Update in Anaesthesia
Question 1
Nerve stimulators
A. Double burst is of particular value in assessing blockade
when there is no response to the train-of-four
B. A fading pattern to the train-of-four excludes prolonged
action of suxamethonium
C. When used to locate nerves for regional blockade the
positive electrode should be attached to the locating needle
D. The post tetanic count is particularly useful for assessing
the patient’s suitability for extubation
E. The ideal nerve for neuromuscular blockade assessment is
generally considered to be the facial nerve
Question 2
The following potentiate the action of non-depolarising
neuromuscular blockers
A. Diethyl ether
B. Quinidine
C. Enflurane
D. Lithium
E. Dantrolene
Question 3
When looking at an ECG
A. A bifid P wave may indicate that the patient has mitral
B. Peaked P waves are associated with right atrial hypertrophy
C. A short PR interval indicates that the patient has
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome
D. Left bundle branch block is associated with a secondary R
wave in V6
E. U waves are associated with hypothermia
Question 4
The following ECG changes are associated with the correct
A. U waves - Hypothermia
B. T wave flattening - Hypothyroidism
C. Short QT Interval - Hypercalcaemia
D. Biphasic P wave in V1 - Mitral stenosis
E. T wave inversion - Hypokalaemia
Question 5
The following ECG changes occur with hypokalaemia
A. Tall T waves
B. ST elevation
C. Loss of P waves
D. T wave inversion
E. Prominent U waves
Question 6
The CVP trace
A. The c wave follows the X descent
B. The X descent occurs in (ventricular) diastole
C. The v wave results from right atrial filling against a
closed tricuspid valve
D. Cannon waves are seen in complete heart block
E. The a wave is of variable size in atrial fibrillation
Question 7
Anaesthesia breathing circuits
A. The Lack circuit is a Mapleson D system
B. The Magill attachment is more efficient for spontaneous
breathing than for controlled ventilation
C. The recommended fresh gas flow rate for controlled
ventilation through a Bain circuit is 70 ml/kg body weight
D. Minimum fresh gas flow to avoid rebreathing using a
Mapleson A is equal to that patient’s minute ventilation
E. The Mapleson F system is a modification of the Mapleson
E system
Question 8
The following cause a rise in the end-tidal carbon dioxide level
(assuming constant ventilation)
A. Hypothermia
B. Malignant hyperpyrexia
C. Pulmonary embolus
D. Disconnection of the inner tube of a Bain circuit
E. Failure of the endotracheal tube cuff
Question 9
The concentration of vapour in the gas mixture emerging from
the outlet port of a vaporiser depends on
A. Saturated vapour pressure of the agent
B. Flow characteristics of the vaporiser
C. Duration of use
D. Surface area of the agent in contact with the gas mixture
E. Temperature
Dr Ed Hammond, Exeter
Update in Anaesthesia
Question 10
Anaesthesia at high altitude (using a plenum vaporiser)
A. The concentration delivered by the vaporiser will be
higher than the dialled value
B. The concentration dialled into the vaporiser will need
to be higher for the same effect
C. The concentration dialled into the vaporiser will need
to be lower for the same effect
D. The inspired oxygen concentration may need to be
E. The anaesthetic potency of 50% nitrous oxide will be
Question 11
A low resistance to gas flow is a feature of the following
A. Oxford minature vaporizer
B. Epstein Macintosh Oxford vaporizer
C. Copper Kettle Vaporizer
D. Goldman Vaporizer
E. Boyle’s bottle
Question 12
The following are true concerning humidity and humidification
of gases
A. Relative humidity is the ratio of absolute humidity to
saturated humidity at a specified temperature
B. Operating theatre humididty should be maintained at
no more than 30%
C. Heat and moisture exchangers can achieve 40% humidity
D. A nebuliser works on the poiseuille effect to entrain
water across a pressure drop
E. The water trap for a simple bottle humidifier must be
larger than the humidifier bottle
Question 13
During brachial plexus blockade
A. The interscalene approach commonly leads to inadequate
blockade of the ulnar nerve
B. The axillary approach may lead to Horner’s syndrome
C. The supraclavicular approach commonly leads to
inadequate blockade of the axillary nerve
D. Bilateral interscalene blocks should be used for bilateral
shoulder manipulation surgery
E. The axillary approach commonly leads to inadequate
blockade of the median nerve
Question 14
Complications of retrobulbar blockade for cataract surgery
A. Bradycardia
B. Retinal detachment
C. Brain stem anaesthesia
D. Vitreous haemorrhage
E. Optic nerve damage
Question 15
Effects of epidural blockade include
A. A greater degree of hypotension when adrenaline
(epinepherine) containing local anaesthetics are used
B. Sympathetic blockade before sensory blockade
C. Anterior spinal artery syndrome
D. Reduced tidal volume with a normal block to T4
E. Reduced peristalsis
Question 16
A successful stellate ganglion block may cause
A. Ipsilateral miosis
B. Contralateral nasal congestion
C. Bilateral ptosis
D. Ipsilateral exomphalos
E. Horners syndrome
Question 17
Concerning brachial plexus blockade
A. The interscalene approach provides for anaesthesia to
the ulnar border of the forearm
B. The supraclavicular approach is not reliable to produce
anaesthesia to the hand
C. The axillary approach is least likely to cause pneumothorax
D. Diaphragmatic paralysis is a complication
E. Puncture of an artery may be deliberate
Question 18
Inguinal hernia field block
A. Blocks the ilioinguinal, iliohypogastric and genitofemoral
B. May be employed for testicular surgery
C. Prilocaine 0.5% may be used
D. Depends on depositing local anaesthetic between internal
and external oblique
E. Quadriceps weakness is a complication
Question 19
Serum Na
120 mmol/l and K
6.4 mmol/l are consistent with
A. Hyperaldosteronism
B. Renal failure
C. Hypopituitarism
D. Adrenocortical insufficiency
E. Cushings disease
Question 20
The following conditions are associated with a haemoglobin
concentration of 7 g/dl and a mean corpuscular volume of 70 fl
A. Iron deficiency anaemia
Update in Anaesthesia
B. Acute blood loss
C. Folate deficiency
D. Renal failure
E. Thalassaemia
Question 21
Obesity is associated with
A. An increase in the incidence of airway complications
B. Increased functional residual capacity (FRC)
C. Increased DO
(Oxygen delivery)
D. Pulmonary hypertension
E. Quetelet index of 24.5
Question 22
Diathermy safety
A. Ohm’s law states that voltage = current x resistance
B. Diathermy works because there is a high current density at
the active electrode
C. The heat energy produced by cautery is proportional
to the current at the tip of the active electrode
D. Bipolar diathermy requires a passive electrode (‘diathermy
E. Poor contact of the passive electrode (‘diathermy plate’)
may lead to inadvertent patient burns
Question 23
With regard to electrical safety and prevention of explosions
A. Nitrous oxide is not flammable at atmospheric pressure
B. Anaesthetic machines should be isolated from ‘earth’
to prevent completion of an electrical circuit
C. Currents of 10 microamps may initiate ventricular
D. The neutral connection of a circuit is not at earth
potential at the patient end of the circuit
E. In surgical diathermy the heat released depends on the
square of the potential difference between electrodes
Question 24
Ephedrine is unlikely to be effective in reversing hypotension
in patients chronically receiving the following medication
A. Reserpine
B. Alpha-methyl dopa
C. Phenoxybenzamine
D. Clonidine
E. Propranolol
Question 25
Heat loss
A. Conduction is the largest factor in patient heat loss
B. Radiation accounts for about 10% of the total heat loss
C. Convection is due to heating of the adjacent air layer
which is replaced by cooler air from the surroundings
D. Heat lost in breathing dry gases is approximately 15% of
total heat loss in the anaesthetised subject
E. Burns from faulty heating equipment are more likely
in the vasoconstricted patient
Update in Anaesthesia
Question 1
A. false B. false C. false D. false E. false
The pattern of peripheral nerve stimulation used for assessment
of neuromuscular blockade most commonly is the train-of-four.
This shows characteristic fade when recovery from non-
depolarising neuromuscular blockade is occurring. However in
prolonged blockade with suxamethonium there is a conversion
to the non-depolarising pattern with fade appearing. This is called
dual block and occurs if the prolonged block is due to either
repeated doses of suxamethonium or impaired metabolism
(suxamethonium apnoea). The train-of-four is of no value when
there is no response to the first twitch, and in this case post-
tetanic count is used. During recovery it is difficult to assess the
ratio between the first (t1) and fourth twitch (t4) and this should
be 100:70 for successful extubation. This comparison is easier
using the double burst pattern. Stimulators used for regional
blockade should be used with the locating needle attached to the
negative electrode as this ensures depolarisation of the nerve at a
lower applied current.
Question 2
A. true B. true C. true D. true E. false
All the volatile agents enhance the action of neuromuscular
blockers by reducing the tone of skeletal muscle, an action
mediated by an effect at the post junctional membrane. Quinidine
is a membrane stabiliser and an isomer of quinine. Dantrolene
disrupts excitation-contraction coupling and so does not directly
potentiate the action of NMBs.
Question 3
A. true B. false C. false D. true E. false
Bifid P waves are associated with left atrial hypertrophy and may
indicate the presence of mitral stenosis. Tall peaked P waves
(>3mm) are associated with raised right atrial pressure and
hypertrophy. The presence of a short PR interval suggests pre-
excitation. If there is a delta wave present then this is known as
the Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. The absence of a delta
wave suggests that it is the Lown-Ganong-Levine syndrome. In
left bundle branch block the left ventricle depolarises late and so
there is a slurred or secondary R wave in V6 and S wave in V1
(M shaped complex in V6). U waves are associated with
hypokalaemia and occur after the T wave. J waves are associated
with hypothermia and are a characteristic deflection at the end of
the QRS complex.
Ref: Yentis,Hirsch and Smith. Anaesthesia A to Z. Butterworth
Question 4
A. false B. true C. true D. true E. true
Hypothermia is associated with J waves which are positive
deflections at the end of the QRS complex. Hypokalaemia is
associated with U waves as well as T wave flattening, inversion,
and prolongation of the PR and QT intervals. U waves may also
be a normal finding and be associated with both hypercalcaemia
and hyperthyroidism. A short QT interval is a recognised sign of
hypercalcaemia. Biphasic P waves is V1 represent left atrial
enlargment and are associated with P mitrale where the P wave
is bifid in lead II. Hypothyroidism is associated with low voltage
complexes, bradycardia and T wave flattening or inversion.
Question 5
A. false B. false C. false D. true E. true
Hypokalaemia causes P-R prolongation, ST depression, T wave
inversion and prominent U waves.
Ref: Ganong WF. Review of Medical Physiology. Lange.
Question 6
A. false B. false C. true D. true E. false
The CVP trace consists of three main waves and two descents,
(in chronological order):
The a wave - right atrial (RA) contraction. Absent in atrial
fibrillation; enlarged with tricuspid stenosis, RV hypertrophy,
pulmonary stenosis or pulmonary hypertension; cannon waves
(giant A waves) occur if the RA contracts against a closed tricuspid
valve (e.g. in complete heart block)
The c wave - bulging of the tricuspid valve at the onset of
ventricular systole
The X descent - atrial relaxation during ventricular systole
The v wave - RA filling with a closed tricuspid valve
The Y descent - opening of the tricuspid valve with blood flow
into the right ventricle.
Question 7
A. false B. true C. true D. false E. true
The Mapleson classification of breathing systems has six
classifications A-F. The Lack circuit and the Magill attachment
are examples of Mapleson A systems. They are very efficient for
spontaneous breathing (requiring a fresh gas flow (FGF) equal
to alveolar ventilation - less than minute ventilation (MV)). They
are much less efficient for controlled ventilation (FGF = 3 x MV).
The Mapleson D (including the coaxial Bain circuit) is most
efficient for controlled ventilation. The Bain circuit requires a
FGF of 70 ml/kg to maintain normocarbia. The Mapleson F
(Jackson-Rees) is a modification of the Ayre’s T-piece (Mapleson
E) designed to minimise resistance to gas flow and ideal for
paediatric use.
Ref: See Update No 7.
Question 8
A. false B. true C. false D. true E. false
A rise in end tidal carbon dioxide may be due to:
Inspired carbon dioxide
Rebreathing in the circuit (e.g. disconnection of the inner tube in
a Bain circuit or increased dead space)
Increased production of carbon dioxide (e.g. malignant
Inadequate ventilation
Leaks, reduced metabolic rate (due to hypothermia) and impaired
Update in Anaesthesia
cardiac output (pulmonary embolus) all cause reduced end tidal
carbon dioxide.
Question 9
A. true B. true C. true D. true E. true
All of these factors will determine the concentration of vapour in
the gas mixture.
The more volatile the agent, the higher the SVP and hence the
higher the concentration emerging from the vaporiser assuming
the same splitting ratio. The temperature determines the SVP of
the agent. Duration of use may alter the SVP via its effect on
temperature. The surface area of the vaporiser must be sufficient
to ensure full saturation of the mixture passing through the
vaporising chamber. The flow characteristics are important to
ensure complete mixing and hence full saturation once again.
The splitting ration is also important as if the gas exiting the
vaporising chamber is fully saturated it will determine the total
amout of agent added to the final gas mixture.
Modern vaporisers are temperature compensated. The splitting
ratio amount of gas passing through the bypass chamber is altered
to reflect the change in SVP with temperature and thus ensure
constant output of vapour at the required level.
Question 10
A. true B. false C. false D. true E. true
The amount of oxygen, nitrous oxide and anaesthetic agent
required by the body for oxygenation and anaesthesia is related
to the partial pressure of these in the trachea. For convenience
the more easily measured concentration or fraction is used, and
the barometric pressure is assumed to be constant. At high altitude
the barometric pressure is reduced. The partial pressure of
anaesthetic agent that is delivered by the vaporiser is constant at
differing barometric pressures, so the concentration dialled into
the apparatus will have the same. clinical effect as the SVP is
unchanged if the temperature is the same. However the fraction
(%) actually delivered will be higher than the dialled value as
the absolute pressure in the enviroment is lower. Furthermore to
get the same partial pressure of oxygen at lower barometric
pressure requires a higher inspired fraction, and the same inspired
fraction of nitrous oxide will provide a lower partial pressure
and so a reduced effect.
This can be confusing and it is advisable to read the reference.
Question 11
A. true B. true C. false D. true E. false
Low resistance is a feature of the OMV,EMO and Goldman
The OMV is a small non-temperature compensated vaporizer
used with portable anaesthetic equipment. It has a antifreeze filled
sealed compartment that acts as a heat sink and so minimise
temperature changes. The scale can be change for the use of the
vaporizer with different volatile agents.
The EMO is used for ether. It is still used throughout the world
and has a large water filled heat sink.
The Goldman vaporizer is a small cheap and simple device used
for halothane. It is not temperature compensated and output
depends somewhat on the gas flow through the vaporizer.
Both the Copper Kettle and Boyles bottle vaporizers are examples
of plenum vaporizer with a high internal resistance to gas flow.
Ref: See Update No 14
Question 12
A. true B. false C. true D. false E. true
Absolute humidity is defined as the mass of water in a volume of
air. Relative humidity is defined as in the question is usually
presented as a %. Humidification devices can be defined as active
or passive; vapour or droplet producing; hot or cold and finally
functioning in a breathing system or in the atmosphere. Theatre
humidity should be around 60% as a compromise between
discomfort (if too high) and the increased risk of explosion due
to static electricity (if too low). Heat and moisture exchangers
can achieve 70% humidification. A nebuliser works on the venturi
or bernouille effect. For a bottle humidifier the water trap should
be at least the same size as the humidifier bottle.
Question 13
A. true B. false C. false D. false E. false
The brachial plexus can be approached from above or below
during regional anaesthesia for surgery on the upper arm. The
interscalene approach gives excellent anaesthesia to the shoulder
and upper arm, but commonly leads to inadequate blockade of
the ulnar nerve. Potential side-effects of this block are Horner’s
syndrome, phrenic nerve block, recurrent laryngeal nerve block
and inadvertent extradural or intrathecal injection. Bilateral
interscalene blocks should not be performed. The supraclavicular
approach commonly leads to inadequate blockade of the median
nerve. Horner’s syndrome and pneumothorax are amongst the
adverse events that can occur with this approach.The axillary
approach commonly leads to inadequate blockade of the axillary
nerve, and supplemental sub-cutaneous local anaesthetic will be
required if the upper/outer aspect of the arm is involved in surgery,
or if a tourniquet is to be used. Horner’s syndrome does not occur
with the axillary approach.
Question 14
A. true B. true C. true D. true E. true
Complications of retrobubar block may be systemic or local.
Retrobulbar blockade requires the injection of local anaesthetic
into the muscle cone behind the eye. The most common
complication is retrobulbar haemorrhage due to puncturing the
vessels within the retrobulbar space. The increased pressure in
the globe can cause central artery occlusion. Other complications
include bradycardia secondary to the oculocardiac reflex,
posterior globe puncture with resultant retinal detachment and
vitreous haemorrhage, penetration of the optic nerve, brain stem
anaesthesia from local entering breeched dura around the optic
nerve and subarachnoid blockade or inadvertant intraocular or
intravascular injection; hence the preference of most anaesthetists
for peribulbar blocks.
Update in Anaesthesia
Question 15
A. true B. false C. true D. false E. false
More hypotension occurs when adrenaline containing local
anaesthetics are used for epidural blockade. This may be due to
the beta 2 effects of the absorbed adrenaline causing vasodilation
in peripheral beds. It is countered by the chronotropic and
inotropic effects on beta 1 receptors. However the more prolonged
hypotension seen is probably due to the achievement of a more
profound degree of sympathetic blockade. Sympathetic blockade
occurs after sensory blockade. Small unmyelinated sensory fibres
with no barrier to local anaesthetic diffusion are blocked before
the larger autonomic B fibres. Anterior spinal artery syndrome is
due to severe hypotension secondary to epidural blockade and
not due to the technique itself. This leads to infarction of the
spinal cord and results in a lower motor neurone paralysis at the
level of the lesion and spastic paraplegia with decreased pain
and temperature sensation below the level. Epidural blockade
may cause lower intercostal muscle and abdominal muscle
weakness resulting in impaired coughing and exhalation.
However with a T4 block diaphragmatic innervation (C3-C5) is
maintained and tidal volume and inspiratory pressure are
maintained. Bowel contraction results from blockade of the
sympathetic outflow and unopposed parasympathetic activity.
Sphincters relax and peristalsis increases.
Question 16
A. true B. false C. false D. false E. true
Horners syndome is the triad of enopthalmos, ptosis and miosis.
Nasal congestion and anhydrosis are common but ipsilateral.
Remember that exomphalos is a neonatal condition!
Question 17
A. false B. false C. true D. true E. true
There are 3 common approaches to blocking the brachial plexus.
The interscalene approach is ideal for shoulder and upper arm
operations. It however frequently spares the C8 and T1 fibres
which innervate the ulnar border of the forearm. Injection of local
anaesthetic by this approach may produce cervical plexus block
which may cause diaphragmatic paralysis. The phrenic nerve may
also be blocked because of diffusion or inappropriate injection
to the anterior side of the anterior scalene. The supraclavicular
approach attempts to block the plexus at the first rib and is most
reliable at producing anaesthesia of all four terminal nerves of
the forearm and hand. It does however carry the greatest risk of
pneumothorax. The axillary approach is simplest and has the least
chance of pneumothorax. If paraesthesia cannot be elicited during
this approach then one alternative is to delibrately pucture the
axillary artery and advance the needle through the opposite wall
where half the anaesthetic solution is deposited. The remainder
is injected once the needle has been pulled back through the
“anterior” wall of the artery.
Question 18
A. true B. false C. true D. true E. true
Local anaesthetic is deposited between the internal and external
oblique muscle layers. If the internal oblique is penetrated, local
anaesthetic may track back to the lumbar plexus and affect the
femoral nerve, producing quadriceps weakness. Prilocaine may
be used because of the larger amount of solution which may safely
be injected, but most would use bupivacaine. The testicle is
innervated by T10 and so this block is quite ineffective for
testicular surgery.
Question 19
A. false B. true C. false D. true E. false
Aldosterone causes sodium retention and potassium loss. In
chronic renal failure hyponatraemia or hypernatraemia can occur.
In acute renal failure fluid retention can lead to hyponatraemia.
Hyperkalaemia can also occur and is an indication for dialysis.
Hypopituitarism leads to a reduced secretion from the anterior
pituitary gland and hence ACTH insufficiency and reduced
cortisol. Mineralocorticoid production remains largely intact as
this is predominantly stimulated by angiotensin II. Destruction
of the entire adrenal cortex reduces glucocorticoids,
mineralocorticoids and sex steroids. As such hyponatraemia,
hyperkalaemia and a raised urea result. Cushings results in excess
cortisol which has some mineralocoticoid activity. This can lead
to loss of potassium.
Question 20
A. true B. false C. false D. false E. true
These indices indicate a microcytic anaemia (normal MCV = 85
fl). The most common cause is iron deficiency. The red cells will
also be hypochromic (MCH less than 27 pg). In thalassaemia
there is a deficiency in the synthesis of the globin chains of
haemoglobin. In addition the accumulation of abnormal chains
within the red cell leads to its early destruction. This causes an
anaemia with reduced MCV and MCH. The reticulocyte count is
also raised. The anaemia of renal failure is normocytic and
normochromic, in common with anaemias of chronic disease. In
renal failure it is due to reduced erythropoietin production and in
severe uraemia, > 30 mmol/l, a shortened red cell life and marrow
toxicity. Folate and vitamin B12 deficiency cause macrocytic
(high MCV) megaloblastic anaemia. Acute blood loss will cause
an anaemia with a normal MCV and normal shaped existing red
Question 21
A. true B. false C. true D. true E. false
The Quetelet index (or body mass index) is weight (kg) divided
by the square of height (in m2). The upper limit of normal is
24.9. Overweight is 25-29.9, obese is 30-34.9, and morbid obesity
over 35. Hypertension, ischaemic heart disease and increased
oxygen consumption are characteristics, as are airway obstruction,
right heart strain and, eventually, pulmonary hypertension and
right-sided failure. The FRC is reduced with a tendency to V/Q
mismatch and hypoxaemia. Hiatus hernia with reflux, and
diabetes are other considerations.
Ref:Shenkman et al. Perioperative management of the obese
patient. British Journal of Anaesthesia 1993;70:349.
Update in Anaesthesia
Question 22
A. true B. true C. false D. false E. true
Diathermy relies on generation of heat energy from electrical
energy. Ohm’s law states that voltage = current x resistance
(V=IR). The heat energy produced = (current)2 x resistance
(E=I2R). At the active electrode there is a high current density
due to the small area of the electrode. This leads to the heat energy
and cautery. The passive electrode (‘diathermy plate’) used with
unipolar diathermy has a large area and so the current density
(and hence the heat produced) is small. However if the contact is
poor then either there is a reduced area of contact (with a higher
current density) or increased resistance. As E=I2R both these
faults lead to an increased risk of burning. Bipolar diathermy
does not have a passive electrode, and the current passes from an
active electrode to a return electrode; these are the two blades of
the diathermy forceps.
Question 23
A. true B. false C. false D. true E. false
Nitrous oxide is not flammable. An anaesthetic machine should
be connected to a conducting floor of an operating theatre to
prevent the production of static electrical sparks. A current of
approximately 100 microamps is needed to produce a microshock
to the heart, capable of producing ventricular fibrillation. Since
all connections have some finite resistance the neutral connection
is not exactly at earth potential at the patient end of the circuit.
The heat released in surgical diathermy depends on the resistance
and to the square of the current flowing.
Question 24
A. true B. true C. true D. false E. true
Indirectly acting sympathomimetics like ephedrine are unlikely
to increase blood pressure in patients taking drugs which alter
neuronal storage, uptake, metabolism or release of
neurotransmitters. Reserpine depletes neuronal granules of
noradrenaline. Alpha-methyl dopa acts as a false transmitter.
Phenoxybenzamine and propranolol block peripheral receptors
and industrial doses of directly acting sympathomometics may
be required to overcome their blockade. Clonidine works on
central adrenergic receptors and the peripheral effect of indirectly
acting sympathomimetics is not decreased, in fact smaller doses
may be required due to receptor up regulation.
Question 25
A. false B. false C. true D. true E. true
Patient heat loss is mainly due to radiation (40-50%) and, to a
lesser extent, convection (defined as in the question) and
evaporation. About 15% of heat loss in the anaesthetised patient
is via the respiratory tract. The main part of this is due to the
latent heat needed to vaporise water to humidify the gas within
the trachea. This can be minimised by humidification. Warming
equipment such as electric blankets and water-filled mattresses
have caused thermal burns in anaesthetised patients. The risk of
burns is greater if there is poor blood supply as blood can help
conduct the heat away from the site of potential injury.