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§1551. Definitions
As used in this chapter, unless the context indicates otherwise, the following terms have the
following meanings. [PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
1. Division. "Division" means the Family Division within the District Court established in section
[PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
2. Guardian ad litem. "Guardian ad litem" means a person appointed as the court's agent to
represent the best interests of one or more children pursuant to Title 18C, section 1111, Title 19A,
section 1507 or Title 22, section 4005.
[PL 2017, c. 402, Pt. C, §8 (AMD); PL 2019, c. 417, Pt. B, §14 (AFF).]
3. Best interests of the child. "Best interests of the child" means an outcome that serves or
otherwise furthers the health, safety, well-being, education and growth of the child. In applying the
standard of best interests of the child in Title 18C and Title 19A cases, the relevant factors set forth
in Title 19A, section 1653, subsection 3 must be considered.
[PL 2017, c. 402, Pt. C, §9 (AMD); PL 2019, c. 417, Pt. B, §14 (AFF).]
PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW). PL 2017, c. 402, Pt. C, §§8, 9 (AMD). PL 2017, c. 402, Pt. F, §1
(AFF). PL 2019, c. 417, Pt. B, §14 (AFF).
§1552. Children's guardians
1. Guardian ad litem roster. The division shall assist the Chief Judge of the District Court in the
establishment and maintenance of a roster of guardians ad litem pursuant to section 1553.
[PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
2. Administration of guardians ad litem under Title 19-A. For guardians ad litem appointed
under Title 19A, the division shall assist the Chief Judge of the District Court in:
A. Establishing standardized billing, itemization requirements and time reporting processes for all
guardians ad litem; [PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
B. Establishing guidelines for preparation of required reports; and [PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
C. Collecting, maintaining and reporting data about orders of appointment, submission of required
reports, caseloads and other information as directed by the Chief Judge of the District Court. [PL
2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
[PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
3. Staff. The State Court Administrator shall provide necessary professional and clerical or other
staff and logistical support to the division within the limit of funds available.
[PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
4. Public information. The division shall provide public information about the role of guardians
ad litem, how to provide comments about a guardian ad litem and the complaint process established
pursuant to section 1557.
[PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
5. Effective date. This section takes effect January 1, 2015.
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[PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).
§1553. Roster of guardians ad litem
Rules adopted by the Supreme Judicial Court govern the establishment and maintenance of a roster
of guardians ad litem. The rules must address: [PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
1. Application process. The process for applying to be included on the roster, including
application forms;
[PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
2. Criteria. Criteria for initial listing on the roster, including:
A. Credentials, including professional licenses and minimum education requirements; [PL 2013,
c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
B. Core training. Core training must include no less than 6 hours on domestic abuse and violence,
developed and provided in collaboration with a statewide coalition of domestic violence resource
centers, on the following topics:
(1) The domestic abuse tactics affecting adult and child safety and security after separation;
(2) The effects of domestic abuse and violence on children and conditions that support
(3) Best practices for recognizing, asking about and assessing the effects of abuse on the
parenting relationship; and
(4) Methods for reducing post-separation abuse of the nonabusive parent and promoting child
safety and security; and [PL 2021, c. 351, §1 (AMD); PL 2021, c. 351, §3 (AFF).]
C. Good character; [PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
[PL 2021, c. 351, §1 (AMD); PL 2021, c. 351, §3 (AFF).]
3. Continuing education. Continuing education requirements, including no less than 2 hours of
training annually on the impact of domestic abuse and violence on children, the services available in
the State for victims of domestic abuse and violence and their children and interventions for those who
commit domestic abuse and violence;
[PL 2021, c. 351, §2 (AMD); PL 2021, c. 351, §3 (AFF).]
4. Criminal background check. Obtaining criminal history record information on an individual,
including, at a minimum, criminal history record information from the Department of Public Safety,
State Bureau of Identification;
[PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
5. Other requirements. Any other requirements necessary to remain in good standing and
included on the roster; and
[PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
6. Removal. The process for removing a guardian ad litem from the roster.
[PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW). PL 2021, c. 351, §§1, 2 (AMD). PL 2021, c. 351, §3 (AFF).
§1554. Guardian ad litem responsibilities
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1. Role of guardian ad litem. The court may appoint a guardian ad litem to provide information
to assist the court in determining the best interests of the child involved in the determination of parental
rights and responsibilities and guardianship of a minor under Title 18C, in the determination of parental
rights and responsibilities under Title 19A, section 904 or 1653 and in the determination of contact
with grandparents under Title 19A, section 1803. The court shall appoint a guardian ad litem in a child
protection case under Title 22, chapter 1071.
[PL 2017, c. 402, Pt. C, §10 (AMD); PL 2019, c. 417, Pt. B, §14 (AFF).]
2. Standards of conduct. Guardians ad litem shall abide by the standards of conduct as adopted
by rule by the Supreme Judicial Court.
[PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
3. General responsibilities. A person appointed by the court to serve as a guardian ad litem acts
as the court's agent and is entitled to quasi-judicial immunity for acts performed within the scope of the
duties of the guardian ad litem. As a quasi-judicial officer, the guardian ad litem shall perform the
assigned duties independently and impartially in all relevant matters within the scope of the order of
appointment, respecting the court's obligation to dispose of all judicial matters promptly, efficiently
and fairly as provided in the Maine Code of Judicial Conduct. A guardian ad litem shall:
A. Represent consistently the best interests of the child and provide information to the court that
assists the court in determining the best interests of the child; [PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
B. Understand and uphold the law and court orders related to the guardian ad litem's appointment;
[PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
C. Maintain the highest standards of professionalism, cultural sensitivity and ethics; [PL 2013, c.
406, §1 (NEW).]
D. Recognize that timely resolution of each matter serves the best interests of the child and the
child's need for stability; [PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
E. Within the scope of authority defined by statute or court order, plan, carry out, document and
complete thorough, appropriate and fair investigations in a timely fashion; [PL 2013, c. 406, §1
F. Communicate in a developmentally appropriate way with the child; [PL 2013, c. 406, §1
G. Make well-reasoned and factually based written recommendations regarding the best interests
of the child as directed by the order of appointment; [PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
H. Pursuant to the order of appointment, include parties in the investigation, use effective
communication techniques, recognize limitations that may be imposed by the financial resources
of the parties as applicable and be aware of the cultural and socioeconomic status of the parties;
and [PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
I. Complete assignments and written reports in a timely manner and communicate effectively with
the court in motions, reports, recommendations and testimony. [PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
[PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW). PL 2017, c. 402, Pt. C, §10 (AMD). PL 2017, c. 402, Pt. F, §1
(AFF). PL 2019, c. 417, Pt. B, §14 (AFF).
§1555. Appointment of guardians ad litem in Title 18-C and Title 19-A cases
1. Appointment of guardian ad litem. In proceedings to determine parental rights and
responsibilities and guardianship of a minor under Title 18C and in contested proceedings pursuant to
Title 19A, section 904, 1653 or 1803 in which a minor child is involved, the court may appoint a
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guardian ad litem for the child when the court has reason for special concern as to the welfare of the
child. The court may appoint a guardian ad litem on the court's own motion, on the motion of one of
the parties or upon agreement of the parties.
A. A court may appoint, without any findings, any person listed on the roster. In addition, when a
suitable guardian ad litem included on the roster is not available for appointment, a court may, for
good cause shown and after consultation with the parties, appoint an attorney admitted to practice
in this State who, after consideration by the court of all of the circumstances of the particular case,
in the opinion of the appointing court has the necessary skills and experience to serve as a guardian
ad litem. For the purposes of this paragraph, good cause may include the appointment of a guardian
ad litem on a pro bono basis. [PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
B. In determining whether to make an appointment, the court shall consider:
(1) The wishes of the parties;
(2) The age of the child;
(3) The nature of the proceeding, including the contentiousness of the hearing;
(4) The financial resources of the parties;
(5) The extent to which a guardian ad litem may assist in providing information concerning
the best interests of the child;
(6) Whether the family has experienced a history of domestic abuse;
(7) Abuse of the child by one of the parties; and
(8) Other factors the court determines relevant. [PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
[PL 2017, c. 402, Pt. C, §11 (AMD); PL 2019, c. 417, Pt. B, §14 (AFF).]
2. Order. An appointment of a guardian ad litem must be by court order.
A. The appointment order must be written on a court-approved form and must specify the guardian
ad litem's length of appointment, the specific duties for the particular case, including the filing of a
written report, and fee arrangements. [PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
B. The guardian ad litem has no authority to perform and may not be expected to perform any
duties beyond those specified in the appointment order, unless subsequently ordered to do so by
the court. [PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
C. If, in order to perform any specified duties, the guardian ad litem needs information concerning
the child or parents, the court may order the parents to sign an authorization form allowing the
release of the necessary information. The court order may specify that the guardian ad litem must
be allowed access to the child by the caretakers of the child, whether the caretakers are individuals,
authorized agencies or child care providers. [PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
D. When appointment of the guardian ad litem or the fee arrangements for payment of the guardian
ad litem are not agreed to by the parties, the court shall state in the appointment order its findings,
based on the criteria stated in this section, supporting the appointment of the guardian ad litem and
the fee payment order. [PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
[PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
3. Payment for services; fees and billing; enforcement. The order under subsection 2 must
specify that payment for the services of the guardian ad litem is the responsibility of the parties, with
the terms of payment specified in the order.
A. The fee arrangements in the order must specify hourly rates or a flat fee, the timing of payments
to be made and by whom and the maximum amount of fees that may be charged for the case without
further order of the court. If the payments ordered to be made before the guardian ad litem
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commences the investigation, if any, are not paid as ordered, the guardian ad litem shall notify the
court, and the court may vacate the appointment order or take such other action it determines
appropriate under the circumstances. [PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
B. In determining the responsibility for payment, the court shall consider:
(1) The income of the parties;
(2) The marital and nonmarital assets of the parties;
(3) The division of property made or anticipated as part of the final divorce or separation;
(4) Which party requested appointment of a guardian ad litem; and
(5) Other factors considered relevant by the court, which must be stated with specificity in the
appointment order. [PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
C. The guardian ad litem shall use standardized billing, itemization requirements and time
reporting processes as established by the division. The guardian ad litem may collect fees, if a
collection action is necessary, pursuant to Title 14 and may not pursue collection in the action in
which the guardian ad litem is appointed. [PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
[PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
4. Best interests of the child. In performance of duties specified in the appointment order, the
guardian ad litem shall use the standard of the best interests of the child.
[PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
5. Wishes of the child. The guardian ad litem shall make the wishes of the child known to the
court if the child has expressed them, regardless of the recommendation of the guardian ad litem.
[PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
6. Report. The guardian ad litem shall provide a copy of each report ordered by the court to the
parties and the court at least 14 days before each report is due. A guardian ad litem shall provide a copy
of the final written report to the parties and the court at least 14 days in advance of the final hearing.
Reports are admissible as evidence and subject to cross-examination and rebuttal, whether or not
objected to by a party. Any objections to a report must be filed at least 7 days before the applicable
[PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW). PL 2017, c. 402, Pt. C, §11 (AMD). PL 2017, c. 402, Pt. F, §1
(AFF). PL 2019, c. 417, Pt. B, §14 (AFF). RR 2019, c. 1, Pt. A, §3 (COR).
§1556. Appointment of guardian ad litem in child protection cases under Title 22
1. Appointment of guardian ad litem. An order appointing a guardian ad litem pursuant to Title
22, section 4005 must specify the terms and conditions of the appointment as provided in Title 22, this
chapter and rules adopted by the Supreme Judicial Court.
[PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
2. Order. An appointment of a guardian ad litem must be by court order.
A. The appointment order must be written on a court-approved form and must specify the guardian
ad litem's length of appointment and specific duties, including the filing of a written report. [PL
2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
B. The guardian ad litem has no authority to perform and may not be expected to perform any
duties beyond those specified in the appointment order, unless subsequently ordered to do so by
the court. [PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
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C. In pursuit of the best interests of the child, the guardian ad litem must be given access to all
reports and records relevant to the case and shall investigate to ascertain the facts. [PL 2013, c.
406, §1 (NEW).]
D. The guardian ad litem must be provided access to the child by any agency or person. [PL 2013,
c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
E. The guardian ad litem shall file such reports, motions, responses or objections as necessary and
appropriate to the stage of the case to assist the court in identifying the best interests of the child
and provide copies to all parties of record. [PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
F. The guardian ad litem shall appear at all child protection proceedings, unless previously excused
by order of the court, and other proceedings as ordered by the court. The guardian ad litem may
present evidence and ensure that, when appropriate, witnesses are called and examined, including,
but not limited to, foster parents and psychiatric, psychological, medical or other expert witnesses.
If the guardian ad litem testifies, the guardian ad litem must be duly sworn as a witness and be
subject to cross-examination. In the event any new developments or significant changes in the
child's circumstances occur during the pendency of the court process, the guardian ad litem may
file appropriate pleadings. [PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
G. The guardian ad litem shall protect the interests of the child who is a witness in any judicial
proceeding relating to the case in which the guardian ad litem has been appointed. The guardian
ad litem may advocate for special procedures, including, but not limited to, special procedures to
protect the child witness from unnecessary psychological harm resulting from the child's testimony,
with or without the consent of other parties. [PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
H. The guardian ad litem shall recommend appropriate services, by motion for court order if
necessary, to access entitlements, to protect the child's interests and to implement a service plan.
[PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
I. The hourly rate of compensation for the guardian ad litem may not be less than the rate of
compensation established by the Maine Commission on Indigent Legal Services pursuant to section
1804, subsection 3, paragraph F. Nothing in this paragraph prohibits the court from establishing
maximum fees and other reasonable requirements relating to guardian ad litem billing and
compensation. [PL 2015, c. 439, §1 (NEW); PL 2015, c. 439, §3 (AFF).]
[PL 2015, c. 439, §1 (AMD); PL 2015, c. 439, §3 (AFF).]
3. Best interests of the child. In performance of duties specified in the appointment order, the
guardian ad litem shall use the standard of the best interests of the child.
[PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
4. Wishes of the child. The guardian ad litem shall make the wishes of the child known to the
court if the child has expressed them, regardless of the recommendation of the guardian ad litem.
[PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW). PL 2015, c. 439, §1 (AMD). PL 2015, c. 439, §3 (AFF).
§1557. Complaint process
1. Rules. The Supreme Judicial Court shall provide by rule for a complaint process concerning
guardians ad litem appointed under Title 18C, Title 19A and Title 22 that provides for at least the
A. The ability of a party to make a complaint before the final judgment as well as after the final
judgment is issued; [PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
B. Written instructions on how to make a complaint; [PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
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C. Clear criteria for making a complaint; [PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
D. Transparent policies and procedures concerning the investigation of complaints and the
provision of information to complainants; [PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
E. A central database to log and track complaints; and [PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
F. Policies and procedures for using complaints and investigations for recommending the removal
of a guardian ad litem from a particular case or other consequences or discipline. [PL 2013, c.
406, §1 (NEW).]
[PL 2017, c. 402, Pt. C, §12 (AMD); PL 2019, c. 417, Pt. B, §14 (AFF).]
2. Complaint process. The division shall provide written and electronic information to
communicate the complaint process to the public and to all parties.
[PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
3. Minor complaint option. The rules may provide for a minor complaint option that authorizes
corrective action without the necessity of completing the full complaint and investigatory process.
[PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
4. Motion to remove. The complaint process adopted pursuant to this section is in addition to the
right of a party to file a motion to remove the guardian ad litem while the case is pending. The court
shall hold a hearing on the motion at the request of the party filing the motion. The motion may be
advanced on the docket and receive priority over other cases when the court determines that the interests
of justice so require.
[PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW).]
PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW). PL 2017, c. 402, Pt. C, §12 (AMD). PL 2017, c. 402, Pt. F, §1
(AFF). PL 2019, c. 417, Pt. B, §14 (AFF).
§1558. Repeal
PL 2013, c. 406, §1 (NEW). PL 2017, c. 138, §1 (RP).
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