© 2023 Indonesian Society for Science Educator 100 J.Sci.Learn.2023.6(1).100-116
Received: 01 June 2022
Revised: 24 January 2023
Published: 20 March 2023
Argumentation Skills of Pre-Service Elementary Teachers on Atmospheric
Pelin Mete
Department of Primary School Education, Faculty of Education, Ataturk University, Erzurum, Turkey
*Corresponding author: pelinmete25@gmail.com
ABSTRACT In the present study, atmospheric pressure, an abstract concept that learners generally have difficulty understanding
and explaining, was presented to pre-service elementary teachers (PSTs) with the method of argumentation. The argument levels of
the PSTs were examined using the Predict - Observe - Explain (POE) experiments in teaching the subject of "atmospheric pressure."
The study includes both the development of the worksheets and the application of the developed worksheets. The researcher
developed four POE worksheets and used them in two ways. First, PSTs did two POE experiments in the science lab to learn by
doing atmospheric pressure. Second, PSTs watched two videos about atmospheric pressure. Data collection tools consist of POE
worksheets and in-class discussion records made during the implementation. The worksheet analysis prepared an argumentation
rubric according to the Toulmin argument level. Descriptive analysis was performed on the worksheets according to the
argumentation rubric, and the change and development of the PSTs' argument skills were evaluated. Although, as a result of the
study, the PSTs had difficulty forming arguments at the beginning, as the practice progressed, their argument-forming skills improved,
and the argument levels of the PSTs were moved to higher levels. However, it was noted that the PSTs' level of high-level argument
formation was limited. In contrast, most of the PSTs in the experiments made only one claim and had difficulties justifying it.
Keywords Argumentation, atmospheric pressure, Predict-Observe-Explain, science education, teacher education
The students think of science as an abstract lesson. This
lesson, which has many abstract concepts, is an area in
which learners have difficulties understanding information.
Therefore, learners must learn science lessons by
questioning, doing, experiencing, and making sense of
knowledge (Hofstein & Lunetta, 2004; Kelly & Licona,
2018). Modern education can be carried out by educating
students with the skills of questioning, inductive and
deductive thinking instead of students who learn by
memorization and cannot make judgments. Students who
can learn by questioning information, discovering new
information, or combining pieces of a puzzle are the
building block of Education (Hofstein, Kipnis & Kind,
In a traditional learning environment, the student takes
what is taught, and the teacher transfers information
following the student's level. In this environment, students
accept information without question and can generally turn
to memorization. In this case, the science lesson has a
problematic course image because students have difficulty
understanding science subjects, associating them with
other preliminary learnings, and structuring knowledge.
The critical point in science teaching is to use the
information properly and correctly, to evaluate the data,
and to have critical thinking skills (Osborne, Erduran &
Simon, 2004). This expectation can be fulfilled by including
students in the learning process and being primarily
responsible for the production of scientific knowledge. To
meet this expectation, students can be included in the
learning process and responsible for producing scientific
knowledge (Yerrick, 2000). In this regard, it is important to
use methods in which students are active in the teaching
process and to shape learning according to the learner. The
argument method is one of the preferred teaching methods
for providing conceptual understandings and obtaining the
desired feedback from education (Driver, Newton &
Osborne, 2000; Duschl & Osborne, 2002; Erduran, 2007;
Wu et al., 2019)
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In the current study, prediction-observation-explain
worksheets (POE-W) were used to examine the argument-
forming skills of pre-service elementary teachers (PSTs).
POE-W was used in the study in two ways. First, PSTs
were asked to answer the questions in the worksheets by
allowing them the opportunity to do the experimental
activities in the science laboratory. In the second, the PSTs
were shown two videos and asked to make arguments in
line with the directed questions. In this context, The
importance of argumentation in science and teacher
education and the use of visual elements in argumentation
form the theoretical framework of the current study.
1.1 Argumentation in science education
The argument refers to the reasons to support a claim
(Walton, 2006). The argumentation relates to the
discussion process between individuals with different
perspectives (Osborne, Erduran & Simon, 2004; Sampson
& Clark, 2008). The argumentation method allows the
students to create written and oral discussions in scientific
inquiry to help them learn science (Cavagnetto, Hand &
Norton-Meier, 2010; Choi, Notebaert, Diaz & Hand,
2010). There has been considerable research on the
application of the argument used in the meaning of
scientific discussion in science education (Anisa, Widodo,
Riandi & Muslim, 2022; Driver, Newton & Osborne., 2000;
Duschl & Osborne, 2002; Jimenez-Aleixandre et al., 2000;
Khishfe, 2022; Osborne, Erduran & Simon., 2004; Wei et
al., 2019; Zohar & Nemet, 2002).
Argumentation in science learning is considered within
the scope of constructivist learning, with its features aiming
to learn rather than teach and based on research and inquiry
(Allchin & Zemplén, 2020; Moje, Collazo, Carrillo & Marx,
2001; Palmer, 2005; Simon, Erduran & Osborne, 2006;
Yen, Tuan & Liao, 2011). The argumentation method
effectively structures knowledge based on the student's
ability to solve problems about any learning topic, critical
thinking, and active participation in the process (Zohar &
Nemet, 2002). In this respect, argumentation allows
students to read, write and discuss with their friends and
helps them develop conceptual understanding skills (Keys,
Hand, Prain & Collins, 1999, s. 1067). In the argumentation
method, students can create arguments that include a claim,
data, warrant, backing, and rebuttal while discussing the
subject (Toulmin, 1958). In this way, argumentation
enables students to reveal their current knowledge, develop
conceptual understanding, construct information correctly,
and combine it with other information (Sampson & Gleim,
2009). According to the results of the study conducted by
Hand, Wallace & Prain (2003), which examined the
relationship between students' ability to create arguments
and learning outcomes, it was determined that students'
scientific literacy improved. Another study stated that
argumentation provided conceptual change and in-depth
learning (Keys, Hand, Prain & Collins, 1999).
1.2 Argumentation in Teacher Education
According to previous studies, argumentation improves
pre-service teachers' argument-forming skills, their
perspective on learning science, and their conceptual
understanding (Cebrián-Robles, Franco-Mariscal &
Blanco-López., 2018; Robertshaw & Campbell, 2013).
Uzuntiryaki-Kondakci, Tuysuz, Sarici, Soysal & Kilinc
(2021) stated that in the laboratory conducted with
argumentation, the candidates' argumentation skills
increased, they successfully explained chemistry concepts
at the sub-microscopic level, and over time they started to
produce strong arguments, including deep conceptual
knowledge. In an experimental study on chemical
equilibrium, it was observed that the conceptual
understanding of pre-service teachers was better in the
experimental group where the argumentation method was
applied (Kaya, 2013). Studies are investigating the effect of
argumentation, such as the student's understanding of the
nature of science, the development of argumentation and
inquiry skills (Walker, 2011), the student's argument
qualities in the laboratory course (Kind, Kind, Hofstein &
Wilson, 2011); the effect of explicit inquiry teaching in
science class (Yerrick, 2000); the socio-scientific issues with
genetic science content (Dawson & Venville, 2010); the
ability of students to construct argument components
(Bathgate, Crowell, Schunn, Cannady & Dorph, 2015). In
these researches, it is shown that students' argument skills
improve and have positive effects on learning, and their
participation in a scientific debate increases. For example,
Katchevich, Hofstein & Mamlok-Naaman (2011)
examined the development of students' argumentation
skills in the chemistry laboratory with open-ended inquiry
and confirmatory-type experiments. As a result, it was
determined that the number and level of arguments formed
by students in open-ended interrogative investigations
were higher than in confirmatory experiments. It should be
noted that, despite the studies that yielded positive results,
pre-service teachers still had difficulties in developing
arguments (Martín-Gámez & Erduran, 2018).
1.3 Visual Argumentation
Visual argumentation has a specific place in the
literature to enrich educational studies (Csordas & Forrai,
2017; Roberts, 2007). Some researchers stated that visual
elements could generate arguments (Blair, 1996; Blair,
2012; Csordas & Forrai, 2017; Godden, 2013). In today's
information age, it is necessary to involve students more in
education and to improve their perspective. Students'
ability to debate scientific matters depends on researching,
analyzing, and organizing information. In this sense, Visual
elements are essential to support argument generation. In
science, an abstract theory, which students do not perceive,
can be effectively communicated through visual
representations (Mathewson, 1999; Roque, 2009).
According to Tseronis (2013), visual elements can be used
to express and justify a claim, and it is possible to create
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arguments through visual elements. In other words, the
content presented can also be expressed through visual
means since what the images or videos mean can be
defined, and visual content can be explained verbally,
providing an opportunity to create and think about
Visual elements may require critical thinking to
understand the interactions between components in a
pictorial diagram. For example, in a science lesson, the
student should be able to infer from visual representations,
visualize a system (such as moon phases, water cycle,
ecosystems), and explain possible consequences (Lee &
Jones, 2018). Visual elements can allow students to explore
aspects of the topic to support a particular claim and thus
potentially increase the persuasiveness of their arguments.
Moreover, it was stated that students who link visual
representations with written and oral claims tend to form
strong ideas (Wu et al., 2019). Godden (2013) answered
how to evaluate the arguments created with visual
elements. The message is transmitted with an optical
element. The difference is only the way the message is
presented. Therefore, the evaluation method applied to the
traditional argument is also valid for visual statements.
Since many formats (Statements Table, Concept Map,
Competitive Theories, POE) can be preferred to create
arguments, students should learn how to share their ideas
and create qualified opinions. In line with this idea, in the
current study, students used experiences in different
formats as the basis of their arguments (American
Association for the Advancement of Science, 1993;
Namdar, 2017; Namdar & Demir, 2016; Tseronis, 2013).
1.4. The importance of the research
Previous studies stated that students and teacher
candidates had difficulty learning atmospheric pressure,
which is difficult to grasp because it is an abstract concept
(Mas, Perez & Harris, 1987; Nelson, Aron & Francek,
1992). Obtaining incomplete or incorrect information on
pressure, temperature, and heat causes difficulties in
understanding atmospheric pressure (Basca & Grotzer,
2001; Kariotoglou & Psillos, 1993). The existence of these
difficulties directs educators to use methods that facilitate
learning. Teachers must provide basic information that
solves students' problems in learning science concepts.
According to Lewthwaite (2014), a teacher should be able
to direct a student's attention to the critical points
underlying the subject. If teachers plan to teach children air
pressure, they can demonstrate the power of this natural
phenomenon with simple, fun, and engaging experiments
that explain the basics. When the concept of atmospheric
pressure is taught by the method of argument, it is ensured
that the learner defends, justifies, and presents evidence for
the idea. Thus, it is expected to facilitate learning and create
permanent knowledge. Besides, it is ensured that the
learner asks, "what am I thinking wrongly, or what do I
know wrong?".
PST has a lack of knowledge about the application of
the argumentation approach. Similarly, pre-service teachers
have problems starting and continuing the teaching process
based on argumentation, planning, and creating a
discussion environment. Karakaş (2022) emphasized that
this approach should be used in the study he conducted
with primary school teachers to gain multidimensional
thinking and discussion skills, to use essential argument
elements (claim, data, justification), and to create an active
learning process. Lack of familiarity with this method
indicates that argumentation cannot be applied effectively
(Dori, Tal & Tsaushu, 2003; Kaya, Çetin & Erduran, 2014).
The worksheets prepared in the current study provide PST
with the experiences necessary to initiate and maintain the
argumentation-based teaching process in the science
teaching process. The present study examined the
argument-forming skills of PSTs about atmospheric
pressure. The current study has three goals.
1. Preparation of Experimental and Visual POE
worksheets for PSTs in teaching the subject of
atmospheric pressure,
2. Implementation of the prepared worksheets,
3. Investigate of PSTs' argument-forming skills in
Experimental and Visual POE worksheets.
This study was carried out according to the case study,
which is one of the qualitative research methods. Case
study; It is a method in which a single situation or event is
examined in depth, data is collected systematically, and
what is happening in the natural environment is looked at
(Yin, 2003). PST’s argumentation skills were examined in
the natural environment in the science laboratory.
2.1 Sample
The sample consists of 42 PSTs(24 female, 18 male)
who take the Science and Technology Laboratory
Applications course in Science Education Department.
The sampling method of the study is the purposeful
sampling method. This method allows for in-depth
research by selecting information-rich situations. In
addition, it is a method that accelerates research because it
permits the researcher to move to a case that is close and
easy to access.
2.2 Development of worksheets
Stage 1. Creating the content of the worksheets
The worksheets consist of two types of content,
experimental and visual. Two of the worksheets were
prepared by the researcher as laboratory experiments in line
with the relevant literature. Various sources have been used
in the subject of atmospheric pressure for content
(Kesmez, 2010; Petrucci, Harwood & Herring, 2010). For
the preparation of visual content, "Effects of atmospheric
pressure" were written on the Google search. The videos
found were analyzed in terms of content to be related to
other experiments. Experts evaluated the suitability of the
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proposed videos for the study. As a result of the
investigations, it was decided to use the videos in the link
Stage 2: Arrangement of worksheets according to
the POE method
The researcher prepared the worksheets in writing to
conduct the study in harmony with the argumentation
method. The POE, one of the strategies that facilitate and
support the process of argumentation in science classes,
was used to prepare worksheets (Osborne, Erduran &
Simon., 2004). Images used in experimental content are
taken from the book (Kesmez, 2010). For visual content,
screenshots are taken from the necessary parts of the video.
The worksheets include the tools and equipment used in
the experiment, how to experiment, and questions of
estimation, observation, and explanation.
Stage 3. Validity Study for worksheets
a) Lawshe Technique: Expert opinion was obtained
with the "worksheet evaluation form" regarding the
developed worksheets (see Table 1). The worksheets were
presented to the evaluation of 7 experts with the criteria
"sufficient in measuring targeted behaviors" (1), "should be
arranged to measure targeted behaviors" (2), and
"insufficient in measuring targeted behaviors" (3) (Lawshe,
1975). Experts consist of chemistry (3), science (3), and
physics (1) educators. In addition, they have laboratory
In the Lawshe technique, the coverage validity rates for
substances are calculated by applying the formula given
below (Yurdugül, 2005). When the procedure is used, it is
evaluated as follows.
CVR = [(Ns)/(N/2)]-1
Ns = several experts answering "substance is required
/ suitable."
N = Total number of experts expressing opinions
All experts are suitable CVR = 1,
Half of the experts are reasonable CVR = 0,
More than half of the experts are suitable for CRV> 0
Less than half of the experts are ideal for CVR <0
(Venaziano & Hooper, 1997).
Yurdugül (2005) stated that it is important how many
dimensions of the feature that is wanted to be measured are
collected. He emphasized that if the part is contained in
more than one dimension, Cvr should be obtained for each
size. For example, most measurements in the working
leaves evaluation form have CVR values of 1. This value
indicates high content validity (see Table 2).
Table 1 Worksheet evaluation form
Review questions
Are worksheets appropriate for the purpose?
Can the prediction questions in the worksheets raise awareness about the experiment?
Are worksheets an ideal example for prospective teachers to develop their experiments?
Are the explanations on how to make the worksheets sufficient?
Are the visual representations in the worksheets sufficient?
Do worksheets enable candidates to participate physically and mentally?
Can the experiment attract the attention of students?
Is the work done according to the student's level?
Do worksheets help with effective learning?
Can worksheets help relate to previous learning?
Time and place
Is the time allocated to the experiment sufficient?
Are the materials used in the experiment easy to use?
Does the experiment prioritize student safety?
Are the materials used in the experiment economic in terms of cost?
Table 2 CVR values according to the worksheets evaluation criteria
Time and place
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2.3 Implementation Process
Two groups, A and B, take Science and Technology
Laboratory Implementations courses in classroom
education. Four groups were formed by dividing each of
the A and B branches into two groups (A1, A2, B1, B2).
The reason for studying small groups is that the number of
materials in the laboratory is limited, and the researcher
alone conducts the guide role in the application of
activities. Each group held activities within one lesson time
(30-50 minutes). The implementation process lasted four
weeks and was carried out in the science laboratory. The
names and objectives of the experiments in the lesson plan
are given in Table 3.
Before the implementation: In the first week,
laboratory materials were introduced to the students, and
their locations were shown. Besides, the points to be
considered in laboratory safety are explained. They were
informed to learn the arguments and POE methods, and
the sample experiment "paper sticking to the glass" was
made to get used to this approach.
During the implementation: The researcher handed
out the worksheets to the candidates and asked them to
read how the experiment was done. The researcher has
made the necessary explanations about how to experiment
is being done. a)Prediction stage: At this stage, PSTs are
expected to present claims about the events they may
encounter in the experiments based on their current
preliminary information. PTSs were asked to read the
worksheet carefully and write the questions in the
prediction section individually before starting the
experiment. Finally, they argued verbally with their friends.
PSTs are also expected to support their claims about the
experiment's outcome with scientific data. After the PSTs
answered the prediction questions verbally and in writing,
their experiments started to be applied. b)Observation
stage: The researcher asked the PSTs to do the
experiments progressively, as shown in the worksheets.
Groups of 2-3 people conducted the experiments under
the guidance of the researcher. Completing the experiment,
the PSTs answered the questions in the observation section
in their worksheets. Thus, the Psts were able to predict the
outcome of the experiment and, at the same time, compare
their predictions with their observations. PSTs are also
asked to state what they consider essential or notable issues
regarding the experiment they observe. c) Explanation
stage: PSTs were asked to write and discuss the difference
between their predictions and observations in the
explanation section of the worksheets. PSTs were asked to
create warrants and discuss situations where their reasons
were not valid. PSTs discussed their predictions,
observations, and issues they misunderstood or could not
understand about the experiment. They were asked to
discuss the inconsistent situations between their
observations and predictions and explain the experiment
they observed. Differences or similarities between
observations and predictions led them to form arguments.
Besides, they shared the argument with their friends using
the argument components. They defended their opinions
and persuaded their counter-claiming friends. The
researcher guided the students and explained the subject
throughout the study. After the PSTs discussed the
experiment and their opinions and thoughts, the researcher
explained the matter. d) Feedback stage: The
implementation process has progressed through
continuous interviews, conversations, and Q&A with
PSTs. After the experiments, the researcher talked to the
students about things they did not understand or
misinterpreted. Interviews were conducted with PSTs after
the POE phase of the experiments. In these interviews, the
issues that the candidates did not understand were
evaluated to ensure their conceptual understanding. The
researcher explained the results of the experiments. Thus,
it was thought that they would be supported to make better
arguments for each experiment.
Table 3 Objectives of experiments and weekly lesson plan
Before the
Explaining the purpose of the research,
informing about the experiments to be done,
forming groups, determining the seating
plan, explaining the teaching of the lesson,
informing the PSTs about the materials to be
used in the laboratory and their places
During the
Rising water
Examining the movement of water by
creating a low pressure zone
Boiling water
Pressure effect on boiling point
Volume Reduced Plastic Water Bottle
The effect of low air pressure on a
plastic water bottle whose volume is
reduced by compression
A Glass of Room-Temperature Water
The effect of low air pressure on a
glass of water at room temperature
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2.4. Evaluation of data
The argument components, levels, and analytical
framework constituting the argumentation rubric
developed by Erduran et al. (2004) are presented in detail
in Table 4.
As stated in some studies in the literature, there are
some limitations to using the Toulmin model (Simon, 2008;
McNeill, Lizotte, Krajcik & Marx, 2006; Jiménez-
Aleixandre, Rodriguez & Duschl., 2000). For example,
Sampson & Clark (2008) pointed out that in Toulmin's
argumentation model, the content of all arguments in the
data set could not be evaluated. Ball (1994), for example,
claimed that the model was suitable for analyzing simple
discussions rather than real and complex discussions. Some
authors, such as Aldag (2006) and Freeman (1991),
discussed whether the model should be used to analyze
discussion texts. Besides, it was stated that there are
limitations in the categories of the Toulmin argument
model, and the assessment can be made more accurately
with additional levels (Aldag, 2006). In the data analysis of
the present study, for the analysis of the answers given by
PSTs to their questions in the worksheets, changes were
made in the categories due to the reasons mentioned above.
Subcategories have been added to the second level of the
Toulmin argument model to evaluate the argument
correctly and observe the change in creating argumentation
during the implementation. False warrant-warrant-backing
statements can be considered as a meaningful hierarchy of
argument formation. If the PSTs are missing or falsely
claiming, they will likely provide a false warrant (2a). PSTs
may submit assurances but may not be able to explain them
precisely. This case will probably make a medium-quality
argument for the second level (2b). If the warrants
presented by the PSTs are correct and appropriate, correct
and explanatory statements are used for the warrants, the
warranties are supported. That can also be described as
switching to a higher level of argument (2c). The analytical
framework used to evaluate the quality of argumentation in
the analysis of the data is given in Table 5.
A sample of answers given by the PSTs to the questions
in the worksheets is presented in Tables (6-7-8-9)
according to the components of the argument (data, claim,
false warrant, warrant, backing, and rebuttal). Data: It is the
first information needed to conclude reasoning. Claim: An
opinion, conclusion, or opinion about an idea. Warrant: It
gives the link between the data and the claim. Basic
principles consist of rules. Backings: The basic assumptions
that support the acceptability of a justification. It provides
the opportunity to consolidate the claim. Qualifiers: Limit
the cases where the claim is accepted as accurate. The data
strengthen the link between the consolidator and the claim,
enabling a persuasive argument to be constructed
(absolutely, as if impossible). Rebuttal: It is used when the
claims of opposing views are not valid. To better
Table 4 The analytical framework used to assess the quality of arguments developed by Toulmin (Erduran et al., 2004)
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
It consists of
consisting of a
simple claim or a
claim against
another claim.
This level consists
of a claim and
arguments that
include data,
warrant, or backing.
This level is the
series of claims with
data, justification, or
supporting weakly
This level consists
of arguments with a
identifiable claim
containing a
Such an argument
can make a variety
of claims or
This level refers to a
argument involving
more than one rebuttal.
Table 5 The analytical framework used to evaluate the quality of argumentation in the analysis of research findings
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
The level of
consisting of
claims only or
The level of
consists of
data, and
backing, weak
The level of
consisting of
scientific data,
backing, clear
It's an
It contains
scientific data,
the right
warrant or
backing, and
The level of
supported by
false grounds or
unscientific data
for a claim
The level
of a claim
data or a
The level of
consisting of
a claim and
scientific data
and a
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understand the argument level formed by a PST, they are
exemplified by directly quoting the statements. The
argument levels of the PSTs are presented in the same table
for each worksheet (table 10). Table 10, created for this
purpose, was prepared using the data of 42 PSTs.
Table 6 Sample statements of PSTs according to the argument components in Worksheet 1
Example expressions
Water can fill up until the air in the glass balloon cools.
Since the temperature and pressure are directly proportional, we can use this assumption in the event.
We're trying to make a difference in temperature and pressure.
When the glass balloon is heated, the pressure of the air inside increases.
Water vapor may occur if the hot glass is immersed in water.
The pressure of the air increases, i.e., the internal pressure increases.
There is no substance or air in the glass balloon. Therefore, if the glass balloon is heated, it will be heated.
Water can rise in the glass pipe.
False warrant
If the heated glass flask in the beaker is immersed, evaporation occurs, and fog is formed.
As it heats up, the pressure in the glass balloon decreases, and the air begins to enter it from the outside.
Temperature and pressure are inversely proportional. If the glass balloon heats up, the air pressure decreases
When the glass bubble is warmed, the air pressure increases, the heated air expands, and the air moves upwards.
As the temperature increases, the kinetic energy, the molecules accelerate as the air warms, and the water rises in the glass
Water can rise in the glass pipe due to the open air pressure.
The water can rise in the glass pipe when cold water meets hot air.
When the glass bubble is heated, the internal pressure increases. Some air comes out of the glass balloon, and the air becomes
diluted; the pressure decreases, and the pressure difference causes the water to rise.
In the first case, the heated air rose, and the pressure in the glass bubble decreased. In the second case, open-air pressure
exerted pressure on the water surface. The water started flowing into the glass balloon in the low-pressure zone.
Due to the pressure difference, the water rises until internal and external pressure equalizes.
Table 7 Sample statements of PSTs according to the argument components in Worksheet-2
Example expressions
The boiling point of water depends on the external pressure.
The boiling point of water depends on the external pressure and the type of liquid.
The boiling point of water depends on the altitude above sea level where we boil the water.
As it rises above sea level, the water boils more quickly.
The temperature of the water decreases.
When ice is put in the flask, the water becomes concentrated.
Water droplets are formed in the flask.
False warrant
When the external pressure is reduced with ice, the boiling time extends.
The boiling point of water depends on the temperature.
When the pressure decreases, the temperature decreases.
The boiling point of water depends on the tools, heat source, and equipment used.
Molecules move away from each other due to the decrease in pressure when ice is placed.
The ice placed on the glass balloon reduces the pressure, and the boiling point of the water decreases. That's why the water
starts to boil.
When the external pressure is reduced, the water can boil more quickly. Because if the external pressure decreases, the
boiling point decreases.
The ice in the ballon joje caused the water to boil, creating a pressure difference.
The vapor pressure of the water in the glass bubble can be reduced, and boiling can be achieved because the boiling point
decreases as the pressure is low at high places.
The pressure dropped when the hot water suddenly cooled, and the water began to boil again.
If we added salt to sugar, we could change the boiling point in this case because the boiling point depends on the purity of
the liquid.
The water would not boil again without a cooling effect on the system.
If the pressure drop was not achieved, the water would not boil again.
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Worksheet 1. Rising water
Examples of argument levels for worksheet-1 are
presented below.
When the glass balloon is heated, the pressure of the air
increases (data). The hot air rises and comes out of the glass pipe
(warrant) when the glass balloon is turned over and immersed in
the water, we cool the system, and therefore the pressure decreases
(backing) since all this causes the pressure differentiation
(warrant) the water rises in the glass pipe (claim). (The level
of argument is 2b).
I was waiting for the water to rise in the glass pipe. (Claim)
We apply heating and cooling processes, which cause pressure to
increase and decrease (Warrant). The warmed air rose, and the
air in the glass bubble decreased. Atmospheric pressure exerted
pressure on the water surface when immersed in the beaker. The
water started to fill the glass balloon in the low-pressure zone. The
water rises as the system wants to balance the pressure due to the
pressure difference (Backing). Because we do not change the
atmospheric pressure, we observe the strength of the atmospheric
pressure (Data). (The level of argument is 2c).
Worksheet- 2. Boiling water
Examples of argument levels for worksheet-2 are
presented below.
When ice is placed on the inverted flask, heat exchanges
between hot water and ice (data), and the ice begins to melt
(claim). Due to the temperature difference between ice and hot
water, water gives heat, and ice takes heat and begins to melt
(warrant). Heat exchange is from a hot body to a cold body (data).
We created a pressure difference with the cooling effect of ice and
boiled the water (backing). The water would not boil again
without a cooling effect on the system (rebuttal). (The level of
argument is 3).
I want to summarize the experiment as follows. Boiling will
occur if the internal pressure equals the outside pressure, i.e.,
atmospheric pressure (data). I learned from last semester's
theoretical lesson that each liquid has a certain boiling temperature
(data). …….So if we added salt to sugar, we could change the
boiling point in this case, too, because the boiling point depends on
the purity of the liquid. But we couldn't boil it like this here
(rebuttal). (The level of argument is 4).
Worksheet-3. Volume Reduced Plastic Water
Implementation of video activities by the researcher: In
the science laboratory lesson, the PSTs watched the video
whose link is given
ure=emb_logo ), and the images are presented in
Appendix-3. The whole video has been observed in three
parts. When it comes to the relevant parts, the video is
stopped, and what has been done is explained. The PSTs
were asked questions about what they could observe and
the reasons for their predictions, and they were asked to
note them in their documents.
Part 1: When the first part of the video was watched, the
researcher paused the video and explained what was done in the video
as follows: "An empty plastic water bottle is squeezed by hand with
its mouth open, and then the lid is closed. Then it was put into the
bowl, and the air in the bowl was evacuated with the help of the
pump". The researcher asked, "How do you think this change will
affect the plastic bottle when the air inside the glass bell starts to
decrease?" and wanted the PSTs to write and discuss their opinions.
Part 2: Later, the video continued to be watched. The researcher
continued to explain. "In the video, we see that the compressed plastic
water bottle swells as the air inside the bell is evacuated, as the pressure
Table 8 Sample statements of PSTs according to the argument components in Worksheet 3
Example expressions
Pressure and volume are inversely proportional. Therefore, one is increasing while the other is decreasing.
We can interpret it with the formula Pv = nRT.
I thought the pet bottle would get smaller when the air in the pump was drawn.
As the air is discharged, the pressure in the pump decreases. Therefore, it can also be said that the pressure is low in an
airless environment.
If the air of the bell jar is discharged, the volume of the pet bottle may increase due to pressure change.
False warrant
The relationship between pressure and force, the pressure and volume relationship, explains this situation.
It is the volumetric force that allows the change in the shape of the bottle.
Like when electrical cables pucker up in winter and stretch in summer?
The pet bottle has returned to its former state as the pressure generated by the gravitational effect in the bell jar has
As the bell jar's internal pressure increases, the bottle's volume increases, and the bottle's volume decreases as its pressure
Taking the air in the bell jar reduces the effect of gravity on the bottle, and the bottle returns to its original state. When
the air re-entered the pump, the gravity applied to the bottle returned to the shape we gave it.
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is reduced and returns to its initial state. How do you think this
situation can be explained?’’
Part 3: The video has continued to be re-watched. The researcher
stated, "When the air re-entered the bell jar, the water bottle returned
to its compressed state." How do we explain this case? What could be
the effect that makes you think so? The researcher asked them to write
and discuss their views.
Examples of argument levels for worksheet-3 are
presented below.
It is clearing the air from the bell jar. Therefore, it reduces the
pressure on the bell jar (data). I thought the bottle could stick to
the bell jar, for a moment (claim)….Accordingly, the bottle in the
bell jar goes back to its original state because internal and external
pressure balance should be established (warrant). Since the bottle's
internal pressure is greater than the pressure in the bell jar, the
bottle expands. This condition continues until the pressure in the
bottle, and the flask is equalized (backing). (The level of
argument is 2c).
In this experiment, I observed the effect of outdoor pressure on
the pet bottle (data). The pressure changed the physical
appearance of the pet bottle (data). First, the air inside the bell jar
was evacuated. That is, the tension in the bell jar decreased, and
the volume of the pet bottle in creased. Then the lid of the bell jar
was opened. The pet bottle returned to its original form (backing)
as the pressure was restored to the starting level. I noticed the lid
on the pet bottle was closed. We wouldn't be able to observe this
effect if the top of the pet bottle hadn't been completed (rebuttal).
(The level of argument is 3).
Worksheet-4. A Glass of Room-Temperature Water
Implementation of video activities by the researcher:
The entire video is shown in two parts. Regarding the relevant
sections, the video is stopped and explains what is done. The PSTs
were asked questions about their observations and predictions and
expected to write down their worksheets.
Part 1: In the science laboratory lesson, the PSTs watched the
video whose link is given
ture=emb_logo), and the images are presented in Appendix-4.
Halfway through the video, the researcher was stopped and expressed
what was done as follows." First, the temperature of a glass of water
is measured with a thermometer (18 degrees) and placed on the air
discharge pump table. Then, the pump was operated." Finally, the
researcher asked the PSTs, "How do you think this change affects the
water when the air inside the glass begins to decrease?" and wanted
them to write their opinions.
Table 8 Sample statements of PSTs according to the argument components in Worksheet 3 (Continued)
Example expressions
As seen in the experiment, pressure affects the compressed plastic bottle.
If the pressure decreases, the volume of the plastic bottle increases and returns to its original form.
Since the number of particles in the glass bell decreases, the volume of the shrunken plastic bottle starts to increase.
As the air in the bell jar decreased, the pressure dropped, and the plastic bottle volume increased.
As the air inside the bell jar is discharged, the volume of the pet bottle increases so that the pressure inside the bottle is
equal to the pressure on the bell jar. Therefore, the pressure inside the bottle is reduced.
As the pressure of the bell jar decreased, the bottle began to grow; its volume began to increase. So I think it's because the
external pressure is decreasing; the pressure on the bottle is decreasing, and the bottle's volume is starting to increase.
By closing the bottle lid, the amount of air in the bottle is prevented from being changed. The experiment could have differed
if the lid hadn't been closed when the pet bottle was put in the bell jar.
Episodes I was surprised by in the experiment: I saw this event for the first time. It's fascinating that the pet bottle grows
like air is getting into it. We wouldn't have used glass bottles instead of plastic bottles in this experiment because the glass
bottle couldn't be compressed. I wonder if the glass bottle would explode or open the lid if it was made in a glass bottle with
the lid closed.
Table 9 Sample statements of PSTs according to the argument components in Worksheet-4
Example expressions
The relationship between external pressure and the boiling point of water can explain this.
As the open-air pressure decreases, the boiling point of the water decreases.
For water to boil, the air pressure and the steam pressure of the water must be equal.
I expected the glass to break when the water started to boil.
The water can boil.
False warrant
Suppose the external pressure and the water vapor pressure are equal; the temperature increases. So the water
Of course, it's pressure and particle speed. As the particle speed increased, the water began to boil.
There's probably an inverse ratio between the pressure and the boiling point.
Under normal conditions and normal pressure, the water can't boil.
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Part 2: the video continued to be shown. The researcher explained:
"We see the water boiling in the video. When the air discharge pump
stops, and the flask is turned on, the temperature of the water is
measured again (18 degrees). How do we explain this? What do you
think the effect is that makes you feel that way? "
Examples of argument levels for worksheet-4 are
presented below.
The pressure decreases as the air in the bowl is evacuated with
the help of a pump (data). The vapor pressure of the water does
not change, but since the pressure in the bell jar decreases, both
pressures are equal (warrant). In this case, the water is boiling.
Normally, water does not boil at room temperature (data).
Because the external pressure is greater than the pressure of the
water vapor, we cannot wait for the water to boil (backing). (The
level of argument is 2b).
Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius at sea level. However, every
time you go up 200 meters above sea level, the boiling temperature
of the water decreases by 1 degree Celsius (data). Because as you
go above sea level, the atmospheric pressure decreases, and the
boiling temperature of the water decreases (data). For example, in
Izmir, which has an altitude of 0, water boils at a higher
temperature than in Erzurum. (backing). That is because
Erzurum's atmospheric pressure is less than in Izmir (warrant).
In this experiment, the water in the glass may boil (claim). As
the pressure decreases in the flask, the boiling point of the water
decreases and can cook in its environment (warrant). While the
pressure affecting the water decreases, the steam pressure of the
water does not change, and the water boils as the steam pressure of
the water is equalized to the atmospheric pressure (warrant).
(The level of argument is 2c).
The findings of this study, which examined PSTs' ability
to create arguments through POE activities, are presented
in figure 1 and table 10. The figure and table give a change
in the number of PSTs according to the level of argument.
When table 10 was evaluated in general, there was no
significant and regular increase or change. When the level
of the argument of the PSTs is examined, it is seen that they
initially struggled to make arguments and were often only
able to produce claims worksheet-4 (see Table 10). Level 1
reduction can be considered as an indication that the level
of the argument of the PSTs is moving from claim to
justification and support (see figure 1). At the beginning of
the implementation, PSTs generally discussed the ideas by
creating observation notes explaining the experiment.
However, they were found to have difficulty explaining the
experiment scientifically. Challenges in making scientific
statements cause low levels of argumentation. As the
implementation progressed, the number of candidates who
could interpret, explain and evaluate from a different point
of view increased.
Table 9 Sample statements of PSTs according to the argument components in Worksheet-4 (Continued)
Example expressions
When the pressure decreases, the boiling temperature of the water decreases. Therefore, the water at room temperature
boils after a while.
If the air pressure that acts on the water decreases, the water boils. When exposed to the same air pressure again, the
water stops boiling.
With the effect of atmospheric pressure, water can boil at different altitudes and temperatures.
I understand from the experiment that you may not need any outside heat to boil. So just lowering the pressure may be
enough to boil the water.
The air pressure in the environment decreases, and the water may also boil at temperatures lower than the normal
boiling value. In other words, the pressure affects the degree to which the water boils.
Water does not boil because the steam pressure of the water at room temperature is smaller than the pressure in the
external environment. Thanks to the pump, the pressure that acts on the water decreases, but the steam pressure of the
water does not change. When the steam and external pressure of the water are equalized, the water boils.
Table 10 Change in PSTs numbers based on argument levels at worksheet
Level 1
Level 2a
Level 2b
Level 2c
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
W: Worksheet F: Frequency P: percent
Journal of Science Learning Article
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In contrast, the number of the PSTs who made only
claims remained almost half the total number of
participants throughout the application. Among the
reasons for this situation, candidates have not encountered
the course process in which the argument approach has
been applied before and do not know about the argument.
They have taken a limited number of science courses. The
small number of science courses means that the PSTs are
trained with less science content. This result is in line with
the research results in the relevant literature (Anisa,
Widodo, Riandi & Muslim, 2022; Dawson & Venville,
2010; Erduran, Simon & Osborne, 2004; Maloney &
Simon, 2006; Nussbaum & Edwards, 2011; Zohar &
Nemet, 2002). Jiménez-Aleixandre & Erduran (2007)
stated that argumentation is a form of discourse that
students should learn. According to them, it is a process
that must be taught explicitly through appropriate
instruction, task structuring, and modeling. Therefore, they
argued that practices should be carried out that encourage
the forms of communication necessary to obtain an
opinion on science learning and to maintain scientific
discourse. Faize, Husain & Nisar (2017) stated that
discussion environments should be created with students
who have no prior knowledge or have different beliefs
during the course. Hiğde & Aktamış (2016) stated that the
teacher candidates generally lacked experience in science
lessons. The observation and interview data they examined
throughout their studies revealed that teacher candidates
had difficulty forming arguments. Another study with
teacher candidates pointed to the importance of
professional practices for argumentation and the need to
support cooperation with other individuals (Simon, Davies
& Trevethan, 2012).
Apart from Worksheet-1 and Worksheet-4, some PSTs
argue between Level-3 and Level-4. This result can be
considered an indication that their thinking and writing
skills have improved. Besides, it can be evaluated
meaningfully in terms of the course of the study and target
evaluation. In recent years, it has been stated that
argumentation increases students' ability to make
arguments and supports them in effectively learning
concepts (Ortega, Alzate & Bargallo, 2015; Sampson &
Clark, 2009; Uzuntiryaki-Kondakci, Tuysuz, Sarici, Soysal
& Kilinc, 2021; Weng, Lin & She, 2017). Hand, Wallace &
Prain (2003) examined teacher and student changes. In the
study, teachers' diaries and notes they kept about the field
and classroom environments were monitored for two
years, and interviews were done with student groups. At
the end of their studies, they reported that teachers' ability
to produce arguments increased, and their scientific literacy
improved. The focus of Hand, Wallace & Prain's (2003)
work with the current study is that students' ability to form
arguments can improve over time
During the implementation, it is seen that the PSTs in
worksheet-1 and 4 cannot make arguments at level-3. In
worksheet-1, it can be said that they could not use rebuttal
in the counter-claim due to their unfamiliarity with the
implementation. In Worksheet-4, on the other hand, they
had difficulty predicting that the water in the glass could
boil. Thus, they could not form an argument about the
situation where their claim could be invalid. Besides, it can
be said that PSTs try to make more scientific statements in
experiments where video is used about visual elements.
Although their use of rebuttal remains limited, according
to the discussions in the study, PSTs make more arguments
when they watch videos. This situation causes the
candidates to adapt to the process and examine the event
by finding it fascinating. The effect of two factors can be
considered. Firstly, when the candidates watched the video,
they curiously examined the events by finding them
interesting and developing different perspectives.
Considering that people learn 10% of what they listen to
and more than 80% of what they see (Heinich, Molenda &
Russell 1993), visual elements functionally offer candidates
Figure 1. Change in PSTs numbers based on argument levels at experiments
W-1 W-2 W-3 W-4
Level 1 Level 2a Level 2b Level 2c Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
Journal of Science Learning Article
DOI: 10.17509/jsl.v6i1.46644 111 J.Sci.Learn.2023.6(1).100-116
a different potential perspective in the configuration of an
argument (Roberts, 2007). Using a variety of visuals
(Hmelo-Silver & Pfeffer, 2004) as a way to explain complex
ideas provides an easier way to explain what is meant.
Secondly, it can be thought that the candidates are
accustomed to the situation as they experienced
argumentation by doing and participating in it before they
were shown videos. Therefore, the PSTs can be considered
to have gained experience at the end of each experiment
during the implementation, and their tendency to make
scientific discourses increases. As a result, they came
prepared for visual argument and acquired some
For the learners to form rebuttals, long-term studies
should be carried out, they should be more present in the
science learning environment, and such applications should
be used continuously in the learning environment.
Although PSTs' use of rebuttal is limited, it is a positive
result that the candidates make correct claims, provide valid
reasons, and establish a cause-effect relationship regarding
the test result. Regarding the limitation of the use of
rebuttal, some problems related to handling these concepts
in the Turkish education system can be addressed. For
example, the boiling phenomenon is usually given by the
relationship between steam and external pressure (Şimşek,
Öztuna-Kaplan, Çorapçıgil & Mısırlı, 2018). The best
example in the current study findings is that the candidates
try to explain the boiling event in Worksheet-2 with the
change of atmospheric pressure as it rises too high.
Likewise, in Worksheet-4, their confusion about how the
water boils without heating is an example that can be given
to this situation. Since the PSTs generally consider external
pressure atmospheric pressure, they think the external
pressure remains the same as long as the environment does
not change. Students often associate boiling with
temperature, and the boiling of a liquid is evaluated
according to the height of the sea level (Şimşek, Öztuna-
Kaplan, Çorapçıgil & Mısırlı, 2018; Paik, 2015). In scientific
terms, giving the essence of the event can minimize this
problem. Besides, when teaching abstract scientific
concepts, although teaching materials are limited (McNeill,
Katsh-Singer, González-Howard & Loper, 2016),
comparisons should be made with the relationship between
two or more concepts, or each idea should be explained
independently by presenting contrasting examples
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Figure A Figure B
Worksheet 1
Rising water
Journal of Science Learning Article
DOI: 10.17509/jsl.v6i1.46644 114 J.Sci.Learn.2023.6(1).100-116
Materials used for the experiment:
* flask, * single-hole rubber stopper, * spirit stove, *water, * Beherglass (beaker) * tube tongs *match* thin glass
tube (15cm)
Experiment Procedure:
1. Fill ¾ of the beaker with water and place it on the table.
2. Place the one-hole rubber stopper into the mouth of the flask.
3. Insert the glass tube into the plug's hole, so there is no air from the edges.
3. Heat the flask by turning and moving it from a distance in the flame of the spirit stove.
4. After the flask heats up, turn it upside down and immerse the glass tube in the water inside the beaker.
How would you expect a change in the air inside the flask as it warms up? Can you explain your predictions? ( see
Figure A)
What would you expect to happen to the water in the beaker in the arrangement in Figure B? Can you explain your
What did you observe during the experiment?
Make comparisons between your predictions and your observations. If your observation results and your predictions
do not match, explain why.
How did the air inside it change as the flask heated up? Can you explain? (see Figure A)
What did you observe in the water in the beaker when you experimented? (see Figure B)
Figure A Figure B
Materials used for the experiment:
* flask, * rubber stopper, * spirit stove, * trivet, * yarn
* cage, * water, * ice chips, * tube tongs * matches
Experiment Procedure:
The flask is filled with ¼ water and placed on the spirit burner (see Figure A).
Spirit stove is burned, and water is boiled.
After boiling the water, it is expected that the boiling will stop.
When the water stops boiling, the mouth of the flask is tightly closed with a rubber stopper.
The flask is held by the tube tongs and turned upside down (see Figure B).
Ice pieces are placed on the top of the flask.
While doing this, follow the water in the flask.
What would you expect to happen when cold water or ice is placed on the flask?
What do you expect to happen when cold water or ice is placed on a flask
What did you observe during the experiment? Can you write down the results of the observation?
Can you make comparisons between your predictions and your observations? Can you explain the similarities and
differences between your observations and predictions?
According to your observations, what do you think water boiling depends on?
Why does water boil faster in high places? How do you think we can relate this situation to our experiment?
Boiling water
Journal of Science Learning Article
DOI: 10.17509/jsl.v6i1.46644 115 J.Sci.Learn.2023.6(1).100-116
Figure A Figure B Figure C
Materials used for the experiment:
· air discharge coverall (vacuum pump)
* bell jar
* empty plastic water bottle
When the bell jar is placed on the circular plate and operated, the pump discharges the air inside the bell jar (see
Figure- A). Although the pump can remove most of the air inside the bell jar, a minimal amount of air may remain
in the bell jar.
Experiment Procedure:
An empty plastic water bottle is manually compressed when the lid is open and closed (see Figure B). It is then
placed in the bell jar, and with the help of an air drain coverall, the air in the jar is emptied (see Figure C).
When the lid of an empty plastic water bottle is open, it is tightened by hand, and the top is closed ((Figure B). Then
it is placed in the bell jar. The air in the bell jar is evacuated with the help of the air discharge coverall (see Figure
How do you think this change can affect the pet bottle when the air inside the bell jar decreases?
What did you observe?
What did you observe at the end of the experiment?
Figure A Figure B Figure C
Materials used for the experiment:
· air discharge coverall (vacuum pump)
* bell jar
Worksheet 3
Volume Reduced Plastic Water Bottle
Worksheet 4
A Glass of Room-Temperature Water
Journal of Science Learning Article
DOI: 10.17509/jsl.v6i1.46644 116 J.Sci.Learn.2023.6(1).100-116
When the bell jar is placed on the circular plate and operated, the pump discharges the air inside the bell jar (see
Figure- A). Although the pump can remove most of the air inside the bell jar, a minimal amount of air may remain
in the bell jar
Experiment Procedure:
The temperature of a glass of water is measured with a thermometer (see figure-B), put into the air discharge pump,
and operated (see Figure-C).
How do you think this change can affect the water when the air inside the bell jar decreases?
What did you observe?
What did you observe at the end of the experiment?