Indiana Law Review
Volume 55 2022 Number 1
Online platforms have completely transformed American social life. They
have democratized publication, overthrown old gatekeepers, and given ordinary
Americans a fresh voice in politics. But the system is beginning to falter. Control
over online speech lies in the hands of a select few—Facebook, Google, and
Twitter—who moderate content for the entire nation. It is an impossible task.
Americans cannot even agree among themselves what speech should be
permitted. And, more importantly, platforms have their own interests at stake:
Fringe theories and ugly name-calling drive away users. Moderation is good for
business. But platform beautification has consequences for society’s unpopular
members, whose unsightly voices are silenced in the process. With control over
online speech so centralized, online outcasts are left with few avenues for
Concentrated private control over important resources is an old problem.
Last century, for example, saw the rise of railroads and telephone networks. To
ensure access, such entities are treated as common carriers and required to
provide equal service to all comers. Perhaps the same should be true for social
media. This Essay responds to recent calls from Congress, the Supreme Court,
and academia arguing that, like common carriers, online platforms should be
required to carry all lawful content. The Essay studies users’ and platforms’
competing expressive interests, analyzes problematic trends in platforms’
censorship practices, and explores the costs of common-carrier regulation before
ultimately proposing market expansion and segmentation as an alternate pathway
to avoid the economic and social costs of common-carrier regulation.
* Assistant Professor of Law and, by courtesy, Computer Science, St. Thomas University
College of Law; Nonresidential Fellow, Stanford Law School, Program in Law, Science &
Technology; J.D., Harvard Law School. Genesis M. Perez provided excellent research assistance
and valuable suggestions.
102 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 55:101
These two rights Americans hold dear: the freedom to speak their minds and
the freedom not to listen when someone speaking her mind tries to tell them what
to do. But over the last two years, social-media platforms have somehow
managed to ruin both—curtailing Americans’ power to express their views
through well-intentioned, but too-powerful content nannying.
To see the first point, consider recent clashes over platforms’ content-
moderation practices. After months of unproven complaints by Republicans that
online platforms disproportionately censor conservative speech,
the issue came
to a boiling point last year when the nation’s leading social media platforms,
Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter, all banned then-President Donald Trump.
an online platform would silence a sitting president of the United States is
astounding. But, then again, so too are the allegations against him, namely that
he instigated the Capitol Riot on January 6, 2021, in which protestors stormed the
U.S. Capitol and forced the legislators to flee the House Chamber.
circumstances call for extreme measures. Were the censorship only of former
President Trump, or only to prevent violent mobs, or only to remove dangerous
misinformation about COVID-19 “cures,”
we might chalk it up to unusual times
and reputationally sensitive online entities forced to make difficult calls. The
platforms are in a tough spot. As Twitter and Facebook are quick to remind us,
1. See, e.g., Emily Cochrane, Trump Says Social Media is Censoring the Right, N.Y. TIMES
Aug. 18, 2018, at A24; Cat Zakrzewski, Prominent Conservatives Take Aim at Tech Companies’
Biggest Legal Shield, WASH. POST, Mar. 22, 2019, at A18; Jonathan Easley, Conservatives Lean
Into Warning on ‘Wave of Censorship’, THE HILL (Jan. 27, 2021),
media/536000-conservatives-lean-into-warnings-on-wave-of-censorship [].
2. Kate Conger & Mike Isaac, Citing Risk of Violence, Twitter Permanently Suspends
Trump, N.Y. TIMES, Jan. 9, 2021, at A1; Mike Isaac & Kate Conger, Facebook Bans Trump to
Terms End, N.Y. TIMES, Jan. 8, 2021, at B1; Gerrit De Vynck & Rachel Lerman, YouTube
Suspends Trump from Adding New Content, WASH. POST, Jan. 14, 2021, at A17. In response,
Trump filed lawsuits against Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and their CEOs, which allege that the
suspensions were coerced by the government in violation of the First Amendment. See Michael C.
Bender & Sarah E. Needleman, Trump Sues to Restore Social-Media Accounts, WALL ST. J., July
8, 2021, at A4.
3. See Natalie Andrews & Rebecca Ballhaus, House Looks to Impeach Trump in Days
Resolution Charges President with Inciting Insurrection; Some in GOP Discuss Censure, WALL
ST. J., Jan. 12, 2021, at A1; Andrea Salcedo, 2 Capitol Police Officers Sue Trump for Injuries
Suffered in Riot, WASH. POST, Apr. 1, 2021, at B3; Charlie Savage, What Legal Trouble Might
Trump Be in?, N.Y. TIMES, Jan. 12, 2021, at A12.
4. See Jason Meisner & Dan Hinkel, Fake Tests, Fantasy Cures: Scammers Ramping Up,
CHI. TRIB., Mar. 26, 2020, at 5 (describing governmental efforts to stop scams involving fake
COVID-19 tests and cures that circulated on the internet during the early days of the pandemic).
they face simultaneous pressure from Congress both to promote free expression
and to remove more harmful and offensive content.
No solution can make
everyone happy.
But online content moderation has crept beyond the exceptional cases of
violent mobs and once-in-a-century pandemics. Censorship decisions now even
reach Americans’ everyday lives and political banter, including discussion of
sex and gender,
climate change,
and terrorism
—topics likely to
offend, but which are also central issues on the modern political landscape.
Some naturally find such expression offensive. Others do not. Either way, such
speech is hardly exceptional. Much of it is the same sort of boorish name-calling
and sound-bite-driven argument that one finds on Fox News or MSNBC every
evening. Other online speech is a good deal stronger, ridden with profanity,
stereotypes, and slurs, but still of the same general sort—not high political theory,
but sadly common to American political discourse. In choosing to cultivate the
“right” sort of online worlds, by removing, shadow banning, and affixing warning
labels to ugly, but commonplace, discussions, Big Tech has made clear that its
5. See Tony Romm et al., Lawmakers Clash with Silicon Valley CEOs on Liability, WASH.
POST, Oct. 29, 2020, at A21; Eli Rosenberg, War on Falsity Spares Infowars, CHI. TRIB., July 17,
2018, at 3; Cecilia Kang, Can Tech Companies Silence Hate Speech?, N.Y. TIMES, Apr. 22, 2019,
at B1; Mike Isaac, Facebook Lets Hate Flourish, Report Finds, N.Y. TIMES, July 9, 2020 at A1.
6. See, e.g., Keith Wood, Big Tech Attacks the 2nd Amendment, GUNS & AMMO (Dec. 9, 2020),
[] (shadow banning, account suspension, and ad removal of posts and
ads by firearms, outdoor-gear, and survival enthusiasts).
7. See, e.g., Georgia Wells, Writer Sues Twitter Over Ban for Criticizing Transgender
People, WALL ST. J. (Feb. 11, 2019),
mocking-transgender-people-11549946725 [] (blogger banned from
Twitter for violation of platform’s harassment rules for tweets stating How are transwomen not
men? What is the difference between a man and a transwoman?” and Men aren’t women”).
8. See, e.g., John Stossel, Social Media Censorship Jeopardizes Future of Free Speech, AP
NEWS (Sept. 27, 2018), [perma.
cc/W2CD-47RK] (YouTube adding links to further information to videos posted by climate-change
9. See, e.g., Vera Eidelman et al., Time and Again, Social Media Giants Get Content
Moderation Wrong, ACLU (May 17, 2021),
is-just-the-latest-example [] (discussing numerous instances in which
platforms have improperly labeled speech as promoting terrorism).
10. See Eugene Volokh, Facebook Will Now Ban Criticism of “Concepts, Institutions, Ideas
Practices, or Beliefs” When They Risk “Harm Intimidation, or Discrimination” Against Religious,
National, or Other Groups, VOLOKH CONSPIRACY (July 6, 2021, 8:54 PM),
-groups/ [] (observing that platforms’ restrictive speech policies apply to ban
election speech, “even when candidates for office are debating these very issues”).
104 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 55:101
priority is online beautification, not free speech, and that its aesthetic vision will
require the muzzling of much everyday American speech.
Of course, Twitter and Facebook have their own interests at stake. Private
entities are generally free to do and say what they like. Why should they be
forced to host offensive content or transmit posts by users that they have decided
to ban? If Facebook’s leaders think that hosting certain types of content will
diminish their company’s brand or spoil its online community, that is their
prerogative, right? Tension between authors and prospective publishers is nothing
new. The two often butt heads when a publisher’s interest in cultivating a specific
brand or readership collides with an author’s interest in broadly disseminating her
ideas—sometimes even unvarnished, off-topic, or half-baked ones. The
traditional arbiter has been the market. Publishers are free to reject content and
authors to seek alternative publishers, but both are constrained by market forces.
The loudmouthed, sensationalist author may find few takers for her work, and the
nitpicky editor may find herself short on prospective authors. Author and
publisher are free from censorship and compelled speech, but neither is truly free
to do as she pleases.
Not so for Big Tech, which has completely upended the long-standing author-
publisher stasis. Unlike traditional publishers, the major social media
companies—Facebook, Twitter, and Google—truly can do as they please. They
enjoy such large user bases and concentrated power over social media that they
have felt free to dictate the boundaries of online speech. One obvious danger of
concentrated power is the potential for bias. Perhaps observing the leftward
leanings of Silicon Valley’s elites, many conservatives perceive their posts to be
disproportionately flagged for censorship.
The greater danger, however, may be
the censorship decisions that Big Tech freely admits, even celebrates: platforms’
efforts to beautify their social-media landscapes by pruning unsightly content and
muzzling its purveyors. However well-intentioned such tidying up” may be, it
risks quashing important segments of public speech, not because they are truly
beyond the pale of modern American discourse, but because they are out of step
with the aesthetic sensibilities of Big Tech.
Thus lands Big Tech’s second blow. Facebook and Twitter surely do have an
interest in self expressively curating their online communities. But by doing so,
they also dictate how Americans conduct their online lives. Facebook and Twitter
demand the First Amendment treatment of traditional content providers like
Cosmopolitan or The Economist, which regularly court, curate, and express
themselves through the content they publish. But as market-dominating social-
media platforms, they are nothing like that. Big Tech holds such immense power
over Americans’ data, online social lives, and channels of communication that it
speaks with an authority most Americans are powerless to ignore. When The New
11. See Jonathan Easley, Conservatives Lean into Warning on ‘Wave of Censorship’, THE
HILL (Jan. 27, 2021, 6:01 AM),
into-warnings-on-wave-of-censorship []; Romm et al., supra note 5, at A21.
York Times tells you it has rejected your op-ed piece, you ignore it, hold your
head high, and publish elsewhere. But when Facebook and Twitter tell you what
to do—that is, on what subjects to speak, from what perspectives, and using
which rhetorical devices—no amount of ear plugging will fix the problem. The
options are stark: Speak as Facebook and Twitter wish, or be cast from online
The predicament defies any simple solution. Contrary to what one hears from
there is no bad guy to punish, just a gigantic tech industry that has
become the victim of its own success. Big Tech has given us exactly what we
(think we) want—unbridled access to addictive media content and insulated
social-media communities that feed us precisely the news we want to hear. But
in doing so, it has also acquired immense power to control Americans’ personal
data, online social lives, and political discourse. Platforms naturally want to
control their platforms by eliminating offensive content and cutting off
undesirable speakers. It is good for business. But such beautification also silences
the important but unsightly voices of society’s marginalized and unpopular
With Congress at a standstill, the issue may soon fall to the judiciary. This
past term, in Biden v. Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University,
the Supreme Court took up a case challenging former President Trump’s decision
to block certain users from responding to his tweets. The plaintiffs argued that
Trump’s Twitter account was a governmental public forum in which they held a
constitutionally protected right to speak.
Although the Supreme Court dismissed
the challenge as moot given Trump’s election loss and return to life as a private
Justice Clarence Thomas took the opportunity to comment on the legal
challenges surrounding online speech and social media sites.
He observed that
although social media platforms “provide avenues for historically unprecedented
amounts of speech,” never before has control of so much speech [been] in the
hands of a few private parties.”
Soon, he predicted, the Supreme Court will
“have no choice but to address how our legal doctrines apply to highly
concentrated, privately owned information infrastructure such as digital
12. See, e.g., JOSH HAWLEY, THE TYRANNY OF BIG TECH 4 (2021) (lamenting that “Big Tech
represents today’s robber barons, who are draining prosperity and power from the great middle of
our society and creating . . . a new oligarchy”); Steve Lohr et al., Reprimands of Big Tech Cross
Aisle, N.Y. TIMES, July 17, 2019, at B1; Cecilia Kang, Tech Giants ‘BulliedUs, Rivals Testify,
N.Y. TIMES, Jan. 18, 2020, at B1.
13. 141 S. Ct. 1220 (2021) (mem.).
14. See id. at 1221 (Thomas, J., concurring).
15. See id. at 1220 (mem.).
16. Id. at 1221-27 (Thomas, J., concurring).
17. Id. at 1221.
18. Id.
106 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 55:101
On this much, Justice Thomas is surely right: Social media platforms have
become so central to individual identity and participation in society that many
now view online speech as a right of citizenship.
True, Twitter and Facebook
are private entities; participation on their platforms is entirely voluntary; and they
retain ultimate discretion to ban users or content. But they hold such power that
to be banned from social media feels like one has been cast from civilized society
and barred from public speech altogether—a power held exclusively by the
government and historically reserved for only the most extreme provocateurs.
Having diagnosed the problem, Justice Thomas next discusses some of the
available legal tools that courts might apply in response. Social media platforms
may be new, but concentrated private control over important resources is not a
new phenomenon. Private entities are generally free to accept or reject customers
and otherwise conduct business as they see fit, but the government has long
deemed certain resources so critical to the public good as to warrant limitations
on that freedom.
Under historical doctrines governing common carriers and
public accommodations, entities that control certain important public
resources—think railroads, telecommunications companies, shops, hotels and the
like—are stripped of discretion to accept or reject customers and required to offer
their services to all comers.
Such requirements are accepted as necessary to the
public good, but burdensome, and applied sparingly, typically where industry
incumbents hold significant market power and some economic or social barrier
makes a market-driven solution unlikely.
Justice Thomas raises the possibility that a similar principle should be applied
to social-media platforms. To reduce bias and free-expression concerns, social-
media platforms could be required, like railroads and telephone companies, to
support all users equally.
Most people, after all, would not want our telephone
companies to deny service to select individuals based on their political or
religious views or their online comments about those subjects. Perhaps the
principle also holds true for social media. But common-carrier and public-
accommodations laws are, at best, an imperfect solution to the social-media
problem. First, they come with numerous well-understood costs: They interfere
with entities’ freedom to respond to market demands and reduce consumer
19. See Packingham v. North Carolina, 137 S. Ct. 1730, 1735-37 (2017) (statute barring sex
offenders from social networking sites unconstitutional limit on “legitimate exercise of First
Amendment rights,” for “the vast democratic forums of the Internet” and “social media in
particular” are today “the most important places . . . for the exchange of views”).
20. See Knight First Amendment Inst. at Columbia Univ., 141 S. Ct. at 1222-23 (Thomas, J.,
concurring) (collecting cases).
21. See id. at 1223.
22. See id. at 1223-24.
23. See id. at 1224-26 (citing Adam Candeub, Bargaining for Free Speech: Common
Carriage, Network Neutrality, and Section 230, 22 YALE J.L. & TECH. 391 (2020)); see also
Eugene Volokh, Social Media Platforms as Common Carriers?, 1 J. FREE SPEECH L. (forthcoming)
(exploring the possibility of using common-carrier law to limit social-media platformspower over
political discourse).
undermine corporate profitability and spending on innovation by
increasing compliance and litigation costs;
and impose licensing requirements
and other barriers to entry that solidify market leaders and benefit incumbents
over innovators.
Second, it remains to be seen whether social media’s ills warrant such an
extreme remedy. The costs of common-carrier and public-accommodation laws
are sometimes justified—where, for example, a start-up telephone company faces
the insurmountable obstacle of laying a competing network of telephone lines.
But whether Big Tech’s advantages over prospective start-ups pose a comparable
hurdle is still an open question. In today’s data-driven market, Facebook, Google,
Amazon’s stockpiles of user data give them a tremendous advantage over
potential competitors. They can mine their databases for insights into user
behaviors and preferences and use that data to develop and target new products.
And the network effect of their enormous existing user base protects them against
entrants and gives them a natural market for new products.
Why join a new
social networking site if few of your friends are there? But their lead is not
24. See Daniel F. Spulber & Christopher S. Yoo, Mandating Access to Telecom and the
Internet: The Hidden Side of Trinko, 107 COLUM. L. REV. 1822, 1899 (2007) (noting that
standardization of network services “decreases welfare by reducing product variety” and that
“incompatible networks may simply represent the natural outgrowth of heterogenous consumer
25. See Mozilla Corp. v. Fed. Commc’ns Comm’n, 940 F.3d 1, 49-50 (D.C. Cir. 2019) (per
curiam) (affirming FCC decision to reclassify broadband internet as an information service rather
than a common carrier on the ground that more lightly regulating the industry would increase ISPs
investment and innovation); see also Jay S. Kaplan, Finding the Middle Ground: A Proposed
Solution to the Net Neutrality Debate, 26 GEO. MASON L. REV. 230, 239 (2018) (collecting studies
regarding correlation between increased regulation of ISPs and reduction in capital expenditures
and innovation).
26. See generally Hilary J. Allen, Regulatory Sandboxes, 87 GEO. WASH. L. REV. 579, 587-
92 (2019) (reviewing impact of regulatory barriers to entry on start-up financial technology firms);
Susan P. Crawford, The Radio and the Internet, 23 BERKELEY TECH. L.J. 933 (2008) (discussing
difficulty and importance of preserving competition in internet industries dominated by established
27. See Angela J. Campbell, Publish or Carriage: Approaches to Analyzing the First
Amendment Rights of Telephone Companies, 70 N.C. L. REV. 1071, 1120-21 (1992) (discussing
early history of common carrier law and Congress’s decision in 1910 to classify telephone
companies as common carriers); Mann-Elkins Act, Pub. L. No. 61-218, § 7, 36 Stat. 539, 544-45
(1910) (superseded by Communications Act of 1934).
28. See Tom Wheeler, Big Tech and Antitrust: Pay Attention to the Math Behind the Curtain,
BROOKINGS (July 31, 2020),
antitrust-pay-attention-to-the-math-behind-the-curtain/ [].
29. See Jason Del Rey, 6 Reasons Smaller Companies Want to Break Up Big Tech, VOX (Jan.
22, 2020, 11:36 AM),
apple-google-facebook-house-hearing-congress-break-up [].
108 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 55:101
unassailable. Growing attention to privacy
and consumer-privacy legislation
will reduce the usefulness of Big Tech’s data stores.
Indeed, consumers are
beginning to pay attention to the privacy implications of their technology usage,
and some providers are responding with privacy-friendly initiatives. Even in the
shadow of Big Tech, recent years have seen the rise of TikTok,
and Disney+.
And, as WhatsApp’s privacy snafus
and Quibi’s failed
30. See, e.g., Reed Albergotti & Elizabeth Dwoskin, Apple’s iPhone Privacy Change Rankles
Firms, WASH. POST, Aug. 30, 2020, at A19.
31. See Alan McQuinn & Daniel Castro, The Costs of Unnecessarily Stringent Federal Data
Privacy Law, INFO. TECH. & INNOVATION FOUND. (Aug. 5, 2019),
2019/08/05/costs-unnecessarily-stringent-federal-data-privacy-law []
(estimating the costs to the U.S. economy of implementing a comprehensive federal consumer data
privacy law, including the costs to tech companies of reduced access to data and lower ad
32. TikTok is an app and website for users to create and share short-form videos. See Our
Mission, TIKTOK, [] (last visited Sept.
15, 2021); Katie Rogers & Cecilia Kang, Biden Order Overrides TikTok Ban, N.Y. TIMES, June 10,
2021, at B1 (discussing Biden decision to reverse Trump administration ban and allow the “wildly
popular app,” with more than 100 million U.S. users).
33. Signal is a privacy-focused alternative to other messaging tools such as SMS, iMessage,
and WhatsApp. See [] (last visited Sept. 16, 2021);
Nicole Nguyen, Choose an Encrypted Chat App for Privacy, WALL ST. J., Jan. 14, 2021, at B1
(“users flocked” to Signal following a change in Facebook-owned WhatsApp’s privacy policy,
making it the top free app download in the Apple and Google app stores).
34. Parler has positioned itself as a more permissive, free-speech-focused micro-blogging
alternative to Twitter. See PARLER, []
(last visited Sept. 15, 2021); Jack Nicas & Alba Davey, A Web Haven for Trump Fans Faces the
Void, N.Y. TIMES, Jan. 11, 2021, at A1 (explaining that, before being dropped by Amazon and
banned from the Google and Apple app stores, Parler had benefitted from millions of new users
joining the platform over concerns about censorship on Facebook and Twitter).
35. Disney+ is an on-demand video-streaming service launched by Disney in 2019, which
offers video content from Disney and affiliates Hulu and ESPN. See Movies, Shows, & Sports,
5YB6] (last visited Sept. 15, 2021); Stephen Battaglio, It’s the Plus Sign’s Day in the Sun;
Disney+. AppleTV+. Paramount+. How the Symbol is Dominating the Streaming Wars, L.A.
TIMES, Dec. 23, 2020, at E1 (reporting the rapid growth of streaming services during 2020,
especially Disney+, which gained 86 million subscribers just one year after its launch).
36. In early 2021, Facebook-owned WhatsApp forced users to accept a new privacy policy
as a condition of continued use of the messaging app. Many users switched to alternative messaging
apps like Signal, which does not collect information about whom their users connect and
communicate with. See Mike Isaac, WhatsApp Pushes Back Privacy Update as Misinformation
Spreads and Some Users Flee, N.Y. TIMES, Jan. 16, 2021, at B5 (explaining that the privacy
policies that alarmed users had already been in place since 2016); Brian X. Chen, What Apple’s
New Privacy Labels Tell Us, N.Y. TIMES, Jan. 28, 2021, at B7 (comparing WhatsApp and Signal
data collection).
have shown us, it is possible even for established and well-funded
companies to stumble. When they do, nimble upstarts have been ready to take
their place.
That said, there are signs of danger. Somewhat concerning has been the
dominance of Big Tech’s major firms. Google and Apple, for example, have
wielded their market-controlling Android and iPhone app stores to take an
astounding thirty-percent cut of all in-app purchases.
Both face ongoing legal
challenges from Epic Games, maker of the popular Fortnight game.
contends that the iPhone and Android app stores constitute unlawful monopolies
that forcibly extract profits from iPhone and Android app developers by
prohibiting them from offering customers alternative payment mechanisms.
Amazon’s control of the online retail space, both as a platform for third-party
sellers and as a seller of Amazon-branded products, has triggered antitrust actions
by consumers and regulators who allege that it makes anticompetitive use of
seller pricing data.
But perhaps this is nothing more than the hurly-burly of a
competitive market. Sharp-elbowed or even anticompetitive activity alone would
not justify common-carrier regulation. Those practices would need to be shown
to interfere with free expression.
Troubling, therefore, has been a series of recent moves by Big Tech that has,
intentionally or not, undermined Americans’ ability to communicate their ideas.
This spring, for example, Facebook barred from its Instagram platform a series
of ads by Signal that promoted its privacy-minded alternative to Facebook’s
WhatsApp and Messenger apps.
Facebook also for many months censored
37. See Benjamin Mullen et al., Quibi Shuts Down Months After Launch, WALL ST. J., Oct.
22, 2020, at A1 (detailing the failure of the Quibi video streaming service despite Hollywood
backing and experienced leadership).
38. See Jack Nicas, Google to Cut Some App-Store Fees., N.Y. TIMES, Mar. 17, 2021, at B3
(describing the Google and Apple stores’ 30% commission and their decision in 2021 to lower their
fees to 15% for small companies and sales under $1 million per year to “appeas[e] developers and
regulators who accuse the companies of abusing their dominance of the smartphone industry”).
39. Epic Games Inc. v. Apple Inc., No. 20-cv-5640 (N.D. Cal. Aug. 13, 2020); Epic Games,
Inc. v. Google LLC, No. 20-cv-5671 (N.D. Cal. Aug. 13, 2020).
40. See Epic Games Inc. v. Apple Inc., No. 20-cv-5640 (N.D. Cal. Aug. 13, 2020); See Epic
Games, Inc. v. Google LLC, No. 20-cv-5671 (N.D. Cal. Aug. 13, 2020); see also Reed Albergotti,
Judge Grills Apple CEO on App Store Stranglehold, WASH. POST, May 22, 2021, at A1.
41. See, e.g., District of Columbia v., Inc., No. 2021-CA-1775-B (D.C. Super.
Ct. Jun. 1, 2021); see also Cat Zakrzewski & Rachel Lerman, D.C. Attorney General Accuses
Amazon of Fixing Prices in Antitrust Complaint, WASH. POST (May 26, 2021), at A18 (detailing
allegations in action brought by D.C. Attorney General alleging price fixing via contractual
provisions with third-party sellers and describing a pair of earlier lawsuits filed in 2020 by 48 state
attorneys general making similar allegations against Google and Facebook).
42. See generally Biden v. Knight First Amendment Inst. at Columbia Univ., 141 S. Ct. 1220,
1223-26 (2021) (Thomas, J., concurring) (arguing that large digital platforms are analogous to
historical examples of common-carriers).
43. See Katie Canales, Signal Said Facebook Shut Down Its Advertising Account After the
110 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 55:101
discussion of the theory, espoused by former CDC Director Robert Redfield,
among others, that COVID-19 escaped from a virology laboratory in Wuhan
China that was conducting virus “gain-of-function research.”
Not until President
Biden publicly ordered an intelligence investigation did Facebook allow
discussion of the lab-leak theory on its platform.
Finally, after the January 6
Capitol Riot, both Google and Apple booted the free-speech-focused
microblogging app Parler from their app stores, making the app unavailable for
new users.
Until then, from the lead-up to the November 2020 presidential
Privacy-Focused Messaging App Tried to Buy Instagram Ads Showing How the Social Media Giant
Collects Data, BUSINESS INSIDER (May 4, 2021, 4:54 PM),
facebook-blocked-signal-ads-data-collecting-targeting-2021-5 []
(discussing Facebook’s decision to block Signal from buying Instagram ads that would have shown
users the data that Facebook collects from them and also a prior incident in which Facebook
initially blocked a campaign ad by U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren that criticized Facebook); Aimee
Chanthadavong, Facebook Bans Signal’s Attempt to Run Transparent Instagram Ad Campaign,
ZDNET (May 5, 2021),
transparent-instagram-ad-campaign []; see also The Instagram Ads
Facebook Won’t Show You, SIGNAL BLOG (May 4, 2021),
you-will-never-see [] (providing examples of the banned ads).
44. See Ovetta Wiggins & Erin Cox, Md. Officials Call for Adviser’s Resignation after
Comments on Virus’s Origin, WASH. POST, Mar. 27, 2021, at B4 (describing a March 2021
interview in which Redfield shared his view that an inadvertent leak from a laboratory in Wuhan
was the most likely origin of the virus and calls by state legislators for Redfield to resign from his
position as medical advisor to Marylands governor).
45. A prominent example is Facebook’s decision to designate as False Information” and
block access to a New York Post opinion article that speculated COVID-19 may have escaped from
a Wuhan lab. See Steven W. Mosher, Opinion, Don’t Buy China’s Story: The Coronavirus May
Have Leaked from a Lab, N.Y. POST (Feb. 22, 2020),
chinas-story-the-coronavirus-may-have-leaked-from-a-lab [];
Opinion, Facebook’s COVID Coverup, N.Y. POST (Jan. 5, 2021, 7:25 PM),
2021/01/05/facebooks-covid-coverup [].
46. See Newley Purnell, Facebook Eases Restrictions on Covid-19 Posts – The Move to Lift
the Ban is the Latest in the Company’s Efforts to Regulate Content, WALL ST. J., May 28, 2021, at
B4 (noting Facebooks shift in policy to “no longer remove the claim that COVID-19 is man-made
or manufactured from our apps” after previously undisclosed U.S. intelligence became public,
which indicated that researchers in Wuhan had been hospitalized in November 2019, and after
President Biden “ordered a U.S. intelligence inquiry into the” virus’s origins).
47. From the lead-up to the November 2020 presidential election through the January 6
Capital Riot, Parler built a reputation as a free-speech alternative to Twitter and became a top
download in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. See Jack Nicas & Davey Alba, A Web
Haven for Trump Fans Faces the Void, N.Y. Times, Jan. 11, 2021, at A1; Gerrit De Vynck et al.,
Tech Giants Responded to Events but May Be Hesitant to Act Again Quickly, WASH. POST, Jan. 13,
2021, at A20 (describing Apple and Google’s decisions to remove Parler from their stores as well
as actions by Reddit, Shopify, TikTok, and smaller tech companies to distance themselves from
Trump by removing access to content).
election through the January 6 Capital Riot, Parler had built a reputation as a free-
speech alternative to Twitter and became a top download in the Apple App Store
and Google Play Store. Amazon then pulled the plug altogether when it refused
to continue providing web-hosting services to the company.
Parler has limped
along for months, struggling to find a reliable hosting alternative to Amazon,
facing lengthy Android
and iPhone
app-store bans and working to implement
content-moderation practices that will appease Google and Apple.
Maybe this is just a blip. Perhaps social media’s rapid democratization of
publication technology has briefly upset the status quo and we are suffering
fleeting limitations on free expression as the market adjusts. But perhaps not.
Perhaps a more dangerous trend is in motion. Big Tech’s efforts to restrict the
dissemination of disfavored information, combined with its growing market
dominance—which can prevent dissemination by alternative means—is exactly
the combination that could ultimately justify a common-carrier-like must-carry
requirement. Social media’s availability to all Americans and all viewpoints is
that important. But we are not there yet. The problem is still working itself out in
the marketplace. Will Parler survive? Is antitrust action merited? Will some new
upstart emerge to serve all comers? Can the market loosen Big Tech’s grip on
speech? I hope so. Common-carrier regulation is strong medicine. It must not be
taken hastily.
48. See Keach Hagey & Tim Higgins, Apple, Amazon Move to Curb Parler, WALL. ST. J.,
Jan. 11, 2021, at A4 (describing Amazon’s decision to stop providing “cloud-computing services,”
which forced Parler’s website offline).
49. After it was dropped by Amazon, Parler was turned away by numerous prospective
providers. See Sarah Polus, Amazon Suspends Parler from Web Hosting Service, THE HILL (Jan.
9, 2021),
service-reports [] (discussing Amazon’s decision to cease providing
services to Parler in early January); Brian Fung, How Parler Is Trying to Get Back Online, CNN
(Jan. 19, 2021),
[] (detailing Parlers struggle to find a suitable alternative web-hosting
50. Google has continued to ban Parler from its Google Play app store since its removal on
January 8, 2021. Google explained that it will not allow the app to return unless Parler
"implement[s] robust moderation for egregious content.” See Jack Nicas, Far-Right App Under
Scrutiny for Failing to Police Itself, N.Y. TIMES, Jan. 9, 2021, at B4.
51. Parler returned to the Apple App Store on May 17, 2021, four months after its removal.
See Sarah E. Needleman, Parler Taps New CEO, Returns to App Store, WALL ST. J., May 18, 2021,
at A4 (reporting Parler’s return); Kevin Randall, Parler Curbs Hate Speech on iPhones, WASH.
POST, May 18, 2021, at A20 (describing changes to the iPhone version of Parler, required by Apple
as conditions of its return to the App Store, including the requirement that Parler adopt an artificial
intelligence–based content-moderation system to automatically identify and remove posts it labels