect as many
treasures as they can for the PCs, or gather important
documents for the PCs. Each choice has an impact later in
the adventure, and the azers agree to meet elsewhere in the
city aer the adventure to hand o what they find. Barring
magical compulsion, the azers are unwilling to escort the
PCs to the manor or fight alongside them.
Once the azers are sure that the PCs intend to infiltrate
the manor, they mention that among the Cinderfurys’
greatest treasures is Flamebinder’s Jaw, the jawbone of
the first enslaved azer to ever defy the family. Supposedly
this folk hero had learned some damning secret about the
efreet, so in order to both make an example and preserve
this secret, the family killed the azer and made a trophy out
of his jaw. The azers wonder if recovering the jaw might
allow them to commune with the dead ancestor, learn the
secret, and wield it against other efreet.
Faction Notes: Members of the Liberty’s Edge faction should
be interested in helping the azers escape, and recovering
Flamebinder’s Jaw could have powerful ramifications in
supporting ongoing azer resistance against efreeti rule.
As a group, the Eye of the Red Worm is more interested in
serving the massive eponymous beast deep below the City of
Brass than they are in transporting extraplanar smugglers,
but by helping the azers, members of the Exchange faction
can arrange a meeting with Anwar Alim (LN male azer fighter
6/rogue 1), one of the groups representatives at the end of
the adventure. Anwar is willing to smuggle the occasional
Exchange shipment for a high price, but his fee is lower than
what the faction might otherwise pay in taris. Making this
deal does not require a skill check, merely the initiative to
recognize and seize an opportunity.
Rewards: If the PCs fail to defeat the security detail or
otherwise neutralize the guards, reduce each PC’s gold
earned as follows
Subtier 5–6: Reduce each PC’s gold earned by 660 gp.
Out of Subtier: Reduce each PC’s gold earned by 873 gp.
Subtier 8–9: Reduce each PC’s gold earned by 1,087 gp.
As one of the oldest of many noble efreeti families in the
City of Brass, the Cinderfurys have survived innumerable
rulers’ reigns. However, over the past century, the family
developed especially strong ties to the late sultan,
which drained much of the family’s wealth to keep up
appearances. What’s more, the sultan’s successor Grand
Sultana Ayasellah Mihelar Khalidlah II has honored few of
her predecessor’s deals with the Cinderfurys, ruining the
family’s political and social capital.
Emberhearth is the last remaining estate of the Cinderfury
family: elegant, grand, and opulent. Made entirely of living
brass, it rises to a height of 60 feet and is proportioned
almost entirely for the massive genies. Its walls are 1 foot
thick (hardness 15, 240 hp, Climb DC 25). Unless otherwise
noted, small braziers that hang from the 25-foot-high
ceilings illuminate each room. Each room has one or more
5-foot-wide windows placed evenly around the building,
with maroon curtains currently drawn for privacy.
Planting Evidence: Qalkami expects the PCs to plant
evidence in Emberhearth, ideally in places and in a way that
both seem natural. Areas B3, B7, B9, B12, and B14 all sound
places to hide evidence. As long as a player can provide a
compelling reason why a certain piece of evidence might fit
somewhere, potentially any room might suce. Use your
best judgment.
Strikes: The PCs can enter the building from a variety
of directions, favoring either a kick-in-the-door approach
or more subtle tactics. Certain actions, conditions, and
events can accrue strikes, a simple method for tracking
how aware the rest of the household is of the PCs’
intrusion and what actions they’ve taken as a result. Each
time the PCs engage in combat, they earn one strike—
though especially quick or stealthy fights might not
qualify. If the PCs favor especially loud tactics like using
firearms or casting sound burst, give them two strikes
instead. If the PCs use brute strength to bash down a door
or other fixture, they earn a strike the first time they do so.
The eects of strikes influence the encounter in area B14
and appear in the sidebar on page 16.
Traps: The Cinderfurys value their privacy and have
warded the doors to areas B4 and B7 with sheets of frostfire, a
shimmering plane of cold air that flares to life when someone
attempts to pass through those doors. Each warded door has
a keyhole that can disable that door’s trap, and both efreet in
areas B2 and B14 have such a key. The listed DC to disable the
trap is to suppress the magical trap itself; a PC can instead
pick the lock (Disable Device DC 30) to disable that trap.
All Subtiers
Type magic; Perception DC 10; Disable Device 25
Trigger location (pass through door); Reset automatic (1 minute)
Effect vertical field of blue flames (2d6+15 cold damage and the
target is bull rushed back [CMB +15]); multiple targets (all
creatures passing through the door)
B1. The Grand Walkway
Brass bricks make up the entirety of this almost ostentatious
edifice. Fiery motifs, gem inlays, and vines made entirely of
flame snake their way across the building’s facade. Ornate, brass
railings corral visitors toward a pair of massive bronze doors.
B. Emberhearth
1 square = 5 feet
B12 B12
B8 B5
The Grand Walkway is the main entrance into
Emberhearth. The Cinderfurys have spent a large sum of
money to project their perceived wealth and prestige to
visitors and business partners. The bronze double doors
are currently unlocked.
With a successful DC 20 Perception or Survival check,
a PC can locate a faint foot trail leading from the railings
out front to a nearby window and then to the east side of
Emberhearth. By exceeding this check by 5 or more, PCs
can determine the footprints came from a single, Medium
creature. If the PCs follow this trail, it leads around to the
back of the estate to area B6.
B2. Luminous Foyer (CR 8 or CR 11)
Two immense staircases sweep up each side of this entry hall, joining
at a second floor twenty feet above. A well-furnished room extends
to the north, and small doors lead to both the east and west.
The luminous foyer is where the noble efreet meet any
guests of the estate. The staircases lead up to the second
floor of Emberhearth where the bulk of the Cinderfurys’
most treasured relics reside. The floor bears an intricate
geometric etching.
Creatures: In order to keep out of the spotlight and
keep costs down, the Cinderfury patriarch Xojject recently
assigned Ewari, one of his few remaining household
servitors, to greet guests and determine the visitor’s
motives. Xojject does not entertain guests without an
appointment, and Ewari doesn’t expect anyone of the PCs’
appearance. Her initial attitude is unfriendly, and she asks
what business the PCs have here while surreptitiously
pushing a wall panel that signals the guards at the security
complex. Few claims are likely to impress her coming
from mortals, and she sees no need to bother Xojject
except under extraordinary conditions. The PCs might
trick her into believing they have legitimate business, in
which case she tries to schedule an appointment for them
or takes a message. If the PCs are especially persuasive
or insistent, she instead shows the PCs to one of the two
meeting rooms (areas B7) and asks them to wait while she
consults with the master of the house. This buys the PCs
approximately 5 minutes to sneak around, though causing
much noise or getting into other trouble can quickly
spoil their ruse (at which point Ewari returns and likely
initiates combat).
There are few circumstances that would elicit Xojject
himself descending to meet with the PCs. Keep in mind
that drawing the noble efreeti out in this way could likely
combine two or more encounters to the PCs’ detriment, so
in most cases it’s best for the PCs if their deceptions and
diplomacy help deflect Ewari’s attention while they inspect
another several rooms.
Subtier 5–6 (CR 8)
Efreeti (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 140; see page 23)
hp 95
During Combat Ewari wades into melee combat with the PCs.
She only switches to ranged attacks if her melee attacks
seem ineffective.
Morale Ewari fights to the death.
Subtier 8–9 (CR 11)
Advanced efreeti (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 294, 140; see page 23)
hp 115
Use tactics from Subtier 5–6.
If the azers in area A agreed to help, they assist the PCs in
one of three ways.
Freeing the Azers (Area B6): The two groups of azers
band together to escape with the Eye of the Red Worm
acolyte. They leave behind a small cache of supplies hidden
beneath the table along with a note that reads “Strangers,
your help has been invaluable to saving the azers.” By
selecting this option, members of the Liberty’s Edge faction
automatically succeed at the faction objective in area B6.
Collecting the Documents (Area B9): The azers find the
ledgers, trade maps and lineage charts in the “Contracts”
and “Lineage” sections of the library. However, in their
haste, they’re unable to locate the Azerite Pact, nor do they
take the treasure from the section labeled “Magic.” The
azers give these texts to the PCs after the adventure.
Looting the Relics (Area B13): The azers loot all of
the items in this room, offering them to the PCs after the
raid. If the PCs select this option, Xojject is unable to gain
additional gear as the PCs earn strikes.
Aided by Azers
Make the following adjustments to accommodate a group
of four PCs.
Subtier 5–6: The Cinderfurys have stationed one of
their younger nobles here instead. Ewari does not have
a falchion, and the caster level of her spell-like abilities
decreases to 8th.
Subtier 8–9: Remove the advanced template from
the efreeti.
Scaling Encounter B2
Eye of the Red
Worm Acolyte
hp 115 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4 39, see page 24)
During Combat The lava drake uses its pyroclastic vomit
ability to catch as many PCs as possible in the attack. In
subsequent rounds, the drake lashes out in melee with its
natural weapons.
Morale The drake fights to the death unless it is
reduced to 15 or fewer hit points and Ewari has
perished, at which point it flees or makes
an embittered show of submission.
Development: Ewari carries a key
that the PCs can use to disable frostfire traps
on many of the downstairs doors.
B3. Blazing Bastion
This large room contains sofas and chairs
upholstered in leather with a metallic sheen. A
steel table is set with stone plates, crystalline
cutlery, and gold-lined goblets. Doors to the
north open onto a narrow terrace, and
the portrait of a stern efreeti hangs
along the west wall.
This room is meticulously
cleaned and set, in the hopes of
giving o the veneer of class and
celebrity. In reality, the Cinderfurys
haven’t entertained a guest or visitor
in quite a while. A PC who succeeds at a DC 15 Knowledge
(nobility) or DC 25 Perception or Sense Motive check can
deduce that the room has seen little use recently and is
instead arranged to highlight the household’s wealth.
B4. Terrace
A small patio sits behind Emberhearth looking out onto a
modest backyard and the rest of the City of Brass.
B5. Azer Quarters (CR 8)
In stark contrast with the rest of estate, this room has few
decorations and only simple furnishings, such as stone cots, a
makeshift table, and a chest of drawers to the south.
This room is where the enslaved azers sleep and spend their
time while not fulfilling commands. So long as the azers have
not all le the estate, a set of maps imprinted on thin sheets of
metal lie atop the table. Each depicts parts of the City of Brass,
etched in various places to mark several sites of interest.
Creatures: An acolyte of The Eye of the Red Worm has
staked out the estate for some time and recently sneaked in
to convince the azers here to flee the weakened Cinderfury
estate—with some desperation if the PCs have earned one
or more strikes. So long as the PCs have not sneaked up on
them, the azers notice them as they enter. The acolyte calls
on the gathered azers in Ignan, raising a fist and shouting,
“The opposition has arrived! Now you must choose: do you
trust in the Red Worm, or do you accept the efreeti chains?”
The other azers do not share her confidence and
conviction, for they know that if they try to escape
and are caught, they’ll face excruciating
repercussions at the genies’ hands.
Instead, they hesitantly look between the
acolyte and the PCs. If the PCs attack,
the azers all fight in self-defense. If the
PCs don’t act, one of the azers hesitantly
asks who the PCs are and what they
want. A PC who succeeds at a DC 14
Diplomacy check (DC 16 in Subtier
8–9) can calm the azers enough to talk
further, though failing this check
by 5 or more only scares the azers
into attacking. The household
azers are willing to believe
the PCs are not friends
of the Cinderfurys and
could help, though
the acolyte is more
skeptical. She can
be convinced with a
successful DC 21 Diplomacy
check; otherwise she tries to shepherd
the azers out of the estate while keeping the PCs at a
Should the PCs befriend both acolyte and azers, they
can provide further details about the manor’s layout. The
azers also inquire about their kin at the security complex,
wondering why they have not arrived to oust the PCs at
one of the efreet’s commands. They’re relieved by any news
that the PCs dealt with the other azers peacefully. Should
the PCs inquire about Flamebinder’s Jaw, the azers report
that Xojject keeps the jaw in his oce on the second floor
(area B14). If the PCs did not hear about Flamebinder’s Jaw
earlier, this is another opportunity for them to learn.
All Subtiers (CR 8)
AZERS (5) CR 2
hp 15 each (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 39, see page 23)
During Combat The azers fight cautiously and together, aiming
more to preserve one another than to kill anyone. The more
brutal the PCs’ tactics, the more violently the azers fight.
Morale The azers fight until three of them are incapacitated or
the acolyte perishes, at which point they flee or surrender as
seems most prudent.
Azer sorcerer 3 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 39)
N Medium outsider (extraplanar, fire)
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +11
AC 15, touch 10, flat-footed 15 (+3 armor, +2 natural)
hp 44 (5 HD; 3d6+2d10+23)
Fort +7, Ref +1, Will +9
Defensive Abilities fated (+1); Immune fire; SR 13
Weaknesses vulnerability to cold
Speed 30 ft.
Melee mwk dagger +6 (1d4+2/19–20 plus 1d6 fire)
Special Attacks heat (1d6 fire)
Bloodline Spell-Like Abilities (CL 3rd; concentration +4)
4/day—touch of destiny (+1)
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 3rd; concentration +4)
1st (6/day)—alarm, magic missile, shield, vanish
(DC 12)
0 (at will)—arcane mark, detect magic, message, read
magic, spark
Bloodline destined
Str 15, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 13
Base Atk +3; CMB +5; CMD 15
Feats Arcane Armor Training, Eschew Materials, Power Attack,
Skills Acrobatics +2, Appraise +6, Climb +4, Craft (leather) +4,
Craft (painting) +4, Diplomacy +3, Knowledge (nobility) +6,
Knowledge (planes) +6, Perception +11, Stealth +5
Languages Common, Ignan
SQ bloodline arcana (gain luck bonus on saves when casting
personal-range spells)
Gear mwk studded leather, mwk dagger
Treasure: If the PCs successfully convince the Eye of the
Red Worm acolyte that they’re there to help, she tells the PCs
she has a small satchel of items intended for the azers, but
will spare a few as the PCs have helped make their escape
easier. She gives the PCs an elixir of hiding, two potions of cure
moderate wounds, a potion of invisibility, and a scroll of heroism.
In Subtier 8–9, replace the potions of cure moderate wounds
with potions of cure serious wounds, and the scroll is a scroll of
heroism (CL 8th).
Faction Notes: This represents another opportunity for
members of the Liberty’s Edge faction to help enslaved azers
escape efreeti rule and recover Flamebinder’s Jaw.
Rewards: If the PCs do not explore this area (including
if they asked the azers in area A to evacuate the azers here)
or fail to resolve the encounter here, reduce each PC’s gold
earned as follows.
Subtier 5–6: Reduce each PC’s gold earned by 127 gp.
Out of Subtier: Reduce each PC’s gold earned by 237 gp.
Subtier 8–9: Reduce each PC’s gold earned by 348 gp.
B6. Estate Kitchen
Stone countertops neatly organized with cooking utensils
line the north and west walls. The once-overflowing cabinet
to the south contains only an odd assortment of ingredients
leover from past cooking projects. The stove to the
northwest burns with a small, magical flame.
B7. Meeting Rooms
It’s here the Cinderfurys work on contracts and trade deals
with clients. Each of these meeting rooms contains a glass
table etched with serpentine designs and high-backed
glass chairs.
B8. Storage Room (CR 7 or CR 10)
Much of this room is filled with stacked furniture, piles of random
colorful knickknacks, and lavish room decorations.
The Cinderfurys store the bulk of their furniture here
when it’s not in use. The noble family oen changes the
theme of their rooms in the hopes of appealing to their
visitors’ tastes and styles.
Creatures: The estate wait sta is currently here, moving
furniture and stacking items to free up space in the
room aer recently refurnishing area B3. Unaware of any
scheduled visitors, the mephits assume the PCs are thieves
and attack them. If the PCs make a considerable ruckus
elsewhere without triggering some other encounter, the
mephits might leave this room to investigate and chase
o intruders.
Subtier 5–6 (CR 7)
Advanced steam mephits (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 202)
N Small outsider (fire)
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +11
AC 20, touch 15, flat-footed 16 (+3 Dex, +1 dodge, +5 natural,
+1 size)
The mephits in area B8 are an optional encounter
and can be omitted if time is running short. Run this
encounter only if more than 100 minutes remain in
which to complete the scenario; otherwise, the PCs can
investigate this room in peace.
Optional Encounter
hp 52 each (8d10+8); fast healing 2
Fort +5, Ref +9, Will +6
DR 5/magic; Immune fire
Weaknesses vulnerability to cold
Speed 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (average)
Melee 2 claws +11 (1d4+2)
Special Attacks breath weapon (15-foot cone, DC 15, 1d10 fire
plus sickened)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 11th; concentration +13)
1/hour—blur, obscuring mist
Before Combat If the mephits hear conflict, they hide in this
area and cast blur on themselves if combat seems imminent.
During Combat The mephits use a combination of their breath
weapons, boiling rain, and hit-and-run claw attacks to harass
their foes. A mephit uses obscuring mist if it’s under serious
threat from ranged attacks.
Morale Once the PCs defeat one of the mephits, the other
mephit only fights until reduced to 30 or fewer hit points
before surrendering or fleeing. The mephits attempt
to escape the combat earlier if it’s clear their foes are
unharmed by fire damage.
Str 15, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 14
Base Atk +8; CMB +9; CMD 23
Feats Dodge, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Mobility
Skills Bluff +13, Fly +16, Perception +11, Stealth +18
Languages Common, Ignan
Boiling Rain (Su) Once per day, an advanced steam mephit
can create a rainstorm of boiling water in a 20-foot-square
area. Living creatures within the area take 2d10 points of fire
damage (Fortitude DC 14 half; caster level 11th). This ability is
the equivalent of a 2nd-level spell.
Breath Weapon (Su) An advanced steam mephit’s breath
weapon is a cone of steam that deals 1d10 fire damage. The
scalding water also causes living creatures to be sickened for
3 rounds. A Reflex save halves the damage and negates the
sickened effect.
Fast Healing An advanced steam mephit’s fast healing only
works in boiling water or steam.
Steam Attacks Despite dealing fire damage, an advanced steam
mephit’s special attacks do not burn away the fog created by
its obscuring mist spell-like ability unless the mephit wishes
to do so.
Subtier 8–9 (CR 10)
hp 52 each (see Subtier 5–6)
Before Combat If the mephits hear conflict, they hide in this
area and cast blur on themselves if combat seems imminent.
During Combat The mephits use a combination of their breath
weapons, boiling rain, and hit-and-run claw attacks to harass
their foes. A mephit uses obscuring mist if they’re under
serious threat from ranged attacks.
Morale Once the PCs defeat three of the mephits, the other
mephits only fight until reduced to 30 or fewer hit points
before surrendering or fleeing. The mephits attempt
to escape the combat earlier if it’s clear their foes are
unharmed by fire damage.
B9. The Library
Felt-lined shelves from floor to ceiling cover every inch of wall
space in this exquisite and relatively cool library. Each shelf
contains a menagerie of books, ancient scrolls, maps, metal
plates, and charts of all size, color, and design. A large table sits in
the middle of the room, holding stacks of books and stray sheets
of parchment. Exotic trinkets and baubles are interspersed in the
multitude of items, with each shelf labeled in angular text.
This library is where the Cinderfurys store the majority
of their family documentation and rare literature acquired
through many business deals and purchases since gaining
political power centuries ago. Unlike most of the rooms,
the library lacks windows. The angular text is in Ignan and
labels each of the shelves, with Contracts, Lineages, and
Magic being the most pervasive.
When a PC searches the library, have her identify which
of the three sections she’s perusing. The process takes about
10–20 minutes of continuous eort, which also earns the
PCs one strike so long as they’ve earned at least one strike
already; this provides Xojject time to call for help and
gather resources. If the PC succeeds at a DC 15 Linguistics,
Perception, or Profession (librarian) check (DC 19 in Subtier
8–9), she uncovers all of the important documents and other
finds in that section. If the PC cannot read Ignan, increase
the DC of this check by 10.
Contracts: The PCs find a wealth of ledgers, trade maps,
and signed business agreements covering a wide range of
services, including Player Handout #3. The handout is a
contract between the Cinderfurys and a group referred to as
the Bralkashik. With a successful DC 20 Knowledge (planes)
check, a PC recognizes the Bralkashik as an extended guild
Make the following adjustments to accommodate a group
of four PCs.
Subtier 5–6: The mephits have already used their
boiling rain ability for the day.
Subtier 8–9: Remove one mephit from the encounter.
Scaling Encounter B8
of efreeti operatives that specializes in smuggling, the,
fencing stolen goods, and other low-violence crime. The
Bralkashik are something of an open secret among efreet,
who see the organization as a necessary evil in a treacherously
civil society, albeit an evil that shames the client whenever
that patronage becomes public knowledge. The handout
also references Sairazul’s Tears, which a PC can recognize
with a DC 20 Appraise, Knowledge (local), or Knowledge
(planes) check as a set of priceless diamonds stolen from the
shaitans’ Peerless Empire centuries ago.
The PCs also uncover a frayed, ancient contract titled the
Azerite Pact. With a successful DC 20 Appraise, Knowledge
(history), or relevant Profession check, a PC can recognize
that contracts like this are extremely rare and almost never
duplicated, oen because the dominant party holds the
only copy that lays claim to the subservient party’s goods or
services. The contract’s fine print is written in a painfully
ornate Ignan script, and a PC who both understands
Ignan and succeeds at a DC 15 Intelligence, Linguistics, or
Profession (barrister) check determines that this is a legal
contract that identifies a large population of azers who are
bound to serve the Cinderfury family, having begun their
service several centuries ago as recompense for services
to the sultan. The contract formally cuts the azers’ ties to
a dierent noble family and mandates their servitude in
all things in perpetuity and with no recourse for eventual
freedom. If the PC exceeds the check DC by 5 or more, she
also recognizes similar signatures and language on another
document in this section. This additional text identifies
the Mishalq family as an obstacle to the Azerite Pact’s
fulfillment, detailing a range of possible approaches the
Cinderfurys might take to ensure their rival would not be
capable of interfering—the subtext being the Cinderfurys
willfully sabotaged the Mishalqs’ finances and reputation.
With a successful DC 18 Knowledge (planes) or Profession
(merchant) check, a PC can isolate several especially
informative documents valuable to those pursuing business
interests on the Plane of Fire.
Lineages: The Cinderfurys extensively documented not
only their own family tree but also those of many other
families. Even if the PCs don’t take any of the texts and
charts, looking over them provides considerable insights
into the convoluted efreeti lineages and how those have
shaped the contemporary political landscape. These
discoveries contribute to the secondary success conditions.
An ifrit PC might even uncover some reference to a mortal
dalliance with an efreeti that might describe his own fire-
blooded ancestor.
Magic: The family keeps a plethora of scrolls, tomes,
spellbooks, and other magical writings here. The entire
section radiates a riot of magical auras, so although detect
magic is insucient to find the best treasures here, the spell
does oer a PC a +5 circumstance bonus to search here.
What the PCs can recover here appears in the Treasure
section below.
Treasure: The PCs only secure treasure here if they
successfully search the Magic section. The PCs can find a
book of extended summoning (lawful)
, a page of spell knowledge
with resist energy, and a spell lattice (1st level)
. In Subtier
8–9, the PCs instead find a greater book of extended summoning
and a spell lattice (2nd level)
in addition to the
page of spell knowledge. Finding this treasure also earns each
PC the Efreeti Arcana boon on his or her Chronicle sheet.
Development: The Azerite Pact is a document that Qalkami
Mishalq desires, and it also has important implications for
several factions (see below).
Faction Notes: The Azerite Pact has significant
implications for both the Exchange and Liberty’s Edge
factions. The nature of the contract is such that destroying it
would free the azers bound to the Cinderfury family, at least
as a formality; in practice, other efreet would likely swoop in
and recapture a portion of them. Regardless, this is a natural
course of action for Liberty’s Edge faction PCs.
For members of the Exchange faction, the contract
has more complex implications, as a large force of azers
represents an extraordinary local labor pool for whatever
endeavors the factions leaders might conceive. A PC can
alter the contract to transfer control to the Exchange with
a successful DC 25 Linguistics or DC 30 Sleight of Hand
check, though the PCs only have one chance to succeed
before they’ve created irreparable messes that would not
pass muster with a legal authority. The nature of the PC’s
adjustment is open-ended, and a variety of alterations could
benefit the Exchange: writing in a clause that manumits
the azers aer a short period of helping the Exchange,
freeing the azers only to hire them as local experts, ongoing
enslavement (a very morally dubious choice), or similar
choices are all valid.
If the PCs choose to free the azers, an Exchange faction PC
needs to convince them to hire on with their organization
when they next meet with the azers—likely aer the
adventure, assuming the PCs have peacefully dealt with
the azers in area A or B6. They’re skeptical about signing
themselves away to a new patron, especially in a way
that keeps them in the City of Brass in easy reach of the
efreet. A must PC succeed at two DC 18 Diplomacy checks
(DC 20 in Subtier 8–9) to convince the azers to try this
Rewards: If the PCs do not recover the magic items here,
reduce each PC’s gold earned as follows. If they send the
azers from area A
here, the PCs do not lose any gold, but
they do not receive any of the items or the boon on their
Chronicle sheets.
Subtier 5–6: Reduce each PC’s gold earned by 645 gp.
Out of Subtier: Reduce each PC’s gold earned by 911 gp.
Subtier 8–9: Reduce each PC’s gold earned by 1,177 gp.
B10. Pool Chamber
This is another chamber the efreet use to entertain visitors
and associates. A deep bath with stepped sides and filled
with steaming water occupies most of this room. The bath’s
contents are heavily salted with rare minerals mined from
volcanoes and other fiery sites, and the composition is
particularly soothing to outsiders with the fire subtype.
B11. Balcony
This balcony overlooks the ground level. Two large windows
overlook both the front and the back of the estate, and a small
bookshelf and chairs provide a cozy space for reading.
B12. Bedrooms
Each of these rooms contains a bed, a wardrobe, a small stand,
and a large portrait of a stoic efreeti. A PC can recognize these
portraits with a successful DC 22 Knowledge (nobility) check
as Xojject Cinderfury, the patriarch of the dwindling family.
B13. Reliquary
Exotic trophies, ancient relics and glimmering weapons rest atop
illuminated pedestals that encircle the room.
The Cinderfurys put their rarest items on display for
visitors in this room to show the strength behind the
Cinderfury name.
Treasure: Each item on display has a storied history of
how it came into the family’s possession, ranging from the
spoils of war to royal rewards to the fruits of a particularly
grand business maneuver. Four items are especially
noteworthy. The first is a Large +1 adamantine battleaxe
whose edge is encrusted with a thin layer of curious green
crystals. A PC can identify these crystals with a successful
DC 20 Knowledge (planes) check as an uncommon growth
that sometimes forms from dried shaitan blood. The second
is a frost-forged steel
breastplate inscribed with Shelynite
iconography. The third is a set of bonebreaker bracers
of steel and studded with tiny garnets that seem to map the
constellations in an unfamiliar sky. The fourth is a +1 shield
made of orange-red drake hide.
In Subtier 8–9, the battleaxe is instead a +1 spell-storing
battleaxe (currently contains bestow curse, Will DC 18), and the
cloak is a +1 dragon-defiant shield cloak
Rewards: The PCs can earn rewards for this room in
several ways. They can explore this room and recover its
contents before earning two strikes, they can send the azers
from area A to recover the relics, or they can defeat Xojject
in area B14 if he already recovered his gear following the
second strike. If the PCs fail to meet any of these conditions,
reduce each PC’s gold earned as follows.
Subtier 5–6: Reduce each PC’s gold earned by 1,142 gp.
Out of Subtier: Reduce each PC’s gold earned by 1,404 gp.
Subtier 8–9: Reduce each PC’s gold earned by 1,667 gp.
B14. Master Suite (CR 9 or CR 12)
As the PCs enter the suite, read or paraphrase the following.
The walls of this chamber bear a patina that continuously shimmers
and swirls, and every inch of the floor bears fantastic mosaics of
metallic tiles. A desk of polished marble stands to the southeast
between two bay windows. The desks surface is covered in an
abundance of brass sheets.
This is the main business oce of Xojject Cinderfury,
where he twists all contracts, trade documents, and wishes
with business partners in his favor. Most of the documents
requesting aid are stacked together and set far to one side
as if they’d rather be forgotten, whereas missives from
creditors congregate messily toward the center. In a glass
case atop the sideboard to the northeast rests Flamebinder’s
Jaw, a brass azer jawbone poised atop a metal stand.
The efreeti Xojject in area B14 likely learns early on that
there are intruders in the manor, but he is too stubborn to
flee his home, as that would seal his family’s disgrace. Strikes
represent his responses and precautions. These effects are
cumulative. If at least half of the PCs who received credit for
Pathfinder Society Scenario #8–09: Forged in Flame, Part 1:
The Cindersworn Pact earned the Qalkami’s Disdain boon,
Qalkami sends Xojject a threatening letter shortly before
the PCs arrive, earning them one strike automatically.
1 Strike: Xojject is aware that there might be trouble.
He sends a signal to the nearby security complex (area A),
which almost certainly receives no response.
2 Strikes: Xojject assumes gaseous form and sneaks
to area B13, where he collects the three treasures: the
bonebreaker bracers
, the shield cloak
, and the special
battleaxe. He equips the bracers and cloak but hides away
the axe, hesitant to use it and dislodge the ancient blood
along its edge.
3 Strikes: Xojject suspects his guards are not on their
way, so he magically contacts his few remaining allies
and asks for assistance. This help arrives in area B2 at the
beginning of any combat with the efreeti noble. In Subtier
5–6, this help consists of an azer mercenary (see page 8),
and in Subtier 8–9 it consists of an advanced salamander
(see page 24).
4 Strikes: Xojject apologizes to his ancestors and wields
the special battleaxe from area B13.
5 Strikes: Xojject calls in the last of his favors. At the
beginning of the second round of combat, a second azer
mercenary (Subtier 5–6) or advanced salamander (Subtier
8–9) enters area B2.
Applying Strikes
Xojject Cinderfury
To accommodate a group of four PCs, remove Craterflame
from the encounter. Xojject has commanded the elemental
to investigate a recent disturbance at the security complex.
Scaling Encounter B14
Creatures: The ruling patriarch of the Cinderfury family,
Xojject, is draing two letters to two dierent banks in the
City of Brass, requesting extended lines of credit and oering
assurances of future repayment. His companion, Craterflame,
a wayward elemental whom Xojject tricked into service years
ago, stands near the desk awaiting Xojject’s commands.
By the time the PCs arrive, Xojject has likely pieced
together the basics of who they are and what they want, but
he prides himself on being a great negotiator and suspects
he can trick them into revealing their mission, employer,
and other information. Despite his financial ruin and
knowing his home is under attack, he conducts himself
like a businessperson, by inquiring about the PCs’ business
and snidely observing they think themselves important
enough not to schedule an appointment. If they’re not
forthcoming with information, he accuses them of being
simple thugs and thieves, swily growing impatient with
them and eventually attacking.
Xojject has a basic understanding of the Eye of the Red
Worm, and if the PCs cite wanting to free the azers, he laughs
and dismisses the recent attempts at
liberation. As far as he’s concerned,
the azers agreed to work for his
family; in turn, they have
been given shelter
and purpose. To
him, mortal talk
of rights or
freedom are
nothing in the
grand scheme
of things—
however, he
shares this belief
only if he’s aiming
to needle the PCs’
emotions. If he suspects he can trick
the PCs into leaving for a promise to free the azers, he
happily does so.
Should the PCs reference Qalkami or their aim
to plant evidence, Xojject shakes his head and
says,So the exile is attempting to take back
her place in the City of Brass? She scattered
those coals long ago and now whines
for lack of fuel. She put herself in
exile because she shared dangerous
secrets with the wrong people, fully
knowing the consequences. You
serve a treacherous master. He
invites them to share what they
have accomplished in exchange for
avoiding furtherconfrontation.
The Azerite Pact is a sensitive
secret. Mentioning it or showing they’ve stolen it causes
Xojject to slam his fist into the desk and rail against the PCs
for entering his home and stealing from his storied, noble
line. Upon shouting a few last choice invectives, he attacks.
Note that once combat begins, there may be additional
combatants based on how many strikes the PCs accrued
earlier in the adventure.
Subtier 5–6 (CR 9)
Male efreeti (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 140,
see page 23)
hp 95
During Combat Xojject pairs his quickened
scorching ray spell-like ability with melee attacks
to attempt to pick off the PCs one by one.
Morale Xojject fights to the death to defend his
family’s name and honor.
Large magma elemental (Pathfinder
RPG Bestiary 2 118, see page 24)
NE Large outsider (fire)
hp 60
During Combat Craterflame
attacks any foe that threatens
its master, attempting to
flank with Xojject as best
it can.
Morale Craterflame fights to
the death.
Subtier 8–9 (CR 12)
Efreeti malik arcanist 2
(Pathfinder RPG Bestiary
140, Pathfinder RPG
Advanced Class Guide 8)
LE Large outsider (fire)
Init +6; Senses darkvision
60 ft., detect magic;
Perception +20
AC 26, touch 14, flat-footed 23 (+4 armor, +2 deflection, +2 Dex,
+1 dodge, +8 natural, –1 size)
hp 142 (15 HD; 2d6+13d10+62)
Fort +9, Ref +13, Will +16
Immune fire
Weaknesses vulnerability to cold
Speed 20 ft., fly 40 ft. (perfect)
Melee +1 battleaxe +21/+16/+11 (2d6+8/×3 plus 1d6 fire) or
2 slams +15 (1d8+3 plus 1d6 fire)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks arcane reservoir (4 current, 5 maximum),
arcanist exploit (dimensional slide), change size, consume
spells, heat
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 15th; concentration +18)
Constant—detect magic
At will—plane shift (willing targets to elemental planes, astral
plane, or material plane only) (DC 20), produce flame,
pyrotechnics (DC 15), scorching ray
3/day—fireball (DC 16), heat metal (DC 15), invisibility,
quickened scorching ray, wall of fire
1/day—grant up to 3 wishes (to nongenies only), gaseous
form, greater invisibility, permanent image (DC 19),
pyroclastic storm
Arcanist Spells Prepared (CL 2nd; concentration +5)
1st (4/day)—mage armor, thunderstomp
0 (at will)—arcane mark, bleed (DC 13), mage hand,
message, read magic
Before Combat Earlier in the day, Xojject cast mage armor on
himself, which is included in his statblock.
During Combat As a swift action, Xojject casts quickened
scorching ray to blast the PCs from afar. After, Xojject uses
his dimensional slide arcanist exploit to position himself
next to a PC, allowing him to use Vital Strike to obliterate his
Morale Unwilling to be known as a coward, Xojject viciously
fights to the death in the hopes of taking one or more of the
Pathfinders with him.
Str 25, Dex 15, Con 18, Int 16, Wis 18, Cha 17
Base Atk +14; CMB +22; CMD 37
Feats Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Deceitful, Dodge,
Improved Initiative
, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Quicken
Spell-Like Ability (scorching ray), Vital Strike
Skills Bluff +24, Craft (calligraphy) +14, Disguise +11, Fly +12,
Intimidate +19, Knowledge (all) +10, Perception +20, Sense
Motive +20, Spellcraft +20, Stealth +7
Languages Aquan, Auran, Common, Draconic, Ignan, Infernal,
Terran; telepathy 100 ft.
SQ change shape (humanoid or giant; alter self or giant form I)
Combat Gear potion of cure serious wounds, potion of bull’s
strength, potion of protection from cold; Other Gear
+1 battleaxe, aegis of recovery
, cloak of resistance +1, ring
of protection +2, spellbook
Change Size (Sp) Twice per day, an efreeti can magically change
a creatures size. This works just like an enlarge person or
reduce person spell (the efreeti chooses when using the
ability), except that the ability can work on the efreeti. A DC
13 Fortitude save negates the effect. The save DC is Charisma-
based. This is the equivalent of a 2nd-level spell.
Heat (Ex) An efreeti’s body deals 1d6 points of fire damage
whenever it hits in melee, or in each round it grapples.
Fiendish large magma elemental barbarian 3 (Pathfinder RPG
Bestiary 2 292, 118)
NE Large outsider (earth, elemental, extraplanar, fire)
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +14
AC 16, touch 8, flat-footed 15 (+1 Dex, +8 natural, –2 rage,
–1 size)
hp 132 (11 HD; 8d10+3d12+69)
Fort +15, Ref +8, Will +7
Defensive Abilities trap sense +1, uncanny dodge; DR 10/good
or 5/—; Immune elemental traits, fire; Resist cold 15; SR 14
Weaknesses vulnerability to cold
Speed 30 ft., burrow 20 ft.; earth glide
Melee 2 slams +17 (1d8+7 plus burn)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks burn (1d6 fire, DC 18), lava puddle, rage
(12 rounds/day), rage powers (knockdown
, quick reflexes),
smite good (1/day)
Str 24, Dex 12, Con 23, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 9
Base Atk +11; CMB +19 (+21 bull rush); CMD 28 (30 vs. bull rush)
Feats Cleave, Extra Rage Power
, Improved Bull Rush, Improved
Initiative, Iron Will, Power Attack
Skills Acrobatics +5, Climb +18, Intimidate +8, Knowledge
(dungeoneering) +10, Knowledge (nobility) +2, Knowledge
(planes) +3, Perception +14, Sense Motive +6, Stealth +8
Languages Ignan
SQ fast movement
Burn (Ex) A magma elemental’s burn DC includes a –2 racial
penalty, as their fires don’t burn quite as hot as true
elemental flames.
Earth Glide (Ex) A burrowing magma elemental can pass
through stone, dirt, lava, or almost any other sort of earth
except metal as easily as a fish swims through water. Its
burrowing leaves behind no tunnel or hole, nor does it create
any ripple, though the area it passes through feels warm for 1
round afterward and often retains a strangely smooth texture,
as if the stone had been polished. A move earth spell cast
on an area containing a burrowing magma elemental flings
the elemental back 30 feet, stunning the creature for 1 round
unless it succeeds at a DC 15 Fortitude save.
Lava Puddle (Su) Once per day as a full-round action, a magma
elemental can vomit forth a puddle of lava that fills its space
to a depth of 2–3 inches and counts as difficult terrain. Any
creature that moves through this puddle of lava takes 2d6
points of fire damage. This damage continues for 1d3 rounds
after the creature leaves the lava pool, although then it only
inflicts 1d6 points of fire damage per round. The lava puddle
solidifies and is safe to touch after 8 rounds. At the GM’s
discretion, this puddle of lava could start secondary fires.
Development: Aer dispatching the efreeti, the PCs can
secure the Flamebinder’s Jaw from the trophy case and plant
any remaining evidence against the noble house. If the PCs
search Xojject’s belongings, they find the Cinderfury gorget
around his neck.
Faction Notes: Members of the Exchange faction can find
that Xojject held one letter of credit in reserve in a locked
drawer of his desk (Disable Device DC 25). The PCs can force
the drawer open (hardness 8, hp 20, break DC 20), but doing
so causes considerable damage to the desk itself. Due to the
PCs’ primary mission, Xojject is a very unlikely candidate to
help the Exchange as its local efreeti liaison. However, should
the PCs agree to leave him in peace and forgo subsequent
encounters, he is willing to work with the Exchange on a
provisional basis, contingent upon its profitability.
Members of the Liberty’s Edge faction should take
Flamebinder’s Jaw, which has special significance to the
azers in service to the Cinderfurys.
Rewards: If the PCs don’t defeat Xojject and Craterflame,
reduce each PC’s gold earned as follows:
Subtier 5–6: Reduce each PC’s gold earned by 37 gp.
Out of Subtier: Reduce each PC’s gold earned by 627 gp.
Subtier 8–9: Reduce each PC’s gold earned by 1,217 gp.
So long as the PCs defeated Xojject, they encounter a regally
dressed efreeti as they make their way out of Emberhearth.
This is Sarath Iqdaudja (NE female noble efreeti wizard 4),
a member of the sultanas court who has been following the
PCs’ movements. She lounges in one of the rooms or leans
against a wall in one of the hallways before giving a bow
and introducing herself to the Pathfinders. She shares that
the PCs and their patron have played a role in larger plans
that shall reach all corners of the plane and beyond. With
that, she takes her leave, preferring to turn invisible before
departing through a back entrance. If the PCs attempt to
stop her, she aloofly soothes their anger by noting they have
the sultanas favor, not her ire. Further, she cautions them
against attacking one of the sultana’s favored ambassadors,
noting that any such act by a foreign agent would invariably
result in capture and execution. She’s sincere; in the event
the PCs fight her in earnest, they draw the lethal wrath of
the City of Brass.
Qalkami intercepts the PCs near the edge of the estate to
let them know that a host of nobles are on their way to witness
the Cinderfurys’ treachery. She takes this opportunity to
hastily debrief the PCs, confirm they planted the evidence,
and take any of the key treasures she had requested. If the
PCs recovered any of these treasures, a PC attempting to
convince her otherwise must succeed at a DC 21 Blu check
(DC 24 in Subtier 8–9).
Saraths Message: Qalkami finds any news of Sarath and
her proclamation heartening, as this convinces her that she
has the backing of the sultana in destroying the Cinderfurys.
The Azerite Pact: Qalkami is excited to receive the pact,
as she can use it to usurp ownership of all of the bound
azers. If the PCs fail to deceive her about the pact, she
cajoles them about what possible use they could have for
such a document. Any intention to free the azers makes her
laugh. Ahh, the pawns have decided to take the moral high
ground; the same pawns who just raided a noble efreeti
home. The irony’s palpable. She does not press the PCs
much further on the subject, noting she can accomplish
what she must through other channels.
The Cinderfury Gorget: The efreeti tests the gorget’s
weight in her hand for a moment before pocketing it,
commenting how far the family has fallen since their
generals were the sultanate’s pride.
Evidence: Qalkami listens intently to where the PCs
planted the evidence and seems satisfied once she has
confirmed they placed at least four of the six pieces in
suitable places.
So long as the PCs satisfy Qalkami by meeting two of her
three criteria (for the pact, gorget, or evidence), she voices
her approval, declares the Society’s obligation fulfilled, and
shares the promised secret.
“Only a powerful artifact in its own right could crack the jewel you
have found. What you seek is known as Fossilblight, a legendary
weapon of solid diamond the shaitans built to punish the City of
Brass.” She scoffs. “They lost it, no thanks to my familys guile.
We found it, and when the shaitans dispatched a mighty colossus
to crush us in retaliation, we used the weapon to pin the war
machine deep in the Kullan Dei Mountains of Tian Xia, a range on
your home planet. Tell your elders, as they seem so desperate to
know. I have a final piece of business to conduct.”
She asks the PCs to leave their talismans at the Chromatic
Dragon in her name. Shortly aer concluding her business,
Qalkami turns to great a plethora of elegantly dressed
efreeti nobles, royal guards, and politicians who mill about
the estate’s main entrance, scowling at any of the PCs who
linger. Qalkami hovers to address the gathering.
“Citizens of Brass! Look upon Emberhearth and observe! Today, the
corruption of the Cinderfurys has been revealed, defying the very
dynasty that put them in power. They conspire with the Peerless
Empire to attack the throne, and their crimes must be punished. It
is my charge to protect the sultana’s glory, and I would extinguish
the last flame before allowing any harm to her. I’ve failed her once
before, and I will not do so again!”
Respectful nods, light clapping, and a few cheers from the
crowd greet Qalkami’s speech. The royal guards quickly rush
into the building while the nobles begin congratulating
Qalkami on a job well done. To the PCs, it might appear
as though the Cinderfurys’ guilt is accepted in spite of any
evidence, and while there’s some truth to that thanks to
political maneuvering, they can learn through the rumor
mill later how their contributions helped drive the rise of
the Mishalqs’ power and the fall of the Cinderfurys’.
It’s very likely the PCs befriended one or more groups
of azers during this adventure, and the azers meet with
the Pathfinders at a prearranged location later to exchange
information and treasures. If the PCs provide the azers
with Flamebinder’s Jaw, they are in awe and soon excuse
themselves to begin making arrangements to commune
with their ancestor.
Faction Notes: Members of the Exchange faction can
request Qalkami’s continued services as a liaison for the
Exchange in its operations in the City of Brass. She accepts
only if the PCs met all three of her objectives; she knows that
any foreign initiatives in the unforgiving city won’t work if
overseen by operatives who leave a job half-done.
Reporting Conditions
If the Exchange faction gained the future service of the azers
(whether coerced or voluntary), check box A on the reporting
sheet. If the Exchange faction secured an influential liaison in
the City of Brass, check box B. If the PCs gave Flamebinder’s
Jaw to the azers, check box C. If the PCs secured the azers’
freedom with the Azerite Pact, check box D.
Primary Success Conditions
The PCs fulfill their primary objective so long as they
fulfill the Society’s obligation to Qalkami and learn of the
Fossilblight. Doing so earns each PC 1 Prestige Point.
Secondary Success Conditions
The PCs’ secondary objectives are varied, and they fulfill
them so long as the meet two of the following three
conditions: resolve the encounter in area A without killing
half or more of the azers, bypass the encounter in area
B5 without violence, and find the lineage data in area B9.
Doing so earns each PC 1 additional Prestige Point.
Faction Notes
Several factions have strong opportunities to further
their respective goals during this adventure, earning PCs
associated with those factions additional rewards.
The Exchange: The City of Brass is synonymous with
wealth, and where there are riches, there’s an opportunity
for the Exchange to take a piece of the action. There are
three significant accomplishments that could impress
Guaril Karela: finding a local liaison, recovering a letter of
credit, and securing the azers labor as the faction opens
up local businesses. Qalkami is the most likely liaison
(see Conclusion), though Anwar Alim (see area A) and
even Xojject (see area B14) are possibilities. The letter of
credit appears in area B14. The PCs can secure the azers’
assistance by altering the Azerite Pact (see area B9). If the
PCs fulfill at least one of these goals, each Exchange faction
PC earns the Brass Tycoon boon on his Chronicle sheet;
check one of the three boxes for each of these goals the PCs
did not fulfill.
Liberty’s Edge: The efreet have enslaved and exploited
azers for countless ages, and members of this faction have
the opportunity to free azers from servitude and recover
an important relic connected to the azers’ resistance. To
fulfill this objective, the PCs must resolve at least one of
the azer encounters (area A and B6) without harming the
azers. In addition, the PCs must either alter the Azerite
Pact in area B9 to free the azers or deliver Flamebinder’s
Jaw to the azers. Doing so earns each Liberty’s Edge
faction PC the Azers’ Beacon boon on his Chronicle sheet
with one box checked. If the PCs both change the pact
and deliver the jawbone, these PCs earn the boon with no
boxes checked.
Player Handout #1: News from Katheer
Player Handout #2: Liberty’s Edge Message
A cool breeze graces Katheer as I write this, as if acknowledging the way in which you masterfully tame the Plane of
Fire itself. It is time for you to leave the comforts of Zjarra behind and embark for a far more ambitious and dangerous
locale: the City of Brass!
As you may recall, the Society has retained the services of an efreeti information broker named Qalkami Mishalq, who
owns a secret we dearly need. The Pathfinder Society negotiated an exchange of services, and I just received word that several
of our very own agents have fulfilled many of the efreeti’s demands. We owe only one task more, and that debt draws us to the
fire genies’ capital. Remember that efreet are wily and often cruel, and the City of Brass is their own playground of opulence
and mischief. Your safety depends heavily on your patron’s satisfaction; she is a citizen with many rights, and you will be a
visitor with few. You need not commit atrocities in her name, but neither should you assume your own moral compass grants
you the right to start fights with passersby.
This is such new territory for the Society, and already I have heard your names spoken with awe for accepting this
challenge. We shall feast together and toast your success when you return to Katheer.
May shade never be far,
Venture-Captain Esmayl ibn Qaradi
Champion of Freedom,
Your adventures into the Plane of Fire bring an unprecedented opportunity to
spread the word of freedom and democracy. The City of Brass liberally uses
slaves and indentured servants to further its fiery agendas. We must remove
their eternal shackles of slavery and confront their captors.
The efreet are especially infamous, having enslaved many of the native azers
and forced them to do their bidding for centuries. This means few azers even
remember what true independence is. We must wrest this power away from the
oppressive efreet and provide the azers a life free of oppression and struggle.
In your travels, be on the lookout for ways to spread freedom and decimate
In pursuit of true liberty, always.
Major Colson Maldris
Player Handout #3: Operation Report
Illustrious Ilshar Cinderfury,
The operation is complete, and I write to you to report our
success on all accounts. As advised, the treasury’s defenses were
inadequate, and our operatives easily entered the third treasury
of Ashadieeyah bint Khalid and secured the Sairazul’s Tears,
replacing them with the fakes provided. Initial observations by
local operatives suggest none are the wiser. We have delivered
the gems to your appointed representative and withdrawn the
prearranged funds from your account.
As before, your premium has paid for our silence in perpetuity.
Should you have need of our services again, contact the Bralkashik
by the usual means.
The following stat blocks are used in this adventure.
Heat ripples the air near this squat, brass-skinned humanoid. Its
head and shoulders blaze with a mane of fire.
Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 39
LN Medium outsider (extraplanar, fire)
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +6
AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 17 (+5 armor, +1 Dex, +2 natural)
hp 15 (2d10+4)
Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +4
Immune fire; SR 13
Weaknesses vulnerability to cold
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee mwk warhammer +4 (1d8+1/×3 plus 1d6 fire)
Ranged light hammer +3 (1d4+1 plus 1d6 fire)
Special Attacks heat (1d6 fire)
Str 13, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 9
Base Atk +2; CMB +3; CMD 14
Feats Power Attack
Skills Acrobatics +0, Appraise +6, Climb +3, Craft (any two) +6,
Knowledge (nobility) +6, Perception +6
Languages Common, Ignan
Gear mwk scale mail, mwk warhammer, light hammer
This muscular giant has crimson skin, smoldering eyes, and small
black horns. Smoke rises in curls from its flesh.
Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 288, 140
LE Large outsider (extraplanar, fire)
Init +9; Senses darkvision 60 ft., detect magic; Perception +17
AC 25, touch 15, flat-footed 19 (+5 Dex, +1 dodge, +10 natural,
–1 size)
hp 115 (10d10+60)
Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +11
Immune fire
Weaknesses vulnerability to cold
Speed 20 ft., fly 40 ft. (perfect)
Melee mwk falchion +18/+13 (2d6+12/18–20 plus 1d6 fire) or
2 slams +17 (1d8+8 plus 1d6 fire)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks change size, heat
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 11th; concentration +15)
Constant—detect magic
At will—plane shift (willing targets to Elemental Planes, Astral
Plane, or Material Plane only), produce flame, pyrotechnics
(DC 16), scorching ray
3/day—invisibility, quickened scorching ray, wall of fire
1/day—grant up to 3 wishes (to nongenies only), gaseous
form, permanent image (DC 20)
Str 27, Dex 21, Con 22, Int 16, Wis 18, Cha 19
Base Atk +10; CMB +19; CMD 35
Feats Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Deceitful, Dodge,
Improved Initiative
, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (scorching ray)
Skills Acrobatics +5 (+1 when jumping), Bluff +21, Craft
(any one) +14, Disguise +21, Fly +24, Intimidate +17,
Perception +17, Sense Motive +17, Spellcraft +16, Stealth +14
Languages Aquan, Auran, Common, Draconic, Ignan, Infernal,
Terran; telepathy 100 ft.
SQ change shape (humanoid or giant; alter self or giant form I)
Other Gear mwk falchion
Change Size (Sp) Twice per day, an efreeti can magically change
a creatures size. This works just like an enlarge person or
reduce person spell (the efreeti chooses when using the
ability), except that the ability can work on the efreeti. A DC
18 Fortitude save negates the effect. The save DC is Charisma-
based. This is the equivalent of a 2nd-level spell.
Heat (Ex) An efreeti’s body deals 1d6 points of fire damage
whenever it hits in melee, or in each round it grapples.
Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 140
LE Large outsider (extraplanar, fire)
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., detect magic; Perception +15
AC 21, touch 13, flat-footed 17 (+3 Dex, +1 dodge, +8 natural, –1 size)
hp 95 (10d10+40)
Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +9
Immune fire
Weaknesses vulnerability to cold
Speed 20 ft., fly 40 ft. (perfect)
Melee 2 slams +15 (1d8+6 plus 1d6 fire) or
mwk falchion +16/+11 (2d6+9/18–20)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks change size, heat
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 11th; concentration +13)
Constant—detect magic
At Will—plane shift (willing targets to Elemental Planes, Astral
Plane, or Material Plane only), produce flame, pyrotechnics
(DC 14), scorching ray
3/day—invisibility, quickened scorching ray, wall of fire
1/day—grant up to 3 wishes (to nongenies only), gaseous
form, permanent image (DC 18)
Str 23, Dex 17, Con 18, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 15
Base Atk +10; CMB +17; CMD 31
Feats Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes, Deceitful, Dodge,
Improved Initiative
, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (scorching ray)
Skills Bluff +19, Craft (any one) +14, Disguise +10, Fly +13,
Intimidate +15, Perception +15, Sense Motive +15,
Spellcraft +14, Stealth +8
Languages Auran, Aquan, Common, Ignan, Terran; telepathy
100 ft.
SQ change shape (humanoid or giant; alter self or giant form I)
Change Size (Sp) Twice per day, an efreeti can magically
change a creatures size. This works just like an enlarge
person or reduce person spell (the efreeti chooses when
using the ability), except that the ability can work on the
efreeti. A DC 13 Fortitude save negates the effect. The saving
throw DC is Charisma-based. This is the equivalent of a 2nd-
level spell.
Heat (Ex) An efreeti’s body deals 1d6 points of fire damage
whenever it hits in melee, or in each round it grapples.
This muscular two-legged dragon is covered with scales of thick
volcanic stone.
Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4 78
NE Large dragon (fire)
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +15
AC 22, touch 12, flat-footed 19 (+3 Dex, +10 natural, –1 size)
hp 115 (11d12+44)
Fort +11, Ref +10, Will +8
Immune fire, paralysis, sleep
Weaknesses vulnerable to cold
Speed 20 ft., burrow (lava only) 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (average)
Melee bite +17 (1d8+7), 2 claws +17 (1d6+7), tail slap +15
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks magma shake, pyroclastic vomit
Str 25, Dex 16, Con 18, Int 9, Wis 12, Cha 11
Base Atk +11; CMB +19 (+21 bull rush); CMD 32 (34 vs. bull rush)
Feats Awesome Blow, Flyby Attack, Improved Bull Rush,
Improved Initiative, Multiattack, Power Attack
Skills Climb +21, Fly +15, Intimidate +14, Perception +15,
Stealth +13 (+21 submerged in molten rock or metal);
Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth submerged in molten rock
or metal
Languages Draconic
SQ hold breath, speed surge
Magma Shake (Ex) Whenever a lava drake exits from being
submerged in molten rock (either magma or lava), on the
next round as a full-round action, it can shake its body, flicking
a fine spray of scalding molten rock in every direction. All
creatures within a 30-foot radius of the lava drake take 5d6
points of fire damage from the shower of scalding rock; a
successful DC 18 Reflex save halves the damage. Performing
a magma shake clears the drake’s scales of all excess molten
rock and it must resubmerge itself in order to use this attack
again. The save DC is Dexterity-based.
Pyroclastic Vomit (Ex) As a standard action, a lava drake can
vomit forth a ball of molten rock that explodes upon striking a
target, showering the target and adjacent creatures in magma.
This attack has a range of 100 feet, and deals 6d6 points of
fire damage (Reflex DC 19 half) to the primary target and 3d6
points of fire damage to any creatures within 20 feet of the
primary target. The magma continues to burn for 1d3 rounds,
dealing an additional 3d6 points of fire damage per round to
the primary target and 1d6 points of fire damage per round to
any secondary targets. After the magma cools, it crumbles to
dust. Once a lava drake has used its pyroclastic vomit, it cannot
do so again for 1d6 rounds. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Speed Surge (Ex) Three times per day as a swift action, a
lava drake can draw on its draconic heritage for a boost of
strength and speed that allows it to take an additional move
action that round.
This rocky monster glows with an internal heat. Red light spills
from its eyes and mouth, as well as fractures in its outer surface.
Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 118
N Large outsider (earth, elemental, extraplanar, fire)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +11
AC 16, touch 8, flat-footed 16 (–1 Dex, +8 natural, –1 size)
hp 60 (8d10+16)
Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +2
DR 5/—; Immune fire, elemental traits
Weaknesses vulnerable to cold
Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft.; earth glide
Melee 2 slams +11 (1d8+4 plus burn) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks burn (1d6, DC 14), lava puddle
Str 18, Dex 8, Con 15, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +8; CMB +13; CMD 22
Feats Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Initiative, Power Attack
Skills Climb +15, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +9, Perception
+11, Stealth +6
Languages Ignan
Burn (Ex) A magma elemental’s burn DC includes a –2 racial
penalty, as their fires don’t burn quite as hot as true
elemental flames.
Earth Glide (Ex) A burrowing magma elemental can pass
through stone, dirt, lava, or almost any other sort of earth
except metal as easily as a fish swims through water. Its
burrowing leaves behind no tunnel or hole, nor does it create
any ripple, though the area it passes through feels warm
for 1 round afterward and often retains a strangely smooth
texture, as if the stone had been polished. A move earth spell
cast on an area containing a burrowing magma elemental
flings the elemental back 30 feet, stunning the creature for
1 round unless it succeeds at a DC 15 Fortitude save.
Lava Puddle (Su) Once per day as a full-round action, a
magma elemental can vomit forth a puddle of lava that
fills its space to a depth of 2–3 inches and counts as difficult
terrain. Any creature that moves through this puddle of lava
takes 2d6 points of fire damage. This damage continues for
1d3 rounds after the creature leaves the lava pool, although
then it only inflicts 1d6 points of fire damage per round. The
lava puddle solidifies and is safe to touch after 8 rounds. At the
GM’s discretion, this puddle of lava could start secondary fires.
This snake-bodied humanoid hisses with anger. Spines of crackling
flame dance along the creature’s blackened, fiery-red scales.
Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 288, 240
CE Medium outsider (extraplanar, fire)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +18
AC 22, touch 13, flat-footed 19 (+3 Dex, +9 natural)
hp 92 (8d10+48)
Fort +12, Ref +9, Will +8
DR 10/magic; Immune fire
Weaknesses vulnerability to cold
Speed 20 ft.
Melee mwk spear +14/+9 (1d8+7/×3 plus 1d6 fire), tail slap +8
(2d6+2 plus 1d6 fire and grab)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with tail)
Special Attacks constrict (2d6+7), heat (1d6 fire)
Str 20, Dex 17, Con 22, Int 18, Wis 19, Cha 17
Base Atk +8; CMB +13 (+17 grapple); CMD 26 (cant be tripped)
Feats Cleave, Iron Will, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Perception)
Skills Acrobatics +14 (+10 when jumping), Bluff +14, Craft
(armor, blacksmith, weapons) +17, Intimidate +14, Knowledge
(planes) +15, Perception +18, Sense Motive +15, Stealth +14;
Racial Modifiers +4 Craft (armor, blacksmith, and weapons)
Languages Common, Draconic, Ignan, Infernal
Other Gear mwk spear
Heat (Ex) A salamander generates so much heat that its mere
touch deals an additional 1d6 points of fire damage. A
salamanders metallic weapons also conduct this heat.
Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 240
CE Medium outsider (extraplanar, fire)
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +16
AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 17 (+1 Dex, +7 natural)
hp 76 (8d10+32)
Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +6
DR 10/magic; Immune fire
Weaknesses vulnerability to cold
Speed 20 ft.
Melee spear +11/+6 (1d8+4/×3 plus 1d6 fire), tail slap +6
(2d6+1 plus 1d6 fire and grab)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with tail)
Special Attacks constrict (2d6+4 plus 1d6 fire), heat
Str 16, Dex 13, Con 18, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 13
Base Atk +8; CMB +11 (+15 grapple); CMD 22 (cant be tripped)
Feats Cleave, Iron Will, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Perception)
Skills Acrobatics +12, Bluff +12, Craft (weapons) +17,
Intimidate +12, Knowledge (planes) +13, Perception +16,
Sense Motive +13, Stealth +12; Racial Modifiers +4 Craft
(armor, blacksmith, and weapons)
Languages Common, Ignan
Heat (Ex) A salamander generates so much heat that its mere
touch deals an additional 1d6 points of fire damage. A
salamanders metallic weapons also conduct this heat.
The Exchange
Silver Crusade
Dark Archive
Scarab Sages
Liberty’s EdgeGrand Lodge
Sovereign Court
Character #
Prestige Points
Character Name
The Exchange
Silver Crusade
Dark Archive
Scarab Sages
Liberty’s EdgeGrand Lodge
Sovereign Court
Character #
Prestige Points
Character Name
The Exchange
Silver Crusade
Dark Archive
Scarab Sages
Liberty’s EdgeGrand Lodge
Sovereign Court
Character #
Prestige Points
Character Name
The Exchange
Silver Crusade
Dark Archive
Scarab Sages
Liberty’s EdgeGrand Lodge
Sovereign Court
Character #
Prestige Points
Character Name
The Exchange
Silver Crusade
Dark Archive
Scarab Sages
Liberty’s EdgeGrand Lodge
Sovereign Court
Character #
Prestige Points
Character Name
The Exchange
Silver Crusade
Dark Archive
Scarab Sages
Liberty’s EdgeGrand Lodge
Sovereign Court
Character #
Prestige Points
Character Name
The Exchange
Silver Crusade
Dark Archive
Scarab Sages
Liberty’s Edge
Grand Lodge
Sovereign Court
Character #
Prestige Points
Character Name
GM #
GM Character #
GM Prestige EarnedGM Name
The Exchange
Silver Crusade
Dark Archive
Scarab Sages
Liberty’s Edge
Grand Lodge
Sovereign Court
Pathfinder Society Scenario #8-11:
Forged in Flame, Part 2:
Cleansed with Fire
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Pathfinder Society Scenario #8–11: Forged in Flame, Part 2: Cleansed with Fire
© 2016, Paizo Inc.; Author: Nathan King.
Player Name
Character Name Pathfinder Society # Faction
EVENT EVENT CODE DATE Game Master’s Signature GM Pathfinder Society #
For GM Only
This Chronicle sheet grants access to the following:
Starting XP
XP Gained (GM ONLY)
Final XP Total
Initial Prestige Initial Fame
Prestige Gained (GM ONLY)
Prestige Spent
Starting GP
GP Gained
Day Job (GM ONLY)
Gold Spent
Character Chronicle #
Out of
Pathfinder Society Scenario #8-11:
Forged in Flame, Part 2:
Cleansed with Fire
▫ ▫ Azers’ Beacon (Liberty’s Edge Faction): Thanks to your eorts, dozens of azers have secured their freedom
in the City of Brass. You have received their blessing and can channel this latent magic to radiate brilliant fire
for 2 rounds as a swi action by checking a box that precedes this boon. These flames shed light as a torch and
do not harm your possessions, but any creature that strikes you with an unarmed strike or natural attack takes
fire damage equal to 1d6 plus the number of fire anity boons you have earned. This damage doubles against
creatures that are grappling you (including against restraints like rope).
▫ ▫ ▫ Brass Tycoon (Exchange Faction): The Exchange has established profitable foothold on the Plane
of Fire, and you have dedicated considerable attention to making sure all goes smoothly. You are so practiced
in negotiating with fiery creatures that flames practically obey your spoken commands. You can check a box
that precedes this boon before attempting a saving throw against an eect that deals fire damage or has
the fire descriptor to roll the save twice and take the higher result; if you can speak Ignan, you extend this
benefit against the eect to your allies (maximum one ally per Fire Anity boon this character has earned).
Alternatively, when you or an adjacent ally cast a spell with the fire descriptor, you can check a box to apply the
Selective Spell
metamagic feat to the spell without changing its spell level or casting time (maximum one
square excluded per Fire Anity boon this character has earned).
▫ Efreeti Arcana: You have studied powerful efreeti magic gathered over generations. Between adventures,
you can check the box that precedes this boon to scribe (or teach to your familiar) two spells whose spell levels
cannot exceed the highest-level spell you can cast. You can instead scribe three such spells so long as they each
have the fire descriptor. This does not allow you to learn spells to which you would not otherwise have access,
such as due to your class or race. Alternatively, you can check the box to cast scorching ray as a spell-like ability
(CL 7th).
Fire Anity: Your connection to elemental fire has grown stronger over the course of your recent adventures.
This boon has no mechanical eect on its own, but it may interact with other boons or play a role in future
adventures—especially those set on the elemental planes.
Core Campaign
All Subtiers Subtier 8–9
+1 shield cloak (2,000 gp; Pathfinder RPG Ultimate
Equipment 268)
bonebreaker bracers (6,000 gp; Ultimate Equipment 270)
book of extended summoning (2,750 gp; Ultimate
Equipment 283)
frost-forged steel breastplate (2,700 gp; Ultimate
Equipment 50)
gray bag of tricks (3,400 gp)
lens of detection (3,500 gp)
page of spell knowledge (2nd level; 4,000 gp; Ultimate
Equipment 314)
spell lattice (1st level; 1,000 gp; Pathfinder RPG
Advanced Class Guide 235)
+1 dragon-defiant shield cloak (5,000 gp; Pathfinder
RPG Ultimate Equipment 116, 268)
+1 spell-storing battleaxe (8,310 gp)
balm of impish grace (7,500 gp; Ultimate Equipment 282)
greater book of extended summoning (6,126 gp;
Ultimate Equipment 283)
scroll of heroism (CL 8th; 600 gp, limit 1)
spell lattice (2nd level; 4,000 gp; Pathfinder RPG
Advanced Class Guide 235)