International Journal of
Molecular Sciences
Agrobacterium-Mediated Capsicum annuum Gene Editing in
Two Cultivars, Hot Pepper CM334 and Bell Pepper Dempsey
Sung-il Park
, Hyun-Bin Kim
, Hyun-Ji Jeon
and Hyeran Kim
 
Citation: Park, S.-i.; Kim, H.-B.; Jeon,
H.-J.; Kim, H. Agrobacterium-Mediated
Capsicum annuum Gene Editing in
Two Cultivars, Hot Pepper CM334
and Bell Pepper Dempsey. Int. J. Mol.
Sci. 2021, 22, 3921.
Academic Editors: Ki-Hong Jung and
Jae-Yean Kim
Received: 28 February 2021
Accepted: 7 April 2021
Published: 10 April 2021
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Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in BIT Medical Convergence, Kangwon National University,
Chuncheon 24341, Korea; [email protected]
Department of Biological Sciences, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon 24341, Korea;
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Peppers (Capsicum annuum L.) are the most widespread and cultivated species of Solanaceae
in subtropical and temperate countries. These vegetables are economically attractive worldwide.
Although whole-genome sequences of peppers and genome-editing tools are currently available, the
precision editing of peppers is still in its infancy because of the lack of a stable pepper transformation
method. Here, we employed three Agrobacterium tumefaciens strains—AGL1, EHA101, and GV3101—
to investigate which Agrobacterium strain could be used for pepper transformation. Hot pepper
CM334 and bell pepper Dempsey were chosen in this study. Agrobacterium tumefaciens GV3101
induced the highest number of calli in cv. Dempsey. All three strains generated similar numbers
of calli for cv. CM334. We optimized a suitable concentration of phosphinothricin (PPT) to select a
CRISPR/Cas9 binary vector (pBAtC) for both pepper types. Finally, we screened transformed calli
for PPT resistance (1 and 5 mg/L PPT for cv. CM334 and Dempsey, respectively). These selected
calli showed different indel frequencies from the non-transformed calli. However, the primary
indel pattern was consistent with a 1-bp deletion at the target locus of the C. annuum MLO gene
(CaMLO2). These results demonstrate the different sensitivity between cv. CM334 and Dempsey
A. tumefaciens
-mediated callus induction, and a differential selection pressure of PPT via pBAtC
binary vector.
Keywords: CRISPR/Cas9; pBAtC binary vector; CaMLO2; Capsicum annuum CM334;
Capsicum annuum Dempsey; Agrobacterium tumefaciens
1. Introduction
Owing to global climate change and the increase in participation of the older adult pop-
ulation in agriculture, facility agriculture is gaining importance. Its practice has increased
worldwide. To improve sustainability, horticulture facilities are shifting to conventional
plant–microbe interactions, resulting in several newly emerging plant diseases, such as
powdery mildew infection in tomato and pepper [
]. Symptoms of the infection can
be macroscopically observed as white-covered epithelial mycelia of powdery mildew
pathogens on leaves and fruits [
]. Some biotrophic plant pathogens, including powdery
mildew fungi, display properties that pose challenges to conventional infection preven-
tion methods, such as protectant fungicides, so resistant cultivars are needed. Powdery
mildew resistance conferred by mildew resistance locus O (MLO) genes has been reported
in various plant species, such as barley, Arabidopsis, and wheat [35].
Whole-genome sequences of peppers have been available since 2014 [
]. We have
discovered that peppers have extended resistance genes compared to other species in
Solanaceae [
]. Recently, we reported CRISPR/RNPs-based precise Capsicum annuum
MLO gene (CaMLO2) editing in both callus-derived protoplasts and leaf protoplasts from
hot pepper and bell peppers [
]. However, to date, we do not have pathogen-resistant
pepper plants in which a specific gene is edited.
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Many plant-transformation studies have been performed with
Agrobacterium tumefaciens
as nature’s genetic engineer [
]. T-DNA binary vector systems in A. tumefaciens are
the critical players for transforming plants. The T-DNA was engineered by deleting the
oncogenes and the opine synthase genes to harness effective horizontal gene transfer from
Agrobacterium to plants, effectively disarming the virulent strains so that tumors are not
to induced [
]. Several non-oncogenic recombinant Agrobacterium strains currently
popular in plant biotechnology include LBA4404, GV3101::pMP90, AGL1, EHA101, and its
derivative strain, EHA105 [
]. As representative vegetables in Solanaceae, both tobacco
and tomato have well-established Agrobacterium-mediated stable transformation systems,
to conduct horticultural research and produce valuable cultivars for the horticultural
industry [
]. However, Capsicum, another important genus of Solanaceae, is recalcitrant
to transformation applied using advanced plant biotechnologies and still highly dependent
on traditional breeding combined with molecular breeding [10,23].
Among the five domesticated species of Capsicum—C. annuum, C. baccatum,
C. chinense
C. frutescens, and C. pubescens [
]—C. annuum is the most common and extensively culti-
vated pepper. These peppers are grouped into hot pepper and bell pepper that provide
flavor, various pungency levels, and a variety of nutrients [
]. Although various trans-
formation methods have been used in peppers, there are only a few successful cases,
such as forming a callus-induced shoot with an inbred line, pepper cotyledon-derived or
in vitro
regeneration methods, and developing Phytophthora-resistant
C. annuum
cv. Mesilla Cayenne plants [
]. Therefore, to improve pepper
transformation, it is essential to apply the most appropriate breeding technologies [
Some of the factors affecting the efficiency of Agrobacterium strains in transforming tissues
is the type of strain, for instance, octopine (LBA4404), succinamopine (AGL1 and EHA105),
nopaline (EHA101, GV3101), and the vector [
], so it is crucial to validate which
Agrobacterium strain is optimal for desired crops and their cultivars. For example, EHA101
and LBA4404 showed higher transformation efficiencies for local pepper genotypes Balady
and Anaheim chile than GV3101 [
]. Although it is pivotal to validate the Agrobacterium
strain harboring CRISPR tools so that successfully edited peppers can be obtained, there is
still a lack of a sustainable pepper transformation system using CRISPR tools.
Here, we employed three strains of A. tumefaciens—AGL1, EHA101, and GV3101—to
investigate which Agrobacterium strain could be used for pepper transformation. The
whole-genome-sequenced hot pepper CM334 and bell pepper Dempsey were chosen in
this study. Pepper cultivars are known to have different sensitivities to various selection
markers [
]. Thus, we evaluated a suitable phosphinothricin (PPT) concentration to select
the pBAtC binary vector harboring pepper transformants and analyzed CaMLO2, the target
2. Results
2.1. Vector Construction and Agrobacterium-Mediated Transformation
We employed a pBAtC binary vector having a whole CRISPR/Cas9 cassette to edit a target
gene in hot pepper and bell pepper [
]. Using a DNA-free, CRISPR/guide RNA screening
system, we have previously selected an effective sgRNA1 (5
) to target the CaMLO2 gene in both cv. CM344 and Dempsey [
]. Using Aar1 sites, we
constructed a pBAtC:CaMLO2–sgRNA1 vector and confirmed the guide RNA sequence using
Sanger sequencing (Figure 1). To identify an effective Agrobacterium strain for hot pepper and
bell pepper, the validated pBAtC:CaMLO2–sgRNA1 vector was transformed into each of three
A. tumefaciens strains: AGL1, EHA101, and GV3101.
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tetracycline; CAS9hc:NLS:HA, humancodonoptimized Cas9 with the nuclear localizationsignaland an HA epitope;
withtwo Aar1;sgRNAs,theguideRNA scaffoldfor Cas9;Nos, nospromoter; BasR, BASTAresistancegene;LB,left
Wepreviouslyreportedleafinduced calluslines fromhotpepperCM334andbell
both cv. CM334 and Dempsey for Agrobacteriummediated transformations using three
explantsofcv.Dempsey (86withAGL1,92withEHA101,87withGV3101),and328leaf
were analyzed. In cv. Dempsey, GV3101 generated an average of 2.7 calli per explant,
cv.CM334,theaveragenumber ofcalli(2.6withAGL1,
2.2with EHA101,and1.9with
callusinducingactivityforcv.Dempsey.For cv. CM334,allthreeAgrobacteriumstrains
selectionpressureby PPT on
calliinducedbypBAtCintransgenic hotpepperand bell
with 5 mg/L PPT, leaf explants were partially brown, and no callus had been induced
CM334leaveswerecompletelybrownwithoutinducedcallus(Figure3f). Theseresults
Figure 1.
CaMLO2 sgRNA1 cloned pBAtC binary vector. (
) Description of a pBAtC binary vector. RB, right border; Ter,
tetracycline; CAS9hc:NLS: HA, human-codon-optimized Cas9 with the nuclear localization signal and an HA epitope; 35S,
cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter; AtU6, Arabidopsis thaliana U6 promoter; Aar1, sgRNA cloning sites with
two Aar1; sgRNA-s, the guide RNA-scaffold for Cas9; Nos, nos promoter; Bas-R, BASTA resistance gene; LB, left border;
) Description of a pBAtC:CaMLO2–sgRNA1 binary vector. Green, the sgRNA1 sequence of CaMLO2 target locus; Blue,
overhangs digested by Aar1 sites.
2.2. Comparison of Agrobacterium-Mediated Callus Induction in cv. Dempsey and CM334
We previously reported leaf-induced callus lines from hot pepper CM334 and bell
pepper Dempsey for
in vitro
tissue culture and cell biological research [
]. Therefore,
we adapted these pepper-leaf-induced calli for the current study. We took leaf explants
from both cv. CM334 and Dempsey for Agrobacterium-mediated transformations using
three different Agrobacterium strains (AGL1, EHA101, GV3101). We analyzed a total
265 leaf
explants of cv. Dempsey (86 with AGL1, 92 with EHA101, 87 with GV3101),
328 leaf
explants of cv. CM334 (119 with AGL1, 103 with EHA101, 106 with GV3101).
-mediated callus induction numbers produced by all three Agrobacterium
strains studied in the two types of pepper are summarized in Table S1. Numbers of induced
calli (larger than 2.5 mm) of the transformants were measured for 4 weeks. Callus induction
frequencies of six to eight biological replicates for each of the three Agrobacterium strains
were analyzed. In cv. Dempsey, GV3101 generated an average of 2.7 calli per explant,
more than EHA101 with 0.6 calli/explant and AGL1 with 0.7 calli/explant (Figure 2a). In
cv. CM334, the average number of calli (2.6 with AGL1, 2.2 with EHA101, and 1.9 with
GV3101) was similar among the three strains (Figure 2b). Therefore, GV3101 had the best
callus-inducing activity for cv. Dempsey. For cv. CM334, all three Agrobacterium strains had
comparable callus-inducing activities. These results suggest that the callus induction rate
by an Agrobacterium strain can differ depending on the pepper cultivar.
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showed thathot pepper CM334 was more sensitive to PPT than bell pepper Dempsey
Figure 2.
Comparison of callus induction ratios among the three Agrobacterium strains in
-mediated transformation of two pepper types. (
) Callus induction ratios of cv.
Dempsey by three Agrobacterium strains (AGL1, n = 7 biological replicates (BR); EHA101, n = 8
BR; GV3101, n = 8 BR). Total number of explants was 265. Results are presented as mean
(b) Callus
induction ratios of cv. CM334 by three Agrobacterium strains (AGL1, n = 9 BR; EHA101,
n = 8 BR
; GV3101, n = 8 BR). Total number of explants was 328. Results are presented as mean
Callus size 2.5 mm. ***, p < 0.001 based on analysis of variance (ANOVA).
2.3. Suitable Phosphinothricin (PPT) Concentration for Screening Transformants in cv. Dempsey
and CM334
Peppers have different sensitivities to various selection markers, ranging from
0.05 mg/L
methotrexate and 1 mg/L PPT to 25 mg/L hygromycin [
]. We examined the proper
selection pressure by PPT on calli induced by pBAtC in transgenic hot pepper and bell
pepper. We tested various concentrations of PPT (0.5, 1, 3, 5, 10 mg/L) for cv. Dempsey
and CM334. In cv. Dempsey, the leaves treated with 3 mg/L PPT were not browned. They
showed less callus induction than leaves treated without PPT. However, after treatment
with 5 mg/L PPT, leaf explants were partially brown, and no callus had been induced
(Figure 3a–c). By contrast, cv. CM334 leaves treated with 0.5 mg/L PPT were already
partially browned, and callus rarely emerged (Figure 3e). In the presence of 1 mg/L PPT,
cv. CM334 leaves were completely brown without induced callus (Figure 3f). These results
showed that hot pepper CM334 was more sensitive to PPT than bell pepper Dempsey
(Figure 3). If treated leaves were brown without further induction of an emerging callus
and eventually died in the presence of PPT at a certain concentration, that concentration
was considered the appropriate selection level. Therefore, we screened cv. Dempsey using
5 mg/L PPT and used 1 mg/L PPT to screen cv. CM334.
After performing Agrobacterium-mediated pBAtC:CaMLO2-sgRNA1 transformation
in both pepper types using three different strains of Agrobacterium (AGL1, EHA101, and
GV3101), we initially obtained different numbers of induced calli larger than 2.5 mm: 30,
37, 205 for cv. Dempsey; 325, 205, 205 for cv. CM334, respectively. These induced calli
were selected for 30 days with bi-weekly subcultures on PPT media. It is noteworthy that
the initially induced calli were selected in the PPT-containing media and differentially
proliferated or decreased during the subculture processes. Therefore, we finally obtained
51, 68, and 63 calli in cv. Dempsey and 99, 52, and 65 in cv. CM334 for Agrobacterium strain
AGL1, EHA101, and GV3101, respectively.
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showed thathot pepper CM334 was more sensitive to PPT than bell pepper Dempsey
Figure 3.
Effects of PPT on selection of callus of explants transformed by three different strains of
Agrobacterium. (
) Examination of a suitable concentration of PPT for cv. Dempsey leaf explants.
Cultivar Dempsey leaf explants were placed on CIM without PPT (0 mg/mL) (
), and with PPT
3 mg/L
) and 5 mg/L (
); (
) Examination of a suitable concentration of PPT for cv. CM334
leaf explants. Cultivar CM334 leaf explants on CIM without PPT (0 mg/mL) (
), and with PPT at
0.5 mg/L
) and 1 mg/L (
) are shown. All explants on the indicated PPT medium were examined
for 10 days. Scale bars = 1 cm. PPT, phosphinothricin; CIM, callus induction medium.
2.4. Evaluation of PPT-Selected Transformants in cv. Dempsey and CM334
We also investigated whether these PPT-selected calli contained the pBAtC:CaMLO2
sgRNA1 binary vector. Each Agrobacterium-induced callus was analyzed by PCR with
a specific primer pair—AtU6 promoter (forward) and guide RNA-scaffold (reverse)—
targeting the pBAtC binary vector sequence (Figure 4). Thus, we validated PCR-positive
pepper calli with the inserted sgRNA1 region of 362-bp in length (Figure 4). We applied
PCR to a total of 102 cv. Dempsey calli and 107 cv. CM334 calli among the PPT-selected
ones (Table 1). The percentage of PCR-positive transformants obtained from cv. Dempsey
was 79.3% with AGL1, 61.1% with EHA101, and 51.4% with GV3101 and that from cv.
CM334 was 75.7% with AGL1, 85.7% with EHA101, and 94.3% with GV3101 (Table 1).
Thus, we were able to identify the true-positive calli of both pepper types by combining
PPT selection and target-specific PCR analysis.
Table 1. Summary of the percentages of positive (PCR and PPT) transformants in cv. Dempsey and CM334.
Cultivar Dempsey CM334
Number of
Calli among
PPT Selected
Number of
Percentage of
both Positives
(PPT and PCR)
Number of
Calli among
PPT Selected
Number of
Percentage of
both Positives
(PPT and
AGL1 29 23 79.3 37 28 75.7
EHA101 36 22 61.1 35 30 85.7
GV3101 37 19 51.4 35 33 94.3
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37, 205 for cv. Dempsey; 325,205, 205for cv. CM334, respectively. These induced calli
the initially induced calli were selected in the PPTcontaining media and differentially
AGL1,EHA101,and GV3101,respectively.M,100bpDNAladder;P,pBAtC:CaMLO2sgRNA1binaryvector; N,non
transformedpepper callus.Theindicated numbers(1to 14)arethePPTselectedand transformedcalliincv. Dempsey
Figure 4.
PCR analyses of PPT-selected and transformed calli of cv. Dempsey and CM334. (
) Calli in cv. Dempsey
induced by Agrobacterium strain AGL1, EHA101, and GV3101, respectively; (
) calli in cv. CM334 induced by Agrobacterium
strain AGL1, EHA101, and GV3101, respectively. M, 100-bp DNA ladder; P, pBAtC:CaMLO2–sgRNA1 binary vector; N,
non-transformed pepper callus. The indicated numbers (1 to 14) are the PPT-selected and transformed calli in cv. Dempsey
and CM334.
2.5. Analysis of CRISPR/Cas9 Indel Frequencies of Positive Transformants in cv. Dempsey and
We finally obtained both PPT- and PCR-positive transformed calli from 35 cv. Dempsey
and 95 cv. CM334 using three different strains of Agrobacterium in Agrobacterium-mediated
transformation. The numbers of double-positive transformants obtained for cv. Dempsey
(Figure 5a, Table S2) and CM334 (Figure 5b, Table S2) were 6 and 41, 14 and 22, and 15 and
32 calli induced by Agrobacterium strain AGL1, EHA101, and GV3101, respectively. These
selected calli were extracted for the preparation of genomic DNA (gDNA) from pepper and
sequenced to investigate CaMLO2 editing by targeted deep sequencing. Indel frequency
(%) was calculated as the number of measured reads at the target locus divided by the
number of total reads. The analyzed indel frequencies of the CaMLO2 target locus from all
double-selected transformants in both pepper types are summarized in Table S2. The indel
frequency in cv. Dempsey was higher for calli transformed by Agrobacterium strain EHA101
than strains AGL1 or GV3101, with p = 0.0184 compared to control non-transformants
(Table S3). However, the differences among all three strains were marginal, with an average
frequency of 0.028% and the highest frequency of 0.07% (Figure 5a, Table S2). Cultivar
CM334 showed similar indel frequencies to cv. Dempsey, with an average frequency of
0.035% and the highest frequency of 0.09% with EHA101 (Figure 5b, Table S2). The EHA101
strain was slightly better than the AGL1 and GV3101 strains for target gene editing in cv.
CM334 (Figure 5b). The performed statistical analyses are described in Table S3.
Although the indel frequencies in the target CaMLO2 gene of transformed calli were
not as high as those shown in protoplast-based systems at more than 10%, the editing at
the target locus occurred very precisely with 1-bp deletion at the sgRNA1 locus of CaMLO2
(Figure 5c). Moreover, indel patterns at the target locus were reproducible throughout
the 130 selected double-positive transformants of cv. Dempsey and CM334 (Figure 5c).
These results demonstrate that generating a gene-edited pepper cultivar is challenging but
feasible with optimized transformation strategies and CRISPR tools.
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Dempsey CM334
AGL1 29 23 79.3 37 28 75.7
EHA101 36 22 61.1 35 30 85.7
GV3101 37 19 51.4 35 33 94.3
We finally obtained both PPT- and PCR-positive transformed calli from 35 cv.
Dempsey and 95 cv. CM334 using three differentstrains of Agrobacterium in Agrobacte
riummediatedtransform a tion.Thenumbersofdoublepositivetransformantsobtained
respectively. These selected calli were extracted for the preparation of genomic DNA
quencing. Indel frequency (%) was calculated as the number of measured reads at the
CaMLO2 target locus from all doubleselected transformants in both pepper types are
formed by Agrobacteriumstrain EHA101 thanstrainsAGL1 or GV3101, with p = 0.0184
compared to control nontransformants(Table S3). However, the differences among all
three strains were marginal, with an average frequency of 0.028% and
the highest fre
Figure 5.
Comparison of indel frequencies of selected pepper calli following Agrobacterium-mediated
transformation. (
) Indel frequencies of selected cv. Dempsey calli (Control, n = 6; AGL1, n = 6;
EHA101, n = 14; GV3101, n = 15); (
) Indel frequencies of selected cv. CM334 calli (Control,
n = 7;
AGL1, n = 41; EHA101, n = 22; GV3101, n = 32). Callus size
2.5 mm. The indel frequency (%) was
calculated by dividing the number of sequencing reads containing indel at the target site by the
number of total sequencing reads. *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01 based on analysis of variance (ANOVA);
) Indel patterns of selected calli in both cv. Dempsey and CM334. Red, PAM sequence; Blue, Cas9
target sequence; Red dashed lines (-), a deleted nucleotide.
3. Discussion
Agrobacterium tumefaciens is a soilborne, pathogenic, Gram-negative bacterium that
causes plants to produce crown gall disease following the transfer, integration, and ex-
pression of oncogenes by the T-DNA region of the tumor-inducing (Ti) plasmid [
]. The
compatibilities between pepper and Agrobacterium strains are dependent on the pepper
cultivar [
]. We found that Agrobacterium GV3101 resulted in a higher callus induction rate
than AGL1 and EHA101 in pepper cv. Dempsey, whereas all three Agrobacterium strains
showed similar rates of callus induction in pepper cv. CM334. These results confirmed
that both hot pepper Dempsey and bell pepper CM334 also had different compatibilities
with Agrobacterium strains. The nopaline-type A. tumefaciens GV3101 is recommended
for Arabidopsis thaliana floral-dip and root-transformation methods [
] and could thus be
assumed to be the best strain for cv. Dempsey too. However, when the pBAtC:CaMLO2
sgRNA1 binary vector harboring Agrobacterium strains was used to infect cv. Dempsey, the
most effective strain for inducing calli in cv. Dempsey was not GV3101. This result was
validated by both PPT selection and PCR analysis. Although the GV3101 strain effectively
induced calli in cv. Dempsey, these calli were not truly transformed, but false-positively
proliferated. Therefore, the effective callus-induced strain did not correlate with the strain
having the best editing frequency.
The most desired outcome for pepper editing is to have 100% edited without any
chimera patterns of the target gene. We could not detect such a high indel frequency
among the three Agrobacterium strains tested in this study. Only marginal efficiency was
found. However, we determined that Agrobacterium EHA101 was the best among the tested
strains for cv. Dempsey and CM334 to obtain statistically significant editing efficiency
at the target locus CaMLO2 when using at least seven biological replicates. Although
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 3921 8 of 12
several disarmed Agrobacterium strains, such as LBA4404 or GV3101, are frequently used in
generating genetically modified crops, improvement of current Agrobacterium strains or
discovery of new “super-virulent” strains will be essential for recalcitrant crops, such as
hot pepper and bell pepper [42,45].
Considering that the indel frequency in the editing of both pepper types can be more
than 10% with active complexes of Cas9 protein and sgRNA1 in protoplasts [
], the
pepper genome itself is not problematic for applying CRISPR tools. We confirmed that
the delivered pBAtC binary vector was detected by PCR analysis in PPT-selected calli.
However, the binary vector may not be efficient enough to express Cas9 and sgRNA1, the
two key players of the CRISPR system in pepper cv. CM334 and Dempsey. Therefore,
a binary vector can be improved by a pepper-favorable CRISPR-expressing cassette to
produce more active components in peppers.
The functional relevance of CaMLO2 in the disease resistance of peppers has already
been investigated [
]. Although the genome-editing era is well underway, CaMLO2-edited
peppers are not yet available due to the recalcitrance of pepper. Therefore, it is essential
to have a confirmed CRISPR delivery strategy to generate genome-edited inheritable
peppers. Here, we demonstrate that A. tumefaciens strain EHA101 is the most optimal one
to transform hot pepper CM334 and bell pepper Dempsey among the three A. tumefaciens
tested (AGL1, EHA101, and GV3101). Based on the confirmed efficacy of sgRNA1 for the
CaMLO2 gene, we successfully delivered the CRISPR/Cas9 binary vector system called
pBAtC:CaMLO2–sgRNA1 into cv. CM334 and Dempsey. We provide proper concentrations
of PPT as a selective marker of pBAtC at 1 mg/L for cv. CM334 and 5 mg/L for cv.
4. Materials and Methods
4.1. Plant Materials
Hot pepper, C. annuum cv. CM334 (Criollo de Morelos 334), a landrace collected
from the Mexican state of Morelos [
], and bell pepper, C. annuum cv. Dempsey, a cultivar
originating from a three-way cross between PI163192, PI264281, and Jupiter cultivars [
were provided by the Vegetable Breeding Research Center (VBRC) in Seoul, the Republic
of Korea. Pepper leaf explants were used from 6-week-old C. annuum L. cv. Dempsey
and CM334 for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Pepper seeds were sterilized
with 2% commercial bleach and 0.1% Tween-20 for 20 min and washed three times with
distilled water for 10 min each time. These surface-sterilized seeds were germinated on
Murashige-Skoog (MS) medium with vitamins (Duchefa Biochemie, Haarlem, Nether-
lands), 2% sucrose, and 0.8% phytoagar with pH adjusted to 5.8. These sowed plates were
incubated at 25
C for 1 week in the dark. Germinated pepper seedlings were grown at
with 60% humidity under 16 h light and 8 h dark photoperiods in a growth chamber
(HANKUK S&I, Korea) for 5 weeks.
4.2. Plasmid Construction
The target locus of the CaMLO2 gene from both pepper types, sgRNA1 (5
), was screened using a DNA-free CRISPR/guide RNA screening system [
The selected sgRNA1 was cloned into a pBAtC vector via Aar1 sites [
]. The cloned sgRNA1
sequence was confirmed by Sanger sequencing (Macrogen, Seoul, Korea).
4.3. Agrobacterium-Mediated Transformation
Cloned binary pBAtC:CaMLO2–sgRNA1 vector was transformed into each strain of A.
tumefaciens AGL1, EHA101, and GV3101. These three strains were incubated in 4 mL YEB,
containing 50 mg/L spectinomycin and 25 mg/L rifampicin for 48 h to obtain seed culture.
As the main culture, 100 mL YEB (50 mg/L spectinomycin, 25 mg/L rifampicin) was
inoculated with 2 mL of each seed culture and incubated at 28
C with shaking at
180 rpm
overnight to obtain an optical density at 600 nm (OD
) of 1.0. After overnight growth,
these three strains were diluted to OD
of 0.3 using harvest buffer (2.2 g/L MS medium
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including vitamins, 0.9 mg/L thiamin, 39 mg/L acetosyringone, 1% sucrose, pH 5.8) for
co-cultivation. Leaf explants (1.5
1.5 cm) were placed in the Agrobacterium suspension
and co-cultured at 25
C and 60% humidity for 30 min. Leaf explants were removed, wiped
thoroughly with 3M paper, and then cultured on 3M paper wetted with the harvest buffer
for 48 h at 25
C and 60% humidity in the dark.
4.4. Callus Induction
Co-cultured explants were placed on a callus induction medium (CIM) (for cv. Dempsey:
2.4 g/L MS medium basal salt mixture including MES buffer, 0.4 mg/L thiamin, 0.1 g/L
myo-inositol, 3% sucrose, 0.8% phytoagar, 500 mg/L cefotaxime, pH 5.8; for cv. CM334:
3.1 g/L Gamborg’s B5 medium including vitamins, 0.5 g/L MES monohydrate, 2.0 mg/L
6-benzylaminopurine, 1.0 mg/L of 1-naphthaleneacetic acid, 3% sucrose, 0.8% phytoagar,
500 mg/L cefotaxime, pH 5.8 [
]. The number of induced calli (larger than 2.5 mm) among
the transformants was measured for 4 weeks and analyzed for callus induction.
4.5. Antibiotic Selection
PPT (Duchefa Biochemie, Haarlem, Netherlands) was dissolved in deionized water to
10 mg/mL as a stock and sterilized by filtration through a 0.2
m filter (Satorius, Sungnam,
Korea). The indicated concentration of PPT in the PPT-included CIM for either cv. Dempsey
or CM334 was freshly prepared before the co-cultivating leaf explants. Co-cultivated leaves
were placed on the PPT-included CIM for 10 days. Negative transformants were observed
to have browned leaves with rare emerging calli that eventually died in the presence of
PPT for 10 days. Positive transformants were detected if there was proliferative callus at
the diced edge of leaf explants.
4.6. Genomic DNA (gDNA) Extraction from Pepper and PCR Analysis
gDNA of both pepper types was extracted from selected calli by the CTAB method [
To validate the existence of the pBAtC:CaMLO2–sgRNA1 vector in selected calli, we used a
specific pair of primers—forward (5
) and reverse (5
)—to amplify the inserted sgRNA1 region with a length
of 362 bp.
4.7. Targeted Deep Sequencing
The indel frequency and patterns of pepper transformants were analyzed by targeted
deep sequencing [
]. The gDNA was extracted from pepper transformants and non-
transformants of both pepper types and amplified with specific primers (Table 2) to read
the target CaMLO2 locus in cv. CM334 and Dempsey. The gDNA was used to construct the
target amplicon libraries by consecutive PCRs to add multiplexing indices and sequencing
adaptors. The amplicon library was sequenced using the Illumina MiSeq V2 Reagent
Kit (300-cycle; San Diego, CA, USA) to monitor indels at the target locus. Raw data of
paired-end MiSeq were analyzed by running Cas-Analyzer (
cas-analyzer/#! accessed on 5 April 2021), a CRISPR RGEN tool for assessing genome
editing results using next-generation sequencing data [
]. The indel frequency (%) was
calculated by dividing the number of sequencing reads containing indel at the target site by
the number of total sequencing reads. The indel patterns at the target CaMLO2 locus were
retrieved from the sequenced raw data of transformants from both pepper types analyzed.
4.8. Statistical Analysis
Presented data were statistically analyzed using GraphPad Prism 8.0. (San Diego, CA,
USA) The significance of the data was investigated through a t-test or analysis of variance
(ANOVA) (*, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01, ***, p < 0.001).
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 3921 10 of 12
Table 2. Primers used in targeted deep sequencing.
Primer Sequence
Secondary F
F; forward; R, reverse.
Supplementary Materials:
The following are available online at
10.3390/ijms22083921/s1, Table S1: The summary of three Agrobacterium strains-mediated callus
induction in Dempsey and CM334, Table S2: The summary of indel frequencies of CaMLO2 sgRNA1
locus from all transformants of Dempsey and CM334, Table S3: The summary of statistical analyses
of CaMLO2 edited transformants in Dempsey and CM334 peppers.
Author Contributions:
Conceptualization, H.K.; methodology, H.K., S.-i.P., H.-B.K., and H.-J.J.;
investigation, S.-i.P., H.-B.K., and H.-J.J.; data curation, S.-i.P.; writing, S.-i.P. and H.K.; supervision,
H.K.; project administration, H.K.; funding acquisition, H.K. All authors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript.
This research was supported by the New Breeding Technologies Development Program
(Project No. PJ01477602), Rural Development Administration (RDA), and the Basic Science Research
Program, grant number NRF-2018R1A2B6006233, of the National Research Foundation of Korea to
H.K.; the Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science & Creativity (KOFAC), and funded by
the Korean Government (MOE) to S.P., H.-B.K., and H.-J.J.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: All data supporting reported results can be found in the article.
We are grateful to Byoungcheorl Kang of Seoul National University and the
Vegetable Breeding Research Center for sharing two peppers, CM334 and Dempsey. We appreciate
the technical contributions provided by Min Kyung Choi and Kyoungmi Kim of Korea University.
Conflicts of Interest:
The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design
of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or
in the decision to publish the results.
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