3 Getrud Joseph Mollel
, Andrew Katende
, Maryam Shahmanesh
4 Affiliations
5 1. Ifakara Health Institute, Morogoro, Tanzania
6 2. St. Francis Referal Hospital, Morogoro, Tanzania
7 3. Africa Health Research Institute, South Africa
8 4. Institute for Global Health, University College London, UK
10 Corresponding author:
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25 Abstract
26 Sub Saharan Africa (SSA) harbours more than 80% of adolescents living with HIV. High age of consent for
27 HIV testing has been identified as one of the key barriers to adolescents’ access to HIV testing. We conducted
28 a systematic literature review to demonstrate the status of age of consent policies in SSA and evidence of
29 relationship between age of consent policies and adolescent’s uptake of HIV testing. We obtained peer
30 reviewed literature from Medline, Embase, Scopus and Web of Science databases and policy review from
31 national HIV testing guidelines and UNAIDS data reports. Age of consent for HIV testing in the region ranged
32 between 12 and 18 years. Among 33 included countries, 14 (42.4%) had age of consent between 12 – 14
33 years, 9 (27.3%) had age of consent between 15 – 17 years and 10 countries (30.3%) still have the highest
34 age of consent at 18 years as of 2019. Lowering age of consent has been associated with increased access to
35 HIV testing among adolescents.
39 Sub Saharan Africa (SSA) harbours almost half of all HIV infected individuals and more than 80% of
40 adolescents living with HIV.(1–3) AIDS related deaths have declined by more than a third globally, Eastern
41 and Southern Africa showing the steepest reduction largely due to the scale up of HIV testing and coverage of
42 antiretroviral therapy.(4) However, this improvement has not been uniform across all age groups. AIDS
43 persisted as one of the leading causes of death for adolescents in Africa (5), with significantly higher rates of
44 new infections in young girls than boys.(3) Reported reduction in AIDS related mortality among adolescents in
45 2018 was less than half the decline observed among adults aged above 20 years (16% versus 35%).(6)
46 Adolescence, defined as the age span from 10-19 years inclusively, is a complex developmental stage
47 comprised of cognitive, physical, biological and psychological growth and characterised by social, personality
48 and sexual exploration and maturation.(7,8) Adolescents have a higher likelihood of engaging in risky
49 behaviours such as unsafe sexual practises which puts them at a higher risk of contracting HIV. Those who
50 are part of HIV key populations including men who have sex with men, transgender people, intravenous drug
51 users and commercial sex workers are even at a higher risk of contracting HIV and lower access to HIV
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52 testing especially in countries where they are criminalised.(5,9,10) Policies in many countries still restrict
53 adolescents’ independent access to HIV testing without parental consent.(4) The proportion of adolescents
54 who are aware of their HIV status is lower than that of adults.(11) Adolescent girls and young women
55 contribute 26% of new HIV infections in Eastern and Southern Africa region, yet age of consent policies
56 continue to be a barrier to HIV testing.(3,4) Furthermore, adolescents and youths represent the fastest
57 growing population group in SSA which might precipitate the observed trend of new HIV infection among
58 them, necessitating wider access to HIV testing and treatment services.(12)
59 Access to HIV testing is the gateway into HIV care and prevention. Therefore, as part of their commitment
60 to scaling up of access to HIV services to all people including adolescents, WHO called upon heads of state to
61 lower the age of consent for HIV testing.(13–15)
Wider access to HIV testing among adolescents will
62 complement several other interventions which are implemented in SSA with the aim of improving HIV
63 outcomes among this age group. Such interventions include the adolescents’ friendly clinics, addressing HIV
64 related stigma, promotion of abstinence and use of condoms, school based sex education, active case finding,
65 use of incentives, provider initiated testing and counselling, voluntary male medical circumcision and other
66 behavioural change interventions.(16–20) Adolescents require wider access to HIV testing especially for the
67 realisation of public health benefits of starting antiretroviral treatment immediately after HIV diagnosis,(21)
68 and other recent interventions such as Pre-exposure prophylaxis and HIV self-testing.(22,23) Removal of legal
69 barriers to HIV testing could improve the extent to which adolescents benefit from these interventions.(24,25)
70 We conducted a systematic literature review on age of consent policies with an objective of demonstrating the
71 status of age of consent policies in SSA and evidence of the relationship between age of consent and
72 coverage of HIV testing among adolescents in the region.
75 We did a guideline review to summarise the age of consent for HIV testing in SSA followed by a systematic
76 review of literature to assess the relationship between age of consent and access to HIV testing amongst
77 adolescents in SSA. The PICO aspects of the review were as follows; population of interest was adolescents
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78 aged between 10-19 years, the intervention assessed was low age of consent, and the outcome was access
79 to HIV testing among adolescents which was compared between countries with lower age of consent versus
80 those with higher age of consent.
81 Inclusion and exclusion criteria
82 We included the latest HIV testing guidelines supplemented with the UNAIDS global HIV reports and studies
83 that were in the English language and from SSA countries. We defined SSA as countries geographically
84 located South of the Sahara, as per the United Nations’ definition. We included studies that discussed the age
85 of consent for HIV testing in adolescents in SSA region. Studies that included children, youths and young
86 people were included in the initial search criteria due to the age overlap in definition of these age groups.
87 Adolescence is defined as the age between of 10 to 19 years inclusively, while a child is defined as any person
88 from birth up to the age of 18 years, a young person is defined as the age of 10 up to 24 years, and a youth
89 is any person between the ages of 15 to 24.(8,26). Studies that did not include adolescents were then
90 excluded at later literature screening stages.
91 For the outcome of access to HIV testing we included studies that explored how age of consent influences
92 HIV testing among adolescents aged between 10 to 19 years in SSA countries. We included studies which
93 were conducted after 2013 as this was the year that WHO issued a review of consent age policies in SSA and
94 called for governments consider lowering the age at which adolescents can independently access to HIV
95 testing. (15,27) We did not limit studies based on their methodology. We included both quantitative and
96 qualitative studies together with reviews of laws and policies related to age of consent for HIV testing. To
97 assess changes in age of consent policies, we compared the age of consent reported in the 2013-WHO review
98 to that stated in countries’ latest HIV testing guidelines and UNAIDS country data reports by 2019.
99 We excluded studies if the focus was on age of consent for inclusion in HIV research.
100 Search strategy
101 We searched for peer reviewed articles from Medline, Embase, Scopus and Web of science, and grey
102 literature and policies from HIV testing guidelines, WHO guidelines and UNAIDS reports.
Table 1
103 the key words, medical subject headings (Mesh) terms and proximity operators we used to search for the
104 relevant literature.
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105 Literature screening
106 GJM conducted the literature search and screened all material according to the inclusion criteria. KA reviewed
107 the materials against the inclusion and exclusion criteria. MS supervised literature search, screening and
108 synthesis of results. Mendeley referencing software v.1.19.5 was used for literature management.
109 Ethical considerations
110 We only included published materials without any inclusion of individual participants’ data. We therefore did
111 not seek for further ethical approval
114 We found 376, 446, 452 and 298 articles from Medline, Embase, Scopus and Web of science respectively. We
115 obtained a total of 360 publications after removal of duplicates. We further excluded 261 and 76 articles at
116 tittle screening and abstract screening stages respectively. 23 articles were eligible for full text screening
117 where we further excluded 15 due to the following reasons; 2 articles discussed about consent for inclusion to
118 HIV research and trials, full text literature for 1 article could not be found, 2 articles discussed HIV testing for
119 children younger than 10 years old and 10 articles did not include discussion about age of consent among
120 factors affecting HIV testing for adolescents.
Figure 1
shows the PRISMA flow diagram for literature
121 screening. We finally included 8 articles from SSA. These included four quantitative studies,(28–31) one
122 qualitative study,(32) and three reviews of HIV-specific policies, laws and legislative frameworks that affect
123 adolescents’ access to HIV testing in SSA (33–35).
124 We extracted age of consent from national HIV testing guidelines of Kenya, (36) Uganda,(37) Rwanda,(38)
125 Ethiopia,(39) Malawi,(40) Zimbabwe,(41) Cameroon,(42) Ghana,(43) Swaziland,(44) Lesotho (45) and South
126 Africa(46). We supplemented with a legal framework review from Tanzania (47) and UNAIDS country data
127 reports of 2018 and 2019 (4,48). We included 33 SSA countries in total.
128 Age of consent for HIV testing
129 The lowest age of consent for HIV testing among the countries included in this review was 12 years, while the
130 highest was 18 years.
Table 2
shows the age of consent as reported in the WHO’s review of 2013 as
131 compared to the country’s age of consent as indicated in the latest HIV testing guidelines or UNAIDS reports.
132 In 2013, 5 (12.4%) countries had age of consent between 12 to 14 years, 15 to 17 years in 8 (24.2%) and 18
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133 years in 12 (36.4%) countries. 6 (18.2%) countries had not defined age of consent for HIV testing for
134 adolescents while 2 countries (Kenya and Botswana ) were reported in 2013 as countries that apply maturity
135 assessment by the healthcare provider rather than chronological age to determine adolescent’s ability to
136 consent for HIV testing.(15). By 2019, the age of consent for HIV testing was 12 to 14 years in 14 (42.4%)
137 countries, 15 to 17 years in 9 (27.3%) countries and 18 years in 10 (30.3%) countries. Between 2013 and
138 2019, Cameroon and Central African Republic lowered the age of consent from 18 years to 14 years, whereas
139 Cote d’ivoire, Niger and Tanzania lowered it from 18 years to 16 years. This left Angola, Bukina Fasso, DRC,
140 Djibouti, Ghana, Madagascar, Mali, Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Sudan with the highest age of consent for HIV
141 testing in the region. The lowest age of consent in the region was 12 years in Uganda, South Africa, Rwanda,
142 Lesotho and Swaziland.
Figure 2
shows a diagramatic presentation of changes in number of countries with
143 respect to age of consent in 2013 as compared to 2019.
144 Association between age of consent and HIV testing
145 McKinnon and colleagues quantitatively explored the association between age of consent and uptake of HIV
146 testing among adolescents by using demographic and health survey data from 15 SSA countries. They found
147 that age of consent below 16 years was associated with 11% (95%CI: 7.2-14.8) increase in uptake of HIV
148 testing among adolescents.(28) Another study which used demographic and health survey data assessed
149 predictors of HIV testing among adolescents and youths in Uganda, Congo, Mozambique and Nigeria also
150 concluded that participants aged 20-24 years had higher odds of HIV testing than adolescents aged 15-19
151 years (aOR– 2.19; 99%CI 1.99-2.40). This finding was attributed to the fact that older participants could
152 independently consent for HIV testing without requirement of parental consent. The overall uptake of HIV
153 testing was low whereby only one third of the 23,367 included participants reported to have ever tested for
154 HIV. They observed the highest coverage of HIV testing amongst adolescents in Uganda, where age of
155 consent policies allow adolescents to access HIV testing from the age of 12 years.(29) These results are in
156 congruence with adolescents’ views expressed in a qualitative assessment of HIV testing experience among
157 adolescents, health care workers and parents in Kenya.(32) In this study, adolescents preferred to have
158 independent access to HIV testing without parental consent requirements. They reported that they would
159 prefer post-test counselling support and a choice on how to handle disclosure of their HIV status. While
160 adolescents’ opinion should be taken into consideration when designing policies to improve their uptake of
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161 HIV testing services, parents on the other hand preferred to be informed about HIV status of their children
162 even when it’s contrary to adolescents’ preference.(32) Mixed findings were also reported from cross sectional
163 studies aimed at assessing parents’ attitudes towards implementation of HIV testing at schools in South Africa
164 following findings of a high desire for a school-based HIV testing services among adolescents.(30,31) Among
165 801 parents who participated in the survey, 46% reported that students can access HIV testing at school
166 without requirements of parental consent, whereas 39% reported that HIV results should be communicated
167 to the adolescents in the presence of their parents.(30) Healthcare workers in Kenya also reported that they
168 sometimes deny adolescents testing services unless they are pregnant, married or parents, (32) despite the
169 fact that the HIV testing guideline in Kenya allow adolescents aged above 15 years to access HIV testing
170 without parental consent.(36)
171 Policies and legal frameworks in relation to HIV testing
172 We included three articles that discussed policies, laws and legal frameworks affecting adolescents’ access to
173 HIV testing in SSA. These included one desk review of HIV related laws of Angola, Benin, Burkina Fasso,
174 Burundi, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo, Cote d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of
175 Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania,
176 Mauritius, Mozambique, Niger, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Togo and Uganda,(33) a review of health
177 policy gaps that affect adolescents access to HIV services in Rwanda,(34) and a review of South African
178 legislative reform for improvement of adolescents’ access to sexual and reproductive health services including
179 HIV testing.(35) The review from 28 SSA countries examined HIV related laws against WHO’s
180 recommendations to lower the age of consent for HIV testing and ensure access to HIV testing, counselling
181 and treatment among adolescents. Of the reviewed laws, 11 countries had explicitly stated the age at which
182 adolescents can independently access HIV testing whereby only 7 of them had the age of consent set below
183 18 years. Criteria for independent access to HIV testing for HIV testing other than chronological age included
184 sufficient maturity, emancipated minor, pregnant or married adolescents, adolescents who are married or
185 those at higher risk of acquiring HIV infection for Kenya, Comoros, Mauritius, Madagascar, Togo, Sierra Leone
186 and Niger. None of the laws had an explicit definition of maturity with respect to HIV testing. Age of consent
187 for HIV testing in Kenya HIV testing policies was found to be different from the age stated in the law. This
188 review highlighted the need of reforms to address inadequacy of HIV specific laws in SSA in enhancing
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189 adolescents’ independent access to HIV testing.(33) Additionally, Binagwaho and his colleagues used a human
190 right approach to argue that adolescents have a right to access confidential HIV testing services and their
191 results to only be disclosed if they agree to it. They called for a reduction of age of consent for HIV testing
192 from 21 years which was a default age at which an adolescent acquired majority and ability to consent for
193 HIV testing in Rwanda to coincide with adolescents sexual behaviours.(34) Current HIV testing guidelines in
194 Rwanda allows for independent consent for HIV testing for adolescents from the age of 12 years and mature
195 enough to understand implications of HIV testing and to be able to cope in case of positive results.(38)
196 Through its legislative reforms, South Africa also allowed independent consent for HIV testing from mature
197 adolescents aged 12 years and above.(35) However, adolescents who are above 12 years and rendered by
198 healthcare provider to be not mature enough to understand the benefits of HIV testing are still required by
199 the South African HIV testing guideline to provide parental consent.(46)
202 We found that the majority of the countries have the age of consent for HIV testing between 12 and 14 years
203 and all countries have explicitly mentioned the age at which adolescents can independently access HIV test.
204 This is substantial progress compared to 2013 where 6 countries had not defined the age of consent for HIV
205 testing. Access to HIV testing is an entry point to HIV treatment services and prevention of further new
206 infection and the limited data in this review suggests that age of consent is associated with uptake of HIV
207 testing amongst adolescents. However, despite progress in removing age of consent as a barrier towards HIV
208 testing, adolsecents in the region still contribute more than one third of new HIV infections.(3)
209 There were only two studies that quantitatively assessed the association of HIV testing and legal age of
210 consent where a higher uptake was reported among countries with low age of consent (28,29). Suboptimal
211 response of countries may be attributed to paucity of evidence showing the extent to which adolescents’’ HIV
212 testing improves after lowering age of consent. A study among adolescents from 32 states of the US where
213 requirement of parental consent for adolescents to access HIV testing was waived reported that there was no
214 significant statistical association between legal ability to consent and uptake of HIV testing (aOR-0.3%
215 (95%CI 0.1,1.1)).(49) However the results could have been swayed by several limitations of the study
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216 including recall and social desirability bias and default exclusion of non-internet users who could have been
217 systematically different from internet using adolescent who participated in the study. Arguably, everyone
218 including adolescents have rights to access HIV testing services especially now when universal access to
219 health care is among the priority global health agendas in developing countries and globally. However, it is
220 necessary to understand the added advantage of lowering the age of consent together with establishing the
221 role of contextual factors that might limit adolescents’ access to HIV testing even in the settings of low age of
222 consent.
223 Secondly, there are no evidence based maturity assessment methods to determine adolescents who should be
224 allowed to access HIV testing without parental consent. Most national guidelines point towards the use of
225 sexual maturity such as being pregnant, being a parent or in a higher risk of contracting HIV as a gateway for
226 independent access to HIV testing among adolescents. The use of sexual related indicators of maturity
227 systematically excludes adolescents who are not sexually active but could have been perinatally infected-long
228 term slow progressors.(50,51) It also segregates against adolescents who are not yet sexually active but may
229 benefit from HIV testing as a gateway into HIV prevention counseling. Furthermore, such criteria provide
230 independent access to HIV testing after exposure to the risk of infection.
231 Additionally, we found that it is largely left at health workers’ individual discretion to decide whether
232 adolescents are mature enough to access HIV testing. Definition of maturity is bound to differ between
233 individuals, and across cadres i.e., nurses, medical doctors, social scientists, psychologists, lawyers and
234 counsellors. It may also differ depending on social construct, culture and development of both the provider
235 and the client.(52) Adolescent health experts from various fields including ethics, sociology, law and medicine
236 who convened in 2015 recommended assessment of adolescent’s capability for decision making in clinical care
237 should include understanding of the legal requirements, conducive and non-judgemental environment and
238 objective assessment of social, emotional and cognitive development.(53) Guidelines for evaluation of
239 adolescents capacity to consent for HIV testing could also be adopted from “Gillick competence” assessment
240 criteria which originated from the United Kingdom, used mainly to assess adolescents cognitive ability to
241 consent for a variety medical services such as sexual health service and immunization.(54,55) Countries in
242 SSA could adopt and validate such kind of assessments which would enable timely HIV diagnosis among
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243 adolescents. It would also give access to adolescents who may not have been exposed already, and open the
244 window for HIV prevention counselling to them and their peers.
245 Studies showed that parents required to be notified about adolescents’ HIV status despite of their disclosure
246 preferences which contributes to healthcare workers hesitancy in offering HIV test for adolescents even in
247 settings of favourable consent policies.(30,32) Unwanted and uninformed disclosure to third parties including
248 parents might discourage adolescents from accessing HIV testing service even after lowering the legal age of
249 consent. Parents’ and healthcare workers should therefore be sensitized on importance of lowering the age of
250 consent to allow truly autonomous access of HIV testing among adolescents. Furthermore, social networks
251 including families, peers and surrounding societies may play an important demand-side influence on
252 adolescent’s decision and ability to seek for HIV testing.(56) Their perceptions on adolescents’ autonomous
253 access to HIV testing should therefore be explored and addressed in order to maximise benefits of lower age
254 of consent on adolescents’ access to HIV testing.
255 This review adds to the existing literature that calls for lowering the age of consent for HIV testing in SSA
256 region while assessing and addressing other factors that might impede benefits of lower age of consent. It
257 has triangulated findings from legal reviews, HIV testing guidelines and qualitative and quantitative studies.
258 This review was not without limitations. We did not include articles and national guidelines which were not
259 published in English which may bias the results. We also included only 33 countries from the region. However,
260 this was done based on the countries which were included in the WHO 2013 report to allow comparison, and
261 availability of data on age of consent policies.
264 Age of consent for HIV in SSA region ranges from 12 to 18 years. Majority of countries in SSA countries
265 currently allow adolescents aged between 12 to 14 years to independently consent for HIV testing. However,
266 there were countries that continued to maintain the highest age of consent (18 years). There is a need for
267 context specific evaluation of benefits of lower age of consent and other factors that impede adolescents’
268 access to HIV testing even in settings of favourable consent policies.
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270 Conflicts of interest
271 The authors declare no conflict of interest
273 Contributions from authors
274 GJM conceived the idea, formulated the research question, conducted literature search, screening of materials
275 and drafted the manuscript
276 KA reviewed the literature search against eligibility criteria and reviewed the manuscript.
277 MS supervised the literature search and reviewed the manuscript
279 Funding source
280 There was not funding sought for completion of this review
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437 Tables and figures
Table 1: Search strategy
Search term 1
“Informed consent” OR consent* OR “legal age” OR law* OR legislature OR
“Parental consent”
Search term 2
Adolescen* OR teen* OR youth* OR child* OR “young adult” OR “young
Search term 3
(HIV adj2 test*) OR (HIV adj2 diagnos *) OR (HIV adj2 screen*) –
Medline and
embase proximity operator
(HIV w/1 test*) OR (HIV w/1 diagnos*) OR (HIV w/1 screen*) -
Scopus proximity
(HIV NEAR/1 test*) OR (HIV NEAR/1 diagnos*) OR (HIV NEAR/1 screen*) –
Web of science proximity operator
Search term 4
“Africa South of the Sahara” OR “Sub-Saharan Africa*” OR “Subsaharan Africa*” OR
“Central Africa*” OR Cameroon* OR “Central African Republic*” OR Chad* OR
Congo* OR Gabon* OR “East* Africa*” OR Burundi* OR Djibouti* OR Eritrea* OR
Ethiopia* OR Kenya* OR Rwanda* OR Somalia* OR Sudan* OR Tanzania* OR
Uganda* OR “South* Africa*” OR Angola* OR Botswana* OR Lesotho* OR Malawi*
OR Mozambi* OR Namibia* OR Swazi* OR Eswatini OR Zambia* OR Zimbabwe* OR
“West* Africa*” OR “East* Africa*” OR Benin* OR “Burkina Faso*” OR “Cape
Verde*” OR “Cote d’Ivoire*” OR Gambia* OR Ghana* OR Guinea* OR Liberia* OR
Madagascar* OR Mali* OR Maurit* OR Niger* OR Senegal* OR “Sierra Leone*” OR
* Mesh terms
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440 Table 2:
Legal age of consent for HIV testing in SSA countries
Current age of consent (years)
18 (4)
14 (4)
16 (4)
Burkina Fasso
18 (4)
16 (48)
14 (42)
Central African Republic
14 (4)
Cote d ivoire
16 (48)
18 (48)
18 (48)
12 (44)
15 (39)
18 (43)
15 (36)
12 (45)
14 (4)
18 (4)
13 (40)
18 (4)
14 (4)
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14 (4)
16 (4)
18 (4)
12 (38)
14 (4)
Sierra Leone
18 (4)
South Africa
12 (46)
18 (4)
14 (4)
12 (37)
United republic of Tanzania
16 (47)
16 (4)
16 (41)
ND- Age of minority with regard to HIV testing not defined
NA- Age is not applicable in criteria to decide adolescents who can consent for HIV testing, but
maturity of the adolescents
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Figure 1: Prisma diagram
Total number of articles identified after
database search
n = 1572
Tittle screening
n = 360
1212 excluded on screening for
Abstract screening
n = 99
Full text screening
n = 23
261 excluded on tittle screening
76 excluded on abstract screening
15 excluded on full text screening
8 articles included
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485 Figure 2:
Age of consent in 2013 versus the age of consent in 2019
ND- Age of consent not defined, NA- Chronological age not applicable for consent
. CC-BY 4.0 International licenseIt is made available under a
is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. (which was not certified by peer review)
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