Palo Alto Little League
All-Star Selection Process
All-Star and Super Bowl Teams Overview
Palo Alto Little League’s Post Season includes two types of teams:
District 52 Super Bowl Tournament teams
Little League International All-Star Tournament teams
The District 52 Super Bowl Tournament teams play a single elimination tournament
among leagues that make up District 52. Palo Alto teams may include:
Palo Alto Majors Super Bowl Team (12-14 players from Majors or PCL Divisions)
Palo Alto PCL Super Bowl Team (12-14 players from PCL Division)
The Little League International All-Star Tournament teams include the following teams,
which have the opportunity to play for a District 52 Championship and, potentially, the
Section 3 Championship and the Northern California Championship:
Palo Alto 10u All-Stars (12-14 players)
Palo Alto 11u All-Stars (12-14 players)
The Little League International All-Star Tournament teams also include the following
teams, which have the opportunity to play for a District 52 Championship and,
potentially, the Section 3 Championship, the Northern California Championship, the
Western Region Championship, the US National Championship, and the World Series
International Championship:
Palo Alto 12u All-Stars (12-14 players)
Palo Alto 13u Intermediate All-Stars (12-14 players)
Palo Alto 14u Juniors All-Stars (12-14 players)
For all the teams referenced above, the Juniors, Majors, and PCL player agents in
conjunction with the league president and All-Star managers will determine if an
All-Star team will have 12, 13, or 14 players.
Player must have participated in at least 8 regular season games.
Medical waivers are possible.
Player must have completed the All-Star Player Agreement by Friday, April
26, 2024.
Player cannot have more than 3 unexcused absences (or a week’s worth of
practices, whichever is greater) from All-Star team practices after May 31. Upon
accumulating more unexcused absences from practices (including missed
scrimmage games), the player will be removed from the All-Star team. Absences
due to religious beliefs, documented medical issues, and academic reasons will
be deemed excused absences.
Player must be available for the entirety of the District 52 tournament. An
unexcused absence from a tournament game will result in removal from the
Player must produce proper tournament player documentation in a timely
Selection is based on how the player performed in THIS SEASON.
A player’s attitude, sportsmanship, and being a good teammate will be
A player’s selection is a REWARD for a great season and being a good
member of the Palo Alto Little League community. It is not owed to anyone.
Selection will NOT be based on friendships nor past All-Star team
Parents’ behavior will NOT be factored into the selection process.
13u and 14u All-Stars (12-14 each)
The Juniors player agent, Managers, and Coaches will meet to discuss the
qualifications of the player pool. Based on the pool of eligible players, they will
decide whether to enter one or both of the tournaments, and then select players
based on the above Criteria to assemble competitive team(s).
12u All-Stars (12-14 Players)
All Majors players will have an opportunity to cast their votes for the top six (6)
LL12-year-old players who have successfully completed and timely returned the
All-Star Player Agreement. Based on all votes received, the LL12-year-old
players with the 6 highest vote counts will be placed on the All-Star Team.
Majors players will not be allowed to cast votes for any players on their
A Managers Ballot will be provided to all Majors Managers. Prior to when
Managers Ballots are sent out, a Manager can nominate an 11-year-old player
to be included in the Managers Ballot. For any 11-year-old players included in
the managers vote, an LL 11-year-old must place in the top 3 overall players as
ranked by the Managers (after removing the 6 players selected by the players)
for that player to be eligible for selection to the 12u All-Star team.
Managers from the Majors teams will force rank all players on the Managers
Ballot. For example, if there are 25 players, then each manager will rank the
players from 1 through 25 where 1 is the highest ranked player and 25 is the
lowest ranked player. A player’s All-Star Score will correspond to the sum of the
rankings on each of the Managers’ ballots, with the highest ranking vote (i.e.
lowest number) and lowest ranking vote (i.e. highest number) removed.
Example: Player A gets ranked #7, #7, #8, #9, #10, #10 in each of six
ballots. Player As score is 34. The players will then be sorted based
on the total scores from lowest to highest total score to determine the
final ranking.
Players who were selected to the All-Star team via the Players’ vote, will then be
removed from the list.
From the remaining players, the top 4 ranked players will be automatically
placed on the 12u All-Star team.
Players #11 through #16 will be placed in a pool of All-Star candidates to be
discussed at an All-Star Managers’ meeting that will take place *after* all
Majors Managers have submitted their forced ranking of eligible players to the
League’s Majors player agent. If a manager strongly believes a player ranked
outside of #11 through #16 should be considered, the manager may make his
case. The Majors player agent will have the authority to limit the number of
additional players discussed.
The Majors player agent in conjunction with the president and the All-Star
manager will determine if the 12u All-Star team will have 12, 13, or 14 players.
The number of total players will determine how many remaining slots are
available (in addition to the #10 top ranked players automatically placed on
the team).
Players ranked #12 through #16 that did *not* make the All-Star roster, will
comprise the *alternate pool*. A player from the alternate pool may be selected
to the All-Star team in the event that a player from the original All-Star roster
becomes injured, is dismissed from the team, or is otherwise unable to compete
for any reason.
If a player needs to be taken from the *alternate pool* to complete an All-Star
roster, the player agent and Manager of the All-Star team will jointly determine
which player from the *alternate pool* will be selected.
If the player agent and Manager of the All-Star team have exhausted available
players in the *alternative pool*, the player agent and Manager of the All-Star
team will jointly select a player ranked #17 through #19 (depending on team
needs and player availability).
Palo Alto 11u All-Stars (12-14 Players)
Managers of the Majors teams will force rank eligible LL 11-year-old Majors
players. Players will get scores corresponding to their place in the Manager’s
ballot and the player’s cumulative score will determine their overall All-Star
rank, with the lowest and highest scores removed (similar to the process for
Manager ranking of 12-year-olds).
PCL Managers will be given an opportunity to identify any 11-year-old PCL
players that they wish to nominate for consideration on the team. If any such
players are nominated, the PCL and Majors player agents will discuss and
determine an appropriate ranking of the PCL Player.
Players ranked #1 through #10 will be automatically placed on the 11u
All-Star team.
All other Players will be placed in a pool of All-Star candidates to be discussed at
an All-Star Managers’ meeting that will take place *after* all Majors Managers
have submitted their forced ranking to the Majors player agent and any PCL
players have been nominated and ranked.
The League may also choose to hold tryouts and provide evaluation scores for all
players being considered for the 11u All-Stars.
Palo Alto 10u All-Stars (12-14 Players)
The League will hold tryouts and provide evaluation scores for all eligible
players being considered for the 9- and10-year-old All-Stars
The All-Star manager and coaches in conjunction with the Majors and PCL
player agents will select the players for the All-Star team. Both evaluations
and in season performance may be considered in selecting the players.
Super Bowl Teams
The President, Majors player agent, and PCL player agent will meet after April 26, 2024,
to evaluate the pool of eligible players for All-Star and Super Bowl tournament team and
will determine whether the league will assemble teams to compete in either of the Super
Bowl tournaments. They may consult the managers and coaches from the Majors and
PCL divisions to aid in their decision.
Palo Alto Majors Super Bowl All-Stars (12-14 players)
Priority for the Majors Super Bowl teams will be given to those 12 year olds that
were ranked in top 25 of the Majors’ Managers’ 12 year old ranking, but were not
selected for the 12u Little League All-Star team. Players will then be chosen in
the order they placed in the forced ranking.
If the above pool of players is exhausted, then the Manager and the Major’s
player agent will consider any All-Star eligible Majors players that have not been
placed on an All-Star team and select the players to fill the remaining spots on
the team. The All-Star Manager and Majors player agent will have discretion to
decide whether to have a roster of 12, 13, or 14 players.
Palo Alto PCL Super Bowl All-Stars (12-14 players)
Only players in the PCL division or lower will be considered for the PCL Super
Bowl All-Stars team.
PCL Managers will force rank eligible PCL players from #1 through #30 (“PCL
Manager Rankings”). Any player not appearing on a Manager’s ranking will
be assigned a ranking of 31 for that manager’s rankings.
The PCL Manager Rankings will be used to determine each eligible player’s
Super Bowl Rank, which is equal to the sum of the PCL Manager Rankings,
with the lowest and highest rankings dismissed.
The PCL player agent and PCL Managers will hold a meeting to discuss the
PCL Super Bowl eligible players and determine whether to enter a team.
The roster of the PCL Super Bowl team will be based solely on each player’s
PCL Super Bowl Rank. The PCL Super Bowl Manager and the PCL player
agent will decide whether the team will have 12, 13, or 14 players, if a team is
fielded at all.