Anatomy & Physiology Exemplars for Ohio Transfer 36 Natural Science Learning Outcomes
Updated 8/13/24
Anatomy and
Physiology Learning
Outcome Criteria
How Learning Outcomes May Be Achieved in an
Anatomy and Physiology Course
Response Exemplar 1
Response Exemplar 2
1. Understand the basic
facts, principles, theories
and methods of modern
Understanding Basic Facts: Students would learn the
fundamental facts about human anatomy and
physiology, such as the structure and function of cells,
tissues, organs, and systems (e.g., the circulatory,
respiratory, digestive, nervous, musculoskeletal, and
immune systems). For example, understanding how
the heart pumps blood through the body or how the
lungs facilitate gas exchange.
Grasping Principles and Theories: For example, this
would involve teaching the principles of homeostasis
and the theory behind muscle contraction, including
the sliding filament theory. It would also cover the
conceptual frameworks that explain how various
physiological systems interact to maintain the body's
internal environment and respond to external stimuli.
Understanding Methods of Modern Science (of the
discipline): This part would expose students to the
scientific methods used in anatomy and physiology,
including experimental design, data collection, and
analysis. Examples include dissecting a heart to
understand its chambers and conducting experiments
to measure the effects of exercise on heart rate and
blood pressure. It could also involve using simulations
or virtual labs to explore complex systems and
processes, demonstrating how scientific inquiry can
lead to a deeper understanding of human biology.
This course includes learning basic facts (e.g. parts of the body),
principles (e.g. homeostasis mechanisms) and theories (e.g.
describing how parts work), and methods (learned in the
laboratory and discussed in lecture) used to evaluate and
diagnose the human body.
Formative assessment of this objective occurs in laboratory and
lecture assignments where students are given timely feedback to
correct any misconceptions before the summative assessment.
Summative assessments include quizzes (at the end of each
chapter) and exams and lab practicals at the end of each unit.
Quizzes are composed of a variety of question types including
matching, fill in the blank, and short answer questions. Lab
practical exams are composed of short answers and fill in the
blank questions.
Topics covered in lecture and lab can be viewed in the attached
syllabus and lab memo documents.
A) This learning outcome aligns with the following course
objectives: 3. When introduced to each body system, relate
basic chemical and cellular principles to the fundamental
functioning of that system. 6. Identify mechanisms used to
regulate the body and identify homeostatic dysfunction. 8.
Apply the scientific method to the investigation and
evaluation of human anatomy and physiology.
B) This course covers the basics of biology through the lens
of human anatomy and physiology. Students enrolled in this
course generally have little to no previous science
background. The course includes discussion of general
science topics such as basic chemistry, cell biology, the
organization of the human body, and terminology associated
with anatomy and physiology. Students are introduced to
the scientific method in chapter 1, complete a related
assignment, and continue to utilize these principles
throughout the semester. The course covers the hierarchy
of biological organization building from atoms to cells and
ends with body systems. Theories related to this
organization are covered including, but not limited to,
atomic, cell and sliding filament theory.
One of the major recurring themes in this course is
homeostasis. Students learn about negative feedback loops
as the principal method of regulating the body, and how the
body reacts to imbalances in order to return to homeostasis.
Students are assessed with questions on unit exams and the
Scientific Method assignment (see attached). Students
conduct 3-5 inquiry-based activities throughout the
semester to reinforce the principles and methods of modern
2. Explain how scientific
principles are
formulated, evaluated,
and either modified or
Formulating Hypotheses: Students might begin with
observations about the human body, such as how
muscle tissue regenerates after injury. They would
learn to formulate hypotheses based on these
observations, proposing mechanisms by which muscle
regeneration occurs.
Evaluating Scientific Principles: Students could
examine existing research and experimental data on
muscle regeneration, learning how these principles
were originally formulated based on evidence. They'd
assess the methods used in these studies, the
reliability of the data, and how conclusions were
drawn (This also accomplishes LOs 3 and 4).
Case Studies: Analyzing case studies of significant
discoveries or shifts in understanding within anatomy
and physiology, such as the discovery of the circulation
system by William Harvey, can illustrate how scientific
principles are formulated and modified over time.
Research Projects: Students could be assigned to track
the development of a particular scientific principle in
anatomy and physiology, from its inception to its
current state, highlighting key experiments, debates,
and shifts in understanding.
Experimentation: Laboratory time provides
opportunities for engaging in hands-on laboratory
work where students test hypotheses related to
anatomical or physiological phenomena, analyze their
results, and compare them to established scientific
knowledge, experiencing firsthand how scientific
understanding can evolve.
In lecture, how different discoveries were made is discussed. For
example, many clinical application sections of lectures talk about
human diseases and disorders and how we learned 1) what they
are and 2) how evidence has influenced treatments or diagnosis.
For example, a splenectomy used to be the go-to procedure for a
ruptured spleen or damage but evidence, provided in class,
shows that while humans do not need a spleen to survive, there
are many complications that arise when we do not have one. As a
result of these observations new procedures were developed to
keep the spleen or only remove part of the spleen to cut down on
these complications.
This outcome is best met in the lab, we discuss the scientific
process which covers the aspects of formulating, evaluating and
modifying or validating hypotheses. Scientific principles are
tested (such as sympathetic stimuli like exercise increases heart
rate) where we can validate that scientific principle with hands-
on experience. Several labs (see lab memo file name) have lab
reports that walk through the aspects of formulating, evaluating,
and modifying or validating the hypothesis or principle tested.
Summative assessment occurs during lab practical exams where
1-2 more in depth questions focus exclusively on evaluating data.
Formative assessment includes a review activity on the scientific
method and several experiments where we test hypotheses
which are based on known scientific principles. A complete list of
experiments can be found in the lab memo file name. Two
example labs are provided where students formulate their own
hypothesis based on provided scientific facts/observations.
We utilize case studies and scientific papers to meet this
learning objective. Case studies allow students to work
through the scientific method without gathering their own
data. For example, in a case study on muscle fatigue and the
effects of exercise, students have to hypothesize why
muscles hurt after exercise and why their field is out of
shape. Then throughout the case study, they learn more
about muscle physiology and lactic acid fermentation, while
analyzing data to support (or reject) their hypothesis.
Seminal scientific papers are also utilized to see how
scientists formed and evaluated hypotheses that are now
considered scientific fact. For example, a review article
discusses the discovery of pancreatic islets, the isolation of
insulin, and its use to treat diabetes. Another example is the
using annotated primary papers/figures connected to the
discovery of the sliding filament theory. Since primary
articles can be difficult to understand with only an
introductory background on the material, annotated papers
allow the instructor to provide additional information to
help students understand the papers or figures while
highlighting the seminal works and demonstration of the
scientific method.
3. Use current models
and theories to describe,
explain, or predict
natural phenomena.
The unifying concept of the complementarity of
structure and function.
Concepts of how homeostasis is integrated into
essential life processes, and how alterations in
homeostasis can be used to predict the changes that
Students might explore the concept of homeostasis as
a model for understanding how the body maintains
stable internal conditions despite external changes.
This could involve predicting the body's responses to
extreme temperatures, exercise, or dehydration, and
explaining these responses in terms of feedback
Using models of gas exchange and transport, students
could describe and predict how oxygen and carbon
dioxide are exchanged in the lungs and tissues, and
how this process might be affected by conditions like
high altitude or respiratory diseases.
Applying models of neuron function and synaptic
transmission, students could explain how nerve
impulses are generated and transmitted and predict
the effects of neurotoxins or neurological diseases on
these processes.
By applying the principles of blood flow and pressure,
students can describe how the heart and blood vessels
work to circulate blood, and predict the impacts of
factors like exercise, blood volume changes, or
arteriosclerosis on blood pressure and heart function.
In our anatomy and physiology course, students engage with
cutting-edge models and theories to gain a comprehensive
understanding of the human body's structure and function.
Through a combination of hands-on activities, critical thinking
exercises, and application of theoretical knowledge, students
develop the ability to describe, explain, and predict various
physiological processes. For example:
Hands-on Learning: Through dissections, microscopic examination
of tissues, and simulations of bodily functions, students can
observe firsthand the phenomena described in lectures. This
approach reinforces the theoretical models taught and helps
students in forming a concrete understanding of complex
physiological processes.
Problem-Based Learning: We use problem-based learning
scenarios to further enhance understanding. By analyzing clinical
cases, students apply their theoretical knowledge to diagnose and
manage diseases, thereby predicting patient outcomes based on
their understanding of physiology.
Model-Based Reasoning: Students learn to use current
physiological models to explain complex bodily functions. For
example, when studying the cardiovascular system, students
utilize the Frank-Starling mechanism to explain how the heart
adjusts its output based on venous return. They apply this model
to predict how changes in blood volume or vessel compliance
might affect cardiac output in various scenarios, such as during
exercise or in cases of heart failure.
Experimental Design and Data Analysis: Students design and
conduct simple experiments to test physiological theories. For
instance, they might measure grip strength before and after
various types of exercise to test theories about muscle fatigue
and recovery. They then analyze their data using statistical
methods, reinforcing their understanding of how scientific
theories are developed and refined based on empirical evidence.
We use problem-based learning scenarios to further enhance
understanding. By analyzing clinical cases, students apply their
theoretical knowledge to diagnose and manage diseases, thereby
predicting patient outcomes based on their understanding of
Examples of case studies are attached (file names) and lab
descriptions can be found in the lab memo.
We explore complex models of how the body functions. An
example activity includes how to distinguish bony
landmarks. Students will then apply the knowledge in a lab
setting by trying to locate specific landmarks on bones. For
example, students are tasked with distinguishing between a
notch and fossa. During a laboratory activity that requires
students to identify the sciatic notch and iliac fossa
landmarks, students can use the knowledge to find the
landmarks using their prior knowledge from the lecture
The main biological processes emphasized in A&P courses
focus on homeostasis, organization, growth, metabolism,
responsiveness, movement, and reproduction. Many of
these concepts can be explored through simulations,
laboratory experiments, or dissection.
Students can directly explore biological processes in
laboratory activities. Dissection is an excellent means to
examine the organization of the body. For example, students
can visualize symmetry and asymmetry in the ventricles of
the heart as it relates to its function (pumping into the
systemic vs pulmonary circuit). Movement can be explored
through the actions of muscles in joints (compare ROM,
force of muscle).
4. Apply scientific
methods of inquiry
appropriate to the
discipline to gather data
and draw evidence‐
based conclusions.
Focuses on teaching students to utilize the scientific
methoda foundational process in scientific inquiry
to collect data and derive conclusions that are firmly
supported by evidence.
Emphasize the importance of applying discipline-
specific methodologies to investigate questions,
hypothesize, conduct experiments, and analyze
Encourage students to approach scientific problems
systematically, ensuring that their conclusions are
based on empirical evidence and appropriate forms of
analysis. This skill is important for developing a robust
understanding of how knowledge is generated in the
sciences and providing the ability to critically evaluate
scientific information in both academic and real-world
Doesn’t necessarily require doing an experiment but
should include the opportunity to look at data and
draw conclusions consistent with the logic of the
scientific process.
An example of how to apply this learning outcome, would be
through class-led discussions. The following example would begin
by prompting the students with an observation and then the
discussion could lead the students through the process. In
addition, data could be provided and students could use this in
their conclusions.
First, provide students with the following observation: Scientists
observe a phenomenon or a pattern in the human body. For
instance, they may notice that individuals who engage in regular
exercise tend to have lower resting heart rates compared to
those who lead sedentary lifestyles.
Then ask the students to develop a question to be investigated:
Based on their observation, scientists formulate a question to
investigate further. In this case, the question might be: Does
regular exercise affect resting heart rate, and if so, how? Explain
to students that now a hypothesis would need to be formulated,
this is a good place to have the students come up with examples
like the following. Scientists propose a hypothesis, which is a
tentative explanation for the observed phenomenon. For
example, they might hypothesize that regular exercise leads to
improvements in cardiovascular health, resulting in a lower
resting heart rate. Have students make a prediction: Scientists
make predictions based on their hypothesis. In this case, they
might predict that individuals who engage in regular exercise will
have lower resting heart rates compared to sedentary individuals
of similar age and health status. Then have them explain what
kind(s) of experimentation would be appropriate, for example
scientists design and conduct experiments to test their
hypothesis. They would recruit a sample of individuals, measure
their resting heart rates, assess their level of physical activity, and
then compare the resting heart rates of active and sedentary
individuals. Provide students with data and analysis based on the
experiments they decide (if time, have students analyze with
appropriate methods). Scientists collect data from their
experiments and analyze it to determine if there is a significant
difference in resting heart rates between the two groups. Based
on their analysis, scientists draw conclusions regarding whether
or not their hypothesis was supported by the evidence. If the
data shows a statistically significant difference in resting heart
rates between active and sedentary individuals, they may
conclude that regular exercise does indeed lead to lower resting
heart rates.
Example, we provide students with the following
observation: Observing that some athletes who consume a
specific dietary supplement claim to experience accelerated
muscle growth compared to those who do not take the
supplement. Now guide the students in discussion to
develop a question: Does the dietary supplement indeed
promote muscle growth in athletes, and if so, what are the
underlying mechanisms? Hypothesis: Formulating a
hypothesis that the active ingredients in the dietary
supplement enhance protein synthesis or reduce muscle
breakdown, leading to increased muscle growth in athletes.
Have students make a prediction: Predicting that athletes
who consume the dietary supplement will exhibit greater
gains in muscle mass compared to those who do not take
the supplement, as measured by muscle biopsies or body
composition analysis. Experimentation: Designing a
controlled experiment where athletes are randomly
assigned to either a treatment group receiving the dietary
supplement or a control group receiving a placebo. The
athletes undergo a structured resistance training program
while adhering to their assigned dietary regimen. Data
Collection and Analysis: Collecting data on various
parameters including muscle mass, strength, and
biochemical markers of muscle metabolism before and after
the intervention period. Analyzing the data to assess
differences between the treatment and control groups.
Conclusion: Drawing conclusions based on the analysis of
data. If the results show a significant increase in muscle
mass or other relevant outcomes in the treatment group
compared to the control group, it can be concluded that the
dietary supplement may indeed promote muscle growth in
In both of these examples students can be led through in
class discussions, online discussion forums, or designing a
homework prompt that will allow students to develop the
ideas. Data can be provided for the students to make
analyses, but if time allows, have students make statistical
predictions on the provided data.
5. Demonstrate an
understanding that
scientific data must be
reproducible but that it
shows intrinsic variation
and can have
Use Real World Examples: Present case studies that
showcase historical and contemporary examples of
scientific discoveries in anatomy and physiology,
emphasizing the process of data collection, analysis,
and replication. For instance, discuss the discovery of
the blood circulation system by William Harvey and
how his findings were initially met with skepticism due
to the limitations of the techniques available at that
Simulated Data Sets: Provide students with simulated
data sets that mimic real experimental results from
anatomy and physiology experiments. Ask students to
analyze these data sets to identify patterns, variability,
and potential limitations. This could include data on
heart rate variability, muscle contraction, or
Guest Lectures or Interviews: Use two or three class
periods per semester to Invite researchers or clinicians
to talk about their work, focusing on the
reproducibility of their findings, the variability they
encounter in their research or practice, and how they
address these challenges. This real-world insight can
help students appreciate the complexities of scientific
research in anatomy and physiology. This could serve
to address several of the NS general education
learning outcomes.
Incorporation of material into lectures: 1) Discuss the
variability in normal ranges for physiological measures
(e.g., blood pressure, heart rate) among different
populations, highlighting how these ranges are
established through reproducible research but also
contain intrinsic variation. 2) Examine a study on the
efficacy of a particular treatment for reducing
inflammation, discussing the sample size, the
reproducibility of the results across different
populations, and any limitations noted by the
Historical experiment review: Examine a historical
experiment in anatomy or physiology, such as William
Harvey's work on blood circulation. Present the
original data and methods, then show how subsequent
scientists attempted to reproduce the results.
Highlight how reproducibility strengthened the
conclusions, but also discuss the variations in results
due to differences in experimental setup, subject
Natural variation and reproducibility are vital for students’
understanding of science and are addressed in lecture and lab.
Very early on in lecture, we discuss the body’s natural variation
through homeostasis. Students learn about the set point, the
natural acceptable range for a condition (body temperature,
blood pH, etc). It is emphasized that many different values are
considered normal and the body only responds via negative
feedback if the value is outside of that range. Continuing on to
the different body systems, ranges of lab values are discussed.
Instructors discuss normal ranges and variations so students can
identify abnormal lab values. Students then apply this in class to
“patient” lab results to try to diagnose the individual.
Another example presents students with lab results that are not
reproducible, and the students have to troubleshoot the issue in
the lab. With this practice in understanding natural variations and
reproducibility, students can apply the information they learn in
class to real life situations. While this approach looks at variability
and reproducibility in the quantitative approach, qualitative
approaches are also used. During lectures, students are presented
with multiple histological samples and images when possible so
they can see natural variation between individuals, but also
between staining and sectioning techniques.
In lab, whenever possible, we compare samples to show
variation. We have two cadavers and during cadaver days, we
view two examples of the normal anatomy to see natural
variation. On dissection days, students look at other group’s
dissections to see natural varying in structures. We encourage
students to look at multiple sides, and have a slide library
available to them virtually.
During experiments, we take time out of the lab to communicate
our findings. This is important not only because communicating
findings is an important part of science, but because it shows
natural variation and reproducibility. Some examples are the pH
antacid experiment, the potato osmosis experiment, the two
point discrimination test, and the electromyography experiment.
Students write their data on the white board, and we discuss the
similarities and differences noting similarities in trends and any
outlier we may see. Then we attempt to explain the trends and
outliers. In experiments where we measure blood pressure or
heart rate, main results are shared on the whiteboard to illustrate
how individuals vary in these measurements, but tend to show
similar trends when comparing values between conditions. In the
Exploring normal anatomy, along with structural variation
among individuals provides a solid reference for the
variability of the human condition. Understanding that there
are “normal” ranges in which various systems can function
and maintain health is especially important for students
planning to enter health care fields. By combining classroom
data for discussion, students will directly explore variability
and apply that understanding to the “normal” human
condition. Students will also use basic principles of
Mendelian genetics to predict characteristics of offspring,
and will be presented with examples that follow different
inheritance patterns. This will be addressed by course
outcomes: • CO2: Describe normal structure and function of
the endocrine, reproductive, cardiovascular,
lymphatic/immune, respiratory, urinary, and digestive
systems of the human body. • CO4: Integrate information
about individual systems to explain total body structure and
Sample assessment questions include:
In any manipulation experiment, it is important to keep all
conditions constant
to help eliminate the effects of confounding variables. In a
drug trial experiment, one potential confounding variable
could be age, so the scientist chose participants who were in
the same age range. What are two other potential
confounding variables that could impact the outcome of this
selection, or measurement techniques. Use this to
illustrate both the importance of reproducibility and
the inherent variability in biological systems.
Interactive data interpretation exercise: Provide
students with a set of fictional (but realistic)
experimental data related to a physiological process,
such as measuring lung capacity across different age
groups. Have students analyze the data in small
groups, looking for patterns and variations. Then,
present a second set of data from a "replicated study."
Guide a class discussion on: How the overall trends are
similar (demonstrating reproducibility). Where and
why individual data points might differ (illustrating
intrinsic variation). What factors might limit the
generalizability of the findings (exploring limitations).
This exercise would give students hands-on experience
in interpreting scientific data and understanding the
concepts of reproducibility, variation, and limitations,
even within a lecture setting.
Breathing and pH lab, students make a graph comparing their
data to class averages so they can really see natural variation and
reproducibility between groups (see Bio1250Lab19BreathingpH).
Questions in the Lab Report Worksheet address these questions
of why natural variation occurs and is expected across several
experiments. During other experiments, we have to use the
concept of natural variation in our conclusions. When assessing
the age of an individual based on their bone or their height or sex,
natural variation needs to be taken into consideration and a
definite answer may not be possible.
Assessment of this objective occurs informally in discussion in the
lab. However formative assessment occurs in experiments like the
Breathing and pH Lab and BioPac Lung Volume lab specifically
address why we may see natural variation between subjects but
do expect reproducible trends (ASSIGNMENT). Most of the
summative assessment includes recognizing when a result is
abnormal and using that to draw a conclusion on the health of a
“subject.” For example, a lab practical question shows a control
and subject sample urine test strip (EXAMPLE PRACTICAL Qs).
Students must determine which values are abnormal and
determine a potential cause of these abnormalities on the lab
6. Apply foundational
knowledge and
concepts to address
issues or solve
Encourage students to focus on using their
foundational knowledge in natural sciences, along with
specific concepts from their chosen disciplines, to
tackle real-world issues or solve problems.
Utilize practical application of scientific understanding
and methodologies to devise solutions or address
Reinforce their grasp of scientific concepts but also
enhance their problem-solving skills, preparing them
for diverse challenges beyond the classroom.
Applying the knowledge one gains in a class not only shows
mastery of the content, but practices higher level problem solving
skills that are needed to succeed in many high demand careers
our students have.
Most foundational knowledge is gained through watching
lectures, completing notes, and participating in lab activities.
Lecture and lab activities allow students to apply this knowledge.
(to gain lecture time for these activities, consider flipping the
classroom. Students do most of the gaining of knowledge outside
of the classroom by watching pre-recorded lectures and
completing required notes.) In the lecture portion of the class,
students will solve problems and apply the material to by
diagnosing a patient, completing case studies, or completing
practice or review questions that involve higher level thinking.
(to accommodate larger lecture sizes embedded tutors or
undergraduate TAs can be used to ensure each group of students
working on a problem get the support they need). For example,
the first lecture practices logic problems where we have to apply
the information given to them to figure out a problem. The next
lecture focuses on growth mindset and then does the Inside vs
Outside guided inquiry activity. Throughout the semester case
studies, patient diagnostics with histology and lab results and
high-level thinking practice exam questions will be utilized so
students can apply the knowledge they have learned to help
solidify thinking and understanding of the material. Lab will be
focused on guided inquiry, experimental labs that also allow
application of materials to allow students to investigate the
relationships between different processes studied in lab. This
work will be assessed through in-lecture assignments and lab
assignments. Summative assessment will occur through lab
practical exams asking students to analyze data or solve a short
problem. Additionally, the exam will contain multiple choice
questions that require students to apply the different levels of
bloom's taxonomy (Exam Question Example).
This example shows ways this learning objectives can be
addressed during lecture AND lab. If the course is combined, it is
not necessary to have this in both lecture and lab.
Our course meets the learning outcome by integrating
foundational knowledge with practical problem-solving.
Students build a strong understanding of human body
systems through lectures and lab work. This knowledge is
then applied to real-world scenarios in our "Body Systems in
Action" project.
For example, when studying the respiratory system,
students analyze case studies of patients with various lung
conditions. They interpret medical data, propose diagnostic
steps, and suggest treatment plans based on their
understanding of pulmonary physiology. This approach
encourages critical thinking and application of scientific
concepts to clinical situations.
Our "Health in the News" segment further reinforces this
integration. Students regularly present current health issues,
explaining the underlying anatomical and physiological
principles. This not only keeps the course relevant but also
demonstrates how scientific knowledge informs public
health decisions.
Through these activities, students learn to apply their
foundational knowledge in natural sciences to address real-
world health issues, preparing them for diverse challenges in
healthcare and related fields. Assessment includes both
traditional exams and project-based evaluations, ensuring a
comprehensive measure of students' ability to apply their
learning to practical problems.
7. Explain how scientific
principles are used in
understanding the
modern world, and
understand the impact
of science on the
contemporary world.
Case Studies of Medical Breakthroughs: Incorporate
case studies that highlight how advancements in
anatomy and physiology have led to significant
medical breakthroughs. For example, discuss how
understanding the immune system has enabled the
development of vaccines, or how knowledge of the
cardiovascular system has improved heart disease
Bioethics Discussions: Integrate bioethics discussions
into the curriculum, exploring topics such as organ
transplantation, genetic engineering, or stem cell
research. This approach helps students understand the
ethical implications of applying anatomical and
physiological knowledge in medical practice and
Environmental Physiology Projects: Assign projects
that explore how environmental factors affect human
physiology. For example, students could investigate
the physiological effects of climate change, air
pollution, or space travel. This approach connects A&P
to current global challenges and environmental issues.
Career-Focused Assignments: Design assignments that
require students to research how A&P principles are
applied in various health-related careers. This could
include creating presentations or reports on how
different medical specialties, such as sports medicine,
pediatrics, or geriatrics, utilize A&P knowledge in their
daily practice.
Technology in Healthcare Demonstrations: Incorporate
demonstrations or hands-on activities showcasing how
technology integrates with A&P knowledge in modern
healthcare. This could include using anatomical 3D
modeling software, demonstrating medical imaging
techniques, or exploring wearable health monitoring
We cannot undervalue an understanding of how the human body
functions and reacts to stress and infection. Being able to
understand and communicate principles of human body function
effectively should be a basic requirement for functioning in
today’s society. Throughout the course, students are introduced
to the progression of modern medicine and how treatment of
pathologies has been discovered and is currently being employed.
The pandemic provides a relevant, impactful model to consider
and discuss. The progression of the disease as well as the
development of various treatments including a mRNA vaccine are
examined in class.
The various activities that students perform in class are designed
to help students understand basic scientific principles and how
those principles are applicable to human anatomy and
physiology. Each activity includes at least one question that is
applicable to normal body function and/or the world of
Students are assessed through their understanding and
completion of the activities which are listed in the syllabus with a
specific examples provided as attachments (see file x)
Exemplar from a course in which laboratory and lecture are
Especially given current conditions, we cannot undervalue
an understanding of how the human body functions and
reacts to stress and infection. Being able to understand and
communicate principles of human body function effectively
should be a basic requirement for functioning in today’s
society. This will be addressed by course outcomes: • CO1:
Demonstrate proper use of physiological and anatomical
terms needed to pursue a paramedical profession. • CO2:
Describe normal structure and function of the endocrine,
reproductive, cardiovascular, lymphatic/immune,
respiratory, urinary, and digestive systems of the human
body. • CO3: Predict the effect of disrupting internal and
external factors on homeostasis and the normal functioning
of the body. • CO4: Integrate information about individual
systems to explain total body structure and function
The laboratory objectives for the outcome are multifaceted.
Students will predict and observe how temperature, blood
flow, and oxygenation affect the integumentary system by
examining changes in skin appearance and oxygenation
under hot and cold stimuli. Accurate data recording and
discussion of the reasons behind skin appearance changes
during experimentation are essential. The lab also includes
determining cranial nerve function through medical nerve
testing procedures, with students comparing results among
their group and discussing any differences and their possible
causes. Finally, students will perform an electromyograph
(EMG) experiment using Lt software from AD Instruments.
This involves predicting how muscle activity changes will
alter the EMG tracing, observing EMG patterns with muscles
at rest and in various states of contraction, and examining
changes in the EMG when observing different members of
an antagonistic pair simultaneously.
What disqualifies an Anatomy and Physiology course to be deemed Ohio Transfer 36: Natural Sciences
The Ohio Transfer 36 guidelines for all disciplinary areas include a description of excluded courses which include the following: Remedial or developmental courses, special topics courses, narrowly focused courses,
technical or pre-technical courses and skills-based courses. Courses that focus exclusively on content coverage without addressing the learning outcomes for the Ohio Transfer 36. Many
Anatomy and Physiology courses
have been rejected for being “narrowly focused,” “skills-based” and not addressing outcomes of the Ohio Transfer 36. General education courses ideally are designed to broaden students' knowledge base, and teach and
encourage critical thinking. Anatomy and Physiology 's specialized focus often does not align with these broader educational goals, which seek to generate a well-rounded understanding of the natural world and its
complexities. One of the aims of general education is to illustrate the interconnectedness of various disciplines. A more general science course could better demonstrate how different fields of science interact and
contribute to solving complex, real-world problems. Many
Anatomy and Physiology labs as traditionally constructed included involve observation, description, and identifying with very little exploration of the scientific
process. In many traditional
Anatomy and Physiology labs there are few opportunities for students to collect and analyze data and draw conclusions.
8. Gather, comprehend,
apply and communicate
credible information on
scientific topics,
evaluate evidencebased
scientific arguments in a
logical fashion, and
distinguish between
scientific and non‐
scientific evidence and
Literature reviews: Students conduct literature
reviews on relevant topics, such as the physiological
effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system,
summarizing peer-reviewed articles and presenting
their findings.
Case study credibility: Case study analysis can involve
researching medical conditions like diabetes or
hypertension, identifying credible sources, and
presenting evidence-based explanations and
treatment options.
Debate format: Organizing class debates on
controversial topics, such as the use of stem cells in
medical treatments, encourages students to research
both sides of the argument using credible sources and
present their cases logically.
Examining primary literature: Critical analysis of media
reports on scientific discoveries or health topics helps
students evaluate the credibility of information
compared to primary scientific literature.
Collaborative projects: Group research projects on
topics like the impact of diet on metabolic health allow
collaborative gathering and presentation of scientific
A) This learning outcome aligns with the following course
objectives: 1) Utilize basic physiological principles associated
with the appropriate body system to analyze introductory clinical
scenarios. 2) Describe how scientific principles relate to basic
physiological mechanisms and predict the effects of variables on
those mechanisms. 3) Apply the scientific method to the
investigation and evaluation of human anatomy and physiology.
B) Students are introduced to the importance of identifying and
utilizing scientific and nonscientific evidence as they learn about
the scientific method and complete a related assignment. For
example, students relate explanations for how people “catch a
cold”; many people believe that the infection is due to cold
weather temperature or a person being exposed to cold weather.
Students explore this topic by examining evidence found by
examining scientific literature. As part of this exploration, the
students determine the differences between nonscientific and
scientific sources, as well as which sources are credible and which
are not. Many faculty also use the COVID-19 pandemic as an
opportunity for in-class discussions about scientific versus
nonscientific sources of information.
Each of the activities conducted in the course gives students the
opportunity to gather, comprehend, and evaluate scientific
information. Students are required to communicate this
information in written form.
A solid understanding of normal body functions is critical to
recognizing the abundance of misinformation permeating
society. Students will have the opportunity to evaluate
sources and quality of information through use of case
studies and formulation of their own research projects. The
research project allows students to come up with their own
research question. They must do research to determine the
best methods, and analysis. Background information will be
needed for a formal lab report.
This will be addressed by course outcomes: 2) Describe
normal structure and function of the endocrine,
reproductive, cardiovascular, lymphatic/immune,
respiratory, urinary, and digestive systems of the human
body; CO3) Predict the effect of disrupting internal and
external factors on homeostasis and the normal functioning
of the body; 4) Integrate information about individual
systems to explain total body structure and function; 5)
Interpret data collected during physiological
experimentation and other lab activities
(Supporting documentation: example case study; project