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Vienna International Centre
P. O. Box 300, A-1400 Vienna, Austria
Telephone: 0043 1 26026 Fax: 26026-6842
Project Number: 160082
Study Tour to Kenya and Zambia
Request for Quotation of Travel Support Service
A project funded by the European Union
Youth Rising - EU Support to Technical and Vocational Education and
Training (TVET) for Young People in Liberia
02 OCTOBER 2019
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The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is searching for organizations to assist in travel and logistic
arrangements for a study-tour delegation from Liberia who will be visiting Kenya and Zambia, as part of the project EU
Support to Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) for young people in Liberia “Youth Rising”.
Liberia’s youth constitutes nearly half of the Liberian labour force but is exposed to high unemployment, underemployment
and vulnerable employment rates. The global commodity prices crisis, combined with the effects of the Ebola crisis, have
devastated the Liberian economy and worsened youth’s fragility problems. A socially and economically marginalised young
population can pose serious risks to national security, social cohesion and stability. Liberian youth generally lack employable
skills and are ill-equipped to access new economic opportunities. Efforts to improve their employability are constrained by a
Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector characterised by serious shortcomings in terms of quality and
relevance, access and equity, funding, and governance. The Government of Liberia (GoL) recognises that the transition
towards inclusive growth will not happen unless human capabilities are enhanced and the quality of education and vocational
training are improved to match the demands of the labour market. The present intervention will seek to strengthen the
Liberian TVET sector in its capacity to deliver equitable and gender-balanced access to high-quality and demand-driven TVET.
This will be done by supporting capacity development at central and TVET provider level, and by strengthening links with the
private sector. The intervention will address equity issues with emphasis on remote South East rural areas and vulnerable
youth, including people with disabilities.
Specific Objective 1: Improve the quality, relevance and modernization of TVET, by strengthening links with the private
sector, and by improving the governance, planning, management and delivery capacity at governmental and TVET provider
levels through the promotion of an equitable and gender-balanced access to TVET in target providers
To enhance the organizational and management capabilities of senior officials involved in Liberia ’TVET Policy
implementation, Monitoring, Control and Evaluation, with due reference to the following elements of a national TVET
a) Unified TVET Governance, statutory regulation and operational management systems;
b) Quality Management systems for Learning environments and Learner experiences, with particular reference to
TVET Centers of Excellence;
c) Entrepreneurial and Innovative management of TVET institutions in public resource deficit situations;
d) International co-operation professional network development, and negotiations for mutually beneficial outcomes;
e) Teamwork across the TVET policy development and implementation value chain;
f) TVET institution based integrated Training and Enterprise Incubation models
g) Agricultural Out grower Scheme based Training Systems;
The purpose of this procurement is to assign a Contractor that can perform all travel and logistics services necessary for the
study-tour. The objective of the assignment is to coordinate the logistical arrangements for the Liberian delegation from the
Government of Liberia to Kenya and Zambia for a two-week period with the goal of capacity building and building of
partnership agreements
The Logistical arrangements for FIVE (5) senior officials of the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Youth and Sports, SEVEN
(7) staff of the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Youth and Sports, ONE (1) senior official of the National Authorizing
Office and ONE (1) UNIDO representative from Monrovia, Liberia to Kenya and Zambia. In addition, Logistical arrangements
for ONE (1) UNIDO representative travelling from Lusaka, Zambia to meet the delegation in Kenya including the following:
(During the Travel in Kenya and Zambia the delegation will be in total SIXTEEN (16) delegates.)
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Logistics to Kenya and from Kenya to Zambia
VISA APPLICATION: Completion of all necessary application procedures and coordination with relevant authorities
regarding the issuance of visas for FOURTEEN (14) delegates from Liberia in Kenya.
VISA APPLICATION: Completion of all necessary application procedures and coordination with relevant authorities
regarding the issuance of visas for ONE (1) delegate from Zambia in Kenya.
FLIGHTS: IATA standard, UNIDO approved air tickets for ONE (1) delegate from Lusaka Airport, Zambia to Jomo Kenyatta
Airport Nairobi (NOB), Kenya. The flight should arrive at the same time as the delegation arriving from Liberia.
FLIGHTS: IATA standard, UNIDO approved air tickets for FOURTEEN (14) delegates from Roberts International Airport
(ROB), Liberia to Jomo Kenyatta Airport Nairobi (NOB), Kenya.
FLIGHTS: IATA standard, UNIDO approved air tickets for SIXTEEN (16) delegates from Jomo Kenyatta Airport Nairobi
(NOB), Kenya to Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe Airport Ndola, Zambia.
TRANSPORTATION: Pre-booked transportation for SIXTEEN (16) delegates from and to the Jomo Kenyatta Airport
Nairobi (NOB), Kenya to the hotel. Please indicate type and model of vehicle. The vehicle must be clean, serviced
(functioning air conditioning) and in a good working condition. The vehicle must be capable of the handling the required
road conditions.
TRAVEL INSURANCE: Travel insurance for each delegate covering the journey to and from home location in Liberia and
for the duration of their entire stay in Kenya and Zambia (20 days in total). The travel insurance must cover personal
accident, personal liability, cancellation or curtailment of journey, baggage cover, emergency medical expenses and
repatriation as a MINIMUM.
Logistics in Kenya
ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE: Pre-booked transportation is required to move the SIXTEEN (16) study tour delegates from
and to the Jomo Kenyatta Airport Nairobi (NOB), Kenya to their hotel in Nairobi on the day of arrival and departure in
STUDY-TOUR TRANSPORTATION: Pre-booked transportation (which includes a dedicated driver) is required to transport
in total SIXTEEN (16) delegates to each destination of the study-tour in Nairobi, Kenya in accordance with the draft
itinerary shown in Annex 2. The final itinerary will be issued by UNIDO two weeks in advance of travel, but for general
guidance, cities/sites to cover during the first stop in Kenya will be in and around Nairobi, Kenya. Site visits will be to
institutions related to the TVET sector during normal working hours, but the driver should also be available for possible
cultural site or leisure visits if requested. Please indicate type and model of vehicle. The vehicle must be clean, serviced
(functioning air conditioning) and in a good working condition. The vehicle must be capable of the handling the required
road conditions.
ACCOMMODATION: Booking and payment of the accommodation in 3 or 4-star hotels for the SIXTEEN (16) delegates in
Nairobi, Kenya in accordance with the finalized itinerary, (likely to be three nights). The accommodation must be clean
and in a safe area.
SUBSISTENCE: Booking and payment of two meals per day (breakfast, lunch) for the SIXTEEN (16) delegates.
Logistics to Zambia and back to Liberia
VISA APPLICATION: Completion of all necessary application procedures and coordination with relevant authorities
regarding the issuance of visas for the FOURTEEN (14) delegates from Liberia in Zambia.
FLIGHTS: IATA standard, UNIDO approved air tickets for SIXTEEN (16) delegates from Jomo Kenyatta Airport Nairobi
(NOB), Kenya to Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe Airport Ndola, Zambia.
FLIGHTS: IATA standard, UNIDO approved air tickets for each of the FOURTEEN (14) delegates Lusaka, Zambia to Roberts
International Airport (ROB), Liberia.
TRANSPORTATION: Pre-booked transportation for SIXTEEN (16) delegates from and to the Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe
Airport Ndola, Zambia to the hotel. Please indicate type and model of vehicle. The vehicle must be clean, serviced
(functioning air conditioning) and in a good working condition. The vehicle must be capable of the handling the required
road conditions.
TRAVEL INSURANCE: Travel insurance for each delegate covering the journey to and from home location in Liberia and
for the duration of their entire stay in Kenya and Zambia (20 days in total). The travel insurance must cover personal
accident, personal liability, cancellation or curtailment of journey, baggage cover, emergency medical expenses and
repatriation as a MINIMUM.
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Logistics in Zambia
ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE: Pre-booked transportation is required to move the SIXTEEN (16) study tour delegates from
the Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe Airport Ndola, Zambia to their hotel on the day of arrival in Zambia. The delegation will
depart from the Kenneth Kaunda International Airport, Lusaka, Zambia. Pre-booked transportation is required to move
the SIXTEEN (16) study tour delegates from the hotel in Lusaka to the Kenneth Kaunda International Airport, Lusaka,
Zambia Please indicate type and model of vehicle. The vehicle must be clean, serviced (functioning air conditioning) and
in a good working condition. The vehicle must be capable of the handling the required road conditions.
STUDY-TOUR TRANSPORTATION: Pre-booked transportation (which includes a dedicated driver) is required to transport
in total SIXTEEN (16) delegates to each destination of the study-tour in and around Ndola, Zambia in accordance with
the draft itinerary shown in Annex 2. The final itinerary will be issued by UNIDO three weeks in advance of travel, but
for general guidance, cities/sites to cover during the second stop in Ndola, Zambia will be in and around Ndola, Luanshya
and Kitwe. Site visits will be to institutions related to the TVET sector during normal working hours, but the driver should
also be available for possible cultural site or leisure visits if requested. Please indicate type and model of vehicle. The
vehicle must be clean, serviced (functioning air conditioning) and in a good working condition. The vehicle must be
capable of the handling the required road conditions.
STUDY-TOUR TRANSPORTATION: Flights for in total SIXTEEN (16) delegates from Ndola, Zambia to Lusaka, Zambia in
accordance with the draft itinerary shown in Annex 2. The final itinerary will be issued by UNIDO three weeks in advance
of travel. but for general guidance, cities/sites to cover during the third stop in Lusaka, Zambia will be in and around
Lusaka and Kafue Gorge. Site visits will be to institutions related to the TVET sector during normal working hours, but
the driver should also be available for possible cultural site or leisure visits if requested.
ACCOMMODATION: Booking and payment of the accommodation in 3 or 4-star hotels for the SIXTEEN (16) delegates in
Ndola (approx. 8 nights), Lusaka (in total approx. 3 nights) and Kafue Gorge (approx. 2 nights), Zambia in accordance
with the finalized itinerary. The accommodation must be clean and in a safe area.
SUBSISTENCE: Booking and payment of two meals per day (breakfast, lunch) for the SIXTEEN (16) delegates.
Subsistence Allowance:
Disburse miscellaneous of total USD 936.00 (52.00 per night for approx. 18 nights) for the whole study tour, direct to
each of the SIXTEEN (16) delegates (payment in cash) for the payment of dinner and additional needs. Provide proof of
disbursement in form of signed list.
The final itinerary and travel dates shall be determined in October in conjunction with the Contractor. Actual travel dates
will be defined by UNIDO on the basis of the Contractor’s flight suggestions.
The tentative dates are: arrival date in Kenya on 27
of October 2019; departure date from Liberia on 26th of October 2019
All activities related to coordinating this assignment will be conducted in English.
The local driver(s) in Kenya should speak Swahili and English.
The local driver(s) in Zambia should speak English.
The Contractor will receive from UNIDO the delegates names and contact details as well as copies of their passport. The
service provider will submit the following documentation to UNIDO:
Itinerary and flight details to Nairobi, Kenya for the delegates from Monrovia, Liberia;
Itinerary and flight details to Ndola, Zambia for the delegates from Nairobi, Kenya;
Itinerary and flight details to Lusaka, Zambia for the delegates from Ndola, Zambia;
Itinerary and flight details to Monrovia, Liberia for the delegates from Lusaka, Zambia;
Copy of the delegates e-tickets;
Confirmation of delegates arrival in Kenya (email to be sent to the UNIDO designated focal point);
Copy of the visit visa for the delegates from Liberia;
Copy of the insurance coverage/certificate for the delegates from Liberia;
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Copy of the pre-booked hotel accommodation reservations;
Contact details for the transportation/driver in Kenya and Zambia.
Provide proof of disbursement of miscellaneous in form of signed list.
Planning Report
Within two weeks of signing the Contract a planning report is to be submitted. The report will include details of
itinerary, logistics etc.)
Final Completion Report
Final Completion Report in one (1) electronic version, covering the works performed under the Contract, including
financial statement. The coverage must include the logos of UNIDO and the Government
The offers should include the following:
Company profile, brochure or literature describing the activities and services offered;
Statement of past similar experiences;
Statement confirming the provider’s capacity to operate in Kenya and Zambia;
Evidence of any unique or specific strengths of the organisation and staff that may add value to the delivery of the
content and supervision of candidates undertaking the qualification;
Acknowledgement of flexibility on travel dates and cities visited in Kenya and Zambia;
CVs of key staff;
Name/contact details of the company’s local focal point designated for performing the contract;
Provide evidence of financial capability to disburse the miscellaneous.
Bid form detailing the breakdown of costs (see Annex 1).
Evaluation of the proposal will be made on the basis of its responsiveness by applying the qualification criteria and point
system specified. A responsive proposal will be given a qualification score. A proposal shall be rejected at this stage if it
does not respond to important aspects of the RFQ, and if the Proposer fails to achieve the minimum score of 65% out of the
maximum obtainable score (31 of 48).
UNIDO shall consider for award proposals that have met the minimum qualification criteria score (i.e. 65%). In the event
that only one offer has achieved the minimum required qualification score, UNIDO shall ensure that the price is reasonable
and consistent with the market rates for items of a similar nature and represents good value for money. Should financial
proposals far exceed the projected budget UNIDO reserves the right to cancel this request for proposal and is under no
obligation to make an award.
Qualification Criteria Matrix
Higher number denotes greater quality/reliability of evidence
Example : not
included in
anywhere in the bid
Example : ISO logo
not clearly legible or
verifiable in the
evidence submitted
Example : ISO logo
can be seen on a
datasheet or
Example : ISO
certificate copy
included for
Example : ISO logo
on a letterhead,
brochure, machine
and ISO certificate
copy included
0 2 4 6 8
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Organization, Supply and Performance Criteria
Company profile, brochure or literature describing the activities
and services offered in relation to work-related occupations.
Evidence of experience in undertaking similar logistical
arrangements, providing details such as size of group, destination
countries etc. Evidence may be from a copy of prior Purchase Order
from clients, a report of training, photographs of similar events etc.
A statement confirming the provider’s capacity to operate in Kenya
and Zambia.
CVs of key staff that will provide management and support during
this contract.
Confirmation on the bid form that bidder is able to be flexible with
travel dates and itinerary in Kenya and Zambia (including cities
covered and will be based on appointment with Ken
yan and
Zambian Institutions and Companies).
Copy of current bank statement as evidence of financial capability
to disburse miscellaneous allowance of USD 52.00 per night directly
to each of the SIXTEEN (16) delegates (USD 936.00 per delegate).
Total 48
Maximum total score available Pass = >31 points
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Example itinerary for information only
*Itinerary including dates and cities to be confirmed by UNIDO 2 weeks prior to visit.
Estimated date
Accommodation location
Sunday 27th Oct.
Arrive to Nairobi, Kenya.
Overnight Nairobi
Monday 28th Oct.
Overnight Nairobi
Tuesday 29
Overnight Nairobi
Wednesday 30
Flight Nairobi, Kenya to Ndola,
Overnight Ndola
Thursday 31st Oct.
Overnight Ndola
Friday 1
Overnight Ndola
Saturday 2
Overnight Ndola
Sunday 3
Overnight Ndola
Monday 4
To Luanshya Back to Ndola
Overnight Ndola
Tuesday 5
To Kitwe Back to Ndola
Overnight Ndola
Wednesday 6
To Mopani Copper Mine Back
to Ndola
Overnight Ndola
Thursdays 7
Flight Ndola, Zambia to Lusaka,
Zambia and in Lusaka
Overnight Lusaka
Friday 8
Lusaka to Mazabuka Town to
Kafue Gorge
Overnight Kafue Gorge
Saturday 9
Kafue Gorge
Overnight Kafue Gorge
Sunday 10
Kafue Gorge
Overnight Kafue Gorge
Monday 11
Kafue Gorge to Lusaka
Overnight Lusaka
Tuesday 12
Overnight Lusaka
Departure to Liberia on Wednesday 13
November 2019 – Hotel required for the night depending on departure time.