Power & Freedom
Summer 2017
St. Francis Prayer Center
G-2381 E. Carpenter Rd., Flint, MI 48505
P: 810-787-5330 • F: 810-787-5399
Power & Freedom
“You will receive power when the Holy spirit comes down on you;
then you are to be my witnesses in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and
Samaria, yes, even to the ends of the earth.
I am quite certain there could be many lively con-
versations regarding ‘receiving power’ in these times
of social media, however the power Jesus refers to has
nothing to do with controlling
someone else’s actions; influenc-
ing the higher ups in your work
environment, or any other coun-
terfeit idea of what power is.
In fact, that kind of power
isolates, constricts and is self-
focused and has no freedom for
either party.
Jesus’ idea of freedom
comes with the Holy Spirit (Luke
4:18, Isaiah 61:1). It proclaims
freedom for those who are cap-
tive, brings good news to the op-
pressed, and binds the
brokenhearted. It is other cen-
His power has a purpose to
build the Kingdom of God, and
the only way that will happen is
if those who believe in Him are
‘anointed’ (empowered) for this
very task.
This ‘anointing’ of the Holy
Spirit cannot be received in an unrepentant heart,
therefore, it follows the baptism of water (repentance).
Only then, are we free to say ‘yes’ to the Holy Spirit.
It is a decision on our part to ‘enter in,and like Mary’s
fiat—say yes to Him who calls us.
In the life of the Trinity, the Father has the plan,
Jesus consents to give his life, and the Spirit then ani-
mates (brings to our mind and understanding) what
we need to know to love and serve him with our whole
self, nothing held back. The love story of the Trinity
and their love for us becomes visible and accessible to
us for the first time.
We not only need to be assisted, but empowered,
to live this Christian life and to minister among one
another with effect. The scripture, Acts 1:8, is a two-
fold proclamation.
First, you will receive power,
when the Holy Spirit comes upon
you, then you will be witnesses,
not just in your hometown for a
week or two, but in the whole
world and until the end of time!!
He is not to be out done.
Before His great commis-
sion to them, Acts 1:8, He first
empowered them for the task. If
we are to see good fruit from our
efforts to share the gospel, we
will most definitely need the
‘push’ to go; and we’d better have
his anointing power to go with it.
The Father sent; Jesus went.
Jesus preached, taught, and
healed but only after He was
‘Baptized in the Holy Spirit,’ was
the anointing and power both
given and seen.
It is the Father who calls us;
Jesus who brings truth, light and
forgiveness to us; and the Spirit
who then anoints us with power to act in the Father’s
will for the Kingdom.
We will always be equipped for the task God has
called us to. He does not call us to something that he
has not already provided for.
It was the Holy Spirit who empowered Jesus
own birth. He was ushered into this earthly life.
Mathew 1:20 and as Acts 1:9 goes on to tell us, the
Spirit then ushered him back to the Father. Like Jesus,
we too need the Holy Spirit to guide and empower us
for the job the Father has given us to do; an ability to
teach, preach and heal as He also did.
Continued on back page
To those who work in ministry the term New Evange-
lization is not an unfamiliar term. But for the average church
goer, St. John Paul IIs encyclical Redemptoris Missio will
enlighten us greatly. He describes three situations to under-
stand these ideas of Evangelization better.
First to evangelize in general, we must first go where the
people do not know Christ or his gospel. Mission ad gentes:
Latin for to the nations.
Secondly, we must go to established Christian Commu-
nities where we already know Him and are currently serving
Him, and continue to faithfully continue to build up and ex-
hort and pastor those who are already fervent (in our churches
and communities).
Thirdly, he speaks of this New Evangelization as some-
where between the first and second, where entire groups of
people who are baptized, have lost their sense of faith and
fallen away all together, or who live a life so removed from the
gospel, no one would know (like our current status in many
How does this apply to us? What does this have to do
with healing? Most of us have personal family who fit the
third description. Most are sitting next to people in our
churches each week who also fit this description. Some of us
may be this person!
I have had many heartfelt conversations with people in
the 5 years I have been director here about this topic. We can-
not bring someone to something we a) know nothing about
or b) know but do not practice our-
selves. The first would be ridiculous,
the second, a very poor witness. Prac-
tical understanding applies here. As
we minister to the families in the sur-
rounding neighborhood here in the
north end of Flint, we often need to
provide food and shelter for them, be-
fore we try to share the gospel or
bring them to church. Their imme-
diate physical need must be met first (Matt. 14:21). It is no
surprise that Jesus did the same.
In countless examples in the scriptures, we see Jesus
feeding his flock. Feeding physically was often first, then He
taught, and then He healed. So today, things are not that dif-
ferent in this regard. They are called miracles! Does that still
happen? You bet!
In the neighborhood, or in the churches, we need our
needs to be metall of them, physical, emotional and spiritual.
It is what He did. It is what we need to do as well. More often
than not it wont happen behind church walls either. It hap-
pens at the workplace, in the home, on the street, in the bars.
So many people looking for love in all the wrong places. All
of them, looking to get their needs metsomehow, some-
Healing and the New Evangelization
where, by someoneanyone. These people are us, broken
and wounded by life or sin; we need healing and forgiveness.
We need the cross.
If we are trying to bring a brother or sister back to the
faith, and they are broken and wounded in their life, they are
not likely to trust anyone enough to really be all in. Some
may come to church but not live it out as the Gospel of Christ
intended, and some may have thrown the baby out with the
bathwater and closed the door altogether. This scenario isnt
much different than the person who has no food or shelter
and we are trying to share the Gospel with them. Jesus mis-
sion was to bring all men to the Father, and to build the King-
dom of God here where we are living now!
Seven years ago I had a dream about ministering to peo-
ple at a certain place. It was outside, and there was worship
music, and food stations, and bounce houses for kids. There
were people being prayed for all over the place. All the time
this was going on I kept hearingfeed my people. I heard
that several times. I woke not understanding much about what
I had dreamt. One year later I would be asked to be the Di-
rector at St. Francis Prayer Center! I understood now, I
needed to feed His peoplehowever they needed, physically,
emotionally or spiritually. My knees were shaking, but I said
yes. He would have to provide what was needed. They were
his people not mine, and this was his place, not mine. Holy
Spirit, please lead me.
Healing Services are now offered several times a year in
our area. We at St. Francis
Prayer Center train, mentor
and stand alongside those who
have been called to the great
ministry of compassion and
healing. Jesus waits for us to
ask in faith to heal.
So, what is the first step
to bring your family member
or neighbor back to the faith?
First, pray, pray, pray. Then ask the Holy Spirit to give you the
words to speak, or the action to take. Be courageous about
your own needs first. Trust the Holy Spirit and address the
area of your own life that needs healing, remembering that
you cannot bring someone to something you do not yet have
yourself. Pray for humility to do this. Keep your heart and
mind open to Gods lead. Plunge into His river of grace and
mercy. Het is waiting there for you.
Heal Us, Oh Lord, as we put our trust in You. Give us
the compassion to enter in the lives of those you place
in front of us, and the wisdom to allow You to lead us.
Give us the humility to attend to ourselves first, then reach
out to another. Empower us, Lord, as we stand in the
gap and feed your people.
If we are trying to bring a brother
or sister back to the faith, and they
are broken and wounded in their
life, they are not likely to trust any-
one enough to really be all in.
Our director, Deb Hawley, is closing in on her 5th
year here at St. Francis Prayer Center! She started her
ministry in September of 2012. We’ve seen many
changes during that time. The number of people who
have become closer to God and grown spiritually has
increased year by year. We want that to continue.
Recently, Director Deb sent a thank you letter to
those who had purchased a Fundraiser Big Ticket. As
you know, when you purchase a ticket, you get two
dinner tickets as well.
We were so near the 400-people maximum that
we became concerned that some people would not be
able to attend even if they had purchased a ticket.
Many, many phone calls were made to see who and
how many would be coming.
In that letter, Deb shared the answer to her
prayers to God which she heard. While being very ex-
cited about the large number that would be attending,
she was also daunted about the future of St. Francis
Prayer Center – bills continue to come in, things need
to be maintained or repaired, a portion of the roof is
in definite need of replacement!
God explained to her that half of the people at-
tending the Annual Fundraiser were those who shared
the original vision of Sr. Joanne and Fr. Phil; that they
‘saw & understood’ the vision God had given them.
He also said, “Now, the other half of those in
attendance will be new people to St. Francis Prayer
Center and, like the other half, they too see and
understand ‘the vision’ I have given you... I have
enlarged your territory.”
In her closing remarks, the prayers and support of
everyone, in her own words, were “humbling and so
appreciated.She also asked for each of you to con-
tinue to pray for us this summer as we find a way to
We Are Called
What is our response?
Our roof in much need of replacement!
_____YES, I/We am willing to help St. Francis Prayer Center “Raise the Roof.”
_____Sorry, I/We cannot help at this time but will keep you in prayer for a successful campaign.
_____I will support the Roof Campaign with $_________ amount.
Name: __________________________________________________ Home Phone: (______)________________
Address: _________________________________________________ Work Phone: (______)________________
City/St/Zip ___________________________________________________ Cell: (______)________________
Please clip and send to St. Francis Prayer Center, G-2381 E. Carpenter Road, Flint, MI 48505
You’ve Helped Us Stretch Our Tent Pegs in the Past,
Will You Help Us Raise Our Roof ?
Ok, so I know Ive spoken a bit about Healing……..and
yes, I do have much faith that God does indeed s*ll do these
works, however, I must tell you I do not see me climbing to
the steep rooops at the Center here and dropping anyone
through the hole in the roof! (Luke 5:19) But, I am interested
in standing ‘underthe Word of God, and not beside it as
though it were a tale being told. He is who He says he is! If
he has spoken prophe*cally to us here at SFPC, that our tent
pegs are being stretched, then I believe that as I said on page
1, he will not bring us to something he has not already pro-
vided for. He will make a way, even though we may not see
it yet.
The growth for the countless people of God has been
remarkable to witness in these few short years since I ar-
rived. You are all part of this vision that he has set us under.
The larger part of our roof is s*ll good for quite a whilewe
hope, but these older sec*ons must be replaced before win-
ter. The cost will be approximately $9,000. We are ge+ng
several es*mates now. Please prayerfully considerextend-
ing the tentfor us to con*nue this work for his people.
Director Deb
Saturday, September 9, 2017
St. Mary’s Catholic Church
& Our Lady of the Woods Shrine
100 Deyarmond St., Mio, Michigan 48617, 989-826-5509
Stations of
the Cross
Praise &
Our Lady Of The Woods Shrine
Our Lady of the Woods Catholic Shrine Grotto – is a
mountainous structure of stone honeycomb with grottos
and niches. The very name, Our Lady of the Woods,
reflects the thousands of acres of God’s beautiful and
majestic timberlands. It began with the visions of Rev.
Hubert Rakowski in the mid 40’s and was dedicated in
September of 1955. It is dedicated to Our Lady.
For more information
or to register, please contact
St. Francis Prayer Center
G-2381 E. Carpenter Rd.
Flint, MI 48505
Triumph of the Cross
Fundraiser Volunteers
Where would we be without the many
individuals who continue to help with our
Annual Fundraiser?
Ticket sellers, auctions, 50/50s,
clean up, hospitality, decorations, set-up,
& prayer committee it takes many,
many individuals to put on an event of
this size. Some were ticket sellers along
with helping in other areas. Following
are those who helped or sold tickets:
Lynn & Dan Berezny, Lila Burnash,
Jerry Decker, Donna Fisher, Ron &
Agnes Taylor, Joe & Pat Forlenza, John
& Cathy Vanderkuur, Ron & Jackie
Pung, Marv & Pat Crooks, Zen & An-
drea Anson, Andy & Margaret Verdun.
Deb Hawley, Carol Latus, Clare
Londrigan, Fr. Phil Schmitter, Gary &
Peggy Wescott, Henry Jacobi, Jack
Quinn, Jean Shipley, Joe Kalush, Mary
& Keith Dharamraj, Larry Blondin, Lisa
Hayward, Nanette Kowalczyk, Laura
Johnson, Genna Riopelle, Sue Drum-
mond, Linda Noll, Sue Jones, Dick &
Kathy Frasier, Laura Clark, Jen & Steve
Loftin, Clay & Sara Phillips, Yvonne &
Bill Harris, Barb Carrette, Jim & Kathy
Neumann, Pat & Cheryl Blondin, Penny
& Mike Messer, Joan Cook, Maxine
Swisher (recently deceased), Karen Ford,
Val Tannehill, Pat Kelly, Elaine Ward,
Sam Stewart, Maryann Zimmer, Jeanne
Johns, Marie Knight, Harriet Tucker,
Michelle McCartney, Jonathan Hawley,
& Kristie Pillen, & Kathy Patterson.
Our apologies if we missed anyone.
Prayer Center Gardens
Looking Good!
Our gardens are looking
much better – thanks to the
volunteers who come every year to
help plant, weed, and clean up our
grounds. It is a large task, but the
result is so worth the effort.
Helping with this year’s
efforts were:
Pat Forlenza, Agnes Taylor, Lynn
Berezny, Dick & Kathy Frasier,
Jeff Larman, Peggy Wescott, Jen
Loftin, Nannette Kowalczyk, and
Connor Gasiewicz.
Kentucky Derby Fundraiser in Pics
What A Great Evening!
So many people came out to enjoy the
evening with dinner, Live and Silent Auctions,
50/50s, the Wine Pull (did you get a bottle?), the
booze basket raffle, and finished up with danc-
ing! Thank you all for your support.
Thanks to the many volunteers who help
year after year as well as some new people.
A BIG Thank You to Little Ceasar’s in
Davison for hosting our “Pizza Thank You
Party on June 12.
Our Thanks to each these businesses for donating items for our Auctions!
tlas Valley Country Club
8313 Perry Rd.
Grand Blanc, MI 48439
Bavarian Inn Lodge
One Covered Bridge Ln.
Frankenmuth, MI 487334
Brick Street of Grand Blanc
1223 E. Grand Blanc Rd.
Grand Blanc, Mi 48439
Bronners Christmas World
25 Christmas Ln.
Frankenmuth, MI 48732
Bueche’s Food World
300 W. Main St.
Flushing, MI 48433
Cary Ann’s Hallmark
100 E. Main St.
Flushing, MI 48433
Chateau Chantal
15900 Rue de Vin
Traverse City, MI 48688
Da Edoardo
8185 Holly Rd.
Grand Blanc, MI 48439
Duke’s Car Stereo
2833 S. Dort Hwy.
Flint, MI 48507
Flushing Valley Country Club
1124 E. Main St.
Flushing, MI 48433
Holy Family
3rd Order of Franciscans
The Church of the Holy Family
Grand Blanc, MI 48439
Hunters Creek Club
675 E. ;Sutton Rd.
Metamora, MI 48455
Jack’s Place
124 N. Cherry St.
Flushing, MI 48433
Jets Pizza
230 W. Main St.
Flushing, MI 48433
Johnny’s Pour House
240 W. Main St.
Flushing, MI 48433
athy’s Restaurant
126 E. Main St.
Flushing, MI 48433
Letavis Enterprises
Fast Eddies
8478 Miller Rd/PO Bx 27
Swartz Creek, MI 48473
Massage Advantage
Ileta Sullins
1128 Gwen Dr.
Lapeer, MI 48446
Neil Gloudemans
110025 Wheelock Rd.
Ft. Wayne, IN 46835
North American
Dismantling Corp.
Jerry Decker
P.O. Box 307
Lapeer, MI 48446
gorek Automotive Group
Barb & Al Ogorek
4067 E. Court
Burton, MI 48509
Powers High School
1505 W. Court St.
Flint, MI 48503
St. Pius X Arise Group
G-3139 Hogarth Ave.
Flint, MI 48532
Sandhill Crane Vineyards
14724 Walz Rd.
Jackson, MI 49201
11221 E. Kearsley St.
Flint, MI 48503
oaring Eagle
Casino & Resort
6800 Eagle Blvd.
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858
Temple Dining Room
Brother Lawrence Battiste
755 S. Saginaw St.
Flint, MI 48502
The Whiting
1241 E. Kearsley St.
Flint, MI 48503
Zito Construction
G-8033 Fenton Rd.
Grand Blanc, MI 48439
“Derby” Pics!
More Kentucky Derby Fundraiser Pics
A Big Thank You to everyone for purchasing our Big Raffle Tickets!
Thanks go out to
these individuals
for their Auction
Dena Barclae
Lynn Berezny
Jerry Decker
Laura Clark
Cathy Diffendorfer
Joyce Ford
Pat Forlenza
Kathy Frasier
Ann Hagerman
Debbie Hawley
Lisa Hayward
Kathy Konesny
Steve & Jen Loftin
Clare & Susan
Debbie McPherson
Al & Barb Ogorek
Kathy Patterson
Pat Paul
Linda Noll
Ron & Jackie Pung
Theresa Robinson
Fr. Phil Schmitter
Ruth Schmitter
Sandy Shaker
Jean Shipley
Edie Thennisch
Andrew Verdun
Kathy Vickery
Peggy & Gary
Maryann Zimmer
St. Francis Prayer Center
G-2381 E. Carpenter Rd., Flint, MI 48505
Phone 810-787-5330 • Fax 810-787-5399
Flint, MI
Permit #453
Summer 2017
Volume 42, Number 1
Newsleers by E-mail
To receive your newsletter by email
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Our Web Site
What is going on at the
Prayer Center?
Understanding the Spiritual Gifts Group
meets the 1st & 4th Thursday of the month
June: Pilgrims’ Way classes will begin
sometime mid-June @ Holy Family.
June 20 Shepherd’s Healing @ St. John,
Fenton; 10a-12p
August 11-12: Youth Leader Retreat
August 19: 3rd Order of Franciscans, Holy
Family, Grand Blanc, Day of Reflection
August 26: Mass & Healing Service at St.
Mary’s, Flint
September 9: Triumph of the Cross in Mio,
day pilgrimage
September 29-October 1: Weekend Reunion
Retreat with Arlene Apone for those who
attended the Leadership School, Knowing
the Shepherd. Fri. 5:00p to Sun. 1:00p
October 13-15: Charismatic Retreat in
Gaylord, MI
Contact the Prayer Center to register or
for more information on these events.
Springtime at the Prayer Center.
Looking to Advent
Join us for morning prayer, fellowship, lunch, and the
building of your own very special Advent Wreath. Anyone
desiring to bring a pot of soup may do so. Sandwiches and
the dessert will be provided. Cost $20.
You may also bring any type of decorating tools or
accents to add to the ones we will provide. The more to
choose from, the more fun it will be! Plan ahead as we will
only have room for 20 to attend.
November 11, 2017; 9:30-4:30; RSVP Required Please.
Contact the Prayer Center at 810-787-5330.
Power & Freedom Continued from page 1
The Holy Spirit provides the power to heal the sick; the
power to find the lost; the power to establish; the understand-
ing of when to speak and what to say; the grace to forgive; and
the desire to ask for forgiveness first for ourselves, then to for-
give others.
So, with true power, comes freedom and truth. There is
no pretense, no keeping up with others. It does not constrict
and is not self-focused. What it does offer is perfect peace
knowing God’s Love for yourself first, then His love for others.
This coupled with the gift of the Holy Spirit yields much fruit
for the Kingdom of God.
May his Shalom Peace be with you always,
Director Deb