ABN 24 605 352 510
30 JUNE 2024
Adherium Limited
ABN 24 605 352 510
Adherium Limited provides the following information under listing rule 4.3A:
Details of the reporting period and the previous corresponding period
Reporting period 12 months ended 30 June 2024
Previous corresponding period 12 months ended 30 June 2023
Results for announcement to the market
12 months
12 months
30 June
30 June
Revenue from ordinary activities
Profit (loss) from ordinary activities after
tax attributable to members
Net profit (loss) for the period attributable
to members
Amount per Ordinary Share
Franked amount per Ordinary Share
Record date for determining entitlements
to the dividends
Net tangible asset backing per Ordinary
0.9 cents
0.2 cents
Commentary on results
Transformational Progress and Strategic US Commercialisation Focus
Adherium has significantly advanced its commercial strategy by concentrating on scalable partnerships and
customer relationships, aiming to achieve cash flow positivity by growing its remote patient monitoring
services in the United States the largest healthcare market in the world and the only market offering
reimbursement for remote patient monitoring.
Adherium has been diligently developing its remote patient monitoring model to ensure its success. The
initiative aims to assist patients in mastering proper inhaler techniques while ensuring adherence to their
prescribed treatment regimens. In early July 2024, Adherium established a new model with Senta and Allergy
Partners, integrating their patient populations into our remote monitoring systema novel approach not
previously attempted.
As pioneers in this field, we are committed to refining our model until it is proven effective before scaling up
operations. We have initiated campaigns targeting both patients and physicians; securing commitments from
doctors to collaborate with Adherium is crucial for implementing our adherence and technique monitoring
program successfully.
Our program is designed not only to help asthma sufferers with proper inhaler technique but also to make
sure they take their medications as prescribed. By ensuring regular use of inhalers under proper guidance of
our respiratory therapists our goal is for them to experience fewer breathing difficulties and life-threatening
exacerbations, supporting significantly improved quality of life.
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Strategic Partnerships and Major Milestones
Allergy Partners: Our collaboration with Allergy Partners, the largest allergy and asthma practice in the
US, integrates the Hailie® platform into their care approach, enhancing asthma management for over
300,000 patients.
SENTA Partners: We have established a strategic partnership with SENTA Partners, a premier specialty
allergy and asthma group in the US. This collaboration will roll out the Hailie® platform across SENTA’s
extensive network, improving patient adherence and health outcomes.
Intermountain Health: Our partnership with Intermountain Health has commenced with the delivery of
1,750 next-generation Hailie® Smartinhaler® sensors. Positive data from this program will demonstrate
how Hailie® devices can help hospital systems reduce their 30-day readmission rate and create a standard
of care model for all hospital systems. Our first patient enrolled in February.
NuvoAir Medical: A new agreement with NuvoAir Medical includes a minimum purchase of 1,000 Hailie®
sensors, further expanding our reach in the US market.
Valued Relationships Inc. (VRI), a Modivcare service: Strategic partnership with VRI, a leader in remote
patient monitoring solutions. This collaboration will enhance our capabilities by providing comprehensive
respiratory care and monitoring, leveraging VRI’s extensive network and expertise.
Rimidi: New partnership signed in April 2024 focusing on integrating Adherium’s innovative Hailie®
Smartinhalers® into Rimidi’s comprehensive clinical management platform now used by health systems,
capitated health plans and physician practices across 17 states in the US.
Clinical Studies
AstraZeneca has selected Adherium’s Smartinhaler technology for its upcoming study. This agreement is
supported by a $1.1M contract with AstraZeneca to test the capabilities of Adherium’s Hailie® Smartinhaler®
Recent Regulatory Advancements
The US FDA has granted clearance for Adherium’s Hailie® sensor to be used with AstraZeneca's Airsupra® and
Breztri® inhalation devices on April 15, 2024. Adherium is now a global leader in the provision of digital health
solutions, with 14 US FDA (510K) cleared inhalation sensors now on market.
Financial Performance and Capital Raising
Adherium successfully completed a capital raising of $8.37 million. This funding is driving strategic research
and product development, sales, marketing, business development, and customer onboarding, ensuring we
continue to scale and meet growing market demands.
Future Outlook
Our mission is to have Hailie® become part of the ‘Standard of Care’ for Asthma and COPD management.
Currently, our focus is targeted to remote patient monitoring (RPM) and remote therapeutic monitoring (RTM)
in the USA. With the strategic partnerships we have in place and the number of patients that we can assist, as
we continue to scale will allow the Company to achieve breakeven and beyond. Proving our business model
will generate consistent revenue through USA market expansion utilising proven reimbursement vehicles and
validate the cost-effectiveness and clinical benefits of the Hailie® solution.
As we achieve success in this market, the Company will explore opportunities in the USA Value-Based
Healthcare (VBHC) market using health economic evidence. The Company will leverage validated data to
expand market reach and improve financial returns as evidence shows significant cost savings and improved
patient outcomes.
Adherium Limited
ABN 24 605 352 510
Following this phase, we will look to deploy our proven business model in other attractive markets such as the
UK & Australia, replicating the USA success targeting where need is highest and leveraging the proven health
economic benefits from the USA implementation. This will involve promoting substantial cost savings to
government/payors, patient benefits for asthma and COPD populations and reduced hospital service demand,
especially ER visits, through early interventions.
Financial commentary
The loss for the year after tax was $10,224,173 compared to $9,857,586 in 2023.
Revenue to 30 June 2024 was $840,982 compared with $3,195,530 in the prior year. The decrease occurred
due to a decline in clinical trial and project revenue as the Company focuses its commercial strategy in the USA
offering remote patient monitoring services.
Research and development activities to 30 June 2024 amounted to $4,144,960 compared with $4,725,231 in
the prior year, the decreased expenditure reflecting the shift from clinical trials and product development to
commercialisation of existing devices and software platform.
Sales and Marketing costs were $2,138,032 to 30 June 2024, compared with $4,006,309 in the prior year. This
decrease was a result of the completion of investment in partner platform integrations and partner costs in
relation to the SBRI NHS project.
Administrative expenses increased to $5,061,483 in year ended 30 June 2024 from $4,853,833 in the year
ended 30 June 2023. Administrative payroll increased to $1,407,585 from $1,318,630 in the prior year
reflecting a change of employee department classification. Administrative consulting fees increased $102,924
to support the US commercial strategy. Non-cash costs included asset depreciation and amortisation expense
of $108,091 compared to $190,872 in the prior year and unrealised currency gains of $144,990 compared to
an unrealised currency loss of $4,386 in the prior year relating to intercompany loan balances.
In addition to the changes noted above, the loss for the year after tax was $10,224,173 compared to
$9,857,586 in 2023. A key component of the increased loss was the year-on-year decrease in revenue of
Adherium ended the year to 30 June 2024 with cash of $6,197,538 compared to $9,077,258 in the prior year.
The board has not declared dividends or made dividend payments in the periods ended 30 June 2023 and
2024. The Company does not have any dividend or distribution reinvestment plans in operation.
Details of entities over which control has been gained or lost
There have been no changes in control over entities in the year ended 30 June 2024.
Details of associates and joint venture
Adherium does not have any associates or joint ventures.
Adherium Limited
ABN 24 605 352 510
Trends in Performance
Adherium has pivoted from a clinical trials company to a data driven and remote patient monitoring company
that provides adherence and technique monitoring to their customers for a monthly subscription fee. The
company will record a net loss of $10,224,173 for the year, primarily due to reduced sales volume, increased
resources to commercialise the technology and delays in patient onboarding due to modifications of the
patient onboarding monitoring program to meet the needs of our customers and their patients.
Audit status
This Appendix 4E and the included financial information are based on financial statements which are in the
process of being audited, and the audited financial statements will be published in September 2024. As in prior
years, the independent auditor's report may contain an emphasis of matter reflecting a material uncertainty in
respect of going concern related to the raising of additional capital or alternative funding until the group is
supported by cash flows from operations. Despite this, the Directors are of the view that adoption of the going
concern basis of preparation of the financial statements continues to be appropriate.
Financial report
The following financial report included in this Appendix 4E does not include all notes of the type normally
included within the annual financial report and therefore cannot be expected to provide a complete
understanding of the financial performance, financial position and operating, financing and investing activities
of the consolidated entity as the full financial report. The financial report should be read in conjunction with
any public announcements made by Adherium Limited in accordance with the continuous disclosure
obligations of the ASX Listing Rules. The accounting policies applied are the same as those noted in the most
recent interim financial report and the previous annual report.
Adherium Limited
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Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income
for the year ended 30 June 2024
The accompanying notes form part of this financial report.
Adherium Limited
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Consolidated Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 2024
The accompanying notes form part of this financial report.
Adherium Limited
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Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
for the year ended 30 June 2024
The accompanying notes form part of this financial report.
Adherium Limited
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Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
for the year ended 30 June 2024
The accompanying notes form part of this financial report.
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Notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements
for the year ended 30 June 2024
2. Segment Information
The Group has considered the requirements for segmental reporting as set out in AASB 8: Operating
Segments. The standard requires that operating segments are reported in a manner consistent with the
internal reporting provided to the chief operating decision-maker. The chief operating decision-maker has
been identified as the Chief Executive Officer. The Group has determined that one segment exists for the
Group’s Hailie® Smartinhaler®.
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Adherium Limited
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8. Events occurring after balance date
Subsequent to the balance sheet date, there was a cancellation of 1,773,540 Stock Appreciation Rights (SARs)
on 17 August 2024 for nil consideration. The cancellation was due to employment vesting conditions not met
due to the departure of the former CEO with a fair value of $146,317 calculated at the date of grant.
Funds totalling $570,000 for the subscription of 28,500,000 shares by Management and the Board as approved
at the EGM held on 21 June 2024 were received before 30 June 2024. However, the issue of these shares did
not occur until 1 July 2024.
There are no other events occurring after the balance sheet date which require disclosure or adjustment in the
financial statements.