Developer Guide
Amazon Kendra
Copyright © 2024 Amazon Web Services, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Amazon Kendra: Developer Guide
Copyright © 2024 Amazon Web Services, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Amazon's trademarks and trade dress may not be used in connection with any product or service
that is not Amazon's, in any manner that is likely to cause confusion among customers, or in any
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sponsored by Amazon.
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Table of Contents
....................................................................................................................................................... xiii
What is Amazon Kendra? ................................................................................................................ 1
Querying Amazon Kendra .......................................................................................................................... 1
Benefits of Amazon Kendra ....................................................................................................................... 2
Amazon Kendra Editions ............................................................................................................................. 2
Pricing for Amazon Kendra ........................................................................................................................ 4
Are you a first-time Amazon Kendra user? ............................................................................................. 4
How Amazon Kendra works ............................................................................................................ 5
Index ................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Using Amazon Kendra reserved or common document fields ....................................................... 6
Searching indexes .................................................................................................................................... 8
Documents ..................................................................................................................................................... 8
Document types or formats .................................................................................................................. 8
Document attributes or fields ............................................................................................................ 11
Data sources ................................................................................................................................................ 14
Queries .......................................................................................................................................................... 16
Tags ............................................................................................................................................................... 16
Tagging resources ................................................................................................................................. 17
Tag restrictions ...................................................................................................................................... 17
Setting up Amazon Kendra ........................................................................................................... 18
Sign up for AWS ......................................................................................................................................... 18
Regions and endpoints ............................................................................................................................. 18
Setting up the AWS CLI ............................................................................................................................ 19
Setting up the AWS SDKs ........................................................................................................................ 19
IAM access roles for Amazon Kendra ........................................................................................... 21
IAM roles for indexes ................................................................................................................................ 21
IAM roles for the BatchPutDocument API ............................................................................................ 24
IAM roles for data sources ....................................................................................................................... 27
Virtual private cloud (VPC) IAM role ................................................................................................... 117
IAM roles for frequently asked questions (FAQs) .............................................................................. 119
IAM roles for query suggestions ........................................................................................................... 121
IAM roles for principal mapping of users and groups ...................................................................... 122
IAM roles for AWS IAM Identity Center .............................................................................................. 124
IAM roles for Amazon Kendra experiences ......................................................................................... 126
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
IAM roles for Custom Document Enrichment .................................................................................... 128
Deploying Amazon Kendra ......................................................................................................... 132
Overview .................................................................................................................................................... 133
Prerequisites .............................................................................................................................................. 133
Setting up the example .......................................................................................................................... 134
Main search page ..................................................................................................................................... 135
Search component ................................................................................................................................... 135
Results component .................................................................................................................................. 135
Facets component .................................................................................................................................... 135
Pagination component ........................................................................................................................... 136
Deploying a search application with no code .................................................................................... 136
How the search Experience Builder works .................................................................................... 136
Design and tune your search experience ....................................................................................... 137
Providing access to your search page ............................................................................................ 138
Configuring a search experience ..................................................................................................... 139
Adjusting capacity ....................................................................................................................... 144
Viewing capacity ...................................................................................................................................... 145
Adding and removing capacity ............................................................................................................. 145
Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking capacity .................................................................................... 146
Query suggestions capacity ................................................................................................................... 146
Amazon Kendra experience capacity ................................................................................................... 146
Search experience capacity ............................................................................................................... 146
Adaptive query bursting ......................................................................................................................... 147
Getting started ............................................................................................................................ 148
Prerequisites .............................................................................................................................................. 148
Sign up for an AWS account ............................................................................................................ 148
Create a user with administrative access ...................................................................................... 149
Amazon Kendra resources: AWS CLI, SDK, console ..................................................................... 150
Getting started with the Amazon Kendra console ........................................................................... 156
Getting started (AWS CLI) ...................................................................................................................... 157
Getting started (SDK for Python (Boto3)) .......................................................................................... 159
Getting started (SDK for Java) .............................................................................................................. 162
Getting started with S3 (console) ........................................................................................................ 166
Getting started with MySQL (console) ................................................................................................ 167
Getting started with an IAM Identity Center identity source (console) ........................................ 170
Changing your IAM Identity Center identity source .................................................................... 173
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Creating an index ........................................................................................................................ 174
Adding documents directly to an index with batch upload ............................................................ 178
Adding documents with the BatchPutDocument API ................................................................. 180
Adding documents from an S3 bucket .......................................................................................... 182
Adding frequently asked questions (FAQs) to an index ................................................................... 185
Creating index fields for an FAQ file .............................................................................................. 186
Basic CSV file ....................................................................................................................................... 186
Custom CSV file .................................................................................................................................. 187
JSON file ............................................................................................................................................... 188
Using your FAQ file ............................................................................................................................ 191
FAQ files in languages other than English .................................................................................... 192
Creating custom document fields ........................................................................................................ 193
Updating custom document fields ................................................................................................. 193
Controlling user access to documents with tokens .......................................................................... 196
Using OpenID ...................................................................................................................................... 197
Using a JSON Web Token (JWT) with a shared secret ................................................................ 199
Using a JSON Web Token (JWT) with a public key ..................................................................... 203
Using JSON .......................................................................................................................................... 206
Creating a data source connector .............................................................................................. 209
Setting an update schedule ................................................................................................................... 210
Setting a language .................................................................................................................................. 210
Data source connectors .......................................................................................................................... 210
Data source template schemas ........................................................................................................ 212
Adobe Experience Manager .............................................................................................................. 578
Alfresco ................................................................................................................................................. 588
Aurora (MySQL) ................................................................................................................................... 596
Aurora (PostgreSQL) .......................................................................................................................... 604
Amazon FSx (Windows) ..................................................................................................................... 612
Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) ......................................................................................................... 621
Amazon RDS/Aurora .......................................................................................................................... 629
Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server) ............................................................................................. 637
Amazon RDS (MySQL) ....................................................................................................................... 646
Amazon RDS (Oracle) ........................................................................................................................ 654
Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL) ............................................................................................................... 662
Amazon S3 ........................................................................................................................................... 670
Amazon Kendra Web Crawler .......................................................................................................... 687
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Amazon WorkDocs ............................................................................................................................. 708
Box ......................................................................................................................................................... 713
Confluence ........................................................................................................................................... 720
Custom data source connector ........................................................................................................ 740
Dropbox ................................................................................................................................................ 748
Drupal .................................................................................................................................................... 757
GitHub ................................................................................................................................................... 767
Gmail ..................................................................................................................................................... 778
Google Drive ........................................................................................................................................ 787
IBM DB2 ................................................................................................................................................ 805
Jira ......................................................................................................................................................... 813
Microsoft Exchange ............................................................................................................................ 820
Microsoft OneDrive ............................................................................................................................ 828
Microsoft SharePoint ......................................................................................................................... 843
Microsoft SQL Server ......................................................................................................................... 877
Microsoft Teams .................................................................................................................................. 885
Microsoft Yammer .............................................................................................................................. 895
MySQL ................................................................................................................................................... 903
Oracle Database .................................................................................................................................. 911
PostgreSQL ........................................................................................................................................... 919
Quip ....................................................................................................................................................... 927
Salesforce ............................................................................................................................................. 933
ServiceNow ........................................................................................................................................... 950
Slack ...................................................................................................................................................... 970
Zendesk ................................................................................................................................................. 979
Mapping data source fields ................................................................................................................... 988
Using Amazon Kendra reserved or common document fields ....................................................... 6
Adding documents in languages other than English ....................................................................... 993
Configuring Amazon Kendra to use an Amazon VPC ....................................................................... 996
Configuring Amazon VPC ................................................................................................................. 996
Connecting to Amazon VPC ............................................................................................................. 999
Connecting to a database .............................................................................................................. 1000
Troubleshooting VPC connection issues ...................................................................................... 1002
Deleting an index, data source, or batch uploaded documents ............................................. 1005
Deleting an index .................................................................................................................................. 1005
Deleting a data source ......................................................................................................................... 1006
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Deleting batch uploaded documents ................................................................................................ 1008
Enriching your documents during ingestion ........................................................................... 1010
How Custom Document Enrichment works ..................................................................................... 1010
Basic operations to change metadata ............................................................................................... 1011
Lambda functions: extract and change metadata or content ...................................................... 1019
Data contracts for Lambda functions ............................................................................................... 1028
Structured document format ......................................................................................................... 1029
Example of a Lambda function that adheres to data contracts ............................................. 1030
Searching an index .................................................................................................................... 1033
Querying an index ................................................................................................................................. 1033
Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................................... 1034
Searching an index (console) ......................................................................................................... 1034
Searching an index (SDK) ............................................................................................................... 1035
Searching an index (Postman) ....................................................................................................... 1037
Searching with advanced query syntax ....................................................................................... 1039
Searching in languages ................................................................................................................... 1043
Retrieving passages ......................................................................................................................... 1047
Browsing an index ................................................................................................................................. 1051
Featuring search results ....................................................................................................................... 1054
Tabular search for HTML ..................................................................................................................... 1057
Query suggestions ................................................................................................................................. 1061
Query suggestions using query history ....................................................................................... 1062
Query suggestions using document fields .................................................................................. 1068
Block certain queries or document field content from suggestions ...................................... 1072
Query spell checker .............................................................................................................................. 1077
Using the query spell checker with default limits ..................................................................... 1078
Filtering and facet search .................................................................................................................... 1079
Facets .................................................................................................................................................. 1079
Using document attributes to filter search results ................................................................... 1084
Filtering each document's attributes in the search results ...................................................... 1085
Filtering on user context ...................................................................................................................... 1086
Filtering by user token .................................................................................................................... 1087
Filtering by user ID and group ...................................................................................................... 1087
Filtering by user attribute .............................................................................................................. 1088
User context filtering for documents added directly to an index .......................................... 1090
User context filtering for frequently asked questions .............................................................. 1090
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
User context filtering for data sources ........................................................................................ 1091
Query responses and response types ............................................................................................... 1108
Query responses ............................................................................................................................... 1108
Response types ................................................................................................................................. 1112
Tuning and sorting responses ............................................................................................................. 1116
Tuning responses .............................................................................................................................. 1117
Sorting responses ............................................................................................................................. 1118
Collapsing/expanding query results .................................................................................................. 1120
Collapsing results ............................................................................................................................. 1122
Choosing a primary document using sort order ........................................................................ 1122
Missing document key strategy .................................................................................................... 1123
Expanding results ............................................................................................................................. 1123
Interactions with other Amazon Kendra features ..................................................................... 1123
Tuning search relevance ........................................................................................................... 1124
Relevance tuning at the index level .................................................................................................. 1125
Relevance tuning at the query level ................................................................................................. 1126
Gaining insights with search analytics ..................................................................................... 1128
Metrics for search .................................................................................................................................. 1128
Click-through rate ............................................................................................................................ 1129
Zero click rate ................................................................................................................................... 1129
Zero search results rate .................................................................................................................. 1129
Instant answer rate .......................................................................................................................... 1130
Top queries ........................................................................................................................................ 1130
Top queries with zero clicks ........................................................................................................... 1130
Top queries with zero search results ............................................................................................ 1131
Top clicked on documents ............................................................................................................. 1131
Total queries ...................................................................................................................................... 1131
Total documents ............................................................................................................................... 1132
Example of retrieving metric data ................................................................................................ 1132
From metrics to actionable insights .................................................................................................. 1134
Visualizing and reporting search analytics ....................................................................................... 1134
Total queries graph .......................................................................................................................... 1135
Click-through rate graph ................................................................................................................ 1135
Zero click rate graph ....................................................................................................................... 1135
Zero search results rate graph ...................................................................................................... 1135
Instant answer rate graph .............................................................................................................. 1135
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Submitting feedback for incremental learning ....................................................................... 1137
Using the Amazon Kendra JavaScript library to submit feedback .............................................. 1139
Step 1: Insert a script tag into your Amazon Kendra search application .............................. 1139
Step 2: Add the feedback token to search results .................................................................... 1141
Step 3: Test the feedback script ................................................................................................... 1142
Using the Amazon Kendra API to submit feedback ....................................................................... 1142
Adding custom synonyms to an index ..................................................................................... 1146
Creating a thesaurus file ...................................................................................................................... 1148
Adding a thesaurus to an index ......................................................................................................... 1150
Updating a thesaurus ........................................................................................................................... 1154
Deleting a thesaurus ............................................................................................................................. 1158
Highlights in search results ................................................................................................................. 1160
Tutorial: Building an intelligent search solution ..................................................................... 1161
Prerequisites ........................................................................................................................................... 1162
Step 1: Adding documents .................................................................................................................. 1163
Downloading the sample dataset ................................................................................................. 1163
Creating an Amazon S3 bucket ..................................................................................................... 1165
Creating data and metadata folders in your S3 bucket ........................................................... 1168
Uploading the input data ............................................................................................................... 1171
Step 2: Detecting entities .................................................................................................................... 1173
Running an Amazon Comprehend entities analysis job ........................................................... 1173
Step 3: Formatting the metadata ...................................................................................................... 1182
Downloading and extracting the Amazon Comprehend output ............................................. 1182
Uploading the output into the S3 bucket .................................................................................. 1186
Converting the output to Amazon Kendra metadata format ................................................. 1188
Cleaning up your Amazon S3 bucket ........................................................................................... 1192
Step 4: Creating an index and ingesting the metadata ................................................................. 1194
Creating an Amazon Kendra index ............................................................................................... 1195
Updating the IAM role for Amazon S3 access ............................................................................ 1202
Creating Amazon Kendra custom search index fields ............................................................... 1206
Adding the Amazon S3 bucket as a data source for the index ............................................... 1211
Syncing the Amazon Kendra index ............................................................................................... 1215
Step 5: Querying the index ................................................................................................................. 1218
Querying your Amazon Kendra index .......................................................................................... 1219
Filtering your search results .......................................................................................................... 1224
Step 6: Cleaning up .............................................................................................................................. 1228
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Cleaning up your files ..................................................................................................................... 1228
............................................................................................................................................................. 1229
Monitoring and logging ............................................................................................................ 1230
Monitoring indexes ................................................................................................................................ 1230
Monitoring Amazon Kendra API calls with CloudTrail ................................................................... 1234
Amazon Kendra information in CloudTrail ................................................................................. 1234
Example: Amazon Kendra log file entries ................................................................................... 1235
Monitoring Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking API calls with CloudTrail ................................ 1236
Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking information in CloudTrail .............................................. 1237
Example: Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking log file entries ................................................ 1237
Monitoring Amazon Kendra with CloudWatch ................................................................................ 1239
Viewing Amazon Kendra metrics .................................................................................................. 1239
Creating an alarm ............................................................................................................................ 1240
CloudWatch Metrics for index synchronization Jobs ................................................................ 1240
Metrics for Amazon Kendra data sources ................................................................................... 1242
Metrics for indexed documents ..................................................................................................... 1244
Monitoring Amazon Kendra with CloudWatch Logs ...................................................................... 1245
Data source log streams ................................................................................................................. 1246
Document log streams .................................................................................................................... 1248
View Amazon Kendra metrics for your synchronization jobs .................................................. 1248
Security ...................................................................................................................................... 1251
Data protection ...................................................................................................................................... 1252
Encryption at rest ............................................................................................................................ 1253
Encryption in transit ........................................................................................................................ 1253
Key management ............................................................................................................................. 1253
VPC endpoints (AWS PrivateLink) ...................................................................................................... 1254
Considerations for Amazon Kendra and Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking VPC
endpoints ........................................................................................................................................... 1254
Creating an interface VPC endpoint for Amazon Kendra and Amazon Kendra Intelligent
Ranking ............................................................................................................................................... 1254
Creating a VPC endpoint policy for Amazon Kendra and Amazon Kendra Intelligent
Ranking ............................................................................................................................................... 1255
Identity and access management ...................................................................................................... 1256
Audience ............................................................................................................................................. 1257
Authenticating with identities ....................................................................................................... 1257
Managing access using policies ..................................................................................................... 1260
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
How Amazon Kendra works with IAM ......................................................................................... 1263
Identity-based policy examples ..................................................................................................... 1268
AWS managed policies .................................................................................................................... 1274
Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................................ 1278
Security best practices ......................................................................................................................... 1280
Apply principle of least privilege .................................................................................................. 1280
Role-based access control (RBAC) permissions .......................................................................... 1281
Logging and monitoring in Amazon Kendra ................................................................................... 1281
Compliance validation .......................................................................................................................... 1281
Resilience ................................................................................................................................................. 1282
Infrastructure security .......................................................................................................................... 1283
Configuration and vulnerability analysis .......................................................................................... 1283
Quotas ........................................................................................................................................ 1285
Supported regions ................................................................................................................................. 1285
Quotas ...................................................................................................................................................... 1285
Index quotas ...................................................................................................................................... 1285
Data source connector quotas ....................................................................................................... 1286
FAQ quotas ........................................................................................................................................ 1287
Thesaurus quotas ............................................................................................................................. 1287
Amazon Kendra experience quotas .............................................................................................. 1288
Query and search results quotas .................................................................................................. 1288
Query suggestions quotas .............................................................................................................. 1290
Document quotas ............................................................................................................................. 1291
Featured search results quotas ..................................................................................................... 1292
Rescore/rerank search results quotas .......................................................................................... 1293
Troubleshooting ......................................................................................................................... 1295
Troubleshooting data sources ............................................................................................................. 1295
My documents were not indexed ................................................................................................. 1295
My synchronization job failed ....................................................................................................... 1295
My synchronization job is incomplete ......................................................................................... 1296
My synchronization job succeeded but there are no indexed documents ............................ 1297
I am running into file format issues while syncing my data source ....................................... 1297
I want to generate a sync history report for my documents .................................................. 1298
How much time does syncing a data source take? ................................................................... 1299
What is the charge for syncing a data source? .......................................................................... 1300
I am getting an Amazon EC2 authorization error ..................................................................... 1300
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
I am unable to use search index links to open my Amazon S3 objects ................................. 1300
I am getting an AccessDenied When Using SSL Certificate File error message ................... 1300
I am getting an authorization error when using a SharePoint data source .......................... 1301
My index does not crawl documents from my Confluence data source ................................ 1301
Troubleshooting document search results ....................................................................................... 1301
My search results are not relevant to my search query ........................................................... 1301
Why do I only see 100 results? ..................................................................................................... 1302
Why are documents that I expect to see missing? .................................................................... 1302
Why do I see documents that have an ACL policy? .................................................................. 1302
Troubleshooting general issues .......................................................................................................... 1302
Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking ........................................................................................ 1304
Intelligent Ranking for self-managed OpenSearch ........................................................................ 1304
How the intelligent search plugin works .................................................................................... 1304
Setting up the intelligent search plugin ..................................................................................... 1305
Interacting with the intelligent search plugin ........................................................................... 1310
Comparing OpenSearch results with Amazon Kendra results ................................................. 1317
Semantically ranking a search service's results ............................................................................... 1318
Document history ...................................................................................................................... 1327
API reference ............................................................................................................................. 1341
AWS Glossary ............................................................................................................................. 1342
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
What is Amazon Kendra?
Amazon Kendra is an intelligent search service that uses natural language processing and advanced
machine learning algorithms to return specific answers to search questions from your data.
Unlike traditional keyword-based search, Amazon Kendra uses its semantic and contextual
understanding capabilities to decide whether a document is relevant to a search query. It returns
specific answers to questions, giving users an experience that's close to interacting with a human
You can also use Amazon Kendra's semantic search capabilities to re-rank another search
service's results. See Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking for more details.
With Amazon Kendra, you can create a unified search experience by connecting multiple data
repositories to an index and ingesting and crawling documents. You can use your document
metadata to create a feature-rich and customized search experience for your users, helping them
efficiently find the right answers to their queries.
What is Amazon Kendra?
Querying Amazon Kendra
You can ask Amazon Kendra the following types of queries:
Factoid questions—Simple who, what, when, or where questions, such as Where is the nearest
service center to Seattle? Factoid questions have fact-based answers that can be returned as a single
word or phrase. The answer is retrieved from a FAQ or from your indexed documents.
Descriptive questions—Questions where the answer could be a sentence, passage, or an entire
document. For example, How do I connect my Echo Plus to my network? Or, How do I get tax benefits
for lower income families?
Keyword and natural language questions—Questions that include complex, conversational
content where the meaning may not be clear. For example, keynote address. When Amazon Kendra
Querying Amazon Kendra 1
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
encounters a word like "address", which has multiple contextual meanings, it correctly infers the
meaning behind the search query and returns relevant information.
Benefits of Amazon Kendra
Amazon Kendra is highly scalable, capable of meeting performance demands, is tightly integrated
with other AWS services such as Amazon S3 and Amazon Lex, and offers enterprise-grade security.
Some of the benefits of using Amazon Kendra include:
Simplicity—Amazon Kendra provides a console and API for managing the documents that you
want to search. You can use a simple search API to integrate Amazon Kendra into your client
applications, such as websites or mobile applications.
Connectivity—Amazon Kendra can connect to third-party data repositories or data sources such as
Microsoft SharePoint. You can easily index and search your documents using your data source.
Accuracy—Unlike traditional search services that use keyword searches, Amazon Kendra attempts
to understand the context of the question and returns the most relevant word, snippet, or
document for your query. Amazon Kendra uses machine learning to improve search results over
Security—Amazon Kendra delivers a highly secure enterprise search experience. Your search results
reflect the security model of your organization and can be filtered based on the user or group
access to documents. Customers are responsible for authenticating and authorizing user access.
Amazon Kendra Editions
Amazon Kendra has two versions: Developer Edition and Enterprise Edition. The following table
outlines their features and the differences between the two.
Amazon Kendra Developer Edition Amazon Kendra Enterprise Edition
Amazon Kendra Developer Edition provides all
of the features of Amazon Kendra at a lower
Ideal use case
Exploring how Amazon Kendra indexes your
Amazon Kendra Enterprise Edition provides
all of the features of Amazon Kendra and is
designed for production contexts.
Ideal use case
Indexing your entire enterprise document
Benefits of Amazon Kendra 2
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Amazon Kendra Developer Edition Amazon Kendra Enterprise Edition
Trying out features
Developing applications that use Amazon
A free tier with 750 hours of use included
Up to 5 indexes with up to 5 data sources
10,000 documents or 3 GB of extracted text
Approximately 4,000 queries per day or 0.05
queries per second
Runs in 1 Availability Zone (AZ)—see
Availability Zones (data centers in AWS
Not for production applications
No guarantees of latency or availability
Deploying your application in a production
Up to 5 indexes with up to 50 data sources
100,000 documents or 30 GB of extracted
Approximately 8,000 queries per day or 0.1
queries per second
Runs in 3 Availability Zones (AZ)—see
Availability Zones (data centers in AWS
You can increase this quota using the
Service Quotas console.
For a list of regions, endpoints, and service quotas supported by Amazon Kendra, see
Amazon Kendra endpoints and quotas.
Amazon Kendra Editions 3
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Pricing for Amazon Kendra
You can get started for free with the Amazon Kendra Developer Edition that provides usage of up
to 750 hours for the first 30 days.
After your trial expires, you are charged for all provisioned Amazon Kendra indexes, even if they are
empty and no queries are run. After the trial expires, there are additional charges for scanning and
syncing documents using the Amazon Kendra data sources.
For a complete list of charges and prices, see Amazon Kendra pricing.
Are you a first-time Amazon Kendra user?
If you are a first-time user of Amazon Kendra, we recommend that you read the following sections
in order:
How Amazon
an index
directly to
an index
with batch
Creating a
data source
an index
s Amazon
and describes
how you
use them
to create
a search
Explains how
to set up
your account
and test the
search API.
how to use
Kendra to
create a
search index
and to add
data sources
to sync your
how to add
directly to
an Amazon
Kendra index.
how to add
your data
repository to
an Amazon
Kendra index.
how to use
the Amazon
search API
to search an
Pricing for Amazon Kendra 4
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
How Amazon Kendra works
Amazon Kendra provides search functionality to your application. It indexes your documents
directly or from your third-party document repository and intelligently serves relevant information
to your users. You can use Amazon Kendra to create an updatable index of documents of a variety
of types. For a list of document types supported by Amazon Kendra see Types of documents.
Amazon Kendra integrates with other services. For example, you can power Amazon Lex chat bots
with Amazon Kendra search to provide useful answers to users' questions. You can use an Amazon
Simple Storage Service bucket as a data source for Amazon Kendra to connect to and index your
documents. And you can set up access policies or permissions to resources using AWS Identity and
Access Management.
Amazon Kendra has the following components:
An index that holds your documents and makes them searchable.
A data source that stores your documents and Amazon Kendra connects to. You can
automatically synchronize a data source with an Amazon Kendra index so that your index stays
updated with your source repository.
A document addition API that adds documents directly to an index.
You can use Amazon Kendra through the console or the API. You can create, update, and delete
indexes. Deleting an index deletes all of its data source connectors and permanently deletes all of
your document information from Amazon Kendra.
Data sources
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
An index holds the contents of your documents and is structured in a way to make the documents
searchable. The way you add documents to the index depends on how you store your documents.
If you store your documents in some kind of repository, such as an Amazon S3 bucket or a
Microsoft SharePoint site, you use a data source connector to index your documents from your
If you don't store your documents in a repository, you use the BatchPutDocument API to directly
index your documents.
For FAQ questions and answers, which must be stored in an Amazon Kendra (Amazon S3) bucket,
you upload them from the bucket
You can create indexes with the Amazon Kendra console, the AWS CLI, or an AWS SDK. For
information about the types of documents that can be indexed, see Document types.
Using Amazon Kendra reserved or common document fields
With the UpdateIndex API, you can create reserved or common fields using
DocumentMetadataConfigurationUpdates and specifying the Amazon Kendra reserved
index field name to map to your equivalent document attribute/field name. You can also create
custom fields. If you use a data source connector, most include field mappings that map your data
source document fields to Amazon Kendra index fields. If you use the console, you update fields
by selecting your data source, selecting the edit action, and then proceeding next to the field
mappings section for configuring the data source.
You can configure the Search object to set a field as either displayable, facetable, searchable, and
sortable. You can configure the Relevance object to set a field's rank order, boost duration or
time period to apply to boosting, freshness, importance value, and importance values mapped to
specific field values. If you use the console, you can set the search settings for a field by selecting
the facet option in the navigation menu. To set relevance tuning, select the option to search your
index in the navigation menu, enter a query, and use the side panel options to tune the search
relevance. You cannot change the field type once you have created the field.
Amazon Kendra has the following reserved or common document fields that you can use:
_authors—A list of one or more authors responsible for the content of the document.
Index 6
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
_category—A category that places a document in a specific group.
_created_at—The date and time in ISO 8601 format that the document was created. For
example, 2012-03-25T12:30:10+01:00 is the ISO 8601 date-time format for March 25th 2012 at
12:30PM (plus 10 seconds) in Central European Time.
_data_source_id—The identifier of the data source that contains the document.
_document_body—The content of the document.
_document_id—A unique identifier for the document.
_document_title—The title of the document.
_excerpt_page_number—The page number in a PDF file where the document excerpt appears.
If your index was created before September 8, 2020, you must re-index your documents before
you can use this attribute.
_faq_id—If this is a question-answer type document (FAQ), a unique identifier for the FAQ.
_file_type—The file type of the document, such as pdf or doc.
_last_updated_at—The date and time in ISO 8601 format that the document was last
updated. For example, 2012-03-25T12:30:10+01:00 is the ISO 8601 date-time format for March
25th 2012 at 12:30PM (plus 10 seconds) in Central European Time.
_source_uri—The URI where the document is available. For example, the URI of the document
on a company website.
_version—An identifier for the specific version of a document.
_view_count—The number of times that the document has been viewed.
_language_code (String)—The code for a language that applies to the document. This defaults
to English if you do not specify a language. For more information on supported languages,
including their codes, see Adding documents in languages other than English.
For custom fields, you create these fields using DocumentMetadataConfigurationUpdates
with the UpdateIndex API, just as you do when creating a reserved or common field. You must
set the appropriate data type for your custom field. If you use the console, you update fields
by selecting your data source, selecting the edit action, and then proceeding next to the field
mappings section for configuring the data source. Some data sources don't support adding new
fields or custom fields. You cannot change the field type once you have created the field.
The following are the types you can set for custom fields:
Using Amazon Kendra reserved or common document fields 7
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
String list
If you added documents to the index using BatchPutDocument API, Attributes lists the fields/
attributes of your documents and you create fields using the DocumentAttribute object.
For documents indexed from an Amazon S3 data source, you create fields using a JSON metadata
file that includes the fields information.
If you use a supported database as your data source, you can configure your fields using the field
mappings option.
Searching indexes
After you create an index, you can start searching your documents. For more information, see
Searching indexes.
This section explains how Amazon Kendra indexes the many document formats it supports and the
different fields/attributes of documents.
Document types or formats
Document attributes or fields
Document types or formats
Amazon Kendra supports popular document types or formats such as PDF, HTML, Word,
PowerPoint, and more. An index can contain multiple document formats.
Amazon Kendra extracts the content inside the documents in order to make the documents
searchable. The documents are parsed in a way to optimize search on the extracted text and any
tabular content (HTML tables) within the documents. This means structuring the documents into
fields or attributes that are used for search. The document metadata, such as the last modified
date, can be useful fields for search.
Searching indexes 8
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Documents can be organized into rows and columns. For example, each document is a row and
each document field/attribute, such as the title and body content, is a column. For example, if
you use a database as your data source, the data should be structured or organized into rows and
You can add documents to your index through the following ways:
BatchPutDocument API
Data source connector
If you want to add a FAQ file, you use the CreateFaq API to add the file stored in an Amazon S3
bucket. You can choose between a basic CSV format, a CSV format that includes customs fields/
attributes in a header, and a JSON format that includes custom fields. The default format is basic
The following provides information on each supported document format and how Amazon Kendra
treats each format when indexing documents.
Document format Treated as How document is
Original structure
Portable Document
Format (PDF)
HTML Converted to HTML,
then content is
HyperText Markup
Language (HTML)
HTML HTML tags are
filtered out to extract
content. Content
must between the
main HTML start
and closing tags
HTML> ).
Extensible Markup
Language (XML)
XML XML tags are filtered
out to extract
Document types or formats 9
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Document format Treated as How document is
Original structure
Extensible Stylesheet
Language Transform
ation (XSLT)
XSLT Tags are filtered out
to extract content.
MarkDown (MD) Plain text Content is extracted
with MarkDown
syntax included.
Comma Separated
Values (CSV)
CSV Content extracted
from each cell, with
a single file treated
as a single document
Structured for FAQ
files, otherwise semi-
Microsoft Excel (XLS
and XLSX)
XLS and XLSX Content extracted
from each cell, with
a single file treated
as a single document
JavaScript Object
Notation (JSON)
Plain text Content is extracted
with JSON syntax
Rich Text Format
RTF RTF syntax is filtered
out to extract
Microsoft PowerPoint
PPT, PPTX Only text content
is extracted from
PowerPoint slides for
search. Images and
other content are not
Document types or formats 10
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Document format Treated as How document is
Original structure
Microsoft Word DOC, DOCX Only text content is
extracted from Word
pages for search.
Images and other
content are not
Plain text (TXT) TXT All text in the
text document is
Document attributes or fields
A document has attributes or fields associated with it. Fields of a document are the properties of
a document or what is contained within the structure of a document. For example, each of your
documents might contain title, body text, and author. You can also add custom fields for your
particular documents. For example, if your index searches tax documents, you might specify a
custom field for the type of tax document such as W-2, 1099, and so on.
Before you can use a document field in a query, it must be mapped to an index field. For example,
the title field can be mapped to the field _document_title. For more information, see Mapping
fields. To add a new field, you must create an index field to map the field to. You create index fields
using the console or by using the UpdateIndex API.
You can use document fields to filter responses and to make faceted search results. For example,
you can filter a response to only return a specific version of a document, or you can filter searches
to only return 1099 type of tax documents that match the search term. For more information, see
Filtering and facet search.
You can also use document fields to manually tune the query response. For example, you can
choose to increase the importance of the title field to increase the weight that Amazon Kendra
assigns to the field when determining which documents to return in the response. For more
information, see Tuning search relevance.
Document attributes or fields 11
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
If you are adding a document directly to an index, you specify the fields in the Document
input parameter to the BatchPutDocument API. You specify the custom field values in a
DocumentAttribute object array. If you are using a data source, the method that you use to add
the document fields depends on the data source. For more information, see Mapping data source
Using Amazon Kendra reserved or common document fields
With the UpdateIndex API, you can create reserved or common fields using
DocumentMetadataConfigurationUpdates and specifying the Amazon Kendra reserved
index field name to map to your equivalent document attribute/field name. You can also create
custom fields. If you use a data source connector, most include field mappings that map your data
source document fields to Amazon Kendra index fields. If you use the console, you update fields
by selecting your data source, selecting the edit action, and then proceeding next to the field
mappings section for configuring the data source.
You can configure the Search object to set a field as either displayable, facetable, searchable, and
sortable. You can configure the Relevance object to set a field's rank order, boost duration or
time period to apply to boosting, freshness, importance value, and importance values mapped to
specific field values. If you use the console, you can set the search settings for a field by selecting
the facet option in the navigation menu. To set relevance tuning, select the option to search your
index in the navigation menu, enter a query, and use the side panel options to tune the search
relevance. You cannot change the field type once you have created the field.
Amazon Kendra has the following reserved or common document fields that you can use:
_authors—A list of one or more authors responsible for the content of the document.
_category—A category that places a document in a specific group.
_created_at—The date and time in ISO 8601 format that the document was created. For
example, 2012-03-25T12:30:10+01:00 is the ISO 8601 date-time format for March 25th 2012 at
12:30PM (plus 10 seconds) in Central European Time.
_data_source_id—The identifier of the data source that contains the document.
_document_body—The content of the document.
_document_id—A unique identifier for the document.
_document_title—The title of the document.
Document attributes or fields 12
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
_excerpt_page_number—The page number in a PDF file where the document excerpt appears.
If your index was created before September 8, 2020, you must re-index your documents before
you can use this attribute.
_faq_id—If this is a question-answer type document (FAQ), a unique identifier for the FAQ.
_file_type—The file type of the document, such as pdf or doc.
_last_updated_at—The date and time in ISO 8601 format that the document was last
updated. For example, 2012-03-25T12:30:10+01:00 is the ISO 8601 date-time format for March
25th 2012 at 12:30PM (plus 10 seconds) in Central European Time.
_source_uri—The URI where the document is available. For example, the URI of the document
on a company website.
_version—An identifier for the specific version of a document.
_view_count—The number of times that the document has been viewed.
_language_code (String)—The code for a language that applies to the document. This defaults
to English if you do not specify a language. For more information on supported languages,
including their codes, see Adding documents in languages other than English.
For custom fields, you create these fields using DocumentMetadataConfigurationUpdates
with the UpdateIndex API, just as you do when creating a reserved or common field. You must
set the appropriate data type for your custom field. If you use the console, you update fields
by selecting your data source, selecting the edit action, and then proceeding next to the field
mappings section for configuring the data source. Some data sources don't support adding new
fields or custom fields. You cannot change the field type once you have created the field.
The following are the types you can set for custom fields:
String list
If you added documents to the index using BatchPutDocument API, Attributes lists the fields/
attributes of your documents and you create fields using the DocumentAttribute object.
For documents indexed from an Amazon S3 data source, you create fields using a JSON metadata
file that includes the fields information.
Document attributes or fields 13
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
If you use a supported database as your data source, you can configure your fields using the field
mappings option.
Data sources
A data source is a data repository or location that Amazon Kendra connects to and indexes your
documents or content. For example, you can configure Amazon Kendra to connect to Microsoft
SharePoint to crawl and index your documents stored in this source. You can also index web pages
by providing the URLs for Amazon Kendra to crawl. You can automatically synchronize a data
source with an Amazon Kendra index so that added, updated, or deleted documents in the data
source are also added, updated, or deleted in the index.
Supported data sources are:
Adobe Experience Manager
Aurora (MySQL)
Aurora (PostgreSQL)
Amazon FSx (Windows)
Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP)
Database data sources
Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server)
Amazon RDS (MySQL)
Amazon RDS (Oracle)
Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL)
Amazon S3 buckets
Amazon Kendra Web Crawler
Amazon WorkDocs
Custom data sources
Data sources 14
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Google Workspace Drives
Microsoft Exchange
Microsoft OneDrive
Microsoft SharePoint
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft Yammer
Oracle Database
For a list of document types or formats supported by Amazon Kendra see Document types. You
must first create an index before creating a data source connector to index your documents from
your data source.
To create an index of documents, you don't need to use a data source. You can add
documents directly to an index with batch upload. For more information, see Adding
documents directly to an index.
For a walkthrough on using the Amazon Kendra console, the AWS CLI, or SDKs, see Getting started.
Data sources 15
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
To get answers, users query an index. Users can use natural language in their queries. The response
contains information, such as the title, a text excerpt, and the location of documents in the index
that provide the best answer.
Amazon Kendra uses all of the information that you provide about your documents, not just
the contents of the documents, to determine whether a document is relevant to the query. For
example, if your index contains information about when documents were last updated, you can tell
Amazon Kendra to assign a higher relevance to documents that were updated more recently.
A query can also contain criteria for how to filter the response so that Amazon Kendra returns
only documents that satisfy the filter criteria. For example, if you created an index field called
department, you can filter the response so that only documents with the department field set to
legal are returned. For more information, see Filtering search.
You can influence the results of a query by tuning the relevance of individual fields in the index.
Tuning changes the importance of a field on the results. For example, if you raise the importance of
documents with the category new, documents with this category are more likely to be included in
the response. For more information, see Tuning search relevance.
For more information about using queries, see Searching an index.
Manage your indexes, data sources, and FAQs by assigning tags or labels. You can use tags to
categorize your Amazon Kendra resources in various ways. For example, by purpose, owner, or
application, or any combination. Each tag consists of a key and a value, both of which you define.
Tags help you to:
Identify and organize your AWS resources. Many AWS services support tagging, so you can assign
the same tag to resources in different services to indicate that the resources are related. For
example, you can tag an index and the Amazon Lex bot that uses the index with the same tag.
Allocate costs. You activate tags on the AWS Billing and Cost Management dashboard. AWS
uses tags to categorize your costs and deliver a monthly cost allocation report to you. For more
information, see Cost Allocation and Tagging in About AWS Billing and Cost Management.
Control access to your resources. You can use tags in AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)
policies that control access to Amazon Kendra resources. You can attach these policies to an IAM
Queries 16
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
role or user to activate tag-based access control. For more information, see Authorization based
on tags.
You can create and manage tags using the AWS Management Console, the AWS Command Line
Interface (AWS CLI), or the Amazon Kendra API.
Tagging resources
If you're using the Amazon Kendra console, you can tag resources when you create them or add
them later. You can also use the console to update or remove tags.
If you're using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) or the Amazon Kendra API, use the
following operations to manage tags for your resources:
CreateDataSource—Apply tags when you create a data source.
CreateFaq—Apply tags when you create an FAQ.
CreateIndex—Apply tags when you create an index.
ListTagsForResource—View the tags associated with a resource.
TagResource—Add and modify tags for a resource.
UntagResource—Remove tags from a resource.
Tag restrictions
The following restrictions apply to tags on Amazon Kendra resources:
Maximum number of tags—50
Maximum key length—128 characters
Maximum value length—256 characters
Valid characters for key and value—a–z, A–Z, space, and the following characters: _ . : / = + - and
Keys and values are case sensitive
Don't use aws: as a prefix for keys; it's reserved for AWS use
Tagging resources 17
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Setting up Amazon Kendra
Before using Amazon Kendra, you must have an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account. After you
have an AWS account, you can access Amazon Kendra through the Amazon Kendra console, the
AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), or the AWS SDKs.
This guide includes examples for AWS CLI, Java, and Python.
Sign up for AWS
Regions and endpoints
Setting up the AWS CLI
Setting up the AWS SDKs
Sign up for AWS
When you sign up for Amazon Web Services (AWS), your account is automatically signed up for all
services in AWS, including Amazon Kendra. You are charged only for the services that you use.
If you have an AWS account already, skip to the next task. If you don't have an AWS account, use
the following procedure to create one.
To sign up for AWS
1. Open, and then choose Create an AWS Account.
2. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the account creation. Note your 12-digit AWS
account number. Part of the sign-up procedure involves receiving a phone call and entering a
PIN using the phone keypad.
3. Create an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) admin user. See Creating Your First IAM
User and Group in the AWS Identity and Access Management User Guide for instructions.
Regions and endpoints
An endpoint is a URL that is the entry point for a web service. Each endpoint is associated with a
specific AWS region. If you use a combination of the Amazon Kendra console, the AWS CLI, and the
Sign up for AWS 18
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Amazon Kendra SDKs, pay attention to their default regions as all Amazon Kendra components
of a given campaign (index, query, etc.) must be created in the same region. For the regions and
endpoints supported by Amazon Kendra, see Regions and Endpoints.
Setting up the AWS CLI
The AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) is a unified developer tool for managing AWS services,
including Amazon Kendra. We recommend that you install it.
1. To install the AWS CLI, follow the instructions in Installing the AWS Command Line Interface in
the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide.
2. To configure the AWS CLI and set up a profile to call the AWS CLI, follow the instructions in
Configuring the AWS CLI in the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide.
3. To confirm that the AWS CLI profile is configured properly, run the following command:
aws configure --profile default
If your profile has been configured correctly, you will see output similar to the following:
AWS Access Key ID [****************52FQ]:
AWS Secret Access Key [****************xgyZ]:
Default region name [us-west-2]:
Default output format [json]:
4. To verify that the AWS CLI is configured for use with Amazon Kendra, run the following
aws kendra help
If the AWS CLI is configured correctly, you will see a list of the supported AWS CLI commands
for Amazon Kendra, Amazon Kendra runtime, and Amazon Kendra events.
Setting up the AWS SDKs
Download and install the AWS SDKs that you want to use. This guide provides examples for
Python. For information about other AWS SDKs, see Tools for Amazon Web Services.
The package for the Python SDK is called Boto3.
Setting up the AWS CLI 19
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Before you run the below Python commands, you must first download and install Python 3.6 or
later for your operating system. Support for Python 3.5 and earlier is deprecated. If you do not
have pip included in your Python Scripts directory, you can download and store this in
your Scripts directory. You can also set your Python directory as a Path or environment variable
using a terminal program.
# Install the latest Boto3 release via pip
pip install boto3
# You can install a specific version of Boto3 for compatibility reasons
# Install Boto3 version 1.0 specifically
pip install boto3==1.0.0
# Make sure Boto3 is no older than version 1.15.0
pip install boto3>=1.15.0
# Avoid versions of Boto3 newer than version 1.15.3
pip install boto3<=1.15.3
To use Boto3, you must set up authentication credentials for your AWS account using the IAM
Setting up the AWS SDKs 20
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
IAM access roles for Amazon Kendra
When you create an index, data source, or an FAQ, Amazon Kendra needs access to the AWS
resources required to create the Amazon Kendra resource. You must create a AWS Identity and
Access Management (IAM) policy before you create the Amazon Kendra resource. When you call
the operation, you provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role with the policy attached.
For example, if you are calling the BatchPutDocument API to add documents from an Amazon S3
bucket, you provide Amazon Kendra with a role with a policy that has access to the bucket.
You can create a new IAM role in the Amazon Kendra console or choose an IAM existing role to use.
The console displays roles that have the string "kendra" or "Kendra" in the role name.
The following topics provide details for the required policies. If you create IAM roles using the
Amazon Kendra console these policies are created for you.
IAM roles for indexes
IAM roles for the BatchPutDocument API
IAM roles for data sources
Virtual private cloud (VPC) IAM role
IAM roles for frequently asked questions (FAQs)
IAM roles for query suggestions
IAM roles for principal mapping of users and groups
IAM roles for AWS IAM Identity Center
IAM roles for Amazon Kendra experiences
IAM roles for Custom Document Enrichment
IAM roles for indexes
When you create an index, you must provide an IAM role with permission to write to an Amazon
CloudWatch. You must also provide a trust policy that allows Amazon Kendra to assume the role.
The following are the policies that must be provided.
IAM roles for indexes 21
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
IAM roles for indexes
A role policy to allow Amazon Kendra to access a CloudWatch log.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "cloudwatch:PutMetricData",
"Resource": "*",
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"cloudwatch:namespace": "AWS/Kendra"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "logs:DescribeLogGroups",
"Resource": "*"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "logs:CreateLogGroup",
"Resource": "arn:aws:logs:your-region:your-account-id:log-group:/aws/
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:logs:your-region:your-account-id:log-group:/aws/
A role policy to allow Amazon Kendra to access AWS Secrets Manager. If you are using user context
with Secrets Manager as a key location, you can use the following policy.
IAM roles for indexes 22
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
IAM roles for indexes 23
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
IAM roles for the BatchPutDocument API
Amazon Kendra doesn't use a bucket policy that grants permissions to an Amazon Kendra
principal to interact with an S3 bucket. Instead, it uses IAM roles. Make sure that Amazon
Kendra isn't included as a trusted member in your bucket policy to avoid any data security
issues in accidentally granting permissions to arbitrary principals. However, you can add a
IAM roles for the BatchPutDocument API 24
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
bucket policy to use an Amazon S3 bucket across different accounts. For more information,
see Policies to use Amazon S3 across accounts. For information about IAM roles for S3 data
sources, see IAM roles.
When you use the BatchPutDocument API to index documents in an Amazon S3 bucket, you
must provide Amazon Kendra with an IAM role with access to the bucket. You must also provide
a trust policy that allows Amazon Kendra to assume the role. If the documents in the bucket
are encrypted, you must provide permission to use the AWS KMS customer master key (CMK) to
decrypt the documents.
IAM roles for the BatchPutDocument API
A required role policy to allow Amazon Kendra to access an Amazon S3 bucket.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
IAM roles for the BatchPutDocument API 25
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
It is recommended that you include aws:sourceAccount and aws:sourceArn in the trust
policy. This limits permissions and securely checks if aws:sourceAccount and aws:sourceArn
are the same as provided in the IAM role policy for the sts:AssumeRole action. This prevents
unauthorized entities from accessing your IAM roles and their permissions. For more information,
see the AWS Identity and Access Management guide on the confused deputy problem.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": [
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"aws:SourceAccount": "your-account-id"
"StringLike": {
"aws:SourceArn": "arn:aws:kendra:your-region:your-account-id:index/
An optional role policy to allow Amazon Kendra to use an AWS KMS customer master key (CMK) to
decrypt documents in an Amazon S3 bucket.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
IAM roles for the BatchPutDocument API 26
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
IAM roles for data sources
When you use the CreateDataSource API, you must give Amazon Kendra an IAM role that has
permission to access the resources. The specific permissions required depend on the data source.
IAM roles for Adobe Experience Manager data sources
When you use Adobe Experience Manager, you provide a role with the following policies.
Permission to access your AWS Secrets Manager secret to authenticate your Adobe Experience
Permission to call the required public APIs for the Adobe Experience Manager connector.
Permission to call the BatchPutDocument, BatchDeleteDocument,
PutPrincipalMapping, DeletePrincipalMapping, DescribePrincipalMapping, and
ListGroupsOlderThanOrderingId APIs.
You can connect an Adobe Experience Manager data source to Amazon Kendra through
Amazon VPC. If you are using a Amazon VPC, you need to add additional permissions.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
IAM roles for data sources 27
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"kms:ViaService": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": ["arn:aws:kendra:{{your-region}}:{{your-account-id}}:index/{{index-
id}}", "arn:aws:kendra:{{your-region}}:{{your-account-id}}:index/{{index-id}}/data-
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:kendra:{{your-region}}:{{your-account-id}}:index/{{index-id}}"
IAM roles for data sources 28
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
IAM roles for Alfresco data sources
When you use Alfresco, you provide a role with the following policies.
Permission to access your AWS Secrets Manager secret to authenticate your Alfresco.
Permission to call the required public APIs for the Alfresco connector.
Permission to call the BatchPutDocument, BatchDeleteDocument,
PutPrincipalMapping, DeletePrincipalMapping, DescribePrincipalMapping, and
ListGroupsOlderThanOrderingId APIs.
You can connect an Alfresco data source to Amazon Kendra through Amazon VPC. If you
are using a Amazon VPC, you need to add additional permissions.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
IAM roles for data sources 29
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"kms:ViaService": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": ["arn:aws:kendra:{{your-region}}:{{your-account-id}}:index/{{index-
id}}", "arn:aws:kendra:{{your-region}}:{{your-account-id}}:index/{{index-id}}/data-
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:kendra:{{your-region}}:{{your-account-id}}:index/{{index-id}}"
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
IAM roles for data sources 30
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
IAM roles for Aurora (MySQL) data sources
When you use Aurora (MySQL), you provide a role with the following policies.
Permission to access your AWS Secrets Manager secret to authenticate your Aurora (MySQL).
Permission to call the required public APIs for the Aurora (MySQL) connector.
Permission to call the BatchPutDocument, BatchDeleteDocument,
PutPrincipalMapping, DeletePrincipalMapping, DescribePrincipalMapping, and
ListGroupsOlderThanOrderingId APIs.
You can connect an Aurora (MySQL) data source to Amazon Kendra through Amazon VPC. If
you are using a Amazon VPC, you need to add additional permissions.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
IAM roles for data sources 31
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"kms:ViaService": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": ["arn:aws:kendra:{{region}}:{{account_id}}:index/{{index_id}}",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:kendra:{{region}}:{{account_id}}:index/{{index_id}}"
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
IAM roles for data sources 32
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
IAM roles for Aurora (PostgreSQL) data sources
When you use Aurora (PostgreSQL), you provide a role with the following policies.
Permission to access your AWS Secrets Manager secret to authenticate your Aurora (PostgreSQL).
Permission to call the required public APIs for the Aurora (PostgreSQL) connector.
Permission to call the BatchPutDocument, BatchDeleteDocument,
PutPrincipalMapping, DeletePrincipalMapping, DescribePrincipalMapping, and
ListGroupsOlderThanOrderingId APIs.
You can connect an Aurora (PostgreSQL) data source to Amazon Kendra through Amazon
VPC. If you are using a Amazon VPC, you need to add additional permissions.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
IAM roles for data sources 33
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"kms:ViaService": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": ["arn:aws:kendra:{{region}}:{{account_id}}:index/{{index_id}}",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:kendra:{{region}}:{{account_id}}:index/{{index_id}}"
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
IAM roles for data sources 34
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
IAM roles for Amazon FSx data sources
When you use Amazon FSx, you provide a role with the following policies.
Permission to access your AWS Secrets Manager secret to authenticate your Amazon FSx file
Permission to access Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) where your Amazon FSx file system
Permission to get the domain name of your Active Directory for your Amazon FSx file system.
Permission to call the required public APIs for the Amazon FSx connector.
Permission to call the BatchPutDocument and BatchDeleteDocument APIs to update the
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
IAM roles for data sources 35
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"kms:ViaService": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:ec2:{{your-region}}:{{your-account-id}}:network-
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"ec2:AuthorizedService": "kendra.*"
"ArnEquals": {
"ec2:Subnet": [
IAM roles for data sources 36
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Sid": "AllowsKendraToGetDomainNameOfActiveDirectory",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "ds:DescribeDirectories",
"Resource": "*"
"Sid": "AllowsKendraToCallRequiredFsxAPIs",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
"Sid": "iamPassRole",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "iam:PassRole",
"Resource": "*",
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"iam:PassedToService": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:kendra:{{your-region}}:{{your-account-id}}:index/
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
IAM roles for data sources 37
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
IAM roles for database data sources
When you use a database as a data source, you provide Amazon Kendra with a role that has the
permissions necessary for connecting to the . These include:
Permission to access the AWS Secrets Manager secret that contains the user name and password
for the site. For more information about the contents of the secret, see data sources.
Permission to use the AWS KMS customer master key (CMK) to decrypt the user name and
password secret stored by Secrets Manager.
Permission to use the BatchPutDocument and BatchDeleteDocument operations to update
the index.
Permission to access the Amazon S3 bucket that contains the SSL certificate used to
communicate with the site.
You can connect database data sources to Amazon Kendra through Amazon VPC. If you are
using a Amazon VPC, you need to add additional permissions.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
IAM roles for data sources 38
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"kms:ViaService": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
IAM roles for data sources 39
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
There are two optional policies that you might use with a data source.
If you have encrypted the Amazon S3 bucket that contains the SSL certificate used to communicate
with the , provide a policy to give Amazon Kendra access to the key.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
If you are using a VPC, provide a policy that gives Amazon Kendra access to the required resources.
See IAM roles for data sources, VPC for the required policy.
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
IAM roles for Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server) data sources
When you use a Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server) data source connector, you provide a role with
the following policies.
IAM roles for data sources 40
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Permission to access your AWS Secrets Manager secret to authenticate your Amazon RDS
(Microsoft SQL Server) data source instance.
Permission to call the required public APIs for the Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server) data
source connector.
Permission to call the BatchPutDocument, BatchDeleteDocument,
PutPrincipalMapping, DeletePrincipalMapping, DescribePrincipalMapping, and
ListGroupsOlderThanOrderingId APIs.
You can connect an Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server) data source to Amazon Kendra
through Amazon VPC. If you are using a Amazon VPC, you need to add additional
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"kms:ViaService": [
IAM roles for data sources 41
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": ["arn:aws:kendra:{{region}}:{{account_id}}:index/{{index_id}}",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:kendra:{{region}}:{{account_id}}:index/{{index_id}}"
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
IAM roles for data sources 42
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
IAM roles for Amazon RDS (MySQL) data sources
When you use a Amazon RDS (MySQL) data source connector, you provide a role with the following
Permission to access your AWS Secrets Manager secret to authenticate your Amazon RDS
(MySQL) data source instance.
Permission to call the required public APIs for the Amazon RDS (MySQL) data source connector.
Permission to call the BatchPutDocument, BatchDeleteDocument,
PutPrincipalMapping, DeletePrincipalMapping, DescribePrincipalMapping, and
ListGroupsOlderThanOrderingId APIs.
You can connect an Amazon RDS (MySQL) data source to Amazon Kendra through Amazon
VPC. If you are using a Amazon VPC, you need to add additional permissions.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
IAM roles for data sources 43
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"kms:ViaService": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": ["arn:aws:kendra:{{region}}:{{account_id}}:index/{{index_id}}",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:kendra:{{region}}:{{account_id}}:index/{{index_id}}"
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
IAM roles for data sources 44
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
IAM roles for Amazon RDS (Oracle) data sources
When you use a Amazon RDS Oracle data source connector, you provide a role with the following
Permission to access your AWS Secrets Manager secret to authenticate your Amazon RDS
(Oracle) data source instance.
Permission to call the required public APIs for the Amazon RDS (Oracle) data source connector.
Permission to call the BatchPutDocument, BatchDeleteDocument,
PutPrincipalMapping, DeletePrincipalMapping, DescribePrincipalMapping, and
ListGroupsOlderThanOrderingId APIs.
You can connect an Amazon RDS Oracle data source to Amazon Kendra through Amazon
VPC. If you are using a Amazon VPC, you need to add additional permissions.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
IAM roles for data sources 45
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"kms:ViaService": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": ["arn:aws:kendra:{{region}}:{{account_id}}:index/{{index_id}}",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:kendra:{{region}}:{{account_id}}:index/{{index_id}}"
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
IAM roles for data sources 46
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
IAM roles for Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL) data sources
When you use a Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL) data source connector, you provide a role with the
following policies.
Permission to access your AWS Secrets Manager secret to authenticate your Amazon RDS
(PostgreSQL) data source instance.
Permission to call the required public APIs for the Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL) data source
Permission to call the BatchPutDocument, BatchDeleteDocument,
PutPrincipalMapping, DeletePrincipalMapping, DescribePrincipalMapping, and
ListGroupsOlderThanOrderingId APIs.
You can connect an Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL) data source to Amazon Kendra through
Amazon VPC. If you are using a Amazon VPC, you need to add additional permissions.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Condition": {
IAM roles for data sources 47
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"StringLike": {
"kms:ViaService": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": ["arn:aws:kendra:{{region}}:{{account_id}}:index/{{index_id}}",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:kendra:{{region}}:{{account_id}}:index/{{index_id}}"
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
IAM roles for data sources 48
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
IAM roles for Amazon S3 data sources
Amazon Kendra doesn't use a bucket policy that grants permissions to an Amazon Kendra
principal to interact with an S3 bucket. Instead, it uses IAM roles. Make sure that Amazon
Kendra isn't included as a trusted member in your bucket policy to avoid any data security
issues in accidentally granting permissions to arbitrary principals. However, you can add a
bucket policy to use an Amazon S3 bucket across different accounts. For more information,
see Policies to use Amazon S3 across accounts (scroll down).
When you use an Amazon S3 bucket as a data source, you supply a role that has permission to
access the bucket, and to use the BatchPutDocument and BatchDeleteDocument operations.
If the documents in the Amazon S3 bucket are encrypted, you must provide permission to use the
AWS KMS customer master key (CMK) to decrypt the documents.
The following role policies must allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role. Scroll further down to
view a trust policy to assume a role.
A required role policy to allow Amazon Kendra to use an Amazon S3 bucket as a data source.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow"
"Action": [
"Resource": [
IAM roles for data sources 49
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Effect": "Allow"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
An optional role policy to allow Amazon Kendra to use an AWS KMS customer master key (CMK) to
decrypt documents in an Amazon S3 bucket.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
An optional role policy to allow Amazon Kendra to access an Amazon S3 bucket, while using a
Amazon VPC, and without activating AWS KMS or sharing AWS KMS permissions.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Action": [
IAM roles for data sources 50
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow"
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:ec2:{{your-region}}:{{your-account-id}}:network-interface/
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"aws:RequestTag/AWS_KENDRA": "kendra_{{your-account-id}}_{{index-
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
IAM roles for data sources 51
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Resource": "arn:aws:ec2:{{your-region}}:{{your-account-id}}:network-interface/
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"ec2:CreateAction": "CreateNetworkInterface"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:ec2:{{your-region}}:{{your-accoount-id}}:network-interface/
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"ec2:AuthorizedService": ""
"ArnEquals": {
"ec2:Subnet": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
IAM roles for data sources 52
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:kendra:{{your-region}}:{{your-account-id}}:index/{{index-
An optional role policy to allow Amazon Kendra to access an Amazon S3 bucket while using a
Amazon VPC, and with AWS KMS permissions activated.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow"
"Action": [
"Resource": [
IAM roles for data sources 53
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Effect": "Allow"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"kms:ViaService": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:ec2:{{your-region}}:{{your-account-id}}:network-interface/
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"aws:RequestTag/AWS_KENDRA": "kendra_{{your-account-id}}_{{index-
IAM roles for data sources 54
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:ec2:{{your-region}}:{{your-account-id}}:network-interface/
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"ec2:CreateAction": "CreateNetworkInterface"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:ec2:{{your-region}}:{{your-account-id}}:network-interface/
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"ec2:AuthorizedService": ""
"ArnEquals": {
"ec2:Subnet": [
IAM roles for data sources 55
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:kendra:{{your-region}}:{{your-account-id}}:index/{{index-
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
IAM roles for data sources 56
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Policies to use Amazon S3 across accounts
If your Amazon S3 bucket is in a different account to the account you use for your Amazon Kendra
index, you can create policies to use it across accounts.
A role policy to use your Amazon S3 bucket as your data source when the bucket is in a different
account to your Amazon Kendra index. Note that s3:PutObject and s3:PutObjectAcl are
optional, and you use this if you want to include a configuration file for your access control list.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow"
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
IAM roles for data sources 57
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::$bucket-in-other-account/*"
A bucket policy to allow the Amazon S3 data source role to access the Amazon S3 bucket across
accounts. Note that s3:PutObject and s3:PutObjectAcl are optional, and you use this if you
want to include a configuration file for your access control list.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "$kendra-s3-connector-role-arn"
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "$kendra-s3-connector-role-arn"
"Action": "s3:ListBucket",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::$bucket-in-other-account"
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
IAM roles for data sources 58
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
IAM roles for Amazon Kendra Web Crawler data sources
When you use Amazon Kendra Web Crawler, you provide a role with the following policies:
Permission to access the AWS Secrets Manager secret that contains the credentials to connect to
websites or a web proxy server backed by basic authentication. For more information about the
contents of the secret, see Using a web crawler data source.
Permission to use the AWS KMS customer master key (CMK) to decrypt the user name and
password secret stored by Secrets Manager.
Permission to use the BatchPutDocument and BatchDeleteDocument operations to update
the index.
If you use an Amazon S3 bucket to store your list of seed URLs or sitemaps, include permission to
access the Amazon S3 bucket.
You can connect an Amazon Kendra Web Crawler data source to Amazon Kendra through
Amazon VPC. If you are using a Amazon VPC, you need to add additional permissions.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
IAM roles for data sources 59
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"kms:ViaService": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:kendra:your-region:your-account-id:index/index-id"
If you store your seed URLs or sitemaps in an Amazon S3 bucket, you must add this permission to
the role.
{"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
IAM roles for data sources 60
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
IAM roles for Amazon WorkDocs data sources
When you use Amazon WorkDocs, you provide a role with the following policies
Permission to verify the directory ID (organization ID) that corresponds with your Amazon
WorkDocs site repository.
Permission to get the domain name of your Active Directory that contains your Amazon
WorkDocs site directory.
Permission to call the required public APIs for the Amazon WorkDocs connector.
Permission to call the BatchPutDocument and BatchDeleteDocument APIs to update the
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "AllowsKendraToGetDomainNameOfActiveDirectory",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "ds:DescribeDirectories",
"Resource": "*"
IAM roles for data sources 61
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Sid": "AllowsKendraToCallRequiredWorkDocsAPIs",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
"Sid": "iamPassRole",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "iam:PassRole",
"Resource": "*",
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"iam:PassedToService": [
"Sid": "AllowsKendraToCallBatchPutDeleteAPIs",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
IAM roles for data sources 62
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
IAM roles for Box data sources
When you use Box, you provide a role with the following policies.
Permission to access your AWS Secrets Manager secret to authenticate your Slack.
Permission to call the required public APIs for the Box connector.
Permission to call the BatchPutDocument, BatchDeleteDocument,
PutPrincipalMapping, DeletePrincipalMapping, DescribePrincipalMapping, and
ListGroupsOlderThanOrderingId APIs.
You can connect a Box data source to Amazon Kendra through Amazon VPC. If you are
using a Amazon VPC, you need to add additional permissions.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
IAM roles for data sources 63
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"kms:ViaService": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": ["arn:aws:kendra:{{your-region}}:{{your-account-d}}:index/{{index-
id}}", "arn:aws:kendra:{{your-region}}:{{your-account-id}}:index/{{index-id}}/data-
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:kendra:{{your-region}}:{{your-account-id}}:index/{{index-id}}"
IAM roles for data sources 64
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
IAM roles for Confluence data sources
IAM roles for Confluence Connector v1.0
When you use a Confluence server as a data source, you provide a role with the following policies:
Permission to access the AWS Secrets Manager secret that contains the credentials necessary to
connect to Confluence. For more information about the contents of the secret, see Confluence
data sources.
Permission to use the AWS KMS customer master key (CMK) to decrypt the user name and
password secret stored by Secrets Manager.
Permission to use the BatchPutDocument and BatchDeleteDocument operations to update
the index.
You can connect a Confluence data source to Amazon Kendra through Amazon VPC. If you
are using a Amazon VPC, you need to add additional permissions.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
IAM roles for data sources 65
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"kms:ViaService": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:kendra:your-region:your-account-id:index/index-id"
If you are using a VPC, provide a policy that gives Amazon Kendra access to the required resources.
See IAM roles for data sources, VPC for the required policy.
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
IAM roles for data sources 66
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
IAM roles for Confluence Connector v2.0
For a Confluence connector v2.0 data source, you provide a role with the following policies.
Permission to access the AWS Secrets Manager secret that contains the authentication
credentials for Confluence. For more information about the contents of the secret, see
Confluence data sources.
Permission to use the AWS KMS customer master key (CMK) to decrypt the user name and
password secret stored by AWS Secrets Manager.
Permission to use the BatchPutDocument and BatchDeleteDocument operations to update
the index.
You must also attach a trust policy that allows Amazon Kendra to assume the role.
You can connect a Confluence data source to Amazon Kendra through Amazon VPC. If you
are using a Amazon VPC, you need to add additional permissions.
A role policy to allow Amazon Kendra to connect to Confluence.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
IAM roles for data sources 67
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"kms:ViaService": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:kendra:your-region:your-account-id:index/index-id"
IAM roles for data sources 68
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
IAM roles for Dropbox data sources
When you use Dropbox, you provide a role with the following policies.
Permission to access your AWS Secrets Manager secret to authenticate your Dropbox.
Permission to call the required public APIs for the Dropbox connector.
Permission to call the BatchPutDocument, BatchDeleteDocument,
PutPrincipalMapping, DeletePrincipalMapping, DescribePrincipalMapping, and
ListGroupsOlderThanOrderingId APIs.
You can connect a Dropbox data source to Amazon Kendra through Amazon VPC. If you are
using a Amazon VPC, you need to add additional permissions.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
{"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
IAM roles for data sources 69
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
{"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Condition": {"StringLike": {"kms:ViaService": [
{"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": ["arn:aws:kendra:{{your-region}}:{{your-account-id}}:index/{{index-
id}}", "arn:aws:kendra:{{your-region}}:{{your-account-id}}:index/{{index-id}}/data-
{"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:kendra:{{your-region}}:{{your-account-id}}:index/{{index-id}}"
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
IAM roles for data sources 70
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
IAM roles for Drupal data sources
When you use Drupal, you provide a role with the following policies.
Permission to access your AWS Secrets Manager secret to authenticate your Drupal.
Permission to call the required public APIs for the Drupal connector.
Permission to call the BatchPutDocument, BatchDeleteDocument,
PutPrincipalMapping, DeletePrincipalMapping, DescribePrincipalMapping, and
ListGroupsOlderThanOrderingId APIs.
You can connect a Drupal data source to Amazon Kendra through Amazon VPC. If you are
using a Amazon VPC, you need to add additional permissions.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
IAM roles for data sources 71
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Resource": [
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"kms:ViaService": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": ["arn:aws:kendra:{{region}}:{{account_id}}:index/{{index_id}}",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:kendra:{{region}}:{{account_id}}:index/{{index_id}}"
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
IAM roles for data sources 72
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
IAM roles for GitHub data sources
When you use GitHub, you provide a role with the following policies.
Permission to access your AWS Secrets Manager secret to authenticate your GitHub.
Permission to call the required public APIs for the GitHub connector.
Permission to call the BatchPutDocument, BatchDeleteDocument,
PutPrincipalMapping, DeletePrincipalMapping, DescribePrincipalMapping, and
ListGroupsOlderThanOrderingId APIs.
You can connect a GitHub data source to Amazon Kendra through Amazon VPC. If you are
using a Amazon VPC, you need to add additional permissions.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
IAM roles for data sources 73
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"kms:ViaService": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": ["arn:aws:kendra:{{your-region}}:{{your-account-id}}:index/{{index-
id}}", "arn:aws:kendra:{{your-region}}:{{your-account-id}}:index/{{index-id}}/data-
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:kendra:{{your-region}}:{{your-account-id}}:index/{{index-id}}"
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
IAM roles for data sources 74
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
IAM roles for Gmail data sources
When you use Gmail, you provide a role with the following policies.
Permission to access your AWS Secrets Manager secret to authenticate your Gmail.
Permission to call the required public APIs for the Gmailconnector.
Permission to call the BatchPutDocument, BatchDeleteDocument,
PutPrincipalMapping, DeletePrincipalMapping, DescribePrincipalMapping, and
ListGroupsOlderThanOrderingId APIs.
You can connect a Gmail data source to Amazon Kendra through Amazon VPC. If you are
using a Amazon VPC, you need to add additional permissions.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
{"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
{"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Condition": {"StringLike": {"kms:ViaService": [
IAM roles for data sources 75
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
{"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": ["arn:aws:kendra:{{your-region}}:{{your-account-id}}:index/{{index-
id}}", "arn:aws:kendra:{{your-region}}:{{your-account-id}}:index/{{index-id}}/data-
{"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:kendra:{{your-region}}:{{your-account-id}}:index/{{index-id}}"
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
IAM roles for Google Drive data sources
When you use a Google Workspace Drive data source, you provide Amazon Kendra with a role that
has the permissions necessary for connecting to the site. These include:
IAM roles for data sources 76
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Permission to get and decrypt the AWS Secrets Manager secret that contains the client account
email, admin account email, and private key necessary to connect to the Google Drive site. For
more information about the contents of the secret, see Google Drive data sources.
Permission to use the BatchPutDocument and BatchDeleteDocument APIs.
You can connect a Google Drive data source to Amazon Kendra through Amazon VPC. If you
are using a Amazon VPC, you need to add additional permissions.
The following IAM policy provides the necessary permissions:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"kms:ViaService": [
IAM roles for data sources 77
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:kendra:your-region:your-account-id:index/index-id"
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
IAM roles for IBM DB2 data sources
When you use an IBM DB2 data source connector, you provide a role with the following policies.
Permission to access your AWS Secrets Manager secret to authenticate your IBM DB2 data source
Permission to call the required public APIs for the IBM DB2 data source connector.
Permission to call the BatchPutDocument, BatchDeleteDocument,
PutPrincipalMapping, DeletePrincipalMapping, DescribePrincipalMapping, and
ListGroupsOlderThanOrderingId APIs.
IAM roles for data sources 78
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
You can connect an IBM DB2 data source to Amazon Kendra through Amazon VPC. If you
are using a Amazon VPC, you need to add additional permissions.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"kms:ViaService": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
IAM roles for data sources 79
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Resource": ["arn:aws:kendra:{{region}}:{{account_id}}:index/{{index_id}}",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:kendra:{{region}}:{{account_id}}:index/{{index_id}}"
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
IAM roles for Jira data sources
When you use Jira, you provide a role with the following policies.
Permission to access your AWS Secrets Manager secret to authenticate your Jira.
Permission to call the required public APIs for the Jira connector.
Permission to call the BatchPutDocument, BatchDeleteDocument,
PutPrincipalMapping, DeletePrincipalMapping, DescribePrincipalMapping, and
ListGroupsOlderThanOrderingId APIs.
IAM roles for data sources 80
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
You can connect a Jira data source to Amazon Kendra through Amazon VPC. If you are
using a Amazon VPC, you need to add additional permissions.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"kms:ViaService": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
IAM roles for data sources 81
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Resource": ["arn:aws:kendra:{{your-region}}:{{your-account-id}}:index/{{index-
id}}", "arn:aws:kendra:{{your-region}}:{{your-account-id}}:index/{{index-id}}/data-
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:kendra:{{your-region}}:{{your-account-id}}:index/{{index-id}}"
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
IAM roles for Microsoft Exchange data sources
When you use a Microsoft Exchange data source, you provide Amazon Kendra with a role that has
the permissions necessary for connecting to the site. These include:
Permission to get and decrypt the AWS Secrets Manager secret that contains the application ID
and secret key necessary to connect to the Microsoft Exchange site. For more information about
the contents of the secret, see Microsoft Exchange data sources.
Permission to use the BatchPutDocument and BatchDeleteDocument APIs.
IAM roles for data sources 82
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
You can connect a Microsoft Exchange data source to Amazon Kendra through Amazon
VPC. If you are using a Amazon VPC, you need to add additional permissions.
The following IAM policy provides the necessary permissions:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"kms:ViaService": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:kendra:your-region:your-account-id:index/index-id"
IAM roles for data sources 83
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
If you are storing the list of users to index in an Amazon S3 bucket, you must also provide
permission to use the S3 GetObject operation. The following IAM policy provides the necessary
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"kms:ViaService": [
IAM roles for data sources 84
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:kendra:your-region:your-account-id:index/index-id"
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
IAM roles for Microsoft OneDrive data sources
When you use a Microsoft OneDrive data source, you provide Amazon Kendra with a role that has
the permissions necessary for connecting to the site. These include:
Permission to get and decrypt the AWS Secrets Manager secret that contains the application
ID and secret key necessary to connect to the OneDrive site. For more information about the
contents of the secret, see Microsoft OneDrive data sources.
Permission to use the BatchPutDocument and BatchDeleteDocument APIs.
IAM roles for data sources 85
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
You can connect a Microsoft OneDrive data source to Amazon Kendra through Amazon
VPC. If you are using a Amazon VPC, you need to add additional permissions.
The following IAM policy provides the necessary permissions:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"kms:ViaService": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:kendra:your-region:your-account-id:index/index-id"
IAM roles for data sources 86
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
If you are storing the list of users to index in an Amazon S3 bucket, you must also provide
permission to use the S3 GetObject operation. The following IAM policy provides the necessary
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"kms:ViaService": [
IAM roles for data sources 87
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:kendra:your-region:your-account-id:index/index-id"
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
IAM roles for Microsoft SharePoint data sources
IAM roles for SharePoint Connector v1.0
For a Microsoft SharePoint connector v1.0 data source, you provide a role with the following
Permission to access the AWS Secrets Manager secret that contains the user name and password
for the SharePoint site. For more information about the contents of the secret, see Microsoft
SharePoint data sources.
Permission to use the AWS KMS customer master key (CMK) to decrypt the user name and
password secret stored by AWS Secrets Manager.
Permission to use the BatchPutDocument and BatchDeleteDocument operations to update
the index.
IAM roles for data sources 88
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Permission to access the Amazon S3 bucket that contains the SSL certificate used to
communicate with the SharePoint site.
You must also attach a trust policy that allows Amazon Kendra to assume the role.
You can connect a Microsoft SharePoint data source to Amazon Kendra through Amazon
VPC. If you are using a Amazon VPC, you need to add additional permissions.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
IAM roles for data sources 89
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"kms:ViaService": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
If you have encrypted the Amazon S3 bucket that contains the SSL certificate used to communicate
with the SharePoint site, provide a policy to give Amazon Kendra access to the key.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
IAM roles for data sources 90
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
IAM roles for SharePoint Connector v2.0
For a Microsoft SharePoint connector v2.0 data source, you provide a role with the following
Permission to access the AWS Secrets Manager secret that contains the authentication
credentials for the SharePoint site. For more information about the contents of the secret, see
Microsoft SharePoint data sources.
Permission to use the AWS KMS customer master key (CMK) to decrypt the user name and
password secret stored by AWS Secrets Manager.
Permission to use the BatchPutDocument and BatchDeleteDocument operations to update
the index.
Permission to access the Amazon S3 bucket that contains the SSL certificate used to
communicate with the SharePoint site.
You must also attach a trust policy that allows Amazon Kendra to assume the role.
You can connect a Microsoft SharePoint data source to Amazon Kendra through Amazon
VPC. If you are using a Amazon VPC, you need to add additional permissions.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
IAM roles for data sources 91
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"kms:ViaService": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow"
IAM roles for data sources 92
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:kendra:your-region:your-account-id:index/index-id"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:ec2:region:account_id:network-interface/*",
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"aws:RequestTag/AWS_KENDRA": "kendra_your-account-id_index-id_*"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:ec2:your-region:your-account-id:network-interface/*",
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"ec2:CreateAction": "CreateNetworkInterface"
IAM roles for data sources 93
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:ec2:your-region:your-account-id:network-interface/*",
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"aws:ResourceTag/AWS_KENDRA": "kendra_your-account-id_index-id_*"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
If you have encrypted the Amazon S3 bucket that contains the SSL certificate used to communicate
with the SharePoint site, provide a policy to give Amazon Kendra access to the key.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
IAM roles for data sources 94
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
IAM roles for Microsoft SQL Server data sources
When you use Microsoft SQL Server, you provide a role with the following policies.
Permission to access your AWS Secrets Manager secret to authenticate your Microsoft SQL Server
Permission to call the required public APIs for the Microsoft SQL Server connector.
Permission to call the BatchPutDocument, BatchDeleteDocument,
PutPrincipalMapping, DeletePrincipalMapping, DescribePrincipalMapping, and
ListGroupsOlderThanOrderingId APIs.
You can connect a Microsoft SQL Server data source to Amazon Kendra through Amazon
VPC. If you are using a Amazon VPC, you need to add additional permissions.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
IAM roles for data sources 95
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"kms:ViaService": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": ["arn:aws:kendra:{{region}}:{{account_id}}:index/{{index_id}}",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:kendra:{{region}}:{{account_id}}:index/{{index_id}}"
IAM roles for data sources 96
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
IAM roles for Microsoft Teams data sources
When you use a Microsoft Teams data source, you provide Amazon Kendra with a role that has the
permissions necessary for connecting to the site. These include:
Permission to get and decrypt the AWS Secrets Manager secret that contains the client ID and
client secret necessary to connect to Microsoft Teams. For more information about the contents
of the secret, see Microsoft Teams data sources.
You can connect a Microsoft Teams data source to Amazon Kendra through Amazon VPC. If
you are using a Amazon VPC, you need to add additional permissions.
The following IAM policy provides the necessary permissions:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
IAM roles for data sources 97
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"kms:ViaService": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:kendra:your-region:your-account-id:index/index-id"
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
IAM roles for data sources 98
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
IAM roles for Microsoft Yammer data sources
When you use a Microsoft Yammer data source, you provide Amazon Kendra with a role that has
the permissions necessary for connecting to the site. These include:
Permission to get and decrypt the AWS Secrets Manager secret that contains the application ID
and secret key necessary to connect to the Microsoft Yammer site. For more information about
the contents of the secret, see Microsoft Yammer data sources.
Permission to use the BatchPutDocument and BatchDeleteDocument APIs.
You can connect a Microsoft Yammer data source to Amazon Kendra through Amazon VPC.
If you are using a Amazon VPC, you need to add additional permissions.
The following IAM policy provides the necessary permissions:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
IAM roles for data sources 99
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Resource": [
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"kms:ViaService": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:kendra:your-region:your-account-id:index/index-id"
If you are storing the list of users to index in an Amazon S3 bucket, you must also provide
permission to use the S3 GetObject operation. The following IAM policy provides the necessary
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Action": [
"Resource": [
IAM roles for data sources 100
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Effect": "Allow"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"kms:ViaService": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:kendra:your-region:your-account-id:index/index-id"
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
IAM roles for data sources 101
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
IAM roles for MySQL data sources
When you use a My SQL data source connector, you provide a role with the following policies.
Permission to access your AWS Secrets Manager secret to authenticate your My SQL data source
Permission to call the required public APIs for the My SQL data source connector.
Permission to call the BatchPutDocument, BatchDeleteDocument,
PutPrincipalMapping, DeletePrincipalMapping, DescribePrincipalMapping, and
ListGroupsOlderThanOrderingId APIs.
You can connect a MySQL data source to Amazon Kendra through Amazon VPC. If you are
using a Amazon VPC, you need to add additional permissions.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
IAM roles for data sources 102
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"kms:ViaService": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": ["arn:aws:kendra:{{region}}:{{account_id}}:index/{{index_id}}",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:kendra:{{region}}:{{account_id}}:index/{{index_id}}"
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
IAM roles for data sources 103
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
IAM roles for Oracle data sources
When you use a Oracle data source connector, you provide a role with the following policies.
Permission to access your AWS Secrets Manager secret to authenticate your Oracle data source
Permission to call the required public APIs for the Oracle data source connector.
Permission to call the BatchPutDocument, BatchDeleteDocument,
PutPrincipalMapping, DeletePrincipalMapping, DescribePrincipalMapping, and
ListGroupsOlderThanOrderingId APIs.
You can connect a Oracle data source to Amazon Kendra through Amazon VPC. If you are
using a Amazon VPC, you need to add additional permissions.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Condition": {
IAM roles for data sources 104
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"StringLike": {
"kms:ViaService": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": ["arn:aws:kendra:{{region}}:{{account_id}}:index/{{index_id}}",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:kendra:{{region}}:{{account_id}}:index/{{index_id}}"
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
IAM roles for data sources 105
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
IAM roles for PostgreSQL data sources
When you use a PostgreSQL data source connector, you provide a role with the following policies.
Permission to access your AWS Secrets Manager secret to authenticate your PostgreSQL data
source instance.
Permission to call the required public APIs for the PostgreSQL data source connector.
Permission to call the BatchPutDocument, BatchDeleteDocument,
PutPrincipalMapping, DeletePrincipalMapping, DescribePrincipalMapping, and
ListGroupsOlderThanOrderingId APIs.
You can connect a PostgreSQL data source to Amazon Kendra through Amazon VPC. If you
are using a Amazon VPC, you need to add additional permissions.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"kms:ViaService": [
IAM roles for data sources 106
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": ["arn:aws:kendra:{{region}}:{{account_id}}:index/{{index_id}}",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:kendra:{{region}}:{{account_id}}:index/{{index_id}}"
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
IAM roles for data sources 107
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
IAM roles for Quip data sources
When you use Quip, you provide a role with the following policies.
Permission to access your AWS Secrets Manager secret to authenticate your Quip.
Permission to call the required public APIs for the Quip connector.
Permission to call the BatchPutDocument, BatchDeleteDocument,
PutPrincipalMapping, DeletePrincipalMapping, DescribePrincipalMapping, and
ListGroupsOlderThanOrderingId APIs.
You can connect a Quip data source to Amazon Kendra through Amazon VPC. If you are
using a Amazon VPC, you need to add additional permissions.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"kms:ViaService": [
IAM roles for data sources 108
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": ["arn:aws:kendra:{{your-region}}:{{your-account-id}}:index/{{your-
index-id}}", "arn:aws:kendra:{{your-region}}:{{your-account-id}}:index/{{your-index-
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:kendra:{{your-region}}:{{your-account-id}}:index/{{index-id}}"
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
IAM roles for data sources 109
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
IAM roles for Salesforce data sources
When you use a Salesforce as a data source, you provide a role with the following policies:
Permission to access the AWS Secrets Manager secret that contains the user name and password
for the Salesforce site. For more information about the contents of the secret, see Salesforce
data sources.
Permission to use the AWS KMS customer master key (CMK) to decrypt the user name and
password secret stored by Secrets Manager.
Permission to use the BatchPutDocument and BatchDeleteDocument operations to update
the index.
You can connect a Salesforce data source to Amazon Kendra through Amazon VPC. If you
are using a Amazon VPC, you need to add additional permissions.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
IAM roles for data sources 110
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"kms:ViaService": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:kendra:your-region:account-id:index/index-id"
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
IAM roles for ServiceNow data sources
When you use a ServiceNow as a data source, you provide a role with the following policies:
Permission to access the Secrets Manager secret that contains the user name and password for
the ServiceNow site. For more information about the contents of the secret, see ServiceNow data
Permission to use the AWS KMS customer master key (CMK) to decrypt the user name and
password secret stored by Secrets Manager.
IAM roles for data sources 111
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Permission to use the BatchPutDocument and BatchDeleteDocument operations to update
the index.
You can connect a ServiceNow data source to Amazon Kendra through Amazon VPC. If you
are using a Amazon VPC, you need to add additional permissions.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"kms:ViaService": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
IAM roles for data sources 112
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Resource": "arn:aws:kendra:your-region:your-account-id:index/index-id"
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
IAM roles for Slack data sources
When you use Slack, you provide a role with the following policies.
Permission to access your AWS Secrets Manager secret to authenticate your Slack.
Permission to call the required public APIs for the Slack connector.
Permission to call the BatchPutDocument, BatchDeleteDocument,
PutPrincipalMapping, DeletePrincipalMapping, DescribePrincipalMapping, and
ListGroupsOlderThanOrderingId APIs.
You can connect a Slack data source to Amazon Kendra through Amazon VPC. If you are
using a Amazon VPC, you need to add additional permissions.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
IAM roles for data sources 113
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"kms:ViaService": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": ["arn:aws:kendra:{{your-region}}:{{your-account-id}}:index/{{index-
id}}", "arn:aws:kendra:{{your-region}}:{{your-account-id}}:index/{{index-id}}/data-
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
IAM roles for data sources 114
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Resource": "arn:aws:kendra:{{your-region}}:{{your-account-id}}:index/{{index-id}}"
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
IAM roles for Zendesk data sources
When you use Zendesk, you provide a role with the following policies.
Permission to access your AWS Secrets Manager secret to authenticate your Zendesk Suite.
Permission to call the required public APIs for the Zendesk connector.
Permission to call the BatchPutDocument, BatchDeleteDocument,
PutPrincipalMapping, DeletePrincipalMapping, DescribePrincipalMapping, and
ListGroupsOlderThanOrderingId APIs.
You can connect a Zendesk data source to Amazon Kendra through Amazon VPC. If you are
using a Amazon VPC, you need to add additional permissions.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
IAM roles for data sources 115
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"kms:ViaService": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": ["arn:aws:kendra:{{your-region}}:{{your-account-id}}:index/{{index-
id}}", "arn:aws:kendra:{{your-region}}:{{your-account-id}}:index/{{index-id}}/data-
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:kendra:{{your-region}}:{{your-account-id}}:index/{{index-id}}"
IAM roles for data sources 116
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
Virtual private cloud (VPC) IAM role
If you use a virtual private cloud (VPC) to connect to your data source, you must provide the
following additional permissions.
VPC IAM role
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
Virtual private cloud (VPC) IAM role 117
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Resource": "arn:aws:ec2:{{region}}:{{account_id}}:network-interface/*",
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"aws:RequestTag/AWS_KENDRA": "kendra_{{account_id}}_{{index_id}}_*"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:ec2:{{region}}:{{account_id}}:network-interface/*",
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"ec2:CreateAction": "CreateNetworkInterface"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:ec2:{{region}}:{{account_id}}:network-interface/*",
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"aws:ResourceTag/AWS_KENDRA": "kendra_{{account_id}}_{{index_id}}_*"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
Virtual private cloud (VPC) IAM role 118
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
IAM roles for frequently asked questions (FAQs)
When you use the CreateFaq API to load questions and answers into an index, you must provide
Amazon Kendra with an IAM role with access to the Amazon S3 bucket that contains the source
files. If the source files are encrypted, you must provide permission to use the AWS KMS customer
master key (CMK) to decrypt the files.
IAM roles for FAQs
A required role policy to allow Amazon Kendra to access an Amazon S3 bucket.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
IAM roles for frequently asked questions (FAQs) 119
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
An optional role policy to allow Amazon Kendra to use an AWS KMS customer master key (CMK) to
decrypt files in an Amazon S3 bucket.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"kms:ViaService": [
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
IAM roles for frequently asked questions (FAQs) 120
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
IAM roles for query suggestions
When you use an Amazon S3 file as a query suggestions block list, you supply a role that has
permission to access the Amazon S3 file and the Amazon S3 bucket. If the block list text file (the
Amazon S3 file) in the Amazon S3 bucket is encrypted, you must provide permission to use the
AWS KMS customer master key (CMK) to decrypt the documents.
IAM roles for query suggestions
A required role policy to allow Amazon Kendra to use the Amazon S3 file as your query suggestions
block list.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
{"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
An optional role policy to allow Amazon Kendra to use an AWS KMS customer master key (CMK) to
decrypt documents in an Amazon S3 bucket.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
{"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
IAM roles for query suggestions 121
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
IAM roles for principal mapping of users and groups
When you use the PutPrincipalMapping API to map users to their groups for filtering search results
by user context, you need to provide a list of users or sub groups that belong to a group. If your list
is more than 1000 users or sub groups for a group, you need to supply a role that has permission
to access the Amazon S3 file of your list and the Amazon S3 bucket. If the text file (the Amazon S3
file) of the list in the Amazon S3 bucket is encrypted, you must provide permission to use the AWS
KMS customer master key (CMK) to decrypt the documents.
IAM roles for principal mapping
A required role policy to allow Amazon Kendra to use the Amazon S3 file as your list of users and
sub groups that belong to a group.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
{"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
IAM roles for principal mapping of users and groups 122
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Resource": [
An optional role policy to allow Amazon Kendra to use an AWS KMS customer master key (CMK) to
decrypt documents in an Amazon S3 bucket.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
{"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
It is recommended that you include aws:sourceAccount and aws:sourceArn in the trust
policy. This limits permissions and securely checks if aws:sourceAccount and aws:sourceArn
IAM roles for principal mapping of users and groups 123
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
are the same as provided in the IAM role policy for the sts:AssumeRole action. This prevents
unauthorized entities from accessing your IAM roles and their permissions. For more information,
see the AWS Identity and Access Management guide on the confused deputy problem.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": [
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"aws:SourceAccount": "your-account-id"
"StringLike": {
"aws:SourceArn": "arn:aws:kendra:your-region:your-account-id:index-
IAM roles for AWS IAM Identity Center
When you use the UserGroupResolutionConfiguration object to fetch access levels of groups
and users from an AWS IAM Identity Center identity source, you need to supply a role that has
permission to access IAM Identity Center.
IAM roles for AWS IAM Identity Center
A required role policy to allow Amazon Kendra to access IAM Identity Center.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
IAM roles for AWS IAM Identity Center 124
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Sid": "iamPassRole",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "iam:PassRole",
"Resource": "*",
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"iam:PassedToService": [
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
IAM roles for AWS IAM Identity Center 125
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
IAM roles for Amazon Kendra experiences
When you use the CreateExperience or UpdateExperience APIs to create or update a search
application, you must supply a role that has permission to access the necessary operations and IAM
Identity Center.
IAM roles for Amazon Kendra search experience
A required role policy to allow Amazon Kendra to access Query operations, QuerySuggestions
operations, SubmitFeedback operations, and IAM Identity Center that stores your user and group
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "AllowsKendraSearchAppToCallKendraApi",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Sid": "AllowKendraSearchAppToDescribeDataSourcesAndFaq",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
IAM roles for Amazon Kendra experiences 126
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Sid": "AllowKendraSearchAppToCallSSODescribeUsersAndGroups",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Condition": {
"StringLike": {
"kms:ViaService": [
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
IAM roles for Amazon Kendra experiences 127
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
It is recommended that you include aws:sourceAccount and aws:sourceArn in the trust
policy. This limits permissions and securely checks if aws:sourceAccount and aws:sourceArn
are the same as provided in the IAM role policy for the sts:AssumeRole action. This prevents
unauthorized entities from accessing your IAM roles and their permissions. For more information,
see the AWS Identity and Access Management guide on the confused deputy problem.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": [
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"aws:SourceAccount": "your-account-id"
"StringLike": {
"aws:SourceArn": "arn:aws:kendra:your-region:your-account-id:index-
IAM roles for Custom Document Enrichment
When you use the CustomDocumentEnrichmentConfiguration object to apply advanced alterations
of your document metadata and content, you must supply a role that has the required permissions
to run PreExtractionHookConfiguration and/or PostExtractionHookConfiguration.
You configure a Lambda function for PreExtractionHookConfiguration and/or
PostExtractionHookConfiguration to apply advanced alterations of your document
metadata and content during the ingestion process. If you choose to activate Server Side
IAM roles for Custom Document Enrichment 128
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Encryption for your Amazon S3 bucket, you must provide permission to use the AWS KMS customer
master key (CMK) to encrypt and decrypt the objects stored in your Amazon S3 bucket.
IAM roles for Custom Document Enrichment
A required role policy to allow Amazon Kendra to run PreExtractionHookConfiguration and
PostExtractionHookConfiguration with encryption for your Amazon S3 bucket.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [{
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow"
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
IAM roles for Custom Document Enrichment 129
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:your-region:your-account-id:function:lambda-function"
An optional role policy to allow Amazon Kendra to run PreExtractionHookConfiguration and
PostExtractionHookConfiguration without encryption for your Amazon S3 bucket.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [{
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow"
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:your-region:your-account-id:function:lambda-function"
A trust policy to allow Amazon Kendra to assume a role.
IAM roles for Custom Document Enrichment 130
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
It is recommended that you include aws:sourceAccount and aws:sourceArn in the trust
policy. This limits permissions and securely checks if aws:sourceAccount and aws:sourceArn
are the same as provided in the IAM role policy for the sts:AssumeRole action. This prevents
unauthorized entities from accessing your IAM roles and their permissions. For more information,
see the AWS Identity and Access Management guide on the confused deputy problem.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": [
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"aws:SourceAccount": "your-account-id"
"StringLike": {
"aws:SourceArn": "arn:aws:kendra:your-region:your-account-id:index-
IAM roles for Custom Document Enrichment 131
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Deploying Amazon Kendra
When it comes time to deploy Amazon Kendra search to your website, we provide source code that
you can use with React to get a head start on your application. The source code is provided with
no charge under a modified MIT license. You can use it as is or change it for your own needs. The
provided React app is an example to help you get started. It's not a production ready app.
To deploy a search application with no code and generate an endpoint URL to your search page
with access control, see Amazon Kendra Experience Builder.
The following example code adds Amazon Kendra search to an existing React web application:—Sample files
that developers can use to build a functional search experience into their existing React web
The examples are modeled after the search page of the Amazon Kendra console. They have the
same features for searching and displaying search results. You can use the whole example, or you
can choose just one of the features for your own use.
To see the three components of the search page in the Amazon Kendra console, choose the code
icon (</>) from the right menu. Hover your pointer over each section to see a brief description of
the component and to get the URL of the component's source.
Setting up the example
Main search page
Search component
Results component
Facets component
Pagination component
Building a search experience with no code
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
You add the example code to an existing React web application to activate search. The example
code includes a Readme file with steps to set up a new React development environment. The
example data in the code example can be used to demonstrate a search. The search files and
components in the example code are structured as follows:
Main search page (Search.tsx)—This is the main page that contains all of the components.
This is where you integrate your application with the Amazon Kendra API.
Search bar—This is the component where a user enters a search term and calls the search
Results—This is the component that displays the results from Amazon Kendra. It has three
components: Suggested answers, FAQ results, and recommended documents.
Facets—This is the component that shows the facets in the search results and allows you to
choose a facet to narrow the search.
Pagination—This is the component that paginates the response from Amazon Kendra.
Before you begin, you need the following:
Node.js and npm installed. Node.js version 19 or older is required.
Python 3 or Python 2 downloaded and installed.
SDK for Java or AWS SDK for JavaScript to make API calls to Amazon Kendra.
An existing React web application. The example code includes a Readme file with steps on how
to set up a new React development environment, including using required frameworks/libraries.
You can also follow the quick start instructions in the React documentation on creating a React
web app.
The required libraries and dependencies configured in your development environment. The
example code includes a Readme file that lists the required libraries and package dependencies.
Note that sass is required, as node-sass is deprecated. If you previously installed node-sass,
uninstall this and install sass.
Overview 133
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Setting up the example
A complete procedure for adding Amazon Kendra search to a React application is in the Readme
file included in the code example.
To get started using
1. Make sure you have completed the Prerequisites, including downloading and installing Node.js
and npm.
2. Download and unzip.
Open your terminal and go to aws-kendra-example-react-app/src/services/. Open
local-dev-credentials.json and provide your credentials. Do not add this file to any
public repository.
Go to aws-kendra-example-react-app and install the dependencies in package.json.
Run npm install.
Launch a demo version of your app on your local server. Run npm start. You can stop the
local server by entering on your keyboard Cmd/Ctrl + C.
You can change the port or host (for example, IP address) by going to package.json and
update the host and port: "start": "HOST=[host] PORT=[port] react-scripts
start". If you use Windows: "start": "set HOST=[host] && set PORT=[port] &&
react-scripts start".
If you have a registered website domain, you can specify this in package.json after your
app name. For example, "homepage": "". You must run npm
install again to update new dependencies, and then run npm start.
To build the app, run npm build. Upload the contents of the build directory to your hosting
The React app is not production ready. It's an example of deploying an app for Amazon
Kendra search.
Setting up the example 134
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Main search page
The main search page (Search.tsx) contains all of the example search components. It includes
the search bar component for output, the results components to display the response from the
Query API, and a pagination component for paging through the response.
Search component
The search component provides a text box to enter query text. The onSearch function is a hook
that calls the main function in Search.tsx to make the Amazon Kendra Query API call.
Results component
The results component shows the response from the Query API. The results are shown in three
separate areas.
Suggested answers—These are the top results returned by the Query API. It contains up to three
suggested answers. In the response, they have the result type ANSWER.
FAQ answers—These are the frequently asked questions results returned by the response. FAQs
are added to the index separately. In the response, they have the type QUESTION_ANSWER. For
more information, see Questions and answers.
Recommended documents—These are additional documents that Amazon Kendra returns in the
response. In the response from the Query API, they have the type DOCUMENT.
The results components share a set of components for features like highlighting, titles, links, and
more. The shared components must be present for the result components to work.
Facets component
The facets component lists the facets available in the search results. Each facet classifies the
response along a specific dimension, such as author. You can refine the search to a specific facet by
choosing one from the list.
After you select a facet, the component calls Query with an attribute filter that restricts the search
to documents that match the facet.
Main search page 135
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Pagination component
The pagination component allows you to display the search results from the Query API in multiple
pages. It calls the Query API with the PageSize and PageNumber parameters to get a specific
page of results.
Building a search experience with no code
You can build and deploy an Amazon Kendra search application without the need for any front-
end code. Amazon Kendra Experience Builder helps you build and deploy a fully functional search
application in a few clicks so that you can start searching right away. You can custom design
your search page and tune your search to tailor the experience to your users' needs. Amazon
Kendra generates a unique, fully hosted endpoint URL of your search page to start searching your
documents and FAQs. You can quickly build a proof of concept of your search experience and share
it with others.
You use the search experience template available in the builder to customize your search. You can
invite others to collaborate in building your search experience, or evaluate search results for tuning
purposes. Once your search experience is ready for your users to start searching, you simply share
the secure endpoint URL.
How the search Experience Builder works
The overall process of building a search experience is as follows:
1. You create your search experience by giving it a name, description, and choosing your data
sources you want to use for your search experience.
2. You configure your list of users and groups in AWS IAM Identity Center and then assign them
access rights to your search experience. You include yourself as an owner of the experience. For
more information, see the section called “Providing access to your search page”.
3. You open the Amazon Kendra Experience Builder to design and tune your search page. You can
share your endpoint URL of your search experience with others who you assign own-edit access
rights or view-search access rights.
You call the CreateExperience API to create and configure your search experience. If you use the
console, you select your index and then select Experiences in the navigation menu to configure
your experience.
Pagination component 136
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Design and tune your search experience
Once you create and configure your search experience, you open the search experience using an
endpoint URL to start customizing your search as an owner with editor access rights. You type your
query into the search box, then customize your search using the editing options on the side panel
to see how they apply to your page. When you are ready to publish, select Publish. You can also
toggle between Switch to live view, to view the latest published version of your search page, and
Switch to build mode, to edit or customize your search page.
The following are ways you can customize your search experience.
Add faceted search or filter by document attributes. This includes custom attributes. You can
add a filter using your own configured metadata fields. For example, to facet search by each city
category, use a _category custom document attribute that contains all the city categories.
Suggested answer
Add machine learning generated answers to your users' queries. For example, 'How difficult is this
course?'. Amazon Kendra can retrieve the most relevant text across all documents referring to a
course's difficulty and suggest the most relevant answer.
Add a FAQ document to provide answers to frequently asked questions. For example, 'How many
hours to complete this course?'. Amazon Kendra can use the FAQ document containing the answer
to this question and give the correct answer.
Add sorting of the search results so that your users can organize the results by relevancy, created
time, last updated time, and other sorting criteria.
Configure how documents or search results are displayed on your search page. You can configure
how many results display on the page, include pagination such as page numbers, activate a user
feedback button, and arrange how document metadata fields are displayed in a search result.
Design and tune your search experience 137
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Select a language to filter the search results or documents in the selected language.
Search box
Configure the size and placeholder text of your search box, as well as allow query suggestions.
Relevance tuning
Add boosting to document metadata fields to place more weight on these fields when your users
search for documents. You can add a weight that starts at 1 and incrementally increases to 10.
You can boost text, date, and numeric field types. For example, to give _last_updated_at and
_created_at more weight or importance than other fields, give these fields a weight of 1 to 10,
depending on their importance. You can apply different relevance tuning configurations for each
search application or experience.
Providing access to your search page
Access to your search experience is through IAM Identity Center. When you configure your search
experience, you grant other people listed in your Identity Center directory access to your Amazon
Kendra search page. They receive an email that directs them to sign in using their credentials
in IAM Identity Center to access the search page. You must set up IAM Identity Center at the
organization level or account holder level in AWS Organizations. For more information on setting
up IAM Identity Center, see Getting started with IAM Identity Center.
You activate user identities in IAM Identity Center with your search experience and assign Viewer or
Owner access permissions using the API or the console.
Viewer: Allowed to issue queries, receive suggested answers relevant to their search, and
contribute their feedback to Amazon Kendra so that it keeps improving the search.
Owner: Allowed to customize the design of the search page, tune the search, and use the search
application as a Viewer. Disabling access to viewers in the console is currently not supported.
To assign other people access to your search experience, you first activate user identities in IAM
Identity Center with your Amazon Kendra experience by using the ExperienceConfiguration
object. You specify the field name that contains the identifiers of your users such as user name
or email address. You then grant your list of users access to your search experience using the
AssociateEntitiesToExperience API and define their permissions as Viewer or Owner using the
Providing access to your search page 138
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
AssociatePersonasToEntities API. You specify each user or group using the EntityConfiguration
object and whether that user or group is a Viewer or Owner using the EntityPersonaConfiguraton
To assign other people access to your search experience using the console, you first need to create
an experience and confirm your identity and that you are an owner. Then you can assign other
users or groups as viewers or owners. In the console, select your index and then select Experiences
in the navigation menu. After you create your experience, you can select your experience from the
list. Go to Access management to assign users or groups as viewers or owners.
Configuring a search experience
The following is an example of configuring or creating a search experience.
To create an Amazon Kendra search experience
1. In the left navigation pane, under Indexes, select Experiences and then select Create
2. On the Configure experience page, enter a name and description for your experience,
choose your content sources, and choose the IAM role for your experience. For more
information on IAM roles, see IAM roles for Amazon Kendra experiences.
3. On the Confirm your identity from an Identity Center directory page, select your user ID
such as your email. If you do not have an Identity Center directory, simply enter your full
name and email to create an Identity Center directory. This includes you as a user of the
experience and automatically assigns you owner access rights.
4. On the Review to open Experience Builder page, review your configuration details and
select Create experience and open Experience Builder to start editing your search page.
To create an Amazon Kendra experience
aws kendra create-experience \
--name experience-name \
--description "experience description" \
--index-id index-id \
--role-arn arn:aws:iam::account-id:role/role-name \
Configuring a search experience 139
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
--configuration '{"ExperienceConfiguration":[{"ContentSourceConfiguration":
"UserIdentityConfiguration":"identity attribute name"}]}'
aws kendra describe-experience \
--endpoints experience-endpoint-URL(s)
To create an Amazon Kendra experience
import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
import pprint
import time
kendra = boto3.client("kendra")
print("Create an experience.")
# Provide a name for the experience
name = "experience-name"
# Provide an optional description for the experience
description = "experience description"
# Provide the index ID for the experience
index_id = "index-id"
# Provide the IAM role ARN required for Amazon Kendra experiences
role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::${account-id}:role/${role-name}"
# Configure the experience
configuration = {"ExperienceConfiguration":
"UserIdentityConfiguration":"identity attribute name"
experience_response = kendra.create_experience(
Name = name,
Description = description,
IndexId = index_id,
RoleArn = role_arn,
Configuration = configuration
Configuring a search experience 140
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
experience_endpoints = experience_response["Endpoints"]
print("Wait for Amazon Kendra to create the experience.")
while True:
# Get the details of the experience, such as the status
experience_description = kendra.describe_experience(
Endpoints = experience_endpoints
status = experience_description["Status"]
print(" Creating experience. Status: "+status)
if status != "CREATING":
except ClientError as e:
print("%s" % e)
print("Program ends.")
To create an Amazon Kendra
package com.amazonaws.kendra;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
public class CreateExperienceExample {
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
System.out.println("Create an experience");
Configuring a search experience 141
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
String experienceName = "experience-name";
String experienceDescription = "experience description";
String indexId = "index-id";
String experienceRoleArn = "arn:aws:iam::account-id:role/role-name";
KendraClient kendra = KendraClient.builder().build();
CreateExperienceRequest createExperienceRequest = CreateExperienceRequest
CreateExperienceResponse createExperienceResponse =
System.out.println(String.format("Experience response %s",
String experienceEndpoints = createExperienceResponse.endpoints();
System.out.println(String.format("Wait for Kendra to create the
experience.", experienceEndpoints));
while (true) {
DescribeExperienceRequest describeExperienceRequest =
Configuring a search experience 142
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
DescribeExperienceResponse describeEpxerienceResponse =
ExperienceStatus status = describeExperienceResponse.status();
if (status != ExperienceStatus.CREATING) {
System.out.println("Experience creation is complete.");
Configuring a search experience 143
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Adjusting capacity
Amazon Kendra provides resources for your index in capacity units. Each capacity unit provides
additional resources for your index. There are separate capacity units for document storage and for
queries. You can only add capacity units to Amazon Kendra Enterprise Edition indexes. You can't
add capacity to a Developer Edition index.
A document storage capacity unit provides the following additional storage for your index.
100,000 documents or 30 GB of storage.
A query capacity unit provides the following additional queries for your index.
0.1 queries per second or approximately 8,000 queries per day.
Each index comes with a base capacity equal to 1 capacity unit (30 GB of storage and 0.1 queries
per second). There is an additional cost for each additional capacity unit. For details, see Amazon
Kendra pricing.
You can add up to 100 extra capacity units to your storage and query resources for an index. If you
need more units, simply contact Support.
You can adjust capacity units up to 5 times per day to fit your usage requirements. You can't reduce
document storage capacity below the number of documents stored in your index. For example, if
you are storing 150,000 documents, you can't reduce the storage capacity below 1 additional unit.
You can view the resources an index is using in the console by selecting the name of the index to
open the index settings and other information, or you can use the DescribeIndex API.
Amazon Kendra also returns exceptions when you exceed the capacity of an index. You get a
ServiceQuotaExceededException when the total extracted size of all the documents exceeds
the limit for an index. You get a InvalidRequest for each document when the number of
documents exceeds the limit for an index. You get a ThrottlingException when the number
of queries per second exceeds the limit. For more information on limits, see Quotas for Amazon
Accumulated queries will last up to 24 hours.
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Viewing capacity
View the resources that your index is using with the Amazon Kendra console by selecting the name
of your index to access the details. The console also provides usage graphs so you can determine
how much storage and query capacity your index uses. You can use this information to help you
plan when to add additional capacity.
To view document storage and query use (console)
1. Sign into the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console at https://
2. From the list of indexes, choose the index you want to access.
3. Scroll to the settings section to view the current total document storage and query capacity.
To view capacity using the Amazon Kendra API, use the CapacityUnits parameter in the
DescribeIndex API.
Adding and removing capacity
If you need additional capacity for your index, you can add it using the console or the Amazon
Kendra API.
To add or remove storage or query capacity (console)
1. Sign into the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console at https://
2. From the list of indexes, choose the index that you want to access.
3. Select Edit, or select Edit from the Actions dropdown.
4. Select Next to go to the provisioning details page.
5. Add or remove document storage and/or query capacity units.
6. Continue to select Next to go to the review page and then select Update to save your changes.
After you update the capacity of your index, it can take several minutes for the changes to take
Viewing capacity 145
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
To add or remove capacity using the Amazon Kendra API, use the CapacityUnits parameter in
the UpdateIndex API.
Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking capacity
A capacity unit provides the following additional rescore requests per second for a rescore
execution plan. A rescore execution plan is a resource used to provision the Rescore API.
0.01 requests per second.
Each rescore execution plan comes with a base capacity equal to 1 capacity unit (0.01 requests
per second). There is an additional cost for each additional capacity unit. For details, see Amazon
Kendra pricing.
You can add up to 1000 extra capacity units for a rescore execution plan. If you need more units,
simply contact Support.
Query suggestions capacity
When using query suggestions, there’s a base query capacity of 2.5 GetQuerySuggestions calls
per second. The GetQuerySuggestions capacity is five times the provisioned query capacity for
an index, or the base capacity of 2.5 calls per second, whichever is higher. For example, the base
capacity for an index is 0.1 queries per second, and GetQuerySuggestions capacity has a base of
2.5 calls per second. If you add another 0.1 queries per second to total 0.2 queries per second for
an index, the GetQuerySuggestions capacity is 2.5 calls per second (higher than five times 0.2
queries per second).
Amazon Kendra experience capacity
Search experience capacity
Amazon Kendra starts to throttle Query, QuerySuggestions, SubmitFeedback for your
Amazon Kendra experience at 15 requests per second and 40 requests per second for query
bursting. For an index with more than 150 query capacity units, these limits still apply.
For example, your query capacity units for your index is 150, so your search experience application
can handle 15 requests per second. However, if you scaled to 200 query capacity units, then your
Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking capacity 146
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
search experience app would still only handle 15 requests per second. If you limit your index to 100
query capacity units, then your search experience app would only handle 10 requests per second.
Adaptive query bursting
Amazon Kendra has a provisioned base capacity of 1 query capacity unit. You can use up to 8,000
queries per day with a minimum throughput of 0.1 queries per second (per query capacity unit).
Accumulated queries will last up to 24 hours and can accommodate bursts of traffic. The amount
of burst allowed varies because it depends on the cluster's load at any given time. Provision enough
query capacity units to handle your peak load levels.
An adaptive approach to handling unexpected bursts of traffic beyond the provisioned throughput
is Amazon Kendra's built-in adaptive query bursting. Adaptive query bursting is available in the
Enterprise Edition of Amazon Kendra.
Adaptive query bursting is a built-in capability that allows you to apply unused query capacity to
handle unexpected traffic. Amazon Kendra accumulates your unused queries at your provisioned
queries per second rate, every second, up to the maximum number of queries you've provisioned
for your Amazon Kendra index. These accumulated queries are used for unexpected traffic above
the allocated capacity. Optimal performance of adaptive query bursting can vary, depending on
several factors such as your total index size, query complexity, accumulated unused queries, and
overall load on your index. It is recommended that you perform your own load tests to accurately
measure bursting capacity.
Adaptive query bursting 147
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Getting started
This section shows you how to create a data source and add your documents to an Amazon Kendra
index. Instructions are provided for the AWS console, the AWS CLI, a Python program using the
AWS SDK for Python (Boto3), and a Java program using the AWS SDK for Java.
Getting started with the Amazon Kendra console
Getting started (AWS CLI)
Getting started (AWS SDK for Python (Boto3))
Getting started (AWS SDK for Java)
Getting started with an Amazon S3 data source (console)
Getting started with a MySQL database data source (console)
Getting started with an AWS IAM Identity Center identity source (console)
The following steps are prequisites for the getting started exercises. The steps show you how to
set up your account, create an IAM role that gives Amazon Kendra permission to make calls on your
behalf, and index documents from an Amazon S3 bucket. An S3 bucket is used as an example, but
you can use other data sources that Amazon Kendra supports. See Data sources.
Sign up for an AWS account
If you do not have an AWS account, complete the following steps to create one.
To sign up for an AWS account
1. Open
2. Follow the online instructions.
Part of the sign-up procedure involves receiving a phone call and entering a verification code
on the phone keypad.
Prerequisites 148
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
When you sign up for an AWS account, an AWS account root user is created. The root user
has access to all AWS services and resources in the account. As a security best practice, assign
administrative access to a user, and use only the root user to perform tasks that require root
user access.
AWS sends you a confirmation email after the sign-up process is complete. At any time, you can
view your current account activity and manage your account by going to
and choosing My Account.
Create a user with administrative access
After you sign up for an AWS account, secure your AWS account root user, enable AWS IAM Identity
Center, and create an administrative user so that you don't use the root user for everyday tasks.
Secure your AWS account root user
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console as the account owner by choosing Root user and
entering your AWS account email address. On the next page, enter your password.
For help signing in by using root user, see Signing in as the root user in the AWS Sign-In User
2. Turn on multi-factor authentication (MFA) for your root user.
For instructions, see Enable a virtual MFA device for your AWS account root user (console) in
the IAM User Guide.
Create a user with administrative access
1. Enable IAM Identity Center.
For instructions, see Enabling AWS IAM Identity Center in the AWS IAM Identity Center User
2. In IAM Identity Center, grant administrative access to a user.
For a tutorial about using the IAM Identity Center directory as your identity source, see
Configure user access with the default IAM Identity Center directory in the AWS IAM Identity
Center User Guide.
Create a user with administrative access 149
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Sign in as the user with administrative access
To sign in with your IAM Identity Center user, use the sign-in URL that was sent to your email
address when you created the IAM Identity Center user.
For help signing in using an IAM Identity Center user, see Signing in to the AWS access portal in
the AWS Sign-In User Guide.
Assign access to additional users
1. In IAM Identity Center, create a permission set that follows the best practice of applying least-
privilege permissions.
For instructions, see Create a permission set in the AWS IAM Identity Center User Guide.
2. Assign users to a group, and then assign single sign-on access to the group.
For instructions, see Add groups in the AWS IAM Identity Center User Guide.
If you are using an S3 bucket containing documents to test Amazon Kendra, create an S3
bucket in the same region that you are using Amazon Kendra. For instructions, see Creating
and Configuring an S3 Bucket in the Amazon Simple Storage Service User Guide.
Upload your documents to your S3 bucket. For instructions, see Uploading, Downloading, and
Managing Objects in the Amazon Simple Storage Service User Guide.
If you are using another data source, you must have an active site and credentials to connect to
the data source.
If you are using the console to get started, start with Getting started with the Amazon Kendra
Amazon Kendra resources: AWS CLI, SDK, console
There are certain permissions required if you use CLI, SDK, or the console.
To use Amazon Kendra for the CLI, SDK, or console you must have permissions to allow Amazon
Kendra to create and manage resources on your behalf. Depending on your use case, these
permissions include access to the Amazon Kendra API itself, AWS KMS keys if you want to encrypt
your data through a custom CMK, Identity Center directory if you want to integrate with AWS IAM
Amazon Kendra resources: AWS CLI, SDK, console 150
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Identity Center or create a Search Experience. For a full list of permissions for different use cases,
see IAM roles.
First, you must attach the below permissions to your IAM user.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "Stmt1644430853544",
"Action": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "*"
"Sid": "Stmt1644430878150",
"Action": "kendra:*",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "*"
"Sid": "Stmt1644430973706",
"Action": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "*"
"Sid": "Stmt1644430999558",
"Action": [
Amazon Kendra resources: AWS CLI, SDK, console 151
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "*"
"Sid": "Stmt1644431025960",
"Action": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "*"
Second, if you use the CLI or SDK, you must also create an IAM role and policy to access Amazon
CloudWatch Logs. If you are using the console, you don't need to create an IAM role and policy for
this. You create this as part of the console procedure.
To create an IAM role and policy for the AWS CLI and SDK that allows Amazon Kendra to access
your Amazon CloudWatch Logs.
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the IAM console at https://
2. From the left menu, choose Policies and then choose Create policy.
3. Choose JSON and then replace the default policy with the following:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*",
"Condition": {
Amazon Kendra resources: AWS CLI, SDK, console 152
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"StringEquals": {
"cloudwatch:namespace": "AWS/Kendra"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"arn:aws:logs:region:account ID:log-group:/aws/kendra/*"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"arn:aws:logs:region:account ID:log-group:/aws/kendra/*:log-
4. Choose Review policy.
5. Name the policy "KendraPolicyForGettingStartedIndex" and then choose Create policy.
6. From the left menu, choose Roles and then choose Create role.
7. Choose Another AWS account and then type your account ID in Account ID. Choose Next:
8. Choose the policy that you created above and then choose Next: Tags
Amazon Kendra resources: AWS CLI, SDK, console 153
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
9. Don't add any tags. Choose Next: Review.
10. Name the role "KendraRoleForGettingStartedIndex" and then choose Create role.
11. Find the role that you just created. Choose the role name to open the summary. Choose Trust
relationships and then choose Edit trust relationship.
12. Replace the existing trust relationship with the following:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": ""
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
13. Choose Update trust policy.
Third, if you use an Amazon S3 to store your documents or you are using S3 to test Amazon
Kendra, you also must create an IAM role and policy to access your bucket. If you are using another
data source, see IAM roles for data sources.
To create an IAM role and policy that allows Amazon Kendra to access and index your Amazon
S3 bucket.
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the IAM console at https://
2. From the left menu, choose Policies and then choose Create policy.
3. Choose JSON and then replace the default policy with the following:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Action": [
Amazon Kendra resources: AWS CLI, SDK, console 154
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Resource": [
"arn:aws:s3:::bucket name/*"
"Effect": "Allow"
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"arn:aws:s3:::bucket name"
"Effect": "Allow"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:kendra:region:account ID:index/*"
4. Choose Review policy.
5. Name the policy "KendraPolicyForGettingStartedDataSource" and then choose Create policy.
6. From the left menu, choose Roles and then choose Create role.
7. Choose Another AWS account and then type your account ID in Account ID. Choose Next:
8. Choose the policy that you created above and then choose Next: Tags
9. Don't add any tags. Choose Next: Review.
10. Name the role "KendraRoleForGettingStartedDataSource" and then choose Create role.
11. Find the role that you just created. Choose the role name to open the summary. Choose Trust
relationships and then choose Edit trust relationship.
12. Replace the existing trust relationship with the following:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
Amazon Kendra resources: AWS CLI, SDK, console 155
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": ""
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
13. Choose Update trust policy.
Depending on how you want to use the Amazon Kendra API, do one of the following.
Getting started (AWS CLI)
Getting started (AWS SDK for Java)
Getting started (AWS SDK for Python (Boto3))
Getting started with the Amazon Kendra console
The following procedures show how to create and test an Amazon Kendra index by using the AWS
console. In the procedures you create an index and a data source for an index. Finally, you test your
index by making a search request.
Step 1: To create an index (console)
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console at https://
2. Select Create index in the Indexes section.
3. In the Specify index details page, give your index a name and a description.
4. In IAM role, choose Create a new role and then give the role a name. The IAM role will have
the prefix "AmazonKendra-".
5. Leave all of the other fields at their defaults. Choose Next.
6. In the Configure user access control page, choose Next.
7. In the Provisioning details page, choose Developer edition.
8. Choose Create to create your index.
Getting started with the Amazon Kendra console 156
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
9. Wait for your index to be created. Amazon Kendra provisions the hardware for your index. This
operation can take some time.
Step 2: To add a data source to an index (console)
1. View the available data sources to connect Amazon Kendra to and index your documents.
2. In the navigation pane, select Data sources and then select Add data source for your chosen
data source.
3. Follow the steps to configure the data source.
Step 3: To search an index (console)
1. In the navigation pane, choose the option to search your index.
2. Enter a search term that's appropriate for your index. The top results and top document
results are shown.
Getting started (AWS CLI)
The following procedure shows how to create an Amazon Kendra index using the AWS CLI. The
procedure creates a data source, index, and runs a query on the index.
To create an Amazon Kendra index (CLI)
1. Do the Prerequisites.
2. Enter the following command to create an index.
aws kendra create-index \
--name cli-getting-started-index \
--description "Index for CLI getting started guide." \
--role-arn arn:aws:iam::account id:role/KendraRoleForGettingStartedIndex
3. Wait for Amazon Kendra to create the index. Check the progress using the following command.
When the status field is ACTIVE, go on to the next step.
aws kendra describe-index \
--id index id
4. At the command prompt, enter the following command to create a data source.
Getting started (AWS CLI) 157
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
aws kendra create-data-source \
--index-id index id \
--name data source name \
--role-arn arn:aws:iam::account id:role/KendraRoleForGettingStartedDataSource \
--type S3 \
--configuration '{"S3Configuration":{"BucketName":"S3 bucket name"}}'
If you connect to your data source using a template schema, configure the template schema.
aws kendra create-data-source \
--index-id index id \
--name data source name \
--role-arn arn:aws:iam::account id:role/KendraRoleForGettingStartedDataSource \
--type TEMPLATE \
--configuration '{"TemplateConfiguration":{"Template":{JSON schema}}}'
5. It will take Amazon Kendra a while to create the data source. Enter the following command to
check the progress. When the status is ACTIVE, go on to the next step.
aws kendra describe-data-source \
--id data source ID \
--index-id index ID
6. Enter the following command to synchronize the data source.
aws kendra start-data-source-sync-job \
--id data source ID \
--index-id index ID
7. Amazon Kendra will index your data source. The amount of time that it takes depends on the
number of documents. You can check the status of the sync job using the following command.
When the status is ACTIVE, go on to the next step.
aws kendra describe-data-source \
--id data source ID \
--index-id index ID
8. Enter the following command to make a query.
aws kendra query \
Getting started (AWS CLI) 158
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
--index-id index ID \
--query-text "search term"
The results of the search are displayed in JSON format.
Getting started (AWS SDK for Python (Boto3))
The following program is an example of using Amazon Kendra in a Python program. The program
performs the following actions:
1. Creates a new index using the CreateIndex operation.
2. Waits for index creation to complete. It uses the DescribeIndex operation to monitor the status
of the index.
3. Once the index is active, it creates a data source using the CreateDataSource operation.
4. Waits for data source creation to complete. It uses the DescribeDataSource operation to monitor
the status of the data source.
5. When the data source is active, it synchronizes the index with the contents of the data source
using the StartDataSourceSyncJob operation.
import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
import pprint
import time
kendra = boto3.client("kendra")
print("Create an index.")
# Provide a name for the index
index_name = "python-getting-started-index"
# Provide an optional decription for the index
description = "Getting started index"
# Provide the IAM role ARN required for indexes
index_role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::${accountId}:role/KendraRoleForGettingStartedIndex"
index_response = kendra.create_index(
Description = description,
Getting started (SDK for Python (Boto3)) 159
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Name = index_name,
RoleArn = index_role_arn
index_id = index_response["Id"]
print("Wait for Amazon Kendra to create the index.")
while True:
# Get the details of the index, such as the status
index_description = kendra.describe_index(
Id = index_id
# When status is not CREATING quit.
status = index_description["Status"]
print(" Creating index. Status: "+status)
if status != "CREATING":
print("Create an S3 data source.")
# Provide a name for the data source
data_source_name = "python-getting-started-data-source"
# Provide an optional description for the data source
data_source_description = "Getting started data source."
# Provide the IAM role ARN required for data sources
data_source_role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::${accountId}:role/
# Provide the data source connection information
S3_bucket_name = "S3-bucket-name"
data_source_type = "S3"
# Configure the data source
configuration = {"S3Configuration":
"BucketName": S3_bucket_name
If you connect to your data source using a template schema,
configure the template schema
Getting started (SDK for Python (Boto3)) 160
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
configuration = {"TemplateConfiguration":
"Template": {JSON schema}
data_source_response = kendra.create_data_source(
Name = data_source_name,
Description = data_source_name,
RoleArn = data_source_role_arn,
Type = data_source_type,
Configuration = configuration,
IndexId = index_id
data_source_id = data_source_response["Id"]
print("Wait for Amazon Kendra to create the data source.")
while True:
# Get the details of the data source, such as the status
data_source_description = kendra.describe_data_source(
Id = data_source_id,
IndexId = index_id
# If status is not CREATING, then quit
status = data_source_description["Status"]
print(" Creating data source. Status: "+status)
if status != "CREATING":
print("Synchronize the data source.")
sync_response = kendra.start_data_source_sync_job(
Id = data_source_id,
IndexId = index_id
Getting started (SDK for Python (Boto3)) 161
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
print("Wait for the data source to sync with the index.")
while True:
jobs = kendra.list_data_source_sync_jobs(
Id = data_source_id,
IndexId = index_id
# For this example, there should be one job
status = jobs["History"][0]["Status"]
print(" Syncing data source. Status: "+status)
if status != "SYNCING":
except ClientError as e:
print("%s" % e)
print("Program ends.")
Getting started (AWS SDK for Java)
The following program is an example of using Amazon Kendra in a Java program. The program
performs the following actions:
1. Creates a new index using the CreateIndex operation.
2. Waits for index creation to complete. It uses the DescribeIndex operation to monitor the status
of the index.
3. Once the index is active, it creates a data source using the CreateDataSource operation.
4. Waits for data source creation to complete. It uses the DescribeDataSource operation to monitor
the status of the data source.
5. When the data source is active, it synchronizes the index with the contents of the data source
using the StartDataSourceSyncJob operation.
package com.amazonaws.kendra;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
Getting started (SDK for Java) 162
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
public class CreateIndexAndDataSourceExample {
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
System.out.println("Create an index");
String indexDescription = "Getting started index for Kendra";
String indexName = "java-getting-started-index";
String indexRoleArn = "arn:aws:iam::<your AWS account ID>:role/<name of an IAM
System.out.println(String.format("Creating an index named %s", indexName));
KendraClient kendra = KendraClient.builder().build();
CreateIndexRequest createIndexRequest = CreateIndexRequest
CreateIndexResponse createIndexResponse =
System.out.println(String.format("Index response %s", createIndexResponse));
Getting started (SDK for Java) 163
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
String indexId =;
System.out.println(String.format("Waiting until the index with index ID %s is
created", indexId));
while (true) {
DescribeIndexRequest describeIndexRequest =
DescribeIndexResponse describeIndexResponse =
IndexStatus status = describeIndexResponse.status();
if (status != IndexStatus.CREATING) {
System.out.println("Creating an S3 data source");
String dataSourceName = "java-getting-started-data-source";
String dataSourceDescription = "Getting started data source";
String s3BucketName = "an-aws-kendra-amzn-s3-demo-bucket";
String dataSourceRoleArn = "arn:aws:iam::<your AWS account ID>:role/<name of an
IAM role>";
CreateDataSourceRequest createDataSourceRequest = CreateDataSourceRequest
Getting started (SDK for Java) 164
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
CreateDataSourceResponse createDataSourceResponse =
System.out.println(String.format("Response of creating data source: %s",
String dataSourceId =;
System.out.println(String.format("Waiting for Kendra to create the data source
%s", dataSourceId));
DescribeDataSourceRequest describeDataSourceRequest = DescribeDataSourceRequest
while (true) {
DescribeDataSourceResponse describeDataSourceResponse =
DataSourceStatus status = describeDataSourceResponse.status();
System.out.println(String.format("Creating data source. Status: %s",
if (status != DataSourceStatus.CREATING) {
System.out.println(String.format("Synchronize the data source %s",
StartDataSourceSyncJobRequest startDataSourceSyncJobRequest =
StartDataSourceSyncJobResponse startDataSourceSyncJobResponse =
System.out.println(String.format("Waiting for the data
source to sync with the index %s for execution ID %s", indexId,
// For this particular list, there should be just one job
Getting started (SDK for Java) 165
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
ListDataSourceSyncJobsRequest listDataSourceSyncJobsRequest =
while (true) {
ListDataSourceSyncJobsResponse listDataSourceSyncJobsResponse =
DataSourceSyncJob job = listDataSourceSyncJobsResponse.history().get(0);
System.out.println(String.format("Syncing data source. Status: %s",
if (job.status() != DataSourceSyncJobStatus.SYNCING) {
System.out.println("Index setup is complete");
Getting started with an Amazon S3 data source (console)
You can use the Amazon Kendra console to get started using an Amazon S3 bucket as a data store.
When you use the console you specify all of the connection information you need to index the
contents of the bucket. For more information, see Amazon S3.
Use the following procedure to create a basic S3 bucket data source using the default
configuration. The procedure assumes that you created an index following the steps in step 1 of
Getting started with the Amazon Kendra console.
To create an S3 bucket data source using the Amazon Kendra console
1. Sign into the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console at https://
2. From the list of indexes, choose the index that you want to add the data source to.
Getting started with S3 (console) 166
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
3. Choose Add data sources.
4. From the list of data source connectors, choose Amazon S3.
5. On the Define attributes page, give your data source a name and optionally a description.
Leave the Tags field blank. Choose Next to continue.
6. In the Enter the data source location field, enter the name of the S3 bucket that contains
your documents. You can enter the name directly, or you can browse for the name by choosing
Browse. The bucket must be in the same Region as the index.
7. In IAM role choose Create a new role and then type a role name. For more information, see
IAM roles for Amazon S3 data sources.
8. In the Set sync run schedule section, choose Run on demand.
9. Choose Next to continue.
10. On the Review and create page review the details of your S3 data source. If you want to make
changes, choose the Edit button next to the item that you want to change. When you are
satisfied with your choices, choose Create to create your S3 data source.
After you choose Create, Amazon Kendra starts creating the data source. It can take several
minutes for the data source to be created. When it is finished, the status of the data source
changes from Creating to Active.
After creating the data source, you need to sync the Amazon Kendra index with the data source.
Choose Sync now to start the sync process. It can take several minutes to several hours to
synchronize the data source, depending on the number and size of the documents.
Getting started with a MySQL database data source (console)
You can use the Amazon Kendra console to get started using a MySQL database as a data source.
When you use the console you specify the connection information you need to index the contents
of a MySQL database. For more information, see Using a database data source.
You first need to create a MySQL database, then you can create a data source for the database.
Use the following procedure to create a basic MySQL database. The procedure assumes that you
have already created an index following step 1 of Getting started with the Amazon Kendra console.
Getting started with MySQL (console) 167
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
To create a MySQL database
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon RDS console at https://
2. From the navigation pane, choose Subnet groups and then choose Create DB Subnet Group.
3. Name the group and choose your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). For more information on
configuring a VPC, see Configuring Amazon Kendra to use a VPC.
4. Add your VPC's private subnets. Your private subnets are the ones that are not connected to
your NAT. Choose Create.
5. From the navigation pane, choose Databases and then choose Create database.
6. Use the following parameters to create the database. Leave all of the other parameters at their
Engine options—MySQL
Templates—Free tier
Credential Settings—Enter and confirm a password
Under Connectivity, choose Additional connectivity configuration. Make the following
Subnet group—Choose the subnet group that you created in step 4.
VPC security group—Choose the group that contains both inbound and outbound rules
that you created in your VPC. For example, DataSourceSecurityGroup. For more
information on configuring a VPC, see Configuring Amazon Kendra to use a VPC.
Under Additional configuration, set the Initial database name to content.
7. Choose Create database.
8. From the list of databases, choose your new database. Make a note of the database endpoint.
9. After you create your database, you must create a table to hold your documents. Creating
a table is outside the scope of these instructions. When you create your table, note the
Database name—content
Table name—documents
Columns—ID, Title, Body, and LastUpdate. You can include additional columns if you
Getting started with MySQL (console) 168
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Now that you have created your MySQL database, you can create a data source for the database.
To create a MySQL data source
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console at https://
2. From the navigation pane, choose Indexes and then choose your index.
3. Choose Add data sources and then choose Amazon RDS.
4. Type a name and description for the data source and then choose Next.
5. Choose MySQL.
6. Under Connection access, enter the following information:
Endpoint—The endpoint of the database that you created earlier.
Port—The port number for the database. For MySQL, the default is 3306.
Type of authentication—Choose New.
New secret container name—A name for the Secrets Manager container for the database
Username—The name of a user with administrative access to the database.
Password—The password for the user, and then choose Save authentication.
Database namecontent.
Table namedocuments.
IAM role—Choose Create a new role, and then type a name for the role.
7. In Column configuration enter the following:
Document ID column nameID
Document title column nameTitle
Document data column nameBody
8. In Column change detection enter the following:
Change detecting columnsLastUpdate
9. In Configure VPC & security group provide the following:
In Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), choose your VPC.
In Subnets, choose the private subnets that you created in your VPC.
Getting started with MySQL (console) 169
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
In VPC security groups, choose the security group that contains both inbound and
outbound rules that you created in your VPC for MySQL databases. For example,
10. In Set sync run schedule, choose Run on demand and then choose Next.
11. In Data source field mapping, choose Next.
12. Review the configuration of your data source to make sure that it is correct. When you're
satisfied that everything is correct, choose Create.
Getting started with an AWS IAM Identity Center identity
source (console)
An AWS IAM Identity Center identity source contains information on your users and groups. This is
useful for setting up user context filtering, where Amazon Kendra filters search results for different
users based on the user or their group's access to documents.
To create an IAM Identity Center identity source, you must activate IAM Identity Center and create
an organization in AWS Organizations. When you activate IAM Identity Center and create an
organization for the first time, it automatically defaults to the Identity Center directory as the
identity source. You can change to Active Directory (Amazon managed or self-managed) or an
external identity provider as your identity source. You must follow the correct guidance for this —
see Changing your IAM Identity Center identity source. You can have only one identity source per
In order for your users and groups to be assigned different levels of access to documents, you need
to include your users and groups in your access control list when you ingest documents into your
index. This allows your users and groups to search for documents in Amazon Kendra in accordance
with their level of access. When you issue a query, the user ID needs to be an exact match of the
user name in IAM Identity Center.
You must also grant the required permissions to use IAM Identity Center with Amazon Kendra. For
more information, see IAM roles for IAM Identity Center.
To set up an IAM Identity Center identity source
1. Open the IAM Identity Center console.
2. Choose Enable IAM Identity Center, and then choose Create AWS organization.
Getting started with an IAM Identity Center identity source (console) 170
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Identity Center directory is created by default, and an email is sent to you to verify the email
address associated with the organization.
3. To add a group to your AWS organization, in the navigation pane, choose Groups.
4. On the Groups page, choose Create group and enter a group name and description in the
dialog box. Choose Create.
5. To add a user to your Organizations, in the navigation pane, choose Users.
6. On the Users page, choose Add user. Under User details, specify all required fields. For
Password, choose Send an email to the user. Choose Next.
7. To add a user to a group, choose Groups and select a group.
8. On the Details page, under Group members, choose Add user.
9. On the Add users to group page, select the user you want to add as a member of the group.
You can select multiple users to add to a group.
10. To sync your list of users and groups with IAM Identity Center, change your identity source to
Active Directory or External identity provider.
Identity Center directory is the default identity source and requires you to manually add your
users and groups using this source if you do not have your own list managed by a provider. To
change your identity source, you must follow the correct guidance for this—see Changing your
IAM Identity Center identity source.
If using Active Directory or an external identity provider as your identity source, you must
map the email addresses of your users to IAM Identity Center user names when you specify
the System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) protocol. For more information,
see the IAM Identity Center guide on SCIM for enabling IAM Identity Center.
Once you have set up your IAM Identity Center identity source, you can activate this in the console
when you create or edit your index. Go to User access control in your index settings and edit your
settings to allow fetching user-group information from IAM Identity Center.
You can also activate IAM Identity Center using the UserGroupResolutionConfiguration object.
You provide the UserGroupResolutionMode as AWS_SSO and create an IAM role that gives
Getting started with an IAM Identity Center identity source (console) 171
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
permission to call sso:ListDirectoryAssociations, sso-directory:SearchUsers, sso-
directory:ListGroupsForUser, sso-directory:DescribeGroups.
Amazon Kendra currently does not support using
UserGroupResolutionConfiguration with an AWS organization member account for
your IAM Identity Center identity source. You must create your index in the management
account for the organization in order to use UserGroupResolutionConfiguration.
The following is an overview of how to set up a data source with
UserGroupResolutionConfiguration and user access control to filter search results on user
context. This assumes you have already created an index and an IAM role for indexes. You create an
index and provide the IAM role using the CreateIndex API.
Setting up a data source with UserGroupResolutionConfiguration and user context
1. Create an IAM role that gives permission to access your IAM Identity Center identity source.
Configure UserGroupResolutionConfiguration by setting the mode to AWS_SSO and call
UpdateIndex to update your index to use IAM Identity Center.
3. If you want to use token-based user access control to filter search results on user context,
set UserContextPolicy to USER_TOKEN when you call UpdateIndex. Otherwise, Amazon
Kendra crawls the access control list for each of your documents for most data source
connectors. You can also filter search results on user context in the Query API by providing
user and group information in UserContext. You can also map users to their groups using
PutPrincipalMapping so that you only need to provide the user ID when you issue the query.
4. Create an IAM role that gives permission to access your data source.
5. Configure your data source. You must provide the required connection information to connect
to your data source.
6. Create a data source using the CreateDataSource API. Provide the
DataSourceConfiguration object, which includes TemplateConfiguration, the ID of
your index, the IAM role for your data source, the data source type, and give your data source a
name. You can also update your data source.
Getting started with an IAM Identity Center identity source (console) 172
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Changing your IAM Identity Center identity source
Changing your identity source in IAM Identity Center Settings might affect the preservation
of user and group information. To do this safely, it is recommended you review
Considerations for changing your identity source. When you change your identity source, a
new identity source ID is generated. Check you are using the correct ID before you set the
mode to AWS_SSO in UserGroupResolutionConfiguration.
To change your IAM Identity Center identity source
1. Open the IAM Identity Center> console.
2. Choose Settings.
3. On the Settings page, under Identity source, choose Change.
4. On the Change identity source page, select your preferred identity source, and then choose
Changing your IAM Identity Center identity source 173
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Creating an index
You can create an index using the console, or by calling the CreateIndex API. You can use the AWS
Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) or SDK with the API. After you created your index, you can add
documents directly to it or from a data source.
To create an index, you must provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an AWS Identity and
Access Management (IAM) role for indexes to access CloudWatch. For more information, see IAM
roles for indexes.
The following tabs provide a procedure for creating an index by using the AWS Management
Console, and code examples for using the AWS CLI, and Python and Java SDKs.
To create an index
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console at https://
2. Select Create index in the Indexes section.
3. In Specify index details, give your index a name and a description.
4. In IAM role provide an IAM role. To find a role, choose from roles in your account that
contain the word "kendra" or enter the name of another role. For more information about
the permissions that the role requires, see IAM roles for indexes.
5. Choose Next.
6. On the Configure user access control page, choose Next. You can update your index to use
tokens for access control after you create an index. For more information, see Controlling
access to documents.
7. On the Provisioning details page, choose Create.
8. It might take some time for the index to create. Check the list of indexes to watch the
progress of creating your index. When the status of the index is ACTIVE, your index is ready
to use.
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
To create an index
Use the following command to create an index. The role-arn must be the Amazon
Resource Name (ARN) of an IAM role that can run Amazon Kendra actions. For more
information, see IAM roles.
The command is formatted for Linux and macOS. If you are using Windows, replace the
Unix line continuation character (\) with a caret (^).
aws kendra create-index \
--name index name \
--description "index description" \
--role-arn arn:aws:iam::account ID:role/role name
2. It might take some time for the index to create. To check the state of your index, use the
index ID returned by create-index with the following command. When the status of the
index is ACTIVE, your index is ready to use.
aws kendra describe-index \
--index-id index ID
To create an index
Provide values for the following variables in the code example that follows:
description—A description of the index that you're creating. This is optional.
index_name—The name of the index that you're creating.
role_arn—The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a role that can run Amazon Kendra
APIs. For more information, see IAM roles.
import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
import pprint
import time
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
kendra = boto3.client("kendra")
print("Create an index.")
# Provide a name for the index
index_name = "index-name"
# Provide an optional description for the index
description = "index description"
# Provide the IAM role ARN required for indexes
role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::${account id}:role/${role name}"
index_response = kendra.create_index(
Name = index_name,
Description = description,
RoleArn = role_arn
index_id = index_response["Id"]
print("Wait for Amazon Kendra to create the index.")
while True:
# Get the details of the index, such as the status
index_description = kendra.describe_index(
Id = index_id
# If status is not CREATING, then quit
status = index_description["Status"]
print(" Creating index. Status: "+status)
if status != "CREATING":
except ClientError as e:
print("%s" % e)
print("Program ends.")
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
To create an index
Provide values for the following variables in the code example that follows:
description—A description of the index that you're creating. This is optional.
index_name—The name of the index that you're creating.
role_arn—The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a role that can run Amazon Kendra
APIs. For more information, see IAM roles.
package com.amazonaws.kendra;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
public class CreateIndexExample {
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
String indexDescription = "Getting started index for Kendra";
String indexName = "java-getting-started-index";
String indexRoleArn = "arn:aws:iam::<your AWS account ID>:role/
System.out.println(String.format("Creating an index named %s",
CreateIndexRequest createIndexRequest = CreateIndexRequest
KendraClient kendra = KendraClient.builder().build();
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
CreateIndexResponse createIndexResponse =
System.out.println(String.format("Index response %s",
String indexId =;
System.out.println(String.format("Waiting until the index with ID %s is
created.", indexId));
while (true) {
DescribeIndexRequest describeIndexRequest =
DescribeIndexResponse describeIndexResponse =
IndexStatus status = describeIndexResponse.status();
if (status != IndexStatus.CREATING) {
System.out.println("Index creation is complete.");
After you created your index, you add documents to it. You can add them directly or create a data
source that updates your index on a regular schedule.
Adding documents directly to an index with batch upload
Adding frequently asked questions (FAQs) to an index
Creating custom document fields
Controlling user access to documents with tokens
Adding documents directly to an index with batch upload
You can add documents directly to an index using the BatchPutDocument API. You can't add
documents directly using the console. If you use the console, you connect to a data source to add
Adding documents directly to an index with batch upload 178
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
documents to your index. Documents can be added from an S3 bucket or supplied as binary data.
For a list of document types supported by Amazon Kendra see Types of documents.
Adding documents to an index using BatchPutDocument is an asynchronous operation. After
you call the BatchPutDocument API, you use the BatchGetDocumentStatus API to monitor the
progress of indexing your documents. When you call the BatchGetDocumentStatus API with
a list of document IDs, it returns the status of the document. When the status of the document
is INDEXED or FAILED, processing of the document is complete. When the status is FAILED, the
BatchGetDocumentStatus API returns the reason that the document couldn't be indexed.
If you want to alter your content and document metadata fields or attributes during the document
ingestion process, see Amazon Kendra Custom Document Enrichment. If you want to use a custom
data source, each document you submit using the BatchPutDocument API requires a data source
ID and execution ID as attributes or fields. For more information, see Required attributes for
custom data sources.
Each document ID must be unique per index. You cannot create a data source to index
your documents with their unique IDs and then use the BatchPutDocument API to
index the same documents, or vice versa. You can delete a data source and then use
the BatchPutDocument API to index the same documents, or vice versa. Using the
BatchPutDocument and BatchDeleteDocument APIs in combination with an Amazon
Kendra data source connector for the same set of documents could cause inconsistencies
with your data. Instead, we recommend using the Amazon Kendra custom data source
The following developer guide documents show how to add documents directly to an index.
Adding documents with the BatchPutDocument API
Adding documents from an S3 bucket
Adding documents directly to an index with batch upload 179
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Adding documents with the BatchPutDocument API
The following example adds a blob of text to an index by calling BatchPutDocument. You can use
the BatchPutDocument API to add documents directly to your index. For a list of document types
supported by Amazon Kendra see Types of documents.
For an example of creating an index using the AWS CLI and SDKs, see Creating an index. To set up
the CLI and SDKs, see Setting up Amazon Kendra.
Files added to the index must be in a UTF-8 encoded byte stream.
In the following examples, UTF-8 encoded text is added to the index.
In the AWS Command Line Interface, use the following command. The command is formatted
for Linux and macOS. If you are using Windows, replace the Unix line continuation character (\)
with a caret (^).
aws kendra batch-put-document \
--index-id index-id \
--documents '{"Id":"doc-id-1", "Blob":" is an online retailer.",
"ContentType":"PLAIN_TEXT", "Title":"Information about"}'
import boto3
kendra = boto3.client("kendra")
# Provide the index ID
index_id = "index-id"
# Provide the title and text
title = "Information about"
text = " is an online retailer."
document = {
Adding documents with the BatchPutDocument API 180
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Id": "1",
"Blob": text,
"ContentType": "PLAIN_TEXT",
"Title": title
documents = [
result = kendra.batch_put_document(
IndexId = index_id,
Documents = documents
package com.amazonaws.kendra;
public class AddDocumentsViaAPIExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
KendraClient kendra = KendraClient.builder().build();
String indexId = "yourIndexId";
Document testDoc = Document
.title("The title of your document")
.blob(SdkBytes.fromUtf8String("your text content"))
Adding documents with the BatchPutDocument API 181
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
BatchPutDocumentRequest batchPutDocumentRequest = BatchPutDocumentRequest
BatchPutDocumentResponse result =
System.out.println(String.format("BatchPutDocument Result: %s", result));
Adding documents from an S3 bucket
You can add documents directly to your index from an Amazon S3 bucket using the
BatchPutDocument API. You can add up to 10 documents in the same call. When you use an S3
bucket, you must provide an IAM role with permission to access the bucket that contains your
documents. You specify the role in the RoleArn parameter.
Using the BatchPutDocument API to add documents from an Amazon S3 bucket is a one-time
operation. To keep an index synchronized with the contents of a bucket, create an Amazon S3 data
source. For more information, see Amazon S3 data source.
For an example of creating an index using the AWS CLI and SDKs, see Creating an index. To set up
the CLI and SDKs, see Setting up Amazon Kendra. For information on creating an S3 bucket, see
Amazon Simple Storage Service documentation.
In the following example, two Microsoft Word documents are added to the index using the
BatchPutDocument API.
import boto3
kendra = boto3.client("kendra")
# Provide the index ID
index_id = "index-id"
# Provide the IAM role ARN required to index documents in an S3 bucket
role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::${acccountID}:policy/${roleName}"
Adding documents from an S3 bucket 182
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
doc1_s3_file_data = {
"Bucket": "bucket-name",
"Key": "document1.docx"
doc1_document = {
"S3Path": doc1_s3_file_data,
"Title": "Document 1 title",
"Id": "doc_1"
doc2_s3_file_data = {
"Bucket": "bucket-name",
"Key": "document2.docx"
doc2_document = {
"S3Path": doc2_s3_file_data,
"Title": "Document 2 title",
"Id": "doc_2"
documents = [
result = kendra.batch_put_document(
Documents = documents,
IndexId = index_id,
RoleArn = role_arn
package com.amazonaws.kendra;
Adding documents from an S3 bucket 183
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
public class AddFilesFromS3Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
KendraClient kendra = KendraClient.builder().build();
String indexId = "yourIndexId";
String roleArn = "yourIndexRoleArn";
Document pollyDoc = Document
.key("What is Amazon Polly.docx")
.title("What is Amazon Polly")
Document rekognitionDoc = Document
.key("What is Amazon Rekognition.docx")
.title("What is Amazon rekognition")
BatchPutDocumentRequest batchPutDocumentRequest = BatchPutDocumentRequest
.documents(pollyDoc, rekognitionDoc)
BatchPutDocumentResponse result =
System.out.println(String.format("BatchPutDocument result: %s", result));
Adding documents from an S3 bucket 184
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Adding frequently asked questions (FAQs) to an index
You can add frequently asked questions (FAQs) directly to your index using the console or the
CreateFaq API. Adding FAQs to an index is an asynchronous operation. You put the data for the FAQ
in a file that you store in an Amazon Simple Storage Service bucket. You can use CSV or JSON files
as input for your FAQ:
Basic CSV—A CSV file where each row contains a question, answer, and an optional source URI.
Custom CSV—A CSV file that contains questions, answers, and headers for custom fields/
attributes that you can use to facet, display, or sort FAQ responses. You can also define access
control fields to limit the FAQ response to certain users and groups that are allowed to see the
FAQ response.
JSON—A JSON file that contains questions, answers, and custom fields/attributes that you can
use to facet, display, or sort FAQ responses. You can also define access control fields to limit the
FAQ response to certain users and groups that are allowed to see the FAQ response.
For example, the following is a basic CSV file that provides answers to questions about free clinics
in Spokane, Washington USA and Mountain View, Missouri, USA.
How many free clinics are in Spokane WA?, 13
How many free clinics are there in Mountain View Missouri?, 7
The FAQ file must be a UTF-8-encoded file.
Creating index fields for an FAQ file
Basic CSV file
Custom CSV file
JSON file
Adding frequently asked questions (FAQs) to an index 185
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Using your FAQ file
FAQ files in languages other than English
Creating index fields for an FAQ file
When you use a custom CSV or JSON file for input, you can declare custom fields for your FAQ
questions. For example, you can create a custom field that assigns each FAQ question a business
department. When the FAQ is returned in a response, you can use the department as a facet to
narrow the search to "HR" or "Finance" only, for example.
A custom field must map to an index field. In the console, you use the Facet definition page
to create an index field. When using the API, you must first create an index field using the
UpdateIndex API.
The field/attribute type in the FAQ file must match the type of the associated index field. For
example, the "Department" field is a STRING_LIST type field. So, you must provide values for the
department field as a string list in your FAQ file. You can check the type of index fields using the
Facet definition page in the console or by using the DescribeIndex API.
When you create an index field that maps to a custom attribute, you can mark it displayable,
facetable, or sortable. You can't make a custom attribute searchable.
In addition to the custom attributes, you can also use the Amazon Kendra reserved or common
fields in a custom CSV or JSON file. For more information, see Document attributes or fields.
Basic CSV file
Use a basic CSV file when you want to use a simple structure for your FAQs. In a basic CSV file,
each row has two or three fields: a question, an answer, and an optional source URI that points to a
document with more information.
The contents of the file must follow the RFC 4180 Common Format and MIME Type for Comma-
Separated Values (CSV) Files.
The following is a FAQ file in the basic CSV format.
How many free clinics are in Spokane WA?, 13,
Creating index fields for an FAQ file 186
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
How many free clinics are there in Mountain View Missouri?, 7, https://
Custom CSV file
Use a custom CSV file when you want to add custom fields/attributes to your FAQ questions. For a
custom CSV file, you use a header row in your CSV file to define the additional attributes.
The CSV file must contain the following two required fields:
_question—The frequently asked question
_answer—The answer to the frequently asked question
Your file can contain both Amazon Kendra reserved fields and custom fields. The following is an
example of a custom CSV file.
How many free clinics are in Spokane WA?, 13, 2012-03-25T12:30:10+01:00, Note: Some
free clinics require you to meet certain criteria in order to use their services
How many free clinics are there in Mountain View Missouri?, 7,
2012-03-25T12:30:10+01:00, Note: Some free clinics require you to meet certain
criteria in order to use their services
The contents of the custom file must follow the RFC 4180 Common Format and MIME Type for
Comma-Separated Values (CSV) Files.
The following lists the types of custom fields:
Date—ISO 8601-encoded date and time values.
For example, 2012-03-25T12:30:10+01:00 is the ISO 8601 date-time format for March 25, 2012,
at 12:30PM (plus 10 seconds) in the Central European Time time zone.
Long—Numbers, such as 1234.
String—String values. If your string contains commas, enclose the entire value in double
quotation marks (") (for example, "custom attribute, and more").
String list—A list of string values. List the values in a comma-separated list that's enclosed in
quotation marks (") (for example, "item1, item2, item3"). If the list contains only a single
entry, you can omit the quotation marks (for example, item1).
Custom CSV file 187
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
A custom CSV file can contain user access control fields. You can use these fields to limit access to
the FAQ to certain users and groups. To filter on user context, the user must provide user and group
information in the query. Otherwise, all relevant FAQs are returned. For more information, see User
context filtering.
There following lists the user context filters for FAQs:
_acl_user_allow—Users in the allow list can see the FAQ in the query response. The FAQ isn't
returned to other users.
_acl_user_deny—Users in the deny list can't see the FAQ in the query response. The FAQ is
returned to all other users when it's relevant to the query.
_acl_group_allow—Users that are members of an allowed group can see the FAQ in the query
response. The FAQ isn't returned to users that are members of another group.
_acl_group_deny—Users that are members of a denied group can't see the FAQ in the query
response. The FAQ is returned to other groups when it's relevant to the query.
Provide the values for the allow and deny lists in comma-separated lists enclosed in quotation
marks (for example, "user1,user2,user3"). You can include a user or a group in either an allow
list or a deny list, but not both where the same user is individually allowed but also group denied. If
you include a user or group in both, you receive an error.
The following is an example of a custom CSV file with user context information.
_question, _answer, _acl_user_allow, _acl_user_deny, _acl_group_allow, _acl_group_deny
How many free clinics are in Spokane WA?, 13, "userID6201,userID7552",
"userID1001,userID2020", groupBasicPlusRate, groupPremiumRate
JSON file
You can use a JSON file to provide questions, answers, and fields for your index. You can add any of
the Amazon Kendra reserved fields or custom fields to the FAQ.
The following is the schema for the JSON file.
"SchemaVersion": 1,
"FaqDocuments": [
"Question": string,
JSON file 188
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Answer": string,
"Attributes": {
string: object
additional attributes
"AccessControlList": [
"Name": string,
"Type": enum( "GROUP" | "USER" ),
"Access": enum( "ALLOW" | "DENY" )
additional user context
additional FAQ documents
The following example JSON file shows two FAQ documents. One of the documents has the
required question and answer only. The other document also includes additional field and user
context or access control information.
"SchemaVersion": 1,
"FaqDocuments": [
"Question": "How many free clinics are in Spokane WA?",
"Answer": "13"
"Question": "How many free clinics are there in Mountain View Missouri?",
"Answer": "7",
"Attributes": {
"_source_uri": "
"_category": "Charitable Clinics"
"AccessControlList": [
"Name": "[email protected]",
"Type": "USER",
"Access": "ALLOW"
JSON file 189
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Name": "Admin",
"Type": "GROUP",
"Access": "ALLOW"
The following lists the types of custom fields:
Date—A JSON string value with ISO 8601-encoded date and time values. For example,
2012-03-25T12:30:10+01:00 is the ISO 8601 date-time format for March 25, 2012, at 12:30PM
(plus 10 seconds) in the Central European Time time zone.
Long—A JSON number value, such as 1234.
String—A JSON string value (for example, "custom attribute").
String list—A JSON array of string values (for example, ["item1,item2,item3"]).
A JSON file can contain user access control fields. You can use these fields to limit access to the
FAQ to certain users and groups. To filter on user context, the user must provide user and group
information in the query. Otherwise, all relevant FAQs are returned. For more information, see User
context filtering.
You can include a user or a group in either an allow list or a deny list, but not both where the
same user is individually allowed but also group denied. If you include a user or group in both, you
receive an error.
The following is an example of including user access control to a JSON FAQ.
"AccessControlList": [
"Name": "group or user name",
"Type": "GROUP | USER",
"Access": "ALLOW | DENY"
additional user context
JSON file 190
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Using your FAQ file
After you store your FAQ input file in an S3 bucket, you use the console or the CreateFaq API to
put the questions and answers into your index. If you want to update a FAQ, delete the FAQ and
create it again. You use the DeleteFaq API to delete a FAQ.
You must provide an IAM role that has access to the S3 bucket that contains your source files. You
specify the role in the console or in the RoleArn parameter. The following is an example of adding
a FAQ file to an index.
import boto3
kendra = boto3.client("kendra")
# Provide the index ID
index_id = "index-id"
# Provide the IAM role ARN required to index documents in an S3 bucket
role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::${accountId}:role/${roleName}"
# Provide the S3 bucket path information to the FAQ file
faq_path = {
"Bucket": "bucket-name",
"Key": "FreeClinicsUSA.csv"
response = kendra.create_faq(
S3Path = faq_path,
Name = "FreeClinicsUSA",
IndexId = index_id,
RoleArn = role_arn
package com.amazonaws.kendra;
Using your FAQ file 191
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
public class AddFaqExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
KendraClient kendra = KendraClient.builder().build();
String indexId = "yourIndexId";
String roleArn = "your role for accessing S3 files";
CreateFaqRequest createFaqRequest = CreateFaqRequest
CreateFaqResponse response = kendra.createFaq(createFaqRequest);
System.out.println(String.format("The result of creating FAQ: %s",
FAQ files in languages other than English
You can index a FAQ in a supported language. Amazon Kendra indexes FAQs in English by default if
you don't specify a language. You specify the language code when you call the CreateFaq operation
or you can include the language code for a FAQ in the FAQ metadata as a field. If a FAQ doesn't
have a language code in its metadata specified in a metadata field, the FAQ is indexed using the
language code specified when you call the CreateFAQ operation. To index a FAQ document in a
supported language in the console, go to FAQs and select Add FAQ. You choose a language from
the dropdown Language.
FAQ files in languages other than English 192
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Creating custom document fields
You can create custom attributes or fields for your documents in your Amazon Kendra index. For
example, you can create a custom field or attribute called "Department" with the values of "HR",
"Sales", and "Manufacturing". If you map these custom fields or attributes to your Amazon Kendra
index, you can use them to filter the search results to include documents by the "HR" department
attribute, for example.
Before you can use a custom field or attribute, you must first create the field in the index. Use the
console to edit the data source field mappings to add a custom field or use the UpdateIndex API to
create the index field. You cannot change the field data type once you have created the field.
For most data sources, you map fields in the external data source to the corresponding fields in
Amazon Kendra. For more information, see Mapping data source fields. For S3 data sources, you
can create custom fields or attributes using a JSON metadata file.
You can create up to 500 custom fields or attributes.
You can also use Amazon Kendra reserved or common fields. For more information, see Document
attributes or fields.
Updating custom document fields
Updating custom document fields
With the UpdateIndex API, you add custom fields or attributes using the
DocumentMetadataConfigurationUpdates parameter.
The following JSON example uses DocumentMetadataConfigurationUpdates to add a field
called "Department" to the index.
"DocumentmetadataConfigurationUpdates": [
"Name": "Department",
Creating custom document fields 193
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
The following sections include examples for adding custom attributes or fields using the
BatchPutDocument and for an Amazon S3 data source.
Adding custom attributes or fields with the BatchPutDocument API
Adding custom attributes or fields to an Amazon S3 data source
Adding custom attributes or fields with the BatchPutDocument API
When you use the BatchPutDocument API to add a document to your index, you specify custom
fields or attributes as part of Attributes. You can add multiple fields or attributes when you call
the API. You can create up to 500 custom fields or attributes. The following example is a custom
field or attribute that adds "Department" to a document.
"Department": "HR",
"_category": "Vacation policy"
Adding custom attributes or fields to an Amazon S3 data source
When you use an S3 bucket as a data source for your index, you add metadata to the documents
with companion metadata files. You place the metadata JSON files in a directory structure that is
parallel to your documents. For more information, see S3 document metadata.
You specify custom fields or attributes in the Attributes JSON structure. You can create up to
500 custom fields or attributes. For example, the following example uses Attributes to define
three custom fields or attributes and one reserved field.
"Attributes": {
"brand": "Amazon Basics",
"price": 1595,
"_category": "sports",
"subcategories": ["outdoors", "electronics"]
The following steps walk you through adding custom attributes to an Amazon S3 data source.
Updating custom document fields 194
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Step 1: Create a Amazon Kendra index
Step 2: Update index to add custom document fields
Step 3: Create an Amazon S3 data source and map data source fields to custom attributes
Step 1: Create a Amazon Kendra index
Follow the steps in Creating an index to create your Amazon Kendra index.
Step 2: Update index to add custom document fields
After creating an index, you add fields to it. The following procedure shows how to add fields to an
index using the console and the CLI.
To create index fields
1. Make sure you've created an index.
2. Then, from the left navigation menu, from Data management, choose Facet definition.
3. In Index field settings guide, from Index fields, choose Add field to add custom fields.
4. In the Add index field dialog box, do the following:
Field name – Add a field name.
Data type – Select data type, whether String, String list, or Date.
Usage types – Select usage types, whether Facetable, Searchable, Displayable, and
Then, select Add.
Repeat the last step for any other fields you want to map.
aws kendra update-index \
--region $region \
--endpoint-url $endpoint \
--application-id $applicationId \
Updating custom document fields 195
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
--index-id $indexId \
--document-metadata-configuration-updates \
"Name": "string",
"Relevance": {
"Freshness": true|false,
"Importance": integer,
"Duration": "string",
"ValueImportanceMap": {"string": integer
"Search": {
"Facetable": true|false,
"Searchable": true|false,
"Displayable": true|false,
"Sortable": true|false
Step 3: Create an Amazon S3 data source and map data source fields to custom attributes
To create an Amazon S3 data source and map fields to it, follow the instructions in Amazon S3.
If you're using the API, use the fieldMappings attribute under configuration when you use
the CreateDataSource API.
For an overview of how data source fields are mapped, see Mapping data source fields.
Controlling user access to documents with tokens
You can control which users or groups can access certain documents in your index or see certain
documents in their search results. This is called user context filtering. It is a kind of personalized
search with the benefit of controlling access to documents. For example, not all teams that search
the company portal for information should access top-secret company documents, nor are these
documents relevant to all users. Only specific users or groups of teams given access to top-secret
documents should see these documents in their search results.
Controlling user access to documents with tokens 196
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Amazon Kendra supports token-based user access control using the following token types:
Open ID
JWT with a shared secret
JWT with a public key
Amazon Kendra delivers highly secure enterprise search for your search applications. Your
search results reflect the security model of your organization. Customers are responsible for
authenticating and authorizing users to gain access to their search application. At search time,
the Amazon Kendra service filters search results based on user ID provided by the customer's
search application, and document access control lists (ACLs) collected by the Amazon Kendra
connectors during crawl/indexing time. The search results return URLs pointing back to the original
document repositories plus short excerpts. Access to the full document is still enforced by the
original repository.
Using OpenID
Using a JSON Web Token (JWT) with a shared secret
Using a JSON Web Token (JWT) with a public key
Using JSON
Using OpenID
To configure an Amazon Kendra index to use an OpenID token for access control, you need the
JWKS (JSON Web Key Set) URL from the OpenID provider. In most cases the JWKS URL is in the
following format (if they're following openId discovery) https://domain-name/.well_known/
The following examples show how to use an OpenID token for user access control when you create
an index.
1. Choose Create index to start creating a new index.
2. On the Specify index details page, give your index a name and a description.
Using OpenID 197
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
3. For IAM role, select a role or select Create a new role to and specify a role name to create a
new role. The IAM role will have the prefix "AmazonKendra-".
4. Leave all of the other fields at their defaults. Choose Next.
5. In the Configure user access control page, under Access control settings, choose Yes to
use tokens for access control.
6. Under Token configuration, select OpenID as the Token type.
7. Specify a Signing key URL. The URL should point to a set of JSON web keys.
8. Optional Under Advanced configuration:
a. Specify a Username to use in the ACL check.
b. Specify one or more Groups to use in the ACL check.
c. Specify the Issuer that will validate the token issuer.
d. Specify the Client Id(s). You must specify a regular expression that match the audience
in the JWT.
9. In the Provisioning details page, choose Developer edition.
10. Choose Create to create your index.
11. Wait for your index to be created. Amazon Kendra provisions the hardware for your index.
This operation can take some time.
To create an index with the AWS CLI using a JSON input file, first create a JSON file with your
desired parameters:
"Name": "user-context",
"RoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::account-id:role:/my-role",
"UserTokenConfigurations": [
"JwtTokenTypeConfiguration": {
"KeyLocation": "URL",
"Issuer": "optional: specify the issuer url",
"ClaimRegex": "optional: regex to validate claims in the token",
"UserNameAttributeField": "optional: user",
"GroupAttributeField": "optional: group",
"URL": ""
Using OpenID 198
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"UserContextPolicy": "USER_TOKEN"
You can override the default user and group field names. The default value for
UserNameAttributeField is "user". The default value for GroupAttributeField is
Next, call create-index using the input file. For example, if the name of your JSON file is
create-index-openid.json, you can use the following:
aws kendra create-index --cli-input-json file://create-index-openid.json
response = kendra.create_index(
"JwtTokenTypeConfiguration": {
"KeyLocation": "URL",
"Issuer": "optional: specify the issuer url",
"ClaimRegex": "optional: regex to validate claims in the token",
"UserNameAttributeField": "optional: user",
"GroupAttributeField": "optional: group",
"URL": ""
Using a JSON Web Token (JWT) with a shared secret
The following examples show how to use JSON Web Token (JWT) with a shared secret token for
user access control when you create an index.
Using a JSON Web Token (JWT) with a shared secret 199
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
1. Choose Create index to start creating a new index.
2. On the Specify index details page, give your index a name and a description.
3. For IAM role, select a role or select Create a new role to and specify a role name to create a
new role. The IAM role will have the prefix "AmazonKendra-".
4. Leave all of the other fields at their defaults. Choose Next.
5. In the Configure user access control page, under Access control settings, choose Yes to
use tokens for access control.
6. Under Token configuration, select JWT with shared secret as the Token type.
7. Under Parameters for signing shared secret, choose the Type of secret. You can use an
existing AWS Secrets Manager shared secret or create a new shared secret.
To create a new shared secret, choose New and then follow these steps:
a. Under New AWS Secrets Manager secret, specify a Secret name. The prefix
AmazonKendra- will be added when you save the public key.
b. Specify a Key ID. The key id is a hint that indicates which key was used to secure the
JSON web signature of the token.
c. Choose the signing Algorithm for the token. This is the cryptographic algorithm used
to secure the ID token. For more information on RSA, see RSA Cryptography.
d. Specify a Shared secret by entering a base64 URL encoded secret. You can also select
Generate secret to have a secret generated for you. You must ensure the secret is a
base64 URL encoded secret.
e. (Optional) Specify when the shared secret is valid. You can specify the date and time a
secret is valid from, valid to, or both. The secret will be valid in the interval specified.
f. Select Save secret to save the new secret.
8. (Optional) Under Advanced configuration:
a. Specify a Username to use in the ACL check.
b. Specify one or more Groups to use in the ACL check.
c. Specify the Issuer that will validate the token issuer.
d. Specify the Claim ID(s). You must specify a regular expression that matches the
audience in the JWT.
9. In the Provisioning details page, choose Developer edition.
Using a JSON Web Token (JWT) with a shared secret 200
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
10. Choose Create to create your index.
11. Wait for your index to be created. Amazon Kendra provisions the hardware for your index.
This operation can take some time.
You can use JWT token with a shared secret inside of AWS Secrets Manager. The secret must
be a base64 URL encoded secret. You need the Secrets Manager ARN, and your Amazon
Kendra role must have access to GetSecretValue on the Secrets Manager resource. If you are
encrypting the Secrets Manager resource with AWS KMS, the role must also have access to the
decrypt action.
To create an index with the AWS CLI using a JSON input file, first create a JSON file with your
desired parameters:
"Name": "user-context",
"RoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::account-id:role:/my-role",
"UserTokenConfigurations": [
"JwtTokenTypeConfiguration": {
"KeyLocation": "SECRET_MANAGER",
"Issuer": "optional: specify the issuer url",
"ClaimRegex": "optional: regex to validate claims in the token",
"UserNameAttributeField": "optional: user",
"GroupAttributeField": "optional: group",
"SecretManagerArn": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-west-2:account
"UserContextPolicy": "USER_TOKEN"
You can override the default user and group field names. The default value for
UserNameAttributeField is "user". The default value for GroupAttributeField is
Next, call create-index using the input file. For example, if the name of your JSON file is
create-index-openid.json, you can use the following:
Using a JSON Web Token (JWT) with a shared secret 201
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
aws kendra create-index --cli-input-json file://create-index-openid.json
The secret must have the following format in AWS Secrets Manager:
"keys": [
"kid": "key_id",
"alg": "HS256|HS384|HS512",
"kty": "OCT",
"use": "sig", //this value can be sig only for now
"k": "secret",
"nbf":"ISO1806 date format"
"exp":"ISO1806 date format"
For more information about JWT, see
You can use JWT token with a shared secret inside of AWS Secrets Manager. The secret must
be a base64 URL encoded secret. You need the Secrets Manager ARN, and your Amazon
Kendra role must have access to GetSecretValue on the Secrets Manager resource. If you are
encrypting the Secrets Manager resource with AWS KMS, the role must also have access to the
decrypt action.
response = kendra.create_index(
"JwtTokenTypeConfiguration": {
"KeyLocation": "URL",
"Issuer": "optional: specify the issuer url",
"ClaimRegex": "optional: regex to validate claims in the token",
"UserNameAttributeField": "optional: user",
"GroupAttributeField": "optional: group",
"SecretManagerArn": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-west-2:account
Using a JSON Web Token (JWT) with a shared secret 202
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Using a JSON Web Token (JWT) with a public key
The following examples show how to use JSON Web Token (JWT) with a public key for user access
control when you create an index. For more information about JWT, see
1. Choose Create index to start creating a new index.
2. On the Specify index details page, give your index a name and a description.
3. For IAM role, select a role or select Create a new role to and specify a role name to create a
new role. The IAM role will have the prefix "AmazonKendra-".
4. Leave all of the other fields at their defaults. Choose Next.
5. In the Configure user access control page, under Access control settings, choose Yes to
use tokens for access control.
6. Under Token configuration, select JWT with public key as the Token type.
7. Under Parameters for signing public key, choose the Type of secret. You can use an
existing AWS Secrets Manager secret or create a new secret.
To create a new secret, choose New and then follow these steps:
a. Under New AWS Secrets Manager secret, specify a Secret name. The prefix
AmazonKendra- will be added when you save the public key.
b. Specify a Key ID. The key id is a hint that indicates which key was used to secure the
JSON web signature of the token.
c. Choose the signing Algorithm for the token. This is the cryptographic algorithm used
to secure the ID token. For more information on RSA, see RSA Cryptography.
d. Under Certificate attributes, specify an optional Certificate chain. The certificate
chain is made up of a list of certificates. It begins with a server’s certificate and
terminates with the root certificate.
Using a JSON Web Token (JWT) with a public key 203
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
e. Optional Specify the Thumbprint or fingerprint. It should be is a hash of a certificate,
computed over all certificate data and its signature.
f. Specify the Exponent. This is the exponent value for the RSA public key. It is
represented as a Base64urlUInt-encoded value.
g. Specify the Modulus. This is the exponent value for the RSA public key. It is
represented as a Base64urlUInt-encoded value.
h. Select Save key to save the new key.
8. Optional Under Advanced configuration:
a. Specify a Username to use in the ACL check.
b. Specify one or more Groups to use in the ACL check.
c. Specify the Issuer that will validate the token issuer.
d. Specify the Client Id(s). You must specify a regular expression that match the audience
in the JWT.
9. In the Provisioning details page, choose Developer edition.
10. Choose Create to create your index.
11. Wait for your index to be created. Amazon Kendra provisions the hardware for your index.
This operation can take some time.
You can use JWT with a public key inside of a AWS Secrets Manager. You need the Secrets
Manager ARN, and your Amazon Kendra role must have access to GetSecretValue on the
Secrets Manager resource. If you are encrypting the Secrets Manager resource with AWS KMS,
the role must also have access to the decrypt action.
To create an index with the AWS CLI using a JSON input file, first create a JSON file with your
desired parameters:
"Name": "user-context",
"RoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::account id:role:/my-role",
"UserTokenConfigurationList": [
"JwtTokenTypeConfiguration": {
Using a JSON Web Token (JWT) with a public key 204
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"KeyLocation": "SECRET_MANAGER",
"Issuer": "optional: specify the issuer url",
"ClaimRegex": "optional: regex to validate claims in the token",
"UserNameAttributeField": "optional: user",
"GroupAttributeField": "optional: group",
"SecretManagerArn": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-west-2:account
], "UserContextPolicy": "USER_TOKEN"
You can override the default user and group field names. The default value for
UserNameAttributeField is "user". The default value for GroupAttributeField is
Next, call create-index using the input file. For example, if the name of your JSON file is
create-index-openid.json, you can use the following:
aws kendra create-index --cli-input-json file://create-index-openid.json
The secret must have the following format in Secrets Manager:
"keys": [
"alg": "RS256|RS384|RS512",
"kty": "RSA", //this can be RSA only for now
"use": "sig", //this value can be sig only for now
"n": "modulus of standard pem",
"e": "exponent of standard pem",
"kid": "key_id",
"x5t": "certificate thumprint for x.509 cert",
"x5c": [
"certificate chain"
For more information about JWT, see
Using a JSON Web Token (JWT) with a public key 205
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
response = kendra.create_index(
RoleArn='arn:aws:iam::account id:role:/my-role',
"JwtTokenTypeConfiguration": {
"KeyLocation": "URL",
"Issuer": "optional: specify the issuer url",
"ClaimRegex": "optional: regex to validate claims in the token",
"UserNameAttributeField": "optional: user",
"GroupAttributeField": "optional: group",
"SecretManagerArn": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-west-2:account
Using JSON
The following examples show how to use JSON for user access control when you create an index.
The JSON token is a non-validated payload. This should only be used when requests to
Amazon Kendra come from a trusted server and never from a browser.
1. Choose Create index to start creating a new index.
2. On the Specify index details page, give your index a name and a description.
3. For IAM role, select a role or select Create a new role to and specify a role name to create a
new role. The IAM role will have the prefix "AmazonKendra-".
4. Leave all of the other fields at their defaults. Choose Next.
Using JSON 206
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
5. In the Configure user access control page, under Access control settings, choose Yes to
use tokens for access control.
6. Under Token configuration, select JSON as the Token type.
7. Specify a User name to use in the ACL check.
8. Specify one or more Groups to use in the ACL check.
9. Choose Next.
10. In the Provisioning details page, choose Developer edition.
11. Choose Create to create your index.
12. Wait for your index to be created. Amazon Kendra provisions the hardware for your index.
This operation can take some time.
To create an index with the AWS CLI using a JSON input file, first create a JSON file with your
desired parameters:
"Name": "user-context",
"RoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::account-id:role:/my-role",
"UserTokenConfigurations": [
"JsonTokenTypeConfiguration": {
"UserNameAttributeField": "user",
"GroupAttributeField": "group"
"UserContextPolicy": "USER_TOKEN"
Next, call create-index using the input file. For example, if the name of your JSON file is
create-index-openid.json, you can use the following:
aws kendra create-index --cli-input-json file://create-index-openid.json
If you are not using Open ID for AWS IAM Identity Center, you can send us the token in JSON
format. If you do, you must specify which field in the JSON token contains the user name
Using JSON 207
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
and which field contains the groups. The group field values must be a JSON string array. For
example, if you are using SAML, your token would be similar to the following:
"username" : "user1",
"groups": [
The TokenConfiguration would specify the user name and group field names:
response = kendra.create_index(
"JwtTokenTypeConfiguration": {
"UserNameAttributeField": "user",
"GroupAttributeField": "group",
Using JSON 208
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Creating a data source connector
You can create a data source connector for Amazon Kendra to connect to and index your
documents. Amazon Kendra can connect to Microsoft SharePoint, Google Drive, and many other
providers. When you create a data source connector, you give Amazon Kendra the configuration
information required to connect to your source repository. Unlike adding documents directly to an
index, you can periodically scan the data source to update the index.
For example, say that you have a repository of tax documents stored in an Amazon S3 bucket. From
time to time, existing documents are changed and new documents are added to the repository. If
you add the repository to Amazon Kendra as a data source, you can keep your index up to date by
setting up periodic synchronizations between your data source and index.
You can choose to update an index manually using the console or the StartDataSourceSyncJob API.
Otherwise, you set up a schedule to update an index and have it synchronize with your data source.
An index can have more than one data source. Each data source can have its own update schedule.
For example, you might update the index of your working documents daily, or even hourly, while
updating your archived documents manually whenever the archive changes.
If you want to alter your document metadata or attributes and content during the document
ingestion process, see Amazon Kendra Custom Document Enrichment.
Each document ID must be unique per index. You cannot create a data source to index
your documents with their unique IDs and then use the BatchPutDocument API to
index the same documents, or vice versa. You can delete a data source and then use
the BatchPutDocument API to index the same documents, or vice versa. Using the
BatchPutDocument and BatchDeleteDocument APIs in combination with an Amazon
Kendra data source connector for the same set of documents could cause inconsistencies
with your data. Instead, we recommend using the Amazon Kendra custom data source
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Files added to the index must be in a UTF-8 encoded byte stream. For more information on
documents in Amazon Kendra, see Documents.
Setting an update schedule
Configure your data source to periodically update with the console or by using the Schedule
parameter when you create or update a data source. The content of the parameter is a string that
holds either a cron-format schedule string or an empty string to indicate that the index is updated
on demand. For the format of a cron expression, see Schedule Expressions for Rules in the Amazon
CloudWatch Events User Guide. Amazon Kendra supports only cron expressions. It doesn't support
rate expressions.
Setting a language
You can index all your documents in a data source in a supported language. You specify the
language code for all your documents in your data source when you call CreateDataSource. If a
document doesn't have a language code specified in a metadata field, the document is indexed
using the language code that's specified for all documents at the data source level. If you don't
specify a language, Amazon Kendra indexes documents in a data source in English by default.
For more information on supported languages, including their codes, see Adding documents in
languages other than English.
You index all your documents in a data source in a supported language using the console. Go to
Data sources and edit your data source or Add data source if you're adding a new data source. On
the Specify data source details page, choose a language from the dropdown Language. You select
Update or continue to enter the configuration information to connect to your data source.
Data source connectors
This section shows you how to connect Amazon Kendra to supported databases and data source
repositories using Amazon Kendra in the AWS Management Console and the Amazon Kendra APIs.
Data source template schemas
Setting an update schedule 210
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Adobe Experience Manager
Aurora (MySQL)
Aurora (PostgreSQL)
Amazon FSx (Windows)
Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP)
Amazon RDS/Aurora
Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server)
Amazon RDS (MySQL)
Amazon RDS (Oracle)
Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL)
Amazon S3
Amazon Kendra Web Crawler
Amazon WorkDocs
Custom data source connector
Google Drive
Microsoft Exchange
Microsoft OneDrive
Microsoft SharePoint
Microsoft SQL Server
Data source connectors 211
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Yammer
Oracle Database
Data source template schemas
The following are template schemas for data sources where templates are supported.
Adobe Experience Manager template schema
Amazon FSx (Windows) template schema
Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) template schema
Alfresco template schema
Aurora (MySQL) template schema
Aurora (PostgreSQL) template schema
Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server) template schema
Amazon RDS (MySQL) template schema
Amazon RDS (Oracle) template schema
Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL) template schema
Amazon S3 template schema
Amazon Kendra Web Crawler template schema
Confluence template schema
Dropbox template schema
Data source template schemas 212
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Drupal template schema
GitHub template schema
Gmail template schema
Google Drive template schema
IBM DB2 template schema
Microsoft Exchange template schema
Microsoft OneDrive template schema
Microsoft SharePoint template schema
Microsoft SQL Server template schema
Microsoft Teams template schema
Microsoft Yammer template schema
MySQL template schema
Oracle Database template schema
PostgreSQL template schema
Salesforce template schema
ServiceNow template schema
Slack template schema
Zendesk template schema
Adobe Experience Manager template schema
You include a JSON that contains the data source schema as part of the TemplateConfiguration
object. You provide the Adobe Experience Manager host URL, the authentication type, and whether
you use Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) as a Cloud Service or AEM On-Premise as part of the
connection configuration or repository endpoint details. Also, specify the type of data source as
AEM, a secret for your authentication credentials, and other necessary configurations. You then
specify TEMPLATE as the Type when you call CreateDataSource.
You can use the template provided in this developer guide. For more information, see Adobe
Experience Manager JSON schema.
The following table describes the parameters of the AEM JSON schema.
Data source template schemas 213
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
connectionConfiguration Configuration information for the endpoint
for the data source.
repositoryEndpointMetadata The endpoint information for the data source.
aemUrl The Adobe Experience Manager host URL.
For example, if you use AEM On-Premise,
you include the hostname and port: https://
hostname:port. Or, if you use AEM as a Cloud
Service, you can use the author URL: https://a
authType The type of authentication you use, whether
Basic or OAuth2.
deploymentType The type of Adobe Experience Manager that
you use, either CLOUD or ON_PREMISE .
repositoryConfigurations Configuration information for the content
of the data source. For example, configuring
specific types of content and field mappings.
A list of objects that map the attributes
or field names of your Adobe Experience
Manager pages and assets to Amazon Kendra
index field names. For more information, see
Mapping data source fields.
additionalProperties Additional configuration options for your
content in your data source.
timeZoneId If you use AEM On-Premise and the time zone
of your server is different than the time zone
of the Amazon Kendra AEM connector or
index, you can specify the server time zone to
align with the AEM connector or index.
Data source template schemas 214
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
The default time zone for AEM On-Premise
is the time zone of the Amazon Kendra AEM
connector or index. The default time zone for
AEM as a Cloud Service is Greenwich Mean
A list of root paths for pages and assets. For
example, the root path for a page could be
/content/sub and the root path for an asset
could be /content/sub/asset1.
true to crawl assets.
true to crawl pages.
A list of regular expression patterns to include
certain pages and assets in your Adobe
Experience Manager data source. Pages and
assets that match the patterns are included in
the index. Pages and assets that don't match
the patterns are excluded from the index. If a
page or asset matches both an inclusion and
exclusion pattern, the exclusion pattern takes
precedence, and the content isn't included in
the index.
A list of regular expression patterns to exclude
certain pages and assets in your Adobe
Experience Manager data source. Pages and
assets that match the patterns are excluded
from the index. Pages and assets that don't
match the patterns are included in the index.
If a page or asset matches both an inclusion
and exclusion pattern, the exclusion pattern
takes precedence, and the content isn't
included in the index.
Data source template schemas 215
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
pageComponents A list of names for the specific page
components that you want to index.
contentFragmentVariations A list of names for the specific saved variation
s of Adobe Experience Manager Content
Fragments that you want to index.
The type of data source. Specify AEM as your
data source type.
true to use Amazon Kendra's identity crawler
to sync identity/principal information on users
and groups with access to certain documents.
If identity crawler is turned off, all documents
can be publicly searched. If you want to use
access control for your documents and identity
crawler is turned off, you can alternatively use
the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user
and group access information.
Data source template schemas 216
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
syncMode Specify how Amazon Kendra should update
your index when your data source content
changes. You can choose between:
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all
content, replacing existing content each
time your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified
and deleted content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
CHANGE_LOG to index only new and
modified content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
secretArn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an AWS
Secrets Manager secret that contains the key-
value pairs required to connect to your Adobe
Experience Manager. For information on these
key-value pairs, see Connection instructions
for Adobe Experience Manager.
version The version of this template that is currently
Adobe Experience Manager JSON schema
Data source template schemas 217
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"$schema": "",
"type": "object",
"connectionConfiguration": {
"type": "object",
"type": "object",
"type": "string",
"pattern": "https:.*"
"authType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": ["Basic", "OAuth2"]
"deploymentType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": ["CLOUD","ON_PREMISE"]
"repositoryConfigurations": {
"type": "object",
Data source template schemas 218
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "object",
"type": "array",
"type": "object",
"type": "string"
"type": "string",
"type": "string"
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
Data source template schemas 219
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "object",
"type": "array",
"type": "object",
"type": "string"
"type": "string",
"type": "string"
Data source template schemas 220
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"additionalProperties": {
"type": "object",
"timeZoneId": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
Data source template schemas 221
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Data source template schemas 222
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Data source template schemas 223
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Data source template schemas 224
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Data source template schemas 225
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Data source template schemas 226
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Data source template schemas 227
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Data source template schemas 228
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Data source template schemas 229
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Data source template schemas 230
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Data source template schemas 231
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Data source template schemas 232
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Data source template schemas 233
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Data source template schemas 234
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Data source template schemas 235
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "boolean"
"type": "boolean"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
Data source template schemas 236
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
Data source template schemas 237
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"pageComponents": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object"
"contentFragmentVariations": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object"
"cugExemptedPrincipals": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"type": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "AEM"
Data source template schemas 238
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"enableIdentityCrawler": {
"type": "boolean"
"syncMode": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"secretArn": {
"type": "string",
"minLength": 20,
"maxLength": 2048
"version": {
"type": "string",
"anyOf": [
"pattern": "1.0.0"
"required": [
Amazon FSx (Windows) template schema
You include a JSON that contains the data source schema as part of the TemplateConfiguration
object. You provide the file system ID as part of the connection configuration or repository
endpoint details. You must also specify the type of data source as FSX, a secret for your
authentication credentials, and other necessary configurations. You then specify TEMPLATE as the
Type when you call CreateDataSource.
Data source template schemas 239
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
You can use the template provided in this developer guide. See Amazon FSx (Windows) JSON
The following table describes the parameters of the Amazon FSx (Windows) JSON schema.
Configuration Description
connectionConfiguration Configuration information for the endpoint
for the data source.
repositoryEndpointMetadata The endpoint information for the data source.
fileSystemId The identifier of the Amazon FSx file system.
You can find your file system ID on the File
Systems dashboard in the Amazon FSx
fileSystemType The Amazon FSx file system type. To use
Windows File Server as your type of file
system, specify WINDOWS.
repositoryConfigurations Configuration information for the content
of the data source. For example, configuring
specific types of content and field mappings.
All A list of objects that map attributes or field
names of your files in your Amazon FSx data
source to Amazon Kendra index field names.
For more information, see Mapping data
source fields.
additionalProperties Additional configuration options for your
content in your data source.
true to crawl the access control list (ACL)
information for your documents, if you have
an ACL and want to use it for access control.
The ACL specifies which documents that users
and groups can access. The ACL information is
Data source template schemas 240
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
used to filter search results based on the user
or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
inclusionPatterns A list of regular expression patterns to include
certain files in your Amazon FSx data source.
Files that match the patterns are included in
the index. Files that don't match the patterns
are excluded from the index. If a file matches
both an inclusion and exclusion pattern, the
exclusion pattern takes precedence and the
file isn't included in the index.
exclusionPatterns A list of regular expression patterns to exclude
certain files in your Amazon FSx data source.
Files that match the patterns are excluded
from the index. Files that don't match the
patterns are included in the index. If a file
matches both an exclusion and inclusion
pattern, the exclusion pattern takes precedenc
e and the file isn't included in the index.
true to use Amazon Kendra's identity crawler
to sync identity/principal information on users
and groups with access to certain documents.
If identity crawler is turned off, all documents
can be publicly searched. If you want to use
access control for your documents and identity
crawler is turned off, you can alternatively use
the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user
and group access information.
Data source template schemas 241
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
syncMode Specify how Amazon Kendra should update
your index when your data source content
changes. You can choose between:
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all
content, replacing existing content each
time your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified
and deleted content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
type The type of data source. For Windows file
system data sources, specify FSX.
Amazon FSx (Windows) JSON schema
"$schema": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"connectionConfiguration": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"repositoryEndpointMetadata": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fileSystemId": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "fs-.*"
"fileSystemType": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "WINDOWS"
Data source template schemas 242
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"required": ["fileSystemId", "fileSystemType"]
"repositoryConfigurations": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"All": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": ["STRING", "STRING_LIST", "DATE"]
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
"required": ["fieldMappings"]
Data source template schemas 243
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"required": ["All"]
"additionalProperties": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"isCrawlAcl": {
"type": "boolean"
"exclusionPatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"inclusionPatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"required": []
"enableIdentityCrawler": {
"type": "boolean"
"syncMode": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"type" : {
"type" : "string",
"pattern": "FSX"
"version": {
"type": "string",
"anyOf": [
"pattern": "1.0.0"
Data source template schemas 244
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"required": [
Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) template schema
You include a JSON that contains the data source schema as part of the TemplateConfiguration
object. You provide the file system ID and the storage virtual machine (SVM) as part of the
connection configuration or repository endpoint details. You must also specify the type of
data source as FSXONTAP, a secret for your authentication credentials, and other necessary
configurations. You then specify TEMPLATE as the Type when you call CreateDataSource.
You can use the template provided in this developer guide. See Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) JSON
The following table describes the parameters of the Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) JSON schema.
Configuration Description
connectionConfiguration Configuration information for the endpoint
for the data source.
repositoryEndpointMetadata The endpoint information for the data source.
fileSystemId The identifier of the Amazon FSx file system.
You can find your file system ID on the File
Systems dashboard in the Amazon FSx
console. For information about how to create
a file system in the Amazon FSx console for
NetApp ONTAP, see Getting Started Guide
Data source template schemas 245
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
for NetApp ONTAP in the FSx for ONTAP User
fileSystemType The Amazon FSx file system type. To use
NetApp ONTAP as your type of file system,
specify ONTAP.
svmId The identifier of storage virtual machine (SVM)
used with your Amazon FSx file system for
NetApp ONTAP. You can find your SVM ID
by going to the File Systems dashboard in
the Amazon FSx console, selecting your file
system ID, and then selecting Storage virtual
machines. For information about how to
create a file system in the Amazon FSx console
for NetApp ONTAP, see Getting Started Guide
for NetApp ONTAP in the FSx for ONTAP User
protocolType Whether you use the Common Internet File
System (CIFS) protocol for Windows, or the
Network File System (NFS) protocol for Linux.
repositoryConfigurations Configuration information for the content
of the data source. For example, configuring
specific types of content and field mappings.
file A list of objects that map attributes or field
names of your files in your Amazon FSx data
source to Amazon Kendra index field names.
For more information, see Mapping data
source fields. The data source field names
must exist in your files custom metadata.
additionalProperties Additional configuration options for your
content in your data source.
Data source template schemas 246
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
true to crawl the access control list (ACL)
information for your documents, if you have
an ACL and want to use it for access control.
The ACL specifies which documents that users
and groups can access. The ACL information is
used to filter search results based on the user
or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
inclusionPatterns A list of regular expression patterns to include
certain files in your Amazon FSx data source.
Files that match the patterns are included in
the index. Files that don't match the patterns
are excluded from the index. If a file matches
both an inclusion and exclusion pattern, the
exclusion pattern takes precedence and the
file isn't included in the index.
exclusionPatterns A list of regular expression patterns to exclude
certain files in your Amazon FSx data source.
Files that match the patterns are excluded
from the index. Files that don't match the
patterns are included in the index. If a file
matches both an exclusion and inclusion
pattern, the exclusion pattern takes precedenc
e and the file isn't included in the index.
type The type of data source. For NetApp ONTAP
file system data sources, specify FSXONTAP.
Data source template schemas 247
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
syncMode Specify how Amazon Kendra should update
your index when your data source content
changes. You can choose between:
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all
content, replacing existing content each
time your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified
and deleted content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
Data source template schemas 248
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
secretArn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an
AWS Secrets Manager secret that contains
the key-value pairs required to connect to
your Amazon FSx file system. The secret must
contain a JSON structure with the following
"username": " [email protected].
com ",
"password": " password"
If you use the NFS protocol for your Amazon
FSx file system, the secret is stored in a JSON
structure with the following keys:
"leftId": "left ID",
"rightId": " right ID",
"preSharedKey": " pre-shared key "
Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) JSON schema
"$schema": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"connectionConfiguration": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"repositoryEndpointMetadata": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fileSystemId": {
"type": "string",
Data source template schemas 249
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"pattern": "^(fs-[0-9a-f]{8,21})$"
"fileSystemType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": ["ONTAP"]
"svmId": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^(svm-[0-9a-f]{17,21})$"
"protocolType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"required": [
"required": [
"repositoryConfigurations": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"file": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([a-zA-Z_]{1,20})$"
Data source template schemas 250
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([a-zA-Z_]{1,20})$"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
"maxItems": 50
"required": [
"required": [
"additionalProperties": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"crawlAcl": {
"type": "boolean"
"inclusionPatterns": {
Data source template schemas 251
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string",
"maxLength": 30
"maxItems": 100
"exclusionPatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string",
"maxLength": 30
"maxItems": 100
"type": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "FSXONTAP"
"syncMode": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"secretArn": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:.*"
"required": [
Data source template schemas 252
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Alfresco template schema
You include a JSON that contains the data source schema as part of the TemplateConfiguration
object. You provide the Alfresco site ID, repository URL, user interface URL, authentication type,
whether you use cloud or on-premises, and the type of content you want to crawl. You provide
this as a part of the connection configuration or repository endpoint details. Also specify the type
of data source as ALFRESCO, a secret for your authentication credentials, and other necessary
configurations. You then specify TEMPLATE as the Type when you call CreateDataSource.
You can use the template provided in this developer guide. See Alfresco JSON schema.
The following table describes the parameters of the Alfresco JSON schema.
Configuration Description
connectionConfiguration Configuration information for the endpoint
for the data source.
repositoryEndpointMetadata The endpoint information for the data source.
siteId The identifier of the Alfresco site.
repoUrl The URL of your Alfresco repository. You can
get the repository URL from your Alfresco
administrator. For example, if you use Alfresco
Cloud (PaaS), the repository URL could be Or, if you
use Alfresco On-Premises, the repository URL
could be
webAppUrl The URL of your Alfresco user interface. You
can get the Alfresco user interface URL from
your Alfresco administrator. For example, the
user interface URL could be
repositoryAdditionalProperties Additional properties to connect with the
repository/data source endpoint.
Data source template schemas 253
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
authType The type of authentication that you use,
whether OAuth2 or Basic.
type (deployment) The type of Alfresco that you use, whether
crawlType The type of content that you want to crawl,
whether ASPECT (content marked with
'Aspects' in Alfresco), SITE_ID (content within
a specific Alfresco site), or ALL_SITES
(content across all your Alfresco sites).
repositoryConfigurations Configuration information for the content
of the data source. For example, configuring
specific types of content and field mappings.
A list of objects that map the attributes or
field names of your Alfresco documents and
comments to Amazon Kendra index field
names. For more information, see Mapping
data source fields.
additionalProperties Additional configuration options for your
content in your data source.
aspectName The name of a specific 'Aspect' that you want
to index.
aspectProperties A list of specific 'Aspect' content properties
that you want to index.
true to crawl 'Aspects'.
true to crawl comments.
Data source template schemas 254
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
A list of regular expression patterns to include
certain files in your Alfresco data source. Files
that match the patterns are included in the
index. Files that don't match the patterns are
excluded from the index. If a file matches
both an inclusion and exclusion pattern, the
exclusion pattern takes precedence, and the
file isn't included in the index.
A list of regular expression patterns to exclude
certain files in your Alfresco data source. Files
that match the patterns are excluded from the
index. Files that don't match the patterns are
included in the index. If a file matches both an
inclusion and exclusion pattern, the exclusion
pattern takes precedence, and the file isn't
included in the index.
The type of data source. Specify ALFRESCO as
your data source type.
Data source template schemas 255
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
secretArn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an AWS
Secrets Manager secret that contains the key-
value pairs that are required to connect to
your Alfresco. The secret must contain a JSON
structure with the following keys:
If using basic authentication:
"username": " user name",
"password": " password"
If using OAuth 2.0 authentication:
"clientId": " client ID",
"clientSecret": " client secret",
"tokenUrl": " token URL"
syncMode Specify how Amazon Kendra should update
your index when your data source content
changes. You can choose between:
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all
content, replacing existing content each
time your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified
and deleted content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
Data source template schemas 256
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
true to use Amazon Kendra's identity crawler
to sync identity/principal information on users
and groups with access to certain documents.
If identity crawler is turned off, all documents
can be publicly searched. If you want to use
access control for your documents and identity
crawler is turned off, you can alternatively use
the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user
and group access information.
version The version of this template that is currently
Alfresco JSON schema
"$schema": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"connectionConfiguration": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"repositoryEndpointMetadata": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"siteId": {
"type": "string"
"repoUrl": {
"type": "string"
"webAppUrl": {
"type": "string"
"repositoryAdditionalProperties": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"authType": {
Data source template schemas 257
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"type": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"crawlType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"required": [
"repositoryConfigurations": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"document": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"anyOf": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
Data source template schemas 258
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
"required": [
"comment": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"anyOf": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
Data source template schemas 259
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
"required": [
"additionalProperties": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"aspectName": {
"type": "string"
"aspectProperties": {
"type": "array"
Data source template schemas 260
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"enableFineGrainedControl": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlComment": {
"type": "boolean"
"inclusionFileNamePatterns": {
"type": "array"
"exclusionFileNamePatterns": {
"type": "array"
"inclusionFileTypePatterns": {
"type": "array"
"exclusionFileTypePatterns": {
"type": "array"
"inclusionFilePathPatterns": {
"type": "array"
"exclusionFilePathPatterns": {
"type": "array"
"type": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "ALFRESCO"
"secretArn": {
"type": "string",
"minLength": 20,
"maxLength": 2048
"syncMode": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"enableIdentityCrawler": {
"type": "boolean"
Data source template schemas 261
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"version": {
"type": "string",
"anyOf": [
"pattern": "1.0.0"
"required": [
Aurora (MySQL) template schema
You include a JSON that contains the data source schema as part of the TemplateConfiguration
object. Specify the type of data source as JDBC, the database type as mysql, a secret for your
authentication credentials, and other necessary configurations. You then specify TEMPLATE as the
Type when you call CreateDataSource.
You can use the template provided in this developer guide. See Aurora (MySQL) JSON schema.
The following table describes the parameters of the Aurora (MySQL) JSON schema.
Configuration Description
connectionConfiguration Configuration information for the endpoint
for the data source.
repositoryEndpointMetadata Required configuration information for
connecting your data source.
dbType—The type of Java database that
you use, whether mysql, db2, postgresq
l , oracle, or sqlserver .
Data source template schemas 262
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
dbHost—The database host name.
dbPort—The database port.
dbInstance—The database instance.
repositoryConfigurations Configuration information for the content
of the data source. For example, configuring
specific types of content and field mappings.
Specify the type of data source and the secret
document A list of objects that map the attributes or
field names of your database content to
Amazon Kendra index field names. For more
information, see Mapping data source fields.
additionalProperties Additional configuration options for your
content in your data source. Use to include or
exclude specific content in your database data
primaryKey Provide the primary key for the database
table. This identifies a table within your
titleColumn Provide the name of the document title
column within your database table.
bodyColumn Provide the name of the document title
column within your database table.
sqlQuery Enter SQL query statements like SELECT and
JOIN operations. SQL queries must be less
than 32KB. Amazon Kendra will crawl all
database content that matches your query.
Data source template schemas 263
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
timestampColumn Enter the name of the column which contains
time stamps. Amazon Kendra uses time stamp
information to detect changes in your content
and sync only changed content.
timestampFormat Enter the name of the column which contains
time stamp formats to use to detect content
changes and re-sync your content.
timezone Enter the name of the column which contains
time zones for the content to be crawled.
changeDetectingColumns Enter the names of the columns that Amazon
Kendra will use to detect content changes.
Amazon Kendra will re-index content when
there is a change in any of these columns
allowedUsersColumns Enter the name of the column which contains
User IDs to be allowed access to content.
allowedGroupsColumn Enter the name of the column which contains
User IDs to be allowed access to content.
sourceURIColumn Enter the name of the column which contains
Source URLs to be indexed.
isSslEnabled Enter SQL query statements like SELECT and
JOIN operations. SQL queries must be less
than 32KB. Amazon Kendra will crawl all
database content that matches your query.
The type of data source. Specify JDBC as your
data source type.
Data source template schemas 264
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
syncMode Specify how Amazon Kendra should update
your index when your data source content
changes. You can choose between:
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all
content, replacing existing content each
time your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified
and deleted content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
CHANGE_LOG to index only new and
modified content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
secretArn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a
Secrets Manager secret that contains user
name and password required to connect to
your database. The secret must contain a
JSON structure with the following keys:
"user name": "database user name",
"password": " password"
version The version of the template that is currently
Data source template schemas 265
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Aurora (MySQL) JSON schema
"$schema": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"connectionConfiguration": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"repositoryEndpointMetadata": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"dbType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dbHost": {
"type": "string"
"dbPort": {
"type": "string"
"dbInstance": {
"type": "string"
"required": [
"required": [
Data source template schemas 266
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"repositoryConfigurations": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"document": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string"
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"required": [
"required": [
"required": [
"additionalProperties": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"primaryKey": {
"type": "string"
Data source template schemas 267
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"titleColumn": {
"type": "string"
"bodyColumn": {
"type": "string"
"sqlQuery": {
"type": "string",
"not": {
"pattern": ";+"
"timestampColumn": {
"type": "string"
"timestampFormat": {
"type": "string"
"timezone": {
"type": "string"
"changeDetectingColumns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"allowedUsersColumn": {
"type": "string"
"allowedGroupsColumn": {
"type": "string"
"sourceURIColumn": {
"type": "string"
"isSslEnabled": {
"type": "boolean"
"required": ["primaryKey", "titleColumn", "bodyColumn", "sqlQuery"]
"type" : {
Data source template schemas 268
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type" : "string",
"pattern": "JDBC"
"syncMode": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"secretArn": {
"type": "string"
"version": {
"type": "string",
"anyOf": [
"pattern": "1.0.0"
"required": [
Aurora (PostgreSQL) template schema
You include a JSON that contains the data source schema as part of the TemplateConfiguration
object. Specify the type of data source as JDBC, the database type as postgresql, a secret for
your authentication credentials, and other necessary configurations. You then specify TEMPLATE as
the Type when you call CreateDataSource.
You can use the template provided in this developer guide. See Aurora (PostgreSQL) JSON schema.
The following table describes the parameters of the Aurora (PostgreSQL) JSON schema.
Data source template schemas 269
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
connectionConfiguration Configuration information for the endpoint
for the data source.
repositoryEndpointMetadata Required configuration information for
connecting your data source.
dbType—The type of Java database that
you use, whether mysql, db2, postgresq
l , oracle, or sqlserver .
dbHost—The database host name.
dbPort—The database port.
dbInstance—The database instance.
repositoryConfigurations Configuration information for the content
of the data source. For example, configuring
specific types of content and field mappings.
Specify the type of data source and the secret
document A list of objects that map the attributes or
field names of your database content to
Amazon Kendra index field names. For more
information, see Mapping data source fields.
additionalProperties Additional configuration options for your
content in your data source. Use to include or
exclude specific content in your database data
primaryKey Provide the primary key for the database
table. This identifies a table within your
titleColumn Provide the name of the document title
column within your database table.
Data source template schemas 270
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
bodyColumn Provide the name of the document title
column within your database table.
sqlQuery Enter SQL query statements like SELECT and
JOIN operations. SQL queries must be less
than 32KB. Amazon Kendra will crawl all
database content that matches your query.
timestampColumn Enter the name of the column which contains
time stamps. Amazon Kendra uses time stamp
information to detect changes in your content
and sync only changed content.
timestampFormat Enter the name of the column which contains
time stamp formats to use to detect content
changes and re-sync your content.
timezone Enter the name of the column which contains
time zones for the content to be crawled.
changeDetectingColumns Enter the names of the columns that Amazon
Kendra will use to detect content changes.
Amazon Kendra will re-index content when
there is a change in any of these columns
allowedUsersColumns Enter the name of the column which contains
User IDs to be allowed access to content.
allowedGroupsColumn Enter the name of the column which contains
User IDs to be allowed access to content.
sourceURIColumn Enter the name of the column which contains
Source URLs to be indexed.
Data source template schemas 271
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
isSslEnabled Enter SQL query statements like SELECT and
JOIN operations. SQL queries must be less
than 32KB. Amazon Kendra will crawl all
database content that matches your query.
The type of data source. Specify JDBC as your
data source type.
syncMode Specify how Amazon Kendra should update
your index when your data source content
changes. You can choose between:
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all
content, replacing existing content each
time your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified
and deleted content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
CHANGE_LOG to index only new and
modified content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
Data source template schemas 272
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
secretArn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a
Secrets Manager secret that contains user
name and password required to connect to
your database. The secret must contain a
JSON structure with the following keys:
"user name": "database user name",
"password": " password"
version The version of the template that is currently
Aurora (PostgreSQL) JSON schema
"$schema": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"connectionConfiguration": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"repositoryEndpointMetadata": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"dbType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dbHost": {
"type": "string"
Data source template schemas 273
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"dbPort": {
"type": "string"
"dbInstance": {
"type": "string"
"required": [
"required": [
"repositoryConfigurations": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"document": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string"
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"required": [
Data source template schemas 274
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"required": [
"required": [
"additionalProperties": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"primaryKey": {
"type": "string"
"titleColumn": {
"type": "string"
"bodyColumn": {
"type": "string"
"sqlQuery": {
"type": "string",
"not": {
"pattern": ";+"
"timestampColumn": {
"type": "string"
"timestampFormat": {
"type": "string"
"timezone": {
"type": "string"
"changeDetectingColumns": {
"type": "array",
Data source template schemas 275
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"items": {
"type": "string"
"allowedUsersColumn": {
"type": "string"
"allowedGroupsColumn": {
"type": "string"
"sourceURIColumn": {
"type": "string"
"isSslEnabled": {
"type": "boolean"
"required": ["primaryKey", "titleColumn", "bodyColumn", "sqlQuery"]
"type" : {
"type" : "string",
"pattern": "JDBC"
"syncMode": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"secretArn": {
"type": "string"
"version": {
"type": "string",
"anyOf": [
"pattern": "1.0.0"
"required": [
Data source template schemas 276
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server) template schema
You include a JSON that contains the data source schema as part of the TemplateConfiguration
object. Specify the type of data source as JDBC, the database type as sqlserver, a secret for your
authentication credentials, and other necessary configurations. You then specify TEMPLATE as the
Type when you call CreateDataSource.
You can use the template provided in this developer guide. See Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL
Server) JSON schema.
The following table describes the parameters of the Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server) JSON
Configuration Description
connectionConfiguration Configuration information for the endpoint
for the data source.
repositoryEndpointMetadata Required configuration information for
connecting your data source.
dbType—The type of Java database that
you use, whether mysql, db2, postgresq
l , oracle, or sqlserver .
dbHost—The database host name.
dbPort—The database port.
dbInstance—The database instance.
repositoryConfigurations Configuration information for the content
of the data source. For example, configuring
Data source template schemas 277
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
specific types of content and field mappings.
Specify the type of data source and the secret
document A list of objects that map the attributes or
field names of your database content to
Amazon Kendra index field names. For more
information, see Mapping data source fields.
additionalProperties Additional configuration options for your
content in your data source. Use to include or
exclude specific content in your database data
primaryKey Provide the primary key for the database
table. This identifies a table within your
titleColumn Provide the name of the document title
column within your database table.
bodyColumn Provide the name of the document title
column within your database table.
sqlQuery Enter SQL query statements like SELECT and
JOIN operations. SQL queries must be less
than 32KB. Amazon Kendra will crawl all
database content that matches your query.
timestampColumn Enter the name of the column which contains
time stamps. Amazon Kendra uses time stamp
information to detect changes in your content
and sync only changed content.
timestampFormat Enter the name of the column which contains
time stamp formats to use to detect content
changes and re-sync your content.
Data source template schemas 278
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
timezone Enter the name of the column which contains
time zones for the content to be crawled.
changeDetectingColumns Enter the names of the columns that Amazon
Kendra will use to detect content changes.
Amazon Kendra will re-index content when
there is a change in any of these columns
allowedUsersColumns Enter the name of the column which contains
User IDs to be allowed access to content.
allowedGroupsColumn Enter the name of the column which contains
User IDs to be allowed access to content.
sourceURIColumn Enter the name of the column which contains
Source URLs to be indexed.
isSslEnabled Enter SQL query statements like SELECT and
JOIN operations. SQL queries must be less
than 32KB. Amazon Kendra will crawl all
database content that matches your query.
The type of data source. Specify JDBC as your
data source type.
Data source template schemas 279
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
syncMode Specify how Amazon Kendra should update
your index when your data source content
changes. You can choose between:
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all
content, replacing existing content each
time your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified
and deleted content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
CHANGE_LOG to index only new and
modified content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
secretArn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a
Secrets Manager secret that contains user
name and password required to connect to
your database. The secret must contain a
JSON structure with the following keys:
"user name": "database user name",
"password": " password"
version The version of the template that is currently
Data source template schemas 280
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server) JSON schema
"$schema": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"connectionConfiguration": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"repositoryEndpointMetadata": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"dbType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dbHost": {
"type": "string"
"dbPort": {
"type": "string"
"dbInstance": {
"type": "string"
"required": [
"required": [
Data source template schemas 281
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"repositoryConfigurations": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"document": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string"
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"required": [
"required": [
"required": [
"additionalProperties": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"primaryKey": {
"type": "string"
Data source template schemas 282
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"titleColumn": {
"type": "string"
"bodyColumn": {
"type": "string"
"sqlQuery": {
"type": "string",
"not": {
"pattern": ";+"
"timestampColumn": {
"type": "string"
"timestampFormat": {
"type": "string"
"timezone": {
"type": "string"
"changeDetectingColumns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"allowedUsersColumn": {
"type": "string"
"allowedGroupsColumn": {
"type": "string"
"sourceURIColumn": {
"type": "string"
"isSslEnabled": {
"type": "boolean"
"required": ["primaryKey", "titleColumn", "bodyColumn", "sqlQuery"]
"type" : {
Data source template schemas 283
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type" : "string",
"pattern": "JDBC"
"syncMode": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"secretArn": {
"type": "string"
"version": {
"type": "string",
"anyOf": [
"pattern": "1.0.0"
"required": [
Amazon RDS (MySQL) template schema
You include a JSON that contains the data source schema as part of the TemplateConfiguration
object. Specify the type of data source as JDBC, the database type as mysql, a secret for your
authentication credentials, and other necessary configurations. You then specify TEMPLATE as the
Type when you call CreateDataSource.
You can use the template provided in this developer guide. See Amazon RDS (MySQL) JSON
Data source template schemas 284
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
The following table describes the parameters of the Amazon RDS (MySQL) JSON schema.
Configuration Description
connectionConfiguration Configuration information for the endpoint
for the data source.
repositoryEndpointMetadata Required configuration information for
connecting your data source.
dbType—The type of Java database that
you use, whether mysql, db2, postgresq
l , oracle, or sqlserver .
dbHost—The database host name.
dbPort—The database port.
dbInstance—The database instance.
repositoryConfigurations Configuration information for the content
of the data source. For example, configuring
specific types of content and field mappings.
Specify the type of data source and the secret
document A list of objects that map the attributes or
field names of your database content to
Amazon Kendra index field names. For more
information, see Mapping data source fields.
additionalProperties Additional configuration options for your
content in your data source. Use to include or
exclude specific content in your database data
primaryKey Provide the primary key for the database
table. This identifies a table within your
Data source template schemas 285
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
titleColumn Provide the name of the document title
column within your database table.
bodyColumn Provide the name of the document title
column within your database table.
sqlQuery Enter SQL query statements like SELECT and
JOIN operations. SQL queries must be less
than 32KB. Amazon Kendra will crawl all
database content that matches your query.
timestampColumn Enter the name of the column which contains
time stamps. Amazon Kendra uses time stamp
information to detect changes in your content
and sync only changed content.
timestampFormat Enter the name of the column which contains
time stamp formats to use to detect content
changes and re-sync your content.
timezone Enter the name of the column which contains
time zones for the content to be crawled.
changeDetectingColumns Enter the names of the columns that Amazon
Kendra will use to detect content changes.
Amazon Kendra will re-index content when
there is a change in any of these columns
allowedUsersColumns Enter the name of the column which contains
User IDs to be allowed access to content.
allowedGroupsColumn Enter the name of the column which contains
User IDs to be allowed access to content.
sourceURIColumn Enter the name of the column which contains
Source URLs to be indexed.
Data source template schemas 286
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
isSslEnabled Enter SQL query statements like SELECT and
JOIN operations. SQL queries must be less
than 32KB. Amazon Kendra will crawl all
database content that matches your query.
The type of data source. Specify JDBC as your
data source type.
syncMode Specify how Amazon Kendra should update
your index when your data source content
changes. You can choose between:
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all
content, replacing existing content each
time your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified
and deleted content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
CHANGE_LOG to index only new and
modified content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
Data source template schemas 287
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
secretArn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a
Secrets Manager secret that contains user
name and password required to connect to
your database. The secret must contain a
JSON structure with the following keys:
"user name": "database user name",
"password": " password"
version The version of the template that is currently
Amazon RDS (MySQL) JSON schema
"$schema": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"connectionConfiguration": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"repositoryEndpointMetadata": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"dbType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dbHost": {
"type": "string"
Data source template schemas 288
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"dbPort": {
"type": "string"
"dbInstance": {
"type": "string"
"required": [
"required": [
"repositoryConfigurations": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"document": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string"
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"required": [
Data source template schemas 289
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"required": [
"required": [
"additionalProperties": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"primaryKey": {
"type": "string"
"titleColumn": {
"type": "string"
"bodyColumn": {
"type": "string"
"sqlQuery": {
"type": "string",
"not": {
"pattern": ";+"
"timestampColumn": {
"type": "string"
"timestampFormat": {
"type": "string"
"timezone": {
"type": "string"
"changeDetectingColumns": {
"type": "array",
Data source template schemas 290
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"items": {
"type": "string"
"allowedUsersColumn": {
"type": "string"
"allowedGroupsColumn": {
"type": "string"
"sourceURIColumn": {
"type": "string"
"isSslEnabled": {
"type": "boolean"
"required": ["primaryKey", "titleColumn", "bodyColumn", "sqlQuery"]
"type" : {
"type" : "string",
"pattern": "JDBC"
"syncMode": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"secretArn": {
"type": "string"
"version": {
"type": "string",
"anyOf": [
"pattern": "1.0.0"
"required": [
Data source template schemas 291
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Amazon RDS (Oracle) template schema
You include a JSON that contains the data source schema as part of the TemplateConfiguration
object. Specify the type of data source as JDBC, the database type as oracle, a secret for your
authentication credentials, and other necessary configurations. You then specify TEMPLATE as the
Type when you call CreateDataSource.
You can use the template provided in this developer guide. See Amazon RDS (Oracle) JSON
The following table describes the parameters of the Amazon RDS (Oracle) JSON schema.
Configuration Description
connectionConfiguration Configuration information for the endpoint
for the data source.
repositoryEndpointMetadata Required configuration information for
connecting your data source.
dbType—The type of Java database that
you use, whether mysql, db2, postgresq
l , oracle, or sqlserver .
dbHost—The database host name.
dbPort—The database port.
dbInstance—The database instance.
repositoryConfigurations Configuration information for the content
of the data source. For example, configuring
specific types of content and field mappings.
Data source template schemas 292
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
Specify the type of data source and the secret
document A list of objects that map the attributes or
field names of your database content to
Amazon Kendra index field names. For more
information, see Mapping data source fields.
additionalProperties Additional configuration options for your
content in your data source. Use to include or
exclude specific content in your database data
primaryKey Provide the primary key for the database
table. This identifies a table within your
titleColumn Provide the name of the document title
column within your database table.
bodyColumn Provide the name of the document title
column within your database table.
sqlQuery Enter SQL query statements like SELECT and
JOIN operations. SQL queries must be less
than 32KB. Amazon Kendra will crawl all
database content that matches your query.
timestampColumn Enter the name of the column which contains
time stamps. Amazon Kendra uses time stamp
information to detect changes in your content
and sync only changed content.
timestampFormat Enter the name of the column which contains
time stamp formats to use to detect content
changes and re-sync your content.
Data source template schemas 293
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
timezone Enter the name of the column which contains
time zones for the content to be crawled.
changeDetectingColumns Enter the names of the columns that Amazon
Kendra will use to detect content changes.
Amazon Kendra will re-index content when
there is a change in any of these columns
allowedUsersColumns Enter the name of the column which contains
User IDs to be allowed access to content.
allowedGroupsColumn Enter the name of the column which contains
User IDs to be allowed access to content.
sourceURIColumn Enter the name of the column which contains
Source URLs to be indexed.
isSslEnabled Enter SQL query statements like SELECT and
JOIN operations. SQL queries must be less
than 32KB. Amazon Kendra will crawl all
database content that matches your query.
The type of data source. Specify JDBC as your
data source type.
Data source template schemas 294
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
syncMode Specify how Amazon Kendra should update
your index when your data source content
changes. You can choose between:
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all
content, replacing existing content each
time your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified
and deleted content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
CHANGE_LOG to index only new and
modified content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
secretArn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a
Secrets Manager secret that contains user
name and password required to connect to
your database. The secret must contain a
JSON structure with the following keys:
"user name": "database user name",
"password": " password"
version The version of the template that is currently
Data source template schemas 295
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Amazon RDS (Oracle) JSON schema
"$schema": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"connectionConfiguration": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"repositoryEndpointMetadata": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"dbType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dbHost": {
"type": "string"
"dbPort": {
"type": "string"
"dbInstance": {
"type": "string"
"required": [
"required": [
Data source template schemas 296
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"repositoryConfigurations": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"document": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string"
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"required": [
"required": [
"required": [
"additionalProperties": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"primaryKey": {
"type": "string"
Data source template schemas 297
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"titleColumn": {
"type": "string"
"bodyColumn": {
"type": "string"
"sqlQuery": {
"type": "string",
"not": {
"pattern": ";+"
"timestampColumn": {
"type": "string"
"timestampFormat": {
"type": "string"
"timezone": {
"type": "string"
"changeDetectingColumns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"allowedUsersColumn": {
"type": "string"
"allowedGroupsColumn": {
"type": "string"
"sourceURIColumn": {
"type": "string"
"isSslEnabled": {
"type": "boolean"
"required": ["primaryKey", "titleColumn", "bodyColumn", "sqlQuery"]
"type" : {
Data source template schemas 298
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type" : "string",
"pattern": "JDBC"
"syncMode": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"secretArn": {
"type": "string"
"version": {
"type": "string",
"anyOf": [
"pattern": "1.0.0"
"required": [
Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL) template schema
You include a JSON that contains the data source schema as part of the TemplateConfiguration
object. Specify the type of data source as JDBC, the database type as postgresql, a secret for
your authentication credentials, and other necessary configurations. You then specify TEMPLATE as
the Type when you call CreateDataSource.
You can use the template provided in this developer guide. See Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL) JSON
Data source template schemas 299
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
The following table describes the parameters of the Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL) JSON schema.
Configuration Description
connectionConfiguration Configuration information for the endpoint
for the data source.
repositoryEndpointMetadata Required configuration information for
connecting your data source.
dbType—The type of Java database that
you use, whether mysql, db2, postgresq
l , oracle, or sqlserver .
dbHost—The database host name.
dbPort—The database port.
dbInstance—The database instance.
repositoryConfigurations Configuration information for the content
of the data source. For example, configuring
specific types of content and field mappings.
Specify the type of data source and the secret
document A list of objects that map the attributes or
field names of your database content to
Amazon Kendra index field names. For more
information, see Mapping data source fields.
additionalProperties Additional configuration options for your
content in your data source. Use to include or
exclude specific content in your database data
primaryKey Provide the primary key for the database
table. This identifies a table within your
Data source template schemas 300
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
titleColumn Provide the name of the document title
column within your database table.
bodyColumn Provide the name of the document title
column within your database table.
sqlQuery Enter SQL query statements like SELECT and
JOIN operations. SQL queries must be less
than 32KB. Amazon Kendra will crawl all
database content that matches your query.
timestampColumn Enter the name of the column which contains
time stamps. Amazon Kendra uses time stamp
information to detect changes in your content
and sync only changed content.
timestampFormat Enter the name of the column which contains
time stamp formats to use to detect content
changes and re-sync your content.
timezone Enter the name of the column which contains
time zones for the content to be crawled.
changeDetectingColumns Enter the names of the columns that Amazon
Kendra will use to detect content changes.
Amazon Kendra will re-index content when
there is a change in any of these columns
allowedUsersColumns Enter the name of the column which contains
User IDs to be allowed access to content.
allowedGroupsColumn Enter the name of the column which contains
User IDs to be allowed access to content.
sourceURIColumn Enter the name of the column which contains
Source URLs to be indexed.
Data source template schemas 301
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
isSslEnabled Enter SQL query statements like SELECT and
JOIN operations. SQL queries must be less
than 32KB. Amazon Kendra will crawl all
database content that matches your query.
The type of data source. Specify JDBC as your
data source type.
syncMode Specify how Amazon Kendra should update
your index when your data source content
changes. You can choose between:
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all
content, replacing existing content each
time your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified
and deleted content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
CHANGE_LOG to index only new and
modified content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
Data source template schemas 302
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
secretArn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a
Secrets Manager secret that contains user
name and password required to connect to
your database. The secret must contain a
JSON structure with the following keys:
"user name": "database user name",
"password": " password"
version The version of the template that is currently
Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL) JSON schema
"$schema": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"connectionConfiguration": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"repositoryEndpointMetadata": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"dbType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dbHost": {
"type": "string"
Data source template schemas 303
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"dbPort": {
"type": "string"
"dbInstance": {
"type": "string"
"required": [
"required": [
"repositoryConfigurations": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"document": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string"
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"required": [
Data source template schemas 304
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"required": [
"required": [
"additionalProperties": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"primaryKey": {
"type": "string"
"titleColumn": {
"type": "string"
"bodyColumn": {
"type": "string"
"sqlQuery": {
"type": "string",
"not": {
"pattern": ";+"
"timestampColumn": {
"type": "string"
"timestampFormat": {
"type": "string"
"timezone": {
"type": "string"
"changeDetectingColumns": {
"type": "array",
Data source template schemas 305
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"items": {
"type": "string"
"allowedUsersColumn": {
"type": "string"
"allowedGroupsColumn": {
"type": "string"
"sourceURIColumn": {
"type": "string"
"isSslEnabled": {
"type": "boolean"
"required": ["primaryKey", "titleColumn", "bodyColumn", "sqlQuery"]
"type" : {
"type" : "string",
"pattern": "JDBC"
"syncMode": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"secretArn": {
"type": "string"
"version": {
"type": "string",
"anyOf": [
"pattern": "1.0.0"
"required": [
Data source template schemas 306
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Amazon S3 template schema
You include a JSON that contains the data source schema as part of the template configuration.
You provide the name of the S3 bucket as a part of the connection configuration or repository
endpoint details. Also specify the type of data source as S3, and other necessary configurations.
You then specify TEMPLATE as the Type when you call CreateDataSource.
You can use the template provided in this developer guide. See S3 JSON schema.
The following table describes the parameters of the Amazon S3 JSON schema.
Configuration Description
connectionConfiguration Configuration information for the endpoint
for the data source.
repositoryEndpointMetadata The endpoint information for the data source.
BucketName The name of your Amazon S3 bucket.
repositoryConfigurations Configuration information for the content
of the data source. For example, configuring
specific types of content and field mappings.
additionalProperties Additional configuration options for your
content in your data source
A list of regular expression patterns to include
or exclude specific files in your Amazon S3
data source. Files that match the patterns are
included in the index. Files that don't match
the patterns are excluded from the index. If a
Data source template schemas 307
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
file matches both an inclusion and exclusion
pattern, the exclusion pattern takes precedenc
e and the file isn't included in the index.
aclConfigurationFilePath The file path that controls access to
documents in an Amazon Kendra index.
metadataFilesPrefix The location within your bucket for metadata
syncMode Specify how Amazon Kendra should update
your index when your data source content
changes. You can choose between:
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all
content, replacing existing content each
time your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified
and deleted content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
The type of data source. Specify S3 as your
data source type.
version The version of the template that is supported.
S3 JSON schema
"$schema": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"connectionConfiguration": {
Data source template schemas 308
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"repositoryEndpointMetadata": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"BucketName": {
"type": "string"
"required": [
"required": [
"repositoryConfigurations": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"document": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"required": [
Data source template schemas 309
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"required": [
"required": [
"additionalProperties": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"inclusionPatterns": {
"type": "array"
"exclusionPatterns": {
"type": "array"
"inclusionPrefixes": {
"type": "array"
"exclusionPrefixes": {
"type": "array"
"aclConfigurationFilePath": {
"type": "string"
"metadataFilesPrefix": {
"type": "string"
"syncMode": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
Data source template schemas 310
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "S3"
"version": {
"type": "string",
"anyOf": [
"pattern": "1.0.0"
"required": [
Amazon Kendra Web Crawler template schema
You include a JSON that contains the data source schema as part of the TemplateConfiguration
You provide the seed or starting point URLs, or you can provide the sitemap URLs, as part of the
connection configuration or repository endpoint details. Instead of manually listing all your URLs,
you can provide the path to the Amazon S3 bucket that stores a text file for your list of seed URLs
or sitemap XML files, which you can club together in a ZIP file in S3.
You also specify the type of data source as WEBCRAWLERV2, the website authentication
credentials and authentication type if your websites require authentication, and other necessary
You then specify TEMPLATE as the Type when you call CreateDataSource.
Data source template schemas 311
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Web Crawler v2.0 connector creation is not supported by AWS CloudFormation. Use the
Web Crawler v1.0 connector if you need AWS CloudFormation support.
When selecting websites to index, you must adhere to the Amazon Acceptable Use Policy and all other
Amazon terms. Remember that you must only use Amazon Kendra Web Crawler to index your own
web pages, or web pages that you have authorization to index. To learn how to stop Amazon Kendra
Web Crawler from indexing your websites, see Configuring the robots.txt file for Amazon Kendra
Web Crawler.
You can use the template provided in this developer guide. See Amazon Kendra Web Crawler JSON
The following table describes the parameters of the Amazon Kendra Web Crawler JSON schema.
Configuration Description
connectionConfiguration Configuration information for the endpoint
for the data source.
repositoryEndpointMetadata The endpoint information for the data source.
siteMapUrls The list of sitemap URLs for the websites that
you want to crawl. You can list up to three
sitemap URLs.
s3SeedUrl The S3 path to the text file that stores the list
of seed or starting point URLs. For example,
s3://bucket-name/directory/. Each URL in the
text file must be formatted on a separate line.
You can list up to 100 seed URLs in a file.
s3SiteMapUrl The S3 path to the sitemap XML files. For
example, s3://bucket-name/directory/. You
can list up to three sitemap XML files. You can
club together multiple sitemap files into a ZIP
Data source template schemas 312
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
file and store the ZIP file in your Amazon S3
seedUrlConnections The list of seed or starting point URLs for the
websites that you want to crawl.You can list up
to 100 seed URLs.
seedUrl The seed or starting point URL.
authentication The authentication type if your websites
require the same authentication, otherwise
specify NoAuthentication .
repositoryConfigurations Configuration information for the content
of the data source. For example, configuring
specific types of content and field mappings.
A list of objects that map the attributes or
field names of your web pages and web page
files to Amazon Kendra index field names. For
example, the HTML web page title tag can be
mapped to the _document_title index
field. For more information, see Mapping data
source fields.
Data source template schemas 313
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
syncMode Specify how Amazon Kendra should update
your index when your data source content
changes. You can choose between:
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all
content, replacing existing content each
time your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified
and deleted content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
additionalProperties Additional configuration options for your
content in your data source.
rateLimit The maximum number of URLs crawled per
website host per minute.
maxFileSize The maximum size (in MB) of a web page or
attachment to crawl.
crawlDepth The number of levels from the seed URL to
crawl. For example, the seed URL page is
depth 1 and any hyperlinks on this page that
are also crawled are depth 2.
maxLinksPerUrl The maximum number of URLs on a web
page to include when crawling a website.
This number is per web page. As a website's
web pages are crawled, any URLs that the
webpages link to also are crawled. URLs on a
web page are crawled in order of appearance.
Data source template schemas 314
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
true to crawl the website domains with
subdomains. For example, if the seed URL is
"", then "
" and "" are also crawled.
If you don't set crawlSubDomain or
crawlAllDomain to true, then Amazon
Kendra only crawls the domains of the
websites that you want to crawl.
true to crawl the website domains with
subdomains and other domains the web
pages link to. If you don't set crawlSubD
omain or crawlAllDomain to true, then
Amazon Kendra only crawls the domains of
the websites that you want to crawl.
true to respect the robots.txt directives of
the websites that you want to crawl. These
directives control how Amazon Kendra Web
Crawler crawls the websites, whether Amazon
Kendra can crawl only specific content or not
crawl any content.
true to crawl files that the web pages link to.
A list of regular expression patterns to include
crawling certain URLs and indexing any
hyperlinks on these URL web pages. URLs
that match the patterns are included in the
index. URLs that don't match the patterns are
excluded from the index. If a URL matches
both an inclusion and exclusion pattern, the
exclusion pattern takes precedence, and the
URL/website's web pages aren't included in
the index.
Data source template schemas 315
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
A list of regular expression patterns to exclude
crawling certain URLs and indexing any
hyperlinks on these URL web pages. URLs
that match the patterns are excluded from
the index. URLs that don't match the patterns
are included in the index. If a URL matches
both an inclusion and exclusion pattern, the
exclusion pattern takes precedence, and the
URL/website's web pages aren't included in
the index.
inclusionFileIndexPatterns A list of regular expression patterns to include
certain web page files. Files that match the
patterns are included in the index. Files that
don't match the patterns are excluded from
the index. If a file matches both an inclusion
and exclusion pattern, the exclusion pattern
takes precedence, and the file isn't included in
the index.
exclusionFileIndexPatterns A list of regular expression patterns to exclude
certain web page files. Files that match the
patterns are excluded from the index. Files
that don't match the patterns are included in
the index. If a file matches both an inclusion
and exclusion pattern, the exclusion pattern
takes precedence, and the file isn't included in
the index.
proxy Configuration information required to connect
to your internal websites via a web proxy.
Data source template schemas 316
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
host The host name of the proxy sever you want
to use to connect to internal websites. For
example, the host name of https://a.example.
com/page1.html is "".
port The port number of the proxy sever you want
to use to connect to internal websites. For
example, 443 is the standard port for HTTPS.
secretArn (proxy) If web proxy credentials are required to
connect to a website host, you can create an
AWS Secrets Manager secret that stores the
credentials. Provide the Amazon Resource
Name (ARN) of the secret.
The type of data source. Specify WEBCRAWLE
RV2 as your data source type.
Data source template schemas 317
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
secretArn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an AWS
Secrets Manager secret that's used if your
websites require authentication to access
the websites. You store the authentication
credentials for the website in the secret that
contains JSON key-value pairs.
If you use basic, or NTML/Kerberos, enter
the user name and password. The JSON
keys in the secret must be userName and
password. NTLM authentication protocol
includes password hashing, and Kerberos
authentication protocol includes password
If you use SAML or form authentication, enter
the user name and password, XPath for the
user name field (and user name button if
using SAML), XPaths for the password field
and button, and the login page URL. The
JSON keys in the secret must be userName,
password, userNameFieldXpath ,
userNameButtonXpath , passwordF
ieldXpath , passwordButtonXpath ,
and loginPageUrl . You can find the XPaths
(XML Path Language) of elements using your
web browser's developer tools. XPaths usually
follow this format: //tagname[@Attribu
te='Value'] .
Amazon Kendra also checks if the endpoint
information (seed URLs) included in the secret
is the same the endpoint information specified
in your data source endpoint configuration
Data source template schemas 318
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
version The version of this template that is currently
Amazon Kendra Web Crawler JSON schema
"$schema": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"connectionConfiguration": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"repositoryEndpointMetadata": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"siteMapUrls": {
"type": "array",
"type": "string",
"pattern": "https://.*"
"s3SeedUrl": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "s3:.*"
"s3SiteMapUrl": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "s3:.*"
"seedUrlConnections": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "https://.*"
Data source template schemas 319
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"required": [
"authentication": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"required": [
"repositoryConfigurations": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"webPage": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
Data source template schemas 320
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
"required": [
"attachment": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
Data source template schemas 321
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
"required": [
"syncMode": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"additionalProperties": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"rateLimit": {
"type": "string",
"default": "300"
"maxFileSize": {
"type": "string",
"default": "50"
"crawlDepth": {
"type": "string",
"default": "2"
Data source template schemas 322
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"maxLinksPerUrl": {
"type": "string",
"default": "100"
"crawlSubDomain": {
"type": "boolean",
"default": false
"crawlAllDomain": {
"type": "boolean",
"default": false
"honorRobots": {
"type": "boolean",
"default": false
"crawlAttachments": {
"type": "boolean",
"default": false
"inclusionURLCrawlPatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"exclusionURLCrawlPatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"inclusionURLIndexPatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"exclusionURLIndexPatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
Data source template schemas 323
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"inclusionFileIndexPatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"exclusionFileIndexPatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"proxy": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"host": {
"type": "string"
"port": {
"type": "string"
"secretArn": {
"type": "string",
"minLength": 20,
"maxLength": 2048
"required": [
"type": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "WEBCRAWLERV2"
Data source template schemas 324
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"secretArn": {
"type": "string",
"minLength": 20,
"maxLength": 2048
"version": {
"type": "string",
"anyOf": [
"pattern": "1.0.0"
"required": [
Confluence template schema
You include a JSON that contains the data source schema as part of the TemplateConfiguration
object. You provide the Confluence host URL, the hosting method, and the authentication type
as a part of the connection configuration or repository endpoint details. Also specify the type of
data source as CONFLUENCEV2, a secret for your authentication credentials, and other necessary
configurations. You then specify TEMPLATE as the Type when you call CreateDataSource.
You can use the template provided in this developer guide. See Confluence JSON schema.
The following table describes the parameters of the Confluence JSON schema.
Configuration Description
connectionConfiguration Configuration information for the endpoint
for the data source.
repositoryEndpointMetadata The endpoint information for the data source.
Data source template schemas 325
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
hostUrl The URL for your Confluence instance.
For example, .
type The hosting method for your Confluence
instance, whether SAAS and ON_PREM.
authType The authentication method for your Confluenc
e instance, whether Basic, OAuth2, or
Personal-token .
repositoryConfigurations Configuration information for the content
of the data source. For example, configuring
specific types of content and field mappings.
A list of objects that map the attributes
or field names of your Confluence spaces,
pages, blogs, comments, and attachments to
Amazon Kendra index field names. For more
information, see Mapping data source fields.
The Confluence data source field names must
exist in your Confluence custom metadata.
additionalProperties Additional configuration options for your
content in your data source.
true to crawl the access control list (ACL)
information for your documents, if you have
an ACL and want to use it for access control.
The ACL specifies which documents that users
and groups can access. The ACL information is
used to filter search results based on the user
or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
Data source template schemas 326
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
Specify email if you want to use the user
email for the user ID. email is used by default
and is currently the only supported user ID
A list of regular expression patterns to include
and/or exclude certain files in your Confluence
data source. Files that match the patterns are
included in the index. Files that don't match
the patterns are excluded from the index. If a
file matches both an inclusion and exclusion
pattern, the exclusion pattern takes precedenc
e and the file isn't included in the index.
proxyHost The host name of the web proxy that you use,
without the http:// or https:// protocol.
proxyPort The port number used by the host URL
transport protocol. Must be a numeric value
between 0 and 65535.
true to crawl files in your Confluenc
e personal spaces, pages, blogs, page
comments, page attachments, blog
comments, and blog attachments.
Data source template schemas 327
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
maxFileSizeInMegaBytes Specify the file size limit in MBs that Amazon
Kendra can crawl. Amazon Kendra crawls only
the files within the size limit you define. The
default file size is 50MB. The maximum file
size should be greater than 0MB and less than
or equal to 50MB.
The type of data source. Specify CONFLUENC
EV2 as your data source type.
true to use Amazon Kendra's identity crawler
to sync identity/principal information on users
and groups with access to certain documents.
If identity crawler is turned off, all documents
can be publicly searched. If you want to use
access control for your documents and identity
crawler is turned off, you can alternatively use
the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user
and group access information.
syncMode Specify how Amazon Kendra should update
your index when your data source content
changes. You can choose between:
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all
content, replacing existing content each
time your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified
and deleted content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
Data source template schemas 328
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
secretARN The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an AWS
Secrets Manager secret that contains the
key-value pairs required to connect to your
Confluence. For information on these key-
value pairs, see Connection instructions for
version The version of this template that is currently
Confluence JSON schema
"$schema": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"connectionConfiguration": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"repositoryEndpointMetadata": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"hostUrl": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "https:.*"
"type": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"authType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
Data source template schemas 329
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"required": [
"required": [
"repositoryConfigurations": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"space": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
Data source template schemas 330
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"required": [
"required": [
"page": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
Data source template schemas 331
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"required": [
"blog": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
Data source template schemas 332
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"required": [
"comment": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
Data source template schemas 333
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"required": [
"attachment": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
Data source template schemas 334
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"required": [
"additionalProperties": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"usersAclS3FilePath": {
"type": "string"
"isCrawlAcl": {
"type": "boolean"
"fieldForUserId": {
"type": "string"
"inclusionSpaceKeyFilter": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"exclusionSpaceKeyFilter": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"pageTitleRegEX": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"blogTitleRegEX": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
Data source template schemas 335
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"commentTitleRegEX": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"attachmentTitleRegEX": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"isCrawlPersonalSpace": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlArchivedSpace": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlArchivedPage": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlPage": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlBlog": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlPageComment": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlPageAttachment": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlBlogComment": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlBlogAttachment": {
"type": "boolean"
"maxFileSizeInMegaBytes": {
"inclusionFileTypePatterns": {
"type": "array",
Data source template schemas 336
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"items": {
"type": "string"
"exclusionFileTypePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"inclusionUrlPatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"exclusionUrlPatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"proxyHost": {
"type": "string"
"proxyPort": {
"type": "string"
"required": []
"type": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "CONFLUENCEV2"
"enableIdentityCrawler": {
"type": "boolean"
"syncMode": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
Data source template schemas 337
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"secretArn": {
"type": "string",
"minLength": 20,
"maxLength": 2048
"version": {
"type": "string",
"anyOf": [
"pattern": "1.0.0"
"required": [
Dropbox template schema
You include a JSON that contains the data source schema as part of the TemplateConfiguration
object. You provide the Dropbox app key, app secret, and access token as part of your secret that
stores your authentication credentials. Also specify the type of data source as DROPBOX, the type of
access token you want to use (temporary or permanent), and other necessary configurations. You
then specify TEMPLATE as the Type when you call CreateDataSource.
You can use the template provided in this developer guide. See Dropbox JSON schema.
The following table describes the parameters of the Dropbox JSON schema.
Configuration Description
connectionConfiguration Configuration information for the endpoint
for the data source.
Data source template schemas 338
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
repositoryEndpointMetadata The endpoint information for the data source.
This data source does not specify an endpoint
in repositoryEndpointMetadata .
Rather, the connection information is included
in an AWS Secrets Manager secret that you
provide the secretArn .
repositoryConfigurations Configuration information for the content
of the data source. For example, configuring
specific types of content and field mappings.
A list of objects that map the attributes or
field names of your Dropbox files, Dropbox
Paper, and shortcuts to Amazon Kendra
index field names. For more information, see
Mapping data source fields.
Data source template schemas 339
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
syncMode Specify how Amazon Kendra should update
your index when your data source content
changes. You can choose between:
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all
content, replacing existing content each
time your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified
and deleted content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
CHANGE_LOG to index only new and
modified content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
true to use Amazon Kendra's identity crawler
to sync identity/principal information on users
and groups with access to certain documents.
If identity crawler is turned off, all documents
can be publicly searched. If you want to use
access control for your documents and identity
crawler is turned off, you can alternatively use
the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user
and group access information.
Data source template schemas 340
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
secretARN The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an AWS
Secrets Manager secret that contains the
key-value pairs required to connect to your
Dropbox. The secret must contain a JSON
structure with the following keys:
"appKey": "Dropbox app key",
"appSecret": " Dropbox app secret",
"accesstoken": " temporary access
token or refresh access token"
additionalProperties Additional configuration options for your
content in your data source.
true to crawl the access control list (ACL)
information for your documents, if you have
an ACL and want to use it for access control.
The ACL specifies which documents that users
and groups can access. The ACL information is
used to filter search results based on the user
or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
A list of regular expression patterns to include
certain file names and types in your Dropbox
data source. Files that match the patterns are
included in the index. Files that don't match
the patterns are excluded from the index. If a
file matches both an inclusion and exclusion
pattern, the exclusion pattern takes precedenc
e and the file isn't included in the index.
Data source template schemas 341
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
A list of regular expression patterns to exclude
certain file names and types in your Dropbox
data source. Files that match the patterns
are excluded from the index. Files that don't
match the patterns are included in the index.
If a file matches both an exclusion and
inclusion pattern, the exclusion pattern takes
precedence and the file isn't included in the
true to crawl files in your Dropbox, Dropbox
Paper documents, Dropbox Paper templates
, and web page shortcuts stored in your
The type of data source. Specify DROPBOX as
your data source type.
tokenType Specify your access token type: permanent
or temporary access token. It's recommend
ed that you create a refresh access token that
never expires in Dropbox rather that relying on
a one-time access token that expires after 4
hours. You create an app and a refresh access
token in the Dropbox developer console and
provide the access token in your secret.
version The version of this template that is currently
Dropbox JSON schema
"$schema": "",
"type": "object",
Data source template schemas 342
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"properties": {
"connectionConfiguration": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"repositoryEndpointMetadata": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"required": [
"repositoryConfigurations": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"file": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"anyOf": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
Data source template schemas 343
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"pattern": "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"
"required": [
"required": [
"paper": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"anyOf": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
Data source template schemas 344
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"pattern": "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"
"required": [
"required": [
"papert": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"anyOf": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
Data source template schemas 345
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"pattern": "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"
"required": [
"required": [
"shortcut": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"anyOf": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
Data source template schemas 346
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"pattern": "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"
"required": [
"required": [
"syncMode": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"enableIdentityCrawler": {
"type": "boolean"
"secretArn": {
"type": "string"
"additionalProperties": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"isCrawlAcl": {
"type": "boolean"
"inclusionFileNamePatterns": {
"type": "array"
"exclusionFileNamePatterns": {
"type": "array"
Data source template schemas 347
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"inclusionFileTypePatterns": {
"type": "array"
"exclusionFileTypePatterns": {
"type": "array"
"crawlFile": {
"type": "boolean"
"crawlPaper": {
"type": "boolean"
"crawlPapert": {
"type": "boolean"
"crawlShortcut": {
"type": "boolean"
"type": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "DROPBOX"
"tokenType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"version": {
"type": "string",
"anyOf": [
"pattern": "1.0.0"
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
Data source template schemas 348
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Drupal template schema
You include a JSON that contains the data source schema as part of the TemplateConfiguration
object. You provide the Drupal host URL and the authentication type as part of the connection
configuration or repository endpoint details. Also specify the type of data source as DRUPAL, a
secret for your authentication credentials, and other necessary configurations. You then specify
TEMPLATE as the Type when you call CreateDataSource.
You can use the template provided in this developer guide. See Drupal JSON schema.
The following table describes the parameters of the Drupal JSON schema.
Configuration Description
connectionConfiguration Configuration information for the endpoint
for the data source.
repositoryEndpointMetadata The endpoint information for the data source.
hostUrl The host url of your Drupal website. For
example, https://<hostname>/
<drupalsitename> .
repositoryConfigurations Configuration information for the content of
the data source.
A list of objects that map the attributes or
field names of your Drupal files. For more
information, see Mapping data source fields.
Data source template schemas 349
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
The Drupal data source field names must exist
in your Drupal custom metadata.
additionalProperties Additional configuration options for your
content in your data source.
A list of regular expression patterns to include
certain files in your Drupal data source. Files
that match the patterns are included in the
index. Files that don't match the patterns
are excluded from the index. If a file matches
both an inclusion and exclusion pattern, the
exclusion pattern takes precedence and the
file isn't included in the index.
A list of regular expression patterns to exclude
certain files in your Drupal data source. Files
that match the patterns are excluded from the
index. Files that don't match the patterns are
included in the index. If a file matches both an
exclusion and inclusion pattern, the exclusion
pattern takes precedence and the file isn't
included in the index.
Specify the content types to crawl and
whether to crawl comments and attachments
for your selected content types.
Data source template schemas 350
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
The type of data source. Specify DRUPAL as
your data source type.
authType The type of authentication that you use,
whether BASIC-AUTH or OAUTH2.
syncMode Specify how Amazon Kendra should update
your index when your data source content
changes. You can choose between:
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all
content, replacing existing content each
time your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified
and deleted content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
CHANGE_LOG to index only new and
modified content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
Data source template schemas 351
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
true to use Amazon Kendra's identity crawler
to sync identity/principal information on users
and groups with access to certain documents.
If identity crawler is turned off, all documents
can be publicly searched. If you want to use
access control for your documents and identity
crawler is turned off, you can alternatively use
the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user
and group access information.
secretARN The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an AWS
Secrets Manager secret that contains the key-
value pairs required to connect to your Drupal.
The secret must contain a JSON structure with
the following keys:
If using basic authentication:
"username": "user name",
"passwords": "password"
If using OAuth 2.0 authentication:
"username": "user name",
"password": "password" ,
"clientId": "client id",
"clientSecret": "client secret"
version The version of this template that is currently
Data source template schemas 352
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Drupal JSON schema
"$schema": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"connectionConfiguration": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"repositoryEndpointMetadata": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"hostUrl": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "https:.*"
"required": [
"required": [
"repositoryConfigurations": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"content": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
Data source template schemas 353
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
"required": [
"comment": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
Data source template schemas 354
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
"required": [
"attachment": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
Data source template schemas 355
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
"required": [
"additionalProperties": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"isCrawlArticle": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlBasicPage": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlBasicBlock": {
"type": "boolean"
"crawlCustomContentTypesList": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"crawlCustomBlockTypesList": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"filePath": {
Data source template schemas 356
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"anyOf": [
"type": "string",
"pattern": "s3:.*"
"type": "string",
"pattern": ""
"inclusionFileNamePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"exclusionFileNamePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"articleTitleInclusionPatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"articleTitleExclusionPatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"pageTitleInclusionPatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"pageTitleExclusionPatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
Data source template schemas 357
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "string"
"customContentTitleInclusionPatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"customContentTitleExclusionPatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"basicBlockTitleInclusionPatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"basicBlockTitleExclusionPatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"customBlockTitleInclusionPatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"customBlockTitleExclusionPatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"contentDefinitions": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"properties": {
"contentType": {
Data source template schemas 358
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "string"
"fieldDefinition": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"machineName": {
"type": "string"
"type": {
"type": "string"
"required": [
"isCrawlComments": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlFiles": {
"type": "boolean"
"required": [
"required": []
"type": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "DRUPAL"
Data source template schemas 359
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"authType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"syncMode": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"enableIdentityCrawler": {
"type": "boolean"
"secretArn": {
"type": "string",
"minLength": 20,
"maxLength": 2048
"version": {
"type": "string",
"anyOf": [
"pattern": "1.0.0"
"required": [
Data source template schemas 360
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
GitHub template schema
You include a JSON that contains the data source schema as part of the TemplateConfiguration
object. You provide the GitHub host URL, the organization name, and whether you use GitHub
cloud or GitHub on-premises as part of the connection configuration or repository endpoint
details. Also specify the type of data source as GITHUB, a secret for your authentication credentials,
and other necessary configurations. You then specify TEMPLATE as the Type when you call
You can use the template provided in this developer guide. See GitHub JSON schema.
The following table describes the parameters of the GitHub JSON schema.
Configuration Description
connectionConfiguration Configuration information for the endpoint
for the data source.
repositoryEndpointMetadata The endpoint information for the data source.
Specify the type as either SAAS or ON_PREMIS
E .
hostUrl The GitHub host URL. For example, if you
use GitHub SaaS/Enterprise Cloud: https://a Or, if you use GitHub on-premis
es/Enterprise Server: https://on-prem-host-
organizationName You can find your organization name when
you log in to GitHub desktop and go to Your
organizations under your profile picture
repositoryConfigurations Configuration information for the content
of the data source. For example, configuring
specific types of content and field mappings.
ghRepository A list of objects that map the attributes or
field names of your GitHub content to Amazon
Data source template schemas 361
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
Kendra index field names. For more informati
on, see Mapping data source fields.
additionalProperties Additional configuration options for your
content in your data source.
true to crawl the access control list (ACL)
information for your documents, if you have
an ACL and want to use it for access control.
The ACL specifies which documents that users
and groups can access and search. The ACL
information is used to filter search results
based on the user or their group access to
documents. For more information, see User
context filtering.
fieldForUserId Specify the type of user ID that you want to
use for ACL crawling. Specify either email if
you want to use the user email for the user ID,
or username if you want to use the user name
for the user ID. If you don't specify an option
then email is used by default.
repositoryFilter A list of names of the specific repositories and
branch names you want to index.
true to crawl repositories.
true to crawl repository documents.
Data source template schemas 362
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
true to crawl issues.
true to crawl issue comments.
true to crawl issue comment attachments.
true to crawl pull requests.
true to crawl pull request comments.
true to crawl pull request comment
A list of regular expression patterns to
include certain content in your GitHub data
source. Content that matches the patterns
are included in the index. Content that
doesn't match the patterns are excluded from
the index. If any content matches both an
inclusion and exclusion pattern, the exclusion
pattern takes precedence, and the content
isn't included in the index.
A list of regular expression patterns to exclude
certain content in your GitHub data source.
Content that matches the patterns are
excluded from the index. Content that doesn't
match the patterns are included in the index.
If any content matches both an inclusion and
exclusion pattern, the exclusion pattern takes
precedence, and the content isn't included in
the index.
The type of data source. Specify GITHUB as
your data source type.
Data source template schemas 363
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
true to use Amazon Kendra's identity crawler
to sync identity/principal information on users
and groups with access to certain documents.
If identity crawler is turned off, all documents
can be publicly searched. If you want to use
access control for your documents and identity
crawler is turned off, you can alternatively use
the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user
and group access information.
syncMode Specify how Amazon Kendra should update
your index when your data source content
changes. You can choose between:
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all
content, replacing existing content each
time your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified
and deleted content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
CHANGE_LOG to index only new and
modified content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
Data source template schemas 364
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
secretArn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an
AWS Secrets Manager secret that contains
the key-value pairs required to connect to
your GitHub. The secret must contain a JSON
structure with the following keys:
"personalToken": " token"
version The version of this template that's currently
GitHub JSON schema
The following is the GitHub JSON schema:
"$schema": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"connectionConfiguration": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"repositoryEndpointMetadata": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"type": {
"type": "string"
"hostUrl": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "https://.*"
"organizationName": {
"type": "string"
Data source template schemas 365
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"required": [
"required": [
"repositoryConfigurations": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"ghRepository": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
Data source template schemas 366
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"required": [
"ghCommit": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
Data source template schemas 367
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"required": [
"ghIssueDocument": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
Data source template schemas 368
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"required": [
"ghIssueComment": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
"required": [
Data source template schemas 369
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"ghIssueAttachment": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
"required": [
"ghPRDocument": {
Data source template schemas 370
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
"required": [
"ghPRComment": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
Data source template schemas 371
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
"required": [
"ghPRAttachment": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
Data source template schemas 372
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
"required": [
"additionalProperties": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"isCrawlAcl": {
"type": "boolean"
"fieldForUserId": {
"type": "string"
Data source template schemas 373
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"crawlRepository": {
"type": "boolean"
"crawlRepositoryDocuments": {
"type": "boolean"
"crawlIssue": {
"type": "boolean"
"crawlIssueComment": {
"type": "boolean"
"crawlIssueCommentAttachment": {
"type": "boolean"
"crawlPullRequest": {
"type": "boolean"
"crawlPullRequestComment": {
"type": "boolean"
"crawlPullRequestCommentAttachment": {
"type": "boolean"
"repositoryFilter": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"repositoryName": {
"type": "string"
"branchNameList": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
Data source template schemas 374
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"inclusionFolderNamePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"inclusionFileTypePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"inclusionFileNamePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"exclusionFolderNamePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"exclusionFileTypePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"exclusionFileNamePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"required": []
"type": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "GITHUB"
"syncMode": {
Data source template schemas 375
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"enableIdentityCrawler": {
"type": "boolean"
"secretArn": {
"type": "string",
"minLength": 20,
"maxLength": 2048
"version": {
"type": "string",
"anyOf": [
"pattern": "1.0.0"
"required": [
Gmail template schema
You include a JSON that contains the data source schema as part of the TemplateConfiguration
object. Specify the type of data source as GMAIL, a secret for your authentication credentials,
and other necessary configurations. You then specify TEMPLATE as the Type when you call
You can use the template provided in this developer guide. See Gmail JSON schema.
The following table describes the parameters of the Gmail JSON schema.
Data source template schemas 376
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
connectionConfiguration Configuration information for the endpoint
for the data source.
repositoryEndpointMetadata The endpoint information for the data source.
This data source does not specify an endpoint
in repositoryEndpointMetadata .
Rather, the connection information is included
in an AWS Secrets Manager secret that you
provide the secretArn .
repositoryConfigurations Configuration information for the content
of the data source. For example, configuring
specific types of content and field mappings.
Specify the type of data source and the secret
A list of objects that map the attributes or
field names of your Gmail messages and
attachments to Amazon Kendra index field
names. For more information, see Mapping
data source fields.
additionalProperties Additional configuration options for your
content in your data source.
A list of regular expression patterns to include
or exclude messages with specific subject
names in your Gmail data source. Files that
match the patterns are included in the index.
If a file matches both an inclusion and an
exclusion pattern, the exclusion pattern takes
precedence, and the file isn't included in the
Data source template schemas 377
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
beforeDateFilter Specify messages and attachments to be
included before a certain date.
afterDateFilter Specify messages and attachments to be
included after a certain date.
isCrawlAttachment A Boolean value to choose whether you want
to crawl attachments. Messages are automatic
ally crawled.
The type of data source. Specify GMAIL as
your data source type.
shouldCrawlDraftMessages A Boolean value to choose whether you want
to crawl draft messages.
Data source template schemas 378
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
syncMode Specify how Amazon Kendra should update
your index when your data source content
changes. You can choose between:
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all
content, replacing existing content each
time your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified
and deleted content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
Because there is no API to update
permanently deleted Gmail messages,
any new, modified, or deleted content
Won't remove messages that were
permanently deleted from Gmail
from your Amazon Kendra index
Won't sync changes in Gmail email
To sync your Gmail data source label
changes and permanently deleted
email messages to your Amazon
Kendra index, you must run full crawls
Data source template schemas 379
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
secretARN The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a
Secrets Manager secret that contains the key-
value pairs required to connect to your Gmail.
The secret must contain a JSON structure with
the following keys:
"adminAccountEmailId": " service
account email",
"clientEmailId": " user account
"privateKey": " private key"
version The version of the template that is currently
Gmail JSON schema
"$schema": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"connectionConfiguration": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"repositoryConfigurations": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"message": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
Data source template schemas 380
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": ["STRING", "STRING_LIST", "DATE"]
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string"
"required": [
"attachments": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": ["STRING"]
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
Data source template schemas 381
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"required": [
"required": []
"additionalProperties": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"inclusionLabelNamePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"exclusionLabelNamePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"inclusionAttachmentTypePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"exclusionAttachmentTypePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"inclusionAttachmentNamePatterns": {
"type": "array",
Data source template schemas 382
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"items": {
"type": "string"
"exclusionAttachmentNamePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"inclusionSubjectFilter": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"exclusionSubjectFilter": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"isSubjectAnd": {
"type": "boolean"
"inclusionFromFilter": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"exclusionFromFilter": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"inclusionToFilter": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"exclusionToFilter": {
Data source template schemas 383
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"inclusionCcFilter": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"exclusionCcFilter": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"inclusionBccFilter": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"exclusionBccFilter": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"beforeDateFilter": {
"anyOf": [
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$"
"type": "string",
"pattern": ""
"afterDateFilter": {
"anyOf": [
Data source template schemas 384
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$"
"type": "string",
"pattern": ""
"isCrawlAttachment": {
"type": "boolean"
"shouldCrawlDraftMessages": {
"type": "boolean"
"required": [
"type" : {
"type" : "string",
"pattern": "GMAIL"
"syncMode": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"secretArn": {
"type": "string"
"version": {
"type": "string",
"anyOf": [
"pattern": "1.0.0"
Data source template schemas 385
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"required": [
Google Drive template schema
You include a JSON that contains the data source schema as part of the TemplateConfiguration
object. Specify the type of data source as GOOGLEDRIVE2, a secret for your authentication
credentials, and other necessary configurations. You then specify TEMPLATE as the Type when you
call CreateDataSource.
You can use the template provided in this developer guide. See Google Drive JSON schema.
The following table describes the parameters of the Google Drive JSON schema.
Configuration Description
connectionConfiguration Configuration information for the data source.
repositoryEndpointMetadata The endpoint information for the data
source. This data source does not specify an
endpoint. You choose your authentication
type: serviceAccount and OAuth2. The
connection information is included in an AWS
Secrets Manager secret that you provide the
secretArn .
Choose between serviceAccount and
OAuth2 based on your use case.
repositoryConfigurations Configuration information for the content
of the data source. For example, configuring
specific types of content and field mappings.
Data source template schemas 386
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
A list of objects that map the attributes or
field names of your Google Drive to Amazon
Kendra index field names. For more informati
on, see Mapping data source fields.
additionalProperties Additional configuration options for your
content in your data source
maxFileSizeInMegaBytes Specify a file size limit in MBs that Amazon
Kendra should crawl.
true to crawl comments in your Google Drive
data source.
true to crawl MyDrive and Shared With Me
Drives in your Google Drive data source.
true to crawl Shared Drives in your Google
Drive data source.
true to crawl the access control list (ACL)
information for your documents, if you have
an ACL and want to use it for access control.
The ACL specifies which documents that users
and groups can access and search. The ACL
information is used to filter search results
based on the user or their group access to
documents. For more information, see User
context filtering.
Data source template schemas 387
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
A list of regular expression patterns to exclude
certain files in your Google Drive data source.
Files that match the patterns are excluded
from the index. Files that don't match the
patterns are included in the index. If a file
matches both an exclusion and inclusion
pattern, the exclusion pattern takes precedenc
e, and the file isn't included in the index.
A list of regular expression patterns to include
certain files in your Google Drive data source.
Files that match the patterns are included in
the index. Files that don't match the patterns
are excluded from the index. If a file matches
both an inclusion and exclusion pattern, the
exclusion pattern takes precedence, and the
file isn't included in the index.
The type of data source. Specify GOOOGLEDR
IVEV2 as your data source type.
true to use Amazon Kendra's identity crawler
to sync identity/principal information on users
and groups with access to certain documents.
If identity crawler is turned off, all documents
can be publicly searched. If you want to use
access control for your documents and identity
crawler is turned off, you can alternatively use
the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user
and group access information.
Data source template schemas 388
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
syncMode Specify how Amazon Kendra should update
your index when your data source content
changes. You can choose between:
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all
content, replacing existing content each
time your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified
and deleted content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
CHANGE_LOG to index only new and
modified content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
Data source template schemas 389
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
secretARN The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an AWS
Secrets Manager secret that contains the
key-value pairs required to connect to your
Google Drive. The secret must contain a JSON
structure with the following keys:
If using Google Service Account authentic
"clientEmail": " user account
"adminAccountEmail": " service
account email",
"privateKey": " private key"
If using OAuth 2.0 authentication:
"clientID": " OAuth client ID",
"clientSecret": " client secret",
"refreshToken": " refresh token"
version The version of this template that is currently
Google Drive JSON schema
"$schema": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"connectionConfiguration": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
Data source template schemas 390
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"repositoryEndpointMetadata": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"authType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"required": [
"required": [
"repositoryConfigurations": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"file": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
Data source template schemas 391
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
"required": [
"comment": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
Data source template schemas 392
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
"required": [
"additionalProperties": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"maxFileSizeInMegaBytes": {
"type": "string"
"isCrawlComment": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlMyDriveAndSharedWithMe": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlSharedDrives": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlAcl": {
"type": "boolean"
"excludeUserAccounts": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
Data source template schemas 393
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"excludeSharedDrives": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"excludeMimeTypes": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"includeUserAccounts": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"includeSharedDrives": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"includeMimeTypes": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"includeTargetAudienceGroup": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"inclusionFileTypePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"inclusionFileNamePatterns": {
"type": "array",
Data source template schemas 394
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"items": {
"type": "string"
"exclusionFileTypePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"exclusionFileNamePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"inclusionFilePathFilter": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"exclusionFilePathFilter": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"type": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "GOOGLEDRIVEV2"
"enableIdentityCrawler": {
"type": "boolean"
"syncMode": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
Data source template schemas 395
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"secretArn": {
"type": "string",
"minLength": 20,
"maxLength": 2048
"version": {
"type": "string",
"anyOf": [
"pattern": "1.0.0"
"required": [
IBM DB2 template schema
You include a JSON that contains the data source schema as part of the TemplateConfiguration
object. Specify the type of data source as JDBC, the database type as db2, a secret for your
authentication credentials, and other necessary configurations. You then specify TEMPLATE as the
Type when you call CreateDataSource.
You can use the template provided in this developer guide. See IBM DB2 JSON schema.
The following table describes the parameters of the IBM DB2 JSON schema.
Configuration Description
connectionConfiguration Configuration information for the endpoint
for the data source.
Data source template schemas 396
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
repositoryEndpointMetadata Required configuration information for
connecting your data source.
dbType—The type of Java database that
you use, whether mysql, db2, postgresq
l , oracle, or sqlserver .
dbHost—The database host name.
dbPort—The database port.
dbInstance—The database instance.
repositoryConfigurations Configuration information for the content
of the data source. For example, configuring
specific types of content and field mappings.
Specify the type of data source and the secret
document A list of objects that map the attributes or
field names of your database content to
Amazon Kendra index field names. For more
information, see Mapping data source fields.
additionalProperties Additional configuration options for your
content in your data source. Use to include or
exclude specific content in your database data
primaryKey Provide the primary key for the database
table. This identifies a table within your
titleColumn Provide the name of the document title
column within your database table.
bodyColumn Provide the name of the document title
column within your database table.
Data source template schemas 397
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
sqlQuery Enter SQL query statements like SELECT and
JOIN operations. SQL queries must be less
than 32KB. Amazon Kendra will crawl all
database content that matches your query.
timestampColumn Enter the name of the column which contains
time stamps. Amazon Kendra uses time stamp
information to detect changes in your content
and sync only changed content.
timestampFormat Enter the name of the column which contains
time stamp formats to use to detect content
changes and re-sync your content.
timezone Enter the name of the column which contains
time zones for the content to be crawled.
changeDetectingColumns Enter the names of the columns that Amazon
Kendra will use to detect content changes.
Amazon Kendra will re-index content when
there is a change in any of these columns
allowedUsersColumns Enter the name of the column which contains
User IDs to be allowed access to content.
allowedGroupsColumn Enter the name of the column which contains
User IDs to be allowed access to content.
sourceURIColumn Enter the name of the column which contains
Source URLs to be indexed.
isSslEnabled Enter SQL query statements like SELECT and
JOIN operations. SQL queries must be less
than 32KB. Amazon Kendra will crawl all
database content that matches your query.
Data source template schemas 398
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
The type of data source. Specify JDBC as your
data source type.
syncMode Specify how Amazon Kendra should update
your index when your data source content
changes. You can choose between:
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all
content, replacing existing content each
time your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified
and deleted content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
CHANGE_LOG to index only new and
modified content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
secretArn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a
Secrets Manager secret that contains user
name and password required to connect to
your database. The secret must contain a
JSON structure with the following keys:
"user name": "database user name",
"password": " password"
Data source template schemas 399
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
version The version of the template that is currently
IBM DB2 JSON schema
"$schema": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"connectionConfiguration": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"repositoryEndpointMetadata": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"dbType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dbHost": {
"type": "string"
"dbPort": {
"type": "string"
"dbInstance": {
"type": "string"
"required": [
Data source template schemas 400
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"required": [
"repositoryConfigurations": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"document": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string"
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"required": [
"required": [
"required": [
Data source template schemas 401
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"additionalProperties": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"primaryKey": {
"type": "string"
"titleColumn": {
"type": "string"
"bodyColumn": {
"type": "string"
"sqlQuery": {
"type": "string",
"not": {
"pattern": ";+"
"timestampColumn": {
"type": "string"
"timestampFormat": {
"type": "string"
"timezone": {
"type": "string"
"changeDetectingColumns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"allowedUsersColumn": {
"type": "string"
"allowedGroupsColumn": {
"type": "string"
"sourceURIColumn": {
"type": "string"
Data source template schemas 402
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"isSslEnabled": {
"type": "boolean"
"required": ["primaryKey", "titleColumn", "bodyColumn", "sqlQuery"]
"type" : {
"type" : "string",
"pattern": "JDBC"
"syncMode": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"secretArn": {
"type": "string"
"version": {
"type": "string",
"anyOf": [
"pattern": "1.0.0"
"required": [
Data source template schemas 403
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Microsoft Exchange template schema
You include a JSON that contains the data source schema as part of the TemplateConfiguration
object. You provide the tenant ID as as a part of the connection configuration or repository
endpoint details. Also specify the type of data source as MSEXCHANGE, a secret for your
authentication credentials, and other necessary configurations. You then specify TEMPLATE as the
Type when you call CreateDataSource.
You can use the template provided in this developer guide. See Microsoft Exchange JSON schema.
The following table describes the parameters of the Microsoft Exchange JSON schema.
Configuration Description
connectionConfiguration Configuration information for the endpoint
for the data source.
repositoryEndpointMetadata The endpoint information for the data source.
tenantId The Microsoft 365 tenant ID. You can find
your tenant ID in the Properties of your Azure
Active Directory Portal or in your OAuth
repositoryConfigurations Configuration information for the content
of the data source. For example, configuring
specific types of content and field mappings.
A list of objects that map the attributes or
field names of your Microsoft Exchange data
source to Amazon Kendra index fields. For
more information, see Mapping data source
additionalProperties Additional configuration options for content in
your data source
inclusionPatterns A list of regular expression patterns to include
certain files in your Microsoft Exchange data
Data source template schemas 404
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
source. Files that match the patterns are
included in the index. Files that don't match
the patterns are excluded from the index. If a
file matches both an inclusion and exclusion
pattern, the exclusion pattern takes precedenc
e and the file isn't included in the index.
exclusionPatterns A list of regular expression patterns to exclude
certain files in your Microsoft Exchange data
source. Files that match the patterns are
excluded from the index. Files that don't
match the patterns are included in the index.
If a file matches both an exclusion and
inclusion pattern, the exclusion pattern takes
precedence and the file isn't included in the
A list of regular expression patterns to include
certain users and user files in your Microsofo
t Exchange data source. Users that match the
patterns are included in the index. Users that
don't match the patterns are excluded from
the index. If a user matches both an inclusion
and exclusion pattern, the exclusion pattern
takes precedence and the user isn't included in
the index.
Data source template schemas 405
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
A list of regular expression patterns to exclude
certain users and user files in your Microsoft
Exchange data source. Users that match the
patterns are excluded from the index. Users
that don't match the patterns are included in
the index. If a user matches both an exclusion
and inclusion pattern, the exclusion pattern
takes precedence and the user isn't included in
the index.
s3bucketName The name of your S3 bucket if that you want
to use.
true to crawl these types of content and
access control information your Microsoft
Exchange data source.
startCalendarDateTime You can configure a specific start date-time for
your calendar content.
endCalendarDateTime You can configure a specific end date-time for
calendar content.
subject You can configure a specific subject line for
your mail content.
emailFrom You can configure a specific email for your
'From' or sender mail content.
emailTo You can configure a specific email for your 'To'
or recipient mail content.
Data source template schemas 406
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
syncMode Specify how Amazon Kendra should update
your index when your data source content
changes. You can choose between:
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all
content, replacing existing content each
time your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified
and deleted content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
CHANGE_LOG to index only new and
modified content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
The type of data source. Specify MSEXCHANG
E as your data source type.
secretARN The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an AWS
Secrets Manager secret that contains the
key-value pairs required to connect to your
Microsoft Exchange. This includes your client
ID and your client secret that is generated
when you create an OAuth application in the
Azure portal.
version The version of this template that is currently
Data source template schemas 407
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Microsoft Exchange JSON schema
"$schema": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"connectionConfiguration": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"repositoryEndpointMetadata": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"tenantId": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]
"minLength": 36,
"maxLength": 36
"required": ["tenantId"]
"repositoryConfigurations": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"email": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": ["STRING", "STRING_LIST", "DATE"]
"dataSourceFieldName": {
Data source template schemas 408
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
"required": [
"attachment": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": ["STRING", "DATE","LONG"]
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
Data source template schemas 409
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"required": [
"required": [
"calendar": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": ["STRING", "STRING_LIST", "DATE"]
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
Data source template schemas 410
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"required": [
"contacts": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": ["STRING", "STRING_LIST", "DATE"]
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
"required": [
"notes": {
Data source template schemas 411
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": ["STRING", "DATE"]
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
"required": [
"required": ["email"
"additionalProperties": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"inclusionPatterns": {
Data source template schemas 412
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"exclusionPatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"inclusionUsersList": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string",
"format": "email"
"exclusionUsersList": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string",
"format": "email"
"s3bucketName": {
"type": "string"
"inclusionUsersFileName": {
"type": "string"
"exclusionUsersFileName": {
"type": "string"
"inclusionDomainUsers": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"exclusionDomainUsers": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
Data source template schemas 413
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"crawlCalendar": {
"type": "boolean"
"crawlNotes": {
"type": "boolean"
"crawlContacts": {
"type": "boolean"
"crawlFolderAcl": {
"type": "boolean"
"startCalendarDateTime": {
"anyOf": [
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$"
"type": "string",
"pattern": ""
"endCalendarDateTime": {
"anyOf": [
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$"
"type": "string",
"pattern": ""
"subject": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
Data source template schemas 414
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"emailFrom": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string",
"format": "email"
"emailTo": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string",
"format": "email"
"required": [
"syncMode": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"type" : {
"type" : "string",
"pattern": "MSEXCHANGE"
"secretArn": {
"type": "string"
"version": {
"type": "string",
"anyOf": [
"pattern": "1.0.0"
"required": [
Data source template schemas 415
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Microsoft OneDrive template schema
You include a JSON that contains the data source schema as part of the TemplateConfiguration
object. You provide the tenant ID as part of the connection configuration or repository endpoint
details. Also specify the type of data source as ONEDRIVEV2, and a secret for your authentication
credentials, and other necessary configurations. You then specify TEMPLATE as the Type when you
call CreateDataSource.
You can use the template provided in this developer guide. See Microsoft OneDrive JSON schema.
The following table describes the parameters of the Microsoft OneDrive JSON schema.
Configuration Description
connectionConfiguration Configuration information for the endpoint
for the data source.
repositoryEndpointMetadata The endpoint information for the data source.
tenantId The Microsoft 365 tenant ID. You can find
your tenant ID in the Properties of your Azure
Active Directory Portal or in your OAuth
repositoryConfigurations Configuration information for the content
of the data source. For example, configuring
specific types of content and field mappings.
file A list of objects that map the attributes or
field names of your Microsoft OneDrive files to
Amazon Kendra index field names. For more
information, see Mapping data source fields.
Data source template schemas 416
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
additionalProperties Additional configuration options for your
content in your data source
You can choose to index specific files,
OneNote sections, OneNote pages, and filter
by user name.
true to provide a list of user names in a file
stored in an Amazon S3.
The type of data source. Specify ONEDRIVEV
2 as your data source type.
true to use Amazon Kendra's identity crawler
to sync identity/principal information on users
and groups with access to certain documents.
If identity crawler is turned off, all documents
can be publicly searched. If you want to use
access control for your documents and identity
crawler is turned off, you can alternatively use
the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user
and group access information.
Data source template schemas 417
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
The type of data source. Specify ONEDRIVEV
2 as your data source type.
syncMode Specify how Amazon Kendra should update
your index when your data source content
changes. You can choose between:
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all
content, replacing existing content each
time your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified
and deleted content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
CHANGE_LOG to index only new and
modified content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
secretARN The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an AWS
Secrets Manager secret that contains the
key-value pairs required to connect to your
Microsoft OneDrive. The secret must contain a
JSON structure with the following keys:
"clientId": " client ID",
"clientSecret": " client secret"
Data source template schemas 418
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
version The version of this template that is currently
Microsoft OneDrive JSON schema
"$schema": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"connectionConfiguration": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"repositoryEndpointMetadata": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"tenantId": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}$",
"minLength": 36,
"maxLength": 36
"required": [
"required": [
"repositoryConfigurations": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"file": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
Data source template schemas 419
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
"required": [
"additionalProperties": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"userNameFilter": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
Data source template schemas 420
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "string"
"userFilterPath": {
"type": "string"
"isUserNameOnS3": {
"type": "boolean"
"inclusionFileTypePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"exclusionFileTypePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"inclusionFileNamePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"exclusionFileNamePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"inclusionFilePathPatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"exclusionFilePathPatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
Data source template schemas 421
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"inclusionOneNoteSectionNamePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"exclusionOneNoteSectionNamePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"inclusionOneNotePageNamePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"exclusionOneNotePageNamePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"required": []
"enableIdentityCrawler": {
"type": "boolean"
"type": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "ONEDRIVEV2"
"syncMode": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
Data source template schemas 422
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"secretArn": {
"type": "string",
"minLength": 20,
"maxLength": 2048
"version": {
"type": "string",
"anyOf": [
"pattern": "1.0.0"
"required": [
Microsoft SharePoint template schema
You include a JSON that contains the data source schema as part of TemplateConfiguration object.
You provide the SharePoint site URL/URLs, domain, and also a tenant ID if required as a part of
the connection configuration or repository endpoint details. Also specify the type of data source as
SHAREPOINTV2, a secret for your authentication credentials, and other necessary configurations.
You then specify TEMPLATE as the Type when you call CreateDataSource.
You can use the template provided in this developer guide. See SharePoint JSON schema.
The following table describes the parameters of the Microsoft SharePoint JSON schema.
Configuration Description
connectionConfiguration Configuration information for the endpoint
for the data source
repositoryEndpointMetadata The endpoint information for the data source
Data source template schemas 423
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
tenantId The tenant id of your SharePoint account.
domain The domain of your SharePoint account.
siteUrls The host URLs of your SharePoint account.
repositoryAdditionalProperties Additional properties to connect with the
repository/data source endpoint.
s3bucketName The name of the Amazon S3 bucket that
stores your Azure AD self-signed X.509
s3certificateName The name of the Azure AD self-signed X.509
certificate stored in your Amazon S3 bucket.
authType The type of authentication that you use,
whether OAuth2, OAuth2Certificate ,
OAuth2App , Basic, OAuth2_Re
freshToken , NTLM, or Kerberos.
version The SharePoint version that you use, whether
Server or Online.
onPremVersion The SharePoint Server version that you use,
whether 2013, 2016 2019, or Subscript
ionEdition .
repositoryConfigurations Configuration information for the content
of the data source. For example, configuring
specific types of content and field mappings.
Data source template schemas 424
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
A list of objects that map the attributes or
field names of your SharePoint content to
Amazon Kendra index field names. For more
information, see Mapping data source fields.
additionalProperties Additional configuration options for your
content in your data source.
A list of regular expression patterns to
include/exclude certain content in your
SharePoint data source. Content itmes that
match the inclusion patterns are included in
the index. Content items that don't match
the inclusion patterns are excluded from the
index. If a file matches both an inclusion and
exclusion pattern, the exclusion pattern takes
precedence, and the file isn't included in the
true to crawl these types of content.
Data source template schemas 425
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
true to crawl the access control list (ACL)
information for your documents, if you have
an ACL and want to use it for access control.
The ACL specifies which documents that users
and groups can access and search. The ACL
information is used to filter search results
based on the user or their group access to
documents. For more information, see User
context filtering.
Specify either email if you want to use the
user email for the user ID, or userPrinc
ipalName if you want to use a user name for
the user ID. If you don't specify an option then
email is used by default.
Specify either ACLWithLDAPEmailFmt ,
ACLWithManualEmailFmt , or ACLWithUs
ernameFmtM .
emailDomain The domain of the email. For example,
" ".
true to crawl group mapping information.
proxyHost The host name of the web proxy that you use,
without the http:// or https:// protocol.
proxyPort The port number used by the host URL
transport protocol. Must be a numeric value
between 0 and 65535.
Specify SHAREPOINTV2 as your data source
Data source template schemas 426
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
true to use Amazon Kendra's identity crawler
to sync identity/principal information on users
and groups with access to certain documents.
If identity crawler is turned off, all documents
can be publicly searched. If you want to use
access control for your documents and identity
crawler is turned off, you can alternatively use
the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user
and group access information.
syncMode Specify how Amazon Kendra should update
your index when your data source content
changes. You can choose between:
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all
content, replacing existing content each
time your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified
and deleted content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
CHANGE_LOG to index only new and
modified content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
Data source template schemas 427
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
secretARN The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an AWS
Secrets Manager secret that contains the
key-value pairs required to connect to your
SharePoint. For information on these key-
value pairs, see Connection instructions for
SharePoint Online and SharePoint Server.
version The version of this template that is currently
SharePoint JSON schema
"$schema": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"connectionConfiguration": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"repositoryEndpointMetadata": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"tenantId": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}$",
"minLength": 36,
"maxLength": 36
"domain": {
"type": "string"
"siteUrls": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "https://.*"
"repositoryAdditionalProperties": {
Data source template schemas 428
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"s3bucketName": {
"type": "string"
"s3certificateName": {
"type": "string"
"authType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"version": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"onPremVersion": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"required": [
Data source template schemas 429
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"required": [
"required": [
"repositoryConfigurations": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"event": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
Data source template schemas 430
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"required": [
"page": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
Data source template schemas 431
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"required": [
"file": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
Data source template schemas 432
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"required": [
"link": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
"required": [
Data source template schemas 433
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"attachment": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
"required": [
"comment": {
Data source template schemas 434
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
"required": [
"additionalProperties": {
"type": "object",
Data source template schemas 435
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"properties": {
"eventTitleFilterRegEx": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"pageTitleFilterRegEx": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"linkTitleFilterRegEx": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"inclusionFilePath": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"exclusionFilePath": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"inclusionFileTypePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"exclusionFileTypePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"inclusionFileNamePatterns": {
Data source template schemas 436
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"exclusionFileNamePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"inclusionOneNoteSectionNamePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"exclusionOneNoteSectionNamePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"inclusionOneNotePageNamePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"exclusionOneNotePageNamePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"crawlFiles": {
"type": "boolean"
"crawlPages": {
"type": "boolean"
"crawlEvents": {
"type": "boolean"
Data source template schemas 437
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"crawlComments": {
"type": "boolean"
"crawlLinks": {
"type": "boolean"
"crawlAttachments": {
"type": "boolean"
"crawlListData": {
"type": "boolean"
"crawlAcl": {
"type": "boolean"
"fieldForUserId": {
"type": "string"
"aclConfiguration": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"emailDomain": {
"type": "string"
"isCrawlLocalGroupMapping": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlAdGroupMapping": {
"type": "boolean"
"proxyHost": {
"type": "string"
"proxyPort": {
"type": "string"
"required": [
Data source template schemas 438
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "SHAREPOINTV2"
"enableIdentityCrawler": {
"type": "boolean"
"syncMode": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"secretArn": {
"type": "string",
"minLength": 20,
"maxLength": 2048
"version": {
"type": "string",
"anyOf": [
"pattern": "1.0.0"
"required": [
Data source template schemas 439
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Microsoft SQL Server template schema
You include a JSON that contains the data source schema as part of the TemplateConfiguration
object. Specify the type of data source as JDBC, the database type as sqlserver, a secret for your
authentication credentials, and other necessary configurations. You then specify TEMPLATE as the
Type when you call CreateDataSource.
You can use the template provided in this developer guide. See Microsoft SQL Server JSON schema.
The following table describes the parameters of the Micorosft SQL Server JSON schema.
Configuration Description
connectionConfiguration Configuration information for the endpoint
for the data source.
repositoryEndpointMetadata Required configuration information for
connecting your data source.
dbType—The type of Java database that
you use, whether mysql, db2, postgresq
l , oracle, or sqlserver .
dbHost—The database host name.
dbPort—The database port.
dbInstance—The database instance.
repositoryConfigurations Configuration information for the content
of the data source. For example, configuring
specific types of content and field mappings.
Specify the type of data source and the secret
document A list of objects that map the attributes or
field names of your database content to
Amazon Kendra index field names. For more
information, see Mapping data source fields.
additionalProperties Additional configuration options for your
content in your data source. Use to include or
Data source template schemas 440
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
exclude specific content in your database data
primaryKey Provide the primary key for the database
table. This identifies a table within your
titleColumn Provide the name of the document title
column within your database table.
bodyColumn Provide the name of the document title
column within your database table.
sqlQuery Enter SQL query statements like SELECT and
JOIN operations. SQL queries must be less
than 32KB. Amazon Kendra will crawl all
database content that matches your query.
timestampColumn Enter the name of the column which contains
time stamps. Amazon Kendra uses time stamp
information to detect changes in your content
and sync only changed content.
timestampFormat Enter the name of the column which contains
time stamp formats to use to detect content
changes and re-sync your content.
timezone Enter the name of the column which contains
time zones for the content to be crawled.
changeDetectingColumns Enter the names of the columns that Amazon
Kendra will use to detect content changes.
Amazon Kendra will re-index content when
there is a change in any of these columns
allowedUsersColumns Enter the name of the column which contains
User IDs to be allowed access to content.
Data source template schemas 441
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
allowedGroupsColumn Enter the name of the column which contains
User IDs to be allowed access to content.
sourceURIColumn Enter the name of the column which contains
Source URLs to be indexed.
isSslEnabled Enter SQL query statements like SELECT and
JOIN operations. SQL queries must be less
than 32KB. Amazon Kendra will crawl all
database content that matches your query.
The type of data source. Specify JDBC as your
data source type.
syncMode Specify how Amazon Kendra should update
your index when your data source content
changes. You can choose between:
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all
content, replacing existing content each
time your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified
and deleted content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
CHANGE_LOG to index only new and
modified content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
Data source template schemas 442
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
secretArn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a
Secrets Manager secret that contains user
name and password required to connect to
your database. The secret must contain a
JSON structure with the following keys:
"user name": "database user name",
"password": " password"
version The version of the template that is currently
Microsoft SQL Server JSON schema
"$schema": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"connectionConfiguration": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"repositoryEndpointMetadata": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"dbType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dbHost": {
"type": "string"
Data source template schemas 443
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"dbPort": {
"type": "string"
"dbInstance": {
"type": "string"
"required": [
"required": [
"repositoryConfigurations": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"document": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string"
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"required": [
Data source template schemas 444
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"required": [
"required": [
"additionalProperties": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"primaryKey": {
"type": "string"
"titleColumn": {
"type": "string"
"bodyColumn": {
"type": "string"
"sqlQuery": {
"type": "string",
"not": {
"pattern": ";+"
"timestampColumn": {
"type": "string"
"timestampFormat": {
"type": "string"
"timezone": {
"type": "string"
"changeDetectingColumns": {
"type": "array",
Data source template schemas 445
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"items": {
"type": "string"
"allowedUsersColumn": {
"type": "string"
"allowedGroupsColumn": {
"type": "string"
"sourceURIColumn": {
"type": "string"
"isSslEnabled": {
"type": "boolean"
"required": ["primaryKey", "titleColumn", "bodyColumn", "sqlQuery"]
"type" : {
"type" : "string",
"pattern": "JDBC"
"syncMode": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"secretArn": {
"type": "string"
"version": {
"type": "string",
"anyOf": [
"pattern": "1.0.0"
"required": [
Data source template schemas 446
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Microsoft Teams template schema
You include a JSON that contains the data source schema as part of the TemplateConfiguration
object. You provide the tenant ID as a part of the connection configuration or repository endpoint
details. Also specify the type of data source as MSTEAMS, a secret for your authentication
credentials, and other necessary configurations. You then specify TEMPLATE as the Type when you
call CreateDataSource.
You can use the template provided in this developer guide. See Microsoft Teams JSON schema.
The following table describes the parameters of the Microsoft Teams JSON schema.
Configuration Description
connectionConfiguration Configuration information for endpoint for
the data source.
repositoryEndpointMetadata The endpoint information for the data source.
tenantId The Microsoft 365 tenant ID. You can find
your tenant ID in the Properties of your Azure
Active Directory Portal or in your OAuth
repositoryConfigurations Configuration information for the content
of the data source. For example, configuring
specific types of content and field mappings.
A list of objects that map the attributes or
field names of your Microsoft Teams content
to Amazon Kendra index field names. For
Data source template schemas 447
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
more information, see Mapping data source
additionalProperties Additional configuration options for your
content in your data source.
paymentModel Specifies what type of payment model to use
with your Microsoft Teams data source. Model
A payment models are restricted to licensing
and payment models that require security
compliance. Model B payment models are
suitable for licensing and payment models
that do not require security compliance.
A list of regular expression patterns to include
certain content in your Microsoft Teams data
source. Content that matches the patterns are
included in the index. Content that doesn't
match the patterns are excluded from the
index. If content matches both an inclusion
and exclusion pattern, the exclusion pattern
takes precedence, and the content isn't
included in the index.
Data source template schemas 448
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
A list of regular expression patterns to exclude
certain content in your Microsoft Teams data
source. Content that matches the patterns are
excluded from the index. Content that doesn't
match the patterns are included in the index.
If content matches both an inclusion and
exclusion pattern, the exclusion pattern takes
precedence, and the content isn't included in
the index.
true to crawl these types of content in your
Microsoft Teams data source.
startCalendarDateTime You can configure a specific start date-time for
your calendar content.
endCalendarDateTime You can configure a specific end date-time for
calendar content.
The type of data source. Specify MSTEAMS as
your data source type.
Data source template schemas 449
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
true to use Amazon Kendra's identity crawler
to sync identity/principal information on users
and groups with access to certain documents.
If identity crawler is turned off, all documents
can be publicly searched. If you want to use
access control for your documents and identity
crawler is turned off, you can alternatively use
the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user
and group access information.
syncMode Specify how Amazon Kendra should update
your index when your data source content
changes. You can choose between:
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all
content, replacing existing content each
time your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified
and deleted content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
CHANGE_LOG to index only new and
modified content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
Data source template schemas 450
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
secretArn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an AWS
Secrets Manager secret that contains the
key-value pairs required to connect to your
Microsoft Teams. This includes your client
ID and client secret that is generated when
you create an OAuth application in the Azure
version The version of this template that is currently
Microsoft Teams JSON schema
"$schema": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"connectionConfiguration": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"repositoryEndpointMetadata": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"tenantId": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]
"minLength": 36,
"maxLength": 36
"required": [
"required": [
Data source template schemas 451
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"repositoryConfigurations": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"chatMessage": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
"required": [
Data source template schemas 452
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"chatAttachment": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
"required": [
"channelPost": {
Data source template schemas 453
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
"required": [
"channelWiki": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
Data source template schemas 454
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
"required": [
"channelAttachment": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
Data source template schemas 455
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
"required": [
"meetingChat": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
Data source template schemas 456
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
"required": [
"meetingFile": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
Data source template schemas 457
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
"required": [
"meetingNote": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
Data source template schemas 458
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
"required": [
"calendarMeeting": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dataSourceFieldName": {
Data source template schemas 459
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
"required": [
"additionalProperties": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"paymentModel": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Evaluation Mode"
"inclusionTeamNameFilter": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"exclusionTeamNameFilter": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
Data source template schemas 460
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"inclusionChannelNameFilter": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"exclusionChannelNameFilter": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"inclusionFileNamePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"exclusionFileNamePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"inclusionFileTypePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"exclusionFileTypePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"inclusionUserEmailFilter": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"inclusionOneNoteSectionNamePatterns": {
Data source template schemas 461
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"exclusionOneNoteSectionNamePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"inclusionOneNotePageNamePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"exclusionOneNotePageNamePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"isCrawlChatMessage": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlChatAttachment": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlChannelPost": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlChannelAttachment": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlChannelWiki": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlCalendarMeeting": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlMeetingChat": {
"type": "boolean"
Data source template schemas 462
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"isCrawlMeetingFile": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlMeetingNote": {
"type": "boolean"
"startCalendarDateTime": {
"anyOf": [
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$"
"type": "string",
"pattern": ""
"endCalendarDateTime": {
"anyOf": [
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$"
"type": "string",
"pattern": ""
"required": []
"type": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "MSTEAMS"
"enableIdentityCrawler": {
"type": "boolean"
"syncMode": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
Data source template schemas 463
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"secretArn": {
"type": "string",
"minLength": 20,
"maxLength": 2048
"version": {
"type": "string",
"anyOf": [
"pattern": "1.0.0"
"required": [
Microsoft Yammer template schema
You include a JSON that contains the data source schema as part of TemplateConfiguration object.
Specify the type of data source as YAMMER, a secret for your authentication credentials, and other
necessary configurations. You then specify TEMPLATE as the Type when you call CreateDataSource.
You can use the template provided in this developer guide.
The following table describes the parameters of the Microsoft Yammer JSON schema.
Configuration Description
connectionConfiguration Configuration information for the data source.
Data source template schemas 464
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
repositoryEndpointMetadata The endpoint information for the data source.
This data source does not specify an endpoint
in repositoryEndpointMetadata .
Rather, the connection information is included
in an AWS Secrets Manager secret that you
provide the secretArn .
repositoryConfigurations Configuration information for the content
of the data source. For example, configuring
specific types of content and field mappings.
A list of objects that map attributes or field
names of Microsoft Yammer content to
Amazon Kendra index field names. For more
information, see Mapping data source fields.
additionalProperties Additional configuration options for your
content in your data source
inclusionPatterns A list of regular expression patterns to include
certain files in your Microsoft Yammer data
source. Files that match the patterns are
included in the index. File that don't match
the patterns are excluded from the index. If a
file matches both an inclusion and exclusion
pattern, the exclusion pattern takes precedenc
e and the file isn't included in the index.
Data source template schemas 465
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
exclusionPatterns A list of regular expression patterns to exclude
certain files in your Microsoft Yammer data
source. Files that match the patterns are
excluded from the index. Files that don't
match the patterns are included in the index.
If a file matches both an exclusion and
inclusion pattern, the exclusion pattern takes
precedence and the file isn't included in the
You can choose to configure a sinceDate
parameter so that the Microsoft Yammer
connector crawls content based on a specific
sinceDate .
communityNameFilter You can choose to index specific community
true to crawl messages, message attachmen
ts, and private messages.
Specify YAMMER as your data source type.
secretARN The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an
AWS Secrets Manager secret that contains
the key-value pairs required to connect
to your Microsoft Yammer. This includes
your Microsoft Yammer user name and
password, and client ID and client secret
that is generated when you create an OAuth
application in the Azure portal.
Data source template schemas 466
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
true to use the Microsoft Yammer change
log to determine which documents require
updating in the index.
syncMode Specify how Amazon Kendra should update
your index when your data source content
changes. You can choose between:
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all
content, replacing existing content each
time your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified
and deleted content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
CHANGE_LOG to index only new and
modified content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
true to use Amazon Kendra's identity crawler
to sync identity/principal information on users
and groups with access to certain documents.
If identity crawler is turned off, all documents
can be publicly searched. If you want to use
access control for your documents and identity
crawler is turned off, you can alternatively use
the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user
and group access information.
Data source template schemas 467
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Microsoft Yammer JSON schema
"$schema": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"connectionConfiguration": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"repositoryEndpointMetadata": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"required": [
"repositoryConfigurations": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"community": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"anyOf": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
Data source template schemas 468
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
"required": [
"user": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"anyOf": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
Data source template schemas 469
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
"required": [
"message": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"anyOf": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
Data source template schemas 470
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"required": [
"required": [
"attachment": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"anyOf": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
Data source template schemas 471
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"required": [
"required": [
"additionalProperties": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"inclusionPatterns": {
"type": "array"
"exclusionPatterns": {
"type": "array"
"sinceDate": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^(19|2[0-9])[0-9]{2}-(0[1-9]|1[012])-(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|
"communityNameFilter": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"isCrawlMessage": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlAttachment": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlPrivateMessage": {
Data source template schemas 472
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "boolean"
"required": [
"type": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "YAMMER"
"secretArn": {
"type": "string",
"minLength": 20,
"maxLength": 2048
"useChangeLog": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"syncMode": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"enableIdentityCrawler": {
"type": "boolean"
"version": {
"type": "string",
"anyOf": [
"pattern": "1.0.0"
"required": [
Data source template schemas 473
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
MySQL template schema
You include a JSON that contains the data source schema as part of the TemplateConfiguration
object. Specify the type of data source as JDBC, the database type as mysql, a secret for your
authentication credentials, and other necessary configurations. You then specify TEMPLATE as the
Type when you call CreateDataSource.
You can use the template provided in this developer guide. See MySQL JSON schema.
The following table describes the parameters of the MySQL JSON schema.
Configuration Description
connectionConfiguration Configuration information for the endpoint
for the data source.
repositoryEndpointMetadata Required configuration information for
connecting your data source.
dbType—The type of Java database that
you use, whether mysql, db2, postgresq
l , oracle, or sqlserver .
dbHost—The database host name.
dbPort—The database port.
dbInstance—The database instance.
repositoryConfigurations Configuration information for the content
of the data source. For example, configuring
specific types of content and field mappings.
Data source template schemas 474
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
Specify the type of data source and the secret
document A list of objects that map the attributes or
field names of your database content to
Amazon Kendra index field names. For more
information, see Mapping data source fields.
additionalProperties Additional configuration options for your
content in your data source. Use to include or
exclude specific content in your database data
primaryKey Provide the primary key for the database
table. This identifies a table within your
titleColumn Provide the name of the document title
column within your database table.
bodyColumn Provide the name of the document title
column within your database table.
sqlQuery Enter SQL query statements like SELECT and
JOIN operations. SQL queries must be less
than 32KB. Amazon Kendra will crawl all
database content that matches your query.
timestampColumn Enter the name of the column which contains
time stamps. Amazon Kendra uses time stamp
information to detect changes in your content
and sync only changed content.
timestampFormat Enter the name of the column which contains
time stamp formats to use to detect content
changes and re-sync your content.
Data source template schemas 475
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
timezone Enter the name of the column which contains
time zones for the content to be crawled.
changeDetectingColumns Enter the names of the columns that Amazon
Kendra will use to detect content changes.
Amazon Kendra will re-index content when
there is a change in any of these columns
allowedUsersColumns Enter the name of the column which contains
User IDs to be allowed access to content.
allowedGroupsColumn Enter the name of the column which contains
User IDs to be allowed access to content.
sourceURIColumn Enter the name of the column which contains
Source URLs to be indexed.
isSslEnabled Enter SQL query statements like SELECT and
JOIN operations. SQL queries must be less
than 32KB. Amazon Kendra will crawl all
database content that matches your query.
The type of data source. Specify JDBC as your
data source type.
Data source template schemas 476
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
syncMode Specify how Amazon Kendra should update
your index when your data source content
changes. You can choose between:
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all
content, replacing existing content each
time your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified
and deleted content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
CHANGE_LOG to index only new and
modified content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
secretArn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a
Secrets Manager secret that contains user
name and password required to connect to
your database. The secret must contain a
JSON structure with the following keys:
"user name": "database user name",
"password": " password"
version The version of the template that is currently
Data source template schemas 477
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
MySQL JSON schema
"$schema": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"connectionConfiguration": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"repositoryEndpointMetadata": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"dbType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dbHost": {
"type": "string"
"dbPort": {
"type": "string"
"dbInstance": {
"type": "string"
"required": [
"required": [
Data source template schemas 478
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"repositoryConfigurations": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"document": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string"
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"required": [
"required": [
"required": [
"additionalProperties": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"primaryKey": {
"type": "string"
Data source template schemas 479
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"titleColumn": {
"type": "string"
"bodyColumn": {
"type": "string"
"sqlQuery": {
"type": "string",
"not": {
"pattern": ";+"
"timestampColumn": {
"type": "string"
"timestampFormat": {
"type": "string"
"timezone": {
"type": "string"
"changeDetectingColumns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"allowedUsersColumn": {
"type": "string"
"allowedGroupsColumn": {
"type": "string"
"sourceURIColumn": {
"type": "string"
"isSslEnabled": {
"type": "boolean"
"required": ["primaryKey", "titleColumn", "bodyColumn", "sqlQuery"]
"type" : {
Data source template schemas 480
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type" : "string",
"pattern": "JDBC"
"syncMode": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"secretArn": {
"type": "string"
"version": {
"type": "string",
"anyOf": [
"pattern": "1.0.0"
"required": [
Oracle Database template schema
You include a JSON that contains the data source schema as part of the TemplateConfiguration
object. Specify the type of data source as JDBC, the database type as oracle, a secret for your
authentication credentials, and other necessary configurations. You then specify TEMPLATE as the
Type when you call CreateDataSource.
You can use the template provided in this developer guide. See Oracle Database JSON schema.
The following table describes the parameters of the Oracle Database JSON schema.
Data source template schemas 481
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
connectionConfiguration Configuration information for the endpoint
for the data source.
repositoryEndpointMetadata Required configuration information for
connecting your data source.
dbType—The type of Java database that
you use, whether mysql, db2, postgresq
l , oracle, or sqlserver .
dbHost—The database host name.
dbPort—The database port.
dbInstance—The database instance.
repositoryConfigurations Configuration information for the content
of the data source. For example, configuring
specific types of content and field mappings.
Specify the type of data source and the secret
document A list of objects that map the attributes or
field names of your database content to
Amazon Kendra index field names. For more
information, see Mapping data source fields.
additionalProperties Additional configuration options for your
content in your data source. Use to include or
exclude specific content in your database data
primaryKey Provide the primary key for the database
table. This identifies a table within your
titleColumn Provide the name of the document title
column within your database table.
Data source template schemas 482
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
bodyColumn Provide the name of the document title
column within your database table.
sqlQuery Enter SQL query statements like SELECT and
JOIN operations. SQL queries must be less
than 32KB. Amazon Kendra will crawl all
database content that matches your query.
timestampColumn Enter the name of the column which contains
time stamps. Amazon Kendra uses time stamp
information to detect changes in your content
and sync only changed content.
timestampFormat Enter the name of the column which contains
time stamp formats to use to detect content
changes and re-sync your content.
timezone Enter the name of the column which contains
time zones for the content to be crawled.
changeDetectingColumns Enter the names of the columns that Amazon
Kendra will use to detect content changes.
Amazon Kendra will re-index content when
there is a change in any of these columns
allowedUsersColumns Enter the name of the column which contains
User IDs to be allowed access to content.
allowedGroupsColumn Enter the name of the column which contains
User IDs to be allowed access to content.
sourceURIColumn Enter the name of the column which contains
Source URLs to be indexed.
Data source template schemas 483
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
isSslEnabled Enter SQL query statements like SELECT and
JOIN operations. SQL queries must be less
than 32KB. Amazon Kendra will crawl all
database content that matches your query.
The type of data source. Specify JDBC as your
data source type.
syncMode Specify how Amazon Kendra should update
your index when your data source content
changes. You can choose between:
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all
content, replacing existing content each
time your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified
and deleted content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
CHANGE_LOG to index only new and
modified content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
Data source template schemas 484
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
secretArn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a
Secrets Manager secret that contains user
name and password required to connect to
your database. The secret must contain a
JSON structure with the following keys:
"user name": "database user name",
"password": " password"
version The version of the template that is currently
Oracle Database JSON schema
"$schema": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"connectionConfiguration": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"repositoryEndpointMetadata": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"dbType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dbHost": {
"type": "string"
Data source template schemas 485
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"dbPort": {
"type": "string"
"dbInstance": {
"type": "string"
"required": [
"required": [
"repositoryConfigurations": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"document": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string"
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"required": [
Data source template schemas 486
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"required": [
"required": [
"additionalProperties": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"primaryKey": {
"type": "string"
"titleColumn": {
"type": "string"
"bodyColumn": {
"type": "string"
"sqlQuery": {
"type": "string",
"not": {
"pattern": ";+"
"timestampColumn": {
"type": "string"
"timestampFormat": {
"type": "string"
"timezone": {
"type": "string"
"changeDetectingColumns": {
"type": "array",
Data source template schemas 487
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"items": {
"type": "string"
"allowedUsersColumn": {
"type": "string"
"allowedGroupsColumn": {
"type": "string"
"sourceURIColumn": {
"type": "string"
"isSslEnabled": {
"type": "boolean"
"required": ["primaryKey", "titleColumn", "bodyColumn", "sqlQuery"]
"type" : {
"type" : "string",
"pattern": "JDBC"
"syncMode": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"secretArn": {
"type": "string"
"version": {
"type": "string",
"anyOf": [
"pattern": "1.0.0"
"required": [
Data source template schemas 488
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
PostgreSQL template schema
You include a JSON that contains the data source schema as part of the TemplateConfiguration
object. Specify the type of data source as JDBC, the database type as postgresql, a secret for
your authentication credentials, and other necessary configurations. You then specify TEMPLATE as
the Type when you call CreateDataSource.
You can use the template provided in this developer guide. See PostgreSQL JSON schema.
The following table describes the parameters of the PostgreSQL JSON schema.
Configuration Description
connectionConfiguration Configuration information for the endpoint
for the data source.
repositoryEndpointMetadata Required configuration information for
connecting your data source.
dbType—The type of Java database that
you use, whether mysql, db2, postgresq
l , oracle, or sqlserver .
dbHost—The database host name.
dbPort—The database port.
dbInstance—The database instance.
repositoryConfigurations Configuration information for the content
of the data source. For example, configuring
specific types of content and field mappings.
Data source template schemas 489
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
Specify the type of data source and the secret
document A list of objects that map the attributes or
field names of your database content to
Amazon Kendra index field names. For more
information, see Mapping data source fields.
additionalProperties Additional configuration options for your
content in your data source. Use to include or
exclude specific content in your database data
primaryKey Provide the primary key for the database
table. This identifies a table within your
titleColumn Provide the name of the document title
column within your database table.
bodyColumn Provide the name of the document title
column within your database table.
sqlQuery Enter SQL query statements like SELECT and
JOIN operations. SQL queries must be less
than 32KB. Amazon Kendra will crawl all
database content that matches your query.
timestampColumn Enter the name of the column which contains
time stamps. Amazon Kendra uses time stamp
information to detect changes in your content
and sync only changed content.
timestampFormat Enter the name of the column which contains
time stamp formats to use to detect content
changes and re-sync your content.
Data source template schemas 490
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
timezone Enter the name of the column which contains
time zones for the content to be crawled.
changeDetectingColumns Enter the names of the columns that Amazon
Kendra will use to detect content changes.
Amazon Kendra will re-index content when
there is a change in any of these columns
allowedUsersColumns Enter the name of the column which contains
User IDs to be allowed access to content.
allowedGroupsColumn Enter the name of the column which contains
User IDs to be allowed access to content.
sourceURIColumn Enter the name of the column which contains
Source URLs to be indexed.
isSslEnabled Enter SQL query statements like SELECT and
JOIN operations. SQL queries must be less
than 32KB. Amazon Kendra will crawl all
database content that matches your query.
The type of data source. Specify JDBC as your
data source type.
Data source template schemas 491
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
syncMode Specify how Amazon Kendra should update
your index when your data source content
changes. You can choose between:
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all
content, replacing existing content each
time your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified
and deleted content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
CHANGE_LOG to index only new and
modified content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
secretArn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a
Secrets Manager secret that contains user
name and password required to connect to
your database. The secret must contain a
JSON structure with the following keys:
"user name": "database user name",
"password": " password"
version The version of the template that is currently
Data source template schemas 492
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
PostgreSQL JSON schema
"$schema": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"connectionConfiguration": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"repositoryEndpointMetadata": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"dbType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dbHost": {
"type": "string"
"dbPort": {
"type": "string"
"dbInstance": {
"type": "string"
"required": [
"required": [
Data source template schemas 493
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"repositoryConfigurations": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"document": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string"
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"required": [
"required": [
"required": [
"additionalProperties": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"primaryKey": {
"type": "string"
Data source template schemas 494
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"titleColumn": {
"type": "string"
"bodyColumn": {
"type": "string"
"sqlQuery": {
"type": "string",
"not": {
"pattern": ";+"
"timestampColumn": {
"type": "string"
"timestampFormat": {
"type": "string"
"timezone": {
"type": "string"
"changeDetectingColumns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"allowedUsersColumn": {
"type": "string"
"allowedGroupsColumn": {
"type": "string"
"sourceURIColumn": {
"type": "string"
"isSslEnabled": {
"type": "boolean"
"required": ["primaryKey", "titleColumn", "bodyColumn", "sqlQuery"]
"type" : {
Data source template schemas 495
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type" : "string",
"pattern": "JDBC"
"syncMode": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"secretArn": {
"type": "string"
"version": {
"type": "string",
"anyOf": [
"pattern": "1.0.0"
"required": [
Salesforce template schema
You include a JSON that contains the data source schema as part of the TemplateConfiguration
object. You provide the Salesforce host URL as a part of the connection configuration or repository
endpoint details. Also specify the type of data source as SALESFORCEV2, a secret for your
authentication credentials, and other necessary configurations. You then specify TEMPLATE as the
Type when you call CreateDataSource.
You can use the template provided in this developer guide. See Salesforce JSON schema.
Data source template schemas 496
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
The following table describes the parameters of the Salesforce JSON schema.
Configuration Description
connectionConfiguration Configuration information for the endpoint
for the data source.
repositoryEndpointMetadata The endpoint information for the data source.
hostUrl The URL of the Salesforce instance to be
repositoryConfigurations Configuration information for the content
of the data source. For example, configuring
specific types of content and field mappings.
A list of objects that map the attributes or
field names of your Salesforce entities to
Amazon Kendra index field names. For more
information, see Mapping data source fields.
Data source template schemas 497
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
secretARN The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an AWS
Secrets Manager secret that contains the
key-value pairs required to connect to your
Salesforce. The secret must contain a JSON
structure with the following keys:
"authenticationUrl": " OAUTH
endpoint that Amazon Kendra connects
to get an OAUTH token",
"consumerKey": " Application
public key generated when you created
your Salesforce application ",
"consumerSecret": " Application
private key generated when you created
your Salesforce application ",
"password": " Password associate
d with the user logging in to the
Salesforce instance ",
"securityToken": " Token associate
d with the user account logging in to
the Salesforce instance ",
"username": " User name of the
user logging in to the Salesforce
additionalProperties Additional configuration options for your
content in your data source
Data source template schemas 498
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
A collection of strings that specifies which
entities to filter.
Data source template schemas 499
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
A list of regular expression patterns to include
certain files in your Salesforce data source.
Files that match the patterns are included in
the index. Files that don't match the patterns
are excluded from the index. If a file matches
both an inclusion and exclusion pattern, the
exclusion pattern takes precedence and the
file isn't included in the index.
Data source template schemas 500
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
A list of regular expression patterns to exclude
certain files in your Salesforce data source.
Files that match the patterns are excluded
from the index. Files that don't match the
patterns are included in the index. If a file
matches both an exclusion and inclusion
pattern, the exclusion pattern takes precedenc
e and the file isn't included in the index.
Data source template schemas 501
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
true to crawl these types of files in your
Salesforce account.
Data source template schemas 502
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
The type of data source. Specify SALESFORC
EV2 as your data source type.
true to use Amazon Kendra's identity crawler
to sync identity/principal information on users
and groups with access to certain documents.
If identity crawler is turned off, all documents
can be publicly searched. If you want to use
access control for your documents and identity
crawler is turned off, you can alternatively use
the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user
and group access information.
Data source template schemas 503
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
syncMode Specify how Amazon Kendra should update
your index when your data source content
changes. You can choose between:
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all
content, replacing existing content each
time your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified
and deleted content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
CHANGE_LOG to index only new and
modified content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
version The version of this template that is currently
Salesforce JSON schema
"$schema": "",
"type": "object",
"connectionConfiguration": {
"type": "object",
Data source template schemas 504
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "object",
"type": "string",
"pattern": "https:.*"
"repositoryConfigurations": {
"type": "object",
"type": "object",
"type": "array",
"type": "object",
"type": "string"
Data source template schemas 505
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "string",
"type": "string"
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"type": "object",
"type": "array",
Data source template schemas 506
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "object",
"type": "string"
"type": "string",
"type": "string"
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
Data source template schemas 507
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "object",
"type": "array",
"type": "object",
"type": "string"
"type": "string",
"type": "string"
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
Data source template schemas 508
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "object",
"type": "array",
"type": "object",
"type": "string"
"type": "string",
"type": "string"
Data source template schemas 509
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"type": "object",
"type": "array",
"type": "object",
"type": "string"
"type": "string",
Data source template schemas 510
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "string"
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"type": "object",
"type": "array",
"type": "object",
Data source template schemas 511
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "string"
"type": "string",
"type": "string"
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"type": "object",
Data source template schemas 512
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "array",
"type": "object",
"type": "string"
"type": "string",
"type": "string"
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
Data source template schemas 513
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "object",
"type": "array",
"type": "object",
"type": "string"
"type": "string",
"type": "string"
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
Data source template schemas 514
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "object",
"type": "array",
"type": "object",
"type": "string"
"type": "string",
"type": "string"
Data source template schemas 515
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"type": "object",
"type": "array",
"type": "object",
"type": "string"
"type": "string",
Data source template schemas 516
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "string"
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"type": "object",
"type": "array",
"type": "object",
Data source template schemas 517
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "string"
"type": "string",
"type": "string"
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"type": "object",
Data source template schemas 518
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "array",
"type": "object",
"type": "string"
"type": "string",
"type": "string"
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
Data source template schemas 519
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "object",
"type": "array",
"type": "object",
"type": "string"
"type": "string",
"type": "string"
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
Data source template schemas 520
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "object",
"type": "array",
"type": "object",
"type": "string"
"type": "string",
Data source template schemas 521
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "string"
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"type": "object",
"type": "array",
"type": "object",
"type": "string"
Data source template schemas 522
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "string",
"type": "string"
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"type": "object",
"type": "array",
Data source template schemas 523
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "object",
"type": "string"
"type": "string",
"type": "string"
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
Data source template schemas 524
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "object",
"type": "array",
"type": "object",
"type": "string"
"type": "string",
"type": "string"
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
Data source template schemas 525
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "object",
"type": "array",
"type": "object",
"type": "string"
"type": "string",
"type": "string"
"type": "string",
Data source template schemas 526
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"type": "object",
"type": "array",
"type": "object",
"type": "string"
"type": "string",
Data source template schemas 527
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "string"
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"type": "object",
"type": "array",
"type": "object",
Data source template schemas 528
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "string"
"type": "string",
"type": "string"
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"type": "object",
Data source template schemas 529
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "array",
"type": "object",
"type": "string"
"type": "string",
"type": "string"
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
Data source template schemas 530
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"additionalProperties": {
"type": "object",
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
Data source template schemas 531
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
Data source template schemas 532
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
Data source template schemas 533
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"isCrawlAccount": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlContact": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlCase": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlCampaign": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlProduct": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlLead": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlContract": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlPartner": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlProfile": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlIdea": {
Data source template schemas 534
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlPricebook": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlDocument": {
"type": "boolean"
"crawlSharedDocument": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlGroup": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlOpportunity": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlChatter": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlUser": {
"type": "boolean"
"type": "boolean"
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlAccountAttachments": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlContactAttachments": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlCaseAttachments": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlCampaignAttachments": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlLeadAttachments": {
"type": "boolean"
Data source template schemas 535
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"isCrawlContractAttachments": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlGroupAttachments": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlOpportunityAttachments": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlChatterAttachments": {
"type": "boolean"
"type": "boolean"
"type": "boolean"
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlKnowledgeArticles": {
"type": "object",
"isCrawlDraft": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlPublish": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlArchived": {
"type": "boolean"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
Data source template schemas 536
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"exclusionDocumentFileTypePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"exclusionDocumentFileNamePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"inclusionAccountFileTypePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"exclusionAccountFileTypePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
Data source template schemas 537
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "string"
"inclusionCampaignFileTypePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"exclusionCampaignFileTypePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
Data source template schemas 538
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
Data source template schemas 539
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
Data source template schemas 540
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
Data source template schemas 541
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
Data source template schemas 542
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
Data source template schemas 543
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
"type": "string"
"type": "array",
Data source template schemas 544
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "string"
"enableIdentityCrawler": {
"type": "boolean"
"type": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "SALESFORCEV2"
"syncMode": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"secretArn": {
"type": "string",
"minLength": 20,
"maxLength": 2048
"version": {
"type": "string",
"anyOf": [
"pattern": "1.0.0"
"required": [
Data source template schemas 545
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
ServiceNow template schema
You include a JSON that contains the data source schema as part of the TemplateConfiguration
object. You provide the ServiceNow host URL, authentication type, and instance version as a part of
the connection configuration or repository endpoint details. Also specify the type of data source as
SERVICENOWV2, a secret for your authentication credentials, and other necessary configurations.
You then specify TEMPLATE as the Type when you call CreateDataSource.
You can use the template provided in this developer guide. See ServiceNow JSON schema.
The following table describes the parameters of the ServiceNow JSON schema.
Configuration Description
connectionConfiguration Configuration information for the endpoint for the
data source.
repositoryEndpointMetadata The endpoint information for the data source.
The ServiceNow host URL. For example, your-doma .
authType The type of authentication that you use, whether
basicAuth or OAuth2.
servicenowInstanceVersion The ServiceNow version that you use. You can choose
between Tokyo, Sandiego, Rome, and Others.
repositoryConfigurations Configuration information for the content of the data
source. For example, configuring specific types of
content and field mappings.
A list of objects that map the attributes or field names
of your ServiceNow knowledge articles, attachments,
service catalog, and incidents to Amazon Kendra index
field names. For more information, see Mapping data
Data source template schemas 546
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
incident source fields. The ServiceNow data source field names
must exist in your ServiceNow custom metadata.
additional properties Additional configuration options for your content in
your data source.
maxFileSizeInMegaBytes Specify the file size limit in MBs that Amazon Kendra
will crawl. Amazon Kendra will crawl only the files
within the size limit you define. The default file size is
50MB. The maximum file size should be greater than
0MB and less than or equal to 50MB.
A list of regular expression patterns to include and/or
exclude certain files in your ServiceNow data source.
Files that match the patterns are included in the
index. Files that don't match the patterns are excluded
from the index. If a file matches both an inclusion
and exclusion pattern, the exclusion pattern takes
precedence and the file isn't included in the index.
Data source template schemas 547
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
true to crawl ServiceNow knowledge articles, service
catalogs, incidents, and attachments.
The type of data source. Specify SERVICENOWV2 as
your data source type.
true to use Amazon Kendra's identity crawler to sync
identity/principal information on users and groups
with access to certain documents. If identity crawler is
turned off, all documents can be publicly searched. If
you want to use access control for your documents and
identity crawler is turned off, you can alternatively use
the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user and group
access information.
Data source template schemas 548
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
syncMode Specify how Amazon Kendra should update your index
when your data source content changes. You can
choose between:
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all content,
replacing existing content each time your data source
syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified and
deleted content each time your data source syncs
with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data
source's mechanism for tracking content changes and
index content that changed since the last sync.
secretARN The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an AWS Secrets
Manager secret that contains the key-value pairs
required to connect to your ServiceNow. The secret
must contain a JSON structure with the following keys:
"username": " user name",
"password": " password"
If you use OAuth2 authentication, your secret must
contain a JSON structure with the following keys:
"username": " user name",
"password": " password",
"clientId": " client id",
"clientSecret": " client secret"
version The version of the template that is currently supported.
Data source template schemas 549
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
ServiceNow JSON schema
"$schema": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"connectionConfiguration": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"repositoryEndpointMetadata": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"hostUrl": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^(?!(^(https?|ftp|file):\/\/))[a-z0-9-]+(.service-|$",
"minLength": 1,
"maxLength": 2048
"authType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"servicenowInstanceVersion": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"required": [
"required": [
Data source template schemas 550
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"repositoryConfigurations": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"knowledgeArticle": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
"required": [
Data source template schemas 551
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"attachment": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
"required": [
Data source template schemas 552
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"serviceCatalog": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
"required": [
"incident": {
"type": "object",
Data source template schemas 553
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
"required": [
"additionalProperties": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
Data source template schemas 554
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"maxFileSizeInMegaBytes": {
"type": "string"
"isCrawlKnowledgeArticle": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlKnowledgeArticleAttachment": {
"type": "boolean"
"includePublicArticlesOnly": {
"type": "boolean"
"knowledgeArticleFilter": {
"type": "string"
"incidentQueryFilter": {
"type": "string"
"serviceCatalogQueryFilter": {
"type": "string"
"isCrawlServiceCatalog": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlServiceCatalogAttachment": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlActiveServiceCatalog": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlInactiveServiceCatalog": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlIncident": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlIncidentAttachment": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlActiveIncident": {
"type": "boolean"
"isCrawlInactiveIncident": {
"type": "boolean"
Data source template schemas 555
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"applyACLForKnowledgeArticle": {
"type": "boolean"
"applyACLForServiceCatalog": {
"type": "boolean"
"applyACLForIncident": {
"type": "boolean"
"incidentStateType": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Open - Unassigned",
"knowledgeArticleTitleRegExp": {
"type": "string"
"serviceCatalogTitleRegExp": {
"type": "string"
"incidentTitleRegExp": {
"type": "string"
"inclusionFileTypePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"exclusionFileTypePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"inclusionFileNamePatterns": {
Data source template schemas 556
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"exclusionFileNamePatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"required": []
"type": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "SERVICENOWV2"
"enableIdentityCrawler": {
"type": "boolean"
"syncMode": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"secretArn": {
"type": "string",
"minLength": 20,
"maxLength": 2048
"version": {
"type": "string",
"anyOf": [
"pattern": "1.0.0"
"required": [
Data source template schemas 557
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Slack template schema
You include a JSON that contains the data source schema as part of TemplateConfiguration
object. You provide the host URL as a part of the connection configuration or repository endpoint
details. Also specify the type of data source as SLACK, a secret for your authentication credentials,
and other necessary configurations. You then specify TEMPLATE as the Type when you call
You can use the template provided in this developer guide. See Slack JSON schema.
The following table describes the parameters of the Slack JSON schema.
Configuration Description
connectionConfiguration Configuration information for the endpoint
for the data source.
repositoryEndpointMetadata The endpoint information for the data source.
teamId The Slack team ID you copied from your Slack
main page URL.
repositoryConfigurations Configuration information for the content
of the data source. For example, configuring
specific types of content and field mappings.
All A list of objects that map the attributes or
field names of your Slack content to Amazon
Kendra index field names.
additionalProperties Additional configuration options for your
content in your data source.
Data source template schemas 558
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
inclusionPatterns A list of regular expression patterns to
include specific content in your Slack data
source. Content that matches the patterns
are included in the index. Content that
doesn't match the patterns are excluded from
the index. If any content matches both an
inclusion and exclusion pattern, the exclusion
pattern takes precedence, and the content
isn't included in the index.
exclusionPatterns A list of regular expression patterns to exclude
specific content in your Slack data source.
Content that matches the patterns are
excluded from the index. Content that doen't
match the patterns are included in the index.
If any content matches both an inclusion and
exclusion pattern, the exclusion pattern takes
precedence, and the content isn't included in
the index.
true to crawl bot messages.
true to exclude crawling of archived
conversationType The type of conversation that you want
to index whether PUBLIC_CHANNEL ,
channelFilter The type of channel that you want to index
whether private_channel or public_ch
annel .
Data source template schemas 559
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
You can choose to configure a sinceDate
parameter so that the Slack connector crawls
content based on a specific sinceDate .
You can choose to configure a lookBack
parameter so that the Slack connector crawls
updated or deleted content upto a specified
number of hours before your last connector
syncMode Specify how Amazon Kendra should update
your index when your data source content
changes. You can choose between:
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all
content, replacing existing content each
time your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified
and deleted content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
CHANGE_LOG to index only new and
modified content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon
Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes
and index content that changed since the
last sync.
The type of data source. Specify SLACK as
your data source type.
Data source template schemas 560
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
true to use Amazon Kendra's identity crawler
to sync identity/principal information on users
and groups with access to certain documents.
If identity crawler is turned off, all documents
can be publicly searched. If you want to use
access control for your documents and identity
crawler is turned off, you can alternatively use
the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user
and group access information.
secretArn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an AWS
Secrets Manager secret that contains the key-
value pairs required to connect to your Slack.
The secret must contain a JSON structure with
the following keys:
"slackToken": " token"
version The version of this template that's currently
Slack JSON schema
"$schema": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"connectionConfiguration": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"repositoryEndpointMetadata": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"teamId": {
Data source template schemas 561
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "string"
"required": ["teamId"]
"repositoryConfigurations": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"All": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": ["STRING", "STRING_LIST", "DATE","LONG"]
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
"required": [
"required": [
Data source template schemas 562
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"required": [
"additionalProperties": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"exclusionPatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"inclusionPatterns": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"crawlBotMessages": {
"type": "boolean"
"excludeArchived": {
"type": "boolean"
"conversationType": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"channelFilter": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"private_channel": {
Data source template schemas 563
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"public_channel": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"channelIdFilter": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"sinceDate": {
"anyOf": [
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z$"
"type": "string",
"pattern": ""
"lookBack": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[0-9]*$"
"required": [
"syncMode": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
Data source template schemas 564
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type" : {
"type" : "string",
"pattern": "SLACK"
"enableIdentityCrawler": {
"type": "boolean"
"secretArn": {
"type": "string"
"version": {
"type": "string",
"anyOf": [
"pattern": "1.0.0"
"required": [
Zendesk template schema
You include a JSON that contains the data source schema as part of TemplateConfiguration object.
You provide the host URL as a part of the connection configuration or repository endpoint details.
Also specify the type of data source as ZENDESK, a secret for your authentication credentials,
and other necessary configurations. You then specify TEMPLATE as the Type when you call
You can use the template provided in this developer guide. See Zendesk JSON schema.
Data source template schemas 565
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
The following table describes the parameters of the Zendesk JSON schema.
Configuration Description
connectionConfiguration Configuration information for the endpoint
for the data source.
repositoryEndpointMetadata The endpoint information for the data source.
hostURL The Zendesk host URL. For example, https://y
repositoryConfigurations Configuration information for the content
of the data source. For example, configuring
specific types of content and field mappings.
A list of objects that map attributes or field
names of Zendesk tickets to Amazon Kendra
index field names. For more information, see
Mapping data source fields.
secretARN The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an
AWS Secrets Manager secret that contains
the key-value pairs required to connect to
your Zendesk. The secret must contain a
JSON structure with the following keys: host
URL, client ID, client secret, user name, and
additionalProperties Additional configuration options for your
content in your data source
Data source template schemas 566
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
organizationNameFilter You can choose to index tickets that exist
within a specific Organization.
You can choose to configure a sinceDate
parameter so that the Zendesk connector
crawls content based on a specific sinceDate
inclusionPatterns A list of regular expression patterns to include
certain files in your Zendesk data source. Files
that match the patterns are included in the
index. Files that don't match the patterns are
excluded from the index. If a file matches
both an inclusion and exclusion pattern, the
exclusion pattern takes precedence, and the
file isn't included in the index.
exclusionPatterns A list of regular expression patterns to exclude
certain files in your Zendesk data source. Files
that match the patterns are excluded from the
index. Files that don't match the patterns are
included in the index. If a file matches both an
exclusion and inclusion pattern, the exclusion
pattern takes precedence, and the file isn't
included in the index.
Data source template schemas 567
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configuration Description
Input "true" to crawl these types of content.
Specify ZENDESK as your data source type.
Input "true" to use the Zendesk change log to
determine which documents require updating
in the index. Depending on the change log's
size, it might be faster to scan the documents
in Zendesk. If you are syncing your Zendesk
data source with your index for the first time,
all documents are scanned.
Zendesk JSON schema
"$schema": "",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"connectionConfiguration": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"repositoryEndpointMetadata": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"hostUrl": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "https:.*"
Data source template schemas 568
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"required": [
"required": [
"repositoryConfigurations": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"ticket": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"anyOf": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": ["STRING", "STRING_LIST", "LONG", "DATE"]
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"
"required": [
Data source template schemas 569
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"required": [
"ticketComment": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"anyOf": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": ["STRING", "STRING_LIST", "LONG", "DATE"]
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"
"required": [
Data source template schemas 570
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"required": [
"ticketCommentAttachment": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"anyOf": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": ["STRING", "STRING_LIST", "LONG", "DATE"]
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"
"required": [
"required": [
Data source template schemas 571
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"article": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"anyOf": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": ["STRING", "STRING_LIST", "LONG", "DATE"]
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"
"required": [
"required": [
"communityPostComment": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
Data source template schemas 572
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "array",
"items": {
"anyOf": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": ["STRING", "STRING_LIST", "LONG", "DATE"]
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"
"required": [
"required": [
"articleComment": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"anyOf": [
"type": "object",
Data source template schemas 573
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": ["STRING", "STRING_LIST", "LONG", "DATE"]
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"
"required": [
"required": [
"articleAttachment": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"anyOf": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
Data source template schemas 574
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "string",
"enum": ["STRING", "STRING_LIST", "LONG", "DATE"]
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"
"required": [
"required": [
"communityTopic": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldMappings": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"anyOf": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"indexFieldName": {
"type": "string"
"indexFieldType": {
"type": "string",
"enum": ["STRING", "STRING_LIST", "LONG", "DATE"]
"dataSourceFieldName": {
"type": "string"
Data source template schemas 575
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"dateFieldFormat": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"
"required": [
"required": [
"secretArn": {
"type": "string",
"minLength": 20,
"maxLength": 2048
"additionalProperties": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"organizationNameFilter": {
"type": "array"
"sinceDate": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$"
"inclusionPatterns": {
"type": "array"
"exclusionPatterns": {
"type": "array"
"isCrawTicket": {
Data source template schemas 576
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"type": "string"
"isCrawTicketComment": {
"type": "string"
"isCrawTicketCommentAttachment": {
"type": "string"
"isCrawlArticle": {
"type": "string"
"isCrawlArticleAttachment": {
"type": "string"
"isCrawlArticleComment": {
"type": "string"
"isCrawlCommunityTopic": {
"type": "string"
"isCrawlCommunityPost": {
"type": "string"
"isCrawlCommunityPostComment": {
"type": "string"
"type": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "ZENDESK"
"useChangeLog": {
"type": "string",
"enum": ["true", "false"]
"version": {
"type": "string",
"anyOf": [
"pattern": "1.0.0"
Data source template schemas 577
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
Adobe Experience Manager
Adobe Experience Manager is a content management system that's used for creating website or
mobile app content. You can use Amazon Kendra to connect to Adobe Experience Manager and
index your pages and content assets.
Amazon Kendra supports Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) as a Cloud Service author instance and
Adobe Experience Manager On-Premise author and publish instance.
You can connect Amazon Kendra to your Adobe Experience Manager data source using the Amazon
Kendra console or the TemplateConfiguration API.
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra Adobe Experience Manager data source connector, see
Troubleshooting data sources.
Supported features
Connection instructions
Supported features
Adobe Experience Manager data source connector supports the following features:
Field mappings
User access control
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Adobe Experience Manager 578
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Full and incremental content syncs
OAuth 2.0 and basic authentication
Virtual private cloud (VPC)
Before you can use Amazon Kendra to index your Adobe Experience Manager data source, make
these changes in your Adobe Experience Manager and AWS accounts.
In Adobe Experience Manager, make sure you have:
Access to an account with administrative privileges, or an admin user.
Copied your Adobe Experience Manager host URL.
(On-premise/server) Amazon Kendra checks if the endpoint information included in
AWS Secrets Manager is the same the endpoint information specified in your data source
configuration details. This helps protect against the confused deputy problem, which
is a security issue where a user doesn’t have permission to perform an action but uses
Amazon Kendra as a proxy to access the configured secret and perform the action. If
you later change your endpoint information, you must create a new secret to sync this
Noted your basic authentication credentials of admin user name and password.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
Optional: Configured OAuth 2.0 credentials in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) as a Cloud
Service or AEM On-Premise. If you use AEM On-Premise, the credentials include client ID, client
secret, and private key. If you use AEM as a Cloud Service, the credentials include client ID,
client secret, private key, organization ID, technical account ID, and Adobe Identity Management
System (IMS) host. For more information about how to generate these credentials for AEM as
Adobe Experience Manager 579
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
a Cloud Service, see Adobe Experience Manager documentation. For AEM On-Premise, Adobe
Granite OAuth 2.0 server implementation (com.adobe.granite.oauth.server) provides the support
for OAuth 2.0 server functionalities in AEM.
Checked each document is unique in Adobe Experience Manager and across other data sources
you plan to use for the same index. Each data source that you want to use for an index must not
contain the same document across the data sources. Document IDs are global to an index and
must be unique per index.
In your AWS account, make sure you have:
Created an Amazon Kendra index and, if using the API, noted the index ID.
Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.
If you change your authentication type and credentials, you must update your IAM role to
access the correct AWS Secrets Manager secret ID.
Stored your Adobe Experience Manager authentication credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager
secret and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the secret.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
If you don’t have an existing IAM role or secret, you can use the console to create a new IAM role
and Secrets Manager secret when you connect your Adobe Experience Manager data source to
Amazon Kendra. If you are using the API, you must provide the ARN of an existing IAM role and
Secrets Manager secret, and an index ID.
Connection instructions
To connect Amazon Kendra to your Adobe Experience Manager data source, you must provide
the necessary details of your Adobe Experience Manager data source so that Amazon Kendra can
Adobe Experience Manager 580
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
access your data. If you have not yet configured Adobe Experience Manager for Amazon Kendra,
see Prerequisites.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Adobe Experience Manager
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console.
2. From the left navigation pane, choose Indexes and then choose the index you want to use
from the list of indexes.
You can choose to configure or edit your User access control settings under Index
3. On the Getting started page, choose Add data source.
4. On the Add data source page, choose Adobe Experience Manager connector, and
then choose Add connector. If using version 2 (if applicable), choose Adobe Experience
Manager connector with the "V2.0" tag.
5. On the Specify data source details page, enter the following information:
a. In Name and description, for Data source name—Enter a name for your data source.
You can include hyphens but not spaces.
b. (Optional) Description—Enter an optional description for your data source.
c. In Default language—Choose a language to filter your documents for the index.
Unless you specify otherwise, the language defaults to English. Language specified in
the document metadata overrides the selected language.
d. In Tags, for Add new tag—Include optional tags to search and filter your resources or
track your AWS costs.
e. Choose Next.
6. On the Define access and security page, enter the following information:
a. Source—Choose either AEM On-Premise or AEM as a Cloud Service.
Enter your Adobe Experience Manager host URL. For example, if you use AEM On-
Premise, you include the hostname and port: https://hostname:port. Or, if you
Adobe Experience Manager 581
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
use AEM as a Cloud Service, you can use the author URL: https://author-xxxxxx-
b. SSL certificate location—Enter the path to the SSL certificate stored in an Amazon S3
bucket. You use this to connect to AEM On-Premise with a secure SSL connection.
c. Authorization—Turn on or off access control list (ACL) information for your
documents, if you have an ACL and want to use it for access control. The ACL specifies
which documents that users and groups can access. The ACL information is used to
filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
d. Authentication—Choose Basic authentication or OAuth 2.0 authentication. Then
choose an existing AWS Secrets Manager secret or create a new secret to store your
Adobe Experience Manager credentials. If you choose to create a new secret, an AWS
Secrets Manager secret window opens.
If you chose Basic authentication, enter a name for the secret, the Adobe Experience
Manager site user name and password. The user must have admin permission or be an
admin user.
If you chose OAuth 2.0 authentication and you use AEM On-Premise, enter a name
for the secret, client ID, client secret, and private key. If you use AEM as a Cloud
Service, enter a name for the secret, client ID, client secret, private key, organization ID,
technical account ID, and Adobe Identity Management System (IMS) host.
Save an add your secret.
e. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—You can choose to use a VPC. If so, you must add
Subnets and VPC security groups.
f. Identity crawler—Specify whether to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler. The
identity crawler uses the access control list (ACL) information for your documents to
filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. If you have
an ACL for your documents and choose to use your ACL, you can then also choose
to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler to configure user context filtering of
search results. Otherwise, if identity crawler is turned off, all documents can be publicly
searched. If you want to use access control for your documents and identity crawler is
turned off, you can alternatively use the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user and
group access information for user context filtering.
Adobe Experience Manager 582
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
g. IAM role—Choose an existing IAM role or create a new IAM role to access your
repository credentials and index content.
IAM roles used for indexes cannot be used for data sources. If you are unsure if
an existing role is used for an index or FAQ, choose Create a new role to avoid
h. Choose Next.
7. On the Configure sync settings page, enter the following information:
a. Sync scope—Set limits for crawling certain content types, page components, and roots
paths, and filter content using regex expression patterns.
i. Content types—Choose whether to crawl only pages or assets, or both.
ii. (Optional) Additional configuration—Configure the following settings:
Page components—The specific names of page components. The Page
Component is an extensible page component designed to work with the Adobe
Experience Manager template editor and allows page header/footer and
structure components to be assembled with the template editor.
Content fragment variations—The specific names of content fragment
variations. Content Fragments allow you to design, create, curate and publish
page-independent content in Adobe Experience Manager. They allow you to
prepare content ready for use in multiple locations/over multiple channels.
Root paths—The root paths to specific content.
Regex patterns—The regular expression patterns to include or exclude certain
pages and assets.
b. Sync mode—Choose how you want to update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first
time, all content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your
data if your initial sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode
Full sync: Freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time your data
source syncs with your index.
Adobe Experience Manager 583
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
New, modified sync: Index only new and modified content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source's mechanism
for tracking content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
New, modified, deleted sync: Index only new, modified, and deleted content each
time your data source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data
source's mechanism for tracking content changes and index content that changed
since the last sync.
c. Time zone ID—If you use AEM On-Premise and the time zone of your server is
different than the time zone of the Amazon Kendra AEM connector or index, you can
specify the server time zone to align with the AEM connector or index. The default
time zone for AEM On-Premise is the time zone of the Amazon Kendra AEM connector
or index. The default time zone for AEM as a Cloud Service is Greenwich Mean Time.
d. Sync run schedule, for Frequency—Choose how often to sync your data source
content and update your index.
e. Choose Next.
8. On the Set field mappings page, enter the following information:
a. Select from the Amazon Kendra generated default data source fields you want to map
to your index. To add custom data source fields, create an index field name to map to
and the field data type.
b. Choose Next.
9. On the Review and create page, check that the information you have entered is correct
and then select Add data source. You can also choose to edit your information from this
page. Your data source will appear on the Data sources page after the data source has been
added successfully.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Adobe Experience Manager
You must specify a JSON of the data source schema using the TemplateConfiguration API. You
must provide the following information:
Data source—Specify the data source type as AEM when you use the TemplateConfiguration
JSON schema. Also specify the data source as TEMPLATE when you call the CreateDataSource
Adobe Experience Manager 584
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
AEM host URL—Specify the Adobe Experience Manager host URL. For example, if you
use AEM On-Premise, you include the hostname and port: https://hostname:port. Or,
if you use AEM as a Cloud Service, you can use the author URL: https://author-xxxxxx-
Sync mode—Specify how Amazon Kendra should update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first time, all
content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your data if your initial
sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode option. You can choose
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time
your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified, and deleted content each time your data source
syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking
content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
CHANGE_LOG to index only new and modified content each time your data source syncs
with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking content
changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
Authentication type—Specify which type of authentication you want to use, either Basic or
AEM type—Specify which type of Adobe Experience Manager you use, either CLOUD or
Secret Amazon Resource Name (ARN)—If you want to use basic authentication for either
AEM On-Premise or Cloud, you provide a secret that stores your authentication credentials
of your user name and password. You provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an AWS
Secrets Manager secret. The secret is stored in a JSON structure with the following keys:
"aemUrl": "Adobe Experience Manager On-Premise host URL",
"username": "user name with admin permissions",
"password": "password with admin permissions"
If you want to use OAuth 2.0 authentication for AEM On-Premise, the secret is stored in a
JSON structure with the following keys:
Adobe Experience Manager 585
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"aemUrl": "Adobe Experience Manager host URL",
"clientId": "client ID",
"clientSecret": "client secret",
"privateKey": "private key"
If you want to use OAuth 2.0 authentication for AEM as a Cloud Service, the secret is stored in
a JSON structure with the following keys:
"clientId": "client ID",
"clientSecret": "client secret",
"privateKey": "private key",
"orgId": "organization ID",
"technicalAccountId": "technical account ID",
"imsHost": "Adobe Identity Management System (IMS) host"
IAM role—Specify RoleArn when you call CreateDataSource to provide an IAM role with
permissions to access your Secrets Manager secret and to call the required public APIs for the
Adobe Experience Manager connector and Amazon Kendra. For more information, see IAM
roles for Adobe Experience Manager data sources.
You can also add the following optional features:
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—Specify VpcConfiguration when you call
CreateDataSource. For more information, see Configuring Amazon Kendra to use an
Amazon VPC.
Time zone ID—If you use AEM On-Premise and the time zone of your server is different than
the time zone of the Amazon Kendra AEM connector or index, you can specify the server time
zone to align with the AEM connector or index.
The default time zone for AEM On-Premise is the time zone of the Amazon Kendra AEM
connector or index. The default time zone for AEM as a Cloud Service is Greenwich Mean
For information about the supported time zones IDs, see Adobe Experience Manager JSON
Adobe Experience Manager 586
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Inclusion and exclusion filters—Specify whether to include or exclude certain pages and
Most data sources use regular expression patterns, which are inclusion or exclusion
patterns referred to as filters. If you specify an inclusion filter, only content that
matches the inclusion filter is indexed. Any document that doesn’t match the
inclusion filter isn’t indexed. If you specify an inclusion and exclusion filter, documents
that match the exclusion filter are not indexed, even if they match the inclusion filter.
Identity crawler—Specify whether to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler. The identity
crawler uses the access control list (ACL) information for your documents to filter search
results based on the user or their group access to documents. If you have an ACL for your
documents and choose to use your ACL, you can then also choose to turn on Amazon
Kendra’s identity crawler to configure user context filtering of search results. Otherwise,
if identity crawler is turned off, all documents can be publicly searched. If you want to use
access control for your documents and identity crawler is turned off, you can alternatively use
the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user and group access information for user context
Field mappings—Choose to map your Adobe Experience Manager data source fields to your
Amazon Kendra index fields. For more information, see Mapping data source fields.
The document body field or the document body equivalent for your documents
is required in order for Amazon Kendra to search your documents. You must
map your document body field name in your data source to the index field name
_document_body. All other fields are optional.
For a list of other important JSON keys to configure, see Adobe Experience Manager template
Adobe Experience Manager 587
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Alfresco is a content management service that helps customers store and manage their content.
You can use Amazon Kendra to index your Alfresco Document library, Wiki, and Blog.
Amazon Kendra supports Alfresco On-Premises and Alfresco Cloud (Platform as a Service).
You can connect Amazon Kendra to your Alfresco data source using the Amazon Kendra console or
the TemplateConfiguration API.
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra Alfresco data source connector, see Troubleshooting data
Supported features
Connection instructions
Learn more
Supported features
Amazon Kendra Alfresco data source connector supports the following features:
Field mappings
User access control
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Full and incremental content syncs
OAuth 2.0 and basic authentication
Virtual private cloud (VPC)
Before you can use Amazon Kendra to index your Alfresco data source, make these changes in your
Alfresco and AWS accounts.
In Alfresco, make sure you have:
Alfresco 588
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Copied your Alfresco repository URL and web application URL. If you only want to index a
specific Alfresco site, then also copy the site ID.
Noted your Alfresco authentication credentials, which include a user name and password with at
least read permissions. If you want to use OAuth 2.0 authentication, you should add the user to
the Alfresco administrators group.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
Optional: Configured OAuth 2.0 credentials in Alfresco. The credentials include client ID, client
secret, and token URL. For more information on how to configure clients for Alfresco On-
Premises, see Alfresco documentation. If you use Alfresco Cloud (PaaS), you must contact Hyland
support for Alfresco OAuth 2.0 authentication.
Checked each document is unique in Alfresco and across other data sources you plan to use for
the same index. Each data source that you want to use for an index must not contain the same
document across the data sources. Document IDs are global to an index and must be unique per
In your AWS account, make sure you have:
Created an Amazon Kendra index and, if using the API, noted the index ID.
Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.
If you change your authentication type and credentials, you must update your IAM role to
access the correct AWS Secrets Manager secret ID.
Stored your Alfresco authentication credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager secret and, if using
the API, noted the ARN of the secret.
Alfresco 589
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
If you don’t have an existing IAM role or secret, you can use the console to create a new IAM role
and Secrets Manager secret when you connect your Alfresco data source to Amazon Kendra. If you
are using the API, you must provide the ARN of an existing IAM role and Secrets Manager secret,
and an index ID.
Connection instructions
To connect Amazon Kendra to your Alfresco data source, you must provide the necessary details
of your Alfresco data source so that Amazon Kendra can access your data. If you have not yet
configured Alfresco for Amazon Kendra, see Prerequisites.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Alfresco
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console.
2. From the left navigation pane, choose Indexes and then choose the index you want to use
from the list of indexes.
You can choose to configure or edit your User access control settings under Index
3. On the Getting started page, choose Add data source.
4. On the Add data source page, choose Alfresco connector, and then choose Add
connector. If using version 2 (if applicable), choose Alfresco connector with the "V2.0" tag.
5. On the Specify data source details page, enter the following information:
Alfresco 590
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
a. In Name and description, for Data source name—Enter a name for your data source.
You can include hyphens but not spaces.
b. (Optional) Description—Enter an optional description for your data source.
c. In Default language—Choose a language to filter your documents for the index.
Unless you specify otherwise, the language defaults to English. Language specified in
the document metadata overrides the selected language.
d. In Tags, for Add new tag—Include optional tags to search and filter your resources or
track your AWS costs.
e. Choose Next.
6. On the Define access and security page, enter the following information:
a. Alfresco type—Choose whether you use Alfresco On-Premises/server or Alfresco Cloud
(Platform as a Service).
b. Alfresco repository URL—Enter your Alfresco repository URL. For example, if you use
Alfresco Cloud (PaaS), the repository URL could be
Or, if you use Alfresco On-Premises, the repository URL could be https://company-
c. Alfresco user application. URL—Enter your Alfresco user interface URL. You can get
the repository URL from your Alfresco administrator. For example, the user interface
URL could be
d. SSL certificate location—Enter the path to the SSL certificate stored in an Amazon S3
bucket. You use this to connect to Alfresco On-Premises with a secure SSL connection.
e. Authorization—Turn on or off access control list (ACL) information for your
documents, if you have an ACL and want to use it for access control. The ACL specifies
which documents that users and groups can access. The ACL information is used to
filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
f. Authentication—Choose Basic authentication or OAuth 2.0 authentication. Then
choose an existing Secrets Manager secret or create a new secret to store your Alfresco
credentials. If you choose to create a new secret, an AWS Secrets Manager secret
window opens.
If you chose Basic authentication, enter a name for the secret, the Alfresco user name,
and password.
Alfresco 591
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
If you chose OAuth 2.0 authentication, enter a name for the secret, client ID, client
secret, and token URL.
g. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—You can choose to use a VPC. If so, you must add
Subnets and VPC security groups.
h. Identity crawler—Specify whether to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler. The
identity crawler uses the access control list (ACL) information for your documents to
filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. If you have
an ACL for your documents and choose to use your ACL, you can then also choose
to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler to configure user context filtering of
search results. Otherwise, if identity crawler is turned off, all documents can be publicly
searched. If you want to use access control for your documents and identity crawler is
turned off, you can alternatively use the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user and
group access information for user context filtering.
i. IAM role—Choose an existing IAM role or create a new IAM role to access your
repository credentials and index content.
IAM roles used for indexes cannot be used for data sources. If you are unsure if
an existing role is used for an index or FAQ, choose Create a new role to avoid
j. Choose Next.
7. On the Configure sync settings page, enter the following information:
a. Sync scope—Set limits for crawling certain content and filter content using regex
expression patterns.
b. i. Content—Choose whether to crawl content marked with 'Aspects' in Alfresco,
content within a specific Alfresco site, or content across all your Alfresco sites.
ii. (Optional)Additional configuration—Set the following settings:
Include comments—Choose to include comments in Alfresco Document library
and Blog.
Regex patterns—Regular expression patterns to include or exclude certain files.
Alfresco 592
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
c. Sync mode—Choose how you want to update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first
time, all content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your
data if your initial sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode
Full sync: Freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time your data
source syncs with your index.
New, modified, deleted sync: Index only new, modified, and deleted content each
time your data source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data
source's mechanism for tracking content changes and index content that changed
since the last sync.
d. In Sync run schedule, for Frequency—Choose how often to sync your data source
content and update your index.
e. Choose Next.
8. On the Set field mappings page, enter the following information:
a. Select from the Amazon Kendra generated default data source fields that you want to
map to your index.
b. To add custom data source fields, create an index field name to map to and the field
data type.
c. Choose Next.
9. On the Review and create page, check that the information you have entered is correct
and then select Add data source. You can also choose to edit your information from this
page. Your data source will appear on the Data sources page after the data source has been
added successfully.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Alfresco
You must specify a JSON of the data source schema using the TemplateConfiguration API. You
must provide the following information:
Alfresco 593
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Data source—Specify the data source type as ALFRESCO when you use the
TemplateConfiguration JSON schema. Also specify the data source as TEMPLATE when you
call the CreateDataSource API.
Alfresco site ID—Specify the Alfresco site ID.
Alfresco repository URL—Specify the Alfresco repository URL. You can get the repository
URL from your Alfresco administrator. For example, if you use Alfresco Cloud (PaaS),
the repository URL could be Or, if you use Alfresco
On-Premises, the repository URL could be
Alfresco web application URL—Specify the Alfresco user interface URL. You can get the
repository URL from your Alfresco administrator. For example, the user interface URL could
Authentication type—Specify which type of authentication you want to use, whether
OAuth2 or Basic.
Alfresco type—Specify which type of Alfresco you use, whether PAAS (Cloud/Platform as a
Service) or ON_PREM (On-Premises).
Secret Amazon Resource Name (ARN)—If you want to use basic authentication, you provide
a secret that stores your authentication credentials of your user name and password. You
provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an AWS Secrets Manager secret. The secret is
stored in a JSON structure with the following keys:
"username": "user name",
"password": "password"
If you want to use OAuth 2.0 authentication, the secret is stored in a JSON structure with the
following keys:
"clientId": "client ID",
"clientSecret": "client secret",
"tokenUrl": "token URL"
IAM role—Specify RoleArn when you call CreateDataSource to provide an IAM role with
permissions to access your Secrets Manager secret and to call the required public APIs for the
Alfresco 594
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Alfresco connector and Amazon Kendra. For more information, see IAM roles for Alfresco data
You can also add the following optional features:
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—Specify VpcConfiguration when you call
CreateDataSource. For more information, see Configuring Amazon Kendra to use an
Amazon VPC.
Content type—The type of content that you want to crawl, whether content marked with
'Aspects' in Alfresco, content within a specific Alfresco site, or content across all your Alfresco
sites. You can also list specific 'Aspects' content.
Inclusion and exclusion filters—Specify whether to include or exclude certain files.
Most data sources use regular expression patterns, which are inclusion or exclusion
patterns referred to as filters. If you specify an inclusion filter, only content that
matches the inclusion filter is indexed. Any document that doesn’t match the
inclusion filter isn’t indexed. If you specify an inclusion and exclusion filter, documents
that match the exclusion filter are not indexed, even if they match the inclusion filter.
Sync mode—Specify how Amazon Kendra should update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first time, all
content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your data if your initial
sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode option. You can choose
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time
your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified, and deleted content each time your data source
syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking
content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
Identity crawler—Specify whether to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler. The identity
crawler uses the access control list (ACL) information for your documents to filter search
results based on the user or their group access to documents. If you have an ACL for your
documents and choose to use your ACL, you can then also choose to turn on Amazon
Kendra’s identity crawler to configure user context filtering of search results. Otherwise,
Alfresco 595
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
if identity crawler is turned off, all documents can be publicly searched. If you want to use
access control for your documents and identity crawler is turned off, you can alternatively use
the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user and group access information for user context
Field mappings—Choose to map your Alfresco data source fields to your Amazon Kendra
index fields. For more information, see Mapping data source fields.
The document body field or the document body equivalent for your documents
is required in order for Amazon Kendra to search your documents. You must
map your document body field name in your data source to the index field name
_document_body. All other fields are optional.
For a list of other important JSON keys to configure, see Alfresco template schema.
Learn more
To learn more about integrating Amazon Kendra with your Alfresco data source, see:
Intelligently search Alfresco content using Amazon Kendra
Aurora (MySQL)
Aurora is a relational database management system (RDBMS) built for the cloud. If you are a
Aurora user, you can use Amazon Kendra to index your Aurora (MySQL) data source. The Amazon
Kendra Aurora (MySQL) data source connector supports Aurora MySQL 3 and Aurora Serverless
MySQL 8.0.
You can connect Amazon Kendra to your Aurora (MySQL) data source using the Amazon Kendra
console and the TemplateConfiguration API.
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra Aurora (MySQL) data source connector, see
Troubleshooting data sources.
Supported features
Aurora (MySQL) 596
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Connection instructions
Supported features
Field mappings
User context filtering
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Full and incremental content syncs
Virtual private cloud (VPC)
Before you can use Amazon Kendra to index your Aurora (MySQL) data source, make these changes
in your Aurora (MySQL) and AWS accounts.
In Aurora (MySQL), make sure you have:
Noted your database user name and password.
As a best practice, provide Amazon Kendra with read-only database credentials.
Copied your database host url, port, and instance. You can find this information on the Amazon
RDS console.
Checked each document is unique in Aurora (MySQL) and across other data sources you plan
to use for the same index. Each data source that you want to use for an index must not contain
the same document across the data sources. Document IDs are global to an index and must be
unique per index.
In your AWS account, make sure you have:
Created an Amazon Kendra index and, if using the API, noted the index ID.
Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.
Aurora (MySQL) 597
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
If you change your authentication type and credentials, you must update your IAM role to
access the correct AWS Secrets Manager secret ID.
Stored your Aurora (MySQL) authentication credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager secret and, if
using the API, noted the ARN of the secret.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
If you don’t have an existing IAM role or secret, you can use the console to create a new IAM
role and Secrets Manager secret when you connect your Aurora (MySQL) data source to Amazon
Kendra. If you are using the API, you must provide the ARN of an existing IAM role and Secrets
Manager secret, and an index ID.
Connection instructions
To connect Amazon Kendra to your Aurora (MySQL) data source you must provide details of your
Aurora (MySQL) credentials so that Amazon Kendra can access your data. If you have not yet
configured Aurora (MySQL) for Amazon Kendra see Prerequisites.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Aurora (MySQL)
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console.
2. From the left navigation pane, choose Indexes and then choose the index you want to use
from the list of indexes.
Aurora (MySQL) 598
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
You can choose to configure or edit your User access control settings under Index
3. On the Getting started page, choose Add data source.
4. On the Add data source page, choose Aurora (MySQL) connector, and then choose Add
connector. If using version 2 (if applicable), choose Aurora (MySQL) connector with the
"V2.0" tag.
5. On the Specify data source details page, enter the following information:
a. In Name and description, for Data source name—Enter a name for your data source.
You can include hyphens but not spaces.
b. (Optional) Description—Enter an optional description for your data source.
c. In Default language—Choose a language to filter your documents for the index.
Unless you specify otherwise, the language defaults to English. Language specified in
the document metadata overrides the selected language.
d. In Tags, for Add new tag—Include optional tags to search and filter your resources or
track your AWS costs.
e. Choose Next.
6. On the Define access and security page, enter the following information:
a. In Source, enter the following information:
Host – Enter the database host URL, for example: http://instance
Port – Enter the database port, for example, 5432.
d. Instance— Enter the database instance.
e. In Authentication—enter the following information:
AWS Secrets Manager secret—Choose an existing secret or create a new Secrets
Manager secret to store your Aurora (MySQL) authentication credentials. If you
choose to create a new secret an AWS Secrets Manager secret window opens.
A. Enter following information in the Create an AWS Secrets Manager secret
Aurora (MySQL) 599
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
I. Secret name—A name for your secret. The prefix ‘AmazonKendra-Aurora
(MySQL)-’ is automatically added to your secret name.
II. For Database user name, and Password—Enter the authentication
credential values you copied from your database.
B. Choose Save.
f. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—You can choose to use a VPC. If so, you must add
Subnets and VPC security groups.
g. IAM role—Choose an existing IAM role or create a new IAM role to access your
repository credentials and index content.
IAM roles used for indexes cannot be used for data sources. If you are unsure if
an existing role is used for an index or FAQ, choose Create a new role to avoid
h. Choose Next.
7. On the Configure sync settings page, enter the following information:
a. In Sync scope, choose from the following options :
SQL query—Enter SQL query statements like SELECT and JOIN operations. SQL
queries must be less than 32KB SQL queries must be less than 32KB and not contain
any semi-colons (;). Amazon Kendra will crawl all database content that matches
your query.
Primary key column—Provide the primary key for the database table. This identifies
a table within your database.
Title column—Provide the name of the document title column within your database
Body column—Provide the name of the document body column within your
database table.
b. In Additional configuration – optional, choose from the following options to sync
specific content instead of syncing all files:
Aurora (MySQL) 600
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Change-detecting columns—Enter the names of the columns that Amazon Kendra
will use to detect content changes. Amazon Kendra will re-index content when there
is a change in any of these columns.
Users' IDs column—Enter the name of the column which contains User IDs to be
allowed access to content.
Groups column—Enter the name of the column that contains groups to be allowed
access to content.
Source URLs column—Enter the name of the column which contains Source URLs to
be indexed.
Time stamps column—Enter the name of the column which contains time stamps.
Amazon Kendra uses time stamp information to detect changes in your content and
sync only changed content.
Time zones column—Enter the name of the column which contains time zones for
the content to be crawled.
Time stamps format—Enter the name of the column which contains time stamp
formats to use to detect content changes and re-sync your content.
c. Sync mode—Choose how you want to update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first
time, all content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your
data if your initial sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode
Full sync: Freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time your data
source syncs with your index.
New, modified sync: Index only new and modified content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source's mechanism
for tracking content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
New, modified, deleted sync: Index only new, modified, and deleted content each
time your data source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data
source's mechanism for tracking content changes and index content that changed
since the last sync.
d. In Sync run schedule, for Frequency—How often Amazon Kendra will sync with your
data source.
e. Choose Next.
Aurora (MySQL) 601
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
8. On the Set field mappings page, enter the following information:
a. Select from the generated default data source fields—Document IDs, Document titles,
and Source URLs—you want to map to Amazon Kendra index.
b. Add field—To add custom data source fields to create an index field name to map to
and the field data type.
c. Choose Next.
9. On the Review and create page, check that the information you have entered is correct
and then select Add data source. You can also choose to edit your information from this
page. Your data source will appear on the Data sources page after the data source has been
added successfully.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Aurora (MySQL)
You must specify the following using the TemplateConfiguration API:
Data source—Specify the data source type as JDBC when you use the TemplateConfiguration
JSON schema. Also specify the data source as TEMPLATE when you call the CreateDataSource
Database type—You must specify the database type as mySql.
SQL query—Specify SQL query statements like SELECT and JOIN operations. SQL queries
must be less than 32KB. Amazon Kendra will crawl all database content that matches your
Sync mode—Specify how Amazon Kendra should update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first time, all
content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your data if your initial
sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode option. You can choose
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time
your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified, and deleted content each time your data source
syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking
content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
Aurora (MySQL) 602
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
CHANGE_LOG to index only new and modified content each time your data source syncs
with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking content
changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
Secret Amazon Resource Name (ARN)—Provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an
Secrets Manager secret that contains the authentication credentials you created in your
Aurora (MySQL) account. The secret is stored in a JSON structure with the following keys:
"user name": "database user name",
"password": "password"
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret.
Provide only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend
that you re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions
1.0 and 2.0 (where applicable).
IAM role—Specify RoleArn when you call CreateDataSource to provide an IAM role with
permissions to access your Secrets Manager secret and to call the required public APIs for
the Aurora (MySQL) connector and Amazon Kendra. For more information, see IAM roles for
Aurora (MySQL) data sources.
You can also add the following optional features:
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—Specify VpcConfiguration when you call
CreateDataSource. For more information, see Configuring Amazon Kendra to use an
Amazon VPC.
Inclusion and exclusion filters—You can specify whether to include specific content using
user IDs, groups, source URLs, time stamps, and time zones.
User context filtering and access control—Amazon Kendra crawls the access control list
(ACL) for your documents, if you have an ACL for your documents. The ACL information is
used to filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
Aurora (MySQL) 603
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Field mappings—Choose to map your Aurora (MySQL) data source fields to your Amazon
Kendra index fields. For more information, see Mapping data source fields.
The document body field or the document body equivalent for your documents
is required in order for Amazon Kendra to search your documents. You must
map your document body field name in your data source to the index field name
_document_body. All other fields are optional.
For a list of other important JSON keys to configure, see Aurora (MySQL) template schema.
Deleted database rows will not be tracked in when Amazon Kendra checks for updated content.
The size of field names and values in a row of your database can't exceed 400KB.
If you have a large amount of data in your database data source, and do not want Amazon
Kendra to index all your database content after the first sync, you can choose to sync only new,
modified, or deleted documents.
As a best practice, provide Amazon Kendra with read-only database credentials.
As a best practice, avoid adding tables with sensitive data or personal identifiable information
Aurora (PostgreSQL)
Aurora is a relational database management system (RDBMS) built for the cloud. If you are a
Aurora user, you can use Amazon Kendra to index your Aurora (PostgreSQL) data source. The
Amazon Kendra Aurora (PostgreSQL) data source connector supports Aurora PostgreSQL 1.
You can connect Amazon Kendra to your Aurora (PostgreSQL) data source using the Amazon
Kendra console and the TemplateConfiguration API.
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra Aurora (PostgreSQL) data source connector, see
Troubleshooting data sources.
Aurora (PostgreSQL) 604
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Supported features
Connection instructions
Supported features
Field mappings
User context filtering
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Full and incremental content syncs
Virtual private cloud (VPC)
Before you can use Amazon Kendra to index your Aurora (PostgreSQL) data source, make these
changes in your Aurora (PostgreSQL) and AWS accounts.
In Aurora (PostgreSQL), make sure you have:
Noted your database user name and password.
As a best practice, provide Amazon Kendra with read-only database credentials.
Copied your database host url, port, and instance.
Checked each document is unique in Aurora (PostgreSQL) and across other data sources you plan
to use for the same index. Each data source that you want to use for an index must not contain
the same document across the data sources. Document IDs are global to an index and must be
unique per index.
In your AWS account, make sure you have:
Created an Amazon Kendra index and, if using the API, noted the index ID.
Aurora (PostgreSQL) 605
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.
If you change your authentication type and credentials, you must update your IAM role to
access the correct AWS Secrets Manager secret ID.
Stored your Aurora (PostgreSQL) authentication credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager secret
and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the secret.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
If you don’t have an existing IAM role or secret, you can use the console to create a new IAM role
and Secrets Manager secret when you connect your Aurora (PostgreSQL) data source to Amazon
Kendra. If you are using the API, you must provide the ARN of an existing IAM role and Secrets
Manager secret, and an index ID.
Connection instructions
To connect Amazon Kendra to your Aurora (PostgreSQL) data source you must provide details of
your Aurora (PostgreSQL) credentials so that Amazon Kendra can access your data. If you have not
yet configured Aurora (PostgreSQL) for Amazon Kendra see Prerequisites.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Aurora (PostgreSQL)
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console.
2. From the left navigation pane, choose Indexes and then choose the index you want to use
from the list of indexes.
Aurora (PostgreSQL) 606
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
You can choose to configure or edit your User access control settings under Index
3. On the Getting started page, choose Add data source.
4. On the Add data source page, choose Aurora (PostgreSQL) connector, and then choose
Add connector. If using version 2 (if applicable), choose Aurora (PostgreSQL) connector
with the "V2.0" tag.
5. On the Specify data source details page, enter the following information:
a. In Name and description, for Data source name—Enter a name for your data source.
You can include hyphens but not spaces.
b. (Optional) Description—Enter an optional description for your data source.
c. In Default language—Choose a language to filter your documents for the index.
Unless you specify otherwise, the language defaults to English. Language specified in
the document metadata overrides the selected language.
d. In Tags, for Add new tag—Include optional tags to search and filter your resources or
track your AWS costs.
e. Choose Next.
6. On the Define access and security page, enter the following information:
a. In Source, enter the following information:
Host – Enter the database host URL, for example: http://instance
Port – Enter the database port, for example, 5432.
Instance – Enter the database instance, for example postgres.
e. Enable SSL certificate location—Choose to enter the Amazon S3 path to your SSL
certificate file.
f. In Authentication—enter the following information:
AWS Secrets Manager secret—Choose an existing secret or create a new Secrets
Manager secret to store your Aurora (PostgreSQL) authentication credentials. If
you choose to create a new secret an AWS Secrets Manager secret window opens.
Aurora (PostgreSQL) 607
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
A. Enter following information in the Create an AWS Secrets Manager secret
I. Secret name—A name for your secret. The prefix ‘AmazonKendra-Aurora
(PostgreSQL)-’ is automatically added to your secret name.
II. For Database user name, and Password—Enter the authentication
credential values you copied from your database.
B. Choose Save.
g. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—You can choose to use a VPC. If so, you must add
Subnets and VPC security groups.
h. IAM role—Choose an existing IAM role or create a new IAM role to access your
repository credentials and index content.
IAM roles used for indexes cannot be used for data sources. If you are unsure if
an existing role is used for an index or FAQ, choose Create a new role to avoid
i. Choose Next.
7. On the Configure sync settings page, enter the following information:
a. In Sync scope, choose from the following options :
SQL query—Enter SQL query statements like SELECT and JOIN operations. SQL
queries must be less than 32KB SQL queries must be less than 32KB and not contain
any semi-colons (;). Amazon Kendra will crawl all database content that matches
your query.
Primary key column—Provide the primary key for the database table. This identifies
a table within your database.
Title column—Provide the name of the document title column within your database
Body column—Provide the name of the document body column within your
database table.
Aurora (PostgreSQL) 608
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
b. In Additional configuration – optional, choose from the following options to sync
specific content instead of syncing all files:
Change-detecting columns—Enter the names of the columns that Amazon Kendra
will use to detect content changes. Amazon Kendra will re-index content when there
is a change in any of these columns.
Users' IDs column—Enter the name of the column which contains User IDs to be
allowed access to content.
Groups column—Enter the name of the column that contains groups to be allowed
access to content.
Source URLs column—Enter the name of the column which contains Source URLs to
be indexed.
Time stamps column—Enter the name of the column which contains time stamps.
Amazon Kendra uses time stamp information to detect changes in your content and
sync only changed content.
Time zones column—Enter the name of the column which contains time zones for
the content to be crawled.
Time stamps format—Enter the name of the column which contains time stamp
formats to use to detect content changes and re-sync your content.
c. Sync mode—Choose how you want to update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first
time, all content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your
data if your initial sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode
Full sync: Freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time your data
source syncs with your index.
New, modified sync: Index only new and modified content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source's mechanism
for tracking content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
New, modified, deleted sync: Index only new, modified, and deleted content each
time your data source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data
source's mechanism for tracking content changes and index content that changed
since the last sync.
Aurora (PostgreSQL) 609
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
d. In Sync run schedule, for Frequency—How often Amazon Kendra will sync with your
data source.
e. Choose Next.
8. On the Set field mappings page, enter the following information:
a. Select from the generated default data source fields—Document IDs, Document titles,
and Source URLs—you want to map to Amazon Kendra index.
b. Add field—To add custom data source fields to create an index field name to map to
and the field data type.
c. Choose Next.
9. On the Review and create page, check that the information you have entered is correct
and then select Add data source. You can also choose to edit your information from this
page. Your data source will appear on the Data sources page after the data source has been
added successfully.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Aurora (PostgreSQL)
You must specify the following using the TemplateConfiguration API:
Data source—Specify the data source type as JDBC when you use the TemplateConfiguration
JSON schema. Also specify the data source as TEMPLATE when you call the CreateDataSource
Database type—You must specify the database type as postgresql.
SQL query—Specify SQL query statements like SELECT and JOIN operations. SQL queries
must be less than 32KB. Amazon Kendra will crawl all database content that matches your
Sync mode—Specify how Amazon Kendra should update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first time, all
content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your data if your initial
sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode option. You can choose
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time
your data source syncs with your index.
Aurora (PostgreSQL) 610
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified, and deleted content each time your data source
syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking
content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
CHANGE_LOG to index only new and modified content each time your data source syncs
with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking content
changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
Secret Amazon Resource Name (ARN)—Provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an
Secrets Manager secret that contains the authentication credentials you created in your
Aurora (PostgreSQL) account. The secret is stored in a JSON structure with the following keys:
"user name": "database user name",
"password": "password"
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret.
Provide only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend
that you re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions
1.0 and 2.0 (where applicable).
IAM role—Specify RoleArn when you call CreateDataSource to provide an IAM role with
permissions to access your Secrets Manager secret and to call the required public APIs for the
Aurora (PostgreSQL) connector and Amazon Kendra. For more information, see IAM roles for
Aurora (PostgreSQL) data sources.
You can also add the following optional features:
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—Specify VpcConfiguration when you call
CreateDataSource. For more information, see Configuring Amazon Kendra to use an
Amazon VPC.
Inclusion and exclusion filters—You can specify whether to include specific content using
user IDs, groups, source URLs, time stamps, and time zones.
User context filtering and access control—Amazon Kendra crawls the access control list
(ACL) for your documents, if you have an ACL for your documents. The ACL information is
Aurora (PostgreSQL) 611
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
used to filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
Field mappings—Choose to map your Aurora (PostgreSQL) data source fields to your
Amazon Kendra index fields. For more information, see Mapping data source fields.
The document body field or the document body equivalent for your documents
is required in order for Amazon Kendra to search your documents. You must
map your document body field name in your data source to the index field name
_document_body. All other fields are optional.
For a list of other important JSON keys to configure, see Aurora (PostgreSQL) template schema.
Deleted database rows will not be tracked in when Amazon Kendra checks for updated content.
The size of field names and values in a row of your database can't exceed 400KB.
If you have a large amount of data in your database data source, and do not want Amazon
Kendra to index all your database content after the first sync, you can choose to sync only new,
modified, or deleted documents.
As a best practice, provide Amazon Kendra with read-only database credentials.
As a best practice, avoid adding tables with sensitive data or personal identifiable information
Amazon FSx (Windows)
Amazon FSx (Windows) is a fully managed, cloud based file server system that offers shared
storage capabilities. If you're an Amazon FSx (Windows) user, you can use Amazon Kendra to index
your Amazon FSx (Windows) data source.
Amazon Kendra now supports an upgraded Amazon FSx (Windows) connector.
Amazon FSx (Windows) 612
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
The console has been automatically upgraded for you. Any new connectors you create on
the console will use the upgraded architecture. If you use the API, you must now use the
TemplateConfiguration object instead of the FSxConfiguration object to configure your
Connectors configured using the older console and API architecture will continue to
function as configured. However, you won’t be able to edit or update them. If you want to
edit or update your connector configuration, you must create a new connector.
We recommended migrating your connector workflow to the upgraded version. Support for
connectors configured using the older architecture is scheduled to end by June 2024.
You can connect Amazon Kendra to your Amazon FSx (Windows) data source using the Amazon
Kendra console, or the TemplateConfiguration API.
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra Amazon FSx (Windows) data source connector, see
Troubleshooting data sources.
Supported features
Connection instructions
Learn more
Supported features
Amazon Kendra Amazon FSx (Windows) data source connector supports the following features:
Field mappings
User access control
User identity crawling
Inclusion and exclusion filters
Full and incremental content syncs
Virtual private cloud (VPC)
Amazon FSx (Windows) 613
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Before you can use Amazon Kendra to index your Amazon FSx (Windows) data source, check the
details of your Amazon FSx (Windows) and AWS accounts.
For Amazon FSx (Windows), make sure you have:
Set up Amazon FSx (Windows) with read and mounting permissions.
Noted your file system ID. You can find your file system ID on the File Systems dashboard in the
Amazon FSx (Windows) console.
Configured a virtual private cloud using Amazon VPC where your Amazon FSx (Windows) file
system resides.
Noted your Amazon FSx (Windows) authentication credentials for an Active Directory user
account. This includes your Active Directory user name with your DNS domain name (for
example, and password.
Use only the necessary credentials required for the connector to function. Do not use
privileged credentials like domain admin.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
Checked each document is unique in Amazon FSx (Windows) and across other data sources you
plan to use for the same index. Each data source that you want to use for an index must not
contain the same document across the data sources. Document IDs are global to an index and
must be unique per index.
In your AWS account, make sure you have:
Created an Amazon Kendra index and, if using the API, noted the index ID.
Amazon FSx (Windows) 614
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.
If you change your authentication type and credentials, you must update your IAM role to
access the correct AWS Secrets Manager secret ID.
Stored your Amazon FSx (Windows) authentication credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager secret
and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the secret.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
If you don’t have an existing IAM role or secret, you can use the console to create a new IAM role
and Secrets Manager secret when you connect your Amazon FSx (Windows) data source to Amazon
Kendra. If you are using the API, you must provide the ARN of an existing IAM role and Secrets
Manager secret, and an index ID.
Connection instructions
To connect Amazon Kendra to your Amazon FSx (Windows) data source, you must provide
the necessary details of your Amazon FSx (Windows) data source so that Amazon Kendra can
access your data. If you have not yet configured Amazon FSx (Windows) for Amazon Kendra, see
To connect Amazon Kendra to your Amazon FSx (Windows) file system
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console.
2. From the left navigation pane, choose Indexes and then choose the index you want to use
from the list of indexes.
Amazon FSx (Windows) 615
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
You can choose to configure or edit your User access control settings under Index
3. On the Getting started page, choose Add data source.
4. On the Add data source page, choose Amazon FSx (Windows) connector, and then choose
Add connector. If using version 2 (if applicable), choose Amazon FSx (Windows) connector
with the "V2.0" tag.
5. On the Specify data source details page, enter the following information:
a. In Name and description, for Data source name—Enter a name for your data source.
You can include hyphens but not spaces.
b. (Optional) Description—Enter an optional description for your data source.
c. In Default language—Choose a language to filter your documents for the index.
Unless you specify otherwise, the language defaults to English. Language specified in
the document metadata overrides the selected language.
d. In Tags, for Add new tag—Include optional tags to search and filter your resources or
track your AWS costs.
e. Choose Next.
6. On the Define access and security page, enter the following information:
a. Amazon FSx (Windows) file system ID—Select from the dropdown your existing file
system ID, fetched from Amazon FSx (Windows). Or, create an Amazon FSx (Windows)
file system. You can find your file system ID on the File Systems dashboard in the
Amazon FSx (Windows) console.
b. Authorization—Turn on or off access control list (ACL) information for your
documents, if you have an ACL and want to use it for access control. The ACL specifies
which documents that users and groups can access. The ACL information is used to
filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
c. Authentication—Choose an existing AWS Secrets Manager secret, or create a new
secret to store your file system credentials. If you choose to create a new secret, an
AWS Secrets Manager secret window opens.
Amazon FSx (Windows) 616
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Provide a secret that stores your authentication credentials of your user name
and password. The user name must include your DNS domain name. For example,
Save and add your secret.
d. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—You must select an Amazon VPC where your Amazon FSx
(Windows) resides. You include the VPC subnet and security groups. See Configuring an
Amazon VPC.
e. IAM role—Choose an existing IAM role or create a new IAM role to access your
repository credentials and index content.
IAM roles used for indexes cannot be used for data sources. If you are unsure if
an existing role is used for an index or FAQ, choose Create a new role to avoid
f. Choose Next.
7. On the Configure sync settings page, enter the following information:
a. Sync scope, Regex patterns—Add regular expression patterns to include or exclude
certain files.
b. Sync mode—Choose how you want to update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first
time, all content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your
data if your initial sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode
Full sync: Freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time your data
source syncs with your index.
New, modified, deleted sync: Index only new, modified, and deleted content each
time your data source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data
source's mechanism for tracking content changes and index content that changed
since the last sync.
c. Sync run schedule—For Frequency, choose how often to sync your data source
content and update your index.
Amazon FSx (Windows) 617
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
d. Choose Next.
8. On the Set field mappings page, enter the following information:
a. Select from the Amazon Kendra generated default fields of your files that you want
to map to your index. To add custom data source fields, create an index field name to
map to and the field data type.
b. Choose Next.
9. On the Review and create page, check that the information you have entered is correct
and then select Add data source. You can also choose to edit your information from this
page. Your data source will appear on the Data sources page after the data source has been
added successfully.
To connect Amazon Kendra to your Amazon FSx (Windows) file system
You must specify a JSON of the data source schema using the TemplateConfiguration API. You
must provide the following information:
Data source—Specify the data source type as FSX when you use the TemplateConfiguration
JSON schema. Also specify the data source as TEMPLATE when you call the CreateDataSource
File system ID—The identifier of the Amazon FSx (Windows) file system. You can find your
file system ID on the File Systems dashboard in the Amazon FSx (Windows) console.
File system type—Specify the type of file system as WINDOWS.
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—Specify VpcConfiguration when you call
CreateDataSource. For more information, see Configuring Amazon Kendra to use an
Amazon VPC.
You must select an Amazon VPC where your Amazon FSx (Windows) resides. You
include the VPC subnet and security groups.
Sync mode—Specify how Amazon Kendra should update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first time, all
Amazon FSx (Windows) 618
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your data if your initial
sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode option. You can choose
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time
your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified, and deleted content each time your data source
syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking
content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
Identity crawler—Specify whether to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler. The identity
crawler uses the access control list (ACL) information for your documents to filter search
results based on the user or their group access to documents. If you have an ACL for your
documents and choose to use your ACL, you can then also choose to turn on Amazon
Kendra’s identity crawler to configure user context filtering of search results. Otherwise,
if identity crawler is turned off, all documents can be publicly searched. If you want to use
access control for your documents and identity crawler is turned off, you can alternatively use
the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user and group access information for user context
Secret Amazon Resource Name (ARN)—Provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an
Secrets Manager secret that contains the authentication credentials for your Amazon FSx
(Windows) account. The secret is stored in a JSON structure with the following keys:
"username": "[email protected]",
"password": "password"
IAM role—Specify RoleArn when you call CreateDataSource to provide an IAM role with
permissions to access your Secrets Manager secret and to call the required public APIs for the
Amazon FSx (Windows) connector and Amazon Kendra. For more information, see IAM roles
for Amazon FSx (Windows) data sources.
You can also add the following optional features:
Inclusion and exclusion filters—Specify whether to include or exclude certain files.
Amazon FSx (Windows) 619
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Most data sources use regular expression patterns, which are inclusion or exclusion
patterns referred to as filters. If you specify an inclusion filter, only content that
matches the inclusion filter is indexed. Any document that doesn’t match the
inclusion filter isn’t indexed. If you specify an inclusion and exclusion filter, documents
that match the exclusion filter are not indexed, even if they match the inclusion filter.
Access control list (ACL)—Specify whether to crawl ACL information for your documents, if
you have an ACL and want to use it for access control. The ACL specifies which documents
that users and groups can access. The ACL information is used to filter search results based on
the user or their group access to documents. For more information, see User context filtering.
To test user context filtering on a user, you must include the DNS domain name
as part of the user name when you issue the query. You must have administrative
permissions of the Active Directory domain. You can also test user context filtering on
a group name.
Field mappings—Choose to map your Amazon FSx (Windows) data source fields to your
Amazon Kendra index fields. For more information, see Mapping data source fields.
The document body field or the document body equivalent for your documents
is required in order for Amazon Kendra to search your documents. You must
map your document body field name in your data source to the index field name
_document_body. All other fields are optional.
For a list of other important JSON keys to configure, see Amazon FSx (Windows) template
Amazon FSx (Windows) 620
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Learn more
To learn more about integrating Amazon Kendra with your Amazon FSx (Windows) data source,
Securely search unstructured data on Windows file systems with the Amazon Kendra connector
for Amazon FSx (Windows) for Windows File Server.
Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP)
Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) is a fully managed, cloud based file server system that offers shared
storage capabilities. If you're an Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) user, you can use Amazon Kendra to
index your Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) data source.
You can connect Amazon Kendra to your Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) data source using the
Amazon Kendra console, or the TemplateConfiguration API.
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) data source connector, see
Troubleshooting data sources.
Supported features
Connection instructions
Supported features
Amazon Kendra Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) data source connector supports the following
Field mappings
User access control
Inclusion and exclusion filters
Full and incremental content syncs
Virtual private cloud (VPC)
Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) 621
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Before you can use Amazon Kendra to index your Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) data source, check
the details of your Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) and AWS accounts.
For Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP), make sure you have:
Set up Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) with read and mounting permissions.
Noted your file system ID. You can find your file system ID on the File Systems dashboard in the
Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) console.
Noted the storage virtual machine (SVM) ID used with your file system. You can find your SVM ID
by going to the File Systems dashboard in the Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) console, selecting
your file system ID, and then selecting Storage virtual machines.
Configured a virtual private cloud using Amazon VPC where your Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP)
file system resides.
Noted your Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) authentication credentials for an Active Directory
user account. This includes your Active Directory user name with your DNS domain name (for
example, and password. If you use the Network File System (NFS)
protocol for your Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) file system, the authentication credentials
include a left ID, right ID, and pre-shared key.
Use only the necessary credentials required for the connector to function. Do not use
privileged credentials like domain admin.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
Checked each document is unique in Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) and across other data sources
you plan to use for the same index. Each data source that you want to use for an index must not
Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) 622
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
contain the same document across the data sources. Document IDs are global to an index and
must be unique per index.
In your AWS account, make sure you have:
Created an Amazon Kendra index and, if using the API, noted the index ID.
Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.
If you change your authentication type and credentials, you must update your IAM role to
access the correct AWS Secrets Manager secret ID.
Stored your Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) authentication credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager
secret and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the secret.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
If you don’t have an existing IAM role or secret, you can use the console to create a new IAM role
and Secrets Manager secret when you connect your Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) data source to
Amazon Kendra. If you are using the API, you must provide the ARN of an existing IAM role and
Secrets Manager secret, and an index ID.
Connection instructions
To connect Amazon Kendra to your Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) data source, you must provide
the necessary details of your Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) data source so that Amazon Kendra can
access your data. If you have not yet configured Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) for Amazon Kendra,
see Prerequisites.
To connect Amazon Kendra to your Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) file system
Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) 623
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console.
2. From the left navigation pane, choose Indexes and then choose the index you want to use
from the list of indexes.
You can choose to configure or edit your User access control settings under Index
3. On the Getting started page, choose Add data source.
4. On the Add data source page, choose Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) connector, and then
choose Add connector. If using version 2 (if applicable), choose Amazon FSx (NetApp
ONTAP) connector with the "V2.0" tag.
5. On the Specify data source details page, enter the following information:
a. In Name and description, for Data source name—Enter a name for your data source.
You can include hyphens but not spaces.
b. (Optional) Description—Enter an optional description for your data source.
c. In Default language—Choose a language to filter your documents for the index.
Unless you specify otherwise, the language defaults to English. Language specified in
the document metadata overrides the selected language.
d. In Tags, for Add new tag—Include optional tags to search and filter your resources or
track your AWS costs.
e. Choose Next.
6. On the Define access and security page, enter the following information:
a. Source—Provide your file system information.
File system protocol—Choose the protocol of your Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) file
system. You can choose either Common Internet File System (CIFS) protocol, or the
Network File System (NFS) protocol for Linux.
Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) file system ID—Select from the dropdown your
existing file system ID, fetched from Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP). Or, create an
Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) file system. You can find your file system ID on the File
Systems dashboard in the Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) console.
Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) 624
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
SVM ID (Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) for NetApp ONTAP only)—Provide the
storage virtual machine (SVM) ID of your Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) NetApp
ONTAP. You can find your SVM ID by going to the File Systems dashboard in the
Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) console, selecting your file system ID, and selecting
Storage virtual machines.
b. Authorization—Turn on or off access control list (ACL) information for your
documents, if you have an ACL and want to use it for access control. The ACL specifies
which documents that users and groups can access. The ACL information is used to
filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
c. Authentication—Choose an existing AWS Secrets Manager secret, or create a new
secret to store your file system credentials. If you choose to create a new secret, an
AWS Secrets Manager secret window opens.
Provide a secret that stores your authentication credentials of your user name
and password. The user name must include your DNS domain name. For example,
If you use the NFS protocol for your Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) file system, provide
a secret that stores your authentication credentials of left ID, right ID, and pre-shared
Save and add your secret.
d. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—You must select an Amazon VPC where your Amazon
FSx (NetApp ONTAP) resides. You include the VPC subnet and security groups. See
Configuring an Amazon VPC.
e. IAM role—Choose an existing IAM role or create a new IAM role to access your
repository credentials and index content.
IAM roles used for indexes cannot be used for data sources. If you are unsure if
an existing role is used for an index or FAQ, choose Create a new role to avoid
f. Choose Next.
7. On the Configure sync settings page, enter the following information:
Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) 625
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
a. Sync scope, Regex patterns—Add regular expression patterns to include or exclude
certain files.
b. Sync mode—Choose how you want to update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first
time, all content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your
data if your initial sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode
Full sync: Freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time your data
source syncs with your index.
New, modified, deleted sync: Index only new, modified, and deleted content each
time your data source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data
source's mechanism for tracking content changes and index content that changed
since the last sync.
c. Sync run schedule—For Frequency, choose how often to sync your data source
content and update your index.
d. Choose Next.
8. On the Set field mappings page, enter the following information:
a. Select from the Amazon Kendra generated default fields of your files that you want
to map to your index. To add custom data source fields, create an index field name to
map to and the field data type.
b. Choose Next.
9. On the Review and create page, check that the information you have entered is correct
and then select Add data source. You can also choose to edit your information from this
page. Your data source will appear on the Data sources page after the data source has been
added successfully.
To connect Amazon Kendra to your Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) file system
You must specify a JSON of the data source schema using the TemplateConfiguration API. You
must provide the following information:
Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) 626
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Data source—Specify the data source type as FSXONTAP when you use the
TemplateConfiguration JSON schema. Also specify the data source as TEMPLATE when you
call the CreateDataSource API.
File system ID—The identifier of the Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) file system. You can
find your file system ID on the File Systems dashboard in the Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP)
SVM ID—The storage virtual machine (SVM) ID used with your file system. You can find your
SVM ID by going to the File Systems dashboard in the Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) console,
selecting your file system ID, and then selecting Storage virtual machines.
Protocol type—Specify whether you use the Common Internet File System (CIFS) protocol, or
the Network File System (NFS) protocol for Linux.
File system type—Specify the type of file system as either FSXONTAP.
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—Specify VpcConfiguration when you call
CreateDataSource. For more information, see Configuring Amazon Kendra to use an
Amazon VPC.
You must select an Amazon VPC where your Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) resides.
You include the VPC subnet and security groups.
Secret Amazon Resource Name (ARN)—Provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an
Secrets Manager secret that contains the authentication credentials for your Amazon FSx
(NetApp ONTAP) account. The secret is stored in a JSON structure with the following keys:
"username": "[email protected]",
"password": "password"
If you use the NFS protocol for your Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) file system, the secret is
stored in a JSON structure with the following keys:
"leftId": "left ID",
"rightId": "right ID",
"preSharedKey": "pre-shared key"
Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) 627
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
IAM role—Specify RoleArn when you call CreateDataSource to provide an IAM role with
permissions to access your Secrets Manager secret and to call the required public APIs for the
Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) connector and Amazon Kendra. For more information, see IAM
roles for Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) data sources.
You can also add the following optional features:
Sync mode—Specify how Amazon Kendra should update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first time, all
content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your data if your initial
sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode option. You can choose
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time
your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified, and deleted content each time your data source
syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking
content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
Inclusion and exclusion filters—Specify whether to include or exclude certain files.
Most data sources use regular expression patterns, which are inclusion or exclusion
patterns referred to as filters. If you specify an inclusion filter, only content that
matches the inclusion filter is indexed. Any document that doesn’t match the
inclusion filter isn’t indexed. If you specify an inclusion and exclusion filter, documents
that match the exclusion filter are not indexed, even if they match the inclusion filter.
Access control list (ACL)—Specify whether to crawl ACL information for your documents, if
you have an ACL and want to use it for access control. The ACL specifies which documents
that users and groups can access. The ACL information is used to filter search results based on
the user or their group access to documents. For more information, see User context filtering.
Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) 628
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
To test user context filtering on a user, you must include the DNS domain name
as part of the user name when you issue the query. You must have administrative
permissions of the Active Directory domain. You can also test user context filtering on
a group name.
Field mappings—Choose to map your Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) data source fields to
your Amazon Kendra index fields. For more information, see Mapping data source fields.
The document body field or the document body equivalent for your documents
is required in order for Amazon Kendra to search your documents. You must
map your document body field name in your data source to the index field name
_document_body. All other fields are optional.
For a list of other important JSON keys to configure, see Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP) template
Amazon RDS/Aurora
You can index documents that are stored in a database using a database data source. After
you provided connection information for the database, Amazon Kendra connects and indexes
Amazon Kendra supports the following databases:
Amazon Aurora MySQL
Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL
Amazon RDS for MySQL
Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL
Amazon RDS/Aurora 629
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Serverless Aurora databases are not supported.
This Amazon RDS/Aurora connector is scheduled for deprecation by the end of 2023.
Amazon Kendra now supports new database data source connectors. For an improved
experience, we recommend you choose from the following new connectors for your use
Aurora (MySQL)
Aurora (PostgreSQL)
Amazon RDS (MySQL)
Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server)
Amazon RDS (Oracle)
Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL)
Microsoft SQL Server
Oracle Database
You can connect Amazon Kendra to your database data source using the Amazon Kendra console
and the DatabaseConfiguration API.
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra database data source connector, see Troubleshooting
data sources.
Supported features
Connection instructions
Amazon RDS/Aurora 630
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Supported features
Amazon Kendra database data source connector supports the following features:
Field mappings
User context filtering
Virtual private cloud (VPC)
Before you can use Amazon Kendra to index your database data source, make these changes in
your database and AWS accounts.
In your database, make sure you have:
Noted your basic authentication credentials of user name and password for your database.
Copied the host name, port number, host address, the name of the database, and the name of
the data table that contains the document data. For PostgreSQL, the data table must be a public
table or public schema.
The host and port tell Amazon Kendra where to find the database server on the internet.
The database name and table name tell Amazon Kendra where to find the document
data on the database server.
Copied the names of the columns in the data table that contain the document data. You must
include the document ID, document body, columns to detect if a document has changed (for
example, last updated column), and optional data table columns that map to custom index
fields. You can also map any of the Amazon Kendra reserved field names to a table column.
Copied the database engine type information such as whether you use Amazon RDS for MySQL
or another type.
Checked each document is unique in database and across other data sources you plan to use for
the same index. Each data source that you want to use for an index must not contain the same
document across the data sources. Document IDs are global to an index and must be unique per
Amazon RDS/Aurora 631
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
In your AWS account, make sure you have:
Created an Amazon Kendra index and, if using the API, noted the index ID.
Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.
If you change your authentication type and credentials, you must update your IAM role to
access the correct AWS Secrets Manager secret ID.
Stored your database authentication credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager secret and, if using
the API, noted the ARN of the secret.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
If you don’t have an existing IAM role or secret, you can use the console to create a new IAM role
and Secrets Manager secret when you connect your database data source to Amazon Kendra. If you
are using the API, you must provide the ARN of an existing IAM role and Secrets Manager secret,
and an index ID.
Connection instructions
To connect Amazon Kendra to your database data source, you must provide the necessary details
of your database data source so that Amazon Kendra can access your data. If you have not yet
configured database for Amazon Kendra, see Prerequisites.
To connect Amazon Kendra to a database
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console.
2. From the left navigation pane, choose Indexes and then choose the index you want to use
from the list of indexes.
Amazon RDS/Aurora 632
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
You can choose to configure or edit your User access control settings under Index
3. On the Getting started page, choose Add data source.
4. On the Add data source page, choose database connector, and then choose Add
connector. If using version 2 (if applicable), choose database connector with the "V2.0"
5. On the Specify data source details page, enter the following information:
a. In Name and description, for Data source name—Enter a name for your data source.
You can include hyphens but not spaces.
b. (Optional) Description—Enter an optional description for your data source.
c. In Default language—Choose a language to filter your documents for the index.
Unless you specify otherwise, the language defaults to English. Language specified in
the document metadata overrides the selected language.
d. In Tags, for Add new tag—Include optional tags to search and filter your resources or
track your AWS costs.
e. Choose Next.
6. On the Define access and security page, enter the following information:
a. Endpoint—A DNS host name, an IPv4 address, or an IPv6 address.
b. Port—A port number.
c. Database—Database name.
d. Table name—Table name.
e. For Type of authentication, choose between Existing and New to store your database
authentication credentials. If you choose to create a new secret an AWS Secrets
Manager secret window opens.
Enter following information in the Create an AWS Secrets Manager secret
A. Secret name—A name for your secret. The prefix ‘AmazonKendra-database-’
is automatically added to your secret name.
Amazon RDS/Aurora 633
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
B. For User name and Password—Enter the authentication credential values
from your database account.
C. Choose Save authentication.
f. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—You can choose to use a VPC. If so, you must add
Subnets and VPC security groups.
You must use a private subnet. If your RDS instance is in a public subnet in
your VPC, you can create a private subnet that has outbound access to a NAT
gateway in the public subnet. The subnets provided in the VPC configuration
must be in either US West (Oregon), US East (N. Virginia), EU (Ireland).
g. IAM role—Choose an existing IAM role or create a new IAM role to access your
repository credentials and index content.
IAM roles used for indexes cannot be used for data sources. If you are unsure if
an existing role is used for an index or FAQ, choose Create a new role to avoid
h. Choose Next.
7. On the Configure sync settings page, enter the following information:
a. Select between Aurora MySQL, MySQL, Aurora PostgreSQL, and PostgreSQL based
on your use case.
b. Enclose SQL identifiers with double quotes—Select to enclose SQL identifiers in
double quotes. For example, “columnName”.
c. ACL column and Change detecting columns—Configure the columns that Amazon
Kendra uses for change detection (for example, last updated column) and your access
control list.
d. In Sync run schedule, for Frequency—Choose how often Amazon Kendra will sync
with your data source.
e. Choose Next.
8. On the Set field mappings page, enter the following information:
Amazon RDS/Aurora 634
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
a. Amazon Kendra default field mappings—Select from the Amazon Kendra generated
default data source fields you want to map to your index. You must add the Database
column values for document_id and document_body
b. Custom field mappings—To add custom data source fields to create an index field
name to map to and the field data type.
c. Choose Next.
9. On the Review and create page, check that the information you have entered is correct
and then select Add data source. You can also choose to edit your information from this
page. Your data source will appear on the Data sources page after the data source has been
added successfully.
To connect Amazon Kendra to a database
You must specify the following the DatabaseConfiguration API:
ColumnConfiguration—Information about where the index should get the document
information from the database. For more details, see ColumnConfiguration. You
must specify the DocumentDataColumnName (document body or main text) and
DocumentIdColumnName, and ChangeDetectingColumn (for example, last updated
column) fields. The column mapped to the DocumentIdColumnName field must be an
integer column. The following example shows a simple column configuration for a database
data source:
"ColumnConfiguration": {
"ChangeDetectingColumns": [
"DocumentDataColumnName": "TextColumn",
"DocumentIdColumnName": "IdentifierColumn",
"DocoumentTitleColumnName": "TitleColumn",
"FieldMappings": [
"DataSourceFieldName": "AbstractColumn",
"IndexFieldName": "Abstract"
Amazon RDS/Aurora 635
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
ConnectionConfiguration—Configuration information that's required to connect to a
database. For more details, see ConnectionConfiguration.
DatabaseEngineType—The type of database engine that runs the database. The
DatabaseHost field for ConnectionConfiguration must be the Amazon Relational
Database Service (Amazon RDS) instance endpoint for the database. Don't use the cluster
Secret Amazon Resource Name (ARN)—Provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of
an Secrets Manager secret that contains the authentication credentials for your database
account. The secret is stored in a JSON structure with the following keys:
"username": "user name",
"password": "password"
The following example shows a database configuration, including the secret ARN.
"DatabaseConfiguration": {
"ConnectionConfiguration": {
"DatabaseHost": "host.subdomain.domain.tld",
"DatabaseName": "DocumentDatabase",
"DatabasePort": 3306,
"SecretArn": "arn:aws:secretmanager:region:account ID:secret/secret name",
"TableName": "DocumentTable"
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret.
Provide only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend
that you re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions
1.0 and 2.0 (where applicable).
Amazon RDS/Aurora 636
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
IAM role—Specify RoleArn when you call CreateDataSource to provide an IAM role with
permissions to access your Secrets Manager secret and to call the required public APIs for the
database connector and Amazon Kendra. For more information, see IAM roles for database
data sources.
You can also add the following optional features:
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—Specify VpcConfiguration as part of the data source
configuration. See Configuring Amazon Kendra to use a VPC.
You must only use a private subnet. If your RDS instance is in a public subnet in your
VPC, you can create a private subnet that has outbound access to a NAT gateway in
the public subnet. The subnets provided in the VPC configuration must be in either US
West (Oregon), US East (N. Virginia), EU (Ireland).
Field mappings—Choose to map your database data source fields to your Amazon Kendra
index fields. For more information, see Mapping data source fields.
The document body field or the document body equivalent for your documents
is required in order for Amazon Kendra to search your documents. You must
map your document body field name in your data source to the index field name
_document_body. All other fields are optional.
User context filtering and access control—Amazon Kendra crawls the access control list
(ACL) for your documents, if you have an ACL for your documents. The ACL information is
used to filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server)
SQL Server is database management system developed by Microsoft. Amazon RDS for SQL Server
makes it easy to set up, operate, and scale SQL Server deployments in the cloud. If you are a
Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server) user, you can use Amazon Kendra to index your Amazon RDS
Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server) 637
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
(Microsoft SQL Server) data source. The Amazon Kendra JDBC data source connector supports
Microsoft SQL Server 2019.
You can connect Amazon Kendra to your Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server) data source using the
Amazon Kendra console and the TemplateConfiguration API.
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server) data source
connector, see Troubleshooting data sources.
Supported features
Connection instructions
Supported features
Field mappings
User context filtering
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Full and incremental content syncs
Virtual private cloud (VPC)
Before you can use Amazon Kendra to index your Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server) data source,
make these changes in your Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server) and AWS accounts.
In Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server), make sure you have:
Noted your database user name and password.
As a best practice, provide Amazon Kendra with read-only database credentials.
Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server) 638
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Copied your database host url, port, and instance.
Checked each document is unique in Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server) and across other data
sources you plan to use for the same index. Each data source that you want to use for an index
must not contain the same document across the data sources. Document IDs are global to an
index and must be unique per index.
In your AWS account, make sure you have:
Created an Amazon Kendra index and, if using the API, noted the index ID.
Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.
If you change your authentication type and credentials, you must update your IAM role to
access the correct AWS Secrets Manager secret ID.
Stored your Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server) authentication credentials in an AWS Secrets
Manager secret and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the secret.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
If you don’t have an existing IAM role or secret, you can use the console to create a new IAM role
and Secrets Manager secret when you connect your Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server) data
source to Amazon Kendra. If you are using the API, you must provide the ARN of an existing IAM
role and Secrets Manager secret, and an index ID.
Connection instructions
To connect Amazon Kendra to your Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server) data source you must
provide details of your Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server) credentials so that Amazon Kendra can
access your data. If you have not yet configured Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server) for Amazon
Kendra see Prerequisites.
Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server) 639
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
To connect Amazon Kendra to Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server)
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console.
2. From the left navigation pane, choose Indexes and then choose the index you want to use
from the list of indexes.
You can choose to configure or edit your User access control settings under Index
3. On the Getting started page, choose Add data source.
4. On the Add data source page, choose Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server) connector,
and then choose Add connector. If using version 2 (if applicable), choose Amazon RDS
(Microsoft SQL Server) connector with the "V2.0" tag.
5. On the Specify data source details page, enter the following information:
a. In Name and description, for Data source name—Enter a name for your data source.
You can include hyphens but not spaces.
b. (Optional) Description—Enter an optional description for your data source.
c. In Default language—Choose a language to filter your documents for the index.
Unless you specify otherwise, the language defaults to English. Language specified in
the document metadata overrides the selected language.
d. In Tags, for Add new tag—Include optional tags to search and filter your resources or
track your AWS costs.
e. Choose Next.
6. On the Define access and security page, enter the following information:
a. In Source, enter the following information:
b. Host— Enter the database host name.
c. Port— Enter the database port.
d. Instance— Enter the database instance.
e. Enable SSL certificate location—Choose to enter the Amazon S3 path to your SSL
certificate file.
Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server) 640
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
f. In Authentication—enter the following information:
AWS Secrets Manager secret—Choose an existing secret or create a new Secrets
Manager secret to store your Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server) authentication
credentials. If you choose to create a new secret an AWS Secrets Manager secret
window opens.
A. Enter following information in the Create an AWS Secrets Manager secret
I. Secret name—A name for your secret. The prefix ‘AmazonKendra-
Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server)-’ is automatically added to your
secret name.
II. For Database user name, and Password—Enter the authentication
credential values you copied from your database.
B. Choose Save.
g. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—You can choose to use a VPC. If so, you must add
Subnets and VPC security groups.
h. IAM role—Choose an existing IAM role or create a new IAM role to access your
repository credentials and index content.
IAM roles used for indexes cannot be used for data sources. If you are unsure if
an existing role is used for an index or FAQ, choose Create a new role to avoid
i. Choose Next.
7. On the Configure sync settings page, enter the following information:
a. In Sync scope, choose from the following options :
SQL query—Enter SQL query statements like SELECT and JOIN operations. SQL
queries must be less than 32KB. Amazon Kendra will crawl all database content that
matches your query.
Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server) 641
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
If a table name includes special characters (non alphanumeric) in the name,
you must use square brackets around the table name. For example, select
* from [my-database-table]
Primary key column—Provide the primary key for the database table. This identifies
a table within your database.
Title column—Provide the name of the document title column within your database
Body column—Provide the name of the document body column within your
database table.
b. In Additional configuration – optional, choose from the following options to sync
specific content instead of syncing all files:
Change-detecting columns—Enter the names of the columns that Amazon Kendra
will use to detect content changes. Amazon Kendra will re-index content when there
is a change in any of these columns.
User IDs column—Enter the name of the column which contains User IDs to be
allowed access to content.
Groups column—Enter the name of the column that contains groups to be allowed
access to content.
Source URLs column—Enter the name of the column which contains Source URLs to
be indexed.
Time stamps column—Enter the name of the column which contains time stamps.
Amazon Kendra uses time stamp information to detect changes in your content and
sync only changed content.
Time zones column—Enter the name of the column which contains time zones for
the content to be crawled.
Time stamps format—Enter the name of the column which contains time stamp
formats to use to detect content changes and re-sync your content.
c. Sync mode—Choose how you want to update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first
time, all content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your
Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server) 642
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
data if your initial sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode
Full sync: Freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time your data
source syncs with your index.
New, modified sync: Index only new and modified content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source's mechanism
for tracking content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
New, modified, deleted sync: Index only new, modified, and deleted content each
time your data source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data
source's mechanism for tracking content changes and index content that changed
since the last sync.
d. In Sync run schedule, for Frequency—How often Amazon Kendra will sync with your
data source.
e. Choose Next.
8. On the Set field mappings page, enter the following information:
a. Select from the generated default data source fields—Document IDs, Document titles,
and Source URLs—you want to map to Amazon Kendra index.
b. Add field—To add custom data source fields to create an index field name to map to
and the field data type.
c. Choose Next.
9. On the Review and create page, check that the information you have entered is correct
and then select Add data source. You can also choose to edit your information from this
page. Your data source will appear on the Data sources page after the data source has been
added successfully.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server)
You must specify the following using the TemplateConfiguration API:
Data source—Specify the data source type as JDBC when you use the TemplateConfiguration
JSON schema. Also specify the data source as TEMPLATE when you call the CreateDataSource
Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server) 643
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Database type—You must specify the database type as sqlserver.
SQL query—Specify SQL query statements like SELECT and JOIN operations. SQL queries
must be less than 32KB. Amazon Kendra will crawl all database content that matches your
If a table name includes special characters (non alphanumeric) in the name, you must
use square brackets around the table name. For example, select * from [my-
Sync mode—Specify how Amazon Kendra should update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first time, all
content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your data if your initial
sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode option. You can choose
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time
your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified, and deleted content each time your data source
syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking
content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
CHANGE_LOG to index only new and modified content each time your data source syncs
with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking content
changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
Secret Amazon Resource Name (ARN)—Provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an
Secrets Manager secret that contains the authentication credentials you created in your
Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server) account. The secret is stored in a JSON structure with the
following keys:
"user name": "database user name",
"password": "password"
Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server) 644
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret.
Provide only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend
that you re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions
1.0 and 2.0 (where applicable).
IAM role—Specify RoleArn when you call CreateDataSource to provide an IAM role with
permissions to access your Secrets Manager secret and to call the required public APIs for the
Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server) connector and Amazon Kendra. For more information,
see IAM roles for Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server) data sources.
You can also add the following optional features:
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—Specify VpcConfiguration when you call
CreateDataSource. For more information, see Configuring Amazon Kendra to use an
Amazon VPC.
Inclusion and exclusion filters—You can specify whether to include specific content using
user IDs, groups, source URLs, time stamps, and time zones.
User context filtering and access control—Amazon Kendra crawls the access control list
(ACL) for your documents, if you have an ACL for your documents. The ACL information is
used to filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
Field mappings—Choose to map your Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server) data source fields
to your Amazon Kendra index fields. For more information, see Mapping data source fields.
The document body field or the document body equivalent for your documents
is required in order for Amazon Kendra to search your documents. You must
map your document body field name in your data source to the index field name
_document_body. All other fields are optional.
For a list of other important JSON keys to configure, see Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server)
template schema.
Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server) 645
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Deleted database rows will not be tracked in when Amazon Kendra checks for updated content.
The size of field names and values in a row of your database can't exceed 400KB.
If you have a large amount of data in your database data source, and do not want Amazon
Kendra to index all your database content after the first sync, you can choose to sync only new,
modified, or deleted documents.
As a best practice, provide Amazon Kendra with read-only database credentials.
As a best practice, avoid adding tables with sensitive data or personal identifiable information
Amazon RDS (MySQL)
Amazon RDS (Amazon Relational Database Service) is a web service that makes it easier to set up,
operate, and scale a relational database in the AWS Cloud. If you are a Amazon RDS user, you can
use Amazon Kendra to index your Amazon RDS (MySQL) data source. The Amazon Kendra data
source connector supports Amazon RDS MySql 5.6, 5.7, and 8.0.
You can connect Amazon Kendra to your Amazon RDS (MySQL) data source using the Amazon
Kendra console and the TemplateConfiguration API.
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra Amazon RDS (MySQL) data source connector, see
Troubleshooting data sources.
Supported features
Connection instructions
Supported features
Field mappings
User context filtering
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Amazon RDS (MySQL) 646
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Full and incremental content syncs
Virtual private cloud (VPC)
Before you can use Amazon Kendra to index your Amazon RDS (MySQL) data source, make these
changes in your Amazon RDS (MySQL) and AWS accounts.
In Amazon RDS (MySQL), make sure you have:
Noted your database user name and password.
As a best practice, provide Amazon Kendra with read-only database credentials.
Copied your database host url, port, and instance. You can find this information on the Amazon
RDS console.
Checked each document is unique in Amazon RDS (MySQL) and across other data sources you
plan to use for the same index. Each data source that you want to use for an index must not
contain the same document across the data sources. Document IDs are global to an index and
must be unique per index.
In your AWS account, make sure you have:
Created an Amazon Kendra index and, if using the API, noted the index ID.
Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.
If you change your authentication type and credentials, you must update your IAM role to
access the correct AWS Secrets Manager secret ID.
Stored your Amazon RDS (MySQL) authentication credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager secret
and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the secret.
Amazon RDS (MySQL) 647
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
If you don’t have an existing IAM role or secret, you can use the console to create a new IAM role
and Secrets Manager secret when you connect your Amazon RDS (MySQL) data source to Amazon
Kendra. If you are using the API, you must provide the ARN of an existing IAM role and Secrets
Manager secret, and an index ID.
Connection instructions
To connect Amazon Kendra to your Amazon RDS (MySQL) data source you must provide details of
your Amazon RDS (MySQL) credentials so that Amazon Kendra can access your data. If you have
not yet configured Amazon RDS (MySQL) for Amazon Kendra see Prerequisites.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Amazon RDS (MySQL)
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console.
2. From the left navigation pane, choose Indexes and then choose the index you want to use
from the list of indexes.
You can choose to configure or edit your User access control settings under Index
3. On the Getting started page, choose Add data source.
4. On the Add data source page, choose Amazon RDS (MySQL) connector, and then choose
Add connector. If using version 2 (if applicable), choose Amazon RDS (MySQL) connector
with the "V2.0" tag.
5. On the Specify data source details page, enter the following information:
Amazon RDS (MySQL) 648
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
a. In Name and description, for Data source name—Enter a name for your data source.
You can include hyphens but not spaces.
b. (Optional) Description—Enter an optional description for your data source.
c. In Default language—Choose a language to filter your documents for the index.
Unless you specify otherwise, the language defaults to English. Language specified in
the document metadata overrides the selected language.
d. In Tags, for Add new tag—Include optional tags to search and filter your resources or
track your AWS costs.
e. Choose Next.
6. On the Define access and security page, enter the following information:
a. In Source, enter the following information:
Host – Enter the database host URL, for example: http://instance
Port – Enter the database port, for example, 5432.
Instance – Enter the database instance, for example postgres.
e. Enable SSL certificate location—Choose to enter the Amazon S3 path to your SSL
certificate file.
f. In Authentication—enter the following information:
AWS Secrets Manager secret—Choose an existing secret or create a new Secrets
Manager secret to store your Amazon RDS (MySQL) authentication credentials. If
you choose to create a new secret an AWS Secrets Manager secret window opens.
A. Enter following information in the Create an AWS Secrets Manager secret
I. Secret name—A name for your secret. The prefix ‘AmazonKendra-
Amazon RDS (MySQL)-’ is automatically added to your secret name.
II. For Database user name, and Password—Enter the authentication
credential values you copied from your database.
B. Choose Save.
g. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—You can choose to use a VPC. If so, you must add
Subnets and VPC security groups.
Amazon RDS (MySQL) 649
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
h. IAM role—Choose an existing IAM role or create a new IAM role to access your
repository credentials and index content.
IAM roles used for indexes cannot be used for data sources. If you are unsure if
an existing role is used for an index or FAQ, choose Create a new role to avoid
i. Choose Next.
7. On the Configure sync settings page, enter the following information:
a. In Sync scope, choose from the following options :
SQL query—Enter SQL query statements like SELECT and JOIN operations. SQL
queries must be less than 32KB SQL queries must be less than 32KB and not contain
any semi-colons (;). Amazon Kendra will crawl all database content that matches
your query.
Primary key column—Provide the primary key for the database table. This identifies
a table within your database.
Title column—Provide the name of the document title column within your database
Body column—Provide the name of the document body column within your
database table.
b. In Additional configuration – optional, choose from the following options to sync
specific content instead of syncing all files:
Change-detecting columns—Enter the names of the columns that Amazon Kendra
will use to detect content changes. Amazon Kendra will re-index content when there
is a change in any of these columns.
Users' IDs column—Enter the name of the column which contains User IDs to be
allowed access to content.
Groups column—Enter the name of the column that contains groups to be allowed
access to content.
Source URLs column—Enter the name of the column which contains Source URLs to
be indexed.
Amazon RDS (MySQL) 650
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Time stamps column—Enter the name of the column which contains time stamps.
Amazon Kendra uses time stamp information to detect changes in your content and
sync only changed content.
Time zones column—Enter the name of the column which contains time zones for
the content to be crawled.
Time stamps format—Enter the name of the column which contains time stamp
formats to use to detect content changes and re-sync your content.
c. Sync mode—Choose how you want to update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first
time, all content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your
data if your initial sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode
Full sync: Freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time your data
source syncs with your index.
New, modified sync: Index only new and modified content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source's mechanism
for tracking content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
New, modified, deleted sync: Index only new, modified, and deleted content each
time your data source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data
source's mechanism for tracking content changes and index content that changed
since the last sync.
d. In Sync run schedule, for Frequency—How often Amazon Kendra will sync with your
data source.
e. Choose Next.
8. On the Set field mappings page, enter the following information:
a. Select from the generated default data source fields—Document IDs, Document titles,
and Source URLs—you want to map to Amazon Kendra index.
b. Add field—To add custom data source fields to create an index field name to map to
and the field data type.
c. Choose Next.
9. On the Review and create page, check that the information you have entered is correct
and then select Add data source. You can also choose to edit your information from this
Amazon RDS (MySQL) 651
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
page. Your data source will appear on the Data sources page after the data source has been
added successfully.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Amazon RDS (MySQL)
You must specify the following using the TemplateConfiguration API:
Data source—Specify the data source type as JDBC when you use the TemplateConfiguration
JSON schema. Also specify the data source as TEMPLATE when you call the CreateDataSource
Database type—You must specify the database type as mySql.
SQL query—Specify SQL query statements like SELECT and JOIN operations. SQL queries
must be less than 32KB. Amazon Kendra will crawl all database content that matches your
Sync mode—Specify how Amazon Kendra should update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first time, all
content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your data if your initial
sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode option. You can choose
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time
your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified, and deleted content each time your data source
syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking
content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
CHANGE_LOG to index only new and modified content each time your data source syncs
with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking content
changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
Secret Amazon Resource Name (ARN)—Provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an
Secrets Manager secret that contains the authentication credentials you created in your
Amazon RDS (MySQL) account. The secret is stored in a JSON structure with the following
"user name": "database user name",
Amazon RDS (MySQL) 652
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"password": "password"
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret.
Provide only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend
that you re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions
1.0 and 2.0 (where applicable).
IAM role—Specify RoleArn when you call CreateDataSource to provide an IAM role with
permissions to access your Secrets Manager secret and to call the required public APIs for the
Amazon RDS (MySQL) connector and Amazon Kendra. For more information, see IAM roles for
Amazon RDS (MySQL) data sources.
You can also add the following optional features:
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—Specify VpcConfiguration when you call
CreateDataSource. For more information, see Configuring Amazon Kendra to use an
Amazon VPC.
Inclusion and exclusion filters—You can specify whether to include specific content using
user IDs, groups, source URLs, time stamps, and time zones.
Field mappings—Choose to map your Amazon RDS (MySQL) data source fields to your
Amazon Kendra index fields. For more information, see Mapping data source fields.
The document body field or the document body equivalent for your documents
is required in order for Amazon Kendra to search your documents. You must
map your document body field name in your data source to the index field name
_document_body. All other fields are optional.
User context filtering and access control—Amazon Kendra crawls the access control list
(ACL) for your documents, if you have an ACL for your documents. The ACL information is
used to filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
Amazon RDS (MySQL) 653
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
For a list of other important JSON keys to configure, see Amazon RDS (MySQL) template
Deleted database rows will not be tracked in when Amazon Kendra checks for updated content.
The size of field names and values in a row of your database can't exceed 400KB.
If you have a large amount of data in your database data source, and do not want Amazon
Kendra to index all your database content after the first sync, you can choose to sync only new,
modified, or deleted documents.
As a best practice, provide Amazon Kendra with read-only database credentials.
As a best practice, avoid adding tables with sensitive data or personal identifiable information
Amazon RDS (Oracle)
Amazon RDS (Amazon Relational Database Service) is a web service that makes it easier to set up,
operate, and scale a relational database in the AWS Cloud. If you are a Amazon RDS (Oracle) user,
you can use Amazon Kendra to index your Amazon RDS (Oracle) data source. The Amazon Kendra
Amazon RDS (Oracle) data source connector supports Amazon RDS Oracle Database 21c, Oracle
Database 19c, Oracle Database 12c.
You can connect Amazon Kendra to your Amazon RDS (Oracle) data source using the Amazon
Kendra console and the TemplateConfiguration API.
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra Amazon RDS (Oracle) data source connector, see
Troubleshooting data sources.
Supported features
Connection instructions
Amazon RDS (Oracle) 654
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Supported features
Field mappings
User context filtering
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Full and incremental content syncs
Virtual private cloud (VPC)
Before you can use Amazon Kendra to index your Amazon RDS (Oracle) data source, make these
changes in your Amazon RDS (Oracle) and AWS accounts.
In Amazon RDS (Oracle), make sure you have:
Noted your database user name and password.
As a best practice, provide Amazon Kendra with read-only database credentials.
Copied your database host url, port, and instance.
Checked each document is unique in Amazon RDS (Oracle) and across other data sources you
plan to use for the same index. Each data source that you want to use for an index must not
contain the same document across the data sources. Document IDs are global to an index and
must be unique per index.
In your AWS account, make sure you have:
Created an Amazon Kendra index and, if using the API, noted the index ID.
Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.
If you change your authentication type and credentials, you must update your IAM role to
access the correct AWS Secrets Manager secret ID.
Amazon RDS (Oracle) 655
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Stored your Amazon RDS (Oracle) authentication credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager secret
and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the secret.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
If you don’t have an existing IAM role or secret, you can use the console to create a new IAM role
and Secrets Manager secret when you connect your Amazon RDS (Oracle) data source to Amazon
Kendra. If you are using the API, you must provide the ARN of an existing IAM role and Secrets
Manager secret, and an index ID.
Connection instructions
To connect Amazon Kendra to your Amazon RDS (Oracle) data source you must provide details of
your Amazon RDS (Oracle) credentials so that Amazon Kendra can access your data. If you have not
yet configured Amazon RDS (Oracle) for Amazon Kendra see Prerequisites.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Amazon RDS (Oracle)
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console.
2. From the left navigation pane, choose Indexes and then choose the index you want to use
from the list of indexes.
You can choose to configure or edit your User access control settings under Index
3. On the Getting started page, choose Add data source.
4. On the Add data source page, choose Amazon RDS (Oracle) connector, and then choose
Add connector. If using version 2 (if applicable), choose Amazon RDS (Oracle) connector
with the "V2.0" tag.
Amazon RDS (Oracle) 656
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
5. On the Specify data source details page, enter the following information:
a. In Name and description, for Data source name—Enter a name for your data source.
You can include hyphens but not spaces.
b. (Optional) Description—Enter an optional description for your data source.
c. In Default language—Choose a language to filter your documents for the index.
Unless you specify otherwise, the language defaults to English. Language specified in
the document metadata overrides the selected language.
d. In Tags, for Add new tag—Include optional tags to search and filter your resources or
track your AWS costs.
e. Choose Next.
6. On the Define access and security page, enter the following information:
a. In Source, enter the following information:
b. Host— Enter the database host name.
c. Port— Enter the database port.
d. Instance— Enter the database instance.
e. Enable SSL certificate location—Choose to enter the Amazon S3 path to your SSL
certificate file.
f. In Authentication—enter the following information:
AWS Secrets Manager secret—Choose an existing secret or create a new Secrets
Manager secret to store your Amazon RDS (Oracle) authentication credentials. If
you choose to create a new secret an AWS Secrets Manager secret window opens.
A. Enter following information in the Create an AWS Secrets Manager secret
I. Secret name—A name for your secret. The prefix ‘AmazonKendra-
Amazon RDS (Oracle)-’ is automatically added to your secret name.
II. For Database user name, and Password—Enter the authentication
credential values you copied from your database.
B. Choose Save.
g. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—You can choose to use a VPC. If so, you must add
Subnets and VPC security groups.
Amazon RDS (Oracle) 657
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
h. IAM role—Choose an existing IAM role or create a new IAM role to access your
repository credentials and index content.
IAM roles used for indexes cannot be used for data sources. If you are unsure if
an existing role is used for an index or FAQ, choose Create a new role to avoid
i. Choose Next.
7. On the Configure sync settings page, enter the following information:
a. In Sync scope, choose from the following options :
SQL query—Enter SQL query statements like SELECT and JOIN operations. SQL
queries must be less than 32KB. Amazon Kendra will crawl all database content that
matches your query.
Primary key column—Provide the primary key for the database table. This identifies
a table within your database.
Title column—Provide the name of the document title column within your database
Body column—Provide the name of the document body column within your
database table.
b. In Additional configuration – optional, choose from the following options to sync
specific content instead of syncing all files:
Change-detecting columns—Enter the names of the columns that Amazon Kendra
will use to detect content changes. Amazon Kendra will re-index content when there
is a change in any of these columns.
Users' IDs column—Enter the name of the column which contains User IDs to be
allowed access to content.
Groups column—Enter the name of the column that contains groups to be allowed
access to content.
Source URLs column—Enter the name of the column which contains Source URLs to
be indexed.
Amazon RDS (Oracle) 658
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Time stamps column—Enter the name of the column which contains time stamps.
Amazon Kendra uses time stamp information to detect changes in your content and
sync only changed content.
Time zones column—Enter the name of the column which contains time zones for
the content to be crawled.
Time stamps format—Enter the name of the column which contains time stamp
formats to use to detect content changes and re-sync your content.
c. Sync mode—Choose how you want to update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first
time, all content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your
data if your initial sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode
Full sync: Freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time your data
source syncs with your index.
New, modified sync: Index only new and modified content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source's mechanism
for tracking content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
New, modified, deleted sync: Index only new, modified, and deleted content each
time your data source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data
source's mechanism for tracking content changes and index content that changed
since the last sync.
d. In Sync run schedule, for Frequency—How often Amazon Kendra will sync with your
data source.
e. Choose Next.
8. On the Set field mappings page, enter the following information:
a. Select from the generated default data source fields—Document IDs, Document titles,
and Source URLs—you want to map to Amazon Kendra index.
b. Add field—To add custom data source fields to create an index field name to map to
and the field data type.
c. Choose Next.
9. On the Review and create page, check that the information you have entered is correct
and then select Add data source. You can also choose to edit your information from this
Amazon RDS (Oracle) 659
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
page. Your data source will appear on the Data sources page after the data source has been
added successfully.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Amazon RDS (Oracle)
You must specify the following using the TemplateConfiguration API:
Data source—Specify the data source type as JDBC when you use the TemplateConfiguration
JSON schema. Also specify the data source as TEMPLATE when you call the CreateDataSource
Database type—You must specify the database type as oracle.
SQL query—Specify SQL query statements like SELECT and JOIN operations. SQL queries
must be less than 32KB. Amazon Kendra will crawl all database content that matches your
Sync mode—Specify how Amazon Kendra should update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first time, all
content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your data if your initial
sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode option. You can choose
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time
your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified, and deleted content each time your data source
syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking
content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
CHANGE_LOG to index only new and modified content each time your data source syncs
with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking content
changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
Secret Amazon Resource Name (ARN)—Provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an
Secrets Manager secret that contains the authentication credentials you created in your
Amazon RDS (Oracle) account. The secret is stored in a JSON structure with the following
"user name": "database user name",
Amazon RDS (Oracle) 660
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"password": "password"
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret.
Provide only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend
that you re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions
1.0 and 2.0 (where applicable).
IAM role—Specify RoleArn when you call CreateDataSource to provide an IAM role with
permissions to access your Secrets Manager secret and to call the required public APIs for the
Amazon RDS (Oracle) connector and Amazon Kendra. For more information, see IAM roles for
Amazon RDS (Oracle) data sources.
You can also add the following optional features:
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—Specify VpcConfiguration when you call
CreateDataSource. For more information, see Configuring Amazon Kendra to use an
Amazon VPC.
Inclusion and exclusion filters—You can specify whether to include specific content using
user IDs, groups, source URLs, time stamps, and time zones.
User context filtering and access control—Amazon Kendra crawls the access control list
(ACL) for your documents, if you have an ACL for your documents. The ACL information is
used to filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
Field mappings—Choose to map your Amazon RDS (Oracle) data source fields to your
Amazon Kendra index fields. For more information, see Mapping data source fields.
The document body field or the document body equivalent for your documents
is required in order for Amazon Kendra to search your documents. You must
map your document body field name in your data source to the index field name
_document_body. All other fields are optional.
Amazon RDS (Oracle) 661
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
For a list of other important JSON keys to configure, see Amazon RDS (Oracle) template
Deleted database rows will not be tracked in when Amazon Kendra checks for updated content.
The size of field names and values in a row of your database can't exceed 400KB.
If you have a large amount of data in your database data source, and do not want Amazon
Kendra to index all your database content after the first sync, you can choose to sync only new,
modified, or deleted documents.
As a best practice, provide Amazon Kendra with read-only database credentials.
As a best practice, avoid adding tables with sensitive data or personal identifiable information
Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL)
Amazon RDS is a web service that makes it easier to set up, operate, and scale a relational database
in the AWS Cloud. If you are a Amazon RDS user, you can use Amazon Kendra to index your
Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL) data source. The Amazon Kendra Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL) data source
connector supports PostgreSQL 9.6.
You can connect Amazon Kendra to your Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL) data source using the Amazon
Kendra console and the TemplateConfiguration API.
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL) data source connector, see
Troubleshooting data sources.
Supported features
Connection instructions
Supported features
Field mappings
Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL) 662
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
User context filtering
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Full and incremental content syncs
Virtual private cloud (VPC)
Before you can use Amazon Kendra to index your Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL) data source, make
these changes in your Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL) and AWS accounts.
In Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL), make sure you have:
Noted your database user name and password.
As a best practice, provide Amazon Kendra with read-only database credentials.
Copied your database host url, port, and instance. You can find this information on the Amazon
RDS console.
Checked each document is unique in Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL) and across other data sources
you plan to use for the same index. Each data source that you want to use for an index must not
contain the same document across the data sources. Document IDs are global to an index and
must be unique per index.
In your AWS account, make sure you have:
Created an Amazon Kendra index and, if using the API, noted the index ID.
Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.
If you change your authentication type and credentials, you must update your IAM role to
access the correct AWS Secrets Manager secret ID.
Stored your Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL) authentication credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager
secret and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the secret.
Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL) 663
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
If you don’t have an existing IAM role or secret, you can use the console to create a new IAM role
and Secrets Manager secret when you connect your Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL) data source to
Amazon Kendra. If you are using the API, you must provide the ARN of an existing IAM role and
Secrets Manager secret, and an index ID.
Connection instructions
To connect Amazon Kendra to your Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL) data source you must provide
details of your Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL) credentials so that Amazon Kendra can access your data.
If you have not yet configured Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL) for Amazon Kendra see Prerequisites.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL)
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console.
2. From the left navigation pane, choose Indexes and then choose the index you want to use
from the list of indexes.
You can choose to configure or edit your User access control settings under Index
3. On the Getting started page, choose Add data source.
4. On the Add data source page, choose Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL) connector, and then
choose Add connector. If using version 2 (if applicable), choose Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL)
connector with the "V2.0" tag.
5. On the Specify data source details page, enter the following information:
Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL) 664
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
a. In Name and description, for Data source name—Enter a name for your data source.
You can include hyphens but not spaces.
b. (Optional) Description—Enter an optional description for your data source.
c. In Default language—Choose a language to filter your documents for the index.
Unless you specify otherwise, the language defaults to English. Language specified in
the document metadata overrides the selected language.
d. In Tags, for Add new tag—Include optional tags to search and filter your resources or
track your AWS costs.
e. Choose Next.
6. On the Define access and security page, enter the following information:
a. In Source, enter the following information:
Host – Enter the database host URL, for example: http://instance
Port – Enter the database port, for example, 5432.
Instance – Enter the database instance, for example postgres.
e. Enable SSL certificate location—Choose to enter the Amazon S3 path to your SSL
certificate file.
f. In Authentication—enter the following information:
AWS Secrets Manager secret—Choose an existing secret or create a new
Secrets Manager secret to store your Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL) authentication
credentials. If you choose to create a new secret an AWS Secrets Manager secret
window opens.
A. Enter following information in the Create an AWS Secrets Manager secret
I. Secret name—A name for your secret. The prefix ‘AmazonKendra-
Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL)-’ is automatically added to your secret name.
II. For Database user name, and Password—Enter the authentication
credential values you copied from your database.
B. Choose Save.
Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL) 665
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
g. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—You can choose to use a VPC. If so, you must add
Subnets and VPC security groups.
h. IAM role—Choose an existing IAM role or create a new IAM role to access your
repository credentials and index content.
IAM roles used for indexes cannot be used for data sources. If you are unsure if
an existing role is used for an index or FAQ, choose Create a new role to avoid
i. Choose Next.
7. On the Configure sync settings page, enter the following information:
a. In Sync scope, choose from the following options :
SQL query—Enter SQL query statements like SELECT and JOIN operations. SQL
queries must be less than 32KB SQL queries must be less than 32KB and not contain
any semi-colons (;). Amazon Kendra will crawl all database content that matches
your query.
Primary key column—Provide the primary key for the database table. This identifies
a table within your database.
Title column—Provide the name of the document title column within your database
Body column—Provide the name of the document body column within your
database table.
b. In Additional configuration – optional, choose from the following options to sync
specific content instead of syncing all files:
Change-detecting columns—Enter the names of the columns that Amazon Kendra
will use to detect content changes. Amazon Kendra will re-index content when there
is a change in any of these columns.
Users' IDs column—Enter the name of the column which contains User IDs to be
allowed access to content.
Groups column—Enter the name of the column that contains groups to be allowed
access to content.
Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL) 666
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Source URLs column—Enter the name of the column which contains Source URLs to
be indexed.
Time stamps column—Enter the name of the column which contains time stamps.
Amazon Kendra uses time stamp information to detect changes in your content and
sync only changed content.
Time zones column—Enter the name of the column which contains time zones for
the content to be crawled.
Time stamps format—Enter the name of the column which contains time stamp
formats to use to detect content changes and re-sync your content.
c. Sync mode—Choose how you want to update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first
time, all content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your
data if your initial sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode
Full sync: Freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time your data
source syncs with your index.
New, modified sync: Index only new and modified content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source's mechanism
for tracking content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
New, modified, deleted sync: Index only new, modified, and deleted content each
time your data source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data
source's mechanism for tracking content changes and index content that changed
since the last sync.
d. In Sync run schedule, for Frequency—How often Amazon Kendra will sync with your
data source.
e. Choose Next.
8. On the Set field mappings page, enter the following information:
a. Select from the generated default data source fields—Document IDs, Document titles,
and Source URLs—you want to map to Amazon Kendra index.
b. Add field—To add custom data source fields to create an index field name to map to
and the field data type.
c. Choose Next.
Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL) 667
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
9. On the Review and create page, check that the information you have entered is correct
and then select Add data source. You can also choose to edit your information from this
page. Your data source will appear on the Data sources page after the data source has been
added successfully.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL)
You must specify the following using the TemplateConfiguration API:
Data source—Specify the data source type as JDBC when you use the TemplateConfiguration
JSON schema. Also specify the data source as TEMPLATE when you call the CreateDataSource
Database type—You must specify the database type as postgresql.
SQL query—Specify SQL query statements like SELECT and JOIN operations. SQL queries
must be less than 32KB. Amazon Kendra will crawl all database content that matches your
Sync mode—Specify how Amazon Kendra should update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first time, all
content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your data if your initial
sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode option. You can choose
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time
your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified, and deleted content each time your data source
syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking
content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
CHANGE_LOG to index only new and modified content each time your data source syncs
with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking content
changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
Secret Amazon Resource Name (ARN)—Provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of
an Secrets Manager secret that contains the authentication credentials you created in
your Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL) account. The secret is stored in a JSON structure with the
following keys:
Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL) 668
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"user name": "database user name",
"password": "password"
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret.
Provide only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend
that you re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions
1.0 and 2.0 (where applicable).
IAM role—Specify RoleArn when you call CreateDataSource to provide an IAM role with
permissions to access your Secrets Manager secret and to call the required public APIs for the
Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL) connector and Amazon Kendra. For more information, see IAM
roles for Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL) data sources.
You can also add the following optional features:
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—Specify VpcConfiguration when you call
CreateDataSource. For more information, see Configuring Amazon Kendra to use an
Amazon VPC.
Inclusion and exclusion filters—You can specify whether to include specific content using
user IDs, groups, source URLs, time stamps, and time zones.
User context filtering and access control—Amazon Kendra crawls the access control list
(ACL) for your documents, if you have an ACL for your documents. The ACL information is
used to filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
Field mappings—Choose to map your Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL) data source fields to your
Amazon Kendra index fields. For more information, see Mapping data source fields.
The document body field or the document body equivalent for your documents
is required in order for Amazon Kendra to search your documents. You must
Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL) 669
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
map your document body field name in your data source to the index field name
_document_body. All other fields are optional.
For a list of other important JSON keys to configure, see Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL) template
Deleted database rows will not be tracked in when Amazon Kendra checks for updated content.
The size of field names and values in a row of your database can't exceed 400KB.
If you have a large amount of data in your database data source, and do not want Amazon
Kendra to index all your database content after the first sync, you can choose to sync only new,
modified, or deleted documents.
As a best practice, provide Amazon Kendra with read-only database credentials.
As a best practice, avoid adding tables with sensitive data or personal identifiable information
Amazon S3
Amazon S3 is an object storage service that stores data as objects within buckets. You can use
Amazon Kendra to index your Amazon S3 bucket repository of documents.
Amazon Kendra doesn't use a bucket policy that grants permissions to an Amazon Kendra
principal to interact with an S3 bucket. Instead, it uses IAM roles. Make sure that Amazon
Kendra isn't included as a trusted member in your bucket policy to avoid any data security
issues in accidentally granting permissions to arbitrary principals. However, you can add a
bucket policy to use an Amazon S3 bucket across different accounts. For more information,
see Policies to use Amazon S3 across accounts (within the S3 IAM roles tab, under IAM
roles for data sources). For information about IAM roles for S3 data sources, see IAM roles.
Amazon S3 670
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Amazon Kendra now supports an upgraded Amazon S3 connector.
The console has been automatically upgraded for you. Any new connectors you create in
the console will use the upgraded architecture. If you use the API, you must now use the
TemplateConfiguration object instead of the S3DataSourceConfiguration object to
configure your connector.
Connectors configured using the older console and API architecture will continue to
function as configured. However, you won’t be able to edit or update them. If you want to
edit or update your connector configuration, you must create a new connector.
We recommended migrating your connector workflow to the upgraded version. Support for
connectors configured using the older architecture is scheduled to end by June 2024.
You can connect to your Amazon S3 data source using the the Amazon Kendra console or the
TemplateConfiguration API.
To generate a sync status report for your Amazon S3 data source, see Troubleshooting data
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra S3 data source connector, see Troubleshooting data
Supported features
Connection instructions
Creating an Amazon S3 data source
Amazon S3 document metadata
Access control for Amazon S3 data sources
Using Amazon VPC with an Amazon S3 data source
Amazon S3 671
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Supported features
Field mappings
User access control
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Full and incremental content syncs
Virtual private cloud (VPC)
Before you can use Amazon Kendra to index your S3 data source, make these changes in your S3
and AWS accounts.
In S3, make sure you have:
Copied the name of your Amazon S3 bucket.
Your bucket must be in the same region as your Amazon Kendra index and your index
must have permission to access the bucket that contains your documents.
Checked each document is unique in S3 and across other data sources you plan to use for the
same index. Each data source that you want to use for an index must not contain the same
document across the data sources. Document IDs are global to an index and must be unique per
In your AWS account, make sure you have:
Created an Amazon Kendra index and, if using the API, noted the index ID.
Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.
If you don’t have an existing IAM role, you can use the console to create a new IAM role when you
connect your S3 data source to Amazon Kendra. If you are using the API, you must provide the ARN
of an existing IAM role and an index ID.
Amazon S3 672
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Connection instructions
To connect Amazon Kendra to your S3 data source, you must provide the necessary details of your
S3 data source so that Amazon Kendra can access your data. If you have not yet configured S3 for
Amazon Kendra, see Prerequisites.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Amazon S3
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console.
2. From the left navigation pane, choose Indexes and then choose the index you want to use
from the list of indexes.
You can choose to configure or edit your User access control settings under Index
3. On the Getting started page, choose Add data source.
4. On the Add data source page, choose S3 connector, and then choose Add connector. If
using version 2 (if applicable), choose S3 connector with the "V2.0" tag.
5. On the Specify data source details page, enter the following information:
a. In Name and description, for Data source name—Enter a name for your data source.
You can include hyphens but not spaces.
b. (Optional) Description—Enter an optional description for your data source.
c. In Default language—Choose a language to filter your documents for the index.
Unless you specify otherwise, the language defaults to English. Language specified in
the document metadata overrides the selected language.
d. In Tags, for Add new tag—Include optional tags to search and filter your resources or
track your AWS costs.
e. Choose Next.
6. On the Define access and security page, enter the following optional information:
a. IAM role—Choose an existing IAM role or create a new IAM role to access your
repository credentials and index content.
Amazon S3 673
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
IAM roles used for indexes cannot be used for data sources. If you are unsure if
an existing role is used for an index or FAQ, choose Create a new role to avoid
b. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—You can choose to use a VPC. If so, you must add
Subnets and VPC security groups.
c. Choose Next.
7. On the Configure sync settings page, enter the following information:
a. For Data source location—Specify the path to the Amazon S3 bucket where your data
is stored. Select Browse S3 to choose your S3 bucket.
b. For Maximum file size—Specify a limit in MB to only crawl files under this limit. The
maximum file size Amazon Kendra can allow is 50 MB.
c. For (Optional) Metadata files prefix folder location—Specify the path to the folder in
which your fields/attributes and other document metadata is stored. Select Browse S3
to locate your metadata folder.
d. For (Optional) Access control list configuration file location—Specify the path to the
file that contains a JSON structure of your users and their access to documents. Select
Browse S3 to locate your ACL file.
e. (Optional) Select decryption key—Select to use a decryption key. You can choose to
use an existing AWS KMS key.
f. For (Optional) Additional configuration—Add patterns to include or exclude certain
files. All paths are relative to the data source location S3 bucket.
g. Sync mode—Choose how you want to update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first
time, all content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your
data if your initial sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode
Full sync: Freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time your data
source syncs with your index.
New, modified, deleted sync: Index only new, modified, and deleted content each
time your data source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data
Amazon S3 674
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
source's mechanism for tracking content changes and index content that changed
since the last sync.
h. In Sync run schedule, for Frequency—Choose how often to sync your data source
content and update your index.
i. Choose Next.
8. On the Set field mappings page, enter the following optional information:
a. Default field mappings—Select from the Amazon Kendra generated default data
source fields you want to map to your index.
b. Add field—Choose to add custom data source fields to create an index field name to
map to and the field data type.
c. Choose Next.
9. On the Review and create page, check that the information you have entered is correct
and then select Add data source. You can also choose to edit your information from this
page. Your data source will appear on the Data sources page after the data source has been
added successfully.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Amazon S3
You must specify a JSON of the data source schema using the TemplateConfiguration API. You
must provide the following information:
Data source—Specify the data source type as S3 when you use the TemplateConfiguration
JSON schema. Also specify the data source as TEMPLATE when you call the CreateDataSource
BucketName—The name of the bucket that contains the documents.
Sync mode—Specify how Amazon Kendra should update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first time, all
content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your data if your initial
sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode option. You can choose
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time
your data source syncs with your index.
Amazon S3 675
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified, and deleted content each time your data source
syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking
content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
IAM role—Specify RoleArn when you call CreateDataSource to provide an IAM role with
permissions to access your Secrets Manager secret and to call the required public APIs for the
S3 connector and Amazon Kendra. For more information, see IAM roles for S3 data sources.
You can also add the following optional features:
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—Specify VpcConfiguration when you call
CreateDataSource. For more information, see Configuring Amazon Kendra to use an
Amazon VPC.
Inclusion and exclusion filters—Specify whether to include or exclude certain file names,
file types, file paths. You use glob patterns (patterns that can expand a wildcard pattern into
a list of path names that match the given pattern). For examples, see Use of Exclude and
Include Filters in the AWS CLI Command Reference.
Document metadata and access control configuration—Add document metadata and access
control files that contain information such as the source URI, document author, or custom
document attributes/fields, and your users and which documents they can access. Each
metadata file contains metadata about a single document.
Field mappings—Choose to map your S3 data source fields to your Amazon Kendra index
fields. For more information, see Mapping data source fields.
The document body field or the document body equivalent for your documents
is required in order for Amazon Kendra to search your documents. You must
map your document body field name in your data source to the index field name
_document_body. All other fields are optional.
For a list of other important JSON keys to configure, see S3 template schema.
Learn more
To learn more about integrating Amazon Kendra with your S3 data source, see:
Amazon S3 676
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Search for answers accurately using Amazon Kendra S3 Connector with VPC support
Creating an Amazon S3 data source
The following examples demonstrate creating an Amazon S3 data source. The examples assume
that you have already created an index and an IAM role with permission to read the data from the
index. For more information about the IAM role, see IAM access roles. For more information about
creating an index, see Creating an index.
aws kendra create-data-source \
--index-id index ID \
--name example-data-source \
--type S3 \
--configuration '{"S3Configuration":{"BucketName":"bucket name"}}'
--role-arn 'arn:aws:iam::account id:role:/role name
The following snippet of Python code creates an Amazon S3 data source. For the complete
example, see Getting started (AWS SDK for Python (Boto3)).
print("Create an Amazon S3 data source.")
# Provide a name for the data source
name = "getting-started-data-source"
# Provide an optional description for the data source
description = "Getting started data source."
# Provide the IAM role ARN required for data sources
role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::${accountID}:role/${roleName}"
# Provide the data soource connection information
s3_bucket_name = "S3-bucket-name"
type = "S3"
# Configure the data source
configuration = {"S3DataSourceConfiguration":
"BucketName": s3_bucket_name
Amazon S3 677
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
data_source_response = kendra.create_data_source(
Configuration = configuration,
Name = name,
Description = description,
RoleArn = role_arn,
Type = type,
IndexId = index_id
It can take some time to create your data source. You can monitor the progress by using the
DescribeDataSource API. When the data source status is ACTIVE the data source is ready to use.
The following examples demonstrate getting the status of a data source.
aws kendra describe-data-source \
--index-id index ID \
--id data source ID
The following snippet of Python code gets information about an S3 data source. For the
complete example, see Getting started (AWS SDK for Python (Boto3)).
print("Wait for Amazon Kendra to create the data source.")
while True:
data_source_description = kendra.describe_data_source(
Id = "data-source-id",
IndexId = "index-id"
status = data_source_description["Status"]
print(" Creating data source. Status: "+status)
if status != "CREATING":
This data source doesn't have a schedule, so it doesn't run automatically. To index the data source,
you call StartDataSourceSyncJob to synchronize the index with the data source.
Amazon S3 678
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
The following examples demonstrate synchronizing a data source.
aws kendra start-data-source-sync-job \
--index-id index ID \
--id data source ID
The following snippet of Python code synchronizes an Amazon S3 data source. For the
complete example, see Getting started (AWS SDK for Python (Boto3)).
print("Synchronize the data source.")
sync_response = kendra.start_data_source_sync_job(
Id = "data-source-id",
IndexId = "index-id"
Amazon S3 document metadata
You can add metadata, additional information about a document, to documents in an Amazon S3
bucket using a metadata file. Each metadata file is associated with an indexed document.
Your metadata files must be stored in the same bucket as your indexed files. You can specify a
location within the bucket for your metadata files using the console or the S3Prefix field of the
DocumentsMetadataConfiguration parameter when you create an Amazon S3 data source. If
you don't specify an Amazon S3 prefix, your metadata files must be stored in the same location as
your indexed documents.
If you specify an Amazon S3 prefix for your metadata files, they are in a directory structure
parallel to your indexed documents. Amazon Kendra looks only in the specified directory for your
metadata. If the metadata isn't read, check that the directory location matches the location of your
The following examples show how the indexed document location maps to the metadata file
location. Note that the document's Amazon S3 key is appended to the metadata's Amazon S3
prefix and then suffixed with .metadata.json to form the metadata file's Amazon S3 path. The
Amazon S3 679
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
combined Amazon S3 key, with the metadata's Amazon S3 prefix and .metadata.json suffix
must be no more than a total of 1024 characters. It is recommended that you keep your Amazon
S3 key below 1000 characters to account for addtional characters when combining your key with
the prefix and suffix.
Bucket name:
Document path:
Metadata path:
File mapping
s3://bucketName/documents/file.txt ->
Bucket name:
Document path:
Metadata path:
File mapping
s3://bucketName/documents/legal/file.txt ->
Your document metadata is defined in a JSON file. The file must be a UTF-8
text file without a BOM marker. The file name of the JSON file must be
<document>.<extension>.metadata.json. In this example, "document" is the name of the
document that the metadata applies to and "extension" is the file extension for the document. The
document ID must be unique in <document>.<extension>.metadata.json.
The content of the JSON file follows this template. All of the attributes/fields are optional, so
it's not necessary to include all attributes. You must provide a value for each attribute you want
to include; the value cannot be empty. If you don't specify the _source_uri, then the links
returned by Amazon Kendra in the search results point to the Amazon S3 bucket that contains the
document. DocumentId is mapped to the field s3_document_id and is the absolute path to the
document in S3.
"DocumentId": "S3 document ID, the S3 path to doc",
Amazon S3 680
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Attributes": {
"_category": "document category",
"_created_at": "ISO 8601 encoded string",
"_last_updated_at": "ISO 8601 encoded string",
"_source_uri": "document URI",
"_version": "file version",
"_view_count": number of times document has been viewed,
"custom attribute key": "custom attribute value",
additional custom attributes
"AccessControlList": [
"Name": "user name",
"Type": "GROUP | USER",
"Access": "ALLOW | DENY"
"Title": "document title",
"ContentType": "For example HTML | PDF. For supported content types, see Types of
The _created_at and _last_updated_at metadata fields are ISO 8601 encoded dates. For
example, 2012-03-25T12:30:10+01:00 is the ISO 8601 date-time format for March 25, 2012, at
12:30PM (plus 10 seconds) in the Central European Time time zone.
You can add additional information to the Attributes field about a document that you use to
filter queries or to group query responses. For more information, see Creating custom document
You can use the AccessControlList field to filter the response from a query. This way, only
certain users and groups have access to documents. For more information, see Filtering on user
Access control for Amazon S3 data sources
You can control access to documents in an Amazon S3 data source using a configuration file. You
specify the file in the console or as the AccessControlListConfiguration parameter when
you call the CreateDataSource or UpdateDataSource API.
The configuration file contains a JSON structure that identifies an S3 prefix and lists the access
settings for the prefix. The prefix can be a path, or it can be an individual file. If the prefix is a path,
Amazon S3 681
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
the access settings apply to all of the files in that path. There is a maximum number of S3 prefixes
in the JSON configuration file and a default maximum file size. For more information, see Quotas
for Amazon Kendra
You can specify both users and groups in the access settings. When you query the index, you
specify user and group information. For more information, see Filtering by user attribute.
The JSON structure for the configuration file must be in the following format:
"keyPrefix": "s3://BUCKETNAME/prefix1/",
"aclEntries": [
"Name": "user1",
"Type": "USER",
"Access": "ALLOW"
"Name": "group1",
"Type": "GROUP",
"Access": "DENY"
"keyPrefix": "s3://prefix2",
"aclEntries": [
"Name": "user2",
"Type": "USER",
"Access": "ALLOW"
"Name": "user1",
"Type": "USER",
"Access": "DENY"
"Name": "group1",
"Type": "GROUP",
"Access": "DENY"
Amazon S3 682
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Using Amazon VPC with an Amazon S3 data source
This topic provides a step-by-step example that shows how to connect to an Amazon S3 bucket by
using an Amazon S3 connector through Amazon VPC. The example assumes that you're starting
with an existing S3 bucket. We recommend that you upload just a few documents to your S3
bucket to test the example.
You can connect Amazon Kendra to your Amazon S3 bucket through Amazon VPC. To do so,
you must specify the Amazon VPC subnet and Amazon VPC security groups when creating your
Amazon S3 data source connector.
So that an Amazon Kendra Amazon S3 connector can access your Amazon S3 bucket, make
sure that you have assigned an Amazon S3 endpoint to your virtual private cloud (VPC).
For Amazon Kendra to sync documents from your Amazon S3 bucket through Amazon VPC, you
must complete the following steps:
Set up an Amazon S3 endpoint for Amazon VPC. For more information about how to set up an
Amazon S3 endpoint, see Gateway endpoints for Amazon S3 in the AWS PrivateLink Guide.
(Optional) Checked your Amazon S3 bucket policies to make sure that the Amazon S3 bucket is
accessible from the virtual private cloud (VPC) that you assigned to Amazon Kendra. For more
information, see Controlling access from VPC endpoints with bucket policies in the Amazon S3
User Guide
Step 1: Configure an Amazon VPC
(Optional) Step 2: Configure Amazon S3 bucket policy
Step 3: Create a test Amazon S3 data source connector
Amazon S3 683
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Step 1: Configure an Amazon VPC
Create a VPC network including a private subnet with an Amazon S3 gateway endpoint and a
security group for Amazon Kendra to use later.
To configure a VPC with a private subnet, an S3 endpoint, and a security group
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon VPC console at https://
2. Create a VPC with a private subnet and an S3 endpoint for Amazon Kendra to use:
From the navigation pane, choose Your VPCs, and then choose Create VPC.
a. For Resources to create, choose VPC and more.
For Name tag, enable Auto-generate, then enter kendra-s3-example.
c. For IPv4 / IPv6 CIDR block, keep the default values.
d. For Number of Availability Zones (AZs), choose number 1.
e. Select Customize AZs, and then select an Availability Zone from the First availability
zone list.
Amazon Kendra only supports a specific set of Availability Zones.
f. For Number of public subnets, choose number 0.
g. For Number of private subnets, choose number 1.
h. For NAT gateways, choose None.
i. For VPC endpoints, choose Amazon S3 gateway..
j. Leave the rest of the values at their default settings.
k. Select Create VPC.
Wait until the Create VPC workflow finishes. Then, choose View VPC to check the VPC you
just created.
You have now created a VPC network with a private subnet, which does not have access to the
public internet.
3. Copy your VPC endpoint ID of your Amazon S3 endpoint:
a. From the navigation pane, choose Endpoints.
Amazon S3 684
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
In the Endpoints list, find the Amazon S3 endpoint kendra-s3-example-vpce-s3 that
you just created together with your VPC.
c. Make a note of the VPC endpoint ID.
You have now created an Amazon S3 gateway endpoint to access your Amazon S3 bucket
through a subnet.
4. Create a Security Group for Amazon Kendra to use:
a. From the navigation pane, choose Security Groups, then select Create security group.
For Security group name, enter s3-data-source-security-group.
c. Choose your VPC from the Amazon VPC list.
d. Leave inbound rules and outbound rules as the default.
e. Choose Create security group.
You have now created a VPC security group.
You assign the subnet and security group that you created to your Amazon Kendra Amazon S3 data
source connector during the connector configuration process.
(Optional) Step 2: Configure Amazon S3 bucket policy
In this optional step, learn how to configure an Amazon S3 bucket policy so that your Amazon S3
bucket is only accessible from the VPC that you assign to Amazon Kendra.
Amazon Kendra uses IAM roles to access your Amazon S3 bucket and doesn't require that you
configure an Amazon S3 bucket policy. However, you might find it useful to create a bucket policy
if you want to configure an Amazon S3 connector using an Amazon S3 bucket that has existing
policies restricting access to it from the public internet.
To configure your Amazon S3 bucket policy
1. Open the Amazon S3 console at
2. From the navigation pane, choose Buckets.
3. Choose the name of the Amazon S3 bucket that you want to sync with Amazon Kendra.
4. Choose the Permissions tab, scroll down to Bucket policy, and then click on Edit.
5. Add or modify your bucket policy to allow access only from the VPC endpoint that you created.
Amazon S3 685
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
The following is an example bucket policy. Replace bucket-name and vpce-id with your
Amazon S3 bucket name and the Amazon S3 endpoint ID that you noted earlier.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Deny",
"Principal": "*",
"Action": "s3:*",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::bucket-name/*",
"Condition": {
"StringNotEquals": {
"aws:SourceVpce": "vpce-id"
6. Select Save changes.
Your S3 bucket is now accessible only from the specific VPC that you created.
Step 3: Create a test Amazon S3 data source connector
To test your Amazon VPC configuration, create an Amazon S3 connector. Then, configure it with
the VPC that you created by following the steps outlined in Amazon S3.
For Amazon VPC configuration values, choose the values that you created during this example:
Amazon VPC(VPC)kendra-s3-example-vpc
Subnetskendra-s3-example-subnet-private1-[availability zone]
Security groupss3-data-source-security-group
Wait for your connector to finish creating. After the Amazon S3 connector has been created,
choose Sync now to initiate a sync.
It might take several minutes to several hours to finish the sync, depending on how many
documents are in your Amazon S3 bucket. To test the example, we recommend that you upload
Amazon S3 686
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
just a few documents to your S3 bucket. If your configuration is correct, you should eventually see
a Sync status of Completed.
If you encounter any errors, see Troubleshooting Amazon VPC connection.
Amazon Kendra Web Crawler
You can use Amazon Kendra Web Crawler to crawl and index web pages.
You can only crawl public facing websites or internal company websites that use the secure
communication protocol Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS). If you receive an error
when crawling a website, it could be that the website is blocked from crawling. To crawl internal
websites, you can set up a web proxy. The web proxy must be public facing. You can also use
authentication to access and crawl websites.
When selecting websites to index, you must adhere to the Amazon Acceptable Use Policy and all other
Amazon terms. Remember that you must only use Amazon Kendra Web Crawler to index your own
web pages, or web pages that you have authorization to index. To learn how to stop Amazon Kendra
Web Crawler from indexing your website(s), please see Configuring the robots.txt file for Amazon
Kendra Web Crawler.
Abusing Amazon Kendra Web Crawler to aggressively crawl websites or web pages you
don't own is not considered acceptable use.
Amazon Kendra has two versions of the web crawler connector. Supported features of each version
Amazon Kendra Web Crawler connector v1.0 / WebCrawlerConfiguration API
Web proxy
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Amazon Kendra Web Crawler connector v2.0 / TemplateConfiguration API
Field mappings
Amazon Kendra Web Crawler 687
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Full and incremental content syncs
Web proxy
Basic, NTLM/Kerberos, SAML, and form authentication for your websites
Virtual private cloud (VPC)
Web Crawler v2.0 connector creation is not supported by AWS CloudFormation. Use the
Web Crawler v1.0 connector if you need AWS CloudFormation support.
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra web crawler data source connector, see Troubleshooting
data sources.
Amazon Kendra Web Crawler connector v1.0
Amazon Kendra Web Crawler connector v2.0
Configuring the robots.txt file for Amazon Kendra Web Crawler
Amazon Kendra Web Crawler connector v1.0
You can use Amazon Kendra Web Crawler to crawl and index web pages.
You can only crawl public facing websites and websites that use the secure communication
protocol Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS). If you receive an error when crawling a
website, it could be that the website is blocked from crawling. To crawl internal websites, you can
set up a web proxy. The web proxy must be public facing.
When selecting websites to index, you must adhere to the Amazon Acceptable Use Policy and all other
Amazon terms. Remember that you must only use Amazon Kendra Web Crawler to index your own
web pages, or web pages that you have authorization to index. To learn how to stop Amazon Kendra
Web Crawler from indexing your website(s), please see Configuring the robots.txt file for Amazon
Kendra Web Crawler.
Amazon Kendra Web Crawler 688
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Abusing Amazon Kendra Web Crawler to aggressively crawl websites or web pages you
don't own is not considered acceptable use.
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra web crawler data source connector, see Troubleshooting
data sources.
Supported features
Connection instructions
Learn more
Supported features
Web proxy
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Before you can use Amazon Kendra to index your websites, check the details of your websites and
AWS accounts.
For your websites, make sure you have:
Copied the seed or sitemap URLs of the websites you want to index.
For websites that require basic authentication: Noted the user name and password, and copied
the host name of the website and the port number.
Optional: Copied the host name of the website and the port number if you want to use a
web proxy to connect to internal websites you want to crawl. The web proxy must be public
facing. Amazon Kendra supports connecting to web proxy servers that are backed by basic
authentication or you can connect with no authentication.
Checked each web page document you want to index is unique and across other data sources
you plan to use for the same index. Each data source that you want to use for an index must not
Amazon Kendra Web Crawler 689
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
contain the same document across the data sources. Document IDs are global to an index and
must be unique per index.
In your AWS account, make sure you have:
Created an Amazon Kendra index and, if using the API, noted the index ID.
Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.
If you change your authentication type and credentials, you must update your IAM role to
access the correct AWS Secrets Manager secret ID.
For websites that require authentication, or if using a web proxy with authentication, stored your
authentication credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager secret and, if using the API, noted the ARN
of the secret.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
If you don't have an existing IAM role or secret, you can use the console to create a new IAM role
and Secrets Manager secret when you connect your web crawler data source to Amazon Kendra.
If you are using the API, you must provide the ARN of an existing IAM role and Secrets Manager
secret, and an index ID.
Connection instructions
To connect Amazon Kendra to your web crawler data source, you must provide the necessary
details of your web crawler data source so that Amazon Kendra can access your data. If you have
not yet configured web crawler for Amazon Kendra see Prerequisites.
To connect Amazon Kendra to web crawler
Amazon Kendra Web Crawler 690
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console.
2. From the left navigation pane, choose Indexes and then choose the index you want to use
from the list of indexes.
You can choose to configure or edit your User access control settings under Index
3. On the Getting started page, choose Add data source.
4. On the Add data source page, choose web crawler connector, and then choose Add
connector. If using version 2 (if applicable), choose web crawler connector with the "V2.0"
5. On the Specify data source details page, enter the following information:
a. In Name and description, for Data source name—Enter a name for your data source.
You can include hyphens but not spaces.
b. (Optional) Description—Enter an optional description for your data source.
c. In Default language—Choose a language to filter your documents for the index.
Unless you specify otherwise, the language defaults to English. Language specified in
the document metadata overrides the selected language.
d. In Tags, for Add new tag—Include optional tags to search and filter your resources or
track your AWS costs.
e. Choose Next.
6. On the Define access and security page, enter the following information:
a. For Source, choose between Source URLs and Source sitemaps depending on your use
case and enter the values for each.
You can add up to 10 source URLs and three sitemaps.
If you want to crawl a sitemap, check that the base or root URL is the same
as the URLs listed on your sitemap page. For example, if your sitemap URL is
Amazon Kendra Web Crawler 691
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide, the URLs listed on this sitemap page
should also use the base URL "".
b. (Optional) For Web proxy— enter the following information:
i. Host name—The host name where web proxy is required.
ii. Port number—The port used by the host URL transport protocol. The port
number should be a numeric value between 0 and 65535.
iii. For Web proxy credentials—If your web proxy connection requires authentication,
choose an existing secret or create a new secret to store your authentication
credentials. If you choose to create a new secret an AWS Secrets Manager secret
window opens.
iv. Enter the following information in the Create an AWS Secrets Manager Secrets
Manager secret window:
A. Secret name—A name for your secret. The prefix ‘AmazonKendra-
WebCrawler-’ is automatically added to your secret name.
B. For User name and Password—Enter these basic authentication credentials
for your websites.
C. Choose Save.
c. (Optional) Hosts with authentication—Select to add additional hosts with
d. IAM role—Choose an existing IAM role or create a new IAM role to access your
repository credentials and index content.
IAM roles used for indexes cannot be used for data sources. If you are unsure if
an existing role is used for an index or FAQ, choose Create a new role to avoid
e. Choose Next.
7. On the Configure sync settings page, enter the following information:
a. Crawl range—Choose the kind of web pages you want to crawl.
Amazon Kendra Web Crawler 692
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
b. Crawl depth—Select number of levels from the seed URL that Amazon Kendra should
c. Advanced crawl settings and Additional configurationenter the following
i. Maximum file size—The maximum web page or attachment size to crawl.
Minimum 0.000001 MB (1 byte). Maximum 50 MB.
ii. Maximum links per page—The maximum number of links crawled per page. Links
are crawled in order of appearance. Minimum 1 link/page. Maximum 1000 links/
iii. Maximum throttling—The maximum number of URLs crawled per host name per
minute. Minimum 1 URLs/host name/minute. Maximum 300 URLs/host name/
iv. Regex patterns—Add regular expression patterns to include or exclude certain
URLs. You can add up to 100 patterns.
d. In Sync run schedule, for Frequency—Choose how often Amazon Kendra will sync
with your data source.
e. Choose Next.
8. On the Review and create page, check that the information you have entered is correct
and then select Add data source. You can also choose to edit your information from this
page. Your data source will appear on the Data sources page after the data source has been
added successfully.
To connect Amazon Kendra to web crawler
You must specify the following using the WebCrawlerConfiguration API:
URLs—Specify the seed or starting point URLs of the websites or the sitemap URLs of the
websites you want to crawl using SeedUrlConfiguration and SiteMapsConfiguration.
If you want to crawl a sitemap, check that the base or root URL is the same as the
URLs listed on your sitemap page. For example, if your sitemap URL is https://
Amazon Kendra Web Crawler 693
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide, the URLs listed on this sitemap page should also use
the base URL "".
Secret Amazon Resource Name (ARN)—If a website requires basic authentication, you
provide the host name, port number and a secret that stores your basic authentication
credentials of your user name and password. You provide the secret ARN using the
AuthenticationConfiguration API. The secret is stored in a JSON structure with the following
"username": "user name",
"password": "password"
You can also provide web proxy credentials using an AWS Secrets Manager secret. You use the
ProxyConfiguration API to provide the website host name and port number, and optionally
the secret that stores your web proxy credentials.
IAM role—Specify RoleArn when you call CreateDataSource to provide an IAM role with
permissions to access your Secrets Manager secret and to call the required public APIs for
the web crawler connector and Amazon Kendra. For more information, see IAM roles for web
crawler data sources.
You can also add the following optional features:
Crawl mode—Choose whether to crawl website host names only, or host names with
subdomains, or also crawl other domains the web pages link to.
The 'depth' or number of levels from the seed level to crawl. For example, the seed URL page
is depth 1 and any hyperlinks on this page that are also crawled are depth 2.
The maximum number of URLs on a single web page to crawl.
The maximum size in MB of a web page to crawl.
The maximum number of URLs crawled per website host per minute.
The web proxy host and port number to connect to and crawl internal websites. For example,
the host name of is "" and the port number
is is 443, the standard port for HTTPS. If web proxy credentials are required to connect to a
website host, you can create an AWS Secrets Manager that stores the credentials.
The authentication information to access and crawl websites that require user authentication.
Amazon Kendra Web Crawler 694
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
You can extract HTML meta tags as fields using the Custom Document Enrichment tool. For
more information, see Customizing document metadata during the ingestion process. For an
example of extracting HTML meta tags, see CDE examples.
Inclusion and exclusion filters—Specify whether to include or exclude certain URLs.
Most data sources use regular expression patterns, which are inclusion or exclusion
patterns referred to as filters. If you specify an inclusion filter, only content that
matches the inclusion filter is indexed. Any document that doesn’t match the
inclusion filter isn’t indexed. If you specify an inclusion and exclusion filter, documents
that match the exclusion filter are not indexed, even if they match the inclusion filter.
Learn more
To learn more about integrating Amazon Kendra with your web crawler data source, see:
Reimagine knowledge discovery using Amazon Kendra's Web Crawler
Amazon Kendra Web Crawler connector v2.0
You can use Amazon Kendra Web Crawler to crawl and index web pages.
You can only crawl public facing websites or internal company websites that use the secure
communication protocol Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS). If you receive an error
when crawling a website, it could be that the website is blocked from crawling. To crawl internal
websites, you can set up a web proxy. The web proxy must be public facing. You can also use
authentication to access and crawl websites.
Amazon Kendra Web Crawler v2.0 uses the Selenium web crawler package and a Chromium driver.
Amazon Kendra automatically updates the version of Selenium and the Chromium driver using
Continuous Integration (CI).
When selecting websites to index, you must adhere to the Amazon Acceptable Use Policy and all other
Amazon terms. Remember that you must only use Amazon Kendra Web Crawler to index your own
web pages, or web pages that you have authorization to index. To learn how to stop Amazon Kendra
Web Crawler from indexing your website(s), please see Configuring the robots.txt file for Amazon
Amazon Kendra Web Crawler 695
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Kendra Web Crawler.. Abusing Amazon Kendra Web Crawler to aggressively crawl websites or web
pages you don't own is not considered acceptable use.
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra web crawler data source connector, see Troubleshooting
data sources.
Web Crawler connector v2.0 does not support crawling web site lists from AWS KMS
encrypted Amazon S3 buckets. It supports only server-side encryption with Amazon S3
managed keys.
Web Crawler v2.0 connector creation is not supported by AWS CloudFormation. Use the
Web Crawler v1.0 connector if you need AWS CloudFormation support.
Supported features
Connection instructions
Supported features
Field mappings
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Full and incremental content syncs
Web proxy
Basic, NTLM/Kerberos, SAML, and form authentication for your websites
Virtual private cloud (VPC)
Amazon Kendra Web Crawler 696
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Before you can use Amazon Kendra to index your websites, check the details of your websites and
AWS accounts.
For your websites, make sure you have:
Copied the seed or sitemap URLs of the websites you want to index. You can store the URLs in a
text file and upload this to an Amazon S3 bucket. Each URL in the text file must be formatted on
a separate line. If you want to store your sitemaps in an Amazon S3 bucket, make sure you have
copied the sitemap XML and saved this in an XML file. You can also club multiple sitemap XML
files into a ZIP file.
(On-premise/server) Amazon Kendra checks if the endpoint information included in
AWS Secrets Manager is the same the endpoint information specified in your data source
configuration details. This helps protect against the confused deputy problem, which
is a security issue where a user doesn’t have permission to perform an action but uses
Amazon Kendra as a proxy to access the configured secret and perform the action. If
you later change your endpoint information, you must create a new secret to sync this
For websites that require basic, NTLM, or Kerberos authentication:
Noted your website authentication credentials, which include a user name and password.
Amazon Kendra Web Crawler v2.0 supports the NTLM authentication protocol that
includes password hashing, and Kerberos authentication protocol that includes
password encryption.
For websites that require SAML or login form authentication:
Noted your website authentication credentials, which include a user name and password.
Copied the XPaths (XML Path Language) of the user name field (and the user name button
if using SAML), password field and button, and copied the login page URL. You can find the
XPaths of elements using your web browser’s developer tools. XPaths usually follow this
format: //tagname[@Attribute='Value'].
Amazon Kendra Web Crawler 697
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Amazon Kendra Web Crawler v2.0 uses a headless Chrome browser and the
information from the form to authenticate and authorize access with an OAuth 2.0
protected URL.
Optional: Copied the host name and the port number of the web proxy server if you want to
use a web proxy to connect to internal websites you want to crawl. The web proxy must be
public facing. Amazon Kendra supports connecting to web proxy servers that are backed by basic
authentication or you can connect with no authentication.
Optional: Copied the virtual private cloud (VPC) subnet ID if you want to use a VPC to connect to
internal websites you want to crawl. For more information, see Configuring an Amazon VPC.
Checked each web page document you want to index is unique and across other data sources
you plan to use for the same index. Each data source that you want to use for an index must not
contain the same document across the data sources. Document IDs are global to an index and
must be unique per index.
In your AWS account, make sure you have:
Created an Amazon Kendra index and, if using the API, noted the index ID.
Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the API, noted the Amazon Resource Name
of the IAM role.
If you change your authentication type and credentials, you must update your IAM role to
access the correct AWS Secrets Manager secret ID.
For websites that require authentication, or if using a web proxy with authentication, stored your
authentication credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager secret and, if using the API, noted the ARN
of the secret.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
Amazon Kendra Web Crawler 698
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
If you don't have an existing IAM role or secret, you can use the console to create a new IAM role
and Secrets Manager secret when you connect your web crawler data source to Amazon Kendra.
If you are using the API, you must provide the ARN of an existing IAM role and Secrets Manager
secret, and an index ID.
Connection instructions
To connect Amazon Kendra to your web crawler data source, you must provide the necessary
details of your web crawler data source so that Amazon Kendra can access your data. If you have
not yet configured web crawler for Amazon Kendra see Prerequisites.
To connect Amazon Kendra to web crawler
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console.
2. From the left navigation pane, choose Indexes and then choose the index you want to use
from the list of indexes.
You can choose to configure or edit your User access control settings under Index
3. On the Getting started page, choose Add data source.
4. On the Add data source page, choose web crawler connector, and then choose Add
connector. If using version 2 (if applicable), choose web crawler connector with the "V2.0"
5. On the Specify data source details page, enter the following information:
a. In Name and description, for Data source name—Enter a name for your data source.
You can include hyphens but not spaces.
b. (Optional) Description—Enter an optional description for your data source.
Amazon Kendra Web Crawler 699
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
c. In Default language—Choose a language to filter your documents for the index.
Unless you specify otherwise, the language defaults to English. Language specified in
the document metadata overrides the selected language.
d. In Tags, for Add new tag—Include optional tags to search and filter your resources or
track your AWS costs.
e. Choose Next.
6. On the Define access and security page, enter the following information:
a. Source—Choose either Source URLs, Source sitemaps, Source URLs file, Source
sitemaps file. If you choose to use a text file that includes a list of up to 100 seed
URLs, you specify the path to the Amazon S3 bucket where your file is stored. If you
choose to use a sitemap XML file, you specify the path to the Amazon S3 bucket
where your file is stored. You can also club multiple sitemap XML files into a ZIP file.
Otherwise, you can manually enter up to 10 seed or starting point URLs, and up to
three sitemap URLs.
If you want to crawl a sitemap, check that the base or root URL is the same
as the URLs listed on your sitemap page. For example, if your sitemap URL is, the URLs listed on this sitemap page
should also use the base URL "".
If your websites require authentication to access the websites, you can choose ether
basic, NTLM/Kerberos, SAML, or form authentication. Otherwise, choose the option for
no authentication.
If you want to later edit your data source to change your seed URLs with
authentication to sitemaps, you must create a new data source. Amazon Kendra
configures the data source using the seed URLs endpoint information in the
Secrets Manager secret for authentication, and therefore cannot re-configure
the data source when changing to sitemaps.
Amazon Kendra Web Crawler 700
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
AWS Secrets Manager secret—If your websites require the same authentication
to access the websites, choose an existing secret or create a new Secrets Manager
secret to store your website credentials. If you choose to create a new secret, an
AWS Secrets Manager secret window opens.
If you chose Basic or NTML/Kerberos authentication, enter a name for the
secret, plus the user name and password. NTLM authentication protocol includes
password hashing, and Kerberos authentication protocol includes password
If you chose SAML or Form authentication, enter a name for the secret, plus the
user name and password. Use XPath for the user name field (and XPath for the
user name button if using SAML). Use XPaths for the password field and button,
and login page URL. You can find the XPaths (XML Path Language) of elements
using your web browser's developer tools. XPaths usually follow this format: //
b. (Optional) Web proxy—Enter the host name and the port number of the proxy sever
you want to use to connect to internal websites. For example, the host name of is "" and the port number is is 443,
the standard port for HTTPS. If web proxy credentials are required to connect to a
website host, you can create an AWS Secrets Manager that stores the credentials.
c. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—You can choose to use a VPC. If so, you must add
Subnets and VPC security groups.
d. IAM role—Choose an existing IAM role or create a new IAM role to access your
repository credentials and index content.
IAM roles used for indexes cannot be used for data sources. If you are unsure if
an existing role is used for an index or FAQ, choose Create a new role to avoid
e. Choose Next.
7. On the Configure sync settings page, enter the following information:
Amazon Kendra Web Crawler 701
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
a. Sync scope—Set limits for crawling web pages including their domains, file sizes and
links; and filter URLs using regex patterns.
i. (Optional) Crawl domain range—Choose whether to crawl website domains only,
domains with subdomains, or also crawl other domains that the web pages link to.
By default, Amazon Kendra only crawls the domains of the websites you want to
ii. (Optional) Additional configuration—Set the following settings:
Crawl depth—The 'depth' or number of levels from the seed level to crawl. For
example, the seed URL page is depth 1 and any hyperlinks on this page that are
also crawled are depth 2.
Maximum file size—The maximum size in MB of a web page or attachment to
Maximum links per page—The maximum number of URLs on a single webpage
to crawl.
Maximum throttling of crawling speed—The maximum number of URLs
crawled per website host per minute.
Files—Choose to crawl files that the web pages link to.
Crawl and index URLs—Add regular expression patterns to include or exclude
crawling certain URLs, and indexing any hyperlinks on these URL web pages.
b. Sync mode—Choose how you want to update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first
time, all content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your
data if your initial sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode
Full sync: Freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time your data
source syncs with your index.
New, modified, deleted sync: Index only new, modified, and deleted content each
time your data source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data
source's mechanism for tracking content changes and index content that changed
since the last sync.
c. Sync run schedule—For Frequency, choose how often Amazon Kendra will sync with
your data source.
Amazon Kendra Web Crawler 702
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
d. Choose Next.
8. On the Set field mappings page, enter the following information:
a. Select from the Amazon Kendra generated default fields of web pages and files that
you want to map to your index.
b. Choose Next.
9. On the Review and create page, check that the information you have entered is correct
and then select Add data source. You can also choose to edit your information from this
page. Your data source will appear on the Data sources page after the data source has been
added successfully.
To connect Amazon Kendra to web crawler
You must specify a JSON of the data source schema using the TemplateConfiguration API. You
must provide the following information:
Data source—Specify the data source type as WEBCRAWLERV2 when you use the
TemplateConfiguration JSON schema. Also specify the data source as TEMPLATE when you
call the CreateDataSource API.
URLs—Specify the seed or starting point URLs of the websites or the sitemap URLs of the
websites you want to crawl. You can specify the path to an Amazon S3 bucket that stores
your list of seed URLs. Each URL in the text file for seed URLs must be formatted on a
separate line. You can also specify the path to an Amazon S3 bucket that stores your sitemap
XML files. You can club together multiple sitemap files into a ZIP file and store the ZIP file in
your Amazon S3 bucket.
If you want to crawl a sitemap, check that the base or root URL is the same as the
URLs listed on your sitemap page. For example, if your sitemap URL is https://, the URLs listed on this sitemap page should also use
the base URL "".
Sync mode—Specify how Amazon Kendra should update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first time, all
Amazon Kendra Web Crawler 703
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your data if your initial
sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode option. You can choose
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time
your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified, and deleted content each time your data source
syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking
content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
Authentication—If your websites require the same authentication, specify either
BasicAuth, NTLM_Kerberos, SAML, or Form authentication. If your websites don't require
authentication, specify NoAuthentication.
Secret Amazon Resource Name (ARN)—If your websites require basic, NTLM, or Kerberos
authentication, you provide a secret that stores your authentication credentials of your user
name and password. You provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an AWS Secrets
Manager secret. The secret is stored in a JSON structure with the following keys:
"seedUrlsHash": "Hash representation of all seed URLs",
"userName": "user name",
"password": "password"
If your websites require SAML authentication, the secret is stored in a JSON structure with the
following keys:
"seedUrlsHash": "Hash representation of all seed URLs",
"userName": "user name",
"password": "password",
"userNameFieldXpath": "XPath for user name field",
"userNameButtonXpath": "XPath for user name button",
"passwordFieldXpath": "XPath for password field",
"passwordButtonXpath": "XPath for password button",
"loginPageUrl": "Full URL for website login page"
Amazon Kendra Web Crawler 704
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
If your websites require form authentication, the secret is stored in a JSON structure with the
following keys:
"seedUrlsHash": "Hash representation of all seed URLs",
"userName": "user name",
"password": "password",
"userNameFieldXpath": "XPath for user name field",
"passwordFieldXpath": "XPath for password field",
"passwordButtonXpath": "XPath for password button",
"loginPageUrl": "Full URL for website login page"
You can find the XPaths (XML Path Language) of elements using your web browser's
developer tools. XPaths usually follow this format: //tagname[@Attribute='Value'].
You can also provide web proxy credentials using and AWS Secrets Manager secret.
IAM role—Specify RoleArn when you call CreateDataSource to provide an IAM role with
permissions to access your Secrets Manager secret and to call the required public APIs for
the web crawler connector and Amazon Kendra. For more information, see IAM roles for web
crawler data sources.
You can also add the following optional features:
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—Specify VpcConfiguration when you call
CreateDataSource. For more information, see Configuring Amazon Kendra to use an
Amazon VPC.
Domain range—Choose whether to crawl website domains with subdomains only, or also
crawl other domains the web pages link to. By default, Amazon Kendra only crawls the
domains of the websites you want to crawl.
The 'depth' or number of levels from the seed level to crawl. For example, the seed URL page
is depth 1 and any hyperlinks on this page that are also crawled are depth 2.
The maximum number of URLs on a single web page to crawl.
The maximum size in MB of a web page or attachment to crawl.
The maximum number of URLs crawled per website host per minute.
Amazon Kendra Web Crawler 705
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
The web proxy host and port number to connect to and crawl internal websites. For example,
the host name of is "" and the port number
is is 443, the standard port for HTTPS. If web proxy credentials are required to connect to a
website host, you can create an AWS Secrets Manager that stores the credentials.
Inclusion and exclusion filters—Specify whether to include or exclude crawling certain URLs
and indexing any hyperlinks on these URL web pages.
Most data sources use regular expression patterns, which are inclusion or exclusion
patterns referred to as filters. If you specify an inclusion filter, only content that
matches the inclusion filter is indexed. Any document that doesn’t match the
inclusion filter isn’t indexed. If you specify an inclusion and exclusion filter, documents
that match the exclusion filter are not indexed, even if they match the inclusion filter.
Field mappings—Choose to map the fields of web pages and web page files to your Amazon
Kendra index fields. For more information, see Mapping data source fields.
For a list of other important JSON keys to configure, see Amazon Kendra Web Crawler template
Configuring the robots.txt file for Amazon Kendra Web Crawler
Amazon Kendra is an intelligent search service that AWS customers use to index and search
documents of their choice. In order to index documents on the web, customers may use Amazon
Kendra Web Crawler, indicating which URL(s) should be indexed and other operational parameters.
Amazon Kendra customers are required to obtain authorization before indexing any particular
Amazon Kendra Web Crawler respects standard robots.txt directives like Allow and Disallow.
You can modify the robots.txt file of your website to control how Amazon Kendra Web Crawler
crawls your website.
Configuring how Amazon Kendra Web Crawler accesses your website
You can control how the Amazon Kendra Web Crawler indexes your website using Allow and
Disallow directives. You can also control which web pages are indexed and which web pages are
not crawled.
Amazon Kendra Web Crawler 706
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
To allow Amazon Kendra Web Crawler to crawl all web pages except disallowed web pages, use
the following directive:
User-agent: amazon-kendra # Amazon Kendra Web Crawler
Disallow: /credential-pages/ # disallow access to specific pages
To allow Amazon Kendra Web Crawler to crawl only specific web pages, use the following
User-agent: amazon-kendra # Amazon Kendra Web Crawler
Allow: /pages/ # allow access to specific pages
To allow Amazon Kendra Web Crawler to crawl all website content and disallow crawling for
any other robots, use the following directive:
User-agent: amazon-kendra # Amazon Kendra Web Crawler
Allow: / # allow access to all pages
User-agent: * # any (other) robot
Disallow: / # disallow access to any pages
Stopping Amazon Kendra Web Crawler from crawling your website
You can stop Amazon Kendra Web Crawler from indexing your website using the Disallow
directive. You can also control which web pages are crawled and which are not.
To stop Amazon Kendra Web Crawler from crawling the website, use the following directive:
User-agent: amazon-kendra # Amazon Kendra Web Crawler
Disallow: / # disallow access to any pages
Amazon Kendra Web Crawler also supports the robots noindex and nofollow directives in meta
tags in HTML pages. These directives stop the web crawler from indexing a web page and stops
following any links on the web page. You put the meta tags in the section of the document to
specify the rules of robots rules.
For example, the below web page includes the directives robots noindex and nofollow:
Amazon Kendra Web Crawler 707
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow"/>
If you have any questions or concerns regarding Amazon Kendra Web Crawler, you can reach out to
the AWS support team.
Amazon WorkDocs
Amazon WorkDocs is a secure content collaboration service for creating, editing, storing, and
sharing content. You can use Amazon Kendra to index your Amazon WorkDocs data source.
You can connect Amazon Kendra to your Amazon WorkDocs data source using the Amazon Kendra
console and the WorkDocsConfiguration API.
Amazon WorkDocs is available in Oregon, North Virginia, Sydney, Singapore, and Ireland regions.
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra WorkDocs data source connector, see Troubleshooting
data sources.
Supported features
Connection instructions
Learn more
Supported features
Amazon Kendra WorkDocs data source connector supports the following features:
Field mappings
User access control
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Amazon WorkDocs 708
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Change log
Before you can use Amazon Kendra to index your WorkDocs data source, make these changes in
your WorkDocs and AWS accounts.
In WorkDocs, make sure you have:
Noted the Amazon WorkDocs directory ID (organization ID) for your Amazon WorkDocs
Checked each document is unique in WorkDocs and across other data sources you plan to use for
the same index. Each data source that you want to use for an index must not contain the same
document across the data sources. Document IDs are global to an index and must be unique per
In your AWS account, make sure you have:
Created an Amazon Kendra index and, if using the API, noted the index ID.
Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.
If you don’t have an existing IAM role, you can use the console to create a new IAM role when you
connect your WorkDocs data source to Amazon Kendra. If you are using the API, you must provide
the ARN of an existing IAM role and an index ID.
Connection instructions
To connect Amazon Kendra to your WorkDocs data source, you must provide the necessary details
of your WorkDocs data source so that Amazon Kendra can access your data. If you have not yet
configured WorkDocs for Amazon Kendra, see Prerequisites.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Amazon WorkDocs
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console.
2. From the left navigation pane, choose Indexes and then choose the index you want to use
from the list of indexes.
Amazon WorkDocs 709
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
You can choose to configure or edit your User access control settings under Index
3. On the Getting started page, choose Add data source.
4. On the Add data source page, choose WorkDocs connector, and then choose Add
connector. If using version 2 (if applicable), choose WorkDocs connector with the "V2.0"
5. On the Specify data source details page, enter the following information:
a. In Name and description, for Data source name—Enter a name for your data source.
You can include hyphens but not spaces.
b. (Optional) Description—Enter an optional description for your data source.
c. In Default language—Choose a language to filter your documents for the index.
Unless you specify otherwise, the language defaults to English. Language specified in
the document metadata overrides the selected language.
d. In Tags, for Add new tag—Include optional tags to search and filter your resources or
track your AWS costs.
e. Choose Next.
6. On the Define access and security page, enter the following information:
a. Organization ID specific to your Amazon WorkDocs site—Select the ID of the
Amazon WorkDocs site you want to index. You must already have created a site.
b. IAM role—Choose an existing IAM role or create a new IAM role to access your
repository credentials and index content.
IAM roles used for indexes cannot be used for data sources. If you are unsure if
an existing role is used for an index or FAQ, choose Create a new role to avoid
c. Choose Next.
7. On the Configure sync settings page, enter the following information:
Amazon WorkDocs 710
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
a. Crawl document comments—The Amazon WorkDocs entities or content types you
want to crawl.
b. Use change logs—Select to update your index with only new or modified content
instead of syncing all your files.
c. Regex patterns—Regular expression patterns to include or exclude certain files.
d. In Sync run schedule for Frequency—Choose how often to sync your data source
content and update your index.
e. Choose Next.
8. On the Set field mappings page, enter the following information:
a. Default data source fields—Select from the Amazon Kendra generated default data
source fields you want to map to your index.
b. Add field—To add custom data source fields to create an index field name to map to
and the field data type.
c. Choose Next.
9. On the Review and create page, check that the information you have entered is correct
and then select Add data source. You can also choose to edit your information from this
page. Your data source will appear on the Data sources page after the data source has been
added successfully.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Amazon WorkDocs
You must specify the following using the WorkDocsConfiguration API:
Amazon WorkDocs directory ID—Specify the organization ID of your Amazon WorkDocs
directory. You can find the organization ID in the AWS Directory Service by going to Active
Directory and then Directories.
IAM role—Specify RoleArn when you call CreateDataSource to provide an IAM role with
permissions to access the WorkDocs dirtectory and to call the required public APIs for the
WorkDocs connector and Amazon Kendra. For more information, see IAM roles for WorkDocs
data sources.
You can also add the following optional features:
Amazon WorkDocs 711
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Change log—Whether Amazon Kendra should use the WorkDocs data source change log
mechanism to determine if a document must be updated in the index.
Use the change log if you don’t want Amazon Kendra to scan all of the documents.
If your change log is large, it might take Amazon Kendra less time to scan the
documents in the WorkDocs data source than to process the change log. If you are
syncing your WorkDocs data source with your index for the first time, all documents
are scanned.
Inclusion and exclusion filters—Specify whether to include or exclude certain documents
and document comments. Each comment is indexed as a separate document.
Most data sources use regular expression patterns, which are inclusion or exclusion
patterns referred to as filters. If you specify an inclusion filter, only content that
matches the inclusion filter is indexed. Any document that doesn’t match the
inclusion filter isn’t indexed. If you specify an inclusion and exclusion filter, documents
that match the exclusion filter are not indexed, even if they match the inclusion filter.
User context filtering and access control—Amazon Kendra crawls the access control list
(ACL) for your documents, if you have an ACL for your documents. The ACL information is
used to filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
Field mappings—Choose to map your WorkDocs data source fields to your Amazon Kendra
index fields. For more information, see Mapping data source fields.
The document body field or the document body equivalent for your documents
is required in order for Amazon Kendra to search your documents. You must
map your document body field name in your data source to the index field name
_document_body. All other fields are optional.
Amazon WorkDocs 712
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Learn more
To learn more about integrating Amazon Kendra with your WorkDocs data source, see:
Get started with the Amazon Kendra Amazon WorkDocs connector
Box is a cloud storage service that offers file hosting capabilities. You can use Amazon Kendra to
index content in your Box content, including comments, tasks, and web links.
You can connect Amazon Kendra to your Box data source using the Amazon Kendra console and
the BoxConfiguration API.
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra Box data source connector, see Troubleshooting data
Supported features
Connection instructions
Learn more
Supported features
Amazon Kendra Box data source connector supports the following features:
Field mappings
User access control
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Change log, full and incremental content syncs
Virtual private cloud (VPC)
Before you can use Amazon Kendra to index your Box data source, make these changes in your Box
and AWS accounts.
Box 713
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
In Box, make sure you have:
A Box Enterprise or Box Enterprise Plus account.
Configured a Box custom app in the Box Developer Console, with Server-side authentication
using JSON Web Tokens (JWT). See Box documentation on creating a Custom App and Box
documentation of configuring JWT Auth for more details.
Set your App Access Level to App + Enterprise Access and allowed it to Make API calls using
the as-user header.
Used the admin user to add the following Application Scopes in your Box app:
Write all files and folders stored in a Box
Manage users
Manage groups
Manage enterprise properties
Configured Public/Private key pair including a client ID, a client secret, a public key ID, private
key ID, a pass phrase, and an enterprise ID to use as your authentication credentials. See Public
and private key pair for more details.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
Copied your Box enterprise ID either from your Box Developer Console settings or from your Box
app. For example, 801234567.
Checked each document is unique in Box and across other data sources you plan to use for the
same index. Each data source that you want to use for an index must not contain the same
document across the data sources. Document IDs are global to an index and must be unique per
In your AWS account, make sure you have:
Created an Amazon Kendra index and, if using the API, noted the index ID.
Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.
Box 714
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
If you change your authentication type and credentials, you must update your IAM role to
access the correct AWS Secrets Manager secret ID.
Stored your Box authentication credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager secret and, if using the
API, noted the ARN of the secret.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
If you don’t have an existing IAM role or secret, you can use the console to create a new IAM role
and Secrets Manager secret when you connect your Box data source to Amazon Kendra. If you are
using the API, you must provide the ARN of an existing IAM role and Secrets Manager secret, and
an index ID.
Connection instructions
To connect Amazon Kendra to your Box data source, you must provide the necessary details of your
Box data source so that Amazon Kendra can access your data. If you have not yet configured Box
for Amazon Kendra, see Prerequisites.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Box
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console.
2. From the left navigation pane, choose Indexes and then choose the index you want to use
from the list of indexes.
Box 715
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
You can choose to configure or edit your User access control settings under Index
3. On the Getting started page, choose Add data source.
4. On the Add data source page, choose Box connector, and then choose Add connector. If
using version 2 (if applicable), choose Box connector with the "V2.0" tag.
5. On the Specify data source details page, enter the following information:
a. In Name and description, for Data source name—Enter a name for your data source.
You can include hyphens but not spaces.
b. (Optional) Description—Enter an optional description for your data source.
c. In Default language—Choose a language to filter your documents for the index.
Unless you specify otherwise, the language defaults to English. Language specified in
the document metadata overrides the selected language.
d. In Tags, for Add new tag—Include optional tags to search and filter your resources or
track your AWS costs.
e. Choose Next.
6. On the Define access and security page, enter the following information:
Box enterprise ID—Enter your Box Enterprise ID. For example, 801234567.
b. Authorization—Turn on or off access control list (ACL) information for your
documents, if you have an ACL and want to use it for access control. The ACL specifies
which documents that users and groups can access. The ACL information is used to
filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
c. AWS Secrets Manager secret—Choose an existing secret or create a new Secrets
Manager secret to store your Box authentication credentials. If you choose to create a
new secret an AWS Secrets Manager secret window opens.
i. Secret name—A name for your secret. The prefix ‘AmazonKendra-Box-’ is
automatically added to your secret name.
ii. For Client ID, Client Secret, Public Key ID, Private Key ID, and Pass Phrase
Enter the values from the Public/Private Key you configured in Box.
Box 716
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
iii. Add and save your secret.
d. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—You can choose to use a VPC. If so, you must add
Subnets and VPC security groups.
e. Identity crawler—Specify whether to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler. The
identity crawler uses the access control list (ACL) information for your documents to
filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. If you have
an ACL for your documents and choose to use your ACL, you can then also choose
to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler to configure user context filtering of
search results. Otherwise, if identity crawler is turned off, all documents can be publicly
searched. If you want to use access control for your documents and identity crawler is
turned off, you can alternatively use the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user and
group access information for user context filtering.
f. IAM role—Choose an existing IAM role or create a new IAM role to access your
repository credentials and index content.
IAM roles used for indexes cannot be used for data sources. If you are unsure if
an existing role is used for an index or FAQ, choose Create a new role to avoid
g. Choose Next.
7. On the Configure sync settings page, enter the following information:
a. Box files—Choose whether to crawl web links, comments, and tasks.
b. For Additional configuration—Add regular expression patterns to include or exclude
certain content.
c. Sync mode—Choose how you want to update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first
time, all content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your
data if your initial sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode
Full sync: Freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time your data
source syncs with your index.
Box 717
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
New, modified sync: Index only new and modified content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source's mechanism
for tracking content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
New, modified, deleted sync: Index only new, modified, and deleted content each
time your data source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data
source's mechanism for tracking content changes and index content that changed
since the last sync.
d. In Sync run schedule for Frequency—Choose how often to sync your data source
content and update your index.
e. Choose Next.
8. On the Set field mappings page, enter the following information:
a. Default data source fields—Select from the Amazon Kendra generated default data
source fields you want to map to your index.
b. Add field—To add custom data source fields to create an index field name to map to
and the field data type.
c. Choose Next.
9. On the Review and create page, check that the information you have entered is correct
and then select Add data source. You can also choose to edit your information from this
page. Your data source will appear on the Data sources page after the data source has been
added successfully.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Box
You must specify the following using the BoxConfiguration API:
Box enterprise ID—Provide your Box Enterprise ID. You can find the enterprise ID in the Box
Developer Console settings or when you configure an app in Box.
Secret Amazon Resource Name (ARN)—Provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an
Secrets Manager secret that contains the authentication credentials for your Box account. The
secret is stored in a JSON structure with the following keys:
"clientID": "client-id",
Box 718
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"clientSecret": "client-secret",
"publicKeyID": "public-key-id",
"privateKey": "private-key",
"passphrase": "pass-phrase"
IAM role—Specify RoleArn when you call CreateDataSource to provide an IAM role with
permissions to access your Secrets Manager secret and to call the required public APIs for the
Box connector and Amazon Kendra. For more information, see IAM roles for Box data sources.
You can also add the following optional features:
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—Specify VpcConfiguration as part of the data source
configuration. See Configuring Amazon Kendra to use a VPC.
Change log—Whether Amazon Kendra should use the Box data source change log
mechanism to determine if a document must be updated in the index.
Use the change log if you don’t want Amazon Kendra to scan all of the documents.
If your change log is large, it might take Amazon Kendra less time to scan the
documents in the Box data source than to process the change log. If you are syncing
your Box data source with your index for the first time, all documents are scanned.
Comments, tasks, web links—Specify whether to crawl these types of content.
Most data sources use regular expression patterns, which are inclusion or exclusion
patterns referred to as filters. If you specify an inclusion filter, only content that
matches the inclusion filter is indexed. Any document that doesn’t match the
inclusion filter isn’t indexed. If you specify an inclusion and exclusion filter, documents
that match the exclusion filter are not indexed, even if they match the inclusion filter.
Inclusion and exclusion filters—Specify whether to include or exclude certain Box files and
Box 719
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Most data sources use regular expression patterns, which are inclusion or exclusion
patterns referred to as filters. If you specify an inclusion filter, only content that
matches the inclusion filter is indexed. Any document that doesn’t match the
inclusion filter isn’t indexed. If you specify an inclusion and exclusion filter, documents
that match the exclusion filter are not indexed, even if they match the inclusion filter.
User context filtering and access control—Amazon Kendra crawls the access control list
(ACL) for your documents, if you have an ACL for your documents. The ACL information is
used to filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
Field mappings—Choose to map your Box data source fields to your Amazon Kendra index
fields. For more information, see Mapping data source fields.
The document body field or the document body equivalent for your documents
is required in order for Amazon Kendra to search your documents. You must
map your document body field name in your data source to the index field name
_document_body. All other fields are optional.
Learn more
To learn more about integrating Amazon Kendra with your Box data source, see:
Getting started with the Amazon Kendra Box connector
Confluence is a collaborative work-management tool designed for sharing, storing, and working
on project planning, software development, and product management. You can use Amazon
Kendra to index your Confluence spaces, pages (including nested pages), blogs, and comments and
attachments to indexed pages and blogs.
Amazon Kendra supports both Confluence Server/Data Center and Confluence Cloud.
Confluence 720
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
By default, Amazon Kendra doesn't index Confluence archives and personal spaces. You can
choose to index them when you create the data source. If you don't want Amazon Kendra
to index a space, mark it private in Confluence.
You can connect Amazon Kendra to your Confluence data source using either the Amazon Kendra
console, the TemplateConfiguration API, or the ConfluenceConfiguration API.
Amazon Kendra has two versions of the Confluence connector. Supported features of each version
Confluence connector V1.0 / ConfluenceConfiguration API
Field mappings
User access control
Inclusion/exclusion filters
(For Confluence Server only) Virtual private cloud (VPC)
Confluence connector V2.0 / TemplateConfiguration API
Field mappings
User access control
Inclusion/exclusion patterns
Full and incremental content syncs
Virtual private cloud (VPC)
Support for Confluence connector V1.0 / ConfluenceConfiguration API is scheduled
to end in 2023. We recommend migrating to or using Confluence connector V2.0 /
TemplateConfiguration API.
Confluence 721
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra Confluence data source connector, see Troubleshooting
data sources.
Confluence connector V1.0
Confluence connector V2.0
Confluence connector V1.0
Confluence is a collaborative work-management tool designed for sharing, storing, and working
on project planning, software development, and product management. You can use Amazon
Kendra to index your Confluence spaces, pages (including nested pages), blogs, and comments and
attachments to indexed pages and blogs.
Support for Confluence connector V1.0 / ConfluenceConfiguration API is scheduled
to end in 2023. We recommend migrating to or using Confluence connector V2.0 /
TemplateConfiguration API.
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra Confluence data source connector, see Troubleshooting
data sources.
Supported features
Connection instructions
Learn more
Supported features
Amazon Kendra Confluence data source connector supports the following features:
Field mappings
User access control
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Confluence 722
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
(For Confluence Server only) Virtual private cloud (VPC)
Before you can use Amazon Kendra to index your Confluence data source, make these changes in
your Confluence and AWS accounts.
In Confluence, make sure you have:
Granted Amazon Kendra permissions to view all content within your Confluence instance by:
Making Amazon Kendra a member of confluence-administrators group.
Granting site-admin permissions for all existing spaces, blogs, and pages.
Copied the URL of your Confluence instance.
For SSO (Single Sign-On) users: Activated the Show on login page for the user name and
password when you configure Confluence Authentication methods in Confluence Data Center.
For Confluence Server
Noted your basic authentication credentials containing your Confluence administrative account
user name and password to connect to Amazon Kendra.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
Optional:Generated a personal access token in your Confluence account to connect to Amazon
Kendra. For more information, see Confluence documentation on generating personal access
For Confluence Cloud
Noted your basic authentication credentials containing your Confluence administrative account
user name and password to connect to Amazon Kendra.
Checked each document is unique in Confluence and across other data sources you plan to
use for the same index. Each data source that you want to use for an index must not contain
the same document across the data sources. Document IDs are global to an index and must be
unique per index.
Confluence 723
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
In your AWS account, make sure you have:
Created an Amazon Kendra index and, if using the API, noted the index ID.
Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.
If you change your authentication type and credentials, you must update your IAM role to
access the correct AWS Secrets Manager secret ID.
Stored your Confluence authentication credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager secret and, if
using the API, noted the ARN of the secret.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
If you don’t have an existing IAM role or secret, you can use the console to create a new IAM role
and Secrets Manager secret when you connect your Confluence data source to Amazon Kendra.
If you are using the API, you must provide the ARN of an existing IAM role and Secrets Manager
secret, and an index ID.
Connection instructions
To connect Amazon Kendra to your Confluence data source, you must provide details of your
Confluence credentials so that Amazon Kendra can access your data. If you have not yet configured
Confluence for Amazon Kendra see Prerequisites.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Confluence
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console.
2. From the left navigation pane, choose Indexes and then choose the index you want to use
from the list of indexes.
Confluence 724
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
You can choose to configure or edit your User access control settings under Index
3. On the Getting started page, choose Add data source.
4. On the Add data source page, choose Confluence connector V1.0, and then choose Add
data source.
5. On the Specify data source details page, enter the following information:
a. In Name and description, for Data source name—Enter a name for your data source.
You can include hyphens but not spaces.
b. (Optional) Description—Enter an optional description for your data source.
c. In Default language—Choose a language to filter your documents for the index.
Unless you specify otherwise, the language defaults to English. Language specified in
the document metadata overrides the selected language.
d. In Tags, for Add new tag—Include optional tags to search and filter your resources or
track your AWS costs.
e. Choose Next.
6. On the Define access and security page, enter the following information:
a. Choose between Confluence Cloud and Confluence Server.
b. If you choose Confluence Cloud, enter the following information:
i. Confluence URL—Your Confluence URL.
ii. AWS Secrets Manager secret—Choose an existing secret or create a new Secrets
Manager secret to store your Confluence authentication credentials. If you choose
to create a new secret an AWS Secrets Manager secret window opens.
Enter following information in the Create an AWS Secrets Manager secret
I. Secret name—A name for your secret. The prefix ‘AmazonKendra-
Confluence-’ is automatically added to your secret name.
II. For User name and Password—Enter your Confluence user name and
Confluence 725
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
III. Choose Save authentication.
c. If you choose Confluence Server, enter the following information:
i. Confluence URL—Your Confluence user name and password.
ii. (Optional) For Web proxy enter the following information:
A. Host name—Host name for your Confluence account.
B. Port number—Port used by the host URL transport protocol.
iii. For Authentication, Choose either Basic authentication or (Confluence Server
only) Personal Access Token.
iv. AWS Secrets Manager secret—Choose an existing secret or create a new Secrets
Manager secret to store your Confluence authentication credentials. If you choose
to create a new secret an AWS Secrets Manager secret window opens.
Enter following information in the Create an AWS Secrets Manager secret
I. Secret name—A name for your secret. The prefix ‘AmazonKendra-
Confluence-’ is automatically added to your secret name.
II. For User name and Password—Enter the authentication credential
values you configured in Confluence. If using basic authentication, use
your Confluence user name (email ID) and password (API token). If using
personal access token, enter the details of the Personal Access Token you
configured in Confluence account.
III. Save and add your secret.
d. IAM role—Choose an existing IAM role or create a new IAM role to access your
repository credentials and index content.
IAM roles used for indexes cannot be used for data sources. If you are unsure if
an existing role is used for an index or FAQ, choose Create a new role to avoid
e. Choose Next.
7. On the Configure sync settings page, enter the following information:
Confluence 726
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
a. For Include personal spaces and Include archived spaces—Choose the optional space
types to include in this data source.
b. For Additional configuration—Specify regular expression patterns to include or
exclude certain content. You can add up to 100 patterns.
c. You can also choose to Crawl attachments within chosen spaces.
d. In Sync run schedule, for Frequency—Choose how often Amazon Kendra will sync
with your data source.
e. Choose Next.
8. On the Set field mappings page, enter the following information:
a. For Space, Page, Blog—Select from the Amazon Kendra generated default data source
fields or Additional suggested field mappings to add index fields.
b. Add field—To add custom data source fields to create an index field name to map to
and the field data type.
c. Choose Next.
9. On the Review and create page, check that the information you have entered is correct
and then select Add data source. You can also choose to edit your information from this
page. Your data source will appear on the Data sources page after the data source has been
added successfully.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Confluence
You must specify the following using ConfluenceConfiguration API:
Confluence version—Specify the version of the Confluence instance you are using as CLOUD
Secret Amazon Resource Name (ARN)—Provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an
Secrets Manager secret that contains your Confluence authentication credentials.
If you use Confluence Server, you can use either your Confluence user name and password, or
your personal access token as the authentication credentials.
If you use your Confluence user name and password as authentication credentials, you store
the following credentials as a JSON structure in your Secrets Manager secret:
Confluence 727
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"username": "user name",
"password": "password"
If you use a personal access token to connect Confluence Server to Amazon Kendra, you store
the following credentials as a JSON structure in your Secrets Manager secret:
"patToken": "personal access token"
If you use Confluence Cloud, you use your Confluence user name and an API token,
configured in Confluence, as your password. You store the following credentials as a JSON
structure in your Secrets Manager secret:
"username": "user name",
"password": "API token"
IAM role—Specify RoleArn when you call CreateDataSource to provide an IAM role
with permissions to access your Secrets Manager secret and to call the required public APIs
for the Confluence connector and Amazon Kendra. For more information, see IAM roles for
Confluence data sources.
You can also add the following optional features:
Web proxy—Whether to connect to your Confluence URL instance via a web proxy. You can
use this option for Confluence Server.
(For Confluence Server only) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—Specify VpcConfiguration as
part of the data source configuration. See Configuring Amazon Kendra to use a VPC.
Inclusion and exclusion filters—Specify regular expression patterns to include or
exclude certain spaces, blog posts, pages, spaces, and attachments. If you choose to index
attachments, only attachments to the indexed pages and blogs are indexed.
Confluence 728
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Most data sources use regular expression patterns, which are inclusion or exclusion
patterns referred to as filters. If you specify an inclusion filter, only content that
matches the inclusion filter is indexed. Any document that doesn’t match the
inclusion filter isn’t indexed. If you specify an inclusion and exclusion filter, documents
that match the exclusion filter are not indexed, even if they match the inclusion filter.
Field mappings—Choose to map your Confluence data source fields to your Amazon Kendra
index fields. For more information, see Mapping data source fields.
The document body field or the document body equivalent for your documents
is required in order for Amazon Kendra to search your documents. You must
map your document body field name in your data source to the index field name
_document_body. All other fields are optional.
User context filtering and access control—Amazon Kendra crawls the access control list
(ACL) for your documents, if you have an ACL for your documents. The ACL information is
used to filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
Learn more
To learn more about integrating Amazon Kendra with your Confluence data source, see:
Configuring your Amazon Kendra Confluence Server connector
Confluence connector V2.0
Confluence is a collaborative work-management tool designed for sharing, storing, and working
on project planning, software development, and product management. You can use Amazon
Kendra to index your Confluence spaces, pages (including nested pages), blogs, and comments and
attachments to indexed pages and blogs.
Confluence 729
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra Confluence data source connector, see Troubleshooting
data sources.
Supported features
Connection instructions
Supported features
Amazon Kendra Confluence data source connector supports the following features:
Field mappings
User access control
Inclusion/exclusion patterns
Full and incremental content syncs
Virtual private cloud (VPC)
Before you can use Amazon Kendra to index your Confluence data source, make these changes in
your Confluence and AWS accounts.
In Confluence, make sure you have:
Copied your Confluence instance URL. For example:, or, or https:// You need your
Confluence instance URL to connect to Amazon Kendra.
If you're using Confluence Cloud, your host URL must end with
The following URL formats are not supported:
Confluence 730
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
(On-premise/server) Amazon Kendra checks if the endpoint information included in
AWS Secrets Manager is the same the endpoint information specified in your data source
configuration details. This helps protect against the confused deputy problem, which
is a security issue where a user doesn’t have permission to perform an action but uses
Amazon Kendra as a proxy to access the configured secret and perform the action. If
you later change your endpoint information, you must create a new secret to sync this
Configured basic authentication credentials containing a user name (email ID used to log into
Confluence) and password (Confluence API token as the password). See Manage API tokens for
your Atlassian account.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
Optional: Configured OAuth 2.0 credentials containing a Confluence app key, Confluence
app secret, Confluence access token, and Confluence refresh token to allow Amazon Kendra
to connect to your Confluence instance. If your access token expires, you can either use the
refresh token to regenerate your access token and refresh token pair. Or, you can repeat the
authorization process. For more information on access tokens, see Manage OAuth access tokens.
(For Confluence Server/Data Center only) Optional: Configured a Personal Access Token (PAT) in
Confluence. See Using Personal Access Tokens.
In your AWS account, make sure you have:
Created an Amazon Kendra index and, if using the API, noted the index ID.
Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.
Confluence 731
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
If you change your authentication type and credentials, you must update your IAM role to
access the correct AWS Secrets Manager secret ID.
Stored your Confluence authentication credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager secret and, if
using the API, noted the ARN of the secret.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
If you don’t have an existing IAM role or secret, you can use the console to create a new IAM role
and Secrets Manager secret when you connect your Confluence data source to Amazon Kendra.
If you are using the API, you must provide the ARN of an existing IAM role and Secrets Manager
secret, and an index ID.
Connection instructions
To connect Amazon Kendra to your Confluence data source, you must provide the necessary details
of your Confluence data source so that Amazon Kendra can access your data. If you have not yet
configured Confluence for Amazon Kendra see Prerequisites.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Confluence
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console.
2. From the left navigation pane, choose Indexes and then choose the index you want to use
from the list of indexes.
Confluence 732
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
You can choose to configure or edit your User access control settings under Index
3. On the Getting started page, choose Add data source.
4. On the Add data source page, choose Confluence connector, and then choose Add
connector. If using version 2 (if applicable), choose Confluence connector with the "V2.0"
5. On the Specify data source details page, enter the following information:
a. In Name and description, for Data source name—Enter a name for your data source.
You can include hyphens but not spaces.
b. (Optional) Description—Enter an optional description for your data source.
c. In Default language—Choose a language to filter your documents for the index.
Unless you specify otherwise, the language defaults to English. Language specified in
the document metadata overrides the selected language.
d. In Tags, for Add new tag—Include optional tags to search and filter your resources or
track your AWS costs.
e. Choose Next.
6. On the Define access and security page, enter the following information:
a. In Source, choose either Confluence Cloud or Confluence Server/Data Center.
Confluence URL—Enter the Confluence host URL. For example, https://
c. (For Confluence Server/Data Center only) SSL certificate location - optional—Enter
the Amazon S3 path to your SSL certificate file for Confluence Server.
d. (For Confluence Server/Data Center only) Web proxy - optional—Enter the web proxy
host name (without the http:// or https:// protocol) and port number (port used
by the host URL transport protocol). The port number should be a numeric value
between 0 and 65535.
e. Authorization—Turn on or off access control list (ACL) information for your
documents, if you have an ACL and want to use it for access control. The ACL specifies
which documents that users and groups can access. The ACL information is used to
Confluence 733
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
f. Authentication—Choose either Basic authentication, Oauth 2.0 authentication, or
(For Confluence Server/Data Center only) Personal Access Token authentication.
g. AWS Secrets Manager secret—Choose an existing secret or create a new Secrets
Manager secret to store your Confluence authentication credentials. If you choose to
create a new secret an AWS Secrets Manager secret window opens. Enter the following
information in the window:
i. Secret name—A name for your secret. The prefix ‘AmazonKendra-Confluence-’ is
automatically added to your secret name.
ii. If using Basic Authentication—Enter the secret name, user name, and password
(Confluence API token as the password) you configured in Confluence.
If using OAuth2.0 Authentication—Enter the secret name, app key, app secret,
access token, and refresh token you configured in Confluence.
(Confluence Server/Data Center only) If using Personal Access Token
authentication—Enter the secret name and Confluence token you configured in
your Confluence.
iii. Save and add your secret.
h. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—You can choose to use a VPC. If so, you must add
Subnets and VPC security groups.
i. Identity crawler—Specify whether to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler. The
identity crawler uses the access control list (ACL) information for your documents to
filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. If you have
an ACL for your documents and choose to use your ACL, you can then also choose
to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler to configure user context filtering of
search results. Otherwise, if identity crawler is turned off, all documents can be publicly
searched. If you want to use access control for your documents and identity crawler is
turned off, you can alternatively use the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user and
group access information for user context filtering.
j. IAM role—Choose an existing IAM role or create a new IAM role to access your
repository credentials and index content.
Confluence 734
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
IAM roles used for indexes cannot be used for data sources. If you are unsure if
an existing role is used for an index or FAQ, choose Create a new role to avoid
k. Choose Next.
7. On the Configure sync settings page, enter the following information:
a. In Sync scope, for Sync contents—Choose to sync from the following content types:
Pages, page comments, page attachments, blogs, blog comments, blog attachments,
personal spaces, and archived spaces.
Page comments and page attachments can only be seleted if you choose to
sync Pages. Blog comments and blog attachments can only be seleted if you
choose to sync Blogs.
If you don't specify a space key regex pattern in Additional configuration, all
pages and blogs will be crawled by default.
b. In Additional configuration, for Maximum file size—Specify the file size limit in MBs
that Amazon Kendra will crawl. Amazon Kendra will crawl only the files within the size
limit you define. The default file size is 50 MB. The maximum file size should be greater
than 0 MB and less than or equal to 50 MB.
For Spaces regex patterns—Specify whether to include or exclude specific spaces in
your index using:
Space key (for example, my-space-123)
Confluence 735
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
If you don't specify a space key regex pattern, all pages and blogs will be
crawled by default.
URL (for example, .*/MySite/MyDocuments/)
File type (for example, .*\.pdf, .*\.txt)
For Entity title regex patterns—Specify regular expression patterns to include or
exclude certain blogs, pages, comments, and attachments by titles.
If you want to include or exclude crawling a specific page or subpage, you can
use page title regex patterns.
c. Sync mode—Choose how you want to update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first
time, all content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your
data if your initial sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode
Full sync: Freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time your data
source syncs with your index.
New, modified, deleted sync: Index only new, modified, and deleted content each
time your data source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data
source's mechanism for tracking content changes and index content that changed
since the last sync.
d. In Sync run schedule, for Frequency—Choose how often to sync your data source
content and update your index.
e. Choose Next.
8. On the Set field mappings page, enter the following information:
a. Select from the Amazon Kendra generated default data source fields you want to map
to your index. To add custom data source fields, create an index field name to map to
and the field data type.
Confluence 736
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
b. Choose Next.
9. On the Review and create page, check that the information you have entered is correct
and then select Add data source. You can also choose to edit your information from this
page. Your data source will appear on the Data sources page after the data source has been
added successfully.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Confluence
You must specify a JSON of the data source schema using the TemplateConfiguration API. You
must provide the following information:
Data source—Specify the data source type as CONFLUENCEV2 when you use the
TemplateConfiguration JSON schema. Also specify the data source as TEMPLATE when you
call the CreateDataSource API.
Host URL—Specify the Confluence host URL instance. For example, https://
Sync mode—Specify how Amazon Kendra should update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first time, all
content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your data if your initial
sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode option. You can choose
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time
your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified, and deleted content each time your data source
syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking
content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
Authentication type—Specify the type of authentication, whether Basic, OAuth2,
(Confluence Server only) Personal-token.
(Optional–For Confluence Server only) SSL certificate location—Specificy the
S3bucketName and s3certificateName you used to store your SSL certificate.
Secret Amazon Resource Name (ARN)—Provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of
a Secrets Manager secret that contains the authentication credentials you configured in
Confluence 737
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Confluence. If you use basic authentication, the secret is stored in a JSON structure with the
following keys:
"username": "email ID or user name",
"password": "Confluence API token"
If you use OAuth 2.0 authentication, the secret is stored in a JSON structure with the
following keys:
"confluenceAppKey": "app key",
"confluenceAppSecret": "app secret",
"confluenceAccessToken": "access token",
"confluenceRefreshToken": "refresh token"
(For Confluence Server only) If you use basic authentication, the secret is stored in a JSON
structure with the following keys:
"hostUrl": "Confluence Server host URL",
"username": "Confluence Server user name",
"password": "Confluence Server password"
(For Confluence Server only) If you use Personal Access Token authentication, the secret is
stored in a JSON structure with the following keys:
"hostUrl": "Confluence Server host URL",
"patToken": "personal access token"
IAM role—Specify RoleArn when you call CreateDataSource to provide an IAM role
with permissions to access your Secrets Manager secret and to call the required public APIs
for the Confluence connector and Amazon Kendra. For more information, see IAM roles for
Confluence data sources.
Confluence 738
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
You can also add the following optional features:
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—Specify VpcConfiguration when you call
CreateDataSource. For more information, see Configuring Amazon Kendra to use an
Amazon VPC.
File size—Specify the maximun file size to crawl.
Document/content types—Specify whether to crawl pages, page comments, page
attachments, blogs, blog comments, blog attachments, spaces and archived spaces.
Inclusion and exclusion filters—Specify whether to include or exclude certain spaces, pages,
blogs, and their comments and attachments.
Most data sources use regular expression patterns, which are inclusion or exclusion
patterns referred to as filters. If you specify an inclusion filter, only content that
matches the inclusion filter is indexed. Any document that doesn’t match the
inclusion filter isn’t indexed. If you specify an inclusion and exclusion filter, documents
that match the exclusion filter are not indexed, even if they match the inclusion filter.
Web proxy—Specify your web proxy information if you want to connect to your Confluence
URL instance via a web proxy. You can use this option for Confluence Server.
Access control list (ACL)—Specify whether to crawl ACL information for your documents, if
you have an ACL and want to use it for access control. The ACL specifies which documents
that users and groups can access. The ACL information is used to filter search results based on
the user or their group access to documents. For more information, see User context filtering.
Identity crawler—Specify whether to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler. The identity
crawler uses the access control list (ACL) information for your documents to filter search
results based on the user or their group access to documents. If you have an ACL for your
documents and choose to use your ACL, you can then also choose to turn on Amazon
Kendra’s identity crawler to configure user context filtering of search results. Otherwise,
if identity crawler is turned off, all documents can be publicly searched. If you want to use
access control for your documents and identity crawler is turned off, you can alternatively use
the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user and group access information for user context
Field mappings—Choose to map your Confluence data source fields to your Amazon Kendra
index fields. For more information, see Mapping data source fields.
Confluence 739
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
The document body field or the document body equivalent for your documents
is required in order for Amazon Kendra to search your documents. You must
map your document body field name in your data source to the index field name
_document_body. All other fields are optional.
For a list of other important JSON keys to configure, see Confluence template schema.
Personal Access Token (PAT) is not available for Confluence Cloud.
Custom data source connector
Use a custom data source when you have a repository that Amazon Kendra doesn’t yet provide
a data source connector for. You can use it to see the same run history metrics that Amazon
Kendra data sources provide even when you can't use Amazon Kendra's data sources to sync your
repositories. Use this to create a consistent sync monitoring experience between Amazon Kendra
data sources and custom ones. Specifically, use a custom data source to see sync metrics for a data
source connector that you created using the BatchPutDocument and BatchDeleteDocument APIs.
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra custom data source connector, see Troubleshooting data
When you create a custom data source, you have complete control over how the documents to
index are selected. Amazon Kendra only provides metric information that you can use to monitor
your data source sync jobs. You must create and run the crawler that determines the documents
your data source indexes.
You must specify the main title of your documents using the Document object, and _source_uri
in DocumentAttribute in order to have DocumentTitle and DocumentURI included in the
response of the Query result.
You create an identifier for your custom data source using the console or by using the
CreateDataSource API. To use the console, give your data source a name, and optionally a
Custom data source connector 740
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
description and resource tags. After the data source is created, a data source ID is shown. Copy this
ID to use when you synchronize the data source with the index.
You can also create a custom data source using the CreateDataSource API. The API returns an ID
to use when you synchronize the data source. When you use the CreateDataSource API to create
a custom data source, you can't set the Configuration, RoleArn or Schedule parameters. If
you set these parameters, Amazon Kendra returns a ValidationException exception.
To use a custom data source, create an application that is responsible for updating the Amazon
Kendra index. The application depends on a crawler that you create. The crawler reads the
documents in your repository and determines which should be sent to Amazon Kendra. Your
application should perform the following steps:
1. Crawl your repository and make a list of the documents in your repository that are added,
updated, or deleted.
Custom data source connector 741
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
2. Call the StartDataSourceSyncJob API to signal that a sync job is starting. You provide a data
source ID to identify the data source that is synchronizing. Amazon Kendra returns a execution
ID to identify a particular sync job.
3. Call the BatchDeleteDocument API to remove documents from the index. You provide the data
source ID and execution ID to identify the data source that is synchronizing and the job that this
update is associated with.
4. Call the StopDataSourceSyncJob API to signal the end of the sync job. After you call the
StopDataSourceSyncJob API, the associated execution ID is no longer valid.
5. Call the ListDataSourceSyncJobs API with the index and data source identifiers to list the sync
jobs for the data source and to see metrics for the sync jobs.
After you end a sync job, you can start a new synchronization job. There can be a
period of time before all of the submitted documents are added to the index. Use the
ListDataSourceSyncJobs API to see the status of the sync job. If the Status returned for the
sync job is SYNCING_INDEXING, some documents are still being indexed. You can start a new sync
job when the status of the previous job is FAILED or SUCCEEDED.
After you call the StopDataSourceSyncJob API, you can't use a sync job identifier in a call to the
BatchPutDocument or BatchDeleteDocument APIs. If you do, all of the documents submitted
are returned in the FailedDocuments response message from the API.
Required attributes
When you submit a document to Amazon Kendra using the BatchPutDocument API, each
document requires two attributes to identify the data source and synchronization run that it
belongs to. You must provide the following two attributes to map documents from your custom
data source correctly to an Amazon Kendra index:
_data_source_id—The identifier of the data source. This is returned when you create the data
source with the console or the CreateDataSource API.
_data_source_sync_job_execution_id—The identifier of the sync run. This is returned
when you start the index synchronization with the StartDataSourceSyncJob API.
The following is the JSON required to index a document using a custom data source.
"Documents": [
Custom data source connector 742
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Attributes": [
"Key": "_data_source_id",
"Value": {
"StringValue": "data source identifier"
"Key": "_data_source_sync_job_execution_id",
"Value": {
"StringValue": "sync job identifier"
"Blob": "document content",
"ContentType": "content type",
"Id": "document identifier",
"Title": "document title"
"IndexId": "index identifier",
"RoleArn": "IAM role ARN"
When you remove a document from the index using the BatchDeleteDocument API, you need to
specify the following two fields in the DataSourceSyncJobMetricTarget parameter:
DataSourceId—The identifier of the data source. This is returned when you create the data
source with the console or the CreateDataSource API.
DataSourceSyncJobId—The identifier of the sync run. This is returned when you start the
index synchronization with the StartDataSourceSyncJob API.
The following is the JSON required to delete a document from the index using the
BatchDeleteDocument API.
"DataSourceSyncJobMetricTarget": {
"DataSourceId": "data source identifier",
"DataSourceSyncJobId": "sync job identifier"
Custom data source connector 743
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"DocumentIdList": [
"document identifier"
"IndexId": "index identifier"
Viewing metrics
After a sync job is finished, you can use the DataSourceSyncJobMetrics API to get the metrics
associated with the sync job. Use this to monitor your custom data source syncs.
If you submit the same document multiple times, either as part of the BatchPutDocument API,
the BatchDeleteDocument API, or if the document is submitted for both addition and deletion,
the document is only counted once in the metrics.
DocumentsAdded—The number of documents submitted using the BatchPutDocument API
associated with this sync job added to the index for the first time. If a document is submitted for
addition more than once in a sync, the document is only counted once in the metrics.
DocumentsDeleted—The number of documents submitted using the BatchDeleteDocument
API associated with this sync job deleted from the index. If a document is submitted for deletion
more than once in a sync, the document is only counted once in the metrics.
DocumentsFailed—The number of documents associated with this sync job that failed
indexing. These are documents that were accepted by Amazon Kendra for indexing but could
not be indexed or deleted. If a document isn't accepted by Amazon Kendra, the identifier for the
document is returned in the FailedDocuments response property of the BatchPutDocument
and BatchDeleteDocument APIs.
DocumentsModified—The number of modified documents submitted using the
BatchPutDocument API associated with this sync job that were modified in the Amazon Kendra
Amazon Kendra also emits Amazon CloudWatch metrics while indexing documents. For more
information, see Monitoring Amazon Kendra with Amazon CloudWatch.
Amazon Kendra doesn't return the DocumentsScanned metric for custom data sources. It also
emits the CloudWatch metrics listed in the document Metrics for Amazon Kendra data sources.
Learn more
To learn more about integrating Amazon Kendra with your custom data source, see:
Custom data source connector 744
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Adding custom data sources to Amazon Kendra
Custom data source (Java)
The following code provides a sample implementation of a custom data source using Java. The
program first creates a custom data source and then synchronizes newly added documents to the
index with the custom data source.
The following code demonstrates creating and using a custom data source. When you use a custom
data source in your application you don't need to create a new data source (one-off process) each
time that you synchronize your index with your data source. You use the index ID and data source
ID to synchronize your data.
package com.amazonaws.kendra;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
public class SampleSyncForCustomDataSource {
public static void main(String[] args) {
KendraClient kendra = KendraClient.builder().build();
String myIndexId = "yourIndexId";
String dataSourceName = "custom data source";
String dataSourceDescription = "Amazon Kendra custom data source connector"
// Create custom data source
CreateDataSourceRequest createDataSourceRequest = CreateDataSourceRequest
Custom data source connector 745
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
CreateDataSourceResponse createDataSourceResponse =
System.out.println(String.format("Response of creating data source: %s",
// Get the data source ID from createDataSourceResponse
String dataSourceId = createDataSourceResponse.Id();
// Wait for the custom data source to become active
System.out.println(String.format("Waiting for Amazon Kendra to create the data
source %s", dataSourceId));
// You can use the DescribeDataSource API to check the status
DescribeDataSourceRequest describeDataSourceRequest = DescribeDataSourceRequest
while (true) {
DescribeDataSourceResponse describeDataSourceResponse =
DataSourceStatus status = describeDataSourceResponse.status();
System.out.println(String.format("Creating data source. Status: %s", status));
if (status != DataSourceStatus.CREATING) {
// Start syncing yor data source by calling StartDataSourceSyncJob and providing
your index ID
// and your custom data source ID
System.out.println(String.format("Synchronize the data source %s", dataSourceId));
StartDataSourceSyncJobRequest startDataSourceSyncJobRequest =
Custom data source connector 746
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
StartDataSourceSyncJobResponse startDataSourceSyncJobResponse =
// Get the sync job execution ID from startDataSourceSyncJobResponse
String executionId = startDataSourceSyncJobResponse.ExecutionId();
System.out.println(String.format("Waiting for the data source to sync with the index
%s for execution ID %s", indexId, startDataSourceSyncJobResponse.executionId()));
// Add 2 documents uploaded to S3 bucket to your index using the BatchPutDocument
// The added documents should sync with your custom data source
Document pollyDoc = Document
.title("What is Amazon Polly?")
Document rekognitionDoc = Document
.title("What is Amazon rekognition?")
BatchPutDocumentRequest batchPutDocumentRequest = BatchPutDocumentRequest
.documents(pollyDoc, rekognitionDoc)
BatchPutDocumentResponse result = kendra.batchPutDocument(batchPutDocumentRequest);
System.out.println(String.format("BatchPutDocument result: %s", result));
Custom data source connector 747
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
// Once custom data source synced, stop the sync job using the
StopDataSourceSyncJob API
StopDataSourceSyncJobResponse stopDataSourceSyncJobResponse =
// List your sync jobs
ListDataSourceSyncJobsRequest listDataSourceSyncJobsRequest =
while (true) {
ListDataSourceSyncJobsResponse listDataSourceSyncJobsResponse =
DataSourceSyncJob job = listDataSourceSyncJobsResponse.history().get(0);
System.out.println(String.format("Status: %s", job.status()));
Dropbox is a file hosting service that offers cloud storage, document organization, and document
templating services. If you are a Dropbox user, you can use Amazon Kendra to index your Dropbox
files, Dropbox Paper, Dropbox Paper Templates, and stored shortcuts to web pages. You can
also configure Amazon Kendra to index specific Dropbox files, Dropbox Paper, Dropbox Paper
Templates, and stored shortcuts to web pages.
Amazon Kendra supports both Dropbox and Dropbox Advanced for Dropbox Business.
You can connect Amazon Kendra to your Dropbox data source using the Amazon Kendra console
and the TemplateConfiguration API.
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra Dropbox data source connector, see Troubleshooting
data sources.
Dropbox 748
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Supported features
Connection instructions
Learn more
Supported features
Amazon Kendra Dropbox data source connector supports the following features:
Field mappings
User access control
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Full and incremental content syncs
Virtual private cloud (VPC)
Before you can use Amazon Kendra to index your Dropbox data source, make these changes in your
Dropbox and AWS accounts.
In Dropbox, make sure you have:
Created a Dropbox Advanced account and set up an admin user.
Configured a Dropbox app with a unique App name, activated Scoped Access. See Dropbox
documentation on creating an app.
Activated Full Dropbox permissions on the Dropbox console and added the following
Dropbox 749
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Noted your Dropbox app key, Dropbox app secret, and Dropbox access token for basic
authentication credentials.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
Configured and copied a temporary Oauth 2.0 access token for your Dropbox app. This token is
temporary and expires after 4 hours. See Dropbox documentation on OAuth authentication.
It is recommended that you create a Dropbox refresh access token that never expires,
rather that relying on a one-time access token that expires after 4 hours. A refresh access
token is permanent and never expires so that you can continue to sync your data source
in the future.
Recommended: Configured a Dropbox permanent refresh token that never expires to allow
Amazon Kendra to continue to sync your data source without any disruptions. See Dropbox
documentation on refresh tokens.
Checked each document is unique in Dropbox and across other data sources you plan to use for
the same index. Each data source that you want to use for an index must not contain the same
document across the data sources. Document IDs are global to an index and must be unique per
In your AWS account, make sure you have:
Created an Amazon Kendra index and, if using the API, noted the index ID.
Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.
If you change your authentication type and credentials, you must update your IAM role to
access the correct AWS Secrets Manager secret ID.
Dropbox 750
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Stored your Dropbox authentication credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager secret and, if using
the API, noted the ARN of the secret.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
If you don’t have an existing IAM role or secret, you can use the console to create a new IAM role
and Secrets Manager secret when you connect your Dropbox data source to Amazon Kendra. If you
are using the API, you must provide the ARN of an existing IAM role and Secrets Manager secret,
and an index ID.
Connection instructions
To connect Amazon Kendra to your Dropbox data source, you must provide the necessary details
of your Dropbox data source so that Amazon Kendra can access your data. If you have not yet
configured Dropbox for Amazon Kendra, see Prerequisites.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Dropbox
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console.
2. From the left navigation pane, choose Indexes and then choose the index you want to use
from the list of indexes.
You can choose to configure or edit your User access control settings under Index
3. On the Getting started page, choose Add data source.
4. On the Add data source page, choose Dropbox connector, and then choose Add
connector. If using version 2 (if applicable), choose Dropbox connector with the "V2.0" tag.
5. On the Specify data source details page, enter the following information:
Dropbox 751
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
a. In Name and description, for Data source name—Enter a name for your data source.
You can include hyphens but not spaces.
b. (Optional) Description—Enter an optional description for your data source.
c. In Default language—Choose a language to filter your documents for the index.
Unless you specify otherwise, the language defaults to English. Language specified in
the document metadata overrides the selected language.
d. In Tags, for Add new tag—Include optional tags to search and filter your resources or
track your AWS costs.
e. Choose Next.
6. On the Define access and security page, enter the following information:
a. Authorization—Turn on or off access control list (ACL) information for your
documents, if you have an ACL and want to use it for access control. The ACL specifies
which documents that users and groups can access. The ACL information is used to
filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
b. Type of authentication token—Choose either a permanent token (recommended) or a
temporary access token.
c. AWS Secrets Manager secret—Choose an existing secret or create a new Secrets
Manager secret to store your Dropbox authentication credentials. If you choose to
create a new secret an AWS Secrets Manager secret window opens.
i. Enter following information in the Create an AWS Secrets Manager secret
A. Secret name—A name for your secret. The prefix ‘AmazonKendra-Dropbox-’ is
automatically added to your secret name.
B. For App key, App secret, and token information (permanent or temporary)—
Enter the authentication credential values configured in Dropbox.
ii. Save and add your secret.
d. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—You can choose to use a VPC. If so, you must add
Subnets and VPC security groups.
e. Identity crawler—Specify whether to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler. The
identity crawler uses the access control list (ACL) information for your documents to
filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. If you have
Dropbox 752
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
an ACL for your documents and choose to use your ACL, you can then also choose
to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler to configure user context filtering of
search results. Otherwise, if identity crawler is turned off, all documents can be publicly
searched. If you want to use access control for your documents and identity crawler is
turned off, you can alternatively use the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user and
group access information for user context filtering.
f. IAM role—Choose an existing IAM role or create a new IAM role to access your
repository credentials and index content.
IAM roles used for indexes cannot be used for data sources. If you are unsure if
an existing role is used for an index or FAQ, choose Create a new role to avoid
g. Choose Next.
7. On the Configure sync settings page, enter the following information:
a. For Select entities or content types—Choose Dropbox entities or content types you
want to crawl.
b. In Additional configuration for Regex patterns—Add regular expression patterns to
include or exclude certain files.
c. Sync mode—Choose how you want to update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first
time, all content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your
data if your initial sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode
Full sync: Freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time your data
source syncs with your index.
New, modified sync: Index only new and modified content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source's mechanism
for tracking content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
New, modified, deleted sync: Index only new, modified, and deleted content each
time your data source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data
Dropbox 753
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
source's mechanism for tracking content changes and index content that changed
since the last sync.
d. In Sync run schedule, for Frequency—Choose how often to sync your data source
content and update your index.
e. Choose Next.
8. On the Set field mappings page, enter the following information:
a. Files, Dropbox Paper, and Dropbox Paper templates—Select from the Amazon
Kendra generated default data source fields you want to map to your index.
b. Add field—To add custom data source fields to create an index field name to map to
and the field data type.
c. Choose Next.
9. On the Review and create page, check that the information you have entered is correct
and then select Add data source. You can also choose to edit your information from this
page. Your data source will appear on the Data sources page after the data source has been
added successfully.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Dropbox
You must specify a JSON of the data source schema using the TemplateConfiguration API. You
must provide the following information:
Data source—Specify the data source type as DROPBOX when you use the
TemplateConfiguration JSON schema. Also specify the data source as TEMPLATE when you
call the CreateDataSource API.
Sync mode—Specify how Amazon Kendra should update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first time, all
content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your data if your initial
sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode option. You can choose
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time
your data source syncs with your index.
Dropbox 754
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified, and deleted content each time your data source
syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking
content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
CHANGE_LOG to index only new and modified content each time your data source syncs
with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking content
changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
Access token type—Specify whether you want to use permanent or temporary access token
for your AWS Secrets Manager secret that stores your authentication crednetials.
It's recommended that you create a refresh access token that never expires in Dropbox
rather that relying on a one-time access token that expires after 4 hours. You create
an app and a refresh access token in the Dropbox developer console and provide the
access token in your secret.
Secret Amazon Resource Name (ARN)—Provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of
an Secrets Manager secret that contains the authentication credentials for your Dropbox
account. The secret is stored in a JSON structure with the following keys:
"appKey": "Dropbox app key",
"appSecret": "Dropbox app secret",
"accesstoken": "temporary access token or refresh access token"
Identity crawler—Specify whether to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler. The identity
crawler uses the access control list (ACL) information for your documents to filter search
results based on the user or their group access to documents. If you have an ACL for your
documents and choose to use your ACL, you can then also choose to turn on Amazon
Kendra’s identity crawler to configure user context filtering of search results. Otherwise,
if identity crawler is turned off, all documents can be publicly searched. If you want to use
access control for your documents and identity crawler is turned off, you can alternatively use
the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user and group access information for user context
IAM role—Specify RoleArn when you call CreateDataSource to provide an IAM role with
permissions to access your Secrets Manager secret and to call the required public APIs for the
Dropbox 755
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Dropbox connector and Amazon Kendra. For more information, see IAM roles for Dropbox
data sources.
You can also add the following optional features:
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—Specify VpcConfiguration when you call
CreateDataSource. For more information, see Configuring Amazon Kendra to use an
Amazon VPC.
Document/content types—Specify whether to crawl files in your Dropbox, Dropbox Paper
documents, Dropbox Paper templates, and web page shortcuts stored in your Dropbox.
Inclusion and exclusion filters—Specify whether to include or exclude certain files.
Most data sources use regular expression patterns, which are inclusion or exclusion
patterns referred to as filters. If you specify an inclusion filter, only content that
matches the inclusion filter is indexed. Any document that doesn’t match the
inclusion filter isn’t indexed. If you specify an inclusion and exclusion filter, documents
that match the exclusion filter are not indexed, even if they match the inclusion filter.
Access control list (ACL)—Specify whether to crawl ACL information for your documents, if
you have an ACL and want to use it for access control. The ACL specifies which documents
that users and groups can access. The ACL information is used to filter search results based on
the user or their group access to documents. For more information, see User context filtering.
Field mappings—Choose to map your Dropbox data source fields to your Amazon Kendra
index fields. For more information, see Mapping data source fields.
The document body field or the document body equivalent for your documents
is required in order for Amazon Kendra to search your documents. You must
map your document body field name in your data source to the index field name
_document_body. All other fields are optional.
For a list of other important JSON keys to configure, see Dropbox template schema.
Dropbox 756
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Learn more
To learn more about integrating Amazon Kendra with your Dropbox data source, see:
Index your Dropbox content using the Dropbox connector for Amazon Kendra
Drupal is an open-source content management system (CMS) that you can use to create websites
and web applications. You can use Amazon Kendra to index the following in Drupal:
Content—Articles, Basic pages, Basic blocks, User defined content types, User defined block
types, Custom content types, Custom block types
Comment—For any Content type and Block type
Attachments—For any Content type and Block type
You can connect Amazon Kendra to your Drupal data source using the Amazon Kendra console or
the TemplateConfiguration API.
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra Drupal data source connector, see Troubleshooting data
Supported features
Connection instructions
Supported features
Amazon Kendra Drupal data source connector supports the following features:
Field mappings
User context filtering
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Full and incremental content syncs
Drupal 757
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Virtual private cloud (VPC)
Before you can use Amazon Kendra to index your Drupal data source, make these changes in your
Drupal and AWS accounts.
In Drupal, make sure you have:
Created a Drupal (Standard) Suite account and a user with an administrator role.
Copied your Drupal site name and configured a host url. For example, https://<hostname>/
Configured basic authentication credentials containing a user name (Drupal website login user
name) and password (Drupal website password).
Recommended: Configured an OAuth 2.0 credential token. Use this token along with your
Drupal password grant, client id, client secret, user name (Drupal website login user name) and
password (Drupal website password) to connect to Amazon Kendra.
Added the following permissions in your Drupal account using an administrator role:
administer blocks
administer block_content display
administer block_content fields
administer block_content form display
administer views
view user email addresses
view own unpublished content
view page revisions
view article revisions
view all revisions
view the administration theme
access content
access content overview
access comments
search content
Drupal 758
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
access files overview
access contextual links
If there are user defined content types or user defined block types, or any views and
blocks are added to the Drupal website, they must be provided with administrator access.
In your AWS account, make sure you have:
Created an Amazon Kendra index and, if using the API, noted the index ID.
Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.
If you change your authentication type and credentials, you must update your IAM role to
access the correct AWS Secrets Manager secret ID.
Stored your Drupal authentication credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager secret and, if using the
API, noted the ARN of the secret.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
If you don’t have an existing IAM role or secret, you can use the console to create a new IAM role
and Secrets Manager secret when you connect your Drupal data source to Amazon Kendra. If you
are using the API, you must provide the ARN of an existing IAM role and Secrets Manager secret,
and an index ID.
Drupal 759
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Connection instructions
To connect Amazon Kendra to your Drupal data source you must provide details of your Drupal
credentials so that Amazon Kendra can access your data. If you have not yet configured Drupal for
Amazon Kendra see Prerequisites.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Drupal
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console.
2. From the left navigation pane, choose Indexes and then choose the index you want to use
from the list of indexes.
You can choose to configure or edit your User access control settings under Index
3. On the Getting started page, choose Add data source.
4. On the Add data source page, choose Drupal connector, and then choose Add connector.
If using version 2 (if applicable), choose Drupal connector with the "V2.0" tag.
5. On the Specify data source details page, enter the following information:
a. In Name and description, for Data source name—Enter a name for your data source.
You can include hyphens but not spaces.
b. (Optional) Description—Enter an optional description for your data source.
c. In Default language—Choose a language to filter your documents for the index.
Unless you specify otherwise, the language defaults to English. Language specified in
the document metadata overrides the selected language.
d. In Tags, for Add new tag—Include optional tags to search and filter your resources or
track your AWS costs.
e. Choose Next.
6. On the Define access and security page, enter the following information:
In Source, for Host URL—The host URL of your Drupal site. For example, https://
Drupal 760
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
b. For SSL certificate location—Enter the path to the SSL certificate stored in your
Amazon S3 bucket.
c. Authorization—Turn on or off access control list (ACL) information for your
documents, if you have an ACL and want to use it for access control. The ACL specifies
which documents that users and groups can access. The ACL information is used to
filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
d. For Authentication—Choose between Basic authentication and OAuth 2.0
authentication based on your use case.
e. AWS Secrets Manager secret—Choose an existing secret or create a new Secrets
Manager secret to store your Drupal authentication credentials. If you choose to create
a new secret an AWS Secrets Manager secret window opens.
i. Enter following information in the Create an AWS Secrets Manager secret
A. If you chose Basic authentication, enter a Secret Name, the User name,
(Drupal site user name), and Password (Drupal site password) that you copied
and choose Save and add secret.
B. If you chose OAuth 2.0 authentication, enter a Secret Name, User name
(Drupal site user name), Password (Drupal site password), Client ID, and
Client secret generated in your Drupal account and choose Save and add
ii. Choose Save.
f. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—You can choose to use a VPC. If so, you must add
Subnets and VPC security groups.
g. Identity crawler—Specify whether to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler. The
identity crawler uses the access control list (ACL) information for your documents to
filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. If you have
an ACL for your documents and choose to use your ACL, you can then also choose
to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler to configure user context filtering of
search results. Otherwise, if identity crawler is turned off, all documents can be publicly
searched. If you want to use access control for your documents and identity crawler is
turned off, you can alternatively use the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user and
group access information for user context filtering.
Drupal 761
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
h. IAM role—Choose an existing IAM role or create a new IAM role to access your
repository credentials and index content.
IAM roles used for indexes cannot be used for data sources. If you are unsure if
an existing role is used for an index or FAQ, choose Create a new role to avoid
i. Choose Next.
7. On the Configure sync settings page, enter the following information:
a. For Sync scope, choose from the following options:
When you choose to crawl Articles, Basic pages, and Basic blocks, their
default fields will be synced automatically. You can also choose to sync their
comments, attachments, custom fields and other custom entities.
For Select entities:
Articles—Choose whether to crawl Articles, their comments Comments, and
their Attachments.
Basic pages—Choose whether to crawl Basic pages, their Comments, and their
Basic blocks—Choose whether to crawl Basic blocks, their Comments, and their
You can also choose to add Custom content types and Custom Blocks.
b. For Additional configuration – optional:
For Regex pattern—Add regular expression patterns to include or exclude specific
entity titles and file names. You can add up to 100 patterns.
c. Sync mode—Choose how you want to update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first
time, all content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your
Drupal 762
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
data if your initial sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode
Full sync: Freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time your data
source syncs with your index.
New, modified, deleted sync: Index only new, modified, and deleted content each
time your data source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data
source's mechanism for tracking content changes and index content that changed
since the last sync.
d. In Sync run schedule, Frequency—How often Amazon Kendra will sync with your data
e. Choose Next.
8. On the Set field mappings page, enter the following information:
a. For Contents, Comments, and Attachments—Select from the Amazon Kendra
generated default data source fields you want to map to your index.
b. Add field—To add custom data source fields to create an index field name to map to
and the field data type.
c. Choose Next.
9. On the Review and create page, check that the information you have entered is correct
and then select Add data source. You can also choose to edit your information from this
page. Your data source will appear on the Data sources page after the data source has been
added successfully.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Drupal
You must specify a JSON of the data source schema using the TemplateConfiguration API. You
must provide the following information:
Data source—Specify the data source type as DRUPAL when you use the
TemplateConfiguration JSON schema. Also specify the data source as TEMPLATE when you
call the CreateDataSource API.
Sync mode—Specify how Amazon Kendra should update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first time, all
Drupal 763
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your data if your initial
sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode option. You can choose
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time
your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified, and deleted content each time your data source
syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking
content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
CHANGE_LOG to index only new and modified content each time your data source syncs
with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking content
changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
Secret Amazon Resource Name (ARN)—Provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a
Secrets Manager secret that contains the authentication credentials you created in your
Drupal account.
If you use basic authentication, the secret is stored in a JSON structure with the following
"username": "user name",
"password": "password"
If you use OAuth 2.0 authentication, the secret is stored in a JSON structure with the
following keys:
"username": "user name",
"password": "password",
"clientId": "client id",
"clientSecret": "client secret"
Drupal 764
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and
secret. Provide only the necessary access level for your own security. We do
not recommend that you re-use credentials and secrets across data sources,
and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0 (where applicable).
IAM role—Specify RoleArn when you call CreateDataSource to provide an IAM role with
permissions to access your Secrets Manager secret and to call the required public APIs for the
Drupal connector and Amazon Kendra. For more information, see IAM roles for Drupal data
You can also add the following optional features:
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—Specify VpcConfiguration when you call
CreateDataSource. For more information, see Configuring Amazon Kendra to use an
Amazon VPC.
Inclusion and exclusion filters—You can specify whether to include contents, comments, and
attachments. You can also specify regular expression patterns to include or exclude contents,
comments, and attachments.
Most data sources use regular expression patterns, which are inclusion or exclusion
patterns referred to as filters. If you specify an inclusion filter, only content that
matches the inclusion filter is indexed. Any document that doesn’t match the
inclusion filter isn’t indexed. If you specify an inclusion and exclusion filter, documents
that match the exclusion filter are not indexed, even if they match the inclusion filter.
Identity crawler—Specify whether to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler. The identity
crawler uses the access control list (ACL) information for your documents to filter search
results based on the user or their group access to documents. If you have an ACL for your
documents and choose to use your ACL, you can then also choose to turn on Amazon
Drupal 765
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Kendra’s identity crawler to configure user context filtering of search results. Otherwise,
if identity crawler is turned off, all documents can be publicly searched. If you want to use
access control for your documents and identity crawler is turned off, you can alternatively use
the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user and group access information for user context
Field mappings—Choose to map your Drupal data source fields to your Amazon Kendra index
fields. For more information, see Mapping data source fields.
The document body field or the document body equivalent for your documents
is required in order for Amazon Kendra to search your documents. You must
map your document body field name in your data source to the index field name
_document_body. All other fields are optional.
For a list of other important JSON keys to configure, see Drupal template schema.
Drupal APIs have no official throttling limits.
Java SDKs are not available for Drupal.
Drupal data can be fetched only using native JSON API’s.
Content types not associated with any Drupal View cannot be crawled.
You need administrator access to crawl data from Drupal Blocks.
There is no JSON API available to create the user defined content type using HTTP verbs.
The document body and comments for Articles, Basic pages, Basic blocks, user defined content
type, and user defined block type, are displayed in HTML format. If the HTML content is not well-
formed, then the HTML related tags will appear in the document body and comments and will be
visible in Amazon Kendra search results.
Content types and Block types without description or body will not be ingested into Amazon
Kendra. Only Comments and Attachments of such Content or Block types will be ingested into
your Amazon Kendra index.
Drupal 766
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
GitHub is a web-based hosting service for software development providing code storage and
management services with version control. You can use Amazon Kendra to index your GitHub
Enterprise Cloud (SaaS) and GitHub Enterprise Server (On Prem) repository files, issue and pull
requests, issue and pull request comments, and issue and pull request comment attachments. You
can also choose to include or exclude certain files.
Amazon Kendra now supports an upgraded GitHub connector.
The console has been automatically upgraded for you. Any new connectors you create in
the console will use the upgraded architecture. If you use the API, you must now use the
TemplateConfiguration object instead of the GitHubConfiguration object to configure
your connector.
Connectors configured using the older console and API architecture will continue to
function as configured. However, you won’t be able to edit or update them. If you want to
edit or update your connector configuration, you must create a new connector.
We recommended migrating your connector workflow to the upgraded version. Support for
connectors configured using the older architecture is scheduled to end by June 2024.
You can connect Amazon Kendra to your GitHub data source using the Amazon Kendra console and
the TemplateConfiguration API.
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra GitHub data source connector, see Troubleshooting data
Supported features
Connection instructions
Learn more
Supported features
Amazon Kendra GitHub data source connector supports the following features:
GitHub 767
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Field mappings
User access control
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Full and incremental content syncs
Virtual private cloud (VPC)
Before you can use Amazon Kendra to index your GitHub data source, make these changes in your
GitHub and AWS accounts.
In GitHub, make sure you have:
Created a GitHub user with administrative permissions to the GitHub organization.
Configured a personal access token in Git Hub to use as your authentication credentials. See
GitHub documentation on creating a personal access token.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
Recommended:Configured an OAuth token for authentication credentials. Use OAuth token
for better API throttle limits and connector performance. See GitHub documentation on OAuth
Noted the GitHub host URL for the type of GitHub service that you use. For example, the host
URL for GitHub cloud could be and the host URL for GitHub server
could be https://on-prem-host-url/api/v3/.
Noted the name of your organization for GitHub the GitHub Enterprise Cloud (SaaS) account
or GitHub Enterprise Server (on-premises) account you want to connect to. You can find your
organization name by logging into GitHub desktop and selecting Your organizations under your
profile picture dropdown.
Optional (server only): Generated a SSL certificate and copied the path to the certificate
stored in an Amazon S3 bucket. You use this to connect to GitHub if you require a secure SSL
GitHub 768
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
connection. You can simply generate a self-signed X509 certificate on any computer using
OpenSSL. For an example of using OpenSSL to create an X509 certificate, see Create and sign an
X509 certificate.
Added the following permissions:
For GitHub Enterprise Cloud (SaaS)
repo:status – Grants read/write access to commit statuses in public and private repositories.
This scope is only necessary to grant other users or services access to private repository
commit statuses without granting access to the code.
repo_deployment – Grants access to deployment statuses for public and private repositories.
This scope is only necessary to grant other users or services access to deployment statuses,
without granting access to the code.
public_repo – Limits access to public repositories. That includes read/write access to code,
commit statuses, repository projects, collaborators, and deployment statuses for public
repositories and organizations. Also required for starring public repositories.
repo:invite – Grants accept/decline abilities for invitations to collaborate on a repository.
This scope is only necessary to grant other users or services access to invites without granting
access to the code.
security_events – Grants: read and write access to security events in the code scanning API.
This scope is only necessary to grant other users or services access to security events without
granting access to the code.
read:org – Read-only access to organization membership, organization projects, and team
user:email – Grants read access to a user's email addresses. Required by Amazon Kendra to
crawl ACLs.
user:follow – Grants access to follow or unfollow other users. Required by Amazon Kendra
to crawl ACLs.
read:user – Grants access to read a user's profile data. Required by Amazon Kendra to crawl
workflow – Grants the ability to add and update GitHub Actions workflow files. Workflow
files can be committed without this scope if the same file (with both the same path and
contents) exists on another branch in the same repository.
For more information, see Scopes for OAuth apps in GitHub Docs.
GitHub 769
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
For GitHub Enterprise Server (On Prem)
repo:status – Grants read/write access to commit statuses in public and private repositories.
This scope is only necessary to grant other users or services access to private repository
commit statuses without granting access to the code.
repo_deployment – Grants access to deployment statuses for public and private repositories.
This scope is only necessary to grant other users or services access to deployment statuses,
without granting access to the code.
public_repo – Limits access to public repositories. That includes read/write access to code,
commit statuses, repository projects, collaborators, and deployment statuses for public
repositories and organizations. Also required for starring public repositories.
repo:invite – Grants accept/decline abilities for invitations to collaborate on a repository.
This scope is only necessary to grant other users or services access to invites without granting
access to the code.
security_events – Grants: read and write access to security events in the code scanning API.
This scope is only necessary to grant other users or services access to security events without
granting access to the code.
read:user – Grants access to read a user's profile data. Required by Amazon Q Business to
crawl ACLs.
user:email – Grants read access to a user's email addresses. Required by Amazon Q Business
to crawl ACLs.
user:follow – Grants access to follow or unfollow other users. Required by Amazon Q
Business to crawl ACLs.
site_admin – Grants site administrators access to GitHub Enterprise Server Administration
API endpoints.
workflow – Grants the ability to add and update GitHub Actions workflow files. Workflow
files can be committed without this scope if the same file (with both the same path and
contents) exists on another branch in the same repository.
For more information, see Scopes for OAuth apps in GitHub Docs and Understanding scopes for
OAuth Apps in GitHub Developer.
Checked each document is unique in GitHub and across other data sources you plan to use for
the same index. Each data source that you want to use for an index must not contain the same
document across the data sources. Document IDs are global to an index and must be unique per
GitHub 770
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
In your AWS account, make sure you have:
Created an Amazon Kendra index and, if using the API, noted the index ID.
Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.
If you change your authentication type and credentials, you must update your IAM role to
access the correct AWS Secrets Manager secret ID.
Stored your GitHub authentication credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager secret and, if using the
API, noted the ARN of the secret.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
If you don’t have an existing IAM role or secret, you can use the console to create a new IAM role
and Secrets Manager secret when you connect your GitHub data source to Amazon Kendra. If you
are using the API, you must provide the ARN of an existing IAM role and Secrets Manager secret,
and an index ID.
Connection instructions
To connect Amazon Kendra to your GitHub data source, you must provide the necessary details
of your GitHub data source so that Amazon Kendra can access your data. If you have not yet
configured GitHub for Amazon Kendra, see Prerequisites.
To connect Amazon Kendra to GitHub
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console.
2. From the left navigation pane, choose Indexes and then choose the index you want to use
from the list of indexes.
GitHub 771
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
You can choose to configure or edit your User access control settings under Index
3. On the Getting started page, choose Add data source.
4. On the Add data source page, choose GitHub connector, and then choose Add connector.
If using version 2 (if applicable), choose GitHub connector with the "V2.0" tag.
5. On the Specify data source details page, enter the following information:
a. In Name and description, for Data source name—Enter a name for your data source.
You can include hyphens but not spaces.
b. (Optional) Description—Enter an optional description for your data source.
c. In Default language—Choose a language to filter your documents for the index.
Unless you specify otherwise, the language defaults to English. Language specified in
the document metadata overrides the selected language.
d. In Tags, for Add new tag—Include optional tags to search and filter your resources or
track your AWS costs.
e. Choose Next.
6. On the Define access and security page, enter the following information:
a. GitHub source—Choose between GitHub Enterprise Cloud and GitHub Enterprise
GitHub host URL—For example, the host URL for GitHub cloud could be https:// and the host URL for GitHub server could be https://on-prem-
c. GitHub organization name—Enter your GitHub organization name. You can find your
organization information in your GitHub account.
GitHub connector supports crawling a single organization per data source
connector instance.
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Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
d. Authorization—Turn on or off access control list (ACL) information for your
documents, if you have an ACL and want to use it for access control. The ACL specifies
which documents that users and groups can access. The ACL information is used to
filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
e. AWS Secrets Manager secret—Choose an existing secret or create a new Secrets
Manager secret to store your GitHub authentication credentials. If you choose to create
a new secret an AWS Secrets Manager secret window opens.
i. Enter following information in the Create an AWS Secrets Manager secret
A. Secret name—A name for your secret. The prefix ‘AmazonKendra-GitHub-’ is
automatically added to your secret name.
B. For GitHub token—Enter the authentication credential value configured in
ii. Save and add your secret.
f. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—You can choose to use a VPC. If so, you must add
Subnets and VPC security groups.
g. Identity crawler—Specify whether to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler. The
identity crawler uses the access control list (ACL) information for your documents to
filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. If you have
an ACL for your documents and choose to use your ACL, you can then also choose
to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler to configure user context filtering of
search results. Otherwise, if identity crawler is turned off, all documents can be publicly
searched. If you want to use access control for your documents and identity crawler is
turned off, you can alternatively use the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user and
group access information for user context filtering.
h. IAM role—Choose an existing IAM role or create a new IAM role to access your
repository credentials and index content.
GitHub 773
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
IAM roles used for indexes cannot be used for data sources. If you are unsure if
an existing role is used for an index or FAQ, choose Create a new role to avoid
i. Choose Next.
7. On the Configure sync settings page, enter the following information:
a. Select repositories—Choose to crawl all repositories or select.
If you choose to crawl select repositories, add the names for the repositories and,
optionally, the name of any specific branches.
b. Content types—Choose the content types you want to crawl from files, issues, pull
requests, and more.
c. Regex patterns—Add regular expression patterns to include or exclude certain files.
d. Sync mode—Choose how you want to update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first
time, all content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your
data if your initial sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode
Full sync: Freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time your data
source syncs with your index.
New, modified sync: Index only new and modified content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source's mechanism
for tracking content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
New, modified, deleted sync: Index only new, modified, and deleted content each
time your data source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data
source's mechanism for tracking content changes and index content that changed
since the last sync.
e. In Sync run schedule for Frequency—Choose how often to sync your data source
content and update your index.
f. Choose Next.
8. On the Set field mappings page, enter the following information:
GitHub 774
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
a. Default data source fields—Select from the Amazon Kendra generated default data
source fields you want to map to your index.
b. Add field—To add custom data source fields to create an index field name to map to
and the field data type.
c. Choose Next.
9. On the Review and create page, check that the information you have entered is correct
and then select Add data source. You can also choose to edit your information from this
page. Your data source will appear on the Data sources page after the data source has been
added successfully.
To connect Amazon Kendra to GitHub
You must specify a JSON of the data source schema using the TemplateConfiguration API. You
must provide the following information:
Data source—Specify the data source type as GITHUB when you use the
TemplateConfiguration JSON schema. Also specify the data source as TEMPLATE when you
call the CreateDataSource API.
GitHub type—Specify the type as either SAAS or ON_PREMISE.
Host URL—Specify the GitHub host URL or API endpoint URL. For example, if you use GitHub
SaaS/Enterprise Cloud, the host URL could be, and for GitHub
on-premises/Enterprise Server the host URL could be https://on-prem-host-url/api/
Organization name—Specify the name of the organization of the GitHub account. You
can find your organization name by logging into GitHub desktop and selecting Your
organizations under your profile picture dropdown.
Sync mode—Specify how Amazon Kendra should update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first time, all
content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your data if your initial
sync failed, even if you don’t choose full sync as your sync mode option. You can choose
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time
your data source syncs with your index.
GitHub 775
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified, and deleted content each time your data source
syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking
content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
CHANGE_LOG to index only new and modified content each time your data source syncs
with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking content
changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
Identity crawler—Specify whether to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler. The identity
crawler uses the access control list (ACL) information for your documents to filter search
results based on the user or their group access to documents. If you have an ACL for your
documents and choose to use your ACL, you can then also choose to turn on Amazon
Kendra’s identity crawler to configure user context filtering of search results. Otherwise,
if identity crawler is turned off, all documents can be publicly searched. If you want to use
access control for your documents and identity crawler is turned off, you can alternatively use
the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user and group access information for user context
Secret Amazon Resource Name (ARN)—Provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an
Secrets Manager secret that contains the authentication credentials for your GitHub account.
The secret is stored in a JSON structure with the following keys:
"personalToken": "token"
IAM role—Specify RoleArn when you call CreateDataSource to provide an IAM role with
permissions to access your Secrets Manager secret and to call the required public APIs for the
GitHub connector and Amazon Kendra. For more information, see IAM roles for GitHub data
You can also add the following optional features:
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—Specify VpcConfiguration when you call
CreateDataSource. For more information, see Configuring Amazon Kendra to use an
Amazon VPC.
GitHub 776
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
If you use GitHub server, you must use an Amazon VPC to connect to your GitHub
Repository filter—Filter repositories by their name and branch names.
Document/content types—Specify whether to crawl repository documents, issues, issue
comments, issue comment attachments, pull requests, pull request comments, pull request
comment attachments.
Inclusion and exclusion filters—Specify whether to include or exclude certain files and
Most data sources use regular expression patterns, which are inclusion or exclusion
patterns referred to as filters. If you specify an inclusion filter, only content that
matches the inclusion filter is indexed. Any document that doesn’t match the
inclusion filter isn’t indexed. If you specify an inclusion and exclusion filter, documents
that match the exclusion filter are not indexed, even if they match the inclusion filter.
Access control list (ACL)—Specify whether to crawl ACL information for your documents, if
you have an ACL and want to use it for access control. The ACL specifies which documents
that users and groups can access. The ACL information is used to filter search results based on
the user or their group access to documents. For more information, see User context filtering.
Field mappings—Choose to map your GitHub data source fields to your Amazon Kendra
index fields. You can include fields of documents, commits, issues, issue attachments,
issue comments, pull requests, pull request attachments, pull request comments. For more
information, see Mapping data source fields.
The document body field or the document body equivalent for your documents
is required in order for Amazon Kendra to search your documents. You must
map your document body field name in your data source to the index field name
_document_body. All other fields are optional.
GitHub 777
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
For a list of other important JSON keys to configure, see GitHub template schema.
Learn more
To learn more about integrating Amazon Kendra with your GitHub data source, see:
Reimagine search on GitHub repositories with the power of the Amazon Kendra GitHub
Gmail is email client developed by Google through which you can send email messages with file
attachments. Gmail messages can be sorted and stored inside your email inbox using folders and
labels. You can use Amazon Kendra to index your email messages and message attachments.
You can also configure Amazon Kendra to include or exclude specific email messages, message
attachments, and labels for indexing.
You can connect Amazon Kendra to your Gmail data source using the Amazon Kendra console and
the TemplateConfiguration API.
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra Gmail data source connector, see Troubleshooting data
Supported features
Connection instructions
Learn more
Supported features
Field mappings
User access control
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Full and incremental content syncs
Gmail 778
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Virtual private cloud (VPC)
Before you can use Amazon Kendra to index your Gmail data source, make these changes in your
Gmail and AWS accounts.
In Gmail, make sure you have:
Created a Google Cloud Platform admin account and have created a Google Cloud project.
Activated Gmail API and Admin SDK API in your admin account.
Created a service account and downloaded a JSON private key for your Gmail. For information on
how to create and access your private key, see Google Cloud documentation on how to Create a
service account key and Service account credentials.
Copied your admin account email, your service account email, and your private key to use as your
authentication credentials.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
Added the following Oauth scopes (using an admin role) for your user and the shared directories
you want to index:
Checked each document is unique in Gmail and across other data sources you plan to use for
the same index. Each data source that you want to use for an index must not contain the same
document across the data sources. Document IDs are global to an index and must be unique per
In your AWS account, make sure you have:
Created an Amazon Kendra index and, if using the API, noted the index ID.
Gmail 779
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.
If you change your authentication type and credentials, you must update your IAM role to
access the correct AWS Secrets Manager secret ID.
Stored your Gmail authentication credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager secret and, if using the
API, noted the ARN of the secret.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
If you don’t have an existing IAM role or secret, you can use the console to create a new IAM role
and Secrets Manager secret when you connect your Gmail data source to Amazon Kendra. If you
are using the API, you must provide the ARN of an existing IAM role and Secrets Manager secret,
and an index ID.
Connection instructions
To connect Amazon Kendra to your Gmail data source you must provide details of your Gmail
credentials so that Amazon Kendra can access your data. If you have not yet configured Gmail for
Amazon Kendra, see Prerequisites.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Gmail
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console.
2. From the left navigation pane, choose Indexes and then choose the index you want to use
from the list of indexes.
Gmail 780
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
You can choose to configure or edit your User access control settings under Index
3. On the Getting started page, choose Add data source.
4. On the Add data source page, choose Gmail connector, and then choose Add connector. If
using version 2 (if applicable), choose Gmail connector with the "V2.0" tag.
5. On the Specify data source details page, enter the following information:
a. In Name and description, for Data source name—Enter a name for your data source.
You can include hyphens but not spaces.
b. (Optional) Description—Enter an optional description for your data source.
c. In Default language—Choose a language to filter your documents for the index.
Unless you specify otherwise, the language defaults to English. Language specified in
the document metadata overrides the selected language.
d. In Tags, for Add new tag—Include optional tags to search and filter your resources or
track your AWS costs.
e. Choose Next.
6. On the Define access and security page, enter the following information:
a. Authorization—Turn on or off access control list (ACL) information for your
documents, if you have an ACL and want to use it for access control. The ACL specifies
which documents that users and groups can access. The ACL information is used to
filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
b. In Authentication for AWS Secrets Manager secret—Choose an existing secret or
create a new Secrets Manager secret to store your Gmail authentication credentials. If
you choose to create a new secret an AWS Secrets Manager secret window opens.
Enter following information in the Create an AWS Secrets Manager secret
A. Secret Name—A name for your secret.
Gmail 781
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
B. Client email—The client email that you copied from your Google service
C. Admin account email—The admin account email that you would like to use.
D. Private key—The private key you copied from your Google service account.
E. Save and add your secret.
c. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—You can choose to use a VPC. If so, you must add
Subnets and VPC security groups.
d. IAM role—Choose an existing IAM role or create a new IAM role to access your
repository credentials and index content.
IAM roles used for indexes cannot be used for data sources. If you are unsure if
an existing role is used for an index or FAQ, choose Create a new role to avoid
e. Choose Next.
7. On the Configure sync settings page, enter the following information:
a. ForEntity types—Choose to sync message attachments.
b. (Optional) For Additional configuration, enter the following information:
i. Date range—Enter a date range to specify the start and end date of emails you
want to crawl.
ii. Email domains—Include or exclude certain emails based on "to", "from", "cc" and
"bcc" email domains.
iii. Keywords in subjects—Include or exclude emails based on keywords in their email
You can also choose to include any documents that match all the subject
keywords you have entered.
iv. Labels—Add regular expression patterns to include or exclude certain email labels.
Gmail 782
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
v. Attachments—Add regular expression patterns to include or exclude certain email
c. Sync mode—Choose how you want to update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first
time, all content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your
data if your initial sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode
Full sync: Freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time your data
source syncs with your index.
New, modified, deleted sync: Index only new, modified, and deleted content each
time your data source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data
source's mechanism for tracking content changes and index content that changed
since the last sync.
Because there is no API to update permanently deleted Gmail messages, new,
modified, or deleted content sync:
Won't remove messages that were permanently deleted from Gmail from
your Amazon Kendra index
Won't sync changes in Gmail email labels
To sync your Gmail data source label changes and permanently deleted email
messages to your Amazon Kendra index, you must run full crawls periodically.
d. In Sync run schedule, for Frequency—Choose how often to sync your data source
content and update your index.
e. Choose Next.
8. On the Set field mappings page, enter the following information:
a. Default data source fields—Select from the Amazon Kendra generated default data
source fields you want to map to your index.
Gmail 783
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Amazon Kendra Gmail data source connector does not support creating custom
index fields due to API limitations.
b. Choose Next.
9. On the Review and create page, check that the information you have entered is correct
and then select Add data source. You can also choose to edit your information from this
page. Your data source will appear on the Data sources page after the data source has been
added successfully.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Gmail
You must specify a JSON of the data source schema using the TemplateConfiguration API. You
must provide the following information:
Data source—Specify the data source type as GMAIL when you use the
TemplateConfiguration JSON schema. Also specify the data source as TEMPLATE when you
call the CreateDataSource API.
Sync mode—Specify how Amazon Kendra should update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first time, all
content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your data if your initial
sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode option. You can choose
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time
your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified, and deleted content each time your data source
syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking
content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
Because there is no API to update permanently deleted Gmail messages, new,
modified, or deleted content sync:
Gmail 784
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Won't remove messages that were permanently deleted from Gmail from your
Amazon Kendra index
Won't sync changes in Gmail email labels
To sync your Gmail data source label changes and permanently deleted email
messages to your Amazon Kendra index, you must run full crawls periodically.
Secret Amazon Resource Name (ARN)—Provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an
Secrets Manager secret that contains the authentication credentials for your Gmail account.
The secret is stored in a JSON structure with the following keys:
"adminAccountEmailId": "service account email",
"clientEmailId": "user account email",
"privateKey": "private key"
IAM role—Specify RoleArn when you call CreateDataSource to provide an IAM role with
permissions to access your Secrets Manager secret and to call the required public APIs for the
Gmail connector and Amazon Kendra. For more information, see IAM roles for Gmail data
You can also add the following optional features:
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—Specify VpcConfiguration when you call
CreateDataSource. For more information, see Configuring Amazon Kendra to use an
Amazon VPC.
Inclusion and exclusion filters—Specify whether to include or exclude certain "to", "from",
"cc", "bcc" emails.
Most data sources use regular expression patterns, which are inclusion or exclusion
patterns referred to as filters. If you specify an inclusion filter, only content that
matches the inclusion filter is indexed. Any document that doesn’t match the
inclusion filter isn’t indexed. If you specify an inclusion and exclusion filter, documents
that match the exclusion filter are not indexed, even if they match the inclusion filter.
Gmail 785
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
User context filtering and access control—Amazon Kendra crawls the access control list
(ACL) for your documents, if you have an ACL for your documents. The ACL information is
used to filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
Field mappings—Choose to map your Gmail data source fields to your Amazon Kendra index
fields. For more information, see Mapping data source fields.
The document body field or the document body equivalent for your documents
is required in order for Amazon Kendra to search your documents. You must
map your document body field name in your data source to the index field name
_document_body. All other fields are optional.
Amazon Kendra Gmail data source connector does not support creating custom index
fields due to API limitations.
For a list of other important JSON keys to configure, see Gmail template schema.
Learn more
To learn more about integrating Amazon Kendra with your Gmail data source, see:
Perform intelligent search across emails in your Google workspace using the Gmail connector for
Amazon Kendra.
Because there is no API to update permanently deleted Gmail messages, a FULL_CRAWL/New,
modified, or deleted content sync:
Won’t remove messages that were permanently deleted from Gmail from your Amazon Kendra
Gmail 786
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Won’t sync changes in Gmail email labels
To sync your Gmail data source label changes and permanently deleted email messages to your
Amazon Kendra index, you must run full crawls periodically.
Amazon Kendra Gmail data source connector does not support creating custom index fields due
to API limitations.
Google Drive
Google Drive is a cloud-based file storage service. You can use Amazon Kendra to index documents
stored in shared drives, My Drives, and Shared with me folders in your Google Drive data source.
You can index both Google Workspace documents as well as documents listed in Types of
documentation. You can also use inclusion and exclusion filters to index content by file name, file
type, and file path.
You can connect Amazon Kendra to your Google Drive data source using the Amazon Kendra
console, the TemplateConfiguration API, or the GoogleDriveConfiguration API.
Amazon Kendra has two versions of the Google Drive connector. Supported features of each
version include:
Google Drive connector V1.0 / GoogleDriveConfiguration API
Field mappings
User access control
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Google Drive connector V2.0 / TemplateConfiguration API
Field mappings
User access control
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Full and incremental content syncs
Virtual private cloud (VPC)
Google Drive 787
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Support for Google Drive connector V1.0 / Google DriveConfiguration API is scheduled
to end in 2023. We recommend migrating to or using Google Drive connector V2.0 /
TemplateConfiguration API.
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra Google Drive data source connector, see Troubleshooting
data sources.
Google Drive connector V1.0
Google Drive connector V2.0
Google Drive connector V1.0
Google Drive is a cloud-based file storage service. You can use Amazon Kendra to index documents
and comments stored in shared drives, My Drives, and Shared with me folders in your Google Drive
data source. You can index Google Workspace documents, as well as documents listed in Types of
documentation. You can also use inclusion and exclusion filters to index content by file name, file
type, and file path.
Support for Google Drive connector V1.0 / Google DriveConfiguration API is scheduled
to end in 2023. We recommend migrating to or using Google Drive connector V2.0 /
TemplateConfiguration API.
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra Google Drive data source connector, see Troubleshooting
data sources.
Supported features
Connection instructions
Learn more
Google Drive 788
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Supported features
Field mappings
User access control
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Before you can use Amazon Kendra to index your Google Drive data source, make these changes in
your Google Drive and AWS accounts.
In Google Drive, make sure you have:
Either been granted access by a super admin role or are a user with administrative privileges. You
do not need a super admin role for yourself if you have been granted access by a super admin
Created a service account with Enable G Suite Domain-wide Delegation activated and a JSON
key as private key using the account.
Copied your user account email and your service account email. When you connect to Amazon
Kendra you enter your user account email as admin account email and your service account email
as client email in your AWS Secrets Manager secret.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
Added Admin SDK API and Google Drive API in your account.
Added (or asked a user with a super admin role to add) the following permissions to your service
account using a super admin role:
Google Drive 789
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Checked each document is unique in Google Drive and across other data sources you plan to
use for the same index. Each data source that you want to use for an index must not contain
the same document across the data sources. Document IDs are global to an index and must be
unique per index.
In your AWS account, make sure you have:
Created an Amazon Kendra index and, if using the API, noted the index ID.
Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.
If you change your authentication type and credentials, you must update your IAM role to
access the correct AWS Secrets Manager secret ID.
Stored your Google Drive authentication credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager secret and, if
using the API, noted the ARN of the secret.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
If you don’t have an existing IAM role or secret, you can use the console to create a new IAM role
and Secrets Manager secret when you connect your Google Drive data source to Amazon Kendra.
If you are using the API, you must provide the ARN of an existing IAM role and Secrets Manager
secret, and an index ID.
Connection instructions
To connect Amazon Kendra to your Google Drive data source, you must provide the necessary
details of your Google Drive data source so that Amazon Kendra can access your data. If you have
not yet configured Google Drive for Amazon Kendra see Prerequisites.
Google Drive 790
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
To connect Amazon Kendra to Google Drive
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console.
2. From the left navigation pane, choose Indexes and then choose the index you want to use
from the list of indexes.
You can choose to configure or edit your User access control settings under Index
3. On the Getting started page, choose Add data source.
4. On the Add data source page, choose Google Drive connector V1.0 , and then choose Add
5. On the Specify data source details page, enter the following information:
a. In Name and description, for Data source name—Enter a name for your data source.
You can include hyphens but not spaces.
b. (Optional) Description—Enter an optional description for your data source.
c. In Default language—Choose a language to filter your documents for the index.
Unless you specify otherwise, the language defaults to English. Language specified in
the document metadata overrides the selected language.
d. In Tags, for Add new tag—Include optional tags to search and filter your resources or
track your AWS costs.
e. Choose Next.
6. On the Define access and security page, enter the following information:
a. For Type of authentication—Choose between Existing and New. If you choose to use
an existing secret, use Select secret to choose your secret.
b. If you choose to create a new secret an AWS Secrets Manager secret option opens.
Enter following information in the Create an AWS Secrets Manager secret
Google Drive 791
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
A. Secret name—A name for your secret. The prefix ‘AmazonKendra-Google
Drive-’ is automatically added to your secret name.
B. For Admin account email, Client email, and Private key—Enter the
authentication credential values you generated and downloaded from your
Google Drive account.
C. Choose Save authentication.
c. IAM role—Choose an existing IAM role or create a new IAM role to access your
repository credentials and index content.
IAM roles used for indexes cannot be used for data sources. If you are unsure if
an existing role is used for an index or FAQ, choose Create a new role to avoid
d. Choose Next.
7. On the Configure sync settings page, enter the following information:
a. Exclude user accounts—The Google Drive users you want to exclude from the index.
You can add up to 100 user accounts.
b. Exclude shared drives—The Google Drive shared drives you want to exclude from your
index. You can add up to 100 shared drives.
c. Exclude file types drives—The Google Drive file types you want to exclude from your
index. You can also choose to edit MIME type selections.
d. Additional configurations—Regular expression patterns to include or exclude certain
content. You can add up to 100 patterns.
e. Frequency—How often Amazon Kendra will sync with your data source.
f. Choose Next.
8. On the Set field mappings page, enter the following information:
a. For GoogleDrive field name and Additional suggested field mappings—Select from
the Amazon Kendra generated default data source fields you want to map to your
b. Add field—To add custom data source fields to create an index field name to map to
and the field data type.
Google Drive 792
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
c. Choose Next.
9. On the Review and create page, check that the information you have entered is correct
and then select Add data source. You can also choose to edit your information from this
page. Your data source will appear on the Data sources page after the data source has been
added successfully.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Google Drive
You must specify the following using the GoogleDriveConfiguration API:
Secret Amazon Resource Name (ARN)—Provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an
Secrets Manager secret that contains the authentication credentials for your Google Drive
account. The secret is stored in a JSON structure with the following keys:
"clientAccount": "service account email",
"adminAccount": "user account email"",
"privateKey": "private key"
IAM role—Specify RoleArn when you call CreateDataSource to provide an IAM role with
permissions to access your Secrets Manager secret and to call the required public APIs for the
Google Drive connector and Amazon Kendra. For more information, see IAM roles for Google
Drive data sources.
You can also add the following optional features:
Inclusion and exclusion filters—By default Amazon Kendra indexes all documents in Google
Drive. You can specify whether to include or exclude certain content in shared drives, user
accounts, document MIME types, and files. If you choose to exclude user accounts, none of
the files in the My Drive owned by the account are indexed. Files shared with the user are
indexed unless the owner of the file is also excluded.
Most data sources use regular expression patterns, which are inclusion or exclusion
patterns referred to as filters. If you specify an inclusion filter, only content that
Google Drive 793
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
matches the inclusion filter is indexed. Any document that doesn’t match the
inclusion filter isn’t indexed. If you specify an inclusion and exclusion filter, documents
that match the exclusion filter are not indexed, even if they match the inclusion filter.
Field mappings—Choose to map your Google Drive data source fields to your Amazon
Kendra index fields. For more information, see Mapping data source fields.
The document body field or the document body equivalent for your documents
is required in order for Amazon Kendra to search your documents. You must
map your document body field name in your data source to the index field name
_document_body. All other fields are optional.
User context filtering and access control—Amazon Kendra crawls the access control list
(ACL) for your documents, if you have an ACL for your documents. The ACL information is
used to filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
Learn more
To learn more about integrating Amazon Kendra with your Google Drive data source, see:
Getting started with the Amazon Kendra Google Drive connector
Google Drive connector V2.0
Google Drive is a cloud-based file storage service. You can use Amazon Kendra to index documents
and comments stored in shared drives, My Drives, and Shared with me folders in your Google Drive
data source. You can index Google Workspace documents, as well as documents listed in Types of
documentation. You can also use inclusion and exclusion filters to index content by file name, file
type, and file path.
Google Drive 794
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Support for Google Drive connector V1.0 / Google DriveConfiguration API is scheduled
to end in 2023. We recommend migrating to or using Google Drive connector V2.0 /
TemplateConfiguration API.
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra Google Drive data source connector, see Troubleshooting
data sources.
Supported features
Connection instructions
Supported features
Field mappings
User access control
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Full and incremental content syncs
Virtual private cloud (VPC)
Before you can use Amazon Kendra to index your Google Drive data source, make these changes in
your Google Drive and AWS accounts.
In Google Drive, make sure you have:
Either been granted access by a super admin role or are a user with administrative privileges. You
do not need a super admin role for yourself if you have been granted access by a super admin
Google Drive 795
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configured Google Drive Service Account connection credentials containing your admin account
email, client email (service account email), and private key. See Google Cloud documentation on
creating and deleting service account keys.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
Created a Google Cloud Service Account (an account with delegated authority to assume a
user identity) with Enable G Suite Domain-wide Delegation activated for server-to-server
authentication, and then generated a JSON private key using the account.
The private key should be generated after the creation of the service account.
Added Admin SDK API and Google Drive API in your user account.
Optional: Configured Google Drive OAuth 2.0 connection credentials containing client ID, client
secret, and refresh token as connection credentials for a specific user. You need this to crawl
individual account data. See Google documentation on using OAuth 2.0 to access APIs.
Added (or asked a user with a super admin role to add) the following OAuth scopes to your
service account using a super admin role. These API scopes are needed to crawl all documents,
and access control (ACL) information for all users in a Google Workspace domain:—View and download all your Google Drive
files—View metadata for files in your
Google Drive—Scope for only retrieving
group, group alias, and member information. This is needed for the Amazon Kendra Identity
Crawler.—Scope for only retrieving
users or user aliases. This is needed for listing users in the Amazon Kendra Identity Crawler and
for setting ACLs.
Google Drive 796
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide—Scope for generating access token for
fetching content of large Google Drive files.—Scope for fetching data from
Google Forms.
To support the Forms API, add the following additonal scope:
Checked each document is unique in Google Drive and across other data sources you plan to
use for the same index. Each data source that you want to use for an index must not contain
the same document across the data sources. Document IDs are global to an index and must be
unique per index.
In your AWS account, make sure you have:
Created an Amazon Kendra index and, if using the API, noted the index ID.
Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.
If you change your authentication type and credentials, you must update your IAM role to
access the correct AWS Secrets Manager secret ID.
Stored your Google Drive authentication credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager secret and, if
using the API, noted the ARN of the secret.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
If you don’t have an existing IAM role or secret, you can use the console to create a new IAM role
and Secrets Manager secret when you connect your Google Drive data source to Amazon Kendra.
If you are using the API, you must provide the ARN of an existing IAM role and Secrets Manager
secret, and an index ID.
Google Drive 797
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Connection instructions
To connect Amazon Kendra to your Google Drive data source, you must provide the necessary
details of your Google Drive data source so that Amazon Kendra can access your data. If you have
not yet configured Google Drive for Amazon Kendra see Prerequisites.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Google Drive
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console.
2. From the left navigation pane, choose Indexes and then choose the index you want to use
from the list of indexes.
You can choose to configure or edit your User access control settings under Index
3. On the Getting started page, choose Add data source.
4. On the Add data source page, choose Google Drive connector, and then choose Add
connector. If using version 2 (if applicable), choose Google Drive connector with the "V2.0"
5. On the Specify data source details page, enter the following information:
a. In Name and description, for Data source name—Enter a name for your data source.
You can include hyphens but not spaces.
b. (Optional) Description—Enter an optional description for your data source.
c. In Default language—Choose a language to filter your documents for the index.
Unless you specify otherwise, the language defaults to English. Language specified in
the document metadata overrides the selected language.
d. In Tags, for Add new tag—Include optional tags to search and filter your resources or
track your AWS costs.
e. Choose Next.
6. On the Define access and security page, enter the following information:
a. Authorization—Turn on or off access control list (ACL) information for your
documents, if you have an ACL and want to use it for access control. The ACL specifies
Google Drive 798
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
which documents that users and groups can access. The ACL information is used to
filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
b. For Authentication—Choose between Google service account and OAuth 2.0
authentication based on your use case.
c. AWS Secrets Manager secret—Choose an existing secret, or create a new Secrets
Manager secret to store your Google Drive authentication credentials. If you choose to
create a new secret an AWS Secrets Manager secret window opens.
i. If you chose Google service account, enter a name for your secret, the email ID
of the admin user or "Service Account User" in your service account configuration
(admin email), the email ID of the service account (client email), and the private
key that you created in your service account.
Save and add your secret
ii. If you chose OAuth 2.0 authentication, enter a name for your secret, client ID,
client secret, and refresh token that you created in your OAuth account. The
user mail id (user whose connection details are configured) will be set as ACL.
The connector doesn't set other user/group principal info as ACL due to API
Save and add your secret.
d. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—You can choose to use a VPC. If so, you must add
Subnets and VPC security groups.
e. (For Google service account authentication users only)
Identity crawler—Specify whether to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler. The
identity crawler uses the access control list (ACL) information for your documents to
filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. If you have
an ACL for your documents and choose to use your ACL, you can then also choose
to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler to configure user context filtering of
search results. Otherwise, if identity crawler is turned off, all documents can be publicly
searched. If you want to use access control for your documents and identity crawler is
turned off, you can alternatively use the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user and
group access information for user context filtering.
f. IAM role—Choose an existing IAM role or create a new IAM role to access your
repository credentials and index content.
Google Drive 799
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
IAM roles used for indexes cannot be used for data sources. If you are unsure if
an existing role is used for an index or FAQ, choose Create a new role to avoid
g. Choose Next.
7. On the Configure sync settings page, enter the following information:
a. Sync contents—Select which options or the content that you want to crawl. You can
choose to crawl My Drive (personal folders), Shared Drive (folders shared with you), or
both. You can also include file comments.
b. In Additional configuration - optional You can also enter the following optional
i. Maximum file size—Set the maximum size limit in MBs of files to crawl.
ii. User email—Add user emails that you want to include or exclude.
iii. Shared drives—Add the shared drive names that you want to include or exclude.
iv. Mime types—Add MIME types that you want to include or exclude.
v. Entity regex patterns—Add regular expression patterns to include or exclude
certain attachments for all supported entities. You can add up to 100 patterns.
You can configure include/exclude regex patterns for File name, File type, and
File path.
File name – The name of the file to include or exclude. For example, to index a
file with name teamroster.txt, provide teamroster.
File type – The type of the file to include or exclude. For example, .pdf .txt .docx.
File path – The path of the file to include or exclude. For example, to index files
only inside the folder Products list of a drive, provide /Products list.
c. Sync mode—Choose how you want to update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first
time, all content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your
data if your initial sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode
Google Drive 800
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Full sync: Freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time your data
source syncs with your index.
New, modified sync: Index only new and modified content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source's mechanism
for tracking content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
New, modified, deleted sync: Index only new, modified, and deleted content each
time your data source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data
source's mechanism for tracking content changes and index content that changed
since the last sync.
Google Drive API does not support retrieving comments from a permanently
deleted file. Comments from trashed files are retrievable. When a file is
trashed, the connector will delete comments from the Amazon Kendra index.
d. In Sync run schedule, for Frequency—choose how often to sync your data source
content and update your index.
e. In Sync run history, choose to store auto-generated reports in an Amazon S3 when
syncing your data source. This is useful for tracking issues when sycning your data
f. Choose Next.
8. On the Set field mappings page, enter the following information:
a. For Files—Select from the Amazon Kendra generated default data source fields that
you want to map to your index.
Google Drive API does not support creating custom fields. Custom field
mapping is not available for the Google Drive connector.
b. Choose Next.
9. On the Review and create page, check that the information you have entered is correct
and then select Add data source. You can also choose to edit your information from this
Google Drive 801
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
page. Your data source will appear on the Data sources page after the data source has been
added successfully.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Google Drive
You must specify a JSON of the data source schema using the TemplateConfiguration API. You
must provide the following information:
Data source—Specify the data source type as GOOGLEDRIVEV2 when you use the
TemplateConfiguration JSON schema. Also specify the data source as TEMPLATE when you
call the CreateDataSource API.
Authentication type—Specify whether to use service account authentication or OAuth 2.0
Sync mode—Specify how Amazon Kendra should update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first time, all
content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your data if your initial
sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode option. You can choose
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time
your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified, and deleted content each time your data source
syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking
content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
CHANGE_LOG to index only new and modified content each time your data source syncs
with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking content
changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
Google Drive API does not support retrieving comments from a permanently
deleted file. Comments from trashed files are retrievable. When a file is trashed, the
connector will delete comments from the Amazon Kendra index.
Secret Amazon Resource Name (ARN)—Provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a
Secrets Manager secret that contains the authentication credentials you created in your
Google Drive 802
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Google Drive account. If you use Google service account authentication, the secret is stored in
a JSON structure with the following keys:
"clientEmail": "user account email",
"adminAccountEmail": "service account email",
"privateKey": "private key"
If you use OAuth 2.0 authentication, the secret is stored in a JSON structure with the
following keys:
"clientID": "OAuth client ID",
"clientSecret": "client secret",
"refreshToken": "refresh token"
IAM role—Specify RoleArn when you call CreateDataSource to provide an IAM role with
permissions to access your Secrets Manager secret and to call the required public APIs for the
Google Drive connector and Amazon Kendra. For more information, see IAM roles for Google
Drive data sources.
You can also add the following optional features:
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—Specify VpcConfiguration when you call
CreateDataSource. For more information, see Configuring Amazon Kendra to use an
Amazon VPC.
My Drives, Shared Drives, Comments—You can specify whether to crawl these types of
Inclusion and exclusion filters—You can specify whether to include or exclude certain user
accounts, shared drives, and MIME types.
Most data sources use regular expression patterns, which are inclusion or exclusion
patterns referred to as filters. If you specify an inclusion filter, only content that
matches the inclusion filter is indexed. Any document that doesn’t match the
Google Drive 803
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
inclusion filter isn’t indexed. If you specify an inclusion and exclusion filter, documents
that match the exclusion filter are not indexed, even if they match the inclusion filter.
Access control list (ACL)—Specify whether to crawl ACL information for your documents, if
you have an ACL and want to use it for access control. The ACL specifies which documents
that users and groups can access. The ACL information is used to filter search results based on
the user or their group access to documents. For more information, see User context filtering.
Identity crawler—Specify whether to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler. The identity
crawler uses the access control list (ACL) information for your documents to filter search
results based on the user or their group access to documents. If you have an ACL for your
documents and choose to use your ACL, you can then also choose to turn on Amazon
Kendra’s identity crawler to configure user context filtering of search results. Otherwise,
if identity crawler is turned off, all documents can be publicly searched. If you want to use
access control for your documents and identity crawler is turned off, you can alternatively use
the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user and group access information for user context
Field mappings—Choose to map your Google Drive data source fields to your Amazon
Kendra index fields. For more information, see Mapping data source fields.
The document body field or the document body equivalent for your documents
is required in order for Amazon Kendra to search your documents. You must
map your document body field name in your data source to the index field name
_document_body. All other fields are optional.
For a list of other important JSON keys to configure, see Google Drive template schema.
Custom field mapping is not available for Google Drive connector as the Google Drive UI does
not support creating custom fields.
Google Drive API does not support retrieving comments from a permamently deleted file.
Comments are retrievable, however, for trashed files. When a file is trashed, the Amazon Kendra
connector will delete comments from the Amazon Kendra index.
Google Drive 804
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Google Drive API does not return comments present in a .docx file.
If permission for a particular Google document (document, spreadsheet, slide, etc) is set
to General access: Anyone with the link or Shared to your specific company domain, the
document will not be visible to Amazon Kendra search users until the user making the query has
accessed the document.
IBM DB2 is a relational database management system developed by IBM. If you are a IBM DB2 user,
you can use Amazon Kendra to index your IBM DB2 data source. The Amazon Kendra IBM DB2 data
source connector supports DB2 11.5.7.
You can connect Amazon Kendra to your IBM DB2 data source using the Amazon Kendra console
and the TemplateConfiguration API.
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra IBM DB2 data source connector, see Troubleshooting
data sources.
Supported features
Connection instructions
Supported features
Field mappings
User context filtering
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Full and incremental content syncs
Virtual private cloud (VPC)
Before you can use Amazon Kendra to index your IBM DB2 data source, make these changes in your
IBM DB2 and AWS accounts.
IBM DB2 805
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
In IBM DB2, make sure you have:
Noted your database user name and password.
As a best practice, provide Amazon Kendra with read-only database credentials.
Copied your database host url, port, and instance.
Checked each document is unique in IBM DB2 and across other data sources you plan to use for
the same index. Each data source that you want to use for an index must not contain the same
document across the data sources. Document IDs are global to an index and must be unique per
In your AWS account, make sure you have:
Created an Amazon Kendra index and, if using the API, noted the index ID.
Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.
If you change your authentication type and credentials, you must update your IAM role to
access the correct AWS Secrets Manager secret ID.
Stored your IBM DB2 authentication credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager secret and, if using
the API, noted the ARN of the secret.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
If you don’t have an existing IAM role or secret, you can use the console to create a new IAM role
and Secrets Manager secret when you connect your IBM DB2 data source to Amazon Kendra. If you
IBM DB2 806
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
are using the API, you must provide the ARN of an existing IAM role and Secrets Manager secret,
and an index ID.
Connection instructions
To connect Amazon Kendra to your IBM DB2 data source you must provide details of your IBM DB2
credentials so that Amazon Kendra can access your data. If you have not yet configured IBM DB2
for Amazon Kendra see Prerequisites.
To connect Amazon Kendra to IBM DB2
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console.
2. From the left navigation pane, choose Indexes and then choose the index you want to use
from the list of indexes.
You can choose to configure or edit your User access control settings under Index
3. On the Getting started page, choose Add data source.
4. On the Add data source page, choose IBM DB2 connector, and then choose Add
connector. If using version 2 (if applicable), choose IBM DB2 connector with the "V2.0" tag.
5. On the Specify data source details page, enter the following information:
a. In Name and description, for Data source name—Enter a name for your data source.
You can include hyphens but not spaces.
b. (Optional) Description—Enter an optional description for your data source.
c. In Default language—Choose a language to filter your documents for the index.
Unless you specify otherwise, the language defaults to English. Language specified in
the document metadata overrides the selected language.
d. In Tags, for Add new tag—Include optional tags to search and filter your resources or
track your AWS costs.
e. Choose Next.
6. On the Define access and security page, enter the following information:
IBM DB2 807
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
a. In Source, enter the following information:
b. Host— Enter the database host name.
c. Port— Enter the database port.
d. Instance— Enter the database instance.
e. Enable SSL certificate location—Choose to enter the Amazon S3 path to your SSL
certificate file.
f. In Authentication—enter the following information:
AWS Secrets Manager secret—Choose an existing secret or create a new Secrets
Manager secret to store your IBM DB2 authentication credentials. If you choose to
create a new secret an AWS Secrets Manager secret window opens.
A. Enter following information in the Create an AWS Secrets Manager secret
I. Secret name—A name for your secret. The prefix ‘AmazonKendra-IBM
DB2-’ is automatically added to your secret name.
II. For Database user name, and Password—Enter the authentication
credential values you copied from your database.
B. Choose Save.
g. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—You can choose to use a VPC. If so, you must add
Subnets and VPC security groups.
h. IAM role—Choose an existing IAM role or create a new IAM role to access your
repository credentials and index content.
IAM roles used for indexes cannot be used for data sources. If you are unsure if
an existing role is used for an index or FAQ, choose Create a new role to avoid
i. Choose Next.
7. On the Configure sync settings page, enter the following information:
a. In Sync scope, choose from the following options :
IBM DB2 808
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
SQL query—Enter SQL query statements like SELECT and JOIN operations. SQL
queries must be less than 32KB. Amazon Kendra will crawl all database content that
matches your query.
Primary key column—Provide the primary key for the database table. This identifies
a table within your database.
Title column—Provide the name of the document title column within your database
Body column—Provide the name of the document body column within your
database table.
b. In Additional configuration – optional, choose from the following options to sync
specific content instead of syncing all files:
Change-detecting columns—Enter the names of the columns that Amazon Kendra
will use to detect content changes. Amazon Kendra will re-index content when there
is a change in any of these columns.
User IDs column—Enter the name of the column which contains User IDs to be
allowed access to content.
Groups column—Enter the name of the column that contains groups to be allowed
access to content.
Source URLs column—Enter the name of the column which contains Source URLs to
be indexed.
Time stamps column—Enter the name of the column which contains time stamps.
Amazon Kendra uses time stamp information to detect changes in your content and
sync only changed content.
Time zones column—Enter the name of the column which contains time zones for
the content to be crawled.
Time stamps format—Enter the name of the column which contains time stamp
formats to use to detect content changes and re-sync your content.
c. Sync mode—Choose how you want to update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first
time, all content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your
data if your initial sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode
IBM DB2 809
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Full sync: Freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time your data
source syncs with your index.
New, modified sync: Index only new and modified content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source's mechanism
for tracking content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
New, modified, deleted sync: Index only new, modified, and deleted content each
time your data source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data
source's mechanism for tracking content changes and index content that changed
since the last sync.
d. In Sync run schedule, for Frequency—How often Amazon Kendra will sync with your
data source.
e. Choose Next.
8. On the Set field mappings page, enter the following information:
a. Select from the generated default data source fields—Document IDs, Document titles,
and Source URLs—you want to map to Amazon Kendra index.
b. Add field—To add custom data source fields to create an index field name to map to
and the field data type.
c. Choose Next.
9. On the Review and create page, check that the information you have entered is correct
and then select Add data source. You can also choose to edit your information from this
page. Your data source will appear on the Data sources page after the data source has been
added successfully.
To connect Amazon Kendra to IBM DB2
You must specify the following using the TemplateConfiguration API:
Data source—Specify the data source type as JDBC when you use the TemplateConfiguration
JSON schema. Also specify the data source as TEMPLATE when you call the CreateDataSource
Database type—You must specify the database type as db2.
IBM DB2 810
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
SQL query—Specify SQL query statements like SELECT and JOIN operations. SQL queries
must be less than 32KB. Amazon Kendra will crawl all database content that matches your
Sync mode—Specify how Amazon Kendra should update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first time, all
content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your data if your initial
sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode option. You can choose
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time
your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified, and deleted content each time your data source
syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking
content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
CHANGE_LOG to index only new and modified content each time your data source syncs
with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking content
changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
Secret Amazon Resource Name (ARN)—Provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an
Secrets Manager secret that contains the authentication credentials you created in your IBM
DB2 account. The secret is stored in a JSON structure with the following keys:
"user name": "database user name",
"password": "password"
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret.
Provide only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend
that you re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions
1.0 and 2.0 (where applicable).
IAM role—Specify RoleArn when you call CreateDataSource to provide an IAM role with
permissions to access your Secrets Manager secret and to call the required public APIs for the
IBM DB2 connector and Amazon Kendra. For more information, see IAM roles for IBM DB2
data sources.
IBM DB2 811
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
You can also add the following optional features:
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—Specify VpcConfiguration when you call
CreateDataSource. For more information, see Configuring Amazon Kendra to use an
Amazon VPC.
Inclusion and exclusion filters—You can specify whether to include specific content using
user IDs, groups, source URLs, time stamps, and time zones.
User context filtering and access control—Amazon Kendra crawls the access control list
(ACL) for your documents, if you have an ACL for your documents. The ACL information is
used to filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
Field mappings—Choose to map your IBM DB2 data source fields to your Amazon Kendra
index fields. For more information, see Mapping data source fields.
The document body field or the document body equivalent for your documents
is required in order for Amazon Kendra to search your documents. You must
map your document body field name in your data source to the index field name
_document_body. All other fields are optional.
For a list of other important JSON keys to configure, see IBM DB2 template schema.
Deleted database rows will not be tracked in when Amazon Kendra checks for updated content.
The size of field names and values in a row of your database can't exceed 400KB.
If you have a large amount of data in your database data source, and do not want Amazon
Kendra to index all your database content after the first sync, you can choose to sync only new,
modified, or deleted documents.
As a best practice, provide Amazon Kendra with read-only database credentials.
As a best practice, avoid adding tables with sensitive data or personal identifiable information
IBM DB2 812
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Jira is a project management tool for software development, product management, and bug
tracking. You can use Amazon Kendra to index your Jira projects, issues, comments, attachments,
worklogs, and statuses.
Amazon Kendra currently only supports Jira Cloud.
You can connect Amazon Kendra to your Jira data source using either the Amazon Kendra console
or the JiraConfiguration API. For a list of features supported by each, see Supported features.
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra Jira data source connector, see Troubleshooting data
Supported features
Connection instructions
Learn more
Supported features
Amazon Kendra Jira data source connector supports the following features:
Field mappings
User access control
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Full and incremental content syncs
Virtual private cloud (VPC)
Before you can use Amazon Kendra to index your Jira data source, make these changes in your Jira
and AWS accounts.
In Jira, make sure you have:
Jira 813
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Configured API token authentication credentials, which include a Jira ID (user name or email) and
a Jira credential (Jira API token). See Atlassian documentation on managing API tokens.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
Noted the Jira account URL from your Jira account settings. For example, https://
Checked each document is unique in Jira and across other data sources you plan to use for the
same index. Each data source that you want to use for an index must not contain the same
document across the data sources. Document IDs are global to an index and must be unique per
In your AWS account, make sure you have:
Created an Amazon Kendra index and, if using the API, noted the index ID.
Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.
If you change your authentication type and credentials, you must update your IAM role to
access the correct AWS Secrets Manager secret ID.
Stored your Jira authentication credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager secret and, if using the
API, noted the ARN of the secret.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
Jira 814
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
If you don’t have an existing IAM role or secret, you can use the console to create a new IAM role
and Secrets Manager secret when you connect your Jira data source to Amazon Kendra. If you are
using the API, you must provide the ARN of an existing IAM role and Secrets Manager secret, and
an index ID.
Connection instructions
To connect Amazon Kendra to your Jira data source, you must provide the necessary details of your
Jira data source so that Amazon Kendra can access your data. If you have not yet configured Jira for
Amazon Kendra, see Prerequisites.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Jira
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console.
2. From the left navigation pane, choose Indexes and then choose the index you want to use
from the list of indexes.
You can choose to configure or edit your User access control settings under Index
3. On the Getting started page, choose Add data source.
4. On the Add data source page, choose Jira connector, and then choose Add connector. If
using version 2 (if applicable), choose Jira connector with the "V2.0" tag.
5. On the Specify data source details page, enter the following information:
a. In Name and description, for Data source name—Enter a name for your data source.
You can include hyphens but not spaces.
b. (Optional) Description—Enter an optional description for your data source.
c. In Default language—Choose a language to filter your documents for the index.
Unless you specify otherwise, the language defaults to English. Language specified in
the document metadata overrides the selected language.
d. In Tags, for Add new tag—Include optional tags to search and filter your resources or
track your AWS costs.
e. Choose Next.
Jira 815
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
6. On the Define access and security page, enter the following information:
Jira account URL—Enter your Jira Account URL. For example: https://
b. Authorization—Turn on or off access control list (ACL) information for your
documents, if you have an ACL and want to use it for access control. The ACL specifies
which documents that users and groups can access. The ACL information is used to
filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
c. AWS Secrets Manager secret—Choose an existing secret or create a new Secrets
Manager secret to store your Jira authentication credentials. If you choose to create a
new secret an AWS Secrets Manager secret window opens.
i. Enter following information in the Create an AWS Secrets Manager secret
A. Secret name—A name for your secret. The prefix ‘AmazonKendra-Jira-’ is
automatically added to your secret name.
B. For Jira ID—Enter the Jira user name or email.
C. For Password/Token—Enter the Jira API token configured in Jira.
ii. Save and add your secret.
d. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—You can choose to use a VPC. If so, you must add
Subnets and VPC security groups.
e. Identity crawler—Specify whether to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler. The
identity crawler uses the access control list (ACL) information for your documents to
filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. If you have
an ACL for your documents and choose to use your ACL, you can then also choose
to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler to configure user context filtering of
search results. Otherwise, if identity crawler is turned off, all documents can be publicly
searched. If you want to use access control for your documents and identity crawler is
turned off, you can alternatively use the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user and
group access information for user context filtering.
f. IAM role—Choose an existing IAM role or create a new IAM role to access your
repository credentials and index content.
Jira 816
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
IAM roles used for indexes cannot be used for data sources. If you are unsure if
an existing role is used for an index or FAQ, choose Create a new role to avoid
g. Choose Next.
7. On the Configure sync settings page, enter the following information:
a. Select which Jira projects to index—Choose to crawl all project or specific projects.
b. Additional configuration—Specify certain statuses, and issue types. Choose to crawl
comments, attachments, and worklogs. Use regular expression patterns to include or
exclude certain content.
c. Sync mode—Choose how you want to update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first
time, all content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your
data if your initial sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode
Full sync: Freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time your data
source syncs with your index.
New, modified sync: Index only new and modified content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source's mechanism
for tracking content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
New, modified, deleted sync: Index only new, modified, and deleted content each
time your data source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data
source's mechanism for tracking content changes and index content that changed
since the last sync.
d. In Sync run schedule, for Frequency—Choose how often to sync your data source
content and update your index.
e. Choose Next.
8. On the Set field mappings page, enter the following information:
a. Default data source fields—Select from the Amazon Kendra generated default data
source fields you want to map to your index.
Jira 817
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
b. Add field—To add custom data source fields to create an index field name to map to
and the field data type.
c. Choose Next.
9. On the Review and create page, check that the information you have entered is correct
and then select Add data source. You can also choose to edit your information from this
page. Your data source will appear on the Data sources page after the data source has been
added successfully.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Jira
You must specify the following using the JiraConfiguration API:
Data source URL—Specify your Jira account URL. For example,
Secret Amazon Resource Name (ARN)—Provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an
Secrets Manager secret that contains the authentication credentials for your Jira account. The
secret is stored in a JSON structure with the following keys:
"jiraId": "Jira user name or email",
"jiraCredential": "Jira API token"
IAM role—Specify RoleArn when you call CreateDataSource to provide an IAM role with
permissions to access your Secrets Manager secret and to call the required public APIs for the
Jira connector and Amazon Kendra. For more information, see IAM roles for Jira data sources.
You can also add the following optional features:
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—Specify VpcConfiguration as part of the data source
configuration. See Configuring Amazon Kendra to use a VPC.
Change log—Whether Amazon Kendra should use the Jira data source change log
mechanism to determine if a document must be updated in the index.
Jira 818
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Use the change log if you don’t want Amazon Kendra to scan all of the documents.
If your change log is large, it might take Amazon Kendra less time to scan the
documents in the Jira data source than to process the change log. If you are syncing
your Jira data source with your index for the first time, all documents are scanned.
Inclusion and exclusion filters—You can specify whether to include or exclude certain files.
Most data sources use regular expression patterns, which are inclusion or exclusion
patterns referred to as filters. If you specify an inclusion filter, only content that
matches the inclusion filter is indexed. Any document that doesn’t match the
inclusion filter isn’t indexed. If you specify an inclusion and exclusion filter, documents
that match the exclusion filter are not indexed, even if they match the inclusion filter.
Comment, attachments, and work logs—You can specify whether to crawl certain
comments, attachments, and work logs of issues.
Projects, Issues, Statuses—You can specify whether to crawl certain project IDs, issue types,
and statuses.
User context filtering and access control—Amazon Kendra crawls the access control list
(ACL) for your documents, if you have an ACL for your documents. The ACL information is
used to filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
Field mappings—Choose to map your Jira data source fields to your Amazon Kendra index
fields. For more information, see Mapping data source fields.
The document body field or the document body equivalent for your documents
is required in order for Amazon Kendra to search your documents. You must
map your document body field name in your data source to the index field name
_document_body. All other fields are optional.
Jira 819
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Learn more
To learn more about integrating Amazon Kendra with your Jira data source, see:
Intelligently search your Jira projects with Amazon Kendra Jira Cloud connector
Microsoft Exchange
Microsoft Exchange is an enterprise collaboration tool for messaging, meetings and file sharing. If
you are a Microsoft Exchange user, you can use Amazon Kendra to index your Microsoft Exchange
data source.
You can connect Amazon Kendra to your Microsoft Exchange data source using the Amazon Kendra
console and the TemplateConfiguration API.
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra Microsoft Exchange data source connector, see
Troubleshooting data sources.
Supported features
Field mappings
User access control
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Full and incremental content syncs
Virtual private cloud (VPC)
Before you can use Amazon Kendra to index your Microsoft Exchange data source, make these
changes in your Microsoft Exchange and AWS accounts.
In Microsoft Exchange, make sure you have:
Created a Microsoft Exchange account in Office 365.
Noted your Microsoft 365 tenant ID. You can find your tenant ID in the Properties of your Azure
Active Directory Portal or in your OAuth application.
Configured an OAuth application in the Azure portal and noted the client ID and client secret or
client credentials. See Microsoft tutorial and Registered app example for more information.
Microsoft Exchange 820
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
When you create or register an app in the Azure portal, the secret ID represents the
actual secret value. You must take note or save the actual secret value immediately when
creating the secret and app. You can access your secret by selecting the name of your
application in the Azure portal and then navigating to the menu option on certificates
and secrets.
You can access your client ID by selecting the name of your application in the Azure
portal and then navigating to the overview page. The Application (client) ID is the client
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
Added the following permissions for the connector application:
Microsoft Graph Office 365 Exchange Online
Mail.Read (Application)
Mail.ReadBasic (Application)
Mail.ReadBasic.All (Application)
Calendars.Read (Application)
User.Read.All (Application)
Contacts.Read (Application)
Notes.Read.All (Application)
Directory.Read.All (Application)
EWS.AccessAsUser.All (Delegated)
full_access_as_app (Application)
Checked each document is unique in Microsoft Exchange and across other data sources you plan
to use for the same index. Each data source that you want to use for an index must not contain
Microsoft Exchange 821
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
the same document across the data sources. Document IDs are global to an index and must be
unique per index.
In your AWS account, make sure you have:
Created an Amazon Kendra index and, if using the API, noted the index ID.
Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.
If you change your authentication type and credentials, you must update your IAM role to
access the correct AWS Secrets Manager secret ID.
Stored your Microsoft Exchange authentication credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager secret
and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the secret.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
If you don’t have an existing IAM role or secret, you can use the console to create a new IAM role
and Secrets Manager secret when you connect your Microsoft Exchange data source to Amazon
Kendra. If you are using the API, you must provide the ARN of an existing IAM role and Secrets
Manager secret, and an index ID.
Connection instructions
To connect Amazon Kendra to your Microsoft Exchange data source, you must provide the
necessary details of your Microsoft Exchange data source so that Amazon Kendra can access your
data. If you have not yet configured Microsoft Exchange for Amazon Kendra, see Prerequisites.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Microsoft Exchange
Microsoft Exchange 822
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console.
2. From the left navigation pane, choose Indexes and then choose the index you want to use
from the list of indexes.
You can choose to configure or edit your User access control settings under Index
3. On the Getting started page, choose Add data source.
4. On the Add data source page, choose Microsoft Exchange connector, and then choose
Add connector. If using version 2 (if applicable), choose Microsoft Exchange connector
with the "V2.0" tag.
5. On the Specify data source details page, enter the following information:
a. In Name and description, for Data source name—Enter a name for your data source.
You can include hyphens but not spaces.
b. (Optional) Description—Enter an optional description for your data source.
c. In Default language—Choose a language to filter your documents for the index.
Unless you specify otherwise, the language defaults to English. Language specified in
the document metadata overrides the selected language.
d. In Tags, for Add new tag—Include optional tags to search and filter your resources or
track your AWS costs.
e. Choose Next.
6. On the Define access and security page, enter the following information:
a. Tenant ID—Enter your Microsoft 365 tenant ID. You can find your tenant ID in the
Properties of your Azure Active Directory Portal or in your OAuth application.
b. Authorization—Turn on or off access control list (ACL) information for your
documents, if you have an ACL and want to use it for access control. The ACL specifies
which documents that users and groups can access. The ACL information is used to
filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
c. AWS Secrets Manager secret—Choose an existing secret or create a new Secrets
Manager secret to store your Microsoft Exchange authentication credentials. If you
choose to create a new secret an AWS Secrets Manager secret window opens.
Microsoft Exchange 823
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
i. Enter following information in the Create an AWS Secrets Manager secret
A. Secret name—A name for your secret. The prefix 'AmazonKendra-Microsoft
B. For Client ID, Client secret—Enter the authentication credentials configured
in Microsoft Exchange in the Azure portal.
ii. Save and add your secret.
d. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—You can choose to use a VPC. If so, you must add
Subnets and VPC security groups.
e. IAM role—Choose an existing IAM role or create a new IAM role to access your
repository credentials and index content.
IAM roles used for indexes cannot be used for data sources. If you are unsure if
an existing role is used for an index or FAQ, choose Create a new role to avoid
f. Choose Next.
7. On the Configure sync settings page, enter the following information:
a. User IDs—Provide the user emails if you want to filter content by certain emails.
b. Additional configuration—Specify the types of content you want to crawl.
Entity types—You can choose to crawl calendar, OneNotes, or contacts content.
Calendar crawling—Enter the start and end date to crawl content between certain
Include email—Enter "to", "from", and email subject lines to filter certain emails you
want to crawl.
Shared folders access—Choose to enable crawling of access control list for access
control of your Microsoft Exchange data source.
Regex for domains—Add regular expression patterns to include or exclude certain
email domains.
Regex patterns—Add regular expression patterns to include or exclude certain files.
Microsoft Exchange 824
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
c. Sync mode—Choose how you want to update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first
time, all content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your
data if your initial sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode
Full sync: Freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time your data
source syncs with your index.
New, modified sync: Index only new and modified content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source's mechanism
for tracking content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
New, modified, deleted sync: Index only new, modified, and deleted content each
time your data source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data
source's mechanism for tracking content changes and index content that changed
since the last sync.
d. In Sync run schedule, for Frequency—Choose how often to sync your data source
content and update your index.
e. Choose Next.
8. On the Set field mappings page, enter the following information:
a. Default data source fields—Select from the Amazon Kendra generated default data
source fields you want to map to your index.
The Amazon Kendra Microsoft Exchange data source connector doesn't support
custom field mappings.
b. Choose Next.
9. On the Review and create page, check that the information you have entered is correct
and then select Add data source. You can also choose to edit your information from this
page. Your data source will appear on the Data sources page after the data source has been
added successfully.
Microsoft Exchange 825
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
To connect Amazon Kendra to Microsoft Exchange
You must specify a JSON of the data source schema using the TemplateConfiguration API. You
must provide the following information:
Data source—Specify the data source type as MSEXCHANGE when you use the
TemplateConfiguration JSON schema. Also specify the data source as TEMPLATE when you
call the CreateDataSource API.
Tenant ID—You can find your tenant ID in the Properties of your Azure Active Directory
Portal or in your OAuth application.
Sync mode—Specify how Amazon Kendra should update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first time, all
content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your data if your initial
sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode option. You can choose
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time
your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified, and deleted content each time your data source
syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking
content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
CHANGE_LOG to index only new and modified content each time your data source syncs
with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking content
changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
Secret Amazon Resource Name (ARN)—Provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of
an Secrets Manager secret that contains the authentication credentials for your Microsoft
Exchange account. The secret is stored in a JSON structure with the following keys:
"clientId": "client ID",
"clientSecret": "client secret"
IAM role—Specify RoleArn when you call CreateDataSource to provide an IAM role with
permissions to access your Secrets Manager secret and to call the required public APIs for the
Microsoft Exchange 826
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Microsoft Exchange connector and Amazon Kendra. For more information, see IAM roles for
Microsoft Exchange data sources.
You can also add the following optional features:
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—Specify VpcConfiguration when you call
CreateDataSource. For more information, see Configuring Amazon Kendra to use an
Amazon VPC.
Inclusion and exclusion filters—Specify whether to include or exclude certain content.
Most data sources use regular expression patterns, which are inclusion or exclusion
patterns referred to as filters. If you specify an inclusion filter, only content that
matches the inclusion filter is indexed. Any document that doesn’t match the
inclusion filter isn’t indexed. If you specify an inclusion and exclusion filter, documents
that match the exclusion filter are not indexed, even if they match the inclusion filter.
Access control list (ACL)—Specify whether to crawl ACL information for your documents, if
you have an ACL and want to use it for access control. The ACL specifies which documents
that users and groups can access. The ACL information is used to filter search results based on
the user or their group access to documents. For more information, see User context filtering.
Field mappings—Choose to map your Microsoft Exchange data source fields to your Amazon
Kendra index fields. For more information, see Mapping data source fields.
The document body field or the document body equivalent for your documents
is required in order for Amazon Kendra to search your documents. You must
map your document body field name in your data source to the index field name
_document_body. All other fields are optional.
For a list of other important JSON keys to configure, see Microsoft Exchange template schema.
Microsoft Exchange 827
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Learn more
To learn more about integrating Amazon Kendra with your Microsoft Exchange data source, see:
Index your Microsoft Exchange content using the Exchange connector for Amazon Kendra
Microsoft OneDrive
Microsoft OneDrive is cloud-based storage service that you can use to store, share, and host your
content. You can use Amazon Kendra to index your OneDrive data source.
You can connect Amazon Kendra to your OneDrive data source using the Amazon Kendra console
and the OneDriveConfiguration API.
Amazon Kendra has two versions of the OneDrive connector. Supported features of each version
Microsoft OneDrive connector V1.0 / OneDriveConfiguration API
Field mappings
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Microsoft OneDrive connector V2.0 / TemplateConfiguration API
User context filtering
User identity crawler
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Full and incremental content syncs
Virtual private cloud (VPC)
Support for OneDrive connector V1.0 / OneDriveConfiguration API is scheduled to end by
June 2023. We recommend using OneDrive connector V2.0 / TemplateConfiguration API.
Microsoft OneDrive 828
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra OneDrive data source connector, see Troubleshooting
data sources.
Microsoft OneDrive connector V1.0
Microsoft OneDrive connector V2.0
Learn more
Microsoft OneDrive connector V1.0
Microsoft OneDrive is a cloud-based storage service that you can use to store, share, and host your
content. You can use Amazon Kendra to index your Microsoft OneDrive data source.
Support for OneDrive connector V1.0 / Microsft OneDrive API is scheduled to end by June
2023. We recommend using OneDrive connector V2.0 / TemplateConfiguration API.
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra OneDrive data source connector, see Troubleshooting
data sources.
Supported features
Connection instructions
Supported features
Field mappings
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Before you can use Amazon Kendra to index your OneDrive data source, make these changes in
your OneDrive and AWS accounts.
Microsoft OneDrive 829
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
In your Azure Active Directory (AD), make sure you have:
Created an Azure Active Directory (AD) application.
Used the AD application ID to register a secret key for the application on the AD site. The secret
key must contain the application ID and a secret key.
Copied the AD domain of the organization.
Added the following application permissions to your AD application on the Microsoft Graph
Read files in all site collections (File.Read.All)
Read all users' full profile (User.Read.All)
Read directory data (Directory.Read.All)
Read all groups (Group.Read.All)
Read items in all site collections (Site.Read.All)
Copied the list of users whose documents must be indexed. You can choose to provide a list of
user names, or you can provide the user names in a file stored in an Amazon S3. After you create
the data source, you can:
Modify the list of users.
Change from a list of users to a list stored in an Amazon S3 bucket.
Change the Amazon S3 bucket location of a list of users. If you change the bucket location, you
must also update the IAM role for the data source so that it has access to the bucket.
If you store the list of user names in an Amazon S3 bucket, the IAM policy for the data
source must provide access to the bucket and access to the key that the bucket was
encrypted with, if any.
Checked each document is unique in OneDrive and across other data sources you plan to use for
the same index. Each data source that you want to use for an index must not contain the same
document across the data sources. Document IDs are global to an index and must be unique per
In your AWS account, make sure you have:
Created an Amazon Kendra index and, if using the API, noted the index ID.
Microsoft OneDrive 830
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.
If you change your authentication type and credentials, you must update your IAM role to
access the correct AWS Secrets Manager secret ID.
Stored your OneDrive authentication credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager secret and, if using
the API, noted the ARN of the secret.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
If you don’t have an existing IAM role or secret, you can use the console to create a new IAM role
and Secrets Manager secret when you connect your OneDrive data source to Amazon Kendra. If you
are using the API, you must provide the ARN of an existing IAM role and Secrets Manager secret,
and an index ID.
Connection instructions
To connect Amazon Kendra to your OneDrive data source you must provide details of your
OneDrive credentials so that Amazon Kendra can access your data. If you have not yet configured
OneDrive for Amazon Kendra see Prerequisites.
To connect Amazon Kendra to OneDrive
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console.
2. From the left navigation pane, choose Indexes and then choose the index you want to use
from the list of indexes.
Microsoft OneDrive 831
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
You can choose to configure or edit your User access control settings under Index
3. On the Getting started page, choose Add data source.
4. On the Add data source page, choose OneDrive connector, and then choose Add
connector. If using version 2 (if applicable), choose OneDrive connector with the "V2.0"
5. On the Specify data source details page, enter the following information:
a. In Name and description, for Data source name—Enter a name for your data source.
You can include hyphens but not spaces.
b. (Optional) Description—Enter an optional description for your data source.
c. In Default language—Choose a language to filter your documents for the index.
Unless you specify otherwise, the language defaults to English. Language specified in
the document metadata overrides the selected language.
d. In Tags, for Add new tag—Include optional tags to search and filter your resources or
track your AWS costs.
e. Choose Next.
6. On the Define access and security page, enter the following information:
a. OneDrive tenant ID—Enter the OneDrive tenant ID without the protocol.
b. Type of authentication—Choose between New and Existing.
c. i. If you choose Existing, select an existing secret for Select secret.
ii. If you choose New, enter following information in the New AWS Secrets Manager
secret section:
A. Secret name—A name for your secret. The prefix ‘AmazonKendra-OneDrive-’
is automatically added to your secret name.
B. For Application ID and Application password—Enter the authentication
credential values from your OneDrive account and then choose Save
d. IAM role—Choose an existing IAM role or create a new IAM role to access your
repository credentials and index content.
Microsoft OneDrive 832
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
IAM roles used for indexes cannot be used for data sources. If you are unsure if
an existing role is used for an index or FAQ, choose Create a new role to avoid
e. Choose Next.
7. On the Configure sync settings page, enter the following information:
a. Choose between List file and Names list based on your use case.
i. If you choose List file, enter the following information:
Select location—Enter the path to your Amazon S3 bucket.
Add user list file to Amazon S3—Select to add your user list files to your
Amazon S3 bucket.
User local group mappings—Select to use local group mapping to filter your
ii. If you choose Names list, enter the following information:
User name—Enter up to 10 user drives to index. To add more than 10 users,
create a file that contains the names.
Add another—Choose to add more users.
User local group mappings—Select to use local group mapping to filter your
b. For Additional configurations—Add regular expression patterns to include or exclude
certain files. You can add up to 100 patterns.
c. In Sync run schedule, for Frequency—Choose how often Amazon Kendra will sync
with your data source.
d. Choose Next.
8. On the Set field mappings page, enter the following information:
Microsoft OneDrive 833
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
a. For Default data source fields and Additional suggested field mappings—Select
from the Amazon Kendra generated default data source fields you want to map to your
b. Choose Next.
9. On the Review and create page, check that the information you have entered is correct
and then select Add data source. You can also choose to edit your information from this
page. Your data source will appear on the Data sources page after the data source has been
added successfully.
To connect Amazon Kendra to OneDrive
You must specify the following using the OneDriveConfiguration API:
Tenant ID—Specify the Azure Active Directory domain of the organization.
OneDrive Users—Specify the list of user accounts whose documents should be indexed.
Secret Amazon Resource Name (ARN)—Provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of
an Secrets Manager secret that contains the authentication credentials for your OneDrive
account. The secret is stored in a JSON structure with the following keys:
"username": "OAuth client ID",
"password": "client secret"
IAM role—Specify RoleArn when you call CreateDataSource to provide an IAM role with
permissions to access your Secrets Manager secret and to call the required public APIs for the
OneDrive connector and Amazon Kendra. For more information, see IAM roles for OneDrive
data sources.
You can also add the following optional features:
Inclusion and exclusion filters—Specify whether to include or exclude certain documents.
Microsoft OneDrive 834
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Most data sources use regular expression patterns, which are inclusion or exclusion
patterns referred to as filters. If you specify an inclusion filter, only content that
matches the inclusion filter is indexed. Any document that doesn’t match the
inclusion filter isn’t indexed. If you specify an inclusion and exclusion filter, documents
that match the exclusion filter are not indexed, even if they match the inclusion filter.
Field mappings—Choose to map your OneDrive data source fields to your Amazon Kendra
index fields. For more information, see Mapping data source fields.
The document body field or the document body equivalent for your documents
is required in order for Amazon Kendra to search your documents. You must
map your document body field name in your data source to the index field name
_document_body. All other fields are optional.
User context filtering and access control—Amazon Kendra crawls the access control list
(ACL) for your documents, if you have an ACL for your documents. The ACL information is
used to filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
Microsoft OneDrive connector V2.0
Microsoft OneDrive is cloud-based storage service that you can use to store, share, and host your
content. You can use Amazon Kendra to index your OneDrive data source.
You can connect Amazon Kendra to your OneDrive data source using the Amazon Kendra console
and the OneDriveConfiguration API.
Support for OneDrive Connector V1.0 / OneDriveConfiguration API is scheduled to end by
June 2023. We recommend using OneDrive Connector V2.0 / TemplateConfiguration API.
Version 2.0 provides additional ACLs and identity crawler functionality.
Microsoft OneDrive 835
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra OneDrive data source connector, see Troubleshooting
data sources.
Supported features
Connection instructions
Supported features
Amazon Kendra OneDrive data source connector supports the following features:
Field mappings
User access control
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Full and incremental content syncs
Virtual private cloud (VPC)
Before you can use Amazon Kendra to index your OneDrive data source, make these changes in
your OneDrive and AWS accounts.
In OneDrive, make sure you have:
Created a OneDrive account in Office 365.
Noted your Microsoft 365 tenant ID. You can find your tenant ID in the Properties of your Azure
Active Directory Portal or in your OAuth application.
Created an OAuth application in the Azure portal and noted the client ID and client secret or
client credentials used for authentication with an AWS Secrets Manager secret. See Microsoft
tutorial and Registered app example for more information.
When you create or register an app in the Azure portal, the secret ID represents the
actual secret value. You must take note or save the actual secret value immediately when
creating the secret and app. You can access your secret by selecting the name of your
Microsoft OneDrive 836
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
application in the Azure portal and then navigating to the menu option on certificates
and secrets.
You can access your client ID by selecting the name of your application in the Azure
portal and then navigating to the overview page. The Application (client) ID is the client
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
Used the AD application ID to register a secret key for the application on the AD site. The secret
key must contain the application ID and a secret key.
Copied the AD domain of the organization.
Added the following permissions to your AD application on the Microsoft Graph option:
Read files in all site collections (File.Read.All)
Read all users' full profiles(User.Read.All)
Read all groups (Group.Read.All)
Read all notes (Notes.Read.All)
Copied the list of users whose documents must be indexed. You can choose to provide a list of
user names, or you can provide the user names in a file stored in an Amazon S3. After you create
the data source, you can:
Modify the list of users.
Change from a list of users to a list stored in an Amazon S3 bucket.
Change the Amazon S3 bucket location of a list of users. If you change the bucket location, you
must also update the IAM role for the data source so that it has access to the bucket.
If you store the list of user names in an Amazon S3 bucket, the IAM policy for the data
source must provide access to the bucket and access to the key that the bucket was
encrypted with, if any.
Microsoft OneDrive 837
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
The OneDrive connector uses Email from Contact Information present in the
Onedrive User Properties. Make sure the user whose data you want to crawl has the
email field configured in the Contact Information page as for new users this might be
In your AWS account, make sure you have:
Created an Amazon Kendra index and, if using the API, noted the index id.
Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.
Stored your OneDrive authentication credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager secret and, if using
the API, noted the ARN of the secret.
If you don’t have an existing IAM role or secret, you can use the console to create a new IAM role
and Secrets Manager secret when you connect your OneDrive data source to Amazon Kendra. If you
are using the API, you must provide the ARN of an existing IAM role and Secrets Manager secret,
and an index id.
Connection instructions
To connect Amazon Kendra to your OneDrive data source you must provide details of your
OneDrive credentials so that Amazon Kendra can access your data. If you have not yet configured
OneDrive for Amazon Kendra, see Prerequisites.
To connect Amazon Kendra to OneDrive
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console.
2. From the left navigation pane, choose Indexes and then choose the index you want to use
from the list of indexes.
You can choose to configure or edit your User access control settings under Index
3. On the Getting started page, choose Add data source.
Microsoft OneDrive 838
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
4. On the Add data source page, choose OneDrive connector, and then choose Add
connector. If using version 2 (if applicable), choose OneDrive connector with the "V2.0"
5. On the Specify data source details page, enter the following information:
a. In Name and description, for Data source name—Enter a name for your data source.
You can include hyphens but not spaces.
b. (Optional) Description—Enter an optional description for your data source.
c. In Default language—Choose a language to filter your documents for the index.
Unless you specify otherwise, the language defaults to English. Language specified in
the document metadata overrides the selected language.
d. In Tags, for Add new tag—Include optional tags to search and filter your resources or
track your AWS costs.
e. Choose Next.
6. On the Define access and security page, enter the following information:
a. OneDrive tenant ID—Enter the OneDrive tenant ID without the protocol.
b. Authorization—Turn on or off access control list (ACL) information for your
documents, if you have an ACL and want to use it for access control. The ACL specifies
which documents that users and groups can access. The ACL information is used to
filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
c. In Authentication—Choose between New and Existing.
d. i. If you choose Existing, select an existing secret for Select secret.
ii. If you choose New, enter following information in the New AWS Secrets Manager
secret section:
A. Secret name—A name for your secret. The prefix ‘AmazonKendra-OneDrive-’
is automatically added to your secret name.
B. For Client ID and Client Secret—Enter the client ID and client secret.
e. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—You can choose to use a VPC. If so, you must add
Subnets and VPC security groups.
f. Identity crawler—Specify whether to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler. The
identity crawler uses the access control list (ACL) information for your documents to
filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. If you have
Microsoft OneDrive 839
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
an ACL for your documents and choose to use your ACL, you can then also choose
to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler to configure user context filtering of
search results. Otherwise, if identity crawler is turned off, all documents can be publicly
searched. If you want to use access control for your documents and identity crawler is
turned off, you can alternatively use the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user and
group access information for user context filtering.
g. IAM role—Choose an existing IAM role or create a new IAM role to access your
repository credentials and index content.
IAM roles used for indexes cannot be used for data sources. If you are unsure if
an existing role is used for an index or FAQ, choose Create a new role to avoid
h. Choose Next.
7. On the Configure sync settings page, enter the following information:
8. a. For Sync scope—Choose which users' OneDrive data to index. You can add a maximum
of 10 users manually.
b. For Additional configurations—Add regular expression patterns to include or exclude
certain content. You can add up to 100 patterns.
c. Sync mode—Choose how you want to update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first
time, all content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your
data if your initial sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode
Full sync: Freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time your data
source syncs with your index.
New, modified sync: Index only new and modified content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source's mechanism
for tracking content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
New, modified, deleted sync: Index only new, modified, and deleted content each
time your data source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data
source's mechanism for tracking content changes and index content that changed
since the last sync.
Microsoft OneDrive 840
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
d. In Sync run schedule, for Frequency—Choose how often to sync your data source
content and update your index.
e. Choose Next.
9. On the Set field mappings page, enter the following information:
a. Default data source fields—Select from the Amazon Kendra generated default data
source fields that you want to map to your index.
b. Choose Next.
10. On the Review and create page, check that the information you have entered is correct
and then select Add data source. You can also choose to edit your information from this
page. Your data source will appear on the Data sources page after the data source has been
added successfully.
To connect Amazon Kendra to OneDrive
You must specify a JSON of the data source schema using the TemplateConfiguration API. You
must provide the following information:
Data source—Specify the data source type as ONEDRIVEV2 when you use the
TemplateConfiguration JSON schema. Also specify the data source as TEMPLATE when you
call the CreateDataSource API.
Tenant ID—Specify the Microsoft 365 tenant ID. You can find your tenant ID in the Properties
of your Azure Active Directory Portal or in your OAuth application.
Sync mode—Specify how Amazon Kendra should update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first time, all
content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your data if your initial
sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode option. You can choose
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time
your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified, and deleted content each time your data source
syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking
content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
Microsoft OneDrive 841
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
CHANGE_LOG to index only new and modified content each time your data source syncs
with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking content
changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
Secret Amazon Resource Name (ARN)—Provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a
Secrets Manager secret that contains the authentication credentials you created in your
OneDrive account.
If you use OAuth 2.0 authentication, the secret is stored in a JSON structure with the
following keys:
"clientId": "client ID",
"clientSecret": "client secret"
IAM role—Specify RoleArn when you call CreateDataSource to provide an IAM role with
permissions to access your Secrets Manager secret and to call the required public APIs for the
OneDrive connector and Amazon Kendra. For more information, see IAM roles for OneDrive
data sources.
You can also add the following optional features:
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—Specify VpcConfiguration when you call
CreateDataSource. For more information, see Configuring Amazon Kendra to use an
Amazon VPC.
Inclusion and exclusion filters—You can specify whether to include or exclude certain files,
OneNote sections, and OneNote pages.
Most data sources use regular expression patterns, which are inclusion or exclusion
patterns referred to as filters. If you specify an inclusion filter, only content that
matches the inclusion filter is indexed. Any document that doesn’t match the
inclusion filter isn’t indexed. If you specify an inclusion and exclusion filter, documents
that match the exclusion filter are not indexed, even if they match the inclusion filter.
Identity crawler—Specify whether to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler. The identity
crawler uses the access control list (ACL) information for your documents to filter search
Microsoft OneDrive 842
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
results based on the user or their group access to documents. If you have an ACL for your
documents and choose to use your ACL, you can then also choose to turn on Amazon
Kendra’s identity crawler to configure user context filtering of search results. Otherwise,
if identity crawler is turned off, all documents can be publicly searched. If you want to use
access control for your documents and identity crawler is turned off, you can alternatively use
the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user and group access information for user context
Field mappings—You can only map built-in or common index fields for the Amazon Kendra
OneDrive connector. Custom field mapping is not available for the OneDrive connector
because of API limitations. For more information, see Mapping data source fields.
For a list of other important JSON keys to configure, see OneDrive template schema.
Learn more
To learn more about integrating Amazon Kendra with your OneDrive data source, see:
Announcing the updated Microsoft OneDrive connector (V2) for Amazon Kendra.
Microsoft SharePoint
SharePoint is a collaborative website building service that you can use to customize web content
and create pages, sites, document libraries, and lists. You can use Amazon Kendra to index your
SharePoint data source.
Amazon Kendra currently supports SharePoint Online and SharePoint Server (versions 2013, 2016,
2019, and Subscription Edition).
You can connect Amazon Kendra to your SharePoint data source using either the Amazon Kendra
console, the TemplateConfiguration API, or the SharePointConfiguration API.
Amazon Kendra has two versions of the SharePoint connector. Supported features of each version
SharePoint Connector V1.0 / SharePointConfiguration API
Field mappings
Microsoft SharePoint 843
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
User access control
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Change log
Virtual private cloud (VPC)
SharePoint Connector V2.0 / TemplateConfiguration API
Field mappings
User access control
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Full and incremental content syncs
Virtual private cloud (VPC)
Support for SharePoint connector V1.0 / SharePointConfiguration API is scheduled
to end in 2023. We recommend migrating to or using SharePoint connector V2.0 /
TemplateConfiguration API.
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra SharePoint data source connector, see Troubleshooting
data sources.
SharePoint connector V1.0
SharePoint connector V2.0
SharePoint connector V1.0
SharePoint is a collaborative website building service that you can use to customize web content
and create pages, sites, document libraries, and lists. If you are a SharePoint user, you can use
Amazon Kendra to index your SharePoint data source.
Microsoft SharePoint 844
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Support for SharePoint connector V1.0 / SharePointConfiguration API is scheduled
to end in 2023. We recommend migrating to or using SharePoint connector V2.0 /
TemplateConfiguration API.
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra SharePoint data source connector, see Troubleshooting
data sources.
Supported features
Connection instructions
Learn more
Supported features
Field mappings
User access control
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Change log
Virtual private cloud (VPC)
Before you can use Amazon Kendra to index your SharePoint data source, make these changes in
your SharePoint and AWS accounts.
You are required to provide authentication credentials, which you securely store in an AWS Secrets
Manager secret.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you re-
Microsoft SharePoint 845
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0 (where
In SharePoint, make sure you have:
Noted the URL of the SharePoint sites you want to index.
For SharePoint Online:
Noted your basic authentication credentials containing a user name and password with site
admin permissions.
Optional: Generated OAuth 2.0 credentials containing a user name, password, client ID, and
client secret.
Deactivated Security Defaults in your Azure portal using an administrative user. For more
information on managing security default settings in the Azure portal, see Microsoft
documentation on how to enable/disable security defaults.
For SharePoint Server:
Noted your SharePoint Server domain name (the NetBIOS name in your Active Directory). You
use this, along with your SharePoint basic authentication user name and password, to connect
SharePoint Server to Amazon Kendra.
If you use SharePoint Server and need to convert your Access Control List (ACL) to email
format for filtering on user context, provide the LDAP server URL and LDAP search base.
Or you can use the directory domain override. The LDAP server URL is the full domain
name and the port number (for example, ldap:// The LDAP search
base are the domain controllers 'example' and 'com'. With the directory domain override,
you can use the email domain instead of using LDAP server URL and LDAP search base.
For example, the email domain for [email protected]om is ''. You can
use this override if you aren't concerned about validating your domain and simply want
to use your email domain.
Added the following permissions to your SharePoint account:
For SharePoint lists
Open Items—View the source of documents with server-side file handlers.
Microsoft SharePoint 846
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
View Application Pages—View forms, views, and application pages. Enumerate lists.
View Items—View items in lists and documents in document libraries.
View Versions—View past versions of a list item or document.
For SharePoint websites
Browse Directories—Enumerate files and folders in a website using SharePoint Designer and
Web DAV interface.
Browse User Information—View information about users of the website.
Enumerate Permissions—Enumerate permissions on the website, list, folder, document, or list
Open—Open a website, list, or folder to access items inside the container.
Use Client Integration Features—Use SOAP, WebDAV, the client object model, or SharePoint
Designer interfaces to access the website.
Use Remote Interfaces—Use features that launch client applications.
View Pages—View pages on a website.
Checked each document is unique in SharePoint and across other data sources you plan to use
for the same index. Each data source that you want to use for an index must not contain the
same document across the data sources. Document IDs are global to an index and must be
unique per index.
In your AWS account, make sure you have:
Created an Amazon Kendra index and, if using the API, noted the index ID.
Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.
If you change your authentication type and credentials, you must update your IAM role to
access the correct AWS Secrets Manager secret ID.
Stored your SharePoint authentication credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager secret and, if using
the API, noted the ARN of the secret.
Microsoft SharePoint 847
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
If you don’t have an existing IAM role or secret, you can use the console to create a new IAM role
and Secrets Manager secret when you connect your SharePoint data source to Amazon Kendra.
If you are using the API, you must provide the ARN of an existing IAM role and Secrets Manager
secret, and an index ID.
Connection instructions
To connect Amazon Kendra to your SharePoint data source you must provide details of your
SharePoint credentials so that Amazon Kendra can access your data. If you have not yet configured
SharePoint for Amazon Kendra see Prerequisites.
To connect Amazon Kendra to SharePoint
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console.
2. From the left navigation pane, choose Indexes and then choose the index you want to use
from the list of indexes.
You can choose to configure or edit your User access control settings under Index
3. On the Getting started page, choose Add data source.
4. On the Add data source page, choose SharePoint connector v1.0, and then choose Add
data source.
5. On the Specify data source details page, enter the following information:
Microsoft SharePoint 848
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
a. In Name and description, for Data source name—Enter a name for your data source.
You can include hyphens but not spaces.
b. (Optional) Description—Enter an optional description for your data source.
c. In Default language—Choose a language to filter your documents for the index.
Unless you specify otherwise, the language defaults to English. Language specified in
the document metadata overrides the selected language.
d. In Tags, for Add new tag—Include optional tags to search and filter your resources or
track your AWS costs.
e. Choose Next.
6. On the Define access and security page, enter the following information:
a. For Hosting method—Choose between SharePoint Online and SharePoint Server.
i. For SharePoint Online—Enter the Site URLs specific to your SharePoint
ii. For SharePoint Server—Choose your SharePoint version, enter Site URLs specific
to your SharePoint repository, and enter the Amazon S3 path to your SSL
certificate location.
b. (SharePoint Server only) For Web proxy—Enter the Host name and Port number
of your internal SharePoint instance. The port number should be a numeric value
between 0 and 65535.
c. For Authentication—Choose between the following options based on your use case:
i. For SharePoint Online—Choose between Basic authentication and OAuth 2.0
ii. For SharePoint Server—Choose between None, LDAP, and Manual.
d. For AWS Secrets Manager secret—Choose an existing secret or create a new Secrets
Manager secret to store your SharePoint authentication credentials. If you choose to
create a new secret an AWS Secrets Manager secret window opens. You must enter a
Secret name. The prefix ‘AmazonKendra-SharePoint-’ is automatically added to your
secret name.
e. Enter following other information in the Create an AWS Secrets Manager secret
Microsoft SharePoint 849
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
i. Choose from the following SharePoint Cloud authentication options, based on
your use case:
A. Basic authentication—Enter your SharePoint account user name as User
name and SharePoint account password as Password.
B. OAuth 2.0 authentication—Enter your SharePoint account user name as
User name, SharePoint account password as Password, your auto-generated
unique SharePoint ID as Client ID, and the shared secret string used by both
SharePoint and Amazon Kendra as Client secret.
ii. Choose from the following SharePoint Server authentication options, based on
your use case:
A. None—Enter your SharePoint account user name as User name, your
SharePoint account password as Password, and your Server Domain Name.
B. LDAP—Enter your SharePoint account user name as User name, SharePoint
account password as Password, your LDAP Server Endpoint (including
protocol and port number, for example ldap://, and
your LDAP Search Base (for example, dc=example, dc=com).
C. Manual—Enter your SharePoint account user name as User name, your
SharePoint account password as Password, and your Email Domain Override
(email domain of directory user or group).
iii. Choose Save.
f. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)— You must also add Subnets and VPC security groups.
You must use a VPC if you use SharePoint Server. Amazon VPC is optional for
other SharePoint versions.
g. IAM role—Choose an existing IAM role or create a new IAM role to access your
repository credentials and index content.
Microsoft SharePoint 850
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
IAM roles used for indexes cannot be used for data sources. If you are unsure if
an existing role is used for an index or FAQ, choose Create a new role to avoid
h. Choose Next.
7. On the Configure sync settings page, enter the following information:
a. Use Change log—Select to update your index instead of syncing all your files.
b. Crawl attachments—Select to crawl attachments.
c. Use local group mappings—Select to make sure that documents are properly filtered.
d. Additional configuration—Add regular expression patterns to include or exclude
certain files. You can add up to 100 patterns.
e. In Sync run schedule for Frequency—How often Amazon Kendra will sync with your
data source.
f. Choose Next.
8. On the Set field mappings page, enter the following information:
a. Amazon Kendra default field mappings—Select from the Amazon Kendra generated
default data source fields you want to map to your index.
b. For Custom field mappings—Add custom data source fields to create an index field
name to map to and the field data type.
c. Choose Next.
9. On the Review and create page, check that the information you have entered is correct
and then select Add data source. You can also choose to edit your information from this
page. Your data source will appear on the Data sources page after the data source has been
added successfully.
To connect Amazon Kendra to SharePoint
You must specify the following using SharePointConfiguration API:
Microsoft SharePoint 851
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
SharePoint Version—Specify the SharePoint version you use when configuring SharePoint.
This is the case no matter if you use SharePoint Server 2013, SharePoint Server 2016,
SharePoint Server 2019, or SharePoint Online.
Secret Amazon Resource Name (ARN)—Provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a
Secrets Manager secret that contains the authentication credentials you created in your
SharePoint account.The secret is stored in a JSON structure.
For SharePoint Online basic authentication, the following is the minimum JSON structure
that must be in your secret:
"userName": "user name",
"password": "password"
For SharePoint Online OAuth 2.0 authentication, the following is the minimum JSON
structure that must be in your secret:
"userName": "SharePoint account user name"",
"password": "SharePoint account password",
"clientId": "SharePoint auto-generated unique client id",
"clientSecret": "secret string shared by Amazon Kendra and SharePoint to
authorize communications"
For SharePoint Server basic authentication, the following is the minimum JSON structure
that must be in your secret:
"userName": "user name",
"password": "password",
"domain": "server domain name"
For SharePoint Server LDAP authentication (if you need to convert your access control list
(ACL) to email format for filtering on user context you can include the LDAP server URL and
LDAP search base in your secret), the following is the minimum JSON structure that must be
in your secret:
Microsoft SharePoint 852
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"userName": "user name",
"password": "password",
"domain": "server domain name"
"ldapServerUrl": "ldap://",
"ldapSearchBase": "dc=example,dc=com"
For SharePoint Server Manual authentication, the following is the minimum JSON structure
that must be in your secret::
"userName": "user name",
"password": "password",
"domain": "server domain name",
"emailDomainOverride": ""
IAM role—Specify RoleArn when you call CreateDataSource to provide an IAM role
with permissions to access your Secrets Manager secret and to call the required public APIs
for the SharePoint connector and Amazon Kendra. For more information, see IAM roles for
SharePoint data sources.
Amazon VPC—If you use SharePoint Server, specify VpcConfiguration as part of the data
source configuration. See Configuring Amazon Kendra to use a VPC.
You can also add the following optional features:
Web proxy—Whether to connect to your SharePoint site URLs via a web proxy. You can use
this option only for SharePoint Server.
Indexing lists—Whether Amazon Kendra should index the contents of attachments to
SharePoint list items.
Change log—Whether Amazon Kendra should use the SharePoint data source change log
mechanism to determine if a document must be updated in the index.
Use the change log if you don’t want Amazon Kendra to scan all of the documents.
If your change log is large, it might take Amazon Kendra less time to scan the
Microsoft SharePoint 853
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
documents in the SharePoint data source than to process the change log. If you are
syncing your SharePoint data source with your index for the first time, all documents
are scanned.
Inclusion and exclusion filters—You can specify whether to include or exclude certain
Most data sources use regular expression patterns, which are inclusion or exclusion
patterns referred to as filters. If you specify an inclusion filter, only content that
matches the inclusion filter is indexed. Any document that doesn’t match the
inclusion filter isn’t indexed. If you specify an inclusion and exclusion filter, documents
that match the exclusion filter are not indexed, even if they match the inclusion filter.
Field mappings—Choose to map your SharePoint data source fields to your Amazon Kendra
index fields. For more information, see Mapping data source fields.
The document body field or the document body equivalent for your documents
is required in order for Amazon Kendra to search your documents. You must
map your document body field name in your data source to the index field name
_document_body. All other fields are optional.
User context filtering and access control—Amazon Kendra crawls the access control list
(ACL) for your documents, if you have an ACL for your documents. The ACL information is
used to filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
Learn more
To learn more about integrating Amazon Kendra with your SharePoint data source, see:
Getting started with the Amazon Kendra SharePoint Online connector
Microsoft SharePoint 854
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
SharePoint connector V2.0
SharePoint is a collaborative website building service that you can use to customize web content
and create pages, sites, document libraries, and lists. You can use Amazon Kendra to index your
SharePoint data source.
Amazon Kendra currently supports SharePoint Online and SharePoint Server (2013, 2016, 2019,
and Subscription Edition).
Support for SharePoint connector V1.0 / SharePointConfiguration API is scheduled
to end in 2023. We recommend migrating to or using SharePoint connector V2.0 /
TemplateConfiguration API.
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra SharePoint data source connector, see Troubleshooting
data sources.
Supported features
Connection instructions
Supported features
Amazon Kendra SharePoint data source connector supports the following features:
Field mappings
User access control
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Full and incremental content syncs
Virtual private cloud (VPC)
Microsoft SharePoint 855
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Before you can use Amazon Kendra to index your SharePoint data source, make these changes in
your SharePoint and AWS accounts.
You are required to provide authentication credentials, which you securely store in an AWS Secrets
Manager secret.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you re-
use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0 (where
In SharePoint Online, make sure you have:
Copied your SharePoint instance URLs. The format for the host URL you enter is https:// Your URL must start with https and contain
Copied the domain name of your SharePoint instance URL.
Noted your basic authentication credentials containing the user name and password with site
admin permissions to connect to SharePoint Online.
Deactivated Security Defaults in your Azure portal using an administrative user. For more
information on managing security default settings in the Azure portal, see Microsoft
documentation on how to enable/disable security defaults.
Deactivated multi-factor authentication (MFA) in your SharePoint account, so that Amazon
Kendra is not blocked from crawling your SharePoint content.
If using authentication type other than Basic authentication: Copied the tenant ID of your
SharePoint instance. For details on how to find your tenant ID, see Find your Microsoft 365
tenant ID.
If you need to migrate to cloud user authentication with Microsoft Entra, see Microsoft
documentation on cloud authentication.
For OAuth 2.0 authentication and OAuth 2.0 refresh token authentication: Noted your Basic
authentication credentials containing the user name and password you use to connect to
Microsoft SharePoint 856
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
SharePoint Online and the client ID and client secret generated after registering SharePoint with
Azure AD.
If you're not using ACL, added the following permissions:
Microsoft Graph SharePoint
Notes.Read.All (Application)—Read all
OneNote notebooks
Sites.Read.All (Application)—Read items
in all site collections
AllSites.Read (Delegated)—Read items in
all site collections
Note.Read.All and Sites.Read.All are required only if you want to crawl OneNote
If you want to crawl specific sites, the permission can be restricted to specific
sites rather than all sites available in the domain. You configure Sites.Selected
(Application) permission. With this API permission, you need to set access permission
on every site explicitly through Microsoft Graph API. For more information, see
Microsoft's blog on Sites.Selected permissions.
If you're using ACL, added the following permissions:
Microsoft SharePoint 857
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Microsoft Graph SharePoint
Group.Member.Read.All (Application)—
Read all group memberships
Notes.Read.All (Application)—Read all
OneNote notebooks
Sites.FullControl.All (Delegated)—Requir
ed to retrieve ACLs of the documents
Sites.Read.All (Application)—Read items
in all site collections
User.Read.All (Application)—Read all
users' full profiles
AllSites.Read (Delegated)—Read items in
all site collections
GroupMember.Read.All and User.Read.All are required only if Identity crawler is
If you want to crawl specific sites, the permission can be restricted to specific
sites rather than all sites available in the domain. You configure Sites.Selected
(Application) permission. With this API permission, you need to set access permission
on every site explicitly through Microsoft Graph API. For more information, see
Microsoft's blog on Sites.Selected permissions.
For Azure AD App-Only authentication: Private key and the Client ID you generated after
registering SharePoint with Azure AD. Also note the X.509 certificate.
If you're not using ACL, added the following permissions:
Sites.Read.All (Application)—Required to
access items and lists in all site collections
Microsoft SharePoint 858
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
If you want to crawl specific sites, the permission can be restricted to specific
sites rather than all sites available in the domain. You configure Sites.Selected
(Application) permission. With this API permission, you need to set access permission
on every site explicitly through Microsoft Graph API. For more information, see
Microsoft's blog on Sites.Selected permissions.
If you're using ACL, added the following permissions:
Sites.FullControl.All (Application)—Requ
ired to retrieve ACLs of the documents
If you want to crawl specific sites, the permission can be restricted to specific
sites rather than all sites available in the domain. You configure Sites.Selected
(Application) permission. With this API permission, you need to set access permission
on every site explicitly through Microsoft Graph API. For more information, see
Microsoft's blog on Sites.Selected permissions.
For SharePoint App-Only authentication: Noted your SharePoint client ID and client secret
generated while granting permission to SharePoint App Only, and your Client ID and Client
secret generated when you registered your SharePoint app with Azure AD.
SharePoint App-Only Authentication is not supported for SharePoint 2013 version.
(Optional) If you're crawling OneNote documents and using Identity crawler, added the
following permissions:
Microsoft SharePoint 859
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Microsoft Graph
GroupMember.Read.All (Application)—
Read all group memberships
Notes.Read.All (Application)—Read all
OneNote notebooks
Sites.Read.All (Application)—Read items
in all site collections
User.Read.All (Application)—Read all
users' full profiles
No API permissions are required for crawling entities using Basic authentication and
SharePoint App-only authentication.
In SharePoint Server, make sure you have:
Copied your SharePoint instance URLs and the domain name of your SharePoint URLs. The
format for the host URL you enter is https://yourcompany/sites/mysite. Your URL must
start with https.
(On-premise/server) Amazon Kendra checks if the endpoint information included in
AWS Secrets Manager is the same the endpoint information specified in your data source
configuration details. This helps protect against the confused deputy problem, which
is a security issue where a user doesn’t have permission to perform an action but uses
Amazon Kendra as a proxy to access the configured secret and perform the action. If
you later change your endpoint information, you must create a new secret to sync this
Deactivated multi-factor authentication (MFA) in your SharePoint account, so that Amazon
Kendra is not blocked from crawling your SharePoint content.
Microsoft SharePoint 860
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
If using SharePoint App-Only authentication for access control:
Copied the SharePoint client ID generated when you registered App Only at Site
Level. Client ID format is ClientId@TenantId. For example, ffa956f3-8f89-44e7-
Copied the SharePoint client secret generated when you registered App Only at Site Level.
Note: Because client IDs and client secrets are generated for single sites only when you register
SharePoint Server for App Only authentication, only one site URL is supported for SharePoint
App Only authentication.
SharePoint App-Only Authentication is not supported for SharePoint 2013 version.
If using Email ID with Custom Domain for access control:
Noted your custom email domain value—for example: "".
If using Email ID with Domain from IDP authorization, copied your:
LDAP Server Endpoint (endpoint of LDAP server including protocol and port number). For
example: ldap://
LDAP Search Base (search base of the LDAP user). For example:
LDAP user name and LDAP password.
Either configured NTLM authentication credentials or configured Kerberos authentication
credentials containing a user name (SharePoint account user name) and password (SharePoint
account password).
In your AWS account, make sure you have:
Created an Amazon Kendra index and, if using the API, noted the index ID.
Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.
If you change your authentication type and credentials, you must update your IAM role to
access the correct AWS Secrets Manager secret ID.
Microsoft SharePoint 861
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Stored your SharePoint authentication credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager secret and, if using
the API, noted the ARN of the secret.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
If you don’t have an existing IAM role or secret, you can use the console to create a new IAM role
and Secrets Manager secret when you connect your SharePoint data source to Amazon Kendra.
If you are using the API, you must provide the ARN of an existing IAM role and Secrets Manager
secret, and an index ID.
Connection instructions
To connect Amazon Kendra to your SharePoint data source, you must provide details of your
SharePoint credentials so that Amazon Kendra can access your data. If you have not yet configured
SharePoint for Amazon Kendra see Prerequisites.
Console: SharePoint Online
To connect Amazon Kendra to SharePoint Online
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console.
2. From the left navigation pane, choose Indexes and then choose the index you want to use
from the list of indexes.
You can choose to configure or edit your User access control settings under Index
3. On the Getting started page, choose Add data source.
4. On the Add data source page, choose SharePoint connector, and then choose Add
connector. If using version 2 (if applicable), choose SharePoint connector with the "V2.0"
Microsoft SharePoint 862
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
5. On the Specify data source details page, enter the following information:
a. In Name and description, for Data source name—Enter a name for your data source.
You can include hyphens but not spaces.
b. (Optional) Description—Enter an optional description for your data source.
c. In Default language—Choose a language to filter your documents for the index.
Unless you specify otherwise, the language defaults to English. Language specified in
the document metadata overrides the selected language.
d. In Tags, for Add new tag—Include optional tags to search and filter your resources or
track your AWS costs.
e. Choose Next.
6. On the Define access and security page, enter the following information:
a. Hosting Method—Choose SharePoint Online.
b. Site URLs specific to your SharePoint repository—Enter the SharePoint host URLs.
The format for the host URLs you enter is
sites/mysite. The URL must start with https protocol. Separate URLs with a new
line. You can add up to 100 URLs.
c. Domain—Enter the SharePoint domain. For example, the domain in the URL is yourdomain.
d. Authorization—Turn on or off access control list (ACL) information for your
documents, if you have an ACL and want to use it for access control. The ACL specifies
which documents that users and groups can access. The ACL information is used to
filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
You can also choose the type of user ID, whether the user principal name or the user
email fetched from the Azure Portal. If you don't specify, email is used by default.
e. Authentication—Choose either basic, OAuth 2.0, Azure AD App-Only authentication,
SharePoint App-Only authentication, or OAuth 2.0 refresh token authentication. You
either choose an existing AWS Secrets Manager secret to store your authentication
credentials, or create a secret.
i. If using Basic Authentication, your secret must include a secret name, SharePoint
user name and password.
Microsoft SharePoint 863
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
ii. If using OAuth 2.0 authentication, your secret must include the SharePoint tenant
ID, secret name, SharePoint user name, password, Azure AD client ID generated
when you register SharePoint in Azure AD, and Azure AD client secret generated
when you register SharePoint in Azure AD.
iii. If using Azure AD App-Only authentication, your secret must include the
SharePoint tenant ID, Azure AD self-signed X.509 certificate, secret name, Azure
AD client ID generated when you register SharePoint in Azure AD, and private key
to authenticate the connector for Azure AD.
iv. If using SharePoint App-Only authentication, your secret must include the
SharePoint tenant ID, secret name, SharePoint client ID you generated when you
registered App Only at Tenant Level, SharePoint client secret generated when
your register for App Only at Tenant Level, Azure AD client ID generated when you
register SharePoint in Azure AD, and Azure AD client secret generated when you
register SharePoint to Azure AD.
The SharePoint client ID format is ClientID@TenantId. For example,
v. If using OAuth 2.0 refresh token authentication, your secret must include the
SharePoint tenant ID, secret name, unique Azure AD client ID generated when
you register SharePoint in Azure AD, Azure AD client secret generated when you
register SharePoint to Azure AD, refresh token generated to connect Amazon
Kendra to SharePoint.
f. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—You can choose to use a VPC. If so, you must add
Subnets and VPC security groups.
g. Identity crawler—Specify whether to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler. The
identity crawler uses the access control list (ACL) information for your documents to
filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. If you have
an ACL for your documents and choose to use your ACL, you can then also choose
to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler to configure user context filtering of
search results. Otherwise, if identity crawler is turned off, all documents can be publicly
searched. If you want to use access control for your documents and identity crawler is
turned off, you can alternatively use the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user and
group access information for user context filtering.
Microsoft SharePoint 864
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
You can also choose to crawl local group mapping or Azure Active Directory group
AD Group mapping crawling is available only for OAuth 2.0, OAuth 2.0 refresh
token, and SharePoint App Only authentication.
h. IAM role—Choose an existing IAM role or create a new IAM role to access your
repository credentials and index content.
IAM roles used for indexes cannot be used for data sources. If you are unsure if
an existing role is used for an index or FAQ, choose Create a new role to avoid
i. Choose Next.
7. On the Configure sync settings page, enter the following information:
a. In Sync scope, choose from the following options :
i. Select entities—Choose the entities you want to crawl. You can select to crawl
All entities or any combination of Files, Attachments, Links Pages, Events,
Comments, and List Data.
ii. In Additional configuration, for Entity regex patterns—Add regular expression
patterns for Links, Pages, and Events to include specific entities instead of syncing
all your documents.
iii. Regex patterns—Add regular expression patterns to include or exclude files by
File path, File name, File type, OneNote section name, and OneNote page name
instead of syncing all your documents. You can add up to 100.
OneNote crawling is available only for OAuth 2.0, OAuth 2.0 refresh token,
and SharePoint App Only authentication.
Microsoft SharePoint 865
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
b. For Sync mode choose how you want to update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first
time, all content is synced by default.
Full sync—Sync all content regardless of the previous sync status.
New or modified documents sync—Sync only new or modified documents.
New, modified, or deleted documents sync—Sync only new, modified, and deleted
c. In Sync run schedule, for Frequency—Choose how often to sync your data source
content and update your index.
d. Choose Next.
8. On the Set field mappings page, enter the following information:
a. Default data source fields—Select from the Amazon Kendra generated default data
source fields that you want to map to your index.
b. Add field—To add custom data source fields to create an index field name to map to
and the field data type.
c. Choose Next.
9. On the Review and create page, check that the information you have entered is correct
and then select Add data source. You can also choose to edit your information from this
page. Your data source will appear on the Data sources page after the data source has been
added successfully.
Console: SharePoint Server
To connect Amazon Kendra to SharePoint
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console.
2. From the left navigation pane, choose Indexes and then choose the index you want to use
from the list of indexes.
You can choose to configure or edit your User access control settings under Index
Microsoft SharePoint 866
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
3. On the Getting started page, choose Add data source.
4. On the Add data source page, choose SharePoint connector, and then choose Add
connector. If using version 2 (if applicable), choose SharePoint connector with the "V2.0"
5. On the Specify data source details page, enter the following information:
a. In Name and description, for Data source name—Enter a name for your data source.
You can include hyphens but not spaces.
b. (Optional) Description—Enter an optional description for your data source.
c. In Default language—Choose a language to filter your documents for the index.
Unless you specify otherwise, the language defaults to English. Language specified in
the document metadata overrides the selected language.
d. In Tags, for Add new tag—Include optional tags to search and filter your resources or
track your AWS costs.
e. Choose Next.
6. On the Define access and security page, enter the following information:
a. Hosting Method—Choose SharePoint Server.
b. Choose SharePoint Version—Choose either SharePoint 2013, SharePoint 2016,
SharePoint 2019, and SharePoint (Subscription Edition).
c. Site URLs specific to your SharePoint repository—Enter the SharePoint host URLs.
The format for the host URLs you enter is https://yourcompany/sites/mysite.
The URL must start with https protocol. Separate URLs with a new line. You can add
up to 100 URLs.
d. Domain—Enter the SharePoint domain. For example, the domain in the URL
https://yourcompany/sites/mysite is yourcompany
e. SSL certificate location—Enter the Amazon S3 path to your SSL certificate file.
(Optional) For Web proxy—Enter the host name (without the http:// or https://
protocol), and the port number used by the host URL transport protocol. The numeric
value of the port number must be between 0 and 65535.
g. Authorization—Turn on or off access control list (ACL) information for your
documents, if you have an ACL and want to use it for access control. The ACL specifies
which documents that users and groups can access. The ACL information is used to
Microsoft SharePoint 867
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
For SharePoint Server you can choose from the following ACL options:
i. Email ID with Domain from IDP—User ID is based on email IDs with their
domains fetched from the underlying identity provider (IDP). You provide the IDP
connection details in your Secrets Manager secret as part of Authentication.
ii. Email ID with Custom Domain—User ID is based on the custom email domain
value. For example, "". The email domain will be used to construct the
email ID for access control. You must enter your custom email domain.
iii. Domain\User with Domain—User ID is constructed using a Domain
\User ID format. You need to provide a valid domain name. For example:
"sharepoint2019" to construct access control.
h. For Authentication, choose either SharePoint App-Only authentication, NTLM
authentication, or Kerberos authentication. You either choose an existing AWS Secrets
Manager secret to store your authentication credentials, or create a secret.
i. If using NTLM authentication or Kerberos authentication, you secret must
include a secret name, SharePoint user name and password.
If using Email ID with Domain from IDP, also enter your:
LDAP Server Endpoint—Endpoint of LDAP server, including protocol and port
number. For example: ldap://
LDAP Search Base—Search base of LDAP user. For example:
LDAP username—Your LDAP user name.
LDAP Password—Your LDAP password.
ii. If using SharePoint App-Only authentication, your secret must include a secret
name, SharePoint client ID you generated when you registered App Only at Site
Level, SharePoint client secret generated when your register for App Only at Site
The SharePoint client ID format is ClientID@TenantId. For example,
Microsoft SharePoint 868
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Note: Because client IDs and client secrets are generated for single sites only when
you register SharePoint Server for App Only authentication, only one site URL is
supported for SharePoint App Only authentication.
If using Email ID with Domain from IDP, also enter your:
LDAP Server Endpoint—Endpoint of LDAP server, including protocol and port
number. For example: ldap://
LDAP Search Base—Search base of LDAP user. For example:
LDAP username—Your LDAP user name.
LDAP Password—Your LDAP password.
i. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—You can choose to use a VPC. If so, you must add
Subnets and VPC security groups.
j. Identity crawler—Specify whether to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler. The
identity crawler uses the access control list (ACL) information for your documents to
filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. If you have
an ACL for your documents and choose to use your ACL, you can then also choose
to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler to configure user context filtering of
search results. Otherwise, if identity crawler is turned off, all documents can be publicly
searched. If you want to use access control for your documents and identity crawler is
turned off, you can alternatively use the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user and
group access information for user context filtering.
You can also choose to crawl local group mapping or Azure Active Directory group
AD Group mapping crawling is available only SharePoint App Only
k. IAM role—Choose an existing IAM role or create a new IAM role to access your
repository credentials and index content.
Microsoft SharePoint 869
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
IAM roles used for indexes cannot be used for data sources. If you are unsure if
an existing role is used for an index or FAQ, choose Create a new role to avoid
l. Choose Next.
7. On the Configure sync settings page, enter the following information:
a. In Sync scope, choose from the following options :
i. Select entities—Choose the entities you want to crawl. You can select to crawl All
entities or any combination of Files, Attachments, Links Pages, Events, and List
ii. In Additional configuration, for Entity regex patterns—Add regular expression
patterns for Links, Pages, and Events to include specific entities instead of syncing
all your documents.
iii. Regex patterns—Add regular expression patterns to include or exclude files by
File path File name File type, OneNote section name, and OneNote page name
instead of syncing all your documents. You can add up to 100.
OneNote crawling is available only for SharePoint App Only
b. Sync mode—Choose how you want to update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first
time, all content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your
data if your initial sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode
Full sync: Freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time your data
source syncs with your index.
New, modified sync: Index only new and modified content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source's mechanism
for tracking content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
Microsoft SharePoint 870
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
New, modified, deleted sync: Index only new, modified, and deleted content each
time your data source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data
source's mechanism for tracking content changes and index content that changed
since the last sync.
c. In Sync run schedule, for Frequency—Choose how often to sync your data source
content and update your index.
d. Choose Next.
8. On the Set field mappings page, enter the following information:
a. Default data source fields—Select from the Amazon Kendra generated default data
source fields that you want to map to your index.
b. Add field—To add custom data source fields to create an index field name to map to
and the field data type.
c. Choose Next.
9. On the Review and create page, check that the information you have entered is correct
and then select Add data source. You can also choose to edit your information from this
page. Your data source will appear on the Data sources page after the data source has been
added successfully.
To connect Amazon Kendra to SharePoint
You must specify a JSON of the data source schema using the TemplateConfiguration API. You
must provide the following information:
Data source—Specify the data source type as SHAREPOINTV2 when you use the
TemplateConfiguration JSON schema. Also specify the data source as TEMPLATE when you
call the CreateDataSource API.
Repository Endpoint Metadata—Specify the tenantID domain and siteUrls of your
SharePoint instance.
Sync mode—Specify how Amazon Kendra should update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first time, all
content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your data if your initial
sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode option. You can choose
Microsoft SharePoint 871
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time
your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified, and deleted content each time your data source
syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking
content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
CHANGE_LOG to index only new and modified content each time your data source syncs
with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking content
changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
Identity crawler—Specify whether to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler. The identity
crawler uses the access control list (ACL) information for your documents to filter search
results based on the user or their group access to documents. If you have an ACL for your
documents and choose to use your ACL, you can then also choose to turn on Amazon
Kendra’s identity crawler to configure user context filtering of search results. Otherwise,
if identity crawler is turned off, all documents can be publicly searched. If you want to use
access control for your documents and identity crawler is turned off, you can alternatively use
the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user and group access information for user context
Identity crawler is available only when you set crawlAcl to true.
Repository Additional Properties—Specify the:
(For Azure AD) s3bucketName and s3certificateName you use to store your Azure AD
self-signed X.509 certificate.
Authentication type (auth_Type) you use, whether OAuth2, OAuth2App,
OAuth2Certificate, Basic, OAuth2_RefreshToken, NTLM, and Kerberos.
Version (version) you use, whether Server or Online. If you use Server you can futher
specify the onPremVersion as 2013, 2016, 2019, or SubscriptionEdition.
Secret Amazon Resource Name (ARN)—Provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a
Secrets Manager secret that contains the authentication credentials you created in your
SharePoint account.
If you use SharePoint Online, you can choose between Basic, OAuth 2.0, Azure AD App-only
and SharePoint App Only authentication. The following are the minimum JSON structure that
must be in your secret for each authentication option:
Microsoft SharePoint 872
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Basic authentication
"userName": "SharePoint account user name",
"password": "SharePoint account password"
OAuth 2.0 authentication
"clientId": "client id generated when registering SharePoint with Azure AD",
"clientSecret": "client secret generated when registering SharePoint with
Azure AD",
"userName": "SharePoint account user name",
"password": "SharePoint account password"
Azure AD App-Only authentication
"clientId": "client id generated when registering SharePoint with Azure AD",
"privateKey": "private key to authorize connection with Azure AD"
SharePoint App-Only authentication
"clientId": "client id generated when registering SharePoint for App Only at
Tenant Level",
"clientSecret": "client secret generated when registering SharePoint for App
Only at Tenant Level",
"adClientId": "client id generated while registering SharePoint with Azure
"adClientSecret": "client secret generated while registering SharePoint with
Azure AD"
OAuth 2.0 refresh token authentication
"clientId": "client id generated when registering SharePoint with Azure AD",
Microsoft SharePoint 873
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"clientSecret": "client secret generated when registering SharePoint with
Azure AD",
"refreshToken": "refresh token generated to connect to SharePoint"
If you use SharePoint Server, you can choose between SharePoint App-Only authentication,
NTLM authentication, and Kerberos authentication. The following are the minimum JSON
structure that must be in your secret for each authentication option:
SharePoint App-Only authentication
"siteUrlsHash": "Hash representation of SharePoint site URLs",
"clientId": "client id generated when registering SharePoint for App Only at
Site Level",
"clientSecret": "client secret generated when registering SharePoint for App
Only at Site Level"
SharePoint App-Only authentication with domain from IDP authorization
"siteUrlsHash": "Hash representation of SharePoint site URLs",
"clientId": "client id generated when registering SharePoint for App Only at
Site Level",
"clientSecret": "client secret generated when registering SharePoint for App
Only at Site Level",
"ldapUrl": "LDAP Account url eg. ldap://",
"baseDn": "LDAP Account base dn eg. CN=Users,DC=sharepoint,DC=com",
"ldapUser": "LDAP account user name",
"ldapPassword": "LDAP account password"
(Server only) NTLM or Kerberos authentication
"siteUrlsHash": "Hash representation of SharePoint site URLs",
"userName": "SharePoint account user name",
"password": "SharePoint account password"
(Server only) NTLM or Kerberos authentication with domain from IDP authorization
Microsoft SharePoint 874
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"siteUrlsHash": "Hash representation of SharePoint site URLs",
"userName": "SharePoint account user name",
"password": "SharePoint account password",
"ldapUrl": "ldap://",
"baseDn": "CN=Users,DC=sharepoint,DC=com",
"ldapUser": "LDAP account user name",
"ldapPassword": "LDAP account password"
IAM role—Specify RoleArn when you call CreateDataSource to provide an IAM role
with permissions to access your Secrets Manager secret and to call the required public APIs
for the SharePoint connector and Amazon Kendra. For more information, see IAM roles for
SharePoint data sources.
You can also add the following optional features:
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—Specify VpcConfiguration when you call
CreateDataSource. For more information, see Configuring Amazon Kendra to use an
Amazon VPC.
Inclusion and exclusion filters—You can specify whether to include or exclude certain files,
OneNotes, and other content.
Most data sources use regular expression patterns, which are inclusion or exclusion
patterns referred to as filters. If you specify an inclusion filter, only content that
matches the inclusion filter is indexed. Any document that doesn’t match the
inclusion filter isn’t indexed. If you specify an inclusion and exclusion filter, documents
that match the exclusion filter are not indexed, even if they match the inclusion filter.
Field mappings—Choose to map your SharePoint data source fields to your Amazon Kendra
index fields. For more information, see Mapping data source fields.
The document body field or the document body equivalent for your documents
is required in order for Amazon Kendra to search your documents. You must
Microsoft SharePoint 875
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
map your document body field name in your data source to the index field name
_document_body. All other fields are optional.
For a list of other important JSON keys to configure, see SharePoint template schema.
The connector supports custom field mappings only for the Files entity.
For all SharePoint Server versions, the ACL token must be in lower case. For Email with Domain
from IDP and Email ID with Custom Domain ACL, for example: [email protected].
For Domain\User with Domain ACL, for example: sharepoint2013\user.
The connector does not support change log mode/New or modified content sync for SharePoint
If an entity name has a % character in its name, the connector will skip these files due to API
OneNote can only be crawled by the connector using a Tenant ID, and with OAuth 2.0, OAuth 2.0
refresh token, or SharePoint App Only authentication activated for SharePoint Online.
The connector crawls the first section of a OneNote document using its default name only, even
if the document is renamed.
The connector crawls links in SharePoint 2019, SharePoint Online, and Subscription Edition, only
if Pages and Files are selected as entities to be crawled in addition to Links.
The connector crawls links in SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint 2016 if Links is selected as an
entity to be crawled.
The connector crawls list attachments and comments only when List Data is also selected as an
entity to be crawled.
The connector crawls event attachments only when Events is also selected as an entity to be
For SharePoint Online version, the ACL token will be in lower case. For example, if User principal
name is [email protected] in Azure portal, the ACL token in the SharePoint Connector
In Identity Crawler for SharePoint Online and Server, if you want to crawl nested groups, you
have to activate Local as well as AD Group Crawling.
Microsoft SharePoint 876
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
If you're using SharePoint Online, and the User Principal Name in your Azure Portal is a
combination of upper case and lower case, the SharePoint API internally converts it to lower
case. Because of this, the Amazon Kendra SharePoint connector sets ACL in lower case.
Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft SQL Server is an relational database management system (RDBMS) developed by
Microsoft. If you are a Microsoft SQL Server user, you can use Amazon Kendra to index your
Microsoft SQL Server data source. The Amazon Kendra Microsoft SQL Server data source connector
supports MS SQL Server 2019.
You can connect Amazon Kendra to your Microsoft SQL Server data source using the Amazon
Kendra console and the TemplateConfiguration API.
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra Microsoft SQL Server data source connector, see
Troubleshooting data sources.
Supported features
Connection instructions
Supported features
Field mappings
User context filtering
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Full and incremental content syncs
Virtual private cloud (VPC)
Before you can use Amazon Kendra to index your Microsoft SQL Server data source, make these
changes in your Microsoft SQL Server and AWS accounts.
Microsoft SQL Server 877
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
In Microsoft SQL Server, make sure you have:
Noted your database user name and password.
As a best practice, provide Amazon Kendra with read-only database credentials.
Copied your database host url, port, and instance.
Checked each document is unique in Microsoft SQL Server and across other data sources you
plan to use for the same index. Each data source that you want to use for an index must not
contain the same document across the data sources. Document IDs are global to an index and
must be unique per index.
In your AWS account, make sure you have:
Created an Amazon Kendra index and, if using the API, noted the index ID.
Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.
If you change your authentication type and credentials, you must update your IAM role to
access the correct AWS Secrets Manager secret ID.
Stored your Microsoft SQL Server authentication credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager secret
and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the secret.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
If you don’t have an existing IAM role or secret, you can use the console to create a new IAM role
and Secrets Manager secret when you connect your Microsoft SQL Server data source to Amazon
Microsoft SQL Server 878
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Kendra. If you are using the API, you must provide the ARN of an existing IAM role and Secrets
Manager secret, and an index ID.
Connection instructions
To connect Amazon Kendra to your Microsoft SQL Server data source you must provide details of
your Microsoft SQL Server credentials so that Amazon Kendra can access your data. If you have not
yet configured Microsoft SQL Server for Amazon Kendra see Prerequisites.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Microsoft SQL Server
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console.
2. From the left navigation pane, choose Indexes and then choose the index you want to use
from the list of indexes.
You can choose to configure or edit your User access control settings under Index
3. On the Getting started page, choose Add data source.
4. On the Add data source page, choose Microsoft SQL Server connector, and then choose
Add connector. If using version 2 (if applicable), choose Microsoft SQL Server connector
with the "V2.0" tag.
5. On the Specify data source details page, enter the following information:
a. In Name and description, for Data source name—Enter a name for your data source.
You can include hyphens but not spaces.
b. (Optional) Description—Enter an optional description for your data source.
c. In Default language—Choose a language to filter your documents for the index.
Unless you specify otherwise, the language defaults to English. Language specified in
the document metadata overrides the selected language.
d. In Tags, for Add new tag—Include optional tags to search and filter your resources or
track your AWS costs.
e. Choose Next.
Microsoft SQL Server 879
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
6. On the Define access and security page, enter the following information:
a. In Source, enter the following information:
b. Host— Enter the database host name.
c. Port— Enter the database port.
d. Instance— Enter the database instance.
e. Enable SSL certificate location—Choose to enter the Amazon S3 path to your SSL
certificate file.
f. In Authentication—enter the following information:
AWS Secrets Manager secret—Choose an existing secret or create a new Secrets
Manager secret to store your Microsoft SQL Server authentication credentials. If
you choose to create a new secret an AWS Secrets Manager secret window opens.
A. Enter following information in the Create an AWS Secrets Manager secret
I. Secret name—A name for your secret. The prefix ‘AmazonKendra-
Microsoft SQL Server-’ is automatically added to your secret name.
II. For Database user name, and Password—Enter the authentication
credential values you copied from your database.
B. Choose Save.
g. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—You can choose to use a VPC. If so, you must add
Subnets and VPC security groups.
h. IAM role—Choose an existing IAM role or create a new IAM role to access your
repository credentials and index content.
IAM roles used for indexes cannot be used for data sources. If you are unsure if
an existing role is used for an index or FAQ, choose Create a new role to avoid
i. Choose Next.
7. On the Configure sync settings page, enter the following information:
a. In Sync scope, choose from the following options :
Microsoft SQL Server 880
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
SQL query—Enter SQL query statements like SELECT and JOIN operations. SQL
queries must be less than 32KB. Amazon Kendra will crawl all database content that
matches your query.
If a table name includes special characters (non alphanumeric) in the name,
you must use square brackets around the table name. For example, select
* from [my-database-table]
Primary key column—Provide the primary key for the database table. This identifies
a table within your database.
Title column—Provide the name of the document title column within your database
Body column—Provide the name of the document body column within your
database table.
b. In Additional configuration – optional, choose from the following options to sync
specific content instead of syncing all files:
Change-detecting columns—Enter the names of the columns that Amazon Kendra
will use to detect content changes. Amazon Kendra will re-index content when there
is a change in any of these columns.
User IDs column—Enter the name of the column which contains User IDs to be
allowed access to content.
Groups column—Enter the name of the column that contains groups to be allowed
access to content.
Source URLs column—Enter the name of the column which contains Source URLs to
be indexed.
Time stamps column—Enter the name of the column which contains time stamps.
Amazon Kendra uses time stamp information to detect changes in your content and
sync only changed content.
Time zones column—Enter the name of the column which contains time zones for
the content to be crawled.
Time stamps format—Enter the name of the column which contains time stamp
formats to use to detect content changes and re-sync your content.
Microsoft SQL Server 881
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
c. Sync mode—Choose how you want to update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first
time, all content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your
data if your initial sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode
Full sync: Freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time your data
source syncs with your index.
New, modified sync: Index only new and modified content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source's mechanism
for tracking content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
New, modified, deleted sync: Index only new, modified, and deleted content each
time your data source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data
source's mechanism for tracking content changes and index content that changed
since the last sync.
d. In Sync run schedule, for Frequency—How often Amazon Kendra will sync with your
data source.
e. Choose Next.
8. On the Set field mappings page, enter the following information:
a. Select from the generated default data source fields—Document IDs, Document titles,
and Source URLs—you want to map to Amazon Kendra index.
b. Add field—To add custom data source fields to create an index field name to map to
and the field data type.
c. Choose Next.
9. On the Review and create page, check that the information you have entered is correct
and then select Add data source. You can also choose to edit your information from this
page. Your data source will appear on the Data sources page after the data source has been
added successfully.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Microsoft SQL Server
You must specify the following using the TemplateConfiguration API:
Microsoft SQL Server 882
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Data source—Specify the data source type as JDBC when you use the TemplateConfiguration
JSON schema. Also specify the data source as TEMPLATE when you call the CreateDataSource
Database type—You must specify the database type as sqlserver.
SQL query—Specify SQL query statements like SELECT and JOIN operations. SQL queries
must be less than 32KB. Amazon Kendra will crawl all database content that matches your
If a table name includes special characters (non alphanumeric) in the name, you must
use square brackets around the table name. For example, select * from [my-
Sync mode—Specify how Amazon Kendra should update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first time, all
content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your data if your initial
sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode option. You can choose
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time
your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified, and deleted content each time your data source
syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking
content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
CHANGE_LOG to index only new and modified content each time your data source syncs
with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking content
changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
Secret Amazon Resource Name (ARN)—Provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an
Secrets Manager secret that contains the authentication credentials you created in your
Microsoft SQL Server account. The secret is stored in a JSON structure with the following
"user name": "database user name",
"password": "password"
Microsoft SQL Server 883
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret.
Provide only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend
that you re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions
1.0 and 2.0 (where applicable).
IAM role—Specify RoleArn when you call CreateDataSource to provide an IAM role with
permissions to access your Secrets Manager secret and to call the required public APIs for the
Microsoft SQL Server connector and Amazon Kendra. For more information, see IAM roles for
Microsoft SQL Server data sources.
You can also add the following optional features:
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—Specify VpcConfiguration when you call
CreateDataSource. For more information, see Configuring Amazon Kendra to use an
Amazon VPC.
Inclusion and exclusion filters—You can specify whether to include specific content using
user IDs, groups, source URLs, time stamps, and time zones.
User context filtering and access control—Amazon Kendra crawls the access control list
(ACL) for your documents, if you have an ACL for your documents. The ACL information is
used to filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
Field mappings—Choose to map your Microsoft SQL Server data source fields to your
Amazon Kendra index fields. For more information, see Mapping data source fields.
The document body field or the document body equivalent for your documents
is required in order for Amazon Kendra to search your documents. You must
map your document body field name in your data source to the index field name
_document_body. All other fields are optional.
For a list of other important JSON keys to configure, see Microsoft SQL Server template
Microsoft SQL Server 884
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Deleted database rows will not be tracked in when Amazon Kendra checks for updated content.
The size of field names and values in a row of your database can't exceed 400KB.
If you have a large amount of data in your database data source, and do not want Amazon
Kendra to index all your database content after the first sync, you can choose to sync only new,
modified, or deleted documents.
As a best practice, provide Amazon Kendra with read-only database credentials.
As a best practice, avoid adding tables with sensitive data or personal identifiable information
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams is an enterprise collaboration tool for messaging, meetings and file sharing. If you
are a Microsoft Teams user, you can use Amazon Kendra to index your Microsoft Teams data source.
You can connect Amazon Kendra to your Microsoft Teams data source using the Amazon Kendra
console and the TemplateConfiguration API.
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra Microsoft Teams data source connector, see
Troubleshooting data sources.
Supported features
Connection instructions
Learn more
Supported features
Field mappings
User access control
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Full and incremental content syncs
Microsoft Teams 885
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Virtual private cloud (VPC)
Before you can use Amazon Kendra to index your Microsoft Teams data source, make these
changes in your Microsoft Teams and AWS accounts.
In Microsoft Teams, make sure you have:
Created a Microsoft Teams account in Office 365.
Noted your Microsoft 365 tenant ID. You can find your tenant ID in the Properties of your Azure
Active Directory Portal or in your OAuth application.
Configured an OAuth application in the Azure portal and noted the client ID and client secret or
client credentials. See Microsoft tutorial and Registered app example for more information.
When you create or register an app in the Azure portal, the secret ID represents the
actual secret value. You must take note or save the actual secret value immediately when
creating the secret and app. You can access your secret by selecting the name of your
application in the Azure portal and then navigating to the menu option on certificates
and secrets.
You can access your client ID by selecting the name of your application in the Azure
portal and then navigating to the overview page. The Application (client) ID is the client
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
Added the necessary permissions. You can choose to add all permissions, or you can limit the
scope by selecting fewer permissions based on which entities you'd like to crawl. The following
table lists the application level permissions by corresponding entity:
Microsoft Teams 886
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Entity Required Permissions for
Data Sync
Required Permissions for
Identity Sync
Channel Post ChannelMessage.Read.All
Channel Attachment ChannelMessage.Read.All
Channel Wiki Group.Read.All
Chat Message Chat.Read.All
Meeting Chat Chat.Read.All
Microsoft Teams 887
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Entity Required Permissions for
Data Sync
Required Permissions for
Identity Sync
Chat Attachment Chat.Read.All
Meeting File Chat.Read.All
Calendar Meeting Chat.Read.All
Meeting Notes User.Read
Checked each document is unique in Microsoft Teams and across other data sources you plan
to use for the same index. Each data source that you want to use for an index must not contain
Microsoft Teams 888
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
the same document across the data sources. Document IDs are global to an index and must be
unique per index.
In your AWS account, make sure you have:
Created an Amazon Kendra index and, if using the API, noted the index ID.
Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.
If you change your authentication type and credentials, you must update your IAM role to
access the correct AWS Secrets Manager secret ID.
Stored your Microsoft Teams authentication credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager secret and, if
using the API, noted the ARN of the secret.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
If you don’t have an existing IAM role or secret, you can use the console to create a new IAM role
and Secrets Manager secret when you connect your Microsoft Teams data source to Amazon
Kendra. If you are using the API, you must provide the ARN of an existing IAM role and Secrets
Manager secret, and an index ID.
Connection instructions
To connect Amazon Kendra to your Microsoft Teams data source, you must provide the necessary
details of your Microsoft Teams data source so that Amazon Kendra can access your data. If you
have not yet configured Microsoft Teams for Amazon Kendra, see Prerequisites.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams 889
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console.
2. From the left navigation pane, choose Indexes and then choose the index you want to use
from the list of indexes.
You can choose to configure or edit your User access control settings under Index
3. On the Getting started page, choose Add data source.
4. On the Add data source page, choose Microsoft Teams connector, and then choose Add
connector. If using version 2 (if applicable), choose Microsoft Teams connector with the
"V2.0" tag.
5. On the Specify data source details page, enter the following information:
a. In Name and description, for Data source name—Enter a name for your data source.
You can include hyphens but not spaces.
b. (Optional) Description—Enter an optional description for your data source.
c. In Default language—Choose a language to filter your documents for the index.
Unless you specify otherwise, the language defaults to English. Language specified in
the document metadata overrides the selected language.
d. In Tags, for Add new tag—Include optional tags to search and filter your resources or
track your AWS costs.
e. Choose Next.
6. On the Define access and security page, enter the following information:
a. Tenant ID—Enter your Microsoft 365 tenant ID. You can find your tenant ID in the
Properties of your Azure Active Directory Portal or in your OAuth application.
b. Authorization—Turn on or off access control list (ACL) information for your
documents, if you have an ACL and want to use it for access control. The ACL specifies
which documents that users and groups can access. The ACL information is used to
filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
c. AWS Secrets Manager secret—Choose an existing secret or create a new Secrets
Manager secret to store your Microsoft Teams authentication credentials. If you choose
to create a new secret an AWS Secrets Manager secret window opens.
Microsoft Teams 890
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
i. Enter following information in the Create an AWS Secrets Manager secret
A. Secret name—A name for your secret. The prefix ‘AmazonKendra-Microsoft
Teams-’ is automatically added to your secret name.
B. For Client ID and Client secret—Enter the authentication credentials
configured in Microsoft Teams in the Azure portal.
ii. Save and add your secret.
d. Payment model—You can choose a licensing and payment model for your Microsoft
Teams account. Model A payment models are restricted to licensing and payment
models that require security compliance. Model B payment models are suitable for
licensing and payment models that do not require security compliance.
e. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—You can choose to use a VPC. If so, you must add
Subnets and VPC security groups.
f. Identity crawler—Specify whether to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler. The
identity crawler uses the access control list (ACL) information for your documents to
filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. If you have
an ACL for your documents and choose to use your ACL, you can then also choose
to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler to configure user context filtering of
search results. Otherwise, if identity crawler is turned off, all documents can be publicly
searched. If you want to use access control for your documents and identity crawler is
turned off, you can alternatively use the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user and
group access information for user context filtering.
g. IAM role—Choose an existing IAM role or create a new IAM role to access your
repository credentials and index content.
IAM roles used for indexes cannot be used for data sources. If you are unsure if
an existing role is used for an index or FAQ, choose Create a new role to avoid
h. Choose Next.
7. On the Configure sync settings page, enter the following information:
Microsoft Teams 891
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
a. Sync contents—Select the types of content to crawl. You can choose to crawl chat,
teams, and calendar content.
b. Additional configuration—Specify certain calendar start and end dates, user emails,
team names, and channel names, attachments, and OneNotes.
c. Sync mode—Choose how you want to update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first
time, all content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your
data if your initial sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode
Full sync: Freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time your data
source syncs with your index.
New, modified sync: Index only new and modified content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source's mechanism
for tracking content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
New, modified, deleted sync: Index only new, modified, and deleted content each
time your data source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data
source's mechanism for tracking content changes and index content that changed
since the last sync.
d. In Sync run schedule, for Frequency—Choose how often to sync your data source
content and update your index.
e. Choose Next.
8. On the Set field mappings page, enter the following information:
a. Default data source fields—Select from the Amazon Kendra generated default data
source fields you want to map to your index.
b. Add field—To add custom data source fields to create an index field name to map to
and the field data type.
c. Choose Next.
9. On the Review and create page, check that the information you have entered is correct
and then select Add data source. You can also choose to edit your information from this
page. Your data source will appear on the Data sources page after the data source has been
added successfully.
Microsoft Teams 892
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
To connect Amazon Kendra to Microsoft Teams
You must specify a JSON of the data source schema using the TemplateConfiguration API. You
must provide the following information:
Data source—Specify the data source type as MSTEAMS when you use the
TemplateConfiguration JSON schema. Also specify the data source as TEMPLATE when you
call the CreateDataSource API.
Tenant ID—You can find your tenant ID in the Properties of your Azure Active Directory
Portal or in your OAuth application.
Sync mode—Specify how Amazon Kendra should update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first time, all
content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your data if your initial
sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode option. You can choose
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time
your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified, and deleted content each time your data source
syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking
content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
CHANGE_LOG to index only new and modified content each time your data source syncs
with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking content
changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
Secret Amazon Resource Name (ARN)—Provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an
Secrets Manager secret that contains the authentication credentials for your Microsoft Teams
account. The secret is stored in a JSON structure with the following keys:
"clientId": "client ID",
"clientSecret": "client secret"
IAM role—Specify RoleArn when you call CreateDataSource to provide an IAM role with
permissions to access your Secrets Manager secret and to call the required public APIs for
Microsoft Teams 893
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
the Microsoft Teams connector and Amazon Kendra. For more information, see IAM roles for
Microsoft Teams data sources.
You can also add the following optional features:
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—Specify VpcConfiguration when you call
CreateDataSource. For more information, see Configuring Amazon Kendra to use an
Amazon VPC.
Document/content types—Specify whether to crawl chat messages and attachments,
channel posts and attachments, channel wikis, calendar content, meeting chats and files and
Calendar content—Specify a start and end date-time to crawl calendar content.
Inclusion and exclusion filters—Specify whether to include or exclude certain content in
Microsoft Teams. You can include or exclude team names, channel names, file names and file
types, user email, OneNote sections, and OneNote pages.
Most data sources use regular expression patterns, which are inclusion or exclusion
patterns referred to as filters. If you specify an inclusion filter, only content that
matches the inclusion filter is indexed. Any document that doesn’t match the
inclusion filter isn’t indexed. If you specify an inclusion and exclusion filter, documents
that match the exclusion filter are not indexed, even if they match the inclusion filter.
Identity crawler—Specify whether to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler. The identity
crawler uses the access control list (ACL) information for your documents to filter search
results based on the user or their group access to documents. If you have an ACL for your
documents and choose to use your ACL, you can then also choose to turn on Amazon
Kendra’s identity crawler to configure user context filtering of search results. Otherwise,
if identity crawler is turned off, all documents can be publicly searched. If you want to use
access control for your documents and identity crawler is turned off, you can alternatively use
the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user and group access information for user context
Field mappings—Choose to map your Microsoft Teams data source fields to your Amazon
Kendra index fields. For more information, see Mapping data source fields.
Microsoft Teams 894
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
The document body field or the document body equivalent for your documents
is required in order for Amazon Kendra to search your documents. You must
map your document body field name in your data source to the index field name
_document_body. All other fields are optional.
For a list of other important JSON keys to configure, see Microsoft Teams template schema.
Learn more
To learn more about integrating Amazon Kendra with your Microsoft Teams data source, see:
Intelligently search your organization’s Microsoft Teams data source with the Amazon Kendra
connector for Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Yammer
Microsoft Yammer is an enterprise collaboration tool for messaging, meetings and file sharing. If
you are a Microsoft Yammer user, you can use Amazon Kendra to index your Microsoft Yammer
data source.
You can connect Amazon Kendra to your Microsoft Yammer data source using the Amazon Kendra
console and the TemplateConfiguration API.
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra Microsoft Yammer data source connector, see
Troubleshooting data sources.
Supported features
Field mappings
User access control
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Full and incremental content syncs
Virtual private cloud (VPC)
Microsoft Yammer 895
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Before you can use Amazon Kendra to index your Microsoft Yammer data source, make these
changes in your Microsoft Yammer and AWS accounts.
In Microsoft Yammer, make sure you have:
Created a Microsoft Yammer administrative accountin Office 365.
Noted your Microsoft Yammer user name and password.
Noted your Microsoft 365 tenant ID. You can find your tenant ID in the Properties of your Azure
Active Directory Portal or in your OAuth application.
Configured an OAuth application in the Azure portal and noted the client ID and client secret or
client credentials. See Microsoft tutorial and Registered app example for more information.
When you create or register an app in the Azure portal, the secret ID represents the
actual secret value. You must take note or save the actual secret value immediately when
creating the secret and app. You can access your secret by selecting the name of your
application in the Azure portal and then navigating to the menu option on certificates
and secrets.
You can access your client ID by selecting the name of your application in the Azure
portal and then navigating to the overview page. The Application (client) ID is the client
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
Checked each document is unique in Microsoft Yammer and across other data sources you plan
to use for the same index. Each data source that you want to use for an index must not contain
the same document across the data sources. Document IDs are global to an index and must be
unique per index.
Microsoft Yammer 896
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
In your AWS account, make sure you have:
Created an Amazon Kendra index and, if using the API, noted the index ID.
Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.
If you change your authentication type and credentials, you must update your IAM role to
access the correct AWS Secrets Manager secret ID.
Stored your Microsoft Yammer authentication credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager secret and,
if using the API, noted the ARN of the secret.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
If you don’t have an existing IAM role or secret, you can use the console to create a new IAM role
and Secrets Manager secret when you connect your Microsoft Yammer data source to Amazon
Kendra. If you are using the API, you must provide the ARN of an existing IAM role and Secrets
Manager secret, and an index ID.
Connection instructions
To connect Amazon Kendra to your Microsoft Yammer data source, you must provide the necessary
details of your Microsoft Yammer data source so that Amazon Kendra can access your data. If you
have not yet configured Microsoft Yammer for Amazon Kendra, see Prerequisites.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Microsoft Yammer
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console.
2. From the left navigation pane, choose Indexes and then choose the index you want to use
from the list of indexes.
Microsoft Yammer 897
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
You can choose to configure or edit your User access control settings under Index
3. On the Getting started page, choose Add data source.
4. On the Add data source page, choose Microsoft Yammer connector, and then choose Add
connector. If using version 2 (if applicable), choose Microsoft Yammer connector with the
"V2.0" tag.
5. On the Specify data source details page, enter the following information:
a. In Name and description, for Data source name—Enter a name for your data source.
You can include hyphens but not spaces.
b. (Optional) Description—Enter an optional description for your data source.
c. In Default language—Choose a language to filter your documents for the index.
Unless you specify otherwise, the language defaults to English. Language specified in
the document metadata overrides the selected language.
d. In Tags, for Add new tag—Include optional tags to search and filter your resources or
track your AWS costs.
e. Choose Next.
6. On the Define access and security page, enter the following information:
a. Authorization—Turn on or off access control list (ACL) information for your
documents, if you have an ACL and want to use it for access control. The ACL specifies
which documents that users and groups can access. The ACL information is used to
filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
b. AWS Secrets Manager secret—Choose an existing secret or create a new Secrets
Manager secret to store your Microsoft Yammer authentication credentials. If you
choose to create a new secret an AWS Secrets Manager secret window opens.
i. Enter following information in the Create an AWS Secrets Manager secret
A. Secret name—A name for your secret. The prefix ‘AmazonKendra-Microsoft
Yammer-’ is automatically added to your secret name.
Microsoft Yammer 898
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
B. For Username, Password—Enter your Microsoft Yammer user name and
C. For Client ID, Client secret—Enter the authentication credentials configured
in Microsoft Yammer in the Azure portal.
ii. Save and add your secret.
c. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—You can choose to use a VPC. If so, you must add
Subnets and VPC security groups.
d. Identity crawler—Specify whether to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler. The
identity crawler uses the access control list (ACL) information for your documents to
filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. If you have
an ACL for your documents and choose to use your ACL, you can then also choose
to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler to configure user context filtering of
search results. Otherwise, if identity crawler is turned off, all documents can be publicly
searched. If you want to use access control for your documents and identity crawler is
turned off, you can alternatively use the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user and
group access information for user context filtering.
e. IAM role—Choose an existing IAM role or create a new IAM role to access your
repository credentials and index content.
IAM roles used for indexes cannot be used for data sources. If you are unsure if
an existing role is used for an index or FAQ, choose Create a new role to avoid
f. Choose Next.
7. On the Configure sync settings page, enter the following information:
a. Since date—Specify the date to begin crawling your data in Microsoft Yammer.
b. Sync contents—Select the type of content to crawl. For example, public message,
private messages, and attachments.
c. Additional configuration—Specify certain community names you want to crawl, and
also use regular expression patterns to include or exclude certain content.
d. Sync mode—Choose how you want to update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first
Microsoft Yammer 899
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
time, all content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your
data if your initial sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode
Full sync: Freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time your data
source syncs with your index.
New, modified sync: Index only new and modified content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source's mechanism
for tracking content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
New, modified, deleted sync: Index only new, modified, and deleted content each
time your data source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data
source's mechanism for tracking content changes and index content that changed
since the last sync.
e. In Sync run schedule, for Frequency—Choose how often to sync your data source
content and update your index.
f. Choose Next.
8. On the Set field mappings page, enter the following information:
a. Default data source fields—Select from the Amazon Kendra generated default data
source fields you want to map to your index.
b. Add field—To add custom data source fields to create an index field name to map to
and the field data type.
c. Choose Next.
9. On the Review and create page, check that the information you have entered is correct
and then select Add data source. You can also choose to edit your information from this
page. Your data source will appear on the Data sources page after the data source has been
added successfully.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Microsoft Yammer
You must specify a JSON of the data source schema using the TemplateConfiguration API. You
must provide the following information:
Microsoft Yammer 900
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Data source—Specify the data source type as YAMMER when you use the
TemplateConfiguration JSON schema. Also specify the data source as TEMPLATE when you
call the CreateDataSource API.
Sync mode—Specify how Amazon Kendra should update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first time, all
content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your data if your initial
sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode option. You can choose
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time
your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified, and deleted content each time your data source
syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking
content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
CHANGE_LOG to index only new and modified content each time your data source syncs
with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking content
changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
Secret Amazon Resource Name (ARN)—Provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of
an Secrets Manager secret that contains the authentication credentials for your Microsoft
Yammer account. The secret is stored in a JSON structure with the following keys:
"username": "user name",
"password": "password",
"clientId": "client ID",
"clientSecret": "client secret"
IAM role—Specify RoleArn when you call CreateDataSource to provide an IAM role with
permissions to access your Secrets Manager secret and to call the required public APIs for the
Microsoft Yammer connector and Amazon Kendra. For more information, see IAM roles for
Microsoft Yammer data sources.
You can also add the following optional features:
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—Specify VpcConfiguration when you call
CreateDataSource. For more information, see Configuring Amazon Kendra to use an
Amazon VPC.
Microsoft Yammer 901
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Document/content types—Specify whether to crawl community content, messages and
attachments, and private messages.
Inclusion and exclusion filters—Specify whether to include or exclude certain content.
Most data sources use regular expression patterns, which are inclusion or exclusion
patterns referred to as filters. If you specify an inclusion filter, only content that
matches the inclusion filter is indexed. Any document that doesn’t match the
inclusion filter isn’t indexed. If you specify an inclusion and exclusion filter, documents
that match the exclusion filter are not indexed, even if they match the inclusion filter.
Identity crawler—Specify whether to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler. The identity
crawler uses the access control list (ACL) information for your documents to filter search
results based on the user or their group access to documents. If you have an ACL for your
documents and choose to use your ACL, you can then also choose to turn on Amazon
Kendra’s identity crawler to configure user context filtering of search results. Otherwise,
if identity crawler is turned off, all documents can be publicly searched. If you want to use
access control for your documents and identity crawler is turned off, you can alternatively use
the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user and group access information for user context
Field mappings—Choose to map your Microsoft Yammer data source fields to your Amazon
Kendra index fields. For more information, see Mapping data source fields.
The document body field or the document body equivalent for your documents
is required in order for Amazon Kendra to search your documents. You must
map your document body field name in your data source to the index field name
_document_body. All other fields are optional.
For a list of other important JSON keys to configure, see Microsoft Yammer template schema.
Learn more
To learn more about integrating Amazon Kendra with your Microsoft Yammer data source, see:
Microsoft Yammer 902
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Announcing the Yammer connector for Amazon Kendra
MySQL is an open source relational database management systen. If you are a MySQL user, you
can use Amazon Kendra to index your MySQL data source. The Amazon Kendra MySQL data source
connector supports MySQL 8.0. 21.
You can connect Amazon Kendra to your MySQL data source using the Amazon Kendra console and
the TemplateConfiguration API.
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra MySQL data source connector, see Troubleshooting data
Supported features
Connection instructions
Supported features
Field mappings
User context filtering
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Full and incremental content syncs
Virtual private cloud (VPC)
Before you can use Amazon Kendra to index your MySQL data source, make these changes in your
MySQL and AWS accounts.
In MySQL, make sure you have:
Noted your database user name and password.
MySQL 903
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
As a best practice, provide Amazon Kendra with read-only database credentials.
Copied your database host url, port, and instance.
Checked each document is unique in MySQL and across other data sources you plan to use for
the same index. Each data source that you want to use for an index must not contain the same
document across the data sources. Document IDs are global to an index and must be unique per
In your AWS account, make sure you have:
Created an Amazon Kendra index and, if using the API, noted the index ID.
Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.
If you change your authentication type and credentials, you must update your IAM role to
access the correct AWS Secrets Manager secret ID.
Stored your MySQL authentication credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager secret and, if using the
API, noted the ARN of the secret.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
If you don’t have an existing IAM role or secret, you can use the console to create a new IAM role
and Secrets Manager secret when you connect your MySQL data source to Amazon Kendra. If you
are using the API, you must provide the ARN of an existing IAM role and Secrets Manager secret,
and an index ID.
MySQL 904
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Connection instructions
To connect Amazon Kendra to your MySQL data source you must provide details of your MySQL
credentials so that Amazon Kendra can access your data. If you have not yet configured MySQL for
Amazon Kendra see Prerequisites.
To connect Amazon Kendra to MySQL
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console.
2. From the left navigation pane, choose Indexes and then choose the index you want to use
from the list of indexes.
You can choose to configure or edit your User access control settings under Index
3. On the Getting started page, choose Add data source.
4. On the Add data source page, choose MySQL connector, and then choose Add connector.
If using version 2 (if applicable), choose MySQL connector with the "V2.0" tag.
5. On the Specify data source details page, enter the following information:
a. In Name and description, for Data source name—Enter a name for your data source.
You can include hyphens but not spaces.
b. (Optional) Description—Enter an optional description for your data source.
c. In Default language—Choose a language to filter your documents for the index.
Unless you specify otherwise, the language defaults to English. Language specified in
the document metadata overrides the selected language.
d. In Tags, for Add new tag—Include optional tags to search and filter your resources or
track your AWS costs.
e. Choose Next.
6. On the Define access and security page, enter the following information:
a. In Source, enter the following information:
b. Host— Enter the database host name.
MySQL 905
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
c. Port— Enter the database port.
d. Instance— Enter the database instance.
e. Enable SSL certificate location—Choose to enter the Amazon S3 path to your SSL
certificate file.
f. In Authentication—enter the following information:
AWS Secrets Manager secret—Choose an existing secret or create a new Secrets
Manager secret to store your MySQL authentication credentials. If you choose to
create a new secret an AWS Secrets Manager secret window opens.
A. Enter following information in the Create an AWS Secrets Manager secret
I. Secret name—A name for your secret. The prefix ‘AmazonKendra-
MySQL-’ is automatically added to your secret name.
II. For Database user name, and Password—Enter the authentication
credential values you copied from your database.
B. Choose Save.
g. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—You can choose to use a VPC. If so, you must add
Subnets and VPC security groups.
h. IAM role—Choose an existing IAM role or create a new IAM role to access your
repository credentials and index content.
IAM roles used for indexes cannot be used for data sources. If you are unsure if
an existing role is used for an index or FAQ, choose Create a new role to avoid
i. Choose Next.
7. On the Configure sync settings page, enter the following information:
a. In Sync scope, choose from the following options :
SQL query—Enter SQL query statements like SELECT and JOIN operations. SQL
queries must be less than 32KB. Amazon Kendra will crawl all database content that
matches your query.
MySQL 906
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Primary key column—Provide the primary key for the database table. This identifies
a table within your database.
Title column—Provide the name of the document title column within your database
Body column—Provide the name of the document body column within your
database table.
b. In Additional configuration – optional, choose from the following options to sync
specific content instead of syncing all files:
Change-detecting columns—Enter the names of the columns that Amazon Kendra
will use to detect content changes. Amazon Kendra will re-index content when there
is a change in any of these columns.
Users' IDs column—Enter the name of the column which contains User IDs to be
allowed access to content.
Groups column—Enter the name of the column that contains groups to be allowed
access to content.
Source URLs column—Enter the name of the column which contains Source URLs to
be indexed.
Time stamps column—Enter the name of the column which contains time stamps.
Amazon Kendra uses time stamp information to detect changes in your content and
sync only changed content.
Time zones column—Enter the name of the column which contains time zones for
the content to be crawled.
Time stamps format—Enter the name of the column which contains time stamp
formats to use to detect content changes and re-sync your content.
c. Sync mode—Choose how you want to update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first
time, all content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your
data if your initial sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode
Full sync: Freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time your data
source syncs with your index.
MySQL 907
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
New, modified sync: Index only new and modified content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source's mechanism
for tracking content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
New, modified, deleted sync: Index only new, modified, and deleted content each
time your data source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data
source's mechanism for tracking content changes and index content that changed
since the last sync.
d. In Sync run schedule, for Frequency—How often Amazon Kendra will sync with your
data source.
e. Choose Next.
8. On the Set field mappings page, enter the following information:
a. Select from the generated default data source fields—Document IDs, Document titles,
and Source URLs—you want to map to Amazon Kendra index.
b. Add field—To add custom data source fields to create an index field name to map to
and the field data type.
c. Choose Next.
9. On the Review and create page, check that the information you have entered is correct
and then select Add data source. You can also choose to edit your information from this
page. Your data source will appear on the Data sources page after the data source has been
added successfully.
To connect Amazon Kendra to MySQL
You must specify the following using the TemplateConfiguration API:
Data source—Specify the data source type as JDBC when you use the TemplateConfiguration
JSON schema. Also specify the data source as TEMPLATE when you call the CreateDataSource
Database type—You must specify the database type as mySql.
SQL query—Specify SQL query statements like SELECT and JOIN operations. SQL queries
must be less than 32KB. Amazon Kendra will crawl all database content that matches your
MySQL 908
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Sync mode—Specify how Amazon Kendra should update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first time, all
content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your data if your initial
sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode option. You can choose
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time
your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified, and deleted content each time your data source
syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking
content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
CHANGE_LOG to index only new and modified content each time your data source syncs
with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking content
changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
Secret Amazon Resource Name (ARN)—Provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an
Secrets Manager secret that contains the authentication credentials you created in your
MySQL account. The secret is stored in a JSON structure with the following keys:
"user name": "database user name",
"password": "password"
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret.
Provide only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend
that you re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions
1.0 and 2.0 (where applicable).
IAM role—Specify RoleArn when you call CreateDataSource to provide an IAM role with
permissions to access your Secrets Manager secret and to call the required public APIs for the
MySQL connector and Amazon Kendra. For more information, see IAM roles for MySQL data
You can also add the following optional features:
MySQL 909
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—Specify VpcConfiguration when you call
CreateDataSource. For more information, see Configuring Amazon Kendra to use an
Amazon VPC.
Inclusion and exclusion filters—You can specify whether to include specific content using
user IDs, groups, source URLs, time stamps, and time zones.
User context filtering and access control—Amazon Kendra crawls the access control list
(ACL) for your documents, if you have an ACL for your documents. The ACL information is
used to filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
Field mappings—Choose to map your MySQL data source fields to your Amazon Kendra
index fields. For more information, see Mapping data source fields.
The document body field or the document body equivalent for your documents
is required in order for Amazon Kendra to search your documents. You must
map your document body field name in your data source to the index field name
_document_body. All other fields are optional.
Deleted database rows will not be tracked in when Amazon Kendra checks for updated content.
The size of field names and values in a row of your database can't exceed 400KB.
If you have a large amount of data in your database data source, and do not want Amazon
Kendra to index all your database content after the first sync, you can choose to sync only new,
modified, or deleted documents.
As a best practice, provide Amazon Kendra with read-only database credentials.
As a best practice, avoid adding tables with sensitive data or personal identifiable information
MySQL 910
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Oracle Database
Oracle Database is a database management system. If you are a Oracle Database user, you can use
Amazon Kendra to index your Oracle Database data source. The Amazon Kendra Oracle Database
data source connector supports Oracle Database 18c, 19c, and 21c.
You can connect Amazon Kendra to your Oracle Database data source using the Amazon Kendra
console and the TemplateConfiguration API.
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra Oracle Database data source connector, see
Troubleshooting data sources.
Supported features
Connection instructions
Supported features
Field mappings
User context filtering
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Full and incremental content syncs
Virtual private cloud (VPC)
Before you can use Amazon Kendra to index your Oracle Database data source, make these changes
in your Oracle Database and AWS accounts.
In Oracle Database, make sure you have:
Noted your database user name and password.
Oracle Database 911
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
As a best practice, provide Amazon Kendra with read-only database credentials.
Copied your database host url, port, and instance.
Checked each document is unique in Oracle Database and across other data sources you plan
to use for the same index. Each data source that you want to use for an index must not contain
the same document across the data sources. Document IDs are global to an index and must be
unique per index.
In your AWS account, make sure you have:
Created an Amazon Kendra index and, if using the API, noted the index ID.
Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.
If you change your authentication type and credentials, you must update your IAM role to
access the correct AWS Secrets Manager secret ID.
Stored your Oracle Database authentication credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager secret and, if
using the API, noted the ARN of the secret.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
If you don’t have an existing IAM role or secret, you can use the console to create a new IAM role
and Secrets Manager secret when you connect your Oracle Database data source to Amazon
Kendra. If you are using the API, you must provide the ARN of an existing IAM role and Secrets
Manager secret, and an index ID.
Oracle Database 912
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Connection instructions
To connect Amazon Kendra to your Oracle Database data source you must provide details of your
Oracle Database credentials so that Amazon Kendra can access your data. If you have not yet
configured Oracle Database for Amazon Kendra see Prerequisites.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Oracle Database
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console.
2. From the left navigation pane, choose Indexes and then choose the index you want to use
from the list of indexes.
You can choose to configure or edit your User access control settings under Index
3. On the Getting started page, choose Add data source.
4. On the Add data source page, choose Oracle Database connector, and then choose Add
connector. If using version 2 (if applicable), choose Oracle Database connector with the
"V2.0" tag.
5. On the Specify data source details page, enter the following information:
a. In Name and description, for Data source name—Enter a name for your data source.
You can include hyphens but not spaces.
b. (Optional) Description—Enter an optional description for your data source.
c. In Default language—Choose a language to filter your documents for the index.
Unless you specify otherwise, the language defaults to English. Language specified in
the document metadata overrides the selected language.
d. In Tags, for Add new tag—Include optional tags to search and filter your resources or
track your AWS costs.
e. Choose Next.
6. On the Define access and security page, enter the following information:
a. In Source, enter the following information:
Oracle Database 913
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
b. Host— Enter the database host name.
c. Port— Enter the database port.
d. Instance— Enter the database instance.
e. Enable SSL certificate location—Choose to enter the Amazon S3 path to your SSL
certificate file.
f. In Authentication—enter the following information:
AWS Secrets Manager secret—Choose an existing secret or create a new Secrets
Manager secret to store your Oracle Database authentication credentials. If you
choose to create a new secret an AWS Secrets Manager secret window opens.
A. Enter following information in the Create an AWS Secrets Manager secret
I. Secret name—A name for your secret. The prefix ‘AmazonKendra-Oracle
Database-’ is automatically added to your secret name.
II. For Database user name, and Password—Enter the authentication
credential values you copied from your database.
B. Choose Save.
g. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—You can choose to use a VPC. If so, you must add
Subnets and VPC security groups.
h. IAM role—Choose an existing IAM role or create a new IAM role to access your
repository credentials and index content.
IAM roles used for indexes cannot be used for data sources. If you are unsure if
an existing role is used for an index or FAQ, choose Create a new role to avoid
i. Choose Next.
7. On the Configure sync settings page, enter the following information:
a. In Sync scope, choose from the following options :
Oracle Database 914
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
SQL query—Enter SQL query statements like SELECT and JOIN operations. SQL
queries must be less than 32KB. Amazon Kendra will crawl all database content that
matches your query.
Primary key column—Provide the primary key for the database table. This identifies
a table within your database.
Title column—Provide the name of the document title column within your database
Body column—Provide the name of the document body column within your
database table.
b. In Additional configuration – optional, choose from the following options to sync
specific content instead of syncing all files:
Change-detecting columns—Enter the names of the columns that Amazon Kendra
will use to detect content changes. Amazon Kendra will re-index content when there
is a change in any of these columns.
User IDs column—Enter the name of the column which contains User IDs to be
allowed access to content.
Groups column—Enter the name of the column that contains groups to be allowed
access to content.
Source URLs column—Enter the name of the column which contains Source URLs to
be indexed.
Time stamps column—Enter the name of the column which contains time stamps.
Amazon Kendra uses time stamp information to detect changes in your content and
sync only changed content.
Time zones column—Enter the name of the column which contains time zones for
the content to be crawled.
Time stamps format—Enter the name of the column which contains time stamp
formats to use to detect content changes and re-sync your content.
c. Sync mode—Choose how you want to update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first
time, all content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your
data if your initial sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode
Oracle Database 915
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Full sync: Freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time your data
source syncs with your index.
New, modified sync: Index only new and modified content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source's mechanism
for tracking content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
New, modified, deleted sync: Index only new, modified, and deleted content each
time your data source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data
source's mechanism for tracking content changes and index content that changed
since the last sync.
d. In Sync run schedule, for Frequency—How often Amazon Kendra will sync with your
data source.
e. Choose Next.
8. On the Set field mappings page, enter the following information:
a. Select from the generated default data source fields—Document IDs, Document titles,
and Source URLs—you want to map to Amazon Kendra index.
b. Add field—To add custom data source fields to create an index field name to map to
and the field data type.
c. Choose Next.
9. On the Review and create page, check that the information you have entered is correct
and then select Add data source. You can also choose to edit your information from this
page. Your data source will appear on the Data sources page after the data source has been
added successfully.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Oracle Database
You must specify the following using the TemplateConfiguration API:
Data source—Specify the data source type as JDBC when you use the TemplateConfiguration
JSON schema. Also specify the data source as TEMPLATE when you call the CreateDataSource
Database type—You must specify the database type as oracle.
Oracle Database 916
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
SQL query—Specify SQL query statements like SELECT and JOIN operations. SQL queries
must be less than 32KB. Amazon Kendra will crawl all database content that matches your
Sync mode—Specify how Amazon Kendra should update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first time, all
content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your data if your initial
sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode option. You can choose
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time
your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified, and deleted content each time your data source
syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking
content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
CHANGE_LOG to index only new and modified content each time your data source syncs
with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking content
changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
Secret Amazon Resource Name (ARN)—Provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an
Secrets Manager secret that contains the authentication credentials you created in your
Oracle Database account. The secret is stored in a JSON structure with the following keys:
"user name": "database user name",
"password": "password"
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret.
Provide only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend
that you re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions
1.0 and 2.0 (where applicable).
IAM role—Specify RoleArn when you call CreateDataSource to provide an IAM role with
permissions to access your Secrets Manager secret and to call the required public APIs for
the Oracle Database connector and Amazon Kendra. For more information, see IAM roles for
Oracle Database data sources.
Oracle Database 917
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
You can also add the following optional features:
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—Specify VpcConfiguration when you call
CreateDataSource. For more information, see Configuring Amazon Kendra to use an
Amazon VPC.
Inclusion and exclusion filters—You can specify whether to include specific content using
user IDs, groups, source URLs, time stamps, and time zones.
User context filtering and access control—Amazon Kendra crawls the access control list
(ACL) for your documents, if you have an ACL for your documents. The ACL information is
used to filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
Field mappings—Choose to map your Oracle Database data source fields to your Amazon
Kendra index fields. For more information, see Mapping data source fields.
The document body field or the document body equivalent for your documents
is required in order for Amazon Kendra to search your documents. You must
map your document body field name in your data source to the index field name
_document_body. All other fields are optional.
For a list of other important JSON keys to configure, see Oracle Database template schema.
Deleted database rows will not be tracked in when Amazon Kendra checks for updated content.
The size of field names and values in a row of your database can't exceed 400KB.
If you have a large amount of data in your database data source, and do not want Amazon
Kendra to index all your database content after the first sync, you can choose to sync only new,
modified, or deleted documents.
As a best practice, provide Amazon Kendra with read-only database credentials.
As a best practice, avoid adding tables with sensitive data or personal identifiable information
Oracle Database 918
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
PostgreSQL is an open source database management system. If you are a PostgreSQL user, you can
use Amazon Kendra to index your PostgreSQL data source. The Amazon Kendra PostgreSQL data
source connector supports PostgreSQL 9.6.
You can connect Amazon Kendra to your PostgreSQL data source using the Amazon Kendra console
and the TemplateConfiguration API.
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra PostgreSQL data source connector, see Troubleshooting
data sources.
Supported features
Connection instructions
Supported features
Field mappings
User context filtering
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Full and incremental content syncs
Virtual private cloud (VPC)
Before you can use Amazon Kendra to index your PostgreSQL data source, make these changes in
your PostgreSQL and AWS accounts.
In PostgreSQL, make sure you have:
Noted your database user name and password.
PostgreSQL 919
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
As a best practice, provide Amazon Kendra with read-only database credentials.
Copied your database host url, port, and instance.
Checked each document is unique in PostgreSQL and across other data sources you plan to
use for the same index. Each data source that you want to use for an index must not contain
the same document across the data sources. Document IDs are global to an index and must be
unique per index.
In your AWS account, make sure you have:
Created an Amazon Kendra index and, if using the API, noted the index ID.
Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.
If you change your authentication type and credentials, you must update your IAM role to
access the correct AWS Secrets Manager secret ID.
Stored your PostgreSQL authentication credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager secret and, if
using the API, noted the ARN of the secret.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
If you don’t have an existing IAM role or secret, you can use the console to create a new IAM role
and Secrets Manager secret when you connect your PostgreSQL data source to Amazon Kendra.
If you are using the API, you must provide the ARN of an existing IAM role and Secrets Manager
secret, and an index ID.
PostgreSQL 920
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Connection instructions
To connect Amazon Kendra to your PostgreSQL data source you must provide details of your
PostgreSQL credentials so that Amazon Kendra can access your data. If you have not yet configured
PostgreSQL for Amazon Kendra see Prerequisites.
To connect Amazon Kendra to PostgreSQL
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console.
2. From the left navigation pane, choose Indexes and then choose the index you want to use
from the list of indexes.
You can choose to configure or edit your User access control settings under Index
3. On the Getting started page, choose Add data source.
4. On the Add data source page, choose PostgreSQL connector, and then choose Add
connector. If using version 2 (if applicable), choose PostgreSQL connector with the "V2.0"
5. On the Specify data source details page, enter the following information:
a. In Name and description, for Data source name—Enter a name for your data source.
You can include hyphens but not spaces.
b. (Optional) Description—Enter an optional description for your data source.
c. In Default language—Choose a language to filter your documents for the index.
Unless you specify otherwise, the language defaults to English. Language specified in
the document metadata overrides the selected language.
d. In Tags, for Add new tag—Include optional tags to search and filter your resources or
track your AWS costs.
e. Choose Next.
6. On the Define access and security page, enter the following information:
a. In Source, enter the following information:
PostgreSQL 921
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
b. Host— Enter the database host name.
c. Port— Enter the database port.
d. Instance— Enter the database instance.
e. Enable SSL certificate location—Choose to enter the Amazon S3 path to your SSL
certificate file.
f. In Authentication—enter the following information:
AWS Secrets Manager secret—Choose an existing secret or create a new Secrets
Manager secret to store your PostgreSQL authentication credentials. If you choose
to create a new secret an AWS Secrets Manager secret window opens.
A. Enter following information in the Create an AWS Secrets Manager secret
I. Secret name—A name for your secret. The prefix ‘AmazonKendra-
PostgreSQL-’ is automatically added to your secret name.
II. For Database user name, and Password—Enter the authentication
credential values you copied from your database.
B. Choose Save.
g. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—You can choose to use a VPC. If so, you must add
Subnets and VPC security groups.
h. IAM role—Choose an existing IAM role or create a new IAM role to access your
repository credentials and index content.
IAM roles used for indexes cannot be used for data sources. If you are unsure if
an existing role is used for an index or FAQ, choose Create a new role to avoid
i. Choose Next.
7. On the Configure sync settings page, enter the following information:
a. In Sync scope, choose from the following options :
PostgreSQL 922
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
SQL query—Enter SQL query statements like SELECT and JOIN operations. SQL
queries must be less than 32KB. Amazon Kendra will crawl all database content that
matches your query.
Primary key column—Provide the primary key for the database table. This identifies
a table within your database.
Title column—Provide the name of the document title column within your database
Body column—Provide the name of the document body column within your
database table.
b. In Additional configuration – optional, choose from the following options to sync
specific content instead of syncing all files:
Change-detecting columns—Enter the names of the columns that Amazon Kendra
will use to detect content changes. Amazon Kendra will re-index content when there
is a change in any of these columns.
Users' IDs column—Enter the name of the column which contains User IDs to be
allowed access to content.
Groups column—Enter the name of the column that contains groups to be allowed
access to content.
Source URLs column—Enter the name of the column which contains Source URLs to
be indexed.
Time stamps column—Enter the name of the column which contains time stamps.
Amazon Kendra uses time stamp information to detect changes in your content and
sync only changed content.
Time zones column—Enter the name of the column which contains time zones for
the content to be crawled.
Time stamps format—Enter the name of the column which contains time stamp
formats to use to detect content changes and re-sync your content.
c. Sync mode—Choose how you want to update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first
time, all content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your
data if your initial sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode
PostgreSQL 923
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Full sync: Freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time your data
source syncs with your index.
New, modified sync: Index only new and modified content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source's mechanism
for tracking content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
New, modified, deleted sync: Index only new, modified, and deleted content each
time your data source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data
source's mechanism for tracking content changes and index content that changed
since the last sync.
d. In Sync run schedule, for Frequency—How often Amazon Kendra will sync with your
data source.
e. Choose Next.
8. On the Set field mappings page, enter the following information:
a. Select from the generated default data source fields—Document IDs, Document titles,
and Source URLs—you want to map to Amazon Kendra index.
b. Add field—To add custom data source fields to create an index field name to map to
and the field data type.
c. Choose Next.
9. On the Review and create page, check that the information you have entered is correct
and then select Add data source. You can also choose to edit your information from this
page. Your data source will appear on the Data sources page after the data source has been
added successfully.
To connect Amazon Kendra to PostgreSQL
You must specify the following using the TemplateConfiguration API:
Data source—Specify the data source type as JDBC when you use the TemplateConfiguration
JSON schema. Also specify the data source as TEMPLATE when you call the CreateDataSource
Database type—You must specify the database type as postgresql.
PostgreSQL 924
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
SQL query—Specify SQL query statements like SELECT and JOIN operations. SQL queries
must be less than 32KB. Amazon Kendra will crawl all database content that matches your
Sync mode—Specify how Amazon Kendra should update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first time, all
content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your data if your initial
sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode option. You can choose
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time
your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified, and deleted content each time your data source
syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking
content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
CHANGE_LOG to index only new and modified content each time your data source syncs
with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking content
changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
Secret Amazon Resource Name (ARN)—Provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an
Secrets Manager secret that contains the authentication credentials you created in your
PostgreSQL account. The secret is stored in a JSON structure with the following keys:
"user name": "database user name",
"password": "password"
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret.
Provide only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend
that you re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions
1.0 and 2.0 (where applicable).
IAM role—Specify RoleArn when you call CreateDataSource to provide an IAM role with
permissions to access your Secrets Manager secret and to call the required public APIs for
the PostgreSQL connector and Amazon Kendra. For more information, see IAM roles for
PostgreSQL data sources.
PostgreSQL 925
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
You can also add the following optional features:
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—Specify VpcConfiguration when you call
CreateDataSource. For more information, see Configuring Amazon Kendra to use an
Amazon VPC.
Inclusion and exclusion filters—You can specify whether to include specific content using
user IDs, groups, source URLs, time stamps, and time zones.
User context filtering and access control—Amazon Kendra crawls the access control list
(ACL) for your documents, if you have an ACL for your documents. The ACL information is
used to filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
Field mappings—Choose to map your PostgreSQL data source fields to your Amazon Kendra
index fields. For more information, see Mapping data source fields.
The document body field or the document body equivalent for your documents
is required in order for Amazon Kendra to search your documents. You must
map your document body field name in your data source to the index field name
_document_body. All other fields are optional.
For a list of other important JSON keys to configure, see PostgreSQL template schema.
Deleted database rows will not be tracked in when Amazon Kendra checks for updated content.
The size of field names and values in a row of your database can't exceed 400KB.
If you have a large amount of data in your database data source, and do not want Amazon
Kendra to index all your database content after the first sync, you can choose to sync only new,
modified, or deleted documents.
As a best practice, provide Amazon Kendra with read-only database credentials.
As a best practice, avoid adding tables with sensitive data or personal identifiable information
PostgreSQL 926
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Quip is a collaborative productivity software that offers real time document-authoring capabilities.
You can use Amazon Kendra to index your Quip folders, files, file comments, chatrooms, and
You can connect Amazon Kendra to your Quip data source using the Amazon Kendra console and
the QuipConfiguration API.
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra Quip data source connector, see Troubleshooting data
Supported features
Connection instructions
Learn more
Supported features
Amazon Kendra Quip data source connector supports the following features:
Field mappings
User access control
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Virtual private cloud (VPC)
Before you can use Amazon Kendra to index your Quip data source, make these changes in your
Quip and AWS accounts.
In Quip, make sure you have:
A Quip account with administrative permissions.
Quip 927
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Created Quip authentication credentials that include a personal access token. The token is
used as your authentication credential stored in an AWS Secrets Manager secret. See Quip
documentation on authentication for more information.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
Copied your Quip site domain. For example,
browse where quipdomain is the domain.
Checked each document is unique in Quip and across other data sources you plan to use for
the same index. Each data source that you want to use for an index must not contain the same
document across the data sources. Document IDs are global to an index and must be unique per
In your AWS account, make sure you have:
Created an Amazon Kendra index and, if using the API, noted the index ID.
Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.
If you change your authentication type and credentials, you must update your IAM role to
access the correct AWS Secrets Manager secret ID.
Stored your Quip authentication credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager secret and, if using the
API, noted the ARN of the secret.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
Quip 928
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
If you don’t have an existing IAM role or secret, you can use the console to create a new IAM role
and Secrets Manager secret when you connect your Quip data source to Amazon Kendra. If you are
using the API, you must provide the ARN of an existing IAM role and Secrets Manager secret, and
an index ID.
Connection instructions
To connect Amazon Kendra to your Quip data source, you must provide the necessary details of
your Quip data source so that Amazon Kendra can access your data. If you have not yet configured
Quip for Amazon Kendra, see Prerequisites.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Quip
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console.
2. From the left navigation pane, choose Indexes and then choose the index you want to use
from the list of indexes.
You can choose to configure or edit your User access control settings under Index
3. On the Getting started page, choose Add data source.
4. On the Add data source page, choose Quip connector, and then choose Add connector. If
using version 2 (if applicable), choose Quip connector with the "V2.0" tag.
5. On the Specify data source details page, enter the following information:
a. In Name and description, for Data source name—Enter a name for your data source.
You can include hyphens but not spaces.
b. (Optional) Description—Enter an optional description for your data source.
c. In Default language—Choose a language to filter your documents for the index.
Unless you specify otherwise, the language defaults to English. Language specified in
the document metadata overrides the selected language.
d. In Tags, for Add new tag—Include optional tags to search and filter your resources or
track your AWS costs.
e. Choose Next.
Quip 929
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
6. On the Define access and security page, enter the following information:
a. Quip domain name—Enter the Quip you copied from your Quip account.
b. AWS Secrets Manager secret—Choose an existing secret or create a new Secrets
Manager secret to store your Quip authentication credentials. If you choose to create a
new secret an AWS Secrets Manager secret window opens.
i. Enter following information in the Create an AWS Secrets Manager secret
A. Secret name—A name for your secret. The prefix ‘AmazonKendra-Quip-’ is
automatically added to your secret name.
B. Quip token—Enter the Quip personal access configured Quip.
ii. Add and save your secret.
c. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—You can choose to use a VPC. If so, you must add
Subnets and VPC security groups.
d. IAM role—Choose an existing IAM role or create a new IAM role to access your
repository credentials and index content.
IAM roles used for indexes cannot be used for data sources. If you are unsure if
an existing role is used for an index or FAQ, choose Create a new role to avoid
e. Choose Next.
7. On the Configure sync settings page, enter the following information:
a. Add Quip folder IDs to crawl—The Quip folder IDs you want to crawl.
To crawl a root folder, including all sub-folders and documents inside it, add
the root folder ID. To crawl specific sub-folders, add the specific sub-folder IDs.
b. Additional configuration (content types)—Enter the content types you want to crawl.
Quip 930
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
c. Regex patterns—Regular expression patterns to include or exclude certain files. You
can add up to 100 patterns.
d. In Sync run schedule, for Frequency—Choose how often to sync your data source
content and update your index
e. Choose Next.
8. On the Set field mappings page, enter the following information:
a. Select from the generated default data source fields you want to map to Amazon
Kendra index.
b. Add field—To add custom data source fields to create an index field name to map to
and the field data type.
c. Choose Next.
9. On the Review and create page, check that the information you have entered is correct
and then select Add data source. You can also choose to edit your information from this
page. Your data source will appear on the Data sources page after the data source has been
added successfully.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Quip
You must specify the following using QuipConfiguration API:
Quip site domain—For example,
where quipdomain is the domain.
Secret Amazon Resource Name (ARN)—Provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an
Secrets Manager secret that contains the authentication credentials for your Quip account.
The secret is stored in a JSON structure with the following keys:
"accessToken": "token"
IAM role—Specify RoleArn when you call CreateDataSource to provide an IAM role with
permissions to access your Secrets Manager secret and to call the required public APIs for
the Quip connector and Amazon Kendra. For more information, see IAM roles for Quip data
Quip 931
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
You can also add the following optional features:
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—Specify VpcConfiguration as part of the data source
configuration. See Configuring Amazon Kendra to use a VPC.
Inclusion and exclusion filters—Specify whether to include or exclude certain files.
Most data sources use regular expression patterns, which are inclusion or exclusion
patterns referred to as filters. If you specify an inclusion filter, only content that
matches the inclusion filter is indexed. Any document that doesn’t match the
inclusion filter isn’t indexed. If you specify an inclusion and exclusion filter, documents
that match the exclusion filter are not indexed, even if they match the inclusion filter.
Folders—Specify Quip folders and subfolders you want to index
To crawl a root folder, including all sub-folders and documents inside it, input the
root folder ID. To crawl specific sub-folders, add the specific sub-folder IDs.
Attachments, Chat rooms, file comments—Choose whether to include crawling of
attachments, chat rooms content, and file comments.
User context filtering and access control—Amazon Kendra crawls the access control list
(ACL) for your documents, if you have an ACL for your documents. The ACL information is
used to filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
Field mappings—Choose to map your Quip data source fields to your Amazon Kendra index
fields. For more information, see Mapping data source fields.
The document body field or the document body equivalent for your documents
is required in order for Amazon Kendra to search your documents. You must
map your document body field name in your data source to the index field name
_document_body. All other fields are optional.
Quip 932
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Learn more
To learn more about integrating Amazon Kendra with your Quip data source, see:
Search for knowledge in Quip documents with intelligent search using the Quip connector for
Amazon Kendra
Salesforce is a customer relationship management (CRM) tool for managing support, sales, and
marketing teams. You can use Amazon Kendra to index your Salesforce standard objects and even
custom objects.
You can connect Amazon Kendra to your Salesforce data source using either the Amazon Kendra
console, the TemplateConfiguration API, or the SalesforceConfiguration API.
Amazon Kendra has two versions of the Salesforce connector. Supported features of each version
Salesforce connector V1.0 / SalesforceConfiguration API
Field mappings
User access control
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Salesforce connector V2.0 / TemplateConfiguration API
Field mappings
User access control
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Full and incremental content syncs
Virtual private cloud (VPC)
Salesforce 933
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Support for Salesforce connector V1.0 / SalesforceConfiguration API is scheduled
to end in 2023. We recommend migrating to or using Salesforce connector V2.0 /
TemplateConfiguration API.
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra Salesforce data source connector, see Troubleshooting
data sources.
Salesforce connector V1.0
Salesforce connector V2.0
Salesforce connector V1.0
Salesforce is a customer relationship management (CRM) tool for managing support, sales, and
marketing teams. You can use Amazon Kendra to index your Salesforce standard objects and even
custom objects.
Amazon Kendra uses the Salesforce API version 48. The Salesforce API limits the number of
requests that you can make per day. If Salesforce exceeds those requests, it retries until it is
able to continue.
Support for Salesforce connector V1.0 / SalesforceConfiguration API is scheduled
to end in 2023. We recommend migrating to or using Salesforce connector V2.0 /
TemplateConfiguration API.
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra Salesforce data source connector, see Troubleshooting
data sources.
Salesforce 934
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Supported features
Connection instructions
Supported features
Amazon Kendra Salesforce data source connector supports the following features:
Field mappings
User access control
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Before you can use Amazon Kendra to index your Salesforce data source, make these changes in
your Salesforce and AWS accounts.
In Salesforce, make sure you have:
Created a Salesforce account and have noted the user name and password you use to connect to
Created a Salesforce Connected App account with OAuth activated and have copied the
consumer key (client ID) and consumer secret (client secret) assigned to your Salesforce
Connected App. The client ID and client secret are used as your authentication credentials stored
in an AWS Secrets Manager secret. See Salesforce documentation on Connected Apps for more
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
Copied the Salesforce security token associated with the account used to connect to Salesforce.
Copied the URL of the Salesforce instance that you want to index. Typically, this is https://
<company> The server must be running a Salesforce connected app.
Salesforce 935
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Added credentials to your Salesforce server for a user with read-only access to Salesforce
by cloning the ReadOnly profile and then adding the View All Data and Manage Articles
permissions. These credentials identify the user making the connection and the Salesforce
connected app that Amazon Kendra connects to.
Checked each document is unique in Salesforce and across other data sources you plan to use for
the same index. Each data source that you want to use for an index must not contain the same
document across the data sources. Document IDs are global to an index and must be unique per
In your AWS account, make sure you have:
Created an Amazon Kendra index and, if using the API, noted the index ID.
Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.
If you change your authentication type and credentials, you must update your IAM role to
access the correct AWS Secrets Manager secret ID.
Stored your Salesforce authentication credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager secret and, if using
the API, noted the ARN of the secret.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
If you don’t have an existing IAM role or secret, you can use the console to create a new IAM role
and Secrets Manager secret when you connect your Salesforce data source to Amazon Kendra.
If you are using the API, you must provide the ARN of an existing IAM role and Secrets Manager
secret, and an index ID.
Salesforce 936
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Connection instructions
To connect Amazon Kendra to your Salesforce data source, you must provide the necessary details
of your Salesforce data source so that Amazon Kendra can access your data. If you have not yet
configured Salesforce for Amazon Kendra see Prerequisites.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Salesforce
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console.
2. From the left navigation pane, choose Indexes and then choose the index you want to use
from the list of indexes.
You can choose to configure or edit your User access control settings under Index
3. On the Getting started page, choose Add data source.
4. On the Add data source page, choose Salesforce connector V1.0, and then choose Add
5. On the Specify data source details page, enter the following information:
a. Data source name—Enter a name for your data source. You can include hyphens but
not spaces.
b. (Optional) Description—Enter an optional description for your data source.
c. Default language— A language to filter your documents for the index. Unless you
specify otherwise, the language defaults to English. Language specified in metadata
overrides selected language.
d. Add new tag—Tags to search and filter your resources or track your shared costs.
e. Choose Next.
6. On the Define access and security page, enter the following information:
a. Salesforce URL—Enter the instance URL for the Salesforce site that you want to index.
Salesforce 937
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
b. For Type of authentication, choose between Existing and New to store your
Salesforce authentication credentials. If you choose to create a new secret an AWS
Secrets Manager secret window opens.
Enter following information in the Create an AWS Secrets Manager secret
A. Secret name—A name for your secret. The prefix ‘AmazonKendra-Salesforce-’
is automatically added to your secret name.
B. For User name, Password, Security token, Consumer key, Consumer secret,
and Authentication URL—Enter the authentication credential values you
created in your Salesforce account.
C. Choose Save authentication.
c. IAM role—Choose an existing IAM role or create a new IAM role to access your
repository credentials and index content.
IAM roles used for indexes cannot be used for data sources. If you are unsure if
an existing role is used for an index or FAQ, choose Create a new role to avoid
d. Choose Next.
7. On the Configure sync settings page, enter the following information:
a. For Crawl attachments—Select to crawl all attached objects, articles, and feeds.
b. For Standard objects, Knowledge articles, and Chatter feeds—Select Salesforce
entities or content types you want to crawl.
You must provide configuration information for indexing at least one of
standard objects, knowledge articles, or chatter feeds. If you choose to crawl
Knowledge articles you must specify the types of knowledge articles to
index, the name of the articles, and whether to index the standard fields of all
knowledge articles or only the fields of a custom article type. If you choose to
Salesforce 938
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
index custom articles, you must specify the internal name of the article type.
You can specify upto 10 article types.
c. Frequency—How often Amazon Kendra will sync with your data source.
d. Choose Next.
8. On the Set field mappings page, enter the following information:
a. For Standard knowledge article, Standard object attachments, and Additional
suggested field mappings —Select from the Amazon Kendra generated default data
source fields you want to map to your index.
An index mapping to _document_body is required. You can't change the
mapping between the Salesforce ID field and the Amazon Kendra
_document_id field.
b. Add field—To add custom data source fields to create an index field name to map to
and the field data type.
c. Choose Next.
9. On the Review and create page, check that the information you have entered is correct
and then select Add data source. You can also choose to edit your information from this
page. Your data source will appear on the Data sources page after the data source has been
added successfully.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Salesforce
You must specify the following the SalesforceConfiguration API:
Server URL—The instance URL for the Salesforce site that you want to index.
Secret Amazon Resource Name (ARN)—Provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an
Secrets Manager secret that contains the authentication credentials for your Salesforce
account. The secret is stored in a JSON structure with the following keys:
Salesforce 939
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"authenticationUrl": "OAUTH endpoint that Amazon Kendra connects to get an
OAUTH token",
"consumerKey": "Application public key generated when you created your
Salesforce application",
"consumerSecret": "Application private key generated when you created your
Salesforce application.",
"password": "Password associated with the user logging in to the Salesforce
"securityToken": "Token associated with the user account logging in to the
Salesforce instance",
"username": "User name of the user logging in to the Salesforce instance"
IAM role—Specify RoleArn when you call CreateDataSource to provide an IAM role with
permissions to access your Secrets Manager secret and to call the required public APIs for the
Salesforce connector and Amazon Kendra. For more information, see IAM roles for Salesforce
data sources.
You must provide configuration information for indexing at least one of standard objects,
knowledge articles, or chatter feeds.
Standard objects—If you choose to crawl Standard objects, you must specify the name of
the standard object and the name of the field in the standard object table that contains the
document contents.
Knowledge articles—If you choose to crawl Knowledge articles, you must specify the
types of knowledge articles to index, the states of the knowledge articles to index, and
whether to index the standard fields of all knowledge articles or only the fields of a custom
article type.
Chatter feeds—If you choose to crawl Chatter feeds, you must specify the name of the
column in the Salesforce FeedItem table that contains the content to index.
You can also add the following optional features:
Inclusion and exclusion filters—Specify whether to include or exclude certain file
Most data sources use regular expression patterns, which are inclusion or exclusion
patterns referred to as filters. If you specify an inclusion filter, only content that
Salesforce 940
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
matches the inclusion filter is indexed. Any document that doesn’t match the
inclusion filter isn’t indexed. If you specify an inclusion and exclusion filter, documents
that match the exclusion filter are not indexed, even if they match the inclusion filter.
Field mappings—Choose to map your Salesforce data source fields to your Amazon Kendra
index fields. For more information, see Mapping data source fields.
The document body field or the document body equivalent for your documents
is required in order for Amazon Kendra to search your documents. You must
map your document body field name in your data source to the index field name
_document_body. All other fields are optional.
User context filtering and access control—Amazon Kendra crawls the access control list
(ACL) for your documents, if you have an ACL for your documents. The ACL information is
used to filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
Salesforce connector V2.0
Salesforce is a customer relationship management (CRM) tool for managing support, sales, and
marketing teams. You can use Amazon Kendra to index your Salesforce standard objects and even
custom objects.
The Amazon Kendra Salesforce data source connector supports the following Salesforce editions:
Developer Edition and Enterprise Edition.
Support for Salesforce connector V1.0 / SalesforceConfiguration API is scheduled
to end in 2023. We recommend migrating to or using Salesforce connector V2.0 /
TemplateConfiguration API.
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra Salesforce data source connector, see Troubleshooting
data sources.
Salesforce 941
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Supported features
Connection instructions
Learn more
Supported features
Amazon Kendra Salesforce data source connector supports the following features:
Field mappings
User access control
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Full and incremental content syncs
Virtual private cloud (VPC)
Before you can use Amazon Kendra to index your Salesforce data source, make these changes in
your Salesforce and AWS accounts.
In Salesforce, make sure you have:
Created a Salesforce administrative account and have noted the user name and password you
use to connect to Salesforce.
Copied the Salesforce security token associated with the account used to connect to Salesforce.
Created a Salesforce Connected App account with OAuth activated and have copied the
consumer key (client ID) and consumer secret (client secret) assigned to your Salesforce
Connected App. The client ID and client secret are used as your authentication credentials stored
in an AWS Secrets Manager secret. See Salesforce documentation on Connected Apps for more
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
Salesforce 942
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
Copied the URL of the Salesforce instance that you want to index. Typically, this is https://
<company> The server must be running a Salesforce connected app.
Added credentials to your Salesforce server for a user with read-only access to Salesforce
by cloning the ReadOnly profile and then adding the View All Data and Manage Articles
permissions. These credentials identify the user making the connection and the Salesforce
connected app that Amazon Kendra connects to.
Checked each document is unique in Salesforce and across other data sources you plan to use for
the same index. Each data source that you want to use for an index must not contain the same
document across the data sources. Document IDs are global to an index and must be unique per
In your AWS account, make sure you have:
Created an Amazon Kendra index and, if using the API, noted the index ID.
Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.
If you change your authentication type and credentials, you must update your IAM role to
access the correct AWS Secrets Manager secret ID.
Stored your Salesforce authentication credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager secret and, if using
the API, noted the ARN of the secret.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
If you don’t have an existing IAM role or secret, you can use the console to create a new IAM role
and Secrets Manager secret when you connect your Salesforce data source to Amazon Kendra.
Salesforce 943
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
If you are using the API, you must provide the ARN of an existing IAM role and Secrets Manager
secret, and an index ID.
Connection instructions
To connect Amazon Kendra to your Salesforce data source, you must provide the necessary details
of your Salesforce data source so that Amazon Kendra can access your data. If you have not yet
configured Salesforce for Amazon Kendra see Prerequisites.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Salesforce:
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console.
2. From the left navigation pane, choose Indexes and then choose the index you want to use
from the list of indexes.
You can choose to configure or edit your User access control settings under Index
3. On the Getting started page, choose Add data source.
4. On the Add data source page, choose Salesforce connector, and then choose Add
connector. If using version 2 (if applicable), choose Salesforce connector with the "V2.0"
5. On the Specify data source details page, enter the following information:
a. In Name and description, for Data source name—Enter a name for your data source.
You can include hyphens but not spaces.
b. (Optional) Description—Enter an optional description for your data source.
c. In Default language—Choose a language to filter your documents for the index.
Unless you specify otherwise, the language defaults to English. Language specified in
the document metadata overrides the selected language.
d. In Tags, for Add new tag—Include optional tags to search and filter your resources or
track your AWS costs.
e. Choose Next.
6. On the Define access and security page, enter the following information:
Salesforce 944
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
a. Salesforce URL—Enter The instance URL for the Salesforce site that you want to index.
b. Authorization—Turn on or off access control list (ACL) information for your
documents, if you have an ACL and want to use it for access control. The ACL specifies
which documents that users and groups can access. The ACL information is used to
filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
c. Enter an existing secret or if you create a new secret, an AWS Secrets Manager secret
window opens.
Authentication—Enter following information in the Create an AWS Secrets
Manager secret window:
A. Secret name—A name for your secret. The prefix ‘AmazonKendra-Salesforce-’
is automatically added to your secret name.
B. For User name, Password, Security token, Consumer key, Consumer secret,
and Authentication URL—Enter the authentication credential values you
generated and downloaded from your Salesforce account.
If you use Salesforce Developer Edition, use https://
or the My Domain login URL (for example, https:// as the Authentication
URL. If you use Salesforce Sandbox Edition, use https:// or
the My Domain login URL (for example, MyDomainName-- as the
Authentication URL.
C. Choose Save authentication.
d. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—You can choose to use a VPC. If so, you must add
Subnets and VPC security groups.
e. Identity crawler—Specify whether to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler. The
identity crawler uses the access control list (ACL) information for your documents to
filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. If you have
Salesforce 945
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
an ACL for your documents and choose to use your ACL, you can then also choose
to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler to configure user context filtering of
search results. Otherwise, if identity crawler is turned off, all documents can be publicly
searched. If you want to use access control for your documents and identity crawler is
turned off, you can alternatively use the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user and
group access information for user context filtering.
f. IAM role—Choose an existing IAM role or create a new IAM role to access your
repository credentials and index content.
IAM roles used for indexes cannot be used for data sources. If you are unsure if
an existing role is used for an index or FAQ, choose Create a new role to avoid
g. Choose Next.
7. On the Configure sync settings page, enter the following information:
a. For Crawl attachments—Select to crawl all attached Salesforce objects.
b. For Standard objects, Standard objects with attachments, and Standard object
without attachment and Knowledge Articles—Select Salesforce entities or content
types you want to crawl.
c. You must provide configuration information for indexing at least one of standard
objects, knowledge articles, or chatter feeds. If you choose to crawl Knowledge
articles you must specify the types of knowledge articles to index. You can choose
published, archived, drafts and attachments.
Regex filter—Specify a regex pattern to include specific catalog items.
8. For Additional configuration:
ACL information All access control lists are included by default. Deselecting an access
control list will make all files in that category public.
Regex patterns—Add regular expression patterns to include or exclude certain files. You
can add up to 100 patterns.
Salesforce 946
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Sync mode—Choose how you want to update your index when your data source content
changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first time, all
content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your data if your
initial sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode option.
Full sync: Freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time your data source
syncs with your index.
New, modified sync: Index only new and modified content each time your data source
syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source's mechanism for tracking
content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
New, modified, deleted sync: Index only new, modified, and deleted content each time
your data source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source's
mechanism for tracking content changes and index content that changed since the last
9. Choose Next.
10. On the Set field mappings page, enter the following information:
a. For Standard knowledge article, Standard object attachments, and Additional
suggested field mappings —Select from the Amazon Kendra generated default data
source fields you want to map to your index.
An index mapping to _document_body is required. You can't change the
mapping between the Salesforce ID field and the Amazon Kendra
_document_id field. You can map any Salesforce field to the document title
or document body Amazon Kendra reserved/default index fields.
If you map any Salesforce field to Amazon Kendra document title and
document body fields, Amazon Kendra will use data from the document title
and body fields in search responses.
b. Add field—To add custom data source fields to create an index field name to map to
and the field data type.
c. Choose Next.
Salesforce 947
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
11. On the Review and create page, check that the information you have entered is correct
and then select Add data source. You can also choose to edit your information from this
page. Your data source will appear on the Data sources page after the data source has been
added successfully.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Salesforce
You must specify a JSON of the data source schema using the TemplateConfiguration API. You
must provide the following information:
Data source—Specify the data source type as SALESFORCEV2 when you use the
TemplateConfiguration JSON schema. Also specify the data source as TEMPLATE when you
call the CreateDataSource API.
Host URL—Specify the Salesforce instance host URL.
Sync mode—Specify how Amazon Kendra should update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first time, all
content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your data if your initial
sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode option. You can choose
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time
your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified, and deleted content each time your data source
syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking
content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
CHANGE_LOG to index only new and modified content each time your data source syncs
with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking content
changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
Secret Amazon Resource Name (ARN)—Provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an
Secrets Manager secret that contains the authentication credentials for your Salesforce
account. The secret is stored in a JSON structure with the following keys:
"authenticationUrl": "OAUTH endpoint that Amazon Kendra connects to get an
OAUTH token",
Salesforce 948
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"consumerKey": "Application public key generated when you created your
Salesforce application",
"consumerSecret": "Application private key generated when you created your
Salesforce application",
"password": "Password associated with the user logging in to the Salesforce
"securityToken": "Token associated with the user account logging in to the
Salesforce instance",
"username": "User name of the user logging in to the Salesforce instance"
IAM role—Specify RoleArn when you call CreateDataSource to provide an IAM role with
permissions to access your Secrets Manager secret and to call the required public APIs for the
Salesforce connector and Amazon Kendra. For more information, see IAM roles for Salesforce
data sources.
You can also add the following optional features:
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—Specify VpcConfiguration when you call
CreateDataSource. For more information, see Configuring Amazon Kendra to use an
Amazon VPC.
Inclusion and exclusion filters—You can specify whether to include or exclude certain
documents, accounts, campaigns, cases, contacts, leads, opportunities, solutions, tasks,
groups, chatters, and custom entity files.
Most data sources use regular expression patterns, which are inclusion or exclusion
patterns referred to as filters. If you specify an inclusion filter, only content that
matches the inclusion filter is indexed. Any document that doesn’t match the
inclusion filter isn’t indexed. If you specify an inclusion and exclusion filter, documents
that match the exclusion filter are not indexed, even if they match the inclusion filter.
Identity crawler—Specify whether to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler. The identity
crawler uses the access control list (ACL) information for your documents to filter search
results based on the user or their group access to documents. If you have an ACL for your
documents and choose to use your ACL, you can then also choose to turn on Amazon
Kendra’s identity crawler to configure user context filtering of search results. Otherwise,
if identity crawler is turned off, all documents can be publicly searched. If you want to use
Salesforce 949
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
access control for your documents and identity crawler is turned off, you can alternatively use
the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user and group access information for user context
Field mappings—Choose to map your Salesforce data source fields to your Amazon Kendra
index fields. For more information, see Mapping data source fields.
The document body field or the document body equivalent for your documents
is required in order for Amazon Kendra to search your documents. You must
map your document body field name in your data source to the index field name
_document_body. All other fields are optional.
An index mapping to _document_body is required. You can't change the mapping
between the Salesforce ID field and the Amazon Kendra _document_id field.
You can map any Salesforce field to the document title or document body Amazon
Kendra reserved/default index fields.
If you map any Salesforce field to Amazon Kendra document title and document body
fields, Amazon Kendra will use data from the document title and body fields in search
For a list of other important JSON keys to configure, see Salesforce template schema.
Learn more
To learn more about integrating Amazon Kendra with your Salesforce data source, see:
Announcing the updated Salesforce connector (V2) for Amazon Kendra
ServiceNow provides a cloud-based service management system to create and manage
organization-level workflows, such as IT services, ticketing systems, and support. You can use
ServiceNow 950
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Amazon Kendra to index your ServiceNow catalogs, knowledge articles, incidents, and their
You can connect Amazon Kendra to your ServiceNow data source using either the Amazon Kendra
console, the TemplateConfiguration API, or the ServiceNowConfiguration API.
Amazon Kendra has two versions of the ServiceNow connector. Supported features of each version
ServiceNow connector V1.0 / ServiceNowConfiguration API
Field mappings
ServiceNow instance versions: London, Others
Inclusion/exclusion filters
ServiceNow connector V2.0 / TemplateConfiguration API
Field mappings
User access control
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Full and incremental content syncs
ServiceNow instance versions: Rome, Sandiego, Tokyo, Others
Virtual private cloud (VPC)
Support for ServiceNow connector V1.0 / ServiceNowConfiguration API is scheduled
to end in 2023. We recommend migrating to or using ServiceNow connector V2.0 /
TemplateConfiguration API.
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra ServiceNow data source connector, see Troubleshooting
data sources.
ServiceNow connector V1.0
ServiceNow connector V2.0
ServiceNow 951
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Specifying documents to index with a query
ServiceNow connector V1.0
ServiceNow provides a cloud-based service management system to create and manage
organization-level workflows, such as IT services, ticketing systems, and support. You can use
Amazon Kendra to index your ServiceNow catalogs, knowledge articles, and their attachments.
Support for ServiceNow connector V1.0 / ServiceNowConfiguration API is scheduled
to end in 2023. We recommend migrating to or using ServiceNow connector V2.0 /
TemplateConfiguration API.
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra ServiceNow data source connector, see Troubleshooting
data sources.
Supported features
Connection instructions
Learn more
Supported features
Amazon Kendra ServiceNow data source connector supports the following features:
ServiceNow instance versions: London, Others
Inclusion/exclusion patterns: Service catalogs, knowledge articles, and their attachments
Before you can use Amazon Kendra to index your ServiceNow data source, make these changes in
your ServiceNow and AWS accounts.
In ServiceNow, make sure you have:
ServiceNow 952
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Created a ServiceNow administrator account and have created a ServiceNow instance.
Copied the host of your ServiceNow instance URL. For example, if the URL of the instance is, the format for the host URL you enter is your-
Noted your basic authentication credentials containing a user name and password to allow
Amazon Kendra to connect to your ServiceNow instance.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
Optional: Configured an OAuth 2.0 credential token that can identify Amazon Kendra and
generate a user name, password, a client ID, and a client secret. The user name and password
must provide access to the ServiceNow knowledge base and service catalog. See ServiceNow
documentation on OAuth 2.0 authentication for more information.
Added the following permissions:
Checked each document is unique in ServiceNow and across other data sources you plan to
use for the same index. Each data source that you want to use for an index must not contain
the same document across the data sources. Document IDs are global to an index and must be
unique per index.
ServiceNow 953
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
In your AWS account, make sure you have:
Created an Amazon Kendra index and, if using the API, noted the index ID.
Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.
If you change your authentication type and credentials, you must update your IAM role to
access the correct AWS Secrets Manager secret ID.
Stored your ServiceNow authentication credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager secret and, if
using the API, noted the ARN of the secret.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
If you don’t have an existing IAM role or secret, you can use the console to create a new IAM role
and Secrets Manager secret when you connect your ServiceNow data source to Amazon Kendra.
If you are using the API, you must provide the ARN of an existing IAM role and Secrets Manager
secret, and an index ID.
Connection instructions
To connect Amazon Kendra to your ServiceNow data source, you must provide the necessary details
of your ServiceNow data source so that Amazon Kendra can access your data. If you have not yet
configured ServiceNow for Amazon Kendra see Prerequisites.
To connect Amazon Kendra to ServiceNow
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console.
2. From the left navigation pane, choose Indexes and then choose the index you want to use
from the list of indexes.
ServiceNow 954
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
You can choose to configure or edit your User access control settings under Index
3. On the Getting started page, choose Add data source.
4. On the Add data source page, choose ServiceNow connector V1.0, and then choose Add
data source.
5. On the Specify data source details page, enter the following information:
a. In Name and description, for Data source name—Enter a name for your data source.
You can include hyphens but not spaces.
b. (Optional) Description—Enter an optional description for your data source.
c. In Default language—Choose a language to filter your documents for the index.
Unless you specify otherwise, the language defaults to English. Language specified in
the document metadata overrides the selected language.
d. In Tags, for Add new tag—Include optional tags to search and filter your resources or
track your AWS costs.
e. Choose Next.
6. On the Define access and security page, enter the following information:
a. ServiceNow host—Enter the ServiceNow host URL.
b. ServiceNow version—Select your ServiceNow version.
c. Choose between Basic authentication and Oauth 2.0 authentication based on your
use case.
d. AWS Secrets Manager secret—Choose an existing secret or create a new Secrets
Manager secret to store your ServiceNow authentication credentials. If you choose to
create a new secret an AWS Secrets Manager secret window opens.
i. Secret name—A name for your secret. The prefix ‘AmazonKendra-ServiceNow-’ is
automatically added to your secret name.
ii. If using Basic Authentication—Enter the Secret name, Username, and Password
for your ServiceNow account.
ServiceNow 955
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
If using OAuth2 Authentication—Enter the Secret name, Username, Password,
Client ID, and Client Secret you created in your ServiceNow account.
iii. Choose Save and add secret.
e. IAM role—Choose an existing IAM role or create a new IAM role to access your
repository credentials and index content.
IAM roles used for indexes cannot be used for data sources. If you are unsure if
an existing role is used for an index or FAQ, choose Create a new role to avoid
f. Choose Next.
7. On the Configure sync settings page, enter the following information:
a. Include knowledge articles—Choose to index knowledge articles.
b. Type of knowledge articles—Choose between Include only public articles and
Include articles based on ServiceNow filter query based on your use case. If you
select Include articles based on ServiceNow filter query, you must enter a Filter
query copied from your ServiceNow account.
c. Include knowledge articles attachments—Choose to index knowledge article
attachments. You can also select specific file types to index.
d. Include catalog items—Choose to index catalog items.
e. Include catalog item attachments—Choose to index catalog item attachments. You
can also select specific file types to index.
f. Frequency—How often Amazon Kendra will sync with your data source.
g. Choose Next.
8. On the Set field mappings page, enter the following information:
a. Knowledge articles and Service catalog —Select from the Amazon Kendra generated
default data source fields and additional suggested field mappings that you want to
map to your index.
b. Add field—To add custom data source fields to create an index field name to map to
and the field data type.
c. Choose Next.
ServiceNow 956
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
9. On the Review and create page, check that the information you have entered is correct
and then select Add data source. You can also choose to edit your information from this
page. Your data source will appear on the Data sources page after the data source has been
added successfully.
To connect Amazon Kendra to ServiceNow
You must specify the following using ServiceNowConfiguration API:
Data source URL—Specify the ServiceNow URL. The host endpoint should look like the
Data source host instance—Specify the ServiceNow host instance version as either LONDON
Secret Amazon Resource Name (ARN)—Provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a
Secrets Manager secret that contains the authentication credentials you created in your
ServiceNow account.
If you are using basic authentication, the secret is stored in a JSON structure with the
following keys:
"username": "user name",
"password": "password"
If you are using OAuth2 authentication, the secret is stored in a JSON structure with the
following keys:
"username": "user name",
"password": "password",
"clientId": "client id",
"clientSecret": "client secret"
IAM role—Specify RoleArn when you call CreateDataSource to provide an IAM role with
permissions to access your Secrets Manager secret and to call the required public APIs for
ServiceNow 957
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
the ServiceNow connector and Amazon Kendra. For more information, see IAM roles for
ServiceNow data sources.
You can also add the following optional features:
Field mappings—Choose to map your ServiceNow data source fields to your Amazon Kendra
index fields. For more information, see Mapping data source fields.
The document body field or the document body equivalent for your documents
is required in order for Amazon Kendra to search your documents. You must
map your document body field name in your data source to the index field name
_document_body. All other fields are optional.
Inclusion and exclusion filters—Specify whether to include or exclude certain file
attachments of catalogs and knowledge articles.
Most data sources use regular expression patterns, which are inclusion or exclusion
patterns referred to as filters. If you specify an inclusion filter, only content that
matches the inclusion filter is indexed. Any document that doesn’t match the
inclusion filter isn’t indexed. If you specify an inclusion and exclusion filter, documents
that match the exclusion filter are not indexed, even if they match the inclusion filter.
Indexing parameters—You can also choose to specify whether to:
Index knowledge articles and service catalogs, or both of these. If you choose to
index knowledge articles and service catalog items, you must provide the name of the
ServiceNow field that is mapped to the index document contents field in the Amazon
Kendra index.
Index attachments to knowledge articles and catalog items.
Use a ServiceNow query that selects documents from one or more knowledge bases. The
knowledge bases can be public or private. For more information, see Specifying documents
to index with a query.
ServiceNow 958
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Learn more
To learn more about integrating Amazon Kendra with your ServiceNow data source, see:
Getting started with Amazon Kendra ServiceNow Online connector
ServiceNow connector V2.0
ServiceNow provides a cloud-based service management system to create and manage
organization-level workflows, such as IT services, ticketing systems, and support. You can use
Amazon Kendra to index your ServiceNow catalogs, knowledge articles, incidents, and their
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra ServiceNow data source connector, see Troubleshooting
data sources.
Supported features
Connection instructions
Learn more
Supported features
Amazon Kendra ServiceNow data source connector supports the following features:
Field mappings
User access control
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Full and incremental content syncs
ServiceNow instance versions: Rome, Sandiego, Tokyo, Others
Virtual private cloud (VPC)
Before you can use Amazon Kendra to index your ServiceNow data source, make these changes in
your ServiceNow and AWS accounts.
ServiceNow 959
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
In ServiceNow, make sure you have:
Created a Personal or Enterprise Developer Instance and have a ServiceNow instance with an
administrative role.
Copied the host of your ServiceNow instance URL. The format for the host URL you enter is You need your ServiceNow instance URL to connect to
Amazon Kendra.
Noted your basic authentication credentials of a user name and password to allow Amazon
Kendra to connect to your ServiceNow instance.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
Optional: Configured OAuth 2.0 client credentials that can identify Amazon Kendra using a user
name, password, and a generated client ID, and a client secret. See ServiceNow documentation
on OAuth 2.0 authentication for more information.
Checked each document is unique in ServiceNow and across other data sources you plan to
use for the same index. Each data source that you want to use for an index must not contain
the same document across the data sources. Document IDs are global to an index and must be
unique per index.
In your AWS account, make sure you have:
Created an Amazon Kendra index and, if using the API, noted the index ID.
Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.
If you change your authentication type and credentials, you must update your IAM role to
access the correct AWS Secrets Manager secret ID.
Stored your ServiceNow authentication credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager secret and, if
using the API, noted the ARN of the secret.
ServiceNow 960
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
If you don’t have an existing IAM role or secret, you can use the console to create a new IAM role
and Secrets Manager secret when you connect your ServiceNow data source to Amazon Kendra.
If you are using the API, you must provide the ARN of an existing IAM role and Secrets Manager
secret, and an index ID.
Connection instructions
To connect Amazon Kendra to your ServiceNow data source, you must provide the necessary details
of your ServiceNow data source so that Amazon Kendra can access your data. If you have not yet
configured ServiceNow for Amazon Kendra see Prerequisites.
To connect Amazon Kendra to ServiceNow
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console.
2. From the left navigation pane, choose Indexes and then choose the index you want to use
from the list of indexes.
You can choose to configure or edit your User access control settings under Index
3. On the Getting started page, choose Add data source.
4. On the Add data source page, choose ServiceNow connector, and then choose Add
connector. If using version 2 (if applicable), choose ServiceNow connector with the "V2.0"
5. On the Specify data source details page, enter the following information:
ServiceNow 961
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
a. In Name and description, for Data source name—Enter a name for your data source.
You can include hyphens but not spaces.
b. (Optional) Description—Enter an optional description for your data source.
c. In Default language—Choose a language to filter your documents for the index.
Unless you specify otherwise, the language defaults to English. Language specified in
the document metadata overrides the selected language.
d. In Tags, for Add new tag—Include optional tags to search and filter your resources or
track your AWS costs.
e. Choose Next.
6. On the Define access and security page, enter the following information:
a. ServiceNow host—Enter the ServiceNow host URL. The format for the host URL you
enter is
b. ServiceNow version—Select your ServiceNow instance version. You can select from
Rome, Sandiego, Tokyo, or Others.
c. Authorization—Turn on or off access control list (ACL) information for your
documents, if you have an ACL and want to use it for access control. The ACL specifies
which documents that users and groups can access. The ACL information is used to
filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
d. Authentication—Choose between Basic authentication and Oauth 2.0
e. AWS Secrets Manager secret—Choose an existing secret or create a new Secrets
Manager secret to store your ServiceNow authentication credentials. If you choose to
create a new secret an AWS Secrets Manager secret window opens. Enter the following
information in the window:
i. Secret name—A name for your secret. The prefix ‘AmazonKendra-ServiceNow-’ is
automatically added to your secret name.
ii. If using Basic Authentication—Enter the Secret name, Username, and Password
for your ServiceNow account.
If using OAuth2.0 Authentication—Enter the Secret name, Username, Password,
Client ID, and Client Secret you created in your ServiceNow account.
iii. Save and add your secret.
ServiceNow 962
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
f. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—You can choose to use a VPC. If so, you must add
Subnets and VPC security groups.
g. Identity crawler—Specify whether to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler. The
identity crawler uses the access control list (ACL) information for your documents to
filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. If you have
an ACL for your documents and choose to use your ACL, you can then also choose
to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler to configure user context filtering of
search results. Otherwise, if identity crawler is turned off, all documents can be publicly
searched. If you want to use access control for your documents and identity crawler is
turned off, you can alternatively use the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user and
group access information for user context filtering.
h. IAM role—Choose an existing IAM role or create a new IAM role to access your
repository credentials and index content.
IAM roles used for indexes cannot be used for data sources. If you are unsure if
an existing role is used for an index or FAQ, choose Create a new role to avoid
i. Choose Next.
7. On the Configure sync settings page, enter the following information:
a. For Knowledge articles, choose from the following options :
Knowledge articles—Choose to index knowledge articles.
Knowledge article attachments—Choose to index knowledge article attachments.
Type of knowledge articles—Choose between Only public articles
and Knowledge articles based on ServiceNow filter query based on
your use case. If you select Include articles based on ServiceNow filter
query, you must enter a Filter query copied from your ServiceNow
account. Example filter queries include: workflow_state=draft^EQ,
ISNOTEMPTY^EQ, article_type=text^active=true^EQ.
ServiceNow 963
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
If you choose to crawl Only public articles, Amazon Kendra crawls only
knowledge articles assigned a public access role in ServiceNow.
Include articles based on short description filter—Specify regular expression
patterns to include or exclude specific articles.
b. For Service catalog items:
Service catalog items—Choose to index service catalog items.
Service catalog item attachments—Choose to index service catalog item
Active service catalog items—Choose to index active service catalog items.
Inactive service catalog items—Choose to index inactive service catalog items.
Filter query—Choose to include service catalog items based on a filter
defined in your ServiceNow instance. Example filter queries include:
Include service catalog items based on short description filter—Specify a regex
pattern to include specific catalog items.
c. For Incidents:
Incidents—Choose to index service incidents.
Incident attachments—Choose to index incident attachments.
Active incidents—Choose to index active incidents.
Inactive incidents—Choose to index inactive incidents.
Active incident type—Choose between All incidents, Open incidents, Open -
unassigned incidents, and Resolved incidents depending on your use case.
Filter query—Choose to include incidents based on a filter defined
in your ServiceNow instance. Example filter queries include:
priority=2^category=software^EQ .
Include incidents based on short description filter—Specify a regex pattern to
include specific incidents.
ServiceNow 964
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
d. For Additional configuration:
ACL information—Access control lists for entities you have selected are included
by default. Deselecting an access control list will make all files in that category
public. ACL options are automatically deactivated for entities not selected. For public
articles ACL is not applied.
For Maximum file size – Specify the file size limit in MBs that Amazon Kendra will
crawl. Amazon Kendra will crawl only the files within the size limit you define. The
default file size is 50MB. The maximum file size should be greater than 0MB and less
than or equal to 50MB.
Attachment regex patterns—Add regular expression patterns to include or exclude
certain attached files of catalogs, knowledge articles, and incidents. You can add up
to 100 patterns.
e. Sync mode—Choose how you want to update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first
time, all content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your
data if your initial sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode
Full sync: Freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time your data
source syncs with your index.
New, modified, deleted sync: Index only new, modified, and deleted content each
time your data source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data
source's mechanism for tracking content changes and index content that changed
since the last sync.
f. In Sync run schedule, for Frequency—Choose how often to sync your data source
content and update your index.
g. Choose Next.
8. On the Set field mappings page, enter the following information:
a. Default field mappings—Select from the Amazon Kendra generated default data
source fields that you want to map to your index.
b. Add field—To add custom data source fields to create an index field name to map to
and the field data type.
c. Choose Next.
ServiceNow 965
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
9. On the Review and create page, check that the information you have entered is correct
and then select Add data source. You can also choose to edit your information from this
page. Your data source will appear on the Data sources page after the data source has been
added successfully.
To connect Amazon Kendra to ServiceNow
You must specify a JSON of the data source schema using the TemplateConfiguration API. You
must provide the following information:
Data source—Specify the data source type as SERVICENOWV2 when you use the
TemplateConfiguration JSON schema. Also specify the data source as TEMPLATE when you
call the CreateDataSource API.
Host URL—Specify the ServiceNow host instance version. For example, your-
Authentication type—Specify the type of authentication you use, whether basicAuth or
OAuth2 for your ServiceNow instance.
ServiceNow instance version—Specify the ServiceNow instance you use, whether Tokyo,
Sandiego, Rome, or Others.
Sync mode—Specify how Amazon Kendra should update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first time, all
content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your data if your initial
sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode option. You can choose
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time
your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified, and deleted content each time your data source
syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking
content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
Secret Amazon Resource Name (ARN)—Provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a
Secrets Manager secret that contains the authentication credentials you created in your
ServiceNow account.
ServiceNow 966
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
If you use basic authentication, the secret is stored in a JSON structure with the following
"username": "user name",
"password": "password"
If you use OAuth2 client credentials, the secret is stored in a JSON structure with the
following keys:
"username": "user name",
"password": "password",
"clientId": "client id",
"clientSecret": "client secret"
IAM role—Specify RoleArn when you call CreateDataSource to provide an IAM role with
permissions to access your Secrets Manager secret and to call the required public APIs for
the ServiceNow connector and Amazon Kendra. For more information, see IAM roles for
ServiceNow data sources.
You can also add the following optional features:
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—Specify VpcConfiguration when you call
CreateDataSource. For more information, see Configuring Amazon Kendra to use an
Amazon VPC.
Inclusion and exclusion filters—You can specify whether to include or exclude certain
attached files using the file names and the file types of knowledge articles, service catalogs,
and incidents.
Most data sources use regular expression patterns, which are inclusion or exclusion
patterns referred to as filters. If you specify an inclusion filter, only content that
matches the inclusion filter is indexed. Any document that doesn’t match the
ServiceNow 967
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
inclusion filter isn’t indexed. If you specify an inclusion and exclusion filter, documents
that match the exclusion filter are not indexed, even if they match the inclusion filter.
Specific documents to index—You can use a ServiceNow query to specify the documents
you want from one or more knowledge bases, including private knowledge bases. Access to
the knowledge bases is determined by the user that you use to connect to the ServiceNow
instance. For more information, see Specifying documents to index with a query.
Indexing parameters—You can also choose to specify whether to:
Index knowledge articles, service catalogs, and incidents or all of these. If you choose to
index knowledge articles, service catalog items and incidents, you must provide the name
of the ServiceNow field that is mapped to the index document contents field in the Amazon
Kendra index.
Index attachments to knowledge articles, service catalog items and incidents.
Include knowledge articles, service catalog items and incidents based on the short
description filter pattern.
Choose to filter active and inactive service catalog items and incidents.
Choose to filter incidents based on incident type.
Choose which entities should have their ACL crawled.
You can use a ServiceNow query to specify the documents you want from one or more
knowledge bases, including private knowledge bases. Access to the knowledge bases is
determined by the user that you use to connect to the ServiceNow instance. For more
information, see Specifying documents to index with a query.
Identity crawler—Specify whether to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler. The identity
crawler uses the access control list (ACL) information for your documents to filter search
results based on the user or their group access to documents. If you have an ACL for your
documents and choose to use your ACL, you can then also choose to turn on Amazon
Kendra’s identity crawler to configure user context filtering of search results. Otherwise,
if identity crawler is turned off, all documents can be publicly searched. If you want to use
access control for your documents and identity crawler is turned off, you can alternatively use
the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user and group access information for user context
Field mappings—Choose to map your ServiceNow data source fields to your Amazon Kendra
index fields. For more information, see Mapping data source fields.
ServiceNow 968
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
The document body field or the document body equivalent for your documents
is required in order for Amazon Kendra to search your documents. You must
map your document body field name in your data source to the index field name
_document_body. All other fields are optional.
For a list of other important JSON keys to configure, see ServiceNow template schema.
Learn more
To learn more about integrating Amazon Kendra with your ServiceNow data source, see:
Getting started with Amazon KendraAnnouncing the updated ServiceNow connector (V2) for
Amazon Kendra
Specifying documents to index with a query
You can use a ServiceNow query to specify the documents you want to include in an Amazon
Kendra index. When you use a query, you can specify multiple knowledge bases, including private
knowledge bases. Access to the knowledge bases is determined by the user that you use to connect
to the ServiceNow instance.
To build a query, you use the ServiceNow query builder. You can use the builder to create the query
and to test that the query returns the correct list of documents.
To create a query using the ServiceNow console
1. Log in to the ServiceNow console.
2. From the left menu, choose Knowledge, then Articles, and the choose All.
3. At the top of the page, choose the filter icon.
4. Use the query builder to create the query.
5. When the query is complete, right click the query and choose Copy query to copy the query
from the query builder. Save this query to use in Amazon Kendra.
ServiceNow 969
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Make sure that you don't change any query parameter when you copy the query. If any of the query
parameters are not recognized, ServiceNow treats the parameter as empty and doesn't use it to
filter the results.
Slack is an enterprise communications app that lets users send messages and attachments through
various public and private channels. You can use Amazon Kendra to index your Slack public and
private channels, bot and archive messages, files and attachments, direct and group messages. You
can also choose specific content to filter.
Amazon Kendra now supports an upgraded Slack connector.
The console has been automatically upgraded for you. Any new connectors you create in
the console will use the upgraded architecture. If you use the API, you must now use the
TemplateConfiguration object instead of the SlackConfiguration object to configure
your connector.
Connectors configured using the older console and API architecture will continue to
function as configured. However, you won’t be able to edit or update them. If you want to
edit or update your connector configuration, you must create a new connector.
We recommended migrating your connector workflow to the upgraded version. Support for
connectors configured using the older architecture is scheduled to end by June 2024.
You can connect Amazon Kendra to your Slack data source using the Amazon Kendra console or the
TemplateConfiguration API.
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra Slack data source connector, see Troubleshooting data
Slack 970
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Supported features
Connection instructions
Learn more
Supported features
Amazon Kendra Slack data source connector supports the following features:
Field mappings
User access control
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Full and incremental content syncs
Virtual private cloud (VPC)
Before you can use Amazon Kendra to index your Slack data source, make these changes in your
Slack and AWS accounts.
In Slack, make sure you have:
Configured a Slack Bot User OAuth token or Slack User OAuth token. You can choose either
token to connect Amazon Kendra to your Slack data source. A token is required to use as your
authentication credentials. See Slack documentation on access tokens for more information.
If you use the bot token as part of your Slack credentials, you cannot index direct
messages and group messages and you must add the bot token to the channel you want
to index.
Slack 971
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
Noted your Slack workspace team ID from your Slack workspace main page URL. For example, where T0123456789 is the team ID.
Added the following Oauth scopes/permissions:
User token scope Bot token scope
Slack 972
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Checked each document is unique in Slack and across other data sources you plan to use for
the same index. Each data source that you want to use for an index must not contain the same
document across the data sources. Document IDs are global to an index and must be unique per
In your AWS account, make sure you have:
Created an Amazon Kendra index and, if using the API, noted the index ID.
Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.
If you change your authentication type and credentials, you must update your IAM role to
access the correct AWS Secrets Manager secret ID.
Stored your Slack authentication credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager secret and, if using the
API, noted the ARN of the secret.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
If you don’t have an existing IAM role or secret, you can use the console to create a new IAM role
and Secrets Manager secret when you connect your Slack data source to Amazon Kendra. If you are
using the API, you must provide the ARN of an existing IAM role and Secrets Manager secret, and
an index ID.
Connection instructions
To connect Amazon Kendra to your Slack data source, you must provide the necessary details of
your Slack data source so that Amazon Kendra can access your data. If you have not yet configured
Slack for Amazon Kendra, see Prerequisites.
Slack 973
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
To connect Amazon Kendra to Slack
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console.
2. From the left navigation pane, choose Indexes and then choose the index you want to use
from the list of indexes.
You can choose to configure or edit your User access control settings under Index
3. On the Getting started page, choose Add data source.
4. On the Add data source page, choose Slack connector, and then choose Add connector. If
using version 2 (if applicable), choose Slack connector with the "V2.0" tag.
5. On the Specify data source details page, enter the following information:
a. In Name and description, for Data source name—Enter a name for your data source.
You can include hyphens but not spaces.
b. (Optional) Description—Enter an optional description for your data source.
c. In Default language—Choose a language to filter your documents for the index.
Unless you specify otherwise, the language defaults to English. Language specified in
the document metadata overrides the selected language.
d. In Tags, for Add new tag—Include optional tags to search and filter your resources or
track your AWS costs.
e. Choose Next.
6. On the Define access and security page, enter the following information:
a. For Slack workspace team ID—The team ID of your Slack workspace. You can find
your team ID in your Slack workspace main page URL. For example, https:// where T0123456789 is the team ID.
b. Authorization—Turn on or off access control list (ACL) information for your
documents, if you have an ACL and want to use it for access control. The ACL specifies
which documents that users and groups can access. The ACL information is used to
filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
Slack 974
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
c. AWS Secrets Manager secret—Choose an existing secret or create a new Secrets
Manager secret to store your Slack authentication credentials. If you choose to create a
new secret an AWS Secrets Manager secret window opens.
i. Enter following information in the Create an AWS Secrets Manager secret
A. Secret name—A name for your secret. The prefix ‘AmazonKendra-Slack-’ is
automatically added to your secret name.
B. For Slack token—Enter the authentication credential values you configured
ii. Save and add your secret.
d. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—You can choose to use a VPC. If so, you must add
Subnets and VPC security groups.
e. Identity crawler—Specify whether to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler. The
identity crawler uses the access control list (ACL) information for your documents to
filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. If you have
an ACL for your documents and choose to use your ACL, you can then also choose
to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler to configure user context filtering of
search results. Otherwise, if identity crawler is turned off, all documents can be publicly
searched. If you want to use access control for your documents and identity crawler is
turned off, you can alternatively use the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user and
group access information for user context filtering.
f. IAM role—Choose an existing IAM role or create a new IAM role to access your
repository credentials and index content.
IAM roles used for indexes cannot be used for data sources. If you are unsure if
an existing role is used for an index or FAQ, choose Create a new role to avoid
g. Choose Next.
7. On the Configure sync settings page, enter the following information:
Slack 975
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
a. Select type of content—Select the Slack entities or content types you want to crawl.
You can choose from all channels, public channels, private channels, group messages,
and private messages.
b. Select crawl start date—Enter the date you want to start crawling your content.
c. For Additional configuration—Choose to include bot and archived messages and use
regular expression patterns to include or exclude certain content.
If you choose to include for both channel IDs and channel names, the Amazon
Kendra Slack connector will prioritize channel IDs over channel names.
If you've chosen to include certain private and group messages, the Amazon
Kendra Slack connector will ignore all private and group messages and only
crawl the private and group messages you specify.
d. Sync mode—Choose how you want to update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first
time, all content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your
data if your initial sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode
Full sync: Freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time your data
source syncs with your index.
New, modified, deleted sync: Index only new, modified, and deleted content each
time your data source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data
source's mechanism for tracking content changes and index content that changed
since the last sync.
e. In Sync run schedule, for Frequency—Choose how often to sync your data source
content and update your index.
f. Choose Next.
8. On the Set field mappings page, enter the following information:
a. Default data source fields—Select from the Amazon Kendra generated default data
source fields you want to map to your index.
b. Add field—To add custom data source fields to create an index field name to map to
and the field data type.
Slack 976
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
c. Choose Next.
9. On the Review and create page, check that the information you have entered is correct
and then select Add data source. You can also choose to edit your information from this
page. Your data source will appear on the Data sources page after the data source has been
added successfully.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Slack
You must specify a JSON of the data source schema using the TemplateConfiguration API. You
must provide the following information:
Data source—Specify the data source type as SLACK when you use the
TemplateConfiguration JSON schema. Also specify the data source as TEMPLATE when you
call the CreateDataSource API.
Slack workspace team ID—The Slack team ID you copied from your Slack main page URL.
Since date—The date to start crawling your data from your Slack workspace team. The date
must follow this format: yyyy-mm-dd.
Sync mode—Specify how Amazon Kendra should update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first time, all
content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your data if your initial
sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode option. You can choose
FORCED_FULL_CRAWL to freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time
your data source syncs with your index.
FULL_CRAWL to index only new, modified, and deleted content each time your data source
syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking
content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
CHANGE_LOG to index only new and modified content each time your data source syncs
with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source’s mechanism for tracking content
changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
Identity crawler—Specify whether to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler. The identity
crawler uses the access control list (ACL) information for your documents to filter search
results based on the user or their group access to documents. If you have an ACL for your
Slack 977
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
documents and choose to use your ACL, you can then also choose to turn on Amazon
Kendra’s identity crawler to configure user context filtering of search results. Otherwise,
if identity crawler is turned off, all documents can be publicly searched. If you want to use
access control for your documents and identity crawler is turned off, you can alternatively use
the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user and group access information for user context
Secret Amazon Resource Name (ARN)—Provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an
Secrets Manager secret that contains the authentication credentials for your Slack account.
The secret is stored in a JSON structure with the following keys:
"slackToken": "token"
IAM role—Specify RoleArn when you call CreateDataSource to provide an IAM role with
permissions to access your Secrets Manager secret and to call the required public APIs for
the Slack connector and Amazon Kendra. For more information, see IAM roles for Slack data
You can also add the following optional features:
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—Specify VpcConfiguration when you call
CreateDataSource. For more information, see Configuring Amazon Kendra to use an
Amazon VPC.
Specific channels—Filter by public or private channels, and specify certain channels by their
Types of channels and messages—Whether Amazon Kendra should index your public and
private channels, your group and direct messages, and your bot and archived messages. If you
use a bot token as part of your Slack authentication credentials, you must add the bot token
to the channel you want to index. You cannot index direct messages and group messages
using a bot token.
Look back—You can choose to configure a lookBack parameter so that the Slack connector
crawls updated or deleted content up to a specified number of hours before your last
connector sync.
Inclusion and exclusion filters—Specify whether to include or exclude certain Slack content.
If you use a bot token as part of your Slack authentication credentials, you must add the
Slack 978
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
bot token to the channel you want to index. You cannot index direct messages and group
messages using a bot token.
Most data sources use regular expression patterns, which are inclusion or exclusion
patterns referred to as filters. If you specify an inclusion filter, only content that
matches the inclusion filter is indexed. Any document that doesn’t match the
inclusion filter isn’t indexed. If you specify an inclusion and exclusion filter, documents
that match the exclusion filter are not indexed, even if they match the inclusion filter.
Field mappings—Choose to map your Slack data source fields to your Amazon Kendra index
fields. For more information, see Mapping data source fields.
The document body field or the document body equivalent for your documents
is required in order for Amazon Kendra to search your documents. You must
map your document body field name in your data source to the index field name
_document_body. All other fields are optional.
For a list of other important JSON keys to configure, see Slack template schema.
Learn more
To learn more about integrating Amazon Kendra with your Slack data source, see:
Unravel the knowledge in Slack workspaces with intelligent search using the Amazon Kendra
Slack connector
Zendesk is a customer relationship management system that helps businesses automate and
enhance customer support interactions. You can use Amazon Kendra to index your Zendesk
support tickets, ticket comments, ticket attachments, help center articles, article comments,
Zendesk 979
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
article comment attachments, guide community topics, community posts, and community post
You can filter by organization name if you want to index tickets that are only within a specific
organization. You can also choose to set a crawl date for when you want to start crawling data
from Zendesk.
You can connect Amazon Kendra to your Zendesk data source using the Amazon Kendra console
and the TemplateConfiguration API.
For troubleshooting your Amazon Kendra Zendesk data source connector, see Troubleshooting data
Supported features
Connection instructions
Learn more
Supported features
Amazon Kendra Zendesk data source connector supports the following features:
Field mappings
User access control
Inclusion/exclusion filters
Change log, full and incremental content syncs
Virtual private cloud (VPC)
Before you can use Amazon Kendra to index your Zendesk data source, make these changes in your
Zendesk and AWS accounts.
In Zendesk, make sure you have:
Created a Zendesk Suite (Professional/Enterprise) administrative account.
Zendesk 980
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Noted your Zendesk host URL. For example, https://{sub-domain}
(On-premise/server) Amazon Kendra checks if the endpoint information included in
AWS Secrets Manager is the same the endpoint information specified in your data source
configuration details. This helps protect against the confused deputy problem, which
is a security issue where a user doesn’t have permission to perform an action but uses
Amazon Kendra as a proxy to access the configured secret and perform the action. If
you later change your endpoint information, you must create a new secret to sync this
Configured an OAuth 2.0 token containing a client ID, client secret, user name, and password.
The OAuth 2.0 token is required to use as your authentication credentials. See Zendesk
documentation on configuring OAuth 2.0 tokens for more information.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
Added the following OAuth 2.0 scope:
Optional: Installed an SSL certificate to allow Amazon Kendra to connect.
Checked each document is unique in Zendesk and across other data sources you plan to use for
the same index. Each data source that you want to use for an index must not contain the same
document across the data sources. Document IDs are global to an index and must be unique per
In your AWS account, make sure you have:
Created an Amazon Kendra index and, if using the API, noted the index ID.
Created an IAM role for your data source and, if using the API, noted the ARN of the IAM role.
Zendesk 981
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
If you change your authentication type and credentials, you must update your IAM role to
access the correct AWS Secrets Manager secret ID.
Stored your Zendesk authentication credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager secret and, if using
the API, noted the ARN of the secret.
We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide
only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you
re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0
(where applicable).
If you don’t have an existing IAM role or secret, you can use the console to create a new IAM role
and Secrets Manager secret when you connect your Zendesk data source to Amazon Kendra. If you
are using the API, you must provide the ARN of an existing IAM role and Secrets Manager secret,
and an index ID.
Connection instructions
To connect Amazon Kendra to your Zendesk data source, you must provide the necessary details
of your Zendesk data source so that Amazon Kendra can access your data. If you have not yet
configured Zendesk for Amazon Kendra, see Prerequisites.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Zendesk
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console.
2. From the left navigation pane, choose Indexes and then choose the index you want to use
from the list of indexes.
Zendesk 982
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
You can choose to configure or edit your User access control settings under Index
3. On the Getting started page, choose Add data source.
4. On the Add data source page, choose Zendesk connector, and then choose Add
connector. If using version 2 (if applicable), choose Zendesk connector with the "V2.0" tag.
5. On the Specify data source details page, enter the following information:
a. In Name and description, for Data source name—Enter a name for your data source.
You can include hyphens but not spaces.
b. (Optional) Description—Enter an optional description for your data source.
c. In Default language—Choose a language to filter your documents for the index.
Unless you specify otherwise, the language defaults to English. Language specified in
the document metadata overrides the selected language.
d. In Tags, for Add new tag—Include optional tags to search and filter your resources or
track your AWS costs.
e. Choose Next.
6. On the Define access and security page, enter the following information:
Zendesk URL—Enter your Zendesk URL. For example, https://{sub-
b. Authorization—Turn on or off access control list (ACL) information for your
documents, if you have an ACL and want to use it for access control. The ACL specifies
which documents that users and groups can access. The ACL information is used to
filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
c. AWS Secrets Manager secret—Choose an existing secret or create a new Secrets
Manager secret to store your Zendesk authentication credentials. If you choose to
create a new secret an AWS Secrets Manager secret window opens.
i. Enter following information in the Create an AWS Secrets Manager secret
Zendesk 983
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
A. Secret name—A name for your secret. The prefix ‘AmazonKendra-Zendesk-’ is
automatically added to your secret name.
B. For Client ID, Client secret, User name, Password—Enter the authentication
credential values configured in Zendesk.
ii. Save and add your secret.
d. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—You can choose to use a VPC. If so, you must add
Subnets and VPC security groups.
e. Identity crawler—Specify whether to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler. The
identity crawler uses the access control list (ACL) information for your documents to
filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. If you have
an ACL for your documents and choose to use your ACL, you can then also choose
to turn on Amazon Kendra’s identity crawler to configure user context filtering of
search results. Otherwise, if identity crawler is turned off, all documents can be publicly
searched. If you want to use access control for your documents and identity crawler is
turned off, you can alternatively use the PutPrincipalMapping API to upload user and
group access information for user context filtering.
f. IAM role—Choose an existing IAM role or create a new IAM role to access your
repository credentials and index content.
IAM roles used for indexes cannot be used for data sources. If you are unsure if
an existing role is used for an index or FAQ, choose Create a new role to avoid
g. Choose Next.
7. On the Configure sync settings page, enter the following information:
a. Select contents—Select the types of content you want to crawl from tickets, to help
center articles, community topics, and more.
b. Organization name—Enter the Zendesk organization names to filter content.
c. Sync start date—Enter the date from which you want to start crawling your content.
d. Regex patterns—Add regular expression patterns to include or exclude certain files.
You can add up to 100 patterns.
Zendesk 984
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
e. Sync mode—Choose how you want to update your index when your data source
content changes. When you sync your data source with Amazon Kendra for the first
time, all content is crawled and indexed by default. You must run a full sync of your
data if your initial sync failed, even if you don't choose full sync as your sync mode
Full sync: Freshly index all content, replacing existing content each time your data
source syncs with your index.
New, modified sync: Index only new and modified content each time your data
source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data source's mechanism
for tracking content changes and index content that changed since the last sync.
New, modified, deleted sync: Index only new, modified, and deleted content each
time your data source syncs with your index. Amazon Kendra can use your data
source's mechanism for tracking content changes and index content that changed
since the last sync.
f. In Sync run schedule for Frequency—Choose how often to sync your data source
content and update your index.
g. Choose Next.
8. On the Set field mappings page, enter the following information:
a. Default data source fields—Select from the Amazon Kendra generated default data
source fields you want to map to your index.
b. Add field—To add custom data source fields to create an index field name to map to
and the field data type.
c. Choose Next.
9. On the Review and create page, check that the information you have entered is correct
and then select Add data source. You can also choose to edit your information from this
page. Your data source will appear on the Data sources page after the data source has been
added successfully.
To connect Amazon Kendra to Zendesk
You must specify a JSON of the data source schema using the TemplateConfiguration API. You
must provide the following information:
Zendesk 985
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Data source—Specify the data source type as ZENDESK when you use the
TemplateConfiguration JSON schema. Also specify the data source as TEMPLATE when you
call the CreateDataSource API.
Host URL—Provide your Zendesk host URL as part of the connection configuration or
repository endpoint details. For example,
Change log—Whether Amazon Kendra should use the Zendesk data source change log
mechanism to determine if a document must be updated in the index.
Use the change log if you don’t want Amazon Kendra to scan all of the documents.
If your change log is large, it might take Amazon Kendra less time to scan the
documents in the Zendesk data source than to process the change log. If you are
syncing your Zendesk data source with your index for the first time, all documents are
Secret Amazon Resource Name (ARN)—Provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an
Secrets Manager secret that contains the authentication credentials for your Zendesk account.
The secret is stored in a JSON structure with the following keys:
"hostUrl": "",
"clientId": "client ID",
"clientSecret": "Zendesk client secret",
"userName": "Zendesk user name",
"password": "Zendesk password"
IAM role—Specify RoleArn when you call CreateDataSource to provide an IAM role with
permissions to access your Secrets Manager secret and to call the required public APIs for
the Zendesk connector and Amazon Kendra. For more information, see IAM roles for Zendesk
data sources.
You can also add the following optional features:
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)—Specify VpcConfiguration when you call
CreateDataSource. For more information, see Configuring Amazon Kendra to use an
Amazon VPC.
Zendesk 986
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Document/content types—Specify whether to crawl:
Support tickets, ticket comments, and/or ticket comment attachments
Help center articles, article attachments, and article comments
Guide community topics, posts, or post comments
Inclusion and exclusion filters—Specify whether to include or exclude certain Slack content.
If you use a bot token as part of your Slack authentication credentials, you must add the
bot token to the channel you want to index. You cannot index direct messages and group
messages using a bot token.
Most data sources use regular expression patterns, which are inclusion or exclusion
patterns referred to as filters. If you specify an inclusion filter, only content that
matches the inclusion filter is indexed. Any document that doesn’t match the
inclusion filter isn’t indexed. If you specify an inclusion and exclusion filter, documents
that match the exclusion filter are not indexed, even if they match the inclusion filter.
User context filtering and access control—Amazon Kendra crawls the access control list
(ACL) for your documents, if you have an ACL for your documents. The ACL information is
used to filter search results based on the user or their group access to documents. For more
information, see User context filtering.
Field mappings—Choose to map your Zendesk data source fields to your Amazon Kendra
index fields. For more information, see Mapping data source fields.
The document body field or the document body equivalent for your documents
is required in order for Amazon Kendra to search your documents. You must
map your document body field name in your data source to the index field name
_document_body. All other fields are optional.
For a list of other important JSON keys to configure, see Zendesk template schema.
Zendesk 987
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Learn more
To learn more about integrating Amazon Kendra with your Zendesk data source, see:
Discover insights from Zendesk with Amazon Kendra intelligent search
Mapping data source fields
Amazon Kendra data source connectors can map document or content fields from your data source
to fields in your Amazon Kendra index. By default, each connector is designed to crawl specific data
source fields. Default data source fields and their properties cannot be changed or customized. On
the Amazon Kendra console, default fields and default field properties that cannnot be edited are
grayed out.
Amazon Kendra connectors also allow you to map custom document or content fields from your
data source to custom fields in your index. For example, if you have a field in your data source
called "dept" that contains department information for a document, you can map it to an index
field called "Department". That way, you can use the field when querying documents.
You can also map Amazon Kendra reserved or common fields such as _created_at. If your data
source has a field called "creation_date", you can map this to the equivalent Amazon Kendra
reserved field called _created_at. For more information on Amazon Kendra reserved fields, see
Document attributes or fields.
You can map fields for most data sources. You can create field mappings for the following data
Adobe Experience Manager
Aurora (MySQL)
Aurora (PostgreSQL)
Amazon FSx (Windows)
Amazon FSx (NetApp ONTAP)
Amazon RDS/Aurora
Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server)
Amazon RDS (MySQL)
Amazon RDS (Oracle)
Mapping data source fields 988
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL)
Amazon Kendra Web Crawler
Amazon WorkDocs
Google Workspace Drives
Microsoft Exchange
Microsoft OneDrive
Microsoft SharePoint
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft Yammer
Oracle Database
If you store your documents in an S3 bucket, or S3 data source, you specify your fields using a
JSON metadata file. For more information, see S3 data source connector.
Mapping your data source fields to an index field is a three-step process:
Mapping data source fields 989
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
1. Create an index. For more information, see Creating an index.
2. Update the index to add fields.
3. Create a data source and include field mappings to map reserved fields and any custom fields to
Amazon Kendra index fields.
To update the index to add custom fields, use the console to edit the data source field mappings
and add a custom field or use the UpdateIndex API. You can add a total of 500 custom fields to
your index.
For database data sources, if the name of the database column matches the name of a reserved
field, the field and column are automatically mapped.
With the UpdateIndex API, you add reserved and custom fields using
The following JSON example uses DocumentMetadataConfigurationUpdates to add a field
called "Department" to the index.
"DocumentmetadataConfigurationUpdates": [
"Name": "Department",
When you create the field, you have the option of setting how the field is used for search. You can
choose from the following:
Displayable—Determines whether the field is returned in the query response. The default is
Facetable—Indicates that the field can be used to create facets. The default is false.
Searchable—Determines whether the field is used in the search. The default is true for string
fields and false for number and date fields.
Sortable—Indicates that the field can be used to sort the response from a query. Can only be set
for date, number, and string fields. Can't be set for string list fields.
The following JSON example uses DocumentMetadataConfigurationUpdates to add a field
called "Department" to the index and marks it as facetable.
Mapping data source fields 990
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"DocumentMetadataConfigurationUpdates": [
"Name": "Department",
"Search": {
"Facetable": true
Using Amazon Kendra reserved or common document fields
With the UpdateIndex API, you can create reserved or common fields using
DocumentMetadataConfigurationUpdates and specifying the Amazon Kendra reserved
index field name to map to your equivalent document attribute/field name. You can also create
custom fields. If you use a data source connector, most include field mappings that map your data
source document fields to Amazon Kendra index fields. If you use the console, you update fields
by selecting your data source, selecting the edit action, and then proceeding next to the field
mappings section for configuring the data source.
You can configure the Search object to set a field as either displayable, facetable, searchable, and
sortable. You can configure the Relevance object to set a field's rank order, boost duration or
time period to apply to boosting, freshness, importance value, and importance values mapped to
specific field values. If you use the console, you can set the search settings for a field by selecting
the facet option in the navigation menu. To set relevance tuning, select the option to search your
index in the navigation menu, enter a query, and use the side panel options to tune the search
relevance. You cannot change the field type once you have created the field.
Amazon Kendra has the following reserved or common document fields that you can use:
_authors—A list of one or more authors responsible for the content of the document.
_category—A category that places a document in a specific group.
_created_at—The date and time in ISO 8601 format that the document was created. For
example, 2012-03-25T12:30:10+01:00 is the ISO 8601 date-time format for March 25th 2012 at
12:30PM (plus 10 seconds) in Central European Time.
_data_source_id—The identifier of the data source that contains the document.
_document_body—The content of the document.
Using Amazon Kendra reserved or common document fields 991
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
_document_id—A unique identifier for the document.
_document_title—The title of the document.
_excerpt_page_number—The page number in a PDF file where the document excerpt appears.
If your index was created before September 8, 2020, you must re-index your documents before
you can use this attribute.
_faq_id—If this is a question-answer type document (FAQ), a unique identifier for the FAQ.
_file_type—The file type of the document, such as pdf or doc.
_last_updated_at—The date and time in ISO 8601 format that the document was last
updated. For example, 2012-03-25T12:30:10+01:00 is the ISO 8601 date-time format for March
25th 2012 at 12:30PM (plus 10 seconds) in Central European Time.
_source_uri—The URI where the document is available. For example, the URI of the document
on a company website.
_version—An identifier for the specific version of a document.
_view_count—The number of times that the document has been viewed.
_language_code (String)—The code for a language that applies to the document. This defaults
to English if you do not specify a language. For more information on supported languages,
including their codes, see Adding documents in languages other than English.
For custom fields, you create these fields using DocumentMetadataConfigurationUpdates
with the UpdateIndex API, just as you do when creating a reserved or common field. You must
set the appropriate data type for your custom field. If you use the console, you update fields
by selecting your data source, selecting the edit action, and then proceeding next to the field
mappings section for configuring the data source. Some data sources don't support adding new
fields or custom fields. You cannot change the field type once you have created the field.
The following are the types you can set for custom fields:
String list
If you added documents to the index using BatchPutDocument API, Attributes lists the fields/
attributes of your documents and you create fields using the DocumentAttribute object.
Using Amazon Kendra reserved or common document fields 992
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
For documents indexed from an Amazon S3 data source, you create fields using a JSON metadata
file that includes the fields information.
If you use a supported database as your data source, you can configure your fields using the field
mappings option.
Adding documents in languages other than English
You can index documents in multiple languages. If you don't specify a language, Amazon Kendra
indexes documents in English by default. You include the language code for a document in the
document metadata as a field. See Field mappings and Custom attributes for more information on
the _language_code field for a document.
You can specify the language code for all your documents in your data source when you call
CreateDataSource. If a document doesn't have a language code specified in a metadata field, the
document is indexed using the language code specified for all documents at the data source level.
In the console, you can index documents in a supported language only at the data source level.
Go to Data sources, then the Specify data source details page, and choose a language from the
dropdown Language.
You can also search or query documents in a supported language. For more information, see
Searching in languages.
The following languages and their codes are supported (English or en is supported by default if
you don't specify a language). This table includes languages that Amazon Kendra supports with full
semantic search, as well as languages that only support simple keyword matching. Languages that
support full semantic search are marked with an asterisk and are in bold text in the following table.
English (default language) is also supported with full semantic search.
Advanced search queries that use search keywords like AND and OR aren't supported for
Japanese language.
Language name Language code
Adding documents in languages other than English 993
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Language name Language code
Chinese – simplified and traditional*
French – includes French (Canada)*
Adding documents in languages other than English 994
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Language name Language code
Portuguese (Brazil)*
Spanish – includes Spanish (Mexico)*
*Semantic search is supported for the language.
For languages that support semantic search, the following features are supported.
Document relevance beyond simple keyword matching.
FAQs beyond simple keyword matching.
Extracting answers from documents based on Amazon Kendra's reading comprehension.
Confidence buckets (very high, high, medium, and low) of the search results.
For languages that don't support semantic search, simple keyword matching is supported for
document relevance and FAQs.
Adding documents in languages other than English 995
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Synonyms (including custom synonyms), incremental learning and feedback, and query
suggestions are only supported for English (default language).
Configuring Amazon Kendra to use an Amazon VPC
Amazon Kendra can connect to a virtual private cloud (VPC) that you created with Amazon Virtual
Private Cloud to index content stored in data sources running in your private cloud. When you
create a data source connector, you can provide security group and subnet identifiers for the
subnet that contains your data source. With this information, Amazon Kendra creates an elastic
network interface that it uses to securely communicate with your data source within your VPC.
To set up an Amazon Kendra data source connector with Amazon VPC, you can use either the AWS
Management Console or the CreateDataSource API operation. If you use the console, you connect a
VPC during the connector configuration process.
The Amazon VPC feature is optional when setting up an Amazon Kendra data source
connector. If your data source is accessible from the public internet, you don't need to
enable the Amazon VPC feature. Not all Amazon Kendra data source connectors support
Amazon VPC.
If your data source isn't running on Amazon VPC and isn't accessible from the public internet, you
first connect your data source to your VPC using a virtual private network (VPN). Then, you can
connect your data source to Amazon Kendra by using a combination of Amazon VPC and AWS
Virtual Private Network. For information about setting up a VPN, see the AWS VPN documentation.
Configuring Amazon VPC support for Amazon Kendra connectors
Set up an Amazon Kendra data source to connect to Amazon VPC
Connecting to a database in a VPC
Troubleshooting VPC connection issues
Configuring Amazon VPC support for Amazon Kendra connectors
To configure Amazon VPC for use with your Amazon Kendra connectors, take the following steps.
Configuring Amazon Kendra to use an Amazon VPC 996
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Step 1. Create Amazon VPC subnets for Amazon Kendra
Step 2. Create Amazon VPC security groups for Amazon Kendra
Step 3. Configure your external data source and Amazon VPC
Step 1. Create Amazon VPC subnets for Amazon Kendra
Create or choose an existing Amazon VPC subnet that Amazon Kendra can use to access your data
source. The prepared subnets must be in one of the following AWS Regions and Availability Zones:
US West (Oregon)/us-west-2—usw2-az1, usw2-az2, usw2-az3
US East (N. Virginia)/us-east-1—use1-az1, use1-az2, use1-az4
US East (Ohio)/us-east-2—use2-az1, use2-az2, use2-az3
Asia Pacific (Tokyo)/ap-northeast-1—apne1-az1, apne1-az2, apne1-az4
Asia Pacific (Mumbai)/ap-south-1—aps1-az1, aps1-az2, aps1-az3
Asia Pacific (Singapore)/ap-southeast-1—apse1-az1, apse1-az2, apse1-az3
Asia Pacific (Sydney)/ap-southeast-2—apse2-az1, apse2-az2, apse2-az3
Canada (Central)/ca-central-1—cac1-az1, cac1-az2, cac1-az4
Europe (Ireland)/eu-west-1—euw1-az1, uew1-az2, euw1-az3
Europe (London)/eu-west-2—usw2-az1, usw2-az2, usw2-az3
Your data source must be accessible from the subnets that you provided to Amazon Kendra
For more information about how to configure Amazon VPC subnets, see Subnets for your Amazon
VPC in the Amazon VPC User Guide.
If Amazon Kendra must route the connection between two or more subnets, you can prepare
multiple subnets. For example, the subnet that contains your data source is out of IP addresses.
In that case, you can provide Amazon Kendra with an additional subnet that has sufficient IP
addresses and connected to the first subnet. If you list multiple subnets, the subnets must be able
to communicate with each other.
Configuring Amazon VPC 997
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Step 2. Create Amazon VPC security groups for Amazon Kendra
To connect your Amazon Kendra data source connector to Amazon VPC, you must prepare one
or more security groups from your VPC to assign to Amazon Kendra. The security groups will be
associated to the elastic network interface created by Amazon Kendra. This network interface
controls inbound and outbound traffic to and from Amazon Kendra when accessing the Amazon
VPC subnets.
Make sure that your security group's outbound rules allow the traffic from Amazon Kendra data
source connectors to access the subnets and the data source that you are going to sync with. For
example, you might use an MySQL connector to sync from a MySQL database. If you're using the
default port, the security groups must allow Amazon Kendra to access port 3306 on the host that
runs the database.
We recommend that you configure a default security group with the following values for Amazon
Kendra to use:
Inbound rules – If you choose to leave this empty, all inbound traffic will be blocked.
Outbound rules – Add one rule to allow all outbound traffic so that Amazon Kendra can initiate
the requests to sync from your data source.
IP version – IPv4
Type – All traffic
Protocol – All traffic
Port range – All
Destination –
For more information about how to configure Amazon VPC security groups, see Security group
rules in the Amazon VPC User Guide.
Step 3. Configure your external data source and Amazon VPC
Make sure that your external data source has the correct permissions configuration and network
settings for Amazon Kendra to access it. You can find detailed instructions on how to configure
your data sources in the prerequisites section of each connector page.
Also, check your Amazon VPC settings and make sure that your external data source is reachable
from the subnet you will assign to Amazon Kendra. To do this, we recommend that you create an
Configuring Amazon VPC 998
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Amazon EC2 instance in the same subnet with the same security groups and test access to your
data source from this Amazon EC2 instance. For more information, see Troubleshooting Amazon
VPC connection.
Set up an Amazon Kendra data source to connect to Amazon VPC
When you add a new data source in Amazon Kendra, you can use the Amazon VPC feature if the
selected data source connector supports this feature.
You can set up a new Amazon Kendra data source with Amazon VPC enabled by using the AWS
Management Console or the Amazon Kendra API. Specifically, use the CreateDataSource API
operation, and then use the VpcConfiguration parameter to provide the following information:
SubnetIds – A list of identifiers of Amazon VPC subnets
SecurityGroupIds – A list of identifiers of Amazon VPC security groups
If you use the console, you provide the required Amazon VPC information during connector
configuration. To use the console to enable the Amazon VPC feature for a connector, you first
choose an Amazon VPC. Then, you provide identifiers of any Amazon VPC subnets and identifiers
of any Amazon VPC security groups. You can choose the Amazon VPC subnets and Amazon VPC
security groups that you created in Configuring Amazon VPC, or use any existing ones.
Viewing Amazon VPC identifiers
Checking your data source IAM role
Viewing Amazon VPC identifiers
The identifiers for subnets and security groups are configured in the Amazon VPC console. To view
the identifiers, use the following procedures.
To view subnet identifiers
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon VPC console at https://
2. From the navigation pane, choose Subnets.
3. From the Subnets list, choose the subnet that contains your database server.
Connecting to Amazon VPC 999
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
4. From the Details tab, make a note of the identifier in the Subnet ID field.
To view security group identifiers
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon VPC console at https://
2. From the navigation pane, choose Security groups.
3. From the security group list, choose the group that you want the identifier for.
4. From the Details tab, make a note of the identifier in the Security Group ID field.
Checking your data source IAM role
Make sure that your data source connector AWS Identity and Access Management IAM) role
contains permissions to access your Amazon VPC.
If you use the console to create a new role for your IAM role, Amazon Kendra automatically adds
the correct permissions to your IAM role on your behalf. If you use the API, or use an existing IAM
role, check that your role contains permissions to access Amazon VPC. To verify that you have the
right permissions, see IAM roles for VPC.
You can modify an existing data source to use a different Amazon VPC subnet. However, check your
data source's IAM role and, if necessary, modify it to reflect the change for the Amazon Kendra data
source connector to work properly.
Connecting to a database in a VPC
The following example shows how to connect a MySQL database running in a virtual private cloud
(VPC) . The example assumes that you're starting with your default VPC and that you need to
create a MySQL database. If you already have a VPC, make sure that it's configured as shown. If you
have a MySQL database, you can use that instead of creating a new one.
Step 1: Configure a VPC
Step 2: Create and configure security groups
Step 3: Create a database
Step 4: Create a data source connector
Connecting to a database 1000
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Step 1: Configure a VPC
Configure your VPC so that you have a private subnet and a security group for Amazon Kendra to
access a MySQL database running in the subnet. The subnets provided in the VPC configuration
must be in the US West (Oregon) Region, the US East (N. Virginia) Region, or the Europe (Ireland)
To configure a VPC using Amazon VPC
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon VPC console at https://
2. From the navigation pane, choose Route tables, then choose Create route table.
For the Name field, enter Private subnet route table. From the VPC dropdown, select
your VPC, and then choose Create route table. Choose Close to return to the list of route
4. From the navigation pane, choose NAT gateways, then choose Create NAT gateway.
5. From the Subnet dropdown, choose the subnet that's the public subnet. Make a note of the
subnet ID.
6. If you don't have an Elastic IP address, choose Create New EIP, choose Create a NAT Gateway,
and then choose Close.
7. From the navigation pane, choose Route tables.
8. From the route table list, choose the Private subnet route table that you created in step 3.
From Actions, choose Edit routes.
Choose Add route. For the destination, enter to allow all outgoing traffic to the
internet. For Target, choose NAT Gateway, and then choose the gateway that you created in
step 4. Choose Save changes, and then choose Close.
10. From Actions, choose Edit subnet associations.
11. Choose the subnets that you want to be private. Don't choose the subnet with the NAT
gateway that you noted previously. Choose Save associations when you're done.
Step 2: Create and configure security groups
Next, configure security groups for your database.
Connecting to a database 1001
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
To create and configure security groups
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon VPC console at https://
2. From the description of your VPC, note the IPv4 CIDR.
3. From the navigation pane, choose Security groups and then choose Create security group.
For Security group name, enter DataSourceInboundSecurityGroup. Provide a description,
then choose your VPC from the list. Choose Create security group and then choose Close.
5. Choose the Inbound rules tab.
6. Choose Edit inbound rules, and then choose Add rule
For a database, enter the port number for the Port range. For example, for MySQL it's 3306,
and, for HTTPS, it's 443. For the Source, type the Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) of
your VPC. Choose Save rules and then choose Close.
The security group allows anyone within the VPC to connect to the database, and it allows
outbound connections to the internet.
Step 3: Create a database
Create a database to hold your documents, or you can use your existing database.
For instructions on how to create a MySQL database, see MySQL.
Step 4: Create a data source connector
After you configure your VPC and create your database, you can create a data source connector
for the database. For information about database connectors that Amazon Kendra supports, see
Supported connectors.
For your database, make sure that you configure your VPC, the private subnets that you created in
your VPC, and the security group that you created in your VPC.
Troubleshooting VPC connection issues
If you encounter any issues with your virtual private cloud (VPC) connection, check that your IAM
permissions, security group settings, and the subnet's route tables are configured correctly.
One potential cause of a failed data source connector sync is that the data source might be
unreachable from the subnet that you assigned to Amazon Kendra. To troubleshoot this issue, we
Troubleshooting VPC connection issues 1002
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
recommend that you create an Amazon EC2 instance with the same Amazon VPC settings. Then,
try to access the data source from this Amazon EC2 instance using REST API calls or other methods
(based on the specific type of your data source).
If you successfully access the data source from the Amazon EC2 instance that you create, it means
your data source is reachable from this subnet. Therefore, your sync issue isn't related to your data
source being inaccessible by Amazon VPC.
If you can't access your Amazon EC2 instance from your VPC configuration and validate it with
the Amazon EC2 instance that you created, you need to troubleshoot further. For example, if you
have an Amazon S3 connector whose sync failed with errors about connection issues, you can set
up an Amazon EC2 instance with the same Amazon VPC configuration that you assigned to your
Amazon S3 connector. Then, use this Amazon EC2 instance to test if your Amazon VPC has been set
up correctly.
The following is an example of setting up an Amazon EC2 instance to troubleshoot your Amazon
VPC connection with an Amazon S3 data source.
Step 1: Launch an Amazon EC2 instance
Step 2: Connect to Amazon EC2 instance
Step 3: Test Amazon S3 access
Step 1: Launch an Amazon EC2 instance
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon EC2 console at https://
2. Select Launch an instance.
3. Choose Network settings, and then choose Edit, and then do the following:
a. Choose the same VPC and Subnet that you assigned to Amazon Kendra.
b. For Firewall (security groups), choose Select existing security group. Then, select the
security group that you assigned to Amazon Kendra.
The security group should allow outbound traffic to Amazon S3.
Troubleshooting VPC connection issues 1003
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
c. Set Auto-assign public IP to Disable.
d. In Advanced details, do the following:
For IAM instance profile, select Create new IAM profile to create and attach an IAM
instance profile to your instance. Make sure that the profile has permissions to access
Amazon S3. For more information, see How can I grant my Amazon EC2 instance access
to an Amazon S3 bucket? in AWS re:Post.
Leave all other settings as default.
e. Review and launch the Amazon EC2 instance.
Step 2: Connect to Amazon EC2 instance
After your Amazon EC2 instance is running, go to your instance detail page and connect to your
instance. To do so, use the steps in Connect to your instances without requiring a public IPv4
address using EC2 Instance Connect Endpoint in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances.
Step 3: Test Amazon S3 access
After you have connected to your Amazon EC2 instance terminal, run an AWS CLI command to test
the connection from this private subnet to your Amazon S3 bucket.
To test Amazon S3 access, type the following AWS CLI command in the AWS CLI: aws s3 ls
After the AWS CLI command runs, review the following:
If you've set up the necessary IAM permissions correctly and your Amazon S3 setup is correct,
you should see a list of your Amazon S3 buckets.
If you see permission errors such as Access Denied, it's likely that yourVPC configuration is
correct, but something is wrong with your IAM permissions or Amazon S3 bucket policy.
If the command is timing out, then it's likely that your connection is timing out because your
VPC setup is incorrect and the Amazon EC2 instance can't access Amazon S3 from your subnet.
Reconfigure your VPC, and try again.
Troubleshooting VPC connection issues 1004
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Deleting an index, data source, or batch uploaded
This section shows you how to delete an index, a data source respository of documents in your
index, or documents in your index that you batch uploaded.
Deleting an index
Deleting a data source
Deleting batch uploaded documents
Deleting an index
You can delete an index from Amazon Kendra when you are no longer using the index. For
example, delete an index when:
You are no longer using the index and want to reduce charges to your AWS account. An Amazon
Kendra index accrues charges while it is running whether or not you make queries on the index.
You want to reconfigure the index for a different edition of Amazon Kendra. Delete the existing
index and then create a new one with the different edition.
You have reached the maximum number of indexes in your account and don't want to exceed
your quota. Delete an existing index and add a new one. For information about the maximum
number of indexes that you can create, see Quotas.
To delete an index, use the console, the AWS Command Line Interface, the AWS CloudFormation
script, or the DeleteIndex API. Deleting an index removes the index and all associated data
sources and document data. Deleting an index doesn't remove the original documents from your
Deleting an index is an asynchronous operation. When you start deleting an index, the index status
changes to DELETING. It remains in the DELETING state until all of the information related to
the index is removed. Once the index is deleted, it no longer appears in the results of a call to the
ListIndices API. If you call the DescribeIndex API with the deleted index's identifier, you receive and
ResourceNotFound exception.
Deleting an index 1005
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
To delete an index (console)
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console at https://
2. In the navigation pane, choose Indexes, and then choose the index to delete.
3. Choose Delete to delete the selected index.
To delete an index (CLI)
In the AWS CLI, use the following command. The command is formatted for Linux and macOS.
If you are using Windows, replace the Unix line continuation character (\) with a caret (^).
aws kendra delete-index \
--id index-id
Deleting a data source
You delete a data source when you want to remove the information contained in the data source
from your Amazon Kendra index. For example, delete a data source when:
A data source is incorrectly configured. Delete the data source, wait for the data source to finish
deleting, and then recreate it.
You migrated documents from one data source to another. Delete the original data source and
recreate it in the new location.
You have reached the limit of data sources for an index. Delete one of the existing data sources
and add a new one. For more information about the number of data sources that you can create,
see Quotas.
To delete a data source, use the console, the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), the
DeleteDataSource API, or a AWS CloudFormation script. Deleting a data source removes all of
the information about the data source from the index. If you only want to stop synching the data
source, change the synchronization schedule for the data source to "run on demand".
Deleting a data source is an asynchronous operation. When you start deleting a data source, the
data source status changes to DELETING. It remains in the DELETING state until the information
related to the data source is removed. After the data source is deleted, it no longer appears in the
Deleting a data source 1006
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
results of a call to the ListDataSources API. If you call the DescribeDataSource API with the deleted
data source's identifier, you receive a ResourceNotFound exception.
Deleting an entire data source or re-syncing your index after deleting specific documents
from a data source could take up to an hour or more, depending on the number of
documents you want to delete.
To delete a data source (console)
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console at https://
2. In the navigation pane, choose Indexes, and then choose the index that contains the data
source to delete.
3. In the navigation pane, choose Data sources.
4. Choose the data source to remove.
5. Choose Delete to delete the data source.
To delete a data source (CLI)
In the AWS Command Line Interface, use the following command. The command is formatted
for Linux and macOS. If you are using Windows, replace the Unix line continuation character (\)
with a caret (^).
aws kendra delete-data-source \
--id data-source-id \
--index-id index-id
When you delete a data source, Amazon Kendra removes all of the stored information about the
data source. Amazon Kendra removes all of the document data stored in the index, and all run
histories and metrics associated with the data source. Deleting a data source does not remove the
original documents from your storage.
Deleting a data source 1007
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Documents in the data source may be included in the document count returned by the
DescribeIndex API while Amazon Kendra deletes a data source. Documents from the data source
may appear in search results while Amazon Kendra deletes the data source.
Amazon Kendra releases the resources for a data source as soon as you call the
DeleteDataSource API or choose to delete the data source in the console. If you are deleting
the data source to reduce the number of data sources below your limit, you can create a new data
source right away.
If you are deleting a data source and then creating another data source to the document data, wait
for the first data source to be deleted before you sync the new data source.
You can delete a data source that is in the process of syncing with Amazon Kendra. The sync is
stopped and the data source is removed. If you attempt to start a sync when the data source is
being deleted, you get a ConflictException exception.
You can't delete a data source if the associated index is in the DELETING state. Deleting an index
deletes all of the data sources for the index. You can start deleting an index while a data source for
that index is in the DELETING state.
If you have two data sources pointing to the same documents, such as two data sources pointing to
the same Amazon S3 bucket, documents in the index might be inconsistent when one of the data
sources is deleted. When two data sources reference the same documents, only one copy of the
document data is stored in the index. Removing one data source removes the index data for the
documents. The other data source is not aware that the documents have been removed, so Amazon
Kendra won't correctly re-index the documents the next time it syncs. When you have two data
sources pointing to the same document location, you should delete both data sources and then
recreate one.
Deleting batch uploaded documents
You can delete documents directly from an index using the BatchDeleteDocument API. You can't
delete documents directly using the console. If you use the console, you can either delete specific
documents from your data source repository and re-sync with your index or delete the entire data
source connector.
Deleting documents from an index using BatchDeleteDocument is an asynchronous operation.
After you call the BatchDeleteDocument API, you use the BatchGetDocumentStatus API to
Deleting batch uploaded documents 1008
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
monitor the progress of deleting your documents. When a document is deleted from the index,
Amazon Kendra returns NOT_FOUND as the status.
Deleting documents from an index using BatchDeleteDocument could take up to an hour
or more, depending on the number of documents you want to delete.
To delete batch uploaded documents from an index (CLI)
In the AWS Command Line Interface, use the following command. The command is formatted
for Linux and macOS. If you are using Windows, replace the Unix line continuation character (\)
with a caret (^).
aws kendra batch-delete-document \
--index-id index-id \
--document-id-list 'doc-id-1' 'doc-id-2'
Deleting batch uploaded documents 1009
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Enriching your documents during ingestion
You can alter your content and document metadata fields or attributes during the document
ingestion process. With Amazon Kendra's Custom Document Enrichment feature, you can create,
modify, or delete document attributes and content when you ingest your documents into Amazon
Kendra. This means you can manipulate and ingest your data as you need.
This feature gives you control over how your documents are treated and ingested into Amazon
Kendra. For example, you can scrub personally identifiable information in the document metadata
while ingesting your documents into Amazon Kendra.
Another way that you can use this feature is to invoke a Lambda function in AWS Lambda to run
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) on images, translation on text, and other tasks for preparing
the data for search or analysis. For example, you can invoke a function to run OCR on images. The
function could interpret text from images and treat each image as a textual document. A company
that receives mailed-in customer surveys and stores these surveys as images could ingest these
images as textual documents into Amazon Kendra. The company can then search for valuable
customer survey information in Amazon Kendra.
You can use basic operations to apply as a first parse of your data, and then use a Lambda function
to apply more complex operations on your data. For example, you could use a basic operation to
simply remove all values in the document metadata field 'Customer_ID', and then apply a Lambda
function to extract text from images of the text in the documents.
How Custom Document Enrichment works
The overall process of Custom Document Enrichment is as follows:
1. You configure Custom Document Enrichment when you create or update your data source, or
index your documents directly into Amazon Kendra.
2. Amazon Kendra applies inline configurations or basic logic to alter your data. For more
information, see the section called “Basic operations to change metadata”.
3. If you choose to configure advanced data manipulation, Amazon Kendra can apply this on your
original, raw documents or on the structured, parsed documents. For more information, see the
section called “Lambda functions: extract and change metadata or content”.
4. Your altered documents are ingested into Amazon Kendra.
How Custom Document Enrichment works 1010
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
At any point in this process, if your configuration is not valid, Amazon Kendra throws an error.
When you call CreateDataSource, UpdateDataSource, or BatchPutDocument APIs, you provide your
Custom Document Enrichment configuration. If you call BatchPutDocument, you must configure
Custom Document Enrichment with each request. If you use the console, you select your index and
then select Document enrichments to configure Custom Document Enrichment.
If you use Document enrichments in the console, you can choose to only configure basic
operations or only Lambda functions or both, like you can using the API. You can select Next in the
console steps to choose not to configure basic operations and only Lambda functions, including
whether to apply to the original (pre-extraction) or structured (post-extraction) data. You can only
save your configurations by completing all the steps in the console. Your document configurations
are not saved if you don't complete all the steps.
Basic operations to change metadata
You can manipulate your document fields and content using basic logic. This includes removing
values in a field, modifying values in a field using a condition, or creating a field. For advanced
manipulations that go beyond what you can manipulate using basic logic, invoke a Lambda
function. For more information, see the section called “Lambda functions: extract and change
metadata or content”.
To apply basic logic, you specify the target field you want to manipulate using the
DocumentAttributeTarget object. You provide the attribute key. For example, the key 'Department'
is a field or attribute that holds all the department names associated with the documents. You can
also specify a value to use in the target field if a certain condition is met. You set the condition
using the DocumentAttributeCondition object. For example, if the 'Source_URI' field contains
'financial' in its URI value, then prefill the target field 'Department' with the target value 'Finance'
for the document. You can also delete the values of the target document attribute.
To apply basic logic using the console, select your index and then select Document enrichments
in the navigation menu. Go to Configure basic operations to apply basic manipulations to your
document fields and content.
The following is an example of using basic logic to remove all customer identification numbers in
the document field called 'Customer_ID'.
Example 1: Removing customer identification numbers associated with the documents
Data before basic manipulation applied.
Basic operations to change metadata 1011
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Document_ID Body_Text Customer_ID
1 Lorem Ipsum. CID1234
2 Lorem Ipsum. CID1235
3 Lorem Ipsum. CID1236
Data after basic manipulation applied.
Document_ID Body_Text Customer_ID
1 Lorem Ipsum.
2 Lorem Ipsum.
3 Lorem Ipsum.
The following is an example of using basic logic to create a field called 'Department' and prefill this
field with the department names based on information from the 'Source_URI' field. This uses the
condition that if the 'Source_URI' field contains 'financial' in its URI value, then prefill the target
field 'Department' with the target value 'Finance' for the document.
Example 2: Creating 'Department' field and prefilling it with department names associated with
the documents using a condition.
Data before basic manipulation applied.
Document_ID Body_Text Source_URI
1 Lorem Ipsum. financial/1
2 Lorem Ipsum. financial/2
3 Lorem Ipsum. financial/3
Data after basic manipulation applied.
Basic operations to change metadata 1012
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Document_ID Body_Text Source_URI Department
1 Lorem Ipsum. financial/1 Finance
2 Lorem Ipsum. financial/2 Finance
3 Lorem Ipsum. financial/3 Finance
Amazon Kendra can't create a target document field if it isn't already created as an
index field. After you create your index field, you can create a document field using
DocumentAttributeTarget. Amazon Kendra then maps your newly created document
metadata field to your index field.
The following code is an example of configuring basic data manipulation to remove customer
identification numbers associated with the documents.
To configure basic data manipulation to remove customer identification numbers
1. In the left navigation pane, under Indexes, select Document enrichments and then select
Add document enrichment.
2. On the Configure basic operations page, choose from the dropdown your data source
that you want to alter document fields and content. Then choose from the dropdown
the document field name 'Customer_ID', select from the dropdown the index field name
'Customer_ID', and select from the dropdown the target action Delete. Then select Add
basic operation.
To configure basic data manipulation to remove customer identification numbers
aws kendra create-data-source \
--name data-source-name \
--index-id index-id \
Basic operations to change metadata 1013
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
--role-arn arn:aws:iam::account-id:role/role-name \
--type S3 \
--configuration '{"S3Configuration":{"BucketName":"S3-bucket-name"}}' \
--custom-document-enrichment-configuration '{"InlineConfigurations":[{"Target":
{"TargetDocumentAttributeKey":"Customer_ID", "TargetDocumentAttributeValueDeletion":
To configure basic data manipulation to remove customer identification numbers
import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
import pprint
import time
kendra = boto3.client("kendra")
print("Create a data source with customizations")
# Provide the name of the data source
name = "data-source-name"
# Provide the index ID for the data source
index_id = "index-id"
# Provide the IAM role ARN required for data sources
role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::${account-id}:role/${role-name}"
# Provide the data source connection information
data_source_type = "S3"
S3_bucket_name = "S3-bucket-name"
# Configure the data source with Custom Document Enrichment
configuration = {"S3Configuration":
"BucketName": S3_bucket_name
custom_document_enrichment_configuration = {"InlineConfigurations":[
"TargetDocumentAttributeValueDeletion": True}
data_source_response = kendra.create_data_source(
Basic operations to change metadata 1014
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Name = name,
IndexId = index_id,
RoleArn = role_arn,
Type = data_source_type
Configuration = configuration
CustomDocumentEnrichmentConfiguration =
data_source_id = data_source_response["Id"]
print("Wait for Amazon Kendra to create the data source with your
while True:
# Get the details of the data source, such as the status
data_source_description = kendra.describe_data_source(
Id = data_source_id,
IndexId = index_id
status = data_source_description["Status"]
print(" Creating data source. Status: "+status)
if status != "CREATING":
print("Synchronize the data source.")
sync_response = kendra.start_data_source_sync_job(
Id = data_source_id,
IndexId = index_id
print("Wait for the data source to sync with the index.")
while True:
jobs = kendra.list_data_source_sync_jobs(
Id= data_source_id,
IndexId= index_id
Basic operations to change metadata 1015
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
# For this example, there should be one job
status = jobs["History"][0]["Status"]
print(" Syncing data source. Status: "+status)
if status != "SYNCING":
except ClientError as e:
print("%s" % e)
print("Program ends.")
To configure basic data manipulation to remove customer identification numbers
package com.amazonaws.kendra;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
public class CreateDataSourceWithCustomizationsExample {
Basic operations to change metadata 1016
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
System.out.println("Create a data source with customizations");
String dataSourceName = "data-source-name";
String indexId = "index-id";
String dataSourceRoleArn = "arn:aws:iam::account-id:role/role-name";
String s3BucketName = "S3-bucket-name"
KendraClient kendra = KendraClient.builder().build();
CreateDataSourceRequest createDataSourceRequest = CreateDataSourceRequest
CreateDataSourceResponse createDataSourceResponse =
Basic operations to change metadata 1017
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
System.out.println(String.format("Response of creating data source: %s",
String dataSourceId =;
System.out.println(String.format("Waiting for Kendra to create the data
source %s", dataSourceId));
DescribeDataSourceRequest describeDataSourceRequest =
while (true) {
DescribeDataSourceResponse describeDataSourceResponse =
DataSourceStatus status = describeDataSourceResponse.status();
System.out.println(String.format("Creating data source. Status: %s",
if (status != DataSourceStatus.CREATING) {
System.out.println(String.format("Synchronize the data source %s",
StartDataSourceSyncJobRequest startDataSourceSyncJobRequest =
StartDataSourceSyncJobResponse startDataSourceSyncJobResponse =
System.out.println(String.format("Waiting for the data
source to sync with the index %s for execution ID %s", indexId,
// For this example, there should be one job
ListDataSourceSyncJobsRequest listDataSourceSyncJobsRequest =
Basic operations to change metadata 1018
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
while (true) {
ListDataSourceSyncJobsResponse listDataSourceSyncJobsResponse =
DataSourceSyncJob job = listDataSourceSyncJobsResponse.history().get(0);
System.out.println(String.format("Syncing data source. Status: %s",
if (job.status() != DataSourceSyncJobStatus.SYNCING) {
System.out.println("Data source creation with customizations is complete");
Lambda functions: extract and change metadata or content
You can manipulate your document fields and content using Lambda functions. This is useful if you
want to go beyond basic logic and apply advanced data manipulations. For example, using Optical
Character Recognition (OCR), which interprets text from images, and treats each image as a textual
document. Or, retrieving the current date-time in a certain time zone and inserting the date-time
where there's an empty value for a date field.
You can apply basic logic first and then use a Lambda function to further manipulate your data, or
vice versa. You can also choose to only apply a Lambda function.
Amazon Kendra can invoke a Lambda function to apply advanced data manipulations during the
ingestion process as part of your CustomDocumentEnrichmentConfiguration. You specify a role
that includes permission to execute the Lambda function and access your Amazon S3 bucket to
store the output of your data manipulations—see IAM access roles.
Amazon Kendra can apply a Lambda function on your original, raw documents or on the
structured, parsed documents. You can configure a Lambda function that takes your original
or raw data and applies your data manipulations using PreExtractionHookConfiguration. You
Lambda functions: extract and change metadata or content 1019
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
can also configure a Lambda function that takes your structured documents and applies your
data manipulations using PostExtractionHookConfiguration. Amazon Kendra extracts the
document metadata and text to structure your documents. Your Lambda functions must follow
the mandatory request and response structures. For more information, see the section called “Data
contracts for Lambda functions”.
To configure a Lambda function in the console, select your index and then select Document
enrichments in the navigation menu. Go to Configure Lambda functions to configure a Lambda
You can configure only one Lambda function for PreExtractionHookConfiguration
and and only one Lambda function for PostExtractionHookConfiguration. However,
your Lambda function can invoke other functions that it requires. You can configure both
PreExtractionHookConfiguration and PostExtractionHookConfiguration or either
one. Your Lambda function for PreExtractionHookConfiguration must not exceed a run time
of 5 minutes and your Lambda function for PostExtractionHookConfiguration must not
exceed a run time of 1 minute. Configuring Custom Document Enrichment naturally takes longer to
ingest your documents into Amazon Kendra than if you were to not configure this.
You can configure Amazon Kendra to invoke a Lambda function only if a condition is met. For
example, you can specify a condition that if there are empty date-time values, then Amazon
Kendra should invoke a function that inserts the current date-time.
The following is an example of using a Lambda function to run OCR to interpret text from images
and store this text in a field called 'Document_Image_Text'.
Example 1: Extracting text from images to create textual documents
Data before advanced manipulation applied.
Document_ID Document_Image
1 image_1.png
2 image_2.png
3 image_3.png
Data after advanced manipulation applied.
Lambda functions: extract and change metadata or content 1020
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Document_ID Document_Image Document_Image_Text
1 image_1.png Mailed survey response
2 image_2.png Mailed survey response
3 image_3.png Mailed survey response
The following is an example of using a Lambda function to insert the current date-time for empty
date values. This uses the condition that if a date field value is 'null', then replace this with the
current date-time.
Example 2: Replacing empty values in the Last_Updated field with the current date-time.
Data before advanced manipulation applied.
Document_ID Body_Text Last_Updated
1 Lorem Ipsum. January 1, 2020
2 Lorem Ipsum.
3 Lorem Ipsum. July 1, 2020
Data after advanced manipulation applied.
Document_ID Body_Text Last_Updated
1 Lorem Ipsum. January 1, 2020
2 Lorem Ipsum. December 1, 2021
3 Lorem Ipsum. July 1, 2020
The following code is an example of configuring a Lambda function for advanced data
manipulation on the raw, original data.
Lambda functions: extract and change metadata or content 1021
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
To configure a Lambda function for advanced data manipulation on the raw, original data
1. In the left navigation pane, under Indexes, select Document enrichments and then select
Add document enrichment.
2. On the Configure Lambda functions page, in the Lambda for pre-extraction section,
select from the dropdowns your Lambda function ARN and your Amazon S3 bucket. Add
your IAM access role by selecting the option to create a new role from the dropdown. This
creates the required Amazon Kendra permissions to create the document enrichment.
To configure a Lambda function for advanced data manipulation on the raw, original data
aws kendra create-data-source \
--name data-source-name \
--index-id index-id \
--role-arn arn:aws:iam::account-id:role/role-name \
--type S3 \
--configuration '{"S3Configuration":{"BucketName":"S3-bucket-name"}}' \
--custom-document-enrichment-configuration '{"PreExtractionHookConfiguration":
{"LambdaArn":"arn:aws:iam::account-id:function/function-name", "S3Bucket":"S3-
bucket-name"}, "RoleArn": "arn:aws:iam:account-id:role/cde-role-name"}'
To configure a Lambda function for advanced data manipulation on the raw, original data
import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
import pprint
import time
kendra = boto3.client("kendra")
print("Create a data source with customizations.")
# Provide the name of the data source
name = "data-source-name"
# Provide the index ID for the data source
Lambda functions: extract and change metadata or content 1022
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
index_id = "index-id"
# Provide the IAM role ARN required for data sources
role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::${account-id}:role/${role-name}"
# Provide the data source connection information
data_source_type = "S3"
S3_bucket_name = "S3-bucket-name"
# Configure the data source with Custom Document Enrichment
configuration = {"S3Configuration":
"BucketName": S3_bucket_name
custom_document_enrichment_configuration = {"PreExtractionHookConfiguration":
data_source_response = kendra.create_data_source(
Name = name,
IndexId = index_id,
RoleArn = role_arn,
Type = data_source_type
Configuration = configuration
CustomDocumentEnrichmentConfiguration =
data_source_id = data_source_response["Id"]
print("Wait for Amazon Kendra to create the data source with your
while True:
# Get the details of the data source, such as the status
data_source_description = kendra.describe_data_source(
Id = data_source_id,
IndexId = index_id
Lambda functions: extract and change metadata or content 1023
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
status = data_source_description["Status"]
print(" Creating data source. Status: "+status)
if status != "CREATING":
print("Synchronize the data source.")
sync_response = kendra.start_data_source_sync_job(
Id = data_source_id,
IndexId = index_id
print("Wait for the data source to sync with the index.")
while True:
jobs = kendra.list_data_source_sync_jobs(
Id = data_source_id,
IndexId = index_id
# For this example, there should be one job
status = jobs["History"][0]["Status"]
print(" Syncing data source. Status: "+status)
if status != "SYNCING":
except ClientError as e:
print("%s" % e)
print("Program ends.")
To configure a Lambda function for advanced data manipulation on the raw, original data
package com.amazonaws.kendra;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
Lambda functions: extract and change metadata or content 1024
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
public class CreateDataSourceWithCustomizationsExample {
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
System.out.println("Create a data source with customizations");
String dataSourceName = "data-source-name";
String indexId = "index-id";
String dataSourceRoleArn = "arn:aws:iam::account-id:role/role-name";
String s3BucketName = "S3-bucket-name"
KendraClient kendra = KendraClient.builder().build();
CreateDataSourceRequest createDataSourceRequest = CreateDataSourceRequest
Lambda functions: extract and change metadata or content 1025
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
CreateDataSourceResponse createDataSourceResponse =
System.out.println(String.format("Response of creating data source: %s",
String dataSourceId =;
System.out.println(String.format("Waiting for Kendra to create the data
source %s", dataSourceId));
DescribeDataSourceRequest describeDataSourceRequest =
while (true) {
DescribeDataSourceResponse describeDataSourceResponse =
DataSourceStatus status = describeDataSourceResponse.status();
System.out.println(String.format("Creating data source. Status: %s",
if (status != DataSourceStatus.CREATING) {
Lambda functions: extract and change metadata or content 1026
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
System.out.println(String.format("Synchronize the data source %s",
StartDataSourceSyncJobRequest startDataSourceSyncJobRequest =
StartDataSourceSyncJobResponse startDataSourceSyncJobResponse =
System.out.println(String.format("Waiting for the data
source to sync with the index %s for execution ID %s", indexId,
// For this example, there should be one job
ListDataSourceSyncJobsRequest listDataSourceSyncJobsRequest =
while (true) {
ListDataSourceSyncJobsResponse listDataSourceSyncJobsResponse =
DataSourceSyncJob job = listDataSourceSyncJobsResponse.history().get(0);
System.out.println(String.format("Syncing data source. Status: %s",
if (job.status() != DataSourceSyncJobStatus.SYNCING) {
System.out.println("Data source creation with customizations is complete");
Lambda functions: extract and change metadata or content 1027
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Data contracts for Lambda functions
Your Lambda functions for advanced data manipulation interact with Amazon Kendra data
contracts. The contracts are the mandatory request and response structures of your Lambda
functions. If your Lambda functions don't follow these structures, then Amazon Kendra throws an
Your Lambda function for PreExtractionHookConfiguration should expect the following
request structure:
"version": <str>,
"dataBlobStringEncodedInBase64": <str>, //In the case of a data blob
"s3Bucket": <str>, //In the case of an S3 bucket
"s3ObjectKey": <str>, //In the case of an S3 bucket
"metadata": <Metadata>
The metadata structure, which includes the CustomDocumentAttribute structure, is as follows:
"attributes": [<CustomDocumentAttribute<]
"name": <str>,
"value": <CustomDocumentAttributeValue>
"stringValue": <str>,
"integerValue": <int>,
"longValue": <long>,
"stringListValue": list<str>,
"dateValue": <str>
Your Lambda function for PreExtractionHookConfiguration must adhere to the following
response structure:
Data contracts for Lambda functions 1028
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"version": <str>,
"dataBlobStringEncodedInBase64": <str>, //In the case of a data blob
"s3ObjectKey": <str>, //In the case of an S3 bucket
"metadataUpdates": [<CustomDocumentAttribute>]
Your Lambda function for PostExtractionHookConfiguration should expect the following
request structure:
"version": <str>,
"s3Bucket": <str>,
"s3ObjectKey": <str>,
"metadata": <Metadata>
Your Lambda function for PostExtractionHookConfiguration must adhere to the following
response structure:
PostExtractionHookConfiguration Lambda Response
"version": <str>,
"s3ObjectKey": <str>,
"metadataUpdates": [<CustomDocumentAttribute>]
Your altered document is uploaded to your Amazon S3 bucket. The altered document must follow
the format shown in the section called “Structured document format”.
Structured document format
Amazon Kendra uploads your structured document to the given Amazon S3 bucket. The structured
document follows this format:
Kendra document
"textContent": <TextContent>
Structured document format 1029
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"documentBodyText": <str>
Example of a Lambda function that adheres to data contracts
The following Python code is an example of a Lambda function that applies advanced
manipulation of the metadata fields _authors, _document_title, and the body content on the
raw or original documents.
In the case of the body content residing in an Amazon S3 bucket
import json
import boto3
s3 = boto3.client("s3")
# Lambda function for advanced data manipulation
def lambda_handler(event, context):
# Get the value of "S3Bucket" key name or item from the given event input
s3_bucket = event.get("s3Bucket")
# Get the value of "S3ObjectKey" key name or item from the given event input
s3_object_key = event.get("s3ObjectKey")
content_object_before_CDE = s3.get_object(Bucket = s3_bucket, Key = s3_object_key)
content_before_CDE = content_object_before_CDE["Body"].read().decode("utf-8");
content_after_CDE = "CDEInvolved " + content_before_CDE
# Get the value of "metadata" key name or item from the given event input
metadata = event.get("metadata")
# Get the document "attributes" from the metadata
document_attributes = metadata.get("attributes")
s3.put_object(Bucket = s3_bucket, Key = "dummy_updated_kendra_document",
return {
"version": "v0",
"s3ObjectKey": "dummy_updated_kendra_document",
"metadataUpdates": [
{"name":"_document_title", "value":
Example of a Lambda function that adheres to data contracts 1030
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
{"name":"_authors", "value":{"stringListValue":["author1", "author2"]}}
In the case of the body content residing in a data blob
import json
import boto3
import base64
# Lambda function for advanced data manipulation
def lambda_handler(event, context):
# Get the value of "dataBlobStringEncodedInBase64" key name or item from the given
event input
data_blob_string_encoded_in_base64 = event.get("dataBlobStringEncodedInBase64")
# Decode the data blob string in UTF-8
data_blob_string =
# Get the value of "metadata" key name or item from the given event input
metadata = event.get("metadata")
# Get the document "attributes" from the metadata
document_attributes = metadata.get("attributes")
new_data_blob = "This should be the modified data in the document by pre processing
lambda ".encode("utf-8")
return {
"version": "v0",
"metadataUpdates": [
{"name":"_document_title", "value":
{"name":"_authors", "value":{"stringListValue":["author1", "author2"]}}
The following Python code is an example of a Lambda function that applies advanced
manipulation of the metadata fields _authors, _document_title, and the body content on the
structured or parsed documents.
import json
Example of a Lambda function that adheres to data contracts 1031
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
import boto3
import time
s3 = boto3.client("s3")
# Lambda function for advanced data manipulation
def lambda_handler(event, context):
# Get the value of "S3Bucket" key name or item from the given event input
s3_bucket = event.get("s3Bucket")
# Get the value of "S3ObjectKey" key name or item from the given event input
s3_key = event.get("s3ObjectKey")
# Get the value of "metadata" key name or item from the given event input
metadata = event.get("metadata")
# Get the document "attributes" from the metadata
document_attributes = metadata.get("attributes")
kendra_document_object = s3.get_object(Bucket = s3_bucket, Key = s3_key)
kendra_document_string = kendra_document_object['Body'].read().decode('utf-8')
kendra_document = json.loads(kendra_document_string)
kendra_document["textContent"]["documentBodyText"] = "Changing document body to a
short sentence."
s3.put_object(Bucket = s3_bucket, Key = "dummy_updated_kendra_document",
return {
"version" : "v0",
"s3ObjectKey": "dummy_updated_kendra_document",
"metadataUpdates": [
{"name": "_document_title", "value":{"stringValue":
{"name": "_authors", "value":{"stringListValue":["author1", "author2"]}}
Example of a Lambda function that adheres to data contracts 1032
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Searching an index
To search an Amazon Kendra index, you use the Query API. The Query API returns information
about the indexed documents that you use in your application. This section shows you how to
make a query, perform filters, and interpret the response that you get from the Query API.
To search documents that you have indexed with Amazon Kendra for Amazon Lex, use
AMAZON.KendraSearchIntent. For an example of configuring Amazon Kendra with Amazon Lex, see
Creating a FAQ Bot for an Amazon Kendra Index.
Querying an index
Browsing an index
Featuring search results
Tabular search for HTML
Query suggestions
Query spell checker
Filtering and facet search
Filtering on user context
Query responses and response types
Tuning and sorting responses
Collapsing/expanding query results
Querying an index
When you search your index, Amazon Kendra uses all the information that you provided about your
documents to determine the documents most relevant to the search terms entered. Some of the
items that Amazon Kendra considers are:
The text or body of the document.
The title of the document.
Custom text fields that you have marked as searchable.
The date field that you have indicated should be used to determine the "freshness" of a
Querying an index 1033
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Any other field that could provide relevant information.
Amazon Kendra can also filter the response based on any field/attribute filters that you might have
set for the search. For example, if you have a custom field called "department", you can filter the
response to return only documents from a department called "legal". For more information, see
Custom fields or attributes.
Returned search results are sorted by the relevance that Amazon Kendra determines for each
document. The results are paginated so that you can show a page at a time to your user.
To search documents that you have indexed with Amazon Kendra for Amazon Lex, use
AMAZON.KendraSearchIntent. For an example of configuring Amazon Kendra with Amazon Lex, see
Creating a FAQ Bot for an Amazon Kendra Index.
The following example shows how to search an index. Amazon Kendra determines the type
of the search result (answer, document, question-answer) that's best suited for the query. You
can't configure Amazon Kendra to return a specific type of search response (answer, document,
question-answer) to a query.
For information about the query responses, see Query responses and response types.
Before using the Query API to query an index:
Set up the required permissions for an index and connect to your data source or batch upload
your documents. For more information, see IAM roles. You use the Amazon Resource Name of
the role when you call the API to create an index and data source connector or batch upload of
Set up either the AWS Command Line Interface, an SDK, or go to the Amazon Kendra console.
For more information, see Setting up Amazon Kendra.
Create an index and connect to a data source of documents or batch upload documents. For
more information, see Creating an index and Creating a data source connector.
Searching an index (console)
You can use the Amazon Kendra console to search and test your index. You can make queries and
see the results.
Prerequisites 1034
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
To search an index with the console
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console at http://
2. On the navigation pane, choose Indexes.
3. Choose your index.
4. In the navigation menu, choose the option to search your index.
5. Enter a query in the text box and then press enter.
6. Amazon Kendra returns the results of the search.
You can also get the query ID for the search by selecting the lightbulb icon in the side panel.
Searching an index (SDK)
To search an index with Python or Java
The following example searches an index. Change the value of query to your search query and
index_id or indexId to the index identifier of the index that you want to search.
You can also get the query ID for the search as part of the response elements when you call
the Query API.
import boto3
import pprint
kendra = boto3.client("kendra")
# Provide the index ID
index_id = "index-id"
# Provide the query text
query = "query text"
response = kendra.query(
QueryText = query,
IndexId = index_id)
print("\nSearch results for query: " + query + "\n")
Searching an index (SDK) 1035
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
for query_result in response["ResultItems"]:
print("Type: " + str(query_result["Type"]))
if query_result["Type"]=="ANSWER" or
answer_text = query_result["DocumentExcerpt"]["Text"]
if query_result["Type"]=="DOCUMENT":
if "DocumentTitle" in query_result:
document_title = query_result["DocumentTitle"]["Text"]
print("Title: " + document_title)
document_text = query_result["DocumentExcerpt"]["Text"]
package com.amazonaws.kendra;
public class SearchIndexExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
KendraClient kendra = KendraClient.builder().build();
String query = "query text";
String indexId = "index-id";
QueryRequest queryRequest = QueryRequest
QueryResponse queryResponse = kendra.query(queryRequest);
Searching an index (SDK) 1036
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
System.out.println(String.format("\nSearch results for query: %s",
for(QueryResultItem item: queryResponse.resultItems()) {
System.out.println(String.format("Type: %s", item.type()));
switch(item.type()) {
case ANSWER:
String answerText = item.documentExcerpt().text();
String documentTitle = item.documentTitle().text();
System.out.println(String.format("Title: %s",
String documentExcerpt = item.documentExcerpt().text();
System.out.println(String.format("Excerpt: %s",
System.out.println(String.format("Unknown query result type:
%s", item.type()));
Searching an index (Postman)
You can use Postman to query and test your Amazon Kendra index.
To search an index using Postman
1. Create a new collection in Postman and set the request type to POST.
2. Enter the endpoint URL. For example, https://kendra.<region>
3. Select the Authorization tab and enter the following information.
Searching an index (Postman) 1037
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Type—Select AWS signature.
AccessKey—Enter the access key generated when you create an IAM user.
SecretKey—Enter the secret key generated when you create an IAM user.
AWS Region—Enter the region of you index. For example, us-west-2.
Service Name—Enter kendra. This is case sensitive, so must be lower case.
If you enter the incorrect service name or don't use lowercase, an error is thrown
once you select Send to send the request: "Credential should be scoped to the
correct service 'kendra'."
You must also check that you entered the correct access key and secret key.
4. Select the Headers tab and enter the following key and value information.
Key: X-Amz-Target
Value: com.amazonaws.kendra.AWSKendraFrontendService.Query
Key: Content-Encoding
Value: amz-1.0
5. Select the Body tab and do the following.
Choose the raw JSON type for the body of the request.
Enter a JSON that includes your index ID and query text.
"IndexId": "index-id",
"QueryText": "enter a query here"
If your JSON doesn't use the correct indendation, an error is thrown:
"SerializationException". Check the indendation in your JSON.
6. Select Send (near the top right).
Searching an index (Postman) 1038
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Searching with advanced query syntax
You can create queries that are more specific than simple keyword or natural language queries by
using advanced query syntax or operators. This includes ranges, Booleans, wildcards, and more. By
using operators, you can give your query more context and further refine the search results.
Amazon Kendra supports the following operators.
Boolean: Logic to limit or broaden the search. For example, amazon AND sports limits the
search to only search for documents containing both terms.
Parentheses: Reads nested query terms in order of precedence. For example, (amazon AND
sports) NOT rainforest reads (amazon AND sports) before NOT rainforest.
Ranges: Date or numeric range values. Ranges can be inclusive, exclusive, or unbounded. For
example, you can search for documents that were last updated between January 1st 2020 and
December 31st 2020, inclusive of these dates.
Fields: Uses a specific field to limit the search. For example, you can search for documents that
have 'United States' in the field 'location'.
Wildcards: Partially match a string of text. For example, Cloud* could match CloudFormation.
Amazon Kendra currently only supports trailing wildcards.
Exact quotes: Exact match a string of text. For example, documents that contain "Amazon
Kendra" "pricing".
You can use a combination of any of the above operators.
Note that excessive use of operators or highly complex queries could impact query latency.
Wildcards are some of the most expensive operators in terms of latency. A general rule is the more
terms and operators that you use, the greater potential impact on latency. Other factors that affect
latency include the average size of documents indexed, the size of your index, any filtering on
search results, and the overall load on your Amazon Kendra index.
You can combine or exclude words using the Boolean operators AND, OR, NOT.
The following are examples of using Boolean operators.
amazon AND sports
Searching with advanced query syntax 1039
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Returns search results that contain both the terms 'amazon' and 'sports' in the text, such as
Amazon Prime video sports or other similar content.
sports OR recreation
Returns search results that contain the terms 'sports' or 'recreation', or both, in the text.
amazon NOT rainforest
Returns search results that contain the term 'amazon' but not the term 'rainforest' in the text. This
is to search for documents about the company Amazon, not the Amazon Rainforest.
You can query nested words in order of precedence by using parentheses. The parentheses indicate
to Amazon Kendra how a query should be read.
The following are examples of using parentheses operators.
(amazon AND sports) NOT rainforest
Returns documents that contain both the terms 'amazon' and 'sports' in the text, but not the term
'rainforest'. This is to search Amazon Prime video sports or other similar content, not adventure
sports in the Amazon Rainforest. The parentheses help indicate that amazon AND sports should
be read before NOT rainforest. The query should not be read as amazon AND (sports NOT
(amazon AND (sports OR recreation)) NOT rainforest
Returns documents that contain the terms 'sports' or 'recreation', or both, and the term 'amazon'.
But it does not include the term 'rainforest'. This is to search Amazon Prime video sports or
recreation, not adventure sports in the Amazon Rainforest. The parentheses help indicate that
sports OR recreation should be read before combining with 'amazon', which is read before
NOT rainforest. The query should not be read as amazon AND (sports OR (recreation
NOT rainforest)).
You can use a range of values to filter the search results. You specify an attribute and the range
values. This can be date or numeric type.
Date ranges must be in the following formats:
Searching with advanced query syntax 1040
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
You can also specify whether to include or exclude the lower and higher values of the range.
The following are examples of using range operators.
_processed_date:>2019-12-31 AND _processed_date:<2021-01-01
Returns documents that were processed in 2020—greater than December 31st 2019 and less than
January 1st 2021.
_processed_date:>=2020-01-01 AND _processed_date:<=2020-12-31
Returns documents that were processed in 2020—greater than or equal to January 1st 2020 and
less than or equal to December 31st 2020.
Returns documents with zero likes or no user feedback—less than 1 like.
You can specify whether a range should be treated as inclusive or exclusive of the given range
_last_updated_at:[2020-01-01 TO 2020-12-31]
Returns documents last updated in 2020—includes the days December 1st 2020 and December
31st 2020.
_last_updated_at:{2019-12-31 TO 2021-01-01}
Returns documents last updated in 2020—excludes the days December 31st 2019 and January 1st
Searching with advanced query syntax 1041
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
For unbounded ranges that are neither inclusive or exclusive, simply use the < and > operators. For
example, _last_updated_at:>2019-12-31 AND _last_updated_at:<2021-01-01
You can limit your search to only return documents that meet a value in a specific field. The field
can be of any type.
The following are examples of using field-level context operators.
status:"Incomplete" AND financial_year:2021
Returns documents for the 2021 financial year with their status as incomplete.
(sports OR recreation) AND country:"United States" AND level:"professional"
Returns documents that discuss professional sports or recreation in the United States.
You can broaden your search to account for variants of words and phrases using the wildcard
operator. This is useful when searching for name variants. Amazon Kendra currently only supports
trailing wildcards. The number of prefix characters for a trailing wildcard must be greater than two.
The following are examples of using wildcard operators.
Returns documents that contain variants such as CloudFormation and CloudWatch.
Returns documents that contain variants such as kendra.amazonaws.
Returns documents that contain variants such as
Exact quotes
You can use quotation marks to search for an exact match of a piece of text.
The following are examples of using quotation marks.
"Amazon Kendra" "pricing"
Searching with advanced query syntax 1042
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Returns documents that contain both the phrase 'Amazon Kendra' and the term 'pricing'.
Documents must contain both 'Amazon Kendra' and 'pricing' in order to return in the results.
"Amazon Kendra" "pricing" cost
Returns documents that contain both the phrase 'Amazon Kendra' and the term 'pricing', and
optionally the term 'cost'. Documents must contain both 'Amazon Kendra' and 'pricing' in order to
return in the results, but might not necessarily include 'cost'.
Invalid query syntax
Amazon Kendra issues a warning if there are problems with your query syntax or your query is
currently not supported by Amazon Kendra. For more information, see the API documentation for
query warnings.
The following queries are examples of invalid query syntax.
Invalid date. Day 32 does not exist in the Gregorian calendar, which is used by Amazon Kendra.
Invalid numeric value. Digits must be used to represent numeric values.
Invalid field search. The field must exist in order to use field search.
Product:[A TO D]
Invalid range. Numeric values or dates must be used for ranges.
OR Hello
Invalid Boolean. Operators must be used with terms and placed between terms.
Searching in languages
You can search for documents in a supported language. You pass the language code in the
AttributeFilter to return filtered documents in your chosen language. You can type the query in a
supported language.
Searching in languages 1043
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
If you do not specify a language, Amazon Kendra queries documents in English by default. For
more information on supported languages, including their codes, see Adding documents in
languages other than English.
To search for documents in a supported language in the console, select your index, then select
the option to search your index from the navigation menu. Choose the language that you want
to return documents by selecting the search settings and then selecting a language from the
dropdown Language.
The following examples show how to search for documents in Spanish.
To search an index in Spanish in the console
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console at http://
2. In the navigation menu, choose Indexes and choose your index.
3. In the navigation menu, choose the option to search your index.
4. In the search settings, select the Languages dropdown and choose Spanish.
5. Enter a query into the text box and then press enter.
6. Amazon Kendra returns the results of the search in Spanish.
To search an index in Spanish using the CLI, Python or Java
The following example searches an index in Spanish. Change the value searchString to your
search query and the value indexID to the identifier of the index that you want to search. The
language code for Spanish is es. You can replace this with your own language code.
"Key": "_language_code",
"Value": {
"StringValue": "es"
Searching in languages 1044
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
import boto3
import pprint
kendra = boto3.client("kendra")
# Provide the index ID
index_id = "index-id"
# Provide the query text
query = "search-string"
# Includes the index ID, query text, and language attribute filter
response = kendra.query(
QueryText = query,
IndexId = index_id,
AttributeFilter = {
"EqualsTo": {
"Key": "_language_code",
"Value": {
"StringValue": "es"
print ("\nSearch results|Resultados de la búsqueda: " + query + "\n")
for query_result in response["ResultItems"]:
print("Type: " + str(query_result["Type"]))
if query_result["Type"]=="ANSWER" or
answer_text = query_result["DocumentExcerpt"]["Text"]
if query_result["Type"]=="DOCUMENT":
if "DocumentTitle" in query_result:
document_title = query_result["DocumentTitle"]["Text"]
print("Title: " + document_title)
document_text = query_result["DocumentExcerpt"]["Text"]
Searching in languages 1045
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
package com.amazonaws.kendra;
public class SearchIndexExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
KendraClient kendra = KendraClient.builder().build();
String query = "searchString";
String indexId = "indexID";
QueryRequest queryRequest = QueryRequest.builder()
QueryResponse queryResponse = kendra.query(queryRequest);
System.out.println(String.format("\nSearch results|
Resultados de la búsqueda: %s",
for(QueryResultItem item: queryResponse.resultItems()) {
System.out.println(String.format("Type: %s", item.type()));
Searching in languages 1046
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
switch(item.type()) {
case ANSWER:
String answerText = item.documentExcerpt().text();
String documentTitle = item.documentTitle().text();
System.out.println(String.format("Title: %s",
String documentExcerpt = item.documentExcerpt().text();
System.out.println(String.format("Excerpt: %s",
System.out.println(String.format("Unknown query result type:
%s", item.type()));
Retrieving passages
You can use the Retrieve API as a retriever for retrieval augmented generation (RAG) systems.
RAG systems use generative artificial intelligence to build question-answering applications. RAG
systems consist of a retriever and large language models (LLM). Given a query, the retriever
identifies the most relevant chunks of text from a corpus of documents and feeds it to the LLM to
provide the most useful answer. Then, the LLM analyzes the relevant text chunks or passages and
generates a comprehensive response for the query.
The Retrieve API looks at chunks of text or excerpts that are referred to as passages and returns
the top passages that are most relevant to the query.
Like the Query API, the Retrieve API also searches for relevant information using semantic
search. Semantic search takes into account the search query's context, plus all the available
information from the indexed documents. However, by default, the Query API only returns excerpt
Retrieving passages 1047
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
passages of up to 100 token words. With the Retrieve API, you can retrieve longer passages
of up to 200 token words and up to 100 semantically relevant passages. This doesn't include
question-answer or FAQ type responses from your index. The passages are text excerpts that can
be semantically extracted from multiple documents and multiple parts of the same document.
If in extreme cases your documents produce zero passages using the Retrieve API, you can
alternatively use the Query API and its types of responses.
You can also do the following with the Retrieve API:
Override boosting at the index level
Filter based on document fields or attributes
Filter based on the user or their group access to documents
View the confidence score bucket for a retrieved passage result. The confidence bucket provides
a relative ranking that indicates how confident Amazon Kendra is that the response is relevant to
the query.
Confidence score buckets are currently available only for English.
You can also include certain fields in the response that might provide useful additional
The Retrieve API currently doesn't support all features supported by the Query API. The
following features are not supported: querying using advance query syntax, suggested spell
corrections for queries, faceting, query suggestions to autocomplete search queries, and
incremental learning. Note that not all features apply to the Retrieve API. Any future releases of
the Retrieve API will be documented in this guide.
The Retrieve API shares the number of query capacity units that you set for your index. For more
information on what's included in a single capacity unit and the default base capacity for an index,
see Adjusting capacity.
Retrieving passages 1048
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
You can't add capacity if you are using the Amazon Kendra Developer Edition; you can
only add capacity when using Amazon Kendra Enterprise Edition. For more information on
what's included in the Developer and Enterprise Editions, see Amazon Kendra Editions.
The following is an example of using the Retrieve API to retrieve the top 100 most relevant
passages from documents in an index for the query "how does amazon kendra work?"
import boto3
import pprint
kendra = boto3.client("kendra")
# Provide the index ID
index_id = "index-id"
# Provide the query text
query = "how does amazon kendra work?"
# You can retrieve up to 100 relevant passages
# You can paginate 100 passages across 10 pages, for example
page_size = 10
page_number = 10
result = kendra.retrieve(
IndexId = index_id,
QueryText = query,
PageSize = page_size,
PageNumber = page_number)
print("\nRetrieved passage results for query: " + query + "\n")
for retrieve_result in result["ResultItems"]:
print("Title: " + str(retrieve_result["DocumentTitle"]))
print("URI: " + str(retrieve_result["DocumentURI"]))
print("Passage content: " + str(retrieve_result["Content"]))
Retrieving passages 1049
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
package com.amazonaws.kendra;
public class RetrievePassageExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
KendraClient kendra = KendraClient.builder().build();
String indxId = "index-id";
String query = "how does amazon kendra work?";
Integer pgSize = 10;
Integer pgNumber = 10;
RetrieveRequest retrieveRequest = retrieveRequest
RetrieveResult retrieveResult = kendra.retrieve(retrieveRequest);
System.out.println(String.format("\nRetrieved passage results for query:
%s", query));
for(RetrieveResultItem item: retrieveResult.resultItems()) {
System.out.println(String.format("Title: %s", documentTitle));
System.out.println(String.format("URI: %s", documentURI));
System.out.println(String.format("Passage content: %s", content));
Retrieving passages 1050
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Browsing an index
You can browse documents by their attributes or facets without having to type a search query.
Amazon Kendra Index Browse can help your users discover documents by freely browsing an index
without a specific query in mind. This also helps your users broadly browse an index as a starting
point in their search.
Index Browse can only be used for searching by document attribute or facet with a sorting type.
You cannot search an entire index using Index Browse. If the query text is missing, then Amazon
Kendra asks for a document attribute filter or a facet, and a sorting type.
To allow index browsing using the Query API, you must include AttributeFilter or Facet, and
SortingConfiguration. To allow index browsing in the console, select your index under Indexes in
the navigation menu, then select the option to search your index. In the search box, press the Enter
key twice. Select the dropdown Filter search results to choose a filter and select the dropdown
Sort to choose a sorting type.
The following is an example of browsing an index for documents in the language Spanish in
descending order of document creation date.
aws kendra query \
--index-id "index-id" \
--attribute-filter '{
"Key": "_language_code",
"Value": {
"StringValue": "es"
}' \
--sorting-configuration '{
"DocumentAttributeKey": "_created_at",
"SortOrder": "DESC"
import boto3
Browsing an index 1051
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
kendra = boto3.client("kendra")
# Must include the index ID, the attribute filter, and sorting configuration
response = kendra.query(
IndexId = "index-id",
AttributeFilter = {
"EqualsTo": {
"Key": "_language_code",
"Value": {
"StringValue": "es"
SortingConfiguration = {
"DocumentAttributeKey": "_created_at",
"SortOrder": "DESC"})
print("\nSearch results|Resultados de la búsqueda: \n")
for query_result in response["ResultItems"]:
print("Type: " + str(query_result["Type"]))
if query_result["Type"]=="ANSWER" or query_result["Type"]=="QUESTION_ANSWER":
answer_text = query_result["DocumentExcerpt"]["Text"]
if query_result["Type"]=="DOCUMENT":
if "DocumentTitle" in query_result:
document_title = query_result["DocumentTitle"]["Text"]
print("Title: " + document_title)
document_text = query_result["DocumentExcerpt"]["Text"]
package com.amazonaws.kendra;
Browsing an index 1052
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
public class SearchIndexExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
KendraClient kendra = KendraClient.builder().build();
QueryRequest queryRequest = QueryRequest.builder()
QueryResult queryResult = kendra.query(queryRequest);
for (QueryResultItem item : queryResult.getResultItems()) {
System.out.println(String.format("Type: %s", item.getType()));
switch (item.getType()) {
case QueryResultType.QUESTION_ANSWER:
case QueryResultType.ANSWER:
String answerText = item.getDocumentExcerpt().getText();
case QueryResultType.DOCUMENT:
String documentTitle = item.getDocumentTitle().getText();
System.out.println(String.format("Title: %s", documentTitle));
String documentExcerpt = item.getDocumentExcerpt().getText();
System.out.println(String.format("Excerpt: %s",
System.out.println(String.format("Unknown query result type:
%s", item.getType()));
Browsing an index 1053
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Featuring search results
You can feature certain documents in the search results when your users issue certain queries. This
helps make the results more visible and prominent for your users. Featured results are separated
out from the usual list of results, and displayed at the top of the search page. You can experiment
with featuring different documents for different queries, or ensure certain documents get the
visibility they deserve.
You map specific queries to specific documents for featuring in the results. If a query contains an
exact match, then one or more specific documents are featured in the search results.
For example, you can specify that if your users issue the query 'new products 2023', then select the
documents titled 'What's new' and 'Coming soon' to feature at the top of the search results page.
This helps ensure these documents on new products get the visibility they deserve.
Amazon Kendra doesn't duplicate search results if a result is already selected for featuring at the
top of the search results page. A featured result isn't again ranked as the first result if it is already
featured above all other results.
In order to feature certain results, you must specify an exact match of a full text query, not a
partial match of a query using a keyword or phrase contained within a query. For example, if
you only specify the query 'Kendra' in a featured result set, queries such as 'How does Kendra
semantically rank results?' will not render the featured results. Featured results are designed for
specific queries, rather than queries that are too broad in scope. Amazon Kendra naturally handles
keyword type queries to rank the most useful documents in the search results, avoiding excessive
featuring of results based on simple keywords.
If there are certain queries that your users frequently use, then you can specify these queries
for featured results. For example, if you look at your top queries using Amazon Kendra Analytics
and find that specific queries, such as 'How does kendra semantically rank results?' and 'kendra
semantic search', are frequently used, then these queries might be useful to specify for featuring
the document titled 'Amazon Kendra search 101'.
Featuring search results 1054
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Amazon Kendra treats queries for featured results as case insensitive. Amazon Kendra converts
a query to lower case, and replaces trailing white space characters with a single space. Amazon
Kendra matches all other characters as they are when you specify your queries for featured results.
You create a set of featured results that you map to certain queries using the
CreateFeaturedResultsSet API. If you use the console, you select your index and then select
Featured results in the navigation menu to create a featured results set. You can create up to 50
sets of featured results per index, up to four documents to be featured per set, and up to 49 query
texts per featured results set. You can request to increase these limits by contacting Support.
You can select the same document across multiple sets of featured results. However, you must not
use the same exact match query text across multiple sets. The queries you specify for featured
results must be unique per featured results set for each index.
You can arrange the order of documents when selecting up to four featured documents. If you use
the API, the order you list the featured documents is the same as displayed in the featured results.
If you use the console, you can simply drag and drop the order of documents when you select
documents for featuring in the results.
Access control, where certain users and groups have access to certain documents and others don't,
is still honored when configuring featured results. That's also true for user context filtering. For
example, user A belongs to the 'Interns' company group, which shouldn't access documents on
company secrets. If user A enters a query that features a company secret document, user A doesn't
see this document featured in their results. That's also true for any other results on the search
results page. You can also use tags to control access to a featured results set, which is an Amazon
Kendra resource for which you control access.
The following is an example of creating a set of featured results with the queries "new products
2023", "new products available" mapped to the documents titled "What's new" (doc-id-1) and
"Coming soon" (doc-id-2).
aws kendra create-featured-results-set \
--featured-results-set-name 'New product docs to feature' \
--description "Featuring What's new and Coming soon docs" \
--index-id index-id \
--query-texts 'new products 2023' 'new products available' \
--featured-documents '{"Id":"doc-id-1", "Id":"doc-id-2"}'
Featuring search results 1055
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
import pprint
import time
kendra = boto3.client("kendra")
print("Create a featured results set.")
# Provide a name for the featured results set
featured_results_name = "New product docs to feature"
# Provide an optional decription for the featured results set
description = "Featuring What's new and Coming soon docs"
# Provide the index ID for the featured results set
index = "index-id"
# Provide a list of query texts for the featured results set
queries = ['new products 2023', 'new products available']
# Provide a list of document IDs for the featured results set
featured_doc_ids = [{"Id":"doc-id-1"}, {"Id":"doc-id-2"}]
featured_results_set_response = kendra.create_featured_results_set(
FeaturedResultsSetName = featured_results_name,
Decription = description,
Index = index,
QueryTexts = queries,
FeaturedDocuments = featured_doc_ids
featured_results_set_id = featured_results_set_response["FeaturedResultsSetId"]
while True:
# Get the details of the featured results set, such as the status
featured_results_set_description = kendra.describe_featured_results_set(
Id = featured_results_set_id
status = featured_results_set_description["Status"]
print(" Featured results set status: "+status)
except ClientError as e:
Featuring search results 1056
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
print("%s" % e)
print("Program ends.")
Tabular search for HTML
Amazon Kendra's tabular search feature can search and extract answers from tables embedded in
HTML documents. When you search your index, Amazon Kendra includes an excerpt from a table if
it's relevant to the query and provides useful information.
Amazon Kendra looks at all of the information within the body text of a document, including
useful information in tables. For example, an index contains business reports with tables on
operation costs, income, and other financial information. For the query, "what is the annual
operation cost from 2020-2022?", Amazon Kendra can return an excerpt from a table that contains
relevant table columns "Operations (millions USD)" and "Financial year", and table rows containing
income values for 2020, 2021, and 2022. The table excerpt is included in the result, along with the
document title, a link to the full document, and any other document fields you choose to include.
Table excerpts can be displayed in the search results whether the information is found in one cell of
a table or multiple cells. For example, Amazon Kendra can display a table excerpt tailored to each
of these kinds of queries:
"highest interest rate credit card in 2020"
"highest interest rate credit card from 2020-2022"
"top 3 highest interest rate credit cards in 2020-2022"
"credit cards with interest rates less than 10%"
"all available low interest credit cards"
Amazon Kendra highlights the table cell or cells that are most relevant to the query. The most
relevant cells with their corresponding rows, columns and column names are displayed in the
search result. The table excerpt displays up to five columns and three rows, depending on how
many table cells are relevant to the query and how many columns are available in the original
table. The top most relevant cell is displayed in the table excerpt, along with the next most
relevant cells.
The response includes the confidence bucket (MEDIUM, HIGH, VERY_HIGH) to show how relevant
the table answer is to the query. If a table cell value is VERY_HIGH in confidence, then it becomes
Tabular search for HTML 1057
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
the 'top answer' and is highlighted. For table cell values that are HIGH in confidence, then they are
highlighted. For table cell values that are MEDIUM in confidence, then they are not highlighted. The
overall confidence for the table answer is returned in the response. For example, if a table contains
mostly table cells with HIGH confidence, then the overall confidence returned in the response for
the table answer is HIGH confidence.
By default, tables aren't given a higher level of importance or more weight than other components
of a document. Within a document, if a table is only slightly relevant to a query, but there's a
highly relevant paragraph, Amazon Kendra returns an excerpt of the paragraph. Search results
display the piece of content that provides the best possible answer and most useful information,
in the same document or other documents. If the confidence for a table falls below MEDIUM
confidence, then the table excerpt is not returned in the response.
To use tabular search on an existing index, you must re-index your content.
Amazon Kendra tabular search supports synonyms (including custom synonyms). Amazon Kendra
only supports documents in English with HTML tables that are within the table tag.
The following example shows table excerpt included in the query result. To view a sample JSON
with query responses, including table excerpts, see Query responses and types.
import boto3
import pprint
kendra = boto3.client("kendra")
# Provide the index ID
index_id = <index-id>
# Provide the query text
query = "search string"
response = kendra.query(
QueryText = query,
IndexId = index_id)
print("\nSearch results for query: " + query + "\n")
for query_result in response["ResultItems"]:
Tabular search for HTML 1058
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
print("Type: " + str(query_result["Type"]))
print("Type: " + str(query_result["Format"]))
if query_result["Type"]=="ANSWER" and query_result["Format"]=="TABLE":
answer_table = query_result["TableExcerpt"]
if query_result["Type"]=="ANSWER" and query_result["Format"]=="TEXT":
answer_text = query_result["DocumentExcerpt"]
if query_result["Type"]=="QUESTION_ANSWER":
question_answer_text = query_result["DocumentExcerpt"]["Text"]
if query_result["Type"]=="DOCUMENT":
if "DocumentTitle" in query_result:
document_title = query_result["DocumentTitle"]["Text"]
print("Title: " + document_title)
document_text = query_result["DocumentExcerpt"]["Text"]
package com.amazonaws.kendra;
public class SearchIndexExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
KendraClient kendra = KendraClient.builder().build();
String query = "search string";
String indexId = "index-id";
QueryRequest queryRequest = QueryRequest
Tabular search for HTML 1059
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
QueryResponse queryResponse = kendra.query(queryRequest);
System.out.println(String.format("\nSearch results for query: %s", query));
for(QueryResultItem item: queryResponse.resultItems()) {
System.out.println(String.format("Type: %s", item.type()));
System.out.println(String.format("Format: %s", item.format()));
switch(item.format()) {
case TABLE:
String answerTable = item.TableExcerpt();
switch(item.format()) {
case TEXT:
String answerText = item.DocumentExcerpt();
switch(item.type()) {
String questionAnswerText = item.documentExcerpt().text();
String documentTitle = item.documentTitle().text();
System.out.println(String.format("Title: %s", documentTitle));
String documentExcerpt = item.documentExcerpt().text();
System.out.println(String.format("Excerpt: %s",
System.out.println(String.format("Unknown query result type:
%s", item.type()));
Tabular search for HTML 1060
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Query suggestions
Amazon Kendra Query suggestions can help your users type their search queries faster and guide
their search.
Amazon Kendra suggests queries relevant to your users based on one of the following:
Popular queries in the query history or query log
The contents of document fields/attributes
You can set your preference for using the query history or document fields by setting
SuggestionTypes as either QUERY or DOCUMENT_ATTRIBUTES and calling GetQuerySuggestions.
By default, Amazon Kendra uses the query history to base suggestions on. If the query history and
document fields are both activated when you call UpdateQuerySuggestionsConfig and you haven't
set your SuggestionTypes preference to use document fields, then Amazon Kendra uses the
query history.
If you use the console, you can base query suggestions on either the query history or document
fields. You first select your index and then select Query suggestions under Enrichments in
the navigation menu. Then select Configure query suggestions. After you configure query
suggestions, you are directed to a search console where you can select either the Query history or
Document fields in the right panel and enter a search query in the search bar.
By default, query suggestions using the query history and document fields are both activated at
no additional cost. You can deactivate these types of query suggestions at any time by using the
UpdateQuerySuggestionsConfig API. To deactivate query suggestions based on the query
history, set Mode to DISABLED when calling UpdateQuerySuggestionsConfig. To deactivate
query suggestions based on document fields, set AttributeSuggestionsMode to INACTIVE in
the document fields configuration and then call UpdateQuerySuggestionsConfig>. If you use
the console, you can deactivate query suggestions in the Query suggestions settings.
Query suggestions are case insensitive. Amazon Kendra converts the query prefix and the
suggested query to lower case, ignores all single and double quotation marks, and replaces
multiple white space characters with a single space. Amazon Kendra matches all other special
Query suggestions 1061
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
characters as they are. Amazon Kendra does not show any suggestions if a user types fewer than
two characters or more than 60 characters.
Query suggestions using query history
Query suggestions using document fields
Block certain queries or document field content from suggestions
Query suggestions using query history
Settings for selecting queries for suggestions
Clear suggestions while retaining query history
No suggestions available
You can choose to suggest queries relevant to your users based on popular queries in the query
history or query log. Amazon Kendra uses all of the queries that your users search for and learns
from these queries to make suggestions to your users. Amazon Kendra suggests popular queries to
users when they start typing their query. Amazon Kendra suggests a query if the prefix or first few
characters of the query matches what the user starts typing as their query.
For example, a user starts typing the query 'upcoming events'. Amazon Kendra has learned from
the query history that many users have searched for 'upcoming events 2050' many times. The
user sees 'upcoming events 2050' appear directly underneath their search bar, autocompleting
their search query. The user selects this query suggestion, and the document 'New events: What's
happening in 2050' is returned in the search results.
You can specify how Amazon Kendra selects eligible queries to suggest to your users. For example,
you can specify that a query suggestion must have been searched by at least 10 unique users
(default is three), have been searched within the last 30 days, and does not contain any words or
phrases from your block list. Amazon Kendra requires that a query has at least one search result
and contains at least one word of more than four characters.
Settings for selecting queries for suggestions
You can configure the following settings for selecting queries for suggestions by using the
UpdateQuerySuggestionsConfig API:
Query suggestions using query history 1062
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Mode—Query suggestions using the query history are either ENABLED or LEARN_ONLY. Amazon
Kendra activates query suggestions by default. LEARN_ONLY turns off query suggestions. If
turned off, Amazon Kendra continues to learn suggestions but doesn't make query suggestions
to users.
Query log time window—How recent your queries are in your query log time window. The time
window is an integer value for the number of days from current day to past days.
Queries without user information—Set to TRUE to include all queries, or set to FALSE to only
include queries with user information. You can use this setting if your search application includes
user information, such as the user ID, when a user issues a query. By default, this setting doesn't
filter out queries if there's no specific user information associated with the queries. However, you
can use this setting to only make suggestions based on queries that include user information.
Unique users—The minimum number of unique users who must search a query for the query to
be eligible to suggest to your users. This number is an integer value.
Query count—The minimum number of times a query must be searched for the query to be
eligible to suggest to your users. This number is an integer value.
These settings affect how queries are selected as popular queries to suggest to your users. How you
tune your settings will depend on your specific needs, for example:
If your users usually search once a month on average, then you can set the number of days in the
query log time window to 30 days. By using that setting, you capture most of your users' recent
queries before they become outdated in the time window.
If only a small number of your queries include user information, and you don't want to suggest
queries based on a small sample size, then you can set queries to include all users.
If you define popular queries as being searched by at least 10 unique users and searched at least
100 times, then you set the unique users to 10 and the query count to 100.
Your changes to settings might not take effect immediately. You can track the settings
changes by using the DescribeQuerySuggestionsConfig API. The time for your updated
settings to take effect depends on the updates that you make and the number of search
queries in your index. Amazon Kendra automatically updates suggestions every 24 hours,
after you change a setting or after you apply a block list.
Query suggestions using query history 1063
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
To retrieve query suggestions
aws kendra get-query-suggestions \
--index-id index-id \
--query-text "query-text" \
--suggestion-types '["QUERY"]' \
--max-suggestions-count 1 // If you want to limit the number of suggestions
To update query suggestions
For example, to change the query log time window and the minimum number of times a query
must be searched:
aws kendra update-query-suggestions-config \
--index-id index-id \
--query-log-look-back-window-in-days 30 \
--minimum-query-count 100
To retrieve query suggestions
import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
kendra = boto3.client("kendra")
print("Get query suggestions.")
# Provide the index ID
index_id = "index-id"
# Provide the query text
query_text = "query"
# Provide the query suggestions type
query_suggestions_type = "QUERY"
# If you want to limit the number of suggestions
num_suggestions = 1
Query suggestions using query history 1064
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
query_suggestions_response = kendra.get_query_suggestions(
IndexId = index_id,
QueryText = query_text,
SuggestionTypes = query_suggestions_type,
MaxSuggestionsCount = num_suggestions
# Print out the suggestions you received
if ("Suggestions" in query_suggestions_response.keys()) {
for (suggestion: query_suggestions_response["Suggestions"]) {
except ClientError as e:
print("%s" % e)
print("Program ends.")
To update query suggestions
For example, to change the query log time window and the minimum number of times a query
must be searched:
import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
import pprint
import time
kendra = boto3.client("kendra")
print("Updating query suggestions settings/configuration for an index.")
# Provide the index ID
index_id = "index-id"
# Configure the settings you want to update
minimum_query_count = 100
query_log_look_back_window_in_days = 30
Query suggestions using query history 1065
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
IndexId = index_id,
MinimumQueryCount = minimum_query_count,
QueryLogLookBackWindowInDays = query_log_look_back_window_in_days
print("Wait for Amazon Kendra to update the query suggestions.")
while True:
# Get query suggestions description of settings/configuration
query_sugg_config_response = kendra.describe_query_suggestions_config(
IndexId = index_id
# If status is not UPDATING, then quit
status = query_sugg_config_response["Status"]
print(" Updating query suggestions config. Status: " + status)
if status != "UPDATING":
except ClientError as e:
print("%s" % e)
print("Program ends.")
Clear suggestions while retaining query history
You can clear query suggestions by using the ClearQuerySuggestions API. Clearing suggestions
deletes existing query suggestions only, not the queries in the query history. When you clear
suggestions, Amazon Kendra learns new suggestions based on new queries added to the query log
from the time you cleared suggestions.
To clear query suggestions
aws kendra clear-query-suggestions \
--index-id index-id
Query suggestions using query history 1066
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
To clear query suggestions
import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
kendra = boto3.client("kendra")
print("Clearing out query suggestions for an index.")
# Provide the index ID
index_id = "index-id"
IndexId = index_id
# Confirm last cleared date-time and that there are no suggestions
query_sugg_config_response = kendra.describe_query_suggestions_config(
IndexId = index_id
print("Query Suggestions last cleared at: " +
print("Number of suggestions available from the time of clearing: " +
except ClientError as e:
print("%s" % e)
print("Program ends.")
No suggestions available
If you don't see suggestions for a query, it could be for one of the following reasons:
There are not enough queries in your index for Amazon Kendra to learn from.
Your query suggestions settings are too strict, resulting in most queries being filtered out from
Query suggestions using query history 1067
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
You recently cleared suggestions, and Amazon Kendra still needs time for new queries to
accumulate in order to learn new suggestions.
You can check your current settings using the DescribeQuerySuggestionsConfig API.
Query suggestions using document fields
Settings for selecting fields for suggestions
User control in document fields
You can choose to suggest queries relevant to your users based on the contents of document
fields. Instead of using the query history to suggest other popular relevant queries, you can use
information contained within a document field that is useful to autocompleting the query. Amazon
Kendra looks for relevant content in fields set to Suggestable and that closely aligns with your
user's query. Then, Amazon Kendra suggests this content to your user when they start typing their
For example, if you specify the title field to base suggestions on and a user starts typing the query
'How amazon ken...', the most relevant title 'How Amazon Kendra works' could be suggested to
autocomplete the search. The user sees 'How Amazon Kendra works' appear directly underneath
their search bar, autocompleting their search query. The user selects this query suggestion, and the
document 'How Amazon Kendra works' is returned in the search results.
You can use the contents of any document field of String and StringList type to suggest
a query by setting the field to Suggestable as part of your fields configuration for query
suggestions. You can also use a block list so that suggested document fields that contain certain
words or phrases are not shown to your users. You can use one block list. The block list applies
whether you set query suggestions to use the query history or document fields.
Settings for selecting fields for suggestions
You can configure the following settings for selecting document fields for suggestions using
AttributeSuggestionsConfig and calling the UpdateQuerySuggestionsConfig API to update the
settings at the index level:
Field/attribute suggestions mode—Query suggestions using document fields are either ACTIVE
or INACTIVE. Amazon Kendra activates query suggestions by default.
Query suggestions using document fields 1068
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Suggestible fields/attributes—The field names or field keys to base suggestions on. These fields
must be set to TRUE for Suggestable, as part of the fields configuration. You can override the
fields configuration at the query level while maintaining the configuration at the index level. Use
the GetQuerySuggestions API to change AttributeSuggestionConfig at the query level.
This configuration at the query level can be useful for quickly experimenting with using different
document fields without having to update the configuration at the index level.
Additional fields/attributes—The additional fields that you want to include in the response for
a query suggestion. These fields are used to provide extra information in the response; however,
they are not used to base suggestions on.
Your changes to settings might not take effect immediately. You can track the settings
changes by using the DescribeQuerySuggestionsConfig API. The time for your updated
settings to take effect depends on the updates that you make. Amazon Kendra
automatically updates suggestions every 24 hours, after you change a setting or after you
apply a block list.
To retrieve query suggestions and override the document fields configuration at the query level
instead of having to change the configuration at the index level.
aws kendra get-query-suggestions \
--index-id index-id \
--query-text "query-text" \
--suggestion-types '["DOCUMENT_ATTRIBUTES"]' \
--attribute-suggestions-config '{"SuggestionAttributes":'["field/attribute key
1", "field/attribute key 2"]', "AdditionalResponseAttributes":'["response field/
attribute key 1", "response field/attribute key 2"]'}' \
--max-suggestions-count 1 // If you want to limit the number of suggestions
To update query suggestions
For example, to change the document fields configuration at the index level:
aws kendra update-query-suggestions-config \
Query suggestions using document fields 1069
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
--index-id index-id \
--attribute-suggestions-config '{"SuggestableConfigList": '[{"SuggestableConfig":
"_document_title", "Suggestable": true}]', "AttributeSuggestionsMode": "ACTIVE"}'
To retrieve query suggestions and override the document fields configuration at the query level
instead of having to change the configuration at the index level.
import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
kendra = boto3.client("kendra")
print("Get query suggestions.")
# Provide the index ID
index_id = "index-id"
# Provide the query text
query_text = "query"
# Provide the query suggestions type
query_suggestions_type = "DOCUMENT_ATTRIBUTES"
# Override fields/attributes configuration at query level
configuration = {"SuggestionAttributes":
'["field/attribute key 1", "field/attribute key 2"]',
'["response field/attribute key 1", "response field/attribute key 2"]'
# If you want to limit the number of suggestions
num_suggestions = 1
query_suggestions_response = kendra.get_query_suggestions(
IndexId = index_id,
QueryText = query_text,
SuggestionTypes = [query_suggestions_type],
AttributeSuggestionsConfig = configuration,
MaxSuggestionsCount = num_suggestions
Query suggestions using document fields 1070
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
# Print out the suggestions you received
if ("Suggestions" in query_suggestions_response.keys()) {
for (suggestion: query_suggestions_response["Suggestions"]) {
except ClientError as e:
print("%s" % e)
print("Program ends.")
To update query suggestions
For example, to change the document fields configuration at the index level:
import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
import pprint
import time
kendra = boto3.client("kendra")
print("Updating query suggestions settings/configuration for an index.")
# Provide the index ID
index_id = "index-id"
# Configure the settings you want to update at the index level
configuration = {"SuggestableConfigList":
'[{"SuggestableConfig": "_document_title", "Suggestable": true}]',
"AttributeSuggestionsMode": "ACTIVE"
IndexId = index_id,
AttributeSuggestionsConfig = configuration
print("Wait for Amazon Kendra to update the query suggestions.")
while True:
Query suggestions using document fields 1071
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
# Get query suggestions description of settings/configuration
query_sugg_config_response = kendra.describe_query_suggestions_config(
IndexId = index_id
# If status is not UPDATING, then quit
status = query_sugg_config_response["Status"]
print(" Updating query suggestions config. Status: " + status)
if status != "UPDATING":
except ClientError as e:
print("%s" % e)
print("Program ends.")
User control in document fields
You can apply user context filtering to the document fields that you want to base query
suggestions on. This filters document field information based on the user or their group access to
documents. For example, an intern searches the company's portal and doesn't have access to a top-
secret company document. Therefore, suggested queries based on the top-secret document's title,
or any other suggestible field, is not shown to the intern.
You can index your documents with an access control list (ACL), defining which users and groups
are assigned access to which documents. Then, you can apply user context filtering to your
documents fields for query suggestions. User context filtering that is currently set for your
index is the same user context filtering applied to your document fields configuration for query
suggestions. User context filtering is part of your document fields configuration. You use the
AttributeSuggestionsGetConfig and call GetQuerySuggestions.
Block certain queries or document field content from suggestions
A block list stops Amazon Kendra from suggesting certain queries to your users. A block list is a list
of words or phrases that you want to exclude from query suggestions. Amazon Kendra excludes
queries containing an exact match of the words or phrases in the block list.
You can use a block list to safeguard against offensive words or phrases that commonly appear
in your query history or document fields and that Amazon Kendra could select as suggestions. A
Block certain queries or document field content from suggestions 1072
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
block list can also prevent Amazon Kendra from suggesting queries that contain information that
is not ready to be publicly released or announced. For example, your users frequently query about
an upcoming release of a potential new product. However, you don't want to suggest the product
because you're not ready to release it.You can block queries that contain the product name and
product information from suggestions.
You can create a block list for queries by using the CreateQuerySuggestionsBlockList API. You put
each block word or phrase on a separate line in a text file. Then you upload the text file to your
Amazon S3 bucket and provide the path or location to the file in Amazon S3. Amazon Kendra
currently supports creating only one block list.
You can replace the text file of your blocked words and phrases in your Amazon S3 bucket. To
update the block list in Amazon Kendra, use the UpdateQuerySuggestionsBlockList API.
Use the DescribeQuerySuggestionsBlockList API to get the status of your block list.
DescribeQuerySuggestionsBlockList can also provide you with other useful information,
such as the following:
When your block list was last updated
How many words or phrases are in your current block list
Helpful error messages when creating a block list
You can also use the ListQuerySuggestionsBlockLists API to get a list of block list summaries for an
To delete your block list, use the DeleteQuerySuggestionsBlockList API.
Your updates to the block list might not take effect right away. You can track updates by using the
DescribeQuerySuggestionsBlockList API.
To create a block list
aws kendra create-query-suggestions-block-list \
--index-id index-id \
--name "block-list-name" \
--description "block-list-description" \
--source-s3-path "Bucket=bucket-name,Key=query-suggestions/block_list.txt" \
Block certain queries or document field content from suggestions 1073
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
--role-arn role-arn
To update a block list
aws kendra update-query-suggestions-block-list \
--index-id index-id \
--name "new-block-list-name" \
--description "new-block-list-description" \
--source-s3-path "Bucket=bucket-name,Key=query-suggestions/new_block_list.txt" \
--role-arn role-arn
To delete a block list
aws kendra delete-query-suggestions-block-list \
--index-id index-id \
--id block-list-id
To create a block list
import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
import pprint
import time
kendra = boto3.client("kendra")
print("Create a query suggestions block list.")
# Provide a name for the block list
block_list_name = "block-list-name"
# Provide an optional description for the block list
block_list_description = "block-list-description"
# Provide the IAM role ARN required for query suggestions block lists
block_list_role_arn = "role-arn"
# Provide the index ID
index_id = "index-id"
s3_bucket_name = "bucket-name"
s3_key = "query-suggestions/block_list.txt"
Block certain queries or document field content from suggestions 1074
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
source_s3_path = {
'Bucket': s3_bucket_name,
'Key': s3_key
block_list_response = kendra.create_query_suggestions_block_list(
Description = block_list_description,
Name = block_list_name,
RoleArn = block_list_role_arn,
IndexId = index_id,
SourceS3Path = source_s3_path
block_list_id = block_list_response["Id"]
print("Wait for Amazon Kendra to create the block list.")
while True:
# Get block list description
block_list_description = kendra.describe_query_suggestions_block_list(
Id = block_list_id,
IndexId = index_id
# If status is not CREATING, then quit
status = block_list_description["Status"]
print("Creating block list. Status: " + status)
if status != "CREATING":
except ClientError as e:
print("%s" % e)
print("Program ends.")
To update a block list
import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
import pprint
Block certain queries or document field content from suggestions 1075
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
import time
kendra = boto3.client("kendra")
print("Update a block list for query suggestions.")
# Provide the block list name you want to update
block_list_name = "new-block-list-name"
# Provide the block list description you want to update
block_list_description = "new-block-list-description"
# Provide the IAM role ARN required for query suggestions block lists
block_list_role_arn = "role-arn"
# Provide the block list ID
block_list_id = "block-list-id"
# Provide the index ID
index_id = "index-id"
s3_bucket_name = "bucket-name"
s3_key = "query-suggestions/new_block_list.txt"
source_s3_path = {
'Bucket': s3_bucket_name,
'Key': s3_key
Id = block_list_id,
IndexId = index_id,
Description = block_list_description,
Name = block_list_name,
RoleArn = block_list_role_arn,
SourceS3Path = source_s3_path
print("Wait for Amazon Kendra to update the block list.")
while True:
# Get block list description
block_list_description = kendra.describe_query_suggestions_block_list(
Id = block_list_id,
IndexId = index_id
# If status is not UPDATING, then the update has finished
Block certain queries or document field content from suggestions 1076
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
status = block_list_description["Status"]
print("Updating block list. Status: " + status)
if status != "UPDATING":
except ClientError as e:
print("%s" % e)
print("Program ends.")
To delete a block list
import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
kendra = boto3.client("kendra")
print("Delete a block list for query suggestions.")
# provide the block list ID
query_suggestions_block_list_id = "query-suggestions-block-list-id"
# Provide the index ID
index_id = "index-id"
Id = query_suggestions_block_list_id,
IndexId = index_id
except ClientError as e:
print("%s" % e)
print("Program ends.")
Query spell checker
Amazon Kendra Spell Checker suggests spell corrections for a query. This can help you keep
occurrences of zero search results to a minimum and return relevant results. Your users might
Query spell checker 1077
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
receive zero search results from misspelled queries with no matching results or no returned
documents. Or, your users might receive irrelevant search results from misspelled queries.
Spell Checker is designed to suggest corrections for misspelled words based on words that appear
in your indexed documents and how closely a corrected word matches a misspelled word. For
example, if the word 'statements' appears in your indexed documents, then this could closely
match the misspelled word 'statments' in the query 'year-end financial statments'.
Spell Checker returns the intended or corrected words that replace misspelled words in the original
query text. For example, 'depoying kendre search' could return 'deploying Kendra search' You can
also use offset locations provided in the API to highlight or italicize the returned corrected words
in a query in your front-end application. In the console, the corrected words are highlighted or
italicized by default. For example, 'deploying Kendra search'.
For business-specific or specialized terms that appear in your indexed documents, Spell Checker
does not misunderstand these terms as spellings mistakes in the query. For example, 'amazon
macie' is not corrected to 'amazon mace'.
For hyphenated words, such as 'year-end', Spell Checker treats these as individual words to suggest
corrections for these words. For example, the suggested correction for 'yaer-end' could be 'year-
For DOCUMENT and QUESTION_ANSWER query response types, Spell Checker suggests corrections to
misspelled words based on words in the document body. The document body is more reliable than
the title for suggesting corrections that closely match the misspelled words. For ANSWER query
response types, Spell Checker suggests corrections based on words in the default question and
answer document in your index.
You can activate Spell Checker using the SpellCorrectionConfiguration object. You set
IncludeQuerySpellCheckSuggestions to TRUE. Spell Checker is activated by default in the
console. It is built into the console by default.
Spell Checker can also suggest spell corrections for queries in multiple languages, not only English.
For a list of languages supported for Spell Checker, see Amazon Kendra supported languages.
Using the query spell checker with default limits
Spell Checker is designed with certain defaults or limits. The following is a list of current limits that
apply when you activate spell correction suggestions.
Using the query spell checker with default limits 1078
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Suggested spell corrections cannot be returned for words that are less than three characters
or more than 30 characters in length. To allow for more than 30 characters or less than three
characters, contact Support.
Suggested spell corrections cannot restrict suggestions based on user access control or your
access control list for user context filtering. Spell corrections are based on all words in your
indexed documents, whether the words are restricted to certain users or not. If you want to
avoid certain words appearing in the suggested spell corrections for queries, then do not activate
Suggested spell corrections cannot be returned for words that include numbers. For example,
'how 2 not br8k ubun2'.
Suggested spell corrections cannot use words that don't appear in your indexed documents.
Suggested spell corrections cannot use words that are frequented less than 0.01 percent in your
indexed documents. To change the 0.01% threshold, contact Support.
Filtering and facet search
You can improve the search results or response from the Query API by using filters. Filters restrict
the documents in the response to ones that directly apply to the query. To create faceted search
suggestions, use Boolean logic to filter out specific document attributes from the response or
documents that don't match specific criteria. You can specify facets using the Facets parameter in
the Query API.
To search documents that you have indexed with Amazon Kendra for Amazon Lex, use
AMAZON.KendraSearchIntent. For an example of configuring Amazon Kendra with Amazon
Lex, see Creating a FAQ Bot for an Amazon Kendra Index. You can also provide a filter for
the response by using AttributeFilter. This is the query filter in JSON when configuring
AMAZON.KendraSearchIntent. To provide an attribute filter when configuring a search intent
in the console, go to the intent editor and choose Amazon Kendra query to provide a query filter
in JSON. For more information about AMAZON.KendraSearchIntent, see the Amazon Lex
documentation guide.
Facets are scoped views of a set of search results. For example, you can provide search results
for cities across the world, where documents are filtered by a specific city with which they are
associated. Or, you can create facets to display results by a specific author.
Filtering and facet search 1079
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
You can use a document attribute or metadata field associated with a document as a facet so that
your users can search by categories or values within that facet. You can also display nested facets
in the search results so that your users can search not only by a category or field but also by a sub
category or sub field.
The following example shows how to get facet information for the "City" custom attribute.
QueryText = query,
IndexId = index,
Facets = [
"DocumentAttributeKey" : "City"
You can use nested facets to further narrow the search. For example, the document attribute
or facet "City" includes a value called "Seattle". In addition, the document attribute or facet
"CityRegion" includes the values "North" and "South" for documents assigned to "Seattle". You can
display nested facets with their counts in the search results so that documents can be searched not
only by city but also by a region within a city.
Note that nested facets could impact query latency. A general rule is the more nested facets that
you use, the greater potential impact on latency. Other factors that affect latency include the
average size of documents indexed, the size of your index, highly complex queries, and the overall
load on your Amazon Kendra index.
The following example shows how to get facet information for the "CityRegion" custom attribute,
as a nested facet within "City".
QueryText = query,
IndexId = index,
Facets = [
"DocumentAttributeKey" : "City",
"Facets": [
"DocumentAttributeKey" : "CityRegion"
Facets 1080
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Facet information, such as the document count, is returned in the FacetResults response array.
You use the contents to display faceted search suggestions in your application. For example, if
the document attribute "City" contains the city that a search could apply to, use that information
to display a list of city searches. Users can choose a city to filter their search results. To make the
faceted search, call the Query API and use the chosen document attribute to filter the results.
You can display up to 10 facet values per facet for a query, and only one nested facet within a
facet. If you want to increase these limits, contact Support. If you want to limit the number of facet
values per facet to less than 10, you can specify this in the Facet object.
The following sample JSON response shows facets scoped to the "City" document attribute. The
response includes the count of documents for the facet value.
'FacetResults': [
'DocumentAttributeKey': 'City',
'DocumentAttributeValueCountPairs': [
'Count': 3,
'DocumentAttributeValue': {
'StringValue': 'Dubai'
'Count': 3,
'DocumentAttributeValue': {
'StringValue': 'Seattle'
'Count': 1,
'DocumentAttributeValue': {
'StringValue': 'Paris'
Facets 1081
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
You can also display facet information for a nested facet, such as a region within a city, to further
filter the search results.
The following sample JSON response shows facets scoped to the "CityRegion" document attribute,
as a nested facet within "City". The response includes the count of documents for the nested facet
'FacetResults': [
'DocumentAttributeKey': 'City',
'DocumentAttributeValueCountPairs': [
'Count': 3,
'DocumentAttributeValue': {
'StringValue': 'Dubai'
'FacetResults': [
'DocumentAttributeKey': 'CityRegion',
'DocumentAttributeValueCountPairs': [
'Count': 2,
'DocumentAttributeValue': {
'StringValue': 'Bur Dubai'
'Count': 1,
'DocumentAttributeValue': {
'StringValue': 'Deira'
'Count': 3,
'DocumentAttributeValue': {
Facets 1082
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
'StringValue': 'Seattle'
'FacetResults': [
'DocumentAttributeKey': 'CityRegion',
'DocumentAttributeValueCountPairs': [
'Count': 1,
'DocumentAttributeValue': {
'StringValue': 'North'
'Count': 2,
'DocumentAttributeValue': {
'StringValue': 'South'
'Count': 1,
'DocumentAttributeValue': {
'StringValue': 'Paris'
'FacetResults': [
'DocumentAttributeKey': 'CityRegion',
'DocumentAttributeValueCountPairs': [
'Count': 1,
'DocumentAttributeValue': {
'StringValue': 'City center'
Facets 1083
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
When you use a string list field to create facets, the facet results returned are based on the
contents of the string list. For example, if you have a string list field that contains two items, one
with the list "dachshund", "sausage dog" and one with the value "husky", you get FacetResults
with three facets.
For more information, see Query responses and response types.
Using document attributes to filter search results
By default, Query returns all search results. To filter responses, you can perform logical operations
on the document attributes. For example, if you only want documents for a specific city, you can
filter on the "City" and "State" custom document attributes. You use AttributeFilter to create a
Boolean operation on filters that you supply.
Most attributes can be used to filter responses for all response types. However, the
_excerpt_page_number attribute is only applicable to ANSWER response types when filtering
The following example shows how to perform a logical AND operation by filtering on a specific city,
Seattle, and state, Washington.
QueryText = query,
IndexId = index,
AttributeFilter = {'AndAllFilters':
{"EqualsTo": {"Key": "City","Value": {"StringValue": "Seattle"}}},
{"EqualsTo": {"Key": "State","Value": {"StringValue": "Washington"}}}
The following example shows how to perform a logical OR operation for when any of the
Fileformat, Author, or SourceURI keys match the specified values.
QueryText = query,
Using document attributes to filter search results 1084
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
IndexId = index,
AttributeFilter = {'OrAllFilters':
{"EqualsTo": {"Key": "Fileformat","Value": {"StringValue":
{"EqualsTo": {"Key": "Author","Value": {"StringValue": "Ana
{"EqualsTo": {"Key": "SourceURI","Value": {"StringValue": "https://"}}}
For StringList fields, use the ContainsAny or ContainsAll attribute filters to return
documents with the specified string. The following example shows how to return all documents
that have the values "Seattle" or "Portland" in their Locations custom attribute.
QueryText = query,
IndexId = index,
AttributeFilter = {
"ContainsAny": { "Key": "Locations", "Value": { "StringListValue":
[ "Seattle", "Portland"] }}
Filtering each document's attributes in the search results
Amazon Kendra returns document attributes for each document in the search results. You can filter
certain document attributes you want to include in the response as part of the search results. By
default, all document attributes assigned to a document are returned in the response.
In the following example, only the _source_uri and _author document attributes are included
in the response for a document.
QueryText = query,
IndexId = index,
RequestedDocumentAttributes = ["_source_uri", "_author"]
Filtering each document's attributes in the search results 1085
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Filtering on user context
You can filter a user's search results based on the user or their group access to documents. You can
use a user token, user ID, or user attribute to filter documents. Amazon Kendra can also map users
to their groups. You can choose to use AWS IAM Identity Center as your identity store/source.
User context filtering is a kind of personalized search with the benefit of controlling access to
documents. For example, not all teams that search the company portal for information should
access top-secret company documents, nor are these documents relevant to all users. Only specific
users or groups of teams given access to top-secret documents should see these documents in their
search results.
When a document is indexed into Amazon Kendra, a corresponding access control list (ACL) is
ingested for most documents. The ACL specifies which user names and group names are allowed or
denied access to the document. Documents without an ACL are public documents.
Amazon Kendra can extract the user or group information associated with each document for most
data sources. For example, a document in Quip can include a 'share' list of select users that are
given access to the document. If you use an S3 bucket as a data source, you provide a JSON file for
your ACL and include the S3 path to this file as part of the data source configuration. If you add
documents directly to an index, you specify the ACL in the Principal object as part of the document
object in the BatchPutDocument API.
You can use the CreateAccessControlConfiguration API to re-configure your existing document
level access control without indexing all of your documents again. For example, your index contains
top-secret company documents that only certain employees or users should access. One of these
users leaves the company or switches to a team that should be blocked from accessing top-secret
documents. The user still has access to top-secret documents because the user had access when
your documents were previously indexed. You can create a specific access control configuration for
the user with deny access. You can later update the access control configuration to allow access in
the case the user returns to the company and re-joins the 'top-secret' team. You can re-configure
access control for your documents as circumstances change.
To apply your access control configuration to certain documents, you call the BatchPutDocument
API with the AccessControlConfigurationId included in the Document object.
If you use an S3 bucket as a data source, you update the .metadata.json with the
AccessControlConfigurationId and synchronize your data source. Amazon Kendra currently
only supports access control configuration for S3 data sources and documents indexed using the
BatchPutDocument API.
Filtering on user context 1086
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Filtering by user token
When you query an index, you can use a user token to filter search results based on the user or
their group access to documents. When you issue a query, Amazon Kendra extracts and validates
the token, pulls and checks the user and group information, and runs the query. All of the
documents the user has access to, including public documents, are returned. For more information,
see Token-based user access control.
You provide the user token in the UserContext object and pass this in the Query API.
The following shows how to include a user token.
response = kendra.query(
QueryText = query,
IndexId = index,
UserToken = {
Token = "token"
You can map users to groups. When you use user-context filtering, it is not required to include all
of the groups that a user belongs to when you issue the query. With the PutPrincipalMapping API,
you can map users to their groups. If you do not want to use the PutPrincipalMapping API, you
must provide the user name and all the groups the user belongs to when you issue a query. You can
also fetch access levels of groups and users in your IAM Identity Center identity source by using the
UserGroupResolutionConfiguration object.
Filtering by user ID and group
When you query an index, you can use the user ID and group to filter search results based on the
user or their group access to documents. When you issue a query, Amazon Kendra checks the user
and group information and runs the query. All of the documents relevant to the query that the user
has access to, including public documents, are returned.
You can also filter search results by data sources that users and groups have access to. Specifying
a data source is useful if a group is tied to multiple data sources, but you only want the group to
access documents of a certain data source. For example, the groups "Research", "Engineering",
and "Sales and Marketing" are all tied to the company's documents stored in the data sources
Confluence and Salesforce. However, "Sales and Marketing" team only needs access to customer-
related documents stored in Salesforce. So when sales and marketing users search for customer-
Filtering by user token 1087
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
related documents, they can see documents from Salesforce in their results. Users who do not work
in sales and marketing do not see Salesforce documents in their search results.
You provide the user, groups and data sources information in the UserContext object and pass this
in the Query API. The user ID, and the list of groups and data sources should match the name you
specify in the Principal object to identify the user, groups, and data sources. With the Principal
object, you can add a user, group, or data source to either an allow list or a deny list for accessing a
You are required to provide one of the following:
User and groups information, and (optional) data sources information.
Only the user information if you map your users to groups and data sources using the
PutPrincipalMapping API. You can also fetch access levels of groups and users in your IAM
Identity Center identity source by using the UserGroupResolutionConfiguration object.
If this information is not included in the query, Amazon Kendra returns all documents. If you
provide this information, only documents with matching user IDs, groups, and data sources are
The following shows how to include user ID, groups, and data sources.
response = kendra.query(
QueryText = query,
IndexId = index,
UserId = {
UserId = "user1"
Groups = {
Groups = ["Sales and Marketing"]
DataSourceGroups = {
DataSourceGroups = [{"DataSourceId" : "SalesforceCustomerDocsGroup", "GroupId":
"Sales and Marketing"}]
Filtering by user attribute
When you query an index, you can use built-in attributes _user_id and _group_id to filter
search results based on the user and their group access to documents. You can set up to 100 group
Filtering by user attribute 1088
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
identifiers. When you issue a query, Amazon Kendra checks the user and group information and
runs the query. All documents relevant to the query that the user has access to, including public
documents, are returned.
You provide the user and group attributes in the AttributeFilter object and pass this in the Query
The following example shows a request that filters the query response based on the user ID and
the groups "HR" and "IT", which the user belongs to. The query will return any document that has
the user or the "HR" or "IT" groups in the allow list. If the user or either group is in the deny list for
a document, the document is not returned.
response = kendra.query(
QueryText = query,
IndexId = index,
AttributeFilter = {
"OrAllFilters": [
"EqualsTo": {
"Key": "_user_id",
"Value": {
"StringValue": "user1"
"EqualsTo": {
"Key": "_group_ids",
"Value": {
"StringListValue": ["HR", "IT"]
You can also specify which data source a group can access in the Principal object.
Filtering by user attribute 1089
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
User context filtering isn't an authentication or authorization control for your content.
It doesn't do user authentication on the user and groups sent to the Query API. It is up
to your application to ensure that the user and group information sent to Query API is
authenticated and authorized.
There is an implementation of user context filtering for each data source. The following section
describes each implementation.
User context filtering for documents added directly to an index
User context filtering for frequently asked questions
User context filtering for data sources
User context filtering for documents added directly to an index
When you add documents directly to an index using the BatchPutDocument API, Amazon
Kendra gets user and group information from the AccessControlList field of the document.
You provide an access control list (ACL) for your documents and the ACL is ingested with your
You specify the ACL in the Principal object as part of the Document object in the
BatchPutDocument API. You provide the following information:
The access that the user or group should have. You can say ALLOW or DENY.
The type of entity. You can say USER or GROUP.
The name of the user or group.
You can add up to 200 entries in the AccessControlList field.
User context filtering for frequently asked questions
When you add a FAQ to an index, Amazon Kendra gets user and group information from the
AccessControlList object/field of the FAQ JSON file. You can also use a FAQ CSV file with
custom fields or attributes for access control.
User context filtering for documents added directly to an index 1090
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
You provide the following information:
The access that the user or group should have. You can say ALLOW or DENY.
The type of entity. You can say USER or GROUP.
The name of the user or group.
For more information, see FAQ files.
User context filtering for data sources
Amazon Kendra also crawls user and group access control list (ACL) information from supported
data source connectors. This is useful for user context filtering, where search results are filtered
based on the user or their group access to documents.
User context filtering for Adobe Experience Manager data sources
User context filtering for Alfresco data sources
User context filtering for Aurora (MySQL) data sources
User context filtering for Aurora (PostgreSQL) data sources
User context filtering for Amazon FSx data sources
User context filtering for database data sources
User context filtering for Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server) data sources
User context filtering for Amazon RDS (MySQL) data sources
User context filtering for Amazon RDS (Oracle) data sources
User context filtering for Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL) data sources
User context filtering for Amazon S3 data sources
User context filtering for Amazon WorkDocs data sources
User context filtering for Box data sources
User context filtering for Confluence data sources
User context filtering for Dropbox data sources
User context filtering for Drupal data sources
User context filtering for GitHub data sources
User context filtering for data sources 1091
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
User context filtering for Gmail data sources
User context filtering for Google Drive data sources
User context filtering for IBM DB2 data sources
User context filtering for Jira data sources
User context filtering for Microsoft Exchange data sources
User context filtering for Microsoft OneDrive data sources
User context filtering for Microsoft OneDrive v2.0 data sources
User context filtering for Microsoft SharePoint data sources
User context filtering for Microsoft SQL Server data sources
User context filtering for Microsoft Teams data sources
User context filtering for Microsoft Yammer data sources
User context filtering for MySQL data sources
User context filtering for Oracle Database data sources
User context filtering for PostgreSQL data sources
User context filtering for Quip data sources
User context filtering for Salesforce data sources
User context filtering for ServiceNow data sources
User context filtering for Slack data sources
User context filtering for Zendesk data sources
User context filtering for Adobe Experience Manager data sources
When you use an Adobe Experience Manager data source, Amazon Kendra gets the user and group
information from the Adobe Experience Manager instance.
The group and user IDs are mapped as follows:
_group_ids—Group IDs exist in Adobe Experience Manager content where there are set access
permissions. They are mapped from the names of the groups in Adobe Experience Manager.
_user_id—User IDs exist in Adobe Experience Manager content where there are set access
permissions. They are mapped from the user emails as the IDs in Adobe Experience Manager.
User context filtering for data sources 1092
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
You can add up to 200 entries in the AccessControlList field.
User context filtering for Alfresco data sources
When you use an Alfresco data source, Amazon Kendra gets the user and group information from
the Alfresco instance.
The group and user IDs are mapped as follows:
_group_ids—Group IDs exist in Alfresco on files where there are set access permissions. They
are mapped from the system names of the groups (not display names) in Alfresco.
_user_id—User IDs exist in Alfresco on files where there are set access permissions. They are
mapped from the user emails as the IDs in Alfresco.
You can add up to 200 entries in the AccessControlList field.
User context filtering for Aurora (MySQL) data sources
When you use a Aurora (MySQL) data source, Amazon Kendra gets user and group information
from a column in the source table. You specify this column in the console or using the
TemplateConfiguration object as part of the CreateDataSource API.
A Aurora (MySQL) database data source has the following limitations:
You can only specify an allow list for a database data source. You can't specify a deny list.
You can only specify groups. You can't specify individual users for the allow list.
The database column should be a string containing a semicolon delimited list of groups.
User context filtering for Aurora (PostgreSQL) data sources
When you use a Aurora (PostgreSQL) data source, Amazon Kendra gets user and group
information from a column in the source table. You specify this column in the console or using the
TemplateConfiguration object as part of the CreateDataSource API.
A Aurora (PostgreSQL) database data source has the following limitations:
You can only specify an allow list for a database data source. You can't specify a deny list.
You can only specify groups. You can't specify individual users for the allow list.
User context filtering for data sources 1093
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
The database column should be a string containing a semicolon delimited list of groups.
User context filtering for Amazon FSx data sources
When you use an Amazon FSx data source, Amazon Kendra gets user and group information from
the directory service of the Amazon FSx instance.
The Amazon FSx group and user IDs are mapped as follows:
_group_ids—Group IDs exist in Amazon FSx on files where there are set access permissions.
They are mapped from the system group names in the directory service of Amazon FSx.
_user_id—User IDs exist in Amazon FSx on files where there are set access permissions. They
are mapped from the system user names in the directory service of Amazon FSx.
You can add up to 200 entries in the AccessControlList field.
User context filtering for database data sources
When you use a database data source, such as Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL, Amazon Kendra gets
user and group information from a column in the source table. You specify this column in the
AclConfiguration object as part of the DatabaseConfiguration object in the CreateDataSource API.
A database data source has the following limitations:
You can only specify an allow list for a database data source. You can't specify a deny list.
You can only specify groups. You can't specify individual users for the allow list.
The database column should be a string containing a semicolon delimited list of groups.
User context filtering for Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server) data sources
When you use a Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server) data source, Amazon Kendra gets user and
group information from a column in the source table. You specify this column in the console or
using the TemplateConfiguration object as part of the CreateDataSource API.
A Amazon RDS (Microsoft SQL Server) database data source has the following limitations:
You can only specify an allow list for a database data source. You can't specify a deny list.
User context filtering for data sources 1094
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
You can only specify groups. You can't specify individual users for the allow list.
The database column should be a string containing a semicolon delimited list of groups.
User context filtering for Amazon RDS (MySQL) data sources
When you use a Amazon RDS (MySQL) data source, Amazon Kendra gets user and group
information from a column in the source table. You specify this column in the console or using the
TemplateConfiguration object as part of the CreateDataSource API.
A Amazon RDS (MySQL) database data source has the following limitations:
You can only specify an allow list for a database data source. You can't specify a deny list.
You can only specify groups. You can't specify individual users for the allow list.
The database column should be a string containing a semicolon delimited list of groups.
User context filtering for Amazon RDS (Oracle) data sources
When you use a Amazon RDS (Oracle) data source, Amazon Kendra gets user and group
information from a column in the source table. You specify this column in the console or using the
TemplateConfiguration object as part of the CreateDataSource API.
A Amazon RDS (Oracle) database data source has the following limitations:
You can only specify an allow list for a database data source. You can't specify a deny list.
You can only specify groups. You can't specify individual users for the allow list.
The database column should be a string containing a semicolon delimited list of groups.
User context filtering for Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL) data sources
When you use a Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL) data source, Amazon Kendra gets user and group
information from a column in the source table. You specify this column in the console or using the
TemplateConfiguration object as part of the CreateDataSource API.
A Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL) database data source has the following limitations:
You can only specify an allow list for a database data source. You can't specify a deny list.
You can only specify groups. You can't specify individual users for the allow list.
User context filtering for data sources 1095
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
The database column should be a string containing a semicolon delimited list of groups.
User context filtering for Amazon S3 data sources
You add user context filtering to a document in an Amazon S3 data source using a metadata file
associated with the document. You add the information to the AccessControlList field in the
JSON document. For more information about adding metadata to the documents indexed from an
Amazon S3 data source, see S3 document metadata.
You provide three pieces of information:
The access that the entity should have. You can say ALLOW or DENY.
The type of entity. You can say USER or GROUP.
The name of the entity.
You can add up to 200 entries in the AccessControlList field.
User context filtering for Amazon WorkDocs data sources
When you use an Amazon WorkDocs data source, Amazon Kendra gets user and group information
from the Amazon WorkDocs instance.
The Amazon WorkDocs group and user IDs are mapped as follows:
_group_ids—Group IDs exist in Amazon WorkDocs on files where there are set access
permissions. They are mapped from the names of the groups in Amazon WorkDocs.
_user_id—User IDs exist in Amazon WorkDocs on files where there are set access permissions.
They are mapped from the user names in Amazon WorkDocs.
You can add up to 200 entries in the AccessControlList field.
User context filtering for Box data sources
When you use a Box data source, Amazon Kendra gets user and group information from the Box
The Box group and user IDs are mapped as follows:
User context filtering for data sources 1096
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
_group_ids—Group IDs exist in Box on files where there are set access permissions. They are
mapped from the names of the groups in Box.
_user_id—User IDs exist in Box on files where there are set access permissions. They are
mapped from the user emails as the user IDs in Box.
You can add up to 200 entries in the AccessControlList field.
User context filtering for Confluence data sources
When you use a Confluence data source, Amazon Kendra gets user and group information from the
Confluence instance.
You configure user and group access to spaces using the space permissions page. For pages and
blogs, you use the restrictions page. For more information about space permissions, see Space
Permissions Overview on the Confluence Support website. For more information about page and
blog restrictions, see Page Restrictions on the Confluence Support website.
The Confluence group and user names are mapped as follows:
_group_ids—Group names are present on spaces, pages, and blogs where there are
restrictions. They are mapped from the name of the group in Confluence. Group names are
always lower case.
_user_id—User names are present on the space, page, or blog where there are restrictions.
They are mapped depending on the type of Confluence instance that you are using.
For Confluence connector v1.0
Server—The _user_id is the user name. The username is always lower case.
Cloud—The _user_id is the account ID of the user.
For Confluence connector v2.0
Server—The _user_id is the user name. The username is always lower case.
Cloud—The _user_id is the email ID of the user.
For user context filtering to work correctly for your Confluence connector, you need
to make sure that the visibility of a user granted access to a Confluence page is set
User context filtering for data sources 1097
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
to Anyone. For more information, see Set your email visibility in Atlassian Developer
You can add up to 200 entries in the AccessControlList field.
User context filtering for Dropbox data sources
When you use a Dropbox data source, Amazon Kendra gets the user and group information from
the Dropbox instance.
The group and user IDs are mapped as follows:
_group_ids—Group IDs exist in Dropbox on files where there are set access permissions. They
are mapped from the names of the groups in Dropbox.
_user_id—User IDs exist in Dropbox on files where there are set access permissions. They are
mapped from the user emails as the IDs in Dropbox.
You can add up to 200 entries in the AccessControlList field.
User context filtering for Drupal data sources
When you use a Drupal data source, Amazon Kendra gets the user and group information from the
The group and user IDs are mapped as follows:
_group_ids – Group IDs exist in Drupal on files where there are set access permissions. They are
mapped from the names of the groups in Drupal.
_user_id – User IDs exist in Drupal on files where there are set access permissions. They are
mapped from the user emails as the IDs in Drupal.
You can add up to 200 entries in the AccessControlList field.
User context filtering for GitHub data sources
When you use a GitHub data source, Amazon Kendra gets user information from the GitHub
The GitHub user IDs are mapped as follows:
User context filtering for data sources 1098
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
_user_id—User IDs exist in GitHub on files where there are set access permissions. They are
mapped from the user emails as the IDs in GitHub.
You can add up to 200 entries in the AccessControlList field.
User context filtering for Gmail data sources
When you use a Gmail data source, Amazon Kendra gets the user information from the Gmail
The user IDs are mapped as follows:
_user_id – User IDs exist in Gmail on files where there are set access permissions. They are
mapped from the user emails as the IDs in Gmail.
You can add up to 200 entries in the AccessControlList field.
User context filtering for Google Drive data sources
A Google Workspace Drive data source returns user and group information for Google Drive users
and groups. Group and domain membership are mapped to the _group_ids index field. The
Google Drive user name is mapped to the _user_id field.
When you provide one or more user email addresses in the Query API, only documents that have
been shared with those email addresses are returned. The following AttributeFilter parameter
only returns documents shared with "[email protected]".
"AttributeFilter": {
"Key": "_user_id",
"Value": {
"StringValue": "[email protected]"
If you provide one or more group email addresses in the query, only documents shared with the
groups are returned. The following AttributeFilter parameter only returns documents shared
with the "[email protected]" group.
User context filtering for data sources 1099
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"AttributeFilter": {
"Key": "_group_ids",
"Value": {
"StringListValue": ["[email protected]"]
If you provide the domain in the query, all documents shared with the domain are returned. The
following AttributeFilter parameter returns documents shared with the ""
"AttributeFilter": {
"Key": "_group_ids",
"Value": {
"StringListValue": [""]
You can add up to 200 entries in the AccessControlList field.
User context filtering for IBM DB2 data sources
When you use a IBM DB2 data source, Amazon Kendra gets user and group information
from a column in the source table. You specify this column in the console or using the
TemplateConfiguration object as part of the CreateDataSource API.
A IBM DB2 database data source has the following limitations:
You can only specify an allow list for a database data source. You can't specify a deny list.
You can only specify groups. You can't specify individual users for the allow list.
The database column should be a string containing a semicolon delimited list of groups.
User context filtering for data sources 1100
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
User context filtering for Jira data sources
When you use a Jira data source, Amazon Kendra gets user and group information from the Jira
The Jira user IDs are mapped as follows:
_user_id—User IDs exist in Jira on files where there are set access permissions. They are
mapped from the user emails as the user IDs in Jira.
You can add up to 200 entries in the AccessControlList field.
User context filtering for Microsoft Exchange data sources
When you use a Microsoft Exchange data source, Amazon Kendra gets the user information from
the Microsoft Exchange instance.
The Microsoft Exchange user IDs are mapped as follows:
_user_id—User IDs exist in Microsoft Exchange permissions for users to access certain content.
They are mapped from the user names as the IDs in Microsoft Exchange.
You can add up to 200 entries in the AccessControlList field.
User context filtering for Microsoft OneDrive data sources
Amazon Kendra retrieves user and group information from Microsoft OneDrive when it indexes
the documents on the site. The user and group information is taken from the underlying Microsoft
SharePoint site that hosts OneDrive.
When you use a OneDrive user or group for filtering search results, calculate the ID as follows:
Get the site name. For example,
Take the MD5 hash of the site name. For example, 430a6b90503eef95c89295c8999c7981.
3. Create the user email or group ID by concatenating the MD5 hash with a vertical bar (|) and the
ID. For example, if a group name is "localGroupName", the group ID would be:
"430a6b90503eef95c89295c8999c7981 | localGroupName"
User context filtering for data sources 1101
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Include a space before and after the vertical bar. The vertical bar is used to identify
localGroupName with its MD5 hash.
For the user name "[email protected]," the user ID would be the following:
"430a6b90503eef95c89295c8999c7981 | [email protected]"
Send the user or group ID to Amazon Kendra as the _user_id or _group_id attribute when
you call the Query API. For example, the AWS CLI command that uses a group to filter the search
results looks like this:
aws kendra query \
--index-id index ID
--query-text "query text"
--attribute-filter '{
"Key": "_group_id",
"Value": {"StringValue": "430a6b90503eef95c89295c8999c7981 |
You can add up to 200 entries in the AccessControlList field.
User context filtering for Microsoft OneDrive v2.0 data sources
A Microsoft OneDrive v2.0 data source returns section and page information from OneDrive access
control list (ACL) entities. Amazon Kendra uses the OneDrive tenant domain to connect to the
OneDrive instance and then can filter search results based on user or group access to sections and
file names.
For standard objects, the _user_id and _group_id are used as follows:
_user_id— Your Microsoft OneDrive user email ID is mapped to the _user_id field.
_group_id— Your Microsoft OneDrive group email is mapped to the _group_id field.
User context filtering for data sources 1102
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
You can add up to 200 entries in the AccessControlList field.
User context filtering for Microsoft SharePoint data sources
Amazon Kendra retrieves user and group information from Microsoft SharePoint when it indexes
the site documents. To filter search results based on user or group access, provide user and group
information when you call the Query API.
To filter using a user name, use the user's email address. For example, [email protected]om.
When you use a SharePoint group for filtering search results, calculate the group ID as follows:
For local groups
Get the site name. For example,
2. Take the SHA256 hash of the site name. For example,
3. Create the group ID by concatenating the SHA256 hash with a vertical bar (|) and the group
name. For example, if the group name is "localGroupName", the group ID would be:
"430a6b90503eef95c89295c8999c7981 | localGroupName"
Include a space before and after the vertical bar. The vertical bar is used to identify
localGroupName with its SHA256 hash.
Send the group ID to Amazon Kendra as the _group_id attribute when you call the Query API. For
example, the AWS CLI command looks like this:
aws kendra query \
--index-id index ID
--query-text "query text"
--attribute-filter '{
"Key": "_group_id",
"Value": {"StringValue": "430a6b90503eef95c89295c8999c7981 |
User context filtering for data sources 1103
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
For AD groups
1. Use the AD group ID for configuring filtering of search results.
Send the group ID to Amazon Kendra as the _group_id attribute when you call the Query API. For
example, the AWS CLI command looks like this:
aws kendra query \
--index-id index ID
--query-text "query text"
--attribute-filter '{
"Key": "_group_id",
"Value": {"StringValue": "AD group"}
You can add up to 200 entries in the AccessControlList field.
User context filtering for Microsoft SQL Server data sources
When you use a Microsoft SQL Server data source, Amazon Kendra gets user and group
information from a column in the source table. You specify this column in the console or using the
TemplateConfiguration object as part of the CreateDataSource API.
A Microsoft SQL Server database data source has the following limitations:
You can only specify an allow list for a database data source. You can't specify a deny list.
You can only specify groups. You can't specify individual users for the allow list.
The database column should be a string containing a semicolon delimited list of groups.
User context filtering for Microsoft Teams data sources
Amazon Kendra retrieves user information from Microsoft Teams when it indexes the documents.
The user information is taken from the underlying Microsoft Teams instance.
You can add up to 200 entries in the AccessControlList field.
User context filtering for data sources 1104
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
User context filtering for Microsoft Yammer data sources
Amazon Kendra retrieves user information from Microsoft Yammer when it indexes the documents.
The user and group information is taken from the underlying Microsoft Yammer instance.
The Microsoft Yammer user IDs are mapped as follows:
_email_id— The Microsoft email ID mapped to the _user_id field.
You can add up to 200 entries in the AccessControlList field.
User context filtering for MySQL data sources
When you use a MySQL data source, Amazon Kendra gets user and group information
from a column in the source table. You specify this column in the console or using the
TemplateConfiguration object as part of the CreateDataSource API.
A MySQL database data source has the following limitations:
You can only specify an allow list for a database data source. You can't specify a deny list.
You can only specify groups. You can't specify individual users for the allow list.
The database column should be a string containing a semicolon delimited list of groups.
User context filtering for Oracle Database data sources
When you use a Oracle Database data source, Amazon Kendra gets user and group information
from a column in the source table. You specify this column in the console or using the
TemplateConfiguration object as part of the CreateDataSource API.
A Oracle Database database data source has the following limitations:
You can only specify an allow list for a database data source. You can't specify a deny list.
You can only specify groups. You can't specify individual users for the allow list.
The database column should be a string containing a semicolon delimited list of groups.
User context filtering for data sources 1105
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
User context filtering for PostgreSQL data sources
When you use a PostgreSQL data source, Amazon Kendra gets user and group information
from a column in the source table. You specify this column in the console or using the
TemplateConfiguration object as part of the CreateDataSource API.
A PostgreSQL database data source has the following limitations:
You can only specify an allow list for a database data source. You can't specify a deny list.
You can only specify groups. You can't specify individual users for the allow list.
The database column should be a string containing a semicolon delimited list of groups.
User context filtering for Quip data sources
When you use a Quip data source, Amazon Kendra gets the user information from the Quip
The Quip user IDs are mapped as follows:
_user_id—User IDs exist in Quip on files where there are set access permissions. They are
mapped from the user emails as the IDs in Quip.
You can add up to 200 entries in the AccessControlList field.
User context filtering for Salesforce data sources
A Salesforce data source returns user and group information from Salesforce access control list
(ACL) entities. You can apply user context filtering to Salesforce standard objects and chatter feeds.
User context filtering is not available for Salesforce knowledge articles.
If you map any Salesforce field to Amazon Kendra document title and document body fields,
Amazon Kendra will use data from the document title and body fields in search responses.
For standard objects, the _user_id and _group_ids are used as follows:
_user_id—The user name of the Salesforce user.
Name of the Salesforce Profile
User context filtering for data sources 1106
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Name of the Salesforce Group
Name of the Salesforce UserRole
Name of the Salesforce PermissionSet
For chatter feeds, the _user_id and _group_ids are used as follows:
_user_id—The user name of the Salesforce user. Only available if the item is posted in the
user's feed.
_group_ids—Group IDs are used as follows. Only available if the feed item is posted in a
chatter or collaboration group.
The name of the chatter or collaboration group.
If the group is public, PUBLIC:ALL.
You can add up to 200 entries in the AccessControlList field.
User context filtering for ServiceNow data sources
User context filtering for ServiceNow is supported only for the TemplateConfiguration API and
ServiceNow Connector v2.0. ServiceNowConfiguration API and ServiceNow Connector v1.0. do not
support user context filtering.
When you use a ServiceNow data source, Amazon Kendra gets the user and group information
from the ServiceNow instance.
The group and user IDs are mapped as follows:
_group_ids—Group IDs exist in ServiceNow on files where there are set access permissions.
They are mapped from the role names of sys_ids in ServiceNow.
_user_id—User IDs exist in ServiceNow on files where there are set access permissions. They
are mapped from the user emails as the IDs in ServiceNow.
You can add up to 200 entries in the AccessControlList field.
User context filtering for Slack data sources
When you use a Slack data source, Amazon Kendra gets the user information from the Slack
User context filtering for data sources 1107
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
The Slack user IDs are mapped as follows:
_user_id—User IDs exist in Slack on messages and channels where there are set access
permissions. They are mapped from the user emails as the IDs in Slack.
You can add up to 200 entries in the AccessControlList field.
User context filtering for Zendesk data sources
When you use a Zendesk data source, Amazon Kendra gets the user and group information from
the Zendesk instance.
The group and user IDs are mapped as follows:
_group_ids—Group IDs exist in Zendesk tickets and articles where there are set access
permissions. They are mapped from the names of the groups in Zendesk.
_user_id—Group IDs exist in Zendesk tickets and articles where there are set access
permissions. They are mapped from the user emails as the IDs in Zendesk.
You can add up to 200 entries in the AccessControlList field.
Query responses and response types
Amazon Kendra supports different query responses and response types.
Query responses
A call to the Query API returns information about the results of a search. The results are in an array
ofQueryResultItem objects (ResultItems). Each QueryResultItem includes a summary of the
result. Document attributes associated with the query result are included.
Summary information
The summary information varies depending on the type of result. In each case, it includes
document text that matches the search term. It also includes highlight information that you can
use to highlight the search text in your application's output. For example, if the search term is what
is the height of the Space Needle?, the summary information includes text location for the words
Query responses and response types 1108
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
height and space needle. For information about response types, see Query responses and response
Document attributes
Each result contains document attributes for the document that matches a query. Some of the
attributes are predefined, such as DocumentId, DocumentTitle, and DocumentUri. Others are
custom attributes that you define. You can use document attributes to filter the response from
the Query API. For example, you might want only the documents written by a specific author or
a specific version of a document. For more information, see Filtering and facet search. You specify
document attributes when you add documents to an index. For more information, see Custom
fields or attributes.
The following is sample JSON code for a query result. Note the document attributes in
DocumentAttributes and AdditionalAttributes.
"QueryId": "query-id",
"ResultItems": [
"Id": "result-id",
"Type": "ANSWER",
"AdditionalAttributes": [
"Key": "AnswerText",
"Value": {
"TextWithHighlightsValue": {
"Text": "text",
"Highlights": [
"BeginOffset": 55,
"EndOffset": 90,
"TopAnswer": false
"DocumentId": "document-id",
"DocumentTitle": {
Query responses 1109
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Text": "title"
"DocumentExcerpt": {
"Text": "text",
"Highlights": [
"BeginOffset": 0,
"EndOffset": 300,
"TopAnswer": false
"DocumentURI": "uri",
"DocumentAttributes": [],
"ScoreAttributes": "score",
"FeedbackToken": "token"
"Id": "result-id",
"Type": "ANSWER",
"Format": "TABLE",
"DocumentId": "document-id",
"DocumentTitle": {
"Text": "title"
"TableExcerpt": {
"Rows": [{
"Cells": [{
"Header": true,
"Highlighted": false,
"TopAnswer": false,
"Value": "value"
}, {
"Header": true,
"Highlighted": false,
"TopAnswer": false,
"Value": "value"
}, {
"Header": true,
"Highlighted": false,
"TopAnswer": false,
"Value": "value"
}, {
"Header": true,
Query responses 1110
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Highlighted": false,
"TopAnswer": false,
"Value": "value"
}, {
"Cells": [{
"Header": false,
"Highlighted": false,
"TopAnswer": false,
"Value": "value"
}, {
"Header": false,
"Highlighted": false,
"TopAnswer": false,
"Value": "value"
}, {
"Header": false,
"Highlighted": true,
"TopAnswer": true,
"Value": "value"
}, {
"Header": false,
"Highlighted": false,
"TopAnswer": false,
"Value": "value"
"TotalNumberofRows": number
"DocumentURI": "uri",
"ScoreAttributes": "score",
"FeedbackToken": "token"
"Id": "result-id",
"Type": "DOCUMENT",
"AdditionalAttributes": [],
"DocumentId": "document-id",
"DocumentTitle": {
"Text": "title",
"Highlights": []
"DocumentExcerpt": {
"Text": "text",
Query responses 1111
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Highlights": [
"BeginOffset": 74,
"EndOffset": 77,
"TopAnswer": false
"DocumentURI": "uri",
"DocumentAttributes": [
"Key": "_source_uri",
"Value": {
"StringValue": "uri"
"ScoreAttributes": "score",
"FeedbackToken": "token",
"FacetResults": [],
"TotalNumberOfResults": number
Response types
Amazon Kendra returns three types of query response.
Answer (includes table answer)
Question and answer
The type of the response is returned in the Type response field of the QueryResultItem object.
Amazon Kendra detected one or more question answers in the response. A factoid is the response
to a who, what, when, or where question such as Where is the nearest service center to me? Amazon
Kendra returns text in the index that best matches the query. The text is in the AnswerText field
and contains highlight information for the search term within the response text. AnswerText
Response types 1112
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
includes the full document excerpt with highlighted text, while DocumentExcerpt includes the
truncated (290 characters) document excerpt with highlighted text.
Amazon Kendra only returns one answer per document, and that is the answer with the highest
confidence. To return multiple answers from a document, you must split the document into
multiple documents.
'AnswerText': {
'TextWithHighlights': [
'BeginOffset': 271,
'EndOffset': 279,
'TopAnswer': False
'BeginOffset': 481,
'EndOffset': 489,
'TopAnswer': False
'BeginOffset': 547,
'EndOffset': 555,
'TopAnswer': False
'BeginOffset': 764,
'EndOffset': 772,
'TopAnswer': False
'Text': 'Asynchronousoperationscan\n''alsoprocess
Response types 1113
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
'DocumentExcerpt': {
'Highlights': [
'BeginOffset': 0,
'EndOffset': 300,
'TopAnswer': False
'Text': 'Asynchronousoperationscan\n''alsoprocess
'Type': 'ANSWER'
Amazon Kendra returns ranked documents for those that match the search term. The ranking is
based on the confidence that Amazon Kendra has in the accuracy of the search result. Information
about the matching document is returned in the QueryResultItem. It includes the title of the
document. The excerpt includes highlight information for search text and the section of matching
text in the document. The URI for matching documents is in the SourceURI document attribute.
The following sample JSON shows the document summary for a matching document.
'DocumentTitle': {
'Highlights': [
'BeginOffset': 7,
'EndOffset': 15,
'TopAnswer': False
'BeginOffset': 97,
'EndOffset': 105,
'TopAnswer': False
'Text': 'AmazonTextractAPIPermissions: Actions,
Response types 1114
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
'DocumentExcerpt': {
'Highlights': [
'BeginOffset': 68,
'EndOffset': 76,
'TopAnswer': False
'BeginOffset': 121,
'EndOffset': 129,
'TopAnswer': False
'Text': '...LoggingandMonitoring\tMonitoring
'Type': 'DOCUMENT'
Question and answer
A question and answer response is returned when Amazon Kendra matches a question with one
of the frequently asked questions in your index. The response includes the matching question
and answer in the QueryResultItem field. It also includes highlight information for query terms
detected in query string. The following JSON shows a question and answer response. Note that the
response includes the question text.
'AnswerText': {
'TextWithHighlights': [
'Text': '605feet'
'DocumentExcerpt': {
'Highlights': [
'BeginOffset': 0,
'EndOffset': 8,
'TopAnswer': False
Response types 1115
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
'Text': '605feet'
'QuestionText': {
'Highlights': [
'BeginOffset': 12,
'EndOffset': 18,
'TopAnswer': False
'BeginOffset': 26,
'EndOffset': 31,
'TopAnswer': False
'BeginOffset': 32,
'EndOffset': 38,
'TopAnswer': False
'Text': 'whatistheheightoftheSpaceNeedle?'
For information about adding question and answer text to an index, see Creating FAQ.
Tuning and sorting responses
You can modify the effect of a field or attribute on the search relevance through relevance tuning.
You can also sort the search results by a certain attribute or field.
Tuning responses
Sorting responses
Tuning and sorting responses 1116
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Tuning responses
You can modify the effect of a field or attribute on the search relevance through relevance tuning.
To quickly test relevance tuning, use the Query API to pass in tuning configurations in the query.
Then you can see the different search results that you get from different configurations. Relevance
tuning at the query level is not supported in the console. You can also tune fields or attributes
that are of the type StringList at the index level only. For more information, see Tuning search
By default, query responses are sorted by the relevance score that Amazon Kendra determines for
each result in the response.
You can tune results for any built-in or custom attribute/field of the following types:
Date value
Long value
String value
You can't sort attributes of the following type:
String list values
Rank and tune document results (AWS SDK)
Set the Searchable parameter to true to boost the document metadata configuration.
To tune an attribute in a query, set the DocumentRelevanceOverrideConfigurations
parameter of the Query API and specify the name of the attribute to tune.
The following JSON example shows a DocumentRelevanceOverrideConfigurations object
that overrides the tuning for the attribute called "department" in the index.
"DocumentRelevanceOverrideConfigurations" : [
"Name": "department",
"Relevance": {
"Importance": 1,
"ValueImportanceMap": {
"IT": 3,
"HR": 7
Tuning responses 1117
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Sorting responses
Amazon Kendra uses the sorting attribute or field as part of the criteria for the documents
returned by the query. For example, the results returned by a query sorted by "_created_at" might
not contain the same results as a query sorted by "_version".
By default, query responses are sorted by the relevance score that Amazon Kendra determines for
each result in the response. To change the sort order, make a document attribute sortable and then
configure Amazon Kendra to use that attribute to sort responses.
You can sort results on any built-in or custom attribute/field of the following types:
Date value
Long value
String value
You can't sort attributes of the following type:
String list values
You can sort on one or more document attributes in each query. Queries return 100 results. If there
are fewer than 100 documents with the sorting attribute set, documents without a value for the
sorting attribute are returned at the end of the results, sorted by relevance to the query.
To sort document results (AWS SDK)
To use the UpdateIndex API to make an attribute sortable, set the Sortable parameter to
true. The following JSON example uses DocumentMetadataConfigurationUpdates to
add an attribute called "Department" to the index and make it sortable.
"DocumentMetadataConfigurationUpdates": [
"Name": "Department",
"Search": {
"Sortable": "true"
Sorting responses 1118
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
To use one sortable attribute in a query, set the SortingConfiguration parameter of the
Query API. Specify the name of the attribute to sort and whether to sort the response in
ascending or descending order.
The following JSON example shows the SortingConfiguration parameter that you use to
sort the results of a query by the "Department" attribute in ascending order.
"SortingConfiguration": {
"DocumentAttributeKey": "Department",
"SortOrder": "ASC"
To use more than one sortable attribute in a query, set the SortingConfigurations
parameter of the Query API. You can set upto 3 fields that Amazon Kendra should sort
the results on. You can also specify whether the results should be sorted in ascending or
descending order. The sort field quota can be increased.
If you don't provide a sorting configuration, the results are sorted by the relevance that
Amazon Kendra determines for the result. In the case of ties in sorting the results, the results
are sorted by relevance.
The following JSON example shows the SortingConfigurations parameter that you use to
sort the results of a query by the attributes "Name" and "Price" in ascending order.
"CollapseConfiguration" : {
"DocumentAttributeKey": "Name",
"SortingConfigurations": [
"DocumentAttributeKey": "Price",
"SortOrder": "ASC"
"MissingAttributeKeyStrategy": "IGNORE"
Sorting responses 1119
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
To sort document results (console)
Multi-attribute sort isn't currently supported by the AWS Management Console.
1. To make an attribute sortable in the console, choose Sortable in the attribute definition. You
can make an attribute sortable when you create the attribute, or you can modify it later.
2. To sort a query response in the console, choose the attribute to sort the response from the
Sort menu. Only attributes that were marked sortable during datasource configuration appear
in the list.
Collapsing/expanding query results
When you connect Amazon Kendra to your data, it crawls document metadata attributes—like
_document_title, _created_at, and _document_id—and uses these attributes or fields to
provide advanced search capabilities during query time.
Amazon Kendra's Collapse and expand query results feature allows you to group search results
using a common document attribute and display them—either collapsed or partially expanded—
under a designated primary document.
The collapse and expand query results feature is currently available only via the Amazon
Kendra API.
This is useful in the following kinds of search situations:
Multiple versions of content exist in documents within your index. When your end user queries
the index, you want them to see the most relevant version of the document with duplicates
hidden/collapsed. For example, if your index contains multiple versions of a document named
"NYC leave policy" you can choose to collapse the documents for the specific groups "HR" and
"Legal" using the "Type" attribute/field.
Collapsing/expanding query results 1120
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Your index contains multiple documents with unique information about one kind of item or
object, like a product inventory, for example. To capture and sort item information conveniently,
you want end users to access all documents linked by an item or object as one search result. In
the example below, a customer search on "animal print shirts" returns results grouped by name,
and sorted by ascending price order.
Collapsing/expanding query results 1121
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Collapsing results
To group similar or related documents together, you must specify the attribute to collapse on (for
example, you can collapse/group documents by _category). To do this, call the Query API and
use the CollapseConfiguration object to specify the DocumentAttributeKey to collapse on. The
DocumentAttributeKey controls which field search results will be collapsed upon. Supported
attribute key fields include String and Number. String list and Date type are not supported.
Choosing a primary document using sort order
To configure the primary document to display for a collapsed group, you use the
SortingConfigurations parameter under CollapseConfiguration. For example, to get the
most recent version of a document, you would sort each collapsed group by _version. You
can specify up to 3 attributes/fields to sort by and a sort order for each attribute/field using
SortingConfigurations. You can request a quota increase for the number of sort attributes.
Collapsing results 1122
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
By default, Amazon Kendra sorts query responses by the relevance score that it determines
for each result in the response. To change the default sort order, make document attributes
sortable and then configure Amazon Kendra to use these attributes to sort responses. For more
information, see Sorting responses.
Missing document key strategy
If your document doesn't have a collapse attribute value, Amazon Kendra offers three
customization options:
Choose to COLLAPSE all documents with null or missing values in one group. This is the default
Choose to IGNORE documents with null or missing values. Ignored documents will not appear in
query results.
Choose to EXPAND each document with a null or missing value into a group of its own.
Expanding results
You can choose whether collapsed search result groups expand using the Expand parameter in
the CollapseConfiguration object. Expanded results maintain the same sort order that was used to
select the primary document for the group.
To configure the number of collapsed search result groups to expand, you use the
MaxResultItemstoExpand parameter in the ExpandConfiguration object. If you set this value to
10, for example, only the first 10 out of 100 result groups will have expand functionality.
To configure the number of expanded results to show per collapsed primary document, use the
MaxExpandResultsPerItem parameter. For instance, if you set this value to 3, then at most 3
results per collapsed group will be displayed.
Interactions with other Amazon Kendra features
Collapsing and expanding results doesn't change the number of facets or impact the total
number of results displayed.
Amazon Kendra featured search results won't be collapsed even if they have the same field value
as the collapse field you configure.
Collapsing and expanding results only applies to results of type DOCUMENT.
Missing document key strategy 1123
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Tuning search relevance
Amazon Kendra queries produce search results ranked by their relevance. The searchable fields or
attributes in the index all contribute to this ranking.
You can modify the effect of a field or attribute on the search relevance through relevance tuning.
Tuning search relevance can either be done manually at the index level, where you set tuning
configurations for your index, or at the query level by overriding configurations set at the index
When you use relevance tuning, a result is given a boost in the response when the query includes
terms that match the field or attribute. You also specify how much of a boost the document
receives when there is a match. Relevance tuning doesn't cause Amazon Kendra to include
a document in the query response, it is only one of the factors that Amazon Kendra uses to
determine the relevance of a document.
You can boost specific fields or attributes in your index to assign more importance to specific
responses. For example when someone searches for "When is re:Invent?" you could boost the
relevance of document freshness in the _last_update_at field. Or, in an index of research
reports, you could boost a specific data source in the "source" field.
You can also boost documents based on votes or view counts which is common in forums and
other support knowledge bases. You can combine boosts, for example to boost documents that are
viewed more as well as more recent.
You set the amount of boost that a document receives by using the Importance parameter. The
higher the Importance, the more the field or attribute boosts the relevance of a document. When
you tune your index or tune at the query level, increase the value of the Importance parameter in
small increments until you get the effect that you want. To determine if you are improving search
results, perform the search and compare the results to previous queries .
You can specify date, number, or string attributes to tune an index or tune at the query level. You
can tune fields or attributes that are of the type StringList only at the index level. Each field or
attribute has specific criteria for when it boosts a result.
Date fields or attributes—There are three specific criteria for date fields, Duration, Freshness
and RankOrder.
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Duration sets the time period that the boost applies to. For example, if you set the time
period to 86400 seconds (i.e. one day), the boost begins to lessen after one day. The higher the
importance, the faster the boost effect lessens.
Freshness determines how recent a document is when applied to a field or attribute. If
you apply Freshness to either the field for date created or date last updated, then a more
recently created or last updated document is considered "fresher" than an older document.
For example, if document 1 was created on November 14, and document 2 was created on
November 5, document 1 is "fresher" than document 2. And if document 1 was last updated
on November 14, and document 2 was last updated on November 20, document 2 is "fresher"
than document 1. The fresher the document, the more this boost is applied. You can only have
one Freshness field in your index.
RankOrder applies the boost in either ascending or descending order. If you specify
ASCENDING, later dates have precedence . If you specify DESCENDING, earlier dates have
Number fields or attributes—For number fields or attributes, you can specify the rank order
that Amazon Kendra should use when determining the relevance of the field or attribute. If you
specify ASCENDING, then higher numbers are given precedence. If you specify DESCENDING,
then lower numbers have precedence.
String fields or attributes—For string fields or attributes, you can create categories of a field
to give each category a different boost. For example, if you boost a field or attribute called
"Department", you can give a different boost to documents from "HR" than to documents from
"Legal". You can boost a field or attribute of the type String. You can boost StringList fields
only at the index level.
Relevance tuning at the index level
You tune the relevance of a field or attribute at the index level by using either the console to set
tuning in the index details or the UpdateIndex API.
The following example sets the _last_updated_at field as the Freshness field for a document.
"DocumentMetadataConfigurationUpdates" : [
"Name": "_last_updated_at",
"Type": "DATE_VALUE",
"Relevance": {
Relevance tuning at the index level 1125
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Freshness": TRUE,
"Importance": 2
The following example applies different importance to the different categories in the "department"
"DocumentMetadataConfigurationUpdates" : [
"Name": "department",
"Relevance": {
"Importance": 2,
"ValueImportanceMap": {
"HR": 3,
"Legal": 1
Relevance tuning at the query level
You tune the relevance of a field or attribute at the query level by using the Query API.
Relevance tuning at the query level is not supported in the console.
Tuning at the query level can speed up the process of testing relevance tuning because you don't
need to manually update the tuning configurations in the index for each test. You can tune the
relevance of a document by passing tuning configurations in the query. Then you can see the
different results that you get from different configurations. A configuration that is passed in the
query overrides the configuration that is set at the index level.
The following example overrides the importance applied to the "department" field and each
department category set at the index level, shown in the above example. When a user inputs their
search query, the "department" field has a fair level of importance and the Legal department has
more importance than the HR department.
"DocumentRelevanceOverrideConfigurations" : [
Relevance tuning at the query level 1126
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Name": "department",
"Relevance": {
"Importance": 2,
"ValueImportanceMap": {
"HR": 2,
"Legal": 8
Relevance tuning at the query level 1127
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Gaining insights with search analytics
You can use Amazon Kendra search Analytics to gain insights on how your search application is
successfully or unsuccessfully helping your users find information.
Amazon Kendra Analytics provide a snapshot of how your users interact with your search
application and how effective your search application configuration is. You can view the metrics
data using the GetSnapshots API or by selecting Analytics on the navigation panel in the console.
You can render the data generated by GetSnapshots on your own custom-built dashboard. Or
you can use the metrics dashboard provided in the console, which includes visual graphs. With
a visual dashboard, you can look for trends or patterns in user behavior over time or surface
problems with your search application configuration. For example, a line graph that shows a
consistent number of queries per day and a steady increase might indicate increased adoption and
usage. On the other hand, an abrupt drop might indicate there's an issue that must be investigated.
You can use the metrics to make connections between different points of data to solve problems
with how your users query for information or discover business opportunities. For example, the
document 'How does AI work?' is the most clicked on document in the search results, and the top
searched query is 'How does machine learning work?'. This informs you on the preferred terms
and language your users use. You can integrate these terms in your documents or use custom
synonyms for these terms to make your documents more searchable for your users.
Metrics for search
There are 10 metrics for analyzing your search application's performance or what information your
users are searching for. To retrieve the metrics data, you specify the string name of the metric data
you want to retrieve when you call GetSnapshots.
You also must provide a time interval or time window to view the metrics data. The time interval
uses the time zone of your index. You can view data in the following time windows:
THIS_WEEK: The current week, starting on the Sunday and ending on the day before the current
ONE_WEEK_AGO: The previous week, starting on the Sunday and ending on the following
TWO_WEEKS_AGO: The week before the previous week, starting on the Sunday and ending on the
following Saturday.
Metrics for search 1128
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
THIS_MONTH: The current month, starting on the first day of the month and ending on the day
before the current date.
ONE_MONTH_AGO: The previous month, starting on the first day of the month and ending on the
last day of the month.
TWO_MONTHS_AGO: The month before the previous month, starting on the first day of the month
and ending on last day of the month.
In the console, the supported time windows are This week, Previous week, This month, Previous
Click-through rate
The proportion of queries that lead to click-through to a document in the search results. This helps
you understand if your search application configuration helps your users find information relevant
to their queries. For queries that return instant answers, users might not need to click through to
a document for more information. For more information, see the section called “Instant answer
rate”. You must call SubmitFeedback to ensure that click-through feedback is collected.
To retrieve data on click-through rate using the GetSnapshots API, specify the metricType as
AGG_QUERY_DOC_METRICS. You can also view this metric in the console by selecting Analytics on
the navigation panel.
Zero click rate
The proportion of queries that lead to zero clicks in the search results. This helps you understand
gaps in your content providing irrelevant search results. For queries that return instant
answers, users might not need to click through to a document for more information. For more
information, see the section called “Instant answer rate”. Also, your search settings, such as tuning
configurations, could have an impact on how documents are returned in the search results.
To retrieve data on zero click rate using the GetSnapshots API, specify the metricType as
AGG_QUERY_DOC_METRICS. You can also view this metric in the console by selecting Analytics on
the navigation panel.
Zero search results rate
The proportion of queries that lead to zero search results. This helps you understand gaps in your
content providing no relevant search results.
Click-through rate 1129
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
To retrieve data on zero search results rate using the GetSnapshots API, specify the metricType
as AGG_QUERY_DOC_METRICS. You can also view this metric in the console by selecting Analytics
on the navigation panel.
Instant answer rate
The proportion of queries with an instant answer or FAQ returned. This helps you understand the
role of instant answers in providing information.
To retrieve data on instant answer rate using the GetSnapshots API, specify the metricType as
AGG_QUERY_DOC_METRICS. You can also view this metric in the console by selecting Analytics on
the navigation panel.
Top queries
The top 100 queries searched by your users. This helps you understand which queries are popular
and the kind of information your users are most interested in.
Metrics include the number of times the query is searched, the proportion of click-throughs to
a document, the proportion of no click-throughs to a document, the average click depth in the
search results for the query, the proportion of instant answers for the query, and the average
confidence for the first 10 search results for a query.
To retrieve data on top queries using the GetSnapshots API, specify the metricType as
QUERIES_BY_COUNT. You can also view this metric in the console by selecting Analytics on the
navigation panel in the console, then selecting Top queries under Query lists.
Top queries with zero clicks
The top 100 queries that lead to zero clicks in the search results. This helps you understand any
gaps in your content, where there’s a lack of documents relevant to some queries or your search
application configuration is returning irrelevant search results. For queries that return instant
answers, users might not need to click through to a document for more information. For more
information, see the section called “Instant answer rate”.
Metrics include the number of times the query leads to zero clicks, the proportion of zero clicks for
the query, the proportion of instant answers for the query, and the average confidence for the first
10 search results for a query.
Instant answer rate 1130
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
To retrieve data on top queries with zero clicks using the GetSnapshots API, specify the
metricType as QUERIES_BY_ZERO_CLICK_RATE. You can also view this metric in the console by
selecting Analytics on the navigation panel in the console, then selecting Top zero click queries
under Query lists.
Top queries with zero search results
The top 100 queries that lead to zero search results. This helps you understand any gaps in your
content, where there are no documents relevant to some queries. Or, your users might query
with specialized terms that possibly lead to no search results, prompting you to create custom
synonyms to handle this.
Metrics include the number of times the query leads to zero search results, the proportion of zero
search results for the query, and the proportion of times the query is searched compared to all
To retrieve data on top queries with zero search results using the GetSnapshots API, specify the
metricType as QUERIES_BY_ZERO_RESULT_RATE. You can also view this metric in the console
by selecting Analytics on the navigation panel in the console, then selecting Top zero result
queries under Query lists.
Top clicked on documents
The top 100 most clicked on documents in the search results. This helps you understand which
documents or search results are most relevant to your users when they query for information.
Metrics include the number of times the document is clicked on, the number of likes a document
receives from your users (thumbs up), the number of dislikes a document receives from your users
(thumbs down).
To retrieve data on top clicked on documents using the GetSnapshots API, specify the
metricType as DOCS_BY_CLICK_COUNT. You can also view this metric in the console by selecting
Analytics on the navigation panel in the console, then selecting Top clicked documents under
Query lists.
Total queries
The total number of queries searched by your users. This helps you understand how engaged your
users are with your search application.
Top queries with zero search results 1131
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
To retrieve data on total queries using the GetSnapshots API, specify the metricType as
AGG_QUERY_DOC_METRICS. You can also view this metric in the console by selecting Analytics on
the navigation panel.
Total documents
The total number of documents in your index. This helps you compare the size of your index to the
total number of queries to check if there is an appropriate number of documents for the volume of
To retrieve data on total documents using the GetSnapshots API, specify the metricType as
AGG_QUERY_DOC_METRICS. You can also view this metric in the console by selecting Analytics on
the navigation panel.
Example of retrieving metric data
The following code is an example of retrieving data on the top queries for the previous month.
To retrieve top queries for the previous month
1. In the left navigation pane, under Indexes, select your index, and then select Analytics.
2. On the Analytics page, select the button This week, to change the time window for
retrieving the data to Previous month.
3. On the Analytics page, under Query lists, select Top queries.
To retrieve top queries for the previous month
aws kendra get-snapshots \
--index-id index-id \
--interval "ONE_MONTH_AGO" \
--metric-type "QUERIES_BY_COUNT"
To retrieve top queries for the previous month
Total documents 1132
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
import boto3
kendra = boto3.client("kendra")
index_id = "index-id"
interval = "ONE_MONTH_AGO"
metric_type = "QUERIES_BY_COUNT"
snapshots_response = kendra.get_snapshots(
IndexId = index_id,
Interval = interval,
MetricType = metric_type
print("Top queries data: " + snapshots_response["snapshotsData"])
To retrieve top queries for the previous month
package com.amazonaws.kendra;
public class TopQueriesExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
KendraClient kendra = KendraClient.builder().build();
String indexId = "indexID";
String interval = "ONE_MONTH_AGO";
String metricType = "QUERIES_BY_COUNT";
GetSnapshotsRequest getSnapshotsRequest = GetSnapshotsRequest
GetSnapshotsResponse getSnapshotsResponse =
Example of retrieving metric data 1133
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
System.out.println(String.format("Top queries data: ",
From metrics to actionable insights
Actionable insights are meaningful pieces of information extracted from raw data and are used
to guide your actions or decisions. To extract meaning from the metrics and use them to drive
actionable insights, it is important to not only look at the metrics in isolation but also make
connections among the metrics.
For example, the top query with zero clicks is 'Which regions are currently available?'. However,
it also has a 100 percent instant answer rate. This suggests your users receive the answer to this
question without needing to click on a search result or document that provides information on
available regions. If you looked at zero clicks alone, you would not get the full story and possibly
make the wrong conclusions about the success of your search application configuration in handling
this query.
Another example of an actionable insight is discovering a business opportunity. Businesses often
look for opportunities to grow their customers by analyzing search metrics. The most clicked on
document is 'Available regions'. In addition to this, most of the top searched queries are related
to questions on product availability in the Oceanic region, with 100 percent instant answer rates
and a high click-through rate to more information on available regions as part of the answer. This
suggests there's interest and demand for your product or service in this region.
Visualizing and reporting search analytics
There are five metrics that include trends data for you to visualize and look for trends or patterns
over time. If you use the console, graphs of the trends data are provided. If you use the APIs, you
can retrieve the trends data to create your own graphs or visualizations. Most graphs in the console
plot the daily data points over your chosen time window.
The console provides a dashboard of the metrics where you can select a graph and top list you
are interested in viewing. You can export the metrics shown on your dashboard in CSV format
by selecting Export on the Analytics home page. You can include these reports in your business
documents or presentations.
You can visualize the following metrics:
From metrics to actionable insights 1134
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Total queries graph
A line graph of the number of queries issued per day. The graph helps you visualize patterns in
daily user engagement. Some examples include a steady increase or decrease in user engagement,
or a drastic drop to 0 queries due to a crash of your search application or issues with your website.
If you use the API, you can retrieve these data by specifying TREND_QUERY_DOC_METRICS. You can
use the data to create your own graphs, or use the graphs provided in the console.
Click-through rate graph
A line graph of the proportions of click-throughs per day. The graph helps you visualize patterns in
daily click-through rate. Some examples include a steady increase or decrease in click-through rate,
or a decrease in instant answers possibly influencing an increase in click-through.
If you use the API, you can retrieve these data by specifying TREND_QUERY_DOC_METRICS. You can
use the data to create your own graphs, or use the graphs provided in the console.
Zero click rate graph
A line graph of the proportion of zero clicks per day. The graph helps you visualize patterns in
daily zero click rate. Some examples include a steady increase or decrease in zero click rate, or an
increase in instant answers possibly influencing an increase in zero clicks.
If you use the API, you can retrieve these data by specifying TREND_QUERY_DOC_METRICS. You can
use the data to create your own graphs, or use the graphs provided in the console.
Zero search results rate graph
A line graph of the proportion of zero search results per day. The graph helps you visualize patterns
in daily zero search results rate. Some examples include a steady increase or decrease in zero search
results rate, or a sharp decrease in the number of documents in your index possibly influencing an
increase in zero search results.
If you use the API, you can retrieve these data by specifying TREND_QUERY_DOC_METRICS. You can
use the data to create your own graphs, or use the graphs provided in the console.
Instant answer rate graph
A line graph of the proportion of queries with an instant answer or FAQ returned. The graph helps
you visualize patterns in daily instant answer rate. Some examples include steady increase or
Total queries graph 1135
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
decrease in question-answer type queries, or a decrease in click-throughs possibly influencing an
increase in instant answers.
If you use the API, you can retrieve these data by specifying TREND_QUERY_DOC_METRICS. You can
use the data to create your own graphs, or use the graphs provided in the console.
Instant answer rate graph 1136
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Submitting feedback for incremental learning
Amazon Kendra uses incremental learning to improve search results. Using feedback from queries,
incremental learning improves the ranking algorithms and optimizes search results for greater
For example, suppose that your users search for the phrase "health care benefits." If users
consistently choose the second result from the list, over time Amazon Kendra boosts that result
to the first place result. The boost decreases over time, so if users stop selecting a result, Amazon
Kendra eventually removes it and shows another more popular result instead. This helps Amazon
Kendra prioritize results based on relevance, age, and content.
Incremental learning is activated for all indexes and for all supported document types.
Amazon Kendra starts learning as soon as you provide feedback, though it can take over 24 hours
to see the results of the feedback. Amazon Kendra provides three methods for you to submit
feedback: the AWS console, a JavaScript library that you can include on your search results page,
and an API that you can use.
Amazon Kendra accepts two types of user feedback:
Clicks—Information about which query results the user chose. The feedback includes the result
ID and the Unix timestamp of the date and time that the search result was chosen.
To submit click feedback, your application must collect click information from the activities
of your users, and then submit that information to Amazon Kendra. You can collect click
information with the console, the JavaScript library, and the Amazon Kendra API.
Relevance—Information about the relevance of a search result, which the user typically provides.
The feedback contains the result ID and a relevance indicator (RELEVANT or NOT_RELEVANT).
The user determines the relevance information.
To submit relevance feedback, your application must provide a feedback mechanism that
allows the user to choose the appropriate relevance for a query result, and then submit that
information to Amazon Kendra. You can only collect relevance information with the console and
the Amazon Kendra API.
Feedback is used while the index is active. Feedback only affects the index that it is submitted to, it
can't be used across indexes or for different accounts.
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
You should provide additional user context when you query your Amazon Kendra index. When you
provide user context, Amazon Kendra is able to tell if the feedback is provided by a single user or
by multiple users and adjust search results accordingly.
When you provide user context, the feedback for the query is associated with the specific user
provided in the context. If you don't specify user context, you can provide a visitor ID that is used to
group and aggregate queries.
If you don't provide user context or a visitor ID, the feedback is anonymous and aggregated with
other anonymous feedback.
The following code shows how to include user context as a token or the visitor ID.
response = kendra.query(
QueryText = query,
IndexId = index,
UserToken = {
Token = "token"
response = kendra.query(
QueryText = query,
IndexId = index,
VisitorId = "visitor-id")
For web applications, you can use cookies, locations, or browser users to generate a visitor ID for
each user.
For head queries, the largest volume of queries, providing click-through feedback provides enough
information to improve overall accuracy. For tail queries, those that are rare, subject matter experts
should submit relevant and non-relevant feedback to improve accuracy for those queries.
In addition to the console, you can use one of two methods: a JavaScript library or the
SubmitFeedback API. You should only use one method of gathering feedback. For best results, you
should submit feedback within 24 hours of making the query.
Using the Amazon Kendra JavaScript library to submit feedback
Using the Amazon Kendra API to submit feedback
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Using the Amazon Kendra JavaScript library to submit
Amazon Kendra provides a JavaScript library that you can use to add click feedback to your search
results page. To use the library, you insert a script tag in your client code that displays the search
result, then add information to each of the document links in your result list. When a user chooses
a link to view a document, click information is sent to Amazon Kendra.
The library works with browsers that support JavaScript version ES6/ES2015.
Step 1: Insert a script tag into your Amazon Kendra search application
In your client code that renders the Amazon Kendra search results, insert a <script> tag and add a
reference to the JavaScript library:
(function(w, d, s, c, g, n) {
if(!w[n]) {
w[n] = w[n] || function () {
(w[n].q = w[n].q || []).push(arguments);
w[n].st = new Date().getTime();
w[n].ep = g;
var e = document.createElement(s),
j = document.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
e.async = 1;
e.src = c;
e.type = 'module';
j.parentNode.insertBefore(e, j);
})(window, document, 'script',
'library download URL',
'feedback endpoint',
The script asynchronously downloads the JavaScript library from an Amazon Kendra hosted
CDN and initializes a global variable called kendraFeedback that allows you to set optional
Using the Amazon Kendra JavaScript library to submit feedback 1139
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Replace library download URL and feedback endpoint with an identifier from the
following table based on the region that hosts your Amazon Kendra index.
Region Download URL Feedback endpoint
us-east-1 https://d2zm0lpns956f8.clou
us-east-2 https://d2crv7fufeg244.clou
us-west-2 https://d2iezfpnpcoujy.clou
ca-central-1 https://d1zbkfomow
eu-west-1 https://d3gptlxtulu4us.clou
ap-southeast-1 https://d1vvuam7g4
ap-south-1 https://d1ts9ouelsmk3g.clou
Step 1: Insert a script tag into your Amazon Kendra search application 1140
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Region Download URL Feedback endpoint
ap-northeast-1 https://d3w0ybsa29
eu-west-2 https://d1tsrujswld1d1.clou
For example, if your index is in US East (N. Virginia), library download URL is https:// and feedback endpoint is https://
There are two optional settings that you can make for the Amazon Kendra JavaScript library:
disableCookies – By default, Amazon Kendra sets a cookie that uniquely identifies the user.
Set this to true to disable the cookie.
kendraFeedback('disableCookie', 'true | false');
searchDivClassName – By default, Amazon Kendra monitors all links on your search results
page for clicks. Set this to a <div> class name to monitor only links in the specified class.
kendraFeedback('searchDivClassName', 'class name');
Step 2: Add the feedback token to search results
On your result page, add an HTML attribute called data-kendra-token to the anchor tag or
immediate parent div tag that contains a link to the document from the query response. For
<a href="document location" data-kendra-token="feedback token value"></a>
<div data-url="document location" data-kendra-token="feedback token value"></div>
Step 2: Add the feedback token to search results 1141
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
A query response contains a token in the feedbackToken field. The token uniquely identifies
the response if the user chooses it. Assign the value of the token to the data-kendra-token
attribute. The Amazon Kendra JavaScript library looks for this token when the user chooses the
result and submits it to an Amazon Kendra endpoint as feedback.
The Amazon Kendra JavaScript library only submits the feedback token and other metadata such
as the time the result was chosen and a unique visitor ID.
Step 3: Test the feedback script
To make sure that the JavaScript library is configured correctly and sending feedback to the right
endpoint, do the following. This example uses the Chrome browser.
1. Open the Web developer tools in the browser. On Chrome, open the Chrome menu in the upper
right corner of the browser, choose More tools and then choose Developer tools.
2. Make sure that there are no errors related to the Amazon Kendra JavaScript library in the
console tab.
3. Make a search and choose any result. In the Network tab of the developer tools. You should see
a request sent to the feedback endpoint, the token for the result, and a 200 OK status.
Using the Amazon Kendra API to submit feedback
To use the Amazon Kendra API to submit query feedback, use the SubmitFeedback API. To identify
the query, you supply the index ID of the index that the query applies to, and the query ID returned
in the response from the Query API.
The following example shows how to submit click and relevance feedback using the Amazon
Kendra API. You can submit multiple sets of feedback through the ClickFeedbackItems and
RelevanceFeedbackItems arrays. This example submits a single click and a single relevance
feedback item. The feedback submittal uses the current time.
To submit feedback for a search (AWS SDK)
1. You can use the following example code with the required values:
index id—The ID of the index that the query applies to.
query id—The query that you want to provide feedback on.
Step 3: Test the feedback script 1142
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
result id—The ID of the query result that you want to provide feedback on. The query
response contains the result ID.
relevance value—Either RELEVANT (the query result is relevant) or NOT_RELEVANT
(the query result is not relevant).
import boto3
import time
kendra = boto3.client("kendra")
# Provide the index ID
index_id = "index-id"
# Provide the query ID
query_id = "query-id"
# Provide the search result ID
result_id = "result-id"
# Configure the feedback item
feedback_item = {"ClickTime": int(time.time()),
# Configure the relevance value
relevance_value = "RELEVANT"
relevance_item = {"RelevanceValue": relevance_value,
"ResultId": result_id
response = kendra.submit_feedback(
QueryId = query_id,
IndexId = index_id,
ClickFeedbackItems = [feedback_item],
RelevanceFeedbackItems = [relevance_item]
print("Submitted feedback for query: " + query_id)
Using the Amazon Kendra API to submit feedback 1143
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
package com.amazonaws.kendra;
import java.time.Instant;
public class SubmitFeedbackExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
KendraClient kendra = KendraClient.builder().build();
SubmitFeedbackRequest submitFeedbackRequest = SubmitFeedbackRequest
SubmitFeedbackResponse response =
System.out.println("Feedback is submitted");
Using the Amazon Kendra API to submit feedback 1144
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
2. Run the code. After the feedback has been submitted, the code displays a message.
Using the Amazon Kendra API to submit feedback 1145
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Adding custom synonyms to an index
To add custom synonyms to an index, you specify them in a thesaurus file. You can include
business-specific or specialized terms in Amazon Kendra using synonyms. Generic English
synonyms, such as leader, head, are built into Amazon Kendra and should not be included in a
thesaurus file, including generic synonyms that use hyphens. Amazon Kendra supports synonyms
for all response types, which include DOCUMENT response types and QUESTION_ANSWER or
ANSWER response types. Amazon Kendra currently does not support adding synonyms flagged as
stopwords. This is to be included in a future release.
Amazon Kendra makes correlations between synonyms. For example, using the synonym pair
Dynamo, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Kendra correlates Dynamo with Amazon DynamoDB. The
query "What is dynamo?" then returns a document such as "What is Amazon DynamoDB?". With
synonyms, Amazon Kendra can more easily pick up the correlation.
The thesaurus file is a text file stored in an Amazon S3 bucket. See Adding a thesaurus to an index.
The thesaurus file uses the Solr synonym format. Amazon Kendra has a limit on the number of
thesauri per index. See Quotas.
Synonyms can be useful in the following scenarios:
Specialized terms that are not traditional English language synonyms such as NLP, Natural
Language Processing.
Proper nouns with complex semantic associations. These are nouns that the general public are
unlikely to understand, for example, in machine learning, cost, loss, model performance.
Different forms of product names, for example, Elastic Compute Cloud, EC2.
Domain-specific or business-specific terms, such as product names. For example, Route53,
Do not use synonyms in the following scenarios:
Generic English language synonyms such as leader, head. These synonyms are not domain-
specific,and using synonyms in these scenarios might have unintended effects.
Typographical errors such as teh => the.
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Morphological variants like the plurals and possessives of nouns, the comparative and
superlative form of adjectives, and the past tense, past participle and progressive form of verbs.
One example of comparative and superlative adjectives is good, better, best.
Unigram (single word) stop words such as WHO. Unigram stop words are not allowed in the
thesaurus and are excluded from search. For example, WHO => World Health Organization
is rejected. You can use W.H.O. however as a synonym term, and you can use stop words as part
of a multi-word synonym. For example, of is not allowed but United States of America is
Custom synonyms make it easy to improve Amazon Kendra's understanding of your business-
specific terminology by expanding your queries to cover your business-specific synonyms. Although
synonyms can improve search accuracy, it is important to understand how synonyms affect latency
so you can optimize for this.
A general rule for synonyms is: the more terms in your query that are matched and expanded
with synonyms, the greater potential impact on latency. Other factors that affect latency include
the average size of documents indexed, the size of your index, any filtering on search results, and
the overall load on your Amazon Kendra index. Queries that don’t match any synonyms are not
A general guideline for how synonyms affect latency:
Use case Increase in latency*
Typical natural language or keyword queries
of 3 to 5 words each
1 query term expands to 3 synonyms
Index of about 500,000 documents (averagin
g 10.48 KB of extracted text per document) or
30,000 FAQ / question pairs
Less than 15 percent
*Performance varies based on your specific use of synonyms and configurations on your index. It’s
best to test search performance to obtain more accurate benchmarks for your specific use case.
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
If your thesaurus is large, has a high term expansion ratio, and your latency increase is not within
acceptable boundaries, you can try one or both of the following:
Trim your thesaurus to reduce the expansion ratio (number of synonyms per term).
Trim the overall coverage of terms (number of lines in your thesaurus).
Alternatively, you can increase the provisioning capacity (virtual storage units) to offset the latency
Creating a thesaurus file
Adding a thesaurus to an index
Updating a thesaurus
Deleting a thesaurus
Highlights in search results
Creating a thesaurus file
An Amazon Kendra thesaurus file is a UTF-8-encoded file containing a list of synonyms in the Solr
synonym list format. The thesaurus file must be less than 5 MB.
There are two ways to specify synonym mappings:
Bidirectional synonyms are specified as a comma-separated list of terms. If your user queries
any of the terms, then all the terms in the list are used to search documents, which includes the
original queried term.
Unidirectional synonyms are specified as terms separated by the symbol "=>" between them to
map terms to their synonyms. If your user queries a term on the left of the symbol "=>", then it is
mapped to a term on the right to search for documents using the synonym. It is not mapped vice
versa, making this unidirectional.
The synonyms themselves are case sensitive, but the terms they map to are case insensitive. For
example, ML => Machine Learning means if your user queries "ML" or "ml" or uses some other
case, it will map to "Machine Learning". If you were to map this vice versa, Machine Learning =>
ML, then "Machine Learning" or "machine learning" or some other case would map to "ML".
Creating a thesaurus file 1148
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
A synonym doesn't search for an exact match on special characters. For example, if you search for
"dead-letter-queue", Amazon Kendra can return documents that match "dead letter queue" (no
hyphen). If your documents contain hyphens, such as "dead-letter-queue", Amazon Kendra
processes the documents during search to remove hyphens. For generic English synonym terms
that are built into Amazon Kendra and should not be included in a thesaurus file, Amazon Kendra
can search both the hyphen version of the term and the non-hyphen version of the term. For
example, if you search "third-party" and "third party", Amazon Kendra returns documents that
match either version of those terms.
For synonyms that contain stopwords or commonly used words, Amazon Kendra returns
documents that match terms including stopwords. For example, you can create a synonym rule to
map "on boarding" and "onboarding". You cannot use stopwords alone for synonyms. For example,
if you search for "on", Amazon Kendra cannot return all documents that contain "on".
Some synonym rules are ignored. For example, a => b is a rule, but a => a is ignored and doesn't
count as a rule.
The term count is the number of unique terms in the theaurus file. The below example file includes
terms AWS CodeStar, ML, Machine Learning, autoscaling group, ASG, and more.
There is a maximum amount of synonym rules per thesaurus and a maximum amount of synonyms
per term. For more information, see Quotas for Amazon Kendra.
The following example shows a thesaurus file with synonym rules. Each line contains a single
synonym rule. Blank lines and comments are ignored.
# Lines starting with pound are comments and blank lines are ignored.
# Synonym relationships can be defined as unidirectional or bidirectional
# Unidirection relationships are represented by any term sequence
# on the left hand side (LHS) of "=>" followed by synonyms on the right hand side (RHS)
CodeStar => AWS CodeStar
# This will map CodeStar to AWS CodeStar, but not vice-versa
# To map terms vice versa
ML => Machine Learning
Machine Learning => ML
# Multiple synonym relationships may be defined in one line as well by comma
Creating a thesaurus file 1149
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
autoscaling group, ASG => Auto Scaling group, autoscaling
# The above is equivalent to:
# autoscaling group => Auto Scaling group, autoscaling
# ASG => Auto Scaling group, autoscaling
# Bi-directional synonyms are comma separated terms with no "=>"
DNS, Route53, Route 53
# DNS, Route53, and Route 53 map to one another and are interchangeable at match time
# The above is equivalent to:
# DNS => Route53, Route 53
# Route53 => DNS, Route 53
# Route 53 => DNS, Route53
# Overlapping LHS terms will be merged
Beta => Alpha
Beta => Gamma
Beta, Delta
# is equivalent to:
# Beta => Alpha, Gamma, Delta
# Delta => Beta
# Each line contains a single synonym rule.
# Synonym rule count is the total number of lines defining synonym relationships
# Term count is the total number of unique terms for all rules.
# Comments and blanks lines do not count.
Adding a thesaurus to an index
The following procedures show how to add a thesaurus file containing synonyms to an index. It
can take up to 30 minutes to see the effects of your updated thesaurus file. For more information
about the thesaurus file, see Creating a thesaurus file.
To add a thesaurus
1. In the left navigation pane, under the index where you want to add a list of synonyms, your
thesaurus, choose Synonyms.
2. On the Synonym page, choose Add Thesaurus.
3. In Define thesaurus, give your thesaurus a name and an optional description.
Adding a thesaurus to an index 1150
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
4. In Thesaurus settings, provide the Amazon S3 path to your thesaurus file. The file must be
smaller than 5 MB.
5. For IAM Role, select a role or select Create a new role and specify a role name to create a
new role. Amazon Kendra uses this role to access the Amazon S3 resource on your behalf.
The IAM role has the prefix "AmazonKendra-".
6. Choose Save to save the configuration and add the thesaurus. Once the thesaurus is
ingested, it is active and synonyms are highlighted in results. It can take up to 30 minutes
to see the effects of your thesaurus file.
To add a thesarus to an index with the AWS CLI, call create-thesaurus:
aws kendra create-thesaurus \
--index-id index-id \
--name "thesaurus-name" \
--description "thesaurus-description" \
--source-s3-path "Bucket=bucket-name,Key=thesaurus/synonyms.txt" \
--role-arn role-arn
Call list-thesauri to see a list of thesauruses:
aws kendra list-thesauri \
--index-id index-id
To view details for a thesaurus, call describe-thesaurus:
aws kendra describe-thesaurus \
--index-id index-id \
--index-id thesaurus-id
It can take up to 30 minutes to see the effects of your thesaurus file.
import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
import pprint
import time
Adding a thesaurus to an index 1151
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
kendra = boto3.client("kendra")
print("Create a thesaurus")
thesaurus_name = "thesaurus-name"
thesaurus_description = "thesaurus-description"
thesaurus_role_arn = "role-arn"
index_id = "index-id"
s3_bucket_name = "bucket-name"
s3_key = "thesaurus-file"
source_s3_path= {
'Bucket': s3_bucket_name,
'Key': s3_key
thesaurus_response = kendra.create_thesaurus(
Description = thesaurus_description,
Name = thesaurus_name,
RoleArn = thesaurus_role_arn,
IndexId = index_id,
SourceS3Path = source_s3_path
thesaurus_id = thesaurus_response["Id"]
print("Wait for Kendra to create the thesaurus.")
while True:
# Get thesaurus description
thesaurus_description = kendra.describe_thesaurus(
Id = thesaurus_id,
IndexId = index_id
# If status is not CREATING quit
status = thesaurus_description["Status"]
print("Creating thesaurus. Status: " + status)
if status != "CREATING":
Adding a thesaurus to an index 1152
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
except ClientError as e:
print("%s" % e)
print("Program ends.")
package com.amazonaws.kendra;
public class CreateThesaurusExample {
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
KendraClient kendra = KendraClient.builder().build();
String thesaurusName = "thesaurus-name";
String thesaurusDescription = "thesaurus-description";
String thesaurusRoleArn = "role-arn";
String s3BucketName = "bucket-name";
String s3Key = "thesaurus-file";
String indexId = "index-id";
System.out.println(String.format("Creating a thesaurus named %s",
CreateThesaurusRequest createThesaurusRequest = CreateThesaurusRequest
Adding a thesaurus to an index 1153
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
CreateThesaurusResponse createThesaurusResponse =
System.out.println(String.format("Thesaurus response %s",
String thesaurusId =;
System.out.println(String.format("Waiting until the thesaurus with ID %s is
created.", thesaurusId));
while (true) {
DescribeThesaurusRequest describeThesaurusRequest =
DescribeThesaurusResponse describeThesaurusResponse =
ThesaurusStatus status = describeThesaurusResponse.status();
if (status != ThesaurusStatus.CREATING) {
System.out.println("Thesaurus creation is complete.");
Updating a thesaurus
You can change the configuration of a thesaurus after it is created. You can change details like
thesaurus name and IAM information. You can also change the location of the thesaurus file
Amazon S3 path. If you change the path to the thesaurus file, Amazon Kendra replaces the existing
thesaurus with the thesaurus specified in the updated path.
It can take up to 30 minutes to see the effects of your updated thesaurus file.
Updating a thesaurus 1154
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
If there are validation or syntax errors in the thesaurus file, the previously uploaded
thesaurus file is retained.
The following procedures show how to modify thesaurus details.
To modify thesaurus details
1. In the left navigation pane, under the index you want to modify, choose Synonyms.
2. On the Synonym page, select the thesaurus you want to modify and then choose Edit.
3. On the Update thesaurus page, update the thesaurus details.
4. (Optional) Choose Change the thesaurus file path and then specify an Amazon S3 path to
the new thesaurus file. Your existing thesaurus file is replaced by the file you specify. If you
do not change the path, Amazon Kendra reloads the thesaurus from the existing path.
If you select Keep the current thesaurus file, Amazon Kendra does not reload the
thesaurus file.
5. Choose Save to save the configuration.
You can also reload the thesaurus from the existing thesaurus path.
To reload a thesaurus from an existing path
1. In the left navigation pane, under the index you want to modify, choose Synonyms.
2. On the Synonym page, select the thesaurus you want to reload and then choose Refresh.
3. On the Reload thesaurus file page, confirm you want to refresh the thesaurus file.
To update a thesaurus, call update-thesaurus:
aws kendra update-thesaurus \
--index-id index-id \
--name "thesaurus-name" \
Updating a thesaurus 1155
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
--description "thesaurus-description" \
--source-s3-path "Bucket=bucket-name,Key=thesaurus/synonyms.txt" \
--role-arn role-arn
import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
import pprint
import time
kendra = boto3.client("kendra")
print("Update a thesaurus")
thesaurus_name = "thesaurus-name"
thesaurus_description = "thesaurus-description"
thesaurus_role_arn = "role-arn"
thesaurus_id = "thesaurus-id"
index_id = "index-id"
s3_bucket_name = "bucket-name"
s3_key = "thesaurus-file"
source_s3_path= {
'Bucket': s3_bucket_name,
'Key': s3_key
Id = thesaurus_id,
IndexId = index_id,
Description = thesaurus_description,
Name = thesaurus_name,
RoleArn = thesaurus_role_arn,
SourceS3Path = source_s3_path
print("Wait for Kendra to update the thesaurus.")
while True:
# Get thesaurus description
Updating a thesaurus 1156
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
thesaurus_description = kendra.describe_thesaurus(
Id = thesaurus_id,
IndexId = index_id
# If status is not UPDATING quit
status = thesaurus_description["Status"]
print("Updating thesaurus. Status: " + status)
if status != "UPDATING":
except ClientError as e:
print("%s" % e)
print("Program ends.")
package com.amazonaws.kendra;
public class UpdateThesaurusExample {
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
KendraClient kendra = KendraClient.builder().build();
String thesaurusName = "thesaurus-name";
String thesaurusDescription = "thesaurus-description";
String thesaurusRoleArn = "role-arn";
String s3BucketName = "bucket-name";
String s3Key = "thesaurus-file";
String thesaurusId = "thesaurus-id";
String indexId = "index-id";
Updating a thesaurus 1157
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
UpdateThesaurusRequest updateThesaurusRequest = UpdateThesaurusRequest
System.out.println(String.format("Waiting until the thesaurus with ID %s is
updated.", thesaurusId));
// a new source s3 path requires re-consumption by Kendra
// and so can take as long as a Create Thesaurus operation
while (true) {
DescribeThesaurusRequest describeThesaurusRequest =
DescribeThesaurusResponse describeThesaurusResponse =
ThesaurusStatus status = describeThesaurusResponse.status();
if (status != ThesaurusStatus.UPDATING) {
System.out.println("Thesaurus update is complete.");
Deleting a thesaurus
The following procedures show how to delete a thesaurus.
Deleting a thesaurus 1158
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
1. In the left navigation pane, under the index you want to modify, choose Synonyms.
2. On the Synonym page, select the thesaurus you want to delete.
3. On the Thesaurus detail page, choose Delete and then confirm to delete.
To delete a thesarus to an index with the AWS CLI, call delete-thesaurus:
aws kendra delete-thesaurus \
--index-id index-id \
--id thesaurus-id
import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
kendra = boto3.client("kendra")
print("Delete a thesaurus")
thesaurus_id = "thesaurus-id"
index_id = "index-id"
Id = thesaurus_id,
IndexId = index_id
except ClientError as e:
print("%s" % e)
print("Program ends.")
package com.amazonaws.kendra;
Deleting a thesaurus 1159
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
public class DeleteThesaurusExample {
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
KendraClient kendra = KendraClient.builder().build();
String thesaurusId = "thesaurus-id";
String indexId = "index-id";
DeleteThesaurusRequest updateThesaurusRequest = DeleteThesaurusRequest
Highlights in search results
Synonym highlighting is on by default. Highlight information is included in Amazon Kendra SDK
and CLI query results. If you interact with Amazon Kendra using the SDK or CLI, you determine how
to display results.
Synonym highlights will have the highlight type THESAURUS_SYNONYM. For more information
about highlights, see the Highlight object.
Highlights in search results 1160
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Tutorial: Building a metadata-enriched, intelligent
search solution with Amazon Kendra
This tutorial shows you how to build a metadata-enriched, natural language based, intelligent
search solution for your enterprise data using Amazon Kendra, Amazon Comprehend, Amazon
Simple Storage Service (S3), and AWS CloudShell.
Amazon Kendra is an intelligent search service that can build a search index for your unstructured,
natural language data repositories. To make it easier for your customers to find and filter relevant
answers, you can use Amazon Comprehend to extract metadata from your data and ingest it into
your Amazon Kendra search index.
Amazon Comprehend is a natural language processing (NLP) service that can identify entities.
Entities are references to people, places, locations, organizations, and objects in your data.
This tutorial uses a sample dataset of news articles to extract entities, convert them to metadata,
and ingest them into your Amazon Kendra index to run searches on. The added metadata lets
you filter your search results using any subset of these entities, and improves search accuracy.
By following this tutorial, you will learn how to create a search solution for your enterprise data
without any specialized machine learning knowledge.
This tutorial shows you how to build your search solution using the following steps:
1. Storing a sample dataset of news articles in Amazon S3.
2. Using Amazon Comprehend to extract entities from your data.
3. Running a Python 3 script to convert the entities into Amazon Kendra index metadata format
and storing this metadata in S3.
4. Creating an Amazon Kendra search index and ingesting the data and the metadata.
5. Querying the search index.
The following diagram shows the workflow:
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Estimated time to complete this tutorial: 1 hour
Estimated cost: Some of the actions in this tutorial incur charges on your AWS account. For more
information on the cost of each service, see the price pages for Amazon S3, Amazon Comprehend,
AWS CloudShell, and Amazon Kendra.
Step 1: Adding documents to Amazon S3
Step 2: Running an entities analysis job on Amazon Comprehend
Step 3: Formatting the entities analysis output as Amazon Kendra metadata
Step 4: Creating an Amazon Kendra index and ingesting the metadata
Step 5: Querying the Amazon Kendra index
Step 6: Cleaning up
To complete this tutorial, you need the following resources:
An AWS account. If you do not have an AWS account, follow the steps in Setting up Amazon
Kendra to set up your AWS account.
Prerequisites 1162
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
A development computer running Windows, macOS, or Linux, to access the AWS Management
Console. For more information, see Configuring the AWS Management Console.
An AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user. To learn how to set up an IAM user and
group for your account, see the Getting Started section in the IAM User Guide.
If you are using the AWS Command Line Interface, you also need to attach the following policy
to your IAM user to grant it the basic permissions required to complete this tutorial.
For more information, see Creating IAM policies and Adding and removing IAM identity
The AWS Regional Services List. To reduce latency, you should choose the AWS region closest to
your geographic location that is supported by both Amazon Comprehend and Amazon Kendra.
(Optional) An AWS Key Management Service. While this tutorial does not use encryption, you
might want to use encryption best practices for your specific use case.
(Optional) An Amazon Virtual Private Cloud. While this tutorial does not use a VPC, you might
want to use VPC best practices to ensure data security for your specific use case.
Step 1: Adding documents to Amazon S3
Before you run an Amazon Comprehend entities analysis job on your dataset, you create an
Amazon S3 bucket to host the data, metadata, and the Amazon Comprehend entities analysis
Downloading the sample dataset
Creating an Amazon S3 bucket
Creating data and metadata folders in your S3 bucket
Uploading the input data
Downloading the sample dataset
Before Amazon Comprehend can run an entities analysis job on your data, you must download and
extract the dataset and upload it to an S3 bucket.
Step 1: Adding documents 1163
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
To download and extract the dataset (Console)
1. Download the folder on your device.
Extract the tutorial-dataset folder to access the data folder.
To download and extract the dataset (Terminal)
To download the tutorial-dataset, run the following command on a terminal window:
curl -o path/
path/ is the local filepath to the location you want to save the zip folder in.
curl -o path/
path/ is the local filepath to the location you want to save the zip folder in.
curl -o path/
path/ is the local filepath to the location you want to save the zip folder in.
2. To extract the data from the zip folder, run the following command on the terminal window:
Downloading the sample dataset 1164
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
unzip path/ -d path/
path/ is the local filepath to your saved zip folder.
unzip path/ -d path/
path/ is the local filepath to your saved zip folder.
tar -xf path/ -C path/
path/ is the local filepath to your saved zip folder.
At the end of this step, you should have the extracted files in a decompressed folder called
tutorial-dataset. This folder contains a README file with an Apache 2.0 open source
attribution and a folder called data containing the dataset for this tutorial. The dataset consists of
100 files with .story extensions.
Creating an Amazon S3 bucket
After downloading and extracting the sample data folder, you store it in an Amazon S3 bucket.
The name of an Amazon S3 bucket must be unique across all of AWS.
Creating an Amazon S3 bucket 1165
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
To create an S3 bucket (Console)
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon S3 console at https://
2. In Buckets, choose Create bucket.
3. For Bucket name, enter a unique name.
4. For Region, choose the AWS region where you want to create the bucket.
You must choose a region that supports both Amazon Comprehend and Amazon
Kendra. You cannot change the region of a bucket after you have created it.
5. Keep the default settings for Block Public Access settings for this bucket, Bucket Versioning,
and Tags.
6. For Default encryption, choose Disable.
7. Keep the default settings for the Advanced settings.
8. Review your bucket configuration and then choose Create bucket.
To create an S3 bucket (AWS CLI)
1. To create an S3 bucket, use the create-bucket command in the AWS CLI:
aws s3api create-bucket \
--bucket amzn-s3-demo-bucket \
--region aws-region \
--create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=aws-region
amzn-s3-demo-bucket is your bucket name,
aws-region is the region you want to create your bucket in.
Creating an Amazon S3 bucket 1166
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
aws s3api create-bucket \
--bucket amzn-s3-demo-bucket \
--region aws-region \
--create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=aws-region
amzn-s3-demo-bucket is your bucket name,
aws-region is the region you want to create your bucket in.
aws s3api create-bucket ^
--bucket amzn-s3-demo-bucket ^
--region aws-region ^
--create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=aws-region
amzn-s3-demo-bucket is your bucket name,
aws-region is the region you want to create your bucket in.
You must choose a region that supports both Amazon Comprehend and Amazon
Kendra. You cannot change the region of a bucket after you have created it.
2. To ensure that your bucket was created successfully, use the list command:
aws s3 ls
Creating an Amazon S3 bucket 1167
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
aws s3 ls
aws s3 ls
Creating data and metadata folders in your S3 bucket
After creating your S3 bucket, you create data and metadata folders inside it.
To create folders in your S3 bucket (Console)
1. Open the Amazon S3 console at
2. In Buckets, click on the name of your bucket from the list of buckets.
3. From the Objects tab, choose Create folder.
For the new folder name, enter data.
5. For the encryption settings, choose Disable.
6. Choose Create folder.
7. Repeat steps 3 to 6 to create another folder for storing the Amazon Kendra metadata and
name the folder created in step 4 metadata.
To create folders in your S3 bucket (AWS CLI)
To create the data folder in your S3 bucket, use the put-object command in the AWS CLI:
aws s3api put-object \
--bucket amzn-s3-demo-bucket \
--key data/
amzn-s3-demo-bucket is your bucket name.
Creating data and metadata folders in your S3 bucket 1168
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
aws s3api put-object \
--bucket amzn-s3-demo-bucket \
--key data/
amzn-s3-demo-bucket is your bucket name.
aws s3api put-object ^
--bucket amzn-s3-demo-bucket ^
--key data/
amzn-s3-demo-bucket is your bucket name.
To create the metadata folder in your S3 bucket, use the put-object command in the AWS CLI:
aws s3api put-object \
--bucket amzn-s3-demo-bucket \
--key metadata/
amzn-s3-demo-bucket is your bucket name.
aws s3api put-object \
--bucket amzn-s3-demo-bucket \
--key metadata/
Creating data and metadata folders in your S3 bucket 1169
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
amzn-s3-demo-bucket is your bucket name.
aws s3api put-object ^
--bucket amzn-s3-demo-bucket ^
--key metadata/
amzn-s3-demo-bucket is your bucket name.
3. To ensure that your folders were created successfully, check the contents of your bucket using
the list command:
aws s3 ls s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/
amzn-s3-demo-bucket is your bucket name.
aws s3 ls s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/
amzn-s3-demo-bucket is your bucket name.
aws s3 ls s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/
Creating data and metadata folders in your S3 bucket 1170
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
amzn-s3-demo-bucket is your bucket name.
Uploading the input data
After creating your data and metadata folders, you upload the sample dataset into the data
To upload the sample dataset into the data folder (Console)
1. Open the Amazon S3 console at
In Buckets, click on the name of your bucket from the list of buckets and then click on data.
3. Choose Upload and then choose Add files.
In the dialog box, navigate to the data folder inside the tutorial-dataset folder in your
local device, select all the files, and then choose Open.
5. Keep the default settings for Destination, Permissions, and Properties.
6. Choose Upload.
To upload the sample dataset into the data folder (AWS CLI)
To upload the sample data into the data folder, use the copy command in the AWS CLI:
aws s3 cp path/tutorial-dataset/data s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/data/ --recursive
path/ is the filepath to the tutorial-dataset folder on your device,
amzn-s3-demo-bucket is your bucket name.
aws s3 cp path/tutorial-dataset/data s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/data/ --recursive
Uploading the input data 1171
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
path/ is the filepath to the tutorial-dataset folder on your device,
amzn-s3-demo-bucket is your bucket name.
aws s3 cp path/tutorial-dataset/data s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/data/ --recursive
path/ is the filepath to the tutorial-dataset folder on your device,
amzn-s3-demo-bucket is your bucket name.
To ensure that your dataset files were uploaded successfully to your data folder, use the list
command in the AWS CLI:
aws s3 ls s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/data/
amzn-s3-demo-bucket is the name of your S3 bucket.
aws s3 ls s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/data/
amzn-s3-demo-bucket is the name of your S3 bucket.
aws s3 ls s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/data/
Uploading the input data 1172
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
amzn-s3-demo-bucket is the name of your S3 bucket.
At the end of this step, you have an S3 bucket with your dataset stored inside the data folder, and
an empty metadata folder, which will store your Amazon Kendra metadata.
Step 2: Running an entities analysis job on Amazon
After storing the sample dataset in your S3 bucket, you run an Amazon Comprehend entities
analysis job to extract entities from your documents. These entities will form Amazon Kendra
custom attributes and help you filter search results on your index. For more information, see Detect
Running an Amazon Comprehend entities analysis job
Running an Amazon Comprehend entities analysis job
To extract entities from your dataset, you run an Amazon Comprehend entities analysis job.
If you are using the AWS CLI in this step, you first create and attach an AWS IAM role and policy for
Amazon Comprehend and then run an entities analysis job. To run an entities analysis job on your
sample data, Amazon Comprehend needs:
an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that recognizes it as a trusted entity
an AWS IAM policy attached to the IAM role that gives it permissions to access your S3 bucket
For more information, see How Amazon Comprehend works with IAM and Identity-Based Policies
for Amazon Comprehend.
To run an Amazon Comprehend entities analysis job (Console)
1. Open the Amazon Comprehend console at
Step 2: Detecting entities 1173
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Ensure that you are in the same region in which you created your Amazon S3 bucket.
If you are in another region, choose the AWS region where you created your S3 bucket
from the Region selector in the top navigation bar.
2. Choose Launch Amazon Comprehend.
3. In the left navigation pane, choose Analysis jobs.
4. Choose Create job.
5. In the Job settings section, do the following:
For Name, enter data-entities-analysis.
b. For Analysis type, choose Entities.
c. For Language, choose English.
d. Keep Job encryption turned off.
6. In the Input data section, do the following:
a. For Data source, choose My documents.
b. For S3 location, choose Browse S3.
c. For Choose resources, click on the name of your bucket from the list of buckets.
For Objects, select the option button for data and choose Choose.
e. For Input format, choose One document per file.
7. In the Output data section, do the following:
a. For S3 location, choose Browse S3 and then select the option box for your bucket from
the list of buckets and choose Choose.
b. Keep Encryption turned off.
8. In the Access permissions section, do the following:
a. For IAM role, choose Create an IAM role.
b. For Permissions to access, choose Input and Output S3 buckets.
For Name suffix, enter comprehend-role. This role provides access to your Amazon S3
9. Keep the default VPC settings.
Running an Amazon Comprehend entities analysis job 1174
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
10. Choose Create job.
To run an Amazon Comprehend entities analysis job (AWS CLI)
1. To create and attach an IAM role for Amazon Comprehend that recognizes it as a trusted
entity, do the following:
Save the following trust policy as a JSON file called comprehend-trust-policy.json
in a text editor on your local device.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": ""
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
To create an IAM role called comprehend-role and attach your saved comprehend-
trust-policy.json file to it, use the create-role command:
aws iam create-role \
--role-name comprehend-role \
--assume-role-policy-document file://path/comprehend-trust-
path/ is the filepath to comprehend-trust-policy.json on your local device.
aws iam create-role \
Running an Amazon Comprehend entities analysis job 1175
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
--role-name comprehend-role \
--assume-role-policy-document file://path/comprehend-trust-
path/ is the filepath to comprehend-trust-policy.json on your local device.
aws iam create-role ^
--role-name comprehend-role ^
--assume-role-policy-document file://path/comprehend-trust-
path/ is the filepath to comprehend-trust-policy.json on your local device.
c. Copy the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to your text editor and save it locally as
The ARN has a format similar to arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/
comprehend-role. You need the ARN you saved as comprehend-role-arn to
run the Amazon Comprehend analysis job.
2. To create and attach an IAM policy to your IAM role that grants it permissions to access your S3
bucket, do the following:
Save the following trust policy as a JSON file called comprehend-S3-access-
policy.json in a text editor on your local device.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Action": [
Running an Amazon Comprehend entities analysis job 1176
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow"
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow"
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow"
To create an IAM policy called comprehend-S3-access-policy to access your S3
bucket, use the create-policy command:
aws iam create-policy \
--policy-name comprehend-S3-access-policy \
--policy-document file://path/comprehend-S3-access-policy.json
path/ is the filepath to comprehend-S3-access-policy.json on your local
Running an Amazon Comprehend entities analysis job 1177
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
aws iam create-policy \
--policy-name comprehend-S3-access-policy \
--policy-document file://path/comprehend-S3-access-policy.json
path/ is the filepath to comprehend-S3-access-policy.json on your local
aws iam create-policy ^
--policy-name comprehend-S3-access-policy ^
--policy-document file://path/comprehend-S3-access-policy.json
path/ is the filepath to comprehend-S3-access-policy.json on your local
c. Copy the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to your text editor and save it locally as
The ARN has a format similar to arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/
comprehend-S3-access-policy. You need the ARN you saved as
comprehend-S3-access-arn to attach the comprehend-S3-access-policy
to your IAM role.
To attach the comprehend-S3-access-policy to your IAM role, use the attach-role-
policy command:
aws iam attach-role-policy \
Running an Amazon Comprehend entities analysis job 1178
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
--policy-arn policy-arn \
--role-name comprehend-role
policy-arn is the ARN you saved as comprehend-S3-access-arn.
aws iam attach-role-policy \
--policy-arn policy-arn \
--role-name comprehend-role
policy-arn is the ARN you saved as comprehend-S3-access-arn.
aws iam attach-role-policy ^
--policy-arn policy-arn ^
--role-name comprehend-role
policy-arn is the ARN you saved as comprehend-S3-access-arn.
3. To run an Amazon Comprehend entities analysis job, use the start-entities-detection-job
aws comprehend start-entities-detection-job \
--input-data-config S3Uri=s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/
data/,InputFormat=ONE_DOC_PER_FILE \
--output-data-config S3Uri=s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/ \
--data-access-role-arn role-arn \
--job-name data-entities-analysis \
--language-code en \
--region aws-region
Running an Amazon Comprehend entities analysis job 1179
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
amzn-s3-demo-bucket is the name of your S3 bucket,
role-arn is the ARN you saved as comprehend-role-arn,
aws-region is your AWS region.
aws comprehend start-entities-detection-job \
--input-data-config S3Uri=s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/
data/,InputFormat=ONE_DOC_PER_FILE \
--output-data-config S3Uri=s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/ \
--data-access-role-arn role-arn \
--job-name data-entities-analysis \
--language-code en \
--region aws-region
amzn-s3-demo-bucket is the name of your S3 bucket,
role-arn is the ARN you saved as comprehend-role-arn,
aws-region is your AWS region.
aws comprehend start-entities-detection-job ^
--input-data-config S3Uri=s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/
data/,InputFormat=ONE_DOC_PER_FILE ^
--output-data-config S3Uri=s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/ ^
--data-access-role-arn role-arn ^
--job-name data-entities-analysis ^
--language-code en ^
--region aws-region
amzn-s3-demo-bucket is the name of your S3 bucket,
Running an Amazon Comprehend entities analysis job 1180
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
role-arn is the ARN you saved as comprehend-role-arn,
aws-region is your AWS region.
Copy the entities analysis JobId and save it in a text editor as comprehend-job-id. The
JobId helps you track the status of your entities analysis job.
5. To track the progress of your entities analysis job, use the describe-entities-detection-job
aws comprehend describe-entities-detection-job \
--job-id entities-job-id \
--region aws-region
entities-job-id is your saved comprehend-job-id,
aws-region is your AWS region.
aws comprehend describe-entities-detection-job \
--job-id entities-job-id \
--region aws-region
entities-job-id is your saved comprehend-job-id,
aws-region is your AWS region.
aws comprehend describe-entities-detection-job ^
--job-id entities-job-id ^
--region aws-region
Running an Amazon Comprehend entities analysis job 1181
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
entities-job-id is your saved comprehend-job-id,
aws-region is your AWS region.
It can take several minutes for the JobStatus to change to COMPLETED.
At the end of this step, Amazon Comprehend stores the entity analysis results as a zipped
output.tar.gz file inside an output folder within an auto-generated folder in your S3 bucket.
Make sure that your analysis job status is complete before you move on to the next step.
Step 3: Formatting the entities analysis output as Amazon
Kendra metadata
To convert the entities extracted by Amazon Comprehend to the metadata format required by an
Amazon Kendra index, you run a Python 3 script. The results of the conversion are stored in the
metadata folder in your Amazon S3 bucket.
For more information on Amazon Kendra metadata format and structure, see S3 document
Downloading and extracting the Amazon Comprehend output
Uploading the output into the S3 bucket
Converting the output to Amazon Kendra metadata format
Cleaning up your Amazon S3 bucket
Downloading and extracting the Amazon Comprehend output
To format the Amazon Comprehend entities analysis output, you must first download the Amazon
Comprehend entities analysis output.tar.gz archive and extract the entities analysis file.
To download and extract the output file (Console)
1. In the Amazon Comprehend console navigation pane, navigate to Analysis jobs.
Choose your entities analysis job data-entities-analysis.
3. Under Output, choose the link displayed next to Output data location. This redirects you to
the output.tar.gz archive in your S3 bucket.
Step 3: Formatting the metadata 1182
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
4. In the Overview tab, choose Download.
The output of all Amazon Comprehend analysis jobs have the same name. Renaming
your archive will help you track it more easily.
5. Decompress and extract the downloaded Amazon Comprehend file to your device.
To download and extract the output file (AWS CLI)
1. To access the name of the Amazon Comprehend auto-generated folder in your S3 bucket
which contains the results of the entities analysis job, use the describe-entities-detection-job
aws comprehend describe-entities-detection-job \
--job-id entities-job-id \
--region aws-region
entities-job-id is your saved comprehend-job-id from the section called “Step 2:
Detecting entities”,
aws-region is your AWS region.
aws comprehend describe-entities-detection-job \
--job-id entities-job-id \
--region aws-region
entities-job-id is your saved comprehend-job-id from the section called “Step 2:
Detecting entities”,
aws-region is your AWS region.
Downloading and extracting the Amazon Comprehend output 1183
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
aws comprehend describe-entities-detection-job ^
--job-id entities-job-id ^
--region aws-region
entities-job-id is your saved comprehend-job-id from the section called “Step 2:
Detecting entities”,
aws-region is your AWS region.
From the OutputDataConfig object in your entities job description, copy and save the S3Uri
value as comprehend-S3uri on a text editor.
The S3Uri value has a format similar to s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/.../
3. To download the entities output archive, use the copy command:
aws s3 cp s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/.../output/output.tar.gz path/output.tar.gz
s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/.../output/output.tar.gz is the S3Uri value you
saved as comprehend-S3uri,
path/ is the local directory where you wish to save the output.
aws s3 cp s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/.../output/output.tar.gz path/output.tar.gz
Downloading and extracting the Amazon Comprehend output 1184
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/.../output/output.tar.gz is the S3Uri value you
saved as comprehend-S3uri,
path/ is the local directory where you wish to save the output.
aws s3 cp s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/.../output/output.tar.gz path/output.tar.gz
s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/.../output/output.tar.gz is the S3Uri value you
saved as comprehend-S3uri,
path/ is the local directory where you wish to save the output.
4. To extract the entities output, run the following command on a terminal window:
tar -xf path/output.tar.gz -C path/
path/ is the filepath to the downloaded output.tar.gz archive on your local device.
tar -xf path/output.tar.gz -C path/
path/ is the filepath to the downloaded output.tar.gz archive on your local device.
tar -xf path/output.tar.gz -C path/
Downloading and extracting the Amazon Comprehend output 1185
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
path/ is the filepath to the downloaded output.tar.gz archive on your local device.
At the end of this step, you should have a file on your device called output with a list of Amazon
Comprehend identified entities.
Uploading the output into the S3 bucket
After downloading and extracting the Amazon Comprehend entities analysis file, you upload the
extracted output file to your Amazon S3 bucket.
To upload the extracted Amazon Comprehend output file (Console)
1. Open the Amazon S3 console at
2. In Buckets, click on the name of your bucket and then choose Upload.
3. In Files and folders, choose Add files.
In the dialog box, navigate to your extracted output file in your device, select it, and choose
5. Keep the default settings for Destination, Permissions, and Properties.
6. Choose Upload.
To upload the extracted Amazon Comprehend output file (AWS CLI)
To upload the extracted output file to your bucket, use the copy command:
aws s3 cp path/output s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/output
path/ is the local filepath to your extracted output file,
amzn-s3-demo-bucket is the name of your S3 bucket.
aws s3 cp path/output s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/output
Uploading the output into the S3 bucket 1186
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
path/ is the local filepath to your extracted output file,
amzn-s3-demo-bucket is the name of your S3 bucket.
aws s3 cp path/output s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/output
path/ is the local filepath to your extracted output file,
amzn-s3-demo-bucket is the name of your S3 bucket.
To ensure that the output file was uploaded successfully to your S3 bucket, check its contents
by using the list command:
aws s3 ls s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/
amzn-s3-demo-bucket is the name of your S3 bucket.
aws s3 ls s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/
amzn-s3-demo-bucket is the name of your S3 bucket.
aws s3 ls s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/
Uploading the output into the S3 bucket 1187
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
amzn-s3-demo-bucket is the name of your S3 bucket.
Converting the output to Amazon Kendra metadata format
To convert the Amazon Comprehend output to Amazon Kendra metadata, you run a Python 3
script. If you are using the Console, you use AWS CloudShell for this step.
To run the Python 3 script (Console)
1. Download the zipped file on your device.
Extract the Python 3 file
3. Sign into the AWS Management Console and make sure your AWS region is set to the same
region as your S3 bucket and your Amazon Comprehend analysis job.
4. Choose the AWS CloudShell icon or type AWS CloudShell in the Search box on the top
navigation bar to launch an environment.
When AWS CloudShell launches in a new browser window for the first time, a welcome
panel displays and lists key features. The shell is ready for interaction after you close
this panel and the command prompt displays.
5. After the terminal is prepared, choose Actions from the navigation pane and then choose
Upload file from the menu.
6. In the dialog box that opens, choose Select file and then choose the downloaded Python 3 file from your device. Choose Upload.
7. In the AWS CloudShell environment, enter the following command:
8. When the shell interface prompts you to Enter the name of your S3 bucket, enter the name of
your S3 bucket and press enter.
9. When the shell interface prompts you to Enter the full filepath to your Comprehend output
file, enter output and press enter.
Converting the output to Amazon Kendra metadata format 1188
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
10. When the shell interface prompts you to Enter the full filepath to your metadata folder,
enter metadata/ and press enter.
For the metadata to be formatted correctly, the input values in steps 8-10 must be exact.
To run the Python 3 script (AWS CLI)
To download the Python 3 file, run the following command on a terminal
curl -o path/
path/ is the filepath to the location you want to save the zipped file in.
curl -o path/
path/ is the filepath to the location you want to save the zipped file in.
curl -o path/
Converting the output to Amazon Kendra metadata format 1189
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
path/ is the filepath to the location you want to save the zipped file in.
2. To extract the Python 3 file, run the following command on the terminal window:
unzip path/ -d path/
path/ is the filepath to your saved
unzip path/ -d path/
path/ is the filepath to your saved
tar -xf path/ -C path/
path/ is the filepath to your saved
3. Make sure that Boto3 is installed on your device by running the following command.
pip3 show boto3
pip3 show boto3
Converting the output to Amazon Kendra metadata format 1190
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
pip3 show boto3
If you do not have Boto3 installed, run pip3 install boto3 to install it.
To run the Python 3 script to convert the output file, run the following command.
python path/
path/ is the filepath to your saved
python path/
path/ is the filepath to your saved
python path/
path/ is the filepath to your saved
When the AWS CLI prompts you to Enter the name of your S3 bucket, enter the name
of your S3 bucket and press enter.
Converting the output to Amazon Kendra metadata format 1191
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
When the AWS CLI prompts you to Enter the full filepath to your Comprehend
output file, enter output and press enter.
When the AWS CLI prompts you to Enter the full filepath to your metadata
folder, enter metadata/ and press enter.
For the metadata to be formatted correctly, the input values in steps 5-7 must be exact.
At the end of this step, the formatted metadata is deposited inside the metadata folder in your S3
Cleaning up your Amazon S3 bucket
Since the Amazon Kendra index syncs all files stored in a bucket, we recommend you clean up your
Amazon S3 bucket to prevent redundant search results.
To clean up your Amazon S3 bucket (Console)
1. Open the Amazon S3 console at
2. In Buckets, choose your bucket and then select the Amazon Comprehend entity analysis
output folder, the Amazon Comprehend entity analysis .temp file, and the extracted Amazon
Comprehend output file.
3. From the Overview tab choose Delete.
In Delete objects, choose Permanently delete objects? and enter permanently delete in
the text input field.
5. Choose Delete objects.
To clean up your Amazon S3 bucket (AWS CLI)
To delete all files and folders in your S3 bucket except the data and metadata folders, use
the remove command in the AWS CLI:
Cleaning up your Amazon S3 bucket 1192
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
aws s3 rm s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/ --recursive --exclude "data/*" --exclude
amzn-s3-demo-bucket is the name of your S3 bucket.
aws s3 rm s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/ --recursive --exclude "data/*" --exclude
amzn-s3-demo-bucket is the name of your S3 bucket.
aws s3 rm s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/ --recursive --exclude "data/*" --exclude
amzn-s3-demo-bucket is the name of your S3 bucket.
2. To ensure that the objects were successfully deleted from your S3 bucket, check its contents by
using the list command:
aws s3 ls s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/
amzn-s3-demo-bucket is the name of your S3 bucket.
Cleaning up your Amazon S3 bucket 1193
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
aws s3 ls s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/
amzn-s3-demo-bucket is the name of your S3 bucket.
aws s3 ls s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/
amzn-s3-demo-bucket is the name of your S3 bucket.
At the end of this step, you have converted the Amazon Comprehend entities analysis output to
Amazon Kendra metadata. You are now ready to create an Amazon Kendra index.
Step 4: Creating an Amazon Kendra index and ingesting the
To implement your intelligent search solution, you create an Amazon Kendra index and ingest your
S3 data and metadata into it.
Before you add metadata to your Amazon Kendra index, you create custom index fields
corresponding to custom document attributes, which in turn correspond to the Amazon
Comprehend entity types. Amazon Kendra uses the index fields and custom document attributes
you create to search and filter your documents.
For more information, see Index and Creating custom document attributes.
Creating an Amazon Kendra index
Updating the IAM role for Amazon S3 access
Step 4: Creating an index and ingesting the metadata 1194
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Creating Amazon Kendra custom search index fields
Adding the Amazon S3 bucket as a data source for the index
Syncing the Amazon Kendra index
Creating an Amazon Kendra index
To query your source documents, you create an Amazon Kendra index.
If you are using the AWS CLI in this step, you create and attach an AWS IAM role and policy
that allows Amazon Kendra to access your CloudWatch logs before creating an index. For more
information, see Prerequisites.
To create an Amazon Kendra index (Console)
1. Open the Amazon Kendra console at
Ensure that you are in the same region in which you created your Amazon Comprehend
entities analysis job and your Amazon S3 bucket. If you are in another region, choose
the AWS region where you created your Amazon S3 bucket from the Region selector in
the top navigation bar.
2. Choose Create an index.
3. For Index details on the Specify index details page, do the following:
For Index name, enter kendra-index.
b. Keep the Description field blank.
c. For IAM role, choose Create a new role. This role provides access to your Amazon S3
For Role name, enter kendra-role. The IAM role will have the prefix AmazonKendra-.
e. Keep default settings for Encryption and Tags and choose Next.
4. For Access control settings on the Configure user access control page, choose No and then
choose Next.
5. For Provisioning editions on the Provisioning details page, choose Developer edition and
choose Create.
Creating an Amazon Kendra index 1195
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
To create an Amazon Kendra index (AWS CLI)
1. To create and attach an IAM role for Amazon Kendra that recognizes it as a trusted entity, do
the following:
Save the following trust policy as a JSON file called kendra-trust-policy.json in a
text editor on your local device.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": {
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": ""
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
To create an IAM role called kendra-role and attach your saved kendra-trust-
policy.json file to it, use the create-role command:
aws iam create-role \
--role-name kendra-role \
--assume-role-policy-document file://path/kendra-trust-policy.json
path/ is the filepath to kendra-trust-policy.json on your local device.
aws iam create-role \
--role-name kendra-role \
--assume-role-policy-document file://path/kendra-trust-policy.json
Creating an Amazon Kendra index 1196
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
path/ is the filepath to kendra-trust-policy.json on your local device.
aws iam create-role ^
--role-name kendra-role ^
--assume-role-policy-document file://path/kendra-trust-policy.json
path/ is the filepath to kendra-trust-policy.json on your local device.
Copy the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to your text editor and save it locally as kendra-
The ARN has a format similar to arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/kendra-
role. You need the ARN you saved as kendra-role-arn to run Amazon Kendra
Before you create an index, you must provide your kendra-role the permission to write to
CloudWatch Logs. To do this, complete the following steps:
Save the following trust policy as a JSON file called kendra-cloudwatch-policy.json
in a text editor on your local device.
Creating an Amazon Kendra index 1197
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Replace aws-region with your AWS region, and aws-account-id with your 12-digit
AWS account ID.
b. To create an IAM policy to access CloudWatch Logs, use the create-policy command:
aws iam create-policy \
--policy-name kendra-cloudwatch-policy \
--policy-document file://path/kendra-cloudwatch-policy.json
path/ is the filepath to kendra-cloudwatch-policy.json on your local device.
aws iam create-policy \
Creating an Amazon Kendra index 1198
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
--policy-name kendra-cloudwatch-policy \
--policy-document file://path/kendra-cloudwatch-policy.json
path/ is the filepath to kendra-cloudwatch-policy.json on your local device.
aws iam create-policy ^
--policy-name kendra-cloudwatch-policy ^
--policy-document file://path/kendra-cloudwatch-policy.json
path/ is the filepath to kendra-cloudwatch-policy.json on your local device.
Copy the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to your text editor and save it locally as kendra-
The ARN has a format similar to arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/kendra-
cloudwatch-policy. You need the ARN you saved as kendra-cloudwatch-
arn to attach the kendra-cloudwatch-policy to your IAM role.
To attach the kendra-cloudwatch-policy to your IAM role, use the attach-role-policy
aws iam attach-role-policy \
--policy-arn policy-arn \
--role-name kendra-role
policy-arn is your saved kendra-cloudwatch-arn.
Creating an Amazon Kendra index 1199
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
aws iam attach-role-policy \
--policy-arn policy-arn \
--role-name kendra-role
policy-arn is your saved kendra-cloudwatch-arn.
aws iam attach-role-policy ^
--policy-arn policy-arn ^
--role-name kendra-role
policy-arn is your saved kendra-cloudwatch-arn.
3. To create an index, use the create-index command:
aws kendra create-index \
--name kendra-index \
--role-arn role-arn \
--region aws-region
role-arn is your saved kendra-role-arn,
aws-region is your AWS region.
aws kendra create-index \
Creating an Amazon Kendra index 1200
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
--name kendra-index \
--role-arn role-arn \
--region aws-region
role-arn is your saved kendra-role-arn,
aws-region is your AWS region.
aws kendra create-index ^
--name kendra-index ^
--role-arn role-arn ^
--region aws-region
role-arn is your saved kendra-role-arn,
aws-region is your AWS region.
Copy the index Id and save it in a text editor as kendra-index-id. The Id helps you track
the status of your index creation.
5. To track the progress of your index creation job, use the describe-index command:
aws kendra describe-index \
--id kendra-index-id \
--region aws-region
kendra-index-id is your saved kendra-index-id,
aws-region is your AWS region.
Creating an Amazon Kendra index 1201
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
aws kendra describe-index \
--id kendra-index-id \
--region aws-region
kendra-index-id is your saved kendra-index-id,
aws-region is your AWS region.
aws kendra describe-index ^
--id kendra-index-id ^
--region aws-region
kendra-index-id is your saved kendra-index-id,
aws-region is your AWS region.
The index creation process on average takes 15 minutes, but can take longer. When the status of
the index is active, your index is ready to use. While your index is being created, you can start the
next step.
If you are using the AWS CLI in this step, you create and attach an IAM policy to your Amazon
Kendra IAM role that gives your index permissions to access your S3 bucket.
Updating the IAM role for Amazon S3 access
While the index is being created, you update your Amazon Kendra IAM role to allow the index you
created to read data from your Amazon S3 bucket. For more information, see IAM access roles for
Amazon Kendra.
Updating the IAM role for Amazon S3 access 1202
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
To update your IAM role (Console)
1. Open the IAM console at
In the left navigation pane, choose Roles and enter kendra-role in the Search box above
Role name.
From the suggested options, click on kendra-role.
4. In Summary, choose Attach policies.
In Attach permissions, in the Search box, enter S3 and select the checkbox next to the
AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess policy from the suggested options.
6. Choose Attach policy. On the Summary page, you will now see two policies attached to the
IAM role.
7. Return to the Amazon Kendra console at and wait
for the status of your index to change from Creating to Active before continuing to the next
To update your IAM role (AWS CLI)
Save the following text in a JSON file called kendra-S3-access-policy.json in a text
editor on your local device.
Updating the IAM role for Amazon S3 access 1203
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Replace amzn-s3-demo-bucket with your S3 bucket name, aws-region with your AWS region,
aws-account-id with your 12-digit AWS account ID, and kendra-index-id with your
saved kendra-index-id.
2. To create an IAM policy to access your S3 bucket, use the create-policy command:
aws iam create-policy \
--policy-name kendra-S3-access-policy \
--policy-document file://path/kendra-S3-access-policy.json
path/ is the filepath to kendra-S3-access-policy.json on your local device.
aws iam create-policy \
--policy-name kendra-S3-access-policy \
--policy-document file://path/kendra-S3-access-policy.json
path/ is the filepath to kendra-S3-access-policy.json on your local device.
Updating the IAM role for Amazon S3 access 1204
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
aws iam create-policy ^
--policy-name kendra-S3-access-policy ^
--policy-document file://path/kendra-S3-access-policy.json
path/ is the filepath to kendra-S3-access-policy.json on your local device.
Copy the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to your text editor and save it locally as kendra-S3-
The ARN has a format similar to arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/kendra-S3-
access-policy. You need the ARN you saved as kendra-S3-access-arn to attach
the kendra-S3-access-policy to your IAM role.
To attach the kendra-S3-access-policy to your Amazon Kendra IAM role, use the attach-
role-policy command:
aws iam attach-role-policy \
--policy-arn policy-arn \
--role-name kendra-role
policy-arn is your saved kendra-S3-access-arn.
aws iam attach-role-policy \
--policy-arn policy-arn \
--role-name kendra-role
Updating the IAM role for Amazon S3 access 1205
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
policy-arn is your saved kendra-S3-access-arn.
aws iam attach-role-policy ^
--policy-arn policy-arn ^
--role-name kendra-role
policy-arn is your saved kendra-S3-access-arn.
Creating Amazon Kendra custom search index fields
To prepare Amazon Kendra to recognize your metadata as custom document attributes, you create
custom fields corresponding to Amazon Comprehend entity types. You input the following nine
Amazon Comprehend entity types as custom fields:
Misspelled entity types will not be recognized by the index.
Creating Amazon Kendra custom search index fields 1206
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
To create custom fields for your Amazon Kendra index (Console)
1. Open the Amazon Kendra console at
From the Indexes list, click on kendra-index.
3. From the left navigation panel, under Data management, choose Facet definition.
4. From the Index fields menu, choose Add field.
5. In the Add index field dialog box, do the following:
In Field name, enter COMMERCIAL_ITEM.
b. In Data type, choose String list.
c. In Usage types, select Facetable, Searchable, and Displayable, and then choose Add.
d. Repeat steps a to c for each Amazon Comprehend entity type: COMMERCIAL_ITEM, DATE,
The console displays successful field addition messages. You can choose to close them before you
proceed with the next step.
To create custom fields for your Amazon Kendra index (AWS CLI)
Save the following text as a JSON file called custom-attributes.json in a text editor on
your local device.
"Search": {
"Facetable": true,
"Searchable": true,
"Displayable": true
"Name": "DATE",
"Search": {
"Facetable": true,
"Searchable": true,
"Displayable": true
Creating Amazon Kendra custom search index fields 1207
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Name": "EVENT",
"Search": {
"Facetable": true,
"Searchable": true,
"Displayable": true
"Name": "LOCATION",
"Search": {
"Facetable": true,
"Searchable": true,
"Displayable": true
"Search": {
"Facetable": true,
"Searchable": true,
"Displayable": true
"Name": "OTHER",
"Search": {
"Facetable": true,
"Searchable": true,
"Displayable": true
"Name": "PERSON",
"Search": {
"Facetable": true,
"Searchable": true,
Creating Amazon Kendra custom search index fields 1208
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Displayable": true
"Name": "QUANTITY",
"Search": {
"Facetable": true,
"Searchable": true,
"Displayable": true
"Name": "TITLE",
"Search": {
"Facetable": true,
"Searchable": true,
"Displayable": true
2. To create custom fields in your index, use the update-index command:
aws kendra update-index \
--id kendra-index-id \
--document-metadata-configuration-updates file://path/custom-
attributes.json \
--region aws-region
kendra-index-id is your saved kendra-index-id,
path/ is the filepath to custom-attributes.json on your local device,
aws-region is your AWS region.
Creating Amazon Kendra custom search index fields 1209
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
aws kendra update-index \
--id kendra-index-id \
--document-metadata-configuration-updates file://path/custom-
attributes.json \
--region aws-region
kendra-index-id is your saved kendra-index-id,
path/ is the filepath to custom-attributes.json on your local device,
aws-region is your AWS region.
aws kendra update-index ^
--id kendra-index-id ^
--document-metadata-configuration-updates file://path/custom-
attributes.json ^
--region aws-region
kendra-index-id is your saved kendra-index-id,
path/ is the filepath to custom-attributes.json on your local device,
aws-region is your AWS region.
3. To verify that the custom attributes have been added to your index, use the describe-index
aws kendra describe-index \
--id kendra-index-id \
--region aws-region
Creating Amazon Kendra custom search index fields 1210
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
kendra-index-id is your saved kendra-index-id,
aws-region is your AWS region.
aws kendra describe-index \
--id kendra-index-id \
--region aws-region
kendra-index-id is your saved kendra-index-id,
aws-region is your AWS region.
aws kendra describe-index ^
--id kendra-index-id ^
--region aws-region
kendra-index-id is your saved kendra-index-id,
aws-region is your AWS region.
Adding the Amazon S3 bucket as a data source for the index
Before you can sync your index, you must connect your S3 data source to it.
To connect an S3 bucket to your Amazon Kendra index (Console)
1. Open the Amazon Kendra console at
From the Indexes list, click on kendra-index.
3. From the left navigation menu, under Data management, choose Data sources.
Adding the Amazon S3 bucket as a data source for the index 1211
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
4. Under the Select data source connector type section, navigate to Amazon S3, and choose
Add connector.
5. In the Specify data source details page, do the following:
Under Name and description, for Data source name, enter S3-data-source.
b. Keep the Description section blank.
c. Keep the default settings for Tags.
d. Choose Next.
6. On the Configure sync settings page, in the Sync scope section, do the following:
a. In Enter the data source location, choose Browse S3.
b. In Choose resources, select your S3 bucket and then choose Choose.
c. In Metadata files prefix folder location, choose Browse S3.
d. In Choose resources, click on the name of your bucket from the list of buckets.
For Objects, select the option box for metadata and choose Choose. The location field
should now say metadata/.
f. Keep the default settings for Access control list configuration file location, Select
decryption key, and Additional configuration.
For IAM role, on the Configure sync settings page, choose kendra-role.
8. On the Configure sync settings page, under Sync run schedule, for Frequency, choose Run on
demand and then choose Next.
9. On the Review and create page, review your choices for the data source details and choose
Add data source.
To connect an S3 bucket to your Amazon Kendra index (AWS CLI)
Save the following text as a JSON file called S3-data-connector.json in a text editor on
your local device.
Adding the Amazon S3 bucket as a data source for the index 1212
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Replace amzn-s3-demo-bucket with the name of your S3 bucket.
2. To connect your S3 bucket to your index, use the create-data-source command:
aws kendra create-data-source \
--index-id kendra-index-id \
--name S3-data-source \
--type S3 \
--configuration file://path/S3-data-connector.json \
--role-arn role-arn \
--region aws-region
kendra-index-id is your saved kendra-index-id,
path/ is the filepath to S3-data-connector.json on your local device,
role-arn is your saved kendra-role-arn,
aws-region is your AWS region.
aws kendra create-data-source \
--index-id kendra-index-id \
--name S3-data-source \
--type S3 \
--configuration file://path/S3-data-connector.json \
--role-arn role-arn \
--region aws-region
kendra-index-id is your saved kendra-index-id,
path/ is the filepath to S3-data-connector.json on your local device,
role-arn is your saved kendra-role-arn,
aws-region is your AWS region.
Adding the Amazon S3 bucket as a data source for the index 1213
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
aws kendra create-data-source ^
--index-id kendra-index-id ^
--name S3-data-source ^
--type S3 ^
--configuration file://path/S3-data-connector.json ^
--role-arn role-arn ^
--region aws-region
kendra-index-id is your saved kendra-index-id,
path/ is the filepath to S3-data-connector.json on your local device,
role-arn is your saved kendra-role-arn,
aws-region is your AWS region.
Copy the connector Id and save it in a text editor as S3-connector-id. The Id helps you
track the status of the data-connection process.
4. To ensure that your S3 data source was connected successfully, use the describe-data-source
aws kendra describe-data-source \
--id S3-connector-id \
--index-id kendra-index-id \
--region aws-region
S3-connector-id is your saved S3-connector-id,
kendra-index-id is your saved kendra-index-id,
aws-region is your AWS region.
Adding the Amazon S3 bucket as a data source for the index 1214
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
aws kendra describe-data-source \
--id S3-connector-id \
--index-id kendra-index-id \
--region aws-region
S3-connector-id is your saved S3-connector-id,
kendra-index-id is your saved kendra-index-id,
aws-region is your AWS region.
aws kendra describe-data-source ^
--id S3-connector-id ^
--index-id kendra-index-id ^
--region aws-region
S3-connector-id is your saved S3-connector-id,
kendra-index-id is your saved kendra-index-id,
aws-region is your AWS region.
At the end of this step, your Amazon S3 data source is connected to the index.
Syncing the Amazon Kendra index
With the Amazon S3 data source added, you now sync your Amazon Kendra index to it.
To sync your Amazon Kendra index (Console)
1. Open the Amazon Kendra console at
From the Indexes list, click on kendra-index.
Syncing the Amazon Kendra index 1215
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
3. From the left navigation menu, choose Data sources.
From Data sources, select S3-data-source.
5. From the top navigation bar, choose Sync now.
To sync your Amazon Kendra index (AWS CLI)
1. To sync your index, use the start-data-source-sync-job command:
aws kendra start-data-source-sync-job \
--id S3-connector-id \
--index-id kendra-index-id \
--region aws-region
S3-connector-id is your saved S3-connector-id,
kendra-index-id is your saved kendra-index-id,
aws-region is your AWS region.
aws kendra start-data-source-sync-job \
--id S3-connector-id \
--index-id kendra-index-id \
--region aws-region
S3-connector-id is your saved S3-connector-id,
kendra-index-id is your saved kendra-index-id,
aws-region is your AWS region.
aws kendra start-data-source-sync-job ^
Syncing the Amazon Kendra index 1216
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
--id S3-connector-id ^
--index-id kendra-index-id ^
--region aws-region
S3-connector-id is your saved S3-connector-id,
kendra-index-id is your saved kendra-index-id,
aws-region is your AWS region.
2. To check the status of the index sync, use the list-data-source-sync-jobs command:
aws kendra list-data-source-sync-jobs \
--id S3-connector-id \
--index-id kendra-index-id \
--region aws-region
S3-connector-id is your saved S3-connector-id,
kendra-index-id is your saved kendra-index-id,
aws-region is your AWS region.
aws kendra list-data-source-sync-jobs \
--id S3-connector-id \
--index-id kendra-index-id \
--region aws-region
S3-connector-id is your saved S3-connector-id,
kendra-index-id is your saved kendra-index-id,
aws-region is your AWS region.
Syncing the Amazon Kendra index 1217
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
aws kendra list-data-source-sync-jobs ^
--id S3-connector-id ^
--index-id kendra-index-id ^
--region aws-region
S3-connector-id is your saved S3-connector-id,
kendra-index-id is your saved kendra-index-id,
aws-region is your AWS region.
At the end of this step, you have created a searchable and filterable Amazon Kendra index for your
Step 5: Querying the Amazon Kendra index
Your Amazon Kendra index is now ready for natural language queries. When you search your index,
Amazon Kendra uses all the data and metadata you provided to return the most accurate answers
to your search query.
There are three kinds of queries that Amazon Kendra can answer:
Factoid queries ("who", "what", "when", or "where" questions)
Descriptive queries ("how" questions)
Keyword searches (questions whose intent and scope are not clear)
Querying your Amazon Kendra index
Filtering your search results
Step 5: Querying the index 1218
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Querying your Amazon Kendra index
You can query your Amazon Kendra index using questions that correspond to the three kinds of
queries that Amazon Kendra supports. For more information, see Queries.
The example questions in this section have been chosen based on the sample dataset.
To query your Amazon Kendra index (Console)
1. Open the Amazon Kendra console at
From the Indexes list, click on kendra-index.
3. From the left navigation menu, choose the option to search your index.
To run a sample factoid query, enter Who is Lewis Hamilton? in the search box and press
The first returned result is the Amazon Kendra suggested answer, together with the data file
containing the answer. The rest of the results form the set of recommended documents.
Querying your Amazon Kendra index 1219
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
To run a descriptive query, enter How does Formula One work? in the search box and press
You will see another result returned by the Amazon Kendra console, this time with the relevant
phrase highlighted.
To run a keyword search, enter Formula One in the search box and press enter.
You will see another result returned by the Amazon Kendra console, followed by the results for
all other mentions of the phrase in the dataset.
Querying your Amazon Kendra index 1220
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
To query your Amazon Kendra index (AWS CLI)
1. To run a sample factoid query, use the query command:
aws kendra query \
--index-id kendra-index-id \
--query-text "Who is Lewis Hamilton?" \
--region aws-region
kendra-index-id is your saved kendra-index-id,
aws-region is your AWS region.
Querying your Amazon Kendra index 1221
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
aws kendra query \
--index-id kendra-index-id \
--query-text "Who is Lewis Hamilton?" \
--region aws-region
kendra-index-id is your saved kendra-index-id,
aws-region is your AWS region.
aws kendra query ^
--index-id kendra-index-id ^
--query-text "Who is Lewis Hamilton?" ^
--region aws-region
kendra-index-id is your saved kendra-index-id,
aws-region is your AWS region.
The AWS CLI displays the results of your query.
2. To run a sample descriptive query, use the query command:
aws kendra query \
--index-id kendra-index-id \
--query-text "How does Formula One work?" \
--region aws-region
kendra-index-id is your saved kendra-index-id,
Querying your Amazon Kendra index 1222
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
aws-region is your AWS region.
aws kendra query \
--index-id kendra-index-id \
--query-text "How does Formula One work?" \
--region aws-region
kendra-index-id is your saved kendra-index-id,
aws-region is your AWS region.
aws kendra query ^
--index-id kendra-index-id ^
--query-text "How does Formula One work?" ^
--region aws-region
kendra-index-id is your saved kendra-index-id,
aws-region is your AWS region.
The AWS CLI displays the results to your query.
3. To run a sample keyword search, use the query command:
aws kendra query \
--index-id kendra-index-id \
--query-text "Formula One" \
--region aws-region
Querying your Amazon Kendra index 1223
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
kendra-index-id is your saved kendra-index-id,
aws-region is your AWS region.
aws kendra query \
--index-id kendra-index-id \
--query-text "Formula One" \
--region aws-region
kendra-index-id is your saved kendra-index-id,
aws-region is your AWS region.
aws kendra query ^
--index-id kendra-index-id ^
--query-text "Formula One" ^
--region aws-region
kendra-index-id is your saved kendra-index-id,
aws-region is your AWS region.
The AWS CLI displays the returned answers to your query.
Filtering your search results
You can filter and sort your search results using custom document attributes in the Amazon Kendra
console. For more information on how Amazon Kendra processes queries, see Filtering queries.
Filtering your search results 1224
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
To filter your search results (Console)
1. Open the Amazon Kendra console at
From the Indexes list, click on kendra-index.
3. From the left navigation menu, choose the option to search your index.
In the search box, enter Soccer matches as a query and press enter.
5. From the left navigation menu, choose Filter search results to see a list of facets you can use
to filter your search.
6. Select the check box for "Champions League" under the EVENT subheading, to see your search
results filtered only by the results containing "Champions League".
Filtering your search results 1225
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
To filter your search results (AWS CLI)
To see the entities of a specific type (such as EVENT) that are available for a search, use the
query command:
aws kendra query \
--index-id kendra-index-id \
--query-text "Soccer matches" \
--facets '[{"DocumentAttributeKey":"EVENT"}]' \
--region aws-region
kendra-index-id is your saved kendra-index-id,
aws-region is your AWS region.
aws kendra query \
--index-id kendra-index-id \
--query-text "Soccer matches" \
--facets '[{"DocumentAttributeKey":"EVENT"}]' \
--region aws-region
kendra-index-id is your saved kendra-index-id,
aws-region is your AWS region.
aws kendra query ^
--index-id kendra-index-id ^
--query-text "Soccer matches" ^
--facets '[{"DocumentAttributeKey":"EVENT"}]' ^
--region aws-region
Filtering your search results 1226
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
kendra-index-id is your saved kendra-index-id,
aws-region is your AWS region.
The AWS CLI displays the search results. To get a list of facets of type EVENT, navigate to the
"FacetResults" section of the AWS CLI output to see a list of filterable facets with their counts.
For example, one of the facets is "Champions League".
Instead of EVENT, you can choose any of the index fields you created in the section
called “Creating an Amazon Kendra index” for the DocumentAttributeKey value.
2. To run the same search but filter only by the results containing "Champions League", use the
query command:
aws kendra query \
--index-id kendra-index-id \
--query-text "Soccer matches" \
--attribute-filter '{"ContainsAny":{"Key":"EVENT","Value":
{"StringListValue":["Champions League"]}}}' \
--region aws-region
kendra-index-id is your saved kendra-index-id,
aws-region is your AWS region.
aws kendra query \
--index-id kendra-index-id \
--query-text "Soccer matches" \
--attribute-filter '{"ContainsAny":{"Key":"EVENT","Value":
{"StringListValue":["Champions League"]}}}' \
Filtering your search results 1227
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
--region aws-region
kendra-index-id is your saved kendra-index-id,
aws-region is your AWS region.
aws kendra query ^
--index-id kendra-index-id ^
--query-text "Soccer matches" ^
--attribute-filter '{"ContainsAny":{"Key":"EVENT","Value":
{"StringListValue":["Champions League"]}}}' ^
--region aws-region
kendra-index-id is your saved kendra-index-id,
aws-region is your AWS region.
The AWS CLI displays the filtered search results.
Step 6: Cleaning up
Cleaning up your files
To stop incurring charges in your AWS account after you complete this tutorial, you can take the
following steps:
1. Delete your Amazon S3 bucket
For information about deleting a bucket, see Deleting a bucket.
2. Delete your Amazon Kendra index
For information about deleting an Amazon Kendra index, see Deleting an index.
Step 6: Cleaning up 1228
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
For Console: Go to AWS CloudShell, and make sure the region is set to your AWS region. After
the bash shell has loaded, type the following command into the environment and press enter.
For AWS CLI: Run the following command on a terminal window.
rm file/
file/ is the filepath to on your local device.
rm file/
file/ is the filepath to on your local device.
rm file/
file/ is the filepath to on your local device.
Learn more
To learn more about integrating Amazon Kendra into your workflow, you can check out the
following blogposts:
Content metadata tagging for enhanced search
Build an intelligent search solution with automated content enrichment
To learn more about Amazon Comprehend, you can look at the Amazon Comprehend Developer
Cleaning up your files 1229
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Monitoring and logging for Amazon Kendra
Monitoring your index (console)
Logging Amazon Kendra API calls with AWS CloudTrail logs
Logging Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking API calls with AWS CloudTrail logs
Monitoring Amazon Kendra with Amazon CloudWatch
Monitoring Amazon Kendra with Amazon CloudWatch Logs
Monitoring your index (console)
Use the Amazon Kendra console to monitor the state of indexes and data sources. You can use this
information to track the size and storage requirements of your index and to monitor the progress
and success of synchronization between your index and data sources.
To view index metrics (console)
1. Sign into the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console at https://
2. From the list of indexes, choose the index to view.
3. Scroll the screen to see the index metrics.
You can see the following metrics about your index.
Document count—The total number of documents indexed. This includes all documents from all
data sources. Use this metric to determine if you need to purchase more or fewer storage units
for your index.
Monitoring indexes 1230
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Queries per second—The number of index queries that are requested each second. Use this
metric to determine if you need to purchase more or fewer query units for your index.
To monitor the progress and success of synchronization between your index and a data source, use
the Amazon Kendra console. Use this information to help determine the health of your data source.
To view synchronization metrics (console)
1. Sign into the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Kendra console at https://
Monitoring indexes 1231
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
2. From the list of indexes, choose the index to view synchronization metrics for.
3. From the left menu, choose Data sources.
4. From the list of data sources, choose the data source to view.
5. Scroll the screen to see the sync run metrics.
You can see the following information.
Sync run history—Statistics about the synchronization run, including the start and end time,
the number of documents added, deleted, and failed. If the sync run fails, there is a link to
CloudWatch Logs with more information. Choose the settings icon in the upper left to change
the columns that are displayed in the history. Use this information to determine the general
health of your data source.
Document count—The total number of documents indexed from this data source. This is the
total of all documents added to the data source minus the total of all documents deleted from
the data source. Use this information to determine how many documents from this data source
are included in the index.
Monitoring indexes 1232
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Document scans—The total number of documents scanned during the sync run. This includes all
documents in the data source, including those added, updated, deleted, or unchanged. Use this
information to determine if Amazon Kendra is scanning all of the documents in the data source.
The number of documents scanned affects the amount charged for the service.
Average sync run time in minutes—The average length of time that it takes for a sync run to
complete. The time that it takes to sync a data source affects the amount charged for the service.
Monitoring indexes 1233
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Logging Amazon Kendra API calls with AWS CloudTrail logs
Amazon Kendra is integrated with AWS CloudTrail, a service that provides a record of actions
taken by a user, role, or an AWS service in Amazon Kendra. CloudTrail captures all API calls from
Amazon Kendra as events, including calls from the Amazon Kendra console and from code calls to
the Amazon Kendra APIs. If you create a trail, you can activate continuous delivery of CloudTrail
events to and Amazon S3 bucket, including events for Amazon Kendra. If you don't configure a
trail, you can still view the most recent events in the CloudTrail console in Event history. Using
the information collected by CloudTrail, you can determine the request that was made to Amazon
Kendra, the IP address from which the request was made, who made the request, when it was
made, and additional details.
To learn more about CloudTrail, including how to configure and activate it, see the AWS CloudTrail
User Guide.
Amazon Kendra information in CloudTrail
CloudTrail is activated on your AWS account when you create the account. When activity occurs in
Amazon Kendra, that activity is recorded in a CloudTrail event along with other AWS service events
in the CloudTrail Event history. You can view, search, and download recent events in your AWS
account. For more information, see Viewing Events with CloudTrail Event History.
For an ongoing record of events in your AWS account, including events for Amazon Kendra, create
a trail. A trail is a configuration that allows CloudTrail to deliver events as log files to a specified S3
bucket. By default, when you create a trail in the console, the trail applies to all AWS Regions. The
trail logs events from all Regions in the AWS partition and delivers the log files to the S3 bucket
Monitoring Amazon Kendra API calls with CloudTrail 1234
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
that you specify. Additionally, you can configure other AWS services to further analyze and act
upon the event data collected in CloudTrail logs. For more information, see:
Overview for Creating a Trail
CloudTrail Supported Services and Integrations
Configuring Amazon SNS Notifications for CloudTrail
Receiving CloudTrail Log Files from Multiple Regions and Receiving CloudTrail Log Files from
Multiple Accounts
CloudTrail logs all Amazon Kendra actions, which are documented in the API Reference. For
example, calls to the CreateIndex, CreateDataSource, and Query operations generate entries
in the CloudTrail log files.
Every event or log entry contains information about who generated the request. For more
information, see the CloudTrail userIdentity Element.
Example: Amazon Kendra log file entries
A trail is a configuration that allows delivery of events as log files to a specified S3 bucket.
CloudTrail log files contain one or more log entries. An event represents a single request from
any source and includes information about the requested action, the date and time of the action,
request parameters, and so on. CloudTrail log files aren't an ordered stack trace of the public API
calls, so they don't appear in any specific order.
Calls to the Query operation creates the following entry.
"eventVersion": "1.05",
"userIdentity": {
"type": "AssumedRole | FederatedUser | IAMUser | Root | SAMLUser |
"principalId": "principal ID",
"arn": "ARN",
"accountId": "account ID",
"accessKeyId": "access key ID",
"sessionContext": {
"sessionIssuer": {
"type": "Role",
"principalId": "principal Id",
"arn": "ARN",
Example: Amazon Kendra log file entries 1235
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"accountId": "account ID",
"userName": "user name"
"webIdFederationData": {
"attributes": {
"mfaAuthenticated": false,
"creationDate": "timestamp"
"eventTime": "timestamp",
"eventSource": "",
"eventName": "Query",
"awsRegion": "region",
"sourceIPAddress": "source IP address",
"userAgent": "user agent",
"requestParameters": {
"indexId": "index ID"
"responseElements": null,
"requestID": "request ID",
"eventID": "event ID",
"eventType": "AwsApiCall",
"recipientAccountId": "account ID"
Logging Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking API calls with AWS
CloudTrail logs
Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking is integrated with AWS CloudTrail, a service that provides a
record of actions taken by a user, role, or an AWS service in Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking.
CloudTrail captures all API calls from Amazon Kendra intelligent Ranking as events, including
code calls to the Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking APIs. If you create a trail, you can activate
continuous delivery of CloudTrail events to and Amazon S3 bucket, including events for Amazon
Kendra Intelligent Ranking. If you don't configure a trail, you can still view the most recent events
in the CloudTrail console in Event history. Using the information collected by CloudTrail, you can
determine the request that was made to Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking, the IP address from
which the request was made, who made the request, when it was made, and additional details.
Monitoring Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking API calls with CloudTrail 1236
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
To learn more about CloudTrail, including how to configure and activate it, see the AWS CloudTrail
User Guide.
Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking information in CloudTrail
CloudTrail is activated on your AWS account when you create the account. When activity occurs
in Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking, that activity is recorded in a CloudTrail event along with
other AWS service events in the CloudTrail Event history. You can view, search, and download
recent events in your AWS account. For more information, see Viewing Events with CloudTrail Event
For an ongoing record of events in your AWS account, including events for Amazon Kendra
Intelligent Ranking, create a trail. A trail is a configuration that allows CloudTrail to deliver events
as log files to a specified S3 bucket. By default, when you create a trail in the console, the trail
applies to all AWS Regions. The trail logs events from all Regions in the AWS partition and delivers
the log files to the S3 bucket that you specify. Additionally, you can configure other AWS services
to further analyze and act upon the event data collected in CloudTrail logs. For more information,
Overview for Creating a Trail
CloudTrail Supported Services and Integrations
Configuring Amazon SNS Notifications for CloudTrail
Receiving CloudTrail Log Files from Multiple Regions and Receiving CloudTrail Log Files from
Multiple Accounts
CloudTrail logs all Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking actions, which are documented in the API
Reference. For example, calls to the CreateRescoreExecutionPlan generate entries in the
CloudTrail log files.
Every event or log entry contains information about who generated the request. For more
information, see the CloudTrail userIdentity Element.
Example: Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking log file entries
A trail is a configuration that allows delivery of events as log files to a specified S3 bucket.
CloudTrail log files contain one or more log entries. An event represents a single request from
any source and includes information about the requested action, the date and time of the action,
Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking information in CloudTrail 1237
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
request parameters, and so on. CloudTrail log files aren't an ordered stack trace of the public API
calls, so they don't appear in any specific order.
Calls to the CreateRescoreExecutionPlan operation creates the following entry.
"eventVersion": "1.08",
"userIdentity": {
"type": "AssumedRole",
"principalId": "principal ID",
"arn": "ARN",
"accountId": "account ID",
"accessKeyId": "access key ID",
"sessionContext": {
"sessionIssuer": {
"type": "Role",
"principalId": "principal ID",
"arn": "ARN",
"accountId": "account ID",
"userName": "user name"
"webIdFederationData": {},
"attributes": {
"creationDate": "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ",
"mfaAuthenticated": "false"
"eventTime": "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ",
"eventSource": "",
"eventName": "CreateRescoreExecutionPlan",
"awsRegion": "region",
"sourceIPAddress": "source IP address",
"userAgent": "user agent",
"requestParameters": {
"name": "name",
"description": "description",
"clientToken": "client token"
"responseElements": {
"id": "rescore execution plan ID",
"arn": "rescore execution plan ARN"
"requestID": "request ID",
Example: Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking log file entries 1238
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"eventID": "event ID",
"readOnly": false,
"eventType": "AwsApiCall",
"managementEvent": true,
"recipientAccountId": "account ID",
"eventCategory": "Management",
"tlsDetails": {
"tlsVersion": "TLS version",
"cipherSuite": "cipher suite",
"clientProvidedHostHeader": "kendra-ranking.[region]"
Monitoring Amazon Kendra with Amazon CloudWatch
To track the health of your indexes, use Amazon CloudWatch. With CloudWatch, you can get
metrics for document synchronization for your index. You can also set up CloudWatch alarms to
be notified when one or more metrics exceeds a threshold that you define. For example, you can
monitor the number of documents submitted to be indexed or the number of documents that
failed to be indexed.
You must have the appropriate CloudWatch permissions to monitor Amazon Kendra with
CloudWatch. For more information, see Authentication and Access Control for Amazon CloudWatch
in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.
Viewing Amazon Kendra metrics
View Amazon Kendra metrics using the CloudWatch console.
To view metrics (CloudWatch console)
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudWatch console at https://
2. Choose Metrics, choose All Metrics and then choose Kendra.
3. Choose the dimension, choose a metric name, then choose Add to graph.
4. Choose a value for the date range. The metric count for the selected date range is displayed in
the graph.
Monitoring Amazon Kendra with CloudWatch 1239
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Creating an alarm
A CloudWatch alarm watches a single metric over a specified time period and performs one or
more actions: sending a notification to an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) top
or Auto Scaling policy. The actions or actions are based on the value of the metric relative to a
given threshold over a number of time periods that you specify. CloudWatch can also send you an
Amazon SNS message when the alarm changes state.
CloudWatch alarms invoke actions only when the state changes and has persisted for the period
that you specify.
To set an alarm
1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudWatch console at https://
2. Choose Alarms and then choose Create alarm.
3. Select a metric. Choose a Kendra metric for your index and data source. Also set the time as
set number of hours, days, weeks, or custom.
4. Choose your statistic. For example, Average. Also choose your alarm trigger time period as a
set number of minutes, hours, per day, or custom.
5. Choose your threshold to trigger the alarm, whether to use a static value or a band and the
condition to meet for the threshold.
6. Choose the alarm state for the trigger, whether the metric must fall outside your set threshold,
or another state. Select who/which email to send the alarm notification to.
7. If you are satisfied with the alarm, choose Create alarm.
You must provide a name for your CloudWatch alarm.
CloudWatch Metrics for index synchronization Jobs
The following table describes the Amazon Kendra metrics for data source synchronization jobs.
If you use the API or CLI, you must specify the Namespace as 'AWS/Kendra' in addition to the
MetricName of your choice when using GetMetricStatistics API.
Creating an alarm 1240
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Metric Description
The number of documents that the synchroni
zation job scanned or discovered during the
Unit: Count
The number of documents that the synchroni
zation job submitted to the index.
Unit: Count
The number of documents that failed
indexing. Check the contents of the CloudWatc
h log for the synchronization job for details.
Unit: Count
The number of documents that the synchroni
zation job asked to be removed from the
CloudWatch Metrics for index synchronization Jobs 1241
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Metric Description
Unit: Count
The number of documents that failed to be
deleted. Check the contents of the CloudWatc
h log for the synchronization job for details.
Unit: Count
Metrics for Amazon Kendra data sources
The following table describes the Amazon Kendra metrics for data source synchronization jobs.
Metrics marked with an asterisk (*) are used only for Amazon S3 data sources.
If you use the API or CLI, you must specify the Namespace as 'AWS/Kendra' in addition to the
MetricName of your choice when using GetMetricStatistics API.
Metric Description
DocumentsSkippedNoChange *
The number of documents examined and
found not to have changed so they weren't
submitted for indexing.
Metrics for Amazon Kendra data sources 1242
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Metric Description
Unit: Count
The number of documents skipped because
there was a problem with the associated
metadata file. Check the contents of the
CloudWatch log for the synchronization run
for details.
Unit: Count
The number of document files examined.
Unit: Count
The number of documents examined that
were deleted from the data source and
submitted for deletion.
Unit: Count
Metrics for Amazon Kendra data sources 1243
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Metric Description
The number of documents that failed deletion
from a data source.
Unit: Count
The number of documents examined and
submitted for indexing.
Unit: Count
The number of documents submitted for
idexing that couldn't be indexed.
Unit: Count
Metrics for indexed documents
The following table describes the Amazon Kendra metrics for indexed documents. For documents
that are indexed using the BatchPutDocument operation, only the IndexId dimension is
Metrics for indexed documents 1244
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
If you use the API or CLI, you must specify the Namespace as 'AWS/Kendra' in addition to the
MetricName of your choice when using GetMetricStatistics API.
Metric Description
The number of documents indexed.
Unit: Count
The number of documents that could not be
indexed. Check the contents of the CloudWatc
h log for details.
Unit: Count
The number of index queries per minute.
Unit: Count
Monitoring Amazon Kendra with Amazon CloudWatch Logs
Amazon Kendra uses Amazon CloudWatch Logs to give you insight into the operation of your data
sources. Amazon Kendra logs process details for the documents as they are indexed. It logs errors
Monitoring Amazon Kendra with CloudWatch Logs 1245
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
from your data source that occur while your documents are being indexed. You use CloudWatch
Logs to monitor, store and access the log files.
CloudWatch Logs stores log events in a log stream that is part of a log group. Amazon Kendra uses
these features as follows:
Log groups—Amazon Kendra stores all of your log streams in a single log group for each index.
Amazon Kendra creates the log group when the index is created. The log group identifier always
begins with "aws/kendra/".
Log stream—Amazon Kendra creates a new data source log stream in the log group for each
index synchronization job that you run. It also creates a new document log stream when a stream
reaches approximately 500 entries.
Log entries—Amazon Kendra creates a log entry in the log stream as it indexes documents. Each
entry provides information about processing the document or any errors that are encountered.
For more information about using CloudWatch Logs, see What Is Amazon Cloud Watch Logs in the
Amazon Cloud Watch Logs User Guide.
Amazon Kendra creates two types of log streams:
Data source log streams
Document log streams
Data source log streams
Data source log streams publish entries about your index synchronization jobs. Each
synchronization job creates a new log stream that it uses to publish entries. The log stream name
data source id/YYYY-MM-DD-HH/data source sync job ID
A new log stream is created for each synchronization job run.
There are three types of log messages published to a data source log stream:
A log message for a document that failed to be sent for indexing. The following is an example of
this message for a document in an S3 data source:
Data source log streams 1246
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"DocumentId": "document ID",
"S3Path": "s3://bucket/prefix/object",
"Message": "Failed to ingest document via BatchPutDocument.",
"ErrorCode": "InvalidRequest",
"ErrorMessage": "No document metadata configuration found for document attribute
key city."
A log message for a document that failed to be sent for deletion. The following is an example of
this message:
"DocumentId": "document ID",
"Message": "Failed to delete document via BatchDeleteDocument.",
"ErrorCode": "InvalidRequest",
"ErrorMessage": "Document can't be deleted because it doesn't exist."
A log message when an invalid metadata file for a document in an Amazon S3 bucket is found.
The following is an example of this message.
"Message": "Found invalid metadata
file bucket/prefix/filename.extension.metadata.json."
For SharePoint and database connectors, Amazon Kendra only writes messages to the log stream
if a document can't be indexed. The following is an example of the error message that Amazon
Kendra logs.
"DocumentID": "document ID",
"IndexID": "index ID",
"SourceURI": "",
"CrawlStatus": "FAILED",
"ErrorCode": "403",
"ErrorMessage": "Access Denied",
"DataSourceErrorCode": "403"
Data source log streams 1247
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Document log streams
Amazon Kendra logs information about processing documents while they are being indexed. It
logs a set of messages for documents stored in an Amazon S3 data source. It logs errors only for
documents stored in a Microsoft SharePoint or a database data source.
If the documents were added to the index using the BatchPutDocument operation, the log stream
is named as follows:
If the documents were added to the index using a datasource, the log stream is named as follows:
Each log stream contains up to 500 messages.
If indexing a document fails, this message is output to the log stream:
"DocumentId": "document ID",
"IndexName": "index name",
"IndexId": "index ID"
"SourceURI": "source URI"
"IndexingStatus": "DocumentFailedToIndex",
"ErrorCode": "400 | 500",
"ErrorMessage": "message"
View Amazon Kendra metrics for your synchronization jobs
You can view a document-level sync run history report in CloudWatch for your data source sync
job by selecting View Report. A sync run history report will have details about the progress and
status of each document in the sync job. It shows if a document succeeded, failed, or was skipped
during the crawl, sync, and index stages. You'll also find any error messages related to failed or
skipped documents. If the report doesn't show results for an in-progress sync job, the logs may not
be available yet. Check back later as data is emitted to the report as events occur during the sync
To access your sync run history report, take the following steps:
Document log streams 1248
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
1. Open the Amazon Kendra console at
2. From the left navigation menu, under Data management, choose Data sources, and then
choose your data source.
3. From your data source summary page, scroll down and select the Sync history tab.
4. From Sync run history, select Actions.
5. From Actions, select View report. You will be redirected to the CloudWatch console where you
will be able to access your report.
A sync run history records if a document was successfully indexed during ingestion,
including attached ACLs and metadata, for all Amazon Kendra supported connectors.
If you're using the Amazon S3 connector:
In addition to the vieing the document-level sync run history report in CloudWatch, you can
generate sync history reports for each document in your Amazon S3 data source and copy it to an
Amazon S3 bucket. During this process, your data is encrypted using AWS KMS keys and can only
be viewed by you. Reported document status can be one of the following: Failed, Completed, or
Succeeded with errors. Before you can generate sync status reports for Amazon S3, you must do
the following:
Add the following Amazon Kendra service principal to your Amazon S3 access policy
“Version”: “2012-10-17",
“Statement”: [
“Sid”: “KendraS3Access”,
“Effect”: “Allow”,
“Principal”: {
“Service”: “”
“Action”: “s3:PutObject”,
“Resource”: “arn:aws:s3:::your-manifest-bucket-name/*”
View Amazon Kendra metrics for your synchronization jobs 1249
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Create an Amazon S3 bucket with access permissions to Amazon Kendra
If you use the console, to generate a sync history report for Amazon S3, choose to activate the
Generate reports option from Sync history reports – optional section on the Data source details
page. Then, enter the Amazon S3 bucket location and choose from the configuration options
available. Reports will be generated from the next sync after you have activated generate report.
If you delete the Amazon S3 bucket, you will lose your log data and will have to set up a new
bucket to store new sync reports.
A sync history report provides information only about whether an Amazon S3 connector
successfully crawled and ingested data.
View Amazon Kendra metrics for your synchronization jobs 1250
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Security in Amazon Kendra
Cloud security at AWS is the highest priority. As an AWS customer, you benefit from a data center
and network architecture that is built to meet the requirements of the most security-sensitive
Security is a shared responsibility between AWS and you. The shared responsibility model describes
this as security of the cloud and security in the cloud:
Security of the cloud—AWS is responsible for protecting the infrastructure that runs AWS
services in the AWS Cloud. AWS also provides you with services that you can use securely. Third-
party auditors regularly test and verify the effectiveness of our security as part of the AWS
Compliance Programs. To learn about the compliance programs that apply to Amazon Kendra,
see AWS Services in Scope by Compliance Program.
Security in the cloud—Your responsibility is determined by the AWS service that you use. You
are also responsible for other factors including the sensitivity of your data, your company’s
requirements, and applicable laws and regulations.
This documentation helps you understand how to apply the shared responsibility model when
using Amazon Kendra. The following topics show you how to configure Amazon Kendra to meet
your security and compliance objectives. You also learn how to use other AWS services that help
you to monitor and secure your Amazon Kendra resources.
Data protection in Amazon Kendra
Amazon Kendra Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking and interface VPC endpoints (AWS
Identity and access management for Amazon Kendra
Security best practices
Logging and monitoring in Amazon Kendra
Compliance validation for Amazon Kendra
Resilience in Amazon Kendra
Infrastructure security in Amazon Kendra
Configuration and vulnerability analysis in AWS Identity and Access Management
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Data protection in Amazon Kendra
The AWS shared responsibility model applies to data protection in Amazon Kendra. As described
in this model, AWS is responsible for protecting the global infrastructure that runs all of the
AWS Cloud. You are responsible for maintaining control over your content that is hosted on this
infrastructure. You are also responsible for the security configuration and management tasks for
the AWS services that you use. For more information about data privacy, see the Data Privacy FAQ.
For information about data protection in Europe, see the AWS Shared Responsibility Model and
GDPR blog post on the AWS Security Blog.
For data protection purposes, we recommend that you protect AWS account credentials and set
up individual users with AWS IAM Identity Center or AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM).
That way, each user is given only the permissions necessary to fulfill their job duties. We also
recommend that you secure your data in the following ways:
Use multi-factor authentication (MFA) with each account.
Use SSL/TLS to communicate with AWS resources. We require TLS 1.2 and recommend TLS 1.3.
Set up API and user activity logging with AWS CloudTrail. For information about using CloudTrail
trails to capture AWS activities, see Working with CloudTrail trails in the AWS CloudTrail User
Use AWS encryption solutions, along with all default security controls within AWS services.
Use advanced managed security services such as Amazon Macie, which assists in discovering and
securing sensitive data that is stored in Amazon S3.
If you require FIPS 140-3 validated cryptographic modules when accessing AWS through a
command line interface or an API, use a FIPS endpoint. For more information about the available
FIPS endpoints, see Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140-3.
We strongly recommend that you never put confidential or sensitive information, such as your
customers' email addresses, into tags or free-form text fields such as a Name field. This includes
when you work with Amazon Kendra or other AWS services using the console, API, AWS CLI, or AWS
SDKs. Any data that you enter into tags or free-form text fields used for names may be used for
billing or diagnostic logs. If you provide a URL to an external server, we strongly recommend that
you do not include credentials information in the URL to validate your request to that server.
Data protection 1252
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Encryption at rest
Amazon Kendra encrypts your data at rest with your choice of an encryption key. You can choose
one of the following:
An AWS-owned AWS KMS key. If you don't specify an encryption key your data is encrypted with
this key by default.
An AWS-managed KMS key in your account. This key is created, managed, and used on your
behalf by Amazon Kendra. The key name is aws/kendra.
A customer-managed key. You can provide the ARN of an encryption key that you created in
your account. When you use a customer-managed KMS key, you must give the key a key policy
that allows Amazon Kendra to use the key. Select a symmetric encryption customer-managed
KMS key, Amazon Kendra does not support asymmetric KMS keys. For more information, see Key
Encryption in transit
Amazon Kendra uses the HTTPS protocol to communicate with your client application. It uses
HTTPS and AWS signatures to communicate with other services on your application's behalf. If you
use a VPC, you can use AWS PrivateLink to establish a private connection between your VPC and
Amazon Kendra.
Key management
Amazon Kendra encrypts the contents of your index using one of three types of keys. You can
choose one of the following:
An AWS-owned AWS KMS. This is the default.
An AWS-managed KMS key. This key is created in your account and is managed and used on your
behalf by Amazon Kendra.
A customer-managed KMS key. You can create the key when you are creating an Amazon Kendra
index or data source, or you can create the key using the AWS KMS console. Select a symmetric
encryption customer-managed KMS key. Amazon Kendra does not support asymmetric
KMS keys. For more information, see Using Symmetric and Asymmetric Keys in the AWS Key
Management Service Developer Guide.
Encryption at rest 1253
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Amazon Kendra Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking and
interface VPC endpoints (AWS PrivateLink)
You can establish a private connection between your VPC and Amazon Kendra by creating an
interface VPC endpoint. Interface endpoints are powered by AWS PrivateLink, a technology that
allows you to privately access Amazon Kendra APIs without an internet gateway, NAT device,
VPN connection, or AWS Direct Connect connection. Instances in your VPC don't need public IP
addresses to communicate with Amazon Kendra APIs. Traffic between your VPC and Amazon
Kendra doesn't leave the Amazon network.
Each interface endpoint is represented by one or more Elastic Network Interfaces in your subnets.
Considerations for Amazon Kendra and Amazon Kendra Intelligent
Ranking VPC endpoints
Before you set up an interface VPC endpoint for Amazon Kendra or Amazon Kendra Intelligent
Ranking, make sure that you review the prerequisites in the Amazon VPC User Guide.
Amazon Kendra and Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking supports making calls to all of its API
actions from your VPC.
Creating an interface VPC endpoint for Amazon Kendra and Amazon
Kendra Intelligent Ranking
You can create a VPC endpoint for the Amazon Kendra or Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking
service using either the Amazon VPC console or the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).
Create a VPC endpoint for Amazon Kendra using the following service name:
Create a VPC endpoint for Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking using the following service name:
After you create a VPC endpoint, you can use the following example AWS CLI command that uses
the endpoint-url parameter to specify an interface endpoint to the Amazon Kendra API:
VPC endpoints (AWS PrivateLink) 1254
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
aws kendra list-indices --endpoint-url https://VPC endpoint
VPC endpoint is the DNS name generated when the interface endpoint is created. This name
includes the VPC endpoint ID, and the Amazon Kendra service name, which includes the region. For
If you activate private DNS for the endpoint, you can make API requests to Amazon Kendra using
its default DNS name for the region. For example,
For more information, see Creating an interface endpoint in the Amazon VPC User Guide.
Creating a VPC endpoint policy for Amazon Kendra and Amazon Kendra
Intelligent Ranking
You can attach an endpoint policy to your VPC endpoint that controls access to Amazon Kendra or
Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking.
The policy for Amazon Kendra or Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking specifies the following
The principal/authorized user that can perform actions.
The actions that can be performed.
The resources on which actions can be performed.
Example: VPC endpoint policy for Amazon Kendra actions
The following is an example of an endpoint policy for Amazon Kendra. When attached to an
endpoint, this policy grants access to all available Amazon Kendra actions for all principals/
authorized users on all resources.
Creating a VPC endpoint policy for Amazon Kendra and Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking 1255
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Example: VPC endpoint policy for Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking actions
The following is an example of an endpoint policy for Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking. When
attached to an endpoint, this policy grants access to all available Amazon Kendra Intelligent
Ranking actions for all principals/authorized users on all resources.
For more information, see Controlling access to VPC endpoints using endpoint policies in the
Amazon VPC User Guide.
Identity and access management for Amazon Kendra
AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) is an AWS service that helps an administrator securely
control access to AWS resources. IAM administrators control who can be authenticated (signed in)
and authorized (have permissions) to use Amazon Kendra resources. IAM is an AWS service that you
can use with no additional charge.
Authenticating with identities
Managing access using policies
How Amazon Kendra works with IAM
Identity and access management 1256
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Amazon Kendra Identity-based policy examples
AWS managed policies for Amazon Kendra
Troubleshooting Amazon Kendra Identity and Access
How you use AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) differs, depending on the work that you
do in Amazon Kendra.
Service user – If you use the Amazon Kendra service to do your job, then your administrator
provides you with the credentials and permissions that you need. As you use more Amazon Kendra
features to do your work, you might need additional permissions. Understanding how access is
managed can help you request the right permissions from your administrator. If you cannot access
a feature in Amazon Kendra, see Troubleshooting Amazon Kendra Identity and Access.
Service administrator – If you're in charge of Amazon Kendra resources at your company, you
probably have full access to Amazon Kendra. It's your job to determine which Amazon Kendra
features and resources your service users should access. You must then submit requests to your IAM
administrator to change the permissions of your service users. Review the information on this page
to understand the basic concepts of IAM. To learn more about how your company can use IAM with
Amazon Kendra, see How Amazon Kendra works with IAM.
IAM administrator – If you're an IAM administrator, you might want to learn details about how you
can write policies to manage access to Amazon Kendra. To view example Amazon Kendra identity-
based policies that you can use in IAM, see Amazon Kendra Identity-based policy examples.
Authenticating with identities
Authentication is how you sign in to AWS using your identity credentials. You must be
authenticated (signed in to AWS) as the AWS account root user, as an IAM user, or by assuming an
IAM role.
You can sign in to AWS as a federated identity by using credentials provided through an identity
source. AWS IAM Identity Center (IAM Identity Center) users, your company's single sign-on
authentication, and your Google or Facebook credentials are examples of federated identities.
When you sign in as a federated identity, your administrator previously set up identity federation
using IAM roles. When you access AWS by using federation, you are indirectly assuming a role.
Audience 1257
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Depending on the type of user you are, you can sign in to the AWS Management Console or the
AWS access portal. For more information about signing in to AWS, see How to sign in to your AWS
account in the AWS Sign-In User Guide.
If you access AWS programmatically, AWS provides a software development kit (SDK) and a
command line interface (CLI) to cryptographically sign your requests by using your credentials. If
you don't use AWS tools, you must sign requests yourself. For more information about using the
recommended method to sign requests yourself, see Signing AWS API requests in the IAM User
Regardless of the authentication method that you use, you might be required to provide additional
security information. For example, AWS recommends that you use multi-factor authentication
(MFA) to increase the security of your account. To learn more, see Multi-factor authentication in the
AWS IAM Identity Center User Guide and Using multi-factor authentication (MFA) in AWS in the IAM
User Guide.
AWS account root user
When you create an AWS account, you begin with one sign-in identity that has complete access to
all AWS services and resources in the account. This identity is called the AWS account root user and
is accessed by signing in with the email address and password that you used to create the account.
We strongly recommend that you don't use the root user for your everyday tasks. Safeguard your
root user credentials and use them to perform the tasks that only the root user can perform. For
the complete list of tasks that require you to sign in as the root user, see Tasks that require root
user credentials in the IAM User Guide.
IAM Users and groups
An IAM user is an identity within your AWS account that has specific permissions for a single person
or application. Where possible, we recommend relying on temporary credentials instead of creating
IAM users who have long-term credentials such as passwords and access keys. However, if you have
specific use cases that require long-term credentials with IAM users, we recommend that you rotate
access keys. For more information, see Rotate access keys regularly for use cases that require long-
term credentials in the IAM User Guide.
An IAM group is an identity that specifies a collection of IAM users. You can't sign in as a group. You
can use groups to specify permissions for multiple users at a time. Groups make permissions easier
to manage for large sets of users. For example, you could have a group named IAMAdmins and give
that group permissions to administer IAM resources.
Authenticating with identities 1258
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Users are different from roles. A user is uniquely associated with one person or application, but
a role is intended to be assumable by anyone who needs it. Users have permanent long-term
credentials, but roles provide temporary credentials. To learn more, see When to create an IAM user
(instead of a role) in the IAM User Guide.
IAM roles
An IAM role is an identity within your AWS account that has specific permissions. It is similar to an
IAM user, but is not associated with a specific person. You can temporarily assume an IAM role in
the AWS Management Console by switching roles. You can assume a role by calling an AWS CLI or
AWS API operation or by using a custom URL. For more information about methods for using roles,
see Using IAM roles in the IAM User Guide.
IAM roles with temporary credentials are useful in the following situations:
Federated user access – To assign permissions to a federated identity, you create a role
and define permissions for the role. When a federated identity authenticates, the identity
is associated with the role and is granted the permissions that are defined by the role. For
information about roles for federation, see Creating a role for a third-party Identity Provider
in the IAM User Guide. If you use IAM Identity Center, you configure a permission set. To control
what your identities can access after they authenticate, IAM Identity Center correlates the
permission set to a role in IAM. For information about permissions sets, see Permission sets in
the AWS IAM Identity Center User Guide.
Temporary IAM user permissions – An IAM user or role can assume an IAM role to temporarily
take on different permissions for a specific task.
Cross-account access – You can use an IAM role to allow someone (a trusted principal) in a
different account to access resources in your account. Roles are the primary way to grant cross-
account access. However, with some AWS services, you can attach a policy directly to a resource
(instead of using a role as a proxy). To learn the difference between roles and resource-based
policies for cross-account access, see Cross account resource access in IAM in the IAM User Guide.
Cross-service access – Some AWS services use features in other AWS services. For example, when
you make a call in a service, it's common for that service to run applications in Amazon EC2 or
store objects in Amazon S3. A service might do this using the calling principal's permissions,
using a service role, or using a service-linked role.
Forward access sessions (FAS) – When you use an IAM user or role to perform actions in
AWS, you are considered a principal. When you use some services, you might perform an
action that then initiates another action in a different service. FAS uses the permissions of the
Authenticating with identities 1259
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
principal calling an AWS service, combined with the requesting AWS service to make requests
to downstream services. FAS requests are only made when a service receives a request that
requires interactions with other AWS services or resources to complete. In this case, you must
have permissions to perform both actions. For policy details when making FAS requests, see
Forward access sessions.
Service role – A service role is an IAM role that a service assumes to perform actions on your
behalf. An IAM administrator can create, modify, and delete a service role from within IAM. For
more information, see Creating a role to delegate permissions to an AWS service in the IAM
User Guide.
Service-linked role – A service-linked role is a type of service role that is linked to an AWS
service. The service can assume the role to perform an action on your behalf. Service-linked
roles appear in your AWS account and are owned by the service. An IAM administrator can
view, but not edit the permissions for service-linked roles.
Applications running on Amazon EC2 – You can use an IAM role to manage temporary
credentials for applications that are running on an EC2 instance and making AWS CLI or AWS API
requests. This is preferable to storing access keys within the EC2 instance. To assign an AWS role
to an EC2 instance and make it available to all of its applications, you create an instance profile
that is attached to the instance. An instance profile contains the role and enables programs that
are running on the EC2 instance to get temporary credentials. For more information, see Using
an IAM role to grant permissions to applications running on Amazon EC2 instances in the IAM
User Guide.
To learn whether to use IAM roles or IAM users, see When to create an IAM role (instead of a user)
in the IAM User Guide.
Managing access using policies
You control access in AWS by creating policies and attaching them to AWS identities or resources.
A policy is an object in AWS that, when associated with an identity or resource, defines their
permissions. AWS evaluates these policies when a principal (user, root user, or role session) makes
a request. Permissions in the policies determine whether the request is allowed or denied. Most
policies are stored in AWS as JSON documents. For more information about the structure and
contents of JSON policy documents, see Overview of JSON policies in the IAM User Guide.
Administrators can use AWS JSON policies to specify who has access to what. That is, which
principal can perform actions on what resources, and under what conditions.
Managing access using policies 1260
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
By default, users and roles have no permissions. To grant users permission to perform actions on
the resources that they need, an IAM administrator can create IAM policies. The administrator can
then add the IAM policies to roles, and users can assume the roles.
IAM policies define permissions for an action regardless of the method that you use to perform the
operation. For example, suppose that you have a policy that allows the iam:GetRole action. A
user with that policy can get role information from the AWS Management Console, the AWS CLI, or
the AWS API.
Identity-based policies
Identity-based policies are JSON permissions policy documents that you can attach to an identity,
such as an IAM user, group of users, or role. These policies control what actions users and roles can
perform, on which resources, and under what conditions. To learn how to create an identity-based
policy, see Creating IAM policies in the IAM User Guide.
Identity-based policies can be further categorized as inline policies or managed policies. Inline
policies are embedded directly into a single user, group, or role. Managed policies are standalone
policies that you can attach to multiple users, groups, and roles in your AWS account. Managed
policies include AWS managed policies and customer managed policies. To learn how to choose
between a managed policy or an inline policy, see Choosing between managed policies and inline
policies in the IAM User Guide.
Resource-based policies
Resource-based policies are JSON policy documents that you attach to a resource. Examples of
resource-based policies are IAM role trust policies and Amazon S3 bucket policies. In services that
support resource-based policies, service administrators can use them to control access to a specific
resource. For the resource where the policy is attached, the policy defines what actions a specified
principal can perform on that resource and under what conditions. You must specify a principal
in a resource-based policy. Principals can include accounts, users, roles, federated users, or AWS
Resource-based policies are inline policies that are located in that service. You can't use AWS
managed policies from IAM in a resource-based policy.
Managing access using policies 1261
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Access control lists (ACLs)
Access control lists (ACLs) control which principals (account members, users, or roles) have
permissions to access a resource. ACLs are similar to resource-based policies, although they do not
use the JSON policy document format.
Amazon S3, AWS WAF, and Amazon VPC are examples of services that support ACLs. To learn more
about ACLs, see Access control list (ACL) overview in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer
Other policy types
AWS supports additional, less-common policy types. These policy types can set the maximum
permissions granted to you by the more common policy types.
Permissions boundaries – A permissions boundary is an advanced feature in which you set
the maximum permissions that an identity-based policy can grant to an IAM entity (IAM user
or role). You can set a permissions boundary for an entity. The resulting permissions are the
intersection of an entity's identity-based policies and its permissions boundaries. Resource-based
policies that specify the user or role in the Principal field are not limited by the permissions
boundary. An explicit deny in any of these policies overrides the allow. For more information
about permissions boundaries, see Permissions boundaries for IAM entities in the IAM User Guide.
Service control policies (SCPs) – SCPs are JSON policies that specify the maximum permissions
for an organization or organizational unit (OU) in AWS Organizations. AWS Organizations is a
service for grouping and centrally managing multiple AWS accounts that your business owns. If
you enable all features in an organization, then you can apply service control policies (SCPs) to
any or all of your accounts. The SCP limits permissions for entities in member accounts, including
each AWS account root user. For more information about Organizations and SCPs, see Service
control policies in the AWS Organizations User Guide.
Session policies – Session policies are advanced policies that you pass as a parameter when you
programmatically create a temporary session for a role or federated user. The resulting session's
permissions are the intersection of the user or role's identity-based policies and the session
policies. Permissions can also come from a resource-based policy. An explicit deny in any of these
policies overrides the allow. For more information, see Session policies in the IAM User Guide.
Managing access using policies 1262
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Multiple policy types
When multiple types of policies apply to a request, the resulting permissions are more complicated
to understand. To learn how AWS determines whether to allow a request when multiple policy
types are involved, see Policy evaluation logic in the IAM User Guide.
How Amazon Kendra works with IAM
Before you use IAM to manage access to Amazon Kendra, you should understand what IAM
features are available to use with Amazon Kendra. To get a high-level view of how Amazon Kendra
and other AWS services work with IAM, see AWS Services That Work with IAM in the IAM User
Amazon Kendra identity-based policies
Amazon Kendra Resource-based policies
Access control lists (ACLs)
Authorization based on Amazon Kendra tags
Amazon Kendra IAM Roles
Amazon Kendra identity-based policies
With IAM identity-based policies, you can specify allowed or denied actions and resources as well
as the conditions under which actions are allowed or denied. Amazon Kendra supports specific
actions, resources, and condition keys. To learn about all of the elements that you use in a JSON
policy, see IAM JSON Policy Elements Reference in the IAM User Guide.
Administrators can use AWS JSON policies to specify who has access to what. That is, which
principal can perform actions on what resources, and under what conditions.
The Action element of a JSON policy describes the actions that you can use to allow or deny
access in a policy. Policy actions usually have the same name as the associated AWS API operation.
There are some exceptions, such as permission-only actions that don't have a matching API
operation. There are also some operations that require multiple actions in a policy. These
additional actions are called dependent actions.
How Amazon Kendra works with IAM 1263
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Include actions in a policy to grant permissions to perform the associated operation.
Policy actions in Amazon Kendra use the following prefix before the action: kendra:. For example,
to grant someone permission to list Amazon Kendra indexes with the ListIndices API operation, you
include the kendra:ListIndices action in their policy. Policy statements must include either an
Action or NotAction element. Amazon Kendra defines its own set of actions that describe tasks
that you can perform with this service.
To specify multiple actions in a single statement, separate them with commas as follows:
"Action": [
You can specify multiple actions using wildcards (*). For example, to specify all actions that begin
with the word Describe, include the following action:
"Action": "kendra:Describe*"
To see a list of Amazon Kendra actions, see Actions Defined by Amazon Kendra in the IAM User
Administrators can use AWS JSON policies to specify who has access to what. That is, which
principal can perform actions on what resources, and under what conditions.
The Resource JSON policy element specifies the object or objects to which the action applies.
Statements must include either a Resource or a NotResource element. As a best practice,
specify a resource using its Amazon Resource Name (ARN). You can do this for actions that support
a specific resource type, known as resource-level permissions.
For actions that don't support resource-level permissions, such as listing operations, use a wildcard
(*) to indicate that the statement applies to all resources.
"Resource": "*"
How Amazon Kendra works with IAM 1264
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
The Amazon Kendra index resource has the following ARN:
For more information about the format of ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS
Service Namespaces.
For example, to specify an index in your statement, use the GUID of the index in the following ARN:
"Resource": "arn:aws:kendra:${Region}:${Account}:index/${GUID}"
To specify all indexes that belong to a specific account, use the wildcard (*):
"Resource": "arn:aws:${Region}:${Account}:index/*"
Some Amazon Kendra actions, such as those for creating resources, cannot be performed on a
specific resource. In those cases, you must use the wildcard (*).
"Resource": "*"
To see a list of Amazon Kendra resource types and their ARNs, see Resources Defined by Amazon
Kendra in the IAM User Guide. To learn with which actions you can specify the ARN of each
resource, see Actions Defined by Amazon Kendra.
Condition keys
Administrators can use AWS JSON policies to specify who has access to what. That is, which
principal can perform actions on what resources, and under what conditions.
The Condition element (or Condition block) lets you specify conditions in which a statement
is in effect. The Condition element is optional. You can create conditional expressions that use
condition operators, such as equals or less than, to match the condition in the policy with values in
the request.
If you specify multiple Condition elements in a statement, or multiple keys in a single
Condition element, AWS evaluates them using a logical AND operation. If you specify multiple
values for a single condition key, AWS evaluates the condition using a logical OR operation. All of
the conditions must be met before the statement's permissions are granted.
How Amazon Kendra works with IAM 1265
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
You can also use placeholder variables when you specify conditions. For example, you can grant
an IAM user permission to access a resource only if it is tagged with their IAM user name. For more
information, see IAM policy elements: variables and tags in the IAM User Guide.
AWS supports global condition keys and service-specific condition keys. To see all AWS global
condition keys, see AWS global condition context keys in the IAM User Guide.
Amazon Kendra does not provide any service-specific condition keys, but it does support using
some global condition keys. To see all AWS global condition keys, see AWS Global Condition
Context Keys in the IAM User Guide.
To view examples of Amazon Kendra identity-based policies, see Amazon Kendra Identity-based
policy examples.
Amazon Kendra Resource-based policies
Amazon Kendra does not support resource-based policies.
Access control lists (ACLs)
Amazon Kendra does not support access control lists (ACLs) for access to AWS services and
Authorization based on Amazon Kendra tags
You can associate tags with certain types of Amazon Kendra resources to authorize access to those
resources. To control access based on tags, provide tag information in the condition element of a
policy by using the aws:RequestTag/key-name, or aws:TagKeys condition keys.
The following table lists the actions, corresponding resource types, and condition keys for
tag-based access control. Each action is authorized based on the tags associated with the
corresponding resource type.
Action Resource type Condition keys
aws:RequestTag ,
How Amazon Kendra works with IAM 1266
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Action Resource type Condition keys
aws:RequestTag ,
aws:RequestTag ,
API_ListTagsForResource data source, FAQ, index
TagResource data source, FAQ, index
aws:RequestTag ,
UntagResource data source, FAQ, index
For information about tagging Amazon Kendra resources, see Tags. For an example identity-based
policy that limits access to a resource based on resource tags, see Tag-based policy examples. For
more information about using tags to limit access to resources, see Controlling access using tags in
the IAM User Guide.
Amazon Kendra IAM Roles
An IAM role is an entity within your AWS account that has specific permissions.
Using temporary credentials with Amazon Kendra
You can use temporary credentials to sign in with federation, assume an IAM role, or to assume a
cross-account role. You obtain temporary security credentials by calling AWS STS API operations
such as AssumeRole or GetFederationToken.
Amazon Kendra supports using temporary credentials.
Service roles
This feature allows a service to assume a service role on your behalf. This role allows the service to
access resources in other services to complete an action on your behalf. Service roles appear in your
IAM account and are owned by the account. This means that an IAM administrator can change the
permissions for this role. However, doing so might break the functionality of the service.
Amazon Kendra supports service roles.
How Amazon Kendra works with IAM 1267
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Choosing an IAM role in Amazon Kendra
When you create an index, call the BatchPutDocument operation, create a data source or create
an FAQ, you must provide an access role Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that Amazon Kendra uses
to access the required resources on your behalf. If you have previously created a role, then the
Amazon Kendra console provides you with a list of roles to choose from. It's important to choose a
role that allows access to the resources that you require. For more information, see IAM access roles
for Amazon Kendra.
Amazon Kendra Identity-based policy examples
By default, users and roles don't have permission to create or modify Amazon Kendra resources.
They also can't perform tasks using the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, or AWS API. An IAM
administrator must create IAM policies that grant users and roles permission to perform specific
API operations on the specified resources they need. The administrator must then attach those
policies to the users or groups that require those permissions.
To learn how to create an IAM identity-based policy using these example JSON policy documents,
see Creating Policies on the JSON Tab in the IAM User Guide.
Policy best practices
AWS Managed (Predefined) Polices for Amazon Kendra
Allow users to view their own permissions
Accessing one Amazon Kendra index
Tag-based policy examples
Policy best practices
Identity-based policies determine whether someone can create, access, or delete Amazon Kendra
resources in your account. These actions can incur costs for your AWS account. When you create or
edit identity-based policies, follow these guidelines and recommendations:
Get started with AWS managed policies and move toward least-privilege permissions – To
get started granting permissions to your users and workloads, use the AWS managed policies
that grant permissions for many common use cases. They are available in your AWS account. We
recommend that you reduce permissions further by defining AWS customer managed policies
Identity-based policy examples 1268
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
that are specific to your use cases. For more information, see AWS managed policies or AWS
managed policies for job functions in the IAM User Guide.
Apply least-privilege permissions – When you set permissions with IAM policies, grant only the
permissions required to perform a task. You do this by defining the actions that can be taken on
specific resources under specific conditions, also known as least-privilege permissions. For more
information about using IAM to apply permissions, see Policies and permissions in IAM in the
IAM User Guide.
Use conditions in IAM policies to further restrict access – You can add a condition to your
policies to limit access to actions and resources. For example, you can write a policy condition to
specify that all requests must be sent using SSL. You can also use conditions to grant access to
service actions if they are used through a specific AWS service, such as AWS CloudFormation. For
more information, see IAM JSON policy elements: Condition in the IAM User Guide.
Use IAM Access Analyzer to validate your IAM policies to ensure secure and functional
permissions – IAM Access Analyzer validates new and existing policies so that the policies
adhere to the IAM policy language (JSON) and IAM best practices. IAM Access Analyzer provides
more than 100 policy checks and actionable recommendations to help you author secure and
functional policies. For more information, see IAM Access Analyzer policy validation in the IAM
User Guide.
Require multi-factor authentication (MFA) – If you have a scenario that requires IAM users
or a root user in your AWS account, turn on MFA for additional security. To require MFA when
API operations are called, add MFA conditions to your policies. For more information, see
Configuring MFA-protected API access in the IAM User Guide.
For more information about best practices in IAM, see Security best practices in IAM in the IAM User
AWS Managed (Predefined) Polices for Amazon Kendra
AWS addresses many common use cases by providing standalone IAM policies that are created
and administered by AWS. These policies are called AWS managed policies. AWS managed policies
make it easier for you to assign permissions to users, groups, and roles than if you had to write the
policies yourself. For more information, see Adding Permissions to a User in the IAM User Guide.
The following AWS managed policies, which you can attach to groups and roles in your account, are
specific to Amazon Kendra:
AmazonKendraReadOnly — Grants read-only access to Amazon Kendra resources.
Identity-based policy examples 1269
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
AmazonKendraFullAccess — Grants full access to create, read, update, delete, tag, and run all
Amazon Kendra resources.
For the console, your role must also have iam:CreateRole, iam:CreatePolicy,
iam:AttachRolePolicy, and s3:ListBucket permissions.
You can review these permissions by signing in to the IAM console and searching for
specific policies.
You can also create your own custom policies to allow permissions for Amazon Kendra API actions.
You can attach these custom policies to the IAM roles or groups that require those permissions. For
examples of IAM policies for Amazon Kendra, see Amazon Kendra Identity-based policy examples.
Allow users to view their own permissions
This example shows how you might create a policy that allows IAM users to view the inline and
managed policies that are attached to their user identity. This policy includes permissions to
complete this action on the console or programmatically using the AWS CLI or AWS API.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "ViewOwnUserInfo",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": ["arn:aws:iam::*:user/${aws:username}"]
"Sid": "NavigateInConsole",
"Effect": "Allow",
Identity-based policy examples 1270
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
Accessing one Amazon Kendra index
In this example, you want to grant an user in your AWS account access to query an index.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "QueryIndex",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:kendra:${Region}:${Account}:index/${Index ID}"
Tag-based policy examples
Tag-based policies are JSON policy documents that specify the actions that a principal can perform
on tagged resources.
Example: Use a tag to access a resource
This example policy grants a user or role in your AWS account permission to use the Query
operation with any resource tagged with the key department and the value finance.
Identity-based policy examples 1271
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*",
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"aws:ResourceTag/department": "finance"
Example: Use a tag to activate Amazon Kendra operations
This example policy grants a user or role in your AWS account permission to use any Amazon
Kendra operation except TagResource operation with any resource tagged with the key
department and the value finance.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "kendra:*",
"Resource": "*"
"Effect": "Deny",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*",
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"aws:ResourceTag/department": "finance"
Identity-based policy examples 1272
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Example: Use a tag to restrict access to an operation
This example policy restricts access for a user or role in your AWS account to use the CreateIndex
operation unless the user provides the department tag and it has the allowed values finance
and IT.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "kendra:CreateIndex",
"Resource": "*"
"Effect": "Deny",
"Action": "kendra:CreateIndex",
"Resource": "*",
"Condition": {
"Null": {
"aws:RequestTag/department": "true"
"Effect": "Deny",
"Action": "kendra:CreateIndex",
"Resource": "*",
"Condition": {
"ForAnyValue:StringNotEquals": {
"aws:RequestTag/department": [
Identity-based policy examples 1273
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
AWS managed policies for Amazon Kendra
To add permissions to users, groups, and roles, it is easier to use AWS managed policies than to
write policies yourself. It takes time and expertise to create IAM customer managed policies that
provide your team with only the permissions they need. To get started quickly, you can use our
AWS managed policies. These policies cover common use cases and are available in your AWS
account. For more information about AWS managed policies, see AWS managed policies in the IAM
User Guide.
AWS services maintain and update AWS managed policies. You can't change the permissions in
AWS managed policies. Services occasionally add additional permissions to an AWS managed
policy to support new features. This type of update affects all identities (users, groups, and roles)
where the policy is attached. Services are most likely to update an AWS managed policy when
a new feature is launched or when new operations become available. Services do not remove
permissions from an AWS managed policy, so policy updates won't break your existing permissions.
Additionally, AWS supports managed policies for job functions that span multiple services. For
example, the ReadOnlyAccess AWS managed policy provides read-only access to all AWS services
and resources. When a service launches a new feature, AWS adds read-only permissions for new
operations and resources. For a list and descriptions of job function policies, see AWS managed
policies for job functions in the IAM User Guide.
AWS managed policy: AmazonKendraReadOnly
Grants read-only access to Amazon Kendra resources. This policy includes the following
kendra – Allows users to perform actions that return either a list of items or details
about an item. This includes API operations that start with Describe, List, Query,
BatchGetDocumentStatus, GetQuerySuggestions, or GetSnapshots.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
AWS managed policies 1274
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Action": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "*"
AWS managed policy: AmazonKendraFullAccess
Grants full access to create, read, update, delete, tag, and run all Amazon Kendra resources. This
policy includes the following permissions.
kendra—Allows principals read and write access to all actions in the Amazon Kendra.
s3—Allows principals get Amazon S3 bucket locations and list buckets.
iam—Allows principals to pass and list roles.
kms—Allows principals to describe and list AWS KMS keys and aliases.
secretsmanager—Allows principals to create, describe, and list secrets.
ec2—Allows principals to describe security groups, VCPs (Virtual Private Cloud), and subnets.
cloudwatch—Allows principals to view Cloud Watch metrics.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "iam:PassRole",
"Resource": "*",
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"iam:PassedToService": ""
AWS managed policies 1275
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
AWS managed policies 1276
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Resource": "*"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:*:*:secret:AmazonKendra-*"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "kendra:*",
"Resource": "*"
Amazon Kendra updates to AWS managed policies
View details about updates to AWS managed policies for Amazon Kendra since this service began
tracking these changes. For automatic alerts about changes to this page, subscribe to the RSS feed
on the Amazon Kendra Document history page.
Change Description Date
Add permission to support
GetSnapshots, BatchGetD
ocumentStatus APIs
Amazon Kendra added new
APIs GetSnapshots and
atus . GetSnapshots
provides data that shows
how your users interact with
your search application.
atus monitors the progress
of indexing your documents.
January 3, 2022
AWS managed policies 1277
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Change Description Date
Add permission to support
Amazon Kendra added a new
API GetQuerySuggestion
s that allows access to get
query suggestions for popular
search queries, helping guide
your users' search. When
users type their search query,
the suggested query helps
autocomplete their search.
May 27, 2021
Amazon Kendra started
tracking changes
Amazon Kendra started
tracking changes for its AWS
managed policies.
May 27, 2021
Troubleshooting Amazon Kendra Identity and Access
Use the following information to help you diagnose and fix common issues that you might
encounter when working with Amazon Kendra and IAM.
I am not authorized to perform an action in Amazon Kendra
I am not authorized to perform iam:PassRole
I'm an administrator and I want to allow others to access Amazon Kendra
I want to allow people outside of my AWS account to access my Amazon Kendra resources
I am not authorized to perform an action in Amazon Kendra
If the AWS Management Console tells you that you're not authorized to perform an action, then
you must contact your administrator for assistance. Your administrator is the person that provided
you with your sign-in credentials.
The following example error occurs when the mateojackson user tries to use the console to view
details about an index but does not have kendra:DescribeIndex permissions.
Troubleshooting 1278
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
User: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/mateojackson is not authorized to perform:
kendra:DescribeIndex on resource: index ARN
In this case, Mateo asks his administrator to update his policies to allow him to access the index
resource using the kendra:DescribeIndex action.
I am not authorized to perform iam:PassRole
If you receive an error that you're not authorized to perform the iam:PassRole action, your
policies must be updated to allow you to pass a role to Amazon Kendra.
Some AWS services allow you to pass an existing role to that service instead of creating a new
service role or service-linked role. To do this, you must have permissions to pass the role to the
The following example error occurs when an IAM user named marymajor tries to use the
console to perform an action in Amazon Kendra. However, the action requires the service to have
permissions that are granted by a service role. Mary does not have permissions to pass the role to
the service.
User: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/marymajor is not authorized to perform:
In this case, Mary's policies must be updated to allow her to perform the iam:PassRole action.
If you need help, contact your AWS administrator. Your administrator is the person who provided
you with your sign-in credentials.
I'm an administrator and I want to allow others to access Amazon Kendra
To allow others to access Amazon Kendra, you must grant permission to the people or applications
that need access. If you are using AWS IAM Identity Center to manage people and applications,
you assign permission sets to users or groups to define their level of access. Permission sets
automatically create and assign IAM policies to IAM roles that are associated with the person or
application. For more information, see Permission sets in the AWS IAM Identity Center User Guide.
If you are not using IAM Identity Center, you must create IAM entities (users or roles) for the people
or applications that need access. You must then attach a policy to the entity that grants them the
correct permissions in Amazon Kendra. After the permissions are granted, provide the credentials
Troubleshooting 1279
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
to the user or application developer. They will use those credentials to access AWS. To learn more
about creating IAM users, groups, policies, and permissions, see IAM Identities and Policies and
permissions in IAM in the IAM User Guide.
I want to allow people outside of my AWS account to access my Amazon Kendra
You can create a role that users in other accounts or people outside of your organization can use to
access your resources. You can specify who is trusted to assume the role. For services that support
resource-based policies or access control lists (ACLs), you can use those policies to grant people
access to your resources.
To learn more, consult the following:
To learn whether Amazon Kendra supports these features, see How Amazon Kendra works with
To learn how to provide access to your resources across AWS accounts that you own, see
Providing access to an IAM user in another AWS account that you own in the IAM User Guide.
To learn how to provide access to your resources to third-party AWS accounts, see Providing
access to AWS accounts owned by third parties in the IAM User Guide.
To learn how to provide access through identity federation, see Providing access to externally
authenticated users (identity federation) in the IAM User Guide.
To learn the difference between using roles and resource-based policies for cross-account access,
see Cross account resource access in IAM in the IAM User Guide.
Security best practices
Amazon Kendra provides a number of security features to consider as you develop and implement
your own security policies. The following best practices are general guidelines and don't represent
a complete security solution. Because these best practices might not be appropriate or sufficient
for your environment, treat them as helpful considerations rather than prescriptions.
Apply principle of least privilege
Amazon Kendra provides a granular access policy for applications using IAM roles. We recommend
that the roles be granted only the minimum set of privileges required by the job, such as
Security best practices 1280
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
covering your application and access to log destination. We also recommend auditing the jobs for
permissions on a regular basis and upon any change to your application.
Role-based access control (RBAC) permissions
Administrators should strictly control Role-based access control (RBAC) permissions for Amazon
Kendra applications.
Logging and monitoring in Amazon Kendra
Monitoring is an important part of maintaining the reliability, availability, and performance of your
Amazon Kendra applications. To monitor Amazon Kendra API calls, you can use AWS CloudTrail. To
monitor the status of your jobs, use Amazon CloudWatch Logs.
Amazon CloudWatch Alarms—Using CloudWatch alarms, you watch a single metric over a time
period that you specify. If the metric exceeds a policy. CloudWatch alarms do not invoke actions
when a metric is in a particular state. Rather the state must have changed and been maintained
for a specified number of periods. For more information, see Monitoring Amazon Kendra with
Amazon CloudWatch.
AWS CloudTrail Logs—CloudTrail provides a record of actions taken by a user, role, or an
AWS service in Amazon Kendra or Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking. Using the information
collected by CloudTrail, you can determine the request that was made to Amazon Kendra,
the IP address from which the request was made, who made the request, when it was made,
and additional details. For more information, see Logging Amazon Kendra API calls with AWS
CloudTrail logs and Logging Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking API calls with AWS CloudTrail
Compliance validation for Amazon Kendra
Third-party auditors assess the security and compliance of Amazon Kendra as part of multiple
Amazon Kendra compliance programs. Amazon Kendra is compliant with the following:
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
System and Organization Controls (SOC) 2
Information Security Registered Assessors Program (IRAP)
Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) Moderate in the US East/West
Role-based access control (RBAC) permissions 1281
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) High in the AWS GovCloud
(US-West) region
For a list of AWS services in scope of specific compliance programs, see AWS Services in Scope by
Compliance Program. For general information, see AWS Compliance Programs.
You can download third-party audit reports using AWS Artifact. For more information, see
Downloading Reports in AWS Artifact.
Your compliance responsibility when using Amazon Kendra is determined by the sensitivity of your
data, your company's compliance objectives, and applicable laws and regulations. AWS provides the
following resources to help with compliance:
Security and Compliance Quick Start Guides—These deployment guides discuss architectural
considerations and provide steps for deploying security- and compliance-focused baseline
environments on AWS.
Architecting for HIPAA Security and Compliance Whitepaper—This whitepaper describes how
companies can use AWS to create HIPAA-compliant applications.
AWS Compliance Resources—This collection of workbooks and guides might apply to your
industry and location.
Evaluating Resources with Rules in the AWS Config Developer Guide—The AWS Config service
assesses how well your resource configurations comply with internal practices, industry
guidelines, and regulations.
AWS Security Hub—This AWS service provides a comprehensive view of your security state within
AWS that helps you check your compliance with security industry standards and best practices.
Resilience in Amazon Kendra
The AWS global infrastructure is built around AWS Regions and Availability Zones. AWS Regions
provide multiple physically separated and isolated Availability Zones, which are connected with
low-latency, high-throughput, and highly redundant networking. With Availability Zones, you
can design and operate applications and databases that automatically fail over between zones
without interruption. Availability Zones are more highly available, fault tolerant, and scalable than
traditional single or multiple data center infrastructures.
For more information about AWS Regions and Availability Zones, see AWS Global Infrastructure.
Resilience 1282
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
With AWS global infrastructure, Amazon Kendra Enterprise Edition is fault tolerant, scalable, and
highly available. Rolling back to previous versions of an index is not currently supported, but you
can refresh or recreate portions of your index by deleting and adding existing data sources back
into your index.
Infrastructure security in Amazon Kendra
As a managed service, Amazon Kendra is protected by AWS global network security. For
information about AWS security services and how AWS protects infrastructure, see AWS Cloud
Security. To design your AWS environment using the best practices for infrastructure security, see
Infrastructure Protection in Security Pillar AWS Well‐Architected Framework.
You use AWS published API calls to access Amazon Kendra through the network. Clients must
support the following:
Transport Layer Security (TLS). We require TLS 1.2 and recommend TLS 1.3.
Cipher suites with perfect forward secrecy (PFS) such as DHE (Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman) or
ECDHE (Elliptic Curve Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman). Most modern systems such as Java 7 and later
support these modes.
Additionally, requests must be signed by using an access key ID and a secret access key that is
associated with an IAM principal. Or you can use the AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS) to
generate temporary security credentials to sign requests.
Configuration and vulnerability analysis in AWS Identity and
Access Management
AWS handles basic security tasks like guest operating system (OS) and database patching, firewall
configuration, and disaster recovery. These procedures have been reviewed and certified by the
appropriate third parties. For more details, see the following resources:
Shared Responsibility Model
AWS: Overview of Security Processes (whitepaper)
The following resources also address configuration and vulnerability analysis in AWS Identity and
Access Management (IAM):
Infrastructure security 1283
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Compliance validation for AWS Identity and Access Management
Security best practices and use cases in AWS Identity and Access Management.
Configuration and vulnerability analysis 1284
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Quotas for Amazon Kendra
Supported regions
For a list of AWS regions where Amazon Kendra is available, see Amazon Kendra regions and
endpoints in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.
Service quotas, also referred to as limits, are the maximum number of service resources for your
AWS account. For more information, see Amazon Kendra service quotas in the AWS General
Index quotas
Description Default Edition Adjustable
Maximum number of
indexes per account
10 Developer, Enterprise Yes
Amount of text
extracted for an
index in a single unit
(Developer). You
can't add extra units
for extracting text
for the Developer
3 GB Developer No
Amount of text
extracted for an
index in a single unit
(Enterprise). You can
add up to 100 extra
units for extracting
30 GB Enterprise Yes
Supported regions 1285
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Description Default Edition Adjustable
text for the Enterpris
e Edition, or simply
contact Support.
Data source connector quotas
Description Default Edition Adjustable
Maximum number
of data source
connectors per index
5 Developer No
Maximum number
of data source
connectors per index
50 Enterprise Yes
Maximum size of
a single document
or raw file when
using a data source
50 MB Developer, Enterprise Yes
Maximum number
of S3 prefixes in
the access control
list configuration
file included in the
Amazon S3 data
source connector
100 Developer, Enterprise No
Maximum size of
the access control
list configuration
50 MB Developer, Enterprise Yes
Data source connector quotas 1286
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Description Default Edition Adjustable
file included in the
Amazon S3 data
source connector
FAQ quotas
Description Default Edition Adjustable
Maximum number of
FAQs per index
30 Developer, Enterprise Yes
Maximum size of 1
5 MB Developer, Enterprise Yes
Maximum number of
results returned for
4 Developer, Enterprise Yes
Maximum number of
characters allowed
for a FAQ question
300 Developer, Enterprise No
Maximum number of
characters in an FAQ
2000 Developer, Enterprise No
Thesaurus quotas
Description Default Edition Adjustable
Maximum number of
thesauri per index
1 Developer, Enterprise No
FAQ quotas 1287
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Description Default Edition Adjustable
Maximum size of a
thesaurus file
5 MB Developer, Enterprise Yes
Maximum number of
synonym rules per
10,000 Developer, Enterprise Yes
Maximum number of
synonyms per term
in all thesauri in an
10 Developer, Enterprise No
Amazon Kendra experience quotas
Description Default Edition Adjustable
Maximum number
of Amazon Kendra
experiences per index
50 Developer, Enterprise Yes
Query and search results quotas
Description Default Edition Adjustable
Amount of queries
per second for an
index in a single unit
(Developer). You
can't add extra units
for queries for the
Developer Edition.
0.05 Developer No
Amount of queries
per second for an
0.1 Enterprise Yes
Amazon Kendra experience quotas 1288
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Description Default Edition Adjustable
index in a single unit
(Enterprise). You
can add up to 100
extra units for queries
for the Enterprise
Edition, or simply
contact Support.
Maximum number of
characters per query
1000 Developer, Enterprise Yes
Maximum number
of search results per
query. Default is 100.
To allow more than
100 results, simply
contact Support.
100 Developer, Enterprise Yes
Maximum number
of search results per
100 Developer, Enterprise Yes
Maximum number
of token words per
query text before
truncation. Default
is 30. To allow more
than 30 words,
simply contact
30 Developer, Enterprise Yes
Maximum user-grou
p list size per query
1000 Developer, Enterprise Yes
Query and search results quotas 1289
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Description Default Edition Adjustable
Maximum string
list size per query
10 Developer, Enterprise Yes
Query suggestions quotas
Description Default Edition Adjustable
Maximum number
of query suggestio
ns returned per
s call
10 Developer, Enterprise Yes
Maximum number
of fields/attributes
for query suggestio
ns per GetQueryS
uggestions call
10 Developer, Enterprise Yes
Maximum number
of additional fields/
attributes for query
suggestions per
s call
5 Developer, Enterprise Yes
Maximum number of
block lists per index
1 Developer, Enterprise No
Maximum size of a
block list text file
2 MB Developer, Enterprise Yes
Maximum number
of items (words or
20,000 Developer, Enterprise Yes
Query suggestions quotas 1290
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Description Default Edition Adjustable
phrases) in a block
Maximum number of
spell-corrected query
suggestions to return
in a Query API call.
1 Developer, Enterprise Yes
Document quotas
Description Default Edition Adjustable
Amount of text
extracted for an
index in a single unit
(Developer). You
can't add extra units
for extracting text
for the Developer
3 GB Developer No
Amount of text
extracted for an
index in a single unit
(Enterprise). You can
add up to 100 extra
units for extracting
text for the Enterpris
e Edition, or simply
contact Support.
30 GB Enterprise Yes
Maximum size of
a single document
or raw file when
50 MB Developer, Enterprise Yes
Document quotas 1291
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Description Default Edition Adjustable
using a data source
Maximum size of a
single document or
raw file when using
the BatchPutD
ocument API
5 MB Developer, Enterprise Yes
Maximum amount of
text extracted from a
single document
5 MB Developer, Enterprise No
Maximum number
of custom fields/at
tributes per index
500 Developer, Enterprise No
Featured search results quotas
Description Default Edition Adjustable
Maximum number of
featured documents
per featured results
4 Enterprise Yes
Maximum number
of query texts per
featured results set
49 Enterprise No
Maximum number of
characters per query
text in a featured
results set
1000 Enterprise Yes
Featured search results quotas 1292
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Description Default Edition Adjustable
Maximum number of
featured results sets
per index
50 Enterprise Yes
Rescore/rerank search results quotas
Description Default Edition Adjustable
Maximum number of
Rescore requests
per second for a
rescore execution
plan or a single unit
of capacity. You can
add up to 1000 extra
0.01 Enterprise No
Maximum number
of rescore execution
plans per account.
50 Enterprise Yes
Maximum number
of tokens in Title
for a document in a
Rescore request.
100 Enterprise No
Maximum number
of tokens in Body
for a document in a
Rescore request.
200 Enterprise No
Maximum number
of documents in a
Rescore request.
25 Enterprise No
Rescore/rerank search results quotas 1293
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Description Default Edition Adjustable
Maximum number
of documents per
group in a Rescore
3 Enterprise No
For more information about Amazon Kendra service quotas and to request a quota increase, see
Service Quotas.
Rescore/rerank search results quotas 1294
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
This section can help you solve common problems you might find when working with Amazon
Troubleshooting data sources
Troubleshooting document search results
Troubleshooting general issues
Troubleshooting data sources
This section can help you solve common issues when configuring and using Amazon Kendra data
source connectors.
My documents were not indexed
When you synchronize your Amazon Kendra index with a data source, you may run into issues that
prevent the documents from being indexed. Indexing is a two-step process. First, the data source
is checked for new and updated documents to index, and to find documents to remove from the
index. Second, at the document level, each document is accessed and indexed.
An error can occur in either of these steps. Data source level errors are reported in the console in
the Sync run history section of the data source details page. The status of the synchronization job
can be Succeeded, Incomplete, or Failed. You can also see the number of documents indexed and
deleted during the job. If the status is Failed, a message is shown in the Details column.
Document level errors are reported in Amazon CloudWatch Logs. You can see the errors using the
CloudWatch console.
To generate a document sync status report, see I want to generate a sync status report for my
My synchronization job failed
A synchronization job typically fails when there is a configuration error in the index or the data
source. In the console, you can find the error message in the Sync run history section of the data
Troubleshooting data sources 1295
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
source details page, under the Details column. Document level errors are reported in Amazon
CloudWatch Logs. The error message gives information about what went wrong. The problem
is usually that the index or the data source does not have the proper IAM permissions. The error
message describes the missing permissions. Here are some of the error messages that you can
Failed to create log group for job. Please make sure that the IAM role
provided has sufficient permissions.
If your index role does not have permission to use CloudWatch, the data source will not be able to
create a CloudWatch log. If you get this error, you must add CloudWatch permissions to the index
Failed to access Amazon S3 file prefix (bucket name) while trying to crawl
your metadata files. Please make sure the IAM role (ARN) provided has
sufficient permissions.
When you are using an Amazon S3 data source, Amazon Kendra must have permission to access
the bucket that contains the documents. You need to add permission for Amazon Kendra to read
the bucket to the data source IAM role.
The provided IAM role (ARN) could not be assumed. Please make sure Amazon
Kendra is a trusted entity that is allowed to assume the role.
Amazon Kendra needs permission to assume the index and data source IAM roles. You need to add
a trust policy to the roles with permission for the sts:AssumeRole action.
For the IAM policies that Amazon Kendra needs to index a data source, see IAM roles.
To generate a document sync status report, see I want to generate a sync status report for my
My synchronization job is incomplete
Jobs are generally incomplete when they have completed the data source level process but have
some error during the document level process. When a job is incomplete, some of the documents
might not have successfully indexed. For an Amazon S3 data source, an incomplete job is typically
caused by:
The metadata for one or more documents was invalid.
My synchronization job is incomplete 1296
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
When documents are submitted for indexing but at least one document was not submitted.
When documents are submitted for deleting from the index but at least one document was not
To troubleshoot an incomplete synchronization job, look first to your CloudWatch logs.
1. From the details column, choose View details in CloudWatch.
2. Review the error messages to see what caused the document to fail.
To generate a document sync status report, see I want to generate a sync status report for my
My synchronization job succeeded but there are no indexed documents
Occasionally, an index synchronization job run will be marked as Succeeded but there are no new
or updated documents indexed when you expect them. Possible reasons include:
Check CloudWatch DocumentsSubmittedForIndexingFailed metric to see if any documents
failed to synchronize. Check your CloudWatch logs for details.
For an Amazon S3 data source, you may have given Amazon Kendra the wrong bucket name
or prefix. Make sure that the bucket that Amazon Kendra is using is the one that contains the
documents to index.
When re-indexing a document that failed to be indexed in an earlier job, Amazon Kendra won't
index it unless you've changed the document or its associated metadata file.
To generate a document sync status report, see I want to generate a sync status report for my
I am running into file format issues while syncing my data source
If you run into file format issues while adding files to your data source or syncing your data source,
make sure that your document types are Amazon Kendra supported. For a list of document types
supported by Amazon Kendra see Document types or formats.
If you are using the BatchPutDocument API with plain text files, specify PLAIN_TEXT as content
My synchronization job succeeded but there are no indexed documents 1297
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
I want to generate a sync history report for my documents
You can view a document-level sync run history report in CloudWatch for your data source sync
job by selecting View Report. A sync run history report will have details about the progress and
status of each document in the sync job. It shows if a document succeeded, failed, or was skipped
during the crawl, sync, and index stages. You'll also find any error messages related to failed or
skipped documents. If the report doesn't show results for an in-progress sync job, the logs may not
be available yet. Check back later as data is emitted to the report as events occur during the sync
To access your sync run history report, take the following steps:
1. Open the Amazon Kendra console at
2. From the left navigation menu, under Data management, choose Data sources, and then
choose your data source.
3. From your data source summary page, scroll down and select the Sync history tab.
4. From Sync run history, select Actions.
5. From Actions, select View report. You will be redirected to the CloudWatch console where you
will be able to access your report.
A sync run history records if a document was successfully indexed during ingestion,
including attached ACLs and metadata, for all Amazon Kendra supported connectors.
If you're using the Amazon S3 connector:
In addition to the vieing the document-level sync run history report in CloudWatch, you can
generate sync history reports for each document in your Amazon S3 data source and copy it to an
Amazon S3 bucket. During this process, your data is encrypted using AWS KMS keys and can only
be viewed by you. Reported document status can be one of the following: Failed, Completed, or
Succeeded with errors. Before you can generate sync status reports for Amazon S3, you must do
the following:
Add the following Amazon Kendra service principal to your Amazon S3 access policy
I want to generate a sync history report for my documents 1298
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
“Version”: “2012-10-17",
“Statement”: [
“Sid”: “KendraS3Access”,
“Effect”: “Allow”,
“Principal”: {
“Service”: “”
“Action”: “s3:PutObject”,
“Resource”: “arn:aws:s3:::your-manifest-bucket-name/*”
Create an Amazon S3 bucket with access permissions to Amazon Kendra
If you use the console, to generate a sync history report for Amazon S3, choose to activate the
Generate reports option from Sync history reports – optional section on the Data source details
page. Then, enter the Amazon S3 bucket location and choose from the configuration options
available. Reports will be generated from the next sync after you have activated generate report.
If you delete the Amazon S3 bucket, you will lose your log data and will have to set up a new
bucket to store new sync reports.
A sync history report provides information only about whether an Amazon S3 connector
successfully crawled and ingested data.
How much time does syncing a data source take?
If there are no updates to documents, sync time for a Amazon Kendra index increases in linear
proportion to the number of documents. For example, 1,000 documents without any updates
would take about five minutes to sync and 2,000 documents without any updates will take about
10 minutes. If there are any updates to the documents, then the sync time will increase based on
the number of documents updated.
How much time does syncing a data source take? 1299
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
What is the charge for syncing a data source?
When you sync your index, it takes two minutes to warm up and activate Amazon EC2 to establish
the necessary connections. You are not charged during this process. Your usage meter begins only
after the sync job starts. For more information on Amazon Kendra pricing, see Amazon Kendra
I am getting an Amazon EC2 authorization error
If an Amazon EC2 unauthorized operation error occurs during a sync for a virtual private cloud
(VPC) data source, it's likely that your VPC IAM role lacks required permissions. Please check that
the IAM role you use for your data source has the attached permissions. For more information, see
Virtual private cloud IAM role.
I am unable to use search index links to open my Amazon S3 objects
Your Amazon Kendra index can only access files that an Amazon S3 data source grants it
permissions to access. For example, Amazon Kendra cannot modify the Amazon S3 permissions
that determine if an object is meant to be public or encrypted. Amazon Kendra also doesn't have
the default permissions to create or return a signed link for Amazon S3 objects. If you want to
activate signed linking for Amazon S3 objects in a Amazon Kendra index, you have two options:
You can use sign your index query results with the source uri object before returning the result
to the search page. For a step-by-step walkthrough of this process, see Sharing objects using
presigned URLs.
You can override the Amazon S3 object metadata source uri and make your service available
through an CloudFront content delivery network (CDN) connected to an Amazon S3 bucket. Or,
you can use an API Gateway proxy endpoint that returns a presigned URL and redirect to it.
I am getting an AccessDenied When Using SSL Certificate File error
If you are getting an access denied error when using an SSL certificate with your data source, make
sure that your IAM role has the permission to access the SSL certificate file in its specified location.
If the certificate is encrypted with an AWS KMS key, your IAM role should also have permission to
decrypt using the AWS KMS key. For more information, see Authentication and access control for
What is the charge for syncing a data source? 1300
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
I am getting an authorization error when using a SharePoint data
If you are getting an authorization error while syncing your index with a SharePoint data source,
confirm that you have a Site Admin role assigned to you in SharePoint.
My index does not crawl documents from my Confluence data source
If your Amazon Kendra index is not crawling documents from your Confluence data source during
the syncing process, confirm that you are part of Administrator Groups in Confluence.
Troubleshooting document search results
This section can help you fix issues in your Amazon Kendra search results.
My search results are not relevant to my search query
If your search results seem irrelevant, it might be for the following reasons:
Results with LOW confidence are included in the results. You can filter out results with LOW
confidence by using the QueryResultItem's ScoreAttributes field to exclude any result
with a value of LOW. Amazon Kendra assigns each result a confidence bucket value of either
VERY_HIGH, HIGH, MEDIUM and LOW. These values indicate the level of confidence that a result
is relevant to a query. Also, irrespective of confidence buckets, Amazon Kendra returns three
types of results in the following order: ANSWER (suggested answer excerpt), QUESTION_ANSWER
(FAQ) and DOCUMENT (document excerpt). Therefore, it is possible for a LOW confidence
QUESTION_ANSWER result to be positioned above a VERY_HIGH confidence DOCUMENT result.
However, it isn't always necessarily true that LOW confidence QUESTION_ANSWER is a better
result than the VERY_HIGH confidence DOCUMENT.
Certain metadata fields or attributes are boosted to a very high value, affecting the ranking
of results. Amazon Kendra searches your index using multiple parameters such as document
title, text, date, and custom text fields or attributes. You can experiment with different boosting
values to get the best results across all queries. You can also use dynamic relevance tuning at the
query level to use different boosting values for each query.
Your users are using specialized terms when they query for information and there's no custom
synonyms set up for your index to handle these specialized terms. For more details on how and
when to use synonyms, see Adding custom synonyms to an index.
I am getting an authorization error when using a SharePoint data source 1301
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Why do I only see 100 results?
Amazon Kendra returns the total count of relevant documents. The top 100 are returned per query
by default. The results are paginated. You can use PageNumber to access different pages.
You can configure Amazon Kendra to return up to 1,000 documents or search results per query,
with up to 100 results per page. To return more than 100 results, you can request this by
contacting Quotas Support. Increasing the number of search results could impact latency.
Why are documents that I expect to see missing?
Amazon Kendra supports access control lists (ACLs) based on user and groups. Amazon Kendra
ingests ACL policies via connectors. If an index does not configure an ACL, only documents
matching the attribute filter for user and group will be shown. If a user or group attribute filter is
provided, documents without an ACL will not be shown.
If you are using token-based access control, documents without an ACL policy and documents that
match the user and groups will be shown.
Why do I see documents that have an ACL policy?
If an index does not configure an access control policy, then user and groups can be provided by
the filter. If no user and group filter is applied, then all related documents will be returned. Any ACL
policy will be ignored.
Troubleshooting general issues
Amazon Kendra uses CloudWatch metrics and logs to provide insight into synchronizing your data
sources. You can use the metrics and logs to determine what went wrong with a synchronization
run and how to fix it.
For general troubleshooting, start with your CloudWatch metrics.
Check the DocumentsCrawled metric to see how many documents your data source checked.
For an Amazon S3 bucket, if the number is less than you expect, check that your data source is
pointing to the right bucket.
Check the DocumentsSkippedNoChange metric to see how many documents were skipped
because they haven't changed since the last synchronization. If the number does not match what
you expect, check that your repository was updated correctly.
Why do I only see 100 results? 1302
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Check the DocumentsSkippedInvalidMetadata metric to see how many documents had
invalid metadata. Check your CloudWatch logs to see the specific errors that occurred.
Check the DocumentsSubmittedForIndexingFailed metric to see how many documents
were sent from the data source to the index but failed to be indexed. For example, if you use
a metadata attribute in an Amazon S3 data source that hasn't been defined as a custom index
field, the document will not be indexed. Check your CloudWatch logs to see the specific errors
that occurred.
Check the DocumentsSubmittedForDeletionFailed metric to see how many documents
that the data source attempted to remove from the index failed to be deleted from the index.
Check your CloudWatch logs to see the specific errors that occurred.
You can look at the CloudWatch logs for a particular synchronization run to get details of the errors
that occurred during the run. For more information about CloudWatch logs with Amazon Kendra,
see CloudWatch Logs.
Troubleshooting general issues 1303
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking
Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking uses Amazon Kendra semantic search capabilities to
intelligently re-rank a search service's results.
Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking for self-managed OpenSearch
Semantically ranking a search service's results
Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking for self-managed
You can leverage Amazon Kendra's semantic search capabilities to improve search results from
OpenSearch, the self managed open source search service based on the Apache 2.0 License. The
Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking plugin semantically re-ranks OpenSearch's results using
Amazon Kendra. It does this by understanding the meaning and context of a search query using
specific fields, such as the document body or title, from the default OpenSearch search results.
Take, for example, this query: "main keynote address". Since 'address' has several meanings,
Amazon Kendra can infer the meaning behind the query to return relevant information aligned
with the intended meaning. In this context, it's a conference keynote address. A simpler search
service might not take into account the intent and could possibly return results for a street address
on Main Street, for example.
The Intelligent Ranking plugin for OpenSearch is available for OpenSearch (self managed) version
2.4.0 and later. You can install the plugin using a quick start Bash script to build a new Docker
image of OpenSearch with the Intelligent Ranking plugin included. See Setting up the intelligent
search plugin—this is an example of a setup to get you up and running quickly.
How the intelligent search plugin works
The overall process of the Intelligent Ranking plugin for OpenSearch (self managed) is as follows:
1. An OpenSearch user issues a query, and OpenSearch provides a query response or a list of
documents that are relevant to the query.
2. The Intelligent Ranking plugin takes the query response and extracts information from the
Intelligent Ranking for self-managed OpenSearch 1304
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
3. The Intelligent Ranking plugin makes a call to Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking's Rescore API.
The Rescore API takes the extracted information from the documents and semantically re-
ranks the search results.
The Rescore API sends the re-ranked search results back to the plugin. The plugin re-arranges
the search results in the OpenSearch search response to reflect the new semantic ranking.
The Intelligent Ranking plugin re-ranks results using the "body" and "title" fields. These plugin
fields can be mapped to fields in your OpenSearch index that would most fit the definition of a
document body and title. For example, if your index contains chapters of a book with fields like
"chapter_heading" and "chapter_contents", you can map the former to "title" and the latter to
"body" to get the best results.
Setting up the intelligent search plugin
The following outlines how to quickly set up OpenSearch (self managed) with the Intelligent
Ranking plugin.
Setting up OpenSearch (self managed) with the Intelligent Ranking plugin (quick setup)
If you are already using Docker image opensearch:2.4.0, you can use this Dockerfile to build
a new image of OpenSearch 2.4.0 with the Intelligent Ranking plugin. You include a container
for the new image in your docker-compose.yml file or opensearch.yml file. You also include your
generated rescore execution plan ID from creating a rescore execution plan, along with your region
and endpoint information—see step 2 for creating a rescore execution plan.
If you had previously downloaded a version of the opensearch Docker image that's older than
2.4.0, you must use Docker image opensearch:2.4.0 or later and build a new image with the
Intelligent Ranking plugin included.
1. Download and install Docker Desktop for your operating system. Docker Desktop includes
Docker Compose and Docker Engine. It's recommended that you check whether your computer
meets the system requirements mentioned in the Docker installation details.
You can also increase your memory usage requirements within the settings of your Docker
Desktop. You are responsible for the usage requirements of Docker outside the freely available
usage limits for Docker services. See Docker subscriptions.
Check Docker Desktop status is "running".
Setting up the intelligent search plugin 1305
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
2. Provision Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking and your capacity requirements. Once you
provision Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking, you are charged hourly based on your set
capacity units. See free tier and pricing information.
You use the CreateRescoreExecutionPlan API to provision the Rescore API. If you don't need
more capacity units than the single unit default, don't add more units and provide only a name
for your rescore execution plan. You can also update your capacity requirements by using the
UpdateRescoreExecutionPlan API. For more information, see Semantically ranking a search
service's results.
Optionally, you can go to step 3 to create a default rescore execution plan when you run the
quick start Bash script.
Note for step 4 the rescore execution plan ID included in the response.
aws kendra-ranking create-rescore-execution-plan \
--name MyRescoreExecutionPlan \
--capacity-units '{"RescoreCapacityUnits":<integer number of additional
capacity units>}'
"Id": "<rescore execution plan ID>",
"Arn": "arn:aws:kendra-ranking:<region>:<account-id>:rescore-execution-plan/
import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
import pprint
import time
kendra_ranking = boto3.client("kendra-ranking")
print("Create a rescore execution plan.")
Setting up the intelligent search plugin 1306
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
# Provide a name for the rescore execution plan
name = "MyRescoreExecutionPlan"
# Set your required additional capacity units
# Don't set capacity units if you don't require more than 1 unit given by
capacity_units = 1
rescore_execution_plan_response =
Name = name,
CapacityUnits = {"RescoreCapacityUnits":capacity_units}
rescore_execution_plan_id = rescore_execution_plan_response["Id"]
print("Wait for Amazon Kendra to create the rescore execution plan.")
while True:
# Get the details of the rescore execution plan, such as the status
rescore_execution_plan_description =
Id = rescore_execution_plan_id
# When status is not CREATING quit.
status = rescore_execution_plan_description["Status"]
print(" Creating rescore execution plan. Status: "+status)
if status != "CREATING":
except ClientError as e:
print("%s" % e)
print("Program ends.")
3. Download the quick start Bash script from GitHub for your version of OpenSearch by selecting
the version branch from the main branch dropdown.
This script uses Docker images for OpenSearch and OpenSearch Dashboards using your version
you selected on the GitHub repository for the script. It downloads a zip file for the Intelligent
Setting up the intelligent search plugin 1307
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Ranking plugin, and generates a Dockerfile to build a new Docker image of OpenSearch
that includes the plugin. It also creates a docker-compose.yml file that includes containers
for OpenSearch with the Intelligent Ranking plugin and OpenSearch Dashboards. The script
adds your rescore execution plan ID, region information, and endpoint (uses the region) to the
docker-compose.yml file. The script then runs docker-compose up to start the containers
for OpenSearch with Intelligent Ranking included and OpenSearch Dashboards. To stop the
containers without removing them, run docker-compose stop. To remove the containers,
run docker-compose down.
4. Open your terminal and in the directory of the Bash script, run the following command.
bash -p <execution-plan-id> -r <region>
When you run this command, you provide the rescore execution plan ID that you noted in
step 2 when you provisioned Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking, along with your region
information. Optionally, you can instead provision Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking by using
the --create-execution-plan option. This creates a rescore execution plan with a default
name and default capacity.
To not lose your index when the default ephemeral container is removed, you can have your
index persist across executions by providing the data volume name using the --volume-
name option. If you previously created an index, you can specify the volume in your docker-
compose.yml or opensearch.yml file. To leave your volumes intact, don't run docker-
compose down -v.
The quick start Bash script configures your AWS credentials in the OpenSearch keystore
to connect to Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking. To provide your AWS credentials to the
script, use the --profile option to specify the AWS profile. If the --profile option is not
specified, then the quick start Bash script attempts to read AWS credentials (access/secret key,
optional session token) from environment variables, and then from the default AWS profile.
If the --profile option is not specified and no credentials are found, the script won't pass
credentials to the OpenSearch keystore. If no credentials are specified in the OpenSearch
keystore, then the plugin still checks credentials in the Default Credential Provider Chain,
including Amazon ECS container credentials or instance profile credentials delivered through
the Amazon EC2 metadata service.
Setting up the intelligent search plugin 1308
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Make sure that you have created an IAM role with the necessary permissions to invoke Amazon
Kendra Intelligent Ranking. The following is an example of an IAM policy to grant permission
to use the Rescore API for a specific rescore execution plan:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "kendra-ranking:Rescore",
"Resource": "arn:aws:kendra-ranking:${Region}:${Account}:rescore-
Example of docker-compose.yml
An example of a docker-compose.yml file using OpenSearch 2.4.0 or later with the Intelligent
Ranking plugin and OpenSearch Dashboards 2.4.0 or later.
version: '3'
image: <Docker image tag name of OpenSearch with Intelligent Ranking plugin>
container_name: opensearch-node
- discovery.type=single-node
- kendra_intelligent_ranking.service.endpoint=https://kendra-
- kendra_intelligent_ranking.service.region=<region>
- kendra_intelligent_ranking.service.execution_plan_id=<rescore-execution-plan-
Setting up the intelligent search plugin 1309
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
soft: -1
hard: -1
soft: 65536
hard: 65536
- 9200:9200
- 9600:9600
- opensearch-net
image: opensearchproject/opensearch-dashboards:<your-version>
container_name: opensearch-dashboards
- 5601:5601
OPENSEARCH_HOSTS: '["https://opensearch-node:9200"]'
- opensearch-net
Example of a Dockerfile and building an image
An example of a Dockerfile for using OpenSearch 2.4.0 or later with the Intelligent Ranking
FROM opensearchproject/opensearch:<your-version>
RUN /usr/share/opensearch/bin/opensearch-plugin install --batch
Building a Docker image for OpenSearch with the Intelligent Ranking plugin.
docker build --tag=<Docker image tag name of OpenSearch with Intelligent Ranking
Interacting with the intelligent search plugin
Once you have set up OpenSearch (self managed) with the Intelligent Ranking plugin, you
can interact with the plugin using curl commands or OpenSearch client libraries. The default
Interacting with the intelligent search plugin 1310
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
credentials for accessing OpenSearch with the Intelligent Ranking plugin are user name 'admin' and
password 'admin'.
To apply the Intelligent Ranking plugin settings to an OpenSearch index:
curl -XPUT "https://localhost:9200/<your-docs-index>/_settings" -u 'admin:admin' --
insecure -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
"index": {
"plugin" : {
"searchrelevance" : {
"result_transformer" : {
"kendra_intelligent_ranking": {
"order": 1,
"properties": {
"title_field": "title_field_name_here",
"body_field": "body_field_name_here"
pip install opensearch-py
from opensearchpy import OpenSearch
host = 'localhost'
port = 9200
auth = ('admin', 'admin')
client = OpenSearch(
hosts = [{'host': host, 'port': port}],
http_compress = True, # enables gzip compression for request bodies
http_auth = auth,
# client_cert = client_cert_path,
# client_key = client_key_path,
Interacting with the intelligent search plugin 1311
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
use_ssl = True,
verify_certs = False,
ssl_assert_hostname = False,
ssl_show_warn = False,
ca_certs = ca_certs_path
setting_body = {
"index": {
"plugin" : {
"searchrelevance" : {
"result_transformer" : {
"kendra_intelligent_ranking": {
"order": 1,
"properties": {
"title_field": "title_field_name_here",
"body_field": "body_field_name_here"
response = client.indices.put_settings(index_name, body=setting_body)
You must include the name of the main text field you want to use to re-rank on, such as a
document body or document contents field. You can also include other text fields, such as
document title or document summary.
Now you can issue any query and the results are ranked using the Intelligent Ranking plugin.
curl -XGET "https://localhost:9200/<your-docs-index>/_search?pretty" -u
'admin:admin' --insecure -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
"query" : {
"match" : {
"body_field_name_here": "intelligent systems"
Interacting with the intelligent search plugin 1312
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
from opensearchpy import OpenSearch
host = 'localhost'
port = 9200
auth = ('admin', 'admin')
client = OpenSearch(
hosts = [{'host': host, 'port': port}],
http_compress = True, # enables gzip compression for request bodies
http_auth = auth,
# client_cert = client_cert_path,
# client_key = client_key_path,
use_ssl = True,
verify_certs = False,
ssl_assert_hostname = False,
ssl_show_warn = False,
ca_certs = ca_certs_path
query = {
'size': 10,
"query" : {
"match" : {
"body_field_name_here": "intelligent systems"
response =
body = query,
index = index_name
print('\nSearch results:')
To remove the Intelligent Ranking plugin settings for an OpenSearch index:
Interacting with the intelligent search plugin 1313
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
curl -XPUT "http://localhost:9200/<your-docs-index>/_settings" -H 'Content-Type:
application/json' -d'
"index": {
"plugin": {
"searchrelevance": {
"result_transformer": {
"kendra_intelligent_ranking.*": null
from opensearchpy import OpenSearch
host = 'localhost'
port = 9200
auth = ('admin', 'admin')
client = OpenSearch(
hosts = [{'host': host, 'port': port}],
http_compress = True, # enables gzip compression for request bodies
http_auth = auth,
# client_cert = client_cert_path,
# client_key = client_key_path,
use_ssl = True,
verify_certs = False,
ssl_assert_hostname = False,
ssl_show_warn = False,
ca_certs = ca_certs_path
setting_body = {
"index": {
"plugin": {
"searchrelevance": {
"result_transformer": {
"kendra_intelligent_ranking.*": null
Interacting with the intelligent search plugin 1314
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
response = client.indices.put_settings(index_name, body=setting_body)
To test the Intelligent Ranking plugin on a certain query or to test on certain body and title fields:
curl -XGET "https://localhost:9200/<your-docs-index>/_search?pretty" -u
'admin:admin' --insecure -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
"query": {
"multi-match": {
"query": "intelligent systems",
"fields": ["body_field_name_here", "title_field_name_here"]
"size": 25,
"ext": {
"search_configuration": {
"result_transformer": {
"kendra_intelligent_ranking": {
"order": 1,
"properties": {
"title_field": "title_field_name_here",
"body_field": "body_field_name_here"
from opensearchpy import OpenSearch
host = 'localhost'
Interacting with the intelligent search plugin 1315
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
port = 9200
auth = ('admin', 'admin')
client = OpenSearch(
hosts = [{'host': host, 'port': port}],
http_compress = True, # enables gzip compression for request bodies
http_auth = auth,
# client_cert = client_cert_path,
# client_key = client_key_path,
use_ssl = True,
verify_certs = False,
ssl_assert_hostname = False,
ssl_show_warn = False,
ca_certs = ca_certs_path
# Index settings null for kendra_intelligent_ranking
query = {
"query": {
"multi_match": {
"query": "intelligent systems",
"fields": ["body_field_name_here", "title_field_name_here"]
"size": 25,
"ext": {
"search_configuration": {
"result_transformer": {
"kendra_intelligent_ranking": {
"order": 1,
"properties": {
"title_field": "title_field_name_here",
"body_field": "body_field_name_here"
response =
body = query,
index = index_name
Interacting with the intelligent search plugin 1316
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
print('\nSearch results:')
Comparing OpenSearch results with Amazon Kendra results
You can compare side-by-side OpenSearch (self managed) ranked results against Amazon Kendra's
re-ranked results. OpenSearch Dashboards version 2.4.0 and later offers side-by-side results so that
you can compare how OpenSearch ranks documents with how Amazon Kendra or the plugin ranks
documents for a search query.
Before you can compare OpenSearch ranked results against Amazon Kendra re-ranked results,
make sure your OpenSearch Dashboards is backed by an OpenSearch server with the Intelligent
Ranking plugin. You can set this up using Docker and a quick start Bash script. See Setting up the
intelligent search plugin.
The following outlines how to compare OpenSearch and Amazon Kendra search results in
OpenSearch Dashboards. For more information, see the OpenSearch Documentation.
Comparing search results in OpenSearch Dashboards
1. Open http://localhost:5601 and sign in to OpenSearch Dashboards. The default credentials
are user name 'admin' and password 'admin'.
2. Select Search Relevance from the OpenSearch plugins in the navigation menu.
3. Enter the search text in the search bar.
4. Select your index for Query 1 and enter a query in the OpenSearch Query DSL. You can use
the %SearchText% variable to refer to the search text you entered in the search bar. For an
example of this query, see OpenSearch Documentation. The results returned for this query are
the OpenSearch results without using the Intelligent Ranking plugin.
5. Select the same index for Query 2 and enter the same query in the OpenSearch Query DSL.
In addition, include the extension with kendra_intelligent_ranking and specify the
mandatory body_field to rank on. You can also specify the title field, but the body field
is mandatory. For an example of this query, see OpenSearch Documentation. The results
returned for this query are the Amazon Kendra re-ranked results using the Intelligent Ranking
plugin. The plugin ranks up to 25 results.
6. Select Search to return and compare results.
Comparing OpenSearch results with Amazon Kendra results 1317
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Semantically ranking a search service's results
Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking uses Amazon Kendra's semantic search capabilities to re-rank
a search service's results. It does this by taking into account the search query's context, plus all the
available information from the search service documents. Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking can
improve simple keyword matching.
The CreateRescoreExecutionPlan API creates an Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking resource used
for provisioning the Rescore API. The Rescore API re-ranks search results from a search service
such as OpenSearch (self managed).
When you call CreateRescoreExecutionPlan, you set your required capacity units for re-
ranking a search service's results. If you don't need more capacity units beyond the single unit
default, don't change the default. Provide only a name for your rescore execution plan. You can set
up to 1000 extra units. For information on what is included in a single capacity unit, see Adjusting
capacity. Once you provision Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking, you are charged hourly based on
your set capacity units. See free tier and pricing information.
A rescore execution plan ID is generated and returned in the response when you call
CreateRescoreExecutionPlan. The Rescore API uses the rescore execution plan ID to re-rank
a search service's results using the capacity you set. You include the rescore execution plan ID in
the configuration files of your search service. For example, if you use OpenSearch (self managed),
you include the rescore execution plan ID in your docker-compose.yml or opensearch.yml file—see
Intelligently ranking OpenSearch (self service) results.
An Amazon Resource Name (ARN) is also generated in the response when you call
CreateRescoreExecutionPlan. You can use this ARN to create a permissions policy in AWS
Identity and Access Management (IAM) to restrict user access to a specific ARN for a specific rescore
execution plan. For an example of an IAM policy to grant permission to use the Rescore API
for a specific rescore execution plan, see Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking for self-managed
The following is an example of creating a rescore execution plan with capacity units set to 1.
aws kendra-ranking create-rescore-execution-plan \
--name MyRescoreExecutionPlan \
--capacity-units '{"RescoreCapacityUnits":1}'
Semantically ranking a search service's results 1318
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
"Id": "<rescore execution plan ID>",
"Arn": "arn:aws:kendra-ranking:<region>:<account-id>:rescore-execution-plan/
import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
import pprint
import time
kendra_ranking = boto3.client("kendra-ranking")
print("Create a rescore execution plan.")
# Provide a name for the rescore execution plan
name = "MyRescoreExecutionPlan"
# Set your required additional capacity units
# Don't set capacity units if you don't require more than 1 unit given by default
capacity_units = 1
rescore_execution_plan_response = kendra_ranking.create_rescore_execution_plan(
Name = name,
CapacityUnits = {"RescoreCapacityUnits":capacity_units}
rescore_execution_plan_id = rescore_execution_plan_response["Id"]
print("Wait for Amazon Kendra to create the rescore execution plan.")
while True:
# Get the details of the rescore execution plan, such as the status
rescore_execution_plan_description =
Id = rescore_execution_plan_id
Semantically ranking a search service's results 1319
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
# When status is not CREATING quit.
status = rescore_execution_plan_description["Status"]
print(" Creating rescore execution plan. Status: "+status)
if status != "CREATING":
except ClientError as e:
print("%s" % e)
print("Program ends.")
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
public class CreateRescoreExecutionPlanExample {
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
String rescoreExecutionPlanName = "MyRescoreExecutionPlan";
int capacityUnits = 1;
KendraRankingClient kendraRankingClient = KendraRankingClient.builder().build();
System.out.println(String.format("Creating a rescore execution plan named %s",
Semantically ranking a search service's results 1320
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
CreateRescoreExecutionPlanResponse createResponse =
String rescoreExecutionPlanId =;
System.out.println(String.format("Waiting for rescore execution plan with id %s
to finish creating.", rescoreExecutionPlanId));
while (true) {
DescribeRescoreExecutionPlanResponse describeResponse =
RescoreExecutionPlanStatus rescoreExecutionPlanStatus =
if (rescoreExecutionPlanStatus != RescoreExecutionPlanStatus.CREATING) {
System.out.println("Rescore execution plan creation is complete.");
The following is an example of updating a rescore execution plan to set capacity units to 2.
aws kendra-ranking update-rescore-execution-plan \
--id <rescore execution plan ID> \
--capacity-units '{"RescoreCapacityUnits":2}'
Semantically ranking a search service's results 1321
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
import pprint
import time
kendra_ranking = boto3.client("kendra-ranking")
print("Update a rescore execution plan.")
# Provide the ID of the rescore execution plan
id = <rescore execution plan ID>
# Re-set your required additional capacity units
capacity_units = 2
Id = id,
CapacityUnits = {"RescoreCapacityUnits":capacity_units}
print("Wait for Amazon Kendra to update the rescore execution plan.")
while True:
# Get the details of the rescore execution plan, such as the status
rescore_execution_plan_description =
Id = id
# When status is not UPDATING quit.
status = rescore_execution_plan_description["Status"]
print(" Updating rescore execution plan. Status: "+status)
if status != "UPDATING":
except ClientError as e:
print("%s" % e)
print("Program ends.")
Semantically ranking a search service's results 1322
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
public class UpdateRescoreExecutionPlanExample {
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
String rescoreExecutionPlanId = <rescore execution plan ID>;
int newCapacityUnits = 2;
KendraRankingClient kendraRankingClient = KendraRankingClient.builder().build();
System.out.println(String.format("Updating a rescore execution plan named %s",
UpdateRescoreExecutionPlanResponse updateResponse =
System.out.println(String.format("Waiting for rescore execution plan with id %s
to finish updating.", rescoreExecutionPlanId));
Semantically ranking a search service's results 1323
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
while (true) {
DescribeRescoreExecutionPlanResponse describeResponse =
RescoreExecutionPlanStatus rescoreExecutionPlanStatus =
if (rescoreExecutionPlanStatus != RescoreExecutionPlanStatus.UPDATING) {
System.out.println("Rescore execution plan update is complete.");
The following is an example of using the Rescore API.
aws kendra-ranking rescore \
--rescore-execution-plan-id <rescore execution plan ID> \
--search-query "intelligent systems" \
--documents "[{\"Id\": \"DocId1\",\"Title\": \"Smart systems\", \"Body\":
\"intelligent systems in everyday life\",\"OriginalScore\": 2.0}, {\"Id\":
\"DocId2\",\"Title\": \"Smarter systems\", \"Body\": \"living with intelligent
systems\",\"OriginalScore\": 1.0}]"
import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
import pprint
kendra_ranking = boto3.client("kendra-ranking")
print("Use the Rescore API.")
# Provide the ID of the rescore execution plan
Semantically ranking a search service's results 1324
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
id = <rescore execution plan ID>
# The search query from the search service
query = "intelligent systems"
# The list of documents for Intelligent Ranking to rescore
document_list = [
{"Id": "DocId1", "Title": "Smart systems", "Body": "intelligent systems in
everyday life", "OriginalScore": 2.0},
{"Id": "DocId2", "Title": "Smarter systems", "Body": "living with intelligent
systems", "OriginalScore": 1.0}
rescore_response = kendra_ranking.rescore(
rescore_execution_plan_id = id,
search_query = query,
documents = document_list
except ClientError as e:
print("%s" % e)
print("Program ends.")
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class RescoreExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String rescoreExecutionPlanId = <rescore execution plan ID>;
String query = "intelligent systems";
Semantically ranking a search service's results 1325
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
List<Document> documentList = new ArrayList<>();
.body("intelligent systems in everyday life")
.title("Smart systems")
.body("living with intelligent systems")
.title("Smarter systems")
KendraRankingClient kendraRankingClient = KendraRankingClient.builder().build();
RescoreResponse rescoreResponse = kendraRankingClient.rescore(
Semantically ranking a search service's results 1326
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
Document history for Amazon Kendra
Latest documentation update: February 27, 2024
The following table describes important changes in each release of Amazon Kendra. For
notification about updates to this documentation, you can subscribe to the RSS feed.
Change Description Date
New feature Amazon Kendra now supports
an updated version of the
GitHub data source connector
. For more information, see
February 27, 2024
New feature Amazon Kendra now supports
an updated versions of
the Amazon FSx data
source connector. For more
information, see Amazon FSx
(Windows) and Amazon FSx
(NetApp ONTAP).
February 8, 2024
New feature Amazon Kendra now supports
an updated version of the
Slack data source connector
. For more information, see
January 11, 2024
New feature Amazon Kendra now supports
collapsing and expanding
your search results. For more
information, see Collapsing/
expanding search results.
October 19, 2023
New feature Amazon Kendra now supports
an Aurora (MySQL) data
September 28, 2023
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
source connector. For more
information, see Aurora
New feature Amazon Kendra now supports
an Aurora (PostgreSQL) data
source connector. For more
information, see Aurora
September 28, 2023
New feature Amazon Kendra now supports
an Amazon RDS (MySQL) data
source connector. For more
information, see Amazon RDS
September 28, 2023
New feature Amazon Kendra now supports
an Amazon RDS (Microsof
t SQL Server) data source
connector. For more informati
on, see Amazon RDS (Microsof
t SQL Server).
September 28, 2023
New feature Amazon Kendra now supports
an Amazon RDS (Oracle) data
source connector. For more
information, see Amazon RDS
September 28, 2023
New feature Amazon Kendra now supports
an Amazon RDS (PostgreS
QL) data source connector
. For more information, see
Amazon RDS (PostgreSQL).
September 28, 2023
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
New feature Amazon Kendra now supports
a IBM DB2 data source
connector. For more informati
on, see IBM DB2.
September 28, 2023
New feature Amazon Kendra now supports
a Microsoft SQL Server data
source connector. For more
information, see Microsoft
SQL Server.
September 28, 2023
New feature Amazon Kendra now supports
a MySQL data source
connector. For more informati
on, see MySQL.
September 28, 2023
New feature Amazon Kendra now supports
an Oracle Database data
source connector. For more
information, see Oracle
September 28, 2023
New feature Amazon Kendra now supports
a PostgreSQL data source
connector. For more informati
on, see PostgreSQL.
September 28, 2023
New feature Amazon Kendra now provides
a data source connector for
Drupal. For more information,
see Drupal.
September 6, 2023
New feature Retrieve semantically
relevant passages using the
Amazon Kendra Retrieve
API for retrieval augmented
generation (RAG) systems.
June 22, 2023
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
New feature Amazon Kendra now supports
an updated version of the
Amazon Kendra Web Crawler
data source connector.
For more information, see
Amazon Kendra Web Crawler
June 21, 2023
Region expansion Amazon Kendra is now
available in Europe (London)
June 5, 2023
New feature Amazon Kendra now supports
an updated version of
the Alfresco data source
connector. For more informati
on, see Alfresco.
May 16, 2023
New feature Amazon Kendra now provides
a data source connector for
Adobe Experience Manager.
For more information, see
Adobe Experience Manager.
May 11, 2023
New feature Amazon Kendra now supports
configuring document
fields/attributes when you
call GetQuerySuggestion
s. You can now base query
suggestions on the contents
of document fields. For
more information, see Query
May 2, 2023
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
New feature Amazon Kendra now provides
a data source connector for
Gmail. For more information,
see Gmail.
April 13, 2023
New feature Amazon Kendra now supports
an updated version of the
Microsoft OneDrive data
source connector. For more
information, see Microsoft
OneDrive v2.0.
April 3, 2023
New feature Improve the visibility of
new documents or promote
certain documents when your
users type certain queries
using Featured results.
March 30, 2023
New feature Amazon Kendra now supports
an updated data source
connector for Microsoft
SharePoint. For more
information, see Microsoft
March 2, 2023
New feature Amazon Kendra now supports
an updated version of the
Confluence data source
connector. For more informati
on, see Confluence.
March 1, 2023
Region expansion Amazon Kendra is now
available in Asia Pacific
(Tokyo) (ap-northeast-1).
February 7, 2023
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
New feature Amazon Kendra now provides
a data source connector for
Microsoft Exchange. For more
information, see Microsoft
January 12, 2023
New feature Amazon Kendra now provides
a data source connector for
Microsoft Yammer. For more
information, see Microsoft
January 12, 2023
New feature Amazon Kendra now supports
indexing RTF, XML, XSLT,
MD document types. For more
information, see Types of
January 11, 2023
New feature Amazon Kendra now supports
an updated version of the
Amazon S3 data source
connector. For more informati
on, see Amazon S3.
January 10, 2023
New feature OpenSearch (self managed)
search results can be
semantically ranked using
Amazon Kendra Intelligent
January 9, 2023
New feature Amazon Kendra now provides
a data source connector for
Microsoft Teams. For more
information, see Microsoft
January 5, 2023
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
New feature Amazon Kendra has an
updated data source
connector for Google Drive.
For more information, see
Google Drive .
January 5, 2023
New feature Amazon Kendra has an
updated data source
connector for ServiceNow.
For more information, see
December 21, 2022
New feature Amazon Kendra has an
updated data source
connector for Salesforce.
For more information, see
December 21, 2022
Region expansion Amazon Kendra is now
available in Asia Pacific
(Mumbai) (ap-south-1).
December 14, 2022
New feature Amazon Kendra's tabular
search feature can search
and extract answers from
tables embedded in HTML
November 27, 2022
New feature Amazon Kendra supports
semantic search for a select
set of languages.
November 27, 2022
New feature Amazon Kendra now provides
a data source connector for
Dropbox. For more informati
on, see Dropbox.
September 27, 2022
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
New feature Amazon Kendra now provides
a data source connector for
Zendesk. For more informati
on, see Zendesk.
August 17, 2022
New feature Document level access
control can now be re-
configured after you index
your documents. For more
information, see Access
control configuration.
July 14, 2022
New feature Amazon Kendra now provides
a data source connector for
Alfresco. For more informati
on, see Alfresco.
June 30, 2022
New feature Amazon Kendra now provides
a data source connector for
GitHub. For more information,
see GitHub.
June 2, 2022
New feature Amazon Kendra now provides
a data source connector for
Jira. For more information,
see Jira.
May 12, 2022
New feature Nested facets within a facet
can be displayed in the search
results. For more information,
see Facets.
May 5, 2022
New feature Amazon Kendra now provides
a data source connector for
Quip. For more information,
see Quip.
April 19, 2022
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
New feature Amazon Kendra now provides
a data source connector for
Box. For more information,
see Box.
April 6, 2022
New feature Amazon Kendra now provides
a data source connector for
Slack. For more information,
see Slack.
March 14, 2022
New feature Amazon Kendra now provides
a data source connector
for Amazon FSx. For more
information, see Amazon FSx.
February 8, 2022
AWS managed policy updates
- New policies
Amazon Kendra added new
AWS managed policies. For
more information, see AWS
Managed policies for Amazon
January 3, 2022
New feature Amazon Kendra search
application can be deployed
in a few clicks without the
need for any front-end code.
For more information, see
Deploying a search applicati
on with no code.
December 1, 2021
New feature Document metadata and
content can be enriched
during the document
ingestion process. For more
information, see Customizing
document metadata during
the ingestion process.
December 1, 2021
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
New feature Amazon Kendra offers
search analytics to gain
useful insights into your
search application. For more
information, see Gaining
insights with search analytics.
December 1, 2021
Region expansion Amazon Kendra is now
available in AWS GovCloud
(US-West) (us-gov-west-1).
October 13, 2021
New feature Amazon Kendra can now
index documents in multiple
languages and filter search
results by language. See
Adding documents in
languages other than English
and Searching in languages.
October 7, 2021
New feature Amazon Kendra now
integrates with Identity
Center directory to fetch
access levels of groups and
users for user context filtering
. See User-group configura
tion for IAM Identity Center.
October 6, 2021
New tutorial Amazon Kendra now provides
a tutorial that walks you
through how to build a
metadata-enriched search
solution. See Building an
intelligent search solution.
August 13, 2021
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
New feature Amazon Kendra now provides
a data source connector for
Amazon WorkDocs. For more
information, see Amazon
July 20, 2021
New feature Amazon Kendra now provides
a web crawler to crawl and
index webpages. For more
information, see Web crawler.
June 17, 2021
Region expansion Amazon Kendra is now
available in Canada (Central)
June 16, 2021
Region expansion Amazon Kendra is now
available in US East (Ohio)
June 7, 2021
New feature Amazon Kendra now supports
query suggestions, where
users are suggested popular
queries relevant to their
search. For more informati
on, see Suggesting popular
search queries.
May 27, 2021
AWS managed policy updates
- New policies
Amazon Kendra added new
AWS managed policies. For
more information, see AWS
Managed policies for Amazon
May 27, 2021
Region expansion Amazon Kendra is now
available in Asia Pacific
(Singapore) (ap-southeast-1).
May 5, 2021
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
New feature Amazon Kendra now supports
tuning search relevance
in the query by overriding
tuning configurations set
at the index level. For more
information, see Tuning
search relevance and Tuning
April 20, 2021
New feature Amazon Kendra now supports
OAuth 2.0 authentication and
using ServiceNow queries
to select documents for
indexing. For more informati
on, see ServiceNow.
April 1, 2021
New feature Amazon Kendra now supports
incremental learning for
FAQ documents. For more
information, see Submittin
g feedback for incremental
February 17, 2021
New feature Amazon Kendra now supports
index synonyms. For more
information, see Adding
synonyms to an index.
December 10, 2020
New feature Amazon Kendra now provides
a data base connector for
Google Workspace Drive. For
more information, see Using a
Google Workspace Drive data
December 8, 2020
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
New feature Amazon Kendra now provides
a JavaScript library that
makes it easier for you to
provide query feedback to
Amazon Kendra. For more
information, see Submitting
December 8, 2020
New feature Amazon Kendra now supports
token-based user access
control. For more informati
on, see Controlling access to
documents in an index.
November 5, 2020
New feature The Amazon Kendra
Confluence data source
connector now works with
Confluence cloud. For more
information, see Using a
Confluence data source.
November 5, 2020
Region expansion Amazon Kendra is now
available in Asia Pacific
(Sydney) (ap-southeast-2).
November 2, 2020
New feature Amazon Kendra now provides
a data source connector for
Confluence server. For more
information, see Using a
Confluence data source.
October 26, 2020
New feature Amazon Kendra now provides
a data source that you can
use to generate statistics for
your custom connectors. For
more information, see Using a
custom data source.
October 21, 2020
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
New feature Amazon Kendra now supports
custom attributes for
frequently asked questions
. For more information,
see Adding questions and
September 17, 2020
New feature Amazon Kendra now returns
confidence scores for query
results. For more information,
see QueryResultItem.
September 15, 2020
New feature AWS CloudFormation now
supports Amazon Kendra.
For more information, see
Amazon Kendra resource type
reference - AWS CloudForm
September 10, 2020
New feature Amazon Kendra adds support
for AWS PrivateLink. For more
information, see Amazon
Kendra and interface VPC
endpoints (AWS PrivateLink).
July 7, 2020
New guide This is the first release of the
Amazon Kendra Developer
May 11, 2020
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
API reference
The API reference documentation is now a separate guide.
Amazon Kendra Developer Guide
AWS Glossary
For the latest AWS terminology, see the AWS glossary in the AWS Glossary Reference.