Unlimited Release
Printed March 2014
The Advanced Microgrid
Integration and Interoperability
Ward Bower, Ward Bower Innovations LLC
Dan Ton, U.S. Department of Energy; Office of Electricity Delivery & Energy Reliability
Ross Guttromson, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Glover, Sandia National Laboratories
Jason Stamp, Sandia National Laboratories
Dhruv Bhatnagar, Sandia National Laboratories
Jim Reilly, Reilly Associates
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The Advanced Microgrid: Integration and Interoperability
Unlimited Release
Printed March 2014
The Advanced Microgrid
Integration and Interoperability
Ward Bower, Ward Bower Innovations LLC
Dan Ton, U.S. Department of Energy; Office of Electricity Delivery & Energy Reliability
Ross Guttromson, Sandia National Laboratories, Electric Power Systems Research Dept.
Steve Glover, Sandia National Laboratories, Electrical Science and Experiments Dept.
Jason Stamp, Sandia National Laboratories, Military and Energy Systems Analysis Dept.
Dhruv Bhatnagar, Sandia National Laboratories, Electric Power Systems Research Dept.
Jim Reilly, Reilly Associates
Sandia National Laboratories
P.O. Box 5800
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185
This white paper focuses on advanced microgrids,” but sections do, out of necessity,
reference today’s commercially available systems and installations in order to clearly
distinguish the differences and advances. Advanced microgrids have been identified as
being a necessary part of the modern electrical grid through a two DOE microgrid
the National Institute of Standards and Technology,
Smart Grid
Interoperability Panel and other related sources.
With their grid-interconnectivity advantages, advanced microgrids will improve system
energy efficiency and reliability and provide enabling technologies for grid-independence
to end-user sites. One popular definition that has been evolved and is used in multiple
references is that a microgrid is a group of interconnected loads and distributed-energy
resources within clearly defined electrical boundaries that acts as a single controllable
entity with respect to the grid. A microgrid can connect and disconnect from the grid to
enable it to operate in both grid-connected or island-mode. Further, an advanced
microgrid can then be loosely defined as a dynamic microgrid.
The value of microgrids to protect the nation’s electrical grid from power outages is
becoming increasingly important in the face of the increased frequency and intensity of
events caused by severe weather. Advanced microgrids will serve to mitigate power
DOE Microgrid Workshop Report, Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability Smart Grid R&D
Program, http://energy.gov/oe/downloads/microgrid-workshop-report-august-2011, Aug 2011.
DOE Microgrid Workshop Report, Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability Smart Grid R&D
Program, http://energy.gov/oe/downloads/2012-doe-microgrid-workshop-summary-report-september-2012, Sep
SGIP webpage for applicable Smart Grid Interconnections, http://www.sgip.org/#sthash.6Gcyft6W.dpbs.
DOE Microgrid Workshop Report, Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability Smart Grid R&D
Program, http://energy.gov/oe/downloads/2012-doe-microgrid-workshop-summary-report-september-2012, Sep
disruption economic impacts.
Advanced microgrids will contain all the essential
elements of a large-scale grid, such as the ability to (a) balance electrical demand with
sources, (b) schedule the dispatch of resources, and (c) preserve grid reliability (both
adequacy and security). In addition to these basic features, an advanced microgrid will
also be able to interact with, connect to, and disconnect from another grid.
An advanced microgrid is aptly named “micro” in the sense that a power rating of 1 MW
(plus or minus one order of magnitude) is approximately a million times smaller than the
U.S. power grid’s peak load of 1 TW. Some of the complexities required for a large grid
such as complicated market operation systems, state estimation systems, complex
resource commitment, and dispatch algorithms will be simplified. New advanced
microgrids will enable the user the flexibility to securely manage the reliability and
resiliency of the system and connected loads. By shifting resources and partitioning the
systems in different configurations, a system-survival resiliency essentially is created.
System owners can then optimally use system resources to address threats and potential
consequences, and even respond to short-time-frame priority changes that may occur.
Whether the primary driver for establishing a microgrid is cost saving, surety, or
reliability, benefits will accrue to the system owner.
The authors wish to acknowledge the many experts that provided guidance and information for
this document. The members NIST and the Smart Grid Interoperability Panel and its
subgroups provided up-to-date and valuable information related to their proactive work on
architectures of smart grid interoperability, required standards and codes, microgrid
architecture, and testing. National laboratory experts provided guidance and are continuing
work to develop critical tools to enable advanced microgrid developments and evaluate value
added to installations of the future. Members of industry and utilities shared their experiences
with installations that are already providing highly reliable microgrids for critical loads and for
economic benefits to the owner. Thanks also to Lisa Sena-Henderson of Sandia National
Laboratories for creating many of the graphics for the document. This project was funded by
the US Department of Energy Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability Smart Grid
R&D Program.
Executive Office of the President, Economic Benefits of Increasing Electric Grid Resilience to Weather Outages,
Aug 2013.
The Advanced Microgrid: Integration and Interoperability
Acknowledgments................................................................................................................................. 4
Contents ................................................................................................................................................ 5
List of Figures ....................................................................................................................................... 6
List of Tables ........................................................................................................................................ 6
Acronyms and Abbreviations ............................................................................................................... 7
Executive Summary .............................................................................................................................. 9
1. Introduction and Background ....................................................................................................... 11
2. VisionConcept for Advanced Microgrids ................................................................................. 15
3. Advanced Microgrid Objectives ................................................................................................... 16
4. Advanced Microgrid Program Scope............................................................................................ 17
5. Advanced Microgrid Operational Modes ..................................................................................... 20
5.1 Interconnected and Islanded Operation .............................................................................. 20
5.2 Dispatched, Scheduled, and Autonomous Microgrid Operation ........................................ 20
5.3 Commanded Shutdown, Ramp-Up and Ramp-Down While Grid-Interconnected ............ 22
5.4 Black Start In an Islanded State ......................................................................................... 22
6. Advanced Microgrid System Architecture ................................................................................... 23
6.1 System Architecture ........................................................................................................... 23
6.2 Microgrid Control and Operation ....................................................................................... 24
7. Advanced Microgrid Technical Challenges.................................................................................. 25
7.1 Operations and Control ...................................................................................................... 25
7.2 Energy Storage ................................................................................................................... 27
7.3 Component Designs and Compatibility ............................................................................. 27
7.4 Analytical Tools ................................................................................................................. 29
7.5 Reliability ........................................................................................................................... 29
7.6 Communications ................................................................................................................. 30
8. List of Advanced Microgrid Development Impact Areas............................................................. 34
8.1 Regulatory Rules and Regulations ..................................................................................... 34
8.2 Advanced Microgrid System Adoption .............................................................................. 35
8.3 Consumer Awareness ......................................................................................................... 35
8.4 Customer Rights ................................................................................................................. 35
8.5 System Siting and Permitting for Interconnection ............................................................. 35
8.6 Reliability Parameters ........................................................................................................ 36
8.7 Cybersecurity ...................................................................................................................... 36
8.8 Market Access for Electric Power ...................................................................................... 36
8.9 Retail Participation ............................................................................................................. 37
8.10 Ownership .......................................................................................................................... 37
8.11 Ownership Rate Structure .................................................................................................. 37
8.12 Franchise Rights ................................................................................................................. 37
8.13 Wholesale Market Access .................................................................................................. 38
8.15 Transmission and Distribution Market Access .................................................................. 38
8.16 Value Proposition ............................................................................................................... 39
8.17 Externality Pricing .............................................................................................................. 39
8.18 Utility Revenue and Rate Models ...................................................................................... 39
8.19 Financing ............................................................................................................................ 40
8.20 Restrictions ......................................................................................................................... 40
8.21 Grid Resilience ................................................................................................................... 41
8.22 Regulatory Barriers ............................................................................................................ 42
9. “Advanced Microgrid” Considerations for Systems..................................................................... 42
9.1 Approaches to Deploying Microgrid Applications ............................................................ 42
9.2 Today’s Microgrid Installations ......................................................................................... 43
10. Standards and Codes for Advanced Microgrids ......................................................................... 44
10.1 Interconnection ................................................................................................................... 45
10.2 Microcontrollers ................................................................................................................. 47
10.3 Code Requirements ............................................................................................................ 48
10.4 The NIST Interoperability Framework ............................................................................... 48
10.5 Other Standards .................................................................................................................. 48
10.6 Special Cases ...................................................................................................................... 48
10.7 Smart Grid Interoperability Panel ...................................................................................... 49
11. Summary ..................................................................................................................................... 49
12. References ................................................................................................................................... 49
Distribution ......................................................................................................................................... 52
List of Figures
Figure 1. Increasing numbers of natural disasters in the U.S. ........................................................ 14
Figure 2. Roadmap to evolving to the dynamic microgrid............................................................. 14
Figure 3. Advanced microgrid growth showing contributors and essential technologies. ............. 15
Figure 4. Microgrid categories and examples of interconnectivity. ............................................... 17
Figure 5. Projected worldwide microgrid market (20122018). Source: Pike Research
(Forbes.com) ............................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 6. Voltage and current plot from the SEL relay for the voltage-sag event. ........................ 22
Figure 7. Sandia National Laboratories’ secure, scalable microgrid test bed: a flexible platform for
collective microgrid research, development and validations. ..................................................... 24
Figure 8. European extension of the DRGS SGIP architecture ..................................................... 24
Figure 9. Hierarchical control levels in networked microgrids (to be released Q1 2014). ............ 27
Figure 10. SEGIS interconnectivity advances applied to inverters. ............................................. 28
Figure 11. Depiction of possible energy sources and interconnects for microgrids. ................... 44
Figure 12. The IEEE 2030 suite of standards and guides for smart grids. ................................... 46
List of Tables
Table 1. Important Advanced Microgrid Contributing Elements ................................................. 18
Table 2. Today’s DOE Microgrid Program Applications—Power Categories ............................ 19
Table 3. Advanced Microgrid-Relevant IEEE Standards Description and Status ........................ 46
The Advanced Microgrid: Integration and Interoperability
Acronyms and Abbreviations
ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, & Air-Conditioning Engineers
BACnet Building Automation and Control Networks
CERTS Consortium of Electric Reliability Solutions
CHP combined heat and power
CIP critical infrastructure protection
DER distributed energy resource
DER-CAM Distributed Energy Resources Customer Adoption Model
DEWG Domain Expert Working Group
DG distributed generation
DNP3 distributed network protocol
DOE OE U.S. DOE Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability
DR distributed resource
DRGS Distributed Renewables, Generators, and Storage
DSL digital subscriber line
DSO distribution system operator
EMS energy-management system
EPS electric power system
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
ISO International Organization for Standardization
LVRT low-voltage ride through
MO market operator
μEMS microgrid energy-management system
NERC North American Electric Reliability Corporation
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
NREL National Renewable Energy Laboratory
PCC point of common coupling
PG&E Pacific Gas & Electric
PMU phasor measurement unit
PRM Performance Reliability Model
PV photovoltaic(s)
QF (FERC-jurisdictional) qualifying facility
QOS quality of service
R&D research and development
RTO Regional Transmission Operators
SCADA supervisory control and data acquisition
SEGIS Solar Energy Grid Integration Systems
SEL Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories
SGIP Smart Grid Interoperability Panel
SPIDERS Smart Power Infrastructure Demonstration for Energy Reliability and Security
T&D transmission and distribution
TMO Technology Management Optimization
UPS uninterrupted power supply
VAR Volt-Ampere reactive
VLAN virtual local-area network
The Advanced Microgrid: Integration and Interoperability
Executive Summary
This white paper is organized to provide a synopsis of many elements of microgrid component
technologies and system configurations that can subsequently be used for an “advanced microgrid”
development activity. The paper is written as a compilation of microgrid status, advanced microgrid
goals and requirements, new challenges and opportunities, tools for designs, and tools to strengthen
infrastructure and standards activities. It is written to complement workshop reports and information
provided by The United Stated Department of Energy Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy
Reliability Smart Grid R&D Program and other microgrid conference proceedings.
The introduction and background section provides reviews at an overview level but reveal today’s
critical needs such as improved resiliency of our nation’s electric grid. It includes some of the
developments leading up to today’s microgrid status and progresses to the needs for moving forward
from a disparity of microgrid ideas, designs, purposes, and control methodologies. Two DOE
workshops have provided industry input and prioritizations for the needs of an advanced microgrid.
Other important interoperability activities such as the Smart Grid Interoperability Panel being
directed by the National Institute for Standards and Technology are described.
An indispensable term attached to the description of the functions of advanced microgrids is
“automatic.” Today’s microgrid installations exhibit some automatic functions such as automatic
disconnect and reconnect as part of the built-in controls. Automatic load shedding is another. Many
new functionality requirements, now on the horizon, will be required to be compatible with
interconnects of the future smart grid. A second indispensable descriptive word is “interoperability.
Challenges and opportunities are discussed in the introduction to point out anticipated impacts and
value added for a reliable and stable power supply through the nation’s electric grid that will be
coupled with an aggregation of microgrids. The interconnectivity and new functionalities will work
together to improve the grid’s power quality, reliability, and resilience, while reducing overall cost.
Standards will be a huge part of bringing the technologies and interconnect requirements up to speed.
The reader is reminded that much basic technology does exist today, but some products are often not
well matched and much of existing technology deserves improvements in reliability, two-way
communications, and standardization. A resulting scenario will be new or improved products such as
sensors, communications equipment, controllers, and eventually advanced microgrids that do not
lock out new ideas or the ability to interconnect with others of slightly different design. Today’s
developments toward an advanced microgrid are already moving forward but sometimes in a
disparate manner.
Deploying advanced microgrid systems will include various forms of energy storage, depending
upon system drivers. A microgrid designed to provide critical power during and after disruptive
events such as storms will use energy storage or will maintain its own spinning reserve. There will be
many tradeoffs. An advanced microgrid designed to improve the economics of a building will likely
use batteries as energy storage and will cycle power to and from the grid to benefit system
economics. Advanced microgrids with economic drivers may use time-of-day pricing or peak-
demand charges to determine when and whether energy is returned to or drawn from the grid. It is
likely there will be no two identical advance microgrids in the near-term because the drivers will
vary, but it is necessary to establish the infrastructure to handle them all.
This paper provides a vision section that bundles the informations and concepts provided in the paper
and that when aggregated shape the vision for an advanced microgrid system. The vision creates an
image of a viable advanced microgrid model that integrates features crucial to achieving high-value
microgrid system applications interconnected with the utility grid and additional microgrids.
Advanced hardware, intelligent inverters, smart controllers, and compatible communications will be
the enabling technologies mix to maximize economics and operational benefits of advanced
microgrid systems. Advanced and secure communication interfaces and smart controls will increase
the value of the energy provided by these advanced microgrid systems. The reliability, resilience, and
interoperable electrical service for conventional and advanced microgrid customers is vastly
improved over results of todays installed microgrids.
The objectives and scope of advanced microgrid development goals are expanded beyond today’s
microgrid deployments within this white paper. Discussion focuses on systems that are less than
several megawatts but much larger systems will evolve from expansion of the scalable systems and
by using many of the basics being developed. The flow of the paper advances from operations mode
descriptions, such as interconnected and islanded modes with controls, through dispatched,
scheduled, and autonomous operation. The system-architecture discussion addresses the microgrid
functionalities, the applications of energy storage, and controls in a detailed overview. A detailed
discussion on tools, reliability, and communications provides valuable insights into many options for
advanced microgrid developments and designs.
The list of advanced microgrid impacts is extensive and is covered through discussions, definitions,
opportunities, and challenges. The many new goals and applications evolving for microgrids are
considered in the discussions of impacts and desired results.
Standards and codes play an essential role in moving forward for both the smart grid and compatible
advanced microgrids. The status of standards and codes, methodologies being employed to move
standards forward to enable advanced microgrid interoperability with the more intelligent electrical
grid, and the discussion of domestic and international activities provides a snapshot of the essential
work. It must be noted that microgrid and smart-grid components and systems are evolving quickly
and fast-tracks for standards will be needed.
The Advanced Microgrid: Integration and Interoperability
1. Introduction and Background
Microgrid concepts and definitions are in flux as their benefits in terms of integrating renewables,
cost savings, and grid reliability and resilience are acknowledged. Early microgrid definitions have
expanded from their islanded generation and load support to include utility support, and managing
generation and load as a part of a more resilient electric power system (EPS). Along with broadened
definitions, the scale of microgrids is changing from <1 MW to 210 MW, and 60100 MW in
coming years. Many of these changed concepts and definitions will be developed and will become
essential parts of new “advanced microgrids interconnected to smart utility grids or other
The U.S. government has recognized the need for increased surety and resilience of the nation’s
electric grid in order to reach goals for energy independence since the publishing of the Energy
Independence and Security Act of 2007.
This white paper provides an overview of critical elements
of and pathways to the successful pervasive implementation of innovative advanced microgrid
systems that can play important roles in future distributed electrical independence. Well-designed
microgrids have been in existence for over a decade and they have proven their worth in several
installations when natural disasters or grid disruptions occurred. This paper will use some of the
existing installations and technology information (use cases) as a base from which advanced
microgrids with intelligence, automation, secure communications, and added resilience for the utility
can be developed.
The U.S. DOE Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability (OE) has designated the research
and development (R&D) of next-generation microgrids systems a high priority. The DOE’s OE has
allocated funding for microgrid R&D to meet its 2020 goals to develop commercial-scale microgrid
systems (capacity <10 MW) capable of reducing outage time of required loads by >98% at a cost
comparable to nonintegrated baseline solutions (uninterrupted power supply [UPS] plus diesel
genset), while reducing emissions by >20% and improving system energy efficiencies by >20%, by
The DOE Advanced Microgrid Program is aimed at using technology advances and developing or
using models that accurately depict functionalities, performance, systems compatibilities, protection
methodology, and ultimately deploying hardware. Deployed systems will be designed to maximize
economic benefits for grid interconnectivity and islanded performance and to optimize energy
profiles and efficiencies.
A major goal for advanced microgrid systems is to develop promising new solutions to integrating
advanced microgrids capable of operating in parallel with the utility distribution system and
transitioning seamlessly to an autonomous power system complete with its controls, protection, and
operating algorithms. It is expected that advanced microgrids will be fielded in a wide variety of
electrical environments ranging from substations to building-integrated systems.
The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, http://www1.eere.energy.gov/femp/regulations/eisa.html.
One huge opportunity for growth and innovation is implementing innovative controls with new
microgrid technologies to prioritize critical loads, while taking into account the sum of all connected
energy sources. The resulting determinations will lead to an expanded understanding of the advanced
microgrid’s ability to provide appropriate voltage regulation, frequency stability, and power
characteristics whether grid connected or as an islanded system. R&D for certain new hardware,
including sensors, components, innovative inverters, controllers, energy-management systems
(EMSs), and advanced energy-storage systems will be required.
Applying new components to advanced microgrids will entail a suite of advanced controls,
operational methodologies and protocols, and appropriate secure communications. The standards and
codes that specify operational requirements, protocols, and safety must continue to be developed and
approved in an accelerated and timely manner. Timely testing to validate the viability, functionality,
consistency, reliability, compatibility, and interoperability with utility grids, other microgrid systems,
and in islanded states will be necessary.
It is expected that new functionalities associated with smart-grid interoperability and fielded-system
testing will serve to accelerate the advanced microgrid systems into the intelligent, distributed
electric grid and smart-grid applications. The advances in microgrid technologies will also accelerate
the continuing evolutionary processes forward in an expeditious but focused manner.
In order for a microgrid to continue operating after a transition to an islanded mode, it has to include
a compatible form of on-site power generation and/or energy storage. Without either, or both, a
microgrid could not function properly. The distributed generation (DG) and energy storage become
the foundation for the localized islanded smart-grid network. Other critical components include
energy storage and a compatible microgrid control mechanism.
Many energy resources will be used in advanced microgrids. Conventional rotating machine
technologies using renewable and fossil fuel combined with solar, wind, micro-hydro, and others will
be universally compatible. Other designs will use combined heat and power (CHP) technology. It is
estimated that a total of 518 MW of CHP capacity will be deployed in microgrids this year.
technology lends itself to most forms of microgrid deployments today and will continue to hold the
edge by 2018 (with an estimated 1,897 MW, representing more than $7 billion in annual revenues).
Given that CHP can be a base load electricity resource that also provides thermal energy, today’s
microgrid CHP capacity is the largest of any DG option besides diesel generators.
Benefits of advanced microgrids include:
Supporting the existing grid infrastructure by adding resilience to the grid infrastructure, locally
compensating for the variable supply of renewable energy, and supplying ancillary services such
as Volt-Ampere reactive (VAR) support and voltage regulation to sections of the bulk power
Executive Office of the President, Economic Benefits of Increasing Electric Grid Resilience to Weather Outages,
Aug 2013.
The Advanced Microgrid: Integration and Interoperability
Meeting end-user needs by ensuring UPS for critical loads, controlling power quality and
reliability at the local level, and promoting customer participation through demand-side
management and community involvement in electricity supply.
Enabling grid modernization and interoperability of multiple smart-grid interconnections and
Enhancing the integration of distributed and renewable energy resources that help to reduce
carbon emissions, peak load congestion, and line losses by locating generation near demand.
In addition to the intended benefits, new innovations for advanced microgrids can be applied to
provide secure and advanced automated or dispatched controls for today’s legacy electric grid. The
advanced microgrid will initiate changes to the grid that will contain nearly self-healing sectors in the
event of natural disasters or other massive grid failures. The advanced microgrid systems will use
new communications methods that have integrated security and surety for immunity from outside
events or adversaries.
A list of the objectives for the DOE Advanced Microgrid Program includes:
Improves the resilience of the nation’s electric distribution infrastructure
Operates in and seamless transition between “islanded” and “grid parallel” modes
Provides interconnection and interoperability for smart grids
Provides cybersecurity for performance and data
Supports power quality enhancements for connected loads
Provides two-way communications (frequency, verification, data latency)
Provides data management and system predictions
Provides Volt/VAR/frequency controls and support for interconnectivity and island
Enables dynamic local feeder reconfiguration
Improves reliability for critical loads
Provides outage management (i.e., number, duration, and extent)
Balances distributed and central control
Enables price-driven demand response
Reduces peak loads for the interconnected grid
Integrates with intermittent and variable output renewables
Defers generation, transmission, and distribution investments
Numerous major disruptions in electrical service shown in Figure 1 clearly indicates the need to
develop advanced microgrid systems as a component of overall increased electric grid resilience.
Because of this report and similar reports the US DOE’s Smart Grid R&D Program directions show
microgrids to be a key building block for a smart grid. A significant number of R&D needs and
challenges have been identified for microgrids.
Executive office of the President, Economic Benefits of Increasing Electric Grid Resilience to Weather Outages,
Aug 2013.
Smith, M., and Ton, D., “Key Connections: The U.S. Department of Energy’s Microgrid Initiative,IEEE Power and
Energy Magazine, 11(4 ), July 2013.
Figure 1. Increasing numbers of natural disasters in the U.S.
Consequently, the United Stated Department of Energy Smart Grid R&D program, the DOE OE
Advanced Microgrid Program is addressing the need for a new and complete commercially available
advanced and innovative microgrid system capable of reducing outage time of critical loads by >98%
at a cost comparable to nonintegrated baseline solutions for a backup system.
A roadmap looking forward to developing dynamic microgrids that accommodate different sources
of energy, are self-sustaining for short times and up to extended periods of operation, exhibit
advanced self-healing capabilities and provide optimal management of energy demand and supply
has been presented by at Brookhaven National Laboratories.
The anticipated evolution path is
depicted in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Roadmap to evolving to the dynamic microgrid.
Villaran, Michael, Beyond the Classic Microgrid, Government & Military Smart Grids & Microgrids Symposium,
Washington, DC, October 25, 2013
The Advanced Microgrid: Integration and Interoperability
Figure 3. Advanced microgrid growth showing contributors and essential technologies.
2. VisionConcept for Advanced Microgrids
Figure 3 shows an illustrated pathway vision toward developing advanced microgrid systems with a
depiction of both the primary needs and the participants. All of this work requires a well-coordinated
team of experts in applying advanced technologies, funding, cost share, system logistics,
system/component testing, standards, codes, and in facilitating interconnectivity with stakeholders
and customers.
A viable advanced microgrid model that integrates the following features will be crucial to achieving
high-value applications of microgrid systems interconnected with the utility grid and additional
microgrids. Advanced hardware, intelligent inverters, smart controllers, and compatible
communications will be the enabling technology mix used to maximize a microgrid systems
economic and operational benefits. Advanced communication interfaces and smart controls will
increase the value of the energy provided by these advanced microgrid systems. The reliability,
resilience, and interoperable electrical service for conventional and advanced microgrid customers
will be vastly improved over results of today’s installed microgrids.
Sandia National Laboratories
The term “DR islanded systems” sometimes referred to as microgrids, is used for electrical power
systems that:
have distributed resources (DRs) and load,
have the ability to disconnect from and parallel with the area EPS,
include the local EPS and may include portions of the area EPS, and
can be intentionally islanded.
DR islanded systems can be either local EPS islands or are larger EPS islands.
The defining characteristics/features of an advanced microgrid:
1) Geographically delimited or enclosed
2) Connected to the main utility grid at one point of common coupling (PCC)
3) Fed from a single substation
4) Can automatically transition to/from and operate islanded
a) Operates in a synchronized and/or current-sourced mode when utility-interconnected
b) Is compatible with system protection devices and coordination
5) Includes DR, but generator agnostic and according to needs of customer with
a) renewables (inverter interfaced),
b) fossil fuel based (rotating equipment generators), and/or
c) integrated energy storage
6) Includes an EMS with
a) controls for power exchanges, generation, load, storage, and demand response and
b) load-management controls to balance supply and demand quickly
7) Includes power and information exchanges that take place on both sides and across the PCC in
real time
3. Advanced Microgrid Objectives
The main objectives of the DOE Advanced Microgrid Program is to develop and better enable the
technologies needed to increase the ranges and applications of energy-efficient advanced microgrids.
They are capable of maintaining or improving the power quality, reliability, and resilience of the
utility grid during times of interoperability. These objectives go beyond technical advances and
include system modeling for continued evolution of microgrids. Advanced microgrids will improve
the nation’s energy infrastructure resilience, provide value added that improves electric power
quality, enables assurance of power to critical loads, creates avenues for personal security, and
supports emergency services. Spinoff devices and secure communication will be beneficiaries for
other applications such as more intelligent grid infrastructure, smarter loads that will be considered
part of the smart grid infrastructure, building energy management, and optimized demand-side
Essential components to be employed will include state-of-the-art, highly integrated components,
innovative controlling devices, advanced intelligent inverters, and compatible balance-of-system
elements for all-sector energy applications. Advanced integrated inverters and controllers will also
incorporate building energy-management functions with improved compatibilities with today’s
The Advanced Microgrid: Integration and Interoperability
building energy management. They will also communicate with new utility energy portals. New
advanced microgrids will employ products equipped for compatibility with the legacy grid of one-
way power flow, intermediate evolving grids, and the future grid of a two-way power flow. DRs such
as solar, wind, advanced demand-response systems, and optimized energy storage will be employed
in fielded advanced microgrid systems.
Figure 4 shows a pictorial diagram illustration of a microgrid with several examples of
interconnectivity. The new advanced microgrid systems will use similar, but more complex
interconnectivity, security, and combinations of renewable energy resources.
Figure 4. Microgrid categories and examples of interconnectivity.
4. Advanced Microgrid Program Scope
The scope of the Advanced Microgrid Program is to improve the reliability and increase the value of
large, innovative microgrids (initially up to 10 MW capacity). The Advanced Microgrid Program
will leapfrog current communications technology through advanced and secure communications. It
will use adaptive logic to optimize a system’s energy resources and the energy storage, and develop
new interfaces for advanced autonomous operation (islanded operation) with seamless
interconnectivity with the national electric grid. The new proven products and processes will increase
the value of advanced microgrids interconnected with today’s one-way electrical distribution
infrastructure and tomorrow’s two-way smart grid and other microgrid systems.
The newly designed inverters and controllers will interact with EMSs and provide demand response
for the interconnected grid and islanded loads. Optimized energy storage and the electric-utility
infrastructure will work together as a DG and energy storage system while increasing the utility
grid’s overall reliability and resilience.
Sandia National Laboratories
Table 1. Important Advanced Microgrid Contributing Elements
Element Description
Area EPS
The EPS that normally supplies the microgrid through their PCC.
EMS acting at the interface between loads and the microgrid. It communicates with smart
devices and to the outside with the microgrid control center. It aggregates the services of
the smart devices and provides further services to the microgrid. Furthermore, it can
implement some level of intelligence to fulfill the services.
Grid Control
Control center from which the grid is operated. All required supervision and control functions
are carried out here.
Operator (MO)
The system that procures energy and ancillary services and ensures reliability for the area
EPS. The MO may be part of the area EPS or may be a separate entity.
Control Center
The control system comprising different microgrid operator subsystems that ensures the
control & management tasks of the microgrid and the aggregation of supply and demand.
A control system able to dispatch the microgrid assets, e.g., opening/closing switches,
changing control reference points, changing generation/consumption levels, etc. Other than
the microgrid functions specifically referenced below, this use case does not specify the
objective of any of the microgrid controller functions. This use case does not specify how
the control signals are transferred or implemented in the microgrid assets.
A consumer of electricity, e.g., a private house, business building, large industrial/manufac-
turing industry or transportation system.
The consumer acts as a customer. The consumer may operate smart appliances (an
electric load with some intelligence to control it) that are flexible in demand.
DER Owner
The distributed energy resource (DER) owner (or DG owner) operates a DER (or DG) that
is connected to the microgrid.
The service provider provides different kinds of services to the microgrid operator to support
him in the operation of the microgrid, e.g., weather forecasts or energy market analysis.
Storage Owner
Provider of storage capacity for storing and delivering energy.
Market participant that purchases/sells electricity products on behalf of two or more
In a small microgrid, the microgrid operator could act also as aggregator. In a large
microgrid, the aggregator might be a legal entity and the microgrid operator contracts with
this entity.
Grid Operator
The grid operator is the operator of the grid to which the microgrid has a connection point.
The term “grid operations” refers to the undertakings of operating, building, maintaining, and
planning electric power transmission and distribution (T&D) networks.
The microgrid operator acts as system operator in the microgrid and is responsible for
operating, maintaining, and, if necessary, developing the microgrid’s distribution system.
In some use cases, e.g., running the microgrid in an islanding mode, the microgrid should
take over the roles of the energy retailer and/or the aggregator to ensure system stability.
Entity selling electrical energy to consumers. Could also be a grid user who has a grid
connection and access contract with the transmission system operator or distribution
system operator (DSO)
DER Unit
DER including DG (small photovoltaics [PV], wind, etc.) connected to the microgrid. The
device provides some degree of intelligence to facilitate monitoring and control.
Network Smart
An intelligent electrical device in the microgrid that can be supervised and controlled
(e.g., sensors, circuit breakers, or switches)
Storage Unit
A storage unit provides an electricity reserve to the microgrid. The device provides some
degree of intelligence to facilitate monitoring and control.
Table basics provided by James Reilly, Lead, NIST Smart Grid Interoperability Panel, Subgroup C - microgrids
The Advanced Microgrid: Integration and Interoperability
This program emphasizes the development and ultimate demonstration of viable and complete
advanced microgrid systems in the 10 MW power-capacity range. The broad technical requirements
of advanced microgrids reveal a new level of architecture complexity for microgrid systems and
certainly the need for coordination of close collaborations and teaming.
Table 1 shows the elements that are most likely to be contributors to research, designs, and
deployment for the microgrids. Colors are used to identify the different element categories. This list
includes a collection of elements (sometimes referred to as actors) described as contributors in case
studies by the Smart Grid Interoperability Panel (SGIP) headed by the National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST).
Table 2 outlines the ranges of probable advanced microgrid early market applications.
Table 2. Today’s DOE Microgrid Program ApplicationsPower Categories
Greater than 50 kW, three-phase and functionally expandable
110 MW may be modular or single rating
Utility Scale
>10 MW possibly using multiple interconnected microgrids
Future advanced microgrid systems present many opportunities and potential applications. It is an
area of vigorous and likely exponential growth with a wide variety of applications and
interconnections with utility grids. Although current technology is being installed today with early
automated functionalities for supplying power to critical loads, the advanced microgrid systems will
be the favored technologies that interconnected utilities will demand as higher DER and renewable
energy generation penetration results in the need for a virtual system of advanced microgrids and a
more complex intelligent electric distribution infrastructure. Figure 5 shows a projected growth for
installations over the next five years.
Executive office of the President, Economic Benefits of Increasing Electric Grid Resilience to Weather Outages,
Aug 2013.
Asmus, Peter, Moving Microgrids into the Mainstream,” Contributor, Chart from Pike Research,
Figure 5. Projected worldwide microgrid market (20122018). Source: Pike Research (Forbes.com)
5. Advanced Microgrid Operational Modes
5.1 Interconnected and Islanded Operation
An advanced, interconnected microgrid system must meet all of the operational and interconnection
requirements that utility electric grids must meet. Advanced microgrid systems will provide high-
quality power to their loads with safety protections, synchronization, harmonic distortion limits,
voltage limits, support for devices requiring VARs, surge capabilities, and protection-device
coordination. The PCC is typically where the standards and codes in effect today apply. New rules to
cover the anti-islanding that have been in place for over a decade are being changed. The IEEE1547
Recommended Practice is commonly applied today, but there is a new recommended practice on the
way (IEEE1547a) and the revised IEEE1547.4 has provisions for allowing islanding. Results of the
evolution of the microgrid concept have been captured in the latest version of IEEE1547.4. Seamless
transfers from grid-interactive to islanded modes will become commonplace. Advanced microgrids
will be required to meet the new IEEE1547a as its new interconnection standard once it is published
in the U.S. Other standards are also likely to provide requirements for microgrid components and
systems as harmonization of international and domestic standards evolves. Regardless, R&D for
advanced microgrid systems must be broad-base in order to meet todays interconnect standards, but
also to support utility value propositions, such as the supply of fault current, that may yet to be
reflected in current standards.
5.2 Dispatched, Scheduled, and Autonomous Microgrid Operation
Whether future advanced microgrid support will be dispatched, scheduled, or automatic will depend
on many factors such as but not limited to
power throughput capabilities of the microgrid’s resident controller or inverter-controller,
The Advanced Microgrid: Integration and Interoperability
speed of detection and speed of response of all equipment,
communications and the need for dispatch,
reliability of all equipment,
number and locations of microgrids on the same feeder,
energy storage capacity and peak power delivery, and
codes and standards requirements.
Advanced microgrid development will provide opportunities for deploying, monitoring, and
exercising new advanced microgrid capabilities, advanced control algorithms, utility
interconnectivity, and resulting distribution system impacts as well as the impacts on local loads that
will be supplied by the microgrid in an islanded state. Automatic or dynamic utility support by
advanced microgrids will need extensive testing and analysis with a majority of the interconnected
systems. An advanced microgrid system connected to a utility grid where the majority of the power
supplied by the primary energy system should present a benign addition to the distribution system
while providing reliable backup power to the microgrid system loads.
When the smart-grid capabilities on newly developed inverters and the new controls were first
demonstrated during the DOE Solar Energy Grid Integration Systems (SEGIS) program conservative
approaches were the first steps taken by Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) and other utilities to allow
for scheduled VAR support as a smart-grid function. This was generally only where the needs for
distributed VAR support were predictable. Recently, however, demonstrations of dispatched and
automatic support are taking place. PG&E, for instance, reported that on March 17, 2012, a total of
four low-voltage ride-through (LVRT) events took place. The low-voltage condition was caused by
momentary phase-to-phase faults on an adjacent 12 kV circuit that was fed from the same substation
where a PV system was connected. The inverter provided power during that low-voltage event
instead of dropping off line per the current IEEE1547 requirements when the support was needed.
According to the same report, a similar event occurred at the same location when an adjacent feeder
experienced a short-circuit condition causing both A and B phases at the connected substation to
experience a voltage sag to 50% of normal, which activated the inverters LVRT capabilities. The
protective relays on the faulted 12 kV circuit detected the short circuit and cleared the fault in
~7 cycles. The inverters successfully rode through the event and returned to normal operation upon
clearance of the short-circuit condition. Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories (SEL) graphs were
collected and reviewed by PG&Es Renewable Resource Development department. Figure 6 shows
the voltage and current waveforms taken from the SEL relay on the substation.
Hionis, Anastasios and Ng, Steven, “Case Study: Advanced Energy PV Inverters Ride-Through PG&E Low Voltage
Events,http://www.google.com/#fp=492a54485f563ccb&psj=1&q=PG%26E+Case+Study+260-01, 2012.
Figure 6. Voltage and current plot from the SEL relay for the voltage-sag event.
These real-time events have demonstrated the LVRT capabilities for inverters without energy
storage. Extended periods of other smart-grid functionalities are probable with an advanced
microgrid system. Advanced microgrids will require energy storage as well as advanced controls to
autonomously transition further into an islanded state or to provide more extended periods of grid
5.3 Commanded Shutdown, Ramp-Up and Ramp-Down While Grid-
Advanced microgrids, connected to a primary energy source such as a utility electricity distribution
system, will have built-in algorithms and communications for shutdown, start-up, and curtailment.
Each of these functionalities may also be commanded when the stability or voltage regulation of a
section of distribution line is in danger of drifting out of specification because a load/distribution
mismatch. Adequate communications methods will be necessary for these conditions.
Commanded shutdown that overrides normal shutdown processes will not be as likely, but if
intermittent renewable energy sources such as PV are linked into the system there may be a need for
curtailment, commanded startup slew rates, and energy-storage interactions.
5.4 Black Start In an Islanded State
A critical requirement of an advanced microgrid comes into play when reconnection to loads occurs
in the islanded state especially after the microgrid has been inoperable but loads are still connected.
This connection of the microgrid to the loads in the islanded state is called black start.” Where
conditions on the main grid result in the microgrid being disconnected from the main utility, the
advanced microgrid should transition either seamlessly or as quickly as possible and continue to
operate as connected DG. During the reconnection state, the operating states of reconnecting to the
Provided by Advanced Energy
The Advanced Microgrid: Integration and Interoperability
load reclosing must be carefully considered as must the capability of the advanced microgrid to
provide startup surges and voltage regulation.
Developing local controllers in close co-ordination with an advanced microgrid central controller
must be evaluated from the dynamic-operation point of view. Testing and studies will likely need to
be performed in a simulation and in real time. The black-start functionality will help assure power
system operation, power supply reliability, and protection to critical loads.
The restoration procedure in an advanced microgrid is somewhat similar to the approach adopted for
medium-sized power systems. Several sources within the advanced microgrid must have black-start
capabilities. A stand-by power supply and a monitoring and control scheme will likely be embedded
in the microgrid control center, but autonomous inverter functions may suffice. Black-start
functionalities within advanced microgrids will need minor changes in available standards such as
IEEE 519 for harmonics and voltage, with time-dependent or load-dependent specifications called
out for microgrids.
Load shedding may be an alternative method to assure an advanced microgrid
power supply that meets today’s interconnection standards requirements.
6. Advanced Microgrid System Architecture
6.1 System Architecture
New concepts in architecture, controls, and energy-storage application will continue to be a
necessary investment. To fully realize the environmental advantages of advanced renewable
generation resources discussed earlier in this report, power systems will continue to be pushed to
higher penetration levels of renewable sources. The impact of resource balance is broad and
complex. Systems will effectively be operating with stochastic sources and loads making power
balance, transient performance, and stability much more complex objectives to achieve. Many
solutions may be envisioned to solve this challengeranging from source-side management with
high-bandwidth generators, to energy storage, or demand-side management. The burden of
compensating for this new variability may also be placed in the controls/communication subsystems
with migration from centralized designs to highly distributed structures.
A critical challenge that new concepts must address is the optimal mix of power flow. Sixty Hz AC
has the historical investments within the U.S., however DC systems have advantages with regard to
increasing system efficiency by reducing the number of power conversions between the system and
non-60-Hz sources or energy storage. Networked hybrid designs may prove to be the optimal
configuration for efficiency and performance. Understanding the optimal mix to create more efficient
and resilient systems of the future is important to guide the investments being made today. Research
at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), the Consortium of Electric Reliability
Solutions (CERTS), Sandia National Laboratories (the secure, scalable microgrid test bed shown in
Figure 7), and other institutions around the world are developing technologies to address the
challenges associated with high-penetration of renewable resources. Both the Institute of Electrical
IEEE Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electrical Power Systems, Persistent
Link, http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/servlet/opac?punumber=2227.
and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) and sections of DoD are recognizing the potential value of DC and
hybrid systems through the formation of standards committees and investments in long-term
research. International efforts are harmonized with efforts such as the extension of the DRGS SGIP
Architecture shown in Figure 8.
Figure 7. Sandia National Laboratories secure, scalable microgrid test bed: a flexible platform for collective
microgrid research, development and validations.
Figure 8. European extension of the DRGS SGIP architecture
6.2 Microgrid Control and Operation
Microgrid controls and operational functions are being described within the SGIP as part of the
Distributed Renewables, Generators, and Storage (DRGS) Domain Expert Working Group (DEWG)
The Advanced Microgrid: Integration and Interoperability
Subgroup C - Microgrids and Hierarchical Distributed Control in terms of its functions have been
described as follows
Function 1. Frequency control
F1.1 Islanding mode
F1.2 ACE control and connected mode (like AGC)
F1.3 Frequency smoothing
F1.4 Frequency ride-through
F1.5 Emergency load-shedding
F1.6 Steady state control
F1.7 Transient control
Function 2. Volt/VAR control
F2.1. Grid-connected Volt/VAR control
F2.2. Islanding Volt/VAR control
Function 3. Grid-connected-to-islanding transition
F3.1 Intentional islanding transition
F3.2 Unintentional islanding transition
Function 4. Islanding-to-grid-connected transition
Function 5. Energy management
F5.1. Grid-connected energy management
F5.2. Islanding energy management
Function 6. Protection
Function 7. Ancillary services (grid-connected)
F6.1. Real-power-related ancillary services
F6.2. Reactive-power-related ancillary services
Function 8. Black start
Function 9. User interface and data management
7. Advanced Microgrid Technical Challenges
7.1 Operations and Control
The advanced microgrid presents major challenges from the point of view of its reliable operation
and control from the main control principles (e.g., droop control, model predictive control, multiple-
agent systems with cooperative controls) to microgrid energy-management systems (EMSs). Future
advanced microgrid systems will trend to coordinated, networked microgrid operations based on
varying ownership models (utility-owned, non-utility-owned, virtual, and their combinations). The
trends are currently being better defined across the industry.
Microgrid control strategies can be
classified into three levels: primary, secondary, and tertiary, where primary and secondary levels are
associated with microgrid operation itself, and tertiary level pertains to the coordinated operation of
the microgrid and the host (macro) grid.
Xu, Yan, Microgrid Control and Operation Use Cases (Outline), Oak Ridge National Laboratory, for NIST SGIP
Subgroup C - Microgrids and Hierarchical Distributed Control Subgroup, Jun 11, 2013.
“Trends in Microgrid Control,IEEE PES paper to be released July 2014.
A key microgrid operation element, the control function that defines the microgrid as system that can
manage itself, operate autonomously, and properly connect to the main grid for the exchange of
power and the supply of ancillary services is the microgrid energy-management system.
A microgrid energy-management system enables interoperability of different controllers and
components needed to operate the EMS through cohesive and platform-independent interfaces. This
approach allows for flexibility and customization of deployed components and control algorithms
without sacrificing “plug-and-play” or limiting potential functionality.
Microgrid components and operational solutions exist in different configurations with different
implementations. Regardless of whether equipment and software are commercial or custom,
components should be interoperable and with interfaces that comply with functional standards
defined by the EMS.
State of the art control methods must be developed that pertain to different
control levels from the perspective of the advanced microgrid.
The hierarchical levels of control can be categorized as primary, secondary, and tertiary.
a) Primary control is the level in the control hierarchy that is based exclusively on local
measurements, which includes islanding detection, output control, and power sharing (and
balance control).
b) Secondary control, the EMS, is responsible for microgrid operation in either the grid-connected
or islanded mode.
c) Tertiary control is the highest level of control and sets long-term and “optimal” set points
depending on the host grid’s requirements. Tertiary control coordinates multiple microgrids
interacting with one another in the system and communicates requirements from the host grid
(voltage support, frequency regulation). Tertiary control is considered as part of the host grid, not
the microgrid itself.
Figure 9 depicts the hierarchical levels of control that will be applied to advanced microgrids.
Microgrid Control, Dr. Geza Joos, McGill University, Canada October 2013.
The Advanced Microgrid: Integration and Interoperability
Figure 9. Hierarchical control levels in networked microgrids (to be released Q1 2014).
7.2 Energy Storage
Advanced microgrids will not exist without an energy-storage element (e.g., fossil fuel, flywheels,
batteries, capacitor banks, pumped hydro, as well as other forms). An advanced microgrid’s required
reliability and resiliency will help drive energy storage cost. These requirement demand further R&D
of design and analysis approaches to optimize energy storage selection and placement within a
microgrid to minimize capital cost and operational cost of such systems. The need for energy storage
in low-inertia power systems also drives the need for more advanced control schemes, potentially
distributed in nature, to ensure that appropriate response times support a stable system. System
efficiency targets will continue to drive minimizing how many power conversions occur in advanced
microgrids. These must take into account conversions from DC sources and storage to AC power
flow. Long-term investments in microgrid technologies must continue to target DC and hybrid
(AC/DC) architectures to fully optimize the system efficiencies.
7.3 Component Designs and Compatibility
Advanced microgrids will almost always use inverters and controllers to interface with the EMS or
other coupled microgrids. Inverters can provide many functions that enable smart-grid
interoperability. The SEGIS program was a proactive DOE-sponsored initiative to design smarter PV
systems with inverters and controllers that provided functionality for more intelligent PV and other
DERs. The SEGIS initiative provided demonstrations of these “value added functions” as part of its
final deliverables to demonstrate the advanced functionalities to the distribution grid.
The existing
standards did not allow most of the new functionalitiesfunctionalities that are now seen as
stabilizing features and energy-saving additions to a utility distribution grid with DR
Bower, W., “Solar Energy Grid Integration Systems (SEGIS)-Adding Functionality While Maintaining Reliability
and Economics,” SPIE Conference; San Diego, CA; Aug 22, 2011.
Microgrid #3
Microgrid #2
Microgrid #1
Primary Control
Primary Control
Primary Control
interconnections. SEGIS feature adoption is becoming more common with scheduled and dispatched
commands for the features being used now but with rapid changes toward dynamic and autonomous
functionalities being considered and soon required for PV and other DR interconnections.
The SEGIS interconnectivity pathways developed over the three-year program are illustrated in
Figure 10.
Figure 10. SEGIS interconnectivity advances applied to inverters.
Important smart-grid interoperability functions developed and demonstrated during the SEGIS and
follow-on programs that are now available for advanced microgrid systems and the necessary
interconnectivity include:
PV systems integration and economic optimization
DC bus for multiple-source energy supply
VAR support (scheduled, dispatched, and dynamic)
LVRT functions
System performance predictions
Source intermittency mitigation
Integrated communications for measurement devices, sensors, inverters, controllers, and EMSs
Applications for phasor measurement units (PMUs)
Mesh network, power line communications, and wireless communications alternatives
Data collection and advanced analysis
Anti-islanding and intentional islanding controls
The Advanced Microgrid: Integration and Interoperability
Power output slew rates and curtailment
Microgrid enablement (islanded state with black start)
Building EMSs
Performance/economic optimizations
Utility support (value added)
System optimization (economics)
System monitoring and data analysis
7.4 Analytical Tools
As advanced microgrids evolve in complexity, analytical tools for field projects, technologies,
control strategies, and assessing cost/benefits will be necessary. Some of the analytical tools include
A power-system simulation tool that provides valuable information to users who design and operate
electric power T&D systems and to utilities that wish to take advantage of the latest smart-grid
technology. GridLAB-D was developed by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and is in the
public domain.
Distributed Energy Resources Customer Adoption Model (DER-CAM)
DER-CAM was developed by Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory and its functionalities and
scope include:
Available routines to minimize annual energy costs, CO
emissions, or multiple objectives of
providing services at building microgrid level (typically buildings with 2502000 kW peak) but
can be applied elsewhere
Results with technology-neutral and pure-optimal results with highly variable run time
Designation by Berkeley Lab and collaborations in the U.S., Germany, Spain, Belgium, Japan,
and Australia over ~10 years. Commercialization by Software-as-a-Service is currently under
Performance Reliability Model (PRM)
Under development by Sandia National Laboratories
Restricted access
Technology Management Optimization (TMO)
Under development by Sandia National Laboratories
Restricted access
7.5 Reliability
The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), which the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission (FERC) has certified as the nation’s electric reliability organization, has developed
critical infrastructure protection (CIP) cybersecurity reliability standards. On January 18, 2008,
FERC issued Order No. 706, the final rule approving CIP reliability standards, while concurrently
directing NERC to develop significant modifications to address specific concerns.
Work continues,
with reliability being a high priority, on developments related to developing smart-grid and microgrid
One reliability aspect of microgrid applications is related to (a) components integrated into the
microgrid systems, (b) components related to interoperability with the utility grid, and (c) whether
the microgrid’s functionality is compatible with current infrastructures. Those reliabilities are
typically assessed as mean-time-between failures (in hours) and must be assesses during a system’s
(such as a microgrid’s) design.
The reliability of the power being delivered to critical loads is another aspect of reliability. An
understandable grid-reliability measure is the number of outage minutes per year. Self-healing
features are one method for adding resilience to established electric grid infrastructure.
microgrids are another method to improve critical-load power reliability. The microgrid basically can
be considered a redundant energy source when a viable electric grid is available.
7.6 Communications
Communication will be a critical function for advanced microgrid systems. Communication with the
DSO will be essential to ensuring safe, reliable operation as system numbers and penetration
increase. Additional communication functions will be critical to optimizing system value. Advanced
microgrids will need to use protocols based on new system standards in order to be broadly
applicable. Greater market penetration will be more attainable when communications capabilities
compatible with other standards, such as the pertinent International Electrotechnical Commission
(IEC) standards, are developed. Providing secure communications between system monitor and
control functions spread out over long distances back to a centrally located supervisory control and
data acquisition (SCADA) -type administrative control site will increase acceptability. Dedicated
virtual private networks can be implemented to specify security features and separate different user
traffic over a SCADA network.
Because microgrids lack the inertia of an interconnected power system, having a good understanding
of what is happening at any point is critical. Microgrid operating conditions can change very quickly
with incremental load or generation. PMUs are able to directly measure the state throughout the
microgrid (with near-real-time updates up to 60/second), thus providing needed visibility of the
actual operating conditions. Also, this can be useful for control the microgrid system as well (PMU
measurements are used in a control system that keeps the system operating in a safe region).
7.6.1 Distributed Measurements.
PMUs provide distributed measurements throughout the microgrid that can be useful for
understanding system operation or tuning system components or for providing additional information
in post-event analysis. Because PMU functionality is available in protective relays, voltage
regulators, reclosers, and meters, PMU measurements are readily available across the microgrid.
Amin, Massoud, Toward Self-healing Energy Infrastructure Systems, IEEE Computer Applications in Power, Jan
The Advanced Microgrid: Integration and Interoperability
7.6.2 Synchronization.
PMUs are ideal for measuring voltage magnitude, angles, frequency, and slip between any two
portions of the electric system. This could be the islanded microgrid and the rest of the
interconnected power system, or this could be portions of the system within the microgrid (e.g., a
generator looped line feeder). One big benefit of using PMU measurements for resynchronizing is
that no portion of the system must be turned off to resynchronize the microgrid to the utility
Synchrophasor measurements can help operators quickly identify islanded portions of the system
(monitor frequency of the various PMUs).
7.6.3 Metering
With PMUs spread around the microgrid, the user can effectively see where power is flowing, where
the loads are, where the generation is, how large the load is, etc. Because users have access to voltage
and current phasors, they can see real and reactive power flows within the microgrid.
7.6.4 Anti-Islanding and Islanding Control
The inverters in today’s DR systems monitor grid parameters and disconnect when those parameters
fall outside the ranges established in IEEE1547. As the number of interconnected inverters increases,
as noted above, a more interactive method is needed to ensure that inverters will disconnect when
required, but will also ride through variations in utility operating parameters likely caused by high
demand. Communication of the need to disconnect must be fast (less than one second) and certain
(always occurs when connection to the utility is lost). The distance over which this information must
travel is potentially long, but the amount of information required is small.
7.6.5 Internal Communication
Communication within the system is critical to controlling loads and storage to optimize system
value while maintaining system safety. Distance over which data must travel will generally be
modest, unless the site is a large commercial system or microgrid. In addition to ensuring safe,
efficient system operation, a system that is connected under time-of-day and/or demand rate
structures will be trying to balance the available energy from the solar generating system, other
connected DG sources, and storage with variations in loads and utility pricing. While solar output
can change rapidly with cloud passages and loads can change with the flick of a switch, utility
demand charges are usually assessed over a 1530 minute period, so the system has time to respond.
However, in the event of off-grid operation, the system must act quickly to prevent load from
exceeding maximum system capability (maximum inverter rating and/or available solar plus storage
system discharge capability) at any given time. If the system is not permitted to export power, then
loads, storage, or the inverter output must be controlled to avoid back feed (less than one cycle).
7.6.6 Communication Methods and Protocols
Communication types and applications in use or under consideration in some case are summarized
Dedicated copper wiring. Large transmission-connected generators use dedicated copper wiring for
control, but the cost to connect with large numbers of individual DG systems would be very high.
Dedicated fiber-optic link. Substations and control centers are increasingly using fiber-optic links
for dedicated, secure communications. Dedicated fiber-optic links provide speed and reliability that
enables real-time communication with synchrophasors.
Ad hoc mesh networks. Smart, granular network topologies that use ad hoc connection methods,
whereby individual devices discover others within range to form a cooperative mesh communication
network capable of establishing a massive infrastructure with end-to-end routing links.
Continuous-carrier power line communications carriers. Used by some utilities for automated
meter reading systems. The power line communications carrier signal is lost if the connection to the
utility is lost, so this signal could be effective for inverter anti-islanding control. Drawbacks are high
cost, low bandwidth, and high power demand.
Broadband-over-power-line. This approach takes advantage of existing power-line infrastructure
to communicate data, but this technology has faced technical issues, including interference with other
radio spectrum users and interference from loads. Some systems have gone to digital multiple-carrier
modulation scheme to mitigate radio interference issues.
Ethernet. Provides communications within buildings, but must be connected to a wide-area-network
technology, such as cable television. Wide-area networks do not have sufficient reliability to support
protection functions.
Wireless local area network (IEEE802.11). Used inside and outside of buildings to provide short-
distance wireless data.
Wireless interoperability for microwave access (IEEE802.16). Provides longer range wireless
Wireless metropolitan area networks (IEEE802.16d). This is a standards-based technology
enabling the delivery of last mile wireless broadband access as an alternative to cable and DSL
(digital subscriber line). It is often used in urban environments to transmit 2 km without line-of-sight
antenna configurations and up to 10 km with unobstructed path.
Personal area networks (e.g., IEEE802.1). Provides short-distance (few meters) wireless
BACnet. Developed under the auspices of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-
Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), BACnet
is an American national standard, a European
standard, a national standard in more than 30 countries, and an International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) global standard.
Further, the protocol is supported and maintained by
ASHRAE Standing Standard Project Committee ANSI/CEA-709.1-B establishes another standard
for control networking. It provides one of the data link/physical layers of BACnet
Leased telco links. These are point-to-point communications links via leased lines that may also
include microwave-relay links and two-way radio.
BACnet® is a registered ASHRAE trademark. The website is dedicated to providing the latest information on
BACnet, “A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks,http://www.bacnet.org/.
The Advanced Microgrid: Integration and Interoperability
Shared-fiber VLAN/QOS. Virtual local-area networks (VLANs) provide a secure method to
communicate using mutually isolated, optically coupled devices. The packets of information can only
pass between them via one or more dedicated routers. This also provides for a new layer of quality of
service (QOS).
Other. A variety of other technologies are available, including conventional telephone landlines,
cellular telephone, spread-spectrum radios, and pagers. Some utilities have used wireless technology
to dispatch customer loads, e.g., Nevada Power’s Cool Share program.
7.6.7 Communication for System Optimization
As communication techniques and information flow in advanced microgrids evolves, the opportunity
for further system performance optimization must be considered. Research that enhances the holistic
microgrid design and analysis, taking into account the communication flow, will become a more
significant focus of system design. Tools and design approaches that effectively allow tradeoffs
between information flow and component performance will continue to be developed.
7.6.8 External Communication
Increased microgrid applicability will be enabled for widespread use both by more than 3,000
utilities in the U.S. as well as military bases, campuses, industry, and others in need of a guaranteed
power supplies. To optimize system value, it must respond to external data, such as utility rate
structures, real-time pricing, secure dispatch signals, and weather forecasts. Security is important for
both dispatch and anti-islanding signals because a cyber-attack resulting in the simultaneous
disconnect of a number of microgrids representing significant penetration of a portion of the grid
could overwhelm the utility’s reserve capacity, causing an outage. Relative to islanding control, the
speed with which data must be transferred is lower, depending on the need, as follows:
Spinning reserve (replacing lost capacity). Signal sent ~1/second. Thermal generation units
providing spinning reserve achieve full output in a few minutes. Hydroelectric units respond
more quickly.
Frequency and area regulation (maintaining frequency control). Signal sent every few
seconds. Response time is over several minutes.
Voltage regulation. Line voltage provides signal. Very fast (subcycle) response, e.g., using
droop algorithms is possible. Central dispatch is slower (few cycles).
Peak shaving (demand response). Signal can be built into peak-demand rate structures or real-
time pricing, which may be updated at intervals of 160 minutes, depending on the utility. Some
utilities also dispatch loads to shave peak demand.
Back feed control. Some systems, especially large commercial systems, may be restricted from
exporting power to the utility. Often, these systems are sized so that the system output never
exceeds load, but in the event it does or if the system is larger and uses storage to absorb excess
power, then the response must be faster than the reverse-power relay, which is typically subcycle.
8. List of Advanced Microgrid Development Impact Areas
This section provides and extensive list of impact topics that either enable, or in some cases, are
barriers to expansion of advanced microgrids. Concerns and problems are discussed as are the
advantages of developing solutions and pathways for each impact area.
8.1 Regulatory Rules and Regulations
Some of the important concerns and problems identified through microgrid case studies and
interviews include establishing best practices for (a) consistent methodologies for determining and
measuring microgrid benefits; (b) engaging customers; (c) cybersecurity methods and protocols;
(d) interoperability standards; and (e) microgrid communications and control systems, including for
autonomous operations. Some of the policy concerns identified include how best to
Thus, it appears that policies flexible enough to allow experiments, demonstrations, and pilot projects
to continue and expand, and adjustable enough to accept changes, over time, as more is learned are
As DRs capture a larger role in utility systems, the impacts on utility revenues and earnings will vary
substantially depending on the existing market and tariff structures. Increasing importance will be
associated with the ability to model utility costs and revenues based on variable rate and tariff
structures. Legitimate concerns and difficult issues are embedded in these barriers, including (a) how
reliability of service is to be assured, (b) who is ultimately responsible for assuring it, and (c) what
are fair prices both for distributed generators to receive for off- or on-peak electricity generated and
how to pay for their share of the fixed costs of any grid in which they participate.
Rate structures for both full- and partial-requirements service need to be reviewed to ensure that price
signals reflect, as accurately as practical, the time and geographic properties that affect costs and
account for the benefits (e.g., reliability, diversity, avoided generation, T&D costs, etc.) that are
conferred to the utility grid by advanced microgrid systems. The need for electricity rates that reward
demand-side management are needed along with reduced rates for non-firm standby service. Note
that several states already offer reduced standby charges for “DER customers that can provide
physical assurance that the system will not exceed a specified load during peak periods.” In many
ways, state public utility regulations will ultimately determine the details about whether, how, and
where microgrids can be built, what customers they can serve, what services they can provide, and
thus what benefits advanced microgrids can produce.
a) implement dynamic pricing;
b) refine interconnection policies;
c) adjust retail rate designs and refine rates for
partial-requirements service;
d) establish utility DER investment policies;
e) develop retail-market participation rules;
f) provide utilities with appropriate regulatory
g) coordinate microgrid policies with other
policies intended to promote DG, electric
vehicles, and other distributed resources;
h) achieve consistent regulatory policies across
multiple utility-service territories, including
multiple-state, regional, and conceivably
national policies.
The Advanced Microgrid: Integration and Interoperability
8.2 Advanced Microgrid System Adoption
Except for a few states, smart-grid programs with microgrids are generally limited in scope, due in
part to today’s utility aversion to adopting the new technologies and in part to market risks.
the economy slowly recovering from a recession, electricity demand is unpredictable, fuel prices are
variable, and environmental policies are uncertain. This combination of factors presents sufficient
risk for public utilities to not consider new investments. Legislation at both the state and federal
levels, which requires smart-grid resource consideration that would benefit from advanced
microgrids and creates innovative financing methods, may be necessary to encourage technology
development. Other considerations, such as consumer awareness, siting and permitting processes,
reliability parameters, and cybersecurity concerns also impede deployment.
8.3 Consumer Awareness
Lack of awareness of smart-grid developments and advantages of advanced microgrid technologies
will impede their deployment.
Additionally, without policies that motivate utilities, homebuilders,
and others to implement these technologies, deployment may remain stagnant. State commissions
and legislatures should consider whether to encourage or require the use of innovations that can help
consumers understand their energy use and enable informed decisions in new applications that can
balance the energy picture. Innovative financial mechanisms could mitigate consumer risks and
enable consumers to obtain the capital necessary for investment in advanced microgrid technologies.
8.4 Customer Rights
Unless the customers own the facilities or are tenants of advanced microgrid owners, then an
advanced microgrid in New York may need to be in compliance with the state’s Home Energy Fair
Practices Act. Also, if the microgrid opts for standby service during peak demand periods, the
standby fees may have to be paid by customers. Advanced microgrid owners should have a clear
expectation of evolving local and state rules and associated fees.
8.5 System Siting and Permitting for Interconnection
A consumer who wishes to install an advanced microgrid system faces regulatory and environmental
obstacles to obtain all of the necessary siting and permitting approvals. Approvals often include
multiple rounds of approval across multiple organizations. A similar situation applies for an
industrial customer installing a grid-connected, advanced CHP system or a microgrid at its
manufacturing plant. Addressing this process will be a key factor in encouraging smart-grid and
microgrid deployment. The complexity and multitude of siting and permitting requirements for
potential owners creates a significant time and cost barrier to implementation. FERC released a
notice of proposed rulemaking on reforms to its small generator interconnection agreements and
procedures. This rulemaking is an attempt to ease the interconnection process for all generators under
20 MW that interconnect under its jurisdiction with a fast-track process for resources less than
2 MW. It addresses the issues involved for public utility transmission providers and their
U.S. Energy Information Administration, “Smart Grid Legislative and Regulatory Policies and Case Studies,”
December 2011.
Black and Veatch, “2011 Strategic Directions Survey Results,http://bv.com/docs/reports-studies/2011-Electric-
Utility-Survey-Results.pdf, 2011.
Similar efforts by states and local jurisdictions will be helpful in easing the
interconnection process for advanced microgrids connected to intelligent grid infrastructure.
8.6 Reliability Parameters
Better component and system reliability parameters are necessary to fully address a resilient electric-
grid infrastructure. As evidenced by Hurricane Sandy in 2012, there is an immediate and increasing
need to develop more effective national standardized metrics and policies for grid reliability and
resilience. Along with the improved reliability standard, new infrastructure investment must be
identified and prioritized. Despite current reliability metrics indicating high levels of reliability in
New York City during and after the storm, much of the city was without power. Existing reliability
metrics do not provide sufficient and complete insight into operational risk that may exist under
disaster conditions. Federal and state governments are working to evaluate electric-grid
improvements to ensure continued electricity access during such disasters. New resilience metrics at
the federal and state levels will provide the necessary incentive to promote improvements, in which
smart-grid technologies and advanced microgrid systems will play a critical role.
8.7 Cybersecurity
With advanced metering and control deployment, larger data volumes must be handled, while at the
same time safeguarding privacy and addressing critical cybersecurity concerns. Threats to security
are vitally important for consumers, developers, and utilities when deploying smart-grid resources
and advanced microgrids. A large New Jersey utility, for example, does not yet permit wireless
controls on its system, limiting a number of innovative smart-grid technologies that could play a role
in addressing its needs and those of its customers. Policy which enables validation of cybersecurity
methods in communications and data handling would ensure the rights of users are protected and
appropriate safeguards are in place across the electric grid. As of 2011, three states had made
significant strides in establishing such policies, while 12 more had rulemakings in consideration.
This leaves the majority of states, and the federal government, yet to make progress on addressing
cybersecurity issues.
8.8 Market Access for Electric Power
In addition to advanced technologies being a limiting factor for deployment, the lack of electricity
market access for microgrid technologies, at both the wholesale and retail levels, and the regulations
and policies in place that restrict this access also present a barrier to the deployment of microgrids
interconnected with a smart grid. New policy is needed to ensure that these technologies are able to
provide services and to be compensated for this provision. For example, only 11 states have adopted
advanced retail metering plans, where most others are still in the study phase.
This restricts
microgrid resources, dynamic control of interconnected loads, and the dispatch of electricity services
to the distribution environment.
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, “Small Generator Interconnection Agreements and Procedures, Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking,142 FERC 61,049, January 17, 2013.
U.S. Energy Information Administration, “Smart Grid Legislative and Regulatory Policies and Case Studies,
December 2011.
The Advanced Microgrid: Integration and Interoperability
Markets herein are defined as any avenue through which resources can participate in the electricity
system, whether at the wholesale or retail levels. It also includes technology markets, for example,
markets for microgrids, DG, and control systems. Policies that restrict electricity market access
present an obstacle to microgrid technology market development: if the products are unable to
participate on the electric system, the incentive for their production and cost reductions through
research and economies of scale are limited.
8.9 Retail Participation
Policies currently in place restrict the retail market participation of microgrids connected to smart
grids by limiting their use for a number of functions. Retail wheeling, for example, is not allowed.
A retail customer who has a microgrid, or just DG installed, cannot contract with nearby customers
to trade power. He or she must instead sell any excess power directly to the utility. This presents
higher costs to the customer as they receive lower rates for that energy relative to its purchase in the
retail market and is a disadvantage to ratepayers because wheeling through a microgrid system may
be a means of reducing the need for distribution capital investments. Other rules also present retail
restrictions. For example, an Illinois rule prohibits multiple-tenant building owners from installing
and aggregating smart meters to secure competitive rates and operate as an aggregate system.
same rule is easily construed to include microgrids. Considering that retail customer participation
will be essential to the microgrid connection with the smart grid by enabling increased energy
efficiency and demand response, addressing these restrictions will be important.
8.10 Ownership
Deciding who owns the electricity generating equipment and wires for linking the loads can have a
huge impact on how a microgrid functions. Mechanisms to allow sharing among one or more
customers, as an electric cooperative, as a corporation, or as a nonprofit association will be needed.
Questions such as “how much input will the end-users have on their microgrid’s operation?” and
“what are the consequences if a customer wants to leave the microgrid entirely?” will need solutions.
8.11 Ownership Rate Structure
How will a microgrid be regulated? Depending on the size, structure, and ownership model, the
microgrid can be exempt from most federal and state regulation if it meets the standards as a FERC-
jurisdictional qualifying facility (QF). The benefits of QF status include avoiding burdensome
regulations regarding rate setting, finances, construction, and operation.
8.12 Franchise Rights
Installing wires over public-access streets can trigger franchise-rights litigation. A nonutility
installing facilities and distributing electricity over public streets will get the attention of the local
utility that has a franchise in the street to construct power lines. Not only must a microgrid avoid
infringing on a utility’s franchise rights, but it also has to work with the local utility to avoid having
to go through lengthy and expensive litigation just to prove that it’s not doing so. This may require
McDermott, Karl A., “The Regulatory Dilemma: Getting Over the Fear of Price,The Electricity Journal, 25(9), 6
13 November 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tej.2012.10.011.
Kelly, J.; Rouse, G.; and Nechas, R., “Illinois Electricity System Guiding Principles and Policy Framework,” Galvin
Electricity Initiative, July 2010.
contracting with the utility to pay for using the wires that cross public streets to avoid franchise
8.13 Wholesale Market Access
Energy storage is a microgrid technology that can be categorized under FERC policy as a regulated
transmission or distribution asset, which is allowed a fixed rate of return, or as a deregulated
generation asset, which can participate in wholesale market operations. However, the commission
does not make its policy clear on whether a single asset can provide both regulated and deregulated
service and requires any such consideration to be decided on a case by case basis.
This restricts
market access for energy storage and other smart-grid technologies. It is present in all Independent
System Operator/Regional Transmission Operators (ISO/RTO) market regions. In non-ISO/RTO
regions, a vertically integrated utility can use its assets for any purpose and recover all value that the
asset provides.
In this case, state utility regulators must ensure that smart-grid or microgrid
technologies, such as energy storage or demand response, are considered as alternatives to other
generation, transmission, and distribution investments.
The lack of ancillary service markets for inertial response, governor response, black start, and voltage
regulation in most regions, also presents a barrier to deploying microgrid resources in ISO/RTO
markets. Currently, on-line spinning generation provides inertial response, but does not get paid for
this service. The advanced microgrid can function as a spinning reserve with total-energy and peak-
power limitations when compared to the utility grid and fall under the same rules. As generation
from microgrids increase, there will be a need to ensure access to inertia from nontraditional
resources. Dynamic resources, such as energy storage or advanced inverters, are capable of providing
this service, but as there is no market compensation, there is no incentive for their use.
bundling reliability services in a transmission utility’s open-access transmission tariff may restrict
deploying resources which provide individual, or a subset of, reliability services.
8.15 Transmission and Distribution Market Access
The separation between planning and operations at the generation, transmission, and distribution
level is no longer sustainable as new technologies will have to be considered under both planning and
operational realms and across the different system boundaries. This separation limits identifying the
need for smart-grid resources that will use advanced microgrid systems. As these resources enter the
system, policies will be needed that establish new operating methods that take new technologies
capabilities into account.
FERC Order 1000 establishes regional planning coordination for transmission and requires
considering “nonwire” resources to meet needs. This is an important first step in opening up the
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, “Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: Third-Party Provision of Ancillary
Services; Accounting and Financial Reporting for New Electric Storage Technologies,” 139 FERC 61,245, June 22,
Hayashi, Paul M., Goo, James Yeoung-Jia, and Chamberlain, Wm. Clif, “Vertical Economies: The Case of U.S.
Electric Utility Industry, 1983-87,Southern Economic Journal, 63(3), 710725 (Jan., 1997).
Morren, J., de Haan, S.W., Kling, W.L., & Ferreira, J.A. “Wind turbines emulating inertia and supporting primary
frequency control.” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 21(1), 433434, 2006.
Morrison, J. A. “The clash of industry visions,The Electricity Journal, 18(1), 1430. 2005.
The Advanced Microgrid: Integration and Interoperability
transmission market to smart-grid resources. However, considering that many of these technologies
will reside at the distribution level, it is incumbent on regional planners to ensure that distribution
resources including advanced microgrids are taken into account and considered along with bulk
transmission. Transmission operation and planning must reach into the distribution level in order to
exploit existing and emerging communications and smart resources. The lack of defined policy
around this issue will most likely restrict the access of smart-grid technologies along with microgrid
supplementary resources to long-term T&D capacity planning methods.
8.16 Value Proposition
Ensuring advanced technology applications and market access will help advanced microgrid
resources become one of the technology options evaluated for investment. Appropriate economic
valuations will help ensure their deployment. A few policy barriers restrict potential users from
determining their full value proposition. They include the lack of externality pricing, limitations in
utility revenue and retail rate models, and the lack of financing options. Policy which ensures that all
benefits and costs, including social benefits and costs, are considered when infrastructure is
evaluated for deployment will help to deploy technologies that meet system reliability and resilience
needs at the lowest cost.
8.17 Externality Pricing
The lack of externality pricing allows the market to ignore the full cost of electricity grid resources.
Carbon, for example, is not priced in the marketplace. Policies, such as renewable portfolio standards
and renewable incentives, have been in place for a number of years; however, they only address
generation assets, leaving out many other smart-grid and advanced microgrid technologies.
Microgrids can inherently improve building control systems and demand response programs, which
would have an improved value proposition with the consideration of externalities. While pricing
these externalities might be a difficult process, other mechanisms would force the consideration of
positive and negative externalities in the evaluation process for new resource deployment, such as
energy-efficiency and clean-capacity standards.
Advanced microgrid benefits can vary widely depending on their physical location in the utility-
system’s distributed macrogrid and the size and scope of microgrid operations. In some cases,
because consumers value the benefits microgrids can provide, owners will be willing and able to pay
all or nearly all of the associated costs. In that circumstance, utility-system benefits can be highly
cost-effective, irrespective of the benefits and costs to the microgrid’s owners.
8.18 Utility Revenue and Rate Models
Some regulatory policies do not allow the recovery of investment in modern grid technologies. In
most states, investor-owned utilities are incentivized to address system peak issues by investing in
new generation facilities rather than supporting consumer-side demand response and energy-
efficiency opportunities.
Public utilities are rewarded for increasing electricity consumption
because their revenue depends on electricity sales. That scenario restricts the likelihood that they will
Chu, L.Y., and Sappington, D.E., “Motivating energy suppliers to promote energy conservation,” Journal of
Regulatory Economics, 119, 2013.
create programs for demand response or allow grid-interactive, customer-deployed, smart-grid
resources without a regulatory mandate.
Similar to utility revenue models, retail electricity rate models create a disincentive for the customer
to consider deploying microgrid systems. Only 12 states have adopted dynamic pricing or have
begun studies into evaluating the potential for dynamic pricing on their systems. This leaves 38 states
that do not consider dynamic pricing in retail rates.
A policy that implements dynamic pricing
could provide a price signal for deploying smart-grid resources. Representing real electricity costs to
consumers, depending on the time of day and usage, might increase power system efficiency.
8.19 Financing
Policy that governs electricity system asset financing provides an advantage for traditional system
resources. T&D capital resources obtain thirty or more years of financing under regulator-approved
rate base, while smaller investments by ratepayers and third parties, who are likely to represent a
significant proportion of microgrid asset owners, must have shorter payback periods. This creates
disconnects between utilities, independent developers, and retail customers when considering new
infrastructure deployment to meet electricity system needs. Policymakers must ensure that
appropriate legislative incentives are in place, whether through tax credits or low-rate loan
guarantees, which level the playing field with utility-owned capital investment. In addition, many
utilities have generation assets that are not yet depreciated and they are not willing to leave them
stranded in favor of energy-efficiency programs or microgrid technologies. Policies that allow faster
depreciation of these assets remaining book value, while replacing them with modern microgrid and
smart-grid assets, could be one means of eliminating this issue.
8.20 Restrictions
Advanced microgrid technologies have the potential to significantly impact today’s legacy electric
grid and more importantly the future smart grid. The smart grid will emerge slowly because the
current system will require considerable infrastructure investment to maintain reliability and ensure
resilience as assets get older, demands on the system increase because of more variable loads and
generation, and the system moves toward lower carbon emissions. A number of barriers restrict these
technologies’ further deployment.
Consideration of these resources amongst alternatives when the electricity grid requires new
Ability of these resources to participate in electricity markets, whether wholesale generation,
transmission, distribution, or retail
Deployment value propositions
State and federal lawmakers and regulators must ensure that these policy barriers are addressed to
give microgrid and smart-grid technologies fair consideration for deployment.
U.S. Energy Information Administration, “Smart Grid Legislative and Regulatory Policies and Case Studies,
December 2011.
The Advanced Microgrid: Integration and Interoperability
8.21 Grid Resilience
The U.S. electric grid is vulnerable to natural disasters, severe weather, and acts of sabotage. The
recent report prepared by the President’s Council of Economic Advisers and the U.S. Department of
Energy’s Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, with assistance from the White House
Office of Science and Technology estimates “the average annual cost of power outages caused by
severe weather to be between $18 billion and $33 billion per year.
In a year with record-breaking
storms, the cost can be much higher. For example, weather-related outages cost the economy
between $40 billion and $75 billion in 2008, the year of Hurricane Ike.” Although it is not a
certainty, costs related to loss of electric power are expected to rise because of climate change.
From this report and a host of others, it is evident that a more resilient electric grid must become a
high priority in reconfiguring and updating the nation’s electric power distribution and transmission.
Evolution of smart-grid technology designed to increase resilience will result in reduced outage time
and even prevent the loss of electric power to critical loads in cities and critical infrastructure. Smart-
grid improvements will also enhance national security. The emerging smart grid and the components
of advanced microgrids must, however, be protected against cyber attacks and maintain adequate
autonomy to keep critical loads energized.
Advanced microgrids with energy storage are cited in this paper to “achieve a good match between
generation and load.” An advanced microgrid with economically and functionally optimized energy
storage will provide voltage and frequency regulation to maintain desired electric grid balance
between loads and generated power in many distribution-system sectors. Renewable energy
supported by alternative resources and energy storage is already supporting a high penetration of
intermittent renewable energy in some grid sectors. An advanced microgrid will have a built-in
ability to separate and isolate itself from the utility seamlessly with little or no disruption to the loads
within the microgrid. The separation can occur as a result of scheduled, dispatched, or autonomous
commands. An advanced microgrid can then be dispatched or automatically reconnected to an
electric grid when conditions return to normal. Advanced microgrids will automatically synchronize
to primary power sources before reconnecting to the restored grid. Technologies including advanced
and secure communication and controls, building controls, DG, and inverters already are
commercially available, but even more advanced functionality will be needed for advanced microgrid
systems. CHP systems have demonstrated their potential by maintaining power and heat at several
institutions following Superstorm Sandy.
Resilience is increasingly important as climate change
increases severe weather’s frequency and intensity. Greenhouse gas emissions are elevating air and
water temperatures around the world. Scientific research predicts more severe hurricanes, winter
storms, heat waves, floods, and other extreme weather events as being among the changes in climate
induced by anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions.
Executive office of the President, Economic Benefits of Increasing Electric Grid Resilience to Weather Outages,
Aug 2013.
CHP Kept Schools, Hospitals Running Amid Hurricane Sandy, http://www.ase.org/efficiencynews/chp-kept-
schools-hospitals-running-amid-hurricane-sandy, Dec. 11, 2012.
8.22 Regulatory Barriers
At the present time, the distribution grid utilities have taken small steps toward implementing
microgrids. Incumbent utilities are still developing a business case for the recovery of costs
associated with establishing (a) “microgrid-readiness” and (b) a tariff structure for the electric service
microgrids provide. One of the arguments against incumbent utility microgrid development is the
potential ratepayer cost impact due to the need to upgrade and retrofit the existing distribution grid to
allow for high DG and energy storage levels. There is no clear regulatory directive to develop
microgrids. There may be other regulatory barriers, such as interconnect rules.
Another barrier may be the close integration, enabled by microgrids, of electricity supply and thermal
energy supply that natural gas presently provides. Microgrids with DG high levels can make use of
small-scale CHP technology (“micro-CHP”) to deliver both electricity and heating or cooling
services for buildings. However, presently the electric distribution grid and the natural gas
distribution grid are entirely distinct entities, with entirely distinct regulatory structures and metering
and billing systems.
A third barrier may be the lack of a third-party electricity supplier than can address an integrated
microgrid-based electrical/thermal/transportation energy supply.
There are also problems with developing a tariff and rate structure for microgrids that would
(a) enable the distribution operator to recover costs and (b) allow a retail supply of microgrid-based
generation and storage services. Without a retail electricity market, using wholesale-connected DG as
part of a utility supply does not necessarily allow microgrid customers to enjoy the economic
benefits of optimized local DG. A new tariff would have to be developed that would allow microgrid
customers to be treated differently from a rate standpoint than the standard bundled utility customer.
This tariff and rate structure will have to be integrated with other policy goals for real-time pricing,
as well as accounting for revenue streams potentially created by microgrid operations.
9. “Advanced Microgrid” Considerations for Systems
9.1 Approaches to Deploying Microgrid Applications
Microgrids integrated with renewable energy sources such as solar and wind can enable many new
applications for the renewables. Using renewable energy usually requires energy storage or spinning
reserve to manage power intermittency. Microgrids also use other sources, such as reciprocating-
engine-driven generators, turbines, fuel cells, micro-hydro generators, and energy storage from a
wide variety of methods.
Early microgrid installations have successfully provided power for essential loads where continuous
power for loads is absolutely necessary. Those early microgrid installations successfully met design
goals, but opportunities and challenges still exist for improving the economics, communication, and
overall marketability. The microgrid installation driver is usually power reliability and consistency to
critical loads, but a few designs are being driven by system-owner economics.
Confidential working paper permission required for quotations.
The Advanced Microgrid: Integration and Interoperability
Advanced microgrids will provide new functionalities and features that will focus on the reliability of
continuous power to loads, optimization for economics, or both. Security and safety will be
necessary considerations for new designs. Advanced microgrids will provide the ability to perform
value-added functionalities for the system owner and the interconnected electric utility.
9.2 Today’s Microgrid Installations
Three examples of installed and successful microgrids are presented in this section. The drivers for
the installations were reliability of power with security, economics, and reliability with load-
shedding priorities. The first example is the Smart Power Infrastructure Demonstration for Energy
Reliability and Security (SPIDERS) microgrid now operating at two military bases. The goal for
SPIDERS microgrid technology is to provide secure control of on-base generation.
The first SPIDERS microgrid was implemented at Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam in Honolulu, and
took advantage of several existing generation assets, including a 146 kW PV power system, and up to
50 kW of wind power. The second installation, at Fort Carson, is much larger and more complex; it
integrates 2 MW of existing solar power, several large diesel generators, and electric vehicles. Large-
scale electric energy storage is also implemented to ensure microgrid stability and to reduce PV
intermittency effects on the system. Advanced microgrids will meet the needs of a wide range of
applications in commercial, industrial, and institutional settings. Larger advanced microgrid
applications will include communities ranging from neighborhoods to small towns. Another largely
untapped application is the “off-grid” area of the world where one billion-plus people live without
regular access to electricity. These “off-grid” areas are currently served (if at all) by diesel generators
or similar small-scale electricity generating equipment. The driver for these systems was reliability of
power to existing loads with additional security that required two-way communications.
A second example of a successful reliability driven microgrid is the White Oak Microgrid installed at
the White Oak Federal Research Center in Silver Spring, Md. The microgrid system designed by
Honeywell ensured that critical operations such as research labs, global data centers, and
communications networks would be able to stay online and function despite conditions around White
Oak, the new headquarters of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
The system is a net exporter
of power to the local utility via integrated renewable PV and local electricity generation that supports
the microgrid. It has had an uptime of greater than 99.999% since installation, providing power to
critical loads with some load shedding. The system has automatically islanded more than 70 times in
the last 2.5 years and has never been interrupted due to weather disturbances.
The third example is a microgrid installed with an economics driverthe Princeton Microgrid,
installed on the Princeton University Campus in New Jersey. It has real-time cost reduction controls
and is providing the campus with energy cost savings.
During Hurricane Sandy, Princeton was able
to switch off the grid and power part of the campus with about 11 MW of local generation, according
Sandia National Laboratories, “SPIDERS microgrid project secures military installations, Sandia Labs News
Release, https://share.sandia.gov/news/resources/news_releases/spiders/, February 22, 2012.
to a report in the Daily Princetonian. The system provides smart capabilities such as automatic load
shedding and black start in the islanded mode.
These examples show proof of concept and point to an advanced microgrid’s overall advantages. The
new structure will provide more viable platforms for large entities to reduce energy cost, improve
grid reliability, and even generate revenue through energy sales during peak demand periods.
Additionally, advanced microgrids will efficiently and effectively provide off-grid regions with
regular access to electricity as well as keep the lights on for critical applications in times of crisis.
Figure 11 depicts the many opportunities for advanced microgrid systems interconnecting with a
myriad of energy sources and loads that may be critical loads or that provide a balance for the overall
electrical grid or for stand-alone applications.
Figure 11. Depiction of possible energy sources and interconnects for microgrids.
10. Standards and Codes for Advanced Microgrids
U.S. interconnection standards and requirements for DG are currently dominated by the family of
IEEE1547 standards, recommended practices, and guides.
These documents have 5-year effective
lifetimes when published before 2012, but now have 10-year lifetimes. Amendments and corrections
can be balloted within the 10-year period and revisions can be partial or complete. The documents
are updated through volunteer efforts from stakeholders that serve on Standards Coordinating
Committee 21 (SCC 21). Efforts are now underway to update several of the documents to keep up
with the evolving needs to interconnect DR and microgrids with smart grids labeled as EPSs (electric
Basso, Thomas S., Member, IEEE, and DeBlasio, Richard, Senior Member, IEEE, IEEE 1547 Series of Standards:
Interconnection Issues, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 19(5), September 2004.
Sandia National Laboratories
The Advanced Microgrid: Integration and Interoperability
power systems). The IEEE1547 process is an important and critical effort in that the Energy Policy
Act of 2005 states: “ADOPTION OF STANDARDS.—Section 111(d) of the Public Utility Regulatory
Policies Act of 1978 (16 U.S.C. 2621(d)) is amended by adding at the end the following…”
10.1 Interconnection
Each electric utility shall make available, upon request, interconnection service to any consumer that
the electric utility serves. For purposes of this paragraph, the term ‘interconnection service’ means
service to an electric energy consumer under which an on-site generating facility on the consumer’s
premises shall be connected to the local distribution facilities. Interconnection services shall be
offered based upon the standards developed by the IEEE. The IEEE 1547 for Interconnecting DRs
with EPSs may be amended from time to time. In addition, agreements and procedures shall be
established whereby the services are offered shall promote current best practices of interconnection
for DG, including but not limited to practices stipulated in model codes adopted by associations of
state regulatory agencies. All such agreements and procedures shall be just and reasonable, and not
unduly discriminatory or preferential.
Table 3 lists the IEEE standards and the titles with most applying to interconnected microgrids. Most
of these standards are being revised or will need revisions as the advanced microgrids and
interconnects with the smart grid become reality.
A new IEEE 1547a is a temporary amendment for IEEE 1547 and was on a fast track to support the
exceptional growth of DR and eventually advanced microgrid systems.
It was approved in
December 2013. The focus of the IEEE 1547a Amendment is limited to establishing updates to
voltage regulation, response to area EPS abnormal conditions of voltage and frequency. Other
changes to IEEE 1547 may be made if deemed absolutely necessary in response to the updates that
are established under preceding topics of the amendment. The approval of this new amendment
provides the critical pathway for interconnectivity of microgrids with new smart grid functionalities
such as VAr support and low voltage ride-through.
Also for microgrid systems the recent acceptance of IEEE 1547.4 for design, operation and
integration of DR islanded systems now provides interconnect requirements for microgrids,
renewable energy providers and distributed generation.
P1547a - IEEE Draft Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems -
Amendment 1, http://standards.ieee.org/develop/project/1547a.html.
IEEE1547.4 Guide for Design, Operation, and Integration of Distributed Resource Island Systems with Electric
Power Systems, http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/scc21/1547.4/1547.4_index.html.
Table 3. Advanced Microgrid-Relevant IEEE Standards Description and Status
IEEE Standard
Title and short description
IEEE Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Sources
IEEE1547.4 Guide for Design, Operation, and Integration of Distributed Resource Islanded Systems
with Electric Power Systems
IEEE P1547.7 Draft Guide to Conducting Distribution Impact Studies for Distributed Resource
Interconnection (Approved Sept 2013)
IEEE P1547.8/D5.0 Draft Recommended Practice for Establishing Methods and Procedures that
Provide Supplemental Support for Implementation Strategies for Expanded Use of IEEE 1547
(Clause 8- Recommended Practice for DR Islanded Systems) Status: Ballot ready draft due 2Q2014
Amendment 1
IEEE1547a Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Sources
Amendment 1 (The amendment limited to address three topics for change 1) voltage regulation, 2)
voltage ride-through, and 3) frequency ride-through.) Status: P1547a/D2 ballot achieved 91 %
affirmation; recirculation Dec 2013)
1547 Revision
PAR December 2013; Working group Jan 2014
Other standards that are likely to apply to advanced microgrid systems and their components are
being developed. The IEEE 2030 Smart Grid Interoperability Series of Standards is one example.
Developing this set of standards stems from the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. It
calls for developing protocols and standards to increase smart-grid equipment/system flexibility of
use. Under Section 1305 of the act, this interoperability framework shall be flexible, uniform, and
technology neutral and align policy, business, and technology approaches in a manner that would
enable all electrical resources, including demand-side resources, to contribute to an efficient, reliable
electricity network. Other standards, led by the IEEE 2030 series as a framework are moving
forward at this time.
Figure 12. The IEEE 2030 suite of standards and guides for smart grids.
2030 Smart Grid Interoperability Series of Standards, http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/scc21/dr_shared/2030/.
The Advanced Microgrid: Integration and Interoperability
Microgrids will often be connected to or in close proximity to utility substations. DNP3 (distributed
network protocol) is a set of communications protocols used between components in process-
automation systems.
Its main use is in utilities such as electricity and water companies. Usage in
other industries is not common. It was developed for communications between various types of data
acquisition and control equipment. It plays a crucial role in SCADA systems, where it is used by
SCADA master stations (aka control centers), remote terminal units, and intelligent electronic
devices. It is primarily used for communications between a master station and remote terminal units
or intelligent electronic devices. The inter-control center communications protocol (a part of
IEC 60870-6) is used for inter-master station communications.
The DNP3 protocol was designed to be very reliable, but it was not designed to be secure from
attacks by hackers and other malevolent forces that could potentially wish to disrupt control systems
to disable critical infrastructure. Because smart-grid applications generally assume access by third
parties to the same physical networks and underlying infrastructure of the grid, much work has been
done to add secure authentication features to the DNP3 protocol. The DNP3 protocol is now
compliant with IEC 62351-5.
10.2 Microcontrollers
The reason for establishing a standard for microgrid controllers is to enable interoperability of
components through cohesive and platform-independent interfaces. This approach will allow for
flexibility and customization of components and control algorithms to be deployed without
sacrificing “plug-and-play” or limiting potential functionality. This is important for both the μEMS
as well as for achieving transient performance, system stability, and regulation requirements
(voltage, current, etc.). Technical challenges associated with these controllers will include
computational power necessary to react to the stochastic nature of some renewable sources and to
perform more advanced control and optimization calculations.
Communications and interfaces to these microcontrollers will drive a hardened security approach.
This becomes more complex as Internet-type interfaces are introduced requiring a secure cyber
Establishing standards that define the appropriate security level and microcontroller testing will need
to consider the risks associated with particular microgrids and the impact of a compromised system.
These considerations should be weighed against the cost of implementing the necessary levels of
security. Further, software (commercial or custom) and components should be interoperable and with
interfaces that comply with functional standards.
Overview of the DNP3 Protocol, http://www.dnp.org/pages/aboutdefault.aspx.
10.3 Code Requirements
Codes are typically requirements for installing components and systems and are designed for
personnel safety and fire prevention. Microgrids installed in the United States will be subject to some
of the requirements of national, state, and local codes. Codes that may apply include:
National Electrical Code, NFPA 70 (with the applicable edition determined by local adoption or
National Electrical Safety Code, American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standard C2
State and local electrical codes
International Building Code
10.4 The NIST Interoperability Framework
Although NIST does not write standards, it has been mandated to coordinate and collaborate on
standards for interoperability or DG with the evolving smart grid. NIST organized a number of
groups and events to achieve the goal of an interoperable smart grid. These groups include SGIP (the
Smart Grid Interoperability Panel) along with its committees and working groups. Outputs include
the NIST Framework and Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability Standards.
Guidelines for
Smart Grid Cyber Security, NIST Interagency Report 7628 (Aug. 2010) are also available to the
public. Various documents related to new or modified standards are produced by Priority Action Plan
working groups. These materials along with descriptions of the various groups, their memberships,
tasks, and timelines can all be accessed at http://collaborate.nist.gov/twiki-
10.5 Other Standards
Other standards will apply to microgrid systems but are too numerous to discuss in this paper.
Examples of other standards include but are not limited to:
IEEE and ANSI standards for batteries and battery installations
ANSI and American Society for Testing and Materials standards for construction and protection
from elements like surges
IEEE and ANSI standards for the numerous components utilized in microgrid systems
International standards from the IEC
Underwriters Laboratories and ANSI standards for certification for safety of and performance of
10.6 Special Cases
Special cases for requirements for installations and operations will continue to apply in localities
where no local codes or national codes applied due to local circumstances or the requirements of
local utilities, or where environment or operations circumstances dictate modifications or different
standards. Examples include special state exemptions for localities such as Hawaiian Islands or parts
of Alaska.
National Electrical Code, NFPA70, Published by the National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch, MA.
National Electrical Safety Code, 2012 Edition, Published by the NFPA, Batterymarch, MA.
The Advanced Microgrid: Integration and Interoperability
10.7 Smart Grid Interoperability Panel
The SGIP is a public private partnership, supported by NIST. Its primary responsibility is to identify
standards and gaps in standards with respect to interoperability. FERC has spoken out on the critical
need for interoperability within the energy grid and has called SGIP “the best vehicle for developing
smart-grid interoperability standards.” SGIP has established committees and working groups to
address smart grid and interoperability issues.
The Distributed Renewables, Generators and Storage
Domain Expert Working Group, in particular Subgroup C - Microgrids and Hierarchical Distributed
Control, is proactively working on issues related to advanced microgrids.
11. Summary
Advanced microgrids will indisputably become a significant player in maintaining and improving the
quality, reliability, and resilience of the nation’s electricity grid in the future. Several of today’s
microgrids are already providing some of the services, features, and functionalities that will be
required of an advanced microgrid. New advanced microgrids will have interoperability capabilities
in widely varying degrees but interoperability will be necessary as the electricity grid gains
intelligence. The drivers for advanced microgrids will be more complex that today’s reliability and
economic drivers for microgrid installations, but the two the two key drivers will remain either for
the owner or the utility infrastructure. Reliability, resilience, longevity, electricity grid support,
critical-load power will remain the most important metrics. The number of variables to be addressed
in the near future is large but manageable and affordable. There will likely standard advanced
microgrid configurations that bracket interoperability protocol, communications optimization, and
prioritization but custom designs will likely prevail for several years. There are many methods for
employing communications in advanced microgrids and likely new methods will evolve. An
advanced microgrid development program tied with learning from installations will sort out the
winners and losers. It is already clear that two-way communications coupled with internal
communications and some microgrid system autonomy will reduce the communications complexity.
New and evolving standards and codes are emerging today but there is much to be addressed with
solutions that do not lock in or lock out sectors that can successfully transform systems into advanced
microgrids. This paper provides a compilation of today’s hardware, materials, and methodologies
along with goals and visions for advanced microgrids. The challenges and opportunities are
presented; all that remains is applying the ingenuity and expertise to bring advanced microgrids to
future installations that are ready for even more improvements for the owners and the interoperable
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Batterymarch, MA., Jan 2014
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CPUC Rule 21 Activities, http://www.cpuc.ca.gov/PUC/energy/Procurement/LTPP/rule21.htm,
Interconnectivity recommendations and requirements under development, Nov 2013.
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Attn: M. Villaran
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California Public Utilities Commission
Attn: J. Erickson
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The Advanced Microgrid: Integration and Interoperability
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The Advanced Microgrid: Integration and Interoperability