Benjamin H. Kean
Travel Fellowship in Tropical Medicine | | #IamTropMed
Application Deadline:
March 27, 2022
Benjamin H. Kean Travel Fellowship in Tropical Medicine
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About Benjamin H. Kean and the Kean
Travel Fellowship in Tropical Medicine
Benjamin H. Kean, MD (1912-1993), an internationally acclaimed
expert in tropical medicine, discovered the causes of several diseases
including turista, also known as travelers’ diarrhea. Moreover, he was
a renowned teacher, researcher and practitioner of tropical medicine
whose mentorship and support enabled many medical students and
physicians-in-training to begin and sustain their careers in tropical
medicine. He ercely maintained that early hands-on experience in the
tropics was the best way to stimulate a career in tropical medicine. Dr.
Kean was instrumental in helping many medical students obtain these
fundamental experiences that spurred lifetime commitments.
In 1998, to honor Dr. Kean and build on his legacy of engaging
students in an interest in and passion for tropical medicine, the American Society of Tropical Medicine
and Hygiene established a fellowship in Dr. Keans name — The Benjamin H. Kean Travel Fellowship in
Tropical Medicine. The Fellowship honors his signicant contributions to the eld and perhaps more
importantly, enables his passion for teaching and mentoring to continue.
The Fellowship provides travel expenses for medical students who arrange clinical tropical medicine or
tropical medicine research electives in areas afflicted by diseases or illnesses common in the tropics.
Kean Fellowship At-a-Glance
Open to full-time medical students in accredited schools of medicine in the
United States or Canada.
Research or clinical training in tropical medicine or global health with at least
one month at site for endemic diseases or illnesses common in the tropics.
We continue to monitor the global situation regarding the spread of COVID-19
and the impact this will likely have on your proposed project. Because of this,
the Committee asks that you provide a brief COVID contingency plan as part
of your application.
Elective must begin after June 1, 2022.
Fellowship includes:
3-years complimentary membership
Round-trip coach airfare
$1,000 USD stipend to offset additional travel expenses
Complimentary meeting registration to the 2022 Annual Meeting in Seattle, WA
October 30- November 3.
Preference given to ASTMH student member ($15 annual dues).
Notice of selection in late April 2022.
Application Deadline:
March 27, 2022
Benjamin H. Kean Travel Fellowship in Tropical Medicine
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Award Notice
Applicants will be notied of fellowship decisions in late April 2022.
Applicant must be a full-time medical student in an accredited school of medicine in the United States or
Canada at the time of the application and at the time of the elective.
Applicant must propose an elective conducting research or clinical training in tropical medicine or global
health with at least one month at a site for endemic diseases or illnesses common in the tropics, starting
after June 1, 2022.
Preference will be given to:
Applications sponsored by a member of the American Committee on Clinical Tropical Medicine
and Travelers’ Health (ACCTMTH – Clinical Group).
Applications proposing electives lasting longer than one month.
Applicants who have not had previous extensive overseas experience.
Applications that propose study of diseases or illnesses common in the tropics other than HIV/AIDS
Applicants with student membership in ASTMH ($15, see more).
Financial support for clinical and research electives in tropical medicine as follows:
Round-trip coach airfare (best-price ticketing) to and from the overseas location
indicated in recipient’s application form
$1,000 USD stipend to offset additional travel expenses
Complimentary meeting registration to the 2022 Annual Meeting in Seattle, WA October 30- November 3.
3-years complimentary membership
The Fellowship does not support electives in non-tropical areas or participation in organized didactic courses.
Automatic declines:
Applications indicating a start date before June 1, 2022
Applications indicating less than one month at the overseas site
Final Report
Fellowship recipients are required to submit a maximum three-page report within 30 days outlining the
Fellowship experience and lessons learned. Reports should be submitted to Rhonda Schultz, Manager, Board and
Fellowships, [email protected]. Periodically, recipients may be invited to present their reports
at the Society’s Annual Meeting.
Open to full-time medical students in accredited
schools of medicine in the United States or Canada.
Application Deadline: March 27, 2022
Benjamin H. Kean Travel Fellowship in Tropical Medicine
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Megan Ansbro
NIH-Oxford Cambridge Scholars Program,
United States
Makerere University College
of Health Sciences, Uganda
Isabella Auchus
University of California, San Francisco,
School of Medicine, United States
Fiji Center for Communicable
Disease Control, Fiji
Taylor Brashear
Weill Cornell Medical College, United States
GHESKIO Center, Haiti
Azfar Hossain
Harvard Medical School,
United States
Mbarara University of
Science and Technology
(MUST)/Mbarara Regional
Referral Hospital (MRRH),
Albert Zhou
University of Maryland,
United States
University of Malawi College
of Medicine, Malawi
2021 Fellowship Recipients and Overseas Study Locations
For the complete list
of recipients please
visit our website
Benjamin H. Kean Travel Fellowship in Tropical Medicine
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Application Process and Requirements
Online application site opens February 23, 2022. Submit your application here.
Selection will be based on academic and/or research credentials, recommendations, proposal quality and the
likelihood of the Fellowship to spur a career in tropical medicine. Preference will be given to applicants who are
student members ($15) of ASTMH. Applicants will be notied in late April 2022 of nal selections. Please note that
the Fellowship must be used in the awarded year.
Applicants are encouraged to gather all application materials prior to online submission. Although it is possible
to edit the application prior to the deadline, the submission process will be smoother and more efficient if the
complete application packet of materials is posted in one session.
Application packet must include:
1. Career interests: A one-page (approximate) narrative describing:
Interest in tropical medicine (not to exceed 1,000 characters)
Prior overseas experience (not to exceed 500 characters)
Short- and long-term career objectives (not to exceed 500 characters).
2. Curriculum vitae: Information from CV related to education, training, work experience, prior research
experience, any publications or abstracts, honors and awards.
3. Letter of recommendation: One letter of recommendation, submitted as a pdf or Word le, from a supervising
faculty mentor from applicant’s medical school.
Since it is not possible to set up and execute a research project that involves humans or animals in a few
weeks, any student proposing to perform such research during the elective must be performing that work as
part of an ongoing project.
If the applicant’s project includes human or animal research, the letter of recommendation from the supervising
faculty mentor must conrm that approvals are in place (or document that such approval is in process or will
be sought) at both the home institution and the overseas site. If the project does not involve human or animal
subjects, the letter of recommendation from the supervising faculty mentor should explain that approval for
human or animal research is not applicable for the study.
4. We continue to monitor the global situation regarding the spread of COVID-19 and the impact this will likely
have on your proposed project. Because of this, the Committee asks that you provide a brief COVID
contingency plan as part of your application.
Thanks to the opportunity that the Ben Kean Fellowship provided,
I got involved in eldwork, made mistakes, learned new things,
and experienced what it takes to work in global health.
Eve Ameen, Stony Brook School of Medicine
Overseas site, Peru
Kean Fellow
Benjamin H. Kean Travel Fellowship in Tropical Medicine
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Applicant Responsibility
The submission site will prompt the applicant to provide the name, postal mail address, phone, fax and email for the
supervising faculty mentor. The submission program will then generate an email to this individual with instructions
to upload the letter to the application site. The supervising faculty mentor providing this letter of recommendation
must upload the letter directly to the application site.
It is important that the applicant gather the contact information for the supervising faculty mentor prior to
beginning the online submission.
It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that the mentor has received the email generated by the submission
site and uploads the letter by the March 27 deadline. After March 27, any application without the required letter of
recommendation will be disqualied.
1. Overseas mentor approval: Written approval (submitted as a pdf or Word le) from a mentor who will be
present at the overseas site during the elective (this person may be the same as the home medical school
mentor if he/she will be on site for the elective). The applicant must obtain this document from the overseas
mentor prior to posting to the online application.
The applicant is responsible for uploading the overseas mentor approval letter to the application site.
2. Elective proposal includes:
Title of study/project
Location of overseas site
Dates and duration of elective
Description of overseas site (not to exceed 500 characters)
Specic objectives of elective (not to exceed 500 characters)
For research projects, a brief description of rationale and signicance, methods and
anticipated challenges and opportunities (not to exceed 2,000 characters)
For clinical projects, a brief description of clinical activities and responsibilities
(not to exceed 2,000 characters)
Description of applicant’s role in the project (not to exceed 500 characters)
COVID-19 may have an impact on your proposed project. Provide a brief COVID-19 contingency plan.
The opportunity to see the delivery of care and
the implementation of research projects rsthand
provided me with a more nuanced perspective of
global health and research in tropical medicine.
Mary Gwin, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Overseas site, Malawi
Kean Fellow
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Applicant Checklist
Career interests narrative
CV information
Letter of recommendation from supervising faculty mentor, including mentor
conrmation of approval for human or animal research on behalf of both the home
institution and overseas institution
Overseas mentor approval letter
Elective proposal
COVID-19 contingency plan
Preference given to ASTMH student members ($15)
Finalizing the Application
After entering the required information into the online application and all document uploads have been made,
applicants should proceed to the REVIEW SUBMISSION page and scroll to the bottom.
If all information has been entered correctly, a drop-down menu at the bottom of the page will display.
Applicant should select the COMPLETE response in the drop-down menu and press SAVE.
The application will then be complete and ready for review by the Fellowship Committee.
Notice of Fellowship Award
Fellowship award notices will be sent late April 2022.
Travel Arrangements
The Fellowship includes funding for a direct round-trip ticket to and from the overseas location indicated in the
accepted application proposal.
ASTMH will also provide a $1,000 USD stipend to offset living expenses. ASTMH does not
reimburse costs for research expenses.
Questions about online application process:
Contact Rhonda Schultz
Manager, Board & Fellowships
Application timeline:
Application opens February 23
Application closes March 27
Notices sent in late April
Benjamin H. Kean Travel Fellowship in Tropical Medicine
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Kean Fellowship Committee
Chair, A. Desiree LaBeaud, MD, MS, FASTMH
Stanford University
Arlene Dent, MD, PhD
Case Western Reserve University
Miriam Laufer, MD, MPH, FASTMH
University of Maryland
Juan Marcelo Perez Velazquez, MD
University of Massachusetts Memorial
Medical Center
Christina S. Polyak, MD, MPH
Military HIV Research Program, WRAIR
Paul Robben, MD, PhD
Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
Michael Sikorski, MD
University of Maryland School of Medicine
Indi Trehan MD, MPH, DTM&H
Lao Friends Hospital for Children
Paige Waterman, MD
Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
The support of the fellowship has granted me the
chance to experience hands-on eld research in
the Philippines, working with patients, physicians,
researchers, and community members.
Alice Huang, The Warren Alpert Medical School at Brown University
Overseas site, Philippines
Kean Fellow